good evening everybody my clock is incorrect I'm hearing it's 8:00 so we're going to start the meeting cler this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meeting Act njs 10 46 notice of which was sent to the record in the Star Ledger and was posted on bulleon board okay roll call please council member mayor Cino counc T member Carol here may here would everybody please rise for flag [Music] I pledge Al to flag of the United States of America the for it stands na God indivisible [Music] [Music] [Music] andice okay so I do have two proclamations to read tonight first one we will do American Heart month whereas heart disease is a leading cause of death in the United States claiming nearly 700,000 lives a year and we're as nearly half of All American adults have at least one major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and whereas heart disease is preventable by making Healthy Life Choices such as exercise not smoking and a healthy diet and whereas walking for 30 minutes a day for five days each week will decrease your chances of heart disease now therefore I John P Le Bros Jr mayor of the city of haac along with members of the hackensac city council to hereby declare February American Heart month in the city of [Music] hackensac very important then next Proclamation reads whereas in 1976 Black History Month was formerly adopted to honor and affirm the importance of black history throughout our American experience and whereas African-Americans have played a vital Ro of this in the history of the country and the state of New Jersey from the early days of the Pioneers to our present day leaders in all things that have made this country great and whereas Black History Month is a time for all Americans to reflect on the rich history and teachings of African-Americans and I encourage everyone to participate in black history ceremonies activities and educational programs and whereas the struggle for equality for black Americans is ongoing and the people of the United States should continue to be determined and Vigilant in this ongoing struggle for equality and whereas each February we pause to reflect on the contributions of the black community to our national identity now therefore be it resolved that the city of pack andac commemorates February as black history month and I John petross Jr mayor of theity City pinac along with members of the city council to hereby brine February as Black History Month in the city of hackin that one it's just a resolution okay with that we're going to move into the approval of the minutes January 26 2024 regular count and the executive session need a motion please roll call Council mberg hi Mayo hi council member tag hi council member Carol I may hi thank you for that City man report thank you mayor as we continue our Black History Month celebrations we hope you have had a chance to attend some of our events at the hackpack our next event is on February 29th which is a talk back series entitled a conversation with producers of the whiz on Broadway from 7: to 8:00 p.m. that's on February 29th be sure to check out our ongoing programs at the Recreation Center Zumba for kids is back this month as well as Story Time and motion a friendly reminder in reference to inclement weather our alerts and notifications are always posted on our website Instagram and on nixel messaging I'd also like to acknowledge our DPW superintendent and staff for a job well done getting our streets plowed and salted during the storms last week that's all I have okay I just want to add uh Council M Carol and I were at the uh history of hip hop on uh Sunday at the hackpack it was actually very very entertaining we were there for two two plus hours at least and uh Master G who was a hackin guy himself from the Sugar Hill Gang um that song uh Rappers Delight rapper Delight was the first commercial hip-hop song yes in the world and that came out of hackas Anglewood in tenet New Jersey and uh it was quite interesting they had a panel of four I want say old rappers older rappers than what you see now up there including Master G from hackin saac and Mark Green from uh another group um it was really an interesting it gave you a great Insight on how that all happened back in the day because there was no internet or anything back then so there was no communication from like what they were doing in New York to the kids in Jersey to people in Philly there was no you know this all this stuff was going on at the same time but there was no communication between the different groups and then it just you know went went crazy became one of the biggest music genres we have today so uh it's really interesting you know Jersey has great musical his hack in particular great music history uh from Co the G James Taylor JT from hackin New Jersey from you also have a 1970 graduate from hack High School Jolan Turner lead singer for rainbow and deep purple um going back to Jazz you bonus monk uh recorded here in hackin sack so it was pretty interesting we're pretty musical City so that's a that's a good thing so moving forward you're all done I'm all done all right we're going to go to new business uh resolution 33-24 this is a resolution for the final adoption of ordinance number 1- 2024 an ordinance amending ch CH 148 -8 of the code of the city of Pak parades regarding procedures for approval of parade applications and related requirements this ordinance has been published according to law now calls for public hearing okay need a motion to open to the public please Che roll call Council renberg hiut mayor Kino hi Council tag hi counc Carol hi May hi any anyone from the public who would like to speak to this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward see no members from the public motion to close all in favor I None opposed need a motion to adopt the ordinance roll call council member V renberg mayor Kino councila hi Council Carol mayor Le hi be is offed at the city council of the city of hackin County of Bergen and state of New Jersey that ordinance number 1- 12024 has passed his second and final reading and is hereby adopt thank you resolution 34-24 this is a resolution for the final adoption of ordinance number 2224 an ordinance to amend chapter 170 of the code of the city of hackensac vehicles and traffic to add a new handicap parking space in section 49.2 parking for the handicap on Washington Avenue this ordinance has been published according to law now calls for a public hearing need a motion open to the public call ccber Mayo council member taglia hi council member Carol I mayor lross I anyone from the public would like to speak to this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward seeing no members of the public motion to close to the public all all in favor I I None opposed in a motion to adopt the ordinance fa roll call council member vber hiy mayor Kino hi councila counc Carol May resolve by the city council pakist County of ver and state of New Jersey that ordinance number 2224 has passed the second and final meeting and is hereby adopted you resolution 35-24 this is a resolution for the final adoption of ordinance number 3223 an ordinance establishing a creative team for the city of hackensac court of sustainable Jersey efforts need a motion second call council member V rber Deputy mayy cono CC membera hi council member Carol hi May hi anyone who would like to speak to this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward seeing no members of the public motion to close to the public roll call Council may you to speak oh I'm sorry that's all right J W again and um I'm on the sustainable Jersey Green Team for the city for the state of New Jersey and for hackensac and this is one of the accomplishments um thank you for creating this team and this is going to be involved in um art shows and performances all over the city and different events and we're very excited about um the beginning of a new cultureal off team y very good thank you m anyone else from the public okay motion to close to the public offer all in favor I'm opposed motion to adopt the ordinance r counc mber hi hi Council hi Carol hi mayor Leos hi we resolved at the city council of the city of Hain County of Bergen and state of New Jersey that ordinance number 3224 has passed a second and final reading and is hereby adopted thank you resolution 36-24 this is a resolution for the final adoption of ordinance number 4- 2024 a capital ordinance of the city of hackin authorizing certain Capital Improvements and Acquisitions and Appropriations for 355,000 and providing that such sum so appropriated shall be raised from the fund balance of the general Capital fund of the city of hainon motion to open counc member vber mayor hi Council taga Council Carol hi May hi anyone from the public who like to speak to this ordinance in this ordinance only please come forward seeing no members of the public motion to close to the public call council member venberg hi Mayo hi counc tlia hi council member Carol hi May r hi oh I'm sorry motion to adopt the ordinance offer second roll call counc rberg hi Mayo hi councila hi counc Carol hi May Le hi we resolved the city council of the city of hackin County of Bergen the state of New Jersey that ordinance number 42024 has passed a second and final reading and is hereby adopted you resolution 37-24 this is a resolution for final adoption of ordinance number 5224 and ordinance amending Chapter 93 of the code of the city of Hain say garbage rubbage and refug to formalize a rubbish Bol garbage pickup schedule this ordinance has been published according to law and now calls for a public hearing need a motion to open to the public roll call council member V renberg hiy mayor krino hi Council Vaga hi council member Carol hi May hi anyone from the public would like to speak to this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward seeing no members of the public motion to close all in favor I none opposed motion to adopt the ordinance second roll call council member rber hi Mayo hi council member taglia hi council member Carol hi May hi be resoled by the city council of the city of hackin County of Bergen in state of New Jersey that ordinance number 5- 2024 has passed a second and final reading and is hereby adopted thank you resolution 38-24 that is being that was P we're pulling that sorry that's okay resolution 39-24 this is a resolution for the introduction of ordinance number 72024 an ordinance amending 123 Anderson Street Redevelopment plan for the delineated Redevelopment area consisting of block 425 block one your motion please second council member venberg hi mayor councila hi Council M Carol hi May hi be resolve that the above ordinance being ordinance 72024 as introduced is now passed on first reading and that said ordinance shall be considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on March 19th 2024 at 8:00 p.m. or soon there Afters the matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the city council and at such time and place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning set ordinance and that the city clerk being and she is hereby authorized and directed to publish set ordinance according to wall with notice of its introduction of passage on first reading the time of place one a where said ordinance will be further considered for final passage thank you resolution 40-24 this is a resolution for the introduction of ordinance number 82024 an ordinance adopting the 111 Essex Street and 142 144 Kansas Street Redevelopment plan for the delineated Redevelopment area consisting of block 46 blocks 45 and 7.03 any motion roll call M Von renberg hi mayor Pino hi council member Paglia hi council member Carol hi mayor Le hi we resolved that the above ordinance being ordinance number 82024 is introduced is now passed on first reading that said ordinance should be considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on March 19th 2024 at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of city council and at such time and place all persons interested to be given an opportunity to be heard concerning said ordinance and that the city clerk being and she is hereby authorized and directed to publish that ordinance according to law with notice of its introduction and passage on first reading and of the time and place when and where said ordinance will be further considered the final passage thank you resolution 41-24 this is a resolution for the introduction of ordinance number 92024 and ordinance amending Chapter 93 of the code of the city of hackin set garbage rubbage and refu to clarify responsibility for compliance with the provisions contained there need a motion please roll call council member vber hi Deputy Mayor conino hi council member taglia hi council member Carol hi mayor Leos I we resolved that the above ordinance being ordinance 9-22 24 as introduced is now passed on first reading and the set ordinance shall be considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on March 5th 2024 at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the city council and at such time place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning set ordinance and that the city clerk being she is hereby authorized and directed to CL set ordinance according to law with the notice of its introduction and passage on first reading and of the time and place one in where set ordinance will be further considered for final passage thank you resolution 42-24 this is a resolution for authorization of tax refunds for state board judgments and Veterans exe exemptions and duplicate payments this was from the TU meeting that was carried motion roll call Mayor Kino counc taga counc member Carol hi mayor Leos hi resolution 43-24 this is a resolution authorizing tax refunds for state board judgments veteran exemptions and duplicate payments a motion V renberg mayorca Carol mayor I resolution 44-23 24 24 I'm sorry this is a resolution of the Council of the city of hackin BG County New Jersey authorizing the execution of a Second Amendment to the September 10 2020 settlement agreement between the city and the fair share housing center I'm looking at the resolution itself and it's resolution says 23 resolution say my do says 24 the dock the dock at the main page index page says 21 yeah all right need a motion need a motion call counc hi Mayo hi councila council member Carol hi resolution 46-24 45 45 my that 45 the resolution awarding bid contract to Municipal inspection support for elevator inspections throughout the city of haide need a motion roll call Council renberg mayor conino hi counc member taga council member Carol May Le I resolution 46-24 a resolution authorizing the awarding of State contracts for the purchase of furniture and Furnishings for 216 220 Union Street the BHL building need a motion please VOC call council member V renberg hiy mayor Cino Council membera hi council member Carol May resolution 47-24 it's a resolution authorizing the awarding of State contract for the purchase of 3 2023 for Interceptor police vehicle a motion call council member Von renberg hiy mayor castrino hi council member taga hi council member Carol stay mayor lros hi resolution 48-24 a resolution authorizing the sale of 1994 Pierce Arrow fire pumper to The Bu of hasb motion offer VOC Council mber hi Mayo councila council member Carol May resolution 49-24 this is a resolution of the city of ha that count County of Bergen urging the Senate to conduct hearings listen to the concerns of municipalities regarding assembly bill number four Senate bill number 50 which proposes to overhaul the Fair Housing Act FHA without proper analysis of the consequences for all New Jersey municipalities a motion please roll call counc mber Mayo counc tag Carol hi resolution 50-24 it's a resolution requesting attorney general to issue a formal opinion whether it is legal for police officers to be paid twice for the same hours worked in a motion please second roll call council member vber hi Mayo counc member zaga Carol St may I resolution 50-24 51 51-24 resolution authorizing transfer of 2023 budget Appropriations your motion council member Von rber hio hi council member taga hi council member Carol hi May I resolution 52-24 a resolution authorizing 2024 temporary budget Appropriations a motion vo call council member Von rard I Mayo hi counc taga hi counc Carol all may hi resolution 53-24 is this resolution authorizing payment of bills from the February 6 2024 meeting okay I don't know if weall there was I was out so I don't know if there was any well go ahead we need a motion yeah but for those bills need a motion second roll call counc member vber hi Deputy Mayor Kino hi council member Tavia hi council member Carol all may R I'll obain just for the record I didn't see any when I looked but I'm not certain yeah what about for today's for today resolution 54-24 resolution authorizing payment bills need a motion roll call Council May counc member taga hi counc member Carol hi Moss I abstain any conflicts on the consent agenda [Music] no I don't see any anybody go [Music] ahead the following items are considered to routine in nature and will be enacted in one motion any items require expenditure are supported by certification of availability of funds any item required discussion will be removed the consent agenda agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes including any exceptions Andor additions it consists of resolution 55-24 through resolution 71-4 55-24 is a resolution authorizing Health Department refunds resolution 56-24 is a resolution authorizing submission of the hackensac municipal Alliance for prevention of alcoholism and drug abuse grant for fiscal year 2025 resolution 57-4 is resolution appointing members to the creative team resolution 58-24 is resolution authorizing ambulance reimbursement resolution 59-24 is a resolution authorizing release of esro funds for various properties resolution 60-24 is a resolution authorizing building department refunds resolution 61-20 is a resolution authorizing 2024 risk management Consultants agreement with otad Insurance Agency resolution 62-24 is resolution authorizing renewal of Bergen risk as third party administrator for the city's workers compensation General and auto automobile liability insurance resolution 6324 is a resolution authorizing raffle licenses resolution 6424 is an resolution authorizing boarding commission's appointments resolution 65-24 is a resolution awarding professional service agreement Mr ran Edwards USAC and Nolan LLC a special councel for affordable housing resolution 6 6-24 is resolution awarding professional service agreement to post po PA as special counsel for litigation resolution 6724 is a resolution awarding professional service agreement to light to Greenberg and F fandor LLC as special counsel for litigation resolution 6824 is resolution awarding professional service agreement to Chason Laro Malone and kakuzo PC as special Council for tax appeals resolution 69 24 is a resolution to adopt revised shared services agreement with the township of T to provide fire dispatching Services resolution 70-24 is a resolution authorizing endorsement of proposed ber County Community Development grants and resolution 7124 is a resolution authorizing recruit time payout of $ 54,4 6641 to retiring Mary Rose H okay a motion to adopt the consent agenda as it was just read council member rber Mayo counc counc Carol hi mayor okay thank you for that need a motion to open to the public please open okay VOC call council member Von renberg hi mayor Cino hi council member taga hi council member Carol hi mayor Le hi anyone from the public who' like to speak please come forward give a to the clerk we'll have three minutes [Music] thank you good evening Anette Janowski Prospect Avenue um I would like to thank the city council and Allison thank you for your efforts to for approving the newest member to our condo callop Advisory Board he brings a vast background in high-rise management and um a business background so it will be a very welcome addition to our condo call board thank you thank you for approving his application thank you than next please good evening Rend Carolyn Davis um first of all I'm glad that my basement is not being flooded anymore so I do appreciate that um that that's being done my my next statement is um I still have seen no change on the corner of First Street and Stanley the cars are still being parked right to the corner I've seen no change in that at all did they change your signage signage has not been change not that I noticed people still parking right to the corner and you cannot get around that corner Stanley and first Stanley and first Stanley coming from the railroad tracks to first um when the developments were just started was starting uh we were told that as the apartment buildings became fully occupied they were paying full taxes and that the money would go into uh a fund set up more for affordable housing I'd like to know how many apartment buildings are now paying full taxes and what is that fund up to how much money in that fund I let the deputy mayor respond they're still under pilot they're not pay taxes of their pilot agreement expires they're pay for pilot agreements which is a percentage of their revenue and it's their gross revenue they have me as soon as they they will make their final payment into the affordable house trust fund I wish Jim was still here Vinnie do you know I mean I know it was a couple of million dollars I don't know it's at least that much car if not but everyone makes their contribution I think it was about a million when we first started one and a half no that's the that's the that's the pilot I'm talking we're talking about the I wish I knew the answer V we get back to car I don't know the number so that means if they have a 30-year pilot but they're full capacity in 10 years they still don't pay the full thing yet their full capacity already yeah they're 95 percentage already so what they're whatever they're it's like think of it like we're partners with them the more rent they make the more money we make it's gross so it's not net it's not after their their deductions whatever their gross revenue is we we receive somewhere between 10 and 15% of their gross revenue and that comes right into the city right into the bottom line right into the revenue page of the uh budget so if you go online and look at the budget the revenue will the leue page will list each apartment and how much they contributed or how much we're budgeting for them to contribute now some of that was for a uh thought went to affordable housing that's a separate fund that's a separate fund there's two funds okay the the pilot Revenue goes right to the revenue page to offset taxes so before we come up with the tax levy that's what the taxes are paid on WE deduct whatever the the the apartments paying their pilot payments is on the revenue fee in addition to that there's a onetime fee that's 1 and a half% of the assessed value of the property and that's what goes into the affordable housing trust fund so next meeting could you please uh let me know how much is in that right now I will email it to you okay thank you Caroline we are while here we are you know definitely you know about the um uh the affordable housing the 100% affordable housing near Mount Olive on on ver Avenue and the one tonight the 60 the one that's 11 ESS street that we approved the plan for tonight that's 68 all affordable housing so we you know we're continuing to do to look not only for the ones that are in the overlay Zone that contribute a percentage but here we found a developer who was willing to build the entire project of quable It's just sad that they waited so long but that's another story thank you that's ex Mr Sero how are you I'm fine Rich Sero Spring Valley Avenue how can you know I I just was reminded of uh the 30-year tax breaks by this young lady uh so that that will bring us into two 2050 when they're playing their full taxes which will all be gone by then okay so I just wanted to remind you of that okay and will they be paying their full taxes by 20150 you know who knows what the hell is going to happen by then and what this program is going to be about okay uh next uh next part is uh Kathy seems so vehement about this air traffic wow you are you are really going on that and last time I told you you were granding about it you almost did it again tonight I thought you might stand up and and stand again now look that's I guess that's important but with so much going on down here and and you're responsible for some of this development I mean there's development going on everywhere in the county so wouldn't you think maybe air traffic is is increasing maybe there's something going on maybe there's more business going on maybe there's there's more flights coming in because of buildings on every corner here in hack sa I mean it's overdone okay it's and you know Picasso once said that you know we need to destroy things to to become creative okay so we need to destroy things first to create something out of it we're destroying this town on every freaking corner it's it's too much it's you have to at least acknowledge the fact that yes maybe it is too much that you're building on every time I turn around is there another Corner being built on and the buildings are not just you know Suburban type small buildings these are massive buildings these are huge buildings right to the curb they're too big they're too much you're ruining the city okay so um another thing is that they finally acknowledged U the state I I I'll say I think it was the state uh they finally acknowledged that all the buses are empty they finally acknowledged it now they're saying oh boy yes we better do something about it every bus is empty look around they're all empty there's a few Riders sometimes on a bus getting off we're getting on so what they're saying is oh my God what are we going to do are we going to just pay this Fleet for the next uh year 10 years 20 years or what it's all empty everybody's getting paid these buses are are just you know and they're polluting everything they talk so much about pollution I mean come on so they finally acknowledge that the the buses are empty and so let brings us to home brings me right on my Avenue they are they are out of control on on Spring Valley Avenue okay they are shaking the dishes and this and the glasses on my on my walls I mean come on it's too much you better you better come over there and spend the day like have a sandwich and spend the day on my porch okay and sandwi huh what kind of sandwich anything baloney know if I'm going to come I something I like something you like is baloney cuz you give out a lot that was a good one rich you got you open yes the the aircraft and the noise is very important to me Rich I'm certainly not granted just like the bus noise irritates you uh we have the president of the condo board here there's a lot of folks in this town that live with the the the noise from the aircraft on a daily basis and it is it's really it's a health issue I mean if you look at the number of decb that we're living with from in our daylight hours from The increased volume in air traffic it it's contributes to significantly to health issues to blood pressure issues to anxiety there's a whole list of things that are attributed to the the deciel levels that we're living with right here in hackin saac on a daily basis so yes it is important to me um as far as over building our building is confined to the retail commercial areas Main Street and some of Anderson Street we're supporting new businesses the businesses that the older businesses were encouraging and helping them sustain them and bring them back to life so it isn't throughout the entire city they are not built up to the curve the new businesses on Main Street have an 18t setback requirement in the past it was 12T we've increased it to 18t setback so they're not built curve to curve so if you're going to come and criticize what we do just get your fact straight B okay and we'll certainly helping with the buses I think Vinnie we put some stuff in place yes uh we can't control the bus volume that you're talking about New Jersey Transit now but we work with them on a daily basis and we try to support and help you in any way we can thank you I'm to speak real quickly to the buses um and you're right they are they are empty at one point cuz when the buses going to New York City they're full but they come back during the day and you see them come down those streets and they're coming back up north and they're empty I see them all the time yeah yeah and then they pick up more and they go back but they're finally acknowledging it okay but but what I'm saying is they can't be full goinging both ways if a bus load of people are going this way they're all going to go this way then that bus is going to come back and pick up another bus load of people going toor and it's going to be the reverse coming home and it's a reverse coming home they're everywhere empty well I I doubt seriously F brother bus is empty all day long that just makes no sense but anyway Miss Rucker yes Bridget um I'm here to talk about the audit I put in an Oprah on February 6 and this audit was for the audit for 2022 and I asked them how can I locate it because it's not on the website and then just coincidentally um I look on the website the next day and you guys put up a statement about the police officer and the audit and you're auditing the police off Police Department um which is kind of it was kind of coincidental like I'm going to say but what I'm going to ask you is did you comply with the state because you're 2022 order should be in 6 months after the end of the year and that's by law and it was not so I'm going to ask did you ask for an extension from the state the DCA was an extension even asked for this city I don't believe these were M I don't know if you talking about the same audit this wasn't a mandatory audit this was CF you're talking about the CFO AUD CF a yeah that's what she's talking about audit is done by by the Maria and D Maria yes um and as far as I know if the audit isn't in yet that's that's on him and he has been in contact with the state you're right it is 6 months after six months after the end of the year and if he needed to have more time for this audit why did he not reach out to the DCA to get an extension or did he reach out to the DCA to get an extension I can find out for I'll let you know well you don't have to do that because of course I'm very thorough yes and the DCA said no you guys did not do an extension so why are we not following state law why are we not holding whoever this is doing the audit to follow state law but you guys are so quick to put that statement up on the website about the police department and you're not even doing your due diligent in what you should be doing so I find that kind kind of ironic where you're trying to hold the police department to a certain standards but you're not holding yourselves to a certain standards as you should know that an order is due 6 months at the end of the year so here we are so when is this order going to be done because I did read that it went to the prosecutor's office and now it's with the attorney or State Attorney well wait a minute I'm G to tell you I'm going to welcome that state attorney general in here and I'm going to hope he brings the controller with him here so this whole city can have a complete order of every Department not just the police officers okay so let us do our due [Music] diligence sir my name is Donald goon [Music] um I've been a president of hackin saac for 19 years and uh first let me say greetings to the mayor and uh Deputy Mayor Deputy Mayor and city council um I'm just here I just want to commend you all I this is like my third meeting and I just been taking in everything I was at the last morning with the uh Police director and um just listening I the the papers that they um I don't know what you call it that they give out about what's going on in the city of pinac and so I just feel um we have a smart competent and fair-minded counsel and I'm thankful for that and happy as you know being a a taxpayer for the last 19 years um also to the uh I heard the Police director speak and um all of his findings and you spoke about how you come up with um the audits of what's going on in the city of hackin sack and so I like him he really seems like he has uh the police department um genine interest to make things better to elevate the a police department and when we look back on the problems that the police department has had I don't know all everything but I remember a lot of the issues with the Zea era and the lawsuits when you're a taxpayer it's troubling to hear those kind of things going on so so it's really good that we have somebody in place and we're going to try to make things better and they I I remember they complained about hiring a um a chief take your time okay cuz we don't need another Ziza era so thank you for that also too um how would taxpayers money used when there's lawsuits cu Everybody Must Have Su toy of Pakistan just on frivolous grounds I hear some L this one didn't speak to me or something I'm just making a joke but it's ridiculous so our taxpayer money used and litigation uh that kind of thing and also lastly Third Street third I've been I've been Liv in hack 30 years but just the home 19 years but Third Street is really bad so you talking about Paving Paving to pay the year getting paid this year paying all right thank you thank you next person from the audience please saying none motion to close to the public all in favor [Music] good evening everyone thanks for coming out I just want to start by thinking our DPW department for an excellent job at keeping all of our streets and our city safe during the last snowstorm we got a little bit more than than we expected um thank you for sweeten our city engineer for providing an update on on all the projects going on we have a lot going on throughout the city um and I think we're all eager as as well as everyone else to see these projects come to uh fruition the genre building is still on schedule for completion um in end of March which is great because we really want to see the um building department out of the rec center as soon as possible so that's exciting um and and just hearing um positive impact statements um like for from M and bis about not having the water in the basement it's just it's nice because you see these projects and and what's what's happening with them and when you hear the um results of them you have it's little you know just one person it makes it difference to to see that so we appreciate that um happy Black History Month uh to everyone thank you to many of our residents employees Educators volunteers and students who live and work in the city and contribute um to making the city so great um we really appreciate all your contributions and um just a side note with our uh wrestling season coming to an end we had so many volunteers that stepped up um to coach and it was just nice we had um I I think I said it before 86 um wrestlers which is huge we went from 40 something 2 years ago to 86 and we just had a um a lot of volunteer coaches step up uh step up which is great and we're hoping to see that for our baseball and softball season as well so if there's any volunteers out there um that are interested we would love to have you at the rec center um it's also American Heart month and again back to rec they've been doing a great job at providing activities for our adult residents uh especially our seniors to encourage active lifestyle so again um we mentioned this a couple meetings back if you have any ideas for um programs you'd like to see or um you know pleas to stay active please you know reach out to myself or to the recreation department directly and thank you again for coming out have a wonderful evening thank you thanks yes I agre you know happy Here Rend Davis that you acknowledge and and you saw some positive change we still have work to do you know but where we're focused on the whole play Street area into the area you're starting to see some improvement we definitely saw some improvements on River Street I mean when you look at uh when you saw the crazy weather and the amount of rain that we had and you look at some of the other towns and how heavily they were hit compared to how we used to be hit it's it's nice to see the reinforcement that in the areas we' worked on we are seeing some improvements South new we we talked about uh Chris talked about at the c meeting we have to really focus and get some work done there Green Street we have a whole program there but the areas that we're focusing on we're starting to see some improvement and I'm so happy to hear that we didn't have a problem in your basement and I hope that means that others in commun didn't have so that's as usual i' like to try and talk about anything that's on here for development or important tonight there were two there was there there were two there was 123 Anderson Street that was on you that's the corner of Anderson Lyon um they're looking at a maximum of 350 units and part of the Redevelopment plan with them is some of those local businesses um especially things like the El's club and even a couple of the businesses there they came to rely on porking in that lot here and there for some of their parties or their customers so as part of the agreement with them they're also going to make 20 parking spots available for public use for to support those local businesses so I think that was a nice gesture on their part as well I I mentioned before the 111 ESS Street was also on here that's 68 units and they will be 100% affordable units so that's another good step in the right direction uh positive thing on here tonight from our environmental committee that we're going forward with creative team uh Sustainable New Jersey has different levels of status and our uh environmental committee is trying to get to the bronze status so having this creative team is a good step forward in that direction so I think we have some good team members on the team and hopefully the entire city will support them in that effort I'm not going grand stand Mr Sero but I do have to address the issue that quarterly I represent the city at the at the meetings at cedo airport and um I asked both the uh environmental committee to team up with the condo committee I talked about this as the committee as the whole so we can start to address the size and the weight capacity of some of the aircraft that's coming in and out of Toro and it may be a way for us to solve some of our extreme noise and our increased volume that we've seen and no Mr CLE the traffic that's coming in in a primarily is heading over to New York so we're not even as as a state of New Jersey we're not even able to see the benefits or reap the benefits of folks flying into New Jersey and into Tor patronizing and using our local businesses so that there's no connection to What's Happening Here in haac the volume of traffic we're seeing primarily is easy access into right on 46 right getting into Route 80 easy access into the city that's the primary usance that we see there um like History Month I heard there was some I was aware on vacation but I heard there was some successful programs at the PO fls and I think it's great we have some community members uh and we had some folks historically that have relationships with hackensac coming back to support us during black history and thanks to Greg Le OC and our FAL Arts team for putting all of that together have a nice night everyone and thank you for coming the people in the hap and different places say celebrated Black History Month you know congratulations to everybody hopefully they have a a wonderful time look like Johnson part is coming to an end look like we're going to go for bit and maybe in a week and a half C part is almost finished they have just put the colors on the F colum part we are we are looking to do phase two for shini part the project engineer talking about the different thing that going to Happ happened there uh there was an incident po flly Road two people get Str by a car the something the I got in contact with the county before the city man in contact with the guy from the from the county to reduce the speed to install another L right there the three from the drug store because from ex 3 to 3 like about four or five blocks there no way that the people they go to the drug store or maybe they can I the B they're going to go to the cor that they right in Fr of and two people get struck the other day floring and the the city ha getting much better compared to before you can see the towns around like B and Paris all over I am from Ecuador and the phenomenon that we got with a n is affecting my country right now people woring walking with the water all the way up to the chest and look like we are doing better than before and one thing my in my mind for a long time is that the problem that we got with the shooting in churches and schools and different places we had to and believe that there had to be a different way how to protect our kids in my country they got the 10 foot walls all the way up around the buildings right and they got one enter one and they got here they should have metal detectors and they should we do that I night and the particular us school they got the fence 10 ft High all the way the perimeter of the school to protect from crazy G to inside that with the gun and what we got the paving program we are putting together the program for different streets in the city of H they got some Street like the Second Street we are w to try to finish whatever had to be doing with the S then we're going to pay the street and then and we are putting together the plan to create a command center and the new Air building that going to be the building department fifth floor second floor going to be the commment CER when we're going to have a monitor for the cab they're going to be all over the city and that way two three people they're going to monitor these cameras and that way we can control the different in the city especially right in the middle and the exits and the enter to the city second for coming thank you yeah yes um like to welcome people that are listening to us by zoom and I also like to um pick you back a little bit on what the mayor said earlier with the 50th anniversary of Hip Hop like to thank the partners that partner with us with the city of haac and that is FY Dickerson University now Zion Lodge number 50 and Elevate hackin saac for partying again with us um and putting on that uh program this past Sunday like the mayor stated it was a fantastic program and wish lot other people will attend we have a lot of events going on still at the hack pack there's a beautiful Art Gallery going on for the rest of this month so if you have time please stop in and I'm going do some of the great artwork that's U Down in the lobby there ID like to thank the DPW for doing a um great job in getting um the snow removed and taking care of our streets and mayor that's all I have this evening take care and God bless J uh right before tonight's uh executive session we uh I use the word chren a new uh pumper truck which actually took 3 years to get from when we ordered it 3 years to get one truck but uh well worth the weight we needed it um you saw tonight we're selling the older one to asmer kites um father laugher came down gave the truck and the fireman the blessing uh keep them all safe and uh it was a nice event and uh we wish fire department a lot of luck with their new truck uh Black History Month we I would event uh councilman car was just talking about was Sunday ran from 3: to 8 we were there from like 3:30 to 6 maybe and uh it was a lot of fun and uh I learned a lot of things I didn't know about some of the music that came out of hackin saac uh Master G from the Sugar Hill Gang is hackin saac guy his real name is guy actually and uh he actually did a little bit of Rappers Delight for everybody while the DJ played and uh that was a lot of fun but there was a lot of uh education going on it was a panel of four all the rappers talking about the beginning of Hip Hop and how it started and it was very very interesting uh car park is uh was mentioned is uh almost complete soon as the weather is good enough they'll seal those corn paint them put the coating on top and uh they'll be ready to play for the spring so I'm looking forward to seeing that happen uh snow removal uh kudos to the city manager and uh his DPW um did a great job I've had people from other towns actually tell me how much better hackin sack was than their town so that's that's that's nice to hear and uh they were constantly coming around salting and icing so and and plowing so with that I wish everybody a safe trip home and we'll see you in a couple motion to close meeting second May Carol --------- good evening everybody thank you for being patient okay we'll go right into the city manager's report thank you mayor uh up first we have have uh Aaron abline from Suburban engineering going to do a presentation on uh a change of use hearing for green anchors regarding Pini par okay I think we have to open as a public hearing [Music] right after the presentation we'll open we'll do open the public comment that's fine yeah we don't have to no because we're in the middle of public it's in the public meeting so but I we do definitely have to open the public on they're done separate separate from the three minutes that people will have to speak about any will be separate public section okay cool thank you guys very much good evening um so we're here tonight to talk about Kimi Park and a Green Acres change in use so this is required as part of the green anchor program when any local government unit wants to change a recreation and conservation purpose to another um conservation and Recreation purpose in today's today's case the reason we're having this is because of buildings so Maintenance building a concession building with Press Box um and restrooms another Press Box so that's a reason why we have to do this um nothing to do with the fields themselves I want to note that there's no loss in Parkland as part of this application so there's no diversion there's absolutely no loss of Parkland it's just a requirement by Green Acres when you put a building um Park all right next slide please Frank so just to put on record some existing conditions for the park fi Park is 3.83 Acres it includes nine baseball/softball Fields fatting cages pic tables benches playgrounds uh Fieldhouse building a maintenance building a paved Access Road parking spaces parking lots um and then I want to talk about the proposed fimi Park so again we're really just here tonight talking about those buildings but what is proposed at fimi Park important to note again its remaining 3.83 Acres it includes nine baseball and softball fields one multi-purpose field a full-size football field um batting cages picnic tables benches playgrounds existing Fieldhouse building uh will remain a new Maintenance building um new concession stand with rest rooms a new um Press Box and uh paved access roads and paved parking lots um next slide please so just as part of this I need to show some representative elevations and floor plans for these buildings so what we're looking at now is a representative validation of the maintenance building it's really just a pretty standard Maintenance building I'll say um but larger than what's there now this has to support park operations only next slide this is a floor plan again just seeing it's purely a maintenance building that would be incorporated um this is a representation of the proposed concession stand with restrooms and a press box so this is approximately what that would look like and then the next slide shows some floor plans all right next slide all right so I'm just going to go through um what we needed to do to be in compliance with the change of news per green acre so I'm just going to check off the list here um to date we've provided notice of this hearing on the city website um it's important to note that this was originally going to be last month but with the weather um it got changed so we Ren noticed for this meeting we provided the notice to Green Acres to the city to the city's planning board to the city's environmental commission um next slide Frank please we posted signs at Pini Park one at each entrance providing the notice of the proposed change in use and we provided notice of this hearing to the official newspaper after this hearing we will provide all proof of these notices to Green Acres and we will also provide a transcript um to Green Acres all right so next slide um comments will remain uh open for two weeks via email or phone and the city can respond to them following that and at this time we can address any public comment um at this [Music] meeting call council member vber mayor hia hi Carol hi hi anybody from the public I see was here how are you hi good I'm Janet wi I live at 178 Spring Valley Avenue in hackin I'm on the environmental Comm Green Tea Garden Club and I'm a big tree advocate so I walked the park today and I did a tree count I came up with approximately 60 trees that currently exist in the park then I went and studied the S plan it looks like about 27 of those trees are going to be removed and um some of them are dead e tell or disease so that makes sense and then some of them are these ornamental trees that are kind of not worthless trees kind of they don't provide shade they were just probably put there to look pretty and um so my question is uh I it's hard to figure if they're going to try to replace the trees with native trees that might provide shade in some of the areas especially maybe the playground uh there's no indication I don't think on replacement so that's one of my questions um um and the plants uh I I see that there's going to be some uh plants that are to help with the wetlands and stuff and and I assume I couldn't find the plant list but I assume they're going to be native and they're going to be you know drought tolerant and absorbent and um the tree list to other the trees it would be wonderful if they're mostly big Shay trees versus ornamental trees and um the the last thing is I I did the walk along the river and I was shocked at the the low level of the river but it must have been low tide but also a lot of the trees along the river are dying and or dead and a lot of their's non-native you know it's called Japanese um notot rope these these vines that smother the trees so a lot of that area is is filled with um invasive uh species and I think I remember the park from when my kids were little and um I think that that if that can be addressed somehow and I don't know if it's the city or the county but I think the shoreline um could use some work too especially the trees there's pretty much mostly dead trees I I agree with that as as far as uh especially the shoreline yeah been on thatth a few times I looking over the river like all weeds and and and dead so that's something we can look at we're definitely going to plant trees in the park I know not going to leave all right I don't interfere with the obviously they not going to be on the field itself field of play around playround yeah we need shade problem is it's going to take a while for those trees to mature enough to create sh to start but I mean Victoria gave us a really nice deal on a fairly good sized U swamp white oak I mean I think that there there are some you know you could probably mix in some pretty good size cheese right and the all the playgrounds I saw that they're going to be removed but I didn't see any drawing of them being there they're still going to be I don't I don't see the drawing I think there's still going to be some playgrounds up on the West End where they were where they were yeah yeah hard I don't know if they show it on there but yeah I don't think it shows them being replac they're all the way back there's a parking I see parking spots now but there's there's going to be no there's still going to be playgrounds oh good yeah just for the young I don't know exactly where they going to be situated yeah as part of the hearing I said that the proposed there will be proposed playgrounds okay and I think it should be noted too that the one large tree we we worked around that that was a that was really yeah there's some gorgeous 200y old trees there a couple of them which is really nice that you're going to save them yeah anything in your plan for replacement of some of these trees yeah yeah if you want me to respond is that your those your comments sure so the replacement trees were required to and the city wants to so the intent was to save as many trees as possible especially those larger old trees that are in great condition yeah um it's difficult with the grading to save all of them so there was um a great effort the ones in the middle the on I believe that you're talking about um are being saved so you saw that you saw the ones that are around the building yeah around the building so that was minimized and that was that took quite a bit of effort and redesigned to do so that was minimized and then any tree that's removed will be replaced so this project has to be approved by D and mitigation of tree removal is required yeah and replaced with you know a shade tree versus an N mental tree that yep you know yeah that's what makes sense in this area um so I would agree with that and then as far as native species goes that is required as well and that's what we would recommend oh good that sounds good all right well thank you thank you have a good evening anyone else from the public want to speak to this seeing no one motion to close to the public offer all in favor I oppos okay uh number two um has been pulled uh that was the ordinance regarding uh some Recreation changes in fees uh number three uh the resolution on tonight regarding Risk Management Services this is standard um that we do each year required by the m to do this um standard increase as has been for the past uh several years number four is a resolution regarding uh a 2024 revised shared service agreement with t fire department for dispatch Services um that's just the uh some changes in language for the uh dispatch agreement to take over TX Fire Department dispatch only uh number five uh hackin sack Municipal Alliance green uh Grant and the number six is the CSO and storm water parks update I'll ask our city engineer Chris ween to come forward [Music] evening everybody evening okay this is your uh update on major city engineering and construction projects looking quickly at our status overview uh nothing has changed nothing major has changed on this um uh table since our last meeting so we can move on uh as you know um the city's been working on a number of fronts to address combined sewer overflow um within the city for a number of years now the project that we're undertaking is the sixth project uh in recent history for Combined sewer separation this is the Anderson Street drainage area project and um it's going to add another 21 Acres of storm water diverted from our combined sewer system and um and uh it it follows these other these other projects that that have been completed uh so it represents you know again the city's commitment to uh to resolving combine zwer overflows the Anderson Street drain Jer project uh runs just to the west of railroad uh of the New Jersey Transit railroad it includes Railroad Avenue as well as Clay Street uh running all the way up the side streets to Stanley place the sewer Replacements are presently occurring on uh uh Jane Street and uh violia and psng util work is continuing on in other locations where where possible and again the coordination with the utility companies is a significant uh part of the of what's needed to implement this project and I just want to acknowledge the good work that our contractor maano as well as our engineer Suburban has been uh has been doing uh in terms of coordinating with with the utilities to keep the project on track our next project is the uh a Posta flood Hazard mitigation grant program uh AKA The Green Street project um just to put it this I added this slide recently just so that you can put it in context of the areas that are planned for uh combin SE separation that the city has already committed to uh as and then the new area is actually going to add about another 80 acres to the um to the the storm water that will be diverted from uh from the sewer system and conveyed to the river to mitigate uh overflows of the combined sewage it will be implemented over about a 5e or so Pro uh period uh through a number of separate contracts uh for construction the current contract that we've been discussing is the CCTV and base mapping project which is gathering data uh as well as doing cleaning and televising of the sewer lines that will give us the information that we need for our preliminary design uh for the uh flood improvements again the uh the CCT and base mapping project is uh uh is shown here um we're about uh two I'm sorry about 3/4 of the way through the completion of uh of cleaning and televising and um so we're we're on track with this project presently we're also proceeding with the preliminary design and have recently had meetings with buron County engineering buron County Utilities Authority County County Executive Tesco to review um project Alternatives and sighting and coordinate on um possible future opportunities for uh for shared operation and maintenance of the facilities I wanted to just touch uh briefly on South Street area flooding um this is uh an area that we hear about frequently uh as we know it's a low-lying area it's one of the lowest areas in town very flat as well it's confined um in terms of drainage by railroad tracks on the east side and downstream Hydraulics um um where it flows into water bodies to the South are also restrictive and so um the water has a hard time moving in this area the area will see some improvement some benefit from the projects that we're undertaking in the Green Street area uh but it's not a complete solution but the Green Street project will be diverting storm water away from uh from the uh from the uh the Newman Street area it also will be alleviating some bottls that uh that are present in the piping that the South Newman area drains into so there will be some benefits but it it will not be a complete solution for the Newman Street area so and it's also it's a multi-jurisdictional problem as I've mentioned we're confined by Downstream Hydraulics so um we've had limited conversations with uh with South hackin saac uh but it really is a an item that requires a kind of a regional approach um with these other municipalities and so we have been have met also recently with bur County engineering on this topic to explore the possibility of of regional solutions for the South dooman area moving on to our Parks uh Carver Park project is uh very close it's all the major elements in Carver Park have been completed the uh concrete Court the fencing backboard installation are complete uh the light poles and the controls for the lighting have been installed and essentially we're we're just waiting for warmer weather at this point to uh complete the court surfacing as well as Landscaping uh and uh and Furniture installation for Johnson Park uh sports complex um I'm this is really going to be a great project and we're getting very close to uh these bids uh being advertised the project is going to include four uh mini or quarter sized soccer fields it will also include practice areas for baseball uh the opportunity for flight football um other football activities as well as possibility of wrestling a wrestling uh area in the future um as part of a excuse me by the project itself they going to have one resing area dedicated yet for resing the Ving K they're going to be rolling to the SOA Fields you know we're going to get to the type of like Accord Ving K that you can extend and the feeli and the way they key can prac mhm thank you for that clarification Council uh our last Park project presently is uh is the polyfly Park drainage improvements as you all aware there's very steep slopes um in portions of polyfly Park and the drainage uh uh has um has caused problems with some of the park amenities uh where storm water collects and uh and and makes them unfavorable for use so this project has been um uh we have not broken ground yet on this project as we've been reworking a few things in terms to avoid some tree removal um and uh but we will be getting started soon and this project should be completed relatively quickly in April or early May for the city offices that are underway at John Earl uh this is the future home of our building and Zoning departments the renovation is uh is ongoing major concrete work is completed we uh the interior walls uh are being finished and mechanical and electrical and and pluming work is in progress and as you can see we have uh two new roll up uh doors for uh access to the storage area at the the back of the building and then again a project that's also just about to go out to bid is the prospect that have pedestrian Safety project this runs from a long Prospect out from Beach Street to Essex Street it will include a new crosswalk at Atlantic Street uh which includes a high intensity activated crosswalk or Hawk uh uh Crossing device uh at at that location it also includes an R RFP or rectangular rapid flat flashing Beacon at uh Thompson Street crossing of prospect daav as well as Ada ramp improvements at sidewalks and concludes a presentation for any questions um all the work I see a lot of the roads are be torn up on on the side streets like Stanley and all those going down there are they all going to be repaid as part of this project yeah and yes yes they will be good yes is John Earl still on schedule for March uh John Earl is is on schedule at the moment I am anticipating a a a an extension of time request I've been told uh the furniture um won't be arriving until end of April I believe so um that's kind of our our movein uh constraint is when the furniture arrives is there any way to work around that they can the other from the they get new I I hope so they can find that table to yeah I can just the concern is getting out the EM what they now over get out I I I understand the concern I understand the concern um my focus is is construction I guess in terms of logistics and Personnel but they'll have a see like they'll to be in there by the end of March it should should be able to okay thank you thank you thank [Music] you that's all you have right I forgot to add but I had the meeting at airport so if I could just have aou is it okay all right so I I had our qu we had our quarterly meeting at um Toro airport and you know I'm actively involved in trying to um help encourage the use of the ultimate play PA and um you know we're seeing some use at night but not much use during the day and again this all comes down to Tron in in New York where the air traffic controllers are the ones that are control making those decisions and you know we have to try and implore as I continue to do with the FAA but anyone that's been following the news with the problems with the Boeing I the fa is is pretty preoccupied these days rather than TBO but we'll never give up on that but I'm actually happy to see I have somebody here tonight from the environmental committee and somebody here from the cond committee because kind of I I kind of accidentally fell into this I I received a couple of calls about the size of some of these aircraft fly and I did some research I you know I called the airport and I checked on the the size of the of the aircraft what ones they were and I looked at them and I kind of fell into this and it really aggravated me and of course I spoke about it at the meeting and I think there's something maybe we could especially if I see you know Anette and Janet you're sitting right next to each other it could be even a concerted effort because the ones really heavily hit are the other the folks that are living in these cond right the the T airport has a rule that if you're going to fly into Teterboro Airport your your aircraft has to be 100,000 LBS or less okay so when I looked up these aircraft that I was getting the calls on they have maximum weights over 100,000 lbs now of course the stripped weight you know without fuel without baggage whatever was under 100,000 lbs but you start adding these other elements to it and it goes up to like 140,000 lb so when I question them is said oh no we we make sure that it's under 100,000 it you're weighing it at Keo airport well they verifi this is I don't believe any of this okay so I question the whole methodology for making these decisions now they'll come back and they'll say well you have to understand the newer aircraft require than some of the older ones yes but it's a much bigger footprint than the other aircraft so you're dispersing the sound over a greater area as well and hey this is your rule that we all agreed to so now it's especially I mean I wasn't totally aware of until a couple of years ago that you know we're flying in and out we're flying to Europe at a teer so don't tell me if you're taking a plane at A T airport and you're flying to Europe that you're not fully fueled don't tell me that you're going to take that chance okay so you fully fuel these they're over 100,000 PBS so give me a break so I think it might be something we could team up and maybe get a petition started okay something that maybe the two groups or one of the other group could work on and say you know this is your rule if you look up T tetero airports rules it specifically says this so how are we making these decisions to me if there's anything we can do to limit the types of aircraft that are noisy limit the volume you know and of course if we can eliminate some of these rather large rather heavy Jets then we're going to minimize the volume just naturally so I think it might be a good little project for us to work on and I have over the 10 years I've been doing this I've made friends in some of these other towns and a lot of people don't like to speak up at some of these meetings and you know I like to talk so they they they they kind of use me for that but I think I could get other folks doing it and sign these petitions as well so we could use this as an effort to granch out not only in hackin but extend it even further because I know I've gotten some of our folks to sign some of their petitions um against issues that they've had with the airport so I'm going to throw it out as long as the council's okay with it maybe we can I been say that all alone that we need at least 100 people with the sign you know I'll be right out there I'll be right out there I see that the only way that people are going to listen to I've been said that for years but even if I could present some petitions with a decent number and you know send it to the port authority too you know get these petitions signed here's your rule how are you enforcing us you know how how are we verifying this the only way by now in the summertime with the night weather we maybe pay some buses and get people from the high rises and all that town and go over there with a number 100 people I think you know just we'll take your word for it that you're not F fully fueled Etc and it's very easy to find this information now it's all public information so you can just you know log on to the website you can see the types of aircraft that are coming in and out Wikipedia will tell you all this even if you just look them up on Wikipedia it will tell you they you know they're they they basic weight with nothing they're basic weight fully fueled you you you these numbers are very easy to obtain for the types of jets that the one I looked up just happened to be a Lear jet but it's um I was really surprised you know I I never thought to question that they would possibly or potentially be violating our own rule or be so loose about the interpretation of the rulle so I think this is something maybe we could to me we have to do whatever it is we can to limit the volume of the traffic you where that's the second busiest what they call small airport in the whole country that you know and this is what's you know flying over our Hospital over our over our residents over our Fanny Hiller school you know it's uh it's really something that we we should have had a better response to by this time but we'll never give up right council members so we're going to keep anything else that comes up D used to work there I used to work there like a bloke away from the the plane they they look like a for passengers you know so no question they are over 100,000 there's a lot of things there are concern I mean the other issue I brought up I don't know if folks if folks read about there was a significant drug bust I think it was in November um that the police had been tracking and you know tons of of of um drugs that were being in suitcases and we're going overseas and you know so even the whole security process especially now that we're flying in and out of the country who's on these who's coming in and out of the country on these planes and what are they bringing in and out of the country on these planes uh and their answer to me was this committee only has to do with noise so we're not going we're not going to address your comment but I do think that you know these are things that we should be concerned I know I looked up um we all knew know the case of Jeffrey Epstein and I think there was over over 700 flights in and out of Toro with sex and child trafficking so I mean we have there has to be some kind of rule or regulation for what is going on and happening at that airport in the neighborhoods where we all live very close proximity to us in but again that's been a side to the noise issue I think if we could focus on how many of these aircraft are truly over 100,000 how many of them are flying in and out of there every day because I'm hearing I think it was was it yesterday I mean it was unbelievable how loud they were yeah Sunday was it Sunday it was really really verying so again for what it's worth thanks for listening and if you guys can help out in anyway you just let me know and I'll give you any information you want thanks V anyone else from the public we open now we have open to I took over are you done are you done so now I need a motion to open to the public counc May tlia hi council member Carol hi May hi anyone from the public who' like to speak please come forward give your name to the clerk seeing no members of the public motion to close second all in favor none opposed all right we will be back at 8:00 um we're not do we have to go back into exective yeah no I I I don't particularly I just want to add that in the close session we did speak about the ongoing litigation involving uh former Chief CA you can close both meetings now I need a mo close the executive session counc HIC Carol I motion to close the Council of the hall counc mayor counc okay that we see everybody