##VIDEO ID:dSWMB52RBZU## this is Bill of speaking we we got a bill that's in question that come in our commissioner vs for from Zigler and 18, 34627 what is that for and we don't get that we just get what's on the vter just customer care no no that don't come from this back so you don't know I can call terer okay we're going to call immed order at 901 and we'll stand for the [Music] pledge United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and I believe there's one addition under Human Resources I believe Maya the emergency manager is coming in yes so we add my all work to that section there is there any other additions of all that ask for motion to approve the agenda we should add Emergency Management HR offices I think we talked about it never formally approved we put that under with Carl okay manager HR offices yep okay any other additions motion then to approve the agenda with the additions move second second discussion all in favor say I I I OPP carried approval of the meeting minutes from 9 to 3 for you that great okay I'll make a motion to approve the minutes the motion is there a second you any discussion all in favor say I poos who is the second on that go ahead carrier Warren your bill was working on a question on one of them um that with PA Ziggler I didn't get an answer because we I hung up on her who you call Beth over about there so that on the one dated n at our 93 meeting that Ziggler Bill I'm looking back at the warrant engine replacement that 16941 was approved back on 93 so it is a different be a to celebrate I tried to call her again and I didn't get the answer maybe we could call to see what about Matt do you try Matt it's a p thing is what it is you Tred that y again yes sir yes so what's this bill from Ziggler for 18, 34627 what is that guess that's for the M on SK we did that last month I I don't know I don't bills that's Tyler's World okay all right so all right you got this number I do all right by are your call has been question for you what's the bill from Ziggler for 18, 34627 that ain't a double bill from the engine from last month is it it's a custom repair what is that you submitted it correct yeah I don't see that we just get a vulture okay so how you know how how much was that engine that went in that sker again you remember 16 something it was like 16,000 something and now there's an [Music] $18,000 yeah that's that's yeah it might get you the a bad time what are you in the middle of something Wonder WSB if Road 10 engineering or we hired him for other stuff oh I didn't get ahead of it I didn't see it called you yesterday to the bottom of it yeah that wouldn't be anything else so that wasn't repair on one of the blades or something or a truck or something no 18 Grand that's that ain't a double bill on that engine that's what we're we're asking oh Matt okay all right sounds good I'll let you go yep Matt's here yeah well that's what we did last month that's why we're wondering what this is okay yeah I talked to be I talked to Beth and then I had to hang up because we started the meeting if you can that'd be great give me a you know a text back her so then I can tell okay all right thanks there's two questions on the warrants one would be that $1 18,34 6,000 bill for Ziggler and the usually we hear that's for the skid loader motor but that was last month at 16,000 something so there it just says custom repair doesn't reference a motor or anything yeah and he was trying to the other question I had then WSB there's three bills totally 13,200 would that be the rest of Cony Road 10 or we no there were some bills that for some reason didn't get paid but that's okay y y okay 13,200 50 so the last one must have been 4,000 but you telling me that what it fell through the cracks on the 3950 and the 5248 yeah there ability from for some reason so how do we want to handle do we want to approve the bills wait accept that Ziggler one waiting for response or what's your suggestion I would say let's wait for a response on the de one come back to it yeah we can always we can pass them at any time during the meeting yeah I got a question though when like when the voucher get submitted to the auditor U there's probably more information than what's on here um maybe we could get a hold of the auditor and see if they can look up that number and see what he's got he might be listening is he on Chad on Chad is on um he was in the middle of another project so probably just cop on in the background yeah the inv is right and we don't get that say Chad are are you listening are concerns what um the board is wondering about Ziggler Inc in account 03 341 um 6596 they're wondering it what's the remaining balance on the 18344 is there a way that you could take or pull that up and see the invoice and see what it's for it's 6569 I got see if we have the invoice but I we should have it I called that they they send they send it all up to me so but I can I can ask Hillary if she's got it but yeah they just send us a batch and then all the backup for but I'll I'll see is there concern just there would be a double bill on the engine that's what I'm thinking well I mean we can approve these that if Matt approves it's not a double Bill to just pay it and if it is a double Bill he'll hold it out okay is there I'll make that motion motion to pay both sets the warrants then that understanding is there a second second additional discussion all in favor say I iOS get two extra minutes 2024 budget amendment morning good morning are you guys look can you hear me yes uh Hillary just pulled up what we get from Highway and it said it was a it wasn't an invoice it was a statement of some billing from July what was it July 10th Hillary I think yeah we get a what happens with the bills from Highway is they enter them in highway department and we get a batch and then they get sent up to us as part of the batch in our financial system and then they send us all the backup that goes with the check so this was a statement that's from uh July 10th there was no actual invoice attached to it just said customer repair balance or something like that so you'll have to I see mats there I'll you have to ask ask the highway department for the original billing It's a combination of invoices then is what he's saying be which must be approved thank you J okay are the bills all passed now oh yeah okay um what I handed out to you is for a 2024 budget amendment on the first page I gave you the issue comes in in fund uh 320 the construction highlighted in yellow so on this first page the two numbers in yellow or incorrect on the second page you'll see at 486 million in yellow that was transferred over on the first page of the spreadsheet and it was incorrect it was supposed to be the one in green the 6051 31877 and on the final page would be the correct 2024 budget the numbers that changed highlighted in green 59 vers 6 5988 at the end of the day the 320 construction doent should read 6051 31877 for a total 2024 budget of 9,423 th22 so we're just looking to amend the budget to show the correct number as opposed to the wrong number that was shown on the front page it's not going to affect costs or anything because these were all for projects and all those projects will be next year's payments so we will will we be you're asking us to amend approve the amendment which then would be part of the later discussion when we talk about the prary budget that that would be the 2025 budget yeah this is am okay my the wrong here thank you for getting me back into reality there so uh I guess the numbers are in front of us and I don't know if it requires any additional explanation it is what it is and you're telling us and so I would ask for a motion to correct the 2024 budget as Matt's recommended I'll make that motion as a member of the highway committee Mr chair there a second to the motion I'll second it Mr chair additional discussion favor say I [Music] I okay I'll say something at AMC last week I satday on the transportation infrastructure committees and uh they're big three things that they're going to push forward are uh State bonding since it didn't happen last year which would include local Road Improvement plan Bridge bonding local Road Wetland replacement all those are included in the bonding some of them have like uh Wetland replacement per Bowser that has hasn't been has been funded once in the past 3 years and in about 3 years they'll probably be out of credits altogether so then we would have to buy them all on a open market which will you'll see the cost Skyrocket so it's kind of the important to get the bridge bonding funds done uh the other item of concern was the reduction of greenhouse gas and vehicle miles traveled uh that's kind of a ult item to explain it's not really going to affect us since we're not doing expansion of our transportation Network that would be more for cities and counties that are seeing growth that would have to mitigate any kind of increase in greenhouse gases right now it's only on the trunk highways that it's planned for but there is language in there that it could eventually be brought down to cities and counties that would have to follow through on that as well and the third item that they brought forward I believe was the last year there was a uh Bill proposed to all cities and counties anybody that received State funds would have to create a 1% replacement fund each year to cover those costs Capital costs which everybody would be against because they they have to get money from the state and then have to Levy dollars and put money aside to eventually rep place that Capital Improvement so everybody was against those three things so that's what went forward do okay any questions other you've now exceeded your time by one minute that's perfect we bank that for next time thank you mat thank you next morning good morning or all right so I have three items um to talk about so the first one is um the chief Deputy wage um Chief Deputy iond um requested to meet with the Personnel committee to talk about her wage um and so we did that and um discussed um discussed her wage where she's at we discussed essential functions things like that we agreed as the Personnel committee to send her job description in to get evaluated just to see where it landed see if there was any changes because we knew that there were some discrepancies with Baker Tilly um and so we got the job description back um and it did actually go up two grades so she's currently at a grade 15 and it went up to a grade 17 and so historically how we um get somebody on the scale an employee on the scale is we take their base wage and we um take put three and a half% on top of that that's what gets us onto the new scale and so the personnel committee made the offer for a grade 17 um step two at 4303 and so I'm coming to the board to um ask for approval of that I'll make that motion I'll second okay motion second is there any discussion actually was she be happy with that outcome um there was negotiations back and forth there was some conversations um but the Personnel committee you know our stance is still we trying to be consistent with how we've handled past employees when we're doing the same situation so um our response was we're just being consistent with our past practice is there any deputies there making more money um there will be there is but at that point we can't with the longevity and you know they've worked their way up to the scale that how they're at the top of the scale um but in 25 um she will be in 25 she gets an increase so she'll get the three and a half% 3% Cola and then she'll get the step increase as well and so she'll go to step three on the 25 scale at 4554 and she'll be above now there's a is there a wage study going to happen right yes so she'll be included in that too then everybody everybody is yep and we can we're going to be revamping job descriptions um so we'll be able to revise job descriptions and look at it that way so um I am looking forward to changing changing that well it's it's just you know the the responsibility on her end that's you know I I've been I've been in no shoes where when I first became sheriff I I can't remember but it was like I made $300 more than I made as a deputy you know so it's it's the responsibility level if if you know that that c there not so much the seniority I don't think of the deputies that's a responsibility that's laid on your shoulders so if she's you know if she's okay with that and I I did offer you know that she could come to the board if she'd like to um in an email communication she had said she's not going to the board so then that's what prompted me to get on the board agenda any other discussion favor of the motion say I I post vacation and sick time donation policy all right so the next item I have is um we have currently have a vacation donation program which was revised in 2003 so it is um old um so I reached out to other counties to see what they had for their policies and they have vacation and sick donation so um I kind of revamped it to to be more uh of Grant County and our needs and what we uh would be looking at so it follows the same lines as the recipient would request to be you know to um be included in the vacation donation um and then the the donor the employee full-time employee cannot receive more than 520 hours of vacation and sick and so let's say that that person is no longer needing the donation and some other employee has donated that'll go back into their Bank they're not going to lose it that employee will get it back um they'll have to fill out paperwork of course to prove that they are in need of it um and then the the donor um as well filling out paperwork the two items that I wanted to bring forth to you to for discussion um is the two highlighted areas is donors are required to have a combine minimum of at least 80 hours of leave available to them and either they're crw sick or comp leave at after a donation is made in our past uh policy they had to have some sort of a minimum in their bank but at the same time um it is voluntary it is up to them so you know they'll have to be responsible with their time too so I wanted to bring that forward to see if that was a discussion item or um if we'd let them donate what they want um the other one is an employee may only donate annually so you know let's say we have a request um last February and then now we have a request in September and that employee donated already they wouldn't be able to so I don't that was another discussion item I wanted to bring up to um to see what your thoughts were on it if they you know if we set a minimum hours they have to keep why would we limit it to once a year is it a paperwork headache why would we yeah yeah and I talked to Chad about this as well I wanted review it too to find out if there was any issues with payroll and so we discussed it um and you know I think we're on the same page as well with it these two items I just didn't know if that's what you wanted to do um to have a requirement of some amount in to remain in their bank but again it is their vacation it's their sick it's their comp so historically staff would have generally probably more than 80 anyway um obviously if they're not new but I mean right yeah it all depends yeah we have some that are well over 80 you know so I kind of agree what you were leading to that if we have the 80 which I'm fine with then I'm not so sure about the annually part because yep it could happen to more than one right recipient that has a need and so I okay I would take that out um the other one would do you want them to have a minimum of 80 in there or are you just let the employees make their own I'm fine either way I just wanted it to be a discussion point for the board what would you recommend I don't I mean I could go either way Carl and I had a little talk about it too um you know and you know you have to be responsible for your own time it's voluntary and you know if you run into a situation where you don't have time left that falls kind of on your shoulders too to look at so um I don't know if I have a recommendation other counties didn't have um a lot of counties didn't have a minimum that they had to keep in their in their bank they there I would say more didn't have a requirement than did I think it's maybe okay to have a minimum one of the reasons may be if you're heard a new staff member and you don't and yet the recipient the situation can be pretty emotional and there may be a number of employees that would have more I'll use myself I may have handful hours and really feel the need and now I might be in a situation where I don't have any time and so I I think it preserves the new employee to if they have the need MH and so I I think it's okay Carl you're not in your head what's your thoughts I I would assume that like like you said if you're a new employee kind of not that you don't want to donate you just it might be one of those situations where better if you just a hold on to that for a little bit because you fall set yourself I would say if you had a minimum maybe 80 is tooo high maybe if you went to a 48 that gives you a week and a day that you have to keep that's along that line what do you think Doyle I don't have a one way or the other I guess it'd be nice out a minimum but what that number is I don't know so we are we talking here Mr chair that the minimum would be if you had if it was said at 80 that you couldn't donate is that what we're talking yes that you you couldn't donate because you don't have the hours to we want to make sure that they have something in there yes I guess I'm probably on with Troy there it could probably go down to 48 I I guess but I'd like to some some minimum I think otherwise you can get jammed up a little bit there people people are pretty uh you know they're they they're pretty generous you you don't want to overdo it either you know still yeah I'm on board with I think it's that week in a day what Troy talked about that's you got you you never know life changes every day so you got to have something for yourself so will we be looking for a motion accept today I would look for a motion to accept it today with the changes of adding the minimum hours and then taking out the annual donation and changing the minimum hours to 48 4 if that's what you guys want to do so is there a motion that we reflect that don't 48 with no or you can do more than once a year yes second second discussion favor say I I post Carri all right my ol shine I'm here thank you um just starting getting started out here I guess and uh kind of get my toe dipped in the water a little bit took a extra phone home yesterday so starting to feel like I'm I know everything now so good to go um there's a lot of stuff going on vtina is very organized when she left and so I think that transition will be pretty pretty good so so since you've got a number of days under your belt um I would be not in my character if I didn't ask you kind of what your vision is and how you uh see your your position we are three minutes over so you don't get I'll keep it real short then I have some grandio awesome ideas and I also know that I have a lot to learn before the good idea Fairy comes out so um I think that uh I think that it'll be a good fit I think uh um I've built a lot of relationships that I'll need already you know previous to coming so I think that's going to be a good benefit but um as far as where this goes and what changes are made I yeah there there's no way to say what that looks like quite yet but I do have some ideas of things that will benefit I think everybody so I think there is a consensus that you have fairly big big shoes to fill yeah like I can get I can get two feet in one of our shoes so yeah there you go so absolutely are there any questions from the board for Maya yes I got a couple being quite nice sit on the Emergency Services Board you know the rack and the ow Ando and things like that that genie used to be part of you're going to do some all those acronyms that yeah I'm still working on I just got the cheat sheet yesterday yeah okay you know and we'll say this you know our our you know us showing up and going to these meetings and stuff like that is reflective on our our impact on our bills so we got to stay above that what is it 85% or otherwise we get you know we get dinged so Dwight and I sit on that and we Zoom it you know instead of driving the S Cloud Sure is cheaper and you get the same things done so if you want to sit in on one of them meetings with us down the highway yeah next week Wednesday 1:00 I'll be down the highway building they they require us to sit at the public setting to be able to P these these teams meetings is what they are sure okay it'd be good to get your on some of that because there's a lot of moving Parts y move lot of moving Parts anything else for Maya otherwise well we are looking to get a credit card approved for him oh that's right he wants to spend some money yep he needs to get some certifications and and I don't know there basic limit I think is a thousand okay we need motion for that yes we move Mr chair there second second any discussion all in favor say I I post like I'd like to welcome you to our team you got a lot of solid people around you and and uh I'm sure it's going to be fine thank you thank you congratulations thanks welcome board thank you you thank you so Historical Society we got six minutes of your time but that's that's right I won't take that long and I see Doner has joined by zoom and Larry get have you seen anything from Larry Ginger he was going to Jo from Zoom thank you I think I've seen one of these little yeah you y Yep they're both on yep okay okay um I'm Patty Benson the director there I think most of you know me have been here before um first of all I just like to thank the Commissioners for uh supporting us the way they have in the past and continue hopefully uh and with that too also we are not asking for an increase in our uh monies from the county this year and our budget is pretty close to what we've been last year uh Larry's the treasur he works out the budget always say zero expenses and and income uh each year uh increases you know advertising things like you know advertising this past year we've done uh several programs about four different speakers that have come in um of course with that comes more advertising uh for those speakers uh they've all been very well received the last one was here last just on Saturday um we had a what I would consider a full house for the space that we that we hold these in so that was great to see that um because it's always busy on no matter what day you pick for a program it's always busy it was the hero Day stuff going on in Ashby that day so we were so we were really pleased with the crowd that we got um with that um other speakers we brought in we always have somebody at f fast we had someone come in for our annual meeting for a speaker and then we also had a uh a book signing and a um back in July also so all those things increase you know we advertising advertising costs are up we try to do a lot as much as we can Facebook and stuff like that um I guess other increases that we're seeing is um software licenses computer support things like that you know because we we do have ancestry Library addition available up at the museum for people to come and use and for us to use also um that's running $650 a year we have our you know the other licenses that the financial software and all this kind of stuff and all those kind of things that increase every year it seems like um but you know other than that we kind of hold our own we depend on the money we get from the the county and donations um memberships the townships and all that for us so um I don't if there's questions or if uh Larry or Don have any input or I don't see Larry's picture up there but questions for members [Music] but yeah I guess the one thing you know we always have unknowns that come up we've been working on the cabin for three four years now hopefully now finally next spring we'll get the chinking done on it so we can say that we're done with it you know it's been a long process the other thing is we own this historical Bridge that's off of County roow 21 down near where it intersects with 55 and over this last year or so there's been a lot of debris that's piled up on the one side of it and it is starting to tear down um the foundation of the bridge so that's something that we not sure how that what's going to happen you know we've got to get that out of there and how it can be repaired and you know so we don't know what's happening with that yet or how what what that will end up being an involving uh I Billy has been kind of helping looking in to stuff like that and so it's a big unknown at this point um it's failing on the west side of it so and it it's only going to get worse so we've T we got a guy that's Matt Yaro our County engineer he's got a guy that he knows so that we're supposed to have a meeting there and that guy was working on like an interstate Bridge or something like that so they were pouring concrete I know this was a couple weeks ago and I talked to him so at some point you know we'll have something for the board you know and here I'll talk about it with these guys and just see what's what see what can be done and you know it's going to be expensive yeah and it's just that to what point we don't know right yeah so I see you got $ 7580 worth anticipated investment income so obvious you must have some I would say money and you anticipate that your investments will be able to service somebody's needs or what's your what's your vision from that standpoint um that's probably question better for Larry he's if he here um you know it it helps cover some of the cost I don't know that that's you know that kind of helps cover our typical expenses um and that is also going down a little bit from what we anticipate with the FED probably lowering the interest rate thing so we don't expect quite the investment income that we had um some of that some of that money is coming from money that was dedicated towards the cabin and fixing the cabin so there's Sil the costs of that so that's where some of that money was coming from um and yeah until we kind of find out what it's going to be involved with that bridge we really don't know sure that can evaporate yeah something the invest to who knows it's it's actually the Museum's obligation it was in the county radway at one point and then the road got moved so then you know the Historical Society ended up assuming it well we the bridge the bridge the Historical Society purchased that property with the bridge was on because it was in the head key from head the head key that was there and um but yeah it was kind of in the right away right away before they redid the road right redid the alignment yeah which kind of makes it really hard I I've never actually been and walked down there like you have but makes it difficult actually to kind of yeah get down in there too it's going to take a crane to fix something if we do anything at all but we're going to have to address it at some point we'll see and and part of with the the investment there he saying we want to keep enough money um put aside so you know it is there for emergency use unforeseen uh things that might come up yeah and that's good I'm glad of that so yeah other questions for Don or you said Larry or well I thought I don't see Larry's up there did he his name is under he's just oh okay so just he has to speak up if he yes Larry are you on board he needs to unmute himself Don Larry you want to talk a little bit you got to unmute yourself yes I uh don Maller uh I don't really have anything to add to Patty's uh presentation it is we're proceeding a holding our own uh and with the current County County support and as as Patty said uh we're not not asking for an increase this year okay PTY I see that bridge there is sitting on 05 Acres yous to this right here this is square right there and I if you want to see the other pictures of what it looks like down the Billy's got pictures of that stuff so it's failing the base underneath the stone is failing so sheet piling or something we're going to have to go down there and get the sticks and all that stuff out of the way that's kind of a hand thing I think put on there with the bear waiters on it it's what it ended up happening is a hard rain we all thought it was a Bieber Dam but a hard rain rinsed the cek and rinsed a lot of the box selder Limbs and trees and this and that down into the bottom so if it you know can't climb over the top of that so it'll it'll undermine the bridge s rinse on the base so can you guys hear me yet now Larry can you hear me yes in answer to your question about our investment income we're pretty conservative that we've had a long time 3% guaranteed annuity with Mass Mutual that we continue to have and where these monies come from is typically from estate gifts that we get like uh the peup estate Harriet rosengren last year we got one from JM Berg uh austinson gave us one for the Log Cabin these are things we can't predict when they're going to happen we're very thankful they do but we're very conservative there uh 3% annuity doesn't sound great but now this past year we're in doing money markets with Dorn company which has been a better we've been getting 5.18% most of the year it's 5.14 now it's going to go down better than a CD so we're constant ly looking at that you know the bridge is going to be expensive the other thing that needs we've looked at is how we can in better insulate the back building at the Museum it's just a steel wants it there's no temperature control in the summer it's 90 degrees in there in the winter it's probably 30 degrees but insulating that is a challenge at best so that's what our monies are set aside for they're big projects but uh we're pretty conservative in their budget I do uh a monthly cash flow projection is part of our annual budgeting process and uh we've been able the last I know I've been involved the last 10 years in it to to maintain our budget and stay within our revenue and expense for good well we appreciate your all your efforts as far as the society and I guess we there's any is there anything else for their the group okay okay y thank you thanks for your hard workk for coming okay 2025 prary budgets Andy [Music] certification go on the forgot to get car this [Music] is send that so be focusing on the summary or the long the many pages first you think the many however you guys want to handle it how many of these have you done these in your well or how many meetings now that we got someone else I mean how many how many years have you done that about 21 yeah be figured out there day I said took 21 times you figured out it was hundreds and hundreds of Tings they were all fun they sure spot I know how I'm going to move forward in life yeah yeah I don't know then my that time I probably missed maybe five maybe makes planning on going on vacation this witer a lot easier I don't yeah you bring the ones I printed out for anybody else the one I gave you yesterday everything pack stuff yeah I don't know if anybody else wants to you should have well you guys got them all so yeah we go to the revenue or the summary or however we want to um we can go summary first I guess okay so on your summary that looks like this one that you guys have seen uh you'll have 2023 adopted 20 24 to 2025 proposed [Music] the 2025 proposed um in order to get those summary numbers of course all the rest of it all the big packet stuff um bottom line that you guys probably are in the historically you guys have always cared about the past is well how much is our ly get up based on the projected or the um proposed budgets so Levy increase would be uh 4.86% $ 394,161 [Music] big changes big changes [Music] were uh in the revenue fund up on top that's the bigger block up on top the very bottom line there was the line for EMS of 165,000 the uh so let me uh make sure I was just doing a little math on your spreadsheet if I was going to look at that you take the 165 divided by the 8.2 million that would be the percent of effect of the levy would that be right yes so that would very minimal yeah well it's about 2% yeah yeah yeah so I'm doing that math is about 2% of the overall total ly met ly yes okay go ahead um going up um the other major increases there was you there was about three that were pretty substantial um Environmental Services in comparison to 2024 to 2025 you can see that that is over double in 2020 four there were some we did some budgeting with reserves pretty much to make it balance out um 2025 you've got additional staff you've got you know that here in the detail um Sheriff's Department was an increase like it is every single other year lot of that had to do with wages there wasn't a substantial increase in much of anything else other than wage for the most part um so that of course I'd been in the detail that includes the projected cost of operation of the new law enforcement center no that does not NOP okay um not in no no uh that's pretty much the larger of the three items that had extension is up extension is up yes I mean they're all up a little but the major big ones right um so now moving down to the bottom you can see the general fund that's the top line of that block below so your Levy for the revenue fund went from about 4.9 million to about 5 just under 5.6 million pretty big increase Highway the road bridge Levy stay the same whoos to them social services or Human Services that' be Western Prairie line um there's increased a percentage small percentage this is [Music] where thankfully we are now done with the I'm not we're not going to Levy anymore for the courthouse renovation even though according to our bond documents according to our repayment schedule according to everything else um 2025 would have been our last Levy year but in a review that is a sying fund so um we have we have been leving the money over the last six years for that that that Courthouse renovation had two separate bonds we paid off the first Bond now this is that qualified energy conservation bond which is which is in a syncing fund so that fund at the end of the year that that Grant County is to custodian of those funds we we have those we will have to make a one-time it's like a balloon payment out a one-time payment of $2 million to pay that loan up we should have those funds available if not it's going to be very minimum that we would have to take out a reserve or wait until until we collect any Don still part of that so um I took that out this year thankfully that helped substantially otherwise you're looking at a $800,000 increase yeah uh and then the 667,000 is the LEC Debt Service payment um so in 24 we had uh leved 558,000 that's up to 667 because of the fact that we will start you know repaying that bond with with principal payments not just interest first year um that's the projected payment for 20 years uh that varies but yeah but this 20 isn't it uh 25 well I think it's 20 but you caught me I would have to go back 20 yeah [Music] um program Aid um remained about the same so that's we'll get uh or Le 670,000 offset our Levy which would reduce it by that 670,000 that'll come from the state uh net Levy of 8,594 696 so now if you want to get into detail you can do that what uh rough guest what is the payroll increase the payroll increase um I used the the step and wage chart for 2025 so what roughly would I projected um Highway aside I can figure out highways too but um I'm going to say it's 300,000 roughly um yeah overall starts at about five and then you creep down don't you don't you budget like 5% or something for increases per year I go by what the step and grade chart is that was adopted okay yeah so it's very dependent on what where people are at on their stepping grade chart what the cost living increase that's built into that that's been already been approved because you guys have contracts through 2025 I I think yeah in the past we've done 5% when we didn't have a contract done like next year at this point if we didn't have a contract that be the number that I would ask you guys I historically would asked you what to budget and you would have looked at me with a dumb look in your face and I would have went and did whatever I want to do that's how it worked in reality you hate to I mean you said sitting in a public meeting you can't say well we'll do up to this because then that's can but you going plug something in now keep in mind it is September things change between now and next year so this might change today tomorrow the next day this is a budget this is a prelim if you go forward with a pay study and if that pay study is substantially different than what the current grade step charts are the current wages are for employees this gets all mismated you know because you will have to adopt a final Levy and final budgets in December and that will be before you have your pay study done before that'll be got nextt year at some point some point um you guys want to get in any detail stuff or look through I what I sent you or so I had a question as far as the 165,000 for the EMS Levy uh and I know the group is worked extremely hard and they talked about having a plan or what's the word I'm looking for bylaws or can can we Levy before the Chicken and the Egg deal before they get some of the paperwork done or I mean this is with the obviously we're doing this with the intended going to commence to get done yeah we're not leving for a dedicated fund at this point okay we're leving as part of the General Revenue fund yep your alternative to that is you know Ling um going back of you know years there's there's been there's been years that you had let's just take this a light item that you've said yep plug it in there we think we're going to do something so we plug it in and we move forward and life goes on and Tada you it worked out the way you thought it was going to work out um there have been circumstances where we've said no the board has said um yep we agree in concept looks fine looks great we believe in it but boy that's a pretty big hit to our Levy so the first year uh we're going to agree to move forward but we're not going to let any dollars for it we're going to take it out of reserve the first year and then we'll once it's all set up we'll start incorpora that um that's an option going back to my original question and if you did the math on the 165,000 if you reduce that that would make that 4.8 about 2 point uh 2.8 so in amongst all that not knowing on the weight study and that but that would even with the increase came in on we would have it and it doesn't I'm not saying it because I'm changing my philosophy towards supporting EMS but that is something that makes at 4.8 real it's yeah it's 2% yep yep yep but yeah so question and I don't know if they know I guess the finance or building committee do we know how we're going to shake out on the law enforcement center cost are there going to be any extra in the bond proceeds that can go towards something well when you Bond you can't just say we're going to remodel the courthouse with that Bond proceed no no I mean Bond proceeds are for that project yeah what happens if it comes in under I don't know is it going to come in under budget you guys money will FP in the account till the end of the bond yeah there's there's options but we're not not going to you can't yeah we're not going to put it the general fund and we can't pave the parking lot here with that money no no we can't reduce our Levy with it no okay no and even if it was allowable by Bond you need to go through the El kdaa to get their blessing because realistically that's their money yeah yeah exactly um couple of different things with that yes let's say that at the end of the day the bills are paid the Project's done uh we're done writing checks out of the out of the account uh there's there's X doll left of the proceed to spend um those monies can sit there or um I believe you could buy download part of the principle with that up front uh there will be a call date which means at this point in time this is when you can basically do a refund on your brand which hey the interest rates are down or whatever purpose you know our balance might be this but now we want to reduce our balance to this so we're going to go rebor the money for the remaining let's just say 10 years yeah there's yeah that's that's what that's what you would do with it and those funds keep in mind those funds are not held in Grant col those are those funds are held at us B they're our paying agent which are gring interest so so Ashley I don't know if you've had any Communications with David Drone or any of these other companies what they see or counties when they do these St this study we're going to do do we can we anticipate or project potentially the effect since we haven't done one since 21 I don't think so until they look at our job prescriptions and we're in set right now um know I think we're too early in the early stages of it to determine how off we are or if work more Market than we think so let me re ask the question you do this study assuming let's say the jobs don't change significantly we do the study to make sure we're in a range and compar them to other town and that our job descriptions are accurate yeah to those points that they normally when you do a study to get us in compartive to what's going on in the market we're not usually the overpaying what what's that that would be just a market study which we did in 2022 we did a market study we did not they did not reevaluate job descriptions at that point but this will have a market study in it this will be all of it so they're going to we're going to revamp job description we'll recreate or you know add duties that have been added to people's jobs that weren't included we'll be doing all of that the whole thing but what I'm saying is if the market said is part of the study usually it do go down so I I think to answer your question is the historically what I've seen is you'll get three options with the completed study to implement it option one will be between1 $150,000 option two will be between 250 and 300 and option three will be 750 to a million and historically it's been option two so no one we know about the study and when it'll commence to happen how does that affect this budget because if we kind of know that's going up should we be we got a budget for 20 or we've got a contract through the end of 25 so that would be a 26 well all I can do for this budget is Project information I curent that I had When I Was preparing that's so you have a whole another budgeting cycle before any future before the pay study would be implemented yeah and let me ask this when is the plan implementation of that pay study I don't know nobody can answer actually you know that answer nobody can answer it'll be included in our Union negotiations as well so be negotiating that the same time the one thing we do know is that um I've been been told that the $30,000 that the B is going to cost does not have to be paid until the completion of the study so that could be an expense 25 that you want to comp to I don't know what was already in there okay we did get notice from AMC did you see that letter they sent out did you guys get that which they're going to say are do their 90 what did what was it I don't know if that's material in the grand scheme of I just sent it to the board that come from you Carl yeah so they're saying 9831 would be that's compared to what one couple thousand went up $2,000 yeah they gave that presentation evidently were way under for a lot of their staff but yeah so but they've been performing if you look at that sheet Carl's going to talk about that a little bit right I don't want to steal your thunder on that it was more for information I I assume that we would want to include the the AMC increase of $2,000 um to the commissioner's budget but I mean when we're about $2,000 and $300,000 is pretty pretty small Penance and then the other item that I had was uh teate reached out and stated that another $1,000 should be added to the education uh and training for uh emergency manager position um just so that Maya can get those other trainings that that he's going to need to be certified for that position those are two things that I knew needed to be added into the budget you had a chance to look at it um through your lens the AMC no the budget since you been on on staff and you're doing my job for a long time I I did run through it um I did not get all the way through the highway budget um that would be something that I need to talk with Matt and just have explanation like I just kind of understand a little bit um I I did send it out to to Bill and Troy but I I think it was under the understanding that if we're going to make any recommendations it'll be for the final ly go Ahad right right now what I would say is $1,000 Emergency Management training take that out of reserves and the 2,000 for AMC we just move on your line item from uh like the wage study down to AMC because that'll be continuing but that wage study will be going away after this year so if we just use reserves for that $3,000 that's not those are all one time expenses yeah do we have any projected cost to for the re okay remodel I'll call it for the existing law enforcement center in the lower level of cous is it going to be expensed is there anything for that it's been budgeted for $30,000 to renovate the the ground floor so that's kind that how about any do you anticipate any expense in the I'll call it the shed because I don't know what else you call it uh for if you're moving into that area just to get Plumbing yeah get water put in on one Bay and uh do a little expansion on electricity there but nothing major comments anything else that you can Enlighten us on Chad that jumps out you guys have any questions on any of the other stuff I was going to look at keep in mind when you're setting the preliminary um this is a preliminary you'll have to make a final U certification of budgets will be in December that's what will actually go on property taxes for 2025 that number there are there are some exceptions to the rule not very many um but there are some exceptions to rule that you can increase your preliminary but most of them do not ever apply um so when you set your preliminary Levy keep in mind that come December if you go oh you forgot something you're not increasing it uh you can decrease but you can't increase right so so back to the question where I asked if it included the cost for the law enforcement center operating where would that be in the it would be in the uh General government buildings one item J and that's down towards the beginning or towards the end or this one this one the number if you're looking at the number on the are you looking at this looking at this that would be 110 so like if you see Department 003 department Five the department so one can would be near the middle it's called General County Page County buildings page 17 that is where the courthouse utility is defitely I mean you can speak to it you're I just tried to prate out everything similar to this building courthouse building for uh dated day operations electricity Plumbing garbage uh fire uh contract uh for the fire alarm panels or the extinguishers or the elevator or the garbage anything that is similar in all three buildings so that it's like either a contract or a monthly payment so that's 345,000 and last year we budgeted 309 some I'm looking at I and I remember when we were talking about the law enforcement center the projection was that it would cost around what 125 to $135,000 to operate that was an estimate well we we're not get able to run that building and I see the to date is 186,000 is that is that enough because it it doesn't seem like those numbers are squaring well I'm sure there's probably some operations there that I'm not privy to that would have to be John would have to answer I'm just thought I like was what I sort of know which is like the HVAC system the vol kind of things and then best guess by the square footage and by what our averages have been for this building and the courthouse for the last five years so we raised it basically $36,000 are we saying there's nothing under always up it you know go ahead Chad keep in mind you you increased your 2024 budget as well in 23 yep so there was already partial in inre in 24 which went up 13 40 well went up more than 13 yeah or yeah that was actually excuse me went up went up 40 40 45 yeah so I mean it's not a all at once hit here we did a partial for 24 and another increase in 2 so really you're increase from 23 that because they you don't have additional staff you don't have additional anything else it's from 23 to 25 you've increased 85 $80,000 it was a $100,000 operation or maintenance estimated expense well we'll be in year one so maintenance is going to be covered by somebody other than us yeah are you comfortable with the number are we comfortable with the number because it doesn't seem like it might not be enough I don't know like you just said we can't increase it I'm comfortable with it I believe Jeff's due diligence on it have any see issues because I know that when we talked well a year ago at this time yeah you and I sat through and did knowing there's going to be a partially increased right part of that hit and then we talked about increasing the final part of that hit for right now today that building should be a little more energy efficient even than this building because with all the geothermal system in so utility service would that be heat yeah right so we're gonna we're going to take on 9,000 square feet and budget $5,000 less money I don't know if anyone Heats a home that don't make sense where's the 5,000 well it was 50,000 for utility service in 24 and now we budgeted 45 we were doing projections in 23 for 24 not knowing what was going to happen going off the rates we're going off our historical buildings we're going off everything so we're good with it I think so because okay we were generous in that 50 from last year because we didn't know what we were getting I just want to make sure we're not 100,000 you don't sound convinced huh you don't sound convinced well I'm not take because I remember the number is 135,000 that it was projected cost you want to increase it I'm not saying that I'm just saying I know we can't increase it and that it's subject to discussion but I'm hearing that it's we can increase it we can increase it I'm fine with that yeah I mean like if I don't spend it I don't spend it this is what happened this year and we measured it for 50 we didn't spend it all that's why it's down so we go 50 go 50 and then standard or not that will increase [Music] our but I say just go with what you guys recommend and uh if it goes over a little bit then we'll figure that out when time comes yeah I that's what I say yeah and I believe kind goes over just or if that line item goes over a little bit there would be another line item that offsets it great and I mean that's just kind of what I've noticed as I was going through the budget is items are pretty close but generally looking it looks like the offices are all underspending their budget by a couple thousand dollars a year generally so I mean if we're talking $5,000 it it really offsets itself just in a budget because they might over budgeted for something and you know they didn't have enough or they didn't have as many trainings something else it just kind of comes back so if it's if we're $5,000 it's probably gonna correct itself somewhere else in that department budget we'll keep track of it the first year and we'll know what what to do be right there time yeah hope it'll do really well yep well like you say it's efficient the geothermal [Music] should well just to be clear and we've talked on this already remember when the courthouse had 47 air conditioners in it and you know the electricity bill was 10 12,000 bucks a month in the summer times what is that bill today on that building for utilities for the courthouse 1,200 bucks 1500 bucks I do know when I was working out and trying to prate out a 9,000 square foot Building compared to this one and the courthouse um if you go by just the amount of energy used in this building versus the courthouse in the last five years it's cheaper to heat and cool the courthouse is this yeah exactly same thing that the LC the same thing and from what I've noticed with the budget too um it doesn't look like there's a lot of fluff in anybody's budgets I mean most of the budgets are salary and those benefits um the other things that people are budgeting for um it doesn't look like people are putting a lot extra money into their account they're budgeting for what they need and again there's just I I have a number of questions but again those I think need to be kind of discussed a little bit more when is it projected for that that credit coming back from the FED on the inflation reduction Act is that coming in this year's budget cycle are there textures potentially we don't know that that's 3 5,000 yeah it has okay so there's your buffer right there possibly Mr chair you're looking for a motion so yep at some point we need that if we're what's Chad presented is at 4.86 you got to use a dollar figure that 394,000 I'll make a motion for the 8 million 594 696 thank you I knew we'd get to the right number we got a motion second additional discussion yeah um I know there's questions on this but are you guys going to review this now before December or are you going to we sit December and do the same play the same game don't well let's first talk about what the word review if we had Webster's Dictionary what would that involve well I mean let's get past the motion but I would like to make one comment about the budget you know going back and looking at an increase no one likes an increase but if you go back and look at the actions that have been taken so far in 2024 many of those actions have dealt with wages increases additional staffs different things that out of our department heads are out of our control so I mean those factor into this as well so it's not just department heads increasing the department budget well if you your payroll is 300,000 roughly and we put 165 or just even staff addition you just did it today again with the chief Deputy I mean those things have an effect on the budget that we don't have control yeah I don't have control over mine or any of the rest of us so you have to kind of keep that in the back of your mind that not all actions in our budget are taken by the department right I understand that Ken was looking for the wiggle room and what's my understanding normally of the budget is we're budgeting current employees through the year of 25 there will be turnover they'll start at a lower there'll be a gap in that employment you know there's those add up pretty quick y so okay that's so during discussion so let's we got Greg in the room and and you mentioned that Environmental Services budget was up quite a bit I don't know if you want to wait on that but then we also have then our other coordinator position that's not in there the net defect I don't know exactly what that is maybe you can tell us in a sense well we got a coordinator budget way of coordinator budget so from 24 to 25 it's a reduction of $188,000 Carl mentioned that last meeting yeah we also took what was Land Management a onep person department and we made it environmental services that at least for and at least part of if not all of next year will be a three person department so that's what happens when you do that and I just projected in my budget you guys the whole year just so we can have that conversation because after August I won't be here so there's four months of cush there but right I like 99% conf that's going to happen but I don't want to put you guys in a position where right we things change that's my plan right and I have been pretty pretty conservative with the money that I've received through those gr through AIS and uh you know the buffer law program so you know when you talk about some of the stuff that's going on in that Reserve that is uh you know in theory that's your Mark for my office that's a pretty significant number right so I've been pretty conservative about that so thank you for that input I mean that goes to right right what Chad was saying is that the board made the decision to make a one person office at least for part of next year a three person that's yeah the result of it yeah so back to we're in discussion and Chad had asked the question of us and we we get through the preliminary first and then we okay so we have a motion in a second there any other discussion got the number you got that all in favor say I I post so let's talk a little bit about how we then proceed uh as far as a review uh or what kind of communications or discussion or thought or I think this is a question of what is the intention of the board moving forward with budgets and Carl's position and you just we're going to bury our head in the sand because we took action today and then end of December we're going to sit at a meeting and scratch our head again or we can actually sit out and look at this well I maybe I'd defer to Carl and your job description it says that you'll assist with a budget so let's go back to Webster and say what's assist and let's hear from you so I again I I took a last week I got the budget about week and a half ago um I took last week and kind of went through and I kind of itemized 38 different items within the the budget that that I kind of had questions on um I sent those out to Bill and Troy um and Chad and we have not had time to sit down and talk about those items yet some of them are are simple things some of them are is this amount for the 11% of this building that that we occupy some of my questions are you know the rental of a copy machine for when we move over to the courthouse I mean is that going to be something that's divied out amongst HR Emergency Management coordinator like those are some of the different items that should they have been budgeted or should they like how should we formulate some of this budget um and yeah that I mean we we'll have to sit down and talk about that because ideally those offices will be empty by the end of the year so that's square footage so that 11% will hopefully drop down 89% that we'd be paying on this building so there's not a huge savings there but that could offs sent your copy or or yeah and there's there's a couple items in the budget that were large increases um and is there a threshold that the board has for a dollar amount increase in somebody's budget that they should come to the board over or just because they put it in their budget does that mean it's approved yep so pass practice pass practice would I mean on the preliminary level level yeah it's so that would that would be my question is um I mean somebody budgeted $199,000 for furniture and equipment should that be brought in front of the board or is that an automatic approval well I think on the preliminary it's an approval but it it can be Whitted on as you get to setting your budget I mean I've seen that one I the sheriff they took money money out of budget I think what Carl's asking [Music] is not me but let's say I budgeted $25,000 for something for my office and the final budget gets approved with it them do I just go ahead and buy it oh you're saying that's what you're saying yeah yeah no they they you know there you got to be reasonable like that you know well we don't have any written dollar figure that says you need to come I mean historic we should go back and watch recordings gting when the highway department rolls in and says I want this is it in your budget y we'll go ahead and buy it then his that's but they asked to approve it though they asked us to approve itet they didn't just go byy it yeah sometimes they do we haven't said you need to have the like the ordering or however you want to say it necessarily approved we want notification so the treasurer has cash and I'm not I I get where what's being asked here is do we say that anything you want to buy over xll F has to be approved before you sign a contract per I I understand what's being asked and we don't have anything written down that says yeah a purchase over x amount has to be approved prior to proceed so am I when I'm kind of hearing and I agree with what you said Chad is this where assist where what this situation Rises that'll be part of your the your and your wheelhouse to communicate with a particular Department to so when you come to the board that you can explain yeah I talked to Chad and this is what it's for and it makes full sense and and you are that link yes Mr chair that's what I feel what Carl what Carl would probably do is get committees together and then you sit with the committee before you present right correct and I mean as as the coordinator I'm an equal to all the department heads right and if I'm coming in and if I'm questioning a department head on their specific budget should it be is it is going to be interpreted as Carl is coming in and questioning my budget and then he's going to presented to the board or is this a committee meeting and we asked the budget or the the department head to come in and kind of explain some of the items in their budget you could do that one seems like Carl's leading the way and the other seems like he's assisting with the budget with the the Commissioners that that's how I I see assisting in the budget is is I'm looking at this and saying there's a list of things here that that just kind of raise some plagues in my head and I say either I'm not saying it doesn't look right I'm just saying I need to be explained um there there's there's nothing wrong with what people have in their budgets It's just sometimes I go well did you budget enough for this or this has been in your budget for the last five years and you're budgeting 7,000 for something and you've only ever spent $500 out of that are you over budged by 6500 when it's not something that you normally spend so let me ask for 21 or approximately years we've kind of done it the what the way we have with your experience and knowledge Chad can you see a better way now that we have a Carl in the coordinator position that would be beneficial for department heads in the room and others that aren't here and us is the board how how do you what's your vision as far as that the preliminary budget is somewhat difficult to work on because of the fact it's so early I'm going to start kind of the sequencing um it's hard to project out today what's going to happen in the middle of 2025 more or less next month so to get the preliminary to get a good grasp on the preliminary kind of winds down until we're in August I mean some counties have they'll start in July or whatever it is but they have more no on some of our departments are easy we have more no on um if you know what your contract States for your wages and if you're an office such as me and I know what my cost is going to be at CPT for my tax software and I have an idea what we're going to do for computers and I have a some other of idea what we're going to spend on pens and pencils and rubber bands fairly simple it's a little more difficult for other department for other departments I mean if there's a building project it's difficult to know um if you're the sheriff's department it's a little bit hard to know you know these things are hard to know so to put this preliminary together um I think it's worked okay I think it's worked fine moving between today and December is where I feel that there's been a lack of review said yeah review but just it it seems like we kind of tend to forget about this until we absolutely need to talk about this in December we need to do this a little more justice so yes do I feel there's room for improvement definitely so let me ask Carl made a reference to a $7,000 budget and a historical $500 uh purchase and let's say it's we're going to use Greg it's the guine pig it's Greg's Environmental Services just role playing Carl sits down with Greg say I've been looking this is probably something we need to address with the board we're going to have talk about this a little more at this such and such a meeting would you like to come to the meeting and explain this or would you like me to does that make sense but you have the discussion you give the department head the the information or the to let them decide how the present it to us or how how do you it go through I think it would be budget committee instead of the full board the what budget committee okay there you go excuse me yeah I think you go to the budget committee and I what I would like to see is happen is honestly I mean in in my thought of how really this if you really my thought if you wanted to really really work well is you have your budget committee that's active right and you have the Departments that need to be involved on the budget committee say Carl prob me are treasur you know those people that work on budgets Finance levies and it would probably be beneficial to at some point consider maybe having um someone one or ones a couple people maybe from the community that are not County officials be part of your budget committee maybe a couple people that at least you can get impa input in certain things because like I said it's been 20 years and I go back to the days of you know none of you guys are on this board where we had discussions about now we're going to close the license bureau down and it's during this budgeting that this discussions happen we're going to shut the doors and somebody can do it privately right well best plan I don't know I my job is to put the numbers in the paper they talked about closing or shutting down um extension at one point you know just just do away with it we don't need it or let's let's talk about Contracting with our County or that's all these things that come up well I think if you had maybe some we get wrapped up in our little world living within the government maybe if you had a couple of reaons from the from the public being on that this says hey no you know have you thought about this or no don't shut that down or you know whatever it is and I would it would be good to meet between now and December a couple times just to flush some of that stuff out at Carl's talking why is this number this way well historically this is the way we've always done it can we change it definitely so to the board we we just heard some really valuable infut and I hope we heard it do you agree with what we heard and should we then charge this group in front of us and our budget committee to move forward in this light Doyle well yeah it need be we got aord or you know a full-time coordinator but uh and I don't think hurt to have a couple community members but me you where would a GU pick them from or how would they yeah I I I'm not saying I wasn't saying like tomorrow you decide eventually I think that would be an okay thing yes I think I think the the players that are in here better get their feet in the ground before you start inviting somebody else into it and then it turns into those guys don't know what the hell they're doing exactly B how do you feel with what we heard say it again you ask me yes we've been indiscriminately we've been doing this you know what I mean but you know as a budget committee we've met you know after the preliminary has been set to try to adjust some of that stuff but you know like like what Carl's picking out here is certain things that that we need to explain which is you know it's great that you are diving into this thing you know about a vehicle at leas you know of 5900 or 5816 whatever that number is is this a lawnmower lease you know what I mean that you were asking that in some of this kind of stuff and there's some unanswered questions so you know but I think with Carl on board and the budget committee and we all sit in in the room and and brainstorm I think that's a great thing concept wise you agreed yeah absolutely right I still think if we have committees that are on for Department specific rather than a budget committee those committees should be handling this so Highway Department I don't sit on the highway committee I sit on the budget committee does is that should the highway department handle that and take that outside of the budget committee process where there is a committee for that department should that be handled there rather than just the overall because I didn't sit in 12 months worth of meetings to know what their needs are that's a that's a good point dght no I I think uh that's how I envisioned the coordinator job would be every every year part of it to uh sit down with the department heads and the budget committee and and you know go go through their budget you know what what do you what's this for what's that for on on every every Department that's that's how I Envision this group one of Carl Duty and I'm glad he picked up on that but uh no that's that's what needs to be done so so Carl have you heard us yeah I mean I I yes we need to and from to to Troy's point is that when you have a sh or a highway department I I agree that budgeting should be part of the highway like with because when I like I said I have not fully dug into the highway budget yet I didn't want to do that truly until I kind of understood more about the highway um there's all you know the other committees that there's the the shirt that should be a conversation in that committee with those committee members actually you're Greg oh excuse me I didn't mean to write when we're talking about the general like the the highway or I'm sorry like HR Emergency Management the invest office all those other kind of General government offices that don't have a specific committee tied to them yes I believe that's where the budget committee should have those department heads come in and discuss their budget actually you're Greg you want to add anything in this discussion you got a lot of years of experience the one thing that popped into my head was is and Carl brought that up right away is the thing he's trying to weave in this as well is is he doesn't want to come across tell me if I'm wrong but you want to be a peer to us not a boss to us that's that's been fear that a lot of people are having right you can sense that so what I think Carl's trying to accomplish is is making it a uh kind of a team effort right I'm not here to tell you what you can and can't do what I'm here to do is here so I I'll just use my office as the example right my budget granted went up a whole bunch because of staff and employees but I also at the last Department had meeting suggested and I put in my budget that I believe that my office needs another vehicle right so that's kind of significant right that's two vehicles for one office but I gave the pitch as to why I believe that was necessary so maybe how we could even play this out a little differently is is when we're doing our preliminary budgets that's when we sit out with that budget committee before we even get to this day and say why is yours going up you know outside of employees $40,000 as an example right so I I would argue that I think it's going to it's going to take another year I mean we are really jumping into a pool that Carl has know how to swim very well yet and we don't know how to swim with him very well and I think right be able to give and take and massage this is kind of an exercise that we're all new at and I mean I this kind of conversation is I think what we've all been wanting for a long long time have this conversation ashy would you like to add something well I mean my budget's veryy small so I don't have a lot of big things happening um but I would agree that you know that team effort so you know Carl doesn't feel like you you know knock down their department store telling them or making them feel or come across maybe as they he's telling them what to do um you know maybe a committee would be helpful for Carl je you kind of heard the discussion you want to add anything that thoughts no it seems to make sense do with that way that's the whole point of having the coordinated position in there anyhow to be this lison between departments and the Commissioners and to actually be able to explain some stuff when asked so he's got to have got to be able to know a little bit about each the Departments so I agree I like what Troy added about the specific committees I think it's important I think we I think it's extremely helpful I appreciate Chad bringing it up because I think it's it's really a pertinent um discussion and as we're moving into having a coordinator uh that it's uh the other piece is and I guess we got to set our truth and Taxation but the other piece is is and I did the quick math and I don't know how many meetings but probably close to 600 550 to 600 meetings at you [Music] you take 21 years times 25 27 meetings that he's equpped and pered and whatever hell else you had you did amongst us but I want to know you to know from the board that we really appreciate those efforts and uh part of my job yeah well was part of my job yeah but uh thankfully not anymore yeah but we do recognize and and appreciate that and so I W to I want to thank you thank you from the board and now any uh we we voted on the plinary we're done with that so that what'll be left to do will be sucks um so there's a couple things the in Levy just as a review we like the word reviewed um Websters uh the HRA Levy is not included in the general Levy that we set it's an outside independent Standalone Levy like the boy Su would be or the Pix Library uh so their request is $200,000 for 2025 so that would need to be approved for the preliminary um something we do every year once in a while we kind of forget to actually officially make that motion but it's always been part of it and then set the truth and Taxation hearing date uh for um time and date I don't have those dates with me I emailed them out I believe it's the end of November through December 28th or somay the time range it has to be starting after 6 o'clock historically we've done the Monday before the second meeting which would be the 16th correct at 6 o' y That's a mo you need a motion yeah that would be my motion the what 16th okay 16th at 6m December of December yep 6 at a location that you can secure here preferably but yeah we kind of ran into problems in one year because of something toys or something Toys R tots but here if we can get it right the location you can secure so if it's here great if not I think we the courthouse before okay we have a motion is there a second second any additional discussion all in favor say I oh we got the request from HRI I had a question uh was it a 100,000 last year yep so basically if you look on your tax statement if it was $558 it will be $10 $10 or $16 or whatever it so it is double yes okay so we got the copy of the request from uh Laura the chairperson is there a motion to accept the request of $200,000 in 2025 movement chair is there a second second discussion favor say I I post okay thank you before before we I know it's kind of out of order committee if we wanted to expand that budget committee you think the treasure because currently the treasure is not on and Carl's not listed on there we should add at least those two that we want for now yeah is there anybody else we should add well I think it would be a good idea for the those that' be five right you know I think us five should get together and talk and see what you think I mean so we need might change after half an hour discussion okay well no you just you just appoint but just so that we have just appoint those two addition point the coordinator and the treasur so okay so do we uh do I just do it or do we need a motion so then I let the MS reflect we'll appoint the OE Joel and Jamie Jamie I knew that Jamie Cruz and Carl to the budg to the budget committee I do no go just two seconds but can the process be much better most definitely yeah has the process worked for the last how many years yeah we're in decent financial position we haven't been going backwards we haven't increased our love you so much that we have a war chest I mean we're always right where we need to be yeah whether it's boy we overshot 10 grand here and we overspent 20 grand there and it all seems fall to wash dealing with a lot of money 20 million but I think the other thing is when the dust does settle if if it was 2.8% we can be pretty proud of that taking on the the payment on the law enforce Center and if the I think the people want us to commit to EMS EMS yeah no I don't disagree I mean the goal is always to keep it as minimal as you can but the scary thing is is you do that and the following year you get a 7% increase so we're committing to the Future that's much worse than a four the other thing to remember too is that we have an increase in net tax capacity with new constructions we brought on about $1 million worth the new value to the county that helps offset this 4.8% big time so that's the the yeah and in theory what this truth and Taxation will do for us now is it will say here's what our here it'll be twofold one one for the taxpayer here's what we think your taxes are going to be right it also comes back to the county and says okay County here's here's what what your increases would be now based on the new valuations and the new tax capacities and all these things so you increase your you increase your Levy 4 point I don't even whatever it gets right for the preliminary what are people really seeing on their tax for an increase you know some might see a more than 4% some might see a less than 4% so it gives the county a gauge to Jesus what did that really do yeah so I mean it's to yeah y okay sounds good thank you back to thank you Mr Charlie Ward for the state of H office yeah hopefully we're gonna just a side note my office hopefully we're going to have uh um our audit hopefully wrapping up um we're waiting on a couple of things but been a bit frustrating waiting for these outside agencies not myself or not the state auditor office wait for information um and then next time you meet will be when October October 1st first just an FYI we're GNA uh Friday we have to have ballots available in our office for abity voting so around your next meeting we're going to try to um have ballots ready to be sent out about then for that November election about what time you're sending about the 1st of October yeah so we're first step is is to have the printer actually deliver the ballots to us yeah just also been kind of so you're you're stopping them and in house yeah yep and I'm going to talk to Ashley we've got uh four of our election judges that we've used in the past have been calling me and bugging me can we please please please please come back and work into elections I don't know what's wrong with them they're nuts um in in today's bort you really want to work on elections so I'm going to we're they're they're employees so we're just going to on board them again and um what I might do is is see if a couple of those individuals would want to come in and help now at the end of September and just help stuff for a day or two and up some because now we have all spits you know every it's not just a Township valot it's a Township with three different school districts we got to on a little bit make sure everybody St I'll call you when I have a list Carl thank thank you thanks all right um one I do to make statement to is the last meeting was not on YouTube due to an audio issue um our audio Court ended up being piggyback like six different times between The Owl and the computer so that uh the last four minute meeting was not posted on YouTube um the other things that I do need approval for are for the office the approval of the coordinator to be moved into the old sheriff and Deputy office once they vacate the the space with the strategic planning committee the the areas that we assumed where that the coordinator was going to be in the the sheriff and the chief Deputy space HR was going to be moved to the booking room the where the deputies and kind of the investigators are that's where the emergency manager would go and then the dispatch room would be converted to a basically another meeting that is what the the strategic planning committee came up with um we are going to end up removing that the glass wall for the Sheriff's Office and then where you look into the The Dispatch Center there used to be a door under the original construction and that'll be another door to get into the meeting room um and then the the desk where going say it's in this old workstation that's going to be removed as well so when you see this and a diagram do it make sense yes I believe it makes sense Jeff you agree with that as well yeah and Carl where you're going in is that wall coming out the center wall will be coming out yes Carl I Mr chair I will make a motion to do what you just laid out okay we got a motion to do what he just laid out so that you know HR in Booking coordinator into the sheriff Chief deputy's office emergency management into the depuy's area and dispatched to a conference room was there talk about like an IT room where like there was a printer and all that where was where was that going to go or staying where it's at So within the the committee we department heads have been requesting a mail room um basically just to to take up that other space the strategic planning committee at this time has not been able to locate a room or a space at this point in time that would work for that I think once we're moved in uh there is space there one of the opes in the the deputy space is kind of what that being listed as Jeff being listed as a storage room right this one yes yeah the one next to the me bathroom that is that what you're talking the one next to the me bathroom the one that butts up against it um this is sort of the layout but and we've finally determined maybe it's a crazy question that the extension is going to stay where they're at that was the dis there's not room for there's not room for extension okay and I did go down and visit with extension yesterday just kind of introduced myself say hello um talked with her for a little bit I think the the room that extension would need we don't have space it yeah so that data room that'll stay there because there's a lot of equipment that's going to stay there operational right correct so in the data room right now um the sheriff's office has got their stuff and then the rest of the courthous has got some some of the data is actually being held over in this building here as well um I believe as those servers and as those items are you know replac or updated they will go into the server room in the sheriff's building because there's already space underneath the driveway that gets into the the other Sheriff room so that is all air conditioning temperature control um for the IP room So eventually depending on what's there how sean sees bit for that room there could potentially be a long-term solution but it's not going to be something that happens right now so we got a motion in a second to do it what you said so you can write what you said if you would like it more formalized I'll ask Troy to read state do you need more no I will make any other we got a second is it I think did we get a second no second second thank you discussion all in favor say I I oppos sold I'm glad you talked with the extension because in the big in the big picture she was headed that direction and now that's not the case so you did talk to her about that I I didn't talk about their space needs okay I just kind of introduced myself asked a few questions about extension just try to kind of keep it light um just to keep my foot in that door and make sure that she knew that she can talk time it was it 5 10 minutes I was there so do you need approval I see you have for the to address the dispatch area to conference would you like that included or was that included in say what I said that was to to include it but the other my other questions would be to purchase desks chairs um would we like to do a like a 65 inch TV something similar to this it doesn't need to be a smart TV a computer should have an owl in it would you like me to furnish this meeting room and that would be the approval that I would need is to I would say come back with a price to get a TV and whether it's an owl however that is that it's I don't want to limit you and say you have to get an owl find the best video conferencing maybe not the best but an affordable I believe $1800 right but that that size of room is an now the best I don't know the answer if that's the best message thing or not but to me that kind of goes along with having you can't really have a conference room in this day and age without a monitor and video conferencing and Technology yeah with that too I would like once that's all done we don't need to do it today but I would like to make it so that the current conference room is not reservable from 11: to 1 so it can be used for eating okay what else does Carl have for us um my other thing was just kind of a statement that I'm getting familiar with the County website um we did go out and update the H's information or at least their contact information so I sat in with Ashley and did that still got a lot to learn in there um I think Jeff is also a good contact for learning about the website so I'll be contacting you here [Music] to for that other than that I I didn't really have a whole lot of new items um other than when I was at the AMC conference I it sure was an eye opener in a few things um one of the biggest things is I learned in the general government is that I feel the department heads need to come to the board and and talk about other items that they see that are issu um you know just within the assessor OB I've been fighting with the Department of Revenue on a few items so long that you know you just feel you're bashing head against the wall and in reality sometimes the AMC could come in just kind of be that that outside and say oh there's a simple solution to it well we'll just get this added yeah you know that's just so I think there's a lot of probably opportunity for departments that at least let you guys know here's some of the issues that we're dealing with maybe maybe as the Commissioners you go back to AMC and say Here's what we're seeing issues or problems is there a solution or is there something that our solution doesn't really work because in the past these are the reasons it didn't work I mean sometimes that just is the answer coming back to you've seen the platforms and the priorities and things like that that come out of General government you know and you've noticed the mortgage registration State be tax okay that wasn't there I brought that to that committee and we pushed it through and actually there's Revenue that's up we get thought of that okay and C program Aid and you know all of the everything that's in some of that packet that you get and you took some of them so you got um you know you can actually make copies can did you take take everything that was there that was on the back table there I think there were one or two that I did not take okay year but so I get leave it with you yeah that's that's in my opinion where you know you you as department heads and assessors and reporters and you know that you can get the connection there and I apologize if you know I could be going up there and you know making copies and handing them out to everybody and you know so I mean that was that's kind of our role as Commissioners is to let department heads know you know and I have been you know when Pat soberg was there and you know Diane gey and things like that that's when all that come to fruition years back it just when once she gets into a certain category and say it's listed and you move forward and you sold the product and things like that then I move on to something different much like I did you know on Friday for for terrible gambling so and you can tell you know Becky Young expounded on that you know with with armor radios and where we're at and you know so there's some of the stuff that AMC they kind of want to know ahead of time whether they'll even take it on or even have a time for it so that's kind of where that is but I got more stuff I got more of those copies of those spreadsheets you took one so you can just scan and make copies if somebody wants or ready are committee reports one thing I'd like to see is that was brought up during the budget discussion is a a purchase approval process of how we do that and I don't I'm going to lay out like a basic guideline that let's amend as needed is if it's under $5,000 in the budget the department head can just purchase it if it's between five and 20,000 the coordinator can approve it above that it need County the board now this is for things that are in the budget and if somewhere to start that conversation maybe the board doesn't feel we need anything I I got something I agree with you Troy but when when I was the department head I think it was a $5,000 deal we'd always come to the board and tell them we're going to we want to purchase a squad and I think I think uh you know that that that was okay I mean I wanted to do that so I I don't I just don't know that we have any formal process let's ask Carl to you know maybe we want to talk to department heads and get their input on those dollar figures I so you could add that I I agree with you Troy add that to your things to do list your honey do list that's a good point other committee reports I got one Mr chair yeah okay I was at the public safety uh committee there down at AMC and Aly there you know there they they set forth a few things that they they want to work on the number one was H funding to address mental health and care for Youth and adults that are in the Dual justice system yeah because it's a it's a real they're in jail when they shouldn't be is what they okay so they're working on that and uh they're supporting uh funding you know continued funding for nextg and armor radios the third support would be for the uh improve the fund and maintain Emergency Medical Services across the state you know and we did give that presentation in front of the Commissioners down there and uh pretty well received yeah and then there was a couple of them that wanted to followup stuff so Spock and I did that so that that was well perceived and uh and then you know I talked about our the probation funding that we got you know there's five counties and we we got we we were definitely the winners but some counties did not get full funding and so they were working on that but they I didn't I didn't speak up and say anything because they they said well the head of the Department of Correction was there and he said well some counties were winners and I just looked at Donnie wer said well we were winners on that one weren't we Donnie you know because we were all pulling over 100,000 in there you know guaranteed for a few years so so anyway that's what I did now it was a well well it was a good conference other committee reports anything else Kyle I'll Jour the meeting at 11:14 thank you you have your sister here that went okay a lot of people no start okay like it