p eye they kill me today okay there's nobody here gu yeah I the way fix the other one unlock on your way out someone have yeah that's something you probably want to check to see ifess I'm have to find out okay work get set M clerk need a motion to close the executive session Walker roll call counc member V renberg hiut mayor counc taga hi cember Carol I may I they need a motion to close the council Theo second ccber hi May HIC coun Carol hi May hi Steve did you have anything no anything that's okay very good so ready okay no not yet this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meeting Act njs 10 4-6 SEC notice of which was sent to the record in the star L was closed on counc mber hi May hi council member taga council member Carol hi Le here now everybody please rise for the I pledge Alle to the flag the United States of America and to the rep for it stands Nation God indivisible and justice for all okay there are no proclamations or presentations I need a motion for the approval of the minutes of October 24th 2023 regular Cal and executive session you a motion roll call council member vber hi Deputy Mayor Cino hi counc membera hi council member Carol hi motion for the appr minutes for November 21st 2023 regular Cal executive session I was not here so author second roll call council member B mayor J councila hi counc Carol hi mayor hi okay right on to the city manager's report thank you mayor the city's holiday Tree Lighting Event was held last night if you couldn't attend please take some time to stop by the green and enjoy the festive holiday decorations our annual children's holiday party is on Saturday December 16th from 10:00 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the hack pack this Christmas caper has returned to the hack pack this holiday season be sure to check showtimes at ha pack.org our holiday senior trip is on Tuesday December 19th please contact Direct Department tickets are very limited the city will once again be hosting our Gingerbread House contest submission deadline is December 29th rules to enter are available online the mayor and Council will be offering free parking on on Main Street and Anderson streets beginning December 17th through January 2nd Meers will be notated with a how happy holidays message remember to support our local restaurants and our businesses that's it m thank you okay starting with new business resolution 431-2453 an ordinance to chapter 88 of the code of the city of hackensac fire prevention to adjust certain non-life Hazard use fees in section 888-5000 please come forward seeing no members of the audience Mo motion to close to the public roll call council member rberg hi mayor Cino hi counc hi council member Carol mayor I motion to adopt the ordinance please roll call council member I Deputy Mayor Cino hi council member taglia hi council member Carol hi May hi be resolved by the city council of the city of hackinside County of Bergen and state of New Jersey that ordinance number 45223 has passed a second and final reading and is hereby adopted thank you resolution 43223 this is a resolution for the final adoption of ordinance number 48- 2023 and ordinance amending chapter 170 section 55 schedule 6 of the code of the city of hackensac trucks over 4 tons excluded to extend restrictions on traffic from trucks over 4 tons on Spring Valley Avenue this ordinance has been published according to law now calls for a public hearing a motion to open to the public please off roll council member venberg hiy mayor Cino hi council member taglia hi council member Carol hi May hi anyone from the public would like to speak to this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward seeing no members of the public motion to close to the public roll call council member V rber hiy mayor Cino hi council member taga hi council member Carol hi May I need a motion to adopt the ordinance loc call counc rber hi Mayo hi counc Mia hi council member Carol hi May Leon be resolved by the city council of the city of pin County of Bergen and state of New Jersey that ordinance number 48- 2023 has passed a second and final reading and is H by adopted thank you resolution 43323 this is a resolution for the introduction of ordinance number 49- 2023 an ordinance establishing chapter 75 of the code of the city of pakat community garden to formally establish rules and regulations for the municipal Community Garden in Johnson Park a motion please a roll call council member Von renberg hi Deputy Mayor Cino hi council member taga hi council member Carol hi mayor Le I be resolved that the above ordinance being ordinance 49- 2023 is introduced is now pass on first reading that said orance shall be considered for final passage at meeting to be held on December 19th 23 at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the city council and at such time a place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning said ordinance and the city clerk being she is hereby authorized and directed to publish said ordinance according to law with notice of its introduction of passage on first reading and of the time of place one and where said ordinance will be further considered for final passage thank you do you motion no no wait no no no no that's it one step back one step back resolution 434 resolution 4342 it's a resolution for the introduction of ordinance number 502023 an ordinance adding a new article to chapter 153 of the code of the city of hack taxation to formally establish procedures for property tax refunds for disabled V I need a motion please second roll call council member Vonberg hi Deputy Mayor Cino hi council member taglia hi council member Carol hi May BR I be resolve that the above ordinance being ordinance 50- 2023 as introduced is now pass on first reading and the said ordinance shall be considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on December 19th 2023 at 8:00 p.m. or soon there after as the matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the city council and at such time and place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning said ordinance and that the city clerk being and she is hereby authorized and directed to publish set aordance according to law notice of it's introduction of passage on first reading and of the time of place one and where set ordinance will be further considered for final passage thank you resolution 43523 this is a resolution authorizing tax refunds for state board judgments need a motion second vot council member Von renberg hi Deputy Mayor Cino hi council member hi council member Carol May vot hi resolution 43623 this is a resolution for authorization for cancellation of improve authorization balances in the general Capital fund need a motion please second Rollo council member V rudenberg hi Deputy Mayor Cino hi council member paga council member Carol hi mayor hi resolution 43623 437 437 that's what I said I read that one just so fast resolution authorizing transfer of 2023 budget Appropriations a motion please second roll call council member renberg hiy mayor Canino hi councila I council member Carol I may I resolution 43823 this is a resolution for the grant agreement between the city of hackensac and the state of New Jersey buying for the Department of Environmental Protection the grant identifier is UCF 2023 d023 need a motion roll call council member mber mayor Cano council member taga hi council member Carol hi mayor Leon hi resolution 4 39-23 this is a resolution authorizing the mayor and Council Committee of the whole and regular 2024 meeting schedule to which all dates and times are subject to change you motion VOC call member V renberg hi mayor Canino hi council member paga council member Carol hi May hi resolution 44023 a resolution awarding change order number one to new Prince Concrete Construction for Anderson Street drainage area combined sewer separation need a motion second roll call council member rber hiy mayor Cino hi council member counc Carol hi m r resolution 44123 a resolution awarding change order number seven to new Prince Concrete Construction for Clay Street combined SE separation contract number one need a motion second roll call council member renberg hio hi council member paga hi council member Carol hi May I resolution 44223 say resolution awarding change order number two to Roman and Corp Clay Street combined sewage separation contract number number two a motion roll call council member vber huty mayor council member paga hi council member Carol hi May r hi resolution 44323 this is a resolution awarding change order number one to Suburban engineering for bid and Construction Services for the Carver Park basketball court renovation project any a motion please off second roll call counc member May counc member I counc member Carol I I resolution 44423 a resolution awarding contract for bid and construction Management Services to Suburban engineering for East Kennedy emergency generator design any a motion second roll call CC member hi mayor Cino hi council member paga hi council member Carol hi May hi resolution 4 45-23 say resolution awarding change order number one final to Suburban engineering for East Kennedy emergency generator design a motion please second roll call council member V rberg hi Mayo hi ccaga hi Council Carol hi May I resolution 446 6-23 the resolution of aution to establish a reserve for preliminary expenses for Johnson Park Greenhouse project any motion second roll call council member venberg hiy mayor Cino hi council member taga hi council member Carol hi hi resolution 44723 a resolution awarding contract for Engineering Services for the design of the Johnson Park Greenhouse renovation project to col's engineering and design need a motion please offer roll call council member V renberg hi mayor Cino hi council member taga hi Council M Carol hi hi resolution 44823 resolution awarding contract for geotechnical and Green Acres coordination Services forini park fields 8 9 and 10 need a motion please call counc member V rberg hi counc member I'm sorry Deputy Mayor Cino council member Paglia council member Carol all may hi resolution 44923 the resolution authorizing payment of bills in a motion to pay the bills I need to extract I'm going to uh vote Yes on all the bills except anything have to do with hackin sack University Medical C or hackin Mar we hack SE either or okay we need a motion need a motion Che vo call counc mber hi mayor hi counc membera hi council member Carol hi that's okay as long as he get noted in the minutes Steve Steve yes I believe that's correct so it should be noted in the minutes that you know it's the the the the claims there so many claims that there would be no feasible way to do it any other way right as long as it's been publicly announced and there's a minimum three votes for the claim that it should be paid any uh conflicts on the uh consent agenda no yes uh I have one on resolution 456 23 okay go on that one searly and resolution 45-23 is just being pulled in general thought it was okay cuz it was for 5,000 oh no but we haven't we haven't gotten approved that they're going to accept pull it then I thought we discussed it was okay I don't want to I don't want to into a contract with them if they're going to walk away okay okay so then that's it yep okay so P 46 the following items are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted in one motion any items requiring expenditure are supported by a certification of availability of funds the item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda and consent agenda item will be reflected in full in minutes including any exceptions Andor additions resolution 4 50-23 is resolution authorizing building Department refund to cancel a permit resolution 45123 is a resolution authorizing raffle license for Nelly K Parker School resolution 42-23 is a resolution authorizing Leisa escro for 433 hackin Avenue resolution 45323 is a resolution authorizing release of esro for 235 Prospect Avenue resolution 45423 is a resolution authorizing release of escro 4335 Clinton Place resolution 457 is resolu authorizing the execution of an interlocal agreement with the buau of parabus for the maintenance and repair of vehicles to the fire department and resolution 458 d23 the resolution authorizing the submission of fiscal year 2024 Buren County Community Development Block Grant application to Wolf Place roadway improvements projects I need a motion call council member venberg Mayo hica council member Carol hi May hi okay and then we need 4623 45623 is a resolution authorizing the awarding of Co-op contract for the purchase of two police vehicles any a motion please offering roll call council member vber hi mayorca Council Carol sh mail R Us hi okay with that anybody from the public would like to speak or I need a motion to open to the public all in favor anyone from the public would like to speak please come forward there's no one here you're here me I hope there's someone on the video screen we watching all right look I um I'm rich Sero on Spring Valley I'm so glad that that's still on the dock at the uh the Spring Valley uh tonight yeah I I I doubt if anything's going to happen with that but it's good that it's on there anyway because it's still absolutely ridiculous on Spring Valley AB if you lived there you would know what I mean okay a couple things let's uh talk about you know years ago I used to really pay attention to L okay and I used to pick it up trash it tell the businesses that were responsible for it and they did something about it so now that there's no garbage bags they don't give them out anymore I I don't have one in my pocket all the time so I mean not that I'm I'm laxing on picking up trash because it's still everywhere okay on residential streets on busy business area streets there's lots of truck trash around now I don't know I guess we have uh trash pickup but I I I don't think anybody's going to get out of their truck and and go around and walk around and pick up trash I doubt that so it's left to us we're still doing it I still pick up trash on my block so I just want you to know it would be nice if some of the guys doing the trash would you know walk a few blocks hey let's you know let's pick this stuff up that's on the road that we're we're uh doing with a machine or whatever another thing the machine that you're using for uh for leaves I mean it's so it's like oldfashioned that that claw what do you call that the a Ting the um The Lobster Claw The Lobster Claw for called The Ting that's the name yeah it's it's it's too oldfashioned I mean it's what is that all about very efficient it work it does I would like the vacuum yeah okay the vacuum trucks how many are there one are there two n for Le I thought we had one there's no vacuum truck in hack ATT attack I thought we had one back jets for all right well the the way the um the claw picks up leaves it just takes it looks like it it's from uh 1901 or something what they're doing it's just too oldfashioned there's got to be a sort of a you know a better way to do that okay a couple more things cuz I know I'm getting out I'm going to be trashed out of here uh look um no non non non- tax properties I'm wondering if we're making any progress with that all of all of non-t tax properties uh uh government buildings schools hospitals Hospital go ahead I take no all of it all of it even the some uh uh some religious institutions everything there's lots of people getting away with no paying no taxes okay and and and the last thing is I I don't know what's going on last a while ago we we used to uh talk a lot about tax breaks uh for all the U uh development going on and there was a key word abatement used the tax abatement now is there any final room inside those abatements and if there are can we talk about them what's going on with all the tax breaks over the last several years now it's been a while so that's it thank you very much and last night was was pretty nice I thought the I thought the uh was a good turnout the Christmas tree lighting was nice and happy holiday okay I was respond with something non properties no motion close all in favor I Stephanie you're up um I just want to start off by thanking uh Mr Le see the rec department DPW for last night's tree lighting it was a a big success the weather was great um it was a great crowd uh our rec wrestling season has started we are up to 86 wrestlers which is amazing with six female wrestlers um last the year before that we had about 60 and I think the year before that we were in 40 so we are really um getting more and more wrestlers out there which is exciting we have about 13 coaches as well so um you know the programs expanding and we're really excited about that um last but not least our annual Recreation holiday party will be on the 16th at the hack pack and we still have our gingerbread contest open um so anyone out there listening please uh check those things out and we're excited to to host those and look forward to a great holiday season have a good night everybody thanks St um usually I talk about anything that's on the agenda for redevelopment there's nothing on the agenda tonight for redevelopment but a couple other question that rich brought up I I'll try and take a take a a shot at them um you mentioned the hospital far as and non taxable properties the hospital pays over $5 million on their properties that are taxable and in addition to that they pay another $4 million as a host Community agreement for their non-taxed or nonprofit uh properties so probably it's over five and then the four and some other monies they give us for parking and so looking at they're paying close to $10 million a year uh to the city for their for their property so they do contribute to the city um as far as other non-taxable properties you know we still do the rolling assessments every year and part of that is always to you know the the outside company to take a look at what properties are still you know nonprofit versus versus profit I know Leo worked very hard on looking at some of these churches and uh you know we continue to do that so um I hope that answers part of your question um the question about tax abatements any any pilot that that is is going to be avoided you know has it's all open and transparent it has to be voted on by the council so anytime there is one it is brought up at the council meetings we just don't have one tonight and I don't think oh we may not have had one for the past couple of meting because pretty much we're in a phase where we're seeing a lot of the construction being done so you know the pilot decisions are very early phases and the very beginning of of the projects um just for an example I know we talked about this at budget time so I'll remind you of this in this year's budget uh for the pilots we were we we were able to estimate that we'd be receiving at least $4.5 million from Pilot monies for the year of 2023 we can only base our estimate on the prior Year's assumption so what we've seen so far every year we always receive more than what that estimate is so we're looking this year at bringing over 4 million into the city from from any of the the pilots that uh that had been awarded so I hope that answers your questions Rich um again the tree lighting yes uh I was there last night too we had good weather and you know gpw thanks to everybody the minist Street Alliance everybody that works so hard to to get this together the the high school send some of their folks the cultural arts people have some people from the Caper so I think it was really a nice event and uh everyone seemed to be enjoying it uh vny mentioned in his report that we will be providing free parking again on both Main Street and Anderson Street from December uh 17th through January 1st and this is to help support our local businesses so please get out there look at our local businesses first before you do some of your shopping and I'm sure you'll find some lovely things and and you help our local businesses through we have one more counsil meeting um before the end of the year but we do have holiday season upon us right now so happy holidays to everyone and have a good night thank you well we had to say the police fire the p Recreation especi they did a wonderful job last night and we got a problem with a speed in different streets in the city and at least we did all the stud for fman Avenue and somebody traffic department is in charge and they should be communica with n that way we can inst install the table b car part getting you know most of the job done and let's see we can finish that the next few months we're still working to prepare the spec for Jon par and the way we come go out for Beats we are working to prepare the plans for the greenhouse and related to the problem like Rich mention about the houses and churches I got few th000 back for the city like in a particular cave the person in in the in particular house die and they don't pay taxes for 2 years so the city got a money back and they we got like a $22,000 then we got a house that they say belong to a church that was somebody living in the house the house pay now the taxes to the city another 11,000 and in no easy to try to find if they really should be pay taxes or not because they got lawyers and they present the cases to the city and sometime our lawyers trying to get the money but I continue working to try to get money back now the problem with the leaf and the streets being working to try to find now is a reason why the Landscaping Company throw the lead and the street that eventually they go into the catch BAC and no matter what we are doing sometime with the time we find our s lines or the storm line Fuller will live so if the resident pay for the landscaping company to clean the front and back of the houses why is the reason the Landscaping guy is thr the leave in the street some people they pick them up some of the people don't so we got to look into that to prevent that our sew lines or stone line they get clap we all the garbage thank you have a good night okay and I like to thank everyone for um attending last night's uh tree Ling ceremony was a great event and the D W and everyone did a fantastic job like uh to see the city take advantage of the free parking during this holiday season and support our local businesses and um that's all I have to say tonight everyone get home safe and God bless thank you okay so rich you talked about uh picking up trash and we appreciate the fact that you did that but we do twice a year we do uh we call it slam dunk the where probably about 20 different Civic groups in hackin sack all get small grants which are provided to the city to go around and they go to all different areas and they pick up basically slam dunk to junk they pick up trash they do like all the parks they do uh ORS Woods uh they do along the railroad tracks where it's really really really bad and uh they they pick up quite a bit of garbage and it's only twice a year but it it does make a difference so I I agree with you uh people nothing gets me angry than when I see somebody throw something out a car window or something you know and some people are just rude and you know bad behavior but uh yeah no we want a clean City and uh we appreciate the fact that people would pick up after themselves thank you for that um last night was a really really good night I've been doing this since 2009 that might have been the best night we ever had last night great weather uh the kids was like really a lot of kids last night that were really happy um it was great that we had the Drone there to capture a lot of the stuff that was a lot of fun um yeah it was a good night and uh thanks to everybody that made in have and special thanks to Greg always uh great up there on stage and uh runs a great show the oh and yeah the the course in the high school and the the staff in the Christmas caper which I will be attending on Friday night with uh my crew of 11 so I half a row on Friday night to watch the show and looking forward to it um couple changes tonight we spoke uh during the council the whole about making some changes moving you know as far as engineering goes we're you know we we get our we have these wonderful projects going on and they take much longer than they should they get snagged up and in a quagmire and change orders and all kinds of things and and we really need to focus on getting people in here that can get the job done in a Tommy manner so we can get our Parks back in shape and and back for our kids to use that was one of the big conversations very important conversations that took place tonight here at the council meeting and uh like Kathy said happy holidays to everybody if we going to see you at the next meeting and uh wish everybody good night thank you motion to oppose a meeting a second all in favor I None oppos here's