just give me a thumbs up let's call the meeting to please rise and pledge the flag I pledge to the flag States thank you would you call the role please r commissioner green here commissioner Canfield here commissioner orine here vice mayor Stanley here mayor Morgan here let it also be known that in attendance today is Town manager Dunham assistant Town attorney nazaro Chief Jones acting CFO Mark bter and myself very good thank you we've been presented with the minutes from our last meeting on February 9 any comments Corrections changes or additions uh motion to approve the minutes from the last meeting February 9th second commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orwine yes vice mayor Stanley yes mayor Morgan yes uh Mr Dunham we have a a little change to the agenda uh yes mayor uh on under 10 items for commission action uh we're going to switch positions uh with c and d very good anything else see uh have we told you we're adding a fee schedule issue on under manager under manage just comments around here some n four yes yes schedu got it anything else uh that's it thank you all right next meeting will be April 12th at 9:00 a.m. for anyone who wishes to attend public comment anyone wish to speak very good move on then to the public hearing before we begin any expart day communications by commission members on any application today none here none very good uh let's move on then anyone who will speak today on any application please rise and be sworn Mr Marsh you're up I don't know your name please give them to me before you pleas good morning uh Mark Marsh Deb Bridges Martian AR Architects I'm here today with Keith Williams from Nea Williams the landscape architect um and we're here representing Joe and Missy Walsh who shouldn't be here today um we this is some of you may be familiar with the house it's 1315 North Ocean uh Boulevard on the ocean side and it is a house um that was built in the late 90s um it was patterned off of kind of a model home uh that was developed mainly in bokeh uh and it you'll see it represents kind of that bokeh Mediterranean appearance there were two other similar houses in town and I know one in ocean ridge with the same floor plan so obviously there was a speculative approach to how these were developed um the problem with the house is that it's not very livable as it stands today and the walshes bought it about a year and a half ago and have worked with Keith and myself to try to develop and change the uh the use and the appearance of the house um we're here today for three approvals the North Ocean Boulevard um overlay District a demolition permit and a level three uh approval uh the site is as I said it's about 400 yards or north of the DNT just to give you a location um it's situated um and with the pool on the ocean and I let I'm going to just freeze over this and let Keith kind of take you through um from a development standpoint the square footage on the house is about 87 100 uh square feet we are planning to do some major demolition to reduce the awkwardness in the house which I'll show you shortly but stay onto that square footage it complies with the setbacks and I think it's it's going to be a big Improvement to what's there currently so um with that let's continue this is the existing house and I think you can see better in your packets most likely but it's it's a house that has a lot of angles and a lot of decoration there a huge amount of decoration or ornament uh on the existing house so we're dealing with two two issues one is the number of awkward angles that are and two the appearance of the house next please this is the existing floor plan and you can see there are four 90 degree Corners in the whole floor plan both up and lower floors everything has this um 45 degree Cher and I I just shared with the uh arpb that this was done where Lots were smaller and Tighter and it was an Illusion by Architects to trying to go away from that tunnel appearance that you have in narrow Lots but it creates very awkward spaces and the walshes have been living in there um and it just doesn't allow for you know appropriate use of the space so what we're taking second next one please again upstairs very similar a lot of angles awkwardness we have a twostory uh open space the whole second floor is basically Gallery so it doesn't really lend itself to a modern living so next please in the demo what are we're proposing to do is remove some of these or the majority if not all of the angle elements on the the form of the house and we are going to De demolish the garage because you'll see that shaded area up in the top left hand that's where the garage is and again that's under a 45 degrees so when you arrive you have to drive around and enter from a North uh West approach it's a it's very very strange next please so what we're doing here is this is our proposed floor plan which we're making spaces regular taking the the angles out we're rotating the garage so you can at least have reasonable access to it um and really creating a much more conforming use to the to the lot um the plan is pretty straightforward it's a four-bedroom house um nothing EXT TRV it next please this is a sec this is the existing second floor again demo the areas that are shaded will be demolished there's a staircase you can see that Circ semicircular steer which is doesn't even meet code it's a hazard um next please and this is the new upstairs where we maintained one col corner on the northwest of the Upper Floor were a tub but everything else we removed a lot of the upper balconies that don't serve any purpose um so we really try to simplify it so what we're doing is converting it from this I call it the boka Mediterranean because it's it's excuse me it's not true Mediterranean in its character it has the elements but not the composition and we're now changing it to a Anglo Caribbean lip which is I think more appropriate for the town next please this is the roof plan again highly simplified compared to what's there now so we will be taking the roof off just to create a much more conforming and attractive roof structure next what up down here is given you before and after the lower image is the existing and you can see the ornament that I refer to all these little things that's that's just a a fake tun doesn't this one works U but the the makeup and composition is so erratic um and the scale of outlookers they're not consistent so what we're proposing is to convert it to this more U you know peaceful Anglo Caribbean look we'll be using a shingle not a not a um Barrel tile roof um we've got the decoration again is very you know traditional creating shutters um and leaving the pit introducing what we call the pitch break which is this CLE change Eve where the the angle of the slope of the pitch changes next please this is actually shows you more of the ornament these balconies have never been used they're just there for decoration um this is just cut through the courtyard which I'll leave Keith to describe how he's proposing to develop that next please and this is the rear and you can see there's a mixture of all kinds of elements the pl valelly metal railings which don't go with the star um there's some arches some flat tops it's just a combination of a lot of elements which we're trying to again simplify and we're using you know outlooking Cypress Rafters under the eaves and the fenestration will be very balanced and obviously taking advantage of the view to the ocean next please these are the two side uh and I must note hasn't been done yet but arpb requested as you saw the two front and back there were shutters we are going to add shutters to the the window penetration so that there's a surround um treatment to the house next again this is the the north side you could see there just a change and you can see you can app appreciate now that the just position of all these groups versus just creating a simple and the mass of the house is actually going to be reduced which I think is an important thing next these are just sections through the house um proposed next and then these are just renderings to show the entry from the motor Court which ke will go through entering to the front door and in the rear of the house which is much more casual and traditional to that Anglo Caribbean style um I will answer any architectural questions or shall I let Keith do his presentation questions you're keeping the walls of the I mean you're doing an awful lot of work to this house right we're keeping primarily the foundation I should have pointed out which I did at arpb this was built before the coastal control construction line moved West this was in the late 90s the cccl line that we know today moved in 97 the advantage we have is that this house is on piles which was very there was a lot of foresight obviously done so we're going to keep the foundation on the majority of the foundation because it's on piles so that's what we're going to work with everything else pretty much it depends it's going to be you know um I guess yeah we'll just see as we go along it's it's a challenge because you're taking something that really doesn't make much functional sense right I mean the way you were describing it's so much work it's so much of oh yeah it's going to be extensive absolutely yeah yeah and there a lot of surgical work but we're using a lot of the structure that's there um primarily the the pilings because that's a fast Improvement yeah I think everyone would agre absolutely good okay next good morning for the record Keith Williams and Williams design you know I will just point out that the program isn't very dissimilar to what exists today we're just kind of modifying and re reconfiguring materials and and layouts and things like that to improve not only Aesthetics but function and create more of a a positive program so the entrance off of North Ocean remains between the trees um we have a new wall new gate we're keeping the existing vegetation and trees along that street side and we're adding to it so it's it'll become very dense um the approach takes you into a for court which now is circular we're proposing it to be square so it feels like it's more formal sitting in a garden um the access into the garages is n too dissimilar but it it changes a little bit allows us to add more Landscaping to separate that four cord from the surface side of the house we're pushing the wall out which now exists between um the two buildings closer to the front door we're actually proposing a low wall off the uh southwest corner of the garage that will continue have a gate um hedging on both sides so then that space becomes more private a larger entertainment space if if they wanted to have a party it was too windy on the side they could use the Terrace and the gardens and the walkways off the front door um through the on the north side of the house through the uh there's a connection between the garage and the main house with glass and windows so we have a little Courtyard little bit of water that sits um off the property line and is surrounded by Gardens and then we're enhancing all the screening buffering with palm trees pigeon plum trees sea grap trees uh to create you know privacy and to protect the rest of the gardens from the wind and the salt there the pool is a new pool but it sits pretty much exactly where the existing pool is today um we're reducing the amount of Pavement in the back so there's more green more lawn JS deposing uh The Palms around the pool to create a little bit of a green canopy Shadow and some movement um on the ground with the palm fronds and proposing a wall to the east to give us a level field so to speak between the main house and the end of the pool and we'll have a series of steps to take you down to the a lower level and then you go out to the beach side um I know some of the comments from the last meeting were the the front wall um on North Ocean and if you want to go to the next slide you can see where we've added more the intention was always to make this wall go away and disappear but did not show up on the renderings at the last presentation so um here we're proposing Silvera petow Green Island Fus um bad dendrum and then of course the trees will stay The Palms majority of the Palms will stay we are removing some of them because they're not healthy and you can look at them say oh those are beautiful but they're not healthy and they're not going to make it too much longer so some Palms will come out um we're adding some lustrum trees along the front not in a row they're kind of positioned in and out to create a little bit depth but it you know it's pretty dense I think it's um the wall goes away you want to go to the next slide these are just elevations to show you our intent to screen the the the neighbors and to provide privacy for our clients you go to the next slide same same situation on both the North and South sides there are um there was a comment about Royal Palms in the middle of the existing um Motor Court now those are massive palms and the energy and the amount of money and the equipment to move those Palms to save them just outweigh the cost of bringing new Palms so we are still proposing to to take those away but the mitigation in terms of the amount of trees and Palms we're bringing in supersedes those three Royal Palms by far this is the east side of the house where you can see we're adding more trees um not blocking views but we are creating that canopy and that green ceiling above the pool in the lawn area blanking the loia with SE grape trees and then you can see on the North and South sides where we've we've beeped up the um the amount of screening as well I think you know the neighbors obviously on the first floor won't be able to see but the second floor they they'll be able to see over that vitation um I think that pretty much it includes my presentation let's you have any questions there's no Australians on the A1A side I take it there's no Australian pines there are there I think can we keep those or are we gonna have to take those out well they're not in the co I don't think actually I don't I don't think so either oh you're asking curious because you're doing a good bit of landscaping there yeah think that far down the right uh questions comments this one question on the um height of the vegetation expected on the new wall facing uh A1A is that 70% coverage or how do you think about that well in terms of seeing the wall yeah yeah I would say 100% coverage we will we will add you know like height wise as well height wise now the green Fus would be anywhere from 3 feet to 4 feet the silver salt pometto about the same and then we are putting um sea plum vine on the wall to cover it so it'll it'll wipe it out it's actually a tree we train it like a Vine but it it's perfect it looks good nice looking project yeah huge Improvement yeah neighbor comments yeah we're not no yeah I mean it's it's a vast Improvement constru project it's GNA be it's going to be a big one uh okay no other comments questions how about some motions um we've got three motions here first motion is motion to approve a North Ocean Boulevard overlay permit to allow a new gate and relocate the driveway to the South Line motor for approach second Miss basil commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orwine yes vice mayor Stanley yes mayor Morgan yes second motion to approve a demolition permit to permit a partial demolition of existing Spanish Mediterranean residents second you fail I commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orwine yes vice mayor Stanley yes mayor Morgan yes third motion is motion to approve a level three architectural asite plan based on the finding that a partial demolition of the existing Spanish Mediterranean residence updating the architecture to Ang Caribbean new Renovations within the existing foot front of a non-forming residence moving the existing driveway South and a new gate in fencing meet the minimum T of design manual applicable review standards second commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orine yes vice mayor Stanley yes mayor Morgan yes thank you Mark thank you thank gentlemen all right next up Mr eliopoulos this is 1465 North Ocean Mr Mayor and Commissioners uh for the record G leopolis address is 1045 East Atlantic Avenue um we are GE architecture representing 1465 North Ocean uh here today with us is Christian Mendoza he's our presentation artist that you'll see and we do have our clients they are here they were sworn in should you have any questions for them after our presentation um you know I think this is a great example of a project where here the arpb board did what they had to do they looked at this project you guys saw it last month for a small portion they wanted to see more they wanted to see more options and with the uniqueness of this project it made sense and also made sense because we have a a butting neighbor that's not only a buding but they're attached to us so again you want to take everything into consideration um we'll go to our next uh slide do a quick overview so you have two properties here they are literally attached all the way through when you go west to the east um we are on the North side now our site is actually non-conforming that uh the minimum width is 150 feet and we're actually 68 feet but beyond that we also have setback issues because both buildings are or both properties are crossing the property line on the next slide so there you're seeing the aial again we're on that north side and you're going to be seeing how we are being attached throughout the project there are three structures on our project um the one that we discussed with you last month is in the middle and now we're going to be talking about the most eastern one on the next slide you start seeing literally from the ocean I think one of the things too that Council wants to always be concerned with what are you going to visually see what we're proposing we're going to be telling you today or hopefully you agree that you're never going to see it so this is our structure here this is actually a three-story structure it's pretty unique in that the sense is the primary bedroom is there's only one in this structure and it's on the second floor uh the elevator that we're going to be proposing is going to be on the west side of three story Tower uh next so before when we came we actually came in for approval for partial demolition on this we were removing 54 square feet of that structure over here we're proposing 43 for the proposed elevator now what the board asked us to do is they said you know you're you're going to be building within the side setback we understand it's nonconforming but are there any other options so what I want to do is take you to the end TI of where the logical things would be to put the elevator and why it really doesn't make sense to go that way uh the goal is not to be disruptive uh of this existing structure next so here's where we are here again that's the structure this is what we're going to be focusing on um this building was built in the early 30s also divided in the 30s next so the here's the front living room uh this is one where if we were to put the elevator in here we would not have to come before the board because it would be uh within the setback it would not be encroaching uh but it just didn't make sense to break up this living room next is the dining room uh you start looking at the ceiling treatments everything actually Mark Marsh was who just left had done the last renovation on this project uh we're numbering these because I want to point it out also in the floor plane so you can see how we kind of went through this next this is is actually their stairwell this is the vertical part of the three-story structure it's kind of interesting if we were to put it in here we actually would still be building over the setback because this whole portion is over the setback um next unfortunately when you come up you'd be hitting one of the primary diags so again it just didn't seem to make sense we wanted to point that out to the board when we did this uh next so here's where you're looking at it one was the living room two is the dining room and that is the so-called uh stairwell uh and primary bathroom above here's where we're closing one of the things that we are doing with this new design is we're going to be taking some of the elements of the historic part of the building and reusing them next so what we've done is there is a door that's existing coming through here we're relocating the door to the elevator so you will be able to access the elevator from the outside go into the building go right up so somebody doesn't have to go through the house all the way through to get to that foyer next so here's where we are on that second floor again the whole thing is a primary uh bedroom that's number four that's where the elevator would have come up uh it also didn't make sense to you know when you only have one bathroom or I should say one bedroom if we did have to come up internally they actually wouldn't be able to use their house while under construction because they wouldn't be able to get access next please we did originally having it going to the third floor right now that is used as an office slash gym uh the board recommended that we only go two stories so we did drop it off so it's not going any longer to the third floor next please visibility um in our presentation I used Tom Smith now I use Tom Stanley this is at 10 feet he's about the only guy that might be able to see above that um you're not going to see this structure next slide now we're going up 20 ft you still can't even see the three-story structure so my point is this that a two-story elevator it will not not be seen from the public RightWay next please so here is the existing elevator that the existing door that we're going to be reusing you are seeing the property line here is the setback this is actually where we're proposing the elevator next again just an actual photo you can see that is very densely uh vegetated uh once this goes in again will not be visible next so there's the proposed uh the original one went up three storage now we have to come down to two you're seeing that we were 8'5 off the property line there's the relocated door and we've added some decorative shutters and windows to uh enhance the elevation next please um now you're really seeing to the south of us and you're getting to see how this Courtyard is here's where our Tower is next please there's where the elevator will be again in FL you won't be seeing this from the adjacent property which is just as important as what it is for us next please again you can see all the vegetation and we'll slide in the proposed elevator next so it's going right in there next please um one of the things that um was brought up in the meeting is that this is a historic structure although you guys do not have any regulations for historic structures um we wanted it to be known that when you are doing addition on historic structure you want to do it in such a way that in the future should that element want to be taken away you can the way we've designed this elevator it could be taken away in the future should somebody want to put this on the national register and actually deem that not being historic the other part is you never want to build in front of the main historic structure of the rways this one is in the back even if it was on the ocean it's still on the back side of the ocean so it's never seen from the public right away next please and these are just the different views this this is actually looking South towards Bob's property we have some false Windows if you will it'll give the real appearance the real Windows it just said they're going to be blacked out on the inside next please seeing from the north uh you actually will never see it but that is the element next please okay so uh this is your code uh Town section 7075 I I highlighted basically uh C subsection b a b and c you know normally when looking at this type of stuff you got to wonder does it really apply and this one it really does informing locations for the addition are impractical significantly more expensive or have a significant more expensive or have significant adverse impact on the site plan in terms of the overall site design relationship between the site plan elements including but not limited to structures patios driveways and Landscape uh B the location of the addition shall represent a logical extension of the existing floor plan in terms of function and design and then of course C the exterior design of the addition shall present a logical extension of the existing structure and shall be consistent with all ethical design standards in this chapter um we feel and we hope you guys feel the same way that it does do that and with that I'll conclude our presentation thank you very much this is the most interesting house in the town of gfring it's Mir daro uh when when the fips developed gfring um they were proposing the development of this town with new homes the Great Depression hit and put a total stop to it except for that house merido as I understand it was the only home built in Gulf Stream during the depths of the Great Depression and because the homes are connected the impact on the neighbor is really the focus it seems to me for the boards and the commission uh so I'd like to hear from from Mr ganger expect this but prepared this uh uh the good news is that if in the future and it may be a long time in the future and it may be a couple of years from now uh somebody comes in and for good reason wants to acquire the whole house um and restore it as as as needed uh to uh the way it was when it was built but this is this is a solution uh that that will work uh I don't think other than the noise and mess while they're building it I don't think that we on the on the South Side will be affected uh very much uh you you're going to have to go climb a wall to look at this and see what what has been done the important thing though is that there is an ability to reverse and and and and build uh and and and end up with the house the way it looked when it was built as you know for those of you whoever visited us um we kept our side uh as close to exactly the way it was including even the furniture uh from from from the original home U the uh the north side to its credit uh Mark Marsh really did a heck of a job restoring the house and yet adding amenities that were more concurrent like air conditioning and so forth the the uh I think it's very important and thank you Mr Mayor for bringing it up that as we emerg merge into our second hundredth year uh we've got to keep some record of the way we we were uh in our housian days uh and um it is one of the few Vanderbuilt houses that is remained the way it is uh for for for close to 100 years so I think what what what the new owners have done is really admirable they've thought it through they had a need they filled the need and yet it it can be restored to the way it was before uh and maybe the new owner would want it to be the way it way it's going to where it's going to end up with an elevator so U I give both the owners the new owners who are awfully nice people by the way and the architect uh a lot of credit for thinking it through and doing the most responsible job they could have done very good good thank you uh because obviously the elevator could not be put inside the house so uh and seem to protecting and preserving the architectural Integrity of this historic um and and truly um unusual building questions comments I appreciate his words if not how about uh a motion Mr vice mayor motion here two motions in regarding the setb first motion is motion to approve a special exception to the construction of an elevator with an aside setback of a non-conforming single family residence for Section 7075 C SE Rene commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orwine yes vice mayor Stanley yes mayor Morgan yes second motion is motion to approve a level three architectural site plan based on a finding that the addition of an elevator to the exis three story main residence meets the minimum intent of the design manual and applicable review standards second commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orwine yes vice mayor Stanley yes mayor Morgan yes thank you very much thank you welcome welcome to GF stream okay let's move on Town manager water service agreement update hear more thank you mayor uh the town received a draft agreement last week which was sent although the city was still working on some details there are a lot of terms in the contract that will need to be adjusted and negotiated so this point it's a work in progress uh I expect uh some some back and forth with the city and uh we'll just keep you updated as that progresses questions very good CIP update uh yes thanks mayor um I just need to remind everyone of our public meeting uh that will be uh at the G spring school on Tuesday at 6: PM uh Bor and Woodman our engineers and the contractor roadway construction will be there be there they'll give a short uh PowerPoint presentation um and then open it up for questions uh I'm sure we're gonna have a lot of questions about it hope we have a good crowd there we are putting some hangers out yes they arriving today so did we get them in time and they're supposed to be deliberate today it says they're in boa FedEx so very good get the word out get those hangers out today and so we're looking forward to it um uh the agenda will be project objectives project summary construction management introduction of construction contractor construct construction schedule and what residents can expect and how to stay informed uh I'm going to throw it to Renee for a second uh so that we can explain to you how uh we're going to keep our residents informed about this project we're gonna we got a domain name specifically core Area road work for these 300 days during the project so on the website I'm going to put in a colored block on the front page at the top of the page so no need to scroll anywhere click anywhere it'll say core area roadwork there will be a link on it you click on that link and Backer Woodman will weekly update the website with pictures with what has happened during that week so that if you are up North during this time you can click on that link and see what's going on on your street what has happened during that week you can even go back to past weeks so say for example it's this week and then next week you can still go back to this prior week pictures what what has been done so I don't have to upload it I just have to get the website going and then they will do the uploading of the pictures and everything that's great and there is a 24hour hotline U so we'll have one phone number uh to pass out on Tuesday night uh it is literally a 24hour hotline if if they don't get a a person then they can leave a message and uh those messages are reviewed the next day uh so the phones uh will be uh Rick Chipman who is the project manager for for bexter Woodman and one or two others but uh we decided that was probably the best way to do it I know we talked about that a little but yeah I've talked to Rebecca I mean they've done this hundreds of times and so they know how to deal with that and so I felt comfortable speak to the during that that line oh yes okay good anyway they can speak to that on Tuesday night too if there are any questions regarding that hotline um that's great um well get the word out um for everyone who's here meeting Tuesday at the school six o'clock um to explain our CIP project in the core and what what what can be expected um all right we uh we have an Athenian fellow yes uh so I wanted to recognize Town CLK Rene basil for achieving the recognition as a Paul Craig Athenian fellow uh Renee is a member of The International Institute of Municipal clerks the Athenian leadership Society is a subset of the iimc it is an education program for clerks to further their leadership skills and their positions as Municipal clerks Renee has completed the requirements to be penned as a Paul Craig Athenian fellow and uh what that really meant was about 120 hours of Education uh that she went through to achieve this uh that would have been 60 hours in class and 60 hours of reading uh if she goes she would be pinned at the 2024 annual conference in Calgary Alberta Canada which I will not be going so that's up to her but I'd like to congratulate her she's always working to increase her skills that's great I mean you had there were big big shoes to fill with Rita Taylor but you have done an outstanding job um you bring Prestige to the town and honor to yourself so congratulations congratulations all right let's move on uh fee schedule thank you mayor so we can um adopt updated fees U via resolution we most recently did so in 2019 when we adopted uh time frame for construction projects so if you exceeded that time we we then had a fee associated with that I don't believe we adjusted anything else so it's been a number of years uh in talking with recent applicants for artificial turf there was a concern about small projects of artificial turf which were level two which would require ,000 application fee so if you're putting in a very small amount of artificial turf and it's only a few thousand doll you would still be required to pay $1,000 application fee so we're proposing that we adjust that and I believe Renee had had circulated our fee schedule there's the two highlighted portions at the bottom we're going to adjust the level two to 10% of construction value not to exceed $1,000 uh with a minimum of $250 so previously level two applications were $1,000 so this would allow for smaller projects to have a more consistent price based on what they're actually doing now level twos are anything from 300 square feet addition up to 50% of the structure so uh level twos do capture very large potential projects um perhaps even if um you know anyway uh so that is what we're recommending for by way of a level two when we look at artificial turf applications in the future we may need to do some adjustments to the code and and we'll bring those to as well uh also part of this is an adjustment to the level one review fee it was previously zero the staff did that review um just as as part of our normal job responsibilities but just like we do level two or level three um you know there are fees associated with two and threes and none associated with level ones so Renee had suggested that we consider a nominal $100 application fee for level ones just consistent with what we have for level twos and threes to offset some of the staff time and expenses uh in in doing those Services um you know I put that out to discussion from the commission I I certainly don't have a dog in the fight whether we want to charge $100 or nothing uh but a recent just by way of an example uh recent applications came in um you know for a mailbox so you know we're going to charge you $100 to make sure your mailbox is conforming uh but another application came through which was a 250 square foot addition uh readjusting some walls and windows on a home in uh in place Al solet so we did that did require sitting down with an architect going over the code understanding okay is this captured with a level one it is a it is a smaller um project by square footage but it is fairly large are you you know what are your windows looking like what what's your door look like things like that um so a little bit more comprehensive than just you know is your mailbox acceptable so based on that that range I'm just kind of putting it out to you for consideration uh again this is not anything that we would U be taking action on today we're just looking for Direction and then we would adopt an adjusted fee schedule next month via resolution let's let's put it up for discussion thas um well I've always been for you know kind of adjusting the fees with compensating for staff time and staff review which we almost require for everything that comes through here I think when I first started here 11 or 12 years ago there wasn't a lot of fees for a lot of different things Municipal lean searches was one that was kind of a pet peeve of M um I think the level one I mean I think if you're filing an application and it's requiring some sort of Staff approval you should probably have to pay something which you stand reason other the municipalities have done for a lot1 $100 I'm not quite sure if you're you know blowing out all your windows and changing doors that it should really be a level one anyway but you know that might be a discussion for another day um and then the level two what's the what's like the large I know you just gave an example what's the largest level two type situation like an accessory structure or an addition or a loia or so you're talking about level two yes right so level two would be uh the the bottom would be 300 square feet the top would be 50% of the um square footage of the structure so you know for a 5,000 foot structure you know anything up to 2500 square F feet right so it does capture some things that are pretty sign I mean obviously you've got a building permit fee which is separate obviously you're expensive but uh so they have to be cognizant of that I mean do we feel that on the level twoo that you know not to exceed ,000 is sp the residents in conjunction with staff review and the fact that you're going to have an expensive building permit Fe coming thereafter uh no no sure no sure so um that's what it is now right now it is it's $1,000 so really the there's no adjustment there it was really just to look at ver very small projects honestly when we were looking at level twos and the anticipated cost being 10% um I don't know how many other applications other than small applications for art artificial turf would be less than ,000 so that would really be consistent with whatever level two okay you have yeah the way this came up was you know we we had never allowed artificial grass in town now we allowing it but we wanted to make sure that it wasn't just delegated to staff that it was closely uh monitored by the arpb and so an application came in for a very small amount of official grass which is what we wanted but it was $1,000 because it pops right up to to level two and so it it it just seemed manifestly unfair and staff got together and and U kind of came up with this approach which I think makes sense at least on those small artificial grass projects and there may be other things that come up that make make us re-evaluate this but uh um you know 10% of a $1,000 project you know I've been advising everybody you need a permit for artificial grass like we need a permit I'm like yes we need a permit for artificial grass so yeah okay is there any reason to apply the same type of structure to level level one which is a percentage of value with a minimum of 100 given as you said trade some of those projects might be a little more extensive even though they're level one sure uh you that could definitely be something we do it just um additional paperwork for them to submit to show the the value of construction um but certainly I think that's that would be fair I like that well you put artificial ter fth level well that that's what I was that's what I was referring to earlier we may I agree with that though I don't know if what we want to do with artificial turf given um some of the applications that we've seen um adjusting that approval level or you know putting it at a percentage I I think that we still have some way to go by way of processing applications and seeing the application uh but you know we did see a large application at 314 Polo a polo and palmway in the backyard um fairly significant percentage of the backyard but it was heavily landscape walls on the side you are never going to see it but it still did require level tour view so that's an example of a project that the arpb approved uh with a significant amount of artificial turf but we're also looking at one of the homes across from the um the bath and tennis a parking lot where you know the lots are very small and they just wanted a small um patch of artificial turf because not a lot of grass grows in that area because of all the vegetation and that you know if we could approve that on level one it would make sense it's a very small amount of square footage but but how do we where's the sliding scale do we put it on on a certain square square footage do we put it a percentage of the lot you know just trying to figure out how to how to manage this I think it was the right thing to do initially to make make it a level two to have the arpb review it uh but maybe over time we'll see that it it could be something that would be acceptable to have staff handle uh using the discretion to move it up at a level two if if warranted yeah let's see how see how it goes uh we never allowed it at all and now all of a sudden we allow it but we really want if you look at the code it's very restricted as to the amount and location of the artificial grass because we don't want to become one of those towns where people are putting artificial grass all over it really will impact if it is visible in any way the the Aesthetics of our town so at least it seems to me that that was our that was the way we wanted to move forward when we when we approved the ordinance have it reviewed by the arpb let's let's give it a few years and see how it goes before we make changes to it except fee schedule yeah I mean this is the best example of of a very small request I it's just 100 square feet I'm not sure how big that table is it might come close to that but we're good with keeping it like it is and saying many of these that we get well before we went off on artificial turf uh Michael had brought up making a percentage of the project they level one fee the argument against that is you know this is this is their job uh taxpayers pay for staff to to do this work um yet some projects take much more of their time than others uh and so a fee would seem reasonable I'm not quite sure what the right decision is that's why we're talking about it um and maybe you want to think about it over the next month and we can revisit this again next month are there a lot of applications for this artificial term we've only had I believe four five three yeah three three and just the one is really tiny surpris it came in I didn't say that how often is the mailbox scenario came up is that a oneoff because that seems how often do we H I've only had one okay well that's because no one knows about it I think so the real reason if we if we were to see a new manity mailbox though we would we would ask them about [Laughter] it um so do you want to think about this some more and and revisit it next month or are you uh happy with st recommendation at this point I would you like to proceed well for me it's it's a little bit of ease of use too I mean that's not going to make or break the town's budget one way or another right so for me if it's if it's going to create complexity in terms of trying to add a layer of um uh calculations to figure out project cost to apply it to a level one I mean it's not like I said it's not a it's not a huge issue for me but just something to consider mayor can absolutely hey PA sure how this works just step right up identify yourself for the record Paul Lions 2945 Polo Drive reporting in um but more seriously um I thought your comment as relates to uh the residents having paid the tax and they're expecting a service and for routine things to ask people to pay something it just going to irritate the residents I don't think it's a good PR and it's not going to make a break to town so I I think that and also you're creating a disincentive if somebody had to pay a $100 to put up a $125 mailbox how many people going to come to town hall so those are my thoughts thank you no I think those are good thoughts those are good thought I mean the first thing came I mean you want to incentivize people to to come in and have approval of their projects um and $100 is not that much but it might be um you know with a $100 mailbox all right let's do this let's think about it about let's bring it up next let's bring it up next month um think about it and we'll we'll make a decision in in April okay yes sir mayor uh I forgot that there was one other item I wanted to put under manager reports I have uh Anthony here for us uh you know we're we're still trying to get the rust off of our Monument sign coming into town let you exp all of the different uh method you tried everything under the sun and acid is what I've used to clean that sign which I'm not supposed to because of the Cain is very soft there are other signs that are like that right especially Golf View on one side but they're but but I think it's the well water that correct is causing the rust now we had we were able to clean the Bion sign right those had just surface mold rust on top of it um not rust I'm sorry justold old fungicide um we used a 30second um like a bleach um that's kind of like a gel substance uh we sprayed it on there and Wayne scrubbed it and it came off I didn't use a pressure cleaner on it um just for the simple fact that I'm afraid that I might do more damage to the Cain already as it is um he's been using lime away without me knowing he's been using it on the sign and truthfully it's lightening it up it's working but it's just very long process um I got some CLR which is similar to the liway it has other substances of chemicals that are in it that'll probably help break and decompose the actual lust in it but I'm not just sure if it's going to actually work completely or not but it it's lightening it up and it's starting to change you can see it so um I just wanted you to know we're not ignoring it we're just trying to be careful in how we address it I thought we had talked about this at one point and you're you had proposed um cleaning it with high pressure sand or water and then sealing it something that that would make it easier for the rust to be removed right the the part of the problem that we're having is Mayor that they're the irrigation that they have they didn't have it in front of the sign originally when we first replaced the sign after the incident the gentan had had the a seizure and he hit it and damaged it um they came behind us after we had everything installed and put a sprinkler head in front of it it didn't have it before but they put one in front of it so now it's mind about how that might be addressed we would have to let them know that we need to remove it once we get to the point that if we're able to completely take all the rust off of it but we're fighting it anyway because they still had the sprinkler there so we would have to have that sprinkler removed and replaced behind the sign so don't get any other overspray on it so as we treating it we can get rid of some of this rust that's on it and lighten it back up and then I can seal it the other option was replacing it with a concrete stamped coina look but the gentleman hasn't made it through yet I've already reached out to him twice and he's he says he can come by it's just time schedule for him is kind of tight right now because he's so busy is there a reason for the sprinkler head's placement where it is I have no idea they just when they redid the irrigation stuff that's out on that main medium area they put one there why they put one there I have no idea andw are you talking about St St Andrew yes tennis cour side okay and Fogerty has one on his end of his property that hits the sign and it's the same thing yeah okay and they're on well there all right so maybe we can speak to the property owners and their agreement we we would take care of relocating it and then that way I can keep doing what I'm doing right you know as far as what Wayne decided to do which actually is working really well because I can see the different discoloration on it okay good it's cleaning it up and it'll saved the the town the money of having to replace it and we can just seal it once it's done at least to the best of our ability to where we can get it cleaned enough so we can just seal it okay I think we have some direction stay for the for one the last item stay here uh okay arpb meeting is March 28th at 8:30 for anyone who wishes to attend Finance report Mr Dunham uh yes uh this uh report represents 41% of our budget uh next month I'm for during the month we're going to be U moving some money around inter internally that that we can do uh but we'll be coming back to you to point that out to you uh at the next meeting okay any questions on uh the budget if not chief police report mayor vice mayor Commissioners uh please accept the report as submitted if you have any questions I'll be more than happy to answer them I will make you aware that we did have an officer officer alen O'Neal who's been with us for just over five years announced his retirement he was retired when we hired him from a previous organization so he's now spent approximately 30 years in law enforcement and his last day with the town was March 4th uh we've already started uh the hiring process with an officer to refill that vacancy and we're pretty confident that that will likely happen uh probably within the next 60 days very good uh any questions to the chief if not we'll accept the report as submitted uh let's move on then to the Gulf Stream School development agreement Mr nazaro thank you mayor so um I've provided the third amendment to developers agreement uh while it is under items for commission action I want to wait until we have approval from the school first this is the document that has been provided to the school through their attorney who have been working with they had some adjustments after our last meeting so if you recall I believe two months ago we wanted to hold them to a three-year uh approval uh they then asked for for five years again and the the commission was very gracious in granting that there were also some other items that were discussed uh including um a a clause that specifically carved out the Gulf Stream School Del Beach campus just to make sure that they that there was a very clear understanding that students enrolled at that school would not count uh towards that enrollment cap um so last month uh I said that I would take the commission's instruction and adjust the agreement to Encompass five not three school years so that is in there and at a clause specifically carved out the Del Beach campus so so that's been done uh I've been in communication with the school's legal counsel who indicated that they wanted uh to revisit the uh the approval in three years so even though they're getting an approval for five years they want to make sure that the parties talk about it three years so sort of Midway through so I've included uh under a paragraph 3 increased enrollment impact which references the capital Improvement project Improvement on the roads and how we will be able to better understand the impact of that increased enrollment figure once the roads are a little bit wider so uh really tying it to uh improvements acknowledging that traffic is a primary concern for that that increased enrollment and uh we'll meet again to you know discuss that impact uh and and discuss a a longer term renewal so at this point it is in the the school's hands and the their Council told me this morning morning uh we are thankful for the revisions to the agreement and we're looking forward to continuing our partnership with the town uh so ideally we'll have that uh approved in the coming week or so and then we'll have that for final approval uh during next month very good um update on 2900 Avenue ocet thank you mayor last month before the meeting Gulf Stream School uh I'm sorry golf stream golf club's attorney notified the town and the properties contract purchaser that there were some issues with the the agreement those issues are currently still being worked out by the contract purchaser in the big Club the town has received no additional legal documents to review and at this point we're waiting on the other parties to to come to some sort of agreement so then once they're in agreement then we can sort of iron out what the town needs to do I've spoken to a club member a number of times this month and he is keeping me updated on the status I appreciate the club working on this matter so it can bring some finality to these discussions by way of an easement agreement that is acceptable to all parties involved the club Centennial uh celebration is is it this weekend Saturday yes um all week actually yeah it's it's a it's a long process but uh obviously they have they're focused on something else right now uh perhaps next week we could uh we could sit down with everyone and maybe work work work out a resolution a final resolution of this of this uh this item all right thank you all let's move on then to U the CIP I think we switched the bid approval I'm sorry yeah we're doing the bid approval storm water drainage uh this is can you step up here Anthony I think the went through a b approval to make repairs to a storm water drainage issue over on BL away I think it's fairly obvious who the low B is here uh we reached out to three companies uh one did not respond I just wanted Anthony to explain to you what we're actually doing there this is this is on Avenue ill Circle um um commission there's a um actual drain line that runs from in front of the new construction over at 2665 Avenue alet and also Mr Mara's home um that feeds um from across the street from that new um house that's being built to the east side and out into the inter Coastal um it runs in between him and the I think it's the Alexanders that live just north of him I believe that's who they are um but it runs underneath their their property line um underneath the fence that they have have set of cluas that are probably about 12 feet tall um the pipes has collapsed towards the end of the outfall of the seaw wall it's kind of separating itself a little bit I'm not sure if it's because of the actual seaw wall I guess voids that are caused underneath it because of old age I guess um but it's the pipes are collapsing in different angles on throughout the whole stretch of 152 ft um there are some Rust um holes that are created within the pipe itself because of the age of the pipe um and also creators coming in and the tide coming in and rebars starting to expand because they're rusting inside internally through the concrete and it's pushing out and it's causing voids inside the pipe so those voids are causing um um dirt to come into the system and then obviously run out into the inter Coastal so they has to be constantly clean the the property owners property is collapsing on the top of the pipe okay i' I've filled it in twice already since I've been here um to level the property out again but you know within six months timeing to tell you why these numbers are so high yeah and they have to redo the whole entire line it's either they replace the whole line itself or they line it with a fiberglass lining which they curate inside of the actual pipe itself which I'm not really too fond of I prefer to slip line it but because of the complex of the actual job itself and where it's located it's not going to be very easy to slip line it and slip lining is a pipe within a pipe which htpe piping is um which they use as a poly pipe we got it it's it's going to be inol but it has to be done so um and what a discrepancy in the in the bid process corre Shan Andel pipe reputable you feel confident yes they've been around for a very long time I've dealt with them for quite some time right well the ones we should sir motion thanks I'll move to um the the contract of Shand pip inspection restoration specialist second Renee commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orine yes vice mayor Stanley yes mayor Morgan yes um Waste Management contract extension Mr dun yes uh thanks uh mayor uh so um our fiveyear contract extension with Waste Management expires uh at the end of March um we began to discuss um um how to address that back in December uh five years ago Waste Management proposed this a 26% increase we negotiated that down to 6% uh this year uh the proposal was for a 62% increase from our current uh uh fees and uh so we uh we tried to negotiate that down we've asked for an extension that's what's on the agenda today uh for a six-month extension uh the extension uh itself represents a 22% increase um our staff and our uh our um contractor uh who helped us last year or five years ago with our contract negotiations met with uh Barbara Herrera who is here I think her supervisor uh on the phone uh tried to negotiate but there was no movement uh whatsoever uh on the part of Waste Management uh and again by Design I was not involved in in those discussions Trey was trade wants to come in on those he's more than welcome to do that uh but uh we do need to enter into the extension with waste management and then upon approval of that uh uh the staff will begin uh the competitive solicitation process which includes either an invitation to bid request for proposals or an in invitation to negotiate um yeah obviously we have to agree to this uh this extension since our contract expires this month but as we saw in the storm water train pipe uh bids there can be significant price differences and if waste management is not willing to negotiate then we should put it out bit uh any comments yeah just one one question it's more a historical question um given the big price increases does the town ever thought about going to once a week versus twice only thinking my own situation we fill my wife and I fill one trash can a week so it's has that ever ever been discussed or is it is it two times a week is is the standard that that everybody likes it's a good question I think yeah that's just how it's been done right I mean we've um since I've been here we've only had one negotiation that was five years ago and uh our residents like the service that we provide to or Waste Management provides to them uh at twice a week and the back door service uh and so we we wanted to continue the the Ser the level of service uh that they that they're used to we we've not put that out to to the resence to see if that might be uh acceptable to them or not we just didn't even consider that John historically has there ever been I don't think it's ever been suggested we do once a week um I think there are families in town that once a week might be a little over you know a little light on picking up especially in the summer months middle of the summer that might yeah I mean not in the winter but during the summer things get kind of um not so pleasant um but it's never been discussed as far as I ever remember once personal experience we only have trash picked up once a week because there's no use for us to put it out kind of on Wednesday because it's not not really much there but youat I hate I hate to say it but it's more it's a lot but I I do think if for this you know people who are living but maybe people with the families there would be more of an issue and also I would say more the summer months yeah um than the winter yeah but there's no way to make two times week in the summer and once in the well it's a it's a question maybe to ask in a negotiation right because everything's open when you're out there which is I don't know X number of months we want once a week and X number of months we went twice a week but I know there's a lot of variables to try and keep the cost down that's all of them yeah they are big ey popping numbers but as the mayor said maybe just putting it out the bid's going to compress those numbers anyway we have put it out to bid before um and that's I think why we got the contracts down so as I remember there's other people to get this out but um so I think that's what we should do yeah the lack of transparency in a 62% increase is kind of tough to the stomach understanding prices have gone up in the last five years it's a different climate than it was then but um yeah that's tough uh no absolutely uh you know they did ask for a large Increase five years ago and they did get you know a somewhat significant increase based on you know a transaction that was negotiated between the parties and included an annual uh adjustment tied to the water through trash index so it's industry specific um you know so I I just can't wrap my head around an outright refusal from our representative and her supervisor to even say we'll go down to 50% I mean it was just 62% is the last and final number that's it um and it's just comparable to what we saw from Shannon DOA at 20,000 and then another person who said I will do it for 60,000 absolutely 100% you give me three times what the job is worth and I will happily do the work so I feel like that is kind of the approach that waste management is taking um we're happy to be your provider and we will continue to do so at the the significantly higher price um you know so I think that there are other uh waste hauling providers that would be uh happy to to bit on us and we believe that the market would would be somewhat competitive based on uh speaking with our consultant and understanding who is active in the area uh but they've graciously given us a six-month extension at a significant increase that I think we have to agree to so is there a motion regarding U do we have to do six months if we find a provider sooner I mean if we go out to look for other people because sure so need to go into negotiation with other people and saying look what they've done to us you know we're paying this much now that we' all lesser rate no sure um there I I did review the contract language and there does not appear to be a termination for convenience or anything like that essentially if they were failing to meet acceptable levels of service then we could terminate otherwise we'd be locked in for the six months the six months okay which would would give us some opportunity to develop a procurement make sure that we have you know a meeting with the vendors they have a good understanding of the level of service that's required so they can give us an accurate price and and have a good understanding based on conversations of you know what what it's like to uh be a waste hauler in Gulf Stream okay yeah I we've got three weeks to go here I know so okay we' kind of got our back against the wall but we're by no means beholden to that number in the future uh is there a motion uh motion to approve the seventh addendum to the solid recycling collection with was management for an additional six months as presented second M commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orwine yes vice mayor Stanley yes mayor Morgan yes all right let's move on then um appointment of an ad hoc committee regarding massing is it Mr nazaro or Mr Dunham going to be the I think you have a um a note here from staff report that suggests the the members that I think today our goal is to officially appoint them is that true so uh about 10 years ago we had an ad hoc committee study a similar issue that was chaired by Mr Borman so we do have some sort of historical um data to look at and refer ing this issue to um you sort of a a subset of residents in town that aren't necessarily on the board um so the arpb looked at that and they decided you're referring it to us but we believe maybe some additional resident input would be beneficial so they were able to tap three town residents they believe would provide some meaningful impact into uh these discussions along with um Mr Lions who's here who would uh who was suggested to chair that committee uh Mr Murphy uh in place slay and and Tom Smith as well um who spent a lot of time on the arpb and some time on the commission so we do have a lot of historical knowledge and then also some some New Perspectives um that would uh be tasked to study this issue an ad hoc committee cannot be created by the arpb so they are asking the town commission to form that ad hoc committee constituted with the members listed on the memo uh and if you have any direction or additional discussion that you would like to have uh you know Mr Lions is here I invited him because I knew this was was going to be on the agenda as a as an important item certainly he's he's fully aware of of those discussions but just if there wanted to be any additional direction or discussion from the commission uh on the ad hoc committee and then those meetings would be sort of uh at uh the direction of the chairman I think that previous ly they were u b again going back 10 years ago I think they were bimonthly uh and they had um individuals come in and and and talked to them and studied a variety of different issues that had impacts zoning related impacts on the town um so this is really uh you know forming that committee with with Paul Lions the chairman and we would work with him to set agendas pull in contractors and and direct those discussions as as he and the the ad hoc committee saw off it Paul you've already introduced yourself it previously so you probably don't have to do it for the record but uh you and I've spoken about this um would you please uh I know you've given us a lot of thought as to uh who should be on the committee which is set forth in this memo but your plan for moving forward the time period and and how you'd like to go about it if you could explain it to the Comm thank you for asking um so I think process is really the critical element to being successful in this effort um and we need to carefully Define the mission um so I I actually ask the town commission uh to confirm what the mission is and my understanding is to to look at massing within the core District that that would be our focus and to come up with some approaches uh ideas to try to maintain uh the current atmosphere we enjoy on polo Drive in particular and and gstream drive those two lanes that are critical to the core District uh with the Landscaping it's the EMP is as opposed to Hardscape uh and trying to manage that Redevelopment of many homes over the next 100 years um you know we're approaching a 100 years and now we need to have a plan how we want to see the town evolve in this period of time in terms of timing uh I like the notion of um every other week or B monly um I'd like to see it um resolved if possible um before the summer months um I think that's going to be a function of what resources uh we would like to call upon um we've discussed in commission meetings the notion of getting third-party opinions people who have core competency um Architects City planners um I know that Greg has heard me say this too many times uh he has a wonderful connection in Palm Beach with a fellow who has gone through some of these issues but pick the brains of others um I I think that we would want to look at other towns i' I've publicly said this before the village of Southampton has developed some rules codes policies as as relates to these kind of issues in a similar kind of core District um so um calling upon the right participants which I think we've established u a good representative group from the town um getting outside experts that come in and comment and I've identified about 10 different section of the code that I believe and I'll obiously sit down with staff see if they want to add to that but there are certain very obvious sections in the code that we would want to talk about uh and I would I'm going to work hard to get public input people come to the meeting so it's not just the the adoc committee but it's the public and we then make a recommendation to uh great Mission yeah that's as important a point uh as you've made and and and that is we have been tiptoeing around the massing issue for the last 10 years our design manual was promulgated in the 1990s to preserve identifiable neighborhood districts and the one most in threat of being changed is the core because of the crowded congestion of the and nature of the of the homes relatively small Lots particularly interior ones as property values increase the desire for larger homes uh comes along with it and we have we have tinkered with the code in trying to address it but uh the commission has determined that really something more thorough uh and detailed is required to come up with an approach to either keep the code the way it is or to make some modifications we have some significant influencing factors the BFB the building floor elevation level is rising we talk about it with every application yet our roof Heights of 30 foot remain the same so with near two-story homes and those are really the ones that are uh can can most threaten the the the district neighborhood in here in the core and possibly in uh plaso so that that is one area that I think really needs to be evaluated uh General massing itself with you know the amount of square footage to be allowed um should that be adjusted up or down uh should it be adjusted differently for single story homes compared to two story homes these are things you'll need to to evaluate with the assistance of some perhaps some experts and uh other towns that have address the issue as well and bringing the rest of the neighborhood into the discussion is important because this will have a direct impact on everyone in the core so they need to be aware of what we're doing any that's that's my two sense I think one element of of of the structure um would be to create incentives to discourage massing and rather than be punitive you can't do this this is what you can do so we're going to try to give it a positive um environment for people to operate in so thank you for asking me to do this and um it's not me it's going to be that our committee is g to well thank you Paul I appreciate you agreeing to share it uh you've got a great committee here we need to uh move to approve this committee so is there a motion go ahead go ahead oh I'd like to move to approve the uh ad hoc committee as stated uh second Renee commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orwine yes vice mayor Stanley yes mayor Morgan yes okay um voting delegates and alternates for Palm Beach County leag of cities same all the time volunteer again and all of you guys are going to be the sounds great is there a motion motion to approve uh Town manager Dunham as the voting Delegate for the pach league of cities with the Commissioners as the five ales second commissioner green yes commissioner Canfield yes commissioner orwine yes vice mayor Stanley yes mayor Morgan yes and might I add as your supervisor of elections that there is an election coming up on March 19th which is the presidential preference primary and this is a polling location so we will be here from 7 to 7 it's mostly for the Republican party because the Democratic party has already nominated Joseph Biden as their soul so there's no Prim Democratic primary voting being held here no just just Republican just Republican interesting okay um items from commission members anyone wish comment well then thank you all for coming see you next month meeting thank you yeah I need