e e e e e e e e e e got yeah you have to be Ling now yeah you're very fortunate that was so funny [Music] hold bit [Applause] got good evening Amy hi Amy be you exactly exactly you it's it's push my way you know even though even though I have my opin you know I got like to call this meeting to order adquate notice has been given at this meeting as required by law notice has before for publication in District official newspapers posting the apps of gaming student Creek and oest high school is in fored to all the clerks of the municipalities within his school district there are two opportunities to address the members of the board the board values and welcomes comments and opinions from residents as long as remarks are not personal or discourteous the public comment portion of the meeting allows the board to listen to community members and to hear their opinions on school policy and operations the first public portion is reserved for persons wishing to speak about agenda items only the second opportunity following the action items is when residents May address the board on any school related issue each speaker is asked to limit their comments to three minutes and you're not permitted to yield your time to another the public comment portion of the meeting during both sessions will not exceed 30 minutes upon being recognized persons wishing to speak should stand and identify themselves by name and town please stand for the flag salute the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all and I ask for a moment of silence Edmonds here Garrison here gun Harman here haa cly here zorio here wght here Hal here C Nelson dorsy carer you have a COR thank you before I begin I want to just take a moment to thank uh chef Martin and all the culinary people that are here tonight uh I was telling them and I I think the board members would agree it's been a pleasure this year to come and and the dinners that you guys have served have been delicious the service has been wonderful and we appreciate the time it must take to prepare it and the people that can come and serve it to us tonight so thank you very [Applause] much we have some special presentations tonight we do I'm gonna ask Mr K to step up uh first and start with the abami flag football team [Music] [Applause] you can also recognize some of our players to make ton [Music] I'm [Laughter] play um thank you the team overall was 41 and one their tie was two [Applause] um I just want to say thank you for coming I I know that I'm for myself am just really proud that we have a flag football game football team for girls now and to know that you made it this far a second season you got to play at the link um I appreciate it and Coach um please relay that to the other coach too who couldn't be here tonight but thank you for your hard work your dedication and for coming here tonight make sure you grab a snack before you go thank you um I was fortunate enough to be up at the link on Saturday or not the link I guess it's the Nova Care Center watching the girls play um and it was great there were games going on at the same time teams from Pennsylvania and Jersey um it was really cool also how many parents went off and support that was there also so thank you not only to the players and coaches but for the families of the community congratulations uh at this time I'm going to ask Callahan to come up and I asked her to share with the board uh an overview of the summer programs you know every year Brenda puts tremendous amount of work into creating a program that creates availability and opportunity to all of our students so I just ask go ahead and share that with L blue light I there it goes it's coming up now it's it's warming up finally I get a fun all about things [Music] that this is just kind of evolution of what we did first got f last summer really said know Focus ownership this year that's really what we've done done a lot fac program and we also return for everybody at students done a lot we've done a lot perspective a lot leers as Environ farming it's funny during school year they do a lot to the planting and the planning but they actually never really get to see over the summer all the things that really happen in the of ular talking about live in area a lot of CPR I already and of course we're going to continue to run GR now inad of programs we run outside those programs run in June our chefs that may or may not be the the room will be everything went out through multiple media sources to All Families correct I started I think what I was able to start pay what I saw all one bu buy or is it based on number of students not it's not overwhelming usually and I get very creative last year hard D no that's the point so I haven't even had a chance to share with Brenda yet but I was here at abami today Atlanta care was doing their first job signing um eight abami students were signed up today to go working full-time for Atlanta care beginning July one so while I was here with Atlanta care their staff said hey we want to know if for next summer you guys would be interested in maybe at oakrest hosting a combined program with sixth seventh and eighth graders so right off the bat I was like well a absolutely um so it just continues as the summer program you know has grown and become more successful Atlanta Care Now wants to bring a couple of different programs together and really combine the middle school and the high school where they can which just fits another goal and another conversation that we keep having about getting the middle school students connected to our district so you know success kind of begets success it all sounds great BR thank you okay committee reports I'm going to start with um negotiations um I'm pleased to report for anybody that doesn't know that the board's team and the associations negotiation team met an made an agreement and entered into a signed MOA um I believe the union has voted unanimous you know not unanimously successfully um so anyway I just I can't say how important this is and how much I want to thank everybody on the negotiations team on the association team for all the hard work the countless hours and all the dedication that to resolve the contract successfully um I'm really looking forward that we can start next school year with a signed contract because we finished before the end of this school year so just um I really hope everybody realizes the hard work and um honest discussion um and really the care that was given to make sure that everybody was included that it was fair and Equitable and that um it benefits everyone and especially for School the students the staff and it also meets requirements to be um fiscally responsible so thank you very much to everybody that helped get that through and um looking forward to next year already any other board members have anything to report I will'll start with the students first um Claire welcome and I don't know how you guys want to do it so I have two people from Oak right you and Aliana okay okay hello everybody K just had a stellar performance this fast Friday night we also shout our appreciation to Mr cillo for this is his last ever concert here at OES we will miss him the summit will be held this Thursday June 3r and the theme this year is don't fear your future this is going to be such a great experience for all three schools a few of our track athletes made it to States the artist will be going to States this upcoming Wednesday um Tuesday we will have our principal Awards to recognize some of our students Wednesday Wednesday will be Awards night for our seniors so we are super excited to announce the scholarships to them this week is our last spirit week and we have Phil day on Friday as well as s our senior trip to six to Six Flags that Friday as well next week will be Senior week so we will have our breakfast and Lake day as well as graduation practice FTP held our annual Training Day which was really fun and we gained a lot of underclassmen who will be coming in this year so that's awesome and lastly I just wanted to thank the Board of Education my principal mystical style Claire and everyone in the respected places for having me this year it was an honor and a pleasure reporting every once a month it truly means a lot and this has been such a huge opportunity for me so thank you again thank you okay Aaliyah good evening so Creek had our prom at Renault Winery on June 24th the hiking Club took a trip to Tennessee to hike through some trails and mountains they got to experience Laurel Falls the grassy Branch Trail and Smoky Mountains the Cedar Creek Pepin and select choir along with Creek alumni Cara Grunwald commemorated our fallen soldiers at the aabra city park of the off the White Horse Pike the sprag elementary school also provided some artwork as well on firefighter day our firefighter students receiv received demonstrations from local departments and the NJ forest fire service last Wednesday a couple of our students from NHS helped out at the AC carber City Community School Field Day it was a fun day and it was cool seeing us um older students being able to interact with the younger kids who will be coming up into Creek one day also on that same day some students part of our engineering magnet took a trip to doni park for engineering day today Matt winterbottom and Riley learner attended the old grad Awards lunch on at Great Bay Country Club history was made as Riley was awarded the first female athlete at the creek to be given this award um on May 24th our J I mean June 24th sorry our jv8 crew team competed at Nationals this past Saturday our boys and girls track teams competed at group two sectionals championships at DSA Regional many athletes took home some new PRS the girls 4x1 team broke the school record for the third time this season Matthew winterbottom won sectional Champion for the 800 meters and will be competing at States Gabriel Smith the brown Kier Brigden Ryan hassa and Amal M glin will also be competing at States for their events as well for some upcoming events tomorrow night is the night of Broadway at 6:30 in our Performing Art Center principal awards are Wednesday at the car house in Galloway and senior's award night is this Friday tonight virtually thank you thank you Ben all right for abami the jazz band and choir performed on May 22nd uh we had our field day on the 24th uh we had 12 different stations which included kickball tug a war trivia Pictionary relay relay races and much more um prom was on the 31st which was last Friday um it was not at the Flanders it was at the Harris this year which we we enjoyed very much uh the urban farming students recently attended a trip to Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania our homeland security uh magnet program also recently took a trip to Boston the biology students are going to the Kate May Zoo tomorrow our physics uh all of our physics classics will be taking a trip to Six Flags on Thursday as well as our seniors will be attending the grad night on Friday uh Senior Week is going to be next week we'll start Monday off with the breakfast and then we'll have our senior awards ceremony as well as our principal award ceremony and graduation is Friday the 14th and that's it thank you thank you Ben um I'll move on to board member reports but I just want to so I don't forget this is a perfect time to do it just start with a thank you to the student Representatives um I don't know if people that remember that before this we didn't have students for a long time and uh we know I know that it's a huge commitment so coming to the board meetings getting what you needed ahead of time to be able to come prepared to share with us um keep us informed about what's happening in the schools and you share your thoughts and especially at the beginning I'm sure it wasn't easy to come and sit at the table with us but we really appreciate you being here and uh thank you for everything you brought this year to the board and wish you all good luck [Applause] [Music] [Applause] does any other board members have reports this time I'll open the meeting up to the public anyone wish to speak on an agenda item okay there's some information items listed on page two I'll move to business agenda action items business items B1 through B10 can be p on pages 2 through through four make a motion to move B1 through B10 23 4 second okay B1 through B10 have been moved and seconded any questions or comments on these business items Edmonds yes Garrison yes Gunther yes Hartman yes haa yes cly yes sorio yes Wright yes Hal yes motion is approved Transportation agenda items Transportation items T1 through t17 can be paneled on pages 5 through 8 I move T1 through t17 second second okay T1 through t17 have been moved and seconded any questions or comments on these Transportation items Garrison yes Gunther yes Hartman yes AA yes cly yes zorio yes Wright yes Edmonds yes how yes motion is approved education items I move E1 through e second okay E1 through E7 have been moved and seconded any questions or comments on these education items Gunther yes Hartman yes haa yes cly yes sartorio yes Wright yes Edmonds yes abstained from E7 Garrison yes how yes motion is approved Personnel items before we uh do the motion on there's a couple changes I need to make on Personnel items P5 on page 11 number 14 David Reeves the salary for that should be TBD to be determined not 25,000 and on page 15 number p21 number nine uh you can cross off leam McDonald it's only the one teacher McKenzie for number nine other than that everything is the same I need a motion for P1 through p24 with those Corrections I'll move P1 through p24 second okay P1 through p24 have been moved and seconded any questions or comments on these Personnel items just one question when a salary is moved to TBD is it within a range or typically had does that work that's because the contract has not been ratified yet and these are 2425 numbers thank you that makes sense then anyone else Hartman yes AA yes cly yes sorio yes abstain to p21 line number seven right yes P5 number 14 and P20 number two Edmond yes Garrison yes but obstain on p7 p8 numbers 34 and 59 and abstain on P22 number 12 yes to the rest Gunther I abstain on P5 numbers one two and three I abstain on p8 number 42 yes and all the rest what was that number on 8 p8 number 42 42 thank you how yes motion is approved um before we go on one of the things that we approved tonight was the hire of our new supervisor buildings and grounds Mr Keith Nelson and he's in the audience in the front row there Keith stand up for a second welcome District he is a am maaz Landing resident and has worked the last four years in summer point we're glad to have him welcome welcome welcome congrats thank you sir Mr R yeah um thank you uh first off I want to start off echoing uh multiple comments so far and thank the students for their time and their commitment um I really appreciate the as as uh president Hal said the time you put in for everybody to know they meet with the principles on either Fridays or usually Mondays there's other conversations throughout the span of the year um I love bumping into them in the hallways or when I'm walking the schools so I really do thank you guys for stepping up and for sharing uh an important voice that unfortunately was not heard enough um the next group of students have been elected they are not all notified that is actually literally happening like this these couple of days today and tomorrow uh but the next round of students will be ready to start with us shortly um so we've had two great Years and we're ready to start our third but thank you to all of you for the time you've put in um I shared prom pictures I hope hope everybody was able to open the link I shared the password um great great time at all three proms numbers are climbing back up again to preco numbers in terms of the number of participants which I think is a good sign um you know again to get through three proms that had close to 1,400 students participating between the three proms um is something to really feel good about at these students get into the end of the year a little bit of opportunity to celebrate um I shared a quick story with a couple of people my daughter game's prom was Friday night um and while the prom was in AC I think three quarters of Galloway and gamy decided to take their prom pictures at CIO so C view at five o'clock an hour before the prom in Atlantic City literally looks like an absam yearbook advertisement there had to be a 100 kids and and 200 parents all over the place but it was really nice to see the kids dressed up and together um shout out goes out um one of the schools mentioned the old grad award for those of you that don't know the old grad award is the top male and female athlete in Atlanta County there is actually a rubric that balances individual sucess and team success over four years and it benefits students who are involved in two or three Sports so it's not just you know three ads getting together and saying well I like like this kid it's my turn to have a winner there are numbers behind the selections um and what I was really proud of I was fortunate enough to to go today so there's 13 public and private schools so there's 26 nominees we had five of the 10 finalists five of our six students were among the finalists um and was mentioned Cedar Creek's Riley learner uh was the winner for Cedar Creek um but shout out to all five of our students and their coaches and the ads for putting in the time to to make sure that they could uh they they could have an opportunity um couple of things that have come up recently um in conversations with the principles you saw I shared with you pictures from the trip to Tennessee over the summer we're going to start working on a process for the advisers and the administrators on the trips to take good pictures and create a little bit just a little onepage abstract moving forward that we can share with the board so after those trips you get a little bit of both a visual and a written representation of some of what was accomplished on the trip because I know that was a conversation and a couple of meetings recently um and then there were some names mentioned there's there are too many kids moving on between the three schools there's over 45 kids going on to States and track but just a quick rundown for our sectional champions Matt winter botum 800 meter Cedar Creek Ryan Merino pulv Vault oest um he actually also set a South Jersey record on Saturday gamy Jada Garrett uh won the long jump again with the school record and tied I believe a meet record and what was really cool is some of the students had qualified in multiple things Jada Garrett won that she was also third in triple jump um gamy um Joy buckton was first in the javelin and then also had a third place Gabe Wilkins was second and qualified in both the D discus and the shot putut and one thing that I thought was really impressive Clayton Houston from oakrest qualified in three different events to move on to States so a lot of great things going on the past weekend in athletics um as was mentioned we're down to the last 10 days or 11 days principal Awards graduations um you know so this is the time of year there's a lot of anxiety there's a lot of emotion um at the end though it should all be as much as we can a positive so thank you all thank you okay um just want to make sure I don't forget anything um I said it before but I just want to make sure that uh the people in the audience relay it to everybody else that worked on the negotiations team for the association because I know you're they're not all here tonight and my negotiations team thank you again for all your hard work it's really appreciated um it was very much evident how much everybody cared and uh everybody was very respectful and worked hard um I also and I do this every year and I know it's you know I know you probably get tired of hearing it but um as a not just as a president of the board but also as a you know former parent uh Community member and a former teacher I know how hard the end of the school year is so just saying thank you to everyone that works in the school matter what their job is because not only for all you've done to get us here but the next couple weeks are um a lot of work sometimes and sometimes can be very very challenging so just thank you for everything that anybody that's here does and please relay to anybody else that it is appreciated no matter how big or small the job um it takes everybody to to get the students where they're where they need to be by the end of the school year and going on to be successful um a reminder to the board member that um we do have another meeting this month but don't forget the retreat in July July 13th I believe I believe so Saturday and it's usually 9: to 12 um so just make sure that's on your calendar and uh to all non-conflicted board members you should have gotten an email today with your CSA about so just um I'd like that done in the timely manner I'll send an email out but I just wanted to remind you all to check your email if you hadn't seen it yet and that is what I have for this evening so I will move on to Old business Greg question um oh what is it um the award night for Cedar Creek is virtual are all the schools doing that so the the principal awards are not virtual the principal's awards are in person right the scholarship Awards have moved to virtual because coming out of covid many of the people who used to provide us scholarships and used to come and do the presentations are no longer coming so it was actually it it runs smoother if we let those that want to submit something submit it in advance taped and then we put a program together and put it out this is admittedly a conversation where there are people on both sides that should it be in person or should it be remote um some of the pros and cons on both sides or for some students this is an opportunity for them to be recognized in front of other people there are also those situations where students were being invited or families were being invited and maybe all you know not all but what they were getting was a certificate with no monetary value and then there was some frustration I was coming here thinking I was getting an award and all I got was a certificate that my coach already told me I was going to get so um the last couple of years the buildings have created a remote where again people have the opportunity to film ahead of time with messages with congratulations and then it is shared out darl U for a point of correction I need to I knew I had to thing somewhere it's actually p8 number 69 I used it earlier on something I didn't need to thank you any other old business hey new business before we vote on the new business um the first item is a memor agreement do I need to read to the minutes for a vote resolution on Doctrine and necessity whereas the greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District board of education has negotiated a new contract with the greater EG Harbor Regional High School District Education Association and intends to ratify same on June 3rd 2024 pursuing to applicable New Jersey Law including but not limited to njsa 18a 11-11 and where as a result of the alleged various conflicts of interest Quorum of that of that board would be prohibited under the school ethics act 18a 12-21 the ACT to consider or otherwise vote on the ratification of the contract and whereas the following conflicts of interests could be alleged Mrs Gunther son-in-law is a teacher at Cedar Creek High School Mrs Garrison husband is a teacher at ABS gamy High School Mr sartorio wife is a school nurse at abs gamy and daughter is a teacher at Cedar Creek Mr Edmund's wife is a guidance counselor at High School Mr Wright wife is a teacher at rris high school whereas with a quorum of the board prevented from voting on ratification of the contract the board would not be able to take formal action thereon and whereas the school ethics commission beginning with advisory opinion a03 d98 and continuing with the resolution of February 25th 2003 advises School boards facing similar constitute similar circumstances to invoke the doctrine of necessity so as to allow formal action to be taken by the board any conflicts of interest notwithstanding and whereas the board determines in this instance that is appropriate to invoke the doctrine of necessity so as to allow the board as a whole to review and take formal action as appropriate on the contract set forth therein now therefore be resolved by the greater Egg Harbor Regional High School District Board of Education County of Atlantic and state of New Jersey that in light of the alleged appearance of conflicts of interest recited herein the board invokes the doctrine of necessity in accordance with guidance provided by the school ethics commission so as to allow all board members to review and consider the proposed contract the resolution shall be read at a scheduled public meeting of the board and shall be posted by the board secretary in a location where other public for a period no less than 30 days a certified copy of this resolution shall be filed with the board secretary by the board secretary with the commission for with being further resolved by the greater EG haror Regional High School District Board of Education County Atlantic and State of New Jersey that the board secretary shall provide certifi certified copies of the resolution to Mr Raina can I get a first and a second on that motion so moved thank questions or comments AA yes car yes sorio yes right yes Edmonds yes Garrison yes Gunther yes Hartman yes Hal yes motion is approved and then we're going to move item nb1 on its own first I move new business one second who is that sorry the second any questions or comments on this motion Carly yes sartorio yes Wright yes Edmonds yes Garrison yes hunther yes Hartman yes yes Hal yes motion is approved congratulations I move new business two three and four second there's a five five and six on the page two and five and six and yes let me see if I really move uh new business items two through new business item six have been moved in second in any questions or comments on these items sorio yes R yes Evans yes GIS yes Gunther yes Harman yes hassa yes cly yes Hal yes motions approved resolution for executive session oh I'm skipping open sorry jumping ahead had a sticky note in the way yeah any other new business I have a couple things I just want to point out to the board um one being is we have our annual lease uh that we do for technology equipment and we also have a bus uh the the bids were received on uh a few days ago and we had three biders and our low bid was TD equipment for a rate of 4.92% um the resolution we approved earlier allows me to move forward with adopting that so we don't need any further action but I wanted to let you know and then secondly I just want to give a little shout out um as you know we're part of the joint Insurance Fund um I believe through the three joint Insurance Fund there's almost 90 school districts um and we get Cyber uh insurance through that um as you know cyber insurance has some very high uh Co insurances and retentions um we have three levels we have a tier one prime which has a $25,000 retention with no coinsurance they're the districts who do the most we have everything done that we need to be done then we have a tier one which is a $50,000 retention with no Co Insurance the next level down and then we have a tier two which is $100,000 retention and 25 to insurance so out of all those districts there was only six districts that were tier one prime and one of them was greater R harbard Regional so I want to give kudos for Lang for all he's done since he's been here getting us to that level the district a lot of that's all I have awesome any other new business okay this time I'll open the meeting for the public anyone just wishing to speak on any matter May step forward good afternoon why have graduation he's going to get hiso days thank you uh Miss Warner I I do have notes from the conversations uh I will get with Mr M marrow we'll call you and we'll set up an appointment to meate okay I want to ask I guess this is an appropriate question are parents told ahead of time like throughout the year I was under the impression that teachers contacted parents by email in various ways to let them know what their children are doing or not doing um I I don't want to discuss an individual student or comment on an individual student I don't think it would be appropriate but I will say that there are a number of times throughout the year where if a student is at a certain point then yes notification is made but I again I'm not going to I don't think it would be appropriate to discuss mean this specific student I just meant General I was under the impression that periodically throughout the year teachers notify parents and students yeah okay I I'll reach out to you tomorrow with Mr McGee will set up an appointment within the next 48 hours I appr okay thank you for coming thank you ass I want to thank theard ofeducation tonight especially your hard negotiations team dialog between two groups very productive both sides to each other move forward in number of different dire we listen to first time in my 21 contract reallying forward us thank you thank you name the reason I'm here tonight is to thank all the members ofation team foration and board for their and effort memor now contract time expiration of our current contract with a fair and equable contract that was also voted for unanimously by that in front of me um that is not on your list those of us employes that have been here through multiple contracts they what I call the stars of having to grav contracts that requireed more and more and more of us contractually each year as if the job on teaching was not already increasingly more difficult I'm grateful for this new contract not just for myself but for the future of this District the Sun is setting on my career will like be my last contract but I truly love this district and great AR and it's important that we attract and maintain high quality educator staff Professionals in our building and frankly that contract so employes feel appreciated and respected repat what they are wor and I thank of me and behind me um for all of their hard work open dialogue and thank you you [Music] [Music] um clear um but it was the first time um and so I wish you could not also for the rest of Bo make sure that's in the record thank you thank you anyone else now really resolution for exec uh pursu to section 78 of the open public meeting act the following subjects will be disced discuss in a session of the Board of Education closed to the public legal issues and student matters it is anticipated that the audience mention resolution can be disclosed to the public when a decision is made upon the same or in the case of personnel issues when the need for confidentiality no longer exists formal action conclusion executive may be taken I need a motion so moved second all in favor I I those against abstaining so move okay quick break I do not anticipate it being long probably no more than 10 minutes okay kiss kiss a death right you said yeah