For You cover [Music] [Applause] I'm sorry I thought it was pretty cool I sitting next to at dinner just and she emailed me without even moving her hands as I'm sitting next to her I get a spam email from her to change her direct deposit information as she's sitting right next to me not even like I got it earlier in the day I got wow she's sting good now we just need him so I drove home with Kathy and my wife [Music] we're up to the manag all right so we go to the uh agenda please okay first up I have our CFO Mr Manan is going to come up about the 200 223 best practices inventory uh thanks um the best practices inventory is something we do uh every November uh just give me a minute to give you a refresher on what it is in case anybody's com on or anybody from the public doesn't uh know uh this came about about in 2010 what the state does is the state sends us a list an inventory of what they consider to be operational best practices and then we have to check off how many of these practices we follow and every municipality in New Jersey does this if you don't follow enough best practices or what the state considers best practices uh they do uh reduce your state aid okay um for us uh this year's best practice inventory there were okay uh there was a total of 42 possible points we scored 36 out of 42 which is an 86 percentile and um uh no limit you know no loss of state aid hack isak has never lost state aid in the best practices checklist like I said we scored an 86% this year last year was 85% which is pretty much where we hover and um of the uh of the 36 questions we answered no to eight of them okay so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to run through the categories of what the eight NOS were okay and this is the same thing we've done every year okay we um know would be a best practice that we're not following okay um and by the way we're not following or weren't following at the time we did the inventory which was the beginning of November okay now since then if it's been corrected it'll show up on next year's inventory okay all right first one is multiactor authentication uh for our network uh which is in the world Works um another one is we don't have a policy of considering hybrid vehicles when we make vehicle purchases uh another one was and we found out that uh the shity bond uh held by the tax collector is too low um now her bond is up for Renewal so we'll be increasing that uh that'll be taken care of okay um another one was if you've updated your personnel manual in the last three years which is being T which is being done tonight but wasn't at the time of the inventory um okay U we got cited uh for an for not having an anti-nepotism policy and uh just let me just say that although we don't have an anti-nepotism policy we do follow the recommenda uh the recommended procedures for anti-nepotism okay another one is has to do with the way we follow a procurement for insurance we take a bid exception for insurance and the question was do you follow all of the uh paperwork requirements and we haven't done that we'll do that going forward um likewise another one talks about our broker for health benefit coverages um do we procure that through competitive Contracting and we haven't done that in the past uh but we will be doing that starting next year um and the final one um has to do with our labor contracts um we're required to file all of our labor contracts with perk uh the public employment relations commission that's been done but they also want a financial analysis of each contract that hasn't been done and to be honest I've talked to every city manager I've walk I've worked with um the financial analysis is a massive exercise and we have we have nine labor agreements okay I never truthfully I've never seen the benefit for it um and it's something that something we haven't done okay it's also something that doesn't benefit anybody other than the state but okay that's the best practices uh inventory for 2023 it'll be posted on the city website uh tomorrow just like it has been every year for the last seven or eight years okay and if um you all have a copy of it in your anybody has any questions uh be happy to handle that questions no no question everything was okay okay we got like what 86% 86% yep and no loss of state aid okay all right thank you much thank happy holidays you too Happy Thanksgiving we'll see you before Christmas uh next uh is was just referenced uh by Mr Manion is there's a resolution on tonight for the uh new and updated uh city of hackin saac personnel manual which will uh be approved tonight and then be distributed to all our employees um number three there's a resolution uh actually is resolution for a change in an ordinance regarding Spring Valley Avenue the change is to increase the uh truck tonage limit to four tons um or decrease it I should say I assume um so that there's a 4 ton maximum from uh Main Street to the Spring Valley uh to the Maywood border um number four there's a resolution on tonight for the reappointment of municipal judge Roosevelt John and number five is uh a change in the ordinance for uh fire prevention fees um this ordinance and the fee uh the fee list hasn't been updated in over 5 years um so I've been working with uh uh Deputy Chief lunato and we've changed the fees uh going forward again hasn't been an update in 5 years so we're coming up we did an analysis with uh surrounding towns and we're still even with the update our bees are still well below most of the surrounding towns in the area uh last but least uh as our CSO and storm water parks update I'll have our city engineer CH we come up everybody good evening before we start I just want to recognize uh Chris received a uh Chris and our and our engineer from Suburban um Aaron both received awards at the uh leag of municipalities for the work we're doing on uh our Water Maintenance systems our underground systems all the stuff that's going on the sewers and we wanted to congratulate you're in public on that great job great job of the city great job is bourbon getting in erent getting that all done so thank you conratulations about thank you for that um I'm just a bit player though in in that whole um project uh obviously the the city council um has taken great strides in it it's a team effort for sure great strides in its uh in its flood mitigation and Sewer overflow projects just a quick update of our major projects overview uh the city hall roofs again the the ones that are shaded a little darker um have been updated since last time the seah hle roofs are basically complete it's just that we're waiting for the skylights and scuppers to arrive and uh that work should be done um next by next month and the other change in this is uh polyi park has moved into construction and it's uh anticipated finished now is uh in uh January 24 our active CSO separation project right now is the Anderson Street uh drainage area um the test pits have been completed we have had excellent coordination with uh psng and violia in terms of utility relocations there's a lot that needs to go on there and it is rather complicated uh Public Service uh has um made uh accommodations for the city to uh [Music] to uh to do more quickly or or to advance their plans for uh for service changes that they had in the works for next year so they're going to be they're going to be moving some of that work uh earlier in their in their program and that would uh for for PNG is supposed to start next week and uh we are we are actively underway as well with the sewer separation uh it started on Stanley uh last sorry the beginning of this week the Vorhees Lane Pump Station uh we are still uh working on the change order for this project we do have costs that need to be reviewed and uh as soon as we're uh that we're through reviewing that we will proceed with with the completion of the vhe lane Pump Station the flood mitigation project uh for the southern area of the city we're about 85 uh 83% complete uh as we've discussed there's been uh uh some discrepancies in the pipe Network that have slowed our progress and uh but we do expect that that project will be finishing up um the end um sorry next month in December our pars projects uh Carver Park is uh back under construction after we uh conducted some tree removal and the electric is being installed this week the slab uh the post tension concrete slab of the courts is going to begin next week for Johnson Park Sports facility we're still undergoing soils compaction and we're actively um completing the bid documents for the Fieldhouse uh construction and the as well as the administration building polyfly Park as I just mentioned is is underway we've notic notied a proceed has been issued and um that's a a fairly quick uh drainage improvements project there fishen Park the final selections for the products have been made and we're uh wraid up design there we expect this project to be um ready to the bid do documents to be completed uh in the coming weeks uh in in December the paving projects are complete this is just a summary of the the last roads that needed to be where restoration needed to be completed by PS and uh so this year's Paving projects are done other projects include the uh the upgrade of signals uh at Summit and pic and be uh uh Beast Beach and first and Central and first uh this project is going to be delayed as the signals uh are about over a six Monon uh delay for the the black poter powdercoated signals that are standard for the city first I have a question that Chris the summit mate for instance I I I can see the old lights are still there so we're waiting on the new outer coating black ones correct correct are they they have walk signal on them yes they will go both ways yes yes and our city hall offices project is making good progress the um uh all of the Interior framing has been completed uh the mechanical electrical and plumbing installation has begun and we do have a conforming schedule now for the completion of this project in uh in March March of 24 which is is what was is is is what's expected for the project and we're still undergoing the Cyber mediation for the Fire Department headquarters we're now in round three of the injection and recovery process there and as the mayor uh stated uh the city uh was recently recognized by the Society of Municipal engineers for uh two uh projects that uh we've been discussing routinely here the long-term control plan implementation which is the CSO and uh separation projects as well as the flood Hazard mitigation C uh closed circuit television contract so kudos to all of you for uh for this excellent work ex me clear the picture before was city hall or was the building department that going to be in the air building that's building this is the building this is the first FL johal yeah the building department and the other request from me if we can get an update print of the street that have been Paving in the last two years added to the pr that we got before sure right Ryan we've been discussing that with uh with NE in ter and the the streets and the B yes we'll get you that up way we can show the what we doing if you get a chance you probably forgot Burn Street see if you come up with an answer for the reasoning for the way they did the crosswalks the crosswalks I did get an answer on that it's the the county uh did not does not do the ladder um or historically has not done the latter uh uh painting on the crosswalks it's not a County Road street street small is that an intersection with an intersection with Pake yeah but B is that's it's uh it Anderson it just two lines there well it starts it the first one which is uh Bookout or no Hamilton I guess it's Hamilton right is uh has four crosswalks for the intersection which is normal intersection the next one has three for for an intersection and then the next one going into the circle other has two so you have an intersection four which is the normal so you can cross any way then you have three which is weird and then you have two so you literally you're on one side of the street and you couldn't cross over well I guess I misunderstood the question you're saying that there's not there's not there's not always four crosswalks every intersection should have four crosswalks cut curves on all four things but the but the crosswalk doesn't was never put in do they have 88 cars there new one there's only one it's a well it's a ramp but it doesn't have the what do you call it it's Ada yeah so you've got one that's correct one that has three crosss one that has two cross there it's possible that there there may have been decisions made based on site distances or or or some other factors uh we we can check into that especially too because you think about it you can't you know so if you're on this corner you got to get to that corner that a crosswalk to get to a crosswalk that happened in place and and B Street when the lady got killed that was no gross work in there the the sa Su when we got killed here that's why I asked was a cross at the walk I I'll look into that there thank you very thank you that's all I have there that we open to the public a motion poer second council member hi mayor is absent council member hi council member Carol hi May anybody from the like to speak now please Fork you have minutes good evening Bridget I received a violation notice to my home about a vehicle that's in my driveway but on the grass I went to talk to uh the gentleman who actually I guess typed this up taking a picture um and I was asking about the ordinance because all it just says is um number three grass Lawn and Landscape areas may not be used for parking but um my home my driveway it's the extension of the driveway is where the car is at so I'm just trying to figure out how parking on the extension of the driveway even though it's like a patch of grass there how is that parking on the lawn and when I was asking him for a more Define answer he couldn't give me an answer he gave me someone else um this ordinance I guess is from number 15 from 2008 um so I was trying to just get an answer about the driveway where our cars are parked and then the grass patch which years ago used to have a actual garage a detached garage from the home so when I asked Tim about the actual um ordinance he couldn't give he couldn't give me an answer to this ordinance of why where the Patrick grass is at the car can't be parked there that's what I was trying to find out so I was sent down to DMR because that's what they told me to go there to get my answer and then the gentleman who works for DMR was like no you can't come here you got to go back to the Zone yeah I do all right see me after yeah I has no involvement exactly so I was I I understand what you're saying and I was trying to figure out why I would get the answer to go DMR so I went to DMR and he said to me I don't have nothing to do with that no they have nothing yeah and he couldn't give me a defining answer on to why you can't park where the driveway is at onto like that grass reason car was parked there was it emergency situation it well the car is an old car it doesn't run anymore and it's we're trying to get rid of it I was trying to get like rid of it by the junk people and stuff but now since they are working on our street we didn't expect that right the the actual guy who is the um Foreman said it came early and now the street is tore up and open so he can't get in there to to get the vehicle so I was trying to make sure it gets removed by at least December 1st can you find out yeah I know yeah so I'm what was the ordinance again that you stated it says um ordinance 15 2008 we just looked it up and there's can I can I it CU she's she's got the code pulled up so we were looking for the ordinance to see what when I was asking for the final answer to try to understand an extension uh what is it old property maintenance code this is be build the picture is right right you look at the oh no no Jes oh yeah he's in build he's in build we don't my driveway I mean it's not a fight it's just a notice to a bate right but the thing is that's the of the dri so I move I mean I don't have a problem moving I just was trying to get a more defined if you guys can't figure it out let me know I'll take a it's online you can find we'll look into keep in mind that that's just a notice viation it just I mean I was trying but they came to standing place and place so now it's all open right we can't par there we told people there so I just said let me just come and ask them know why they sent DMR yeah because DMR is the one who worked on the no but this is Property Maintenance Cod I'll email you all right thank you I got home my Happy Thanksgiving everybody Happy Thanksgiving good evening Marty Smith Prospect Avenue our Advisory Board would like to recommend that the current pedestrian crossing signs that we have on Prospect Avenue at the crosswalks at Berry Street and golf place be replaced with flashing pedestrian signs such as we have on Prospect at Thompson Street which is by the hospital this type of sign is much more visible particularly at night and several years ago we had requested an upgrade on lighting from public service and we never got that upgrade of sufficient lighting so this would make these intersections much safer and since we have received a grant of $400 and some th000 and when I asked the question a couple of months ago to Mr groso how much of that has been spent he said none so I think that grant money would easily cover the cost of replacing these four signs for north and southbound traffic at those locations whether the gra covers it or not I believe I'm I'm the one who got the Thompson signs for I'm a big advocate of the blink uh pedestrian signs I think they really stand out and bring attention that there's a pedestrian Crossing there and uh with that said I don't care where any against the money people we should go ahead and get them sometimes you got to realize sometimes grant money is designated for certain things it may not include signage so I I can't answer that question youd have to find out and I have I've had this for you for the last two months but you weren't here I was on vacation that's good for you that's good I'm glad you but I have this for you this is Prospect Onan okay all right this is the late most recent update okay you're welcome just remember government work slow very slow and that's it from the public anyone else from the public if not motion close all in favor I None opposed okay that we'll be going be back at yeah the executive a motion to no discussion on IND motion to close the executive session second all in favor motion toose all in favor