e e e this meeting is being did it again this meeting is being held in accordance with the public meeting Act njs 10 4-6 SEC notice of which was sent to the record in the Star Ledger and was posted on the municipal bulleon board roll call please council member Von renberg mayor Kino Council membera council member Carol here may here would everybody please rise from the [Music] flag flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible and justice for all there are no proclamations this evening no no minutes to approve okay with that we go to the same manager's report thank you mayor the city will be hosting our biannual slam dunk the junk event on April 27th applications and information has been posted on our social media sites our community garden registration is now open to Hackensack residents please call or visit our Recreation Department for any assistance excuse me opening day of baseball is scheduled for April 20th at Pini Park the hackensac health department will be hosting our third annual six week Wellness challenge our kickoff event and registration will be on April 12th the challenge is from April 13th through May 18th additional details are available on our social media Outlets the Recreation summer camp registration started yesterday April 1 please contact our Recreation Department for application information and updates one thing that I will say is that the theater Camp is sold out already in one day wow um please be advised that the city's 2023 city manager yearend report is available on our website for your reference that's all I have mam thank you so we're move to new business ready I'm going to kill myself on this Okay resolution 12224 this is a resolution for the final adoption of ordinance number 15- 2024 a bond ordinance providing for improvements to the elevators at the Atlantic Street Parking Garage Bay in the city of hackensac in the county of Bergen St state of New Jersey appropriating $2,350 therefore and authorizing the issuance of $1,350,000 in bonds or notes of the city Defiance part of across thereof this ordinance has been published according to law and now calls for a public hear need a motion to open to the public offer second all in favor un oppos anyone from the public who like to speak to this ordinance in this ordinance only please come forward seeing no members of the public motion to close to the public second in favor I I I and opposed motion to adopt the ordinance okay second all in favor I I and oppos we resolved by the city council of the city of hackin County of Bergen and state of New Jersey that ordinance number 15- 2024 has passed a second and final reading and is hereby adopted thank you resolution 12324 this resolution um was pulled as of the discussion the town meeting thank you resolution 12424 this is a resolution for the introduction of ordinance number 17224 and ordinance amending chapter 162 of the code of the city of hackensac trees to establish procedures for tree removal and replacement in order to comply with state requirements need a motion please all in favor I I we resolve that the above ordinance being ordinance 17- 2024 as introduced is now passed on first reading and the set ordinance of be considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on April 16 2024 at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the city council and at such time and place while a person is interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning said ordinance and that the city clerk being she is hereby authorized and directed to publish set aess according to law with notice of its introduction and passage on first reading and of the time and place one and where set ordinance will be further considered for final passage thank you resolution 125-1 four a resolution for the introduction of ordinance number 18- 2024 calendar year 2024 ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appropriation limits and to establish a cap Bank as per njsa 4A 44514 need a motion to introduce the ordinance all in favor I I None opposed we resolve that the above ordinance being ordinance 18- 2024 as introduced is now passed on first reading and the said ordinance be considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on April 16 2024 at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the city council and at such time and place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning set ordinance and that the city clerk being Chief hereby authorized and directed to publish set ordinance according to law with a notice of its introduction and passes on first reading and of the time and place when and where set ordinance will be further considered for final passage thank you resolution 126 -24 say resolution authorizing tax refunds for state board judgments and duplicate payments need a motion offer all in favor i i n opposed resolution 12724 a resolution of the city council of the city of hackensac authorizing the settlement of litigation entitled Kang versus hackensac at L pending in the superior court of New Jersey docket number b r l 5685 D21 need a motion please all in favor I then opposed resolution 12824 is a resolution authorizing a veteran tax exemption for 315 Union Street Union Unit B need a motion off second all in favor I I None opposed resolution 12924 a resolution authorizing a veteran tax exemption for 301 Beach Street unit 9 need a motion offer all in favor I I None oppos resolution 130-24 a resolution authorizing the acceptance of the state of New Jersey sfy 2024 safe and secure communities Grant need a motion please all in favor I I None opposed resolution 13124 a res resolution for the governing body certification of compliance with the United States equal employment opportunity commission's enforcement guidance on the consideration of arres and conviction records and employment decisions under title seven of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 need a motion please second all in favor I I None opposed resolution 13324 132 I'm sorry 132 um yes 132 point the resolution authorizing reduction of the 2023 tax levy by tax appeal judg motion all in favor I I notos OS now resolution 13324 a resolution authorizing deviation from annual Surplus policy need a motion please second all in favor I I None opposed resolution 13424 say resolution authorizing calendar year 2024 budget to be read by title only need a motion offer all in favor I I un opposed resolution 135-24 a resolution authorizing the 2024 Municipal budget introduction for the fal year 2020er second all in favor I I not opposed resolution 13624 the resolution authorizing payment of bills need a motion second roll call council member V rber hi Deputy Mayor conino hi council member taglia hi council member Carol hi May R Iain consent agenda consist of three items any conflicts on here hearing none motion go ahead the following items are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted in one motion any items requiring expenditure are supported by a certification of availability of funds any items requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda and consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes including any exceptions Andor additions they consist of three which is resolution 13724 which is a resolution authorizing raffle license resolution 13824 is a resolution authorizing preparation of a Redevelopment plan for Block 500.0 lot 78 and 82 which is 112 through 120 hackin Avenue and resolution 13924 is a resolution authorizing endorsement of prop proposed buron County Community Development grants need a motion all second all in favor I I okay it was rather quick need a motion to open to the public please Che all in favor I oppose anybody from the public would like to speak please come forward give your name to the [Music] clerk I know you waited patiently for 2 weeks Rich huh I know you've waited patiently for 2 weeks no it's not that it's a this is a a business in a hurry here it seems like I mean you go through this uh this print out and and I I guess they're discussed somewhere at some point what actually every one of these things means I hope you are correct do that all right so very good I um I just wanted to u i I walked in on Mr Mangan uh speaking about health care costs and that's your job to challenge that because we we're in a a free market you can challenge the uh uh the healthare costs too there many companies they overcharge they overbill they're doing well our issue is stop the clock per minute we are self-insured okay usually in years past has worked out well for the city of pcket sack uh this particular year not even close okay so um so we're going to try you're saying something in a roundabout way it's not as easy as you it's not like car insurance or us going out by life insurance we don't have a lot of options it's either the State Insurance Fund or your self insur that's pretty much it all right so that's something for you to stand up to and uh sort of challenge it maybe find uh find some uh saving costs and we are we are believe after what happened this year we are working on it all right so U number uh the other um thing I wanted to mention was you know this this thing over the um over the uh Street uh or over the Avenue there on on Prospect Prospect Avenue years ago they they uh they knocked down something that one of the uh uh building owners wanted to put over the street uh I think it was the um the what's the big building name uh and Mr pal was the uh owner there I think he still is uh the exceler they wanted to put something over the street at that point uh uh which would have benefited uh lots of people absolutely and it it it was knocked down okay it was knocked down so why why now again that was 30 years ago at least okay well pedestrian safety's got I mean pedestrian safety is always important but it's gotten to the point now where this you know someone's really going to get hurt or possibly killed if we don't start way there putting a crosswalk on Atlantic okay uh and Prospect um actually we're working on the whole Prospect Avenue because there's a ton of pedestrians on that street yeah well it's not that only there okay pedestrians are being knocked off uh higher higher than you think that there's a lot of places you got to watch yourself crossing the street yeah and you're going to get hit and somebody's going to get hit too soon just so you know we're looking into the signs we discussed it uh speed limit signs solar power street signs for your block Val I hope so because let me tell you today it was like a Raceway there okay even in the rain absolutely incredible going on the what's going on on Spring Valley Avenue we're going to put some stuff in this slow people down there I hope somebody can come and actually sit and watch or monitor what's going on there that tomorrow right yeah okay you won't be we're going to a cup of coffee we're going to all right and last last thing 40 seconds I have enough time to mention I I I I I told you last uh time I was here about the average average tax cost in hackin sack is uh about uh uh $200 a week okay so that's that's $800 a month we're paying to hack it that's average now just let's let's bump that up a little and a regular uh AB absolutely normal taxpayer is paying ,000 a month just in taxes to Hack and Sack owning his own home are you serious think about that I mean what what's the purpose of owning the home if we're going to pay the city ,000 we still one of the lowest tax bases in the county it's still too high I don't care what the other towns we do what we can we haven't the tax levy up to now the last three years has stayed flat so really not ah just think of how much other people are paying with with larger homes okay maybe like two grand a month more than that some that are over there it's crazy so the the message there is cut some cost John thank you you're welcome next person I'm Nim and from U Clinton Place hackin saac and I'm was at the zoning board and they said that I should come here to you um it's concerning the Redevelopment uh it seems we have enough Apartments now and maybe we should start thinking of other ways to um redevelop it seems that you're starting to move away from Main Street and come up now towards the railroad station um our residents were unhappy because um you want to put 300 apartments up uh right next to the railroad station and they said it's crowded already and um I think you if you read some of the zoning in the past the residents were complaining about that and um the railroad stations we should think of the future and our station is like a hole in the wall it's it's tucked away in the corner somewhere and um Garfield the Platville railroad station is a gorgeous station it's got plenty of parking all over the place and the people can go and take get to the train station easily and I understand that Garfield didn't pay a dime for that because they got a grant so I'm wondering what are you doing and uh if this property that uh on Anderson and lynon street is wanting 300 apartments and the residents don't want it I think you should start thinking about the residents and the future of the town because people are going to want to avoid that whole area with all the crowding that'll be there if you put up Apartments instead of using the railroad in future so that's a a big concern and uh I don't know if you can use eminent domain and buy the property off of them but um you should take some tips from Garfield because they have a gorgeous um station and I think they're doing the right thing for the future so I'm against uh and along with the other residents that are complaining about all this crowding that you want that uh these people want to put up there um you should check with the state um I called was calling the state um the mayor's office and then they were saying this the state is in charge of these grants or something so I think you should start looking into that and then um as far as the crowding goes uh the crime is up and uh I was driving down Main Street near the wal cart um building and um luckily I was going slowly because um somebody came across the street from the Sears building they had beds they were carrying them across the street um into the wall building and in between the cars and they didn't even go to the corner or anything so you know when you're planning these buildings I think you know you have to start thinking about the outside and the surroundings of the outside as well as the building itself and what the consequences are and then that Sears building parking lot was loaded for the longest time I don't know what what was going on but I don't know if there's enough parking that's provided at some of these buildings and you know you think about oh the parking for the people they are but what about the visitors who come and visit them where are they going to go thank you thank you anyone else in the public see n motion to close to the public a all in FA sorry all in favor I N oppos mberg good evening everyone thanks for coming out on this today um just wanted to to mention uh baseball and softball happens actual think day and opening mentioned it earlier during his report uh April 20th um we're excited to see all the teams out there um and hopefully the weather cooperates for that day and thank you to Jim um the and the finance committee for prob work on the budget I know as Jim said it's been a it's been a rough one so we appreciate all your hard work and um creativity with it and um that's it for me thank you all for coming out thank good evening everyone yes anyone that wants to get a little bit more information about the budget you can take a look at the video from the committee of the whole Jim gave a a a short introduction um of the budget and at our next council meeting he'll give his usual presentation on the budget um so that the public can get a little bit more of an in-depth look at it um just something I'd like to point out when you look at the budget and you look at some of the revenues that are coming in and again these are things that I personally am very involved with is again this year we're very blessed um in addition to the taxes that they already pay the hackin medical center is paying another $4.6 million that goes directly and is listed directly in the budget is revenue and from the apartments and the pilots that we currently have that are now open and rented we are seeing um another 6.5 million this year in Revenue so those two together we're looking at over $1 million in Revenue that certainly helps offset a lot of the expenses that otherwise would be added to the tax levy and would be increasing the amount of the taxes that we do have to pay here in the town um that kind of leads me into the question that Miss I'm sorry I pronounce your name m yeah um brought up uh you're talking about the corner of Anderson Lyon um I believe you were at the planning board meeting and you know there were a significant number of people that were asking questions about the project but everyone there that came up to speak agreed that that corner needs to have some work done on it um you know most of the of the businesses there have already closed or shut down um and it it's an area that is certainly not bringing additional revenues into the city in any way to help with taxes and it's really become quite an eyesore so uh we have to get all our heads together and look at what makes the most sense there there's many other apartments in that area especially going up and Anderson Street going further west or going further east you see that particular area has already been developed with multiple apartment units and again makes sense close proximity to the train station so it makes sense that that would be what continues to happen but of course you can always come back to the planning board and and ask more questions when the site plan is presented every every proposal that comes through the city that comes through the planning board every one of them must have a traffic study and the traffic and the impact of the city infrastructure is always part of the evaluation for each and every one of those projects but this Council we have taken on board that we need to bring Revenue into the City and we need to help offset our taxes and this has been one of the biggest ways we've been able to do this in do that in the last number of years as I just indicated the additional $1 million that's coming right to the bottom line this year to offset some of the tax levy I don't think you have to do it I'm sorry that we can't we can't speak at this point you can come and speak to me afterwards personally I would love to speak to you um a couple other things real quickly that are on here tonight um some we're still doing some improvements to the Atlantic Street Garage so there's an ordinance on here about that uh you know that was in need of disrepair and again it provides more parking for the downtown and it gets it right off of Main Street right onto Atlantic Street and we also approved um a Redevelopment plan for uh our white Mana our beloved white mattera that we want to keep here in hackin saac and you know they will be moving to 112 120 um River Street hackensac Avenue actually so you're looking at on the east side of hackensac Avenue up near towards the entrance to fairly dickason so they will now be buying their own piece of property they're actually going to move the building so that it keeps its historic nature and um I think it's a great move and the city is cooperating and helping them do that as we do to support all of our local businesses and our business owners hope everyone enjoyed the holidays that they celebrated or new holidays that are coming and thank you for coming and participating this evening whether here or watching it on video our par bom day will be open I think it's April 11th so ready for our kid to enjoy I emphasize the use of these Eis and scooter please keep these bicycles and your apart your how because the particular battery can blow up any moment so please and the city right now is looking now that the as company they open to that taking care the pth holes around the city because we got few there thank you for coming good night thank you jar thank you mayor well I like to thank everyone that's viewing us remotely again and also those who are present the children's Easter egg hunt was a fantastic event the rain held off and time for the little ones to gather their eggs it was cotton candy face painting and snacks for all of them to enjoy that is my report for tonight our mayor thank you and God bless thank you I wish I was able I was stuck at work I wanted to get over there but I couldn't make it out then lot of kids videos it look like a fun time um I want to start by thanking Jim bangan on what he self-proclaimed is the toughest weirdest budget he's ever had to present to us initially present to us um we spoke as to why some of that has happened um it's uh healthc care costs are just astronomical just astronomical and I heard the numbers I couldn't believe it but it is what it is uh looking forward to 420 for opening day we our little guys playing baseball um I've already both my two of my grandsons are already started I had two games on Saturday to go to so being gpod is already kicked in for baseball season um the Anderson Street project one of my concerns with Anderson Street in that particular area is every store is closed there except for the Walgreens which concerns me and if something isn't done with that area if you look at the new model for drugstores Walgreens CVS's R AIDS they totally changed their model to downsize uh where they're not like you would mentioned like miniature grocery stores and you can buy gallons of milk and you know you can buy cereals and other products there they're they're just going strictly as pharmacies old school pharmacies like we used to have there is a Pharmacy across the street on from there as well but uh that scares me because if that store closes we're going that property is going to be lost to blight and then we're going to have a real problem over there it's it's not just you can't just buy a piece of property that big and that is I'm going to look into the guard field situation because if you buy that when you buy that property you take it off the tax rols so now the citizens are not well that's easy for you to say but people who are on a fixed income and can't afford stuff yeah but you're building all these buildings all over the place and you said oh we'll have all of these we're not going we're not going to go back and forth you said be happy to talk to you afterwards yes I will the um can I for a second did I mention about the $6 million grant money that we have for Street right now I SP no all right just to make you aware that we have received a $6 million Grant over the five years that we've earmarked and targeted specifically for Anderson Street so we've already started to make some improvements there we've already done some work around the train station and we will continue to do so to use that entire $6 million so yes we are are actively pursuing grant money that's available to us we are um we are a smaller um I believe a smaller a Transit railroad transit station much smaller activity and much smaller volume than you seeing go field number of tracks Etc than you see in Garfield and that's why they will receive significantly more funding than we do but we do pursue it we have pursued it and we're actively making positive change and helping the businesses continue to grow on Anderson Street so that's in progress right now yeah and as I recall the Anderson Street Station originally was a historical site and burnt down and uh we had a the city that's long before this Council was was involved um the city had an upill battle just getting New Jersey transit to put another train station in there so uh yes it is small uh but it does enate what the other train station look like slightly um could we use a bigger station absolutely I agree with that uh White Manor yep we're helping them out uh selling a piece of property on uh aaac Avenue CU I can't see anything more devastating than white man are moving out of town cuz it's such an iconic and uh great place to eat you know I've had four generations in there at one time eating those Burgers so it's a good thing so with that I'm going to close and wish everybody a wonderful evening and uh motion to close all in favor I I thank you --------- e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e [Music] so we're going to go right all right man uh our first is a presentation uh introduction of the 2024 Municipal budget I'll call up our CFO Mr [Music] thank okay in the business portion of the meeting tonight will be introducing the 2024 Municipal budget um I'll speak briefly about the budget but first let me just jump into the process for a second okay the uh the state extended the deadline this year uh for Budget introduction they extended it to March 29th or your next meeting meeting after March 29th that's today today is our next meeting after March 29th so we'll be introducing the budget and we're within the deadline uh law says then that you have to have a public hearing but the public hearing can't be uh uh can't be less than 28 days from the intro so that'll put the public hearing at our May 7th meeting uh what we'll be doing is what we've done in the past introduce the budget tonight after tonight the budget will be up on on the city website um at the next meeting April 16th at the next meeting April 16th I'll do the full budget presentation okay and then on May 7th uh we'll have the public hearing and uh the vote on the adoption assuming we get U State approval okay which is a big assumption all right now the budget itself um wish I had better news as it stands right now I left you updated copies of the most recent executive summary along with the uh state budget document uh as it stands right now the tax increase is 3.1% uh that comes out to be uh a tax increase of $244 187 on the average home assessed at $ 320,455 this budget was completely unique um I've never seen anything like this in my whole career give you an example um total spending is up 6.4 million now last year's budget spending was up 6.1 million you know so a spending increase of 6.4 million isn't isn't the crazy part the crazy part is that if our total was up 6.4 million um health benefits and insurance are up 7.3 million so that means with a $7.3 million increase in health benefits and insurance the entire rest of the budget is a million dollar less than it was last year um which is which is crazy I've never seen anything like that that the reason for is to overcome a $7 million increase in health benefits meant that everything had to be cut um we cut just about everything that we could and still leave all of our programs intact a lot of times it called for just a different way of looking at things give an example uh we didn't cut any Recreation programs but we did shift them from the budget into the trust okay um trust makes more sense the money coming in then pays for the programs going out um when you put it through the budget you're limited you can only budget as much as you took in last year so moving into the trust made a lot of sense and it gave us some budget relief we had to do a lot of things like that uh to get this down uh the problem with this budget is that our health benefits uh went up 30% last year but we're under a cap that doesn't allow spending to increase more than 32% and the rest of it had to come from other places now the state gives a uh a cap exception for health benefits but the cap exception really applies to those in the state health benefits plan state health benefits plan um their premiums went up 7% this year so what they allowed self-insured towns like us to do is we could take the first 7% of the increase and move it outside the cap in terms of numbers okay our health benefits which went up about uh I think it was about 6.6 million of the 6.6 million 816 th000 we got to move outside cap okay um so this budget was a real challenge uh like I said I'll get into a lot more details at the next meeting when we do the full budget presentation I'm going to talk a lot about health benefits of why it happened or my opinion about why it happened how we got there and more importantly uh what we're going to be doing about it to make sure that it doesn't happen again okay so again next meeting will be the full budget presentation uh in the meantime um if you have any questions you know uh feel free to email me okay I left the state budget document up there um if you're interested um if you have any questions in the state budget document on any number at all let me know I'd be happy to explain it if you're not interested in the state budget document if you could just give your copy to the clerk okay once we intro the budget um tomorrow the clerk has to have uh copies available for any member of the public that ask for them so uh this way we can save some trees okay okay uh for now anybody has any questions I'd be happy to answer them but just remember we'll be getting into a lot more detail at the next meeting yep you're going to do a PowerPoint presentation for the public One MH yeah and that will be at the uh uh the way we've done it in the past is it's at the council meeting not at the count need to really emphasize the story on healthare issue because we really I mean that's an insanity million doll and and to be honest man the story behind it uh has a lot of insanity too yeah I'm sure I mean yeah you would think 7 million would be enough for the health insurance months that's just the increase yeah falls under falls under the heading of you can't make this S I don't know if you remember but a bunch of years ago I think it was like 2018 2019 I checked and I checked then 2018 2019 our health benefit budget was larger than the entire budget in half the towns in buron County now I I should check it again and see what it is I'm going to have to figure out Mak some well we know changes we have to make right right and I'll be explaining that next meeting as well is what it is okay thank you thanks Jim appreciate it thank you Jim uh number two number two uh is instruction of orance for tree removal and replacement um this is a requirement by the uh njd uh regarding our storm water storm water management regulations uh there's also number three tonight we have a resolution on uh for EEOC compliance this is a yearly requirement of the EEOC under title 7 and the Civil Rights Act of 1964 so that we are in compliance with uh hiring and the the um consideration of Prior arrests just number four is uh ordinance increasing uh uh which includes an increase of the monthly parking fees um this is the first increase since 2020 um surface lots are going to $115 monthly Lot C $135 monthly and the Atlantic Street Garage $125 monthly um mayor and and clerk I don't know if we want to consider maybe pulling that based on the information that councilman uh paga relay to us with that that one section regarding uh electrical vehicle where somebody canl to me I am may be wrong if it's if it's not time sensitive we should go so we can discuss that because we can't have somebody charging a car for 4 hours then dollar based on the way the ordin okay we're going to have to pull that okay all right I'll pull it when I get when I get to it I'll just say okay very good uh last but not least is our CSO storm order and Parks update I'll ask that Chris Weeden our city engineer uh present that for us everybody leav all right jumping into our construction projects update um and our major project projects update um the Edom and blue has been updated since our last uh meeting uh we did receive a request on from the contractor on John Earl uh for an extension of one month um we've been we've been talking about this for a while I was a little bit surprised to to get this request at the last moment but we do find that it's Justified um uh based on you know factors outside the the contractor's control and I can provide more information as as you may wish um uh getting into our CSO separation projects uh again we're working on Anderson Street drainage area uh showing pink here um is the next uh um project that uh we're completing uh on the heels of these other CSO projects that the city has uh has completed on the Anderson Street project um we're making reasonable progress again there's there's a tremendous amount of utility coordination that is um uh that is occurring uh and that is uh slowing us down somewhat at the last meeting I did uh uh state that I anticipate uh an extension of time request on this project uh we have not received that but but I am expecting the contract time will will have to be extended uh beyond the uh anticipated uh June July finish of this year we're um uh we've completed most of the sanitary Mains um uh on the project we still have um so where we had um One Main in the streets we're having to put two Mains in for sanitary pipes because of the large size of the Box cul that's going in so uh we have both of those uh sanitary pipes complete on clay bdan and Berry and we've just got one of those pipes uh installed on James and Stanley uh and then partially completed uh as shown on on Railroad AV the storm Culvert we're just starting that um presently uh or have just started that and it's in progress on fan and uh we expect to be moving to Stanley place next week for the utilities location again we're working with Folia and PSG and um and their status uh is is shown [Music] for Vorhees Lane sanitary Pump Station we did put this station into operation last week uh we're currently monitoring the operation of the station and uh making any adjustments as necessary we anticipate site restoration to be occurring um relatively soon uh the weather this week is not in our favor for our uh flood mitigation Grant at the southern part of the city we're about 92% complete with our CCTV and mapping project and um so we do still anticipate completing this work at the end of this month and um and again we're we're continuing to coordinate with bcua and buron County on the preliminary design for this pump station and uh uh and piping improvements for parks uh Carver Park the concrete work is complete and um the uh conduit and cameras installation is planned for the end of this week um likely extending into next week and then we will be uh doing the site restoration placing top soil and uh uh and doing finished Coatings um on the courts uh by the end of this month one question do we going to have the scoreboard for the for the back course there there is an outlet for scoreboard I don't recall if it's actually in the contract but we have we have the ability to uh to provide that scoreboard I'll I'll I'll get the answer for you for Johnson Park um we are just uh continuing to to wrap up uh on the contract documents and um we're very close to completion of of the these documents and I do expect that we'll be going out to bid there's a bid opening for our pedestrian Safety project on Prospect a uh later this week and there's two uh flashing U pedestrian crosswalks that are part of this project I have a question on that Chris and I'm looking at the picture so this uh is going to be an overhead it goes completely across the street yes both of uh I'm sorry one of them is overhead the one on the right which um uh which one is is that going to be on Prospect obviously yes yes it's on Prospect there's a lot of trucks believe they're not using that is that going to be high enough to for truck clearance and if so if it's that high is it going to be feasible for line of sight for a driver coming forward I would anticipate that our Traffic Engineers have anticipated for that I will get back to you I'm not anticipating that the um yeah let's make sure because you know all of a sudden tractor Trail takes out the whole shipan is that what the is the overhead type of signal system is that just a picture of some other place or is that actually with in the spec that's a that's a that's what's in the spec it's a picture of some other place but the one on the right is is in the spec um that's the that's the hawk and that's the one that's going in at Prospect and Atlantic I believe it looks if I'm just looking at it from here it looks low for this is this is another site so I'll I'll check our drawings and uh and and check and if it's even higher than that becomes kind of useless is it is it useful that's what I'm I got one question the area when you to exit the hospital and you allow to make a left or right remember that out out of the hospital you make left or right the people they make leg sometimes they put themselves in danger when another guy is coming when we did a traffic study with the people about maybe 2 years ago they was talking about maybe traffic light right and by when you exit remember I Rec to put sign is shift change the queing would be so bad in the front it' be all the way back up into the garage something not allow for you got you got at least to put two stop sign for the foundation to make for the person that make sometime the people that com on the left they just turn I see people from the right lane turn yeah I see it every day I got one of my my soccer player need a lady there the lady on time yeah and the lady went I just come out they they made left you never stop this project councilman does not address um the driveway uh eress it it IT addresses the intersections across the made the area safe you know that one of the thing that we had to look into well the hospital has to be involved in it as well because it's on their property okay for the John Earl building um as I stated we the contractor has uh re requested and the city has granted uh an extension for extenda circumstances uh we are continuing uh with progress on all fronts unfortunately these these pictures don't capture quite the you know the state that it's in it it's it's it's looking really more like an office now um and with the foring being installed and the and ceiling um installed in the painton finishes are they going to go running the old system the hiden system the old the old one where where using the old one and we also have a a new H the old one is running already um the one that needs conversion is is not running but we but the there are splits uh in place that are that are operating we need a I don't see the old boil is not running the old boil yeah they may be running and then you got the new seat that was installed on the second floor that one is running yes that's running the old system that we need the the conversion to gas for is is not running yet but we have the splits and we have the new hbac system upstairs I apologize I wasn't here last meeting what are the extend circumstances and how long are we looking at delay um it's been it's about a one month uh extension so the end of April and um it's basically uh conditions that were identified uh as they um got into Demolition and uncovered what Behind the Walls or ceilings or floors in certain circumstances um there was black mold that was found uh in uh in certain places um when the water pipes were pressurized the water has not been um you know has not been pressurized uh for for quite some time when the water services were pressurized there were leaks found so that had to be uh had to be corrected um turned up when we did the inspection when we B this huh I don't see and then there was a need for Vapor Barrier uh and insulation of exterior of some some exteriorised to this extent this was nothing minor I talk about a little dribble it's holding it's holding okay thank you next slide please friend yeah so just a um reminder um public service announcement that uh NJ do is still accepting public comments for another two weeks on this major uh Improvement project to westbound 80 and if there are any questions just uh this is more for any probably there going be any offices available do we have empty office space in cam when is done there um everything all the offices that are being instructed or the spaces that are being f outfitted are all planed to be accounted for but however in that building itself including even on the first floor we're probably only utilizing uh three4 of the first floor and there's still another quarter of empty space that could for future renovation the second floor can be renovated um for a whole another thing of office space as well as the basement that is a very deceiving but large building shoting yeah I mean there's endless office space that could be in there if at some point in the future good to know okay any other questions thank you that's all I have right motion to open to the public secondly all in favor oppos anybody from the public would like to speak please come forward to the microphone seeing no motion or members from the public motion to close to the public okay second all in favor and opposed we will be back in business 8:00 we have to go back to Executive session no motion we finish that as usual we made the clst executive session to discuss some ongoing litigation involving um the 125 Willow cslr um the zesa case um the Seaman uh GRC case and ongoing um per litigation involving uh PVA local 9A I think that thank you motion to now you can close the executive session off second all in favor I I oppose motion to close the Council of the whole off all in favor I iOS