locations over the phone please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance IED Al to the flag United States of America naice roll call please Mr G yeah Mr Baho Mr Moren yeah Mr Richardson here Mr H pres Mr lame Mr noo Mr Shen here uh Mr Richardson anybody signed up for public appearance negative thank you sir uh school committee Communications are there any school committee Communications hearing none um report of our student representative Cameron was UN aable to join us tonight but the report has been provided to all the members to read at their leisure approval of minutes do I hear a motion to approve the minutes from March 21st second questions or comments all in favor please say I I opposed it's [Music] unanimous I have a motion to wave the reading of the warrant so moved second second questions or comments all in favor please say I I I oppos it's unanimous do I have a motion to approve the expenditures of 3,528 481 in three cents second questions or comments hearing none all in favor please say I I opposed unanimous there is no report of general counsel tonight uh report of the superintendent director go ahead Miss Davis thank you uh unfortunately this evening uh the first item on my agenda I was going to have uh Joyce Philip uh one of our students uh who was on Leed with being accepted into uh West Point Preparatory School uh but unfortunately Joyce is unable to join us because she is committed to to track and uh there is an unexpected Track event this evening so I would like to ask that we reschedule uh Joyce's appearance here CU I think uh to recognize and honor her before the committee is is very very important for this prestigious achievement so I'm asking that we can move uh Joyce's visit to the with us to May 16th meeting absolutely absolutely so the next item on my agenda I'd like to welcome and recognize uh some of our educator Rising club members so I'd like to invite uh advisor Lyn D Roes along with Junior students Molly Cronin Ella Keef and yamila EST Strada up to come uh to come and speak these students along with Navaya McGrath Place second in the states in the interactive bulletin board contest held on March 1st at UMass L for the educator Rising which qualified them to go to Nationals along with first place winners in the children's literature competition sophomores um and Amilia pra and our first place winner in the teacher created materials competition sophomore Anna sophomore Emma fud tril uh so I'm going to H invite the students to share with you uh about their experience and why they're here tonight uh to ask your approval for them to participate in the national competition in Washington DC on June 27th through July 1st which requires approval by the committee and also uh there is a cost with this and approval for the cost uh of the seven students and two chaperon which is a total of $1,868 this includes the registration the flight hotel and meal call but with no with no further Ado I'd like to have our students share some of their exper experiences with the committee um good evening committee members I'm mly Cronin I'm Ella Keef I'm y sh um Educators Rising is a community- based model that allows students to develop strong leadership traits found in high quality Educators by offering various opportunities for student leadership in educator Rising club we meet weekly to talk about ways we can influence our school and support our teachers and staff we have also met with people in our school to talk about their career paths and how they got to that point we have gone through the club on we've gone to the club sorry through the club we have gone on college tours guest speakers and committed at the state competition at the state competition held at UMass Lowel we play second in the category of interactive bulletin boards our bulletin board was based on special education and students with higher needs and how we can all accommodate and be aware of these Learners um in public education I plan on going to college to become an early child to teacher I plan on pursuing a career in speech language myology and I plan on becoming a school psychologist um at the national competition in Washington DC we will get the opportunity to compete against other amazing schools be around people who have a love for Education like ourselves and show off our hard work on our interactive bulletin board awesome we could ALS we would also get the chance to experience our nation's capital sight seat and represent our school at Nationals thank you for considering giving us this opportunity to attend the conference and have a great rest of your night before you go we'd like to congratulate you on your wonderful achievement at the state level thank you thank you thank you and I'll uh offer it up to the committee to speak in regards to Nationals so I'll be looking for their approval to be able to send seven students along with their two uh advisors to uh the Nationals in Washington DC to participate and hopefully bring home some national medal y that would be great that would be great lots to do you'll have Funt lot to do you guys have worked hard you deserve it nice job very nice I'll make the motion to uh the educator second uh any further questions or comments all in favor please say I I I opposed unanimous congratulations ladies exactly you guys did a nice job best of luck yeah be careful where they going see if we can we take the kids down what dat thank you congratulations thank you it's a great one yeah six more driver ones we've had great success with already educator Rising Club this is year two and we're already sending students to the state and National level so we should be proud of our students and thank you for that approval the next item on my agenda is the Cooperative education report uh the the report that you were provided in your packet indicates 232 senior students which is 42% of the class of 2024 that is out on Co-op and 60 Junior students which is 11% of the class of 2025 uh out on Co-op uh I do have an update after speaking with uh Miss bansen uh by the end of this month uh she is proposing that uh 330 total students will be out on Cooperative education experiences so that is one of the highest numbers that we have had here at gral Old technical School in a very long long time so once again thank you to Stacey banson and Brian Jones who are working very hard to uh get our students out on Co-op and practicing their technical skills any questions no it's good stuff unbelievable uh the next item on on my agenda I'd like to ask the committee's approval to accept a donation totaling $4,525 from the Great L Community Foundation Grant made possible through the recommendation of Donor advised funds of the $4,525 donated $1,272 was donated from the meramac Valerie rotary club for the Lawrence L day Memorial Scholarship fund for Tool scholarships and $3,230 was donated from the mark and Alisia Saab for the gal Technical High School student activities fund to provide annual support for Student Activities and a copy of the letters were included in your packet I'd like to extend a sincere appreciation to the greater L Community Foundation and to our donors for supporting our students and school Community y motion to accept second second questions or comments all in favor please say I I I I postan I have another approval to accept another donation this one totaling $2,638 88 from the staff at LOL General Hospital These funds will be used to assist students in the health and medical assistant programs that that are in need of financial assistance to purchase uni form supplies in their testing fees for their CNA and CMA certifications make the motion with the to accept the donation second questions or comments all in favor please say Ian and again I'd like to extend my appreciation to All General Hospital for their support of our health and medical assisting students we appreciate their partnership absolutely uh next I'll be asking the committee for approval for the 2024 25 school committee meeting schedule which is in your packets does anyone have any questions or concerns with the dates provided yes Mr chairman if maybe we could uh move out the August 22nd meeting and I'm not sure when school opens but to August 29th to extend the uh summer break for our school committee members who uh work tirelessly here to make real Tech a wonderful place that it is it's a great motion thank you I appreciate I you should second it I'll second it I wouldn't have expected the meeting date is moved [Music] to too it's going to be the 29th instead of the 22nd the last date the last and make sure you're here you hear me is there a motion to approve the uh the meeting schedule with the change of August 29th second second all in favor CL uh the next item on my agenda I'd like to invite Lisa Martinez our director of Technology enrollment and information uh to speak to you this evening regarding school choice hi Lisa hi how's everyone tonight very good how are you good good good um so so we every year um we have to decide whether we're going to participate in school choice again for the next year and so the uh past uh years that I've been here uh we have participated in school choice and so want to vote on uh to to continue with that so I'd be looking for your approval do we want to continue to be part of school choice if so we need a vote Mr chair how many kids do we have in the program so I think we sure I can give you the numbers we actually do not have anyone in in the school choice program because they actually get placed at the end of our waiting list and our waiting list has been extensive of the past um you know several years but we keep it open just in case it ever it ever happens and uh we're able to take students who do want a technical education and give them the opportunity but right now more students in our district mon technical education than we can allow for I'll make the motion to approve the St for second second uh any further questions or comments hearing none all in favor please say I iOS unanimous thank you very much thank youis have a good night you too and uh that is the end of my report for this evening thank you thank you very much report of the business manager Mr Knight all right good evening so I have an amendment to the current year fy2 24 budget uh for you tonight and I've broken it down into a couple different uh bullet points because it's a little bit of a it's going to get a little bit confusing here um so the first bullet point is something that we've been doing for the last few years where the department of Ed likes to see us move in the expenditure amount that we were short net School spending from the previous year um so that total is [Music] 9,117 um so we're going to increase the budget by that amount now the second bullet point stems from the move that we had made in the budget last year where we were funding our some of our capital projects outside um from money from our adult ed programs and our I guess our fee for service programs uh when these get moved into the budget it affects the net School spending requirement it actually decreases the amount that we're spending on net School spending so it made it look like we were deficient from the net School spending amount uh buy an additional $1.5 million which we weren't uh it was just about the mechanics of how we were moving the money in and out so they prefer that that or so that needs to move primarily to a balance sheet transaction that won't then affect the net School spending requirements um because we're doing makeup charges from previous years and then in the in the years that we can amend um we're going to use we're going to amend the budget to include the dollar figure transfers from The Adult Ed funds um and then supplement to make up from that amount by the use of excess and deficiency um we certified just over 1.3 million in excess and deficiency uh we're planning to use 200,000 in next year's budget this budget amendment now calls for another $2 200,000 in this year which would pull us a little bit below a million dollars um but things like unti ated revenue from uh interest on our savings accounts and um you know just some other programs that we get reimbursement from that we don't necessar necessarily know we coming every year uh will flow to excess in deficiency anyway so we're easily going to make up that 400,000 that we're using between this year's budget and next year's budget after the Amendments um but just about the mechanics of how we have to move money around to make sure we meet those minimums um so the second move requires a reduction in the other financing sources which was the move into the budget um from those adult end funds of 1,366 6487 cents a reduction in the um Associated expenditure of that um as as well that was used for the capital funding uh again we're still going to be able to do that it's just going to take place on the balance sheet rather than inside the budget itself and then uh an increase uh to the use of EX an increase to our use of us and deficiency by $200,000 um and then I've moved that money into our substitute line currently because that one looks like it's going to be deficient so that's a place that we can use um that funding that'll make up for that shortfall in net School spending so when all is said and done we're going to look to amend our fy4 budget uh to a new Total dollar figure of 59,2 53,486 125 so there's a lot of numbers here um how much is it changing our budget too cuz I don't have my budget book right here is it um um it's it's actually a just a slight actually um you know I I don't have that dollar figure in front of me I want to say it's actually a slight increase uh by about the difference of it was a $1.5 million move into the budget less the 1,366 648 that we moving out um so what's that $3,003 ,000 less but then we're moving 200,000 in excess and deficiency and to meet the um miss or to meet the shortfall so if that's 1 134 minus the 200 it's about a $60,000 increase their give or take that's just real quick back of the envelope sure and our um our um dend will be at about 2 half% uh we'll be a little bit estimated right now that that 1.3 million on the 59 million um I don't know what that is percentage wise but we were shooting closer to like 2% we weren't we weren't quite up to two and a half a little bit below that and after our project is done it will begin to increase again yeah it'll it'll start coming back um we should actually probably be pushing I would guess we're going to be closer to the 4% Mark um after I close out after this year closes out so when we get certified next January February time frame we'll probably push in or maybe even a little bit over great thanks any other questions for Mr Knight motion approve second all in favor please say I I oppos thank you sir thank you than you Mike does anybody have anything under old business anybody have anything under new business any committee person motions report of any subcommittees I'll entertain a motion to enter into executive session pursuant to Mass General law 30A section 21A number two to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union Personnel to condu to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with non-union Personnel there's non Personnel District Treasurer senior assistant principal assistant principal School business administrator and school committee recording secretary we might need to return to open session for any votes after executive session yes we will motion to enter an exec session the motion uh second second all in favor please say I I I will take a short recess and enter thank you we just all right we call the meeting back to order uh call please Mr G Mr Baho yes Mr Pur Mr Richardson yes Mr Hogan Mr lame yeah Mr Shen yes all right do I hear a motion to approve a 4% salary increase for 2024 2025 school year for the following non-contractual employees senior assistant principal assistant principal School business administrator school committee recording secretary motion to approve move is there a second second second oh hold on this is non contractual nonc contractual correct okay second okay Mr Gia yes Mr Bahu yes Mr Moren yes Mr Richardson yes Mr Hogan she yes Mr lame I get one twoo Mr Sheen yes is there a motion to renew the one-year District treasurer's contract to include a 4% cost of living increase motion to approve yes roll call Mr get here yes Mr B yes Mr Moren yes Mr Richardson yes Mr Hogan yes Mr lame yes Mr Sheen yes motion adour no no I'm sorry I need the motion the um do I hear a motion to approve a 4% salary increase for the assistant superintendent and the superintendent motion a second second broll call Mr Gia yes Mr bah yes Mr yes Mr Richardson yes Mr Hogan yes Mr L yes Mr Sheen yes right motion second all in favor I I thank you thank you very much everybody thank you thank you congratulations Mr chairman on running a very efficient meeting you know town I think it's City people I [Laughter] saying myself Mr Richardson Mr Moren great town people you City guys live live oh another T we're one big happy yes we are yes we are can you ask to sign please that shaking what is this one more money Kelly It Ralph she like we me call man can you hold down I I got tell you we teachers