what good evening what all right good evening everyone and welcome to tonight's hack sack Board of Education uh meeting please stand as uh we say the Pledge and have a moment of silence flag of the United States of America to the republ for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all standing for moment silence please you may be seated as we start our meeting let's pause to ackn that the hackensac school district occupies the unseated ancestral lands of the Ramapo man LPE people we are grateful to be able to learn work and gathered today and we continue our commitment to support all underserved and UN undervalued members of our school community in accordance with the open public meeting act adequate notification of this meeting was advertised in the record posted at the board office filed with the city clerk I hereby called an order this our public meeting on March no yep March 20th 2024 in the hackin saac high school media center at 6:19 p.m. missing will you please do a roll call yes um Christina Holtz pres Mr Carol Demetrius Carol present present okay thank you Miss Harris present Mr Martin Mr Powell M Bingle pres M Somerville present Mr Stein present Miss C Alton present Mr James vicory present you have a COR great thank you so all right hey so we will start with our student report all right uh firstly the art Department would like to extend our gratitude an appreciation for seeing the ad Administration team at the youth R month exitation opening reception at the Johnson Public Library the turnout was amazing two of our students Daniel Porto and Karen yunga Chim were celebrated and and awarded scholarships thanks to the hackensac realary club for their amazing talent and persuasion of an artistic career after graduating HHS the academic deck of flan was New Jersey large School state champions and has qualified for the Nationals compet competition in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania there will be one of two schools representing the state of New Jersey at the competition senior Rihanna Jane frco had the highest scoring speech at the state championship and was the overall silver medalist for the varsity division Junior uh shudy sang sangar was Hackensack overall highest scorer and was the overall bronze medalist for the honors of vision congratulations to all Deca athletes to to celebrate read Across America HHS students took a trip to Nelly K Parker Elementary School to read to younger students readers chose a picture book from the Nik Library they were assigned a buddy and traveled to classrooms to read and engage with the younger students H students had a great day serving as reading role models for the younger kids in our district uh for the second time this year the interactive club members joined together to make over 150 sandwiches that were donated to New Jersey's food and clothes rescue um the interacted Club is a communitybased service club that gives back by making and donating sandwiches to feed the hungry stuffing bags for Operation Smile cleaning up for Hack and Sack letter writing to hospitalized children and Veterans and making Financial donations to worthy causes such as wise animal rescue which deal with Fosters and arranging adoptions St Jude's Children's Research Hospital which advances cures and treats Pediatric catastral diseases at no charge Mary's meals which serves nutritious School meals to Children living in some of oh sorry um which part do you want me to go back to okay um Mary's meals which serves as nutritious School meals to Children living in some of the world's poorest communities Rachel's Coalition supports uh domestic violence victims and as I said before I'm a che at h HS um competitive team and on March 3rd we went to Hershey Park for Nationals and we won first place and and we also won um the best dance out of the whole competition and we won the highest point in the competition congratulations awesome thanks good job all right so now um we have a another very special person to recognize I'm going to ask U Mr Moran to hop up first thanks I'm gonna ask Mr Dees please to come forward Mr pton if you don't mind joining us over here as the Director special special services for this uh special honor this evening first off I want to thank first let me introduce myself I'm Christopher Moran proud principal of Jackson Avenue School I want to thank President James Vickery vice president miss Cordo Alton and the rest of the Board of Trustees Dr McBride Mrs parchment and Mrs markx for their honor to represent one of our staff members receiv evening Miss di Diana De Jesus our child study team social worker I just wanted to give you a little context of how it started for Mr Jesus she started her career in hackin saac working as a substitute teacher in 2007 she held that position was hired as a parrot by Mrs Whitaker and in 2010 Mr Jesus was in a par for the next five years supporting our special education students at Nelly K Parker School it was during these formidable times that she wanted to pursue a career in Social Work Mr hastus graduated from Ruckers University in 2014 with a master's degree in social work from there Mr hus was hired by Dr Whiting forly Mrs Whiting in 2015 as a child study team social worker at Hiller school this timeline speaks to her dedication and commitment to her pursuit to help Children and Families Mrs De Jesus was then shared with Jackson Avenue School under leadership of Mrs Parchman and miss monoa so I just want to recap Mrs Whitaker Dr Whiting Mrs parchment and Miss mcoa folks that I consider hackin sack royalty for the past 5 years Jackson Avenue has been miss de's home school and has a large number of her students that she affectionately calls her babies when asked to describe Mr Jesus a staff member shared these sentiments Jackson and family is so proud to have Mr Jesus as our child study team social worker her her professionalism showcases her true commitment which is to the children of hackin saac as she calls them my babies she is a secret Powerhouse as I like to call it she is constantly learning new strategy to better her craft in addition she goes above and beyond the Call of Duty I have personally witnessed Mr Jesus's meet with parents after school before school during her luns she will make she will Avail herself not only to parents but for teachers as well she makes calls to parents after hours always willing to speak to teachers her love for children is evident in everything she does she works behind the scenes on multiple committees and supports teachers and children's constantly she has never looking for recognition or accolades but rather her greatest reward is to see the children smiling and learning in school this morning when I called a family member of a student to speak of her experiences with mesus she shared the following mesus has been an amazing person and an amazing so social worker she is family to me and our family as well anyone who is fortunate enough to have her work with their child you will be forever grateful like we are my granddaughter has been miss deu since kindergarten and has helped her transition throughout the special education program at Jackson Avenue School my granddaughter is going to be graduating Jackson Avenue School and it wouldn't have been possible I told you I would without the love and support of Mr Jesus she is extremely dedicated to her job and of course my baby and all of her babies so congratulation Mr Jesus you are so deserving this award I would not like to ask Mr pton to say a few words about his team member Mr Jesus thank you I just take it off good evening even just like to Echo the sentiments of Mr Moran uh Mr Jesus has been a fabulous and collaborative team member since the day I started here she does affectionately call all of the students her babies and she treats them as such she's always caring and supportive and we just want to thank you for your [Applause] service so Hackensack Public Schools hackin sack Public [Music] Schools hackin sack Public Schools sore Award presented to Diana De Jesus comment sore Award presented by superintendent McBride and the hackin saac Board of Education in recognition of going above and beyond in support of students and the school Community there you go and I want to say is one of my favorite memories I I don't know where to look here um one of my favorite memories is when I was touring your school and I was still at that point calling my classroom every Friday because I was still having a hard time not being in my classroom I taught severe profound special education and the moment you said your babies because that's what I always called my kids and I knew then that that's exactly why I do the work I do for this District because of people like you and that moment made me forever grateful to be serving this district with you so thank you [Music] you don't have to [Applause] all right now to you good sir our superintendent report good evening everyone good evening in honor of women's month which we are currently still in I'm reminded of one of my favorite authors uh Miss zor O'Neil huren who was a phenomenal writer during the Harlem Renaissance and the quote says jump at the sun you may not land on the Sun but at least you'll be off the ground and that idea of always reaching for possibility the idea of movement elevation are one of the driving forces that have always kind of influenced and spir inspired my life and so as we celebrate our phenomenal women I want us to take notice of just how amazing women are and have been throughout history and today uh they are the greatest superpower in this world when I think about my mother and my grandmothers and all the women who have stood in the Gap who have loved on me who have prayed for me who've inspired for me and who take care of us selflessly all the time we must always honor them my dad always said um don't worry about me I'll be fine take care of your mama and so that mentality has always been with me so ensure that we are celebrating women today and every day for the phenomenal things they do for us um so wanted to start there this month has been a continuation of my listening and learning tour as I said previously I had the opportunity to meet with students uh parent I mean students teachers School leaders and I now I've had the opportunity to meet with two of our school parents associations uh uh specifically um Parker as well as Fairmount and so I'm grateful for all the parents who have come out to share all the amazing experiences that they've had at the school to provide their insight and their feedback as to how we can consistently improve our schools then also share their commitment to working collaboratively with us to provide their Scholars our Scholars with the best experience and learning here so um looking forward to concluding the other ones as I round up my my 90 days now so that uh has been an amazing opportunity to kind of be face Toof face with people specifically our parents whose voices really matter in this work that we're doing as well as our kids so it it's shaping a lot of the thinking around the planning moving forward in every area so again thank you to the parents um I want to celebrate our amazing Scholars who are uh showcasing their talents and their gifts in a variety of ways we oftentimes think about tests and academics but we have students who are uh individuals who are engaging in music and dance and theater and we are providing them with the opportunities to do just that to lift that up so I was I was inspired to see the amazing art at the at the uh library that our scholes talked about as well and last night uh we got to see a wonderful production of Moana that's happening also tonight in our district and it just goes to show again the amazing talents and gifts that are here that we are consistently making sure that we are cultivating every day so a shout out to all of our Scholars who are performing because we know it's not easy to get up in front of people um but because they have those gifts we are letting those things shine um lastly we want to also just identify that we have heard the the feedback from our teachers around our reading program and so last month we conducted our very first uh literacy comprehensive literacy plan Planning Group so we have teachers from every grade band we have supervisors we have the team coming together with an expert to Think Through how we're going to ensure that our Scholars will have access to a highquality reading program but also a reading curriculum that encompasses the components of what a a quality reading involves phonics fluency reading comprehension and the great thing about it is that we are building it together literally the people in the room the teachers who are on the ground every single day giv their input given their feedback and then helping us think through what it will look like in the future has been amazing as well so we just had our first session we have two more coming in April and in May and we are excited to be able to present the district's comprehensive literacy plan to everyone hopefully before June before we leave for the break so that over the summer we'll know exactly where we're going so I grateful to all of the teachers who are providing their intellectual uh knowledge uh our our consultant Dr Dia Bryant who's renowned in the world of Early Childhood reading as well as our uh administrators who will be joining us in may as well to give to make sure it's a full rounded perspective of everyone's commitment to developing a highquality read reading curriculum for this District um so that's a few of the highlights that have happened and now I'll transition into the actual report currently we have we have 5,275 students enrolled and our attendance percentage is 96.4% as it relates to our residency report in February uh 2024 we had five number of Resident cases received 32 to date we verify two of those in February 15 to date in home visits unverified is three and a year to date is 17 lastly our harassment intimidation and bullying report we we had three that fit the Hib definition we had three that were inconclusive we had one that was there was no evidence of Hib we had eight that does that do not fit Hib definition in a total of 15 altogether from the month of February 17 2024 until our current March 14 2024 as well and that concludes the superintendence report thank you we now move into our public comment s board not only welcome to your comments we want to hear them I ask that all participants sign in and it's your turn please we want to we not only welcome your comments but we want to hear them all participants must sign in when it is your turn please state your name municipality and any group that you might be uh affiliated with that's important for us to know each person has a limit of 3 minutes to be good stewards of everyone's time please adhar to that uh please direct all comments to me as the presiding officer and any responses that are appropriate to um be given will happen at the end of the public comment portion so we are ready easy Tonight Frank albolino hackin saac New Jersey most of you know I'm a member of hackin saac unicos in Italian American Club that supports the Italian program here up at hyton high school and in the middle school I'm here tonight again to ask you to reinstate Christopher Columbus to the calendar not to take off indigenous people people just to add Christopher Columbus like the county does and like the president said um when he became president or at the beginning of the year I forgot last uh month to talk about the Dominican Community Puerto Rican community and the Cuban Community all that had Representatives on this board of education at one time or another two of which have businesses in town they're all involved in towns in different ways through Sports through getting people to register to vote I'm going to read you a statement here uh Little League Baseball of hackin saac 10 years plus chairman in 1990 Cub Scout Pack number five Holy Trinity three years Treasurer that's because I missed the meeting and my wife nominated me aans saac Recreation committee two years project graduation class of 9295 at one time or another I was a PTA member of all schools in the district including ecdc and I used to attend some of the meetings down to Jackson Avenue I'm a member of Captain Harry B theis American post 55 hackin saac New Jersey I'm currently Vice commander and like I said I'm a member of hackin saac Unico I have two questions for the board president question number one I would like for you to poll the board members that are here tonight and see how they feel about restoring Christopher Columbus day back to the calendar for the 2024 2025 school year and number two can someone please tell me what the indigenous people have done for hacken sack should I repeat that one no do you have all right my time's running out oh I'm not going to you going to answer afterwards I'm the only public here speaking tonight on the list I'm not going to pull the board why not it's been done before oh I forgot one thing I'm sorry I forgot the most important thing I was elected eight consecutive years to the Hack and Sack voter of education for a total of 24 years I was vice president six times and president six times we were ped we answered I'm the community you're elected officials you're supposed to answer me I may not like your answer but I'm asking for an answer sir this is a time for public comment it's not a time for public Q&A uh so you you make your comments the board takes them into consideration and they decide um how they're going to respond but it's not a Q&A are they going to respond tonight it's not their um you know they they do not have to no attorney I disagree with you like I said I was on for 24 years and it was always a give and go okay not every meeting but we got ped from time to time and I'm sure Mr Stein remembers that I'm not asking for money I'm just asking for an opinion just a yes or no for Columbus day and for some want to tell me what the indigenous people have done for hackin sa I told you what I've done you you sure your three minutes are up I know okay I'm not here to close a problem but I'm very disappointed that I'm not getting an answer because I was told I would get an answer from the boy president good evening oh depends not Donna West Hackensack resident and Hackensack employee a couple of things so I'm not sure if I'm going to get through everything I do want to thank the high school students for coming to read um they learned firsthand what it's like to read to second graders um and they were trying to be kind to him so I was I was appreciative of my little babies doing that she's not the only one who calls them babies um congrats to our hackin high school cheerleaders as well um I just want to remind us um as a school year begins to wind down that we often talk about prioritizing children I believe one of the assistant superintendent says we privilege children and um we've been looking at the data right because for the two and a half to three and 90 days that Dr McBride has been here there's been an increased attention to data which is not in itself a bad thing the problem is now that it's a new buzzword so everything is data everything is data everything is data so now we have PDS that take us away from the class but we also need to be in the class doing something with the data that we just uncovered so it's it's becoming a bit much um not compl because we want to do our job but I'm just trying to figure out how did we become robots all of a sudden and you think that we can do all of this and not take anything off our plate I had this conversation I think last year around this time as well everything just keeps getting added so let me also point out we have um special ed classes we have bilingual classes we have gen classes correct all right so we're having a problem because we we have a special ed class that has three students who don't speak English so we don't have a bilingual class for our special need students in that in that sense and then I just want to give you an idea of what an elementary school teachers day looks like lunch count breakfast count attendance I am going to go fast sir I'm sorry attendance teach lesson plans which include math readers workshops science social studies writing foundations guided reading the new thing tiered intervention seel teach tiered intervention groups which are supposed to be flexible and change every day exit tickets making copies parent Communication in rst recommendations in rst reports data for irst recommendations CST meetings irst meetings PLC meetings Running Records readers workshop pre- and post assessments grading these readers workshops pre- and post assessments grading and recording foundations assessments report cards progress reports emailing calling parents when student or is absent and the list goes on again not standing here to complain just trying to figure out where you think it is humanly possible to do all of this and not feel exhausted or unappreciated and on another note there's a solar eclipse on April 8th just wondering what the district's going to do about it because other districts have either called for a whole a half day or some states are closing because of the impact that the students I believe will be leaving around that time um so just be mindful of the fact that this solar eclipse is coming and it's a big thing good evening sir good evening everybody uh to start I would just refer anyone else who has questions about the indigenous impact on hacken saac to the um the land acknowledgement um at the board office uh aside from that uh my name is Tony Jackson I live in hackin sack I'm a hackin sack parent I'm also a hackin sack teacher the first thing I wanted to bring up is something I've brought up before um and because there are new board members a new superintendent I wanted to mention again uh there is a page that ridicules insults and harasses Hack and Sack community members especially teachers um it's called the haa Muppets page on Facebook uh they have posted my daughter's name and accused me of abusive Behavior because I mentioned supporting her speaking at a Board of Education meeting they posted Alters altered pictures of myself and several other staff members I appreciate uh board president vicory who called them out they then later um that night posted did a picture poking fun at him uh after a student was stabbed at Hackensack High School they posted an altered picture of Elmo threateningly holding a knife please do something about this please try and find out who's behind it based on the information and access to the page access uh to the information that they have who is referenced who is being harassed it is someone within the district on another note I've been teaching in hackin saac for 18 years I love this community the kids their families I feel like the current focus on control and compliance is draining much of the joy and satisfaction from our current roles I'm hopeful hearing about the collaboration between teachers and central office concerning the literacy program but as a teacher I do feel that my voice and opinion though called on at times are not valued in most aspects of how the district operates and I use mine more than most here I feel that many mandates and initiatives and programs are passed down to us that we accept and Implement and adapt to often with little preparation often with little rationale or evidence of efficacy that is given to us some things seem counterproductive I print out 14-page lesson plans every week um if everybody else is doing that that is a ton of paper that is being wasted for plans that are already in Genesis and can be seen it's not sustainable mind you I'm also on the sustainable schools team uh some things seem to be tamping down on our ability to make decisions a teacher commented to me that they had been told that a autonomy has to be earned it is not given to teachers I think that that is an insane statement considering that we are being trusted with the students in our care if we are here then we deserve respect and Trust I along with every other teacher that has spoken out on the topic um I along with every other teacher I've spoken to excuse me are receiving our lowest evaluation scores this year and I'm the best teacher that I've ever been I know that because I'm constantly learning growing from my own uh my own education and also from my experience in the classroom how are we supposed to be having our students show autonomy in the classroom which is one of the Hallmarks for uh for a four right for the highest level of evaluation if we are not trusted with it ourselves I end by saying that many of my colleagues are uncomfortable speaking up about the issues because they fear retaliation as a union I believe that what happens to one of us can happen to any of us so what happens to one of us does happen to all of us all of us deserve trust respect and transparency and we thank you evening to everyone good evening to everyone um good to be able to be here um just to have a few concerns that I just want to share again tonight um just looking at um an overall perspective will say your name for the record please I'm sorry my name is gwenny Bert I am a hackensac resident teacher in hackensac um um and an alumni of hackin public schools so um some concerns just in looking at decision M decision-making over the last few years or so and watching the change in the decision-making process um we're always being told that our kids are first or they come first and so I kind of wonder sometimes um how that happens if you don't allow the people in the classroom teaching those kids to come first and you put us in a position where we're able to be properly prepared for what we are doing it's wonderful to have um curriculums and all that stuff we have a new math curriculum for example and we haven't gotten a lot of training on it we've gotten some but not enough we're always given something and expected to hit the ground running and it doesn't properly prepare us to be able to equip our kids um the other concern is that you know it's great to look at data a whole lot of us have been looking at data um but just because there are other other sources of R of being able to get data doesn't mean we have to do all of them and so we bought a curriculum supposedly that met our needs and so why aren't we using all of that curriculum we've added number worlds and some other things and so it just makes me wonder like what is the expectation how are you expecting us to be able to really do all of that and do it well so that our kids are excelling if we're not getting the proper training that we need it's just like you don't buy everything you see in the store just because they sell it and so it it's just something that's a little bit confusing to me wonderful to see that we have uh translators for our de awareness Community but what about those who are Hispanic speaking and don't understand what's going on in the meeting we've been talking about that for a while now and they don't seem to be being addressed um when I look at um some of the buzzwords and things that are happening around us um recently there was some Buzz about um a new position that is coming we saw a posting for a principal at the middle school um I didn't recall seeing that approved by the board and so the hope and the expectation was that it wasn't a verbal approval when no one else would be able to give a verbal approval that wouldn't be accepted so I hope that's not a practice that's being put into place where we're not going to do that moving forward the other thing is last but not least it's just our meetings on Wednesday night um they was changed people didn't know I get it it was discussed at a meeting but the community was wasn't really aware of what was happening and so it makes it very difficult for a lot of people to get here 6:30 was a difficult time before that's why open sessions were done then and so it just makes it very difficult to see where the community is really being considered a part of this um there are a lot of people I've spoken to who don't feel like it and who are frustrated because now they can't get here on Wednesday night so I just pray that that you invite everybody all of the stakeholders to the table when you make your decisions thank you is is there anybody online all right what Chris no okay uh thank you good evening um I'm Tom Tano I teach at the hackin high school and I am um h health and safety chair and so I'm hoping you hear me I don't see the timer running oh there it goes good okay so um health and safety chair up the high uh at for the haa I teach at the high school again my name is Tom trano and uh some of the concerns that my colleagues brought forward are um are are actively part of what we all are experiencing on a daily basis um there are certain things that we can plan for sometimes they're astronomical um you know happen happenings sort of like the uh the solar eclipse that was mentioned by Miss West um which is definitely something we can plan for I mean the universe has had that on the calendar for just about ever um and then there are other things that we can also plan for um we can plan to ameliorate the U stress that's put on students and put on staff uh in a number of ways um the uh the idea of the data collection that's been mentioned before um is a little bit abstract I think it has directly to do with the amount of time that we put into teaching our students versus time that we lost in the last couple weeks of the high school for example we've had schedules adjusted for four days last week and um two days this week and just about every single class and the worst case scenario I've been able to teach my uh my one class four days out of potential 10 um if we want to figure out where the learning loss is there um I think it's kind of obvious in the numbers the percentages are just ridiculously low and terms of time offered uh versus time um applied to teaching instead we're doing a lot of data collection we're we're giving assessments um some are State mandated some are are internal some are district related um other things that um impact our ability to function is uh is proper Staffing um if you've been listening there's been concerns about having appropriate numbers of staff to be able to serve needs of our community whether they'd be special education students or they bilingual students are the ones that I've heard tonight and it's important to you know really push forward a hiring effort to put people put staff certificated staff in those positions so that way those students are best served it'll also end up alleviating some of the pressure that put is put on a regular education uh teacher um to try to wear so many hats at the same time um with very very large class sizes which ends up being somewhat problematic it's something that I think many of us end up facing uh as teachers in our district um and then uh the last point I think although I I haven't heard and I looked at the agenda I didn't see it was that we need to have um certificated uh Health Care Providers on premises at each of the schools sometimes we have too few or they're in situations where they need to cover um different buildings for various reasons um we have to step up our efforts to make sure that there's like um certified School nurses in our buildings uh adding appropriate number um we did better during the pandemic but that has since um kind of Fallen to the Wayside thank you that's it all right thank you that comes uh that's the end of our public comments um so I will quickly address some of those um so I will ask the board's comfortability of addressing the Columbus Day poll is that something you would like to do publicly now or would you like to um deal with that at another time let's do publicly now anyone else want to weigh on that so that's not a consensus so we will move on um I will tell you but what I will weigh in on that is We have dealt with situation in the past and are asking oh yeah yeah no to do it's going to take five of you um one once one twice sold okay um our school Community has weighed in on this and uh the tension that we are that I find in this is that our school Community resoundingly does not want Columbus Day on the calendar so I think what we have to remember is who we serve is students first and it's not just our our our students that I'm referring to our our Stu so those of you who were not on the board at the time we had a forum to discuss this very thing because it came up in a very big way um and our students not only called in in a who were possibly the most eloquent of all of the speakers that that evening our teachers also called in and spoke very um eloquently about the topic um but me and Mr Sanchez at the time kept a very accurate tally of who was call in and how they fit into our school community and overwhelmingly the people that were directly related to our school Community do not want Christopher Columbus on the calendar so we we can keep coming back to this or we can keep moving the district forward in the work that we need to keep working on um if you look at the um beautiful I think it's more than a plaque it's a piece of art that's in front of the board office what it is a reminder of and what I read each week is a reminder that it it's not only about indigenous people it is a reminder that we are here to serve all people who are underserved in our school community and that's why we stay on this board um Miss Bert the the Spanish translation is happening right back there so we we did we got it the same time all this happened it happened um Mr Jackson if he's still I don't know if he's still here um the haa Muppets page that is still an ongoing thing that we are trying to figure out it is absolutely disgusting um and let me just be clear yes last time I addressed this they put me right up on it and it did not impact me then and it will not impact me again um whatever um but we will continue to find out until we figure it out um and the question of what have indigenous people done for hackin sack I will offer they have given us this space and I would offer they haven't given it to us we have taken it so um I'll leave it there this is not the time you asked for us to and I offered to have the board out of order sir not now now uh point of order sir you asked the question is anybody want to off for Christopher Columbus I indicated yes Mr Martin second that therefore it is not out of order to pull the board okay so that was the question was to get a consensus for a poll not vote wasn't a motion right so we have to have five to get a consensus and so we didn't move forward because there was not a consensus I beg to differ you run the meeting that's thank you so we will move into our executive session be it resolved that the hacken Board of Education determines it necessary to Mee in the executive session on Wednesday March 20th 2024 to discuss legal Personnel student related matters Hib reports negotiations and other confidential matters um and be it further resolve that these matters will be made public when the need for confidentiality no longer exists can I have a motion to move into executive session Mr Powell thank you a second second uh Miss Miss darl Alton thank you all those in favor say I I all those opposed and there are none it is 70 four um we will do our best to return in one hour e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e back um Miss sing will you go ahead and do a roll call we do know that two are coming in just a moment no yep okay Miss Harris she's here all right I'll yeah Mr yeah Mr Po [Laughter] Miss fringle she's here right yes Miss Somerville here Mr here miss C Alon present uh Mr James rck presid thank you we have in court all right we're going to approve our minutes be it resolved that the hackensac Board of Education approves the regular meeting minutes and closed session session minutes of February 21st 2014 and the board retreat minutes of March 1st 2024 and special meeting minutes of March 12th 2024 as submitted so [Music] um there are three dates there so some of you may have missed uh one of those dates perhaps so as we're approving those minutes um although you should have had the chance to read them um so as we go we'll do a roll call if you need to abstain from one of those feel free to do that somebody has to offer the motion oh May thank you I'm like I'm tired now thank you Mr Powell Ste second now a roll call okay um so for the February 21st uh the regular and Pro session uh here why don't for this one you let me do the roll call yes yes and um I will let you record so um we will go to Mr Carol um we're doing a roll call on the approving the minutes um there are three dates listed the February 21st March 1st and March 12th I broke fire escape wearing cloves yes so abstain him from that yes thank [Laughter] you um I abstained from February 21st because I was not here um and yes to March 1 right um I so what are we doing February 21st which is the regular board meeting I was in here okay and then moved to March 1st which was the board retreat I was there so yes you see you're saying yes I don't want to answer for you and um March 12th and that was special meeting the the um uh budget hearing correct yes okay perfect thank you so much Mr Powell Miss March okay so yes to the others yes to all but March 12th March 12's abing from yeah okay thank you Miss Pringle yes everything else not March 1 I was not at the retreat thank you so much um Miss Somerville uh yes thank you Mr Stein did I miss Mr Martin oh I sure did Mr Martin I apologize yes everything yes to all thank you Mr Stein now yes to everything uh were you at the yeah yeah you at you okay yes I'm sorry um Miss Cordo Alton yes okay and yes for me okay thank you all right now we will move um to our Personnel Miss yes so be it resolved that the hack andac Board of Education upon the recommendation of the superintendent approves the following Personnel actions which would be A1 a through o all right thank you so much we have a motion from Miss Cordo Alton can I have a second Mr Powell a second thank you we'll do a roll call you want just do the roll call will that make it easier for you I'll do it okay Mr Carol yes Harris yes yes Mr poow yes Mr Pringle yes M Somerville yes Mr Stein yes M cord Alton yes Mr James vickory yes thank you motion passes all right moving on continuing on with policy Mr yes so policy um I really quickly I I just want to express that there are 18 total policy plus regulations that had updates made to them they were either mandated by the state um or a best practice as recommended Ed by the attorneys and the state so along with uh Rosemary Marx who I would like to give a huge appreciation for the work that you do and responding to all my emails and my questions along with seeking out assistance from Miss moncloa or perhaps other directors um with regards to these policies I know that that was a heavy lift uh so be it resolve that the hackensac Board of Education upon the recommendation of the superintendent of schools approves the first reading of policies um as shown so again a total of 18 policy and uh regulations all right thank you we have a motion from Miss cord out May I have a second a second thank you uh Miss Pringle um roll call roll call thank you um Mr Carol yes yes Mr Powell yes Miss springle yes Miss Somerville yes Mr Stein yes M Ciro Alon yes Mr James Ricky yes motion passes all right moving on to curriculum um Mr Martin yeah I'd like to make a motion um C1 through c18 uh highlighting C6 C8 C9 C10 and C12 C6 on March 6 our High School academic the cathon team was recognized as a New Jersey state champions of League School Division the team will now travel to Pittsburgh for the National Championship uh C8 the workshop of parents of high school students will be held this school year to inform parents about what it means to parents in the digital age it will also bring awareness to the parents about social media C9 we will accept tonight nearly $4.3 million of preschool education aid from the state C10 there will be a special performance for our multilingual Learners at Parker school and Jackson Elementary School entitled our journey through Latin precsion C12 the Glazer clinets and the US Marines will work with the Junior and seniors this year at the high school Haack High School physical education classes for the day that's all I have right we motion sorry we had a motion for Mr Martin can I get a second please Mr Powell thank you give we do a roll call yes Mr Carol yes M Harris yes Mr Martin yes Mr Po yes Miss springle yes Miss Somerville yes Mr Stein yes Miss cardo Alton yes Mr James Victory yes motion passes all right thank you moving on to finance uh Mr Carol okay um um sure by for the finance committee chaired by Mr Carol we bring forward D1 through D5 for motion for approval there is nothing um outside the normal scope of business for the finance committee all right um Miss simerville brought forward a motion for finance can I have a second please Mr Stein thank you um a roll call please yeah Mr Carol is he there okay uh yes okay uh Miss Harris yes m Mr Martin yes Mr Powell yes Miss springle yes Miss Somerville yes Mr Stein yes Mr Alton yes Mr James vickory yes motion passes all right moving forward to build buildings and grounds um Mr St do you mind taking that for all I don't mind thank you um this is to approve uh E1 through E3 all right thank you we have a motion moving forward from Mr second Don thank you um a second from M Somerville um a roll call please yeah Mr Carol Mr Carol yeah yes I'm sorry yes Miss Harris yes Mr Mark yes Mr pow yes Miss springle yes Miss Somerville yes Mr Stein yes Miss cardo Alton yes Mr James vicory yes motion passes um Miss Harris I know with moving up it shifted but if you'll just announce the date and definitely yeah so so unfortunately like uh what president President James vicke said our community relations committee meeting was supposed to happen prior to our public board meeting um because of the date it will happen tomorrow so for our next board meeting I will have a report very excited to meet with the community tomorrow great thank you so much so now we'll move forward to Old business does anybody have any old business they need to bring before the board seeing none we will move to new business to bring before board yes yes okay uh Mr Martin yes I'd like to U make a motion that we have a um second public comment meeting uh second public comment for our public um okay second okay do we need to there could be a discussion after okay so okay so now that we have a second we will open that up for discussion anybody have any discussion around that uh yes um I could see have having the first public forum on or discussion on um policies that we've talked about and then or maybe on General subjects relating to the schools and the second portion to be dedicated to items um from Personnel on I just so you'd have three minutes at at the time of public discussion before we go into executive session that's how I I'm looking at this and then three minutes at the end of the public port or at the end of the portion where we do committee reports and that people in that second session can only talk about items in the committee reports that's my view on this okay and yours is three minutes and 3 minutes 3 minutes and 3 minutes okay any other discussion around that if I may make a legal point on this you have a board Poli bylaw and policy 0167 public participation and board meetings um so you already have an existing policy and bylaw but my suggestion would be since you have a policy committee that it go back to a policy committee to be discussed in committee and then come back to the to the board because you would have to be actually recommendation your policy are you in favor you made the motion yeah yeah I mean I mean so we have a motion before us so withraw you have to withdraw the motion or push forward no I'm sorry Mr Stein can you just repeat what was the purpose of the second the second would be discussion on committee reports I don't know what public May strictly on what's on the docket for committee reports Personnel Finance whatever so what would prevent them from talking about that at the first public meeting because they have the agenda at the same time we have the agenda well the first part of the meeting would be on General subjects as it relates to the schools and this is Mr Martin's motion I don't want I'm honestly trying that's how I vision is I'm try I'm not trying to be factious I'm honestly trying to understand the the the agenda in its entirety is outside it's published so whatever is on here they can take the first three minutes that they have to have that same conversation around it right so is there something else that is going to come up after we close the first public session that we need to go back to a second public session for I'm honestly trying to understand so again um how I've visioned this is that the first session let's say before we go into executive session would be discussion on why don't we separate classrooms at par in L K Parker school that's a general subject um it could be that it could be why don't we expand the the parking lot at Fairmount school that's a general subject um the second would would be three minutes the second portion would be on if somebody had a question on the committee reports which is what we discuss uh which comes up in the uh discussion after our executive session so can the logistics of it be discussed in the Committees in the committee in the policy committee like can we agree to have a second public comment but flesh out exactly how that's going to look like in the policy committee that makes sense you hear the question I was just going to just a point you also have District policy bylaw 0164 conduct of board meetings which provides for one com public comment section so that's in addition to bylaw 0167 on public participation and 0164 two policies that are invol your current policy you have because prior to that we had two and then it was where I'm going so I'm sorry does it say when wait any one at time please so we can I was G I just wanted to ask um Mr Evin does it say when it was changed to one uh this was it's always had one since 2019 here is not that so to close the loop um president Scott Victory vicory and ex president Mr Powell can you guys tell us why you moved it during your tenure from 2 to one either one of you because it was in 2019 when you were VP and you were president of the board that the structure changed right or am I mistaking during my time yeah wasn't it during your time it move from one to from 2 to one was one public comment during my time but it was was it the board before you guys the board might have done that without amending any policy or bylaw I I don't know that this is also my time so no because you said 2019 so I thought you were there was a time that there was two public comment president 2019 there was a time there was a time but I could move the motion to just uh make the clear up the logistics and policy let the policy committee clear it up it doesn't matter who move what just I'll make the motion that uh the public comment should be uh moved to policy to change it to to so to the policy committee so are you withdrawing your motion to to change it to have the policy have the U public comment move into uh policy to work out the logistics don't we have to okay okay can I you're just refering okay you're referring the suggestion to the suest to the but that doesn't mean anything passing tonight yeah you don't a formal motion that right so so so then you have to withdraw your motion just in general and then it's just off the table and then it can be referred to policy committee but it then it has to be brought back forward to correct from the policy committee correct can we pause for a second so my understanding is what they're trying to get is a agreement for the board to say we want a second comment section for the community right to the Atty so so I guess explain to me the flow why would the first thing be go to the policy committee don't we need to get the vote to say that's what the board wants and then you kick it to policy to create the policy right that's basically what I was trying to say they they say because it need to be Chang so so we need so what we need is to consensus is do we even want it referred there correct if the majority does not want it there or if the majority does want it change correct okay is that what it is Mr El you can do it that way yeah yeah that's what the suggestion well that was where we were begin you're free to do it that I just want to make sure that well because the thought process behind that is why would we update policy that states W if we're not even going to entertain the idea so we get that vote out first and then you'll motion to then have it go to policy that's why I brought it up that way to be amended correct that's why I brought up that way he said no you then then then the moot then the motion that we need or would need to be made is making an official motion to have a have it referred to having two public comments referred to the policy committee is what the motion would need to be if that is what you would like the board to entertain yeah yeah yes fine okay so the motion before us so you you've withdrawn you've officially withdrawn the first one right and then okay got I'm we're on track I'm tracking I'm tracking I'm tracking okay so we have officially withdrawn the first motion by Mr Martin we are now entertaining if we would like to refer having two public comment sections to the policy committee is is everybody with us yes I am I feel like they're not all yeah we are I am I don't feel like they are are we with us yes yes so no no no no worries so the vote is currently if we we're making a motion to refer the the um policy to have two uh sections of public comment to the policy committee is all we're is what we're doing so may I have a I need to I need a motion to do that we have a motion so may I have a second to do that I'll second can you can you go back who motion first Mr Mr Mar Martin made a motion to do that to refer it now we need a second I'll second Miss Harris made a second now is there discussion on that I hope not I think we discussed it but I have to do that keep going so now now so a roll call Mr Carol no okay Mr Carol is a no Miss Harris yes Mr Martin yes Mr Powell no Miss springle no Miss sumerville no Mr Stein yes Miss cero Alton no Mr James vickory no okay so the motion fails one two three four five NOS six NOS all right now any other new business all right thank you we will move on to board comments let's see good um Mr I always have to go first you always have to leave for work but I'm sure that's too late now but go Mr [Laughter] T okay quick uh just want to give a big shout out to the art exhibition the rary club thank you for scholarships uh offered award to the D athletes and to all the people that are serving as read role models and to all that were involved in the donation of the sandwich over 150 sure they're needed you especially in times like this uh cheerleaders they were first place I think they were at erses if I wrote my notes correctly erses yeah and I just want to be a big shout out to those kids I know it means a lot to them to our community to all of us I know you put a lot of hard work into into it in dedication you it came out on top so we're so proud of you all uh story thank you for the for candies C me and my co-workers really enjoy your candies okay thank you uh I just want to say uh the student report Natasha Castilla it was very comprehensive report that's where I leave excellent uh and uh we S award uh is Diana correct yes uh and thank uh everyone that was involved in it I listened uh she she's awesome and that's what we need here in akac awesome awesome awesome awesome and um I really appreciate uh her expertise and what she brings to us and all the other teachers of course and uh she's a child study team worker and she's very good at what she does and we are very proud and grateful to have you Serv in our district and uh thank you all for coming out as always thank everyone who participated and I will close but I I always remember to thank uh our superintendent and uh for your hard work and your Administration our custodians and uh our Tech Team and all the teams that are involved in making our district uh run uh if efficiently so I just want to thank you all and uh and thank our board members for being here tonight it's a long evening but thank you all for what you do and uh get home safe thank you let me go ahead and grab Mr Carol because I know I'll forget I have no comments and I thank everyone for coming out tonight thank you all right yes exactly we were sing sending healing energy for you uh Mr Carol um Miss Harris you want to go sure uh so uh congratulations to Mrs Deus uh for your sore award very well recognized and thank you to principal Moran and Mr pton for your speech um happy women's history month and I love um the quote that Dr McBride had said and um one of my favorite quotes that I use often is she believed she could so she did right and I use that in everything and I also use it when I see the district and how we have our us um oh my gosh is so late my brain is fried but um our assistant superintendent two females okay so we have many female leaders in our district and that is something to be very proud of and as a teacher myself when I look at these women in their roles it also inspires me to achieve more right to keep going higher I know it's a lot of schooling but again she believed she could so she did um congratulations to the hackin high school cheerleaders for winning their Championship that's amazing um and huge shout out to Natasha also for her report I wanted to shout out um and I don't think I heard this um in anyone's report yet the sixth grade boys basketball team for winning the Bergen travel basketball league tournament um it was a county tournament and they won they beat pamis 74 to 66 and they are the champions for um for that tournament so congratulations to them congratulations to their coach um coach Maris those boys are some definitely something to look out for um they are going to be our future it was a phenomenal phenomenal season also shout out to our middle school again um I'm loving these reports that I'm seeing also on on social media uh one of our students made it to the top 10 finalists for our Bergen County Spelling be phenomenal job I believe um the student placed uh eight if I'm not mistaken uh phenomenal work I mean and the word that he misspelled um I mean it was a pretty intense word but I I don't even think I could even say it uh this week as we all know tonight is the Middle School play um the high school play starts tomorrow um I want to wish all the students what is it break a leg yes break a leg um I will be there in attendance to the high school one unfortunately I couldn't make it to the middle school one but I will be there tomorrow with my children hopefully they behave uh and March 21st which is tomorrow is World Down syndrome awareness day I know that some schools are taking the initiative to wear different colored socks or crazy socks or um be an individual right it's to raise awareness for people with uh Down syndrome uh last but not least um I just wanted to say I'm I'm an alumni of hackin saac graduated class of 03 I'm a parent I love this district and one of the biggest things that I take pride in my district is the inclusivity and the diversity and we cannot forget about that and that is why all of us are are here um and one of the Prime examples is also I love seeing um Rell Park uh representative trustee here she actually graduated with me so class of 03 shout out to class of 03 um I would also love to see South hackin saac sitting here on the board with us um it's it's just very it's so good to see how your own alumni your own classmates are coming out and putting Children First that they care so much about the district that they're coming out and particip ating so um that's it everyone thank you so much have a good night you juste he us um Mr Martin uh want to uh first uh thank um and congrat congratulate Miss Deus on a job well done and thank you for her service uh to our district and um also uh one Natasha want to uh just let her know what a job she's doing she's doing a very good job thus far I can see her going the long way you know in society just keep up the work Natasha uh also um I really don't have too much today but um also oh yes definitely um our supporting team for helping put putting the um our board together and doing the uh great things you keep with the microphones the it uh it and everything that you do we just want to thank you guys staying late with us and hanging in there and that's all that's all I have thank you um this been a very busy month for the trustee board and we really got to see our kids shine and they do it every day some of us and everyone takes notice February 27th uh the National Honor Society uh ET marlot inducted 31 students Juniors and seniors February 29th there was a wonderful program in the morning uh for Black History Month um called africanamerican and the Arts a lot of us were there and the kids were just terrific March 4th triam which is the music Honor Society and I always wondered what it stood for it's modern music Masters um they inducted uh 15 people into their Honor Society March 7th uh we celebrated at the Johnson Public Library youth art months with wonderful exhibits both music coral and the visual arts our kids shine March 19th um a number of us attended and watched our kids perform Moana um and this weekend as Miss Harris indicated um I'll be there Saturday night um The High School drama club will be performing Little Shop of Horrors um It's a Wonderful play my daughter way back when was in the production here in hinc high school so we have much to be proud of what our kids do in the Arts as well as scholastically as well as academically and as well as athletes on the field so congratulations to our student all right um this [Music] Pringle yeah know I keep it short so everything my fellow trustee said again miss Derby thank you for the candy um happy women's month everybody and um yeah God bless get home safe all right Miss Su hi everyone good evening so first and foremost to all the females in the district meaning all the administrator all the staff our young girls happy women's History Month to all of you um you guys are phenomenal hansack wouldn't be what it is without you guys you do really good work and you support our kids and for that you know us as parents that have kids that went through the district we forever grateful for that so ladies thank you keep up the good work um I'd like to say congratulations to um oh my good Lord I just his name Skip me but we had so we had unsung hero on the 5th it was of March and we had a student Sam Samuel y Yu from the hackin high school that was actually one of our unsung heroes right he was nominated and he got an award and it was a really moving moment he plays something I have never heard of it's a cross between like a harmonica a violin I have no idea but he literally learned to play this instrument during Co right it it's an odd instrument not something and he got so good at it that I think he actually got a scholarship to go off the music school based on this right so again to say that you know the kids in hackin sack are phenomenal and when they have this support and people behind them parents teachers administrators even during covid they can do phenomenal things so um Sam congratulations we also had an unsung hero Michelle GES I think is her last name that came out and sang She is phenomenal I mean we literally had people ask us for unsung hero he would come to their school to sing so Michelle I just want to say thank you it is appreciated for you you know coming out to um sing on our behalf and um Dr McBride I do have a certificate and a gift for her when it comes to me in the mail I will definitely give it to you so principal Montano can pass it along to her thank you and Prince montisano also for showing up for um us and showing up for the kids um it is appreciated um Scott thank you to you because I don't think M Moana would have been the same without your entire family being in the production like where did you get 75 kids from I'm just curious what feels like I I mean we I went to the play last night the play was phenomenal the kid my niece was in the play so she doesn't belong to you I'll claim that one but he had like 75 kids he's like oh that's my son well that's my daughter the curly hair one is I'm like where are they coming from they pop out of the woodwork so congratulations to you and Molly way to go so I'm G to say that to you guys on that one um congratulations to our sports team so I do get the tap report and I see all the wonderful things that our kids are doing I you know you won't go through them one by one cherleader was mentioned here but again the kids in hackin saag do phenomenal everybody's coming in in the top three you know top two scoring big so uh Dr McBride hopefully moving forward once there's a structure in place we'll get a sports update you know and get a communication that's all in one place instead of me seeing it tip toe to tap but again I want to tell you guys I mean our our kids really do some really good work in sports and if you guys don't please subscribe to hackin sack tap all of the information for what the kids do pop up in tap you know different times of the day and you can see all the different achievements going on with them so that's a really good thing Miss story as always you know you're the love of my life with the candy I definitely appreciate it and what I'm going to do is at the next board meeting I will treat you to my favorite chocolate right so we're going to do a share off here you can let me know you know how's it's going on but I'll bow down to the queen thank you and last but not least Dr McBride uh so I know you're coming up on your starting your 90 days right and you've been here you've been here officially 60 days and I just want to say thank you right thank you thank you for hanging in there with us thank you for trying to you know to write the ship thank you for trying to get our kids on the right path it's not always an easy thing being the outlier you know I know I deal with it at work all day every day it's not an easy thing being the outlier it's not always you know a comfortable feeling coming into something new right because a lot of times we're set in our ways but I remember a really smart person that I was talking to saying that any new job is like a relationship I'm dating you you're dating me right and we've got to figure out somewhere along the line where you know the relationship is going to go whether or not it's going to work whether or not it's not going to work how much of this we're willing to take how much you're willing to put up with and I'm Hing this relationship Works you're willing to hang in there maybe we do more than date maybe we end up marrying right uh HR please HR you know maybe you know so maybe it's a marriage right and we can kind of move on from there I'm not saying we're going to have kids or anything like that but it's just a marriage 5275 you've already got 5,000 of us I don't think you need any more so I just want to say honestly honestly thank you right I really appreciate it it's not always it's again to close out it's not an easy thing it's not easy coming in any new you know situation especially because relationships are already codified right they're already here we you know we know what we want we know what we like and we always think that something new may not be best for us but you know just like when parents give us vegetables and I said I didn't want it my mom said tried it I'm a fan of brocc broli I actually like it so maybe here we'll develop a taste for broccoli right then we'll all decide that something that we like so again I'm Marrying the bruss Sprout the broccoli but again thank you thank you you know we're we're here we're we will we'll get that Kumbaya moment going the district will eventually wrap itself around you just give it a little bit of time right hopefully it's going to plant your feet here for a little while so again thank you very much for choosing hackin thank you very much for hanging there with us and hopefully you know you'll be here for the next couple of years okay Dr McBride don't be surprised if the word on the street tomorrow broccoli yes I I take it I I you can take the rumor it is true I did propose the docum tell Mr Somerville that the force papers are in the mail thank you Miss Somerville um Miss Cordo outon yes yes good evening um thank you everyone for your patience thank you very much for coming out tonight um we heard from four teachers this evening um and they were all very similar in the comments that were being made um what I would like to say and and take from I take from um Dr McBride is clear is kind and something that uh trustee Somerville has said in the past which is facts are your friends um if any of the data that you were struggling to put together and spending time on is some of what the board was presented in the past two weeks I would really like to thank you for putting in the time and doing that work because there were things presented to this board that we'd not seen in the manner in which we'd seen it little bit scary a lot uncomfortable but I appreciate that you did that work and I'm sorry if it took you off of your everyday but I will agree with Dr McBride that it was very necessary to be done and be done quickly so thank you for your diligence and your support other than that very proud of our students always very much looking forward to the literacy plan I'm sure I've said this before words are my friends I am a lover of books I am a lover of language I truly believe that everything begins with reading comprehension communication that will then dive into The Sciences the maths you have a better understanding and it's so important and I really appreciate that we are trying to get our children in the right direction and I want everybody to know that like it's not just our kids it's not just our district but like I used to tell my kids I really don't care what other people are doing I care about what you're doing and so right now right here I only worry about what the school district of Hackensack is doing how we can continue to move forward and give our students the absolute best and that all starts with the teachers and again thank you for that data have a great evening thank you [Music] so so will say um it has been fun doing the Middle School play I love how every time people refer to my children each individually they the number goes up every time um it is they've done a phenomenal job they've put lots of hours and work into it and it was great to see um their end product last night and then there's another show tonight um and it was really really good Dr MCB I got to go up there and join them last night at the end and speak to them and um this is for me personally I judge people but um I judge people by um especially in the world of Education in the way um that when he walked up there he did not talk to the audience he talked to the kids and that's exactly what I wanted to see to me that's that's that's what we ECT that's the real deal to me when he didn't care what the audience was really doing because that's that's not who his audience is right um Mr Stein I appreciate your list of things that you gave us of the activities a reminder of all the things that we have been doing this month um we did have the art show um at the library um I would like to say the the um collaboration with the library is a good um a good partnership at I think it was a beautiful space to be in um it was a big lovely space that was set up well there was lovely lovely music played by one of our students and um it was really nice and I think it brings in our youngest Learners to be at the library and introduce them to that space um and that gift to our community uh at an early age um and I will just remind everyone of his list of great things that we we we um in various groups were able to participate in this um since our last meeting um our I'm thankful for women's History Month it's one um I I personally work um for a women's agency I have for the last more than a decade uh me and my wife both have it's the Justice arm of the part of the uh group the larger group that I work for um every great dream begins with a dreamer always remember you have within you the strength the patience and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world uh that's Harriet Tubman and um I think about to the uh strong women that we have in this District that we have on this board and I'm appreciative of each one of you um I I think of the work that um I think back years ago when I first came on when Miss Marx was the interim uh superintendent and she did a lot of this work with much Le less internal staff um and kept things moving right along and um I think this district will will and should be grateful for for the work that you did I think of Miss parchment who has um always kept her eye on um equity and Justice and the curriculum of this district and um I can remember when um we had um when George Floyd was murdered and I called her and I was like we had this Great Exchange because we knew that something had to be done and she worked Around the Clock over the weekend um passing back and forth trying to work on a resolution to pass and um to work how how will we address anti- racism how will we put our money towards anti-racism work in this District um and that's the that's the type of strong women that we want we have added a strong woman that I'm looking at in the back in our um uh HR department and Miss Vonda we we have so many people Miss story she comes up here and of all of us she sits here I mean she's here she comes up with her candy and sits here week or month after month through the whole board meeting um and has for years so thank you for being example to me um as a man but being example to all the young boys and girls and those that have yet to decide um in our our school Community um it's the work you do is changes lives um and Dr McBride thank you for oh my gosh Lydia hello that's cuz I was looking out I know hello wearing purple I'm sorry um you keep me in line all the time so I mean I I talk to her more than anybody in the district she calls me than for pay the bill I know um you keep our district running and um I say this all the time he's the face but she's the one that keeps really the district moving and without the ba uh we're all in trouble and so thank you for the tireless effort you do I know this is the probably the busiest season for you with getting the budget in and on time and we have challenges that we've not had in many many many years that you are not only doing you have a smile on your face every time at least you see me so um it is much appreciated and I know that um I can say two things about you I can say many things about you but I'm going say two one is that um you always have been stressed that your parents have passed down the importance of education and every I've not had had one conversation with you that you did not talk about how your work correlates to children and that is that's what I want that's what's important um so thank you and I apolog I I was just because I was looking at tunnel vision I'm sorry um and so um Dr McBride I I will say thank you again in the words of uh Lance our former president thank you for choosing hackin sack um um I think that that is important to um you are an instructional leader that I think will take us where we need to go and um we are going to trust you to do that and um stay out of your way so if I can have a motion to adjourn motion okay all all those in favor say and we are adjourned stand