I got another question all right you could start if you want [Music] ready whenever Jeff is all right Jeff it's all you all right thank you welcome to the January 18th meeting of the high planning board uh this meeting can be held in accordance with the sunshine laws of the state of New Jersey chapter 145 by mayor and Council and the planning board for official notices notice of this meeting was post posted on the B bul board on the B's website for that purpose last Al to flag the United States of America to the rep for stands na indivisible andice for [Music] all all right uh our first boorder business this evening we'll be swearing in the new members of the board and I'll read them off uh class two member will be patrolling Mich um as I said class two it's a one-year term expiring December 31st 2024 and then we have our Council Le on a class three member and that's Kate Haron uh it's a one-year term that expires 1231 2024 um Miss bony Jennifer bony is being Ed to a class war position for a new four-year term that will expire December 31st 2027 and then John Schmidt will also be appointed to a four-year term as a class four member and that expires also on December 31st 2027 uh do we how do we have that by a motion or is it just a swearing in they're already appointed right yeah I think that they can just come over or where they are we can okay we stand and raise your right hand and us where he is m um I state your name I John do solemnly swear or affirm doare or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States support thetion mayor it's my new right mayor automatically sits right maybe maybe you should take it just to be expire December 31st 2027 okay so we'll start at the beginning so I state your name I do you solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States support the constition of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey theti in JY and then I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the government's established in the United States the established in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people I do further solemnly swear or affirm I do swear orir that I will faithfully impartially and justly perform willfully andly perform all the duties of the Haden um Heights when you scored according to the best of my ability very good thank you welcome councilwoman har to the group and please come be seated with this group of human being can you get a chance the new drop box4 uh yeah okay whatever reason could so nobody got nobody got into it sorry was in the regular drop jary 2024 okay I thought it was just well no I don't know but I got a lot of things late so I didn't I might not haveo downloaded everything RFD already so okay you everything just wasn't okay all right now that we have everybody here let's do a roll call sure um Miss bonana Cory here Mr Madden here Mr duus here chairman Hansen here mayor hul here Mr Schmidt here and is it Haren Haron right everybody okay uh now we'll go through the reorganization agenda appoint plan board chairperson do I have a motion for nomination Bo for someone I nom Jeff [Laughter] Hansen sure um Miss Bon Cory yes Mr Madden yes Mr dulus yes chairman Hansen you have to vote for yourself um mayor Hal you Mr yes and Mr M Haron yes okay motion passes thanks for your confidence me look forward to working with everybody again this year uh next matter is appointment of Clan board voice chairman uh I'll nominate Dean I'll second accept suzan roll please okay sure um Miss Bon Cory yes Mr Madden yes chairman Hansen yes mayor hul yes Mr Schmidt yes and Miss Haren yes all right plan word secretary do we have any nominations nominate Susanne RIT second any comments from Miss R now you're stuck with me all right suan roll call please sure um Miss Bon Cory yes Mr Madden yes Mr dulus yes chairman Hansen yes mayor hul yes Mr shanan oh sorry he was out Mr Schmidt yes and Miss heren yes passes congratulations Susan thank you the next matter is the appointment of a plan board solicitor I trusted everybody s up a copy of the committee report it was myself Michael mat Dean and John that reviewed the RPS to the various professional positions uh for 2024 and you guys should all have the the report was in the drop box I trust everybody read it um the only the only note I want to make is that we only got one response for planning board solicitor itself so uh Kelly advertised I believe on the B website on the 9th to appoint a conflict solicitor because we only have we don't we don't have anybody to appoint as a conflict solicitor I understand she already received two responses and that they're due on the 30th and that we make a recommendation for that appointment on the what we mean the 15th it is yes so that I'll uh our rec our recommendation in the report was to appoint uh Elena from Parker McKay Associates as the uh actually I think it's Chris Orlando by name uh Parker McKay um if anybody wants to make a motion as such ENT I'll second um anybody have any questions no questions about the report I take it as far as suzan will take a on that sure um Miss Bon Cory yes Mr Madden yes Mr duus yes chairman Hansen yes mayor Hal yes Mr Schmidt yes Miss harn yes um for the engineer we made a recommendation that we uh reappoint Steve as our engineer Steve Bach and Bach Associates uh entertain motion I'll make a motion to appoint Steve our re okay thank you sure miss Bon Cory yes Mr Madden yes Mr dulus yes M chairman Hansen yes Mr Schmidt yes and Mr M har yeah uh the next appointment is for our planning board planner again we recommended that we reappoint uh St B of Bach Associates is our board planner again this year um the board so will entertain a motion I moveed to appoint the B firm as a planner plan planner okay motion a second sure um Miss Bon Cory yes Mr Madden yes Mr daauus yes chairman Hansen yes mayor Hal yes Mr Schmidt yes and Miss Haren thank you very much everyone working the thanks for all your hard work over the years thank um next matter is appointment of a conflict planner engineer um we recommend the tnm associates Who was appointed in that regard last year for the case that did not come the board ultimately we recommend that is appointed is a conflict engineer plan again for 2024 report this point I move to point tnm Associates as our planner and engineer I'll second thank you sure miss Bon Cory yes Mr Madden yes Mr daauus yes chairman Hansen yes mayor Hal yes Mr Schmidt yes Miss Haron yes motion passes um I just made announcement about conflict solicor we hope to have something for February 15th on that assuming that the qualifications come back in good order will uh the committee evaluate those I just have one Elena do we still get you or do we have that other guy from Park Parker McKay Chris was just the one that was named in The Proposal so it'll still be Elena from what I understand then in the meetings thank you but the the actual christop Orlando was the one that was submitted with qualifications so that's why made that distinction okay thanks y resolution on the next uh order of business this evening is uh resolution 24-1 R designating the date time and place of the plan Bo meetings for 24 in accordance with the public meetings act I believe we're on the third Thursday still every month Susan except for November we changed it because State yes so what's the date for uh nov hold on I have paperwork here somewhere okay um wait here it is November will be November 14th okay because the municipalities is the 19th through the 21st oh next year okay second Thursday I guess yes all right so uh well dat the motion to approve that resolution I move to approve resolution 24-1 R designated Daye time and place of plan Bo meeting second second post you sure um Miss bonana Cory yes mayor H yes Mr Madden yes chairman Hansen yes Mr duus yes John Schmidt I mean Mr Schmidt yes and Miss har yeah okay uh next resolution is resolution 24-2 authorizing the designation of newspapers to receive all notices of meetings as required under the open top of meetings act uh already had a chance to review the resolution so entertain a motion to approve it's just it's retrospec Ander post correct yes I move to approve resolution 242 R authorizing newspapers to receive all noes of second thank you call please miss bonana Cory yes mayor hul yes Mr Madden yes chairman Hansen yes Mr dulus yes Mr Schmidt yes Miss Hearn yes okay the last uh item on our reorganization agenda here is resolution 24-3 R authorizing the fixing of charges for notice of meetings for 2024 as required by the over meetings act yes and nothing changed same as 2023 then okay U I'll a motion to approve I'll make a motion to approve the resolution draft second all right motion a second M Von yes mayor hu yes Mr Madden yes chairman Hansen yes Mr dulus yes Mr Schmidt yes and Miss Hearn yes all right moving on to our regular business yeah okay I'm just um we have minutes from the December 21st 2023 meeting the re chance review the minutes anys Corrections discussion nent yes entent approv all in favor I any know all of a say I wasn't here on December 21st three resolutions from last month to approve first one would be case number 23-12-1 that's Micha 1049 everybody that voted permanently had a chance to review the resolution any comments ORS seeing none entertain motion approve I move to approve case number 2321 104 Mr dulus yes mayor Hal yes Mr Madden yes Miss bonac Cory yes Mr Schmidt yes that was it okay motion passes next resolution is case number 23-12 d2p that's Gabriel and Elman 712 Station Avenue block 51 block 11 everybody V we had a chance to review the resolution so are there any questions [Music] see motion to approve the resolution I'll make motion to approve resolution 23222 second second sure U Miss Bon Cory yes Mr duus yes Mr Madden yes and Mr Schmidt yes passes last resolution on 3-1-1 P it's ncpg 1500 Kings LLC C Al one everybody had a chance to the resolution if so there any comments or questions on the resolution see none we entertain a motion approve approve the resolution I move to approve case resolution case number 23111 PN cpg 1500 I will see second I will second mam secretary call roll please sure Mr dulus yes Mr Madden yes Miss bony yes Mr Schmidt yes okay motion passes uh next item here we're going to open the meeting up for a public comment on any items that aren't related to a specific case on our agenda this evening so if anybody gentlemen in the there want to come forward talk about anything that doesn't have that's not related to an agenda item please come forward we'll have the solic in I'm here HPC just comment I thought Mar was okay thank you oh are you Jonathan yes okay I sent his mail but I don't know what he looks like okay so we'll close comment comment else um new business this evening St Mary's Redevelopment plan block 24 Lots 4 five I understand our Redevelopment Council Miss given and our Redevelopment planner Miss Fury here this evening turn it over to them sure before we begin pleas swear do you swear or affirm do you swear or affirm the testimony you're about to provide is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes I do thank you um as your chair chairman mentioned we are here this evening to present the proposed St Mary's Redevelopment plan uh in 2020 U the planning board declared the area to be in need of Redevelopment and since that time U mayor and Council have been working with the U developers uh to come up with a plan that would be appropriate for the development to um retain as much of the existing Church facility as possible um while still allowing for redevelopment of the remainder of the parcel um so miss Brer is here this evening to present the plan that has been developed um and to provide the board with her opinion with regard to uh the proposed plan's consistency with the burrow master plan um that is what the the board's role is this evening to evaluate the plan for consistency with the master plan and to make some recommendations if you feel they are necessary back to Mayor and councel so I'm going to turn it over to Leah and she will give you all right thank you um good evening everyone happy New Year um okay so similar to a few months ago when I was here to talk about the um Redevelopment plan for 501 503 Station Avenue um I'm just going to give you a little background I know most of you are familiar with it but just in case there's anyone listening in or um who isn't I thought I'd give a quick background um and then again it is um the planning board's role to review the Redevelopment plan for master plan consistency that's ultimately the objective to make a recommendation back to bur Council so as Miss given had indicated um by the way for the record I am Leah Fury Brer um licensed professional planner and one of the bu's Redevelopment planners um in 2019 the burough Council had authorized the planning board to conduct a preliminary Redevelopment investigation to determine whether or not the St Mary's property which is block Lots four and five in Block 24 were in need of Redevelopment um they were interested in finding out whether or not they met the criteria as a non- condemnation Redevelopment area um and after uh the investigation was done by um one of the buroughs planners um and bu Associates there was a recommendation that the site be designated as a non-c condemnation Redevelopment area based on basically based on the physical conditions of the site um so on November 4th 2020 in accordance with resolution 2020 1884 after a public hearing and a recommendation from the planning board burough Council designated the properties as an area in needed Redevelopment a later study conducted in 2022 um recommended a larger area including the areas to the north across the White Horse Pike I would assume White Horse Pike is east west even though it's not really in adhe um but properties to the north across the White Horse Pike and then to the east and west were also designated in need of Redevelopment um this Redevelopment uh plan only applies to those two lots I first mentioned the St Mary's site but just for your reference the surrounding properties on three sides are also in the designated Redevelopment area at this time um so in my opinion the Redevelopment designation of this site and the use of the Redevelopment plan planning tools that facilitate Redevelopment of this site is really appropriate not only because of the site conditions but because of the site's history and the challenges that are inherent in converting an Institutional or religious use to another use um to that is both attractive and productive that contributes to the Vitality of the community and that preserves some of that physical building that creates some of the character that you want to retain along the white hor P so after the designation The Next Step um in the Redevelopment planning process is to actually prepare Redevelopment plan um and there are that Redevelopment plan establishes an outline for the Planning Development and Redevelopment of the designated area um njsa 4812 a-7 that's part of the Redevelopment law provides the required contents of a Redevelopment plan and those requirements are all included in the plan that you have um those include the relationship to local objectives the proposed land uses and building requirements identification of any land to be acquired a housing inventory and relocation Provisions if applicable which is not in this case the relationship to the master plans of adjacent Towns County and state their relationship to the municipal master plan relationship to the Land Development regulations and then proposed locations for public electric vehicle charging infrastructure um the Redevelopment plan also they include the provision of affordable housing in accordance with the care Housing Act and the buroughs housing element and fair share plan and in this case um that is part of the program um this plan does provide an affordable housing side will be required of any proposed will be affordable inance with the regulations and then um those affordable housing units will contribute toward the Burrow's satisfaction of the affordable housing obligation so the the um Redevelopment law provides as section 7D that all provisions of the Redevelopment plan shall be either substantially consistent with the municipal master plan or designed to effectuate the master plan but the governing body May adopt a Redevelopment plan which is inconsistent with or not designed to effectuate the master plan by affirmative vote of the majority of its full authorized membership with the reason stated on the record um and then section 7e provides that prior to the adoption of a Redevelopment plan the plan board shall transmit to the governing body with 45 days of referral a report containing its recommendation regarding the Redevelopment plan the report May identify any provisions of the proposed Redevelopment plan which are inconsistent with the master plan and any recommendations that the planning board may wish to provide concerning these inconsistencies and any other matters the board deems appropriate so again this is the purpose of the planning board's review um it'll serve this is document will serve as a zoning overlay um so essentially if a Redevelopment a redeveloper is appointed by bough Council then um these Redevelopment plans standards will supersede the underlying Zoning for re for development of the site the Redevelopment will be in overlay um and the Redevelopment plan does require the retention of the original Church worship space closest to the White Horse Pike together with the Church's Garden and then it establishes the uses um required standards design controls and basically to encourage Redevelopment of the remaining portion of the site within inclusionary age restricted that means senior citizen um rental housing um in this case it is anticipated based on the discussions that the burough has been having with the both the St Mary's and the anticipative redeveloper that the church WIll partner with an experienced developer of age restricted housing that already has experience in the burrow um this partnership will enable the retention of that wiers Pike Frontage um and will enable some new hous to be developed so the Redevelopment plan I know you all have it um on page five Begins the Redevelopment plan standards and uses um when I conclude I'll certainly answer any questions anyone has about those standards but to hit some of the highlights the Redevelopment plan that is in A1 starting on the bottom of page five is going to permit religious nonprofit and public uses it's anticipated that St Mary's will remain on the property at this time um it also permits professional offices business offices Banks and financial institutions but not including drive-throughs that's intended to provide some basic flexibility in the event that St Mary's vacates the property so there could be an office use that could occupy and um that St Mary's Church portion of the site still remain as it and then age restricted multifam residential buildings are permitted as part of mixed use development when the requirements the following requirements are satisfied if they're not satisfied the use isn't permitted so first the minimum overall lot size is 50,000 square feet that essentially requires a lot to stay in its current configuration um the minimum setback of the Residential Building would be at least 150 ft back from the White Horse pipe right way and the first floor space with front edge along the white hor pipe must be reserved for permitted non-residential uses um then we have um permitted accessory uses standards that go with those um Vulcan area regulations and I think another one just what wor mentioning um a couple things one is that there will not be access from East Atlantic Avenue um access will only be from the White Horse Pike and Green Street um another is the height so the proposed maximum Building height is three stories or 36 feet within 50 feet of East Atlantic Avenue and then the height may increase and within 100 feet of the White Horse pipe and then the height may increase to four stories or 48 ft Beyond those setbacks so the idea is that the building will step up so that umast at Frontage and close to the white hor Pike Frontage you won't have a taller building so um yeah I'll just leave it at that in terms of the standards I'm sure you've all had a chance to review those um and then in terms of the consistency with the master plan um in order to evaluate the Redevelopment plans consistency with the Burrow's master plan I did look at the 1987 master plan the 2006 reexamination and the 2016 reexamination and then also the design guidelines for historic districts and individual Landmark buildings that was prepared in 2021 um one of the central goals of the master plans and other planning documents over the last several decades has been to strengthen Safeguard stabilize and improve the historic district in a manner that Fosters civic pride and promotes continued investment in and beautification of the community the buroughs master plans recognize the need to allow for adaptive reuse of historic buildings while maintaining their essential characteristics so essentially retaining the Burrow's character while allowing it to to evolve um in 2021 consistent with these goals the bur's historic preservation commission prepared a document entitled design guidelines for the historic districts and individual Landmark properties of headen heights these guidelines provide contexts recommendations and direction for property owners redevelopers architect and community members to use as a resource the Redevelopment plan does consider the specific circumstances of the St Mary's Redevelopment area um as well as its play in the historic district and encourages Redevelopment that utilizes those design guidelines another recurring theme in the Bros master plan is to ensure the availability of a wide range of housing types designed to complement rather than imitate historic buildings the master plan encourages the development of senior citizen housing to meet growing demand and supports coordinated development of larger tracks of land to allow for mixed uses and shared parking and driveways um while this site is only about an acre and a half that is pretty big by hadhe standards the Burrow's 2016 fair share settlement and housing element and and a fair share plan anticipate that unmet affordable housing needs may be partially met through the implementation of Redevelopment projects while at the time in 2016 this particular Redevelopment was not anticipated we are working on a revision to the um fair share plan that will include this site um and then and also so you might wonder um we the the zoning or I'm sorry the Redevelopment plan standards do not specify a specific number of units that could potentially be derived but there are standards that kind of you know shape the development and it's anticipated that up to 36 I think it was 37 um age restricted rental units may be possible and 15% of those or six would be affordable units and they'd be deed restricted for 30 years as to affordability this Redevelopment plan encourages Redevelopment that utilizes the design guidance provided in the historic design guidelines document um and I it appears that all of the bur's planning efforts over the last several decades have focused on the goal of preserving the bur's physical and environmental attributes and amenities while promoting Redevelopment in infill that response to evolving needs of the community um so with that um I do believe that this proposed Redevelopment plan is consistent with the bur's [Music] master Steve do you have any comments I only have one uh suggestion for consideration by the board and M and M GI uh and in the plan including an expanded uh sidewalk area along the East Atlantic Avenue Frontage um if anybody's been out there during school time they actually use not only the sidewalk but a good portion of the grass in that area uh for staging or getting into the school that's a good recommendation I went to that school as a kid yes if it's the developer is still PRD management have potential developer most likely yes they were medable to that suggestion so whatever language is and expanded pedestrian sidewalk area along the entirety of the E yeah it was brought up at times and I think it was welcome especially with I know um it was discussed councilwoman Russo who servic sa school has discussed that L that like the curb strip eement you can you can State testify to this would be the easement on East Atlantic right now for the current public sidewalk is quite correct and then that way they just not even not even dedication of RightWay but just provide a public easement and expand That Sidewalk uh just in case it's not the same gentleman that we've been speaking with and it goes to somebody else I'd like to have some sort of encouragement standard uh encouragement I don't think we can come up with a standard but well I mean we have talked with them uh about placement of benches um with the ability for the parents to congregate in that area so that has been discussed whether it's through Redevelopment agreement or an actual standard um deep restrict you know some kind of in easement we can work that out certainly but it has been discussed and they are now great thank you that's all I have a great comment do you have a suggested width of the sidewalk uh not without seeing the rest of the site feature so I don't want to put a width in it because I don't want to there's a requirement for a 25 foot set back from East atlan Avenue to the building not that's not from the curve that's from the RightWay so then they have Park Side there's no there's no parking anti in front currently from the property line to the proposed building behind the sidewalk about 25 ft set Landscaping there's little slow so I I think I'd like to write it in there we we don't need the answer right this second but I would like to put it in there you have a plan I'll leave it up to you and look what we could we could send it back we could send it back with a recommendation as worked out by and Steve if that be appropriate like yeah as long as you have it ready um before the adoption the I don't believe change in that area is not build anyway yeah and and again it has been discuss they antip that revelop all right yeah I don't know if we have put the detail as long as enouragement is there because I hate to put a standard in andiz now they're don't have enough park because we have understand seems like it's on everybody needs to radar a great suggestion we discussed plan with the superintendent of school board and she was made the same comment the developer was and and are agreeable to working with making sure that there that area there is still available so however we have to do that it's devel agement formal other of agreement work can't Cur STP is marked it the strip the sidewalk and the Cur but from the street side of the sidewalk to the property line an additional mid was like a cures and then from that line 27 to the ACT building so that grass Landscaping they have some ability to make wire probably closer to that so you're talking the sidewalk I said I think they left the sidewalk at the original sidewalk and then it they still had and then an additional we want think it's appropriate for have word comments or questions at this time anybody from the board want to ask any questions or make any comments sure I in the um in this proposal it's the age um age restriction is noted several times but only in the 55 or the only in the low income is it say 55 plus is that going to be the age restriction throughout or is that so the age restriction the the age restriction will be 55 and over for the entire building that basically satisfies the load of moderate income requirement no so 55 and over is going to be the type of housing it will be of the entire the entire building and then within that there will also be a 15% affordable housing set and there are certain categories there's very low low low moderate moderate and we're going to have to um work through that to determine exactly the number of units that are going to fit each of those categories but those six units are going to fit the the affordable okay no but the entire building is 55 okay so the 55 is only mentioned in the affordable housing portion the other ones just say age restricted so okay so age restricted is defined well it should it's defined in this in state regulations okay um if it makes you more comfortable we could add a definition into this three I think maybe if if John has that question then someone else is gonna have that question as well it only specifies the age in the one in the there in the one part but it does sayri several other times roundout I didn't know if there was a distin do 60 plus in the non uh in the non aordable portion of it versus 55 or some other way yeah 55 is the age but just so you know like for in my experience when it says 55 and older the reality is that it's people 70 and older that are moving into rental age restricted apartments but 55 is with the Lawes um but I think it makes sense to add the definition here it's a definition we just grab from elsewhere and put it in here and then it's clear thank you yeah anyone else just can you just clarify the parking issue in terms of it looks like under the permitted accessory uses we've got8 parking space for a one for each one or two bedroom resid un just haven't seen that so I'm kind of carries why it's um Traffic Engineers the parking studies say that for the age restricted rental so it is people like mostly in their 70s and up that that's the number that is necessary um there is additional parking here that's associated with the church okay because that has a parking requirement as well so there is extra parking it's just like it would be more of a shared type of situation um so they're assuming that in these age restricted units that not everyone's going to have a car okay got it thank you question anyone else okay so see nobody we'll close it the board comments and questions this time uh we'll open it to the public I understand we have a representative from HPC here this even even want to speak and one other gentleman perhaps uh open forward we'll have you sp your name and address for the record and then sir Jonathan grer [Music] 154 you want to raise your right hand you swear or affirm that the testimon you're about to provide us the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth thank do thank you um so just to reiterate what happened at the the June meeting the resolution we passed recommended the Demolition and with the understanding that they would come back to the next meeting to review the actual design and the applican had suggested that he reach out to councilman Morgan and they would Converse and that hasn't happened as of the last meeting that we had back in December so um not sure if he need to consider that here for this purposes for the resolution that you're going to pass but it was our expectation that they would come back and review to portion and I believe they would in conjunction with a future planning board application would probably be the appropriate time for that Emily or yes yes they they have to follow board application so Jonathan after this evening if we do do the master plan consist see review it'll go back to B Council and that'll will perfect the actual Redevelopment plan the Redevelopment redeveloper and everything then they'll have to proceed just like any other development they'll have to submit a planning board application with a full sight plan and any planning I don't know how long you've been with the HBC but any site plan that comes before this board in the historic Zone also needs to be referred to HPC for their recommendations in conjunction with our planning board approval process okay so when when they would come in the future to us for planning board for site plan approval we would I guess we would check at that point but there's there's nothing specific that needs to be done by HBC for the Redevelopment plan approval that's correct and the Redevelopment plan itself um encourages them to utilize those design standards okay the discussions that we've had with the developer um all through this process have been encouraging them to utilize those design standards uh so we fully anticipate that they will be doing that and that the plan that they present um while it might not look exactly like the plan that was shown um at the HBC where you granted the demo permit um or recommendation for the demo permit um they've had some time to to refine that but um they will get HPC will see that okay after goes back to council that's probably most likely time right okay I'll take that back to our meeting yes and to some exent the the next phase of Redevelopment for any site after we pass the ordinance would be a Redevelopment agreement with developable the actual developer who's going to develop and take advantage of the Redevelopment ordinance and in that agreement there can be all sorts of stimulations that would require certain building features Restort uh time so so again that's where we would rely on guidance from HPC in our agreement as well and just one of the points um I think it was mentioned at the um HPC about um ensuring that all of the facad had appropriate materials and that is written into the plan so that that the facade that faces the school is treated the same as the bases e Atlantic Avenue and Green Street and what so that's all um I know that um Miss BR actually listened to the HPC meeting so that she could understand what H concern in dting the plan that's it thanks for com out appreciate it anybody else like to speak from the public same now we close it to the public bring it back to Emily you want do we have anything else um I I would just ask that um um the board consider uh adopting the resolution um that Miss H has prepared uh regarding the master plan consistency if you are an agreement that the plan has presented is consistent with bar master plan and is designed to effectuate that Master Plan and the goals and obje unless there's any other further word comment or questions uh we'll bring it we'll bring it up here for a motion to to gr master recomend master plan consistency however I I move to I move to approve the Redevelopment plan as we believe I believe yes than with the our master plan and and as as re reviewed in 2016 a second I will second any discussion or comment on the motion take a roll call suzan Mr Madden yes mayor Hal yes Miss Bon Cory yes Mr daauus yes chairman Hansen yes Mr Schmidt yes and Miss Hearn yes thank you both for coming this evening to get out here thanks appreciate your time to see you as always other business uh any correspond suzan no no we have any any further for comment or questions from anyone where where do we stand at the sign I don't know we were working with Chris Jennifer and I and and Chris sorry I'm not inun actually what happen Chris is not on theard any yeah K Kate it's just like streamlining of reorganization counil he could still be involved because at the end of the day the ordinance would go back to it's going to go recommendation back to council who's going to pass ordinance in regards to comments and let me see let me talk to Christ and we if I can get him to finalize that kick it back to you guys and then you can to us I like to put that I think that came into effect I there I didn't notice sawp Nei yes all right um anything else our uh distinguished solicitor is already earning her money as she pointed out that uh de and I do not take v as chairman Vice chairman so we'll do that before we adj I your name do solemnly swear or affirm do solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of the United States I support the con unit States and the constition of the state of New Jersey theit of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same I willg to the and to the governments established in the United States ested states and in this state under the authority of the people the authority of the people I do further solemnly swear or affirm I do further solemly swear orir that I will faithfully and partially and justly perform partially and justly perform all the duties of the office of the office of board chair according to the best of my ability ability a second second all fav