oh sorry one second my bad councilman pag was next to me start that's we can start go ahead mad going right to the city manager City okay number one uh there's a ordinance on tonight that amends chapter 117 it's regarding Johnson Park uh and the community garden um that's just some changes in the uh pres making a residency requirement for the community garden among couple other uh things that the uh City attorney has approved yeah and and just to be clear what we're going to do is we're actually going to have its own section it's going to be a new chapter 75 because it didn't quite fit with the uh the rest of the park stuff so I actually put it in own separate section just for procedural purposes okay number two is there's a resolution on regarding uh Johnson Park greenhous that resolution is assigning Coler engineering to do the uh design and and uh site detail work for the new Greenhouse at Johnson Park I didn't number three uh is a change to the ordinance regarding property tax deductions for disabled veterans um the Veteran's tax ordinance uh it establishes a procedure for how a qualifying disabled veteran can claim the exemption from paying property taxes under New Jersey Law critically it also limits refunds to the year in which it in which the exemption was claimed because otherwise there are issues with the VA in which is backed up and we could be uh responsible for refunding considerable sums for prior years while the VA was determining whether or not the individual was 100% disabled this was requested uh as per our tax assessor recommendations last but not least is the CSO and storm water pars update I'll call up uh Chris weaton our city [Music] engineer everybody good evening good evening everybody evening okay just a quick update uh to our schedule overview um the dark blue items have been updated um as you're aware the uh the Green Street Hazard mitigation project uh had scope added so that uh anticipated construction finish has been extended to April and I've added uh a miscellaneous sewer sewer infrastructure improvements project which uh is currently bidding bids for that project are due uh in January next slide please our current CSO separation project is the Anderson Street drain area uh the sanary mains replacement uh began on Stanley uh Place uh last week and is underway psng gas relocations on Clay Street are underway uh at this time also um psse has been instrumental in advancing some of their um uh planned Capital Improvements that were planned for next year they've they've moved them uh to the front of their schedule and they're doing them now so that we can accomplish our sewer separation uh in a timely fashion and violia is starting their water service relocations next week uh no new uh no new news on Vorhees Lane we are uh sent we are uh essentially in agreement on our change order we just need to uh uh await Project funding with our uh Grant M our Hazard mitigation Grant project uh as I mentioned we've extended the scope for that project to uh maximize the benefit of this program uh with cleaning and televising and locating um uh the sewer uh infrastructure so the scope has expanded to uh now 184,000 linear feet and we're about 57% complete uh in the CCTV now for this project uh and and we've also been advancing uh with the hazard mitigation project uh the preliminary design and and layout of uh the prime conveyance To The River and the possible locations for Pump Station so we've been discussing uh uh these Alternatives with uh bcua because it involves crossing their uh 96in Interceptor in Mur Street and uh so that's a a major issue that we need to to uh to uh address in the in the planning and and design and um we also expect to be meeting with the with with the county on this project as well to talk about um uh you know possible locations for uh uh for the infrastructure that that may uh that may impact um uh County property um and also to talk about uh possibility of of operations for the [Music] project moving on to the parks project uh Carver Park uh underground electrical is complete the post tension court construction is underway uh as shown there Johnson Park Sports facility uh we are uh nearing completion on the field house design and um just finalizing that project um at this time facini park it the city has decided to uh pursue Green Acres funding which actually had been awarded for a portion of the project at a previous point in time that Green Acres funding has uh the city has decided to apply that Green Acres funding to one of the fields um that's planned as part of phase one uh which is Fields 8 n and 10 at fi and so we are um advancing working to advance the the work that's necessary to uh to secure that Green Acres funding which when we're going to do the three Fields eight n and 10 and then we are planning to do field number seven and that way we can do the at the the football field right mhm all that data that we get from different places in the city can we put that dat in field number seven and that way we can use that there because it's clean the sample the there they know that a good there but Leon we throw it away that there when that can be used to fill it up to fill the P part because we going to race at least 3 ft right I don't think it it's it's no longer 3T but we are we we do need Phill for surcharge purposes and we do need that's correct yes that's been part of the conversation I hope I can see some there in the next few weeks thank you yep agreed and that is part of the plan Counseling and as you know I'm not happy that we're continuing to let Suburban do work in the forks they've proven over and over that they do not have the staff to support the amount of work they have in the city they have unbelievable amounts of delays in projects and we as Council have asked that to no longer give them work outside of sewers yes it'll be a transition period any engineering company of course it's sold to be able to pick that up and run with it and I believe in the long run it will be done in less time because they will have the STA and it will be done for less money compensated so I'm sick of this I'm sick of us we we've been talking about this for the last couple of years we've got we got burn par Park got burn side park getting B over the place we're making the same mistake over and over and over again so I think we have to come together and and with in the city meting I'm coming to you this be numerous times it's got to stop got to stop we're just throwing good money after you you know after bed over and over a new project went to the new company called car I know but we just giving them the greenhous I don't no no no the green house going to go to no but I'm saying we're only giving a very small piece of the we're Waring tonight that's a stting point we're Waring tonight to this to Suburban which I'm going to V against I'm tired of this I'm tired I I hear your concern councilwoman and I um yeah we've goty toy we got the data supported and and we just keep doing it so me got to make a decision I'm happy to discuss uh as as as you may wish at at at other times outside the meeting I don't think we need to discuss it hearing from make change we had it we brought this up over and over and we're done with this we haven't had one project brought to fruition on time yeah on budget specification where carart should been done immediately it should have been ready to roll this would have been done a year ago but they everything off they do not have the staff to support the amount of work they're doing in the city and it's it's very transparent that that's what's going on I got one more question before we going to continue switch the pipes they are going to the river right when we do the separation and then the water from the stone is going to go right to the River or the PIP they go there they got in the a flex ball or they don't have anything uh there is a a tide gate at the end of the pipe what it called a tide gate or a flap valve they go like these um it it there are different there are different ones in different places some of them are in line the flexible kinds um like a diaphragm they fle yeah and the other ones are uh external like on the head wall at Carver Park there's an or that you see at uh uh at the at the CSO facilities there's a large um Ste was working good and the video that I sent to you guys was horrific the flooding in park and we didn't even have that much rain that day I mean I know I think Ryan said that he felt it was just a perfect storm with I don't know if that's true I think you know it's with all the work we've done and I haven't seen F park with that bad was in a video I horrific that's the most water I've ever SE I've never seen it that bad it wasn't even less than 2 in Rain my question they have the they don't have anything something had to happen and we can't just say oh well it must be the time now somebody has to B with into what's going on it's going to happen again because we're going to get more rain now and that this wasn't even a heavy rain I know I know I know that question did you video yes and I bought this up about a month ago when I went through the park and saw how bad it was down there and I have never seen F Park that bad L you know it was that bad when I brought I brought it to your attention you know um like almost had weav I took it as a point that since we have done all this sewer separation in town that water was now started come there and starting to fill up not happen that's what I'm saying something is wrong and water supposed to be released into the river and not be able to get back in exactly how many years ago there I think it was before you they put the duck bills in there but it has to be something very recent we had all that Heavy Rain I'm saying we had all that heavy rain all summer and we didn't have this no it was and then we had this light rain and it was a disaster so something is wrong has have those vals been checked at all I'd have to check uh with DPW on that check okay go ahead go ahead please okay uh so next slide please um so again uh we are in the same status here on our uh our intersection improvements for Summit and pic ABS uh which also includes inter uh new signals at Beach and first and Central and first we're awaiting uh the signals uh uh the powder coated black signals which um uh are a materials delay at this point and then just to follow up on your question from last meeting mayor um the uh regarding the crosswalks at burn and and West Anderson you were inquiring about why there was not a third a fourth there was actually three intersections it was it was look Anderson look out and hon on bur okay those those were all had no crosswalks installed but all are different none of the same one is four one is three one is too okay um I'll take a look at the other ones um this one um what we've observed is uh there were no crosswalks previously and with the paving project and the Ada improvements that were that were made uh we were able to install three crosswalks but not the fourth crosswalk on the south side of the intersection due to the catch Basin uh that you see um kind of covered with leaves it's a little hard um but uh uh on the bot bottom right there there's a catch Bas and yeah thanks Frank just just next to the the ramp there thate because I've seen a million times if you see what the handicap I can't remember what they call that the plate red yeah the detectable surface okay so I've seen a million times where where the left side of the crosswalk right there all right where they they bring it out and the other crosswalk comes right into it so you're not going into where the sewer is you're going from crosswalk from the red pad to the red pad on the other side um seeing it all over I don't know why it wasn't brought right across the street in other words you make the corners of the crosswalks merge um as they come across but uh per perhaps we could do that if I think I it looks to me like it might be too much in the street for us to accomplish that we're we're not able to to make the crosswalk cross the uh uh the the storm water inlet so see if if we put it at a diagonal when you look at that if I'm looking at that right now if you take from yeah if you were looking at from overhead it be a lot easier to see huh no I'm saying if you were looking you could see it from above I mean there's no difference between somebody coming across that crosswalk to that red pad and coming this way there no more in the street at that point than anybody then either way doesn't matter to make you're in the you're always in the street when you're across who makes these decisions the traffic the traffic the designers of the of the project so yeah I can yeah I can I can review that further with uh with with just to me it should be tied in and look equal I mean you got two crossworks technically you can't even use a crosswalk they get across the burn Street at one point because there's there's no what you have to no you can get across but you have to walk across another street without using a crossb which makes absolutely no sense that make no sense so yeah that that's something I will definitely look at more closely in in the future as these plans come across my desk certainly I was not involved inie this is this is Anderson showing may we understand why if he explains it that's that's Anderson so the next street street before that is Hamilton then there's Anderson and then there's uh Lookout so look at all three of them and see well that explain it to us if he has a reason then we can accept that and understand it rather than just say I don't know we do okay thank you what do we about the engineer situation are we we to actually change it or change in here I think anything sports related should or Park related should go out anything not somewhere else there there's a ton of sewer work and they're heavily in there and Aon is good with the sewers so I I think that's my suggestion let them do just to Super anything else are they going to finish the projects they're doing now I wouldn't going to stop I would change it CU they're not going to get done okay that's just I'm going vote I wouldn't do it I think that any engineer with their so can take off where they left off yes they're going to be a little bit of a delay very little but they're going to have to step to get it done on time and then we'll make it up on the back okay and we'll be sure it's done rather than getting our the cor report here we don't want to make cor report anymore than it is no no got we're getting done I'm using that as an example we don't want this to happen in Bimi park or any other Park that we do agree I agree you don't got a lesson no I I have I agree with you I mean I'm only speaking my opinion is Vinnie going to push this issue now or or it's to be like all right it's going to be done now okay all right so you want them you want them off of 789 that's my opinion I will I'm only one yes yes okay okay understood that's just machine yeah and going forward any new work that's being done other than sewer work should be offered to other so done yeah what about Johnson that one I'm going to stay there at least one more week I gu need one more then I make de problem okay for bringing K on board they have tremendous experience reports huge and St to do it so did that bille project is spectacular so we have alterate oh no I just want to make sure it's it's clear you know to everyone that's it's clear okay okay johal okay moving on to JNL um again the roofing is is complete except for the skylights and down spouts um with the Jal building itself um we've started the site construction as you probably observed as you drive by City Hall seeing the the work out front there and um we are advancing the mechanical electrical and plumbing what's it what's it fun spring uh March March 2023 24 24 sorry we really I got I'm catching flat from the seniors to get back in an Eminem building we really got hammered on Sunday on it so we got to you know again things got to fly with the St Francis social lights on Sunday at the dinner and they were like when are we you know when are we get our building back our seniors have nothing you know so it's we got to get and this has been going on for a very long time and when I say the seniors I'm one of them because now I'm I kind have my wife signing up for the social light so oh boy we been a whole our hats that's that's for whole people she goes you're old so so so far we are on uh on on you know on we on schedule with uh with delivery for for March and the contractor at the start was optimistic for early finish um and we are continuing with the Cyber mediation at Fire Department headquarters as we've discussed previously okay and uh that concludes my presentation s Med yes you got good we didn't discuss anything legal yet so we can no I'm just saying Chris needs to come to close session this okay I need motion to Back In Motion open the public my bad all in favor I I and oppos good evening Marty Smith Prospect Avenue I'd like to start by wishing you all a happy holiday season I hope the year has been a good one for all of you thank to you sir and I'd like to thank Miss ween for the project information she provided concerning the traffic safety upgrades for Prospect and Atlantic Street I'm sure that once these are put in place that location will be a safer intersection for pedestrians and drivers so thanks very much for that and to Mr Caruso also for being kind enough to provide me with a copy of that project he a man of his word um the first order of business is our Advisory Board would like to recommend that the interception of Prospect and Central some and Central and Prospect and pic where there exists left turn lanes that green arrows be uh attached to the existing signals to make lift turn Lanes safer for drivers making that maneuver uh we have many areas in the city that have dedicated left turn lanes that have green arrows but those locations do not so I think we should have a certain level of standardization once something exists there's no reason why certain locations should be missing these things you give me those intersections yeah Prospect in Central Summit in Central and Prospect and pic uh the next thing I'd like to ask uh I understand that the city has jurisdiction over certain streets uh can you tell me Summit Avenue between Bic and Spring Valley Avenue is that under City jurisdiction or County city city city so my question is based on that knowing that city streets here in hackensac have designated speed limits of 25 M an hour why the summit have a 35 mph speed limit is it 25 at the area you're talking about or 35 35 between Bic and Spring Valley Avenue on Summit is set at 35 miles an hour che check I thought it was 25 from from P Spring Valley but I could be but I know it it's 35 back the other and the other last thing since my time is running out Summit Avenue has recently been resurfaced relined but there are eight intercept that have no crosswalks between pic and Spring Valley Avenue most of these are te interceptions and I'm assuming that maybe they have not been installed because there are the lacking sidewalks on the west side of Summit Avenue so I don't know if it would be possible to install those crosswalks are not considering that fact okay that's something we will look into just midw crosswalk you know I'm I know sometimes they're necessary but I'm not a big fan of them sometimes because sometimes with the especially speeding on that street it's pretty bad but uh we'll we'll look into it I don't know that we I would recommend doing it on every block right no okay we do the best we can yep appreciate that thank thank you a happy holiday yourself 19 okay anybody else in the public seeing none Mr Soo is going to come up [Music] later motion [Music] to roll call hi Mayo hi hi Carol hi May hi okay we will be back out at 8:00