e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e we are back uh I need a motion to close the Council of the hall but before we start before we start we need stage report yes uh we discussed several items of litigation during the close session including um ongoing unfair Labor practice matters um involving the PBA and the public relations commission we also discussed the Odo workers compensation case and then we also discussed several um civil litigation cases including the Ramirez case where we successfully uh won summary judgment by the U by the federal court and also the Kang case and the Benes case and I believe that is it thank you motion to close the executive session offer all in favor I I motion to close the councel the whole offer second all in favor I I None opposed you're okay um this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meeting act njs A10 col 46 SEC notice of which was sent to the record and Star Ledger and was posted on the municipal bu board okay roll call please council member rber mayor absent council member Carol I'm sorry council member taga here Carol here may here would everybody please rise for the flag I pledge to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you I do have a proclamation to read and it reads as such whereas Congress designated the 3D week in March to be National poison Prevention Week n ppw in 1961 to help raise awareness of the dangers of poisonous medicines houseal chemicals and other substances and whereas poison centers will focus The public's attention on identifying poisoning hazards and prevention as all people and even pets are at risk whereas most of all reported poison exposures involve children 5 years old and younger the majority of poisoning deaths occur in adults aged 20 to 59 whereas the New Jersey poison information and education system njp provides free expert medical advice drug information and poison prevention education to New Jersey residents through the 800 2221 1222 poison help hotline or chat njp s.org and whereas we encourage all residents to program the hotline number into their phones because a rapid response can make a difference in preventing Serious injury and saving lives now therefore I John P Bros Jor mayor of the city of pinac along with members of the CB council do hereby proclaim the week of March 17th through the 23rd 2024 as National poison prevention week in the city of hackin saac so presented this 19th day of March 2024 and it's very important to put that uh number into your phone just in case because you never know when you may need it that's that so let's go to uh approval of minutes March 5th 2024 regular and count executive meeting I need a motion to approve all in favor I I not opposed you're up thank you mayor our Recreation Department is hosting our annual Easter egg hunt which will take place on March 27th at Johnson Park please refer to our social media postings for designated times and details the city will be hosting our biannual slam dunk the junk event on April 27th applications and information has been posted on social media her community garden registration is now open to hacken sack residents please call or visit our Recreation Department for assistance on March 23rd from 12: to 4:00 p.m. at the Civic Center the hackensac police department will be giving away anti- theft devices for Vehicles registration is required required however please be advised that the city's 2023 year- end report will has been uploaded to our website for reference this week and lastly I'd like to congratulate the Hackensack Police Department on successfully receiving re accreditation by the New Jersey State Association of chiefs of police thank you to all our officers staff and the director that positively participated in this event or effort I should say that's all I have all right I just want to ask I think that uh anti-ap device I think it only pertains if I'm not mistaken teas and Hyundai is that true uh see that out there I did not I'd have to check on that I believe this because they have an issue and I don't know if it's all model years but I think because they had an issue where uh they can bypass the system and and start the car and steal but uh yeah something to look into all right with that let's go into new business resolution 9424 okay this is a um resolution for final adoption of ordinance number 62024 an ordinance Dent chapter 107 of the code of the city of pack andac licenses and permits establishing Recreation Department fees um we do need a motion to amend the ordinance to update the summer camp registration for fees from 5:25 to 550 and 8:25 to 850 for the summer playground camp and extended summer playground Camp okay so I need a motion to amend offer all in favor I None opposed so now we need to open need to open to the public public comment need a motion to open to the public for public comment on this ordinance offer second R call council member Von renberg I may ABS council member Carol I I anyone from the public would like to speak to this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward seeing no members from the public motion to close to the public offer council member venberg hi mayorca counc Carol hi all right motion to adopt the ordinance all in favor I I opposed Steve are we okay with all in favor on those okay just wanted to double check I know sometimes with ordinances there the clerk can okay as long as the clerk can record who you know that it everybody good be resolved by the city council of the city of pinac County of Bergen state of New Jersey that ordinance number 62024 has passed its second and final reading and is hereby adopted with the amendment Okay resolution 9524 say resolution for final adoption of ordinance number 72024 an ordinance amending 123 Anderson Street Redevelopment plan for the delineated Redevelopment area consisting of of block 425 Lot 1 this ordinance has been published according to law now calls for a public hearing need a motion to open to the public offer all in favor I I anybody who from the public would like to speak on this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward Bridget Rucker ainet um as I spoke at the planning board meeting still opposing this ordinance adoption at this point still opposing what the planning board wants to do with this area um it still needs uh the public to speak upon it further um until we get some kind of traffic investigations until we get some kind of change in traffic lighting um it it's like I said it's encos on a neighborhood that sits behind bake street that sits behind um First Street to B Street all the way down so I do oppose it at this time thank you and I understand your concerns and this is a part of the process Miss Rucker where um it sent to us um I think everybody in agreement was in agreement that night that we need some type of Redevelopment there this isn't designating what that development is going to be it's just saying that the area needs to be something needs to be done there um but you right we will public will be heard when he gets the planning um they will have to do their due diligence whoever is coming forward with a presentation on their uh traffic studies uh flood mitigation y yada y everything that's involved in in a Redevelopment so next please Hy post Clinton Place hackin saac um I completely agree with Bridget uh I I'm really hoping that we can come up with something that's more beneficial to the citizens of hackensac and thank you for acknowledging that there has to be a better plan and hopefully we take into consideration the infrastructure um everything that it's going to affect in our city I I really would love to see something new and different so and something you know I'm trying to I'm doing research I'm trying to think of some ratables that we could bring into our city uh but I would love to see something different and not overpopulating the neighborhood thank you thank you anyone else from the public on this ordinance motion to close the public all in favor I None opposed motion to adopt theer all in favor I I None opposed so planning board sorry nothing I was going to read the last paragraph but okay be resolved by the city council of the city of Pac County Bergen and state of New Jersey that ordinance number 72024 as pass the second and final reading is hereby adop thank you resolution 9624 this is a resolution for final adoption of ordinance number 8-24 an ordinance adopting the 111 ESS Street and 142-144 Kansas Street Redevelopment plan for the delineated Redevelopment area consisting of block 76 blocks 44 and 7.03 ordinance has been published according to law now for public okay you motion open to the public please offer roll call council member hi I'm sorry council member mavia council member Carol I may I anyone from the public who' like to speak for this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward see no members from the public motion to close offer all in favor I I opposed motion to adopt motion to adopt the ordinance off second all in favor I not opposed resolved by the city council of the city of hack County in in the state of New Jersey that ordinance number 8- 2024 has passed the second and final reading and than you resolution 97- 24 a resolution for final adoption of ordinance number 10 d224 and ordinance adding a new chapter chapter 139 of the code of the city of packin salt storage privately owned to comply with State D requirements this ordinance has been published according to law and now calls for a public hearing need a motion to open to the public offer all in favor none opposed anyone from the public would like to speak to this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward seeing no members from the public motion to close all in favor need a motion to adopt the ordinance off all in favor none opposed be resolved by the city council of the city of hackin County of Bergen and state of New Jersey that ordinance number 10- 2024 has passed a second and final reading and is hereby adopted thank you resolution 9824 since a resolution final adoption of ordinance number 11- 2024 and ordinance amending chapter 90 of the code of the city of Pakistan food and drink to allow for the sale of freshly prepared ice cream and other Frozen dessert by licensed ice cream pedlers this ordinance has been published according to law and now calls for a public hear need a motion to open to the public offer all in favor I I None opposed anyone from the public would like to speak to this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward seeing no members of the public motion to close offer all in favor I I None opposed motion to adopt the ordinance offer all in favor I I and oppos you resolved that by the city council of the city of hackin County of Bergen state of New Jersey that ordinance number 11-202 24 has passed his second and final reading and is hereby adopted thank you resolution 9-24 same resolution for final adoption of ordinance number 12- 2024 ordinance amending the prospect railroad ess6 Beach Redevelopment plan for an area in need of Rehabilitation consisting of block 223 Lots 1 to 7 and 11 to 24 block 22601 lots 1.01 to 1.04 and three clock 226.24 and 19 to 27 block 227 Lots 1 to 32 block 228 Lots 1 to 369 to 30 and 40 to 49 Lot 2 29 Lots 1 11 to 14 28 to 43 and 46 block 230 Lots 1 3.01 to 7 12 to 19 21 to 30 Block 232 LS 1.01 1.02 26 28 to 31 33 47 49 55 block 233 l 1 2 7.01 7.02 and 9 block 236 BL 68 3601 and block 237 lots 1.01 to 1.04 2 2.02 and 4.01 this ordinance has been published according to law and now calls for public hearing I need a motion to open to the public offer second all in favor I I anyone who'd like to speak to resolution 9924 please come forward seeing no one from the public motion to close offer all in favor I motion to adopt the ordinance offer all in favor I I be resolve in city council of the city of hackin County bur state of New Jersey that ordinance number 12-22 has passed a second and final reading and is hereby adopted thank you resolution 10024 this is a resolution for the final adoption of ordinance number 13- 2024 an ordinance to amend chapter 175 of the code of the city of hackensac zoning in order to amend and clarify certain definitions contained therein this ordinance has been published according to law and now calls for public hearing need a motion to open to the public often all in favor I all right none opposed any anyone from the public would like to speak to this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward seeing no members of the public motion to close auor all in favor I I motion to adopt the ordinance off second all in favor I I None opposed we are resolved by the city council of the city of packin County of Bergen and state of New Jersey that ordinance number 13-22 24 has passed his second and final un and is hereby adopted thank you resolution 10224 101 I'm sorry 10124 this is a resolution for the introduction of ordinance number 14- 2024 and ordinance amending 321 Main Street Redevelopment plan consisting of block 407. 01 Lots 25 6.01 6.02 734 3601 36.029456 I None opposed we resolve that the above ordinance being ordinance 14- 2024 as introduced is now pass on first reading and that said ORD shall be considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on April 16 2024 at 8:00 p.m. or soon thereafter as the matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the city council and at such time and place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning set ordinance and that the city clerk being she is hereby authorized and directed to publish that ordinance according to law with a notice of its introduction and passage on first reading and of the time and place one andwar said ordinance will be further considered for final passage thank you resolution 10224 this is a resolution for the introduction of ordinance number 15224 a bond ordinance providing for improvements to the elevators at the Atlantic Street Parking Garage by and in the city of hackin in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey appropriating $2,350 th000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 1 350,000 in bonds or notes of the city to finance part of the cost thereof need a motion please off all in favor I I None opposed be resolved that the above ordinance being ordinance 15- 2024 as introd as introduced is now passed on first reading and that set a shall be considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on April 2nd 20124 at 8:00 p.m. or as soon therea as a matter can be reached as a regular meeting place of the city council and and at such time and place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning said ordinance and that the city clerk being isues hereby authorized and directed to publish set ordinance according to law with a notice of its introduction and passage on first reading now the time in place when and where set ordinance will be further considered for final passage thank you resolution 10324 this is a resolution authorizing tax refunds for the State Board judgments and duplicate payments need a motion please off second all in favor I I oppos resolution 10423 this is a resolution authorizing tax appeal attorney to settle the cases on the attached list dated March 7th 2024 that were scheduled for trial or settlement a motion please offer second all in favor I I None opposed resolution 105-24 a resolution authorizing agreement with the hacka University Medical Center Pediatric Services Department for certain Medical Services this one we're going to have to do a roll call Vote Yes any a motion please a roll call you need a second sorry did you second I didn't he I kind of jumped in I didn't hear him roll call Council muty mayor's absent council member paga hi council member Carol hi mayor Le I would recuse myself on this thank you resolution 10624 a resolution authorizing the awarding of a co-op contractor computer server backup and recovery system any a motion please offer all in favor I I None opposed resolution 10724 the resolution awarding change order number one which is the final to Frank a masion construction for the 2022 cdbg Road resurfacing project a motion please ex all in favor I I resolution 10824 say resolution awarding viid contract for various sewer infrastructure improvements need a motion please offer second all in favor I I resolution 10924 say resolution awarding bid contract for the East Kennedy storm water pump station emergency generator any a motion please offer second all in favor I I resolution 110 sorry 11024 a resolution authorizing governing body certification of the annual audit of 2022 need a motion please offer second all in favor I all resolution I'm sorry resolution 11-24 resolution authorizing the 2024 temporary budget need a motion all in favor I I resolution 11224 a resolution authorizing payment of bills need a motion parer V call council member Von rudenberg hi mayor C absent council member tliia hi council member Carol hi AB Iain okay anybody have a conflict on the consent agenda no done done okay [Music] the following items are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted in one motion any items requiring expenditure are supported by certification of availability of funds any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda and consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes including any exceptions and or additions consists of one resolution 113-124 through 12124 resolution 11324 is a resolution design Lisa maryi as recycling coordinator and authorizing submission of recycling tonnage Grant application resolution 14-24 is a resolution authorizing temporary extension of city park closing hours from April 1st 2024 through October 1st 2024 resolution 11524 is a resolution supporting and authorizing Burton County to conduct a speed study on Johnson Avenue between 4 he Lane and Main Street resolution 116 24 is a resolution authorizing approv time payout of $868 18.99 to retired fire lieutenant John Cur resolution 17-24 is a resolution authorizing approv time payout of $1,486 38 to retire me Martinez resolution 118-24 is a resolution authorizing release of esir funds for 100 Hudson Street resolution 11 19-24 is resolu olution authorizing endorsement of proposed buron County Community Development grants resolution 120-24 is a resolution awarding professional service agreement to tr Isabel C and shenian PC as special councel for litigation resolution 12-24 is a resolution awarding professional service agreement to Murphy Orlando LLC and special councel for litigation okay motion to adop the consent agenda as it was just read roll call council member V hi May ABS counc membera hi council member car hi May BR hi thank you that any motion to open to the public offer all in favor I I anyone from the public would like to come up and speak please come up to the podum give your name to the [Music] clerk yay Mr Sero how are you I'm good how are you all right so uh let's talk I'm Richard Sero uh Spring Valley Avenue hackin sack New Jersey and of course Spring Valley has ceased to to exist I mean it's it's really needs attention and why are there digital signs on Fair Mount okay beautiful stop slow down this and that you know you're and there's nothing on Spring Valley Avenue and there's no there's no traffic on on fair amount Avenue nothing it's a wide Street you must have friends there or somebody that persuaded you to put them money I think it's because there's a school there Rich well no it's it's not that because there I'm talking about up towards Summit there's nothing up there there's nothing going on up uh past Prospect Avenue okay a couple other things going going north on Summit okay going north on Summit when you get to Spring Valley there's vehicles that cannot make that turn it's ridiculous you have to back up on Spring Valley so they can turn buses are turning there it's ridiculous you can't have that it's I mean cut the corner or make a deal with the church to cut the corner so you can uh you know have better access to Spring Valley to add to the traffic okay so enough of that I mean all right look b i I mentioned side park last week baldwood Park is just a vacant like what is that all about we used to play there every day after school there's a um a paved area there that used to be those were the best basketball courts in town and there's nothing there now it's like a a nothing there's nobody there okay why not do something with it don't you don't have to have basketball there I know that that brings in who you don't want there or something that's yes that was the story uh years ago that oh we can't have basketball there it brings in too much Rowdy uh uh business or whatever so put something else there okay put something else there for for recreational purposes okay couple other things when are they going to start Paving streets I guess the the springtime or maybe April 1st or something like that April 1 we yeah we are preparing the Le for Paving I let you know April prepare list every year the paving starts later than April all right so also when there's a storm uh trees come down there's branches everywhere but they don't pick up anything or any debris until April 1st correct Le uh yard yard waste yeah yard stuff no just they don't want to pick up anything until April uh so you you've got this stuff all over the yard from the storms and it just sits there it's a it's an eyesore all right last thing is everybody in New Jersey okay you know pays about n $9,000 in taxes or maybe 10,000 average okay so that don't forget that's $200 uh a week if if the average here in in hackin sack is about 9,000 maybe 10,000 that's $200 a week we pay to this government so that's why we're up here crying the blues about everything okay it's 200 bucks a week to pay taxes for Hack and Sack okay think about it think about that I do every time I pay it yeah [Music] okay Bridget okay so uh I'm back up here again um I spoke about the annual audit that was not on the city website um I asked I opened uh a copy of the extension from the um office here and what I received was an actual informative form that is from the dca's website it is not an extension paperwork with the official New Jersey seal on it nor did it come from the office of the DCA so here we are and I'm going to say again this is not what I asked for I asked for a copy of the extension for the 2022 audit from the DCA office so that means it would have came with the New Jersey seal on it and it would have came from someone within that office but the funny thing I say is you guys kind of do things on emotions which kind of sub seeds my intelligence or like you want to play with my intelligence but the one thing you can't do is play with my intelligence first of all I have Street smarts and book smarts and every and research smarts so that in alone is the most dangerous thing in a person you guys just have what you play on emotions where you just go look stuff up that is not what I ask for I asked for the copy from the DCA with the New Jersey seal on it of the extension and this is what I received which was on their website I spoke to someone in the DCA I opened the extension from the DCA and guess what you guys never asked for an extension so this whoever this printed this out and gave it for the Oprah they got to do better you must do better transparency is what we're looking for honesty is what we're looking for cuz every time you do something that's dishonest and within a lie it's going to come out anyway my grandmother used to always say whatever goes in the wash comes out in the rents trust me I'm just asking for a copy that's it and if you don't have it just say that it would be it would have been so much easier saying that that [Music] part next person from the public if there is any saying no one from the public motion to close all in favor hi none oppos St sure good evening everyone thanks for coming out um I just want to um say thanks to the public library and the hack inside public schools for um a really nice youth Arts month um celebration on March 7th um the library looked great it was packed um I think everyone just enjoyed being there and and seeing all the the art on uh exhibit from the students uh earlier tonight we recognized that um this week is National poison prevention week and I just kind of wanted to bring up um going back to the whole um fenol crisis um we had a I had a conversation with somebody and it was very apparent that people feel and I I included um that our Our Youth and our you know brothers and sisters are not dying from overdoses they're being poisoned fenel is is a poisoning um so I just feel like something like this I know this was meant to recognize you know household poisonings and um calling poison control for those types of situations but I think that has to be noted because it's not an overdose people aren't you know doing a lot of Fentanyl and dying you know by accident they are being in my opinion murdered and poisoned um by it so I just want to mention that um and lastly in uh North Jersey um.com yesterday or today there was an article that named um Haack one of the top five um um best talent for renters um which was nice to to be recognized it had um you know the same starting events as you know some of the other towns they listed Clifton Bloomfield parsipany um and you know just the nice things going on and and you know um accommodations for hunters so that was nice to to read that and that's it for me thank you and have a good night thanks St and I am St working in the new for Bing and we continue with improvements in the part I hope so the basketball court that be finished Maybe by May and maybe we start going forbiding for Johnson Park thank than you for call jar thank you mayor I like thank everyone that's viewing us remotely and also that are here present I'm pleased to hear that um our building department should be moving um out soon so that the Eminem building will be U fully open for our for our seniors to um use it completely also um I like to how can I say this um mention um a little bit about our parks in town um I do understand um dog owners and stuff um you know will I to Take Care Petal walks and everything but please keep them on the leash please pick up after room the weather's getting nice children going to be out there playing and um just just please pick up after your um after your animals after listening to our city engineer discussing uh the activities on James Barry and Clay I I just really hope that we can speed up the progress there because uh it's been a long time with those roads being dug up and the work is needed there but I like to see that project being completed a lot quick than what we're doing and with that being said I wish everyone get home safe and God bless thank you jar uh tonight we passed the resolution uh to uh do some work new elevators I guess at Atlantic Street Garage um and that's a good thing we just uh totally revamped that garage it's been uh sealed and a lot of new brick work in concrete it really needed it it was falling apart a little bit and uh it's in great shape now and definitely needed the elevator work so I'm glad to see that coming forward um the library I was only there for a short time cuz I had a two events that night but that was great turnout at the library there must have been 200 people there and uh it's always good to see our young artist at work and I always tell them every year you know how important art is and try to imagine the world without art um Stephanie must have been reading my mind while uh I was reading the resolution on poison uh cuz I was thinking the same exact thing our biggest poison problem right now is fenel coming across the border um in in truckloads basically and being spread out across this country to poison our our citizens especially our young people um to me this is the biggest issue in this country right now uh um is you know like she said it's not an overdose these people are being poisoned they're not taking what they think they're taking not not condoning illegal or illicit drug use but if you think you're doing something and something else put something else in it well that's murder if it kills you so something we really need to step up and try to stop this nonsense coming across our Southern border uh out of China um I'm going to ask the city manager and I totally agree with Mr Sero about putting a speed sign on both sides of Spring Valley uh similar or the exact same as Fair Mount um people do speed on that street I've seen it so that would be a good place to have one uh and also Mr sto spoke about Balman Park where I played as a child and that Boulder that sits there I remember when I couldn't I was too small to even climb up on it now I could jump over so yeah that's a long time ago that Park uh could use a little work and that's one of the parts we haven't really put any money into I don't think uh like our other Parks um we mentioned Carver Park soon to be finished the concrete work's all done it just needs to be sealed and the rims put up I guess lights are working everything's ready to go so we're looking forward to that and that'll be a great grand open we'll have some fun with that um what else what else what else I had something else I can't remember what it was um the fields at uh Johnson not Johnson Park vinii Park you know we've had some issues there we've been trying to uh revamp the fields but there's an issue right now with a BAL Bal Eagle sighting which may affect the way uh we can realign these fields and and that's a that's a problem because we we need to put the fields in F Park you know it's like they want to create another 100 foot buffer zone from where this bird was sighted and that's a bit of a problem so I think they're going on and I hope they understand this is a children's park um you know I don't know that the children are any danger to the eagle I would think the eagle is more danger to the children but uh that's to be decided but uh hopefully that doesn't affect or adversely affect putting up uh putting this new park in and revamping it which we spent a lot of time money on so with that I wish everybody a good evening uh it's a little early tonight so go home and enjoy the rest of the night get home safe thank you motion to close the meeting AES second all in favor --------- e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening everyone so we're going to go right into the city manager report [Music] what are we doing I'm confused I miss something up to you we up to me good all right okay uh on for tonight number one uh we have a resolution um for an agreement with hmh which is our uh pediatric medical services um that's just a standard agreement that we have regarding uh our uh pediatric medical facilities that we provide for clinics and uh checkups and those who need medical service uh we also have on number two is a resolution reappointing of our recycling coordinator which is Lisa Marie sh shil um so that's just another standard uh appointment that we have each year uh also on for tonight's request to Bergen County for a speed study on Johnson Avenue uh regarding that's in the area of uh the breweries and the uh the curb in the roadway there regarding some parking spaces so uh that was the request for that's on for tonight um a resolution to see if Burton County will conduct that speed survey like to call up uh our city engineer Chris weaton for the CSO storm order and pars [Music] update test test there go everybody okay uh getting into our capital projects update on CSO and other major construction projects um our major projects overview has not changed since the last meeting um are the same as last time um getting into Anderson Street drainage area CSO project uh again this is the sixth um sewer separation project uh for the city um and um we're currently working on uh we go to the next slide please Frank uh as you're aware we're currently working on um the west of Railroad Avenue Clay Street bdan James Street Barry Street and Stanley Place uh work is ongoing and um uh and we're most recently on Clay Street um there's significant pipes going in here and so I just want to um ask the public to be patient I I do understand the disruption that's occurring uh to this the resident and we are working with the contractors to do the best that we can to control the nuisance control the access and control um the disturbance to uh to the streets and and so forth and make sure that those do remain passable uh for uh for the residents in the area for Vorhees Lane sanitary SE pumping station um we have um just uh gotten our change order approved and our contractor returns to work uh this week the print the Transformer and the structure for that has been installed and they're currently doing the electrical work for uh for that new Transformer Chris before we move on with that um we had a question the mayor council had a question as you know we were looking into the cause of what or the possible reason for the voltage difference in in in that situation I was advised that the uh it had the labeling requirements were something from 2014 and then the National Electric Co can you expand on that for the mayor and Council that that to them what happened there I I I I apologize uh manager I I'll have to give you the email on that specifically but um the uh the the current city electrical engineer um was not uh our city our city electrician at that time um so this was before his time but he understands that the code did change in 2014 uh and required that uh um that location such as this label label their power supplies so that's uh appears to be when that probably occurred so the so I guess our question is then the the specs that were generated for that pump were taken off of that information and that's why there was a discrepancy in the voltage amount it was take yes this the uh the voltage requirements for the pumps uh are based on the labeling that was on the main uh the main power shut off okay does that answer that man well it doesn't it doesn't I mean whenever you order a pump right you have to make sure that pump is matches electrical source matches the electrical source coming in not a placard on a wall that placard wasn't on the pump itself I wouldn't I would check with the the new pump to see what the requirement was that's what I do work there's we we we we did look um at the station uh for the the the motor panel uh and the for for the the pumps that are submerged uh at this station there's no voltage indication uh on the panel for the for the motor uh motors for the existing pumps so on themselves there's no voltage maybe on the motors maybe on the motors themselves you have to go you be confined space is only a mechanical device the motor itself drives that device so the motor is the one one that would have the readings for you know voltage and amps and everything else and what was that whatever else you need in on here so you know I just to me somebody should have checked with the new pump and made sure it matched the incoming Source because the next time something like that happen how you will get the right pump or the right motel for that pump and you have to replay them all where do you get information how do you get they have to be in some spe to May the order for that m i i can get into the specifications um because you not only the volage but you got the amp rating the Ws everything else only the yes three phing two faing you know yes yes um yeah the existing Motors are submerged um but I agree there there it would have been would have been appropriate to to test the voltage I would think at that location it depends who you talk to um I talked I have talked to electrical engineers and evaluating fault for this uh for for this uh situation uh uh a number of them indicate that they would never um put electrodes you know to to check the current um it's just it's it's a very risky proposition so you have to be very careful right next before we go any further I'd like to just step back um to the Barry Street James Street U is there any indication about how soon would that area be um done this is this is a significant project um while the schedule that I just showed you at the beginning of the meeting shows that um uh July or June finished of this project I we we do anticipate that there will be an extension of time necessary due to the significant uh utility um interference in this location and the way that the work has to be uh has to be managed for those uh utility clearances the coordination between violia uh and the contractor between uh veolia's um I'm sorry and between U PSC and G um as well the PS and G was not able to upgrade the services before they upgraded the main uh the main service to this area they had a project uh that was changing um uh CH changing from low pressure to high pressure or possibly other way around they're they're changing their system they have accelerated accelerated that project on the city's behalf but there there are a number of uh you know of things that are that are slowing us us down uh coordination wise So So currently I anticipate this the the anticipated completion of this project is is October at this point in time all right that's not been formalized again um we're waiting for uh um for more information and and documentation that justifies such an [Music] extension okay um for our uh the post Ida flood ation grant that the city is um uh is working on we have advanced our CCTV program again we're we're closing in on our finish date which is the end of April we're about 90% complete with this project and um really um really really beneficial information for the city uh for design and and maintenance [Music] purposes Carver Park uh the contractor is uh continuing to work on this site uh concete the sidewalks um and the like and uh we are anticipating that the codings will begin in early April for the final surfacing of of the courts uh Johnson Park Sports Complex again this has been up here for a little bit but um we're we're close to these contract U to to these documents um being finalized and expected to be out to bid um uh very soon the prospect AV pedestrian Safety project includes um uh the uh a flashing Beacon at Prospect and Thompson as well as uh a flashing Beacon or high-intensity activated crosswalk also at Prospect and Atlantic and this project is out to bid right now and bid opening will be in about two weeks on April 4th the city offices at the John R building are uh uh getting closer to completion we're anticipating substantial completion still the end of this month uh at this time and um as you see we've we're getting doors in we have g a new Gas Service uh to the building and the ceilings are being installed the light lighting is being installed and uh electrical is uh is continuing electrical work is continuing Chris um when you see done by the end of the month do you think that we can move um the building department out of uh that's substantial completion the end of this month final completion will U will be a week or two after that um and um I guess I I would defer to the building department for that comment okay and just a public Service Announcement again to remind the public that there is a virtual Public Information Center Online at uh rt88 WB pic.com um where you can learn more about the significant project that the do is planning on Route 80 westbound it will be a 10-year project so um there's a lot going to be going on in the uh in the coming decade starting um 202 27 and that any further questions no where where we are with the bable fields and field 8 9 and 10 so um we uh in the application for the land use permitting there was um a finding that we're working to address at this time and um so we have to we have to re apply for a Wetlands permit and that's that's where we're at right now what are we at with about the D that they change the distance that's what we're trying stuff like that that's that's that's what we're trying to resolve Council M was um they did find a bald eagle um and that potentially changes the wetlands buffer but it's existing um it's it's because that happen you would have to go and reverse 100 ft it will change the wetlands buffer it would significantly change possibly um the ability to construct um closer to closer to the wetlands or to construct the existing parks where they are okay we may need to switch GE on those two Fields if Fields Feld in place I don't know if this is feasible we don't lose that distance correct they can't make you take the field away yes that that's the argument that we're making and just an update um uh on that we we were able to u to to set a meeting with d Suburban was able to set a meeting with d for later this week so we'll be meeting that with with them shortly on this topic so that's what we're trying to do yeah we're trying to as a pre-existing location trying to convince them that you know that bald eagle's there now and putting the field in the exact same location yeah we're not yeah it's it's a hardship for us to have to move it back to whatever the distance is because of the ball we go and 10 and let fi number I think it affects two Fields would affect two Fields I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure I have to double check that's that's love Bagles but I also to see I don't know if you've seen bag on there they it's been eat too much of the hack water [Music] fish thank you everybody thank you that's all I have open to the public off second all in favor I oppos anybody from the public would like to speak please come forward the microphone speak on this or to speak anything you want about the Yankees the from Brewing uh 212 Wilson Street um I was just um I wanted to talk about a little bit about um over by the brewery on Johnson Avenue um I know there's a resolution up to deal with um kind of a traffic study over there and I just wanted to thank you guys for potentially maybe moving something like that forward um when we opened this business in 2019 um we had hopes of of doing a lot of business and it's kind of almost exceeded that so you know they say um it's a good problem to have but it's still a problem so um that that street uh Johnson Avenue people fly down that block and there's like a blind Bend right there I'm sure you guys are all familiar with it uh my fear is and again it's it's uh uh I'm part of it also right because the people are coming to the brewery and um which is a good thing for me but at the same time uh Public Safety is a concern so what happens is a lot of people since by the laws of the state of New Jersey we can't serve food um everybody goes to the restaurants around us which is great for prestos Leos U now you have Viva Margarita there also which is doing kind of a Brisk business um Kenobi a pizza night over there late night pizza um so we have a lot of people that wind up Crossing that street and it's and it's scary um so I just you know seeing this resolution and and if we could potentially um get that speed limit reduced I think would be would be a big deal for us um also in that area what we deal with too is and what I would ask for is uh maybe if if it does work out and the speed limit is reduced and there's a potential for maybe some more parking in that area um we we do have enough parking as per the size of us uh we also um I contracted with Brothers carpet and flooring down the block so I have an additional 30 spots there right now but even with that sometimes uh there's a lot of people out there I'm sure you guys see it you guys live in a neighborhood um so so I just I just ask maybe that um you guys take some of that into consideration if they do slow the speed limit down because I believe if the speed limit is lowered there is potential to put some parking maybe on Johnson Avenue there um I don't know how long stuff like this takes and I know I have to go through the county and I assume I'll have to go to meetings there um to speak but um another thing I wanted to to maybe just get on everybody's radar is um Burl's Court behind us is public parking um there's not a direct cut through to the brewery so I'm in the process of trying to talk to um uh the owners of the industrial park uh kindergan sold it I think last year two years ago and to see if they can leave a couple gates open for us so if we did have people parking on a public parking on berlu they can cut through uh but that's said um it's really not well lit and there's really no signs of where the parking are on bero so um I have sent people there in the past and there's some confusion on where they can and can't park and to be honest it's a little bit intimidating for people because it's a very dark industrial area so uh I mean it's like I said we're we're you know we just lost a brew out of block unfortunately which is I think a big loss for Hack and Sack it's a big loss for us too because um if you guys have been down there there's some special kind of going on on the north side of town my time's um but you know it's um it's it's people being able to park safely is kind of a big deal for us so uh maybe if you guys I just wanted to put it on a record if you guys C going consideration on it down the line I mean if it's yeah public if there's public parking back there we get to yeah it it would help a lot we have we have a lot of people that come from we get a draw because of the beer Geeks uh so you know we get people from upstate New York eastern Pennsylvania that come in and they eat at all those local restaurants and we don't really provide outside of having a food truck sometimes so I appreciate you guys give me the time thank you Mike that's a list that's seven pages of accidents on Johnson in that area since 2014 and 10 years seven pages of accidents that we're going to the county with they'll get that so okay I appreciate it I've seen you one a little bit I've seen one but I imagine it's definitely one yeah I hold my breath every time somebody goes across quite a few runs and injuries as well well thank you I appreciate it thank you for your time okay next person from the public Mr [Music] Smith Marty Smith uh Prospect Avenue I missed two of the last Council meetings because of vacation so did you miss me did did you to go your vacation Beanie beanie me we were um a couple of months ago we brought up the issue of the speed limit on Summit Avenue between Bic and Spring Valley Avenue and we were told at that meeting that that area of summit is under City jurisdiction and we were wondering why the speed limit is 35 when speed limits on city streets are 25 and Mr Caruso said he would check into it I wonder if we have any information on that yet um I you know I have to go back and I have to look Mr Smith I I did look into it um because and I actually had something prepared for you but you weren't here the last two meetings as I missed you so I didn't I I misplaced where they are but I will find that for you and I will get into you but we did look into it okay thank you you're welcome um next thing the council decided whether or not to move forward on the installation of flashing pedestrian Crossing sides on Prospect at Berry and golf and eventually on Atlant at Atlantic once the Atlantic project is done so basically what we've undertaken is a pedestrian safety program a lot of based on some of the things you brought here um as you see Atlantic and Prospect is getting on um we're putting a new flashing signs where there already are some flashing signs on Thompson and prospect that was just announced and it's going to be an ongoing project so yes we I I can't guarantee you that it's going to be at every intersection but we're going to pick and choose and work with traffic and see where it's necessary and put it me I'd like to see lit up pedestrian signs flashing pedestrian signs everywhere they're very important tonight for better visibility for drivers and making it safer for pedestrians my last question is U we had received grant money in the amount of $400,000 for upgrades to Traffic Safety devices on Prospect has any of that money been used yet a lot of it's going towards Atlantic and and that's that's part that money is going to be used towards the the bid we have the bid opening for that project coming up correct that money is allocated for so we using that money set of budget money from the city okay thank you have a good time next [Music] person good even how's it going um Mark Jackson I uh represent the Str companies um who is the management company uh for a couple buildings in Hack and Sack namely uh 211 25 South Newman Street um and at that location uh we have a significant flooding issue um every time you get any sort of um high volume of rain um in in a short amount of time uh loen slope I believe uh backs up uh significantly in the entire Street and area uh flood and it's great hearing Chris talk about um some of the flood mitigation that's going on now uh but I had just a question about you know is there any infrastructure projects that are going to improve that area uh directly I guess Chris could you step up please yes yes there are uh this council is the area that she discussed tonight the r Road Avenue area and it's started as approximately $40 million project to get that done and we are ongoing over to your area by so so I don't I don't know if you saw the meeting on um February 20th we looked at the meeting minutes so we missed that meeting unfortunately we we did have a slide I can I can include this periodically just to you know refresh but um the issue at at at South Newman is complicated because it's a multi I mean there there's various places that drain into that area um and so the the biggest Improvement or or what the city's doing now will have an improvement on that area because we're diverting area we're diverting water uh away from out of that drainage area that's currently occupying the pipes that serve the area so um so number one we're taking water out of those pipes so that will help um the projects that we're doing uh are ongoing for the next uh couple years still you know it's it's a it's it's a process that the city uh allocates want to do as as able um and um so we have met with the county to talk about this issue uh and um you know make sure that that this issue doesn't go away because we we really do need County Assistance as it's a a multi you know um jurisdictional Comm Community issue with with the neighboring um neighboring towns so we need assistance we can't just do it all on our own we really need as you pointed out the Lo and slope um Creek um um is where our water drains to um that area is title going to have worse conditions When the tide is up um maybe we can add some Tide Gates but those tide Gates would be outside hackin saac so it's it's an issue that we can't solve on our own and and and we're seeking assistance from the county um and um yeah we haven't lost track of it it's definitely it's definitely something that we're continuing to try to discuss thank you is that a copy of that power available um you can find this online on the website yeah February 20th okay and and you should be able to here anything else I okay thank you um yeah we currently we have some inquiries with the D about the whole situation um we know that there's the metaland project going on uh that's I guess doing the Liberty Street Pump Station uh in the East Riser ditch improvements we actually um my ownership uh they have a building in monaki as well which is impacted by the same drainage system so it's definitely a local issue it's a multi-community issue so we can appreciate that a couple other things we just wanted to bring um in front of the council tonight were uh the paving also on South maybe it might be more appropriate to address that um you know after some of the flooding has been addressed but uh the the street there has deteriorated significantly probably due to the uh recurring flooding um issues that occur on that street obviously you guys are seemingly familiar with that um you know know it's concerning to us as an owner because it's uh in flood zone X it's not an AE zone or anything like that so um you know when my ownership went to purchase the building we didn't really fully understand um you know the flood Hazard that we were getting into uh so it's been a hardship on on the ownership uh on multiple different fronts uh lost tenants U tenants have left the building things like that and now with the upcoming legislation where we have to disclose in our Le is actually goes into effect tomorrow um that we have a flooding property so it's it's going to hurt us more even even more so going forward um and then the last last note I wanted to touch on was we recently had some sewage backup issues um at 2115 South Newman specifically um where we've been told by our engineers and in plumbing companies that we've uh had to investigate the issue that the pressure in the street is buil building up so much so that it actually um pushes sewage uh past our backflow preventer and into the building and we've had multiple backups so um I just wanted to bring that to the council's attention in hopes that it would get addressed uh in the near term defin look at that we're combined over there um it's actually a yes yeah por is yes um what our goals we're we're currently in litigation actually there's some legal documents going back and forth with one of the tenants in the building that had this back back up and they're requesting free rent and things like that so it's been a little bit of a hardship one of this council's goals and we've accomplished quite a bit and we working towards that goal at that part of town also is to separate all the sewers in town we're one of three combined sewer uh municipalities of buron County and uh our goal was actually was kind of mandated the DP both on us cuz we're getting overflows it also backs up and overflows into the river which poses a big problem so we are working on that but it's unfortunately this work takes a long time we've been doing this for a while probably 8 years of sewer separation W going on already so but uh we're getting there slowly but surely is is that area of town on on the radar for upcoming improvements or do do you know um well we're definitely cleaning the the PIP in that area presently it's in the CCTV program okay that will help because we've we've scoped our pipes and we've been told by our experts that we brought into the situation we've already cleaned I don't know how many miles of pipe already 31 miles of pip I don't know if you got name Mark Jackson got after the record all right thank you so much guys welcome thanks for coming just the office anyone else in the public like to speak find us on the see no one from the it's okay I have your contct see everybody