e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening everyone we can you ready Leo will be here shortly okay so we don't have to go back into close session correct we're all done I'm done you're done give us a draft of anir so St done okay he'll give us a draft I'll look from another okay okay so I need a motion to close the executive session no wait until wait until we're ready to close the C you sure yeah we'll close them both at the same just in case something changes all right so in that case any you're up thank you mayor uh number one is a resolution regarding uh Banta place and the art alley number two is an ordinance amending the tree planting fees uh it's basically where we switched from a uh 1-in caliber tree at 200 I'm sorry at $130 to a two calber 2in caliper tree um at 225 um the 2-in caliper is because the 1-in ones were not surviving um and the 2 in is a better more robust tree yep um there's another resolution on number three is a Community Development Grant committee um it's the appointment uh for the city of Chris weaton and Ryan Westra that's just some housekeeping that we have to do every year for the cdbg committee grants for the committee and the grants uh resolution number four is an appointment of Emergency Management coordinator uh deputy chief rosazza is taking bench at Veterans Park um that I know project management has been working with that gentleman on on the uh the bench and last but not least is the CSO storm water parks and Parks update I'll ask Chris Wheaten our city engineer to come up okay one line is on good evening everybody evening so just an overview of our major project status uh a couple of updates um we are just wrapping up uh Carver Park improvements it has been somewhat delayed due to furniture and we want the grass to uh to come in um but we are working with the rec department uh to open as soon as possible uh we're in Communications this week on on that Green Street um is updated as complete we have completed our uh our CCTV uh television inspection and uh and assessment condition Assessment program for pipelines in the uh Green Street Hazard flood Hazard mitigation area in our CSO separation projects we are currently working on the Anderson Street drainage area and um next slide please Frank we uh in this project we've been on a bit of a standby for with the uh with the storm water and sanitary pipelines installation as we need the utilities to complete their work before we can install the sanitary and storm water piping so and in that area violia is just finishing up on Clay Street this week and uh they're completed on on Railroad and and Stanley psng is in progress on uh Stanley place and bdan and Barry are done so we're uh the contractor will be complete uh returning to work next week uh for the storm water and sanitary lines installation in our non CSO project the Vorhees Lane sanitary Pump Station we have been working through startup issues the alarm conditions that uh that had um uh affected us at the initial startup uh have uh been abating uh we do think that that those were primarily as a result of uh better flow conditions in our influent Pipeline and just flushing debris down to the pump station that it had not experienced previously we're also working through with Source investigations and uh and uh working to curb any uh um um improper discharges to the Sewer Upstream we're expecting the site restoration to be uh completed relatively soon I would say in the in the coming month again just uh repeating that our our CCTV and base mapping project is is completed and we're now moving on to uh recommendations for improvements and uh preliminary design of the uh improvements that will be necessary in this area area on our Parks projects Carver Park the court services are completed grass has been planted uh cameras and conduit installation is uh is in progress by the city the furniture we expect is a we do anticipate is is arriving soon I'm just awaiting confirmation on uh the final delivery for for the bleachers and site furniture and we are working through punch list items as uh the contract is is largely complete should be here on Johnson Park we're just uh finishing up the bid docks uh with uh City legal and I expect those will be moving on to the qpa um later this week or or next week for polyi Park we have a drainage project that has just started this week [Music] um the uh the project will the park will remain open as the as the work is is performed uh so this weekend certainly the splash pad will be open with appropriate precautions um to uh to keep um to secure the uh construction area on roads our Summit and pic a intersection improvements uh have uh been restarted the new signals for Summit and pic the equipment is uh is anticipated delivery the end of this month the signals for pedestrians at first and Beach have been installed and the signals for pedestrians at first and Central have also been installed on our Prospect Avenue pedestrian Safety project uh we've just that project was just awarded at a Rec meeting and we're awaiting kickoff and um uh and start of work with uh with the contractor on that project again this is a project that we have a DOT Grant to complete uh in the amount of $46,000 Chris who who got the bid I believe it's new Prince new Prince for the city offices project at John Earl building we are very near to completion we are working through the punch list items uh the B the bathrooms have been completed painting is complete uh lighting is installed just uh you know final data relays are are being um uh connected and we should be uh ready for furniture delivery just about any time now and just a couple of again Public Service reminder announcements if there if you have a street lighter excuse me a street light outage you can report at any time at the PSG website uh at outage and gas leaks and um we also have a public service announcement again just reminding the public please don't flush uh wipes down your toilets only FL only put uh toilet paper and and uh human waste down the toilet no wipes no flushable wipes or the like no paper towels thank you any questions questions any questions from the council the the legal paper for Johnson Park M do you have it or still by Steve uh it's I I have it presently we're we're reviewing the yeah we're we're just reviewing the insurance uh provisions and the and do you think they're going to be by by Monica by maybe Thursday or Friday it it it it could be could be could be I've been he that for months and months I understand councilman we we are we are trying to get the insurance issues sorted out um and making sure that we don't have a poison pill and putting Insurance Provisions that are not going to allow for biders which is a concern that we've been looking into very carefully okay Chris I just had a quick question um on the bills list regarding um the concept plan for sty yes was that part of the original plans I thought we had um Replacements in there but to do at a later time but I thought it was part of the original layout of the park the the the west side playet was not planned to be replaced what was the work that was planned there was the play safety surface underneath that existing playet so it was one in the surface as so so as we got into the project we realized that the playet had to be replaced and so we did not put a place surface in there we put in um mulch we put in Wood fiber mulch uh in L and we're working on the plan to replace the play set okay thank you welcome that's it thank you Chris thank you need a motion to open to the public offer second all in favor I I un opposed anybody from the public would like to speak please come forward to the podium give your name to the clerk and you will have three minutes good evening Monty Smith Prospect Avenue several meetings ago we brought up the issue of the current speed limit on Summit Avenue you're right that okay between between pic and uh Spring Valley Avenue which is set at 35 M an hour although this section of Summit Avenue is supposedly under City jurisdiction we asked them why that is in place Mr Caruso said he would check on it I'm wondering if we have an answer to that question was I I know that I had reached out to the county about their section of it um and they were they were going to do a traffic study to see the feasibility of changing the the speed limit um but you're talking about our section of of sum Avenue from pic to the way from pic to Spring Valley Avenue is under City jurisdiction as I understand right okay so I mean I don't understand why we would have to get permission from County no I'm I'm not I'm not if that's the case no I wouldn't I would have our traffic do that I would have our Traffic Engineers do that um okay all right let me look into that again I'm sorry okay uh the other writer i' like to revisit is the question of the speed limit on hackensak Avenue at Bergen Tech Academy which has a posted speed limit of 40 miles an hour through a school zone and at that meeting Mr kuso said that they were going to check on the installation of a traffic light at that point right however as a matter of fact there is a traffic light in close proximity to the school but that doesn't change the fact that if a vehicle is coming along with a green light that vehicle could be moving at 40 mil an hour so I think uh I know county has not been very Cooperative in the past in reducing speed limits on County Roads um they might think about changing that light that they currently have to a flashing red light that would stop traffic and then let it start moving at a slower rate I read last week uh something about a new light being put in over by by theems I don't know whether it's an additional light or in place of the one that's there yeah that's that that's that's a project that the county is doing there they're putting a light at the entance to theem there and turning lanes and why there's a light to the a to the auditorium yes this is the actual entrance yeah exit has a light the there now there two traffic lights there but it still doesn't solve if they're both green people are still going to be going for so that's going to be up to the county to change them I we can ask them doesn't school zones always have to be 25 and of course the problem exists for southbound traffic coming from Route 4 would be moving along the entire length of the school property at 40 m an hour good good point that might be a you know worth a trip to a a commissioner meeting at the at the county because they're probably you know that's they're like the council for the county and uh I'm sure that they don't even realize that they have a school zone with a 40 mph speed limit and that's their school too not but it's their school thank you thank you so we should make a call to them on that anyone else from the public like to speak at this time good evening how are you good evening Anette Janowski Prospect Avenue um there are a few things I would just like to go over with the council if I may um the new um ordinance that was put into place a few months ago allowing private buildings to post no Towing signs okay that there's a bit of confusion in my building so I just need to clarify I did read the ordinance I understood Mr Caruso to say that the police would have to be called to do the towing if we po that is true it would be the non-emergency number yes I believe that's how it's written in the ordinance I can't hear you I'm Sor I believe that's how it's written in the ordinance yes okay because my S we did have someone call A Towing Service one of the residents and there was a lot of confusion about who pays for the towing service and who they should call so we would call the non-emergency number correct and who pays for the towing service well that would be the person's vehicle that's being towed being towed okay I just wanted to clarify that before we put a sign up yeah if if if I may because I I drafted the ordinance um it's not supposed to be individual residents who are calling this number or calling the toe it's supposed to be the building management you know and and whoever the building manager is is obligated and and and this comes from a a legal challenge because you know there was a question whether there is a legal right for people to tow without a ticket having been written first and the law says that it's private property if someone is parked illegally um they can tow as long as the proper signage is there as long as they follow the the various laws which are pretty restrictive the sign has to be posted you have to have the phone number you know where you can get the vehicle what we did in order to resolve this potential litigation is we said look we understand your point but you know there's going to have to be rules because we don't want to have a situation where someone Parks illegally comes back and thinks their car is stolen and you know and they call the police in a panic and now we send police officers down in a panic so the concept was okay if you want to tow without the police being involved and respond and you can call them and they can come down and they can write a ticket if that's what you want before a toe but if you don't feel you want to go through that process you at least have to let us know so when that panicked person calls and says my car's been stolen they can say at the desk oh it was towed you know here's where it's been towed to and so you know we're not put at risk potentially so that's sort of the concept but it's can't be the tower can't do it a tenant can't do it it has to be someone either the the building man manager or you know the president of a condo association or somebody with legal Authority for that property would the superintendent qualify for that yes I I believe a superintendent of the building would be an appropriate management designated representative cuz we do sometimes have a problem with people parking in front of in the fire zone the fire lane Zone and just leaving their car there for 2 three hours so we're happy about the ordinance police yeah I mean a fire a fire zone you know typically a fire zone would be you would want a police response to that because you know the fire zone is something you know if someone's been charged and violated you know they're multiple offender this ordinance is really intended for that person who parks in the Resident parking spot right you know people come in and and they they think they can just you know park anywhere within the building and there's ass signed parking and they Park and you know the resident comes home and they have no place to park that was sort of the concept of this and look the building will have to take responsibility if they tow and you know people feel it's un well that's the building's decision it's their private property they have the right to tow vehicles but my opinion would be if there's a fire zone the police should be called to write a fire zone ticket and determine what to do I agree and that's exactly what happened it was a private resident but she's a physician she has a practice in our building the five spaces that are reserved for her patients were being taken up by whomever decided to just park in those spaces so she had a couple of people towed so thank you I appreciate that um also too I would just like to thank the different uh departments that the condo Co-op Advisory Board we we often have questions that come out of whatever issues or projects we're working on and I have to tell you whenever I've contacted any of the Departments your assistant Mr kuso the health department um with questions regarding whatever has been discussed I have to thank you and please thank them they always respond quickly and accurately and then we share the information and the responses at the meetings so I think it's just you should know that that's all the other one more thing the animal registry that was put into place that was discussed and presented at two of our meetings some of our guest best residents were were from other buildings we're not aware of it at all so one of the suggest I'm sorry go ahead go ahead one of the suggestions was is there some way that you could let all of the multiple dwelling buildings know about the new ordinance the amendment to the ordinance and the registry those of us on the condo Co-op board we've all set up the Registries in our buildings so I don't know yeah I mean I can tell you you know Bridget mcglaughlin we were trying to Ain a complete list of multiple dwellings that would be subject to it and sending them notifications I believe our website has also been specifically updated on that but you know like with many laws you know there's a breaking in Period um but that ordinance you know was passed because there was a dog bite and we couldn't track down the owner of the dog and theoretically by law that dog is supposed to be quarantined and we couldn't do it and the building was not Cooperative in terms of letting us know so so we we do have this ordinance we are looking to enforce it but we do need to maybe check with Bridget and see whether that letter I know um I just re at a recent department head meeting that um uh Susan mcfay from the health department was uh oh yeah Susan I'm sorry Susan was was working on getting those notifications out but I'll follow up on that and see if there's a way or a list that we can get that notification out yeah thank you you're welcome and thank you for the ordinance you're welcome anyone else from the public like to speak speak at this time need a motion to close to the public offer second all in favor I I so we will be back at 8 o' short oh and just by the way just for the record we did have a closed executive session beforehand we did speak about one workers compensation litigation Panera Ronda I believe was the name I may have mispronounced that but uh for the record so I need a motion to close the executive session offer second all in favor I I None opposed need a motion to close the council the whole offer second all in favor n Theos you get like me now miss it approved I don't know why was on e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening everyone Madam clerk this meeting is this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meeting Act njsa 10 col 4-6 at SEC notice of which was sent to the record in the Star Ledger and was posted on the bulletin board okay roll call council member Von rudenberg here Deputy Mayor canestrino here council member p here council member Carol here mayor Le bruss here would everybody please rise for the flag salute I pledge algi to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay well we got another busy night here please come sorry officer y please come forward and do you have someone who's going to hold a Bible for you yeah okay that's fine correct any religious bring it up absolutely sure remember last time I pleasure pleasure so you're put your left hand on the Bible raise your right hand sorry not the Bible raise your right hand and repeat after me I state your name I ibraim yanis do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the Constitution and the constitution of the state of New Jersey of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and Allegiance and allegiance to the same to the same and to the governments established and to the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will faithfully and that I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of police officer of police officer according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability so help me God so help me God congratulations thank you [Applause] [Music] congratulations sir hey folks uh incredibly important I share this with you that often when folks come from other agencies sometimes those agencies are a little sour that we stole one of their folks you're actually the opposite okay we got a Sellar recommendation from your officer in charge if you look at the back of the room you have a whole assortment of your comrades there that are for you which is incredible so you've left an indelible Mark in Patterson would you guys agree absolutely so we're certain you're going to do tremendous things in Hack and Sack we're super excited for you congratulations and welcome aboard [Applause] officially want to take a picture sure on up you survive in P youv hereit that way we got in the picture we'll stand behind you congratulations everybody oh look at this little s [Music] can't hold that any longer conratulations I just one more with all the sure what I want to know is who's watching the streets of P we're all here to put appliation come onelly act like you like eache sze in what's your step what's your step I don't want to kill the mayor Dr with all the cop right middle one second one second one second they they get there we go there we now we're in the right blink thanks guys stay safe stay safe thanks everybody for coming out to back to us work so applications they like a movie St how many towns did you working come you got to get us some of those Le restaurants oh yeah back thank you thank thank you everybody thank you all right before we sit down any other got more I'm sorry CL thank you guys than oh you're welcome you're welcome stay safe what's the first one yep be I told okay I got a few proclamations to read that's going to make sure I'm going to wait for you guys to file out if you'd like so why don't we do this let's take a uh no we're good I think okay have a good night you too good night so where's uh Freddy and Joseph oh there you are so is this an important week so whereas Public Works infrastructure facilities and services are of vital importance to our health safety and comfort and whereas such facilities and services improve the quality for of life for our residents and could not be provided without the dedicated efforts of hacken sack's Department of Public Works whereas these Services include emergency sewer calls snow removal garbage pickup maintenance and repairs to All City buildings and vehicles Landscaping of all city-owned parks and green spaces repair and patching of streets and this is just a small sample of what they do now therefore be it resolved that I John P Bross Jr mayor of the city of hackensac Al with members of the city council do hereby Proclaim May 19th through 25 25 2024 is National Public Works week and to hereby recognize the important role of our Public Works professionals engineers and administrators for their dedication and commitment to the city of hackin residents and local government so congratulations guys you want to come up [Applause] so as a longtime hackin resident I can tell you these guys how hard they work and we appreciate all you do and uh see you guys out there in the middle of the night doing snow out there doing leaves all kinds of crazy weather and uh you guys this is an honor well deserved right here we take a picture and yeah we come take a picture over here but uh anybody want to say anything to these guys so yeah and and the sentence said it all it's just a small part of what you do you without you guys man some come on this side of the spre out the picture hello how you doing congratulations everybody I see you tomorrow all right give one minute few more proclamations and we'll get on with business one thank you welcome no you're welcome thank you take care well that narrowed it down a little bit so whereas mental health is essential to everyone's overall health and well-being and whereas mental illnesses are real and prevailing in our nation and half of us will have a mental health diagnosis at some point in our lives and whereas anyone experiencing stress tra trauma anxiety and heightened levels of depression should feel comfortable in seeking help and support to manage these times and whereas engaging in prevention early identification and early intervention are effective ways to reduce the burden of mental illnesses and whereas the city of hackin saac declared themselves as stigma-free and will continue to support the stigma-free initiative now therefore I John P Le Bross Jr mayor of the city council along with the members of this city council do hereby Proclaim May 20 May 2024 as mental health month and call upon residents government agencies schools private businesses nonprofit organizations and other groups to join us in activities to strengthen and protect the mental health of our community so things have changed from when I was a young man or a young boy you know mental health was not as prevalent as it was and I'm sure that has a lot to do with the environment the way it's changed food that we eat products that we ingest um but the other thing that needs to change is is the way we looked at it from back when I was young compared to now I look at mental illness now as having no different than having a physical ailment if you have an issue you need to go deal with it and there's plenty of help out there so we need to uh take care of ourselves both physically and mentally and emotionally next Proclamation whereas Substance Abuse and Mental Health problems affect communities Nationwide according to the 2022 National survey on drug use and health an estimated 70.3 million Americans ages 12 12 and older used illicit drugs in the past year and nearly 64 million used tobacco products are used in ecigarette or other vaping device to vape nicotine in the past month additionally in 2022 8.5 million misused prescription pain relievers and whereas an estimated 29.5 million people ages 12 12 and older in America were classified as having alcohol misuse disorder in the past year and about 59.3 million adults had a me mental illness the impact of mental and substance abuse disorders is apparent and whereas through National Prevention Week people become more aware and able to recognize the signs of mental health and substance substance use disorders equally important community members from all walks of life learn how they can help Implement prevention strategies and showcase the effectiveness of evidence based programs we and others across the United States need to recognize the seriousness of substance use and mental health issues in our communities the power of prevention and the tireless efforts of those working to make a difference the small daily actions done by individuals combined with the actions of families communities coalitions come together to make up the larger bold movement of prevention now excuse me now therefore be it resolved that I John P Bross Jr mayor of the city of hackin saac along with members of the council do hereby Proclaim May 12th through 18th 2024 is National prevention week and call upon our community to join us this week in celebrating the compelling programs and events that support increasing awareness of and action around mental health and substance use disorders year round so those two tie in together very important you know the drug issues in this country you know they they don't see age they don't see wealth whether you're rich or poor whether you're white black brown doesn't matter uh it it's uh it doesn't discriminate let's put it that way the illicit drugs that are out there and last but not least whereas older Americans month I think that counts a few of us up here definitely me Stephie you're out and you might be out yet you you're still a baby whereas New Jersey is home to over 1.8 million individuals aged 60 and older in Bergen County's population consisting of nearly 18% of older adults and whereas for older Americans month the city of hackin saac honors our senior citizens whose lifetimes of hard work Devotion to family and commitment to community have laid the foundation for the city we are today now therefore be resolve that I John P Le Bros Jr May of the city of hackin saac along with members of the council to encourage residents to take time to recognize older adults and Proclaim May 2024 as older Americans month with the theme powered by connection to recognize the impact that meaningful relationships and social connection have on our health and well-being and combating isolation loneliness and other issues pH we had a lot of proclamations the last few weeks um with that we're going to go into the city manager's report oh no I'm sorry got minutes need a motion to approve the minutes of April 16th 2024 regular C executive session offer second all in favor I I None opposed now V you're up thank you mayor the city will host our Memorial Day ceremony on Monday May 27th at 10:00 a.m. at Veterans Park in honor of pride month the city will be hosting a flag raising ceremony on Friday May 31st at 3:30 p.m. at Atlantic Street Park the city splash pads are scheduled to reopen on May 25th for weekends from 11:00 a.m. to 700 p.m. until June 23rd after that they will be open 7 days per week the city is proud to announce that our 4th of July celebration is scheduled for July 4th featuring The infernos and a day filled to fun with the whole family food trucks games and our fireworks show from grci in addition we are set to keep off our summer concert series on Tuesday evenings beginning July 9th through August 6th be sure to see our flyers on our social media platforms the hackin saac police department will be hosting a community meeting tomorrow night from 6:00 to 8:00 P.M at the recreation center please stop by to ask questions and discuss Public Safety Toro airport will be hosting Fleet week so you may experience louder than usual aircraft noises one to two times daily between May 20th and May 27th Recreation summer camp registration is still open please contact our rec department for applications information as soon as possible the city will be hosting a pet fair at East Wick College on June 2nd from 12: to 300 p.m. stop by to meet local vendors get free rabies vaccinations or register your pet and lastly the city of hackin sack's 30th annual golf outing is scheduled for June 18th at Crystal Springs gold Resort please refer to our website for more information that's it mayor thank you all right into new [Music] business resolution 180 sorry resolution 18324 this is a resolution for final adoption of ordinance number 19- 2024 and ordinance establishing a new chapter 85 of the code of the city of hackensac filming to establish regulations for motion picture and television production within the city this ordinance has been published according to law and now calls for a public hearing need a motion to open to the public offer second all in favor I I None opposed anyone from the public would like to speak to this ordinance and this ordinance only please come forward seeing no members of the public motion to close to the public off S all in favor I I None opposed motion to adopt the ordinance offer second all in favor I sorry none opposed we resolve that the city council of the city of hackensac County of Bergen and state of New Jersey that ordinance number 19-22 has passed a second and final reading and is hereby adopted thank you resolution 18424 this is a resolution for the introduction of ordinance number 20- 2024 an ordinance amending chapter 117 of the code of the city of hackensac parks to add section program need a motion to uh introduce this ordinance offer second all in favor I I None opposed be resolved that the above ordinance being ordinance 202024 is introduced is now passed on first reading and that said ordinance shall be considered a final passage at a meeting to be held on June 11th 2024 at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as a matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the city council and at such time and place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning set ordinance and that the city clerk being she is hereby authorized and directed to publish set ordinance according to law with a notice of its introduction and passage on first reading and of the time and place when and where set ordinance will be further considered for final passage thank you resolution 185-4 this is a resolution for the introduction of ordinance number 21-2024 an ordinance to amend chapter 170 of the code of the city of hackensac vehicles and traffic to update parking regulations on lde Street need a motion please offer second all in favor I I I None opposed be resolved that the above ordinance being ordinance 21-2024 as introduced is now pass on first reading and that said ordinance shall be considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on June 11th 2024 at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the meeting matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the city council and at such time and place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning set ordinance and that the city clerk B and she is hereby authorized and directed to publish set ordinance according to law with a notice of its introduction and passage on first reading and of the time and place when and where set ordinance will be further considered for final passage thank you resolution 18624 this is a resolution for the introduction of ordinance number 22-22 an ordinance fixing and determining Municipal class position title and salary ranges for certain contractual and non-contractual officers and employees of the city of hackensac motion to introduce offer second all in favor I'm sorry roll call roll call I know yep council member Von rudenberg hi Deputy Mayor krino hi council member Paglia Asain council member carolain mayor lebros hi be resolved that the above ordinance being ordinance 222-2024 is introduced does now pass on first reading and that said ordinance shall be considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on June 11th 2024 at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as a matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the city council and at such time and place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning set ordinance and that the city clerk being she is hereby authorized and directed to publish set ordinance according to law for the notice of its introduction and passage on first reading and of the time and place when and where said ordinance will be further considered for final passage thank you resolution 18724 it's a resolution for introduction of ordinance number 23-2 24 an ordinance to amend chapter 107 of the code of the city of hackensac licenses and permits to update DPW trees need a motion to introduce offer second all in favor I I None opposed be resolved that the above ordinance being ordinance 23- 2024 is introduced is now passed on first reading and that said ordinance shall be considered for final passage on a meeting to be held on June 11th 2024 at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the city council and at such time and place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning set ordinance and that the city clerk b& she is hereby authorized and directed to publish set ordinance according to law with a notice of its introduction and passage on first reading and of the time and place when and where that ordinance will be further considered for final passage thank you resolution favor I I None opposed resolution 18924 say resolution authorizing Award of change order number three which is the final one to TNT Construction Group LLC for the various city building roof replacement projects need a motion please offer second all in favor I None opposed resolution 19-24 this is a resolution authorizing awarding of bid contract for the 2024 summer food grant program need a motion please offer second all in favor no I'm voting no all right we're going to all right a roll call please roll call vote council member Von rudenberg no council I'm sorry Deputy Mayor krino hi council member vaglia hi council member Carol all right Deputy Mayor leot what I got everything all sorry I screwed you Stephanie I'm sorry I got a raise what Okay resolution 19124 resolution awarding Burgen County Co-op contract for the purchase of closed circuit television CCTV cameras for the hackin building department need a motion please offer second all in favor I None opposed resolution 19224 this is a resolution of the city of hackensac in the county of Bergen state of New Jersey determining the form and other details of its note relating to the water Bank construction financing program of the New Jersey infrastructure Bank to be issued in the principal amount of up to $4,600 th000 in providing for the issuance and sale of such note to the New Jersey infrastructure bank and authorizing execution and delivery of such notes by the city of hackensac in favor of the New Jersey infrastructure Bank all pursuant to the water Bank construction financing program of the New Jersey infrastructure bank got that what's that need a motion please offer second roll call council member Von rudenberg I Deputy Mayor krino hi council member paga hi council member Carol hi mayor lebros hi let's see here yes resolution 19324 this is a resolution of the city of Hackensack and the county of Bergen state of New Jersey determining the form and other details of its note relating to the water Bank construction financing program of the New Jersey infrastructure Bank to be issued in the principal amount of up to 3,50 th000 and providing for the issuance and sale of such note to the New Jersey infrastructure bank and authorizing the execution and delivery of such note by the city of hackensac in favor of the New Jersey infrastructure Bank all pursuant to the water Bank construction financing program of the New Jersey infrastructure Bank need a motion please offer second all in favor I I None opposed resolution 19424 say resolution authorizing payment of bills need a motion to pay the bills second roll call council member Von rudenberg hi Deputy Mayor krino hi council member Paglia hi council member Carol hi mayor lebros I abstain does anybody have any conflicts with the uh consent agenda none no no okay move forward okay the following items are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted in one motion any items requiring expenditure are supported by a certification of availability of funds any item requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda and consent agenda items will reflected in full in the minutes including any exceptions and or additions resolution it consists of resolutions 195-43 26-24 resolution 19524 resolution approving and accept ing the donation from the Jamaican organization of New Jersey to be placed at Veterans Park resolution 19624 is a resolution authorizing Bergen County grant for home American Rescue plan resolution 19724 is a resolution of the municipal support for 30 unit senior affordable housing projects reconstructed at 60 Kansas Street resolution 19824 is a resolution authorizing release of escro funds for various properties resolution 199-202 is a resolution authorizing the appointment of Municipal residents to the Bergen County Community Development Regional committee resolution 20-24 is a resolution designating bant to place is hackin saac Art alley resolution 20224 is the resolution authorizing renewal of liquor license for parti LLC for the 2023 2024 license term resolution 20324 is a resolution authorizing renewal of liquor license licenses for the 2024 d225 license term resolution 20424 is a resolution authorizing Grant agreement between the city of hackensac and the state of New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for Grant swm DH 2022 hackin saac 00120 resolution 20524 is a resolution awarding professional service agreement to speo Harrison and Nelson LLC as special Council for redevelopment including related litigation resolution 20624 is a resolution to adopt shared service agreement with the county of Bergen for 911 communication Services okay I need a motion to adopt the consent agenda as it was just read offer offer all in favor i s none opposed okay with that I need a motion to uh open to the public offer check all in favor I I None opposed anyone from the public who would like to speak please come forward and you will have give your name to the clerk you will have three minutes good evening Bridget I am here for two things there was a young lady at your last city council meeting who talked about a parking uh residential parking for her Street on Stanley place which is going towards the dead end of Stanley understand this you might not get it but the train station the bus station and everything else around gets everyone parking there so yes if a person comes down to this city hall City manager's office the police department and needs a residential parking pass you need to hand it out we pay taxes here none none of you should get to say no to anybody because the thing here is you don't know how many cars are parked there at night and during the day I'm retired I get to watch all of that people parking people walking to bus stops people walking to train stops you guys don't get to see that so if someone comes down here you need to hand them a park a residential parking pass I don't want to hear nobody say they couldn't get a parking pass that needs to happen like I said we all pay taxes here and then on the other end uh I think you just had a resolution of 186 for raises nobody deserves a raise except for the women that work hard to put out the information none of you deserve raise not even the recreation department head or whatever he's called nobody you guys have raised taxes 3% are you kidding me so that just tells me financially this city is broke and if you can prove otherwise let me know that because now it's time before Oprah goes into a different change to start ordering every account across this city you guys don't know how to manage money you guys don't know how to do the job that you were put in office to do that goes for everybody so until a change comes or until an open door where people can come sit in here and give you those questions because you don't want to form from the rest of the city and you just want it to be stop looking at the clock because I can see the time I haven't looked at the clock I'm looking right I'm not talking about you I didn't see you but you know what they always say when you throw a rock at a pack of dog and the first one at holler that's it but under understand this change needs to happen and it needs to happen happen quickly Recreation kids you're cut back you won't have a program that you normally had in the past this is crazy what do you think kids are supposed to do so it's like sign up parents you know what come first first come first serve it shouldn't even be like that you need to go around the other Departments of recreation and see what they're running on their programs do you want to speak to that at all Deputy Mayor you have anything to say no she she's leaving no is she's leaving but the public should know so I'm going to I'm going to speak real quick to the 3% it was 3.3 I believe no 314 3.14 that's the first tax increase since before covid we had a slight little adjustment last time perfect but we had three years with zero increases three years of zero increases in tax including during a pandemic including this year ridiculous inflation that we're deal with with prices you know when when your prices go up the city's prices go up everything went up we had a how many3 million increase in health care cost this year to our employees $7.3 million we had to cover and we only went up 3.14% we cut back in City Hall on expenditures like you've never seen and we did it all without laying one person off so miss Rucker can that's a hit and run right there obviously but uh because she didn't want to hear anything we had to say she was online earlier today I believe yes on Facebook saying we did that uh ordinance today so that we could give ourselves raises all right I've been in Council since 2009 I've had one raise all right I saw on Facebook the other day someone you had me making 11,000 a month as the mayor I make how much a month 18,000 18,000 a year 18,000 a year I me as the mayor 18,000 a year is my salary and most of that goes to going to events that we have to go to cost us money so nonsense like that you know people get on they get on the internet they become instant keyboard Cowboys and they can write whatever they want to do right without any facts behind it so I'll challenge her to that any day if she thinks I'm making that kind of money as the mayor of show any other town in Bergen County with three years in a row of 0% te went up 10 te went up 10% this year so we did a a pretty good job and Benfield went up few years ago 18 yes so I mean when you think about because now you talked about it so now you're going to make me talk about it is when you think about 7 point something million dollars in health benefit increases this year for employees and yet our expenditures only went up 6 point something so we actually cut the city expenses by over $800,000 this year over last year so what we spent last year in the city other than health we cut over $800,000 soan me so you want to talk about managing money we have a wonderful CFO it's insulting to have somebody say we don't know how to manage money and this city is we have a dou doublea Plus credit rating in this town which we've never had before um and we're well on our way to a AAA rating which is the highest rating you can get so uh you have to have your facts before you speak unfortunately that's why she didn't want to hear the facts and let me pass on that here we all own houses yeah we pay ta I don't want my taxes to go up and I try to manage the best I can but sometime in no way that you can control the increases or the benefit for the employer the salary of the employer so we do the best we can so Mr Sero are you ready I guess are you part of that senior group that I was talking about before what's that are you part of that senior group that I did a proclamation for like me absolutely yes you're with me I'm proud to be me too me too yeah the you too yeah why not so age doesn't mean anything really it's a it's who you are what you do and what you are so true okay so um mentioning your uh mental health uh coverage which was added to regular coverage on insurance uh it was President Obama that uh kind of brought that together by the way I just wanted to make note of that that uh mental health was was never covered uh you know was oh you have mental problems forget that okay we'll cover your regular health problems but the mental health was added also with President Obama and it's it's still uh five it's still happening okay so a couple other things uh you know I didn't know you made $118,000 John to just show up you know you you show up and we show up yeah you show up for there's a lot of behind the scenes work though yeah sure pays all your taxes very nice okay all right so listen um on the U on the budget that was discussed uh I don't know I guess it was last week or the week before I I can't remember meting yes last meeting all right last week I don't remember uh Mangan saying that taxes were going up because of of so so what do we have to read it in the paper so why why couldn't he have said it he he said on the average home yes he did average home it would be about 300 25050 on a $330,000 house I don't remember it okay watch the video replay it's on YouTube go back on YouTube you go watch listening and so okay and it's probably when the Mets were scoring maybe they're losing again they're Los we like the meds they're losing again tonight Cleveland's a good team okay so uh other things uh there's never been anything uh added to Spring Valley Avenue nothing uh there was lots of talk about that with uh you know policing the tonnage uh that was going that I there are there are tra trailer trucks there are gigantic trailer trucks going up and down there has been no policing of the size of those trucks you it was in your uh your proclamations one one week that that was going to be uh looked into uh uh the four tonnage uh I know he's got something on it I believe okay and I I I can go over to two blocks away which fam Avenue is twice as wide as Spring Valley there's no nobody on that street plus they have their digital you know slowdown they have their mileage uh meter and all that so we were told we were going to get the mileage meter some policing of the street the tonnage the the trucks are massive okay and and one other thing is as they as cars come up from Main Street okay on Spring Valley it's it's a constant the light changes boom they come up and that first turn into Pine Street that I'm telling you somebody's going to get hit there because people just cut in there okay as they come up Spring Valley I almost got hit there one day just walking down Spring Valley so that's a problem too and there's so many more little things but I'm okay thanks a lot rich rich yeah tomorrow night the the uh city manager announced in his report tomorrow night is a meeting with the police to ask these kind of questions it's at the Eminem building from 6:00 to 8: tomorrow evening come speak about your issues the police will give you their answers directly let them hear what your issues are [Music] yeah anyone else from the public would like to speak I know we have some people from uh about the bench I believe how are you my name is sh and Menton and I am a registered nurse I work at St joose in Patterson but I am also entering the entrepreneur um era of home care so I have registered a Home Care Agency my offic is right here on State Street in hackin saac and so if you know anyone that need a good caregiver because those are really very hard to find then you can find me and I will find that person for them thank you thank you appreciate it good luck in your business thank you we're going to need your business card pretty soon she gave us some okay I got hello my name is carlen goodwater I'm here on behalf of the speak to the microphone I'm loud you can't hear me um good afternoon uh my name is carlen goodw I'm here on behalf of the Jamaican organization of Bergen County and on behalf of the organization we'd like to T thank hackensac uh the city of hackensac for uh approving the bench to uh the park and um we will have at a later date a ceremony that we will um you know absolutely just make sure you let the clerk's office know so we can you know those of us I I plan on being there but uh make sure everybody gets a chance to be there okay than you thank you appreciate it thank you and thanks for the bench so they had a wonderful event and I think we had about 400 people show up at uh the park on Anderson Street when we changed it to uh one love way and uh in recognition of Bob Marley as well but uh that was a great name that came out of that I know we were they were tossing up different names but that was a that was a good one and uh fits that area well too so yep and I still haven't gotten over to 14 parish for my oxtails but I swear I'm going to get them sooner or later I went up there that day they were closing up they didn't have anymore so we if I may we do have coming up EV on June 2 and I have tickets where you can get your oh really where where our anniversary oh nice so that's June 22nd 22 I have tickets I got to see my wife's doing before I make any plans what day the is it weekend night sat Saturday night I will check to see if I am available okay anyone else from the public like to say anything press you have anything to say not just you just here okay all right need a motion to close it the public offer second all in favor I I miss Stephy sure good evening everyone thanks for coming out and spending time with us we had a really nice um evening earlier uh congratulating and a lot of people and a lot of U reasons so congratulations to our newly sworn in officer officer Yates um he had his whole crew from Patterson here which was nice so we got to see him with his his new colleagues and his former colleagues from Patterson and that was was really nice to see that so we welcome him um congratulations and thanks to our DPW um and all the wonderful work they do they're out there in the worst weather the worst times um and they always do a great job and we appreciate it um everything that they do for us uh National prevention week and mental health month I know the mayor mentioned it earlier but um you know there used to be a stigma attached to it and unfortunately there still is a stigma attached to um addiction and and mental health and there shouldn't be um you know I've I I say it all the time raising young kids it's hard to see you know going through covid and social media I blame social media a lot these kids sit there and compare themselves to others um and sometimes those mental health issues lead to substance abuse you know it's so easy to get things now and you hear these terrible stories of you know you know good good people that just tried a drug once and that was it and you know the stigma being attached to you know having a problem that doesn't it's not always the case so we really have to you know work to ensure that stigma is not attached to mental health or or addiction because there's a lot of a lot of people struggling with with either or both um and they need help just like any other you know health condition would would be so um that's an important two important proclamations older American month um you know it's not just about our support for a seniors and we had um you know one of our members here Cherry saying how you know she's starting a business to support support um our older uh you know citizens in need but it's also about the Traditions that they carry um you know I just remembered two years ago when my grandmother passed away I just thought she was the last one of that generation you know to tell those stories of what it was like gr you know growing up in the Great Depression and every time you know the years go on you lose someone like that and you know all the traditions and stories they had so that's important so I'm imagining one of the the great Joys you have is you know when you bond with with you know the elderly and you hear those stories you hear about you know their experiences cuz we can't relate to that at all and you can't imagine you know sometimes what they went through so that's really really special um thank you to Mr Bolton and the Jamaican organization of New Jersey I they're great partners with the city um they're always you know involved we appreciate the the bench dedication and it's just nice to see um you know an organization that's so strong that's so um you know meaningful in the community and dedicate a lot of time and we appreciate your partnership um in regards to the wreck I know Miss uh Rucker had a a question about a weit list but um I just checked right now and two of the sites are full but I think what we agreed to do is because there's a lot of sites that have a lot of places left um so we have two out of our seven are at capacity but we have a lot of spots open in other um sites so the agreement was we'll see you know where the need is and then eventually pull the counselors that we have um you know assigned to the those other sites if we don't you know we don't need two counselor you know 10 counselors for five kids at a site so you know we'll make it work we're not going to turn people away we're going to try to you know figure that out but um it's too soon to say that uh school school will be out soon um online today I read that there's you know our annual ticket Blitz for seat belts that happen every Memorial Day I would love to see a focus on speeding um as the kids you know get out of school they're on their bikes they're walking around they're not paying attention half the time um and the the cars are still flying so um you know seat bels are important but so so's tracking down on speeding um some of great events coming up we have our Memorial Day wreath uh ceremony on the 27th I believe um our pride month on the 31st our juneth celebration on the 22nd our July 4th celebration and a lot of other summer events going on so we have a lot to look forward to this summer good night everyone thanks for coming out thanks Steph I won't reiterate all of your Wonder ful words um about our proclamations but I do have to say it was really impressive with the during the swearing in of our new police officer to see the support from his existing uh fellow police officers in Patterson and I mean the camaraderie and the Goodwill you know for him was it it was just so obvious it was really heartwarming to see that and of course our DPW uh where would we be without them and and the great work they do for us throughout the city for not only for us and for within the city bounds but also for all of our residents and you know daily activities and good and bad weather like you said that we can always depend on them um I know Vinnie uh city manager mentioned it in his uh briefing but just to remind people I'm always asking folks to you know if you hear something say something file complaints with Teterboro Airport for the low- flying planes but this week is Fleet Week so uh starting yesterday and going through Memorial Day uh Toro is hosting three very noisy helicopters that will be making at least one to two trips each day so if you hear some you know if you're curious CU they're rather large and rather noisy and you think something's going on that that's probably what it is and we have to bear with it and hopefully it will be over but any other noise file those complaints because remember we're still in the same competition with Rutherford to keep filing as many as many complaints as possible when we hear them uh a couple of things on agenda tonight I'd like to talk to things that I myself am involved with to a certain extent um although one of them was the update to the tree replacement and that's something the whole Council has been in and I think Jerry might have been wanting to talk to because he's on a shade tree committee but um I think you know due to the violent weather that we that we've seen across the country but even some of the storms that we've seen here and just the Aging of the trees you know we've lost some trees that we need to replace so I think this is a good program and you know also if residents are taking down trees in their property they are now going to be required to replace that and this is coming from the state right Steve this is you know D EPA is requiring this so uh you know we want to keep ourselves green and trees do a lot for us not just that they look wonderful and provide a shade but you know they're great for water absorption and many many other things so I think it's wonderful that we're following the guidelines of the state and and trying to bring some of those trees back into the city um also on the agenda tonight was um our Housing Authority is looking to build uh 30 unit senior affordable housing project and of course the city's working in cooperation with them we're hoping to use some of our trust fund money to help them you know jump start this project um and the one thing as a council that you know we actually spoke tonight to our um affordable housing attorneys you know we've been fighting the fight always because we really don't agree with not being able to have residency preferences on our affordable housing and we understand that it can't count but we want to be able to try to do some of this so uh and sometimes it affects the actual the uh the financing or the federal tax credits that folks get that prohibit it from being a uh residency preference but our attorneys are working very hard and with the senior affordable housing we're going to really try to get a residency preference put in there so at least our residents names will go to the top of the list for this new proposed senior housing so that's a that's I think a very worthy cause for us um another interesting thing is uh bant to place so you know you're looking at bant to place that's a runs from Main Street to state that short block that kind of runs right into what used to be the old ujb used to be the tallest building on Main Street uh if you can put a place there's kind of in the middle of it um our Main Street Alliance is working to bring art more some more art into the downtown so tonight we designated that as art alley so it's going to be that particular block plus we're the old United Jersey Bank Summit Bank people's trust if you're as old as I am when you're looking at old people's month Proclamation I remember when it was people's trust there's an alley between 210 and 214 Main and that alley will also be part of of the art uh of the art art street so I think we hope to see some interesting things there and I think it will be a nice addition to the downtown okay with that said just reminder to tomorrow night at um the Eminem recreation building downtown on Holt Street the uh hackin saac police department is hosting a uh Community involvement evening from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. come with your question questions hear what they have to say we have a wonderful Police Department um but you know Rich has some traffic issues other people if you have some concerns you know here's here's to hear the hear the answers you know let let the police department answer some of those questions we try to Rich but you know we're not them so I think they'll do a much better job with that everyone have a nice evening and we'll see you again next time first of all thank you for coming congratulation to a new to the new police officers and I've been here like about maybe 11 years as a consum of the city of hin and the only reason that I participate in this election because I try to do my best to improve the city for us and I don't want to like compare us with the previous administration but this particular Administration for the last 11 year we pay so many streats in the city ha something that never happened before we improve our parts that you can see that we're going to get three brand new basketball court we're going to have the Dome and we improve Columbus par and sometime when the people say that we don't know how to manage the money when we got a in 2013 we barely got garbage trucks and we got in the last few year I think a six six or seven garage trucks right and every truck is like about 250,000 our police officer they got brand new cars the fire department they got brand new trucks uh we got another truck yet to do the cleaning with the sewer pipes that's about like about 450,000 right and we got a a new truck that you can reach the trees I think the pocket can go up to 70 ft and then we got so many things that we invest the money yet to try to make a city better right and when they asked me one time what is the reason you are getting involved with it I said the only reason is because I want to see a safe city right I want to see a good program for the kids in the school good Recreation program and that reason sometime being see at least what three times a week maybe and I come and I come with recommendation to try to improve our city that's the only reason we are here in we know here to make money right we are here to save the people because we live here okay thank you for coming Gary thank you Mr Mayor the weather's getting nice outside now and there's a lot more people walking and jogging our children are out playing and stuff I'm saying this because we have to start slowing down on our streets we got to be more visual and more careful so that um our children and the people that are walking you know are safe so please you know in your travels be careful so that you know keeping our public you know safe as they do their activities thank you for coming and thank you all that are watching remotely God bless and take care thank you jar so you heard about a list of a lot of events um so if you go on hackensack.org you can find all the things that are going to be happening we got the splash pads are opening this weekend that's great for the kids we have two splash pads we installed in town uh on Tuesday nights you have the summer concert series um four or five great shows there Friday nights you have the shows at at the Atlantic Street Park um congratulations again to our Public Works uh folks they do a wonderful job and uh rain snow whatever freezing weather they're out there congratulations to uh our new transfer police officer vains um he had a like Kathy said he had a great showing tonight of both from here and from his where he's leaving in Patterson um on a great note Hackensack baseball had a pretty good run this year um they actually I think in the group four North they got the second seed they did yeah so uh yeah they're playing good ball and volleyball men's volleyball 19 And1 won the county Championship so that's pretty awesome that's been a while so kudos to the students the kids coaches and the parents that support them I want to thank the Jamaican organization of New Jersey for the bench you're going to assume to be at the Veterans Park looking forward to it I'm sure it'll be put to good use uh and fair share housing just to you know go over what uh some of some of the stuff Kathy was saying is when we build low-income housing or or affordable housing right we have to you would think that would just be for our residents right we're building it your my my tax dollars are paying it the other people's Liv in Hackensack tax dollars are paying for it but that's not the case we have to open it up to two other counties so I believe it's bake County and uh and maybe Hudson County so you could build 200 apartments and only five hackin sack people get in there out of the 200 so I they call it fair share housing I don't call considering we need a lot more than that for our residents here I don't see anything fair about it when we got people you know low-income people from other towns going to come here and get Apartments before our people do I just I don't understand it at all and it's our taxpayer money from and developers money to pay for it so uh just wanted to make sure everybody knew that that's what we were talking about and I try to get down check at June 22nd see if I'm available that night and uh everybody get home safe and have a wonderful uh holiday weekend don't forget Memorial Day on Monday think of a veteran think of what they sacrificed for us thank you motion to close the meeting offer all in favor none opposed