excuse [Music] me okay I need a motion to close the executive session second all in favor I need a motion to close the Council of the hall off all in favor I I None oppos okay that Park this meeting is being hang on the microphone this meeting is being held in accordance with the open public meeting Act njsa 10 colum 4-6 at set notice of which was sent to the record in the Star Ledger and was posted on the municipal buing okay roll call please counc member V mayor here council member Gaga here council member Carol here may here would everybody please rise for the flag salute to flag the United States of America the stands indice I do have two proclamations to read tonight and the first is uh celebrating women's History Month and it reads whereas during women's history month we celebrate the countless women whose courage and resolve have contributed to the character and success of our nation and the entire world and whereas women in play continue to play a critical economic cultural and social role by providing a significant portion of the labor force working inside and outside of the home and whereas women have been leaders not only in securing their own rights of sufferage and equal opportunity but in upholding movements such as civil rights emancipation abolition and labor unions for Liberty freedom and justice for all and whereas women were particularly important in the establishment of early charitable Phil philanthropic and cultural institutions to promote the welfare of others and by providing the majority of the volunteers and we're as women continue to strengthen and enrich our society by helping children to recognize the value of learning as well as the importance of self-respect personal responsibility and respect and concern for others now for I John P Bross Jr mayor of the city pinac along with members of the council who hereby recognize March's women's History Month okay next Proclamation reads whereas the Arts he find his music dance theater and visual arts contribute powerful educational benefits to all students as it teaches sensitivity to Beauty order and other expressive qualities whereas learning in and through the Arts enables students to develop critical thinking and creative problem solving skills imagination and self-confidence and whereas the art gives student the Arts gives students an alternative way to communicate and express feelings and ideas in a deeper understanding of Multicultural values and beliefs and whereas art education is essential to all students as part of a well-rounded education as acknowledged by our national leaders and can transform our community to havens of creativity and exploration and now therefore I John P Leos junor mayor of the city hackin along with members of the city council do hereby endorse the observance of Youth art month and encourage the support of quality art programs for our children's and schools so this Thursday um we'll be celebrating at the library uh youth art month every year all the students from hack Public Schools put on an art show uh Tuesday at the hpack this year it's down at the library in their gallery and uh I encourage all to come out and check out our students art they do some wonderful work so moving on I need an approval of the minutes for February 20th 2024 of the regular count executive session all in favor I None opposed Jackie you're up thank you mayor um for the city manager's report um the Johnson Public Library has launch launched a program called books by mail through this program participating patrons that are homebound or with a disability will receive a bag of two to four library books and our audio books through the mail once they're once they're ready they can return the materials in the same bag free of cost and the library will send them a new batch of materials please refer to our website or contact the library direct for application information our community garden registration is now open in for hackin residents please call or visit our Recreation Department for assistance also our Recreation Department is hosting our annual Easter egg hunt on March 27th at Johnson Park please refer to social media postings for your designated times for your children lastly in recognition of women's history month I would like to recognize and thank all the women I work with and who I admire in their leadership and supportive roles learning from one another is what empowers us to be the best we can be thank you that's all I have mayor that's it okay want to do business sorry resolution 7224 this is a resolution for final adoption of ordinance number 92024 and ordinance amending Chapter 93 of the code of the city of hainet garbage rubbage and refu to clarify responsibility for compliance with the provisions contained therein this ordinance has been published according to law and now calls for a public hearing need a motion to open to the public all in favor I None opposed need a motion to uh adopt the ordinance NOP I'm sorry to close public comment sorry motion to close the public jumping ahead here all in favor motion to adop the second all in favor we resolved by the city council of the city of hackin County of Bergen and state of New Jersey that ordinance number n 2024 as pass a second and final reading and is hereby adopted thank you resolution 7324 this is a resolution for the introduction of ordinance number 6- 2024 an ordinance forend chapter 107 of the code of the city of haac licenses and permits establishing Recreation Department fees need a motion to introduce the ordinance okay all in favor none opposed we resolve that the above or Mee ordinance 62024 is introduced is now passed on first reading and that said ordinance shall be considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on March 19th 2024 at 8:00 p.m. where soon thereafter is the matter to the region the regular meeting place of the city council and at such time and place all person's interest to be given an opportunity to be heard concerning set ordinance and that the city clerk being she is hereby authorized and directed to publish set ordinance according to law with a notice of its introduction and passage on first reading and of the time and place one where that will be further considered for final passage thank you resolution 7424 this is a resolution for the introduction of ordinance number 10-22 an ordinance adding adding a new chapter chapter 139 of the code of the city of hackin salt storage privately owned to comply with State D requirements need a motion please offer T all in favor I None opposed we resolved that the above ordinance being ordinance 10- 2024 is introduced is now pass on first reading and the said ORD shall be considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on March 19th 2024 at 8:00 p.m. soon there after the matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the city council and at such time and place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning set ordinance and that the city clerk being she is hereby authorized and directed to call the set ordinance according to law with the notice of its introduction and passage on first reading and of the time and place when andw said ordance will be further considered for final passage thank you resolution 75-24 a resolution for the introduction of ordinance number 11224 and ordinance amending chapter 90 of the code of the city of pinac food and drink to allow for the sale of freshly prepared ice cream and other Frozen desserts by licensed ice cre need a motion second roll call council member Von renberg hiut mayor Canino council member paga hi council member Carol hi mayor Le BR hi we resolve the above ordinance being ordinance 11- 2024 is introduced is now passed on first reading and that that ordinance shall be considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on March 19th 2024 at 8:00 p.m. or soon thereafter the matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the city council and at such time in place all persons interested to be given an opportunity to be heard concerning set ordinance and that the city clerk being and Chiefs hereby authorized and directed to publish set ordinance according to law with notice of its introduction and passage on first reading and of the time of place one and where set ordance will be further considered for final passage thank you resolution 7624 this is a resolution for the introduction sorry of ordinance number 12- 2024 ordinance amending the prospect railroad Essex Beach Redevelopment plan for an area need of Rehabilitation consisting of block 223 Lots 1 to 7 and 11 to 24 lot 22 6.01 lots 1.01 to 1.04 and three block 22602 Lots 1 to 15 and 19 to 27 block 227 Lots 1 to 32 what 2 to8 LS 1 to 3 69 to 30 and 40 to 49 BL 229 Lots 1 11 to 14 28 to 43 46 block 230 Lots 1 3.01 to 7 12 to 19 21 to 30 Block 232 Lots 1.01 1.02 26 28 to 31 33 47 49 55 block 2 I'm sorry 233 Lots 1 2 7.01 7.02 nine block 236 Lots 618 3601 and block 237 lots 1.01 to 1.04 2 2.02 and 4.01 okay need a motion I think all in favor I and opposed you sure you done all I hope so all right be resolved that the above ordinance being ordinance 12- 2024 as introduced is now passed on first reading and that said ordinance shall be considered for final passage at a meeting to be held on March 19th 2024 at 8:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter the matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the city council and at such time and place all persons interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning set ordinance and that the city clerk being she is hereby authorized and directed to publish set according to law with a note of its introduction of passage on first reading and of the time of place when and where s ordinance will be further considered the final passage by the hospital it doesn't um any motion roll call no no we did that right well I got I'm sorry I got interrupted so away my C we're on to resolution 7724 7724 I really don't want to read that one again come on it was fun this is an introduction to ordinance number 13- 2024 an ordinance to amend chapter 175 of the code the city of haac zoning in order to amend and clarify certain definitions contained therein okay need a motion please roll call council member venberg hi mayor hi Council membera council member Carol H mayor lebros hi being resolved that the above ordinance being ordinance 13- 2024 is introduced is now pass on first reading and that set ORD shall be considered final passage at a meeting to be held on March 19th 2024 at 8:00 p.m. or soon thereafter the matter can be reached at the regular meeting place of the city council and at such time and place all person is interested be given an opportunity to be heard concerning set ordinance and the the city clerk being and she is hereby authorized and directed to PO a set ordinance according to LA the notice of its introduction and passage on first reading and of the time in place one and where said ordinance will be further considered for final passage thank you resolution 7824 this is a resolution authorizing tax refunds for state board judgments and duplicate payments you a motion please all in favor I I and oppose I know I threw you off G last one Okay resolution 79- 24 a resolution authorizing transfer of the 23 budget Appropriations a motion all in favor I I I None opposed resolution 8-24 the resolution authorizing 2024 temporary budget Appropriations need motion all in favor I I and opposed resolution 8124 see resolution awarding contracts for laboratory services need a motion okay all in favor I I resolution 8224 a resolution awarding change order number one to hqw Architects LLC for architectural services related to Johnson Park Sports facility administration building need a motion second all in favor any opposed yes have one now okay resolution 8324 a resolution awarding change order number five which is final to new print Concrete Construction for the Clay Street CSO contract number three project a motion second roll call council member Von renberg hi mayor Cino hi council member taglia hi council member Carol hi May I resolution 8424 this is a resolution authorizing change order number two related to the contract with Jay Fletcher Kramer and Son Inc for the bores Lane Pump Station replacement Phase 2 in accordance with the requirements set forth in njac 5 colon 30-h 11.9 need a motion roll call council member V rudenberg mayor Tenino council member Paglia hi council member Carol hi mayoros hi resolution 8524 a resolution authorizing a mandatory contract with Jay Fletcher Kramer and Son Inc for the vores lane Pump Station replacement phase two need a [Music] motion roll call council member vber hi Deputy Mayor Kino Council mayor paga hi council member Carol hi mayor Leos hi resolution 86-24 say resolution authorizing payment of bills need a motion to pay the bills roll callenberg Mayo Carol Iain any conflicts of interest on the uh consent agenda I have one resolution 9124 okay we're going to pull that anything [Music] else okay continue okay the following items are considered to be routine in nature and will be enacted in one motion any items require expenditure are supported by a certification of availability of funds any item requiring discussion will be removed in the consent agenda and consent agenda items will be reflected in full in the minutes including any exceptions and or additions consent agenda consists of resolutions 87- 24 which is a resolution authorizing Recreation refund 8824 is a resolution authorizing raffle license 9-24 is resolution authoring endorsement of proposed Burton County Community Development grants resolution 90-24 is a resolution authorizing Le ABS extension for ler Montgomery J sanitation worker resolution 92- 24 is a resolution authorizing and requesting the planning board to undertake a preliminary Redevelopment investigation to determine whether block 405 wat 3 the sear site satisfies the criteria for designation as an area in need of Redevelopment for condemnation purposes and repealing resolution number 29423 establish establishing non- condemnation area designation and resolution 9324 is a resolution authorizing release of esro for 302 you need a motion on that need a motion to adopt the consent agenda as we was just read sorry okay Sor call council member renberg hi mayor Kino hi council member pagia hi council member Carol hi may ro all right resolution 9124 it is a resolution authorizing leave of absence for John Mo and a motion please second all in favor well actually I know got do roll call sorry council member vber hi mayor C hi Council membera hi council member Carol May hi okay with that I need a motion open to the public all in favor all right not opposed anybody would like to speak please come to the podium give your name to the clerk you will have three [Music] minutes how are you Mr Sero fine there's so much to talk about this three minutes is ridiculous okay look let's start with uh um I don't want to lose it Spring Valley Avenue just needs attention you need to do it or I'm going to Rally everybody on the Block to come in here and make you do it okay it's too much those buses are way over four tons going down the block okay I don't want to waste too much time on that number number two sty Park there's a little area in the back there that's like what is it why can't you develop that with all all this Recreation development you're doing why not include that we have I'll tell you after we have that all right so another thing up in my neighborhood the uh the two islands as you get to Spring Valley there's a a little island and then the other one beyond that is where the bank was those two uh empty vacant buildings and then turn around and go back down the block where the there was a a store there and everything there were shops in there and everything that's vacant there's a gate around it now so it almost looks like it's it's being condemned up in my neighborhood it's there's nothing too vacant of buildings between Spring Valley and Maine on the corners there the bank and the it was a station there I guess it was a auto place or repair place that's vacon and then the other which is a larger area with a fence around it look like a slum up there now so when are they going to develop those properties you're developing everything on every other Street the last the last property who spoke up that used to be a quick check in the bank right that's the one I'm talking about that is going to be a place of worship believe it or not okay um so the whole area is going to be a place of worship just that that that lot that's owned by was private property was sold to somebody and that's what they're going to put there um it was sold to a the M MOS on Trinity Place okay so there's going to be a mosque there there's going to be a mosque there or Tenny Bank is still owned as far as I know by orny bank and I don't know what their plans to sell it they're paying their taxes that's all I know but we can't force them well that's all that matters right I mean sure we pay their taxes and they own it we can't tell you got to sell the property right okay what about the other uh property that's been vacant a long long time talking about the the point of Street where it hits Grand that's been vacant forever again it's privately owned and it's very hard to tell people what to do with their own property but do you ask them at least or is there some that the city the city's we could ask them and say what's your intent here what's going on with that with that and if if F you see Property Maintenance isn't being maintained we certainly can do something about that but but uh you know until we get a complaint about property maintenance or it's in disarray there's not a lot we can do cuz we don't own the property okay uh last thing is on the resolutions the first one up was about complying with h garbage pickup that's all I get that's the only service I get is a garbage pickup and I can't even get pick things picked up that I want when and where and all that and you know so can we uh kind of get it together on garbage pickup and they're now talking I read an article the other day about they're talking about recyclables are not acceptable we're going to have to wash them come on I mean that that sounds right in the the same area of the of no flush Ables or something you know so let's put all that together no flushes washing our recyclables and and something else together with that okay so uh really the recyclables I mean why do we have to separate recyclables now is that going to be it depends on where you take the recyclables there's there's areas companies that have recycle centers where everything's commingled and they separated at site and you have recycling centers that only take paper cardboard newspaper stuff like that and the other ones all take plastic and glass where are we taking ours ours ours are separated but know this we used to make money recycling but uh that's changed completely we actually lose money with recycling now unfortunately not just in hach but across the country thank you thank you have a wonderful evening anyone else from the public seeing none motion to close okay all in favor and oppose Steve you have something to say yes oh um I just want to add because I did not do so before about the closed session that we did go into closed executive session we did talk about a number of cases including uh work workers compensation case involving Mr Odo um then civil litigation involving Kang uh The Vasquez case uh the zesa case I think that was [Music] it the workers comp yeah that was that was that was the oo so it's oo Kang z7 bestw oh and the a a AR R GRC cas1 as well MH that's it right thank you step good evening everyone thanks for coming out tonight um first want to start off by saying happy women's History Month to everybody and thank you to all our women residents employees our women's students and volunteers um speaking of volunteers recck is still looking for volunteer softball and baseball coaches for the spring season um please don't feel that you really have to know a lot about the game of baseball so we still need um parents or volunteers to just help you know organize the practices make sure all our athletes are safe um we have our head coaches that can you know run the games and things like that but definitely more support um to make sure everything is well run and everyone safe um happy youth Arts month thank you to our student artists our local artists art teachers um and all of our different Community organizations um who really contribute to the Arts in our city uh we have a Wonder ful Cultural Arts staff and our hackpack board um you know they do a lot for the Arts in the state of hackin sta appreciate everything that you do um the last weekend of February hackin saac Junior wrestling hosted their annual twin County wrestling league Regional Championship um at the high school and it went very very well um we had a lot of people there and it was uh well attended well run um and I want to thank uh everyone that supported from the school and the city to ensure it was a safe and fun event for all um that's it for me thank you have a good night everyone than yes a little bit about woman's History Month I think it's evident just looking around the room tonight where would we be without our two clerks and the wonderful job they do to not only support us but support the city fellow Council woman St right next to me and of course our Deputy manager Jackie um so we're very very fortunate in the city to to have wonderful employees and you know this month to to take a moment out and just congratulate and thank all the wonderful women that work here throughout the city and all departments and women that live in the city you know we're we're we're great we you know we we all are big supporters of of everyone in the city but you know as a woman to woman thing we've got a lot of great ones in town uh not a lot on here tonight of things I usually talk about but uh actually the only thing really that was on here that anything to do is resembling Redevelopment was we made some changes which were really pretty much they were just definitions and clarifications of some definitions for the hospitals home you know so that's the area again surrounding H Medical Center coming close to the high school that whole Prospect Beach area um and again clarifications to some of the definitions some of the stuff is very subject to interpretation and as we go through them and we see cases it makes sense for us to periodically make some changes and that's the only thing that we had on here tonight um again thanks to those who came tonight and thanks to those that are watching or will watch the video and have a good night everyone thank you congratulations to all the lady that work in the city thank you for the good job that you guys do thank you for coming I'd like to um thank everyone that's viewing our meeting remotely and are physically present I like to bring up um something about um our motorcycles um ebikes uh bicycles General let's all be careful as the weather get nicer to um just watch out for for them as they as we travel with our cars and SUVs and everything else um as well for them to look out for the vehicle that's all share of roads and and be mindful of one another uh children's um Easter egg hunt on May 27th at Johnson Park I believe it starts at 4 4 p.m. it's always a great event I enjoy watching all the little people run out there on the field and gather up their eggs and and and it's really nice to see that I wish all one full women's history month and thank you and God bless thank you so a lot of you don't know but the Twin Valley Junior wrestling league is hackensac high school has been home to that tournament for I'm going to say well over 30 years all right probably quite a bit more than that um I was at the tournament I want to especially thank Council Woman by brunberg she was there working tirelessly all day long running all over the place like a chicken with her head cut off but uh that's that's what that tour it's like close to how many matches um we had we had six mats upstairs and three first nine matchs yep and how many matches all together for the Dan I think it was close to 500 over I over over so over over 500 wrestling matches in from 9:00 till about 4:30 we finished the record time 4:30 that's that's incredible and uh it was really well-run event this year uh I used to be involved with that and it was uh always a lot of work where it was so much work you had to take the day off afterwards cuz you were just exhausted we did and of so uh and great wrestling and um I'm going to tie that into women's history month cuz it's unbelievable the amount of young female wrestlers out there today um you know years ago we were all like oh girls wrestling forget it you know it's become such a big sport now that they have their own state championship down in Atlantic City with the boys all right and I watched some of the matches on TV the other day and uh it's impressive it's impressive how how good some of these these young lady wrestlers are I know um Council woman's daughter is a wrestler for acch junior wrestling and she probably enjoys beating up some of the boys but uh yeah it's good so at the at the junior level they wrestle together all right but as they get older and get into high school they separate and it's just female against female and uh really impressive how far it's gone they do have so some of their ggs in States they do have a girls division they have girls division so even at the Young level now they have which is a big you know that's new so and just to give you an idea you're correct so there's a my son my son coaches in parabis on their junior team they have a young lady Lexi who two years ago took fifth in the state boys championship and won the girls Championship it just shows you the level all right it's first place in the girls and fifth in the boys and you're talking about 300 kids right competing in that weight class so yeah it's it's impressive so kudos to that uh youth youth art art month um like I said before uh will be at the library Thursday night at I think 6:30 uh celebrating um I have two events at night so I'm going to stop in and read the proclamation and then shoot out but uh looking forward to that it's always good to see the kids and uh they're so proud of their artwork so it's nice to see what about the library did the library send over to something about the books um to the C MERS office about the new the book swap half pack as a lot of events coming up I'm actually uh backing one which I believe is already sold out the Eddie brigotti rocket show I think it is yeah so Eddie bratti said Saturday uh April 13th all right there might add a Friday night show if possible so Eddie badia for those who don't know that name it was a group uh quite famous group back in the 60s rock and roll group called The Young Rascals all right Eddie brigatti was in that band he's from Garfield they're Rock and Roll Hall of Famers he no longer really performs like he used to but he does back this group it's a uh it's an Academy for Young artist musical artist called the Rocket Academy um they're based in Central Jersey um they have to audition just to able to get into the school so they're all accomplished musicians when they start so they'll be playing a lot of the Rascal Tunes Eddie will be there along with other special guests it's a surprise so you have to buy a ticket to find out who it's going to be but looking forward to that hopefully they put on the next the Friday Night Show and and sell that out as well and again congratulations to all the women right they're all strong women in here and uh we appreciate every everything you do and with that I wish everybody a wonderful night and motion to close all in favor okay --------- I guess we can go on with the city man just reported where um I have a couple items that are on the bucket for tonight um first on our um agenda is our Recreation Department fees we have an ordinance that is listed um this ordinance will will memorialize our rec Recreation fee schedule and in particular our non-resident fee for open gym the daily fee for open gym will now be $25 per day with a 2hour restriction under the discretion of the recreation superintend um our next ordinance that is on the docket is in reference to ice cream pedders permits um this will amend chapter 90 of the code under food and drink this will allow for the sale of freshly prepared ice cream and frozen desserts all vendors will need to comply with all local ordinances and Health Department fees um and the current annual fee is $175 our third ordinance that is also on the docket tonight is in reference to um our privately owned salt storage this is a an ordinance for compliance with d storm water regulations the purpose is to prevent stored salt from being exposed to storm water and within this ordinance there are requirements that must be followed for public health and safety uh now I'm going to invite our city engineer Chris ween to present the CSO and construction project updates good evening everybody good evening ch um just a quick look at our major project overview uh this is the same as last time except we have updated the bid dates for um anticipated award for East Kennedy generator as well as the various sewer infrastructure improvements those awards are anticipated have been recommended have been recommended uh to us and award is anticipated at the next uh council meeting as well as uh the bid opening for Prospect Avenue has been assigned and that's uh April [Music] 4th jumping into our CSO uh or combin sewer separation projects uh just to put some context on it we're currently working on the Anderson Street drainage area shown in pink which is going to add more than another 20 acres uh to our uh separation efforts for the combined sewer system and follows uh about uh 75 or 80 acres of uh of improvements that the city has already made this Anderson Anderson stre project uh is to the west of Railroad Avenue and encompasses a portion of Clay Street and place Jam Street Barry Street and Stanley Place uh We've updated the presentation with this schematic that shows you it's might be a little hard to read from a distance but uh but gives you an overview of of what's been completed uh and uh so we are still coordinating with our utility companies for gas relocation and water me uh relocation and service connections that need to be updated uh to accommodate the project the sewer the sanitary sewer installation is occurring first and uh you can see this the the completion status in the figure um and and comments our nonso project right now is vhe Lane uh as you know this project has been on hold as we have been awaiting funding for the project and the discussion of a change order um I do uh want to alert you that the change order will be over 20 the the local Finance board guidelines of 20% change order there are Provisions in the local Finance board rules that allow for change excuse me for change orders under certain circumstances to be uh to be awarded and uh so we have prepared a justification uh as well as an explanation for the city manager's office as well as our City attorney who has uh prepared the resolution of approval um uh accordingly if there's any questions on that I'm happy to address my question is and I think I've brought this up before but so the Project's overseen this is a Suburban project correct yes it is so you have a Transformer which takes the voltage and adjust it to what the yes somehow nobody on this Council up here was involved in it it went from that's what's supposed to happen to it didn't happen so where does the responsibility on that lion who made the mistake that's what we want to know because really there should be some liability we're looking to change orders to pay for somebody's mistake is what it come down to we did look at that very carefully and it's I mean we also looked at whether um whether we would not have incurred this cost if the mistake had been caught earlier so I will show you the picture that shows the main shut off box with a a very clear label on the front of that box that says voltage uh 208 volts right um and that's what the engineer relied upon um it's understandable that they may not have probed those lines as um as that's a very you that's a hazardous exercise to to go um you know you say that box was mismarked the bar the box was mismarked by the city was mismarked by the city we mismarked it I don't know who else would have put a label on there like to look back into that to see who with that so all right um so while the plaque that the motor has they had to be at the voltage should be there and that the plaque over the motor of the SP so that should be have the voltage what that need to run so what have we got what are the service coming into the from the P 232 I believe it's 240 coming in it's 232 anyway so you need a Step Down Transformer to go to 208 yes but the mark have to be in the model of the the old pump have to be there it it it may be those pumps are submerged normally so I I know they be but somebody had for what they got before so if you look at the schar we don't even look at the P the spect they have to be there and the paperwork related to that P station so whoever made the design for that station the P the M they have to have the spec in writing in paper so how you going to make the design for something that's 2 and you buy 232 vice versa so I guess the argument for the change order is I wish this um this mistake had been discovered earlier we still would have need a Transformer if it had been discovered a year two years ago okay but anyway okay we got a problem now the M run 208 why the reason take so long to get a Transformer to try to step down the the way that can work take so long we problem already like why does the Transformer take so long H why did the Transformer take so long uh it it's supply and demand there's there's a a very serious backlog in um in this in this kind of equipment right now uh we were fortunate that um uh Kramer did agree to purchase the Transformer uh on the word um theform me like a c8000 right pardon the confir it's c8000 I don't I don't have the specific model number at this time I'm afraid first my question is if if we knew what the proper voltage was at when we when we started this whole process could we avoid a part that was compatible with it and there would be no need for any type of Transformer um I I suppose that's possible I will I'd have to I'd have to that's the because then you save all this aggravation you save all the trans by doing due diligence when you expecting out the job and that's the issue that we have yeah my issue quite honestly is I cannot we knew this a year ago she went out the bider not the right thing to do they say the now we're you know the 11th hour and now we're woring about this stuff it's it's to me it's just not acceptable it's not project management we're not managing anything we have prepared a very detailed justification as to as to why this is allowed for the local Finance board rules and the you're not listening to what I'm saying to you we knew this a year ago we should have followed the correct process for this and we're not to bid like we should on anything nothing should be 30% over what the original is I agree with the local Finance board those rules are there for a reason and I I just can't I can't possibly accept that this is the proper way to so I would just um like to say that there is um you know we are we are there is a need for this Pump Station to go online we can it at on our side incorrectly and we should have done it the way the local finance and anybody else that hasn't of any idea of how to manage a project that would say we're going to allow for 30% overload no it is it is unusual and I I certainly wouldn't wouldn't recommend it if it if could been handled correctly it hasn't been handled correctly and that's the issue and I think we have to look at we have to do just like anyone else would not only was the specification incorrect but Suburban now continues to add to their own pot because it's taking so long so we're continuing to pay them more money on top of everything else they they are not adding to the we we have not furnished them a chainer for any sort of extension of time for for any redesign or we did offer them a portion of compensation for the Transformer again because if the I don't want to argue was there error I just think this is the whole thing is Nightmare that's my opinion and I apologize just if the Box had been labeled correctly we wouldn't have been in this situation so that's and if we would as soon as we found this out if we would have went out and knew it was going to be an overrun that was this large and would if followed the process as outlined by the local Finance board and done it corre we will that's my so just to be clear we will still need an over 20% change order for the steel sheeting that's been left in place by Kramer to accommodate the soil conditions so regardless of the Transformer we will still need the over 20% change order we can't take those we can't compensate anybody else for this Ste sheating that Kramer put in Kramer has to be compensated for that or should be but that's an unavoidable we should talk to the folks that made the mistake just like if we made the mistake they would be talking to us and we should look at this whole picture and get contributors to help the city out should be this whole you look into who from the city mislabeled that yeah because that needs to go in your file because it's a major major problem for the city financially and TimeWise and for flood set up a meeting Chris and we we'll revisit this uh for next meeting certainly yeah I'm happy to review it in detail at any point okay thank you I'm moving on to our um our Fimo or Green Street uh flood mitigation project we are making good progress uh with the first projects to come out of this uh GR that we're working on um for flood mitigation the first project is the cctb and base mapping and we're now uh 30 m in uh to our CCTV program and we're about 85% complete on that project and uh just a reminder that we have still been coordinating we're getting some invert shots uh coming up for the bcua Interceptor uh in River Street we will have to cross moving mov on to Parks uh Carver Park is uh just we're we're certainly coming into the warm weather now I was optimistic for this week but it's been a lot of rain um we are removing some of the uh some of the soil that was um uh excavated from the site as well as um uh and and waiting for for the good weather uh the the backboards have been installed the fence is installed the lights are installed the electric is installed and uh have we tested the lights are they functioning you know I would have to check on that yeah yeah I don't think we've done a complete system but I believe they would have I believe they would have flashed that when they installed the uh the the controls for the [Music] lights and uh moving on to our Johnson Park Sports Complex I will be receiving the updated documents this evening and um uh we're very close to being out to bid on this project and we've discussed in the past that about what the project will include and um have any questions well we spoke about the lines and we have a better picture so we can see the lines that there supposedly in there there's not lines on this we can the dots are not going to work football football wants lines the millions and millions of millions probably 20 to30 million on this and we're basically functioning looking at it functioning aiming it at one sport I know you're a soccer guy right but if I was building a football field in this town you can rest assur the lines for soccer would be on it all the on Council people already getting calls from football people about this Johnson Park never got lined for football the outdoor field there's I'm not voting for this project without football LS and to be honest with you all sports that we have in hackin that use a field should have the appropriate lines on it so the children and taxpayers can use that field that's the way it should be that's only fair I don't know what what okay the high school school has football lines on it you play soccer on it why why why can't they play soccer like that here the people that play soer allow to practice in the football field in high SCH never okay that's that's the city okay but anyway this we discuss right with Jerry myself bie and and whatever the line they going be Mark to play F football you don't see it here clear but they there it's every 10 yard they marked and here for baseball you got the bases and two Fields they Mark and you get a big a bigger drawing or whatever you remember that we agreed Mar every 10 yards that lead the lines can I ask you why why the soccer lines aren't dotted huh why aren't the soccer lines dotted like the football because this was almost the project this was almost 70% into soer he like when you going to makei number and that this was supposed to be% for soccer huh nobody nobody made any agreement that this project or field was going to be 70% for soccer okay I mean you can't shut so you you okay you going to Mark the the the the basketball cour and you to Mark to play huh not no basketball courts no you this this field they so small to play football football games have been played at Johnson Park outdoor field zero because they don't want to play there that's not true football has not the middle junior football has not had a home since it's been since they started playing football right they play in a goose crap infested field at F par all right and that's it they play flat they play flat football in middle school and the coach they put I'm talking they Mar not talking tackle football and this Council to my knowledge wants lines on that field okay do whatever you got want to do I out there's also um no markings for baseball diamonds I thought that it was supposed to be a different they here look at it okay I thought there're supposed to be a different shaded area showing ELD we we we we have discussed that councilman yes um and uh I I have not received um you know final Direction on that okay okay all right again um when I I'm voting against until I see that as well sure um so there's there's no vote on on this for this evening I think the next anticipated vot vote would be for uh authorization to bid the project which uh could be at the next meeting um so we will work with the council to resolve what uh what markings uh are desired for the for the field we could also Chris I have one question for you to go out to bed can you just confirm uh we should have this decision made regarding the lines prior to us voting to go to other be looking at multiple change orders that that's that's I don't want to have the change orders if you know if possible avoid them um we're going to have a two-month bid period there there will be ample period within the within the two-month bid period I think to update the um the plan for the field markings there there no nobody's going to be ordering field materials for at least 2 months from going out to bid so we would have the opportunity uh to put out uh an amendment to the bid um uh as you know so that the bids would come in with the with the proper field markings that the that the council desires thank you I say do it right the first time say don't go out until you have it the way everybody agrees it should be what else we got all right next project is next project is moving on to roads uh so just uh this one has been out of circulation for a few months just the update in r that we do have an update from the the signal uh supplier uh that it it's uh should be delivered to them uh in the the week of April 22nd and um so yeah we're we're we're tracking that and updating you know that estimate routinely but it hasn't changed for some time so we think that that that dat is going to hold and uh we should be able to complete the the signalization so the summit those lights are being taken out correct they're going to be in repl back order we're waiting okay it's the black change to the operation or it left turn lights now I have to check for you I don't believe so enough but that's a nightmare up there with the left I I'll I'll here tonight it was all backed up down mhm they might want to check the one pole on the uh I'm going to say northwest corner uh it's leading pretty bad the light bult the actual traffic s po it's probably at like a 15 20% PA yeah where on Summit and and P that will definitely be replaced never know it's just traffic backs up there terrible the left turns going west is terrible some it's not wide I know no not not so our next project is the uh the prospect da pedestrian Safety project and uh with the bid opening for that it's it's in bid right now and the bid opening will be uh in about a month and that project includes two uh flashing beacons for pedestrian Crossing as well as uh Ada uh compliant ramps improvements and then moving on to our uh city offices at the John Ral building um right over on Union Street we're making good progress with the uh mechanical electrical and plumbing we are now moving on to Interior finishes and painting the ceiling is being installed uh and uh we are getting going on C loing the windows which U are in need of of that and I just wanted to put in a couple of public service announcements for this evening the first one has to do with the NJ do uh Route 80 improvements project uh westbound it will be a significant project taking uh about 10 years uh to to complete from 19 uh I listen to me from 2020 7 to uh 2037 uh is the construction period for this project and so there is now a virtual Public Information Center uh there's a there's a board on display here in the meeting as we be down in the sea Hall um the SE Hall entryway for anybody who wants to to take a look at that you can also visit uh the online Center uh to get more project information and for the public to make comments uh on the project until April 19th the next public service announcement is just a reminder that if if you have a street light problem uh you are welcome to report it um uh independently online and this is the this is the link that you can go to certainly if you go to ps.com and search for out you know report an outage it will bring you to this page as well so real quick on that that's this is for lights that are in place that where the bulb is out basically yes what about in area and I don't know where they're brought this up here before I know it brought it up to uh actually moreen seeson who now works for public service in front of on State Street by the middle school on that side there is no street light for blocks it is dark and there's a bus stop there as well and the people go up the bus it's it's it's very very dark so how do we go about so I I I know you mentioned this mayor a couple meetings ago I believe this is the same area and I I I drove as I left the meeting I drove down down that way and I didn't see any lights out and um these weren't out there's no lights period there's no lights period so you want to so you want to add lights on one side of the street it's really dark so we can we can make a request um we we may have to pay but um we can we can that's you know the kids walk home from it gets dark early kids in after school programs they're walking home in the dark from there you one of my concerns so and just following up on that the um I don't know if this is an power and not of the New Jersey Transit bus stop right there when you in the morning when you're merging off of Bic and coming across and there's a bus there because it's so close to the corner and the lot it is I think it should be down it is holding up traffic onic people turn in New Jersey it is cuz it's literally right by the corner so if you have one bus there they taking up all that room from the corner to the bus stop maybe we can work with our traffic engineer to see if there's a way to there's I mean drop the kids off in that you know it's just very dangerous you can't see past the bus when kids are crossing that road got that okay next and the next uh public service announcement is again just a reminder don't flush wipes down the toilet please they're even though they say they're flushable they're not and they cause big problems in our sewer system as well as oil and grease oil yeah keep your fats and oils um out of the SE as as well we had a major backup I worked at the hospital had a major backup there when they got the city got in there it was just loaded with rubber gloves yeah yeah yeah rubber gloves and and wipes yeah yeah rubber rubber gloves will be a no no also yes and any any further questions on the presentation see that's it thank you thank you very much okay what you got motion open to the public council member hi HIC hi counc member Carol hi anybody from the would like to speak please come forward seeing no members okay [Music] sorry good evening hello my name is darling bodis and BR I'm a resident at 154 Clinton Place I have CCU and previous emails about a concern that I have in my blog which is very questionable because it also I understand the argument that the city is giving me um but one part just doesn't make sense to me sorry I wasn't quite finish but um in my presentation there a survey my property can you look that up cuz we can't see it oh okay sorry the tape doesn't really want it to work thank you CHR even that's a double so in exhibit a you see the entire um map from the tax assessor's office uh and it shows the block and laot from my section which is Clinton Place uh between Grand and all the way up to Summit Avenue uh an set the B which is here to my right uh is my survey when I purchased that house back in April 2020 I mean 2017 and they told me everything about what's my responsibility as a resident the also the attorney also mentioned to me the closing attorney told me about the private Lane at that point so that's part of Clinton Place share a common a private Lane the city is telling me that because it's a private Lane you guys are not responsible all right so I went back and forth emails almost two years ago with your city manager I have copies of the email here I took pictures of my private link because it's not maintain okay I want to maintaining my stuff but unfortunately I'm in a block of of Clinton place that I have multi dwellings on the side so it's me and my neighbor the only one standing with those Victorian beautiful houses uh which I truly appreciate that house is wonderful it's a beautiful strong bones anyways so I love the house purchased the house I thought it has some potential the entire PL has some some potentials but there's two multi women that are very problematic okay as a resident I'm dealing with a lot of stuff that is unnecessary and I get that people need to live somewhere else cuz we need low income housing okay but it's problematic so the private is not well taking care of but if you go back to um and I try to get uh permits record if their other private Lane has been paid and if they did um obtain permits because I wanted my priv thank you just so you're where I I just I don't know I haven't seen you at one of our Council meetings so we have a 3 minute public speaking limit okay and you just hit that um I'm willing to give you another minute just so we can okay just let me this is going to have to continue with with the city manager's office this um well aware the private Lane between the uh on Clinton that's been there since I was a kid I have but the okay so uh from private Lane uh from block uh 4 445 that area is all pave okay so I asked the city so how did they pave it over the residents did they needed to take a permit I'm asking them for the permits where are the recordss if those individual idual so who did it was it there the citizens or was the city so whoever paid that why they cannot pay my area that I'm being affected because right now if you drive my private Lane I'm being affected because this is deep dep of potholes and in your in your ordinance local ordinance chapter 100 it says that it should be maintained and it should be safe regardless of private or public it needs to be say because if my kid is driving his bicycle then we have a loss of wait waiting to happen it should be maintained but my point and one the point I've going to make is there's a big difference between public and private so a public road would be maintained by the city a private road would be maintained by the people who either own that road or share that road and my example is if we were to fix the Pooles on what's considered a private Lane we would have to fix every driveway in the city pack on personal property okay so same same exact thing I understand the argument but what happened with the other block I have no idea i' have all can I comment I think um we have spoken before from the city manager's office and um we did Issue just this past week we did have Property Maintenance go out to the private Lane um and they have been issued at the multi dwelling to take care of the poles were reported I think um I had sent you an email earlier today um with an update I don't know if you would see it no I haven't seen it send it to your father so um he he was aware so that that is going to be addressed by the actual uh property owner okay um so that you're aware and also the U privately I know you said that one area that is paved we were unable to verify when it was paid I guess it was many years ago we did go through the building department um but we have not been able to verify but we will continue to um have them um maintain that area that isn't paved um as as much as possible so that they have they have received a notice to to handle that area that you're reporting all right okay thank the property yes Property Maintenance because it is a private Lane the multi-dwelling property is responsible to fill those potholes and they have been protest so I have I have a question cuz I have the private link behind me when you if you fill in potholes as a as a property owner do you need a permit for that fill in potholes in your driveway I'm not 100% sure so that's probably B might be why there's no record of that for yes well I was trying to pay my privately my area where I get out of my garage and uh cover the PO holes but they told me that I need a permit for Paving yes for Paving but not I'll verify for you I think there's a difference like filling a Poole ripping up and reping everything is a good all right thank you thank you so much have a wonderful night anyone else from the public see motion to close hi hi hi okay with that we will be back at 8:00 back executive session uh no do we have anything in executive session I I cover my cover