11 2024 if fact could everybody please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance flag United States stand roll call please Mr NOCO Mr Kia yeah Mr Bahu Mr yeah Mr Richardson here Mr Hogan here Mr Mr L here Mr Sheen here uh Mr Richardson anybody signed up for public appearance negative thank you are there any school committee Communications hearing none uh Cameron coer our student representative is off tonight everybody has his notes in front of them approval of minutes do I have a motion to approve the April 11th 2024 minutes motion second second all in favor please say I opposed I unanimous report of the treasurer motion to wave the reading of the warrant so move second questions comments all in favor please say I I opposed unanimous a motion will approve the expenditure of 6 million 59,0 722 24 motion second questions or comments hearing none all in favor please say I I opposed unanimous there is no report of general counsel tonight Madam superintendent thank you the first item on my agenda is to recognize the top 10 students of the class of Welcome to the students the top 10 students of the class of 2024 and I'd like to extend a welcome to their families and to thank their families for their partnership and support over these last four years allowing our students to achieve academic and Technical Excellence at technical school we appreciate your sh but tonight is really about these 10 students here in front of us so I am going to begin with acknowledging the number 10th ranked student in the class of 2024 Angelie uh chup Angelie chup is the daughter of Sammy chup and Lang Chong of L Angelie is ranked 10th in the class of 2024 her technical program is Hospitality Angelie has maintained a rigorous course study including honors dual enrollment and advanced placement courses Angelie is involved in skills USA and participates in The Cooperative education program working as a barista at Starbucks Angelie is a recipient of the John and Abigail Adams scholarship and Angelie plans to attend middle sex Community College where she will be majoring in accounting the 10th rank student in the class of 2024 Angelie [Applause] chup vak vanak sck vanak is the son of Kim Sim I and so poop Chim of L vanak is ranked nth in the class of 2023 B can you step forward you want to step forward thank you bak's technical program is medical laboratory and assistant he has maintained a rigorous course study which has included honors and advanced placement courses he participates in the Cooperative education program it is employed by CVS Pharmacy vuck is a member of the greater L National Honor Society technical Honor Society and a member of the volleyball team he's the recipient of the following Awards and scholarships the Massachusetts College of farmacy and Health Sciences presidential award which is renewable over the course of the six-year program John and Abigail Adams scholarship and the special recognition award for AP biology V plans to attend the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences while he will major in the six-year pharmacy program that will result in him earning a doctorate in Pharmacy upon achieving this goal he hopes to attain a steady job in the pharmaceutical industry own his own apartment pay off all his student loans and get married out the number nth range student in the class of 2024 vak s riona Reese riona Reese is the daughter of Colleen and George Reese of low riona is ranked eth in the class of 2024 rion's technical program is design and Visual Communications she has maintained a rigorous course study which has included honors dual enrollment and advanced placement courses Rona and community activities include the National Honor Society National Technical Honor Society skills USA peer tutors and Art Club riona works at Market Basket and LOL as a cashier and is also a member of the Visual Communications Department at Gate City Church of NASA riona is the recipient of the following Awards and scholarships special recognition dual enrollment chemistry special recognition pre-calculus honors National merit scholarship semifinalist District skills USA competition first place in advertising design in her 11th grade year second place in advertising design 10th grade year in the John and Abigail Adams scholarship riona plans to attend the University of Massachusetts Lo L to earn a bachelor's degree in graphic design with the ultimate goal of finding a job as a marketing and brand manager so she can blend her passion and talent for art with her aptitude for digital design and numbers the eighth rank student in the class of 2024 Rihanna Reese Taylor Bridgeland Taylor Bridgeland is is the daughter of van and Brendan Bridgeland of LOL she is ranked seventh in the class of 2024 Taylor's technical program of study is information technology Services where she has earned multiple certifications she has maintained a rigorous course of study including including honors and advanced placement classes Taylor school activities include National Honor Society National Technical Honor Society skills USA and greater old Tex literary magazine the Griffin review Taylor also spends time in the community volunteering and taking art classes Taylor is the recipient to the following Awards and scholarships the John and Abigail Adams scholarship perfect attendance honor rooll and high honor role special recognition award Algebra 2 outstanding Achievement Award AP environmental science Taylor plans to attend Wheaten college and pursue a degree in computer science programming the number seventh ranked student in the class of 2024 Taylor Bridgeman Alyssa um Alyssa is the daughter of cath cathina latch and Shanta um of L Alyssa is ranked sixth in the class of 2024 Alyssa's technical program is design and Visual Communications she has consistently maintain her status on high honor role in a rigorous course of study includers including honors dual enrollment and advanced placement classes Alyssa is a member of the National Technical Honor Society National Honor Society and volunteers at the marac Valley food bank in her free time Alyssa enjoys drawing Alysa is the recipient of the following Awards and scholarships the John and Abigail Adams scholarship and the honors scholarship from maram college Alyssa plans to attend maram college and put the scholarship that she receives to good use she plans to pursue an undergraduate degree in Business Administration with a con concentration and Entrepreneurship the sixth ranked student in the class of 2024 Alysa um Sam Holberg Sam Holberg is the son of Donna and Mark Holberg of LOL Sam is ranked fifth in the class of 20 24 Sam's technical program is Plumbing he has maintained a rigorous course of study which has included honors classes Sam also participates in our Cooperative education program where he is employed at BAE Systems in the plumbing department Sam's school and community activities include the National Honor Society the National Technical Honor Society as well as the drama club where he has participated in several of our plays including tonight performance of radium girls that's why Sam is unable to be with us because he's right on stage in our lecture hall Sam is the recipient of the following Awards in scholarships the sophomore student of the month the outstanding Achievement Award in pre-calculus first place in the greater low Tech 2024 science fair and the John and Abigail Adams scholarship Sam is planning to continue in the plumbing field after graduation and pursue additional Plumbing class classes to achieve his apprenticeship the fifth ranked student in the class of 2024 Sam Holberg Emily Morgan tomel Emily Morgan taml is the daughter of Melissa taml and Betty J Morgan of drit Emily is ranked fourth in the class of 2024 emal's technical program is Health assisting and pre nursing she has maintained a rigorous course of study including honors advanced placement in dual enrollment courses amal's school and communities activities include skills USA chapter president National model of Excellence presenter at the 2023 and the 2024 upcoming skills USA national leadership and skills conference Junior coach student demonstrator for Drake at Pop Warner junior varsity team member of of the National Honor Society National Technical Honor Society amily completed the medical research pre-ol summer program at Georgetown University completed pen Penn State no sorry completed University of Pennsylvania early explor exploration program Emily is the recipient of the following Awards and scholarships skills USA leadership award 2023 2024 skills USA proactive award 2023 24 Schools USA in-house participation award for the health knowledge Bowl 22 and 2024 Schools USA participation award for health knowledgeable of the District 4 competition 2024 outstanding Achievement Award in anatomy and physiology honors civil medalist in the 2023 gri four skills USA nurses assisting competition first place for nurses assisant competition in 20 22 first place for Bel basic health care in 2022 the GID the questbridge scholarship and the John and Abigail Adams scholarship now I'm out of breath now plans to attend Boston University as a questbridge scholar to study cell and mo molecular biology with a genetic speal specialization the number four rank student in the class of 20 when Kang W Ken kov is a daughter of Ting wov and Shanta long of drit w Kang is ranked third in the class of 2024 wien likes to be called Kate so I will continue with this calling her Kate Kate's technical program is medical laboratory and assisting she has maintained a rigorous course of study including honors advanced placement in dual enrollment courses Kate also participates in the Cooperative education program where she works as a pharmacy technician for long-term Pharmacy Solutions Kate's school activities include National Honor Society National Technical Honor Society peer mentoring and peer tutoring Kate is the recipient of the following Awards and scholarships perfect attendance high honor ooser 10 training outstanding achievement in medical assisting shop and CP chemistry special recognition Awards in Geometry honors and Algebra 2 honors Schools USA State silver medalist and medical math and the John and Abigail Adams scholarship Kate plans to attend suffk University and study radiation therapy the third ranked student in the class of 2024 for Kate [Applause] CU Paige Maddie Paige Maddie is the daughter of Sarah and Je Maddie of Ja Paige is ranked second in a class of 558 students and is the salutatorian of the class of 2024 PA's technical program is Med medical laboratory and assisting she has consistently achieved High honoral and maintained a rigorous course of study including honors advanced placement and du enrollment courses Paige also participates in the Cooperative education program where she works as a medical assistant for Hill Eye Associates in drait Pages school and community activities include basketball varsity volleyball Varsity softball and the National Technical Honor Society National Honor Society Paige is the recipient of the following Awards and scholarships outstanding achievement in medical assisting award special recognition award in anatomy and physiology the coach's award in softball and the John and Abigail Adams scholarship Paige plans to attend middle sex Community College where she will pursue an associates degree in Health Pathways after which she will pursue a career in Radiology the second ranked student and the salutatorian of the class of 2024 Paige mdy Alexander Manville Alexander Manville is a son of Kevin and Kelly mandville of drit Alexander is ranked first in the class of 558 students and is the valid dictorian of the class of 2024 Alexander's technical program is information technology Services where he has earned multiple certifications and has also maintained a rigorous course of study incling including honors dual enrollment and advanced placement courses Alexander has competed in the UMass l math competition over the last two years and participates in The Cooperative Ed education program where he's employed at BAE Systems in nashille New Hampshire where he is part of the RFID group RFID is used to track assets as they move through the country and Alexander works on troubleshooting hardware and making Python scripts Alexander is the recipient of the following Awards and scholarships outstanding Achievement Award in pre-calculus honors special recognition award in Information Technology Services High honorable Massachusetts student Achievement Award for the 2022 mcast Dean's academic scholarship at UMass L and the John and Abigail Adams scholarship Alexander plans to attend the University of Massachusetts L where he plans to pursue a bachelor's degree in computer science in the future he hopes to work as a software engineer and move to New Hampshire and have a good amount of land money the number one ranked student and the valid dictorian of the class of 2024 Alexander Manville so congratulations to all of our uh Scholars this evening we are very very proud of your academic and your technical achievements and uh we want to congratulate you we also want to thank your families for their support and all they've done uh all they've done to allow for for your success yes I do also take dual enrollment courses I just during the writing thing I act I put D de assuming that you would know that my dual enrollment so we want we want to let everyone know that Taylor Bridgeland also takes do the rollan courses yes Taylor thank you for letting us know we appreciate that if that's okay we we we will acknowledge that so you should be proud of that you should be acknowledged for it thank you all again and I'm going to shake everyone's hand because we are proud of you you should be proud of yourself and all of your accomplishments so thank you my hands a bit slight congratulations conratulations congratulations [Music] congratulations good job speaking up to your like let me know when you get that land I'll be to [Music] see if there's any land left up yeah was the to it doesn't matter salor Mr get you sorry drga Tau you this year again it's neither here nor there sir neither here nor there sir top two kids from Dr six that's talk two kids from Dr salori and Val Victorian Dr got you I can give you the six more thank you thank you I'm going to move my seat now kids I went to school lucky to get out the fourth year okay we're lucky have middle six one us thank you Mrs inario for arranging our celebration this evening thank you thank youy thank you thank you so the next item my my agenda I'm happy to inform the committee that great Technical High School has been awarded several grants the first grant is a Career Technical initiative round nine grand in the amount of $480,000 these funds will be used for training and placement at a total of 60 adults in electrical welding and carpentry to begin June 2024 awesome I'm happy to inform you that I have an update to that letter that I would like to share with you so it's even more than $480,000 we have received an additional $160,000 to that $480,000 to include in our training Plumbing uh and a placement of 20 adult students so we're very happy that we are uh doing some significant adult training in the evening and grle old Technical High School is really becoming a a uh training for the community so the next item on my agenda is uh another Grant being awarded uh this grant is for $20,000 to support CNC CNC manufacturing programs from the Gan hos foundation and up to 25 200 of these funds may be used towards sponsorship for competition such as skills USA a copy of the letter was included in your packet and lastly we have been award awarded a fast for completion Grant and the amount of $1 13,380 to help improve the 2024 2025 fast fasta completion process and to maybe raise the rates of high school seniors uh who reside in Gateway cities completing the FASA a copy of this letter was also included in your packet moving on to the next item uh on the agenda is the Cooperative education report you have this report in your packet and this uh report is for the month of April uh what was provided indicates a total of 238 senior students on Co-op representing 43% of the class of 2024 one of the highest percentages that we've had for co-op in many many years as well as 113 Junior students out on Co-op representing 20% of the class of 2025 actually that has increased so I have an update from that number of the report that's in your packet to date we have 22% of the Juniors out on Co-op so uh 100 more placements than 2023 at this time so again thank you to Stacy banson and Brian Jones for for working to increase our Cooperative placements as well as our Co-op employers the next item on my agenda I will be seeking approval to offer senior students the ability to purchase the Chromebooks that they are currently using for a dollar this is something we've offered over the last several years to our senior students the version of the Chromebooks that they have are currently no longer being supported by Google so this means that you know it this means that uh we're not able to produce security up updates on these computers so uh we'd like for them to be able to purchase them and put them to use uh because uh securing Security on the computers is important to us in the district and if we can no longer secure the secure the uh device we would like to have them be able to purchase so the students can possibly use them when they leave I'll make the motion this is just for seniors yeah only for yes a second second questions comments all in favor please say I opposed unanimous thank you the next item I'll be seeking approval of the 2024 2025 school calendar which is also in your uh packet does anyone have any questions or concerns regarding the school calendar your a motion to approve yes second uh questions or comments hearing none all in favor please say I I opposed it's unanimous so the next item on my agenda is I will be seeking approval for four outou of State travels so they're all separate so I'll need separate approvals for each out of state travel the first request is for skills USA national leadership and skills conference in Atlanta Georgia from June 24th to the 29th as a result of the state conference there will be 11 students and five five advisers attending the breakdown of the cost has been provided in your packets and I'm looking for your approval of a total of $ 37,1 35 this total includes flight registration meals and expenses for the 11 students in five advisers that we will be attending Nationals second questions comments hearing none all in favor please say I oppos it's unanimous the second the second request is for the outdoor track Nationals in Eugene Oregon from June 12th to June 14th senior student Dennis DJ moat will be competing and two coaches will be sh aaroning the breakdown of the cost was also provided in your packet now I'm looking for your approval of a total of $ 7,846 and77 this includes flight hotels meals and expenses for senior student DJ MOA and two of his coaches to attend the track Nationals in Eugene Oregon I'll make the motion second questions or comments all in favor please say I I posos unanimous the third request I would like to call up uh our dean of students uh Mr Ron vers alone with Michael Morgan one of our students who will be talking about uh we'll be making a request I should say to attend the edge of leadership training in bradle bro Vermont this is something that we've done for several years and I think Michael is here to talk about why it's so important to continue doing this okay so like I said said Morgan I'm a junior here at g in engineering and so I'll briefly talk about like the E experience I know you might guys might have heard about it the beginning of the year from students who went um this past summer which was my first year going so I know I can speak on behalf of I think everyone that went and it's a great um Outdoor Experience right um I think it's a good like disconnect from like the techn knowledge of anything else but I think I think the big part of it is the leadership aspect and how it really breaks you out of your comfort zones it teaches you how to lead a group facilitate a group it teaches you how to um explore the unknown a lot of it was you know you never climbed a fidget foot tree before well guess what you get the harness on today and you're going up and yeah it was it was a lot of trust lot of team building you go up with 20 some odd students that you may have never met before and within 48 hours you're trusting each other to put in tricks and climate trees you know High elements low elements all those team building exercises um but after we came back from that trip uh we came back here and we facilitated some of the things for staff and students one of the things was an Administration Retreat um which Miss Davis was a part of um not climbing any trees though not any trees we did have some I stayed on the ground but Mr Barton did climb yeah Mr Mr Barton went up the rock wall remember the pictures yeah um Mr bamp went up the rock wall uh I don't remember if Mr CA was there at all um yeah a lot of good times it was a really good experience because um there was a group of maybe 10 to 15 students who were we kind of like SWA the roles right so the administrators then become the students and the students became the teachers and I think that's that was the biggest part of the edge of leadership experience was flipping that role and making everyone in equal and seeing how even though it's kind like the old dog do trick not saying you guys are old like you know um well some of them are it's okay too far [Laughter] off so I saw Michael you also did some other things besides just the Leadership Retreat you work in the program if I'm not mistaken with with the uh incoming freshmen and do some leadership and building so it's sort of train the trainer once they get trained in leadership they practice those skills with other students and it's a growing po population of students how many students now have gone to edge of leadership and are part of this leadership program for students um so the past 3 years done uh the past two because of so past two years um been group about 20 kids so somewhere between 40 50 kids have gone yeah um several advisers um teachers have got and hopefully this year we can send another 22 students to go and um yeah we've brought all the experience back into here because we can't send all 2300 students up to Vermont um to go on overnight trip so we brought some of that back here so they can help facilitate and through project Adventure through project Adventure through uh professional development days with the teachers which was the same thing you know we kind of facilitated for them the new teachers the new teachers we've done all that too and that's the biggest part is bringing it back here and showing everyone that experience terrific awesome very so we're looking for approval uh Mr ver alone do you want to what do we look what's the amount for that I think it's $14,300 correct 22 students and four adults or 23 students and three adults to Vermont for uh 3 days two nights that includes everything for that the same program that comes back and talks to us every yes Mr bone coordinates this program yes it's the edge of leader it's edge of leadership so it's been a while yeah so I I came here in 2017 and we sent our first group in 201 18 so we did 2018 2019 um we had stop for and then we had a stop for Co for a couple of years and they reinstituted two years ago so I remember talking about her last year know it's it's it's a wonderful program it's it's helped students develop leadership skills and then spread those leadership skills to other students by coming back and and uh doing similar activities like Michael said we can't send everybody up there but uh if we spend small small groups and they bring the experience back and share it with other students so thank you Michael for that thank you Michael for that presentation and thank you Mr verone thank motion approve by Mr GI a second by Mr Hogan any further questions or comments hearing none all in favor please say I oppos unanimous thank you guys thank you thank you thank you so the last request is for automotive instructor Mr William shrimp to attend the prop the propane Auto gas vehicle inspection training as a result of receiving a $7,500 training Grant all expenses are covered through this grant with the exception of flight and meal allowance so information was included in your packet and we're looking for your approval of a total of $585 motion by Mr Hogan second by Mr Moren all in favor please I oppos unanimous so uh I'm going to ask du to the absence of the assistant superintendent principal permission to table the approval of the handbooks that were in listed in the agenda until the June meeting motion by Mr Hogan to table agenda items 9 10 and 11 seconded by Mr Gio uh to the June meeting uh questions or comments all in favor please say I I post unanimous and that that is the end of my report for this thank you m DAV awesome thank you thank you uh There Are No Agenda items for the business manager tonight uh all business is still there there are no business anybody have anything for new business committee person motions report of any subcommittees all right moving along uh executive session we have two uh orders of executive session tonight number one would be executive session pursuant to Master General law section 30A 21 a-3 to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if any open meeting may have a detrimental effect on bargaining or L litigation position of the public body and the chair so declares for the following groups maintenance security par professionals administrators and cluster chairs the second part of executive session is executive session pursuant to Mass General laws thir a section 21 a-2 to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union Personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with non-union Personnel would be the assistant principal we will need to return to open session uh for any votes that will be a yes at this time we'll take a brief recess and we will uh come back and open session for any votes motion to do that second all in favor please say I opposed unanimous uh we'll be back folks Mr L yes Mr she yes right we need four motions the first motion I'm going to ask to approve motion to approve a three-year contract for the administrators in July 1 2024 to July 30th 2027 so Mo Mr chairman is there a second second l call Mr gain Mr Moren yes Mr Richardson yes Mr Hogan yes Mr L yes Mr Sheen yes is there a motion to approve a three-year contract for the assistant principal as proposed July 1 2024 July 30 2027 motion yes Mr G yes Mr yes Mr Richardson yes Mr Hogan yes Mr L yes Mr Shan yes if there's no objection I'd like to take the next three and roll it in one motion nobody has any objection like to hear a motion to approve a three-year contract starting on July 1 2024 ending July June 30th 2027 for the following maintenance Personnel security personnel par educator organization so move Mr chair second roll call Mr gchen yes Mr yes Mr Richardson yes Mr Hogan yes Mr lame yes Mr Sheen yes motion to adjourn motion second yes well I apologize I need one more motion that was a drill I need a motion to approve a three-year contract for a cluster chairperson is commencing on July 1 2024 ending June 30th 2027 second second roll call Mr Gan yes Mr yes Mr Richardson yes Mr Hogan yes Mr lame yes Mr she yes all right now a motion with John second all in favor please say IE good night everybody thank you very much