sometimes we play musical chairs is our student GNA be here today that would be awesome ready right yeah we do good evening and welcome to tonight's board meeting let's all stand for the Pledge of Allegiance please I pledge allegiance to the of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all let's remain standing for a moment of silence please you may be seated thank you in accordance with the open public meetings act adequate notice for this meeting was advertised in the record posted at the board office and filed with the city clerk I hereby call to order the regular meeting on November 20th 2023 in the hackin saac media center at 6 17m 617 uh Miss sing will you please do a roll call for us okay Mr Carol is not here Mr Coleman here miss cir Alton present Miss Jennifer Harris not here Mr Mian present Mr PA is not here Miss Somerville present Mr Rodriguez present Mr James rcky present do D have one two three four five six May cor great thank you be it resolved that the hackin saac Board of Education determines it necessary to meet an executive session on Monday November 20th 2023 to discuss can we be more specific on What's um matters person related to a sidebar um so we have some matters of personnel that are related to a sidebar with uh specifically hassa our administrator Union legal updates legal updates other matters of personnel and other um issues with other matters of personnel um and be it further resolve that these matters will be made public when the need for confidentiality no longer exists can I have a motion to move into executive session move thank you Mr Coleman a second second thank you Mr Man um all those in favor say I I any knows and there are none thank you it is 69 yes so um we'll do a roll call Miss Singh yes um Mr Carol present Mr Coleman present Miss Ciro Alton present Miss Harris present Mr Mian present Mr Powell okay Miss Somerville Mr Rodriguez present Mr James Victory present we have a quum thank you so we will start with our presentations tonight um we will start with Dr weiding good evening everyone good evening good evening okay much better so so glad to stand before you this evening to present two phenomenal um initiatives at hackin sack Middle School the first is we are going to acknowledge some phenomenal wonderfully gifted young women at hacken sack Middle School my name is D cman and I am the stem educator at hackin Middle School within the stem curriculum at hackin middle school we focus on the need for gender diversity within the field of computer science currently this growing industry has a Workforce of 80% male and 20% female we learn that when women are included the outcome for everyone improves the potential of society will not be reached unless more women pursue careers in computer science tonight we're here to celebrate a program that encourages a solution to this macroeconomic issue so tonight we're excited to honor the graduates representing hacken sack Middle School from the girls exploring engineering program held at Fairley Dickenson University this competitive program accepts 25 females students in grades seven and eight from Bergen County out of the 350 female students enrolled in seventh and eth grade at hackensac Middle School four students were recommended based on their grades and Science and stem class an overall positive attitude and drive to do well after being accepted the female Scholars attended class every Saturday at fdu for a semester taught by college professors and graduate teaching assistance in class the students explore Hands-On engineering and computer science workshops designed to help explore engineering careers and cultivate self-confidence and enjoyment in engineering and Technology throughout the program there is a focus on civil engineering Robotics and computer science we are very proud at hackin sack Middle School to have all four of our Scholars graduate from this prestigious program let's give them a huge round of applause and we are here to share this accomplishment with our community and give each student the praise she deser she deserves at hackin saac Middle School our Mantra is pride passion and purpose and these young ladies definitely exhibit all three we would like to call each student up to receive a certificate signed by our district superintendent Mr Sanchez and our Board of Education president Mr Scott James vicory uh Miss Dr skea would you and we just want to have the opportunity to salute these young ladies and give them some flowers because they deserve that and so much more our first young woman who completed the program is Joan Jarvis Joan is in the seventh grade she unfortunately could not be here tonight but I'm sure she'll be watching so let's please give her a big round of applause our second scholar in engineering is s n namard s j is in the seventh grade Kirsten Lind grade seven shap I'm giving them practice for graduation right hand shake right hand shake and last but certainly not least Sarah Vargas we are thrilled about the accomplishments of these young women they are exemplary students and beacons of light at hackin sack Middle School Miss count special Thanks goes out to the parents and Guardians for your support and driving to and from Fairly Dickinson early in the morning every Saturday we cannot wait to see where these steminist land in years to come as a society we've got more work to do but we're putting in the effort and the future is looking bright congratulations to our HMS Scholars and I would be remiss if I did not thank Miss D calman who with her effort and really uh moving the needle to have our young ladies belong to this program would not have been possible so thank you so much Miss C we call her our resident steminist as well so another wonderful moment for us at hackin saac middle school is to acknowledge someone who is a comet through and through in April of every year the New Jersey Department of Education allows School uh administrators to nominate an exemplary educator someone who gives their heart and soul to public education someone who uh lights the way for children it's often said that to teach is to touch a life forever and this woman this educator at hackin sack Middle School does that on a daily basis we call her our joy generator at hackin sack Middle School none other than Miss Aaron Deets nimi come on up Aron so in April when I had the opportunity to think about someone I would nominate for this award I didn't think twice about nominating eron de nimic it's really a blessing when you get to work in a district for 29 years work with someone as a colleague then get to work with them as an administrator but also know her as a friend Ain is a hackin saac comet she's a graduate of hackin saac high school she is a special educator at hackensac middle school and anytime you see Erin she brings Joy wherever she goes she dresses up for C and costumes uh she decorates our office she's there in the morning she's there late at night Aaron is what we call an exemplary teacher as a building leader and as instructional leader I couldn't think of anyone better when I think of a wonderful person someone who's dedicated to children who has her heart and soul in the right place who demonstrates Pride passion and purpose in everything she does we can't think of anyone better to nominate for this award and it gave me so much pride and excitement to be able to have her have this honor so eron congratulations Dr stea we surprised uh Miss D nimi in her classroom she walked in I wasn't sure she thought she was wearing the Publisher's Clearing House or what was going on we came in with flowers and balloons because she deserved it in front of her children in front of her students and she couldn't do anything else but cry but she deserves it because that's where her heart is so so proud of you and congratulations hey good evening everyone the next award is the champion education award the best Awards in life are those that come from being recognized by peers and colleagues rather than awards that you apply for or seek actively such peer and colleague Rec recognition can be particularly meaningful because it often reflects genuine appreciation validation and acknowledgement of a person's skills expert expertise and contributions from people who understand the nuances of their field or industry every now and then someone acknowledges what we do on a day-to-day basis to let us know that our contributions have not gone unnoticed tonight we are here to recognize such an occasion I'm pleased to announce that our very own director of special services Mr Darius pton is recognized as a champion in education by the Burgen County division of disability services at their 23rd annual salute to Champions Awards and recognition ceremony on October 22nd this annual ceremony observes National disability employment awareness month at recognizes those who demonstrate commitment to disability inclusion and Equity Cong congratulations are extended out to Mr pemon for his advocacy on behalf of our students with disabilities and for his unwavering commitment to inclusion and Equity as stated in Mr pemberton's email signature inclusion equals re life Mr pton please come up and accept this certific you like to say a few words uh good evening uh first I'd just like to thank the superintendent Sanchez board president vicory and the rest of the trustees uh on this knowledgement secondly my staff is here they're they're really the on that make this go and it's it's it's truly a community award that we've been acknowledged for what we do as a community I always tell them I'm just a leader of a great team and uh when the whole team comes together and and we Triumph This is a community Award right so the the county has recognized hacking sack of being a great place of inclusion and equity and it takes all of us from administrators par professionals teachers all of us together earn this award and I just want to say thank you all for serving with me and uh making this a great night all right so we'll move on to our student report okay so on Friday November 3rd coach Mario Santa banice and sever of our cross country athletes went to Fairmont School to assist with their annual mini marathon the student athletes provided encouragement ran ran with the elementary Runners and congratulated them um as they completed the marathon on Thanksgiving morning our annual hackensac te football game will be held at the hackensac high school events include a parade that begins at the middle school and involves clubs bands and activities from both tenek and hackin saac the parade begins at 9:30 a.m. and the game begins at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday November 30th the student council will be hosting a masg grade ball in our East swing gym and a great time will be had by all on December 6th and 7 the high school will be hosting our annual parent teacher conferences conferences will be held in teacher classrooms and it is a great opportunity to see how your child is performing in their classes um comment ambassadors will be on hand to assist with directions and elevator usage all right thank you so now we will move on to our superintendent report thank you president vicory thank you Natasha wonderful report as always so hello again I hope everyone's doing well I'm pleased to announce that we were recently awarded a New Jersey Department of Education high impact tutoring Grant totaling $36,000 the high impact tutoring Grant is designed to enable school districts to work with Educational Service vendors and District staff to provide tutoring services and educational assistance to students Dr kasmar spearheaded this initiative and has provided information on this recently the elementary school program will begin after Thanksgiving and the middle school program will commence sometime in January this past week we held our parent teacher conferences at the elementary schools and in December the parent teacher conferences for the other grade spans will follow please look out for communication from your respective building principal for more specific information about those conference schedules in the days to come as always we encourage our parents to attend these very important conferences because by partnering in education with us we dramatically maximize our young scholars outcomes and potential for current and future success moving on I'm happy to report that we had a very successful college fair at Hackensack High School on Thursday October 26 over 100 postgraduate representatives from colleges universities trade schools and the military were in attendance to discuss postsecondary options with our Scholars as many of you are aware getting historically black colleges and universities to attend our college fair in the past had been a bit of a challenge for us this year however I'm happy to announced that we had representatives from Howard University Delaware State University Hampton University and Morgan State University in attendance to ensure that our students interested in HBCU were able to speak to admin admins excuse me admissions representatives from those very prestigious colleges and universities moreover on on November 16th 30 high school students which included 12 Juniors and 18 seniors armed with official transcripts attended our annual field trip to the Malcolm Bernard historically black colleges and universities Regional college fair which happens to be the largest HBCU college fair on the East Coast this year the HBCU college fair which had over 40 HBCU in attendance was held at Kean University in Union New Jersey I'm delighted to announce that every senior who chose to apply to an HBCU for on-site colist admission got accepted into at least one HBCU it gets better wait there's more six seniors actually received acceptances to three hbcus so congratulations to all of them we are so proud of our Scholars I would like to thank principal Montano and the guidance department for the organization of these two wonderful events for our Scholars finally as we approach the Thanksgiving holiday I want to take a moment to extend my warmest wishes to each and every one of you as we gather with our loved ones to celebrate this holiday may your hearts be filled with gratitude your bellies filled with great food and may your homes be filled with warmth and happiness now on to the enrollment report our current enrollment is 5,22 students and a total of 16 HIV investigations were completed that this past month that concludes my report thank you Mr Sanchez we'll now move on to public comments um all participants uh should have signed in when it is your turn please State the following your name your municipality any group affiliation that you might be uh that might be important to us uh each person has a limit of three minutes uh when the buzzer goes off please uh make sure that you stop your comments at that point please direct all of your comments to me as the presiding officer and all responses will be held to the end of the public participation por so first up this has been a long day for me I just wanted to go first and get and go home two Saturday evenings ago November 11th a former student athlete ory Moore age 29 a father of four lost his life to a tragic accident I would like if you don't mind if we can have a moment of silence in his behalf thank you Mr Sanchez is it is an old saying give them their flowers while they're still living so I want to wish you the best of luck on your retiring and happy holidays thank you Chris Coleman Anthony Anthony Rodriguez Mr hem thank you for your service to the new board members Mr Stein Mr Martin and Miss Pringle welcome I know you will guys do what's right I also I just met the new assistant he hasn't been sworn in yet but the assistant superintendent at the middle school and I just want to say congratul ulations and if you need anything we got your back thank you happy holidays thank you hi Joyce wiers hackin Tech Teacher and Resident good evening I'm here tonight to speak for my colleague Danielle Jackson I know that no longer I no longer work at Fount School but I also know that Fairmount teachers no longer feel safe speaking their truth she has been informed that there is no place for her at Fairmount upon her return from eternity leave this is simply not true there are openings for a tene teacher returning from Leave it seems like she is being transferred because like me she speaks in a truthful and direct manner it has been stated that this is looked upon as a sign of disrespect please look at these patterns teachers who are leaders experienced and direct are being pushed out Danielle was among 25 people who came out and supported me 10 teachers spoke that night that kind of crowd is not here tonight not because Fairmount teachers don't support her but many of them feel that speaking now would make them the next Target this working Dynamic is not good for a school not good for teachers and not good for the students I did not want to be transferred Miss Jackson does not want to be transferred thank you good evening everybody uh Tony Jackson hackin resident hackin parent and teacher had to get them all together there um my wife and I uh are choosing not to speak on her current situation tonight but we deeply appreciate and support the support from our friends colleagues and community members um our daughter decided that she wanted to speak in support of her mom I posted online that Jill is currently I'm I'm giving you the verbatim quote Jill is currently writing up her comments in defense and support of her mom for Monday's Boe meeting in this family we will speak truth to power Jill was proud soon after this I was informed that the post with my daughter's name was copied and posted on a page claiming to be a parody account of the haa with the text not cute in fact it's embarrassing and abusive to use a child as a pawn the site is maintained anonymously and has been brought before the district um at other times but as it's now moved from years of mocking hacken sack staff members to accusing hackin sack parents of abusive behavior and publicly embarrassing a hackin sack student I hope that you'll consider looking into it again I won't publicly share the name of the page but if you reach out to me at any point I will gladly share that information with you thank you good evening how are you good evening peston uh Fairmount parent hackin sack Middle School Parent um I just wanted to come before the board because it's becoming an issue with a lot of parents with all the half days it makes it very difficult as a working parent to manage the schedule and I'm lucky and the fact that my current position um it is relatively flexible but for a lot of other parents it puts a huge strain you know what job can you go to and explain to them hey I need all these half days for the whole week and I got to turn around and do it all over again in December so if there could be some sort of resolution I know they need the half days for parent teacher conferences I know why they need it but um if you could reduce them and maybe make the schedule a little bit more parent friendly that would be great right and um don't know what's going on with the school but uh Mrs Jackson was the teacher for one of my sons and um nothing but good things to say about her that's it thank you anybody else else in person is there anybody to online okay hi hello my name is my name is Donna Dar Carlo I'm a Hackensack fellow School parent um I as well was calling in to speak about the half days uh last week um you know it's five half days and only two days of conference um I had to take off the full week because I can't do half days as does I'm sure many other parents so I was wondering what can be done to change that um I also wanted to just bring to the attention um I think ecdc has um I guess the satellite schools or the satellite classes within each elementary school and they um they start at 9:00 A.M whereas the regular uh other grades start at 8:30 and I think if it could be looked at where they start at the same time or closer to the same time as the other students because it's difficult to get your one student there by 8:20 and then have to sit around for 40 minutes that you know it's like young kids four and five years old and if you have a car you're sitting in the car waiting there or if you walk you're standing outside and I think even if they could take 15 minutes from the end of the day and put it so that it's more um accommodating and more closer to the schedule of the other students in the school and also speaking of ecdc I know there a separate um school but I just wanted to say I um have noticed that sometimes the students are not included in assemblies that the other students are because they're ecdc and they do their own programs but if there could just be a clear line of what they're included in and what they're not um because you know they miss out on certain things because they're in the satellite classes things that ecdc has so if you can look at those few things I would appreciate it thank you good evening uh my name is yes my name is Bridget and I'm calling about I'm in hack AAC residence and I'm calling about an Oprah that I placed in September uh September the 18th so I'm addressing this to trusty vicory um I'm I'm trying to find out why I still haven't received the Oprah I didn't want want to take this any further but I'm trying to get it resolved this has been SE September and here we're going into November almost December it's on uh by the law it's seven days I was given a notice that I wouldn't receive it until November 10th and here we now are on November 20th I would like to be able to get an answer if possible from the lawyer and from the business administrator thank you so much and have a wonderful evening and holiday thank you anybody else oh one more uh hi uh Tom trano hackin High School um ha's health and safety uh chairperson so uh I guess very very briefly I I had a really nice experience today at the uh the high school and it kind kind of um gave me an opportunity to sort of say something uh I think Pleasant um at one of these meetings uh one of the things I push for in in terms of uh you know addressing the the membership and hoping that I can make a difference in terms of how the teachers can operate within the school uh is to to pay attention to safety issues uh for everybody who inhabits those spaces uh students teachers Administration and so on and um I I bumped into in the hallways at the high school today a um an independent contractor who is uh walking around and taking notes uh walking into classrooms uh and such it looked like they were doing some inspections and so I uh I stopped the person I said hey I see you holding a clipboard you know which group are you affiliated with you know how can you know I help you if you need some direction and that kind of thing um she identified herself as uh someone who was going through the school with um the intention of of checking for um you know things like loose tiles loose ceiling tiles loose tiles on the floor uh chipped paint and whatnot she's going to end up making recommendations to have those things remediated um that person's job was to look for situations that you know might involve asbest um I was happy to see that the district has taken a a proactive stance I inquired whether it was a specific part of the building or if it was uh you know the whole building um person ended up informing me that they they planned from to move from school to school you know looking at all the things they could possibly look at uh with the intention of uh making recommendations to remediate anything that they thought was um you know out of sorts I I was happy to find out that you know she was uh careful she was uh particular she was scrutinizing things that I don't think many of us would have scrutinized um and she was coming back very often with um you know favorable results that the the buildings have been maintained to a reasonable degree and certain areas were sealed off that would have otherwise been in other instances uh you know presumed to be uh dangerous it was it was a a good proactive approach by our district that encourages people to think about the health and well-being of everybody inside of the buildings and um I I welcome and encourage U more situations like that I think they should be um you know more common place with the Public's understanding that the district is doing what they can to make sure that everybody in the buildings is uh as safe as possible at least from in situations like that so um so thank you for being proactive um to those in administration and and those who ended up arranging uh that um experience thanks all right is that all all right great um anyone else in the room so that'll be the end of our public comments I will quickly address um what I can so um it's always good to hear a um thank you and a positive note from um some of our uh Union folks about um especially health and safety because that is what genuinely what we want is um to make sure that everyone is taken care of um I will I don't really have the Insight that I need over the Oprah request but I will just say please take note and whatever has to happen happen make it whatever make it happen please um noted to the parents who talk about the half days I have a whole bunch of kids and it stinks I get it it's it's a lot it's hard when you have half days because it does um create having to take off work and figure out schedules and then if you're like me I have kids at just about every school in town and then when they when they're not on the same level then you have like multiple weeks of half days and so it is hard and so um obviously we can't fix it for this year and I can't promise a fix but I can't promise we can look at it and see if there's you know a way to minimize it as we look into the schedule as we move forward um Mr Sims thanks for just being nice I appreciate that that was just a a nice sentiment and um while I cannot address Personnel issues um what I can say is to um Jill um I do appreciate speaking truth to power at any age and uh Mr Jackson well I do appreciate that you have class I don't have as much as you do it's called hea Muppets and it is horrible um it it is just something that makes fun of our district personnel and and not very nice ways um it has nothing to do with the haa let me be very clear about that it is it is a mocking thing that is just not nice um but mocking a child that is um teaching that is learning a lesson of speaking truth to power or in whatever way um even if it's not even truth to power even if it's just getting up to speak in front of people that are um adults and bigger than she is we should encourage that and um I'm sorry that that discouraged her from just being able to speak um I hate that so we can now move on to our well I think we need to do our passing the minutes and Stu thank you for your participation um so be it resolved that the Hackensack Board of Education approves the regular minutes and closed session Ms of October 16 2023 as submitted can I have a motion for that thank you Mr Carroll uh can I have a second second thank you Miss Somerville all those in favor say I I any those all right um all right so now we will move on to personnel which is you know of course you're um Lance oh Lance oh by the way uh yes to acknowledge um just on the record um trusty Powell is um on the phone via technology through our system with our Tech folks um just so we have that on the record um so moving on to Personnel Mr colan as a preliminary matter I move that a dash uh A.1 comma D be laid on the table all right so we have a motion to put a do D A.1 comma D A.1 comma D on the table can I have a second for that so that's in the did you second I second it okay Miss Cordo out and seconded it is everybody with us where we are okay yes um so all those in favor to table that one section say I I any knows I abstain okay thank you uh for the record we have one exstension now so that is tabled so now back so now uh I moov that the board uh approve the remaining recommendations from the superintendent uh Personnel actions 8.1 comma a through GG um with 8.1 comma D having being table all right so we have that motion um A.1 through GG minus section D which has been tabled can I have a second second thank you Mr Carol um a roll call please Mr Carol yes Mr colan yes Miss C Alton yes Miss Harris yes Mr mean yes Mr Pao Mr Powell say again can you hear me yeah there we go yes thank you sir Miss sommerell yes Mr Rodriguez yes Mr James Victory yes um A1 to g g passes with d being table great President James Victory May I introduce the new Middle School assistant principal Mr Angel Calo say a few words for us yeah congratulations thank you so I just want to say good evening thank you everybody stayed to the last part I appreciate it so this is a little bit of a surreal moment for me um the reason it is surreal is because when I started my educational career was here in hackin saac student taught at Fairmont Elementary about 12 years ago so when the student uh when Natasha actually mentioned the marathon I remember as a student teacher telling one of my third grade student like you're not GNA beat me man like I'm gonna I'm GNA win this so I remember so well being at Fairmont and um my wife was here with my kids got a little late but I was joking with her I said like the popular saying is Say Yes to the Dress but for me I think what fairon did I was like say yes to education because what I lived there and experienced I said yes I want to continue to do this I want to continue my career as an educator so maybe um don't no hesitation with education I don't know what the what what would be the equivalent but that's where we are and then I also just want to take the opportunity to thank um Dr Whiting superintendent Sanchez and really the staff at HMS for what I would say is the most thorough and comprehensive hiring process that I have been a part of from stage one multi panel interview stage two live on set live live on set I used to DJ a little bit but live on site demo and then Q&A so darl and I think um not only did it allow the leadership team to get to know me but it allowed me to understand what act act in the community was about and it excited me because I think that anybody is going to a staff is going to put me through such a comprehensive process we're not just talking to talk we're actually walking to walk here so when I hear Dr whing speak about Pride passion like those things are real because I experienced them I lived them during that process and know my wife went home but my children but I would say that I wouldn't be the person I am today without their love their unconditional love and their support and so I'm hoping maybe on camera but I love you and then just lastly what makes hackin sack special to me is the diversity aspect I was a resident for a little while in hackin sack I grew up Jersey City born and raised went to Ruckers in New York right these are two places Jersey City one of the most diverse places in the country Ruckers University in New York very diverse and when I come to hackin sack I feel it I see it and so that's exciting to me and and I wore blue and gold because I want to be down I want to be here already so I appreciate it thank you to the board this is a great night for me I appreciate it once again thank you well it's very exciting to hear um I have no doubt that Dr Whiting and team um put you through the ringer to to to have a process um there a strong team and a good team um I know that you'll be um a great addition to that team um and I and I I tell you it is not um I I am a transplant from Mississippi but I will tell you I I bleed blue and gold it is not about where you're born it is about it's it's deeper than that it is it is about um it it gets into your soul it's it's it's um it's about um and and you need I promise you because Dr whing said I mean like it just rolls out of her mouth Pride passion purpose Pride passion purpose you're used to saying it my kid I have three at the middle school and they they roll it off the tongue all the time so I'm excited for you and we're thankful that you're joining the team you're welcome so we're excited all right we will move on to uh policy uh truste Somerville hi good evening everyone so um Mr SES just in case I make an error Miss Marx is here she can cover me so in the inome we're gonna make a motion to table seven policies um that we have here we will be tbling policy 1642.1 sck leave we'll be tbling 2270 religion in the school policy number 3161 Examination for cause we are tabling 3324 right of privacy 4161 again Examination for cause 4324 right of privacy will be on 5116 education of homeless children and youth we're tabling these policies just because they're a little bit more even though they're just revisions they're a little bit more extensive and usually when we do this policy review we put a summary together they came out over the weekend and we didn't have the opportunity to give the thorough summ summary um out to the community and also miss Marx puts together the school um policy commission that actually goes through review give comments and feedback to the board so we can incorporate those if we think those policy need a little bit more extensive revision right like the language that we get from stout Esme may not be sufficient enough or we have some issues with them so that's the only reason for tabling them it's not because there's anything particularly with the policy we just want to do some thorough assessment before we hand it out to everybody in the community so I make a motion to table those seven policies okay all right so thank you so miss Somerville made a motion to table those seven can I have a second to table those a motion thank you Mr Powell um all those in favor say I I any and there are none so th um those seven are tabled and hopefully we'll get them in January okay and then um and then we so let it we move on andd resolved that the hackin Board of Education upon the recommendation of the superintendent of school approves the first reading of the following policies and regulation technically there is no first reading of the policies and regulation we do have six policies that are mandated by the state of um New Jersey so those policies have already been released to the student um the student body and the teachers and then we have five policies that are being abolished those policies that are being abolished are part of the policies that are being revised so they're getting rid of one version there is a re revision and went so that's where we stand at the moment on policies all right so we have a u motion to uh pass the other to approve the other the remaining ones sumarize seven on hold six for first read policies five are being abolished the six for first read are mandated policies by the state of New Jersey all right so we have a motion from Miss Somerville can I have a second second Mr Coleman second um any discussion all right roll call please okay uh Mr Carol yes Mr colan yes Miss Ciro Alton yes Miss Harris yes Mr mean yes Mr Powell yes Miss Somerville yes Mr Rodriguez yes Mr James vicory yes so with the exception of the policies that were tabled the remainder passes very good thank you moving to curriculum Miss Harris yes uh so I would like to bring forward C1 through C2 just make sure 27 yeah I just wanted to highlight C8 which is the approval of the school partnership agreement between best buddies International and the hackin Middle School to start a best buddies chapter um it is to build friendships with students with disabilities ities which is amazing uh C10 it is the approval of the acceptance that Mr Sanchez had mentioned on high impact tutor Grant from the New Jersey Department of Education for the amount of 306,000 and the rest is all standard items so I motion C1 through c27 all right thank you so we have a motion from Miss Harris second thank you Mr Carol um roll call any discussion there's none uh roll call please yes Mr Carol yes Mr Coleman yes Miss Ciro Alton yes Miss Harris yes Mr Mian yes Mr Powell yes Miss Somerville yes Mr Rodriguez yes Mr James vicory yes motion passes all right moving on to finance Mr Rodriguez yes thank you president vickory I'd like to bring forth motions D1 through D5 just standard Finance um uh motion motion uh motion D1 and D5 second all right any discussion okay can I have a roll call please yes Mr Carol yes Mr Coleman yes Miss Ciro Alton yes Miss Harris yes Mr mien yes Mr pow yes Mr Somerville yes Mr Rodriguez yes Mr James vickory yes motion passes very good and uh buildings and grounds yes I'd like to bring forth again standing motions uh oh who seconded thank you so yes for buildings and grounds I would like to bring forth motions E1 through E4 very good can I have a second for that second all right any discussion on buildings and grounds and there's none uh roll call please Mr Carol yes Mr Coleman yes Miss Ciro Alton yes Miss Jennifer Harris yes Mr Mian yes Mr Powell yes Miss Somerville yes Mr Rodriguez yes Mr James vicory yes did I miss L did I call you you did yes you did motion passes all right very good um there's nothing to report from community relations this month and then we will move on to all businesses anyone have any old business they'd like to talk about very good any new business okay and then uh board comments we will start with Mr Powell since he's on the phone uh happy holidays to everyone thank you all for coming out Happy Thanksgiving be safe to you and your families and thank everyone for coming out to participate tonight and uh congratulations to the new hires and to the board members so always always grateful it's a pleasure serving with you all uh be well over the holidays and everyone get home safe tonight and uh uh uh Scott is Mr McBride there uh not tonight okay okay so just congratulations to everyone and have a wonderful night every aone good night all right thank you uh Miss Somerville hi so good evening everyone um again congratulations to everyone that got award tonight congratulations to the new hire nice to meet you love the speech and the blue and gold I I mean I guess you get brownie points for us sucking up don't think it's gonna get you anywhere gonna have to put into work well congratulations welcome you're really joining a good team over there so I I I mean I'm I'm expecting great things right right promise going to deliver all right got to hold you to that again um to everybody that came out tonight congratulations guys to you know again all the achievement and the accomplishments of everyone Miss story thank you for the candy as usual definitely appreciate it uh thank you to the I mean congratulations to the nud board trustees that will be sorn in in January um you know good job nice I hopefully I can get an opportunity to meet everyone I Mr Stein and I Mr Martin right um back there so again congratulations and welcome um Happy Thanksgiving to everybody you guys get home safely enjoy the holidays with your family I will not be at the December board meeting I'm taking a long deserve vacation I am extremely tired I will be gone from the beginning of December all the way back until January 4th Out pocket out the email off the grid I'm done so I just want to say you know Happy Thanksgiving merry Christmas happy New Year and I will see you guys in 2024 thank you all right uh Miss Harris sure good evening um I wanted to congratulate uh our three steminist and I'm going to use that word from now on our three steminist uh for completing the program at fdu that's amazing uh to miss uh neic congratulations very well deserved I have seen your videos as well from covid Co times you are an amazing actress um and I wanted to congratulate Mr pton on his award and I do want to acknowledge how he said it's not just his award it's the team's award uh it does take a village it does take a team to Prevail um to get such a prestigious award I wanted to also welcome our the new trustees when you guys come in uh nice to see you guys here at the meeting I look forward to working with with the three of you uh and to those who did not Prevail in in the elections um and we've all have done it uh still continue to advocate for your for the students continue to advocate for the district it's still an important role it's still um it's still meaningful just because you're not sitting here doesn't mean that what you do on the outside is not important okay so continue to still advocate for our students and last but not least I hope everyone has a happy and healthy Thanksgiving um hopefully this time is a time where you can reflect and think about what it is that you're really grateful for for this time have a good night everyone amen all right um Mr Carol um thank you um again congratulations to the young ladies at the middle school and their accomplishments with the engineering program Miss Nik and Mr piman congratulations for your commitment and dedication to the district um and I want to welcome Mr colado welcome aboard I'm looking forward to working with you and and uh maybe check out your DJ skills blue and gold blue and gold looks good on you BL and gold looks good um mus uh there you go that's and I just W to uh wish the football team good luck on Thanksgiving Thursday Thursday playing Tac I just want to wish them uh yeah wish them all all good luck uh have to be Tina just got to got to um and Happy Thanksgiving to everyone be safe and uh God bless thank you Miss Corda Alton no comment thank you okay M Coleman uh Miss story once again thank you for the candy everyone seems to pass theirs on to me and otherwise I'll take their candy but thank you as always again welcome aboard col um congratulations to the uh exploring girls exploring engineering program I I know my daughter did it during covid so it was all virtual and the graduation was virtual so it's really nice to see the presentation and and the the girls being honored and thank you to miss cman she's not here anymore and uh Dr Whiting and Steve snimi congratulations to you to Mr Pimon and team a lot of congratulations to go around I really like the direction that this district is going in uh so to the incoming board members uh good luck to you looking forward to the continue momentum as we go forward into the next year other than that just Thanksgiving Happy Thanksgiving to everybody uh no comments I guess I gotta make sure I dress warmly on Thursday for the parade and all right Mr Manan it's always difficult being last because you're simply re-echoing everyone what they actually said so almost last but I just wanted to uh reecho what they said congratulations on the new um trustees that'll be coming in as well as Mr colado what I really love what you said was about the fact that hackin saac represents diversity and that is the greatest strength and I truly believe that in my heart uh what hackin saac stands for and how people really come together as a family and I may not have children in hackin sack but just simply being on the board and gaining that exper experience I have a much steeper appreciation for my colleagues as well as the staff and the people that serve hackin SEC public school students as well as their families so Happy Thanksgiving one and all Mr Rodriguez yes and I agree with uh trusty Manan and I you know congratulate everyone um as the previous truste did um Mr carado you still here you know I love your energy it's um uh it's it's it's invigorating right it's great I can tell you the guy when I walk in you're glowing I can tell you the guy when I saw you s sitting there so I was ready so congrats welcome um you know excited to see you know great things coming from that from that staff as as as usual as always um other than that guys uh you know welcome um congratulations to the incoming trustees you know Mr Stein and Mr Martin and Miss prle who's not here um you know like uh you know juste uh Coleman said I'm really um excited to to see where the district has is moving and where it's going and I'm glad that you guys are going to be you know assisting in the future to keep it going in the right direction um guys enjoy your H time with family the holidays and like Mr Coleman we will see you out there Thursday go comments president Scott Victory just a moment Mr Rodriguez Mr colan Mr Mian will you be here January are you gonna come into the janary down yes no but you guys will be for the January meting yes so no I since I won't be here for December I won't get a chance to see you guys so I want to make sure that if you guys are going to be here in January time on a tradition I before you put ly for the holiday I'm gonna show up dress in a tie and then I'm step down I just want to make sure so I'll see you in January sounds good so um I Echo what everyone has said um when it comes to the awards I'm thankful that we have um a committed staff who works to love our kids and serve them the best that that um we can in in this town um but I'm I'm I'm thinking of as we look towards Thursday it is a time where we can stop and hopefully be with family and friends and the people we love and um reflect on the work we do together in this town on this board in this district and remember that the Common Thread that we all do that we all have is that we love this town and we love these kids and I hope that as we look forward to to Thursday that we remember how thankful we are that we have teachers and administrators that they give 120% even on the hard days and um Mr CL I hope that that you know you're joining that group and and I mean it you know um being a com and being blue and gold it's not it's not just about where you're born it's about the love and the pride and the passion and the purpose that you have for this town and and for the kids of this town and I hope that you will invest yourself in this community and in these kids because they're worth it may I have a motion to adjourn motion second second all those in favor have a good night good night