e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e we ready good evening everybody um we're going to go right to the city manager's report M yes sir okay uh on tonight uh number one mayor is there's a resolution uh the 2024 Anderson Street MPP grant extension that's what this is about depan mayor is it's a uh it's just an extension until 2025 that they had to apply for because there's still some details going into the design and everything for it okay so that's why there's no presentation presentation right um also on tonight is a resolution for uh Bergen County shared services agreement for tree removal this is a uh just a standardized agreement that um if there's any trees that are on a county roadway or any trees that are deemed to be County that we uh will work with them and getting the trees removed they will remove them if they if we have if we request it and this is just a shared services agreement to do so um regarding this we need to discuss regarding uh Garden at sty Park uh we have uh approximately $135,000 that was uh originally assigned for a pocket park that we'd like to use that money to address uh a possible or or address putting a Serenity Park in side park um there will be uh based on our initial design um I've been talking to Al dib about this as well the uh the garden could cost because it's its proximity at sty Park to the brook that's there um we it may require some D permitting and some other items so in order to do that it's going to exceed the $135,000 probably um more closer to $300,000 um but the the reason that we're discussing what we're discussing tonight is that I need to get seek your approval to not divert but change that funding that we do have in place for the pocket parks to go to to to the serenity park at uh sty Park I just think there's a number of things number one we should be certainly looking at whatever grant money we can get our hands on for that absolutely and I think that we have to plead our case with the EP that we're taking an impervious surface you know we're looking at broken up or whatever concrete Madam whatever it may be and and you know we're turning it into a perious so the adjacency to the to the the brook all these things are very positive what we're doing and I think we we need to be strong with them to the effect of understand what we're really doing and maybe some of this perme meting could be either waved or combined together to keep our cost a little bit lower I certainly will ask that you know what it's like dealing with the DP by certain I do but we have to try absolutely our case and we have to try because they don't understand what this project is 100% about they don't really understand or see what it looks like or understand that we're taking and we're breaking up an impervious surface here which is what they want these are things that are very positive for the city and yeah there's going to be guidelines they going to be things that have to be tested but I think we have to push the envelope a little bit with everybody especially in these financial times we have to be a little bit more careful that's all I'm saying understood yeah it's definitely beneficial considering you know we get these 50 hundred year storms and Cole's Brook just anybody that knows that area it just rages like a river and that you know having an impervious area like that in front of where it really bottlenecks down by Madison where they really get hit hard is is is a great idea so that that has to be expressed they should be paying us to do it mayor well yeah that's I I don't disagree but we should definitely uh like the deputy mayor said let's check with our our grand people and see what's out there Vinnie are those costs all encompassing like what if we look to different organizations for donations or volunteers to do some of the the that's not that hasn't been put into the design yet okay um a lot of believe it or not a good portion of of the of the cost is the permitting with the you know to to put it there believe it or not that's what we were not that was not part of our expectation for this project and that's you know it kind of it's one right on top of the other it's a lot of permits and they're expensive because you've got to pay for the application you got to pay for the engineer to do the application then you got to pay the permit fees the analysis that might need to be done doing all of the permitting one on top of the other so I think we need to plead our case I think we should be doing that anyway but I want to make sure we're doing that here absolutely because we all know it's a priority it's something that um would definitely be a huge Improvement to um to the park also as John said you know Improvement to managing storm water 100% Is it feasible I don't know you will they come up here and meet with us the D yeah at they come here before show them show them plan what our plan is yeah once we get once we get to that point I don't see why they wouldn't and the beneficial the benefit to the environment and everything else I think it's a home run okay plus it' be great for the community yes uh number four uh the ordinance is back on for the increase in monthly parking fees um we had pulled that as you know last meeting because of uh we had some questions about the EV Chargers um and uh and the cost so that's uh been corrected and is on for tonight right and we update from 5 to 25 correct um and all the other uh increases which haven't taken place since uh 200 three I believe it was uh are in there as well um I discussed this I talked to Jackie about this I think the one thing we have to continue to look at here is what's the process for this this is something new so no one's going to call up and say oh I have five EV cards let send you a check okay so I don't know you know with the monthly porking do they have to give Mak some models of cars when they do it is there a certain restriction I don't I do not believe so no we're going to have to figure it out because who's going to offer to pay for it right so I think that whatever the process is I think we're going to have to Define that so that we know how many you know you're renting 30 spaces how many people do you expect to be driving have e CS right right okay and really it's just this $25 is just paying that price or that premium because we provide that service within the garage that they can then go and use the EV charging station so it makes it a nicer plus to them to have that in the garage two things we probably should reach out to Tesla because Tesla is now putting supercharger stations all over the place uh hack can be a destination for that it can be in in some of our parking areas um the other thing is and this happens where I work at the hospital so an EV po in it goes to one of the superchargers that is supplied there by the hospital it's a 2hour charge it takes 2 hours to charge that car in the supercharger but that car sits there for 8 10 hours you which is a total waste so there is Char three vehicles during that time yeah four other people could get charged is there a way to you know limit the amount of time you park at one of these Chargers but again that's all got to be policed so our traffic people our our poos peos o00 yeah so during the day they could keep track of it John it's a shame because people don't get to charge their cars because one guy's got the charge we had that concern mayor when I was looking into last year we were looking into putting them on Main Street actually a couple locations to have public Chargers EV charges there and we the part of the discussion that came up was how do you stop somebody from parking their car there hooking up to the charger and then just walking away and not coming back for 68 hours you know The Parking Spot yeah and we would lose the revenue from revenue from The Parking Spot EXA so you there's there's multi but I think we just I mean I'm I'm glad that we're doing it in the garage but I think we have to define the process so we know how we enforce it and how we manage it and how we check on all of these things no one's really thought of that yet so yeah we could always change it as yes we can always amend it yes so um last but not least I will call up uh Chris weaton our city engineer uh for the CSO and storm Mort par update evening everybody good evening okay uh jumping into our CSO and con construction projects um Frank said oh there he is I don't see Frank anymore so it's it's a little bit of a mystery okay um this is uh just a quick overview of our delivery schedule for construction and design projects the uh major projects nothing has changed in this uh since our meeting last time getting into our CSO or combined sewer system separation projects we're currently working on the Anderson Street project again we're adding about uh more than 20 acres to the 80 acres that have been separated already uh in the city on the Anderson Street project uh we are continuing to make good progress and the progress is is shown here uh there's a lot to cover I think um uh just you know we're continuing to make good progress and coordination is ongoing uh with the utilities uh violi is presently on Clay Street and psng is working on berdan and James and um it's it's very important that we get that work done so that then we can move on and install the storm Culvert in those areas now that we have uh the sanitary installed our Vorhees Lane Pump Station was started up a couple weeks ago we are having some operational issues with this station as we're encountering um materials that are coming down the pipe the pipe uh the pipe leading to the the wet well for the pump station uh we are seeing Wipes we are seeing some other materials um it appears that uh that this is perhaps an accumulation of debris that's been uh deposited over several years the Hydraulics to this station the slope of the pipe to this station is improved is better than uh than the influent pipe to the old pump station so we have a better velocity and we're we're seeing that U material resulting in our station we are also doing some Source determination to go Upstream with our CCTV and uh and identify if there are any uh in improper discharges happening uh that are that are causing some of our problems so we're working through those issues now can we go back to that for a minute so so this is a nonso sewer correct so where do you think this is coming from uh from the from what people are putting down the sanitary uh the sanitary sewer whatever they're flushing whatever they're discharging there are Industries in the area there are dry cleaners in the area and um but you have Nono so it's a non-combined sewer right so it's just sewage this is that's this should be just it should be just sewage okay it doesn't belong in there like the wipes and yeah all right thank you uhu we are also presently working on um a hazard mitigation Grant project for the southern portion of the city this area shown in red is uh uh going to add about another 80 acres um of uh bind sewer and storm water uh improvements and uh we're currently doing CCTV if we want to move on to the next slide our CCTV program is about just about complete we're going to be wrapping up this month uh 96% complete we've done about 34 miles of sewers and um getting some you know important data for our design of the uh of of the new uh infrastructure that will handle uh additional storm water flow in Parks Carver Park we are complete with concrete our cameras and conduit installation is pending uh God bless bless you and um we will be finishing up the project this month um I should say weather dependent of course uh because we cannot surface the courts uh uh or or do Paving when it's raining so um but that's the expectation we have a we have about uh really very very little work remaining in this project and we we want to wrap it up as soon as possible as does the contractor real quick Chris on that have we put top soil in there and have they put grass seed down yet no that hasn't happened yet because we want need to jump on that because we're going to miss out on on we've been having that that very same discussion so we just um it's the city's responsibility to put in the uh the cameras the conduit uh for the cameras okay so uh that's what we're that's what we're working on right now is getting that conduit installed and uh and the cameras installed so once that conduit is if we have to if we have to install after the top soil goes in and the Landscaping is done that's not the end of the world it would be a small trench but uh we'd like to get that in before you know before we uh finish the Landscaping if possible so we're that decision is going to be made tomorrow or or or the day after be hard enough to get the I mean to keep people off the growing grass it's going to be a problem which you know early spring is the best time to really you know get that seene in there yes agreed thank you mayor Chris do you have a separate status on the on the uh pipes the retention pipes that are going to go into Carver Park or we're going to talk about that here um I don't have a slide on that so um all just quickly um with all because it's on the agenda tonight so with all of these additional um activities that seem to be being required have we have yourself or Ryan have you spoken yourself to the state to discuss or talk about whether all this stuff is really 100% necessary to pertain to the grant or we just relying on Suburban doing that uh it's it's quite it's it's been evident uh from the communications back and forth that this is required um it is have we the city we have we have not we have not person some of these things I think we need to be a little more proactive you know we we know that these engineering firms make a ton of money on this stuff okay and uh so it's easy for them you know to want to do these things as well I just think it's important that the city should just a couple of phone calls just verifying and maybe explaining what we're really doing and why we're doing it and the cost associated with it and and and does it really make sense for us and just get you know a second opinion you know when you're spending this kind of money I think it's always worth it to have at least a second opinion so noted we'll do Johnson Park uh we're just putting the finishing touches on these documents and I expect to have them on to um uh Finance the end of this week um for uh um review for bid advertisement just please make sure we have the discussion that there's going to be lines on that field for other sports besides soccer I thought I thought that discussion was happening on the council side well uh who's directing that from Suburban uh this is a this is the architect's um delivery presently it's so that's hqw you go back to the picture yeah sure so do the clerk just make sure the get make sure the clerk gets that contact number and she gets it to me so I can have a discussion with them okay certainly can we zoom in on this a little can probably so this yeah this is this doesn't reflect any changes I know there was a a lot of um conversation about this last month um nothing has changed um as as we've been okay so I have someone who ran Hackensack junr football in the audience tonight and Gary Tano Who's involved in the city in many different ways but back in the day when I coached my kids played football Gary and Walter car ran the junior program correct G so can you uh pull out on that Frank thank you the um as you can see they broke that down into like quadrants inside that field all right we were looking and we promised Hack and Sack Junior wrestling that or junior football that there would be a place for them to play indoors and to practice but in order to do that you need the designated delineated lines to play football there's no five yard markers nothing on this so councilman pag and I have had a little disagreement along with with the councilman Carol about this needs to be ly for football probably should be lined as well for field hockey the T all the taxpayers in town not just soccer parents pay for that field uh football parents pay for it um we all pay for it so it should be available to All Sports and it should be shared equally that's that's that's pretty much the consensus of of the council I think um and there's plenty of outdoor fields that are marked for all three that you have plenty of examples I mean just go our high school field for one our high school field for one but even if you Google go out and Google you'll get plenty of examples chrisy you could share with the engineering firm so we've even said they don't have to be they can be like gold lines versus white lines he he says it's a problem for the for the kids to play soccer on a field with football lines and I go it's done all the time so you know I just wanted your opinion on that if go ahead G no no that's those four would basically one full football field that's like a football full soccer field broken down into quadrants for smaller s and it can be and I'm surprised they did it like that because that design doesn't and there's two going the other way as well if you look um what's the length of of it's it's it's it's there's not sufficient distance for a full-size football field this is this would be scaled for um for junior football Jun football Jun football that's not entirely true yeah you could do a full foot you can do a full football field there unfortunately the endzones will be shortened but you still get aund uh you you still get the 100 yards of football that is needed Junior scho even even if it was a little shorter because the Juniors play the C team plays on a shorter field than the blue and gold but I think we could still fit the 100 yard in there the 100 yard field will fit in the dome there except the end zones inste instead of being a full length of the end zones um will only be um shortened I Believe by five yards that's the only I I believe it's just short by five yards the end zones I apologize for not being a football person but for practice time would it make sense that folks could come in practice and not need the whole field correct okay so there's ways when you need to have a game you require the whole field so it would all be about scheduling ex so there would be practice scheduling and there would be full game scheduling just like there would be for soccer right and the ideal she situation is you share the field right right so just wanted to get that out of the way thank you Gary maybe we could work on that for the next meeting we did provide a number of examples to City manager's office which were relay to the council for uh for review and consideration all so you have a bunch for the council they were sent by jacine um have have you guys decided on one that you like no the ones that were sented you guys looking up I have to take a walk all right that was the last meeting they were sent prior to the last meeting or maybe we could decide folks yeah we got to get moving on that MH so we don't hold it up where we at Prospect app uh Moving On We're on polyfly Park drainage improvements um this project will be starting in about two weeks and uh we're going to do our best to uh keep um um the majority of the park uh in service while uh while work is is going on on with with appropriate um you know construction safety precautions uh we'll be doing drainage improvements from uh uh from the down from from the downstream or downhill side and working uh up the hill uh so on this figure from from right to left the prospect AV pedestrian Safety project is uh on the docket to be awarded this evening um and uh so the award is pending for 400 $331,000 the project is funded by a grant uh from NJ for 460,000 so this is a real um a boon for the city to have uh you to to be able to get these grants for to accomplish these kinds of projects so um it's providing a new crosswalk at Atlantic Street uh across Prospect as well as a new crosswalk uh crosswalks at uh at at Thompson Chris I'm I'm assuming mean these overheads that's on the Atlantic crosswalk yes okay for John Earl uh we're finishing up here as well the lighting has been installed and we're putting the uh finishing um we're we're finishing the interior uh painting and uh trim and uh and Furniture the counters are going in the flooring and tile as you see the bathroom fixtures are being installed and uh we now have electricity to the outside uh street lights the Landscaping was done the past couple days too um I think this is a picture from today from Ryan they they did put the top soil in but um I heard there p and everything in already oh okay I I haven't I have I'll drive by as I leave tonight just to see are we still on track for uh as far as I know as as far as I know okay Chris I have a question I was over there the other day um in in the front of the building there's all these nice wood floors why are we putting carpet here why didn't we just resurface you resand the floors they're they're not in I mean they I I don't I actually don't know uh that you know the the scope it's easier to maintain in the carpet and it looks a heck of a lot too the the scope of the project was established about the same time that I was hired so this project was given to the architect um with with like I say of curiosity could you just let me know maybe there's something I don't think there as yeah I don't think they're as clear you know as as clean and refurbish because there there is a lot of water damage is is is but you sand and you know you can do a lot with that all right just let me know I'm just curious because they really look pretty good one of the things that I noticed the last time I was there for an inspectrum was and the the hardwood floors were still there they they were severely damaged I don't know if they were damaged um during construction because it looks like they were damaged during construction with stuff was dragged yeah they probably didn't care because they were putting the carpet in I to me it's just it's you know for for maintenance purposes and and cleanliness purposes you know well the only thing I can I I can say I totally agree is the the type of carpeting that goes when in there commercial grade squares which if there is damage you pull a square up and put a new Square down attrative the wood floor I know what you're saying question I just curious I was surprised that we were putting the caret I I agree it's it it is a conversation that that we've had as we've walked through the building um we we will be keeping um the the front entry foyer um we'll we retain the wood finish and have a a city logo um within the in the floor so you'll have you'll see it there at least but maybe when we get to the second floor we'll have more options doing floor is it Center is going to be on the first floor now right I guess I I guess I shouldn't have mentioned that I someday someday when we do the second not not on the current plan right it's not in the current plan we're watching the financing right Jim so it's not in the current plan no okay thank you we're good you're welcome and just a reminder everybody um do your part um uh to not flush wipes or uh anything that's that's not human waste or toilet paper down the toilet it's it's a it's it's a real problem for sewer maintenance it causes a lot of damage and and it causes added costs to the city that's all for this evening unless there's any questions any questions I gu there is there any update um forini with the D we did we did have a a meeting with with DP we've had a couple more um back and forth after that meeting there will be mitigation required uh there not going to um they're not going to relax the 150 foot Steph I have I have um that's for something I had for uh executive session and here's the new uh okay plan that addresses that up that's thank you is it Eagle is Eagle issue yeah yes yes issue I'm I'm sorry one other thing came to mind as as you were talking about the serenity Garden at St Park um we would certainly request a pre-application meeting with D um it would be appropriate to have the concept plan from Colliers in hand I think before we have that pre application mean so that they can see specifically what it is that's that's being proposed they come here I would like to take them there let them see the conditions and I'm not sure if they will come here I I agree but I'm saying if they would that would be what we should do is meet down there m well if we have to go there we should definitely bring no if we don't go there we Zoom pict whatever show them zo if they won't come I think we just do we we and Deputy Mayor we we did make the same we did have the same discussion uh with the project manager from colar on um you know we're really we're improving the the characteristics of drainage in this U of U infiltration in this site by tearing out the parking lot that's what I said they should be paying us yeah they um the engineers's expertise is that that doesn't matter for for this project never hurts to ask right Chris it never hurts to ask to ask but yes okay thank you Chris thank you thank you need a motion to open to the public please offer second all in favor I I None opposed anyone from the public would like to speak the microphone is yours please come forward you'll have three minutes I know Frank's around here somewhere Frank can you hear me in the in that room good evening Marty Smith Prospect Avenue I'm wondering if we have a timeline for the installation of the flashing Beacon pedestrian crossing signs for Prospect Avenue at Berry Street and golf I know we have had a $400,000 grant for upgrades to safety devices on Prospect do we know that might be done Chris will answer that for you Mr Smith she's right behind you she'll answer that Mr SMI um so we did we have spoken to traffic about um putting flashing pedestrian beacons at those locations it's a it's a budget item that needs to be funded I think we have a portion of that but but we don't well I thought we had a grant for that for Prospect avue of $400,000 we we could potentially apply for another grant for for this that the M okay Chris explain to him the ones you presented tonight was the gr right he knows that right okay all right that okay uh in a recent uh record article about a week and a half ago uh nearly 2 million Grant in Grants provided for pedestrian safety in New Jersey here in uh Bergen County um hackensac is scheduled I believe to receive about a million dollars for upgrades to railroad crossings for pavement and signals now I I know that most of the railroad crossings in Hack and Sack are in good condition uh there may be a couple that need it as far as the type of signals that they're referring to as far as upgrades are concerned I don't know if they're talking about gate or they're talking about lights or things of this nature so I think there will be enough funds available to take care of that project uh the last thing I'd like to mention all municipalities have a speed limit of 25 miles an hour in school zones hacken sack High School the elementary school on uh Central Avenue have 25 mph zones I'm wondering why does hackensac Avenue at berch Academy have a speed limit of 40 mil an hour now that 40 m hour speed limit runs southbound from Route four to the uh Sears parking lot where there is a 35 mph speed limit that takes effect at that point now I don't know why we should have a 40 mph speed limit there I know it's a County Road and I my own personal opinion from past experience with the county is that County seems to be enamored of faster speeds on County roads here in hackensac but I think if that is the rule of thumb for all school districts that that street should have a lower speed limit okay Mr Smith um one thing I can I'd like to just let you know about with that particular intersection we are the county is funding an entire entirely funding the project to put a traffic light at the entrance to Bergen tech there with turning Lanes um which is going to definitely slow down traffic coming southbound and Northbound in front of berant tech they've finally come to the realization that the traffic coming in and out of berch is so bad and we had a pedestrian a child a student pedestrian struck a couple months ago uh right in front of bergant tech over there so there is improvements coming to the entrance in and out of tech there where they're going to put a signal and turning Lanes they're going to widen the roadway so that's forthcoming I would say probably in the next 12 to 18 months okay thank you very much thank you for your welome next person from the audience anybody come on up good evening my name is Jan Scher and I live on birkshire place I'm here really in an unusual um cause so I am uh director of health services at Bergen's promise Bergen's promise is here in hackin saac three University Plaza actually right next to uh the sports complex and uh We've Ser served about 10,000 children within the county 2,000 within the district and hundreds and hundreds here in hackensac what Bergen's promise does is no matter what the income level is Rich poor whatever we offer services to children with mental health issues intellectual Dev developmental issues and substance use issues so we're having our first um inaugural legislative breakfast on May 3rd and we're over 200 people are coming some state senators shab Sumter is going to be speaking we have a couple of Mayors one from Saddlebrook I have invitations which I think you've gotten by email for each of you we would love somebody to to represent hackensac and that's really why I'm here I don't know if if I'm allowed to give it to the I'm actually working on it cuz my wife being an educator hackin for years was reached out to by uh assistant superintendent Rosemary Marx uh last week and she I'm trying to because I work during the day I'm trying to right check my schedule but I'm going to do my best to get there thank you very much and also to the school systems uh whove been wonderful working with us um with the children and the police department they were here uh at our uh facility they're going to be doing an active shooter drill with us and uh it's been Wonder F and we hope to see some of you there thank you thank you thank you good evening G Tano Fairmount Avenue uh in regards to the serenity Garden I'm glad to hear there be some progress is being made uh just to bring Mr Caruso up to speed because he wasn't around in those days in 2019 um Ted arenburg the city manager at the time had a basically a a meeting in the park uh and those days it was around having a a dog a dog park there in the wooded area so uh the public was invited many from the neighborhood came that day and um things somehow morphed into looking at that as for lot which used to be a ice skating rink in a basketball court many many years ago and possibly how we could get rid of the asphalt Deputy Mayor canestrino met with uh Mr Joe Summers a neighbor in that na person in that neighborhood and we we said let's maybe just get the get the asphalt out and put grass in there and then move from there and then the idea of a Serenity Garden came up where the uh environmental commission at the time was trying to spearhead the ideas and then since then then the Garden Club of hackin saac has started and it's very enthusiastic waiting in the wings to possibly donate because we are getting a lot of funds to plant whether they're pollinator Gardens and such we did have a presentation here shortly after that by one of the environmental uh commission people Pedro Delo who's an educator in town and she made a presentation here and showed some Concepts about what a Serenity Garden would look like in that area I believe that the asphalt is probably the most expensive item to be removed and then the the permits but Kohl's Brook is a tributary of the hackin sack River we shouldn't have any problem with d the hackin sack River Keeper found out that they could go there now and start cleaning along the brook they so they they like to advertise that but I'm quite sure they're they're they're probably could get a lot of grants for us for hackin saac to be a partner in getting that uh renovated and what has to be I agree with the mayor the water comes out of uh storm water comes off the low's project in that that parking lot up there in paramis there's a main tributary that comes into Kohl's Brook further down near Main Street that comes out of the Ridgewood uh River Edge neighborhood and then it's as wide as col's Brook and gets wider when the flooding comes so there's a lot of factors that contribute to that flooding down in the gorge it really races down there near Maine all the way up to maybe uh leis let's say on top plus the debris that gets thrown in from landscapers and such so anyway I'm I'm I'm happy to hear I'm I'm willing to work with you as a resident I'm not on the environmental commission anymore but that's been a passion of environmental commission and many in the neighborhood to to renovate that area and and have a beautiful Serenity garden with pths doesn't have to be a lot pads flowers some benches it'll take the place of having a dog park people can still walk their animals in they wish so it'll be th% improvement over what's there right now thank you thank you hi I'm Janet wiah and I'm on the environmental commission and on the Green Team and we're very happy to hear about this um sty Park happening and I agree with everything said it's a long time coming but um it also is exciting because of the recent um use of sponge Gardens to help absorb water along watersheds and I think the D and like um Gary said the riverkeepers would help us um design quite a wonderful place I think we it'll fill with flowers and rose bushes and um native plants that absorb water so uh I think I can Envision it and we can have some pathways through it maybe not cement Pathways maybe actually made out of stone make it really a very pleasant place to sit and people could sit along the creek there I think it could be very nice and since that drain there's that huge drain in the middle there I think that may find that it's it provides water from other towns or something might be flowing through there I think it might help with the Watershed it could be sewer pipes even we know that big there's a big huge drain in there so I think it will improve the um flooding hopefully absolutely thank you thank you Janet anyone else from the public motion to close okay all in favor I I None opposed so we're going to go back into close session for small bit and be back right around 8:00 all right thank you everybody you're leaving have a wonderful evening e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e impatient uh Madam clerk okay um we need to call the meeting to order because we're not closing the other meeting yet okay okay this this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meeting Act njs 10 4-6 SEC notice of which was sent to the record in the Star Ledger and was posted on the municipal bulletin board Goot call please council member Von rudenberg here Deputy Mayor Canino here council member T is absent council member Carol here mayor here would everybody please rise for the flag salute I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God IND isible with liberty and justice for all thank you so we do have a couple proclamations tonight and we'll start out with the education and sharing day and I see Rabbi Wendy Mendy maniker is here so would you like to come up while I read this you can bring their children testing it's working whereas April 19th 2024 will Mark 122 years since Reby rabbi menam schneerson did I say that correctly pretty good thank you both the global spiritual leader and less advocate for youth around the world emphasize the importance of education and good character and whereas this year begins the celebration of the 75th anniversary of his leadership of the Shabad luich movement Shabad is an acronym of three words for wisdom understanding and knowledge the name lubich comes from the city which served as the movement's headquarters for over a century and mean city of love love of wisdom love of fellow man and love of of our creator have guided Shabad luich movement throughout its history and are the essence of education at its best and should pass to all young people and bring them up no they're good oh they're good okay and whereas in recognition of the Rees at standing in lasting contributions Congress has established his birth date as a national day to raise awareness that even a single positive Act of an individual can change the world and whereas the character of our young people is strengthened by serving a cause greater than self and by the anchor of Virtues including courage and compassion by instilling a spirit of service in our children we create a more optimistic future for them now therefore I John P Bross Jr mayor of the city of hackensac along with the members of this city council do hereby proclaim the date of April 19th 2024 as education and sharing day in the city of hackensac and call upon everyone to reach out to those within their Community to work together to create a brighter Kinder and more in future for all so yes it's an honor to be able to read this tonight I know think we've done it in the past join us thank you thank you so much congratulations thank you appreciate it thank you take care thank you for uh reminding us to do that again yes and thank you guys for all of the wonderful work that you guys do all of you and I know it's a sometimes thankless job maybe often thankless job it's always appreciated because I see Conant every day I'm in the city I talk to people I see how people are engaged and involve in the city they're happy to see the city growing so thank you guys foring to do thank you appreciate that and I do have another Proclamation it's about bring the child to work day which is always exciting we're having that here on the city what day is that Deb the 25th the 25th so next week will be all the employees of the city some of the will be bringing their children to work uh members of the city council will be here I believe at 11:00 for some of them uh and it's always a fun day so whereas there has been a special day set aside for bringing boys and girls into the workplace and whereas they can learn about future job opportunities that may be available to them in the world of work and whereas this experience has allowed boys and girls the ability to explore occupations they would not ordinary learn about and whereas the children will understand that they can be and do anything that they put their hands minds and motivations too now therefore I John P lebros Jr mayor of the city of hackin saac with other members of the city council do hereby Proclaim Thursday April 25th 2024 is National take your sons Daughters to Work Day so I'm looking forward to that next week I'll leave that here it's signed thank you and we have one more proclamation to be read tonight uh oh I think I'm getting roasted this is a proclamation the off of Mayor of the city of hackin saac whereas John P lebros Jr is the 2024 recipient of hackin saac chapters of Unico National citizen of the Year award wow whereas John resides in hackensac and currently serves and currently serves as its mayor first elected to the city council in 2009 he became mayor in 2013 he is a dedicated public servant and longtime resident whose leadership is a driving force behind the transformation of of the city's financial and cultural landscape throughout his tenure he has demonstrated a commitment to fiscal responsibility that benefits the hardworking citizens of hackin and whereas mayor lorus along with the city council preservation of Columbus Park during a tumultuous time in 2020 their collaborative efforts along with hackin Unico played a huge part in the renovation of the Columbus statue and the Unico Plaza in 2021 and and whereas Beyond his professional Endeavors John takes immense pride in his family he is married to Debbie nent Cento a third generation Italian American is the proud father of Justin and his wife christe and Christopher and his wife Tara John is also proud grandfather of two granddaughters and four grandsons John's dedication to family reflects his commitment to building a strong and prosperous Community for generations to come and whereas in addition to his Public Service John works as a safety specialist at hackensac University Medical Center his multifaceted commitment to the community embodies his dedication to the well-being of hackensac and its residents now therefore I Kathleen canestrino deputy mayor of the city of hackensac along with the members of the city council to hereby honor John le Jr for all of his years of community involvement and congratulate him on his citizen of the Year award wow thank you appreciate it awesome thank you congrats M thank you thank you so congrats M we all know that none of this happens by one person by themselves especially the financial part I want to thank this Council for everything uh we've been able to accomplish uh since 2013 when we took over um City's has come a long way uh we've had some struggles but we've had some wonderful great strides uh we made it through a pandemic uh which was brutal on everybody but uh City came through and uh I think we came out stronger and better after that I want to thank you guys for all you've done for the city uh the rabbi nailed it when he said sometimes it's a thankless job uh but you know sometimes when I'm feel I when I'm feeling down about something in the city I get in my car drive down Main Street and I I perk right up because just that accomplishment alone and what what it's meant to the city and and people not just of hackin saac but Bergen County and and people who come and use the city every day uh a better place for them to visit or work uh it's it's a it's we've come a long way let's put it that way so I'm very happy with that so thank you appreciate it very much thank you John thank you so I wasn't expecting that you call by surprise that was our plan definitely surprise made and I'm hard to catch so I need a motion to approve the minutes of the March 19th 2024 regular C and executive session offer second all in favor I have I and we have one abtin okay so okay is that a word AB a word it is now so with that we go to the city manager's report thank you mayor City will be hosting our uh biannual slam dunk the junk event on April 27th applications and information is available on social media our community garden registration is now open to hackensac Residents please call or visit our Recreation Department for assistance opening day of baseball is scheduled for this weekend April 20th at 10: a.m. in facini Park Recreation summer camp registration is now open please contact our Recreation Department for assistance please register early as many programs are filling up quickly at this time I will now turn this over uh turn the meeting over to our CFO Mr Jim Mangan who will present the city's 2024 Municipal budget thank you bny there we go okay um tonight we'll be presenting the 2024 Municipal budget uh before I get into that let me just uh a little bit about the process the 24 budget was introduced at the last meeting okay and uh according to State Statute we need to have a public hearing on the budget that is at least 28 days after the introduction so the public hearing on the budget uh is scheduled for the next meeting on May 7th um at after the public hearing uh we'll then vote for adoption assuming we've gotten State approval by then okay we haven't gotten State approval yet okay all right tonight's present ation is similar to presentations in the past it's going to start with the mission statement as we usually do then go into hit the wrong button there we go uh then go into an overview of the budget um but then tonight I'm going to deviate and uh talk a little bit about health benefits health benefits are the key driver in the 2024 budget and certain aspects of it that you need to understand um so we'll be talking about health benefits a little bit okay so beginning with the mission statement the mission statement hasn't changed it's to improve the quality of life for hack andac residents by improving or increasing services to Residents without increasing taxes now having said that I'll be the first one to say that this budget does have a tax increase okay but that doesn't mean um that we change the mission the mission is still to deliver Services the best we can but always with an eye toward tax taxes and every decision we make is always impactful of what it will do to taxes but we will deliver services and we will always strive to keep that tax increase down to a minimum okay 2024 budget begins as it always does with the budget goal okay uh our budget goal is always to craft a budget that's accurate and continues the policies that have achieved long-term tax stability budget must provide the funding and plan for Community improvements and infrastructure for redevelopment and for tax relief uh those three U are the key components of any budget that we do as illustrated by this model I really like this model I use it every year um because it shows that uh what we're trying to do is as we bring development in into the city it provides the revenue the non- tax revenue for us to give tax relief to our residents and also to improve our infrastructure uh pave streets um fix sewers alleviate flooding upgrade parks and as we increase and improve our infrastructure that brings more development in and as more development comes in we have the revenue to increase Services provide more tax relief improve infrastructure which brings more development in and you see how it works and that's why those three uh comp components are always key to any of the budgets that we do now getting into the 2024 budget itself it's 128 mil 590,000 or a 5.3% spending increase now spending increase of 6.4 million needs to be explained um what is it that went up 6.4 million in this particular budget our health benefits in Insurance are up $7.3 million so with a total increase of 6.4 million and health benefits and insurance are up 7.3 million that means the entire rest of the budget was cut by 819,000 that's everything that's salaries that's other expenses grants Capital Debt Service everything um all the rest of the budget with the exception of insurance was cut by 819,000 and the reason that we did that was in order to hold the line on the tax increase created by the increase in health benefits it was necessary to make very deep deep Cuts in the entire rest of the budget and to do that without reducing any services or eliminating any programs okay now speaking of the other aspects of the budget okay first one is always salaries salaries are the biggest item in the budget 46,4 4,000 almost exactly the same number as last year 2023 our spending was 46 M 336,000 uh we're able to keep spending on salaries completely flat and how do we do that mainly through attrition um any open uh positions through retirements uh res ations Etc uh were left open okay some departments are running with smaller staff than they did last year we're also aggressively monitoring overtime uh particularly in police and fire we were able to achieve substantial budget savings by the monitoring o of overtime that happened last year we were able to uh reflect in Savings in the 2024 budget and even though we're able to hold the line on spending in salaries and wages through attrition it's important to understand that there were no staff reductions at all in public safety we have the same number of police officers same number of firefighters that we had last year next up is the department other expenses and this is the area where we uh that Drew the the largest cuts the 2024 budget for other expenses is a reduction of $600,000 over last year um in the graph you can see the drop from 2023 to 2024 and if you look at how it compares to the drop from 2020 to 2021 that was the height of the pandemic um we cut the OE budget during the pandemic because we eliminated a lot of programs programs were frozen okay this year uh we made even more cuts and no programs are Frozen now no programs have been cut but as I indicate in the final bullet some of the programs are being fin financed differently okay uh at the last meeting I mentioned that Recreation is offering more programs this year than they did last year but we're financing them differently we're going to finance them through the recreation trust fund to take the pressure off the budget and actually give the recreation department excuse me a little bit more flexibility then we have insurance and as I indicated earlier $7.3 million increase now the insurance budget is made up with health benefits which is $ 7,315 th000 increase uh Workers Compensation Insurance is up 221,000 and our general liability insurance is down 232,000 it's interesting workers comp and general liability flipped from last year last year workers comp was up about 200,000 and general liability was down about 200,000 um I'll have a lot more to say about health benefits a little bit later on okay uh next up we have pensions and statutory expenses statutory expenses are those items that we have to we have to pay for Social Security unemployment things like that um the pension uh statutory budget which is 13.9 million almost exactly the same number as last year it's about $8,000 more than last year and that's some very good news for us because we desperately needed that this year the last few years we've had these double digit increases in pensions completely um outside our control um so the fact that this year the pension budget came in flat um that was that was a welcome relief so we have a we have a spending increase of 6.4 million that translates into a tax levy increase of 2,784 th000 okay or a 3.1% increase to the tax Levy okay now with a spending increase of 6.4 million and only a tax uh and a tax increase I say only but a tax increase of only 2.7 million um where does the rest of that money come from okay and if I just spend a minute on that is uh first up is pilot Revenue pilot Revenue in 2024 is up by 2,35 th000 I'll have more to say about pilot Revenue in a minute our local Revenue which is fees permits licenses things like that that's up 1.6 million that's very encouraging um state aid for the second year in a row um from 2010 to 2022 there was no increase in state aid last year was the first increase this not not a large increase it's only 245,000 nothing nothing like the schools saw but still uh still a second increase an increase for the second year in a row uh the budget also includes CL A1 58,000 in revenue from not sale premiums and capital grants that have been realized in 2023 we did a real push to try and collect on Old grants old capital grants do grants cdbg grants okay we're able to bring in a million dollars in Revenue uh from there now grants for capital projects are always used to pay Down The Debt Service that's a a term that's in every Bond ordinance that we do okay so this is uh how we're able to have a 2.7% uh a $2.7 million tax levy increase when the spending increase is so high and I mentioned before about Pilots uh pilot Revenue just like all non-tax revenues are um used to offset increases in budget spending increases in budget spending always offset by increases in non-t tax revenue such as pilots pilots are up to U little more than $2 million over last year they were up a little more than $2 million from the year before and we're projecting that we're going to see these multi-million dollar increases each year for at least the next two or three years before it stabilizes it's important to understand though about with Pilots that the actual pilot Revenue that comes in is always more than what we budget and that's because of the uh the constraints of the budget system itself where we can't anticipate more than we took in last year except in certain circumstances um as an example last year we anticipated 4.4 million in Pilot Revenue but we actually took in 5.3 million okay so what does that do to our tax rate okay uh with this budget we're projecting a tax rate of 1.375 as compared to last year which was 1.3 okay uh that is a modest increase to the tax rate and even though we have had two years of increases to the tax rate um slight increases to the tax rate you'll see that the 2024 tax rate is still uh considerably less than the 2021 tax rate and immeasurably less than the 2015 tax rate that brings us to health benefits you know health benefits are the dve D in this budget that's that's causing the tax increase now to understand health benefits I just got to explain a little bit about self-insurance we are self-insured uh to understand self-insurance let me explain the opposite of self- insurance about 34s of the municipalities in New Jersey participate in the New Jersey state health benefits plan if you're in the state health benefits plan okay that's a very large pool of all these municipalities okay they determine what the costs are they give you they determine what the premiums are send you a bill in December you know exactly how much you need to budget you know exactly how much you're going to pay it's very easy system to administer okay um in Self insurance it's different we pay we don't pay premiums we pay claims and we pay claims in real time in other words employee goes to a doctor doctor sends a bill to Horizon Blue Cross who runs our program for us Horizon Blue Cross pays that doctor and then every two weeks they send us a bill for the claims that we have okay the problem with that is that there is risk okay um we try and project a a budget accurately but there is risk in health in self-insurance so for self-insurance you know the question is is it a blessing or is it a curse now in 2020 23 be very easy to say or based on 2023 it's a curse okay um my own opinion if they're doing this here for 11 10 10 10 years um I believe that Self insurance is actually a blessing if if you take the steps to try and reduce the risk as much as you can you can't reduce risk 100% okay but in the past you know we have taken a number of steps to try and control our health benefit costs way back in 2016 we had a spike in prescription costs and when that happened we took a long hard look at our entire health benefit program and from there we we took a number of steps uh first is we designed a new 7030 plan um 7030 meaning for out of network claims the city pays 70% the employee pays 30% versus the traditional 820 City pays 80% employee pays 20% we designed that plan in 2016 and then we actively marketed it to our employees now you'd think why would employee ever opt to voluntarily take that plan well it's because since employees contribute to their own health benefits now um it's a cheaper plan and if you stay in network there's no change to the coverage at all so if you stay in network you save money by going to this plan and many many employees did that voluntarily once a number of employees voluntarily moved to that plan then we started negotiating with the unions to offer that plan to everybody okay health benefits are a benefit that needs to be negotiated with the unions and we did that and quite a few of our unions opted into that okay right now most of our unions do have the 7030 plan as the plan in their um in their labor contract 2018 we created the health benefits trust fund um as a hedge against one of those bad years thankfully we had the trust uh we had the draw on it in 2023 we had a draw on it in 2022 um likewise a few years ago we segregated the library from the city uh um from the rest of the city library pays for their own health benefits um they asked for more accurate billing which was understandable we did that now we build the library exactly for what their employees cost um back in 2018 as I said we had a problem with prescriptions we switched providers we moved from Express Scripts to CVS KARK uh we've been with CVS KARK since then we're very happy with them the following year in 2019 we entered into a contract with a company called remedy analy itics and what they do is they screen all of our Pharmacy claims to make sure that we're only paying what we need to pay also and and remedy analytics does that free of charge um but as we know there's nothing free uh what they also do is they track our prescription usage and there are rebates that are available from farmaceutical companies based on volume remedy analytics tracks that they submit our rebates and in return they get a portion of those rebates last year we took in about $2 million in uh pharmaceutical rebates so this is what we've done to try and control costs in the past now this graph shows what we've paid in medical claims in the 10-year period from 2014 through 2023 first thing you see is the large jump in 2023 and what caused that there's a lot of reasons for for it okay and despite our best efforts to try and prevent it um but the big the the three biggest reasons for it are first that we're uh we're post pandemic okay during the pandemic in 2020 2021 in the first part of 2022 um people were staying home more uh they weren't getting hurt they weren't getting accidents um and they were putting off either elective surgery or nonurgent surgery a lot of people just didn't want to go to hospitals during the pandemic okay once the pan uh the pandemic pretty much subsided about halfway through 2022 and then there's a jump in elective surgeries okay um that started in 2022 continued in 2023 that together with uh inflation uh for most of 2023 uh we did have inflation anywhere between 5 and 7% it tapered off at the end of the year but for most of the year it was there and since the pandemic there's been a large large increase in all medical costs uh supplies are up uh there's a shortage of nurses a short shortage of doctors all those shortages have just driven uh prices up because of supply and demand but it's important to note that in the period between 2014 and 2022 our medical claims Rose only 1.4 4% per year uh that's that's excellent if we were in a state health benefits plan um you know double digigit increases are pretty much the norm uh we did very very well during that period 2014 to 2022 in fact in 2021 the amount we spent was actually $200,000 less than the amount we spent in 2014 um self- Insurance really helped the city of hackinson act despite the bad year that we had in 2023 but we had a bad year in 2023 you know and you want to know hey there's a problem you know what are you doing about it okay so here's our plan to combat it in 20124 first thing we're doing is we're investigating new providers uh we're allowed to do that under the labor contracts uh we're as long as the coverage is the same or even better than before we can switch providers this is what we did with the prescriptions in 2018 we're also considering uh going into a Medicare Advantage plan for our Medicare retirees um our retirees once you hit 65 are required to sign up for Medicare Medicare becomes their primary city becomes the secondary U the reason we're considering it is that Medicare retirees their claims have actually gone down the last couple years U so part of me says if it ain't broke don't fix it um so jury's still out on that similarly we're we've created an entirely new plan for our pre-medicare retirees this is the group that's had the largest increase in claims these are people that are retired that haven't hit 65 yet um this has pretty much been done we hope to roll this out if not May 1st June 1st at the absolute latest and finally we're entering into a contract with a private company that will screen all of our outof Network claims to make sure that they're in compliance with our plans that we're not paying more uh than we have to um and we think that's going to be a real key to holding a line on spending for medical claims in 2024 okay so in summary skyrocketing increase in health benefit claims in 2023 uh Pres presented us with this great challenge to the 2024 budget and our ability to hold the line on taxes but we really believe that the medical claims plan of action that we put in place for 2024 is going to reap benefits for us for years to come just like the prescription claims plan we did in 2018 medical claims were up uh 30% for us from 2023 prescription claims were only up 2% okay so we're hoping to replicate that success um next year throughout this presentation I said a few times that there were certain things that were encouraging and to me it's encouraging that with hard work creativity and sacrifice we are able to keep this tax increase to a minimum without curtailing any services or eliminating any program at all this budget was extremely challenging um but having said that you know I understand that the tax increase is larger than you're used to um but I think that U given what we faced Vinnie will tell you we went through four drafts of this budget uh the first draft had a 12% increase and we knew that wasn't going to fly uh we got it down to where we thought we should be um but the deputy mayor said that wasn't going to fly um so so here we are um I want to thank all the department heads uh for the help they've given us uh now the hard part starts and that's staying within that budget okay I want to thank the finance committee Deputy Mayor canestrino councilman baglia uh for always providing Direction uh we always get good Financial Direction okay and uh just one last note is uh just a reminder public hearing is next meeting on May 7th at 8:00 uh following that assuming we get State approval um we'll be voting to adopt okay um right now I'll be happy to entertain any questions anybody has just want to say thank you uh Jim I know it is a lot of a lot of work and a lot of time um you know I I just think in general the whole country is you know struggling with inflation and cost cost of of living so um you know I know it's difficult to to try to craft this budget so we appreciate your time I'll say the same I've been through many interations with you as you know Jim and uh you know and it was a tough one I mean there was a time where we really were faced with the fact we're going to have to actually have layoffs here the state to approve it and I think you know everybody worked together the the department heads the employees the finance department especially to to really cut back on every single thing we could to avoid that and to me this is a real success that we were able to do that and a lot of that's attributed to you Jim and your department and everybody who works so hard and the employees and the department heads too said we we're going to really we know we've never been hit like this before with health benefits you're seeing it across the country and I think you hit the nail right on the head you know we've had a number of years where elective surgery or non-emergent surgery wasn't being done and and even right after postco you know hospitals weren't readily opening up for the non-emergent surgeries and people were still hesitant to go to the hospital and have things that weren't totally an emergent situation so we're seeing that as we see other towns are seeing it and we're actually seeing it across the country so you know let's hope folks and pray that this was an anomalous year and we can understand why this happened to us but Kudos again to you you and the finance department for um coming up with a plan to Abate that risk even further and um and we as a council and I myself personally appreciate everything that we've done to to make this happen and we're going to get through it you know we we've had a number of very good years and you know we still look back to those pre 20103 years where this this city saw 12% increases and 8% increases and you know to keep it at three it it it took a lot and I hope the public who's watching this and folks of you that are sitting here understand how difficult of a task this really was and thank you appreciate that like to thank you and your team for a job well done thank you CH thank you so yes and what we didn't even speak about was inflation as well inflation rate right now as up today is 3.5 3.5 we're coming at with a 3.1% tax increase so we're kind of mirroring where inflation is overall even though we had to pull all kinds of things out of rabbits out the hat to get it done we got it done I hadn't considered that that's right yeah so uh it's important for the public to realize that I mean the public oh raising well guess what we we had to pay extra for everything just like you do at home when you go grocery shopping and you stop for gas so does the city we use the same gas in our cars and trucks uh we use you know everything goes up accordingly for all of us um it it was uh when I heard about the health insurance insance increase that was like shock that was like in shock I want to thank yeah I want to thank uh the finance committee Deputy Mayor and uh councilman vaglia for their hard work with you and your your department um but uh I'm proud of through the pandemic I guess the tax levy went down three years in a row correct yes it was we got actually kept taxes pretty flat the three years through the pandemic this year obviously we see why uh there's a an increase will you know and uh it was inevitable taxes are going to go up sooner or later but we were hoping it was later you know we always hope it's later yeah but it's here so we'll get through it just like everything else but I'm still proud of the work uh you guys have done and uh what this Council has done so thank you Jim and like I indicated I I really think that um overall uh we're going to be better off in our health benefit uh delivery after this yeah I really believe that yep thank you every appreciate it thank you thanks J okay you're up that's all I have that okay with that I guess we need a motion to oh no we have business to take care of thought we've done few resolutions to do sorry okay you ready Dad I'm ready resolution 14024 same resolution for final adoption of 14- 2024 an ordinance amending 321 Main Street Redevelopment plan consisting of block 47.1 Lot 25 6.01 6.02 734 36.018456 this ordinance has been published according to law now calls for public hearing okay need a motion to open to the public offer second all in favor I None opposed anybody from the public would like to speak to this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward seeing no members from the public motion to close to the public offer second all in favor I I None opposed motion to adopt the ordinance offer second all in favor I be resolved by the city council of the city of hackensac County of Bergen and state of New Jersey that ordinance number 14- 2024 has passed his second and final reading and is hereby adopted thank you sorry resolution 14124 okay this one read Steve's going to read something into this yes well um do do you have I'm going to do the amendment first and we can deal with the Josh then okay so um this ordinance that we have sorry this don't think this is working this ordinance that we have um on the agenda for tonight uh establishes uh procedures for tree removal and Replacements um this ordinance is required by uh the State Department of Environmental Protection as part of its uh storm waterer permitting uh requirements so recently we adopted an ordinance uh relating to Salt storage on private properties that was also part of this uh the D has asked that we adopt an ordinance um by May 2nd and this is the last meeting uh before then for us to be able to do that um so uh this is a bit of a compressed time frame so the ordinance that we have uh presented is based upon the de's recommended model ordinance um it doesn't mean that we can't um look at it and potentially improve it as time goes on but for the moment it's just important that we have this ordinance adopted uh nonetheless we did speak with the uh members of the shade tree advisory commission uh regarding this ordinance as they had some concerns over it um based upon their guidance um we have a couple of amendments that we're going to ask you to approve prior to opening it up for a public hearing and final adoption I do consider these uh minor uh uh amendments so that it's not required to go back to First reading and read advertise um the two changes are that the uh fee when uh you uh uh when you when you have to replace a tree right there are standards in the Ord ordinance as to when uh if a tree is of a certain size um it needs to be replaced and um as an alternative if um it's not feasible to replace the tree um there can be a fee that is paid um in lie of replacing the tree we've adjusted that fee from $300 to $350 to be consistent with some of the other things that we're doing relating to trees in the city and then the Second Amendment is uh originally we had uh put a list of authorized replacement trees that uh was based upon the list of Street trees that we allow in the city uh the shade tree advisory commission said you know look we think that should be expanded because diversity of trees is important and their recommendation was that there's a a nonprofit called the Native Plant Society of New Jersey that has a list of trees that they recommend to be replaced as uh as their native to New Jersey and so we have taken out our list and we are going to use the list uh recognized by the Native Plant Society of New Jersey which is much broader so it gives people more options if a tree does come down on their property and if under this ordinance it has to be replaced that they can select from instead of 10 trees it's 50 trees or some number close to that of different tree species that are native to New Jersey and would be appropriate if you want to have diversity of tree species on your property so you know pretty Common Sense change we didn't really have that technical information as to what tree species would be appropriate but with the advisory committee's guidance they uh they suggested this would be a good place to go and I think that made sense to everybody so uh before you is uh the ordinance with the revisions those two revisions the remainder of the ordinance Remains the Same so I would ask that uh you know you make a motion to accept the Amendments and if you do that then at that point we can open up the amended ordinance for the public hearing that's required uh to adopt an ordinance okay so first you need a motion yes need a motion to accept the Amendments as proposed okay need a motion to accept the Amendments as proposed offer second all in favor i i n opposed and now you can proceed to the second reading on the ordinance in the public hearing okay so this is a a final adoption of ordinance number 17- 2024 an ordinance amending chapter 162 of the code of the city of hackensac trees to establish procedures for tree removal and replacement in order to comply with state requirements this ordinance has been published according to law now calls for a public hearing need a motion to open to the public offer second all in favor I I None opposed anyone from the public would like to speak to this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward seeing no members from the I have something yes Josh from the shade tree advisory committee just asked that a statement from the from them be put into the record and so given their status as a advisory committee to the city we are going to do that all right this is um what Mr Cohen sent my name is Joshua Cohen hackin resident is chair of hackensac shade tree advisory committee it is good that the state of New Jersey is requiring municipalities to pass a tree replacement ordinance I have presented to this Council the need for a similar ordinance trees assist with storm water runoff lower the ambient temperature and increase property values when trees are removed it impacts the entire Community unfortunately I don't believe the ordinance you passed tonight will have much impact because it allows for three trees to be removed per acre over a 5year rolling period this language was taken verbatim excuse me from the model ordinance released by D unfortunately D did not provide any guidance on how to craft an ordinance to suit individual Community needs fortunately hackensac has a tree board who can help you do just that a three tree allowance per acre makes sense for forested areas such as Ramsey or rural hacketstown hackensac is an urban environment with an already comprised tree canopy few properties over one acre in size and three trees in a significant L and wait a minute and three trees is a significant loss to any location I am appreciative that we were able to modifiy the tree species replacement list for the ordinance any native tree species is a suitable replacement native trees are beneficial because they support pollinators insects wildlife and birds if you remove the three tree allowance I believe you have a good ordinance that will achieve its stated purpose I hope to see that amendment in the near future okay thank you okay now unless there's anybody else now you need the motion to close motion to close to the public offer second all in favor I I None opposed motion to adopt the ordinance offer second all in favor I I None opposed passes we resolved by the city council of the city of hackensac County of Bergen and state of New Jersey that ordinance number 17- 2024 has passed a second and final reading and is hereby adopted thank you resolution 14224 this is a resolution for the adoption of ordinance number 18-202 an ordinance to exceed the municipal budget appro ration limits and to establish the cap Bank as for njsa 4A col 44514 this ordinance has has been published according to law now calls for a public hearing me a motion please offer second roll call council member Von rudenberg hi Deputy Mayor krino hi council member pegle is absent council member Carol hi mayor lebros hi anybody I'm sorry I lost my place here that's right where were we okay if nobody wanted to speak nobody I'm sorry okay then you nobody speaking from the public motion to close to the public offer second all in favor I I None opposed motion to adopt offer second all in favor I I None opposed be it resolved by the city council of the city of hackensac County of Bergen and state of New Jersey that ordinance number8 18 2024 has passed a second and final reading and is hereby adopted thank you resolution 14324 this is a resolution for the introduction of ordinance number 16-22 an ordinance to amend chapter 170 of the code of the city of hackin parking to update monthly pricing for the use of certain off Street Municipal parking lots need a motion please offer second all in favor I I None opposed be it resolved that the above ordinance being ordinance number 16-22 24 is introduced is now pass on first reading and that that ordinance shall be considered for a final passage at a meeting to be held on May 7th 2024 at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the city council and at such time in place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning said ordinance and that the city clerk being she is hereby authorized and directed to publish set ordinance according to law with notice of its introduction and passage on first reading and of the time and place when and where said ordinance will be further considered for final passage thank you resolution 14424 this is a resolution authorizing tax refunds for state board judgments need a motion please offer second all in favor I I and oppos resolution 14524 this is a resolution for authorization of the awarding of State contract for hackensac Municipal Court a specialist abatement project need a motion please offer second all in favor I I I None opposed resolution 14624 say resolution authorizing Award of bid contract for the Prospect Avenue pedestrian safety Improvement project any a motion offer second all in favor I I None opposed resolution 14724 a resolution authorizing the 2024 temporary budget Appropriations need a motion offer second all in favor I I then opposed resolution 14824 this is a resolution providing for the combination of certain Bond ordinances and determining the form and other details of the offering of not to exceed $2,200,000 aggregate principal amount of General obligation bonds series 20124 consisting of not to exceed 16, 120,000 General Improvement bonds series 2024 and not to exceed 5, 80,000 parking utility bonds series 2024 of the city of hackensac in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey otherwise known as the city and providing for their sale and determining certain other matters with Retros with respect there to need a motion please offer second all in favor I I None opposed resolution 149-24 this is a resolution to award contract to Suburban engineering for service required for the Clay Street combined sewer overflow Carver Park underground storage project cultural resources survey need a motion please offer second all in favor I I None opposed resolution 1 15-24 this is a resolution authorizing Award of contract to Suburban engineering for sub consultant Services required for the Clay Street combined sewer overflow Carver Park underground storage project cultural resources survey need a motion please offer second all in favor I I None opposed resolution 15124 a resolution authorizing payment of bills motion to pay the bills offer second all in favor I I I None opposed any conflicts on this consent agenda we got a couple raffle licenses here nothing five nothing continue okay that the following items are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted in one motion any items requiring expenditure are supported by a certification of availability of funds any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda and consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes including any exceptions and or additions consists of resolutions 15224 which is a resolution authorizing Anderson Street historic district neighborhood preservation program year three Implement implementation plan resolution 153-20 is a resolution to adopt shared service agreement with the township of tenek to provide access to hackin DPW facilities for automotive repairs resolution 15424 is a resolution to adopt shared service agreement with the county of Bergen for tree removal services resolution 15524 is a resolution authorizing building department refunds and resolution 15624 is a resolution authorizing raffle licenses need a motion to adopt the consent agenda as it was just read offer second all in favor I I None opposed we good okay need a motion to open to the public offer second all in favor I I done opposed anyone from the public who'd like to speak please come forward give your name to the clerk you will have three minutes May how are you I'm good Mr serbo how are you Spring Valley Avenue um I just want to get on the list if there's a list uh to put up a digital sign I thought we were getting that on Spring Valley Avenue I guess it takes time it does but it's it's very much needed okay it's just sometimes two going what's that we have two going okay sometimes during morning Rush Hour a buses are speeding by it's like wow what the hell was that it it's almost like you know know what the hell it was so it's it's tragic it is it's a something that needs to be attended to okay earlier too I think Gary said something about sty Park I I was reading something and I didn't hear exactly what he said I thought that was a perfect spot for two tennis courts right in the back and he's saying now to rip up uh the the hard surface there and but on top of that you could level a beautiful uh um tennis court there at sty Park you know the Domino and Sons used to do that I don't know who does it now but to lay a tennis court there would just be precious okay so that's that uh what else um a couple other things I uh I'm thinking of um okay some uh public trash bins are are being loaded up from people just driving by you can put I didn't know you could put trash in public trash trash containers and the one at the bottom of Spring Valley uh right near Main Street somebody's constantly driving past there and putting putting garbage in there they do it to my garbage uh trash cans once they're emptied and before I bring them back in the yard somebody puts trash in my big bags too the stuff so I don't know I don't know how that could be uh remedied I really don't so um r doorbell what's that purchase a ring doorbell that doesn't help somebody did that to my garbage can this morning really and I went back and looked at the ring doorbell and it didn't pick up anybody the garbage came down put the garbage can closer to your front door and there bag in it because it had been upside down and then somebody turned it right so I put a bag in it and mine does mine doesn't really matter uh but the public one does because they load it and pile it up on the on the public U trash can all right one other thing I guess and I'll get out of here is the um Mangan just made a wonderful presentation but on the one part of the presentation when he mentions pilot uh uh payments he he said oh in two years or so they level out or they flatten out or Mr Mangan so maybe he could explain that somehow or somebody might know I just maybe I misunder understanding it okay but he said they're they level out in in a few years meaning they're going to dry up they're not going to be as big or they're not going to increase as much or something like that so please uh explain that and two other comments before I leave are you know when we wait for you to come out of the uh um Talk time in your in your room uh it's we we enjoy the quiet so the music that was on I don't know I just thought it was like I was shocked when it came out there was music on I thought it was annoying and once every once in a while it's possible that your phone makes one little sound it it takes a nanc I didn't even hear it but we have a uh we had someone in the room that was very alarmed by that and just please turn down the alarm Mr uh mayor please thank you very much Rich let me just answer can I just answer sure rich rich your question about the pilot okay go ahead all right the what Jim was talking about is because we have more new apartments opening up right now so the increases each year are larger they've been a couple million dollars but they will sustain themselves throughout so that money will not be less than what you're seeing and it in fact will grow up as I've explained to you before because we are we're partners with the development so as their rents go up our percentage of those rents stays the same so our money goes up but right now we're seeing substantial increases because maybe a new building is opening or maybe a new building is being added to the list and that's going to continue until you know once we get to that point where the development levels off those larger increases will stop but we still are anticipating over six million like six and a half million this year Jim yeah so all right it just sounded uh like okay two more years it kind of levels off explain it well you're okay okay I'm good thank you thank you next person from the public please Donna to Carlo Summit have so I wasn't going to come up but when he talked about the speeding I did want to come up and speak um I know we've been in contact with the city about the speeding on Summit Avenue but it is very bad people are running stop signs on some of the side streets coming up and um so just if I know we have a speeding sign but it's not working but it's not really deterring people from doing it anyway and they're racing down the street they're going around it's really very dangerous I have little kids and anything you could do to slow it down we've asked about speed bumps I know speed bumps can't but you could do a hump um just if people could just sit there even for an hour you'll see you'll be astonished at how fast people are going you're talking between Spring Valley and like sty yeah yeah okay like Fast y yeah so North Spring Valley yeah but I mean I think they just continue down too but okay okay but they also come up there any electronic signs there there is one but it's not working it's but not working because it's solar so we have to have that check that's what it is on Summit yeah there's one on the I think it's going eastbound right towards towards St towards St yep Yeah Yeah by Kapa all right um so yeah anything you could do please the other thing is he mentioned sty I know last uh last year when they opened up they said one of the playground equipment needed to be replaced I just want to know where we were with that and if um we have a say in it because I'm just worried that with inflation they may try to replace it with something smaller so I think I'd mentioned to councilwoman fromberg last year what happened with the play so the playground wasn't um I guess they had to the grading it was the grading they going to replace the one so the original struct for both yeah the originals are there one of them was rotted but just to open it up open the park they or better better or equal to equal or better and I think we discussed um a um um what is it a physically inal friendly for for all kids like you know Ed compliant um possibly yeah um I think we're looking into that okay but they still have the mulch there I think because they they don't want to put the rubber until okay and I hope the contractor is paying for it because they delayed so long I know they were looking at liquidated damages last year hopefully following through that at the end they did get beat up a little bit just so you know okay at the end good and I came also for this budget very interesting I absorbed a lot I congratulations on your award actually thank you for the budget and I just I think I have to process a lot of it it's a lot but 7 million is a lot to absorb so maybe I'll see you may that's a lot just so know because I had I had asked Jim to print this out for me today but uh I said what are neighboring towns doing as far as percentage so our biggest neighboring towns are Teck River Edge Bergenfield all right so tck had an increase we were 3.1% they were 10% River Edge 4.4 Bergenfield 4.5 uh you know and it goes gradually down from there the 15 or so he did but uh I can't even imagine teac 10% increase that's a that's a big hit I think give that approved J I want to look at that something don't sound right yeah but uh thank you we we try to Monitor and see what other towns are doing because they especially when you're self-insured it's a certain it's roll of roll of the dice to some extent and we and you did say I'm sorry somebody spoke to one um I'll be quick uh you have money set aside mhm for when I guess you're you go over is there like still a lot left in that well you have you have no answer that you have propriation caps that trust got as high as 1.2 million okay but because of the last two years they at it up yeah it's it's down to about 300,000 okay thank you but the government only allows you to to raise taxes so much without laying people off I mean that there's there's a propriation caps and stuff you have to stay within it you know you just can't like say we're going to borrow money to pay pay off the budget doesn't work but uh anyone else from the public motion to close to the public offer oh you want to speak wait no someone want speak Doran Rosario also from suitab I live across the street from Donna okay the same issue with the speeding we've been in touch with the city um a lot last year and even the year before Jan at the city I don't know if she's still there we were in touch with her and she helped out a bit uhhuh but we haven't seen anything happen to make it better in the past to say 9 months at least has a trailer we have a trailer that we put out has it ever been on Summit it was for a short did it help um so to be honest they use that as their goal let's see how fast we can go oh no oh nice so let's get some you actually see them speed more when they had that up there and I had spoken with the gentleman I'm sorry I can't remember his name the one who installed the speed for us and yeah we know the cars you I mean if you and you would they would never know it came from you but if you ever get a license plate call the city manager's office and they'll be glad to let them know and um the gentleman installing it said that even the stop sign so we're both right on the corner of Catalpa and Summit they don't observe the stop signs at all it's a rolling stop go I had a near Miss today and they go like oh sorry you know that's not going to help if we crash and we've had a few crashes I'm going to take a risk in asking this question are these younger people not always no no just people in a hurry people texting and driving literally with the phone in the hand so and um I'm Sor city manager to uh yeah get some enforcement so the city manager we catch a couple of these people cuz usually once they get ticketed they slow down yeah so there was a couple of recommendation i' I've been researching looking what other towns do or whatever but one of them is the blinking stop I don't know if that will help but that's one thing they do have on Davis that will help with stopping definitely just to at least the conscientious ones who are distracted they might stop that's what I'm thinking and then the other um uh suggestion I know speed bumps some issue with having that liability that's what I hums that's a difference yeah there's a there's a difference yeah there's also what we call it's like rumble strips where they actually carve a little bit of the the the machanum and it makes a noise on your tires it causes you to slow down right anything that would um bring attention to the driver you're approaching a stop sign and not just AE right so you're saying you'd like to see something before the stop sign not just on on Summit itself yeah both ways would be the best ideal situation I doubt you'll see speed bumps CU they're a nightmare with snow plow but uh we'll have to look into what we can do over there all right but that's a intersection don't people speeding up Rush text each honks loud you my guess is they're using your side streets like Kapa Willow seedar all those streets is a diversion instead of using Spring Valley from from Maine they're probably coming up that way and cutting through that to skip a light missing lights yeah are you guys on Summit or on K we okay thank you thank you appreciate it going once going twice seeing none motion to close offer second all in favor I un opposed Council women V renberg you're up um good evening everyone Thanks for for coming out I was just making some notes because I noticed a lot of speeding where where I am on Clinton as well um the first question is Vinnie legally are we allowed to have unmarked cars like as a enforcement oh yeah absolutely like can because I feel like a lot of times if there's a marked car people naturally slow down they could see them ahead of time so I think absolutely trying to do an unmarked car um I would love to see some type of speed speed humps or rumble strips um I know the speed humps are are tougher but um you know I think that's the biggest diversion for for cars especially a lot of times you see the younger kids speeding they have a lot of money in their cars to make them loud and faster and the last thing they want is to hit a speed hump and damage their car so if that's possible but I know with the plows that can be difficult um the last thing because I do notice this a lot parking near Corners I'm wondering if that's part of the problem I do notice that a lot of people kind of roll through stop signs when they can't see the stop sign or they're trying you know like they're halfway into the intersection already so they kind of just go um but I do notice um a lot of cars by Corners park by Corners where you can't really see um you know a line of sight um so I don't know if we have looked at the painting like the curbs a lot of the they'll start doing that again okay all right or even like kind of monitoring like I know on Summit where we were for a while um the curb the yellow wasn't long enough and you kind of had to inch out pretty much into the middle of summit to make a left to see if cars were coming so um some of those things and then um in regards to pedestrian safety grants we get um we've been doing a great job with getting a lot of that would would this type of um would this be covered by the grant any of this no that's different they deal basically with crosswalk speed uh um they call speed low lowering speeds um there's a term for it Comming speed okay stuff like that but not not for stop sign or intersection okay yeah I think maybe the unmarked cards if possible because I think if you don't see them you're going to keep going and we'll get them eventually um just want to thank Rabbi Mindy um on all his you know dedication and involvement in the city um he he always if you ever had a chance to hear him talk he always you know offers a sense of comfort and support for the community and it's it's appreciated he he just has a way of of speaking calming um Everybody which is which is nice um thank you to again to Jim the finance committee and all the department heads for all the hard work on this year's budget um again it was a tough one but we you know we appreciate everyone's hard work um as the city manager mentioned this Saturday's opening day for uh baseball and softball at packin saac at vinii Park so if you're around please uh come out and support um all of the boys and girls who are are part of the program um one thing I wanted to mention was we're we're really having a hard time with volunteers we have um we have teams that have 20 kids on the roster because we weren't able to get enough coaches to have have two teams um so again I know we've mentioned this a lot um I know I know uh notices have been sent to the school about volunteering the rec department has been very proactive of you know sending sending notices out you know I'm I'm volunteering um it it's it's tough you know like I know it it's you know everyone has a lot of things going on and and work and commitments but you know we really are need of of volunteers especially for baseball and softball um and like I mentioned in previous meetings you don't you don't have to necessarily know the sport you know just to be there to be a a body to make sure that you know the kids are safe but we have quite a few teams with over 20 kids on it because there wasn't enough to enough coaches to separate into two teams so I was fortunate enough my U team only has about 14 girls um and I have I'm lucky enough to have three other coaches we we really left out at our our age level but I know the majors um I think 12 you softball they have these really big rosters um and a lot of coaches only have one coach on on the team so um again anyone listening that can volunteer next year or help out please you know let us know I know the wreck will get you cleared and and involved as as soon as possible um and finally congratulations to our to the mayor I'm receiving uh Unico award um you know you really do I know it's as Rabbi Mindy mentioned it's a think lless job up here but you really take the heat for a lot of it being the mayor and you know we we my pleasure it's tough it's tough to be um you know the head person up here and we we appreciate everything that you do and all the support and you've done a lot for the city thank you appreciate it have a good night everybody thanks Steph I agree you know Vinnie you know the speeding we always hear about what's going on in Spring Valley and now it looks like it's going further North as well we're seeing more you know we've got to come up with a plan maybe you know work together with the PD about you know getting some folks up there because once you start ticketing you know and the pain becomes there then they know we got to we got to move someplace else and we got to find them then or you've got to stop you've got to just slow down and um you know the same thing with parking close to the corners you know we start ticketing these things um and I know you know even looking at tree growth too and bushes I know we had that problem remember on our Corners you know still do still there that Mak sure people are trimming them enough so things aren't hidden and and line of sight is clear um because all those things you know definitely are uh root causes for some accidents that that that potential to happen and this is a very residential area so there's absolutely no reason for for that type of speeding and the volume of traffic that you folks are seeing so hopefully we come up with a plan and next time we have a better message for you so thank you for coming and bringing that's what the purpose of these meetings really are um I always speak about things that I'm most involved with and interested so there wasn't really a lot on here tonight there was one Redevelopment ordinance that was adopted um basically all this was really doing is we're looking at the Redevelopment that's taking place on the corner of um Maine and um God now you made me forget it Maine by uh by giant market Maine and Barry Barry main the corner of Maine and Berry and yeah yeah corner of Main and Berry which kind of in moved pretty much down the street going south on on Main Street and there was one hold out of a law office that they were kind of building around it so at this point they said okay guys you know we'll make a deal and they made a good deal with the law office so this ordinance tonight is really just including an additional piece of property into that Redevelopment so that was the only thing for uh for redevelopment that was on here tonight I'm the budget Jim great job as always you your presentations are always very insightful and I you know I I know ladies you said it was a lot to absorb and it is a lot to absorb and Jim has a great way about him of making the complex simple and I think that's important because it helps our residents understand what you've done this year and how you're addressing the needs for for this year so again thanks to you your finance department all the department heads and employees it was a really tough one this year and uh we're happy that we were able to accomplish what we did accomplish and of course the the Redevelopment monies that are coming in and the hospital monies the extra Hospital monies that are coming in you know when you take a look right now where we are um we're at six we're at 6 and a half with um Redevelopment and we're at 4.6 with the hospital so you're looking at $1 million in Revenue coming in and we put that right to the bottom line so that's directly um reducing the amount of money that needs to be uh paid for by the the the people that live here by us by our residents and our tax bills and all that for totally transparent anything anyone wants to see the budget is it online yet Jim so the budget spreadsheet is online and on the revenue page they're all listed individually so anyone who's curious and wants to learn or understand all that revenue is explained there and thank goodness for that and we continue to see that grow and at least remain a stable Revenue source for us for many years to come to answer Mr serbo I guess uh what else was I having I pretty much again congratulations John what would we do without you you're a great mayor all these years and uh you should be you should be proud blushing what would we do no you you really you've made you made our jobs easier and and you're here and you you you know you really put your heart and soul into it it's a team effort it is a team effort but we appreciate let us give you some praise once in a while let us we appreciate you and all you do speaking of te Donna's over there when you're asking for coaching she's pointing to me because I used to coach her when she was five or six years old there you go there you go little well she was blonder then little blonder girl bright blue eyes I remember her real good ball player though back in well it's I mean I'm not the sports person here we've got Jerry we've got Stephie we've got John but I mean it's so important my grandchildren all play sports and it's so important in their lives and you know I I reach out like you did step you know it's hard everybody's busy in their lives but you know sometimes squeezing out an hour or two here or there really makes a big difference in a child's life and it's important it's important that we get them out the street and playing bow and away from the phones right so it's an important thing that we look to today and it means a lot to the kids so and that's my state go ahead you're up all right thank you mayor well first of all I'd like to thank uh everyone that's viewing remotely and all that are present today Jim again thank you was a great presentation and uh I like to really ask our city manager um if he can really look into to taking control of our speeding situation in the city as well as the a lot of this uh illegal parking that we got going on as well we discussed a few issues earlier and like to really get a hand on it uh because it's really irritating a lot of our residents in our city and John everyone said everything else about you uhoh you know and um and that Unico um award you do deserve buddy congratul thank you jar Jerry and I go way back he coached my sons I coached his sons oh yes and uh yep had a lot of fun with sports and um that includes my report God bless and take care of everyone okay so we'll start with Jim great job I know it was as tough as could be um I know you had Kathy and Leo breathing down your neck to uh get these numbers down from where it's started it was amazing how you were able to bring it down and we didn't lay anybody off last thing you want to do is is you know Furlow people or lay people off and we weren't we didn't have to do that so thank you for that and uh you know 15 years ago this this would be an outrageously great budget at 3.5% right it this be like everybody be like Yay but uh no thanks for what you do uh opening day again uh it's great to see the kids on opening day satday hopefully rain free we get some nice weather um numbers I don't know what the numbers are this year um seems like they're probably about what we've been getting the last few years yeah around you know baseball numbers have gone down tremendously in the city there's other sports now during spring track for one of them a lot of kids play run track now so baseball's gone down we used to have four close to 500 kids playing baseball in Hack and Sack and it's probably mid twos right now if that Spring Track just jumped from 130 to 157 yeah so they they pull a lot of a lot of kid to yep but uh it's America Sport and uh I love to see the kids play I have grandsons that play baseball I love going to watch them um it was nice to see see the rabbi here tonight especially bringing his kids on a night like tonight uh you know the rabbi we spoke of uh was a great man because he he he knew what it was uh to educate children and to keep them involved and uh teach them to do things the right way um had a great event at the hackpack Saturday night and it didn't involve really hacking sack except for the fact that um a coworker of mine who became friends with a man named Eddie brigatti and for those who don't know know who Eddie brigatti is Eddie brigatti is actually a Rock and Roll Hall of Famer from the rap which was a huge group back in the 60s and early 70s very huge um they uh had a good run for like four or five years and management issues like so many bands they ended up breaking up so Eddie Bugatti um got involved with this school Brookdale College has a uh music division called the Rocket uh live Academy and it's uh it's all musicians who audition to get in you just don't get in you have to audition to get in um and they raise scholarship money for them and that's what this event was about so the kids that played were just unbelievable musicians and singers they were unbelievable they sang a lot they did a whole lot of 60 stuff but a lot of Rascal songs Eddie brigotti got up and sang a couple songs um some special guests were there including Steven vanzan from the East Street Band AKA uh what was this name in The Sopranos Sylvio Sylvio Sy yeah he was there uh famous drummer by the name of Liberty deito who was Billy Joel's drummer for years so we had literally had two or three possible or two or definite possibly three Hall of Famers in there in that little building it was packed that show sold out by the way um we got together with Garfield because he's from Garfield so Garfield doesn't have a Performing Arts Center so uh the coworker I spoke of in myself you know he used tell me about it I go why don't you invite Garfield to hacket sack they could use our place so they came and did it here and uh was a just a great show and uh he was signing autographs and they had all kinds of memorability had a silent auction but uh it was good good for the hackpack because people came from all over more people got to see our great little theater so I was happy about that uh volunteers for baseball that's a problem today people you know two parents working it's very uh very difficult sometimes to get uh to find volunteers now and uh you know but I can only say this about volunteering it's one of the most rewarding things you can do especially when you're coaching kids the benefit you get from uh coaching is uh especially when you see them as they grow older and become parents and good citizens uh that's that's very rewarding and uh that's I always say that on opening day that I recommend all parents get involved um I want to thank you guys for the honor of the uh Proclamation I think that's my first Proclamation ever that's pretty cool yeah yeah nice good that was uh quite a surprise they're honor honoring me on Sunday at uh the great cliff in the where was it monaki or whatever but uh 4:30 so I'll be uh I'll be there uh eating and partying on on Sunday so thanks for that appreciate it and with that everybody have a safe trip home we still have some more work to do we have to go back in the Clos session for a little bit but uh get home safe sure builds have it in any of builds ients it's actually a good idea it is but we have very few children in the builds I know I mean we should certainly do it too but it's not as much of an interest on can't hurt to try that's right if you don't ask the answer is always no motion to close offer offer all in favor none opposed get home safe guys night everyone take care