[Music] good evening everybody Adam clerk this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meeting Act njs 10 col 4-6 at SEC notice of which was sent to the record in the Star Ledger and was posted on the municipal Buller board okay roll call council member Von rudenberg yeah Mayo yeah councila yeah counc M Carol here may Bross here okay would everybody please rise for the flag Sal the United States of America okay so we have a few things going on this evening besides our regular business um first thing I have is Proclamation is Ed here no she's not here she's not here all right so have Proclamation and it reads whereas an Bowen principal account Clerk of the Johnson Public Library is retiring on December 31st after completing outstanding service to the library and the hackensac community for over 40 years and whereas Mrs Bowen has worked tirelessly to ensure the utmost level of professionalism and accuracy at all times and whereas Mrs Bowen has worked with more Library directors than any other at town clerk in the library's history and whereas Mrs Bowen has supported each and every Library Department while keeping meticulous Financial records and whereas Mrs Bowen institutional knowledge is unmatched and she has helped guide the library through many updates and changes over the years now therefore I John P Le Bross Jr mayor of the city of hackin saac along with the members of the city council to hereby congratulate Anne Bowen on her retirement and thank an for all her hard work and dedication to the library so 40 years congratulations Mrs Bowen wonderful job and you're going to you can give this to her Stephanie's leads on to the library board so she see that and gets that so we'll move forward with the swear [Music] again guess did you want just want to bring people up with you right so one person one person each swear only one shot coordinated person please stand your you guys spr out of your person sorry Frank [Music] like Square not testing can you hear awesome thanks so please all raise your right hand okay repeat after me I state your name do solemnly swear swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution the of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that it will bear true faith that will bear true faith and allegiance alance to the same to the same and to the governments government established in the United States established in the United States and in this state and in this state Under The Authority Under the authority of the people of the people and that I will Faithfully that I will Faithfully imp partially partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties of police officer according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations to all of [Music] you new police officers all have to sign in and your sheets are over here and the pens are here and I have another round of applause for [Music] these thank you may you're welcome how cool is this huh yeah wow hey folks uh tonight is an incredible night we have eight individuals that are not just joining the hackin sack police department but they're now going to be part of over 100 Years of fine policing and that's incredible you'll be part of the legacy of this great City one of you is going to save someone's life one of you you is going to bring a new baby into this world one of you is going to catch an armed Fon one of you is going to be able to walk a small child to school that is lost there's so much ahead of you in your next 25 to 30 years this is super exciting on essentially your first official day in front of the mayor and Council uh I'm excited to watch what you all do in your careers but there's so much to do in this city and we're so happy you're a part of it congratulations picture OPP like this we don't get all right can I do the first one of you guys on M the official one all right one two three perfect thank you right everybody done so I personally want to congratulate you young folks and uh the city appreciate you want you to stay safe right be diligent your job but most important stay safe stay healthy that's important us [Applause] pap conratulations [Music] R yeah we me next [Music] you sawel one that's a reti your War it [Music] take record what's up okay so with that I need to do the uh approval of the minutes for the December 5th 2023 regular C and executive meeting need a motion to approve the minutes second roll call counc mber hi I counc Mia council member Carol I may I okay with that we go to city manager report thank you mayor we are in the final days to enter our Gingerbread House contest the mission deadline is December 29th the rules to enter are available online the mayor and coun are offering free parking on Main Street and Street which has begun on December 17th and we'll run through January second meters are notated with a happy holiday message remember to support our local restaurants and all of our businesses the hackin sack video tour has launched on hackensack.org please take a moment to view the excellent display of our city and all of its and all it has to offer there some really good videos on there uh I encourage everybody to look at that um last but not least on behalf of myself and the mayor and Council we wish you and your families a merry Christmas happy hukah happy K Quanza and a happy and healthy New Year that is it all right let's go new business resolution 45923 hey this is a resolution for the final adoption of ordinance number 462023 ordinance amending the Second Street Redevelopment plan consisting of block 225 lot 20 block 229 Lots 9 10 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 and 44 block 2 32 Lots 3 4 5 9 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 25 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 and 46 block 23 3 Lots 10 12 25 26 27 29 and 30 Block 235 Lot 1 block 2366 Lots 1.01 1.02 36.029456 hi May hi anyone from the public would like to speak to this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward seeing no members of the public motion to close to the public call ccber hi Mayo hica council member Carol I mayor Le I need a motion to amend to ad adopt the ordinance sorry motion roll call council member venberg Mayo counc counc Carol May Iain be resolved by the city council of the city of haak County of Bergen and state of New Jersey that ordinance number 462023 has passed his second and final reading and is hereby adopted thank you resolution 40-23 this is a resolution for the final adoption of ordinance number 47223 ordinance amending the prospect railroad Essex Beach Redevelopment plan for an area in need of Rehabilitation consisting of block 223 Lots 17 and 11 to 24 Lot 2 26.0 Lots 1.01 1.04 and three block 22602 Lots 1 to 15 and 19 to 27 block 227 Lots 1 to 32 block 228 LS 1 to 3 6 9 to 30 and 40 to 49 block 229 Lots 1 11 to 14 28 to 43 and 46 block 230 Lots 1 3.01 to 7 12 to 19 21 to 30 Block 232 Lots 1.01 1.02 26 28 to 31 33 47 49 55 blocks 2 33 blocks 1 2 7.01 7.02 and 9 block 236 block 618 36.0 one and lock and block 237 loots 1.01 to 1.04 2 to 2.02 and 4.01 this ordinance has been published according to law and now calls for public hearing a motion to open to the public roll call council member V rudenberg hiy mayor Kina hi counc meaga hi council member Carol hi May Iain opening it to the public oh I'm sorry I'm thinking pass either way okay anyone from the public would like to speak about this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward seeing no members from the public motion to close in public roll call mber Mayo hica hiil Carol hi May hi uh motion to adopt the ordinance roll call council member V rberg hi May Cino council member plia council member Carol May Iain be resolved by the city council of the city of hackin County of Bergen and state of New Jersey that ordinance number 47223 has passed a second and final reading and is hereby adopted thank you resolution 46123 this is a resolution for the final adoption of ordinance number 49- 2023 an ordinance establishing a chap a new chapter 75 of the code of the city of hackensac community garden to formally establish rules and regulations for the municipal Community Garden in Johnson Park this ordinance has been published according to law and now calls for public hearing need a motion to open to the public second roll callenberg hi Mayo hiia HIC Carol hi May hi anyone from the public would like to speak to this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward seeing no members of the public motion to Clos to the public roll call council member V renberg hiy mayor Kino hi Council M paga hi coun May Carol hi May bruss hi motion to adopt the ordinance council member venberg hi mayor Kino hi Council hi council member Carol hi M be resolved by the city council of the city of hackin County of Burg in the state of New Jersey that ordinance number 49 d223 has passed a second and final reading and is hereby do thank you resolution 46223 a resolution for final adoption of ordinance number 50- 2023 an ordinance adding a new article to chapter 153 of the code of the city of hackin Taxation to formally establish procedures for property tax refunds for disabled veterans this ordinance has been published according to law and now calls for a public Hearing in a motion to open to the public off roll call counc mber hio hicc Carol hi hi anyone from the public would like to speak to this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward seeing no members of the public motion to close roll call counc mayberg hi mayor Pino hi counc HIC Carol hi may all motion to adopt the ordinance second roll call council member Von rudenberg hiy mayor Keno hi council member taglia hi council member Carol hi mayor Le hi the resoled by the city council of the city of pakak County of ber state of New Jersey that ordinance number 502023 has passed his second and final reading and is hereby adopted Okay resolution 46323 this is a resolution for the introduction of ordinance number 51223 and ordinance amending chapter 52 the code of the city of hackensac animals to require multiple dwellings to maintain a registry of licensed dogs kept on the property need a motion please V call council member Von renberg hi Deputy Mayor Canino hi council member taga hi council member Carol hi mayor hi be resolved of the above ordinance being ordinance 51223 is introduced is now passed on first reading and that that ordinance shall be considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on January 9th 2024 at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter to be reached at the regular meeting place of the city council and at such time and place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning set ordinance and that the city clerk being she is hereby authorized and directed to publish that ordinance according to law with the notice of its introduction and passage on first reading and of the time and place one and where that ordinance will be further considered for final passage thank you resolution 46423 this is a resolution authorizing tax refunds for state board judgments overp payments and duplicate payments need a motion second roll call council member Von rudenberg hi Mayo hi Council membera hi council member Carol hi May hi resolution 45-23 a resolution authorizing veteran tax exemption for 443 West Anderson Street need a motion second roll call counc member Mayo hicc Carol May resolution 466-2311 to Nea engineering for Summit Avenue Pake Street traffic signal improvements need a motion second roll call council member V renberg hi mayor Kino hi Council membera hi council member Carol hi mayor all resolution 46823 a resolution authorizing the cancellation of stale and outstanding checks motion second roll call counc rudenberg Mayor Canino counc T counc member Carol all right may all right resolution 46923 a resolution awarding professional service agreement to clear geobia Aly Jacobs LLC as City attorney need a motion second R Co council member rberg hiy mayor Cino hi Council membera hi council member Carol May hi resolution 47-23 a resolution authorizing payment of bills need a motion to pay the bill counc Council mber hi mayor Cino hi Council membera hi council member Carol hi mayor Leos hi okay before we go forward with the consent agenda anybody have a conflict nobody okay the following items are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted in one motion any items requiring expenditure are supported by certification of availability funds any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda and consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes including any exceptions and or additions the consent agenda consists of resolutions 47123 through 47923 47123 is a resolution authorizing endorsement of proposed Bergen County Community Development grants resolution [Music] 472-2677 d23 is a resolution authorizing ambulance reimbursement 47423 is a resolution authorizing release of esro for 359 375 Main Street resolution 47523 is a resolution authorizing Award of contract for Grants management consultants and Millennium strategies resolution 47623 is the resolution concurring with planning board's Redevelopment investigation findings regarding block [Music] 47.1 BL 38 299 Main Street and designating it as an area in need of Redevelopment for non-con diation purposes resolution 47723 is a resolution concurring with the planning board's Redevelopment investigation findings regarding block 76 Lots 47 and 7.03 111 essic Street and 14244 Kansas Street and designating it as an area in need of Redevelopment for non-c condemnation purposes resolution 478 d23 the resolution authorizing license and right of Entry agreement for prospective redevelop to conduct due diligence on city-owned property located upon block 500.1 lot 78 and 82 112 to 120 HC Avenue and resolution 47923 is a resolution authorizing leave of AC for Francis Tes Public Safety telecommunication telecommunicator training from December 8th 2023 through March 9th 2024 okay need a motion to adopt the consent agenda as it is just spread roll call counc M mayor counc counc Carol May okay with that you a motion to open to the public roll call ccber hi Mayo counc hi counc Carol hi okay anyone from the public who would like to speak please come forward give the name here to the clerk and you have three minutes SAR how are you doing you can do it we can hear you hi hello okay hi good evening U my name is okao I've been a resident from Pac um for the last 25 years um I currently live at 369 Park Street um I'm here to address an issue at 363 Park Street which is our next door neighbor um unfortunately four four years ago the gentleman had a medical emergency and no longer lives there and since then the residence has been deteriorating severely um we have a lot of vagrants that come to hang out the Landscaping is not kept the building's not kept there's a lot of Critters left and right and it's becoming a problem every time we have any kind of um weather issue rain in Wind we have huge branches falling in our property damaging our fence damaging you know whatever two weeks ago the weather storm barely missed a car by less than a foot in our driveway and we've been calling the city repeatedly for the last 3 4 years trying to get this resolve that it kind of hasn't had any traction um fortunately today a couple of officers came over and sealed the building so one of those is kind of solved but now we're still dealing with the landscaping and as winter approaches snow's going to fall there's going to be you know weather events we don't want the tree to fall on our house we don't want the tree to damage our cars we don't want the trees to damage our fence and one of the trees actually hangs over the street which if it falls it's going to damage someone's car and hopefully not injure somebody so um the gentleman today I forget his name but he's like he writes tickets for overgrown Lawns yes he said that somebody is doing something about it um as far as the DPW goes but we're just trying to get an exited so I read you I got an email I think I saw so yeah just is this in rear on taxes um I don't know I'd have to yeah I want to find out if there's a lean on the property someone owns it if there's a tax someone still owns it but they they're paying the taxes but they're not maintaining it they're responsible to maintaining it yes yeah but then we usually clean it up and we we can do that we we we can do the work there's a huge tree I just don't want the tree to fall so we our tree Department can we make sure they get out there tomorrow mayor the tree is actually well you can't see the tree the Tre on the property well if it's a danger to the city it's going to overrun you know and it's a danger to his property so yeah we've called we' emailed we've done everything so I think he has it already Okay from the email yeah okay Glen was out there today yes no Glen it wasn't Glenn Glen so that's the name I was given today to follow up but it was a different gentleman mik start with a name Mike Mike mikee he's a big G he's a plum Plumb I'm sorry either way so VY can you make sure well just make sure he has your office number so he can call you directly y yeah so that's why I'm here just trying to get that's first we've heard of it so we're going to expedite this and make sure it's appreciate it thank you guys very much not a problem thank you thank you for coming to the tax sale yeah yeah so yeah so we can do what we want to B banded one right I mean you like you could you could do it and it'll add on to the to the leans that's for sure but we can put a lean yeah I mean if it's for tax s is it is the tax sale sold like cuz there's if there's a lean holder then there tax sales next week taxes next week to avoid the mess want to get in and take care of that right away so there is a tax lead on that property okay so you know so does that like prev it from happening no no fact just means that the property owner is not up to on their taxes and they you know somebody can actually buy the the the lean and essentially they'll have to keep the property up and pay the taxes and then they can charge the property owner um at an interest rate depending on how the tax sale goes and if they don't pay the taxes they can eventually foreclose and own the property so it's a whole big legal process it's been sealed so I feel a little com but the tree is my Prim does it look like it's the dis it's dead oh ranes fall every time there's a weather doesn't matter I have I have like pictures of what has happened I don't thank you Rich yes hi um you know it's a good elad in for what I'm going to say uh with this gentleman just mentioned that you know the storm we had the other night it was Sunday night it was a nice little storm you know and there's trees and branches everywhere there are problem trees everywhere I have them other neighbors have them and I I just don't see why the cost of maintaining those trees is is prohibitive so why not have the tree Department allow homeowners to submit a application or something and hey get a little help once in a while or you you apply for help to get some of the the trees trimmed on your property instead of playing paying thousands of dollars for for some little trim to take a tree down now will cost you about6 or $7,000 so it's ridiculous these trees are everywhere uh the the tree department is uh is a a great department so I know they have a work to do on their own but I I think that's a good idea to allow homeowners uh to apply for for help through the department you know it's it's U homeowner help it's not help to the uh to the U uh Builders around town building High uh buildings and apartments so it's a chance for you to give give the homeowners uh some kind of a uh help or an abatement in some way or some kind of uh you know something all right so so uh another thing is is I was reading about the U the um Board of Education now I know they separated those two entities in hackin saac it's not that long ago but I guess it's long enough ago uh and to to have a degrees pile up in education and you get paid for that is absolutely ridiculous and to have a a superintendent our our district uh or whatever this is called here hagas School District to be earning that kind of dough oh come on you know it's it's ridiculous and lots of salaries now are out of hand you're driving inflation you know that of course I don't have to tell you that but government salaries now are just you know they're doing it you know kind of hush hush too they're they're just uh uh zooming them up every year they getting increases okay so that's something else I just I could really whine about that for a while okay what else um there's other things I just there's not enough time here that's the problem so I mentioned the trees the the salary of the U of our superintendent and this what is it yeah no there there's more I I I just I don't know where to I don't know we we have no control over the school system in the super yeah I know but uh what um what caused that break what caused that break why can't you cause it to sort of merge again because it was broken apart at one point it's not that long ago I think I remember it it's New Jersey is such a political state it would never happen it's literally I think there's less than a number on my fingers on my hand of beds that are run by very very hard to do you right the city used too yeah and and they serve under your uh serve at the um you know they would serve under you really and and it was uh I I I think it worked much better reach 100% all right look I I like I said I don't want to stand here and rattle on so I'll just uh make sure I have my dog licens and I'll make sure I flush the toilet correctly okay only everybody would be as responsible thank you all right anyone else in the public saying none motion to close counc venberg hi mayor hi councila hi counc car okay step you're up good evening everyone I just want to start out by thanking our DPW police fire um for all the work during Sunday storms it was that was a a doozy I don't think anyone expected that much rain and and wind out of out of uh nowhere um so I just feel like none of us were really prepared for it and a lot of damage and flooding and we appreciate all the work of um our police and fire and DPW congratulations to all our new police officers who were sworn in tonight um we appreciate your service and thank you for your anticipated dedication to our great city um we all know that there's great things in store for you all um congratulations to Anne Bowen on her retirement recent retirement from the Johnson Public Library um I serve as the lead on to the library board and I don't think Anna's ever missed the meeting she you know put a lot of time in and um was always very helpful and we appreciate her service and and wish her luck and last but not least um wishing everyone a happy Hanukkah happy K Quanza merry Christmas and hope everyone has a healthy and prosperous new year I think we got a lot of stuff done this past past year we had a lot of fun um and a lot of you know bumps in the road but we got through it and 2023 was a great year and I anticipate 2024 to be even better one have a good night everybody thanks St also it's so exciting to see uh eight new police officers you know added to our our Police Department um you can see they're young and the spirit in their in their in their eyes I think reflects the spirit in their soul so I think there'll be a wonderful addition to the great Police Department that we already have sure they're going to fit in well and I'm sure the men are going to appreciate you know having some new faces and new new new members to support them as well um I always usually talk about a few minutes about anything on the agenda that has to do with the development Redevelopment in our town so there were a few things on here tonight uh the first couple of ordinance that were adopted uh basically is uh looking to make some changes to parking regulations in the area of hackin University Medical Center sure everyone's aware you know that we need more parking in that area so these very small changes to the the Redevelopment plans will enable additional parking to support that need uh then there was another on there about uh 299 Main Street 299 Main Street is uh between oh it's on the West Side between very and um Camden it was it is right now an existing Law Office it kind of was in the middle of that 321 Main configuration for those of you that know so kind of they were being built all the way around let's say they were the last hold out and they finally came to terms with the developers at 320 on Main Street configuration so they're going to be um uh incorporated into that development uh also on here was a um uh I believe it was an investigation study for 111 ESS Street at 111 es street is looking to build 67 affordable housing units so I mean that's great we've been always trying to bolster up our affordable housing uh to meet the needs of the city and to meet the needs of the state so 67 fully affordable in that particular location I think that would be a wonderful project so that was on here tonight and then one additional thing uh where would we be in Hack and Sack without white Mana hamburgers right it's always like one of the top 10 places you're supposed to visit if you're in our state and uh you know they they have have uh concerns about their lease and moving forward so they're they're looking to buy their own piece of property and so that's what we're working together with them on it uh so they're looking to move up on they'll be on River Street and further north uh near Burger King University Plaza that address over there so I think we're happy to keep them we want them to stay in town uh we all love them and uh I think that would be you know a nice move for them and support of their business and and somebody that we definitely want to see stay in town uh with that again uh as Stephanie said happy holidays to all everything that we celebrate happy Hanukkah K Quanza and of course a very very Merry Christmas look forward to another great year in 2024 for the city lots of changes but lots of positive news in the city and seeing our downtown come back to life after so many years I I think it just does all our hearts good to see that just some of the positive change in the city we look forward to more the same thank you everyone thank you first of all congratulation again to all new police officers and you want to say the police department DPW fire department the rest of department the city they've been doing a good job during 2023 I just want to say that I be involed in politics for the last 23 years and then year as your consan and the only reason is because I tried to improve the city of hackinson you know and I just want to say that through the last 10 years the people can see that the city improves a lot and we're going to continue working the same way and the parks the streets um I got here a magazine that they're using hack as an example how we are doing the sewers and the stone water separations and this see the magazine that new municipalities and they're using hin as an example what we been accomplished one thing that I want to say is in every meeting I say the same thing again the problem with the electric biks continue and the people in charge of these high rises or apartment houses they had to be very careful with these people that they don't want to listen they're charging the B is in the middle of the night and if one of the B blow up we will have maybe a few dead people you know yesterday I think today we got another fire in New York City was in Jun due to the facts of the particular batteries I yes wish everybody a happy quansa Hanah and M griman thank you for coming thank you chair yes thank you mayor I like toat the eight new officers that was SW in tonight a great future here in our great city of P for those um who haven't had the opportunity to shop and visit our Main Street um area since the dep now was free please do so we had a wonderful holiday uh celebration at the hack pack with our children here in hack saac was very well attended and and it was it was um a blast kids have fun where they show Santa was there giving out gifts it was a great experience with that being said I wish everyone a happy holiday and a happy week thank you J I too want to congratulate our eight new uh police officers I wish them the best of luck they're joining a great Department in a great City and uh they've got a lot a lot of look forward to and great career here in hackin sack um attended the Christmas caper directed by our own Greg leoi written by uh Mr pello um years ago uh it's an on growing ongoing tradition in hackin sack it was a great show it was pretty full I think Sunday I went Saturday Sunday was sold out um kidss had a blast I broke my grandkids they they just loved it I didn't get a chance to stop I usually go by to kids Christmas party could make it this year so I'm glad to hear it was a great success um electric bikes councilman uh metag men electric bikes these are becoming you know I'm a safety officer in the hospital mostly fire safety is what I deal with um it's a problem I deal with the I work with some hacking with some New York City Firefighters who attest to how dangerous the batteries and some of these bikes are and it's not so much when they're new it's the after Market batteries that people are buying and putting these bikes and then they put them in in their their apartments and they go up and people don't stand a chance the heat from a electric bike battery it can produce so much heat in such a short amount of time the smoke along doesn't even have a chance to go off because it melts first that's how fast it happens um super super dangerous as well as cars um you know we're moving forward into this new electric world of electric transportation between bike scooters and cars but we're really kind of putting a cart before the horse because we haven't taken care of all the infrastructure and the things that are necessary for that to happen uh safety is one of the main things you when you're putting an electric car with a battery that can produce such heat that it could take a building down and you're parking them in garages with the building on top of it it's dangerous so uh you're probably going to see something and we're looking probably to get some State guidance on this you're probably going to see something within the next year or two with some changes on where we can charge these vehicles all right and putting them in parking decks with structures nearby or above is not not a great idea um and as I said we look I'm sure the NFPA which is a National Fire Protection Agency and and others will come up with some suggestions on how to deal with this because it's a new technology like I said we kind of just move forward with all these things not thinking of dangers that could exist or do exist so stay tuned for that uh free parking on Main Street uh is great but what the most important part is it helps our local businesses as the city manager said um we need to create that economic engine by supporting all our local businesses it's very important I'm so happy that when I drive down Main Street I drove down um what was I going last week anyways it was like a Friday night around 6 7 o'clock and I counted like four empty spots on Main Street at that time so streets city was busy it was busy and that's what you know 10 years ago there wouldn't be five cars on the street now there's no only five empty spots so we we're doing the right thing it's great and it's great for local business it's great for the amount of jobs that have been created this is all good stuff um nobody's happier than me that white man are staying all right this way I won't have to drive out of town to get my favorite burger um I've been known to visit there a little bit so is our City attorney we can always tell when the city attorney's been a white Manor when he walks in the door cuz he smells like onions so and speaking of our City attorney we're happy uh to uh still have you on board we uh confirmed you again for another term so uh thank you good to have you so with that I want to wish everybody a Merry Christmas Happy K Quanza hanukkah's over but happy Hanukkah to everybody and I want to thank the storm was pretty bad much worse than most people thought the storm was pretty hairy uh I got hammered with water in my basement um it was it was scary a lot of stuff in the yard branches from trees um thank God we had no injuries in the city I saw we did evacuate some people from some flooded areas I saw the the high water rescue truck out there so I want to thank all the Departments that work through the storm fire police DPW um the treeses got the tree Department they've been real busy and uh thank them for all their help right so everybody have a wonderful holiday and we'll see you all next year take care everybody and thank you be you're doing a good job so far motion to close all in favor hi second --------- okay okay need draw life good evening everybody Adam clerk go right to the city manager's report you're on yes uh your honor um first first up is uh tonight there's an ordinance on uh that adjust chapter 52 which involves multiple dwellings and maintaining a dog license registry this is for any uh apartment or condo association that has more than six units and this is uh simply uh a registry of pet owners in the particular unit so that we have a way to trace in the event of a dog bite or another situation uh involving a pet that uh we can get that information for our health department if we needed to quarantine any dogs or and maintain that they have rabes uh vaccinations uh second is a resolution real quick I don't just going go back to that not to interrupt you you spoke you said the management company wouldn't defold information this came about uh due to a situation where uh we had a dog bite and the police department investigated it as well as the health department and who handles things like that they have to quarantine the dog make sure the dog is you know for the person the victim that was bit and uh it was tracked to a uh one of the highrises I believe or it's a multi-unit dwelling I don't know if exactly if one of the highrises and the management company refused to provide the dog owner information the type of dog anything got their legal department involved and says that they didn't have to release it um which we are challenging because that's ridiculous but it's like an instru we had to get a I think we ended up having to get a subpoena um in order to get that information but the problem is that you know when there's a dog bite dog's supposed to be quarantined and if you can't identify the dog the dog's not getting quarantined right to make sure there's there's no rabies so I believe they were unable to I you know by the time to you have to draft a subpoena you have to get it issued you got to get it served and by the time that's done you know I believe the person who got bit ended up having to take prophylaxis for rabies you know and that's not a pleasant Thing manag company have some liability in there by denying I mean what's what's the harm to them for doing for for releasing they argued I believe they argued that the privacy of their their their tenants so this this ordinance the intention is that you know hey you got to make it available within one business day or you're violating one of their tenants children walked out with a hand D and started shooting at people they could use that same excuse we can't protecting our tenants mayor they definitely uh for whatever reason took it Way Beyond what it should have been it's a simple thing that should have been provided yes I agree uh number two is a resolution uh regarding uh boarding commission some newo commissions there's a couple new appointments on or SL reappointments and last but not least I will call up our city engineer Chris weaton she will do her CSO storm water and Parks update evening everybody evening so just a quick uh view of our major projects overview um this is essentially unchanged from from last meeting so everything is um progressing as expected next slide please for our CSO separation projects we're working in the Anderson Street drainage area presently um the uh sanitary main replacement on sanitary on on Stanley Place uh and Railroad Avenue is uh is proceeding presently and um PNG G gas recently relocated uh their main on Clay Street so that we could install our first storm water box culbert which you see there and uh we are continuing um violia and to coordinate with violia and psng on uh on service connections while uh while the sanitary work advances just to be clear that psng and violia coordination will be uh uh or those service relocations for gas and water will be necessary in order to install the Box coverts uh in this uh in this project area for Vorhees Lane Pump Station improvements uh we final we finalized the change order uh with the contractor for this project and uh are are just awaiting funding uh the contractor has the contractor has the contractor has committed to uh to make procurement uh for the Transformer um and Associated equipment so that we won't have to wait for that lead time um while we're a waiting funding so um much appreciation to uh to the contractor Jay Fletcher Kramer on this job so have we identified a solution oh we knew that we needed a Transformer so the solution located what we yes the solution is a Transformer and uh they've identified one that was had a lead time of about a month um and uh so as I say they're they're proceeding with with that procurement even though we haven't been able to fully execute um this this um and this will convert fund this one to the other it's it's a it's a Step Down Transformer from U you 235 or so to 208 so the the the new equipment is at 235 I thought it was 220 the new equipment the new equipment is at 208 so yeah it's going into 25 220 the the coming to the site the uh the Box presently is is 235 or I'm sorry the panel that we're connecting to is 235 we're stepping down to 208 volts um so moving on to our uh flood mitigation uh project uh we're proceeding again we're we're advancing the CCTV and base mapping program uh progress of late has been slow as there been there have been uh some some roots and and obstructions that um the contractor is dealing with uh but uh we're continuing progress um we've inspected about 20 miles of uh of sewer and storm pipes uh to this point um and um so we're overall we're just about 58% complete uh of the uh extended contract uh footage of 186,000 Ft Chris do you remember the tonage that we removed so far I it was significant of debris from the uh sewers down in that area I can I can get back to you with that number uh so moving on to our our Parks projects uh Carver Park uh you've probably noticed uh as the courts have been have been formed and poured and uh they're proceeding with with fencing installation uh recently they're also working this this week they're also working on drainage improvements and um so it's everything is is going is going well there Johnson Park Sports Complex we are still monitoring this oil compaction uh and uh and expecting that that will be complete complete in time for our uh for our the next phase of our project which is um the uh the procurement of the Dome and the and the site work for the facility the bidding for the Dome project is currently scheduled for for next month for January for fishen Park we are having a Green Acres public hearing at our next uh Committee of the whole meeting for the Council on January 9th the uh the Green Acres hearing is necessary because we have funding for an area of the park but it's it doesn't C currently incompass uh the uh the phase one project that's planned for Fields 8 n and 10 so the green ACR hearing will allow us to use that Green Acres money uh towards Fields 8 n and 10 which we're currently working on next slide please and uh councilman but Tagle I just wanted to address your request for uh P completed Paving projects so this is this is the current map and a list of the streets that have been completed Over The Last 5 Years a copy of that I'll certainly send you a copy of this call next slide please um with our city hall project uh work the genal site uh site work is proceeding we're working presently on the uh the Ada ramp out front as well as uh as you see forming in um the the light poles and uh and sidewalk and uh other site improvements out front for the roof project we are still awaiting the the skylights and down spouts um my last information indicated those would be coming in next week so um those will be installed uh right away and we expect that project to be done the end of this month what about the renovation the ren the renovation is uh is is still on schedule for the end of March and we just wanted to put in a couple of uh public service announcements um as as these things sometimes uh come through through our office uh to uh report Street outages or I'm sorry street light outages uh this uh anybody can do this themselves with at at uh with a quick search on Google or um or going to this website address to uh to report a street light outage and also check on uh what other what what street light outages have been reported so I just wanted to pass that along to the public and again um our second PSA uh please don't flush wet wipes down the toilet we continue to have problems in the sewers and uh it it's it is a big problem over overall it's it's going to clog our equipment it clogs the sewer and um just just please uh do your best to dispose of those properly not in the toilet and that concludes uh presentation question any questions I just want to bring up I noticed that and I mentioned this to jacine this morning on State Street from Pake Street on the on the Middle School side there is absolutely no street lights on the west side of that street that's what that bus stop you're talking about is so and it's dark now when some of these kids are leaving school I mean pitch black so we need to uh reach out to Public Service get an assessment of that and it goes down a few blocks too with no lights on one side so and that that area should be lit up especially with a school there sure yeah I I I agree if you get a chance even tonight when you're going home if you just drive up the block you'll see what I'm talking about yeah we'll do corner cross well the C the c i CR I went and looked at the crosswalks again there's when they did that there's absolutely no even one with the with the sewer catch face in there they could have gone around and they've done them in correctly in in certain areas the one with the four crosswalks is done correctly with the four M the three and the two are both WR the one with the two technically you can't cross the street there's only there's two crosswalks so you can't without crossing without a crosswalk to get to to to get to a crosswalk and a brand new intersection is makes no sense so in the spring you know I'll meet with them and show them exactly what what I see but uh they can go definitely skirt around that that catch Spas without you know having to walk so when you're at the intersection so if if you're here right if you're in this corner there's no crosswalk this way and there's no crosswalk this way you basically can go nowhere but way back along a very long block across the street okay no there has to be one of those yeah um thank you mayor and deputy mayor for those comments that that is that is something that I've uh been uh working to follow up on and I will get back to you with some further information you take you take it right see four crosswalks and there's three crosswalks and then there's two crosswalks yeah I I would just I just would like to review with uh with our Consultants our traffic Consultants to understand why those what deter line when when to cross meet us at an at a corner right you have the one who goes to the curb and then the inside line meets each other right so you have a m two stripes running into each other they just kept them going and they cross over each other it's like wasn't done proper they need some of course it's on our block very noticeable and lots of neighbors would like to tell you about it yeah that was on purpose that was on purpose yeah that be paranoid that's that's it any other questions thank you I will get back to you with further information on that thank you okay thank you for the help and the meeting gr you're welcome job she got that's it that's it that's it open to the public VOC call Mayo CC MC M Carol hi hi anybody from the public would like to speak please come forward give your name to the clerk you will have three minutes good evening good evening and Janowski 344 Prospect Avenue um regarding the dog registry I think it's a fabulous idea we have in my building and other buildings several of the emotional support dogs coming in and legally there's not a whole lot we can do as far as getting information from them however tell tell me I'm also on my the board of my building tell me what it is you need the registry to contain how would you like it format it and believe me I'll put it in my building yeah I mean I'm going to assume if if this gets approved you know we would prepare a communication and we would send it all out to you know any um units that I think six or more units because I think five or less are are six or more I think are reg or DCA you know that's why we picked the number six I believe that's the number that triggers the DCA you know six units or more in a building right so if it's a 1 through five unit building you know it's not big enough it's it's not really something that we wanted to impose an administrative burden on but if you've got six or more you already have to you know deal with the DCA when it comes to inspect sections we should have a list of those buildings and we would uh you know send out a communication and put something up on the website wa that the ordinance is drafted it just simply says that you need to have it can either be written or electronic and it's just got to have the names of any dog that is uh you know registered any dog that's resident in the building whether it's owned or kept there and you know to the extent the owner of the dog and and to the extent known the name age and breed of the dog dog so we can have some identifying information and um if we have a need for it then you know we would reach out to the name that's on file for uh the uh the property manager or the the condo board or whoever and you'd have to provide it within one day one business day um you know it could be emailed it could be you if they say well we only have a hard copy then someone could go to the building and and inspect it um so it's it's not intended to be any particular format it just needs to be available so that if there is a dog bite from a dog in the building someone says I saw a dog this dog bit me and I saw the owner go back into the building that we can then um you know determine who's got a dog in the building and we can potentially try and track it down it's not a perfect solution but at least it gives us some opportunity to try and you know figure it out right I mean if if you know if they do list the breeds and someone says you know St Bernard bit me and there's one St Bernard you can narrow it down if it's you know some popular breed if it's a Golden Retriever and there's 12 golden retriever because it's a big building you know then then the city would have to determine you know how far to take it so the building would have a record could that's you the expectation is any building that has six units or more either has an owner right if it's a pure rental building there's either an owner or a management company if it's a condo board you either have a condo you either have a a management company or if it's self-managed and you've got a condo board and and they would be responsible for that okay um you know we'll see how it works I mean I honestly I I I always try and find ordinances elsewhere that do something similar I have not found one that has required this so you know it'll be a bit of of trial and error till we get it sorted out but you know at least it gives us this tool and we'll do our best to to try and make it work because the city does does um require that the dog be be vaccinated in the dog is supposed to be liced is that's the discussion we have with some of these support dogs that are coming in so I would they refuse to give the information I would recommend that build these with management companies that run by Boards that it's in their bylaws that this has to be reported and you have to document dogs coming in and a list of the animals living there I mean that's really should be up on to the board and to the management company and they and they support to reac yeah and with that you have a list so we could we can check to see if a dog's been has its raving shot or not I mean okay that's something the board of Al take to thank you you're welcome anyone else from the public step on up just a quick question would there any fines or Fe on up uh would there be any fines or fees involved in assortments that's possible I mean there there are no fees for maintaining the registry I mean you know there's there's no charge right if you're if I don't know there there was a charge for dog license itself but that's fairly minimal if you violate any city ordinance you are subject to there's a standard penalty Clause that provides for a fine of up to $2,000 or imprisonment or community service for a period of 90 days I I can tell you in my long experience practicing Municipal law I've never seen anyone go to jail for violating an ordinance like this um you know that that's not a a common uh a common scenario but it is at least theoretically possible would that be directed to the door owners what no no this would be in this case if if you were un if if we caught you having an unlicensed dog then then the dog owner would re re that but if you don't maintain the uh um appropriate uh registry then then it would be written I would presume against the entity you know or against the manager you know they'd have to be determined who would be the appropriate defendant who would receive a summons but I mean that happens all the time right there's all these laws that you know businesses have to follow in town and you know when there's a violation the business gets written up so I mean it's not uncommon that uh you know you you uh use site an entity thank you thank you anyone else in the public seeing none motion to close second roll call counc vber hi May counc hi counc member Carol hi May I we need a motion to go into close session close close session to close close session we're not going back we're done we have no more business okay motion to close the executive session second roll call counc vber Mayo counc right motion to close the council the Carol May okay we will be back at 8:00