I Ali to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all all right good morning to everyone we have a few items on the uh on the agenda this morning the first item we'll go to is uh let's just move it around up let's get to the insurance first item B chairman the last page of my packet so you approved yesterday to do the Life Health dental uh and you got some preliminary numbers on workers comp liability and property casualty these are the actual rates uh that the board will be contributing to the employee uh employee only employee spouse employee children and family coverage uh and these cont contribution changes uh should the employee choose the second plan would have no increase in premiums to the employee so our recommendation to ratify these numbers please right thank you sir any questions Commissioners I a motion we ratify these changes so Move Motion by commission far second for discussion right second by commission hus you have the floor yes sir thank you just to be sure um so a dual spouse secretary so they would get both those numbers for primary and secondary yes sir so the maximum benefit to the employee is a 100% coverage of insurance so the first individual only when you have dual employees gets the um the spouse rate um and then the second one gets either the employee only rate or whatever it takes to fully pay for insurance so that's why it's less on the secondary for the employee spouses because those two numbers total give them 100% paid Insurance okay all right thank you good yes sir thank you yes sir any more questions Commissioners all right anyone in the public any questions concerns reference and insurance any opposition to the motion right motion pass Five and them Clay's got a couple bid uh announcements good morning uh two bids we want to take uh recommendations to you today on the first one is Bid 232 24-14 was St Joseph a golf club uh Pro Shop Edition our recommendation is to award to the low bidder monolith construction uh including their base bid and the bid alternate so that award amount will be $473,500 all right thanks sir sir any questions Commissioners I entertain the motion we award low bidder move to approve motion by commissioner farell second second by commissioner Rich any further board discussion on this I need to abstain chairman okay thank you sir any other board discussion all right anyone in the public on this on the public any opposition to the motion all right motion pass for and0 with one extenstion next Bid is Bid number 23 24-15 this is the bowler replacement our recommendation is to award to the low bidder contingent upon administrative review that's ow heels boiler Sales and Repair ink at a price of $ 53,6 63 all any questions on this Commissioners I entertain a motion that we award that be it motion by commissioner Rich second second by commissioner husman any further board discussion on this one anyone in the public on this bid any opposition to that motion motion pass five and0 on the other bids we're going to leave them tabled for the time Bid And of course yall approved us to go out for rebid for the one that we didn't receive bids on you want to talk about garbage yes sir think we've got you don't want to talk about garbage we got a representative from from BCC here uh Brad you want to tell us where we're at uh yes sir I'm I'm G bring Mr noes up he he works on that we took all the uh the uh recommendations yesterday and kind of put a lay for you and Mr Robert's going to go over there right now with you morning chairman board um I guess we're just looking for yall's vote we were able to talk to uh Mr Mike Cox who was also president if you'all wanted to have any questions for him he's here for that um but everything else looks you know we're looking for a uh the fee the change of the fee the uh two two trash can minimal for uh the uh all rennolds and numbers on the trash can and you know obviously but I'd like to see where we put the verbiage in there all trash must be in the uh all trash must be in the trash can instead of on the ground look y vot on that on what yeah whatever so y'all had come up with different numbers yesterday I think we're around 100 200 and then going into the magistrate hearing so whatever y'all's numbers are we're we're good we you know at least a minimum 100 to begin with all right is currently 25 all any questions commissioner you what's your you want to start off at 100 to 100 that would be a good start yesterday we did the 250 magistrate mistr I think that's a good numbers okay yes okay I'm fine with it okay and then we're also going to go with the uh our recommendation is to go with the uh extra cans per bedroom per the parking that Mr husband talked about so we're we're going we're going to add that language in there also sound good P four bedrooms they've got to get and then six they get OD one so they'll be 5 9 it'll mirror our new uh planning for new construction or for the rals make it easier to enforce more questions s got got one more so we talked about this after the meeting yesterday that if we're going to wait a month we don't need to do an emergency ordinance because if we're going to wait a month sumer's going to be over in five weeks so uh if if we're not going to implement it sooner than a month we just do a regular ordinance process don't need to go through the emergency deal Robert what was the yes sir Robert what was Mr mik do y'all have the cans on on hand or do you have to order them how long does it take to implement that to get them here from your yard yard to your lay down yard to to each address you said two week yesterday right minimum two yeah two weeks okay so go ahead go ahead I mean I I'd like to add something to that in a minute just thinking out logically what two weeks for Mike to get them here and then Implement one week so basically we would be two weeks month out a month out at best so a month from now be almost not nearly the issue that it is today correct they've also got to get the addresses on the cans yes sir so it's going to take some implementation you they're going to have to those agencies going to have to get out there and do that and um it's going I mean it's going to be a learning curve so I mean you're probably right about backing it all yep no problem with that you got something you need to add well one I want to know what y'all want to do but number two is we can spend the next month educating folks we go ahead and do the regular my my recommendation be go ahead and do the regular ordinance process instead of the emergency ordinance since we're going to delay it anyway that TDC go ahead and post it this is what's coming it's going to be effective s such and such date uh because it's we're talking about a couple thousand cans today we're fixing to go up at least probably 50% so we're going to have 3,00 ,000 cans just in rough numbers it may be more than that you're going to have every one of them's got to be stencl or spray painted with the with the house number on it that's it's pretty good undertaking to deliver a th000 cans and stencil 3,000 cans in the next little bit so I think whatever y'all choose to do today we'll go ahead and post it on the TDC website and and let everybody start ramping up to to get in compliance and if this doesn't work then we'll have to go to the rental companies basically in my opinion if go straight to the rental companies and make them somehow be responsible for the trash it's just my opinion we got we got to get we got to get it cleaned up so and if I might sure part of what Mr Hamman was saying was it's also buying me time to speak with the uh real estate companies as the rental companies that'll buy me some you know ground time as well not and syvia You' got all all those folks I'm sure so she can probably help you I'm fine with going the regular route then if your guys fine with going the reg yeah that's fine okay all right well yes we go ahead and make a message for the 100 the 250 and the magistrate and also putting you know stencl on all of them and uh we'll send out I guess we'll have to talk to the the rental companies of course they're the ones are going to basically enforce this on their homeowners yes sir but uh I'd like to make that motion all right I got a motion by commissioner farell second second by commissioner MCR any further board discussion on this all right um yes sir go ahead so we going to add the the language about the minimum number of cans we're going to start with two and then for each odd number after starting at 5 I guess we're going to I'll amend my motion for that yes okay all right so we got that added by commissioner fa also do we need to also put in the uh motion to have it on the site plan too as well or is that something y'all can do okay perfect thank you second the enclosure can be 30 inches or less that way it doesn't affect the house that's okay that's what okay your second stand yes okay all any further on board discussion all right anyone in the public on this one the public questions or concerns anyone all right we got everything we need in uh I got something else but after you carry the motion be fine okay all right any opposition to that motion right motion pass Five and0 let's finish our discussion about pickup days because that was a big discussion yesterday and I I think it's a logistic nightmare but if if if Mike or you've already talked to Mike about some yes sir pickup days let's let's go talk about that um Mr Cox said that he was able to it's going to take me just a little bit of adjusting but he's going to be able to uh start working at St Joe Beach on picking up on Monday and I think that'll alleviate a lot of the just on Highway 98 Corridor yes yes and I think that will uh alleviate a lot of the complaints I'm getting from you know you got a lot of people get drive through 98 Robert what about the the other way toward Indian pass is did you tell me that was on Tuesday no sir that side's Monday normal and then y'all are staying that Monday on the now yes sir now basically uh Mr Cox is willing to do all of our tours Corridor on Monday M okay and that will you know I believe that'll alleviate a lot of issues okay all right come on up state your name for the record please us adding that into the Mout state your name for the record co mik co all right there you go who you represent who you there you go thank you sir with that being said moving that Tuesday we're going to have to back our start time we right now the start time is 6 and as well you know the Heat's out there so we're going to try and if we can get it approved start at 4: instead of 6 and it's on Highway 98 so it's already you know early morning pick up and that shouldn't affect anybody it ain't like we're up by the nursing home or nothing like that just on 98 is that okay can we get that approved we normally start at 6 because that's our start time and on this area so we're going to try and back it up a couple hours to get started so we can work our way back towards Indian pass and all that because like last week we had one driver pulled 85 tons in the week right now it's and we're trying to beat the heat so if that'll be approved then we could definitely start running that on Monday instead of Tuesday that sounds great yeah I do have a question Mr chairman yes sir um Mark is that all this okay with the landfill it won't change none of okay okay we won't as far as we have to wait on them to open at 8 so we'll still be there at the same time okay as far as getting trailers okay okay good deal any more questions commission all right thanks thanks so move all right got a motion by commissioner farell second second by commissioner MC any further board discussion all right anyone in the public on this anyone in the public and that's just in the corridor right any opposition to the motion all motion pass five and app if I could Mr chairman uh we've been looking at for a while uh a lot of kids in Jones Homestead area on that area one of the only areas not a park for kids so uh this these Lots come available right in the middle uh kind of centrally located where I think uh we don't move on this well you know we'll pass up a good chance I'm all I'm all for parts yep you need a I'll make a motion I got a motion by commissioner mome to move forward second second by commissioner Rich all any further board discussion I have a question yes sir so we won't know the match until we submit the application just so everybody's clear corre correct you could always refuse it but typically it's been uh up to 25% and and and we've gotten as low as 50 and as and as much as 200 I don't know if we've got any it it depends on the total ask so I mean I think up to 50,000 there's no match but I mean that basically buys you a playground that's all that does so you want to go above that then the match starts kicking in the days of no matches are going on thats that's right any further board discussion anyone in the public on this questions concerns all right any opposition to that motion motion pass Five and0 all right yeah we ready for the budget all right U couple things that we're going to ask you to do today is set the maximum millage rate uh so we can certify the property appraiser for the countywide for the independent fire districts and the mstu the positive is this is the last year of the mstu for the Gul front interior and the Bayside so that will go away after this taxable year in your packet uh start on the first page staff's proposing a 5.9 millage rate countywide that is a reduction of 3/10 of a mill about a 5% across the board reduction just to give uh an indication uh this is the fourth year that you cut you know we were at 7244 and then now we're now at 5.9 so if you had $100,000 house assessed this current year all all things factored you paid $620 in County taxes if your Homestead Property went up 3% which is the maximum we can with with save our homes at the new rate proposed you would have pay $67 in taxes that would be the maximum increase so every single Homestead Property Capp property is going to have a decrease under this proposal now what doesn't have decrease is vacation home homes and commercial commercial property and and and raw land but but under this proposal that that there would be tax decrease for for all Homestead Properties so I put you a little comparison on page two this is the difference between last year in this year of course the the increase was still very significant uh but not as significant as it was the year before last and last year we had in roughly 2.7 million in new money this year it's 2.1 million in New money so that balloon is getting smaller uh last year after everything was considered your aggregate uh percentage over the roll back was 11.55% that included the fire districts and the mstu this time it's less than half of that you're at 5.69% and in fact if you look at the top line on the current year roll back rate without it being aggregate it's 5.9 466 and you're actually below that but when you add in the fire districts and the mstu it's just slightly above uh the biggest increase for the fire district course the South End is the St Joe Fire Control it had $163,000 increase the Tupelo in the North End was $2,843 increase over Street 7,463 Howard Creek 3519 M mstu all are capped at 400,000 the rounding era is 399 974 but again those rates uh for the beach front interior and Bayside all went down because of the values increasing a cheat sheet somebody asked for a cheat sheet last year so on page one again at the bottom this these are the are the main drivers of the of the new money uh and I could say with just with one fail swoop it's it's all public safety and and Emergency Services uh largest increase this year of coures EMS uh we had to do a midyear uh I guess called Crisis Intervention uh EMS got left out unfortunately when law enforcement and Corrections got incentive bonuses and incentive raises that the state helped us with uh so we had to to do some pretty uh drastic increases because we couldn't fill our slots and get paramedics specifically we have a housing crisis for for for Workforce housing for for law enforcement officers for uh correal officers and for EMS so that change uh put the EMS budget up this year $499,990 the sheriff total increase 47720 the other constitutional officers 271 752 your firefighter incentive program uh again we've got a partial year but but in the new budget is $100,000 jail 18333554302 because we have so many uh Parks needing Renovations and a lot of our money is tied up that that we can't do Renovations with some of our grant funds and some of the TDC funds uh we're having a horrible time with the quality of pressure treated lumber that we're getting today we're trying on some of our our highly used parks and on wet Parks uh whether it's at uh odina or at White City to to go back with tracks tracks is extremely expensive so we put $100,000 in to to do some of these things I know we've got some problems at Selenas this is in addition to your other Park maintenance funds this is an extra hundred so the board will have to tell us how we want to do that and prioritize that but Raymond has been going through getting a a a good detailed list of things that we need to to do perfect example Cate Palms Park we redid some of those roofs after hricane Michael the the structures are in good shape but all the hurricane Clips need to be replaced uh because of the corrosion and whatnot from the original deal so that's one thing that you know we can spend five or $6 thousand and replace the hurricane clips and and that'll be good for another 10 years so the summer program you know that that was slashed uh that that it's a city program but it's run by Career Source uh they lost I guess part or all of their Dupont Grant so we plugged in $50,000 to supplement that uh Library uh operations we plugged in an additional 30,000 for that there's a pretty big hit with the uh Northport St Joe CR you know the original CRA went away which was a good thing but uh I think Carri talked to the property president they put on uh the housing project that had not been paying taxes and paying taxes so it's a kind of a wash is that the basic big gist of that yes come on up Mr Burt I want the clerk to jump on you now Michael W get you in trouble sh there was a um on the North side the apartment complex filed for an exemption and based on our review they did not receive that exemption we denied it that tax on that was like $53,000 so that's where you're seeing the increase on the CRA from last year to this year so now they can fight that um and bring that to VAB um but that's where we are now so it will not be zero they they will be assessed so that's that's the difference so it's not something we had and lost it's just it shows on the increase but it's a it's kind of it's kind of a wash yes but it is a big ticket item so I put it thank you Mike drop back to uh library and give the total number on Library that's that's just an increase everybody know yeah that that's that's the net increase they asked for more than that but we just didn't have it to give them uh the proposal is for 14785 and that's County that doesn't include their state Grant that's just the county portion okay and again we write one check it goes to the Bay County I guess it's Bay County it used to be Northwest Regional and now it's you know but anyway okay and then the last big ticket item is all of our insurance is combin the increase 197,000 That's Life Health dental workers comp property casually and whatnot so the Life Health dental side is is a fixed number now the other is a s but we we think pretty close those are the highlights I'll be glad to go through line by line if you want but uh of course it's a working document because all our revenues and expenditures are not there but we would like you to go ahead and cap the millages for each of the ones uh 5.9 for County operating and then we need to set some dates thank you sir any questions Commissioners yes sir I have a question yes sir um so we're going to set the rate and then we can't go above that's this is the maximum that it can be just so the public knows correct we can't go any higher than once we set it here at 5.9 correct okay and we can still move money around within that until later on in August yes until your last hearing the end of September correct okay yes sir any more questions commission all right entertain motion we go ahead on set that Mill 5.9 so move Mr chairman I got Mo by commissioner Rich second by commissioner far you any further board discussion and again that's a reduction of three three1 of a m okay anyone in the public questions or concerns with this reduction all right any opposition to the motion all right motion pass Five and ask you to sit each of the Fire Control districts at half a mill each do we need to go by one by one or we just do all together is fine on this first one all right say that one more time what you want to do uh all of the Fire Control districts at at half a mill each all right entertain motion set that I got a motion by commissioner M second second by commissioner husman any further board discussion on this anyone in the public on setting this any opposition to the motion motion pass 5 and0 ask you to set the following mstu guls side 0 048971 59 and Bayside 0.3 987 and again this is the last it says s on M you good all right entertain a motion we set that so move Mo by commissioner farell second second by commissioner mcon any further board discussion anyone in the public on this one all right any opposition to that motion all right motion pass Five and since this is slightly important let's make dang sure that our num correct so the sheet on page one is correct and the cheat sheets wrong I'm assuming okay is correct book is correct that's what that what matters uh before we move on to setting the dates uh the Constitutional officer here if they have any that they would like to add or talk about and then we could open to the public to talk about actual budgets all right M Nars thank you Mr chairman I I really don't have anything unless you have any questions any questions from Miss NS thank you Mr bur yes Mr B you you g get you gonna get me in trouble I I rep repeat everything you just said Thank You Commissioners for lowering the mill rates it's been increasing over the last four or five years and that's a benefit to the taxpayers so Kudos thank you app hey I thought we cut it four years in a row this is the fourth in a row it is yes sir sherff we always say the best for last first of all I want to say thank you uh consideration that's uh given thus far in it uh we uh put in a obviously a sizable increase there asking for two positions the two position for granted I just kind of want to just fill y'all in what we got going and uh so you know where the money's going so the public knows where it's going um we're starting a uh with cooperation with the deputy sheriff's Association an apprenticeship program and well that's going to allow us to do is to actually hire someone then send them to school and we think it's a really good model to be able to hire Gul County residents that's going to live in Gulf County they're already established here with their families already established here with their their homes and can uh immediately come to work here and spend their money here in Gul County just full honesty the last five uh people that I have hired live out of the county and I was forced to do that you know I had a residency U restriction um prior to Hurricane Michael and just the the lack of housing um I'm encouraged to see that the uh um you know there's some efforts being made as far as the workforce housing that'll benefit law enforcement officers uh First Responders um in general so that's going to be good but I'm excited about this the ship program the deputy sheriff's Association will be paying for one of those uh positions and I'm hoping to get at least two more and that would be three people that we sending um we've got uh several retirees that are coming up in the next uh within the next year so those will be additional positions that I'm going to have to fill there but uh um all in all I'm uh I'm excited about this program we're going to announce it and once again it'll be for the folk the people that just can't afford to stop working and go to the Academy and then apply for a job it'll be paying them while they're going to the academy so I think we're going to have a uh uh a good turnout so if you know anybody that's want to get in law enforcement field and immediately have a job uh we'll be able to play pay that salary I'm not sure about the benefits um in the beginning but I'm looking looking forward and excited about this opportunity that we've got so uh just want to make y'all aware of that um and uh some of the other things I had a discussion yesterday with uh Mr Hammond and we talked about the budget uh I am uh uh just asking for a little bit of help I'm I'm thankful for Sherry and Aaron and all the help that they give us on the the the grants that we do have but uh I have requested right now we're handcuffed a little bit in the amount of Grant funds that we can get we're uh at $25,000 is the maximum Sheriff's Office can get on the Jag grants um which is normally the source of law enforcement grants uh so uh uh by hope hopefully working with them and uh um getting a a particular uh report uh submitted in that'll free up some money going forward into this year we're looking at body War cameras now we've got two different ones that are being uh demoed right now by our deputies um and they're not cheap so uh um if we've got that grant funding it can get above that $25,000 threshold and you know get a sizable amount we can get a lot more cameras we can get better cameras you know for what what we typically would be paying so uh I'm excited about that again thank you on the raises for the uh the employees what this will do on the deputy right now the start out Deputy is at 49,000 what this will do is um raise the start out up to 51 7 um and it's competitive with other counties um Bay County will still be making more state agencies law enforcement agencies will still be making more uh I know in order to attract people in here we've got to get that uh that start out pay up a little little bit but uh uh I am uh I'm looking forward to at least getting over that $50,000 threshold and being able to pay our our our men and women out there serving every day over that 50,000 so uh um the other thing I I would ask of y'all as budgets go through and we get towards the end of the year um any any requests that I have for rollover um into the next budget year would ask for yall to consider that um a lot of times we can't get uh and you've always been good about doing that in the past there's no problems with that but uh um a lot of times we can't get equipment in at the right time sometimes they're held up sometimes our Outfitter is but we don't have a legal obligation as I've learned to pay for something until we receive it in hand especially the big items would just ask if there's money left over at the end of the year for me to be able to get it and roll it over into the next budget year so U but uh again appreciate uh what we've got here and uh um I'm open to any questions that y'all might have all right thank you sir any questions for the sheriff guys yes sir sherff how much are those cameras I was looking at those the other day how much are those cameras well it's like um you're looking at two correct yeah we're looking at two uh we've got some that's called from a company called lenslock um and then we have the axon and uh unfortunately I looked at the axon and their product first and uh it is the uh top dollar but it it it produces incredible um Quality it actually does a transcription right there to assist in writing reports it does another component of it called evidence.com which would allow us to put all of our documents concerning a case into a cloud that's uh secure and state attorney's office would just go into that cloud and grab grab what they needed to there and they would have the case a automatically once it's ready for transmission but looking at the other ones um the lens lock are probably going to be running um right now what we're looking at is somewhere around $50,000 a year spread over five years um the axon um was is probably going to be close to twice of that that's the need for the uh the grant we decided to go with the axon and be able to get the best that's on the market um uh you know the grant would obviously cover 50 if we have a match on that we could put in that same 50 that we'd be spinning on the lens lock and get the axim so uh looking at that also looking if we're going to have to replace our tasers as as I've told you a couple of months ago I mean we had a uh situation where we saved a person Life by having that taser and being able to uh get him into custody because Deputy would have been justified in uh shooting him uh no doubt he was coming at him with a knife I had a conversation with the suspect's mother the uh uh two days later and saying thank you for not killing my son so uh we want to do that when we can and uh tasers are very important as we all know you know by the time you have one two weeks later it seems like it's obsolete you know and the ones we've got right now are getting some age on them we've had them for better than five years so we've got an upgrade there going to a different type uh uh for the deputies to keep them safe and they're more functional and more accountability in the uh uh number of shots fired and everything so but uh yeah the uh the the cameras are not not cheap but most time they're not over just buying it and it's done I want it done it's it's a service that you pay for because you're paying for the cloud service and it's over the course of uh uh several years so basically it would just be a an added recurring expense every year thank you yes sir if I could yes sir uh Shar just out of curiosity I know there's restrictions on it's pretty good sizable amount of fine and forfeiture money uh where are we at 300 and something th000 after retainage on the fine and forfeiture money uh uh I'm are you talking about like the seizure money yeah yeah uh it's in the uh yeah what page is that on uh the problem is is restricted well that's what I wonder what what what can that be spent on what is my on law enforcement trust oh yeah law enforcement trust fund that sees your money it can uh be spent on certain things uh we're planning on spending it there behind the office on that project that we've got going there having troubles with it seems like we're consuming uh uh over half of our property there with storm water but it's going to be used on that we just uh um last month authorized $10,000 to go to uh Crim Stoppers and I've got several other things that I'm want to do as for training of but it's specified specifically for in Florida statute of how it can be SP and that's what I was wondering I was trying to so no equipment far as if you wanted to buy cameras or anything like that with it you couldn't uh I'm no sure not sure how about this this training deal you you're you're proposing would that pay for any schooling or anything like that it's very specific and there's actually a certain amount of it on the seizure that that a certain amount of it has to be if it's over a certain amount has to be spent in a certain way and uh very very specific on that but as far as the uh uh the training because it would be considered a planning a but you you can construct building or something like that yes on a project like that be able to do that I mean that's that's going to end up being big project behind the office once we get going hopefully but uh you know that that's what that would be okay okay thank you any more questions for the Sher I had one but he answer I was going to just talk about those cameras making sure that comes to the cloud service so it's like a subscription yes would be paying for monthly and and fortunately it's uh uh uh unlimited obviously you pay for it but uh we don't have to worry about what we're doing we can hold on to it for for quite some time there will be a natural Purge for public records requests that would go through that we would uh um be doing that but uh very impressed with the system haven't been able to see the lens lock yet but the axon was uh really good and and I'm thinking that component of the evidence.com that's added to it of course with with a price but uh it's going to be really beneficial to our our deputies out there so um but uh other than that um I want to bring up something really not budget related but uh just kind of report on what we're doing them to uh um uh for or leave no Trace we've kind of stepped it up a little bit luckily having uh able to put two officers out here during the busy months of the summer they've been starting um sweeps weekly and have been picking up quite a bit of uh debris that's left there on the beach um a lot of debris and there's some a few good things so uh I have uh U talked with the Humane Society and their thrift store and y'all's blessings and spoke Mr Hammond yesterday we're going to start taking the the good stuff and hopefully they can get rid of it and it'll be a benefit to Humane Society and what they do for the community all good with y'all on that I appreciate it I've got got some calls on that okay glad you undertaking that just getting out there and doing it I have to give it to uh deputy kerson and uh um and and Bradshaw they've really taken responsibility on that and they're out there with the people every day working with them and they know the needs and know the issues there and they've doing a great job of getting that taken care of so I appreciate y'all's support on that hopefully we can get uh uh when when when they come back and their their stuff's gone uh maybe they'll think twice about leaving the next time so it's educational process but sometimes it's it's real tough so Sheriff I had a call in reference to some of somebody's stuff was on the beach out there and it was taken so they was just asking me about it and uh so I asked the people I said did the uh rental company uh tell y'all about leave no tra they said no they did not and so I said well that that's the issue and and the people's like well I can't believe they didn't say anything I so well y they should have told y'all that you can't leave it on the beach you got to take it to the toll of Doom so I explained it to them they say we understood and you know so it's all good so you really got to be living in a bubble not to to uh understand there's a leave no Trace ordinance in this County and uh I mean we do everything that we can to push it out TDC pushes out pushes it out all the time and that's a problem yeah yeah it's it's out there and and I couldn't believe that I told the lat I said I can't believe that the Running Company didn't tell you guys about it but we appreciate everything you guys do yes sir thank you all right so the question I got INR to the sheriff was talking about the rollover when do we need to make that recommendation uh he he'll give us a number then it it is it's not it's not a problem okay we've always done it in the past correct yeah yes and we don't have any I'm sorry yes um we don't have any issues with helping the sheriff right grants for those cameras or anything so this is the problem we got with that and I I want to get it straight I I think the easiest thing is going to be to get uh a direct appropriation to the Sheriff's Office because it is a and again I I told him to get his expert from the sheriff association with Sherry and see if they can work it out it is so the the hoop that the county has to jump through is extremely high compared to what see he's under the threshold because he doesn't have the the employee thing I believe I'm correct about and the and the County's uh hoop is higher and it's a and it's a regulation that I'm not sure that that we can swallow so if we can figure out how to do it and the county do it we will and keep doing like we're doing and just up the threshold if we can't I'm a million perc for for letting the money flow directly to the sheriff of then we'll figure that out on the back side but either way we we're going to we're going to work it out y well and I just want to clarify it's only this one program um the sheriff can apply to the money actually comes through doj but it's only this one U program that is the issue because the Count's the awarde not the sheriff so um the sheriff you know is able to go after grants on his own as well so I just wanted to clarify only one program um that creates the issue okay so so so the I mean I'm assuming the question also is are we willing to help the sheriff go after those grants that's that's what that's what I think the sheriff is he's wanting help to get those so so we're going to we're going to do our dangest to work it out what what what may have to happen though is he is the recipient not the county which I have absolutely no problem with uh again the devils in the details and I don't want to get into weeds but there there there is a a threshold that that that I'm not sure that the county is willing to to go through in order to to get this I mean it you know again I want to see him get the money it's a lot better to get the money from the through the Department of Justice than it is for us to have to pay for it but you know it could get to a point that it would be cheaper for us just to give you the money that he would have got versus going through these hoops so but anyway he's going to get he's going to get his uh expert I guess he works with Sheriff's Association now or with Sher and they they'll put their heads together so it it's not a problem of us helping him write the grant it's a problem of who receives the grant is that good okay yes sir all right where we at we got Sheriff went who else so know the supervisor of election tax collec something they good back to you if they're not here they're good they good uh we'll go to the public and then I'm got some proposed eggs for you all right yes sir all right open to the public anyone the public with any questions or concerns in reference to the the bullish yes uh budg yes ma'am come on up state your name address for the record please good morning my name is Linda gel I live at 435 Madison Street I out grow and I'm here representing the library I thought this was going to be a full budget meeting Patrick and I had a conversation I misunderstood but since this is the initial budget it's not carb and stone I hope we can convince you all that the library needs more funding than it's getting it got a big hit from the state and that was based on our property values and tax collection okay and it's like it was it was and if without addition without being fully funded we're going to have to lay off people and we're going to have to shut the library down on more times we're already down to it effectively four days a week with some partial days and no no Wednesday so it's it's really important the money that you all Supply maintains the building pays the electric bill and it pays the employees who are really underpaid and they are really good employees by the way um most of you all don't get a chance to come to the library you're the guys who are out there keeping the the gears going and keeping the world turning okay but for the the moms with the little kids they need these these programs for the kids gives a place for our school kids to go for clubs where they're they maybe they're not you know not everybody's a soccer star or a football star but they can go and be involved with the science program or with the Lego program with the stem program at the library and those those programs are all funded by grants but if we don't have the doors open and the lights on we can't give them those things your money doesn't even pay for books I don't know if y'all realize that and if for a library that's kind of you know an important thing to have okay so and it's like it's the friends of the library who we go out and with fundraise and we get sponsors for different programs you know we've got the the Garden Club people taking care of all that land that y'all don't have to maintain that's behind the library where we now have an interactive gardening area you know for for um ecology studies and and whatever so I would urge you since this is initial sharpen your pencils and find the rest of the money that we need to keep that Library open and the lights on because that's really helpful in a library thank you very much Mr Len let me ask you one let me ask you a question please uh you said that the uh Library took a big hit from the state what do you know those numbers what the state we we were hit um our funding was cut by $26,000 okay and also funding for the library from the county there are some lean years here in the county when they're struggling and and the money didn't go up with the cost of living so all the reserves are gone we are now at you know the we're the bottom of the well let me ask you one more question because I know the money goes flows through the through the Bay County um how how does that work it flows through Bay counties oh you are asking a really complicated question they're they're the they're the um um organization Administration okay for like I want to say five counties Al together but they also have the interlocal um Library lending where they can get us books I from from anywhere in the country for a library and they'll get it to us I mean it's great Services um the um and so it goes through them like that the reason why I asked I'm I'm just curious to out of the the 150 that we're given are they putting that 150 back into Gul County that's I mean yeah yeah it's and that's a state role because the County employee I mean the the um what do you call the library employees are are County Employees state employees you know so all that it's just for bookkeeping and for payroll okay that it goes through that's why it goes through that and that's the way they the system is set up in the state there's different Regional libraries okay okay yeah yes sir not g County Employees now they're they're B Bay County Employees but right I'm sorry but they're part of the state system yeah okay and but all that and it it keeps the um the expense of just the the the expense of the clerk involved with bookkeeping and that kind of stuff that's all done regionally so okay all right I got one question Mr chairman um we're giving you $30,000 additional this year over last year how much more are you asking for what's your ask as far as dollars and cents if you going talk round numbers oh you're asking me a question I'm putting you on the spot you're asking no no I I realized that and I I I I'm sorry I don't know what the full ask was but I know this is and we're happy to you know that there is yall are thinking in terms of 30,000 but if you remember last last year just to keep things going we came in um Kathy um Colbert came in and asked for an addition from each of you to help support the library and that was just to you know keep the building going keep the lights on and that sort of thing so I'm sorry I don't have that request we we will find out we will find out thank you I really appr and we'll be happy to come back and talk to you again about it anytime all right thank you ma' we appreciate it yes' anyone else the public questions or concerns please questions or concerns with the budget right all right staff any questions or concerns board members all right Sam let talk dates uh the School Board gets to go first and they have picked they have picked 95 uh staff's recommend recommending uh 94 at 501 for your first uh public hearing and uh the one that'll go in the trim notice you said 95 I think that's a Thursday let me see let me see 94 at 501 that's a Wednesday 94 okay that's on a Wednesday all right so so again I apologize I I I think I can read but my sheet says Thursday but my calendar says Wednesday so it's definitely somebody play a [Music] trick I won't I won't shoot Sherry at least till the meat gets over but no I've read the thing and I'm thinking oh lord it's not ling up so I think we're good on the 94 date whatever whatever day that is wedn I thought you just said School Board had to go first they get they get to pick first and they've already they piced okay okay okay I thought they had to have their first okay so we nine4 they don't have to go first they just get the option to pick first and they've already picked it has to be after five 51 94 I entertain a motion we set that meeting for 94 which is a Wednesday at 501 so move all right motion by commission M second by commissioner far any further board discussion are anyone in the public on this date all right any opposition to that motion all motion pass Five and0 all right so the next one is a little more iffy and and I've ever since sahane Michael and some other hurricanes I always have the the horrors of of being too late U Cherry has suggested that we go the last week and I'm I'm fine with that but but if I'm reading it right we can do the 16th or the 17th we can do the 23rd or the 24th Monday and Tuesday your board meeting is the 24th of September of September we could do it the 23rd or we could play on the safe side and we could do it the week before so I'll I'll I'll let y'all I'll go ahead on and tell you right the first I can't do it the 23rd I'll be Do's appointment so I'm out on 23rd you said our our our meeting will be on 22 Tuesday the 22nd of October no 24th our board meets on Thursday September oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I was on October I'm sorry wrong month so we go to week before what day you say so we could do the 16th which I'm assuming is Monday it is and or the 17th and it all depends on this this is the paint in the rear end the the state law requires the advertisements to be very very specific and unfortunately in today's society the papers have gotten very difficult to do so uh I'll give sher's comment and I think this is a a good comment not a boo boo comment if you're not going to make a lot of changes at the last meeting that's then this is fine if you're going to make a lot of changes it's almost impossible for staff to get the numbers right and get it advertised timely so if we're pretty confident after the first budget meeting that we're not going to make radical changes then I think that the earlier dates are fine is that would that be a good synopis 16 so Monday the 16th at 501 y'all good with that you call it J I entertain we need a motion on that let's go ahead and S please I entertain the motion that we set that meeting for September 16th at 50:1 so Move Motion by commissioner hus second second by commissioner far any further board discussion anyone in the public on this date all right any opposition to that motion motion pass Five and no I want to thank uh Sherry and clay and Clay number 13 uh this takes months to put together and I think you got a good conservative balanced budget and uh look forward to the hearings in September it's all happen chair thank sir all right we good everybody else good all right take this opportunity to thank yes ma'am right come on come on up there yes ma'am let state your name one more time Miss lorenda in addition okay we're there we're good that's what you get that's what you're getting yeah we good that's is that's yeah you say it to the microphone tell tell them tell them we good then they're telling me we're good but I'm going to double check it but thank you so much if we are that is thrilling yes ma'am yes ma'am are we right or wrong I I I don't know but but but I know it was it was like 25% increase 1477 that's what we're that's what we're proposing yeah U hold on a second let me find the page hold on that's what I remember seeing and I was talking about some think I had somewh and and and what was the percentage on that CH so so Mr Loro you m lenda come on back to the microphone I gotta ask you one question just one so you you okay with us taking the 855 back you want 47 May no no I I'm I am good okay just if this is if this is what they asked for I didn't get to see those all those things and well we appreciate you coming thank you all right we good anybody else in public all right thank you for coming to the special me you entertain the motion to adjourn so motion by commissioner far second second by