in accordance with Section the open public meetings act 231 1975 notice of this meeting was put on the bulleon board designed for that purpose and notice was transmitted to the official newspapers provided by resolution adoped January 6 2024 Mee also been continually posted on website I have a roll call yes mayor council president Morgan here councilwoman Phillips here councilman aison here councilwoman Russo here Council here councilwoman Haren here and mayor thank you thank you please rise to the Pledge of Allegiance I pled allegiance to the flag the United States of America to the Republic for it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all please remain standing for moment silence thank you please be seated we open it up our public comment on agenda items only that's public comment on agenda items only step up to the microne your name and address for the record not seeing any public comment we'll close the public comment portion we'll move on to the caucus work session and not seeing any items on the caucus work session recess from the caucus session and mo BR into our regular meeting we'll start with the approval of the Ames of the February 6 2024 work session meeting may I have a motion to the approval of the minutes of the February 6 2024 work session meeting please move motion by councilman may have a second Russo second second by councilwoman Russo all those in favor oos forain exstension by Council next we'll seek the approval of the executive session minutes of the February 6 2024 work session meeting may have a motion for the approval of the executive session minutes pleas Russo motion by councilwoman Russo I have a second phip seconded by councilwoman Phillips all those in favor any opposed or obained an exstension by councilwoman har next we have council member reports counc done nothing report uh councilwoman Phils thank you um I'll do the fire report that believe okay um so the fire report for January 1st 2024 to January 31st 2024 there were 28 calls in Haden Heights 14 calls in barington eight calls to Mutual Aid one call to the highway for a total of 51 calls that month um avering six firefighters per call 30 of those calls were career staff um and also Chief hails provided us with a detailed breakdown of those calls giving us State and time incid the location who was first to arrive the type of call which is really helpful information as we're analyzing how this SSA is going forward so we're appreciative of that and speaking of the SSA is on for tonight for um the approval to extend the shared services agreement by Between the FOH Heights and burrow barington which has already been existence for the last year um it's been very successful and so we are extending it for uh four years um so we're grateful for the success of that partnership we thank Chief Tails we thank Cass and swasa for their efforts um and on the police front we approved the K9 program last meeting so we're excited to see how that comes to fruition I think everybody's going to enjoy having a cup in headlights Paul TR officer if you will all day I had my B pocket for two weeks um and we had the mayor and I appeared for an EMS meeting um which was our first meeting after the shared services agreement between Heights and barington and runam and there's all good things going on there we think that will be a great partnership as well thank you Council Phillips counc president Morgan I can't follow uh okay on the police side had 6277 miles driven P 177 calls for service 23 arrest 12 acci 112 motor veh AC issu um and then uh on the construction side it was a pretty normal month for January they collected $1,578 inss simar to last year um last week uh uh we had a meeting with Shay tree and um uh members of Shay tree met up with RJ Callahan Kelly was there said the meeting of Mike was there and it it went really well I think we're going to try to coordinate better uh we do the intake on requests for tree removals and plantings and moving forward planting trees so I think we can U work well with the the new DPW director get better path so really happy with be so we're going to try to follow thank you Council Council thanks mayor couple quick things um Public Works has been really busy over the past month with their filling Hotes um lot of storm cup and planting trees I'm trying to keep up on Facebook with any of those PL requests that come out and try tolay them to audio director as well as directing people to the websites can report those things um for engineering we met a couple weeks ago a lot of upcoming projects coming up so we're really excited about that excited to see some movement on um some repaving work um um that is reflected in the some of the ordinances uh today that's you know kind of Engineering in finance so really a huge thanks to our um to Bo engineers and to Mike mansfeld who's been helping us Champion these efforts and really progress a lot of things in town I think it's going to lead to a lot of positive projects um and last but not least I want a very informal congratulations to Cabanas on their remod we got I got a chance to go and check that out with my little on yesterday and uh they did a really nice job very interesting their like space you want to twist chocolate Twisted marshmallow seems really I know right I throw a big sh that's all thank you Council Russa and counc thank you mayor um from the parks and Riv side um we have update from Associates on the pr with the softwall fields we're be meeting um later this week with some representes of H to discuss that project and um getting the field ready for and that's thank you counc MERS uh May report nothing really to report I just want to applaud council's effort and our professionals on all the hard work just in two short months you know executing uh large of course thank I should name professional but no honestly council's work R Public Safety has been a huge Focus between the work on uh the K9 uh the new K9 Officer that we're introducing the SSA with the fire department the newest SSA ofs obviously putting public safety first and foremost for our you know our community um and then on top of that the other big one engineering and infrastructure when it comes to both roads and our sidewalks and our storm water all of these things are huge and that's so again I can't thank both our council members for working hard on this and our professionals um and I'm really excited two months accomplished a lot and we have a you know huge uh you know jump start on the year and a lot of good things coming down the road so great work go go te yes moving on to unfinished business uh we have public hearing and final adoption of ordinance 2024 1539 an ordinance establishing a sewer department within the B Heights County of cden and the state of New Jersey and authorizing the adoptions of certain connection fees and sewer service charges public hearing adoption of bond 2024 1540 we're moving on the first one yeah yeah okay I was like I was jumping around there y yeah well sort of running together that thank you thank you Prof that's what professionals are here for May here to fill that Ro may have a motion to open the public hearing portion of ordinance 2024 15539 motion by councilman Phils may have a second second second by C pan all those in favor I oppos orain thank you the public hearing ordinance 2024 1539 is now open if you like make a comment please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record not seeing any public comment we CL may have a motion to close the public comment portion of ordinance 2024 1539 the moot motion by councilman pan may have a second second by council president Morgan all those favor iOS thank you now I may I have a motion to adopt ordinance 2024 1539 in ordinance establishing a sewer department inight County of C New Jersey and authorizing the adoption of certain connection fees and sewer service charges a motion by council president Morgan may have a second Russo second seconded by councilwoman Russo may have a roll call vot please yes mayor council president Morgan yes councilwoman Phillips yes councilman a yes councilwoman Russo yes councilman mum yes councilwoman har yes thank you thank you actually a public hearing and final adoption of bond ordinance 2024 1540 a bond ordinance authorizing the installation and improvements of various sidewalks in B had Heights County of C New Jersey appropriating the sum of $2,248 therefore authorizing the issuance of General obligation bonds or Bond anticipation notes the B of hat Heights County of C New Jersey in aggregate principal amount of up to $2,135 695 making certain determinations in Covenant and authorizing certain related actions in connection with the forgoing they have a motion to open the public hearing portion of bond ordinance 2024 1540 so Move Motion by Council I have a second second second by councilman aison all those in favor any oppos or obain thank you public hear ention for Bond ordinance 202 4 1540 now open if you like to make a comment please step up to the microphone state your name and address for the record not seeing any motion may have a motion to close the public hearing portion of bond ordinance 202454 motion by councilman Russo second second second by councilman all those in favor any oppos orain thank you and I have a motion to approve public Bond I have a motion now to adopt Bond ordinance 2024 1540 a bond ordinance authorizing installation improvements of various sidewalks of bar County Canon New Jersey appropriating the sum of 2,241 therefore authorizing the issuance of General obligation bonds or Bond anticipation notes B of Haden Heights County of Cam New Jersey in the aggregate principal amount of to 2,135 695 making certain determinations in covenants and authorized certain related actions in connection with the four and motion please motion by Council M second second by council president Morgan we have a roll call vote please yes council president Morgan yes councilwoman Phillips yes counc I'm sorry councilman Aon yes councilwoman Russo yes councilman M yes councilwoman har yes thank you thank you next we have public hearing file adoption of ordinance 2024 1541 ordinance amending chapter 1252 of the code of baren heights entitled have license fees exemptions have a motion by counc second second [Music] byoun all those in favor thank you the public heing portion is now open like to make a comment please step up to the microphone name and address for the record not seeing any motion may I have a motion to close the public hearing forance 2024 1541 Phils motion motion by councilman Phillips we have a second second second by Council all those in favor opposed obain thank you may I now have a motion to adopt ordinance 2024 1541 ordinance amending chapter 1252 of the code P Heights entitled animal license fees exemptions motion by Council Phillips may have a second second by council president Morgan have a roll call vote please council president Morgan yes Council Phillips yes councilman aison yes councilwoman maruso yes councilman ban yes councilwoman Haron yes thank you thank you next we have an introduction of ordinance 2024 1542 in ordinance authorizing salaries wages and reimbursements to be paid to non-contractual employees the B had Heights and have a motion to introduce ordinance 2024 1542 Philips a motion by councilwoman Phillips and second second second by Council and roll call vot please council president Morgan yes councilwoman Phillips yes councilman aison yes councilwoman Russo yes councilman B yesc thank you thank you public hearing and final adoption of ordinance 2024 1522 is scheduled for Tuesday March B 2024 at approximately 7M here at the municipal building located at 625 station at height New Jersey next we have resolution 20267 resolution of County of Jersey authorizing emergency temporary Appropriations pursuing to njsa 48 4-20 a resolution is a um condition proceeding to moving forward the introduction of the thank you may have a roll call or may I have a motion to may I have a motion thank you for resolution 202 2467 seconded by council president Morgan have please council president Morgan yes councilwoman PHS yes councilman oison yes councilwoman Russo yes councilman Pagan yes councilwoman Haron yes thank you thank you now we have introduction of bond ordinance 2024 1543 of bond ordinance authorizing the acquisition of various Capital Equipment and the completion of various Capital Improvements ined night appropriating the sum of 215123 therefore authorizing the issuance of General obligation bonds or Bond anticipation of the bar night countyy of Cam New Jersey in an aggregate principal amount of up to 1,795 787 making certain determinations and Covenants and authorizing certain related actions in connection with the foregoing I have a motion to introduce Bond ordinance 2024 1543 please R motion by Council Russo may have a second second second by council president Morgan may have roll call vote please council president Morgan yes counc Phillips yes Council aison yes councilwoman Russo yes councilman Pagan yes councilwoman Haron yes thank you thank you finally public hearing and final option of that Bond or 2024 1543 is scheduled for Tuesday March 5th 2024 approximately 7.m here in building located 625 Station Avenue Haden Heights New Jersey next we have resolution 202468 resolution approving certified list of fire department volunteers eligible for L of Service Awards program Lo sa for the year 2023 resolution 2024 69 a resolution authorizing a shared service agreement by Between the B of Haden Heights the B of bton for the provisions of firefighting services in accordance with njsa 4A 65-1 Ed SEC that legal abbreviation uh resolution 20247 resolution authorizing transfers of appropriation reserves resolution 202 2471 resolution authorizing North Star beds Animal Hospital to provide services to stray animals resolution 202 2472 resolution authorizing payment bills and caims second half of February resolution 2024 73 resolution amending resolutions 202 2431 resolution concerning appointments and resolution 202 2474 resolution of bar nights authorizing application by the buo engineer to the New Jersey Department of Comm Affairs caving of existing parking lot and playground equipment the far Recreation Complex resolution 22475 a resolution providing for a meeting not open to the public ACC ORD with provisions of New Jersey meetings act and JSA 4-21 for discussions related to attorney CL privileg related to local business two attorney client privilege matters uh topic a legal discussion by the solary discussion on various matters involving potential litigation discussions are expected to be about a half hour in duration formal action may be taken with the foregoing items following the executive session and finally resolution 20476 a resolution of authorizing the engineer design the publicly bid the Cy County recreation facility enhancements infield improvements and the Fitzgerald Memorial Park project they have a motion for all those resolutions please the motion by Council pan may have a second seconded by councilwoman and roll please yes mayor council president Morgan yes councilwoman Phillips yes councilman oison yes councilwoman Russo yes councilman Pagan yes Council yes thank you thank you I'll Now open up for public comment that's public comment on anything at all microphone your name and address for the record not seeing any public comment we'll close the public comment portion will'll recess into executive session okay mayor we're back on the record all right have a motion to come out executive session Mo byoun pag have a second second by Council all those in favor not see act on act on they have a motion toj moot by council president Morgan second by Council all those in favor thanks guys thank you all