is Christopher and Jamie Bunch uh it's 41 Acres at 2321 Highway 71 South WEA hitch Florida 32465 parcel number 02652 d00r section 36 Township 4 South Range 10 West uh they're requesting an approximate 041 acre land use change from residential to mixed commercial residential all right thank you sir the planning board uh voted 3 and0 to approve this land change all right thank you sir anyone here want to speak on the issue please step forward all right you have any objection with us waving the quasa judicial hearing yes sir entertain motion to wave quasa judicial to Move Motion commissioner mccrone second by commissioner far all right anyone in public against waving quaza judicial any opposition to the motion all right motion pass Five minut go ahead and introduce yourself name is Chris Bunch uh 987 West Creek viiew Drive we hka here today for approval for landing sh change for uh our property 2321 Highway 71 South all right go ahead Mr D uh yes sir Mr chairman um this property was sold to the bunches um as Mix commercial residential property also being in the city of WEA hitchko which was a mistake by the realtor um the bunches bought this property uh wanting to put their nursery on the property and it was when they come into the planning department to find out what was the next steps what they needed to do next that I informed them that this was actually um residential low density property and that they couldn't put the nursery there unless they had a land use change um and so that's why they're here today for the land use change any questions Commissioners for Mr Bunch or Mr Crane all right one more time what's the what the the pdrv voted pdrb recommended three to three to zero vote to approve this land new change all right thank you sir all right can I get a vote to weigh the formal reading so move all right motion by commissioner mome second by commissioner husman anyone in the public against waving the formal reading any opposition to the motion motion passes 5 and0 all right what's the wishes of the board all right motion by commissioner husman to approve second by commissioner Rich any further board discussion anyone in the public on this one all right any opposition to the motion motion pass 5 and0 thank you sir good thank you guys all right moving on down to item 10 city of Port St Joe demolition requests you going we receive these two uh requests from the city uh I'd recommend that we uh assist as we have been they pay the tip fee we do the tear Downs I don't want this to become a a free service but it this in this this case it's it's a benefit to the public I do think we need to uh well that's all all right any any questions on this commission all right entertain the motion we move forward so Move Motion by commissioner mome second second by commissioner farell any further board discussion anyone in the public all right any opposition to the motion all right motion pass 5 and0 all right M I'll try to be fast c g take us away uh low bid on 23 2406 Roberts and Roberts one million [Music] all right motion by commissioner far second second by commissioner MCC any further board discussion any is that is that the whole Loop is that just ruford that's the whole good okay which was a great price I was expecting it to be significantly higher than that y anyone in the public on this beid award any opposition to the motion motion pass for and0 one with one exstension uh update on Old business the seller Mr cson backed out of the sale uh for that land swap uh so no harm no foul so I'm negotiating with St Joe for a piece of property that borders they're the only other person other than desire that borders the buffer preserve other than Mr C actually that's not quite true I think Mr R owns a little piece but he's not interested in selling so uh I'll try to bring something back to you maybe at this special meeting if we can get a deal on the swap for to get the parking lot for the Country Club um I've also talked to the gr grading contractor and I'm ready to drop the hammer whenever you are so i' they've either got to straighten it out or not uh again they pulled a good person off put a less experienced person on and and again I'm somewhat sympathetic we don't to get back to business but uh uh it's not cutting it so you just let me know and I'll just be on standby uh great meetings uh commissioner husman and and commissioner Ferell said earlier uh with do uh Deo Commerce CFO Patronis a lot of good things happening uh we need a little help with some of those folks in moving some projects along met with uh Senator Simon uh we've got some great consultants and I appreciate y'all let me hire Consultants to help us because they surely uh help in this process uh but overall I think we said enough today good we we do have someone that didn't make the uh the list that signed up to talk in case he's got those yeah Ronald quacken Bush and he um provided a packet so in your packet it'll be pages 4 through 14 Ronald you can come up let's introduce yourself Mr quacken Bush I'm Ronald quen Bush I represent myself and my wife Phyllis okay and our property is at 230 Pebble Beach for St Joe fla go ahead I'm pretty pretty humble after all I've heard today as you'll see in my packet I had served in your position for eight years and served 24 years as a part-time fiscal board member in uh Indiana and we've been coming to this area for about 30 years and built a property about 23 years ago and now we're retired and spending about six months out of the Year here in Florida uh I as my cover letter States I'm requesting a waiver from item a of the Gulf County accessory structure permit application requiring a operational plan and seal the project I'm proposing requires three additional 6x6 posts and just normal construction procedure for an open deck on our house and that's about all I have to say okay it's been a busy day and I don't mean to take any more of your time I'm very impressed by your your court boardroom here and I'm going to take a picture of it home with me yes sir yes sir appreciate so uh baile you want to speak on this you had a chance to look at this yes sir uh I have I have spoken through email back back and forth with Mr quen buus here a little bit uh he has proposed to uh his application was to build an elevated deck around his home uh and and according to our ordinances and also within he's within a mile of of the uh coastlines that all construction on habital dwellings be engineered following what he's trying to do here on top of that so we told him that he had to have engineering we did not deny his permit we just told he had to have engineered plans to come back before us so that we could approve his permit okay his his office and staff were very Cooperative very friendly very informative to me and Mr Bailey and my last correspondence with him was I asked him if I could appeal and his answer was you have the right to appeal anywhere you like and so that's why I'm here I just chose your group because I knew that was the top of the line I wasn't going to go through all those other boards I just came here got and that's why I'm here if you say no it's no if you say yes I'll proceed okay thank you for your time all yes sir all right board members you got any questions my question is have we ever done this Mr chairman no we even your certified contractors in g county has to follow our okay engineer plans okay pardon yeah that's what I was Mr ba explain to yeah we suffered through two hurricanes without too much problem so the only time that I think that that we have or would give a variance on this if it were on the ground if it falls or falls apart it's not going you know we got sued a few years ago with a deck but you know this has been a rule for a long time on the on the cape and it's elevated so I mean the chances you know and again I'm not saying he don't build it perfectly and whatnot but you know 20 years from now when the next owner owns it or whatever and they got 40 people on it and it laes they going to look back and say who who who designed it who engineered it who inspected it why did it fail so that's that's the whole reason so okay all right what what board we never I mean we've never done this motion okay all right motion by commissioner husman to deny second by commissioner rich all right any further board discussion anyone in the Public Public all right any opposition to the motion motion pass Five and0 all right sorry Mr qu Bush all right board members you got anything all right thank everyone for coming out to the board me entertain a motion to adjourn motion by commissioner farell second by commissioner Rich any opposition motion pass 5 and0