so she can live so high we were able to do that like all the kids were fall in campus but now you're summertime they're all home but but what are you gonna do it's the only time we have to do it so [Music] oh sounds [Music] exe yeah and the now are pretty good like you can get like you can't get Vibe but you can see everything uhuh be like [Music] don't you got everybody quiet without the I'd like to bring this meeting to order adequate noce has been given to the meeting as required by law notice has been forward for publication of District official newspapers posting the abami sud Creek and overr high school is imported to all the clerks of the municipalities within this school district there are two opportunities address the members of the board the board values and welcomes comments and opinion for residents as long as remarks are not personal or dis the public common Port meeting allows the board to listen to community members and hear their opinions on school policy and operations the first public portion is reserved for persons wishing to speak about agenda items only and the second opportunity following the action items when residents May address the board on any school related issue each speaker is asked to limit their comments to three minutes and you're not permitted to yield your time to another the public comment portion of the meeting during both sessions will not exceed 30 minutes upon being recognized persons wishing to speak should stand and identify themselves by name and town please stand for the flag salute to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic which it stands one nation God indivisible withy andice for all can I ask for a moment silence Edmond here Harrison here dther here Harman here H here carine here sorio here right here Al here cap Nelson here dorsy here you have a COR okay tonight's the 2425 reorganization agenda so on page two number five we'll be move need a motion to move a through E I move items a through e e okay 5 a through 5e found on pages 2 through n have been moved and seconded any questions or comments on these items evence yes to allain from the same from b b Victor Victor Garrison yes Gunther yes Hartman yes hassa yes cine yes sorio yes right yes how yes to all except five DL obain on motion is approved now we have the budget hearing regular meeting agenda found on page nine I need a motion to approve the minutes from April 15 so moved second we have a correction um April 5th executive reads um Garrison is absent when it should be hassa as as it says in the regular move that's not correct okay I need a motion I mean I need to know if there's any questions comments and other Corrections with that correction in for executive Garrison this is the one I was you were at this one I was at this one you were at this one yes yeah I thought I yep okay say yes yes yes Gunther yes Hartman yes hassa obain cly yes sorio yes right yes Edmond yes how yes motion is approved okay we have some special presentations we do um the first presentation this evening is actually not going to be occurring um they are going to be working directly with Mr Parker at Cedar Creek uh and I'll actually come back to that a little bit later so now I'm going to bring up Mr mcade um and ask him to talk about some uh State recognition that oakrest recently receives Mr MC evening everybody you up so we got notified about a month half ago that the department a has a program called promising practices project um so basically what is it we're invited to participate basically the studies state New Jersey that demonstrated um schools doing well during Co and after so demographically they up with other schools to our size um and they looked throughout the state they pretty much looked at the standard scores of tenant people schools that were accelerating and then sat down and did a lot of research on the schools uh they then wanted to come down and meet with us so basically the department Ed New Jersey state policy lab and the Joseph seed Cornwall Center for met studies through rers they create creating this project to see what work basically schools and try to best practice so we're invited to do it talk of the prois um practice project think to highlight the most impactful most Innovative and most reable practices uh school this time and again oess high school was chosen as one of the schools who was successful coming out of Co but then they really wanted to dive into what [Music] are State we might called that to deal again um really tell two interviewers um they came in with set the papers they recorded it they really wanted to gather the data and they did their research on our school um they know about it they want know more about our district I'll explain in a second they really did a lot of research prepared to ask us questions so basically myself Mr Jo Mr coaz supervisors and we met with Dr Charles Pay and Dr Gray through recers um new basically you're up Upstate nework and they work with Department also um basically as I said they they kind of really wanted to seek insights on our school culture curriculum assessment student support and Community involvement they were some of the areas they wanted to focus onise um our aim was an interview um really as I said coming out of it basically was going to be about two hours with us and basically some of the topics we talked about was they really want to understand our district um we talked about us being the largest District pretty much square miles in state so we really gave them the history I tell back 1964 about D being here and talk about and breaking off the G and break they're pretty amazed also about program um they didn't understand by reading it though the impact some of those magnet programs has on each building we di into that a little bit we explain explain T explain students from eth grade get into the mag program what are some requirements of those mag programs and how does that impact different schools with your own talk a little bit about that please um some of the programs that they also talk about zero we wanted to talk about zero why zero cre um we talked about Europe Peri coming out of Co for students really to get that extra that's one one attention some students with their teachers during and how that assisted some of our students right now a lot of our students within the district right now on one okay student participation which was a big thing for them why did we do it we also say a lot of parpam they they so we talked about that broke that down um so I mean just before I get I say very quickly it was a very cool experience it it was really one of the I don't think anybody in this room is going to be surprised that I was G to talk about myself for two hours I was ready to go um but they they were Fascinating People to begin with I mean they the one of the professors was on the board of education in Chicago in the 90s worked with the Obamas when they were on their way upil yeah civil rights activist one of them had just finished doct at policy and and um they what was very what was very cool and what what we don't experience very often is they kept kind of challenging us and pushing Us by saying like why so we would talk about an initiative we would say you know we really trying to push our faculty towards standard based uh standard based grading and they would say things like well you know looking you guys came back from the pandemic and your failure rate didn't R all other schools like you saw arise and failure you did not have one why and we say well we we put a lot of time in the Press development we talking a lot about um why it's important why failure only gets failure so why we can't allow our stud that to happen to our students how we have to think about the whole student start teaching From ancl perspective and they would say why and eventually got to the point where we were looking at each other like what do you mean why I don't know the idea that we had right like the idea we had but what we got to where we landed was and I I don't say this couch how but like one we were like we were given the leverage to think of these things like we were allowed to go into a room and puzzle this out and Mike Will attest the fact that they were like amazed that a high school administration was doing that their words were we do not see this in at the high school level they they actually said to us you guys are more like Elementary School leaders then you think more like Elementary School leaders than you do think like high school leaders that we see because we feel like the high schools are so entrenched in the way things are they were like you know how did you walk into a classroom and convince a 20-year English teaching veteran that they needed to think about the way they were creating their students and I was forced to say push keep pushing back like well it started it started a long time ago you know it's because of the leadership of this group that gives us the leadership of James but James was our principal when we did it our current principal allows us to do it we get into rooms and we are we bring up the problems and we fight it out I mean I keep to you know James Mike and I argue all the time and it's that aru yes you know I already ate I think I'm right but you know and that argument get these creative PL and they were it was really gratifying for me to hear them say we just don't see administrative teams challenging each other like this um you know doubling up our our teachers was a huge they were very impressed that this District was committed to doing that from a resources perspective and then continue to allow it to happen even as we move further away to the pmic um the story of standard based grading is the same as the story of historic practices in that you know we we were able to start that off with PD that we did da was it your first year at Opress 20 2017 when we when we were in a room going how okay seriously how do we make teachers more empathetic and we landed at a place where we were like we can't play this game where we go in and tell people to be empathetic I don't know what if you guys know that like be nice you be nice it doesn't work right like you you get empathy by showing empathy and and we did we were like for one year with no alterior motive we are going to do PD that's based an empathy we're going to have all our teachers do H we're going to talk about sdl and and we're going to get resiliency resiliency we're going to fill Resources with the team mental health for Stage Group and with the with the team Center we're going to just build this to make them better teachers and they were like and then you turned around and said okay you're getting rid a full day suspension and we were like yeah kind of we didn't go in and say we're going to be G for year so that one day we get suspension but we would have never been able to do the one thing without the other that that makes sense I'm I didn't put a whole lot of time into thinking about that until they forced us to land in those places great discussion our people were [Music] and while the rest of the [Music] nation know it wasn't popular or favorable to continue to have TV onl toook a digal curricul that was and a few [Music] [Music] of place have help triggers with no support know those type of conversations on the district we really look at how support great job you know's what's really good I think you know you walk into meeting like that you don't know what to expect but I can tell the board uh to credit you guys uh in this room for lot of decision make hereit our staff um put up with us a lot of time some of the things we're trying to from everything from to what we preach practice build relationship with students and St and down to halfs St program he went on to say he was shock that we are actually at a point we having conversations with students for the Start program talk about the pen State initiative that we're doing now he was absolutely sat back and SEC F back because I I just can't believe this because these things don't happen across the state of New Jersey that we're seeing people don't want to have these tough conversations they don't want to reach out to it they don't want to do it and your District's doing it your school's doing so I thank you guys for allow to do that type of stuff team Center DSS F Health program we have going on in our district so St that they walked out of here at least us not know what to expect after two hours sitting down with them to then turn around and say listen I I just want you guys know your building and your District are doing things great here keep it up we will hear back from them again because basically they're going to do a best practice type thing and I have a very good feeling we'll be called back again this start really diving into it the next part is they want to start talking to some of our students here and get they they were impressed by things that I know we not we not satisfied right like and I think that was the big part I know AR satisfied M's not satisfied is not we don't talk like that I said this to just the other day like you almost don't realize the job you're doing until you step out of yourself because what we do every day is beat our up it's enough for us you know I'm we're like we're only at 67% comp to others so if I can add a couple of things a week and a half or a week ago Jen and I presented to the Atlanta County superintendence a lot of the same information and the connection that um the staff the building admin Administration The District administration kind of like three legs of a stool in terms of the seal the dealing with the racial demographics and differences that exist within this difference dealing with the financial differences that exist within this District um and how we tackled that and Jen Jen was Jen and I were presenting the superintendence and you were getting emails from curriculum people so as soon as we walked out the door other districts are now calling and saying can you send your PowerPoint to us um the half day ISS was the one thing you know when we talked about that originally that was going to be the end of it we were going to completely lose control of the schools we reduced our out of school suspension rate by roughly 90% just making minor changes like that from from kids you know and also not escalating discipline from a detention turns into in school turns into out of school um and I gota I have to give a shout out because Joe will remember a huge kick off to this entire process I asked Joe Seaman who's sitting in the front row a question six years ago as the as the building vice president and I said I need an honest answer does an africanamerican specialed male get treated differently than a white honors female in a classroom with an incident and he said yes and that honesty and that reflectiveness kicked off this entire okay if we know it what are we going to do about it and I literally Joe I still tell that story when I speak about what we've kind of done over the last five or six years the honesty of a teacher to say yeah too many people would treat those two kids differently and that kicked it off so you know I I I still recognize the importance of that conversation that we had in getting us going down this road and for oakrest which is always kind of like you know just last week in this week in May's Landing it was why would you send your kid to oakrest look at the test scores but the department of Ed sends two people in here and says you guys are doing this better than most people anywhere in the state so a little bit of recognition for the building I thought was was very well timed mind New Jersey has the best public so we're doing it better than most state that therefore just want to say thank you guys thank you thank you go ahead the we should not following a bunch of uh you know uh students doing a presentation like they were doing even everyone for our budget 2042 budget our students on different Arts andand things school year uh budget challeng we talked about this year one of the challes we had um the 24 a cost million now I must say that that challenge is less than has our adustment from them this year was actually money that they us so this number is down about $600,000 last year so while it's still $2.8 million coming out of our budget it's other challeng is Char School [Music] 27 $44,000 this is pretty comtable what we had going out last year the aage cost 23873 please not our R next we've also had the SDA assessment since something that always it's represents 15% so well 20101 we Char to sa61 so as you can see you can't see the very bottom line $7.7 million given back when we had thought that Cedar Creek was all paid for handle for a long Tom just I'm sorry oh sorry go ahead I was just going to say just I feel like if I don't I'll be dreaming it tonight so what Peggy would say is just a reminder when we worked towards this had the school built it was with the understanding this was never discussed nobody the state ever said we were going to owe this so when we went to the taxpayers and said you know we're going to do this and it's going to cost this and then all of a sudden we get hit with this number every year that's why she complained so adamantly as you know we all did just nobody in Trenton wanted to hear it so no word about we did our ref we had a special over 5% District some highlights um students academic social and others weing withs for all students we have free breakfast for all students we have student pant each and every building incre clubs each the last few years Forest have theek Center we have 2 and three program individ group L these programs also allow to focus Oni programs um something I talk we continue with our leasing program do that next agenda um Contin purchasing computer chook and Technology infastructure updating and add C all schools updating system and we school upes we purchased the Z software that software that up that will be on theas that we have uploaded that software on we created a fulltime security coordinator that will be starting this summer uh we're currently in the process of fining ROV for start summer last also see ref also and referendum I know couple years we passed still going on Stadium upgrades all three schools is complete cess all [Applause] G years talk about AUD up all schools are in process Sy have been completed completed we use This 1.2 Milli for capital reserve and as we the refer no tax increase to the taxpayers the fact presentation tax tax down state su45 you see here our general fund St was 391,000 increas $2.1 Million last year or 5.65% our debt service fund actually went down 197,000 the reason for that is the amount of Deb service that we had do total went down so for our service went down and our de service 11 went so that's less money out summary um Bud BR up the three parts general fund which is a day-to-day operation for these schools special F which is all the feral STS for 24579 um little further under the general expense Uh current expenses under that again the operation the building Capital outlay that's where find the SDA assessment as capital outlay Sal obviously business 4% about 14% 8 on the revenue side we have Bud mon this year 1.7 million if you remember we're allowed to keep 2% in Surplus dur they allow us to increase that to 4% so that point time when it back down 2% that created a larg amount of excess Surplus the bud local sources of inome 377 taxes transp we collect school districts 431 years ago a long time we a on versus local and used to be local hot more million we didn't have any fund balance in De service that's zero service tax is 3.4 million service 1.3 million so9 this is our 46% 44% get projects this is our out District turn this goes back to uh my first year the budget 2001 2001 you can see how slowly it went up go down we go up went up um you see 1929 million we did a couple things to bring some programs back in the house last year especially this upcoming here you see Us increasing a little bit um most that increase is our district special placements um this number also includes AIT so as I a is less $200,000 so that shows you that that increase budg comparison our general fund up3 billion 4.4% from last year our special revenue is down $38,000 the reason for that is the county office tells us the bud 85 so they always tell us be conservative fund 100% we always budg 85% so that's why there a 50% increase Revenue Debt Service as I mentioned earlier our debt service requirements are down by $250,000 5% our total budg is down million sorry total budget up2 million allocation taxes this is the problem we always talk everybody there's always a winner and a loser when it comes to taxes uh this person shows us what our regional valuation is for the four districts looking at this we see that har City went 83 billion to3 million so their responsibility jump from 37% off that you see city is probably the loser our tax rate Township um up100 million see their percent 503 close1 same percent close reason all add up there is a Formula again the [Music] tax it's how the state meas meas the wealth ta the other thing that comes into play with your tax rate your assess Val City this P year went up% [Music] so the allocation didn't change at all before we added our increase in tax R this helps out all right here we go tax imp on the generality as you can see their tax L incre 15,000 $398,000 174 so our total tax rate 2% increase over last year $78,000 so when we look at the tax C $1,000 $1000 inre in7 decrease they $1,000 on the G service side everybody decre har C decrease har City but they will increase just under a half so $4 $1,000 home down will go down downcase small so you see there are all the we add two together toal impact incre just under $693 $1,000 just under pen so see7 increase under half over half p class of 2023 the three schools in total had 2747 million reward academic the Coles that univ for now Delware Toole County [Music] receive students also receive 18525 AC manyam oppe years after school graduation ear col graduates ear College will receive their Degree in General Studies ACC on May 16 2024 students students and ex curricular all three schools we have 81 bar Sports number 100 activ um I would like to thank the board of education for their support do this a lot of years and lot of you very helpful for me do this presentation like to thank at this time I like to open up to the public at this time I like to close the public thank you very much young nice job [Applause] yeah um I I do want to again extend my thanks Al also to Tom and and many of you who have been on the board for a long time know this but we are very fortunate and the county tells us we are very fortunate to have Mr grai in this role you know we do not go through our midyear sitd Downs with the county or our end of the year budget reviews with the county without hearing that we are doing things the way they want to see them done um and and all the credit on that end absolutely goes to Tom I want to point out just real quick Tom Tom talked about um bringing students back and special education programs and the increased expense there um you know we started as an example we started the autism program this year at abami those are four students that we would be paying tuition out of the district for probably on an average by the time you include tuition AIDS Transportation Renee 110 or 120,000 this year per kid and and it's going to continue to grow over the next few years as we already know how many students in eth grade how many students in seventh grade how many students in sixth grade we're going to have increased expenses we're going to add a second uh par professional or a third pair of professional we're going to add another teacher in a couple of years we're GNA have to add a therapist but compared to what we would be paying for all of those students to go out a district it's a significant savings and I just highlight as that as an example you know that is the the principal and and the director of special ed and teachers all sitting down together and mapping out how we can make this work in our own buildings the kids get the experience of continuing to go to school with their peers in the big Comprehensive High School and the district benefits financially so it really is an example of one of those things of people sitting down how can we you know how can we solve this and in the long run everybody benefits so I just thought it was important to give you kind of a real life example of that increases this year added District placements are averaging about 5% so do the math how quickly that adds up five% on on average on all of those District those added District placements so anytime we can build something like we have that's a tremendous Financial savings for the district and just um to reiterate thank you very much Mr grai we appreciate the the PowerPoint you make it very nice and easy to understand and we know a lot of work goes into getting to this point so thank you um I'll move on down in the agenda to committee reports negotiations committee we're continuing to meet we're having discussions and working together um I don't believe there were any other committee reports so I'll move on to board member report so I'd like to start with the students um Aaliyah good evening everyone good evening on April 28th many of our NHS and Key Club members volunteered at the 2024 acoa um Earth Day Festival on April 29th GAA took a trip to acara City Community School to showcase the sports we have to offer at the creek on May 1st was the band's concert which was also a success this past Saturday was AC Carver City cleanup many clubs and sports volunteered to help clean up trash around AC Carver City today students at students took a trip to Universal Technical Institute in Exon PA campus to explore careers and trades for some sports updates the girls black football is having an amazing season thus far with a record of 3 and0 on April 20th girls girls track 4x200 really broke the school record with a time of 1 minute and 55 seconds on April 21st Justin Castillo was nominated for the South Jersey National Football Foundation scholar athlete April 23rd our boys track team took the win against oakrest and violin Mandel penford broke The discus School record throwing 155 ft April 25th girls track 4x100 meter relay team took a trip to pen relays with the boys 4 by1 team competing the next day April 27th our girls track traveled to Haden Township for the Rolland relays and many of our girls placed Our Girls full bar one team broke the school record with a run of 5261 seconds that same day for girls crew are jv8 qualified for Nationals taking silver at the state championship with our boy novice for taking second also on that same day Cedar Creek hosted laxfest with a total of 11 JV girls lacrosse teams coming out and competing for some upcoming events on May 14th seventh grade students from Mica acob City and poor public will visit the creek on May 16th we will be having our open house thank you thank you Ben I'll start with a congratulations to Colin morresy on his successful performance at the Ocean City Music Pier Colin won second place in the instrumental category of his solo competition for the second year in a row absam announced their uh novice teacher of the year which was Miss Stephanie able abami presented the Galloway Arts presented at the Galloway Arts Festival on May 4th uh over the course of the day patrons enjoyed visual art displays as well as instrumental and vocal performances in Historic Smithville the members of of our Band program traveled to Nashville Tennessee where they got to experience the the city and perform recording in Studio B visiting the Grand old Opry and seeing the Country Music Hall of Fame were some highlights the band was recognized with a gold rating and first place in their Festival performance over 70 children participated in bring your child to workday at abami the children enjoyed a fun an educational day and got to participate in a variety of activities hosted by teachers and staff throughout the school uh congratulations sorry congratulations to the academic team for their second place finish at Atlantic City's Viking brain brawl our abami dance team will be having their Spring Showcase on May 9th this Thursday due to pack Renovations performance will be at Cedar Creek on May 15th we will be have our band concert and we'll also be having our eighth grade orientation on May 6 16 and then our Jazz and choir concert is going to be on May 22nd thank you thank you Alana this past weekend we had our annual green fair was which was a great success we had food trucks and clothes that our kindness Club gave away it was a very nice event this week is Teacher Appreciation week and we are having something for our teachers every day this week our novice teacher of the year was was Miss Bailey wood this is a well-deserved award she does so much for o and we appreciate her our annual spring concert will be will be held on May 30th we would love to see you guys there some of our o students will be going out to attend a five County Summit AT Stockton University on May 26 and our Coalition Summit will be held at ACCC on June 6 we just had our spring prep rally which is always a great event everybody showed up in their blue in their blue and particip softball just hosted their sixth annual Betty how tournament was which is a big event for Atlanta County baseball JB also held their tournament this past weekend which had over 16 teams come out and play Wednesday May 8th our performing arts and arts will be have will be going to teen Arts to compete and hopefully make it to States flag football is going against F gaming to get today they have they have had a pretty good season so far and Ryan Ryan Marino is the Nike South Jersey Elite Champion for po vote thank you okay any other board members with something to report yes Mrs Garrison then mentioned about the Galloway Arts Festival I got to see some of it not everything but I got to see um some of the events that they had there um it was just came with weather and um in years pass a lot more could attend but due to the weather but they made a great effort yeah they had tents for them so they they groupers right to the end till 5 o' very thank you yes anyone else okay this time I'll open the meeting up to the public anyone wish to speak on agenda items only okay there are information items listed on the agenda I'll move on to business agenda action items business items B1 through B7 can be found on pages 10 through 14 13 13 13 make a motion for that B1 through V7 on pages 10 through 13 second okay B1 through B7 have been moved in second did any questions or comments on these business items dther yes Harman yes haa Carly yes sorio yes right yes Edmonds yes Garrison yes how yes motion is approved okay there are no Transportation items tonight moving on to education agenda items I move E1 which has been updated E1 through E15 second okay E1 through E15 have been moved in seconded any questions or comments on these education items Mrs hosta I just want to mention how excited I am to see the Los it's just so all thank you any other questions or comments Harman yes haa yes cly yes sorio uh yes abstain to E9 right yes Edmonds yes Garrison yes Gunther yes how motion is approved I Personnel agenda items Carrie are you GNA make sure I'll move P1 through P second p12 on page 18 I'm sorry I can't I ask that p8 be removed p8 be removed from the agenda P1 I'm sorry p8 p8 move did we get a second yes I did mar mar mar did P1 through p12 not counting p8 have been moved and seconded any questions or comments on these Personnel items I do okay Garrison that mean that abami have any or not at not at this moment not at this moment no we we will be replacing but we're still looking okay all right thank you Mr Wright I have a question about what uh what is the decision process I'll answer and I'll let Jen add what she wants to Stockton reaches out to us and say say we have a student in the following program looking for a placement whether it's the 80 hour 100 hour or full student teaching assignment um Jen does work with the three different buildings to determine kind of I'm not going to say it's a direct rotation but kind of okay who would be able to handle this and then Jen reaches out to the supervisors and then they talk anything you want to add to that Miss rushan well yeah and and I will also just add if there are times when we will split a student between a couple of teachers depending upon what people's schedules are any other questions or comments H yes carine yes tartur yes right yes edmans yes Garrison yes Gunther yes Harman yes how yes motion is approved he superintendent's report Mr Raina thank you uh once again the students made my life a little easier thank you um in addition to Stephanie able uh novice Teacher of the Year from abami and Bailey wood present novice Teacher of the Year from oakrest I want to give a shout out to Brian Morango novice Teacher of the Year from from Cedar Creek um all three of them the Common Thread is they are here they're here at night they're here on the weekends they're here with the kids they're doing all of those things they are people who have truly involved themselves in the buildings um throughout throughout the course of the year um I said I would give a little bit more info the uh the flag donation as I said tonight we thought it was going to be able to work from a timeline standpoint it didn't for the family they're going to do something in an upcoming PD session at Cedar Creek I believe with the Cedar Creek staff so there will be able to be a good recognition I also just want to point out to anybody if the next time you're at Cedar Creek and when you're in the gym this is actually the second flag Cedar Creek has received when you're in the gym if you look up at the flag on the wall that flew at a forward operating base in the Hindu Kush mountains literally by a group of special forces that were chasing Osama Bin Laden and his primary party that flag was flown um over that forward operating base and brought back to us by Dolph Hoke uh veteran and former District teacher so it's pretty cool this will actually be the second flag in Cedar Creek with direct connections to overseas assignments so just I wanted to kind of share that um quick shout out our valedictorians and salutatorians have been finalized with the completion of the second trimester um you you'll know they will be recognized in all of the graduation uh brochures and and articles but I wanted to shout out um Thomas fam and Kaki from oakrest for valedictorian and salutatorian Puig Gandhi and J and Punjabi for valedictorian and salutatorian from gamy and Ryan Carson and ab Gale clap valid Victorian and salutatorian for Cedar Creek so some Penn State some upen some vanderbelt some Bucknell a couple undecided um but a very very impressive list for those students um as Miss Garrison touched on the weather uh was not nice um I was over at the the uh Galloway Performing Arts Festival in Smithville an example I want to give a shout out to all of the the teachers and the students so on Saturday and I chose the gamy um Performing Arts Festival as was partially mentioned a Harbor City had their volunteer cleanup kids coaches advisors all over on a Harbor City oakrest was hosting the Hamilton Township green Fair the tents were here community members here our kids our teachers a couple of leaders from the science department here and then abami so there was just a Saturday in May and all three schools were either on the road or were hosting some type of significant Community event you know and if we think back over the last few years one of the things we've talked about you know I track is how much we are involved in the communities so there's just a nice little snapshot of a Saturday in May and our schools and our students and our staff's connections to the communities so that's all thank you um just a couple things from me one is uh we received a thank you from the Galloway Township ambulance squad for our recent donation in memory of Fred Gunther um so I just want to let you know we got acknowledged for that um I know that I told you last month but tomorrow night is the Atlantic County school board meeting for uh that kind of ends this year we'll be at um Great Bay Country Club it starts at 6 if you're coming there for dinner um the hybrid you can log on at 6:45 um they're recognizing various board members MERS for different milestones and uh the Atlanta County teacher of the year which happens to be one of our teachers Aon sharp will be speaking so there's other people but you know that's that's the big event yeah um so anyway if anybody's coming we'll see you tomorrow night um and the last thing is just uh I I know it's Teacher Appreciation Week um so I just wanted to make sure I said Thank you to anybody that works with our students you know the teachers um I think during the year we try to remember to say thank you and I just want to make sure that you realize um that we realize how much work it is and that uh our students really matter to us I mean that's what we're here for and whatever happens to them is a dis a result of what's happening in the buildings with the staff and the teachers and administration everybody so um this week it's time to say thank you to all the teachers who please pass that along to all the teachers that were very appreciative um and now I will move on to Old business I'll move on to new business I move new business one two and three second okay new business one two and three been moved and seconded any questions or comments on these addendum items cine yes cartorio yes Wright yes Evans yes Garrison yes Gunther yes partman yes haa yes how yes motion is approved any other new business okay see none this time I'll open the meeting up to the public anyone wishing to speak on any matter okay we have a resolution for executive session yes I do pursu to section 78 the O buug meeting act the following subjects will be discussed in the session of the Board of Education Clos to the public Personnel matters due to matters and attorney client privilege and contract it is anticipated that the mention resolution can be disclosed to the public in the decisions made upon the fame or in the case of personnel issues when the need confidentiality no longer exists action at the conclusion of executive session may be taken need a motion make a motion for executive session second all the