[Music] yeah oh everybody very he's already broken every Ru R bre I had to get up Listen to listen you to the to the AC went they were trying to get us out of no Mr do to start whenever you want oh okay all right order for the March 28 uhb 202 roll call please Mr Smith yes here Mr roach here Mr cter here Vice chairman Dockery here Mr Lions is here he's just getting his coffee yes and uh also present are Town manager Dunham assistant Town attorney nazaro and myself uh absent with notice is Chairman Murphy who had neck surgery this week and I talked to Julie yesterday and he's doing well and in good spirits uh uh minutes minutes we want to make a motion to approve the minutes will they be approve Mr Lions yes Mr Smith yes Mr roach yes Mr cter yes Vice chairman doy yes uh are there any add withdrawals referrals arrangement of agenda items please make note of the future meeting dates uh know we have no August meeting meeting is April 25th okay we're ready to begin public hearing declaration exp no no no no right raise your right hand swear to tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth to help you guys you're on on here this morning to get permission to put AR chur about that long time to very small totally walled ined by plant or wall and there's absolutely no person from either side back or side that can even see and our issue is kind of simple where the house faces front of the house faces South back of the house faces North and we get no sun back there whatever so we've been a to grow grass we have a patio what we're looking to do is just put on the other side the artifici F and so problem not to get too much that's where come back [Music] that's any objection from the no I think the only person could actually ever see it if I had a step ladder with KN it's it's it's not even visible I'm the only one that borders him on the North side and you can't see that at all what Mike's saying is it's very dense in there with growth and you couldn't grow anything uh the only common I had was um if you didn't want to make it a little bigger going north that a we restricted tray with three foot set back is that what it was that's from theer and and it's he's got 5et there maybe or something I guess the question Mike is did you want to make it bigger going a little bit north if you were about to or is this this size is okay we have plants there oh okay those trees and yeah we can make it couple feet bigger going up little closer to the PLS but anyway there's no objection from the neighbor did you ever consider using the color yellow7 ft okay so the only question I asked on the subject before is U we have a very strict set of criteria what this has to be was that then clear yes the we uh provided with a spec sheet and we reviewed that consistent with provisions of the code to drainage the material that the has made out of now well I think a perfect application for space but I want to go back to Mr Smith's comment um I'm forgetting why we had a threefoot setback on mean it's it's not it's on the ground and it's a form of vegetation but not real why why do I think the commissioned that you would have some sort of a setback where you would have you know a landscape buffer or something so it really was not visible from the neighbor property so that's why that minimal setback was was what if somebody wanted beond that variance yes sir come is it an special exception if they wanted to um depart from the provisions of the code it would be a VAR you know if they wanted to to the property line just like anything else if you wanted to build um your your house closer to the road than it's permitted that's very be the same thing with the artificial good to know I can see somebody may be seeking that future W you know why not extra couple I noticed on on the back of this sample you know there are little not pin holes but little small holes is that the only thing that that drains it or is is the actual U material for so the material is um I know I'm not familiar with the installation specific but I did see that the water cability is greater than 30 in hour which is this kind of but it meets all of our criter yes sir I was material I didn't know if we were trying to use of it or I me this is perfect application this isation I was just curious as to water problems water as well question I think the town the town still in this they do not want to see it become a wide sit and certainly like we've already we approved another house on way who had much more this same kind of same kind of materials I mean I think that at this point the town commission did the water for artificial Ser that's why it's being reviewed by the even though this is you know 100 square feet this is something that you know staff may be able to approve in the future and there discussions with the the town commission level about how to adjust that um I think that maybe we get a few more applications we can have the arpb sort of discuss their comfort level with allowing certain applications to be done at staff level um you know they're also looking at application fees so this this application U for level two is $1,000 to do 100 square fee so they're looking at adjusting the application fee for level two because this is such a small project but does require review um you know so we this is just the new ordinance that we're we're now applying I think that you know a lot of the intent is solid aesthetically location materials um but St riew and then impervious versus perious as well and how that relates to you know what we're tring to accomplish as a community with our Z when your next commission meeting is April 12 I would suggest you wait because um I think it's going to get changed these SP it doesn't get changed what the Fe the Fe from that's what I I'm sorry they're going to reduce it to like 10% of the cost yes more reason sure and and we uh I believe that the town Commission is going to apply that retro I'll be I apply here just I guess you wait a couple of weeks what if it gets reduce we have this in B what a you know golfing area that be considered you know this grass I'm starting to see more and more people putting those in the backyard so if it is made of artificial turf would qualify dis want make AAL note as we look at these applications I I think maybe we need to reconsider the three feet I I I don't really get the logic I probably had something to say maybe you voted on it too but um you I think about people have a hedge and what they're going to see is something further into the unless we're on the ladder looking down I don't knowt maybe it's a foot but sure so I think the 3 feet is to allow you to have your page on your property then there would be that that's how where we as opposed to it being sort of your responsibility as the neighbor toer that I'll make a motion to approve a level two architectural site plan based on finding that the conversion of 107 square feet plus or of natural side to artificial turf meets the minimum intent of the design manual applicable reduced standards second motion Mr L yes Mr Smith yes Mr roach yes Mr Colton yes Vice chairman doy yes well done any item by St so we do have our adock committee update so the adock committee is meeting has its first meeting today at 9 o' after this meeting they are you know going to be looking into the issue of massing in the Court District they're then going to you know determine their scope and and iron everything out I think Mr L wants to jump in as the chairman U to provide the update of of what our discussions have been uh but I think that the timetable is to do this during this season me regularly until we can accomplish some sort of a recommendation the recommendation will then come to the arpd for discussion and then uh the arpd will then take that and then um make that formal recommendation to the town commission we able to get Aid that's in process i' like tell you about some in the weekend that work state agency uh yes so uh we people actually Mr cter gave us a recommendation I did speak with him I basically had an interview with him he gave me two references and I reached out to one of them I think he I got the feeling that he he's uh intrigued by what we're doing but he his PL was full sure so he recommended two people and didar and I did tour the core area with one of these individuals he's uh he's actually the uh back Dana little and he's the Urban Design director and so I think he been in that position for about since 2015 he the director planning of Zoning for a short period of time in uh Del Beach and I have to qualify that by saying he was there a period of time when most Department director and City manag there for short period quite sure totally his doing but the nice thing about this gentleman he's not able to be there today but is that he he's a planner but he also has a a degree in architecture so kind of got two Specialties there going with him and and also he has you know other resources uh I believe that would be available to from other members of The orinal Plan and there's 19 people on on there nine of them I believe are elected officials and and the rest are appointed by the Govern so I think we've got good background and resources to try to address this as we're out driving around the T like an architect he had his paper there he's drawing houses so you know he'll be uh he'll be helpful with building form and so that's why we like it and the other thing that the town manag is going to do is I'm going to make an introduction to the building department Village of South afon sections of Southampton quite similar but not the cage area cage area is they have a core District they cor but they have districts um and they have a set of rules that might be helpful um they also de with the be issuing elevations so those are some some of the inputs that we're going to try to take advantage of and you know I don't think that we can do too much research weig out the right solution Tom be was wrestling with this too they they come up with anything no still working on it they they do have a a retired planning z uh official that's been working on it for 20 years uh and he's let what they call it the cubic cont Rao inad of and if we think ours is content even their staff yes the answer yes they've been struggling with it but I say Mr Castro's retired but he's working now as a consultant 4 and Trent's GNA get him in here for one morning right TR yes we'll try he's been trying very hard but I think he would be a wealth of knowledge what to consider what were the frustrations I might even propose we look at Cub again I I understand it's complicated but if it's complicated but works who cares so that's been rejected because it's complicated I'm not sure that's a leg so Paul might be interested in coming perhaps if it's only for maybe one we get Yul K he'd love to this is a for of of the very and love okay and his house was at the corner the southwest corner of Polo and he he did I mean that's a good example of a single story house that did some beautiful renovations to it I think it it was I always love to look at it when there it's Beau I beautiful house also Nice Landscaping always story that's perfect example what I would hope that we can see more of um It just fits in so well and at 9:00 when I first meeting and I took a bunch of photos just to to illustrate what happens when you go up um you stand at that corner you look Southeast just all sky and canopy and you start putting a lot of twostory houses should have hard um you go up as you go up um in height you have to keep coming in and um in fact I'll show you a picture of my house it is kind of an odd shape um you see how it looks like but that's how as you go higher up um so instead of a box you have yeah it gives you more air more light I'm not particularly we didn't really like the shape of it but that's what we had to do that that pitch that you see in in in that picture probably more s than Max yeah I'm not proposing that for but that's just some of the things they look at so you know we'll try to um get as much confident core kind of experience um as we look at these issues fantastic and and also you know any idea is a good idea and by the way just one another question comparison um I did the F that is allowed in in the village of Southampton I'm only allowed 32,000 3200 Lane I didn't know I had a plane either um so if I build a new house on my property here and only build 3200 under the village of South here I can build a little 5 big difference I'm not saying it's right or wrong but it's another reference point that's another [Music] looking I think if I approach uh Mr Castro uh as just coming to one meeting maybe summarizing the J content ratio and their experience where status where're at I'm not and then we can we have a meeting at people home finish thank you the app