e e e box being flattened out is a big step they're they're where's Scott Scott last thing we heard they knock on wood they're about a week ahead of schedule right now real good yeah because they when we had those two and a half weeks with no rain or anything you know they they worked Sun up the sun down no you know no no disruptions at all yeah I was surprised to see how far along it was yeah oh did they they now I I came by first thing this morning on my way in and I just drove right up to the stadium that wasn't done yet that's good good and you're happy with the way everything looks the way it's set up but I mean as far as the locations of stuff good right good I you know what I really really tried to get him into well I made an adjustment at oest for that purpose I widened the entrance at oest to fit all the security measures within the gate the just WR on said I said this week you know every one of the work with work hard and he worked univ he worked with one other one I said I oh yeah it's right here he right my ain't going to Har the Harvard coach I'll take it oh my God and there's a lot of kids there to have you know single my kid out oh theond Dr he's right there this is what October has another big one yeah actually it's going to and your be [Music] [Music] all right happens but [Music] it's on here but the special pres the one we're skiing yeah minutes that was in July I'll talk about just okay so I don't have to I just say James will touch on it good I'd like to call this meeting to order adequate notice has been given us meeting as required by law noce has been forward for publication at District official newspapers posted in the apps of gami sud Creek and oakrest high schools and forwarded to all the clerks of municipalities within the school district there are two opportunities to address the members of the board the board values and welcomes comments and opinions from residents as long as remarks are not personal or disc courious the public comment portion of the meeting allows the board to listen to community members and to hear their opinions on school policy and operation the first public portion is reserved for persons wishing to speak about agenda items only the second opportunity following the AC it when residents May address the board on any school related issue each speaker is asked to limits the comments to 3 minutes and you're not permitted to yield your time to another the public comment portion of meeting during both sessions will not exceed 30 minutes and upon being recognized persons wishing to speak should stand identify themselves by name and town please stand for the flag salute I to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all can I ask for a moment of silence Edmonds here Garrison here Gunther here Bartman haa here cly here sorio here right here Hal here you have a corn okay I'd like to take a moment um since it's roll call to introduce the two the three uh students that are here and thank them for coming this summer because the year school year hasn't even started yet and you're here um if I introduce your name and hopefully say it correctly if you would just like to introduce yourself and say something talk a little bit tell us who you are um so I'm going to start with Adriana Fu from oakrest right excuse me welcome and you don't you you can stand but you don't have to stand thank you next um chrish Patel from gamy I'm chrish Patel I'm a senior at ABS gamy this year and I'm very involved in our athletic department and other clubs such as tribe star club and um our history Club at abami which we try to you know go to different historic spots in New Jersey and Pennsylvania area and trying to expand like just have having our kidss get um a good sense of History and having fun and Vinnie Veo from Cedar Creek hi my name 11 welcome welcome I need a motion to approve the minutes from June 24th and July 13th I'm sorry move second the minutes have been moved and seconded any questions comments or corrections to the minutes I'm sorry who seconded it am I did am Edmond yes Garrison yes to June 24th and abstain on July 13th gther Yesa yes Carly uh yes to June 24th abstained from July 13th sorio yes right yes how yes motion is approved okay the special presentation tonight um brend is not here this evening but James will speak about it during his report later uh committee reports there's none right now so I'll move to board member reports anyone that has anything to report okay at this time I would open the meeting up to the public anyone wishing to speak on agenda items only okay information is listed on page two business agenda action items business items can be found on pages 2 through five B1 through B20 make a motion to move B1 through B20 on pages two through five second okay B1 through B20 have been moved and seconded any questions or comments um I have Brian and Mark he's letting me go first March is that age before beauty or absolutely I would like please to um have explanation of b19 um I I just would like to know what that's about and I also want to know the champion Baptist Academy is that in Galloway Township page five b B9 where is where do you see Champion Baptist Academy I apologize for not remembering it their column thir column oh oh yes yeah I'm I'm sorry I was looking further down I apologize we've talked about this before um we have a responsibility I had put a little brief explanation in the FYI that I sent out to you on Friday um it is state law that we are involved with administering the faith in the regional district I know where Pilgrim Academy is I know that's Galloway Township I guess my question is where is Champion Baptist Academy I I don't know the address I'll look it up for you but it's in one of one of the part of our district corrup within our regional district within our regional district and I understand about the funding but I don't understand where the money comes from is it does it come from the taxpayers of the regional district or does it come from the it's a flow through funding from the state of New Jersey all right thank you what is Champion Baptist academ okay Brian yes thank you um I know uh on B6 I know we we talked about this at a previous meeting and I think I I you know questioned some of the um uh issues um one thing I'm I'm curious about is in in an emergency situation be it medical or any type of emergency situation um reading over the exhibit I noticed that you know they're going to handle anything internally but in an emergency what is going to be our responsibility as a district to take care of that or how's that being handled it it in an emergency situation we will respond the same way we would if it was a guest of ours at a football game or a guest of ours at an event in the performance Arts Center um and we will be the quote unquote First Responders until 911 is there okay yeah because we're not going to have access to medical records or anything like that so that's my concern and should be our concern we are we are actually creating an an ability for us and the teachers within the room will have access to both Galloway and greater egg technology so there that will be available to us right then and there in the spot okay and then my my followup also and is regarding custodial um you know we're going to be cleaning those rooms are are we being reimbursed for our our time we are not at this time being reimbursed for the custodial okay okay thank you um I just wanted to mention on B7 uh Ryan's story presentation I know that that's a phenomenal uh LLC that really makes a Hu it's impactful and it's really um it's it's really great to see us partnering with them I think that that's going to be an you know a very moving and incredible experience with students so thank you thank you anyone else Garrison yes Gunther yes H yes cly yes sorio yes Wright yes Edmonds yes Hal uh abstain on B3 yes to everything else motion is approved Transportation item Transportation items can be file on pages 5 through 14 T1 through t29 I move T1 through t29 second T1 through t29 count on pages 5 through 14 have been moved and seconded any questions or comments on these Transportation items Gunther yes haa yes cly yes sartorio yes Wright yes Edmonds yes Garrison yes Hal yes motion is approved Sor fing Pages yeah go deep education items I move E1 through E4 second E1 through E4 found on page 4 14 have been moved and seconded any questions or comments on these education haa yes cly yes sorio yes Wright yes Edmonds yes Garrison yes Gunther yes Hal yes motion is approved Personnel items before someone makes a motion I just want to add on p12 um which is an item that talks about chapter 19 two three services again this is flow through money we need to add a another teacher Teresa capito capap t a cap oh just to be clear c a p i t o t o c c okay oh I couldn't read my own writing I apologize your apology accepted I move um P1 through p21 second you win sorry P1 through p21 have been moved and seconded any questions or comments I'm sorry who's the second Lois Lois thank you march yes I do have questions about p12 p13 and p14 I'm assuming once again this is money that uh the taxpayers in the regional district are not are not paying not directly again this is flow through money through state of New Jersey we get the money and then we pay it out even though they are non-public schools they do receive some State monies I understand that I my question though is I want to make sure that the Galloway Township taxpayers aren't footing any of these absolutely and there are cases where we collect the money and the the nonpublic school does not want it we then return that money to the state that okay that makes sense thank you Amy um so I know we got a little bit of information on P4 but that just seems like an exorbitant amount of precisions is there any additional information well yeah I mean if there are 16 lines there um one 2 3 4 five 6 7 8 nine 10 are transfers within the district okay so they're still moving from one building to another and then two resignations covered five of the other lines okay so you know it's it's as they're transferring from one building to another they made part of the decision again these are all voluntary transfers they are acknowledging that they are giving up their um uh stiens in the buildings they are leaving in some cases there is an availability for them to apply or they will be applying for the same stien in a different building but not in all circumstances okay thank you so much yeah Carly yes sor yes abstained to p7 bear with me here Cedar Creek fall assistant coach field hockey Jessica Soro and Cedar Creek winner basketball head coach girls women's um Jessica sorio yes to everything else right yes everything abstained p16 number one admin yes Garrison yes yes H yes Hal yes motion is approved superintend supp yeah um last week was utilities week at oakrest um I say tongue and cheek and I knew we had a board meeting coming up so I didn't I didn't share all this with you ahead of time so Tuesday night right before the storm started we had a tree come down um actually on the oakrest estate side of the street knocked um danced on some wires we actually picked it up on one of our security cameras thankfully did not dislodge a wire or knock a wire down to the ground it did create a power outage though with parts of oakrest um I want to give a credit to to a lang a credit to LC Celli um head custodian ad oakrest Lang Lou myself the new B&G super uh Keith we responded to oakrest maybe about 8:30 or 8:45 a lang Tuesday night we were there for maybe an hour or so power company was contacted a Lang was making sure all the tech stuff the batteries the backups everything came on properly it did Lou was making sure the generators came on properly they did Lou to his credit stayed there all through the night Atlantic City Electric finally got us up and running sometime between 600 and 7 the next morning um so that was Tuesday night and then between Wednesday and Thursday um as part of the construction projects going on at oakrest um one of our construction companies broke a water line running to Irrigation in one of the fields and then the next day they actually cranked or uh kinked and cut a underground gas line um so I ran out there on Friday Friday obviously you know the district's closed but we always have a buildings and grounds person at the buildings on Fridays when we're doing all these construction projects I ran out there met the buildings in grounds person South Jersey Gas was out there the shut off valve was immediately thrown out at the curb it was not the big two-inch line coming into the building it was a smaller line um coming in actually for the the water heaters for the showers and the old bathrooms um or the old locker rooms I should should say so but anyway I just share that with you because that is now um we've looped in the architect we've looped in the engineer it is a significant it is significantly mentioned in our all of our bid specs you know that there is a responsibility for doing utilities markouts so Tom and I have already communicated with the architects today our uh new supervisor buildings and grounds Keith is already communicating with the company so one way or the other obviously the district does not hold any accountability for either one of those actions so whether it falls on the architect not properly Mark you know putting something out and writing whether it falls on the um the contractor for not getting the right Mark out I just wanted to let you know we're dealing with a busted irrigation and the electric that goes along with the irrigation as well as the gas so just you know stick that in the back of your head we will continue to update you as we move forward anything you want to add to that yeah and we won't let that slow down our construction uh if we have to pay for the repairs we made we will get our money back from the contractor the architect eventually but we will not let it hold up the construction project yes so you're saying that that happened because it was not clearly marked where the lines were well that's the first response from the contractor on Friday I don't know that to be true or not yet because once the holes were dug you know I mean I I don't I don't know what they had marked out or what they had not marked out um but that was the first response provided by the contractor but in most circumstances it is the contractor who is responsible for securing somebody else to come out and Mark those lines um I want to extend the thank you also to the student reps um we started this a couple of years ago it has really helped the Board of Education and the administrators and and the community that comes to hear student perspectives um once we get closer to the school year the principals will sit with you and either your alternates or the the primary and you'll get into a little bit of Rhythm the Friday or before or the Monday of each board meeting you'll sit down with your principal you'll kind of go through what we're going to be talking about tonight principles to help you kind of write up this is what's happened in the last two weeks this is what's happening in the next two week that we kind of want to brag about um so know that over the month of August and even the beginning of September you'll get a little more guidance and a little more explanation but again I want to thank you uh for your time and your commitment there have been some really really pointed comments and conversations over the last couple of years that started with student perspective and that's exactly Your Role here so thank you guys in advance for that um I have um I've been in contact last week actually I was contacted by the um Town manager for Galloway um and and we're I'm I'm doing this right now I'm G to look for a consent um from you a verbal consent because the attorneys are going to have to look things over in before our next board meeting Galloway is on a tight window they actually reach out to about 4:30 5 o'clock On th Thursday they are looking um to repave and in most CA in in about 65% of the projects case widen the sidewalks on wrangleboro that are on our quote unquote property on both sides of the entrance to abami high school they're looking to M change them they flow anywhere from four to six feet they're looking to make them an 8 to 10 foot wide um the reason is so there's less chance of kids kind of getting knocked or jostled out of the way also to make it easier for them to clean they'll be able to just take a full-size truck now with a full-size plow get up there and run it much quicker a four four foot sidewalk you got to get a little K cabota out there it does not move nearly as quickly or clean nearly as well as a full-size truck so um and I had this conversation with Casey and will on um on Friday a little bit real quick Galloway has an opportunity using Grant funds to get this done in the month of August I talked to will Will's only concern was that there's some type of stipulation put into an agreement that says you know responsibility at some future date when I'm gone and that town manager is gone and there's nine new board members who's responsible if there's a pothole or that type of thing because what would have to happen right now is we would actually have to give the township an easement for them to go ahead and do the project what I'm just looking for is consent from everybody for me to enter into a verbal with Galloway so they can go ahead get it scheduled they're starting they're looking to start work like the first week of August um obviously it's a win for the district it's no expense to us and it's gonna provide a wider safer pathway for our students anybody have any questions or concerns Tom Tom will do it if they give us a another entrance to gam second entrance pin lands unfortunately is the one that twice has derailed that conversation that's fine so you and Tom agree you think that we should go it would be my recommendation that we do it this Township manager has been extremely uh good to us over the years we have a very good working relationship right now with Galloway I am comfortable doing this with them yes is it better off if we just make a motion so that way it's officially on the agenda as a as a motion or we can I mean I'll defer to case when we talked on Friday we were talking about just doing a verbal consent but yeah I think the agreement I mean I'll note in the minutes the consensus of the board okay any other questions are you is any everybody comfortable with me moving forward with Galloway okay thank you um I want to thank also everybody for um Friday or Friday for the retreat um I I went home and I started going through my notes there I thought there were some very good conversations um again the the administrators you know some of the information that was shared um I hope you as a board of education saw and heard the level of depth conversations that are occurring between the district leaders and the principles you know especially in those areas that we continue to kind of talk about I mean we've been looking at discipline and suspension rates now really since preco so so that is a a conversation that we have had ongoing um excuse me some substantial steps taken um in terms of you know now being able to really track our graduates in one document and have that ongoing so we can follow up and continue but I wanted to thank you for the time on on Saturday um the 13th because I I did feel it was very very productive and you know three and a half hours on a Saturday is nothing to be given away LLY so I I certainly appreciate that um other than that the last thing I just wanted to kind of leave you I can't believe I'm kind of saying this but January 22nd we're now in the fourth week or July 22nd we're now in the fourth week of July our um our welcome wagons are scheduled for August 15th and 19th freshman or orientations are the 20th the 21st the 22nd those mailings those emails are all getting ready to go out to all the eighth graders they've already gotten save the dates but now the you know the formal notifications are being made the principles are talking about getting together next week and finalizing the mailings I mean it's you know here we are it's the end of July and and we're already working on September um so you know every summer just kind of like gotta remind everybody for all the work that we're doing school really starts up again um Athletics activities are going on right now once August comes that'll go they'll start ramping up more um and then like I said from the 15th to the 21st in August you've got all three welcome wagons and all three re orientations and then a week after that teachers are in so it's it's moving along whether we we want it to or not that's it thank you okay I just have a couple things um this always happens when you follow somebody I just wanted to to make sure that I welcome students too I introduced you before but to just to reiterate um it's a big commitment and we really appreciate the time that you're going to spend here but the commitment that you're making to be part of this and we want you to know like when you give your reports we're really listening and a lot of what you're saying you know some of us may know Others May know nothing about so we really appreciate what's hearing hear about going what's going on in the building and your perspective on things um you know there are times when it's pretty far removed from a student to an adult to somebody that's on the board that may or may not have somebody in the school system so you're perspective is very much appreciated and needed so we thank you for being here um The Retreat also just thanks again it was um you know I always have a hard time that day I know that it's hard for some people to come in and and give up the half day but you know we try to keep it short I think we really do go through a lot of good information and um I appreciate that everybody feels free to to share what their thoughts are and and talk openly and try to look for what's best for the district um and the last thing is we talked about goals and so the one goal um I'm going to leave is that the board members participate in training um and I'll have these written up for the next like in the August meeting um but the same thing as before I'd like everybody to try to go to at least one thing at Workshop um I'll have the rep from Michelle Kennedy from school boards come and do a training here and uh once again James has agreed to you know the super tendent working with us to give us some kind of a training so teaching us about some of the different things anybody has questions with so you talked about budget possibly next year um going over the budget process in detail and explaining that to us so those I'm going to leave in place but still working on the wording but when Daryl talked about um attending meetings I started trying to think of how to work that up and I'm thinking that our second goal could just be to increase communication within our communi school communities so um looking for ways to share success of student staff and district and the needs of communities um and I was looking to what we do now and even at each school board meeting the fact that especially during the year the student reps share what's going on the schools if board members have anything to report back whether it's a county meeting um a state meeting or something going on in the community they share it um there's very often a chance for students or staff to be recognized and we really um love seeing that whether it's student or staff when there's something going on that's good to to be able to hear about it and and be able to congratulate them um during the year there's presentations to talk about everything from um our goals and like how those are moving forward so all that's already in place so just adding to that like wording that and then saying um asking board members to try to attend possibly two board meetings a year from their sending District that you represent um I know that everybody may not be able to do that but um and also we're in a community event I know um trunker treat in Galloway in Hamilton um going there to do that I was thinking about that when we had the retreat that uh there was a table and I was there with um staff members from gam I was at the gamy one and uh you get to see people from all over the community and they get to see you and it's very nice to to just be out in the public so before you leave tonight um I'm still working on this but I did bring uh print out I'll just give you whichever one whichever Township you're representing I have the list from now till January at least of your Schoolboard Mee and you can at least look and see if there's any dates and if there's you know multiple people from One Community you know you can talk to each other and you can go together or you go separately whatever you want to do but I'll hand those out tonight to everybody and that's all I've got I'm sorry can I add one thing I I apologize I just did want to remind everybody again we talked about it at the retreat we're starting the o CH interview process tomorrow we have first round interviews tomorrow and Thursday um Carol and Amy are joining us as board president and as Hamilton Township resident for the oakrest interviews we have two teachers we have students involved in the process um but I just wanted to give everybody a reminder that we are moving on with that process and in fact we are beginning interviews as I said tomorrow on Thursday okay uh does that anyone have any old business I know I agree Brian yeah uh James I I know I think before the meeting started you went over with um Mr Parker what where we are with the project I just want to know you know for on public you can just you know discuss where we are with the Cedar Creek uh per yeah the um since we had the um retreat at the time of the retreat if you remember we were in the middle of like a tropical storm um thankfully since then they've got all the rock down they've laser level the dirt the process is they laser level dirt then they laser level rock that you would see in in a driveway and then they laser level a fine Rock that's like almost the size of maybe an eraser head um that is now all laser leveled um all the track material is stripped off so the track is now just black top eventually in the sequence of events that black top will come up and new black top will go down um but they are as I said uh before the meeting they're sitting right now about a week ahead of schedule and that's doing large part to the fact that we went about two and a half weeks the end of June beginning of July with no rain at all obviously like Friday they were a little Limited in what they could do with some of the weather that was out there um but they are moving along very quickly Scott I don't if there's anything you want to add similar to what we did with gamy last year get the turf get the black top down get the turf on so you can play that home you know the opening games for everybody can get on there the first week if they want then when football's away we'll take a couple of weeks to keep everybody off and do the lining on the track okay and then with the um with the projects I know we talked about the um reeding or resurfacing the the the other Playing Fields I know that that had gone out for bid multiple times where where are we at with that we are holding on that until we get all these other projects done to see what our funding looks like to see how we are going to move so I mean I I guess my question is with that then is it is it worth waiting until winter into the spring or you know there's no sense it's starting that in in the fall at this point it would be a project for next summer okay the the grass is like we talked about at the retreat the grass the receding or the updating of the grass fields one at each building we've put Below in terms of priority the Fieldhouse here upgrading the field houses at oakrest and abami oakrest has made tremendous progress this week this was something that hadn't really started when we had the retreat but in the last week and a half or two weeks they've made huge progress in terms of the concrete work around the the school and the property um if you think of oakrest now you can now step on concrete at the bottom of the 100 wing and it is concrete all the way up to the concession stand and into the stadium so you know again the goal is and then they'll they'll rebl toop along the 100 Wing they'll rebl top the bottom of of oakrest between like the 300 to 400 in the buildings and grounds building that will all be rebl topped and then there will be steps and concrete run up to the district parking lot the goal is you can park at one of three locations you can park outside of the 400 wing and walk the back way you can park at the district lot walk along the side of the school or remember we are building a handicapped lot right behind the scoreboard so you will now have three places to park at oakrest and you will be able to stay on conrete or black top the whole way to get to the stadium as opposed to now where at least half of your journey is you know trudging through some variety of of marshlands so that that and they're making big good progress on that the last week and a half good thank you yep any other old business new business I just wanted to note that um we got an email today on our extraordinary Aid this is special education Aid that we get each year um Renee did the application recently um it's it's a process where we do the application like a month or two ago and we don't get the information till after the year ends even though the money's from the previous year uh we budgeted $750,000 and we got funding of $ 1,56 th000 uh the state budgeted us at $ 61% of what our um applicable costs were so that's a good thing because that extra additional $300,000 will go into excess Surplus that we use each year for budgeting so I want to give kudos to Renee for the application thank you very much great any other new business um Lois right yeah just wanted to let everyone know that our summer show between the three schools is doing into the woods and it'll be at oakrest on August 9th and that's at 6:30 and August 10th and that's at 1 pm thank you welcome if anybody would like tickets you can email either myself or Tom and we'll make sure they're set aside for you at the desk any other new business okay at this time I'll open the meeting up to the public any wish to speak on any matter I see none is there a is there an all those in favor those abstaining those say no move thank you everybody long day minutes