e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e thank you for waiting everybody sorry we're a little late try to qualify doger little mini surgery going on up here and I believe we're going right to uh right to the city manager's report in the agenda thank you mayor uh first up um a discussion regarding there's a resolution on tonight uh regarding anou for Public Safety tele communicators um myself uh Jim and uh Personnel successfully we think negotiated a contract with the psts the public safety uh telecommunicators uh there's only three things that are that actually are the biggest changes to it which uh the CFO has highlighted for me is um of the things that we wanted was we wanted all of the dispatchers to be on the same type of schedule they were on two different types of schedule and we wanted to put them on a Pitman schedule which would a uh eliminate a built-in overtime Clause that was in their contract which um I didn't think was appropriate so we were able to negotiate that in so that is they're all on the same type of schedule now police and fire the 10-step guide Remains the Same with the uh uh with just two changes the bottom two steps were eliminated um and as we've been hiring dispatchers at step three anyway because step one and step two was below minimum wage so there was no legally we couldn't even do that so we've changed that employees at the top of the guide or off the guide will get a 2 and a half% raise um as their previous contract and then for two employees that are one is and one of which is retiring in September um we added a anniversary payment of $2,000 after 20 years of service and $2,500 after 25 years of Serv Service uh second um also on tonight there's an NJ do Municipal Aid fund Grant uh resolution we're trying to uh come up with a a project for that which will be a road diet um parenthesis I'll put that for a project on Spring Valley Avenue regarding the speeding um so we're we're trying to address that that's all I have I will uh turn it over to our city engineer uh for the CSO and the storm water and Parks update Chris weaton thank you city manager evening everybody evening uh just one clarification to the point uh city manager made about on the resolution um to clarify it's a pedestrian Safety Action Plan um and because there is another project presently going on on Spring Valley we're looking to do this demonstration project on some adjacent uh roadways okay um um Frank would you mind to I have a newer presentation if you wouldn't mind to if you could grab that real quick I should have that's it okay so just um as highlighted in blue um is the change from last meeting um and that's uh the jreal building is uh is open for business so very glad to to uh make that change and um other statuses are essentially uh similar uh Carver Park is also open as well um but we are working through some remaining items um on that project getting into our sewer separation our combined sewer separation projects we're again just to remind everybody of the context we're working on the Anderson Street drainage area uh shown in pink on this drawing with the project that's going on on Clay Street berdan jamesberry and Stanley and railroad AV we're currently working on the large uh s uh storm water box covert on Clay Street uh that's where construction is currently happening with the sewer pipes there's also service relocations by psng happening on the uh the the adjacent streets as soon as we're done on Clay Street we expect with the with the storm water Culver we expect to continue back on to berdan place and and uh move forward from there other sewer contracts that are going on we're just getting ready to start up the various sewer improvements contract uh which is as listed a number of U miscellaneous improvements throughout the city and the other project is the East Kennedy emergency generator uh which uh did have a kickoff and is is getting underway and uh so it'll be some time before the generator gets in and we can actually construct that project also a nonso or sanitary sewer project is our Vorhees Lane sanitary lift station uh replacement as you recall we were having some uh alarm issues there and some solids uh issues those solid issues have abated um over the the last several weeks and uh so we're getting ready to uh to clean up that site and and restore it and uh have Final close out for Carver Park the park was opened this past Saturday and um uh we understand uh we are working on the scoreboard that the city is now uh um is is now incorporating into the project and so that will be performed as a change order to the current project for Johnson Park the bid advertisement will will occur uh this uh this Thursday I'm sorry the 26th is uh tomorrow I think it's thir I feel like that's this okay it's tomorrow tomorrow that's that's the date that's the date that our qpa set so um un I think I I think I I think I wrote it wrong I I apologize Fray Friday you're right you're right you're right it's it's it's Friday it didn't didn't didn't sound right to me um so yes it's the 28 it's the 28th sorry um yeah but anyways it's this week uh being advertised it's about a five week um uh bid period and we expect to be um awarding that project at the August meeting at polyfly Park our drainage Improvement project is progressing we're essentially done with the work that's immediately around the splash pad and the uh the playground area we're working our way up the hill uh with a pipe installation uh again the basketball courts courts there are closed for the time being we expect them to be uh open uh around around July 4th or prior to July 4th in roads and traffic uh we are uh we're we're working towards uh startup of our Prospect a pedestrian Safety project which is from Beach Street to ESS 6 Street installing new crosswalks and some uh signalization there and um uh that'll be starting up mid July in at Summit AV and pic intersection again the new signals are installed we're still working on uh the startup uh um integration and and and signal signal controls uh so that's that's ongoing Chris can I ask can I ask a question mayor sure okay so my daughter was driving on um Summit Avenue today she wanted to know why the new polls are black that's the new city standard is my understanding okay that's cuz she asked me and I had no idea yeah all the all the new poles are black Okay Main Street kind of started that I knew they were black on Main Street but it's a TR okay cuz she was like they're all new and she cuz she got stuck at the light yeah yeah and then she was like then she got home and she called me she goes why were they black that's that's the trend moving forward is every everything will be moving to Black okay that's her favorite color anyway so and as I mentioned uh the Jal offices are now open the the building is no longer the John Earl building it's now the uh building and land use department for the city of hackensac the f has been delivered and the uh the offices of the building and land use departments have been open there since Monday and again just a reminder please don't flush wipes down the toilet um that you want to protect and um uh ensure the longevity of our sanitary U and of our sanitary sewer system so just a reminder for the public if there's any questions question I have a question I mean tonight we're being asked to vote on the route 80 Riverview Drive um and I would like I think for all the council if you could give us an overview of what being done in the hackensac area it's a very limited um uh the project very um affects hackin saac in a very to a very limited extent it these are West Brown improvements on Route 80 uh from just west of polyfly Road um to uh you know continuing for several miles I don't have the data with me I can pull it out if if you like I might have something with me are we getting more sound barriers there are some more sound barriers yes there's one um uh at at that intersection with polyfly there's a sound barrier just um uh to the south of on on the eastbound side of side of Route 80 and excuse me have the property owners been notified that this is coming you know where they are I mean if it's behind their property the state notified yeah yeah yes do yes dot would certainly notify any any uh any Property Owners that'll be immediately impacted by the construction and and working on any easements or or and your office hasn't received any comments or complaints from any of the of the property owners we have not uh but there was a public information uh uh session conducted by do those results I believe are still being reviewed by Dot and would be released and discussed with uh with the city or available to the public uh at the time that they're released so we can keep an eye out towards toward right it would just be nice if we knew if there were complaints by anyy Ben C before we recommended it that you know my personal opinion I guess I excuse me I guess I would expect people you know probably would notify our office most people are not shy about you know alerting um us or or other departments about things of of concern so I would hope that they would have copied us or called us you know when they received information on the project and um that that we would be informed and able to act keep us notified should we should you still get complaints or you have people calling with concerns because if you do then we probably will as well yes and I think I read in here what we anxiously waiting for is the additional ramp on ply Road and that's not included in this package right it's it stops just short of polyfly Road okay because I have a question I know I I reached out to to you and you you answered me so I appreciate it but um with the Dome with the field we can still add those the tick marks for football correct uh the tick marks are included okay uh so they're included at the at at the edges of the complete field both sides both sides okay but then down the middle um tick marks for two rows in the middle down the middle yeah that's what okay uh I guess I didn't understand that was the request yeah I would say that that can be added I I just need consensus I guess that you know that that that's what we want to do okay okay thank you thanks okay do you know that the width of that football field is incorrect it's not it's it's colored as a football field it would have to be no the the actual width of the field is incorrect for football yes it yes okay is that going to be addressed so the actual width is of the soccer field is how wide uh I I know it's larger than the football field it's larger than the football field so right the perimeter lines for the football field should be and they can be totally dark blue or something just to fit in there so it doesn't distract but the field size should be regulation with in other words I wasn't even aware I thought they were the same size but make the field matter of fact we can lose the numbers on the side if we have to those lines have the width has to be the same in order for them to play and the hash marks probably should instead of putting them on the outside put them where they belong okay outside you know what I'm saying the hash marks in the football field all right same thing not a not white you know a color that's not going to confuse anybody make them a type of blue or a gold something like that so that the field is the right regulation size that's but we're going to leave the but it has to be original perimeter has to be there to accommodate the soccer the soccer field yeah no the soccer Field's going to be the outside white lines are going to be the soccer field so you football stuff is going to be no white lines it's going to be all that the two-tone uh every five yards a different color Turf all right M and you can use a similar color just to make the perimeter so it doesn't blend in and it doesn't you know it's not going to affect anybody we we can do that I think what we that could even if that's I don't care if it has to be done as a change order I don't want it to hold up the bid no it's not going to hold it up we can certainly you know but just to be fair you know we've gone back and forth on this so many times and it it's got to if it's going to be a multi-purpose field it's got to be a multi-purpose F we're already leaving other sports out it so everybody okay with that well you need you need to have a group you need to have a meeting you know to really set this up to make sure it's done properly on there I don't disagree I'll be I'll be happy to circulate another uh rendering uh with with what you're describing as a football field uh of of the just make sure you reach out to to Mr Carol and Paglia so we get this hashed out so these kids got all our kids got a good place to play that's the bottom line we'll do all right thank you anything else any other questions thanks everyone thank you oh I need a motion to open to the public offer T all in favor I I and oppose anybody would like to speak now please come forward I see Randy getting up I see this gentleman getting up sure absolutely whoever whoever gets to the podium first wins both sen good evening Council even Randy Glover hackin sack but I'm here representing um all access Community Development Corporation which is the nonprofit uh uh that I run that's um ran out of the Majestic Lodge on First Street um I'm here this evening uh because I am actually trying to request some office space from the city uh I had spoken to John previously and he had forwarded the request to um a person who I do not want to name because it's not about that um uh I'm just more interested in us having space um since covid uh with the help of the state and with the county we were Distributing 54,000 meals uh out of First Street at the lodge uh We've also done uh mental health project um which I think Deb would know most of everything because I had submitted all of the uh resolutions to her that you guys voted on so we've done we've done mental health we hired a staff of 25 therapist um we also kept uh some businesses going here in hackensac one particular business we were spending $4,000 a month so before they even opened up their door they made $40,000 a month off of us to provide meals um we're still providing meals um we still provide at least anywhere between uh I think it's 6 to 13,000 lbs of food every month to this Comm Community um and it would only be right that as a company a nonprofit here in hackin at that you can possibly find us some desk space and that's all we're asking for um the other municipalities somehow they find a place to squeeze in their you know a nonprofit um I think that um we work collectively to make the city look good and make the count look good and to help those who are less fortunate uh and so I'm just hoping that uh this time we get a good response and again it's not on the council because it was forwarded to uh the person who supposed to look into it um but I'm requesting again that uh we get off a space right okay we'll have a conversation with the city manager because he controls the the city itself and uh say what we can do okay great and then one other ask uh Ruth uh nor the uh Museum or the art gallery I think it should be named after her and I'm saying that because I remember at the uh onset of acpat that was going to be a supply space and she actually came up with the idea of making it an art gallery so I think with all the hard work she put into it as a volun uner and made the art gallery what it is that it would be only right to name it after her thank you for listening thank you Randy you timed that pretty good next person please thank you thank you my name is Alvin star I own the property at 210-216 ntic Street here in hackin saac and I'm here tonight to seek a seek some remedy with regard to uh city code 15-28 Property Management code and I'll explain the code is section 307 in it deals with rubbish and garbage and I'll further explain there to keep the property clean of litter and garbage and the code is geared toward occupants to keep the property in a sanitary condition and it's also a condition the in the in the releases what has been going on and the police are fully aware of this is that people have been gathering in in the parking lot in uh Gathering loitering call what you want in a very undesirable way and the police have uh created a post there as a as Act of deterrence which is all fine it this loitering Gathering partying and call what you will has caused a lot of litter my uh tenants have been doing their best to keep the parking lot clean they've been paying out of pocket to keep it clean there are bins for the tenants they're responsible for uh waste management and they don't want the litter there because it's a deterrent to good business it's not good for the city it's not good for my tenants it's not good for me as a landlord I know know the property so what I'm seeking in the code 307 is uh some language that addresses um unforeseen conditions uh so that it's just not written so that if if it's if it's litter and uncontrolled that I don't keep on getting tickets I've gotten two um complaints signed by the police had one court appearance paid Court I paid the court cost I paid my legal cost now I have another complaint again the um the lot just came from there is spck and span is very clean I was there earlier this week it's very clean and I hope it stays very clean and I hope this Gathering goes away because it's not good for business and it's and it causes litter so as a code issue it uh there are there are certain sometimes extenuating circumstances and maybe the code uh at least section 307 rubbish and garbage at least that code could have a car vout for extenda uh conditions and that's all I really have to say about this um it's a very undesirable situation right now and I hope it comes to a satisfactory conclusion and the police are fully aware of what's going on and I hope that you can adjust the code accordingly so I don't get so I don't get any more uh summonses from or complaints from the city they haven't got additional cord costs thank you very much any questions I'm happy to answer any questions by no I didn't I have a not just make sure we get a note of the code and and then we'll move forward and do some investigating into whether we can uh do anything with the code itself what was the numbers actually I'm sorry what were the number what was the code number that you're talking about because the 307 doesn't exist 307 oh sorry it's code 15-28 15-28 2 property man that's a property you're looking at the r property maintenance code okay um but that was cited in in by the uh by the polican issue that we had yes the but the problem is is that it's it's the old code not the new code This was um well in the in the complaint it says 15-28 we if that's the improper code okay all right we just needed to know what section it was and what you were looking at and it was section 307 okay any help is greatly appreciate okay thank you very much thank you all no problem thank you I know next person from the public please sorry good evening my name is I'm sorry my name is Howard herwitz Hur W TZ 326 Prospect Avenue Apartment phf you're aans saac and I'm here tonight uh to present a petition with more than 530 signatures collected by the prospect and Summit Avenue preservation group in opposition to the uh 19 story Assisted Living uh facility proposed for 329 Prospect Avenue the project is presently before the uh Municipal zoning board where the developer is seeking variances for um some 19 variances I just want you to know the property is so small that there is no room to provide a driveway at uh ground level at grade for any vehicle to enter the property so that means anyone arriving at the front door whether it's a resident a visitor a worker an employee a delivery person a moving truck no matter what even a uh some trying to drop someone off uh or even a newer driver is will be directed theoretically down a driveway into the below grade garage where they I guess have to sort out the uh the parking and we think that's kind of a an absurd design for any building in hackin saac so I will leave this here with you and uh thank you very much for your attention thank thank you you're if I just my comment sir this is the City attorney over here hi yes oh hi um I just want to make sure you know uh to be clear if the application is in front of the Zoning Board of adjustment you need to address your comments directly to that board the May mayor and councel cannot give their input to the zoning Board of adjustment on a matter that's pending before it they have to decide it as an independent body um so to make sure you are heard you should make sure that you repeat well that sounds fine historically that's first of all the zoning board will not accept a petition because they only accept testimony sworn second of all pre prly the project uh slated for this site was a um an assisted living facility uh no I'm sorry it was a with a dialysis center and at that time while it was before the zoning board the previous Council acting as Citizens did appear during the public session not for Testimony and appeared before the zoning board and gave testimony for their comments on the project okay sir historically that isn't exactly true and uh I can't give a petition to the zoning board because they only accept accept sworn testimony okay but I would just tell you that the this governing body has no obligation to pass that forward to the Zoning Board of adjustment I understand but I would think that they would want to know 530 of their constituents took the trouble to sign a petition uh how should I put it expressing their uh displeasure with this kind of development so I I thank you and I do understand the history I was at that time a member of the zoning board although uh being within 200 ft of the project I was unable to sit on the board but I was presid for all of the meetings so I do know what happened historically so thank you very much next person please good evening Blan Stewart 2523 Street um the last couple of months I live on Third Street it's a very short street from central to Barry most houses most of the houses are on behind the apartment buildings on Prospect the tenants on Prospect walk their dogs down onto Third Street no one has a pooper scooper there dog feces all up and down the street if you park your car on the street and get out people step into it um about a week ago when I came out of my house there was dog feces up my walkway so I would hope that the police can Patrol that more more or if there's some kind of notification to the tenants uh residents around the community that there will be a fine or something because I'm almost ready to put hot sauce out there on my grass and I would want to do that to a are there signs on your block for that nope all right we need some signs we'll get some signs up there because we had the same problem in our neighborhood we put some signs up and it help tremendously M Stuart M Stewart is it on third or on or on uh third right behind the parking garages off on Third Street okay thank you you're welcome anyone else from the public like to speak before the next session seeing none motion to close the public second all in favor I I we Mo back at 8:00 promptly thank you everybody mayor you can close the executive session and the cow okay motion to close the executive session please second all in favor I I None oppos motion to close the Council of the whole offer second all in favor I I None opposed thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e are you Wai for me en your CL I don't have what about use M use mine I got okay did he find it did you find it has black clip on it e e good evening everybody Madame clerk this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meeting Act njsa 10 col 4-6 EDC notice of which was sent to the record in the Star Ledger and was posted on the municipal bullon board roll call please council member Von rudenberg here Deputy Mayor krino here council member Paglia here council member Carol here mayor lebros here would everybody please rise for the flag salute I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay so we have some business to take care of before uh City business mic down there ready yes [Music] did Frank turn it on yes on okay thank you the this is there so we have some special guests with us tonight and we have the young antlers from the benevolent protective order vels and hackin Sack Lodge Number 27 when I say Lodge 27 that means that's one of the earliest lodges ever in the United States of America so that's a good thing so the proclamation reads whereas on Friday May 10th 2024 the hackin sack antlers Lodge 27 had a fundraiser to collect care packages for active duty service members and whereas the volunteers collected and packed 43 boxes of assorted items for the New Jersey Army National Guard's Battalion 112 field artillery regiment which includes the city of hackin saac police officer Jeffrey Rodriguez who is currently deployed and now therefore I John P Bross Jr mayor of the city of hackensac along with members of the city council do hereby recognize and thank the members of the hackin sack antlers Lodge Number 27 as well as Elks Lodge for their volunteer community work as it is valued and greatly appreciated by all Round of Applause for that guys thank you so having served as an officer in the Elks and uh having my son is an elk uh my uncle was a uh District Deputy in the Elks and exalted ruler as well in our lodge when I was in Elwood Park um I know what a great organization that is and what the great work you guys do so we every uh young Elks that's here tonight is going to get a certificate of recognition so I'm going to call you up one by one Andrew Hall and I hope if we got everybody on here fingers crossed fingers crossed you just how are you just hold on to that Emma Wonder getting up in order that's a good thing misser congratulations hey guys come this way y stand over here front Leo manac [Applause] congratulations here you go Marcus [Applause] Rosario congratulations Marcus thank you there you go Xavier Rosario twins twins cool I would think so congratulations Michael blendowski [Applause] Michael congratulations Sophia Lee [Applause] be one short Too Short congratulations oh okay Ryan Vincent got I got nervous I was like no congratulations Ryan to the other side okay you're throwing a curve ball at the end here I'm going to try though vami was it close that's a tough one I feel like it was just in a spelling be congratulations oh you're quite welcome so uh I'd like to bring Mike antista up here please and uh Mike's involved and want bring him up as well Y and like to say something sure I'm uh Mike antista OIC of the hackin sack Police Department I'd like to Echo the mayor and thank the hackensac antlers Lodge 27 for their hard work and dedication to the community and for our members that are overseas especially one of our own officer Jeffrey Rodriguez so thank you very much thank you so uh yeah go so again we know what good work the the Elks do um the Elks are a great benevolent order uh they've done work for crippled children they do work for veterans they do work for uh a lot of different organizations uh they still have a camp I think it's Camp Moore up in banq um and uh I had a lot of fun and good times when I was in the yelk so I I I hope that you guys continue on Ward staying members of the Elks as you become adults and uh it's a great organization to be involved with so thank you again for what you did and what you do and uh we're going to get a group picture here all right so thank you everybody appreciate [Applause] it come on John gota get in the picture trying to keep the microphone from going on nobody move thank you so much great job guys thank congratulations everybody good job guys great yeah we have one more Proclamation and uh this one's a little tough I got to admit it's going to be a little tough so with jacqulyn hashmat please come forward so some of you most of you know some of you don't know Jac is our Deputy city manager she started as executive secretary in the offices correct and worked her way up to Deputy city manager uh Jackin has had a wonderful opportunity and she's decided to take it and uh we wish her the very best but you were going to be missed I know Vinnie's going to miss you so I'm going to read a proclamation and try to get through without breaking up too much whereas in October 2010 Jacqueline hashmat started her career working as a clerk for the Department of Public Works and a year as a clerk in the city manager's office and whereas jacqulyn was made executive assistant to the city manager in 2015 in 2022 Jacqueline was promoted to Deputy city manager By Appointment of the mayor and councel and whereas Jacqueline has been a valuable asset to the city of hackensac assisting residents and employees as well as working with internal departments to resolve complex issues from start to finish always ready to help with professionalism knowledge and enthusiasm and whereas not only is Jacqueline kept is kept busy in the city she and her husband Adam have two children Luke and Leila who also keep them well prepared and now therefore I John P La Bross Jr mayor of the city of hackensac along with the members of the hackensac city council to hereby congratulate jacqulyn hashmat and thank her for her dedicated service to the city of hackensac and wish her well on her new Endeavors as manager for the township of tenac so it's a it's a wonderful move for her and a wonderful opportunity and Wisher nothing but the best but it it's going to hurt a little bit losing a a valuable team player um I can tell you I I reach out to Jacqueline many many times just I'm driving around the city I see something I stop I text her hey lights out here hey this is broken hey that's broken and with in a few hours she's calling me back we're on it we're fixing it and uh she always gets back to me and takes care of business so you are you're going to be missed not just for the work you do but for being a good person and uh a to all of us so congratulations again on your I don't want to say promotion cuz we didn't put her there but it's a promotion in a sense but uh for us it's a demotion because we're going to lose you so uh you guys want to come on up take some pictures what's up Lea she's shy come on up Luke that's so and by the way Luke got his yellow belt in karate the other day right dude so where should we do this the picture step over here we'll stand up Frank come on [Applause] really miss you sweee stay in don't drop good evening everyone and thank you to the mayor and Council for the recognition it has been an honor and a pleasure to serve as the deputy city manager for the city of hackin sack I want to express my sincere gratitude to the city council for unwavering support and collaboration in my tenure here to the businesses of hackin saac thank you for your dedication and partnership which has been instrumental in the city's growth and success I would like to extend my heartfelt thanks to the residents of hacken saac for your trust engagement and Community Spirit you are the heart and soul of this city and it has been a true pleasure watching hackin saac grow Thrive and flourish has been one of the greatest joys of my career I am confident that the city's best days are still ahead there are too many people to list individually but to the city department heads my team the ones that help me get it done each and every day you know who you are please know that you have made a significant impact on my journey here keep up that hard work to Vinnie for entrusting me as your right hand to make positive decisions for the city and my colleagues I truly thank you to my husband Adam and my children Luke and Leila thank you for your support and helping me make the hardest decision in my career I could not take this leap of faith without without without all of you Mom and Dad watching from Delaware I'm sure this moment of recognition is a testament to the values and dedication and hard work that you instilled in me long ago I can't thank both of you enough hackin sack will hold a special place in my heart I am proud of all we have accomplished together and I am grateful for the opportunity to have served in this wonderful Community I truly thank you all thank you Jack okay so we're going to take a uh three or four or five minute recess anybody who wants to leave feel free to leave before we start with the new business so we can clear the room out if you like otherwise you're welcome to stay I know there's no school tomorrow so there's no rush to go home right chase out e e moving forward we'll go to the city manager's report ready yeah ready okay sureo the city splash pads are now open 7 days per week from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. our 4th of July celebration scheduled for July 4th will feature the infernos and a day filled of fun for the whole family we will have food trucks games and our fireworks spectacular provided by gruchi a special thank you to the szeri group for once again being our Platinum sponsor and hosting the fireworks show a presentation of plaques for our top sponsors will be included at our July 15th council meeting friendly reminder that our first summer concert will be on July 9th featuring the super Trans Am on the green rain location is at the hack pack and will be posted if needed our Sounds of Summer mini concerts at Atlantic Street Park will begin on July 12th at 700 p.m. the first concert will be forever young our building dep department is now officially relocated to 216 Union street from the former uh location at the Eminem building or Recreation Center please join us for the hackin saac fire Department's annual Fallen Firefighters Memorial which will be held on Monday July 1st at the Firefighters Memorial Park at 6 p.m. that's all I have okay okay so you ready Deb I'm ready it's only eight resolution 2 33-34 or 24 sorry 34 okay we just got 10 years older final adoption of ordinance number 25-22 24 a bond ordinance providing for various Acquisitions and improvements to the John Earl building by and in the city of hackensac in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey appropriating 2, 305,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 2,1 194,000 in bonds or nodes of the city to finance part of the cost thereof this ordinance has been published according to law and now calls for a public hearing need a motion to open to the public please offer second all in favor I I None opposed anyone from the public who'd like to speak to this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward seeing no members of the public motion to close author second all in favor I I None opposed need a motion to adopt the ordinance please offer second all in favor I I and opposed be resolved by the city council of the city of hackin County of Bergen and state of New Jersey that ordinance number 25-22 24 has passed a second and final reading and is hereby adopted thank you resolution I'm looking at the numbers M just says 24 234 resolution 234 D I'm sorry 235 d24 no it's 234 you right oh 234 d24 sorry say resolution authorizing tax refunds for state board judgments veteran deductions and duplicate payments need a motion please offering second all in favor I I None opposed resolution 23524 it's a resolution of an intent of intent to utilize the national Co-op contract for the purchase of 500 IPL 95 gallon Refuge containers need a motion please offering all in favor I I None opposed resolution 23624 say resolution authorizing payment of bills need a motion to pay the bills offer second all in favor I I None opposed anybody have any conflicts on the consent agenda there's five items on there none no none okay continue the following items are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted in one motion any items requiring expenditure are supported by a certification of availability of funds any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda and consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes including any exceptions Andor additions the consent agenda consists of resolution 23724 resolution authorizing renewal of liquor licenses for the 2024 2025 license term resolution 238-245 hackensac and IBEW Local 1158 Electrical Workers for the public safety telecommunity ators resolution 23924 is a resolution authorizing the issuance of requests for qualifications for for Professional Services to the city of hackensac resolution 24-24 is a resolution of the city of hackensac in support of the state of New Jersey NJ do project Route 80 Riverview Drive CR 640 and ply Road cr55 and resolution 24124 is a resolution authorizing approval to submit a grant application and execute a grant agreement with the New Jersey Department of Transportation for The hackensac Pedestrian Safety Action Plan project thank you need a motion to adopt the consent agenda as it was just read offer second all in favor I I None oppos thank you Deb need a motion to open to the public please offer second roll call or no all in favor I I I unone opposed anybody from the public who' like to speak please come forward to the podium give your to the clerk Mr Sero how are you how are you I'm rich serbo Spring Valley Avenue hackin sack you know I think I walked in a little too late somebody told me that you were just going over the Spring Valley Avenue problem which it is okay it is it's U it's rush hour is absolutely incredible buses are flying I'm telling you I wish I had one of those uh what do you call them uh to check the speed of something going they are flying past on going down towards Maine oh my goodness it's like what what the hell's going on okay so that's I just want to start there okay by the way a uh the width of a football field is 160 feet on all levels everyone College High School Pro everything 160 so that's that and um I was reading some old text recently too a a college tax it was a a philosopher a writer a poet a a brilliant guy a Frenchman his name was Andre GED and he was talking about uh repetition and how we repeat things so often in in our society and and in our business and everything and blah blah blah it's repeated oh I heard that heard it again and the reason it's done is nobody's listening no one's listening you could say something and it'll just go in one like your mom used to say it goes in one ear and out the other okay it's true it really is it's people just wait to talk they'll wait to speak and if someone's talking let's say it's 10 minutes 20 minutes someone's talking to you you're not listening you're waiting to speak you got you got something on your mind you oh waiting to say what I want to say and you won't listen so a lot of people don't listen so I'm here to repeat things all the time every every time we have a meeting I'm here to repeat things because no one's listening okay is that okay is that fine we're listening okay I know exactly what you're going to say every time we come up so it's okay so you're you're listening you're actually listening John I know I got a 90% chance it's going to be about Spring Valley you're a listener okay I'm a listener all right well look it's uh you should come by and uh uh check it out I have come by I've seen it it's it's ridiculous it's like what the hell was that that and it's not just the buses plus they're all empty every bus is empty I would check in on the uh State uh uh transit system uh speak to them you must speak to people in the state speak to them say hey how what's the ridership like on on the buses all over the state ask them because it's got to be down there nobody on the buses rush hour coming that was a fast three minutes it was but Rush Hour there's no one on the buses okay maybe the okay there's a few I'm not going to I'm not going to totally say it's zero there's a few people sitting in the back oh there's a couple guys there one person two but the buses are empty now and they're just flying around okay they're they're highly paid drivers too don't forget that so call the state and find out what the hell is going on and can we pair down you know the fleet or whatever else is going on so I'm here to repeat things I already repeated everything and I got more to repeat and I'll see you next time all right thanks a lot thank you sir anyone else from the public like to speak please come forward give your name to the clerk sir how are you hi my name is Gerald Francis Jr um I'm vice president of the Hackensack Jun football program um I was already told that um um you know you guys already talked about the uh the Dome being built at uh Johnson Park um I just want to really piggy back off of that and just emphasize how important that it is to have the um regular football markings that we use on the football field um it's very imperative that we have that um another thing um that I really you know want to present to you guys um you know every year we go through uh what we need for for our football season um equipment wise um like sleds and um you know cones things of that nature um I know there's a budget every year um and you know I'm I'm not behind the scenes with uh you know coach savage or Brandon anybody like that but um I do know that uh we do get the short end of the stick and I'm not saying that um no other uh t uh you know Sports get that either but um it's really not fair I mean we we need equipment we have kids that sign up these parents they sign up their kids up for a reason because they want their kids to learn the game of football so it's our job to make sure that we teach them the game of football so um you know when things are presented to to you guys um I just you know just think about of of what we have to do you know for our season um we would like to start our season earlier um I I I I get the notion or I I'll be told that you know we don't we can't start because of uh we can't start early because of um whatever uh I don't know reasons why to to me it doesn't make sense um I like if if I if I was able to start in April CU I know there's teams that in our league they start in April um you know we got to get all these uh uh you know things to use a field uh like like uh what do you call it I forget what you call it but you guys know what I mean um we shouldn't have to go through a whole circus to use the fields um we use a high school field at at times at times on my own I you know have things for the kids I do flag football just because I want them to play football you know if they want to play football um the coaches you know the track coaches you know they let us use the field um I know that you know that's not really something that we supposed to do because at the end of the day if something happens um you know I'm going to be held liable but you know that's basically what I'm bringing to the community and I'm not the only one bringing into Community I have other coaches that you know do the same thing with me so we do need help and you know when we talk about budget and we you know try to do certain things we can't be you know doing shortcuts we can't be doing things you know halfway everything has to be the way we need it because other teams get it the same way um just let me say this real quick too sure um uh and this is my this is how I feel I'm not speaking on you know for nobody when I say this but I really feel like there's a lot of favoritism with certain venues with the sports all right it's not it's not fair it's really not fair and it's been going on for years and we have to you know every Everything has to be equal equal everything so um but once again with that Dome it has it has to be numbered correctly for football and um I just hope you guys see you know see into that and make that work for us thank you very good thank you sir appreciate your comments next person from the public please anyone else seeing none motion to close offer okay all in favor I I I okay Stephanie you're up sure good evening everyone thanks for coming out um just wanted to start with um again congratulations and thank you to our um Elks member volunteers it's you know I think we notice as the years go on there's less and less volunteers especially Stu uh kid volunteers so anything like that is is important um and the fact that work they're working with um our soldiers overseas and supporting one of our very own in hackin I think that means a lot um I often say that you know our generation even myself we were never you know used to any type of being drafted to Wars or being overseas so keeping that um you know keep keeping them um involved with that type of of volunteer work and remembering that people are serving to protect our country is is really important um congratulations to Jackie you know we're going to miss her tremendously but you know she's she has to do what's right for her and her family and we we you know we support her and and wish her all the best and she's not far she's right over in EK so um I'm sure will still be in touch uh this past weekend we had um the city hosted the um annual juneth celebration I'm I'm sorry that I couldn't be there as a away in Maryland but um from the feedback I received and and the pictures that um I saw it was a great event um I you know I saw the itinerary beforehand and just want to thank all of the volunteers they had so many different activities going on um all the volunteers that came out the DPW uh special thank you to press um the rec department and just you know everyone that was out there um I know the police were involved with um the parade route so there was a lot of new things this year and it it seemed like it was great except for the heat um but I'm glad it it was hot and didn't rain because um I I don't think anyone want to have to reschedule it for that date so I'm glad it went well um just to um Mr francis's question about the field use um I don't know that's kind of an easy fix um I don't know that doesn't really cost money to use the fields and in other times and start earlier the only thing I could think of is making sure the registration reflects that um because obviously we can't have the kids practicing if they're not registered and we don't have all their insurance and and you know all that straightened out but um you know I do know other towns do extend further and you know we're trying to do the same thing with with baseball and wrestling you know you have other towns that do winter training for baseball and and we don't um same thing at wrestling they do year round wrestling so um you know those are the two sports that I'm involved in and trying to do that as well but again um we kind of stick to the the main Seasons here and if there's a way to get our kids started earlier so they are more competitive um and exposed a little bit more I I'm I'm all in support of that so I think looking at you know field usage I mean in April baseball's there but they're not there all the time so you know I think there's there's a way to work that out and I think we just have to look at that and make sure that registration has the athletes covered you know if they're actually practicing that everyone's in the system and then you know they're they're covered under the the city's um insurance so that's the Avenue we want to go um in regards to the joll building being open and the car Park uh basketball courts this is huge you know we've been waiting a long time for this and again a great step for our you know Rec Department to um in our parks to try to you know get the most out of you know the things we have offered to everyone so that's you know super exciting and thanks for uh to Chris Wheaten for um you know overseeing that and presenting on that earlier but other than that everyone thank you so much for being here and have a great night thanks Steph uh also agree it was so nice and to see the children here and and to see or learn or hear about the hard work that they've done and you you can see that they really enjoy getting their proclamations and they should be recognized it's it's uh a dedication like this that's important and those years that will stick what they've done during these years will stick with them throughout the throughout the rest of their lives um Jackie we're going to miss her terribly um I know myself speaking I could call her 11 o'clock at night and she would get back to me you know if someone called me with a problem I could reach out to her and we would get the problem resolved so you know she was a 247 girl and she uh she really had a good heart for the city and we'll all we'll all miss her and wish her well of course in her new position um very short docket tonight so really I have things I usually talk about not a lot on here that that pertains to Catholic tonight uh as far as the uh moving of the building department I want to make sure everyone is very aware that you know it's right here on Union Street where the old John Earl building was so it's kind of right next to City Hall which makes it nice close proximity of the buildings together you know better parking uh better accessibility nicer footprint so I think that this is a good move and they're still in the process but I think they're there now right Vinnie they're in there are they really functioning I think they're still on pack open for bus they're open for business so that's great and I think the best part is you know they in the interim while this was being done they were living in the Eminem building and they were living in the area that we had designated for our seniors so now that they're moved out you know I look forward to hearing about lots of new programs for the seniors and getting our seniors to really utilize that space as it was designed and meant to be so I think that's that's pretty exciting um I'm not the sports person Mr Francis but um I think all sports have to be treated fairly and equally I'm with you 100% on that you know I know we did a lot of work in the Eminem building and it kind of was all for basketball um but I think we're trying to to put other even to allow other sports to get in there and I know volleyball has become more popular I think that we can expand the use of that indoor facility too um why not expose our students our children to to any sport that that we see is out there so I know we have we have to do a better job of that and I think we plan to do that I think the Dome the multiport Dome is going to be great you know I think uh that you know splitting it up into four practice fields you know the kids can get in there and get a lot accomplished you know soccer football uh baseball we're talking about being able to to do some practicing there so and you we look forward to to all the work that we've done in the Parks I mean when you sit back and you look what 11 years ago where we were with a lot of the parks I mean almost every Park we've invested a significant amount of money in in getting them up to park because they weren't and it was unfortunate for our children and and they deserve to have the best um all right with that I'll I'll wish everyone ahead of time a happy 4th of July I think we're going to have a great celebration you know we always get a huge turnout um and our fireworks are second to in the area they're always gorgeous so hope to see everyone there and have a good night thank you first of all we had to I had to say Jackie for the 14 years that he s to the city and help us all in in the last three elections the be with us congratulations to the kids for all the hard work and we continue to work in the streets especially Clay Street beran James and that going to help to improve the floting problems and then we're going to continue working in Second Street to a mod cver that that's going to storage the water then we're going to release nice and easy uh I was in the junam F uh get together with the with a group and really uh that was nice to see the keys now and the new basketball courts something that we were looking forward for many years and still we had to do strong touch up here and there like we had to get new Rings because the ring they should be changed we're going to get the scoreboard and we need some protection for the boards uh we we got some ideas that we he from some residents about the Dome and I am willing to work with anybody to try to improve and give me the idea what we can do because the idea is to try to accommodate all the sports that we can to use the D the D with was it's going to be made for the kids and not for me we're going to have wrestling bball practice baring cages the whole thank you for coming Jerry thank you mayor well um I'm sorry I like to thank everyone that's viewing our meeting remotely and are here physically I like to thank Jackie for her years of service here this past Saturday the city of Pakistan held our juneth celebration at Carver Park I like to thank our recreation department and the ele Elevate hackin sack group along with DPW and many others for putting on a fantastic event I had the opportunity to converse with many individuals they express their satis satisfacation about the event and looking forward to continue for many years to come I like to touch upon a subject of our Police Department I have been approached by a few individuals questioning why so many fire department promotions but yet no police chief well in my personal opinion I feel we need a police chief sooner than later during the cow meeting earlier the Johnson Park Dome was discussed I personally will not support the layout of the Dome project until changes are made let's remember school is out and there are many more children out riding bikes and walking be careful while driving that ends my report thank you and God bless thank you jar uh Jacqueline hashman she will be missed she worked very closely with all of us up here whenever she got a call from anybody whether it was another department you know department heads whatever jacqulyn was always available um like Kathy said you could call her up in the middle of the night she'd pick up the phone um and she did a good job and she cares about people so she's going to be successful wherever she goes um I want to congratulate the young antlers from the uh and Sack benevolent order of the Elks um great thing they did by supporting that uh one of our own police officers are serving overseas and uh that won't be forgotten by him and and his family and it's a good uh good Learning lesson for those kids um as was mentioned the building department has now moved back to the John Earl building which we purchased several years ago and just finished getting it ready for them which makes room for the senior center to reopen so our our seniors will have a place to go um looking forward to that opening again I too was at the juneth uh event on Saturday had a wonderful showing um first it started with a parade uh just for the record it was probably about 92 degrees out but uh everybody sucked it up and got the parade done and uh went on with the uh festivities for juneth and it was it was a nice day enjoyed by all um please remember that on July 1st first we're uh having the memorial for our fallen firefighters for those who don't know hackin saac city of hackin saac lost five firefighters in a horrible fire at the hackensac Ford on River Road back in 1988 I believe it was on July 1st and uh it was a real tough time for the city of hackin saac to lose five of its uh bravest firefighters and uh a lot was learned from that fire a matter of fact fires are fought differently across the the whole world based on that fire now that you see uh anytime you go by a building and you see that Trust sign on the outside that lets the firemen know exactly what type of construction that building is and how dangerous it can be and it lets them know how to fight the fire so uh you know if you can come down at 6 o'cl that would be wonderful if not just keep them and their families in in in your prayers uh football guys I hear you I I coached Tans junior football for was a head coach of the SE team for we called it the sea team back then I don't know what they call it now uh for well two and a half years coaching as head coach but I coached in that league for quite a long time and uh I know what the challenges are I know uh trying to fundraise and do other things isn't always easy and the city only gives you so much money I realize that um I'm going to sit down with the city manager because back in the day you know how we made our money we did it two ways we we did the bucket on the corner with the adults all right you know what I'm saying and raised thousands of dollars Believe It or Not thousands of dollars and also the kids went door too the city stopped it right so I want to reach out to the city manager and I don't think the kids should be out there doing it but certainly coaches and parents can be out there doing it because that's how how we did it and we used to we used to pull in I think five or $6,000 on a on a Saturday doing that and you can you know you can certify a bunch of helmets with that I'll put it that way so I'm going to reach out to have a sit down with you and see if we could maybe because I see other towns still doing it I go through pamis they're doing it I go through Emerson they're doing it I go through the other towns they're doing it for some reason it was banned here I'm going to go back old school a little bit see maybe we can bring some of that back to give you guys an opportunity on your own to to take care of some of that stuff and see what we can do as far as the city goes but uh that's one way we did it um you also need to sit with our rec director uh young young Jerry Carol and uh you know who I coach by the way he coached my sons I coached his son so that's the way it was the um sit with him and uh let him know your concerns all right and uh keep communication with him in the rec department is going to be very very important especially for getting field time and everything else the more communication there is the less chance of screw-ups there are so you don't go down the field and somebody else using the field when you're scheduled to use it stuff like that cuz that used to happen back in the day too um so we're aware I'm well aware of your concerns and uh hopefully we can address them when that new field is done that new indoor facility it's going to be one of a kind in North Jersey nobody else will have it you're not going to see any town that has anything like this so it's going to be uh you know it's going to be great for the kids and it's going to actually we G you know football is kind of like a all weather game but it's still nice if it's raining out to be able to go inside if you have to stuff like that so looking forward to that uh Fourth of July last year we had upwards of 8,000 people we hope to do a little better this year made me strive to get 10,000 people at the event it's a great event food trucks all day rides for the kids uh entertainment before the fireworks looking forward to that uh you can go online and just uh search summer uh I guess summer concerts in our uh on our website and we show you all the entertainment we have this year for both on the green and at the Atlantic Street Park uh and again the beauty of having our Hackensack Performing Arts Center just like if a football game was you know you wanted to move it in from the rain you could move it into that new building we're going to build we already have it so any of these concerts they don't get canceled we move it right into the theater and they can everybody can uh go see the show so with that thank you for for coming tonight uh it was a pretty short night which is nice to have once in a while we appreciate that but uh if I don't see you guys by the fourth enjoy your holidays and take care thank you motion to close motion to close the meeting offer second roll call or all in favor I I None opposed I was think