all right no not the last good evening everyone evening good evening thank you let's try that again good evening everyone good evening evening uh welcome to tonight's t uh Board of Education meeting please stand for the pledge of Al flag of the United States of America and to the rep for IT stand indivisible andice remain standing please for a moment of silence you may be seated thank [Music] you so let's take another minute to pause and acknowledge that the hackensac public School District occupies the unseated ancestral land of the Ropo Mony LPE people we are grateful to be able to learn work and gather today and continue our commitment to support all underserved and undervalued members of our school Community thank you in accordance with the op public meetings act adequate notification of this meeting was advertising the record posted at the board office and filed with the city clerk I hereby call the order the regular public meeting on January 24th 2024 in the hackin high school media center at 6:22 6:22 p.m. Miss s will you please do a roll call yes um our representatives from Maywood roal Park and Sal are not here Mr Carol present Miss Harris pres Mr Martin pres Mr Powell is not here miss Pringle present Miss Somerville is not here Mr Stein present mron present Mr James Victory present okay so we do have a Corum great all right so if everyone notices one we're in a new year so we're going to try a few new things um to honor your time and so that we can see if things work a little bit better so you'll see that we have changed the agenda a bit so the first thing that we need to do officially is in our little trial period here is to suspend the bylaws um of the order of our agenda for this one time if we see that it works we will revise our bylaw to reflect it permanently um if if we feel like it's a good fit for us so may I have a motion to suspend our bylaws to to reflect our agenda for tonight so thank you Mr Stein Mr Carol seconded all those in favor say I I any opposed and there are none thank you so you see that we have first up we have um presentations so first we will do our student is not here she probably did not know of the change so when she does get here we will get her on the schedule so then we will move to our superintendent to good evening everyone good evening today we are honored to honor one of our Scholars for a Act of heroism there's a quote that says a hero is someone who is concerned about other people's well-being and will go out of his or her way to help them even if there's no chance of a reward that person will help others simply because it should or must be done and because it is the right thing to do is indeed without a doubt a real superhero and so that is by Mr Stan Lee so I'll have my one of our uh we'll now have a translation of that today for at this time I'd like to call Dr glotto Holland to come and Comm and share uh the details of how we are how we arrived here today good evening everyone trustees families colleagues uh my name is Dr SoDo I am the principal of Hiller school and we want to introduce uh two amazing students I'm going to call them up to getting our Hiller School hero [Music] Juan and his good friend Mara so tell I'll tell you a little story about one so Juan Has Come To Us by way of Tennessee through Patterson and he is now in hillers Juan speaks primarily Spanish but he is not shy and he does speak English so he's helping me with my Spanish I help him with his English we had a nice little partnership happening between the two of us so one day um Martina was in class and she had a water bottle in her hand and the cap was loose and as she squeezed the water bottle the cap went into her mouth into her throat and was lodged she panicked and quickly started tapping her friend Juan the children had come back from lunch and there's a lot of if you've ever been in a second grade class there's a lot of hustle and bustle as children are putting coats away the teacher is attending to some recess uh concerns and she's trying to figure out who needs her attention but this was happening when she wasn't looking and it happened so fast so Martina started to tap on Juan's shoulder Juan immediately jumped into [Laughter] action you did what right and up so he did not hesitate and he quickly um performed the Heim lick dislodging the cap and it happened so quickly that they were both he said he was scared like he was when he first came to hillers Martina said she was very nervous they then went to miss Monaco their second grade teacher who made sure that Martina was safe and she was okay and she immediately had a conversation with her class about safety and being careful about water bottles and loose caps they didn't say anything but then Martina sought out our school psychologist Mrs Ruiz at Hiller's school we have something called catching kindness what we do is we make it a practice to catch children doing the right thing and then we celebrate that we have slips and children students and staff are all welcome to write the kind acts that they see and we announc them every morning on our morning announcement Martina s out our social worker Mrs Ruiz and told her I have to tell you a story want save my life Mrs Ruiz then immediately called me on the walkie-talkie and said and if anybody knows Miss Ruiz she's always calling us on the walkie-talkie for something we were like yes we'll be with you and she said this is something I have to tell you come to my office she comes to my office and she says they have a story to tell you so they told us the story so I thought that it was so kind mind of Martina to say my friend helped me and it can't go unnotice so that was a kind act ju's kindness and bravery helped Martina and she then returned the favor to say everybody needs to know that my good friend Juan saved me onean says that they're Inseparable right inar maybe way right yes he I said oh when did you meet did you know each other for a long time no nope just this year so you see we have a lot to learn from children and so so many ways they're watching us all the time so today we honor you Hanan for your Brave act and your kindness and Martina thank you for being such a good friend because if you didn't tell us we would have know and on behalf of hackin saac public schools we'd like to present you with a honor and it reads hackin sack Public Schools life-saving Award presented to Fanny M Hiller School Juan Oro Mayans for your act of citizenship and heroism in support of your fellow classmate January 4 [Applause] 2024 [Applause] we do this together and on behalf of Hiller School our wonderful assistant principal Mrs Medan and I would like to just give small tokens of our appreciation on Miss Barry if anyone knows Miss Barry we're a team uh to for to the children for continuing to be kind and sharing that [Laughter] that would be me and you me thank you [Applause] you all right you wa this My AG I'm sorry one more HPD would also like to acknowledge The Bravery of Mr Juan as well good evening everyone good evening uh my name is uh officer Mario Suarez I'm the class three officer at my wonderful school hillers I what an honor it is for me to be here with two of my babies I've been blessed with 458 grandchildren these are my babies and they know it I love them all um today we present the certificate to Juan Oro Mayans from the hackin sack Police Department myself Sergeant Dominguez officer kuchi and it reads like this for except exceptional service performed on January 4th 2004 demonstrated incredible courage and quick Thinking by successfully performing the HCK man maneuver on a fellow student his life-saving efforts ensured the immediate safety of his peer until additional staff and emergency Personnel arrived we commend him for his bravery his readiness to act in the face of an emergency his actions embody the spirit of a true hero making a positive an impact on our school Community given this 24th day of January 2004 2024 excuse me with that he gets also a Happy Meal and also Martina Martina also gets a h they're going to have a happy meal together thank you everybody I love you guys all right m and that right there is why we love what we do right yeah thank you so much um so now we turn it over to you I think yes yes um for um our super yeah our super the next part of our uh superintendent report I would be remiss to not uh honor and observe the birthday of Dr Martin Luther King as we are in January uh one of my favorite quotes by him states there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe nor political nor popular but he must take it because conscience tell him tells him it is right but when people get caught up in that which is right and are willing to sacrifice for it there is no stopping point short of Victory and as we see the importance of doing what is right and I think we are all aligned with that shared vision of doing what is right for our Scholars here in hackin saac public schools and there's an overwhelming commitment that I've seen in the short time being here and making sure that that becomes a reality for us uh I'd like to say we started off with a very uh eventful few days in January with our snow days so I'd like to thank the teams that were in place to make sure that everyone was notified in advance we did our best to make sure that people were able to make necessary arrangements despite the weather to make to ensure that everyone was safe because that is a priority for all of us uh the custodians specifically and ensuring that the sidewalks were safe and all those individuals who worked to ensure that we were doing what was best for students and families so I appreciate that um I've had the opportunity over the past couple of weeks to do a listening and learning or starting my listening and learning tour and that I'm getting the opportunity to meet with students meet with principles staff members community members uh looking at instruction but then having to to understand the land the current landscape that's going to help to shape how we are going to move forward as a district um and in those meetings I'm having the opportunity to learn more about the things that people love about hackin saac the things that Inspire The Pride the things that are going well and even the things that we are want they want us to work on and concentrate on and so after my 90 days you will receive a report a report of all of the uh observations I've made the conversations that I've had the the patterns and trends that have come across through these conversations with our staff members that will really drive the work that we will be doing in the coming months uh so just some of the things that we I I was able to lean from uh the majority of people I talk to this over overwhelming sense of Pride there is a pride in the work there's a pride in the in the commitment there's a pride in being a comet there is support for each other there are there support from the administrators I've seen or I heard from individuals there are there's a love and commitment to our Scholars there is a true sense of collaboration all in support of ensuring that all of our Scholars are uh successful and that was very great for me to hear an overarching in in the areas that uh uh we had those conversations um some of the things that they talked about they need or or like uh just as a quick overview of facilities more space of course uh professional learning there was also this uh desire for consistency that's the word that was resounding throughout many of the conversations that overarchingly was whether it be principles whether it be teachers uh whether it be uh social workers and having very streamlined structures that will support them in achieving the goals that we've have identified for the district uh and so they're asking for me to create a very clear keyword clear one of my favorite writers again is bne brown and she says clear is kind so that everyone knows what the expectations are as well as the the plan being placed to move everything forward so you'll hear more about that in the coming months but I have been overwhelmed with uh feeling welcomed uh from everyone that I have uh met people are very warm and and and and then indeed all want the same thing and that is doing right doing what is right for our Scholars so um just a few days but I I I'm excited about the uh the intensity of The Passion of people but as well as a commitment to do the work and as I'm one of one another uh thing that I'm I'm seeing is that this idea of elevation you're going to hear me talk about this idea of continuous Improvement they always say if you always done what you've always if if you always do what you've always done then you'll always get what you always got and so we are in the business of making sure we are taking things to the next level uh and in a very manageable space but with the goal in mind of continuously elevating our district because we will be the best in New Jersey that is the goal so with that said I'll transition to the superintendent report uh specifically around the enrollment we currently have 5,216 students enrolled um our attendance rate is about 9461 per. our residency report we have a year-to date 18 cases of number of resy cases received uh residency verified have been seven seven in home visits unverified have been 11 uh parent provided up I don't have to that uh and then I'll move on to the harassment intimidation and bullying report we currently have uh 10 total in the district one fits Hib definition three have been inconclusive six do not fit hi definition and that concludes the report all right thank you sir so the board not only welcomes your comments but we want to hear them um all participants uh please sign in when it's your turn please state your name your mun uh excuse me municipality and any group or affiliation that that you might have if you list more than one group or affiliation please clarify which hat that you might be wearing so for example if you say I am a Community member teacher Union member church member of this church my comment speaks to this I'm speaking as a union member or I'm speaking as a community member specifically um and then each person has a limit of three minutes um so that we can be good stewards of everyone's time we will adhere to that please uh direct all comments to me as the presiding officer and then we will respond to any of the comments as appropriate at the end of the public comment section so first up well as you're coming up thank you Miss St for the candy as always I figured it was easier to take it down first just a happy new year and it's nice to see you all back I am so sorry I missed the last meeting because I really did want to be here but unfortunately after three and 3/4 years of avoiding it I got covid and so obviously I couldn't be here but I wish you all a wonderful wonderful rest of the new year and I have one question why was it moved to Wednesdays instead of Mondays that would be my only question but I am in full support of all of you and I think you're all doing a great job and the one extra thing would be that I am very proud of that gentleman the boy who did what he did without even thinking so thank you [Music] thank you such a real follower Colleen Dawson haa member teacher at Hiller school I just wanted to make an impromptu to Quick comment that I was part of the meet and greets with Dr McBride and I just wanted to say how grateful I was that he did come that we were able to express our concerns our wishes um and I just really appreciated the time so thank you again thank you anyone else in the room all right anybody on line all right so we will be closing out our public comments portion for the evening thank you for those who participated and um so can I have a I did um may I have a motion to move into executive session I'll make a motion thank you um Mr Martin can I have a second second thank you m Cordo Alton all those in favor say I I all those opposed you know what I'm supposed to read a statement I messed that up give me just a second it's new I know well it's not actually but I got a thousand and two things in my head right now be at resol there [Music] sorry here we go be it resolved that the hackensac Board of Education determines it necessary to meet an executive session on Wednesday January 24th 2024 to discuss legal Personnel student related matters Hib reports negotiations confidential matters um be it further resolve that these matters will be made public when the need uh for confidentiality no longer exists we will be more specifically um discussing some um a couple of policies um specifically uh District policy 016 4.2 which is uh board meeting using electronic uh board members using Electronics um District policy um regarding legal services and um we'll be discussing some referendum yeah land acquisition negotiations the referendum and S receips all right so now Mr Martin made a motion m p outon all those in favor say I please I any opposed and there are none no worries it is 6:47 we should be back in an hour all right welcome back uh thank you for your patience um so can I have a roll call please miss sing yes um Mr Carol present M Harris present M Mar present Mr is not here M springle pres Miss Somerville pres Mr Stein present Miss Ciro Alon present Mr James vicory present we have a quum all right thank you be it resolved that the hecken tech board of education approves the regular meeting meeting minutes and close session minutes of December 18th 2023 and the annual organization meeting minutes of January 4th 2024 as submitted can I have a motion for that please motion Mo thank you um Mr trusty Carol and we'll take trustey Somerville as a second um all those in favor for that say I that was trusty Pringle oh Pringle my bad thank you um all those opposed I abstain on December 18th since I was not a sitting board member then thank you and do approve on January 4th okay and we will assume um same the same for correct so I have stain on the 18th and and yes for January 4th same here same here so the the people um who are new obviously weren't here sitting board members on the 18th um remoted she remoted in from the beach with the umbrella drink um for the got okay good all right so now we will move on to our resolutions uh we will start with our Personnel okay go ahead Scott I'm sorry Mr President VI James Vic okay um student report yes ding ding ding um we did not alert probably the most important um trustee on the board um that we are going to start doing the presentations and your report and the superintendent's report at the beginning so that you can go home and study because we know that you want to study as early as you can yes so um before we jump to Personnel we're going to let you do your thing and if you want to leave you can thank you for January's report we've had several ha High School set um students that were selected for the Bergen County Regional bands um which include Carlos chick Chala for the tuba Sam Yun for the euphonium sha Alba for B parette and these students will be now be able to audition for The All State band in late January uh we've had 10 hack high school students that were accepted to fbu's python Scholars Program um this program enables High School juniors to take an online three credit course in the Python programming language for our Athletics update we've had many athletes breaks several school records um first being senior athlete Ayana chap she continues to reset the women's track and Fields record book Ayana recently broke the school record for the 600 meter at the official Hall of Fame Invitational uh sophomore 7 Garcia finished um in third place for the 600 meter with a personal bust in the same me our girls 4x200 met relay finished in second place at the Bergen County relays which were Kiana Weber Ayana chap Rihanna darling and Jolie joner lastly congratulations to senior swimmer jadden Ellis Jaden broke his previous 50s fre style record with a time of 21.86 our boys basketball team qualified for the very competitive Bergen County jambur and begin the tournament tournament this week and also um I'm a part of the cheer competition team here at hackin and I want to share that our score now is 5-1 for our big North conference that's thank you all right thanks Natasha thank you good night have a good one thank oh right um bear with me one moment this is the very first time I've cheered [Music] so all right good evening hello everyone um so I am going to uh speak on behalf of personnel and it's going to be um A1 motion to take action on Personnel matters as listed appoint and submit to the executive County Superintendent applications for emergent hiring applications um attestations that he and or she has not been convicted of any disqualifying crime pursuant to the njsa 18a 6-7 sequence number njsa 18a 39-17 sequence or njsa 18a 6- 4 13 uh Etc sequence for those employees listed below so all the way through all the way through AA on the Personnel agenda thank you m Cordo Alton um can I have a second please second second thank you uh trustee Carol so I would like to make an amendment to [Music] um letter uh or resolution y so trustees um where it says the very last line of letter Y be it further resolved that the hackin saac Board of Education approves the sidebar agreement covering the period of July 1 2022 through June 30th 2025 I would like to add add contingent upon the ratification of the Haack Association of [Music] um yeah yeah contingent upon the ratification of H second all right can I have a second oh we got a second from cord Alton um all those in favor say I I any knows and there are none thank you so now we are back to voting for the um a roll call for the full A1 through A8 Mr yes Mr Sorry Miss Harris yes Mr Martin yes Mr Miss fringle yes M Somerville yes Mr Stein yes M Ciro Al yes Mr James vicory yes motion passes all [Music] right moving on to policy again bear with me a moment all right so again discussing policy be it resolved that hackin board of education upon recommendation of the superintendent of schools approves the first reading of the following policies and regulations uh B1 I would like it noted to the other members of the board that you were sent informational document that explained that you would indeed need to actually choose either option one or two on a specific meal policy so if you could advise which option you've decided to select for the record do you guys need me to restate it okay the specific policy was regarding meal charge program you need to make a decision on which option you're going to be selecting we were advised that option one States the board of education does not permit a student in the school district to charge for breakfast or lunch or option two which we have also been advised is the selected um option by surrounding districts such as Loi tenly and Woodridge which states the Board of Education provides a meal charge program to permit unsubsidized students in the district to charge for breakfast or lunch collection of any payment for a meal charge program account that is in aers shall be addressed in accordance with provisions of this policy again this information sent to you so please ensure that as you vote this evening you select one of those two options for the record so that Miss Rosemary marks understands which one to place in effect on the policy stated so I think what um I'm going to ask us to do is um to see if I can get a motion to table that so that we can um I know um but what I want us to do is to be able to um have a definitive answer to present the policy um um as and Miss marks I'm sorry I know you've been trying to get this through for for a long time I think it I know um so what we'll do is be able to have the policy that the option that we're choosing as a board um Collective board um on the agenda for next time and be able to put it through because I want everybody to be prepared um so that we um do the make sure we're making the the right decision because this directly impacts every family so for the table okay so um thank you we have a motion to table it can I have a second second thank you uh trusty Somerville all those in favor say I I any opposed thank you okay ex is it is it p8500 yeah so we're tbling it's been decided we will be tabling again p8500 so and we have no second reading so um all right so um M cord outon made a motion for those um first readings we have no second readings can I have a um second for our policy I'll second thank you m uh trusty Martin can um so we'll do a roll call for that we're doing a roll call for policy the first reading of policy except for 8500 yes yeah okay uh Mr Carol yes M Harris yes Mr Martin yes Mr Paul abson Miss Pringle yes m Somerville yes Mr Stein yes M cardo Alton yes Mr James Vick yes motion classes all right thank you very much um moving to curriculum Mr Martin okay um i' like to um I like to motion for curriculum C1 through C20 and second uh highlight uh C9 to accept a traditional funding to the uh 2324 School Board youth service program uh course of living uh 7% of cost of living and also uh highlight uh c17 to accept additional funding to the 2324 s SLS family or friendly program Grant from the New Jersey Department of Children and Family which is include a 7% cost of living adjustment and also like to um highlight C20 where um due to the agenda Spectrum sees a program we sending the agreement between the hack Board of Education and gender Spectrum to provide professional development training on gender inclusive school during the 23 24 school year the uh district will be researching other vendors that are qualified to provide the much supporting professional learning that aligns with our district Vision so that's it uh thank you can I have a second please I uh thank you Mr Carol and I would like to just give um one highlight to that as well sure um just so that everybody uh the public and whoever may be watching online is clear so the um gender the education and the um or the gender Spectrum professional development training I want to make it clear that that the company itself uh ceased their their training that it was nothing to do with the hack attack Board of Education because the board finds this training very important and we will work diligently to find um another provider to come in and do that um training for us uh whatever the company you know for whatever reasons nothing to do with the Board of Education or Hack and Sack it is um solely on their end and we will um do our due diligence to find the prop the the correct company for us and move forward with that training because it is part of um what we value in this District so we will move on to a roll call um this is for C1 to Mr Carol yes M Harris yes Mr Martin yes mr's not here miss Pringle yes Miss Somerville yes Mr Stein yes M cir Alton yes Mr James vickory yes motion passes all right moving on to finance trusty Carrol Finance um i' like to make a motion to move D1 through D13 uh highlighting D4 which is the approval of flyers for distribution um distri distribution to the schools in the community and D7 through D9 is through Mental Health Grants and D12 which is a purchase of a large van for the maintenance department and I'd like to table D14 which is uh rochell Park Board of Education send and receive agreement pursuant to NJ 18a 38-8 second all right thank you trusty sville um so is there any discussion on any of those items all right hearing none uh can we have a roll call please yes uh Mr Carol yes M Harris yes Mr Mar yes Mr M spring yes M yes Mr Stein yes Mr yes Mr James Vicky yes motion passes all right buildings and grounds back to you Mr Carol sir um build and grounds I'd like to make a motion to move E1 through E5 [Music] highlighting E2 which is [Music] um E2 is um uh upgrades to the cafeteria which there was changes in the the final sum due to unforeseen circumstances and also highlight E5 which is uh the vestule project in L Parker that's second all right can I have a second please second thank you truste Somerville uh any discussion on any of those items hearing none uh we'll do a roll call Mr Carol yes M Harris yes Mr Martin yes Mr Miss springle yes Miss Somerville yes Mr Stein yes M gon yes Mr James vicory yes motion passes so I don't want to add too much build up excitement um but it's time for our community relations um report trusty Harris okay uh good evening everyone uh super excited to get uh the community relations committee started again um we've met and we officially have a date for uh the community relations committee members to join us February 15th uh they will be reached out officially um with an invitation the date um and definitely looking forward um amongst the trustees it's trusty Carol trusty Martin and trusty cero Alton um and we look forward to meeting the community and talking about different topics um every month so stay tuned for next month's meeting awesome uh and we look forward to hearing it um so there's no action obviously needed there so thank you and um we look forward to great things coming from that committee so moving on to Old business is there any old [Music] business okay um so one of the so old business I have one thing that I want to um bring up regarding um one of our policies thank you um so one of our um policies regarding um board member participation uh via technology or electronic device that we want to make sure that we're all you know adhering to in in the the way that we're supposed to so in as the board president's job consists of a few things but one is to make sure that we adhere to policy and the other is to build consensus and so if that sometime that we want to change said policy then and have a consensus to do that then that's what we do um but the current policy is that if a board member wants to participate in a board meeting via technology they are to contact the board president and let me read the policy the board authorizes that the board president may allow board members to participate electronically in a board meeting if there is good cause why the board members cannot attend in person and the request is received sufficiently in advance to allow good quality electronic connections to be set up members who participate in a board meeting through electronic means may be counted in the Quorum the location of the electronic connection must be in the same location as the meeting to allow the public to adequately monitor the meeting due to security concerns electronic participation in closed executive session will not be permitted so that is um currently only allowed for the public portion of the meeting um so we have run we we ran into um contacting um Administration and it coming last minute to me and not being aware and prepared and so we have to make sure that our policy that that we are acting in reflection of the policy right and so now again if this is something that we at some point want to change that's I build consensus and that's what we do right so um if there's any discussion around that fine if not I just want to just bring this to our attention again so that we can make sure that we are doing it correctly because I want everybody to participate because that's what's important to me is that we are participating and that we're doing it in the way that you know that we're supposed to so that we can all say we're following the policy correctly what's the question the electronic communication right what's the time frame that you would need because that mean that it would have to set up the link be able to set up Zoom to send the meeting so is there a time frame um say for instance like today right I banged out of school because this was the first meeting to happen on on a Wednesday got stuck in traffic coming from Jersey City here so if at the last minute I thought I would make it but I can't and I called you how would that facilitate like is there a time frame that you would need to be able to say okay something on this Earth could happen Okay so I'm going to say in general if you know that like so when you were away and you knew right yeah you let us know in there great amount all that like you if you know that you're going to be away and you have some right at least 24 hours in advance would be great notice so that we can make sure especially if it's a a Wednesday meeting now a Monday would be great so that that I can make sure that all the the parameters are set um if an instance like that I don't know the answer to that but I will get back to you I need to to talk with the appropriate people to say like I'll have if you you will reach out to to the Our IT team and and ask what the turnaround time for that would be um then then we'll get back I I just I don't I don't want to lie no I have no idea I put it on the record that I told you I can't do Wednesday so more than likely if I have to participate it'll be electronic right I'd have to step out of class go to a room in order to be able to participate because I am in Jersey City on Wednesday anybody else all right um any new business all right so we shall start with board comments and uh trusty Sim what's out with you hi good evening everyone so it's raining it's cold it's 8:30 I have been up since 8 o'clock and I am exhausted so everybody thank you for coming out good night [Music] all right um Miss Harris um so I just wanted to say something in Spanish real quick um the hackin sack um I just had basically I just want to give a very huge big hug to Juan and to Martina who are our superheroes of our community of our Latino Community um you know in situations like that you only pray and you hope that the right person is there at the right time right and it's just happens this little second grader literally saved another second grader's life right miss that oh my God it was beautiful you guys me oh my God it was amazing and he demonstrated what he did which was like even more you felt like you were probably almost there that day um you know and all of us are parents and we can only be so grateful you know to have somebody like that so as a parent I'm sure his mom his you know family is very proud of him and we are also very proud of him um and what else was I gonna say um thank you to Natasha for her report um and that's pretty much it I look forward to our community relations uh committee to get started back up again that's it good night all right um thank you Mr Carol yes um start by saying January happy birthday Dr Martin Luther King um congratulations to all our student athletes and the cheer team like Natasha said um and again congratulations to our little guy Juan Juan Juan congratulations to Juan he's a little hero he's our uh Town Hero so um and again thanks for coming out and have a good night the key to the city yeah ayal ay I'm gonna give him a bad gonna go back and watch the first half that I miss so I'll watch it when I get home um Mr Stein um well Miss Harris uh took the words out of my mouth uh unfortunately I speak Spanish but um I totally agree with what you said um and as a grandparent um not only parents but grandparents look at this as also this is what we're trying to teach our kids to be um growing up in the society that we're in this little boy could have said oh look she's having a problem and walked away and he took initiative and that's what I think we're all trying to do within this system show kids that what they do matters and at times can save a life so that being said good night everyone trusty Pringle um I don't really have much to say but but um um oh well we went on um on our uh what do you call the njsba this week past weekend and um it was very um informative it was very informative and I felt good I was dancing in my head tonight when I knew what um rice and Hib meant so um so yeah I'm looking forward um to to more train training and um many nights of board meeting and that's it everybody have a blessed night all right thank you chrusty Martin yes um as a former uh DMT volunteer here on the ambulance Court I um congratulate Juan such a little guy that um took uh immediate action to save one of his peers I I you know that was um very touching to me cuz I I've been on the ambus court and um you know I thought that was the greatest thing and um for us to praise him that way he goes a long way in his life something he always going to remember we what we did for him as adults but I also like to add um I don't know if it was done or not but um something like that should have been recognized by the Press um you know I see that on TV on the news many times and it's still not too late if it haven't been done uh we need to reach out to the Press you know the Press always pick up our bad news but we always have a lot of we have good news here more than bad and our students is always on the move and so if we could uh you know if they Haven been done please do so let the Press know give it to um the media on TV we put everything else on Facebook why not die so um with that said again I congratulate uh him and um I I read our bowling team is doing excellent we don't give our bowling te uh bowling team any the u a they always go to the major sports but our bow team is doing very well our band I want to congratulate our band uh our band directors they are doing very well and um uh for them to keep up the good work uh I just received information here today uh in our cafeteria which is one of my favorite placees to be that they cook one of my favorite meals s coo no president they got a fre so I'm glad that our uh the CIA Ming with different cultures of food and that our kids get to taste different type of U meals so that's that's a big plus and uh uh hack and sck we're on the Move we're on the move and keep up the good work and uh our President and Vice President I'm looking forward to working with you guys you're doing a great job please keep it on and keep keep the communications open like you have thank you again for your Le leadership thank you everyone else have a good night thank [Music] you I a lot so I'm actually kind of glad everybody else kep then I'm just going sorry um okay so um I'd like to start uh I I would like to start by letting everybody know that um over the last weekend uh the board along with other distinguished members of the hackensac community were invited to celebrate and honor a longtime standing principal for Hackensack Al Bloom uh this evening I gave each of the board members a pamphlet from 2015 that his daughter Linda so graciously brought to the school today to be distributed to you um it was a wonderful event we got to meet not only his two daughters Linda Bloom and Heidi but we also got to meet their um his grandson and there was a large presence and wonderful stories about a man I never met but all of the sentiments were exactly the same and so I was very grateful and I felt honored to be able to represent hackin sack in that way um with a little bit of wine and it was good so everybody does have that here if you you know want to share it with someone else please feel free um next up uh we had the opportunity yet again here in the state of New Jersey to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr um this year for me personally with my now 24 yearold grown child living out in Washington state which is not necessarily the the most diverse place he doesn't get MLK off anymore it was a little strange for him to have to work that day and then celebrate in his own way which thankfully was a phone call to me one of the things that Dr Martin Luther King said was life's most persistent and Urgent question is what are you doing for others with that being said I would like to make mention that January is officially in the state of New Jersey Board of Education appreciation month and so I'd like to think that we all here are actually doing something that is greater than ourselves for others and so we are living it right now our teachers our Administration all the staff and even our students um also [Music] and uh in addition to it being Board of Education appreciation month nobody wins unless everybody wins and so I'd really love for that to be the Mantra um apparently Bruce Springstein says that at like every concert nobody wins unless everybody wins and I'd like to think that we are absolutely contributing to ensuring that everybody in our district wins other item I'd like to note is that uh upcoming February 5th through the 9th is National School counseling week it's meant to focus public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors in our school system here in the United States I hope that our district recognizes this day that week I hope that they appreciate all of the counselors that are set to be counselors by profession and all of the counselors that are just teachers administrators best friends of a student going through something it's really important and in light of bake Sheriff Deputy who committed suicide yesterday friendships relationships conversations counselors people that you can really talk to are very important and every single one of you here in this District are doing that every day with every interaction that you have with a teacher an administrator or student or parent another thing again I told you I had a lot um another thing that I wanted to share is that January has also been named Muslim herit AG month here in New Jersey I'd like to share with you some famous maybe Infamous Muslims some of my favorites Malcolm X Muhammad Ali fazor Ram Kon I used to live in Michigan and so I frequented Chicago often he was the architect for at that time the largest tallest building in Chicago Illinois the Sears Tower um other people influential in my life are rockim one of the best dare I say MC's paid in full debut album um Q-tip as well as bust the Rhymes I have a love of Music um and I don't know how many of y'all know this but Dave Chappelle Dave Chappelle uh and another thing that took place that was initiated as a great Muslim moment was the Million Man March in 1995 which not only spoke to and asked for Muslims to come forth Muslim men but also black men there were over 700,000 in attendance so I think it's really important that we acknowledge all the contributions that our siblings continue to prove and impact the entire world um last and not least and yall have talked about it here tonight already and it was so sweet and I really enjoyed it but Juan and Martina I mean adores adores and catching kindness needs to be something that we too are doing as adults it is amazing to me that they are instilling that in those young children because that is actually going to make a difference as they go up through the ranks of Elementary School into Middle School into high school and becoming kind of hopefully amazing humans that do great things and that are kind so catching kindness I thought that was absolutely amazing um and to Juan Martina I don't know maybe we'll have a True Romance that has spanned decades and we'll all be invited um and as always I really enjoyed our law our Law Enforcement Officers I greatly appreciate that at every turn they acknowledge the good work that you guys are doing and that they really enjoy and respect and appreciate all the littles that they're responsible for um um they are in our community they are in our schools and hopefully they are imparting both wisdom and true guidance on all of our students um and I and I really do appreciate them that was it thank you thank you so I will be [Music] um I will be brief some which compared to that a little bar um so [Music] um thank you uh for coming tonight and participating with us thank you for allowing us to try to change the agenda a bit to see how it fits for us the community um I will get feedback over the next month as will the trustees the superintendent the business administrator um please offer feedback we'd like to know how people feel about it uh if it works better worse whatever um and we will evaluate it and and decide uh how to proceed moving forward I will tell you a couple of things that you will uh see in the next meeting and moving forward uh we will have translation uh for um Spanish specifically next uh board meeting so that our Spanish speaking families uh can participate more fully in our board meetings we will also have a sign language interpreter for um those that are hearing impaired that might need that service as well um we want to work to be fully inclusive in as many ways as we possibly can as we move forward um I do want to say to Juan and Martina that's I'll speak for me and I that's my favorite part of doing this job is getting to see those moments um of when kids do the right thing and and then we follow it up by going to the counselor social worker to say hey he did the right thing you know and so and thank you to Dr SoDo and Miss Madden for having a culture that they know to do that and that it's okay to and and encouraged to express you know and to catch people doing the right thing so um that right there is the way that I I hope I mean I don't want anybody to choke but that's right there the good moments is what we want to make sure that we are celebrating each month I hope that we can have something to celebrate every month as we start our board meetings because we have a lot happening in this District that is worth celebrating and so I know that we will have something to celebrate every month thank you um for participating [Laughter] I'm gonna let him close it out but there was one more item that I forgot to mention Dr McBride um I would like to ensure that our community um is aware that you were an Honore at Morehouse College um in the field of education mentorship and Equity uh I think that that the right decision was made and it's evident in how your peers um let you know how important your contributions are and I again feel very grateful that you are here in our district to help us continue to do the good work that we strive for so congratulations to you I'm so I just need a motion to close all right Mr Stein thank you a second from Mr Carol all those in favor say I he knows or not