Al flag United States all right welcome to the uh special meeting May 6 we have a few items on the agenda first one is item a resolution apport Grant Mrs Haron yes sir last week we received receiv um the airport uh Grant agreement documentation we need a resolution um that I can read by title Please this resolution the Gul County Board of County Commissioners authorizing the chairman of the board to enter into a local Transportation project public transportation assistance agreement with the floor Department of Transportation this is to get us started with that agreement allow you to sign all necessary documents all right thank you m'am commissioner you got any questions for Miss har all right Mr Smallwood Mr Hammond y'all got you need to add anything say anything about this this is current year money uh so this is 2 and a half million this is not the latest funding of 1 million that is will take effect July one okay so this is a second trunch for a total of two and a half million all right thanks sir all right any questions commissioners all right entertain a motion move forward so moved motion by commissioner Rich second second by commissioner Farah any further board discussion anyone in the public on this yes sir come on up state your name address for the record please Randy pigon 434 wind Mark Trail um just a question how did this who's driving this train on an airport and possibly is this the best Grant to go after right now for an airport I've talked to a lot of people and they don't even know what's happening can we have another kind of workshop on this and show what's happening with the airport I mean I'm C I've been watching the agendas and going to the meetings I don't know either so can we have a conversation with the public about it some way all right you want to add something and I'm kind of shocked that you don't know because you do come to most of the meetings uh this train or plane I guess left the station about four years ago it was a priority after harricane Michael we're the only County in Northwest Florida that doesn't have a pave Runway the first uh the first time that I really was involved was in mid maybe 2015 2014 when the when the Coston airport wanted the county to purchase it uh we looked and had a study about extending that Runway because it's too short whatnot talked about swapping land with St Joe potentially closing Rutherford Road or Rel looping Rutherford Road it was determined through the feasibility State they couldn't do it so change to doing a new airport potentially and looking for sites and what not then harricane Michael happened after hricane Michael we were approached by St Jill company said they' put up the property uh we've had multiple public hearings this is again this is legislative Appropriations we for the last three years we' received legislative Appropriations 875,000 three years ago two and a half million two years ago 1 million this past year so hired a consultant uh had two two or three public hearings on that in in board meetings uh and we're in the FAA permitting stage now so do is approved uh St Joe's gave all the property do is paying for all the costs so everything that is so it's going to be a public private partnership that we are I'd say 90% true with St Joe but again this is we've been working on this for four years okay uh and it has been funded in the in the last three legislative Cycles seed money going forward so we we as of last month uh filed for the FAA permitting they our consultant fired filed for the FAA permitting and now we're just in the comment period so again it's kind of it's kind of way down the the line right okay so it's down the line so it's happening is what I'm saying so basically you you had at three appropriation so you got four or5 million in a pot sitting there ready to pounce when they say good to go yeah well we're going to be in a position hopefully by this time next year to ask the federal DOT and FAA which will will fund I think 85% and then the state to fund the difference or common Triumph or whatnot to fund the difference so we want to be at building stage in three years is is our is our deal so a lot of hurdles so FAA First has to give us the deal then there's you know D in the core with Wetland changes because all that was planted p and whatnot so we want to be in position to constructed three years is our is our time frame based on our consultant saying this is reasonable this is how long it's going to take it's going to take the core a year it's going to take all these things so that's that's basically where we're at okay so and so the money's there earning interest in account ready to go so it's a little bit different so we draw this down we spend the money and they reimburse us so we don't they don't actually so the money stays at the state level so a reimbursement correct so but I mean it's pretty quick dot turns around about 30 days I think it's pretty much their deal Jerry they're all a little different do is the best one we work with so and at what point will there be a business model where so if it's public private partnership at some point us the public are going to have to pay to run it or how big is going to be so so this this is the the board's instructions to me was this we're going to be the conduit which we get a general aviation airport I mean we want to be like everybody I mean C's got a real nice one we have crap Franklin County's got three paid runways again it's it's a it's an economic engine or will be an economic engine for us whether it ever turns into Delta connection or any of that kind of stuff but just for the county is not going to run it St joil company is going to run it and they'll I assume they'll sublease it like they do with their other things but the gist is this we're the conduit to get the Federal grant gotcha we're not going to be in the airport business that's what so the county the County's told me we don't want any liability we don't want to spend any money we will be the we will be the person that gets it just like anything else a bridge or a road or anything any other piece of infrastructure but we're not going to have anything to do with the day-to-day operations so it'll be the St Joe company and Dot basically but you have to be on board with it to to me the flow through correct and and St Joe company's put up a thousand acres roughly about right where we are now it's kind of fluctuated but uh and their agreement to transfer based on our agreement with the P3 is when they get to the certain stage that they'll actually transfer the property but County will own it we will turn around our agreement with St Joe that the board has not approved yet but we this close is that we'll turn back and lease that back to them for a long period of time so the count so the county does own but leases it St Joe company own a contract correct but as far as like today or any present time the county doesn't plan to put up any County money we're just the recipient of the grant of the do money that's and and again when I say dot federal DOT FAA and state do will all be involved in this deal and the feder portion and don't quote me but I think it's 85% so I mean the the vast majority of this will be Federal other 10% will be St Joe company well St Joe's is is the is the value of the land they're giving as a match so we have to come up with a yeah that was their that was their gift to get the grant correct gotta that's that's the game plan yes sir thank you so much I appreciate it yes sir thanks sir anyone else actually it's perfect time to speak on it right now Christy maoy Woodward Avenue um I guess just like the gentleman that was just up here I you know as a past Economist and still kind of run my life like an economist I need to see analysis and when you're talking about private Public Partnerships and that the count's a conduit for funds to flow in I still have a little heartburn over what I saw in Panama City with how St Joe company and uh Bay County work together on that airport and then the land that was later um vacated went to St Joe company and they put a bunch of houses on there and you know basically we paid for the infrastructure and that was a lot of you can go back and look at all the newspaper articles about that there was a lot of contention because of the change orders because we as citizens of Bay County weren't feeling like we were being heard um I I just wonder what your analysis is now I sat with the senator back at the end of last summer and I kind of put together an analysis and I'm going to share it with the clerk but I look at our population and if you're talking about a regional airport is what you're saying and I look at appalachicola which has an airport with runways of longest ones 5,465 ft with 100 150 feet across on their busiest peak days they see about 10 to 15 small flights coming and out of there I would prefer if you're talking about a public private partnership that you publicly and privately maybe team up with Franklin County because it's close enough that we could go ahead and improve maybe some of the infrastructure that they have and build on that I just don't see between our two counties that this is a good return on investment and a lot of regional airports are basically you know going out of business so who are the carriers are you going to be expecting uh mediumsized private planes to come in that need runways of anywhere from 5,000 to 7,000 ft to land how does that benefit even someone like me who's in a very high economic tax breaket I just don't get it gentlemen and I would ask you all as elected officials to take a moment and and ask the questions and ask the population that you report to what their thoughts are and have some workshops that show your analysis I think that's reasonable thank you thank you ma'am you come on up yes ma'am thank you I'm speak speaking as a private citizen not with the Gul County Citizens right now my name is Deborah May and I'm on 170 Palm Brees way and uh I'm in I'm not in the aviation industry but I'm very connected to it since I married a pilot and uh he has his plane hanger at appalachicola and I am a little concerned about it being a single um Runway air port with aptic Cola with a three Runway you could land six different directions and I had read that you were doing this partly to be able to bring in you know First Responders and supplies during hurricanes and stuff you need lots of different ways to land when you're talking those kind of winds and weather systems so one thing to consider when you're doing your plan and I haven't seen I think that's one of the problems is none of the public has really seen a a design and so it makes it hard to visualize what you guys are talking about but when you are designing you might want to think is one Runway going to be enough um and also is there going to be a tower um how many hangers are there going to be are they going to is St Joe company going to rent them to the general public or is it going to be hangers for just St Joe companies that you're leasing it you know to them in return for land do you have any say so on how they administer it I mean is the public going to be able to you know rent rent hangers there and stuff like that so I think there's there is a lot of public questions um about just your dream of this your vision of this and I'm not opposed to it obviously um although appalachicola is not far for us to go um to fly but uh I I I do think there needs to be some more public information somehow I'm reading old articles apparently that I can look up on the internet that aren't exactly what you might have in in mind now I'm reading stuff probably from four years ago when it started so uh you know just some sort of newsletter information something on your website whatever with you know a design plan eventually before we get totally into it it's just my request yes ma'am any opposition to that so again and I I hate things that get stomped out before they get going too far but the the gist is this it's going to be open to the public that's the whole point we tried back in the mid 20000s to to the Early 2010s to team with Franklin County to say that that is a dysfunctional relationship would be an understatement oh yeah uh they they didn't want to expand they had a commissioner that lived right there at the airport didn't like being at the airport and I'm like why do you build a house next to airport if you don't like being at the airport they do have three I think they have three 5,000 foot runways different ones but the problem is the one we're proposing to be 6,500 ft which you could land any private jet uh the and be a backup emergency landing for tendle the problem is is is cost I mean they don't have a second Runway at panal City they just have one and I've landed when you come in sideways at the last minute to come down which is a little bit scary the gist is is cost so I mean if you know if it's $50 million to do one I mean don't you know it's not that we don't want multiple run it's it cost another 50 million it won't be worth it so that was just because I had read that one of the reasons you were wanting um the airport was to bring in First Responders and emergency supplies that that that was I hope we never have that at least in my team again that we have to do that but that was a critical problem of after her King Michael about getting supplies in there's no this S A buts about it I hope that that's not the reason we have an airport although it would be a positive thing I just I'm thinking you need more than one Runway if you're thinking of that well I mean we Direction wise we we we needed spaces for helicopters at that particular time I mean literally we were carrying supplies to the to the cape by helicopter dropping I don't know how well that worked out but they had some big helicopter but uh but yes that would be a hopefully hopefully never used at least okay next couple years just sometime can you know you publish a design of it well but you know we so getting back we have conceptuals or whatnot we until we get an FAA permit and they figure out what we can we don't have so I can draw you something out of show but we don't okay we don't even have the signed agreement that the board has approved with St Joe but the gist is they're not going to operate it either I mean they're going to they're going to contract out with somebody to operate the FBO but this would just this is this would be great for economic development you you'd be surprised at the studies that we already do have from our consultant about the number of people from Gul County specifically the cape that use and that it's a huge percentage of so so so when when you take the folks that live at the cape that either have one of these services or have their own plane or you know wheels up or some of these other places that have signed up to to do this it it would surprise you and some of the some of the carriers will not land at appach Cola because rocks on the runway and whatnot in maintenance so they're coming from pan City so just think about that a 2hour drive to the cap from from the Panama airport so that that's the kind of things we look at but this is even though it's going to be owned by St Joe company no it will be on by Gul County okay but it's going to be run by St Joe company but it will be for public use yes okay yes on both of those points okay thank you very much thank you miss Ma anyone else yes sir come on up Robert Branch 1016 Marvin I appreciate your time uh sir I I I hadn't been really really heard a lot about this but listening to the comments today uh Mr Hammond you spoke about this might be a backup Runway from tendle is that what I heard you say yes so is tendle is tendle give y'all the blessing I know they're spending billions and billions of dollars over I mean going through there for what they're doing or have they give you or to give y'all the blessing for them I hope they give us money incl including the blessing but again that their their stage the comment will come with this FAA permit that we've applied I I guess my question is with with these new uh with Air Force going now this this air this airport not going to have any effect whatsoever on their flight line from what you're saying so how many feet it going to be 65 6,500 see that's funny because and maybe I shouldn't say this but I'm actually a member of g county rifle range I'm sure some of y'all are been there for forever and uh at one time they was concerned about that range being that the location it is of the range we have y'all know on 71 I actually a stray bullet getting away and going toward this airport that y'all proposing to build and and and and I'm going to speak I actually spoke to him a couple days ago on the phone not not saying what you're saying or what he told me but what what he said that Mr Hammond said that this Runway is going to be 4500 ft and it would not what soever affect that rifle range operation up there but I can't see where a backup okay I said what now Mike O'Neal the president of Guff Rifle Club come to this Podium probably a year ago when this was first brought up does any of y'all know mik O'Neal yes sir okay good person and I him two days ago and the quote he give me and if if if I say it wrong I'm not I'm not said anything to uh what you said or your conversation him conversation he said Mr Hammond said it's going to be 4500 foot no more and would whatsoever affect the daily operation of that Rifle Club out there I I don't believe I said it 4500 foot what I did remember telling him is this it's not close to the rifle range it is it is miles away from the rifle R correct correct so so I mean I guess you you shoot forever but you you ain't going to kill a plane three miles away I mean that's not what I'm saying no that's not what I'm saying so what I'm saying is it's not going to affect your rifle range it's not going to affect tendle I thought we was talking about the flight line so I will say that the Bay County Courthouse is a lot closer to the tendle flight line than this Airport's going to be by about 15 miles but the question he had a year ago I'm going to speak for him and kicks me out of the club tomor that's fine I I'll go somewhere up and shoot but to speak the the truth what he said uh it would no way affect the operation of that Rifle Club out there that's a fact I I I can't even if tendle used it it wouldn't affect is that what you're saying time time time okay so we way off Target but this is the gist the tenel would only use it if they had a if they had a flame out if they had a a crash landing scenario you land a 747 on a 65 foot Runway you can't take off with it so this would only be for the bad thing happened and we got to either going to crash or we're going to land at a at a strip in G cany because we can't make it back to the Air Force Base tender would not be taking off and doing any operations at this base I I can't imagine uh this would be an emergency base just like they can land emergency at Franklin County but some of their take off but when you brought that up it kind of it C kind of caught me and that that's well I'm just quoting what what I'm hearing and until a year ago not watching this Podium couple days ago and I'm like uh Mr PR he come up there this is all this is all new to me and and I apologize but this this has not been guys we have talked about this in public meetings dozens of times over the last five years this is not something not only did we talk about the the the airport and the moving forward and the whatnot in the P3 we've talked about the Appropriations process where we asked the state for money uh so again it's all been above board it's all been in these meetings and again I don't have any pretty pictures to show we're not trying to hide anything but this is this is a great opportunity for GU County to get a paved Runway and I I appreciate what y'all said but I I'm I'm like the rest I would y'all I think you need to have some worksh shot because there's too much of uh we're going from a 4,000 ft Runway to a 7500 next thing you know we're going to have a Delta 747 fly there and I I appreciate y'all y'all thinking about before you voted today appreciate your time thank you all yes sir thank you sir anyone else I got a motion by commissioner Rich second by commissioner Farah any opposition to the motion on the resolution all right motion pass 5 and0 srf loan agreement Amendment two Miss har yes sir almost immediately following um our April meeting we received the srf uh extension uh agreement so just requesting permission for the chairman to sign those documents for that amendment to that again that is just a Time extension to allow us a final close out work all right any questions Commissioners all right entertain a motion move forward and allow me to sign Move Motion by commissioner farell second second by commissioner mccrone any further board discussion anyone to public on this one all right any opposition to the motion motion pass five and I I'll take number three Mr chairman it's a mutual a a agreement between the beaches fire department over Street fire department the city of Mexico Beach uh recommend approval very simar to what we did with City St Joe at the last meeting with the south in County fire all right thank you sir any questions onut Aid Commissioners I entertain a motion motion by commissioner mome second second by commissioner farell any further board discussion anyone in public on the mutual Aid agreement any opposition to the motion motion pass Five the next one just grin and Barrett we got to do it because Hud's requiring us but it's crock nicest way I can say it page four did you let the sheriff look at that we don't we don't have any authority to tell the sheriff no anyway but I'll tell you I'll just read it for the Public's deal this is regardless liberal crap but uh requiring us to have a policy for prohibiting law enforcement from excessive force for non-violent demonstrators GFF County receives funding through federal state Grant private sources certain agree Grant agreements between the granting agency in the county requires the county to comply with Section 519 of PL 101-1 144 Department of Veterans Affairs Housing and Urban Development independent agency appropriation act blah blah blah blah blah the definition except Ive use of force means force that exceeds the degree of force necessarily permitted by law and policy of the observing officer Employment Agency as defined by Florida statute 943 1735 the policy policy of the Guff County Board of County Commissioners has adopted is enforcing the following policies prohibits the use of excessive force by law enforcement agencies within its jurisdictional limits against any individuals engaged in nonviolent civil rights demonstrations and enforceable State local laws against physically barring entrance to or exting from a facility or location which is the subject of such nonviolent civil rights demonstration within its jurisdiction effective today all right thank you sir any uh questions Commissioners on this not to do anything so we have use of force policy that covers all that okay thank you sir all right and a motion we move forward with the uh with the policy Mr chairman I have a question yes um so Mr Sheriff do you so you have a policy do you have to incorporate this policy your normal work as well yeah our training and everything's based on our use of force policy and it covers everything there let me ask you this sheriff and Sheriff you might come on up to the mic so don't surprise me on this side well well it just come up because with our like I said surprise I'm not for excessive force at all but who says who defines excessive state Florida does well if the federal government comes in and says we're going to Define excessive force through the Civil Rights division that's what I'm saying take for example one of your officers gets involved in an incident and the doj says we're going to we're going to Define excessive force I think it ties your hands I really do I I I I'll just be honest I'm not for it at all um I just think about that scenario if you have a I mean we've seen these demonstrations lately where where they're obstructing the process of a lot of Institutions and if you access a building or or public building offices or anything to to do a demonstration and and the definition goes back to who who who defines excessive force it's my problem with it so state of Florida finds that if we use excessive force we can not only I mean we have a a two-prong assessment there yes you know a law enforcement officer that goes above and beyond the uh um use of force there could be prosecuted both on a federal and and state and that's what I'm saying they could override but that's there anyway whether or without this policy you know well okay I'm not but uh um that's completely up y'all I mean we're going to do our job and uh do it way we uh are trained to do it and way it's legally just to do so I don't know what all the policy's about here other than you needing to have this in order to get some funding through HUD we want HUD funding the the positive that I see is this the sheriff is governed by the Constitution State of Florida you cannot restrict his ability to perform his function because it's not a a position that answers to you the answer to the governor and the Constitution if you were a city commission you do you do have you can fire the police chief you can tell him what to do I mean there's certain things you can change with the charter there's nothing Charter about the sheriff position so whereas it might be a problem with the city I don't know there's anything you can tell the sheriff not to do something and he'd tell you to go fly kite because you you don't have the authority to tell him not to so I don't think it really ties the Sheri sand even though I don't like it and we know where it's coming from but at the end of the day we have to have it well this would be applicable in the state of Georgia because that's the sheriff's department and they under operate underneath the umbrella of the board of County Commissioners but in Florida being an independent constitutional officer that doesn't apply here that would be my interpretation ask all right pa okay all right M I just wanted to clarify a few things so we did um the only thing changing on this policy this is actually already the board's policy with the addition of the definition and we chose um this is through a HUD so our cdbg grants which that's a lot of money flowing um so it is required um the federal reg gives the two points that are listed in policy those are word for word Federal reg the requirement was the reason why we had to amend it was to add the definition so we chose to use the definition from Florida statute that way we are not creating anything we are not adding or taking away we are simply using the same definition as defined by Florida statute so with that that is all we're adding we have clearly explained to HUD that the sheriff's office is its own agency it is required again the Sheriff's Office you know has their own items with this they have to deal with but we did keep it limited to only Florida's definition of excessive use of force and the exact language from the Federal Regulation but the only thing changing from the Cs uh board's current policy is the addition of the definition okay all right thank you man' so we just adding the definition all right thank sherff good yes sir all right y'all good all right entertain the motion we move forward Move Motion by commissioner far second second by commissioner Rich any further board discussion anyone in the public on this one the public any opposition to the motion I'll vote no all right motion pass four and one all right you still got Raymond had something come up I was hoping to have the two quotes but need permission to go ahead and and do the uh Boiler Room roof it's in the capital fund budget and uh also if we get the third quote to do the Washton complex uh the the building for that's being used may maybe the museum depending on if we have enough money but the the building's being used by Career Source to re-roof that U and again I wish room we're here but if we can move forward all right thank you sir both those I got it any questions commissioner good all right an motion we move forward so Move Motion by commissioner mcon second second by commissioner Rich any further board discussion anyone in the public on this any opposition to the motion all right motion pass Five and no it's not on the agenda so you cannot vote I think the county attorney tell you that but miss Ma has got some time critical information about the all drilling stuff that she would like to give you that's good I'm deor ma again and this time I'm am talking from the Gulf County Citizens Coalition for a healthy future um you've been contacted spoke to us and we've also contacted you via email about the oil exploration in the River Basin in app Cola and we thought that your window of um being able to oppose that was like April 26 and you guys didn't move fast enough basically so we thought that you were past that time frame however we've come into some new information that there's actually available 3 weeks past the time that the FTE puts a public notice in the Calhoun County's newspaper which we don't know when that is but they're like a weekly newspaper like ours so it may be in this week we're not sure um and then you'll have three more weeks to respond uh if you want as a commission or as individual Commissioners um you can respond with a letter of support a letter of opposition a letter of concern asking that you be kept in the loop or you can do nothing obviously um we also came into information and please check this before you drive there that the drilling company uh clear water is the company is going to be at the Calon County Commission tomorrow at their BCC meeting so I don't know if you want to send a somebody up there to to hear what they have to say uh I don't I guess you can't vote on it but maybe as an individual you might want to go up and and spread the word um but unless you have been specifically notified by the FD which they don't notify County's Downstream of oil expirations which is really really bad policy in my view um they don't have to notify you so you don't have a set date you can only go by whenever the Calhoun County newspaper says public you know 21 days you have to oppose this so we wanted you to know that and uh also wanted you to uh I also wanted to give you um it's actually a newspaper article from the Tallahasse Democrat uh with some quotes from both Jason cha and Carly Simon so that you can look at that um so that we aren't just saying that you know we we are opposing it we also have our state representative and our uh state senator are also in opposition now thank you ma'am that's all I had to say and I really appreciate you giving me that few minutes yes ma'am thank You' is there any questions on it okay any questions from miss Ma right thank you ma'am yes so so coun voted unanimously and I was I talked to one of the Commissioners they're supportive they you know I understand they need the money what are they having the meeting tomorrow for or they doing a development order or what I it's it's the BCC meeting and I don't know whether they're bringing in Clear Water or they're or they just have clear water on the agenda uh I imagine they're going to have a lot of public comment but um and I'm sure you guys have contacts with their BCC so so it's a county meeting not a state or DP or whatever meeting it's regular County Commission okay yeah I've got one question from miss Ma before she go yes sir I talked to you after the last meeting and I talked to Mr Hammond and I asked him if the city of St Joe had a contingency plan if there was a spill or if there was a train derailment you know crossing the um appacha River North of north of town that uh if they had a backup plan for their water supply and you couldn't answer it can you answer it do you know no you know what I mean so you city meetings tomorrow they got a surface water treatment plant if you get contamination um that's a red flag there in the water supply H there is no backup plan is what she said so anyway that's just one concern I had I'm just asking you and you and just keep that in mind but I I understand you can't you can't vote as a commission right now to send a letter of opposition unless you call a special session within the next 3 weeks um so that you can vote or or you can do it I'm sure you have a lot more weight with the fdp than us johnq public do if you oppose it even as individuals thank you Ma last thing I have Mr chairman the chairman I go into Tallahasse clay uh in the morning to meet with the folks on the senior citizen issue hopefully we can put that to bed and get some uh good result for them because it's not working what they've got now that's all I've got all right got anything commission yeah one more thing and I I've heard it all over um my district and people talking about that the traffic issues we have Michael and some point in time we need to sit down with do and see what the long range plan is I mean you know we're supposed to at some point in time having a back that back Beach Road come into effect when so many houses were built and I don't know if we're close to that limit that time frame or what but uh traffic's unbearable uh we are I think we I think do hate to say this I think theyve dropped the ball I mean it's awful uh you you start on 98 from tendle your bumper to bumper to Port St Jo and and we had you know had a bad wreck out in you know just outside of Mexico Beach over the weekend but at some point in time we got you's got to tell us something far as I know they're Paving 71 but that that don't that does nothing to help with the flow you know what I'm saying uh well a a comedy of errors the Meltdown gave everybody the opportunity to back up Punt and nobody was there to catch the ball uh we we will wind up being the bad guys when when they hit 755 at L Mark the law says the drri the the governing law says that they have to stop issuing building permits the time was the county now it's a city so we'll wind up hopefully not in a in a bad way with them but but that's that's coming up pretty quick we're about 200 away from that and if they started tomorrow they will not have that finish that three and a half mile section now to to Really handle the problem it needs to go all the way behind tendle to the second and third phase but that has got to be done uh or it has to stop but but two or three other things one our Bypass Road Cut threee Road whatever you want to call it will help locals a little bit coming off the cape to be able to to have a different avenue so hopefully we finally push that permit through and been have a little bit of difficulty the other thing and I mean they blast us the stupidest thing we could have ever done in the city of Port St Joe is take a four lanee Road make it two lane slow traffic down because at least you had a half a mile or 3/4 of a mile to get ahead of these slow cars you get behind somebody at the cape that's going to panamal to Walmart you're going to follow them from the cape all the way to the tendle stretch if you're lucky or the tendel the second light at tendel uh because you can't there is nowhere to pass and they will back up I've seen it most days this past week it's past the Methodist Church from the light and again it's you know and it a even started we're nowhere even close to Memorial Day that's all but we have we have had several discussions with do and and I I personally believe it's back in Dot's Court as far as that they're going to be the ones that have to to pay for uh but again youall to be the bad guys when you say all right City you got to stop busy and building permit because you're overloaded and we don't have the backup and they're going to want to blame everybody but who needs to be blamed um excuse me Mr Hammond um in the North End of the county we have a couple intersections that are we're going to deem dangerous now and with increased traffic they're going to continue to cause problems so along the same lines as commissioner mccrone said said you know we're going to have to address those at ston Mill Creek and the 386 intersections there so with lights uh maybe a reduced speed limit we we've got to do something um when you got local citizens voicing their concerns now you know it's a problem so for everyone that says something it's probably 10 that's not you know mention anything but it's there it's evident and it's problem we already had some accidents and we want to avoid any in the future so we have been guilty for 15 years for caution lights at both of those intersections I mean beged them and and I can tell you and they they have really been good partners for us but for whatever reason Chipley hates caution lights and whether it's the red blinking and the yellow flashing or or whatnot but but that 386 is is only going to get worse because more and more people are taking that as the sheriff fles north of us he goes by there every day he knows well and and again we we tried back a long time ago when we when we got the annex at the prison to get a a caution light there at at the at the ston Mill Creek store but then to make it worse we got a dollar store on the other on both sides of the the deal so we already had a bad situation in both places we got a dang Dollar Store both sides so uh I'll do whatever you ask me to do as far as writing a letter whatnot it's already is it 45 there I think it's already 45 at at the uh at the 386 but they don't they don't pay attention to it but I mean it's but but the gist is you're coming out of a blind cve but not at the ston Mill Creek it's not still 55 so we'd probably need what what would you say additional turn Lanes cut trees back wide or medium what you need that's that's really up to do on their on their rideway and on traffic Counts from the problem one well one problem is from Thursday until Sunday you have completely different traffic data than you're going to have from Monday to Wednesday so it depends on a lot of different factors but that's going to be one thing that's going to we into that heavily is our peak hour traffic is going to be much different than the average annual daily traffic so um I think we need to make sure if we do get anything with DOT maybe use a peak hour type scenario versus the average traffic that we have we we want the Saturday traffic they huling butt North and huling butt South depending on the time just come out of my office and we well you can tell Thursday it's Mexico Beach people going to straight 386 the people that own and live there half the time Fridays half some of the same Saturdays complete blow through we W to to get to the cave and Indian pass Sano Beach so um and that's kind of what you end up you see the same cars every Thursday afternoon I'm leaving working just about 6 clock by the same cars and trucks you see um so it's definitely a big issue um I'm not a huge fan of the caution lights I think I know why do is but um but we do need some sort of we do I think we do need to write a letter of some sort to them to at least voice our concerns for it two different issues so so do we want to do 45 at ston Mill Creek well when we met with do last time we got it reduced to 45 from 55 and we asked them to take the striping all the way to town and they only took it to the curve before so three but or south of 386 so um so that's I believe that's where they stopped at at but um we did voice our concerns in personally as well just so everybody knows I I want I want to remind y'all about home rule about how we know our County and our situation better than they do in Tallahasse or better than they do in Chipley and what we need and they need to they need to listen to what we're trying to tell them because we're trying to save lives and uh get people to their destination safely so Michael I'd love to hear at some point what's doot plan I mean we're you know I mean so they've put tons of money and I know you know from Panama City Beach to South Walton that way is just you know but man we're getting to the point 98 you you can't I'm not an engineer but you can't tell me that 98 was designed for the traffic that it's it is carrying now there's no way and but well we talked to them up in Tallahassee for a good long you know hot minute about it and about the numbers so I think they're they're aware of but it's just like what Mr Hammond says it's at 749 if I remember correctly rooftops is the the traing mechanism but um if they were to start right now it'd be three years yeah they should have started they should have started this road five years ago or longer the original completion date was supposed to be like 09 and then of course the Meltdown happened and it just everything got kicked and you know we look up and we're 15 years later from the when it should have been built and now it's BL because we discussed it with them we said and talked to them about it well this is a subsidiary problem too is going to be that that back Beach Road is not going to help traffic on 71 no on the north end it's going probably make it worse so our official position y'all's official position so our official position for sever cents and Jim mcnight reiterated this a couple weeks ago is our number one priority would be four laning 71 in Li of four laning 71 and that's the I 10 would be to do it passing Lanes uh to alleviate some not the best but I mean it's a lot cheaper alternative than the other that's and at the at the meeting just the other day if you want he represented us at the input meeting and those things are all well and good and and first you know we did say Highway 71 they're not going to for Lane that it's not going to happen but passing Lan is a possibility the other thing we said was a new Back Beach Road that that was the a big priority for us and then we'd love to have the Florida G Coast Parkway is officially planned but you know they wrote all that down and they listened to us and they they they'll put it in their plan but I I think it's going to take when our legislators come for their legislative meeting I think you got to put the heat on them to say we got to do something especially with the back be Thro being number one because that's doable it's not as expensive and then for laning Highway 71 and but keep saying the Florida g g Coast Parkway because those are all they're all dearly needed and uh but if it starts with our legislators I really believe I think y got to put the heat on them when they come sit in the room and say what do you want us to do that's what we need to say I just be my my input on it we we we could ask we always go up there and again we I don't want to make him mad because he's been our best partner at least for the last 15 years but we could ask the secretary to come down and and uh let's look at some of these things you know after the next meeting or whatnot uh he's a reasonable guy uh you know came up through the rank so he's he understands I I don't think it's a situation where they don't want to do the back Beach Road I think it's that they were hoping they wouldn't have to spend the money for and and again same with uh you know we got the No Passing Lanes by the Honeyville Park where they didn't go as far as we asked them to they wanted to go a little bit further south uh maybe we get the district secretary to come down I'm all that Mr gain is a nice nice guy he's been there a long time and and uh hopefully we could show him and his Engineers some of our problems firsthand and see if he can't come up with something I think that's a great idea and if he can't make it can we get Tim yeah that be fine I'd love for him to come down he got he got K folks down here so he can come see his kid folks while while down but uh I I'll ask him and his staff because again he's got some good folks around him and and uh let's look at some of these things and and lay it out and and again the more we talk about it it might be inconvenient for the folks just just come up with the money but I mean at least we can say we've been telling you for five years four years three years two two years Day of Reckoning is coming and again I I don't know there's there'll be somebody that'll be against it but the gist is the locals are for we need this back Beach Road because I mean it's I'll go through we every time to avoid the Mexico Beach and because again it takes one Slowpoke and you stuck and you take your life in your hands trying to pass even on a tel stretch so you just you just get ready for the scenic drive so I'll ask the secretary to come down and visit all right you good yes sir sir all right all right take this opportunity thank everyone for coming to the special meet entertain motion to Jour so moot by commission far second by commission rich and the opp