ums at the beginning of the year it's just thatn ATS hi second look at other in many the final so when we take a look at the beginning of this school year um you can start to see in thats inces in22 [Music] 183 but again when we look at this that's nice better so as you take a look nuances buildings um in terms of but when we look at [Music] it so in a positive we're in a positive trend and that we seeing overall H begin most a little deeper again a couple things out is you're see little uptick in HIV cases again there [Music] and then we look at those are General numbers we look at tring program we 11 trainings at that perod at the beginning of year we a lot of everybody and talking after the presentation how what's our next started um it just another [Music] angle so you mentioned 86 unique or different how many of those I think talked about this how many of those are the repeat offenders of you know of that 86 were and so none of those 86 were repeat offenders what you're saying okay students inv but you could have a student that was involved in a fight and right so I I I mean I I know that's probably not uh required for for this but I would like to see somehow us be able to show the board how many of these are actually students who are repeat offenders you know how many times a a particular student may you know and know you can't you know use the name but how how many times you know you know student a of that ab6 was you know five time you know offender you I I think we you know would be nice to know that so I I'll have that for for you at the July Retreat the buildings are already tracking all of that that was one of our goals this year they have been at as committees going in and looking at the repeat offenders and also what are the most common discipline items like what are so we've got the most common students as well as the most common issues so that has been an ongoing conversation this year that has included teachers sitting in with a assistant principles and student coordinator so we will have that for you but I will also casually say 10% of the kids are 90% of the referrals sense um the one other thing I would just add to Brenda's Hib there's a there's a concerning trend from a number standpoint in terms of alleged Hib is becoming a retaliatory tool so you file a hip complaint against my kid I go in the next day and file a hip complaint against your kid and you know we as a district are not doing preliminary assessments so we are going in and actually investigating each one and following through so some of these alleged hibs are literally as Brenda mentioned earlier ultimately they're found to be ongoing student conflict meaning Dan and I just don't like each other it's got nothing to do with any identifiable characteristic it's been this way since seventh grade it's now carried over into High School the first time my mom files a Hib referral against Dan Dan's mom comes in the next day and files a h referral against me and now we got two out of one incident so unfortunately that Trend that's happening with the alleged also and Brenda tracks that right okay this is from our at building we SP a lot of time going through all different elements the to keep in mind is that if you exceed if you met expectations everything goodess there are certain times that one building might be able to document something done oober and they with over3 andly talking about being format CH and I think they format that very bottom line moreit districts and we don't that na it's reallyy the same first and these are all and that's your coming attractions okay thank you br committee reports um for negotiations we continue to meet and continue to make progress board member reports I'd like to start with the students um Alana trying to prepare myself hello hello um choir just had their last competition at Rowan University and we received inning scores um this competition showed us how ready we are for our concert this Thursday May 30th we are so excited to to use the new light so thank you guys our AC capella vocals group made it to States as well as Melanie beona theater and also Georgia Rowley also made it to States for photography our band concert was hosted this past Friday and it was a huge Su success we even hosted our second wall of fame um our Falcon PR award went to Dave Tobias he served oakr for 47 years as a band director um the second award went to Daryl DJ camper Grammy Award winner producer and songwriter graduated in class 2008 he worked with many famous people some of you may know like John Legend user Brandy and her whom I had the pleasure of interviewing ammy G Class of 2000 is currently an Atlantic County Commissioner and was um Hamilton Township mayor William uh cheet y I knew I knew I was gonna mess it up William cheetah he was fif um he was a wait he served 15 years of um on sorry sorry a board of Board of Ed I don't know why I butchered that um these are our newest Wall of Fame inductees last Thursday we had our orientation for our incoming freshman um which was a huge turnout as well the elections to be board representative is happening at the end of this week William Grayson just hit another home run this past week against AIT this will be his second home run of his career we just held our student of the month breakfast and our staff member of the month was Mr Kirks um last but not least we have our five count Summit AT Stockton we will have one of our seniors may run out our breakout session and we will also be bringing a few sophomores to attend with us thank you thank good evening so on May 14th Creek students welcomed our seventh graders from Port Republic Mica and AC carra City our FTP program showed them around the creek and told them all the things that we have to offer this past Wednesday FTP hosted a tailgate Outreach for the Freshman there was lots of food snacks and drinks and they made two big banners which were hung up in the back Commons for the next day which was our spring freshman orientation many of our clubs and sports were set up at the tables in the gym the Cedar Creek Esports team made it all the way to State finals in female super smash BRS ultimate they played in front of an audience at stockt University this past Saturday the boys and girls track team competed at the Atlantic County championships this past Matt winterbottom took gold in the mile and Rico jpierre took gold in long jump and K Briand broke the girls pole B School record with a jump of nine feet I want to wish I want to say big congrats to Sierra skers on signing to play goalie for the Delaware Valley University lacrosse team next year last week our boys and girls crew teams moved up the ranks in the Press Elite 11 after competing strong at the county championships senior Mia McCall netted her 200th career goal for our girls lacrosse team and their victory over Atlantic City she was also named player of the week for the cape Atlantic league on May 16th for some upcoming events our boys and girls track will be competing at the cape no they'll be yeah they'll be competing at the cape Atlantic League Championship this Wednesday tomorrow will be the math Honor Society induction ceremony and this Thursday we'll be having our prom at Renault and the theme is enchanted garden thank you mine short tonight uh the absam dance showcase was on May 9th at Cedar Creek uh ACCC hosted teen Tech uh last Friday students got to go to different workshops and hear from inspiring women in their stem Journey on May 16th absam me had their freshman orientation night with lots of current students and teachers shown support for our upcoming fresh on May 17th abami hosted the county eggy media Awards with abami taking a win in best commercial best photography gallery and best formal interviews uh the boys volleyball team also struck Victory when winning the cow championship against EHT in two sets and finally the absam girls softball versus oakrest today in the Cal division finals with the win of 8 to zero they are the cape Atlantic League United division Champions making their first division win since 2009 thank you thank you any other I'll open the meeting up to the public anyone wish to speak on agenda items there are information items listed on page two I'll move on to business agenda act business items can be found on pages 2 to 5 items B1 through B13 I'll move make a motion to move B1 through B13 on pages 2 through 5 second1 Second any questions or comments on these com it's just that I was surprised maybe of I no there's now yes is that always on some of what equipment is that something new or it was always true or false I don't know it's true and false I'm sorry it it's it's just on the form that's uploaded on the right hand there's a right hand column that's just I think it's just part of the automatic report when it's generated never seen haven't been there before I'll make sure that's just S I think it was just when it was automatically up would you like an assessment true or false of that statement moving on any other comments questions about the Gunther I am going to abstain for myself um 40 2485 40 2486 in these floors he's my cousin so I assume I have to abstain I'm sorry you can obain Harman yes Passa k yes sorio yes right yes Garrison yes Hal yes everything but a stain on thank you motion approve I I assume I probably shouldn't have buy soon Transportation Transportation items can be found on pages 5-4 item T1 through t37 Amy H any questions or comments on the transportation Hartman yes haa cly yes sartorio yes rri yes Garrison yes Gunther yes Hal yes motion is approved education [Music] items second E11 P 14 and 15 have been moved in seconded any questions or comments on UC I just had two small ones on E3 what who from Cedar Creek is going to believe that is for the primary offering was to the environmental science students the environmental science magnet although other students can sign up but that was the original focus of the trip would ultimately be open to everybody yes and then on E5 prom on Thursday that's not Memorial Day Friday are they off school Friday curious no it it's unfortunately it's a decision we're making from a financial and an availability standpoint where I mean I'll say it out loud in front of a group of seniors the hope would be if they're going to cut a day they're going to cut the next day instead of the Monday after the weekend [Music] is it time for a program committee meeting yeah yes we can have one going into the summer H cly yes sorio yes right yes Garrison yes dther yes Harman yes how yes motion to approve personel items I'll move P1 through 30 on ages 15 to 20 second any questions or comments on person comment on p15 number three great higher she's are involved with her with Coach good glad to hear that thank you good [Music] good cly yes Soria right I I have I have obain cough when I no it was so yes yes to everything abstain on P3 administrators for abami and Cedar Creek P4 abstained to Teresa sorio and Jessica Soro and P10 abstained to Cedar Creek field hockey assistant coach Jessica Soro and head coach basketball Jessica Soro yes to everything else sorry about that no problem right okay abstain to P3 oakrest Administration obain to P4 Julie Wright abstained to p21 number 15 P22 number three yes to the rest Garrison I'll abstain to P3 abstain P4 chip Garrison abstain on p23 number two and yes to the rest Gunther partman Domin a yes H took the words right out of my mouth Yes motion's approved hands thank you um one of the students mentioned Esports um Christine wnac heads up kind of the district Esports program she's getting a full end of the year kind of summary together for me I'll forward that out to the board when I get it um again it continues to be a really successful program not only in terms of the students who are getting involved who might not otherwise be involved in anything else but as an example um one day last week uh Gallaway gtms Administration and staff actually came to abami during zero period to both look at our setup and also look at you know how many kids are involved and they're looking at possibly building out an Esports program at gtms so that would be then two of our middle schools creating programs specifically to kind of fall all in line with our orts so to me that that demonstrates it's a success um I wanted to kind of highlight a really cool program that a couple of oakrest teachers are involved in uh there's a relationship going with chop and it actually started outside of the biomed program but next year it's going to be transitioning into the biomedic program it had to do years ago it started off with just a grant that we won for a program tied to distractive driving as well as concussion and head injury protocols um about two weeks ago an oakrest grad from about 2005 who is now a doctor at chop specializing in concussions came back spent the whole day in the building met with our trainer went into biomed classes went into um A&P anatomy and physiology classes met with kids after school a really really cool experience they are now ramping that up last week we sent seven or eight students with one of our teachers up to chop to tour their head injury facility and next year there are going to be multiple days give and take with us sending kids up there as well as them coming down and presenting here so it's a really cool relationship um you know and as most of you know it doesn't get much better than chop in terms of dealing with youth uh and medical issues in the area um I wanted to give a shout out we had uh our graduates at ACCC uh I guess now about two weeks ago Mr cly last week last last week um Mr cly had had a graduate at ACCC it continues to be a successful program the number of students walking out of here with college credits through the duel uh the dual enrollment continues to increase um this year was down a little bit in terms of the number of students graduating who actually have the associates degree but there are more freshman sophomores and juniors in the pipeline so that continues to be a big Financial benefit for our kids um one prom down two to go I'll get together some slide presentations or some pictures for you guys to share from the proms um I'm usually not one to tooth their horn but AC press does a really really good job with photos also if you go online um um you know they always they always have wonderful pictures and they'll shoot 70 80 pictures of of kids in any given prom but I'll get a little group together for you um I know I sent you the email but I think it's worth mentioning again the teen Arts Festival was a huge success this year for the district students the number of kids that are recognized as Award winners and going or have the opportunity to go on to the state competition was was bigger than any other Performing Arts supervisors the principles or myself remember um like I said in the email to you that's not an easy day it's not an easy day on the kids some of the kids are bouncing back and forth between you know a choir presentation and 15 minutes later four blocks away the band is performing because there's so much going on in hamon that day they kind of can't worry about one kid or even one school when they're scheduling the schedule comes out and that's the program that's followed the teachers deserve a tremendous amount of credit you know if you if you think of hamon it goes um Belleview Avenue for about two blocks or three blocks and then it goes four blocks east of bellw also into some of the museums and some of the other buildings in that area too so there's a ton going on so a huge shout out to all the Performing Arts and kids um and as one uh again one of the school shared we kicked off last week ninth grade orientations in all three buildings um that's kind of phase one of getting the parents and the kids in together now the communication will start specific literature going out about summer theater about the band you know Summer band camp fall Athletics that will all now start to ramp up they are ours and officially become ours July 1 so the kids will start being around in the summer thank you um a few things the county meeting that we had uh Mrs dumper was recognized for becoming a certified board member although we think she might have already had a long time um congratulations and uh Erin sharp was there she had spoken as because she's year did a wonderful job talk said she'd already did some other talks about being a teacher so since she was talking to different Boards of Education she talked about you know the similarities sometimes between where our goals are and what we do it was very nice and it was very nice to sit there and watch somebody from our school presenting them that that capacity um Mrs was also serving 25 26 early it was cting uh I I know one of the students mentioned it but the I was here for the wall of fame um on Friday and it was very nice and just for people to remember that one of the goals that started a long time ago that we started talking about was how to we get more people aware of all the people that have gone to our schools and are successful now and get those alumni either to be recognized in some way or get them more involved again so it was very nice to see the ceremony between the people that recognized um spoke to Amy I spoke to um Billy cheum and thank them and it was just a nice it was nice to see that happen and I hope you know that that's just the beginning alumni being recognized to all the schools and then the last thing is just please make sure you let Tom know if you haven't already I'll move on to Old business I just wanted to mention that too that that it was so nice to see one of our teachers one of our faculty members was honored as teacher of the year for our County and have her speak at that dinner um I wish she could do it again in the fall when there's more people there but it was so nice to stay her and hear and recognize her thank you can I add to that she spoke at the county superintendence meeting last week um as every teacher of the year does as they get towards the end of their year um Bri Baker from abami if you remember was the teacher of the year two years ago she did the same thing what was really nice and I want everybody in this room to hear it um um Aaron spoke specifically to the superintendent about being supportive of the teacher of the year program making sure you do your nominations and making sure if you have a teacher who's recognized they get the opportunity to go and participate in all of these PD sessions and these opportunities you know and Aaron shared that when she would meet some people for when they would go to some of these meetings there wouldn't be a representative from a county and they would say oh well their District doesn't approve professional days for something like this so some of these teachers of the year in counties are not even being permitted to go and participate so um Aaron was very complimentary in front of all the county superintendents about how supportive the board her Administration have been with her being able to fully participate in that program that's great yeah anyone else Mr yeah two things um I'd like to if we could for our summer Retreat I know we've talked about it in the past and you just mentioned it before about alumni um it is something that I think we need to focus on because we have so many I mean just academic you know uh sports figures that we need to make sure that this community some some of the folks are new to this area and don't know that I mean you have folks you know like my family who's been here forever know that these you know uh students graduated from oakrest when it was just oakrest you know um you know you have doctors you have lawyers you have politicians and we need to figure out a way to get to the those people and you know I don't know I don't know just making a list but we need to figure out a way to do that and I think and I'd be happy to help with it you know to to you know come up with a way to find these folks to get them you know recognized or at least you know come back into the to the buildings and talk about what they've done it's a goal this year two of the buildings um have had some type of inauguration for different graduates this year Beyond just Athletics um that is one aspect there's kind of three different angles that we're looking at this um this year seniors are also for the first time going to get a very specific Google form fill out your personal phone number your personal email address so and then we're going to create like a a 30-day a 90day 180 day check-in with them to try and keep aware of where people are so in addition to trying to look back at some of those other notable graduates we're also for the first time going to try and create a uniform catalog of our graduates moving forward so there is effort being put into that from a couple different angles because you're right yeah and and the second thing um everyone knows you know Miss Capone Mr compon always talked about fundraising and when I look at the list scene that we're you know uh students are you know having to come up with $55,000 to go to bise and $6,000 to go to uh Europe um you know I I know there's fund raising for them but as a district I think you know we need to find other ways to help not only for those trips but even some of our other trips that our students you know have the opportunities to go on and if we can find you know fundraising Avenues between you know the corporate customers and corporate you know companies are in this area or just other ways to you know reaching out um you know could be the difference of you know another student going that maybe couldn't go you know I I hate to see someone not because they just don't have the means or even if there is fundraising Sometimes It's just tough to you know raise any kind of money you know going after family businesses get hit you know every every uh every sport every activity goes to the same pizza place asking for you know a donation we need to look at the the bigger companies you can go after them um and sometimes they need to be going after in the beginning of the year because they put their charitable monies you know out for the entire year not just you know $100 here $100 there so um but anyway I I know we talked about fundraising and I'd like to you know keep that conversation going if possible at this time I'll open the meeting up the public any wish to speak on any matter said I happen to be out the other well this is a couple months ago and I sat next to a lady at a restaurant she said oh my daughter graduated wasc like that I said oh that's great information wall get on the wall then when I went to school I found theall is um a so I was just story maybe we could do the Arts so that was what you heard talked about happened at oest Friday night oest is the first building that started it we actually started the conversation before covid and then we kind of got derailed at oest and it goes back to when I was principal we and and some of the community members helped us created we identified three or four streams of people it's staff members who made a significant contribution so Dave Tobias 47 years band director was part of the the um initial inaugural class it's graduates that went on to serve their Community Billy chetam 15 years as a board member volunteer coaching um and then there's also graduates who went on to some type of professional success Daryl camper three Grammy Award ws and producing that so that model has now been developed at oakrest and oakrest is kind of hope is already going where I hope the other two buildings follow which is that alternates years with the athletic Wall of Fame so you've got two different types of events year after year but all three principles are fully aware of that model and it's just a question of kind of getting everybody up to speed on it yes we do pursuance to sections seven and8 the open public meeting act the following subjects will be discussed in the session of the board education Clos to the public Personnel contract it is anticipated that the items mentioned in the resolution can be disclosed to the public when a decision is made upon the same or in the case and Personnel issues when the need for confidentiality no longer exists formal action inclusion of execution may be taken a motion motion second who's