has being the print copy that's my understanding yeah it's my understanding it's always has to be in the phys actual physical newspaper [Music] got I don't certif well if the we can't continue we can't continue notice because it's not complete so I think unfortunately we have to rely on the affidavit from the newspaper the affidavit is the print copy and not what's online so I think you're going to have to Ren notice uh certified and and and and yeah yeah we can't really can't say don't do one I we can't continue because the notice is we can continue notice if it's fully complete we can't continue partial notice in my opinion I prefer [Music] was I think they did we we know that when we do our Public Notices for even bids or anything else we are adding two extra weeks on top of the three weeks we were doing before because it's Hit or Miss if it's showing up the only one the only one are really good at the retrospect that believe it or not they're Public Notices you can get them in relatively quick but the curry Post in the inquire Cur well because that means your guys are doning it ahead of time and following the schedule they keep oh yeah but you know how they keep moving the schedule further and further out yeah yeah so but we're we're being much more careful on of [Music] so what's going my Fells being lawy by mayor counil the planning official meeting for that purose please chairman Hansen here Mr dulus here mayor Hal here councilwoman Hearn here Mr famular here Mr Schmidt here and Mr [Music] shriber uned [Music] States announcement that the 501 503 Station Avenue case is only on the agenda for completeness of the application this evening the site plan if it's being complete by this board um this evening would be heard at the June meeting at the very earliest and uh during the completeness hearing this evening there won't be any opportunity for public comment on requirement of the completeness review so if you hear a comment on that application or hear the actual site plan we're only determining the completeness of the application this evening and the actual site plan will be heard until next month which is 7 and Mr chairman it's my understanding um if you're making that announcement that the notice would be continued by this board to that uh date certain June 20th correct thank you that um first order of business evening is approval of the April 18th 2024 minutes we have a copy of the minutes have chance toie the minutes questions comments minutes none I'll ENT motion to approve I'll move to approve second motion a second all favor I may have two resolutions this evening the first case number 2441 1628 map Avenue 103 applicational questions coms resolution see none I'll entertain a motion to approve from coms questions chairman Hanson yes councilwoman Hearn yes Mr famar yes and Mr Schmidt yes pass second resolution case number4 and chance to resolution so comments any questions comments necessary coms on motion call chairman Hansen yes councilwoman her Mr famular yes and Mr Schmidt yes comments on agenda buff the agenda of number 23 not that case not being4 kenk [Music] [Music] [Music] I do yes um I've got a shed that's 40 years old I want to replace it and I I asked for permission from the building inspector he said I needed to get variances because uh the way my property is situated the only place I can put the shed essentially is violates the setbacks for side and rear yard and I think um couple of other ones too no it was just a sign her yard but we did note some existing non-conformances on your existing home just so it's in the resolution so you're protected in the future all right yes yep so I refer the board to our April 12 2024 review um so we do list that it in essence replacing the shed in generally almost exactly the same location three foot setback for a sidey guard for the out building one foot for the rear yard uh this is consistent with what the Mr Kenny is replacing um then we also know in terms of setbacks of existing non-performances uh for the uh two front yards and the one side yard on the principal structure which could be noted in the resolution so travels with the property I think it's our grading ordinance is 500 square feet but this absolutely doesn't um raise to the Merit of a grading plan no sir I'm sorry the sh sh be located sh is now oh uh it's it's not a metal shed that's there now it's it's wood but yes it would be sit right over that it's two feet longer I think about a foot yes there's a concrete pad that's already there so I kind of have to sit in on that this is preil um I I think I'm going to build it one of those kits you know um I'd ask for 10 by4 it's probably going to end up 10 x 12 yes else exis existing shed right now is 8 by 10 yeah it doesn't raise the level of any impropriate variances it's really the variance for the accessory side and rear yard again this property isn't unique that it has two front yards so that could be used in support of approving the varant to me that hard existing because of the kind way that theer already situated exting yard yeah I mean I I couldn't figure out anywhere else to put it except where it is it's kind of consistent with the sheds all through that section of town anyway yeah neighbor behind you does have issu no no neither neighbor be well they're kind of both behind me yeah yeah they're both okay with neighbors no no I didn't see any here the resolution property hased existing nonconformities as well I'll to the application for the maximum 140 shed located set located can we just say the one and three foot three foot for the side so I think it's going to straddle a little bit on the concrete P yeah yes as noted in our review it does yes chairman Hansen yes Mr duus yes mayor Hal yes councilwoman har yes Mr famular yes and Mr Schmidt yes and Mr shriber sorry forgot you you're approve very well thank you very much I'm G give you this so next month we'll do a resolution mizing decision this evening okay once that's published after that meeting once that's published in the newspaper somebody could technically appeal the decision for5 perod you want to proceed with your project your permits be proceeding your own risk until the perod passes okay could I take down the existing shed I think so again it would be at your own risk but I it's all basically what we're saying is you can you can do it just at your own risk like okay so you have a neighbor that decides to come in and wants to appeal it they would have the right 40 years I used to be an attorney 40 years ago represented a guy in Ocean City who bought and tore down a house and then the building inspector told him he couldn't put up a new one because he because he' abandoned the non-conforming use or something did did your we got it straightened out on the we're good okay thanks all very much thank you yes our conflict engineer isn't here yet said I just got a text message for next next case therefore will be case number 24 51 P I'm sorry case number 243 p uh Jonathan greminger of Sherman Silverstein representing Veterans of forign wars post 1958 I'm also an officer of the post full disclosure um here is Fred wusi is the commander of PFW post 19 not sure if you want to swear them in now how do you spell that how do you spell that last name I'm w w oh w i s n i e w k i thank you [Music] to best of my knowledge yes also for the engineer right um so this application concerns our sign out on front that faces East Atlantic Avenue it blew down in a windstorm uh and we're looking to put it back up uh there's we did not have a previous sign permit at least that we could find in the public record so we are here to request some address some of the non-conformities with the size of our sign elimination size lettering everything related to a sign um the only variations that we have from the previous sign that's been up there since the late 1990s is that the previous sign had a roof on it small roof uh the new design will not have that that roof had house lighting and we now plan to put it on the ground up into the Sun so those are the the uh the differences with the two signs um I I'll get testimony from the commander about some of the unique qualities of the site uh most of you are probably familiar with it we are Abed against 295 we have the psng substation next to us on the other side um the 295 one ramp is behind us and in front of us is or the railroad tracks in the baseball field so we're we're kind of we're isolated it's not the prettiest parcel but it's what we yeah so we enjoy that um there's also a couple unique qualities to it on East Atlantic Avenue um there's the guard rail right there so most signs sit down relatively low we're asking for height from grade variants because you need that up above so it can still function as a sign and people can see it um and also just by virtue of us being in that small pocket underneath 295 it's it's pretty dark and dim back there so we want to be lit up PR um you know for us we know where it is because we go there but there are groups that that do show up there and it's also an election polling place so usually that's people killing maybe once or twice a year that don't know where to drive in and if you've driven there before there's a the PSG substation all the asphalt just kind of runs to our driveway there's no real delineation and there's a guywire there so you really want to highlight you know this is where you enter parking lot um also our lot is regularly shaped um you may have an old survey in your your packet I have them here if you don't but it's it's very narrow in the beginning and kind of goes out into the building in the back uh so it's a very odd shape and there's really nowhere else to put the sign where it can still function as a sign unless you're up on the rate of way any initial questions no and if I may maybe I could jump to the review just all the sure um so uh I just want to point out that it's very important that the application is consistent and complete with a consent that was provided by uh Kandy County Department of planning for location of the sign in the public right away so we have in essence the consent of the owner of the property which is C the county right away uh the relief that's being sought is sign location being in the right away even though we have consented the owner uh we should recognize that uh as a variance free stand sign area 24 s fet is being proposed 10 squ feet is provided within the zone three standing sign height as we heard from the applicat council 4 feet uh is being proposed 3' 6 in is the max freestanding sign height the uh um we heard indication that it will be a ground mounted illumination um would the applicant agree to make sure that does not shine into the travel Lane that it only is directed towards the sign yeah we thank you and then the other only other question I have is the existing sign had a little placard that was hanging underneath it I couldn't tell the address that's the address um the sign as proposed doesn't have the address are you going to hang that placard underneath the new sign we would like to yeah all right so I think we should recognize that area I don't have the area of that little placard which is the actual street address but I think we should recognize that also as being yes yes yes it's I just want to make sure they're vested in that uh going forward uh and I would I would say and I don't want to provide testimony but it is unique uh the location is very unique the property is unique uh and where they're proposing the sign uh is unique because it's in the county right away and there's really no other opportunity for signage that provide appropriate uh uh uh uh identification of the parcel on at least Atlantic Avenue it's hard to know where it is yes [Music] yes y i uh just want to also note I think our solicitor uh and we made several inquiries as well as I think the applicate the applicant Council to Cy County to get the letter so we can give you here this evening and that that consent so thank you very much for your assistance as well um and that's all I have we know why down I think it was a straight line wind storm yeah that wind comes from underneath the 295 overpress when it's blowing it comes through there hard might just been a it's been there for about 30 30ish years 25 maybe yeah 25 years that might just SP time yeah it's going to be new it's going to be less weathered so yeah it should be a little more prominent look nicer so sounds to me either C1 or C2 the C1 vars like very and are a lot of not a lot of places for it to go um as mentioned they have from the county terms way considering it's important the sign to it and provide benefit to the public who are looking for so one I'll put make motion to approve disap the application I'll make a motion to uh approve the application as I'll second questions on motion chairman Hansen yes Mr dulus yes mayor hul yes councilwoman Hearn yes Mr fam yes Mr Schmidt yes and Mr shriber yes all good thank you ladies and gentlemen yeah you all [Music] [Music] [Music] I do yes yes good evening uh members of the board Suzanne rter first thank you all for your service to the burrow uh my name is Chuck mcleer uh I'm planning to uh add a back porch on my house and uh make the front porch which uh is only covers half of the front of the house to extend the full front of the house uh and I'm seeing a variance for lot coverage our current lot coverage is 51% due to the fact that the previous owner installed a lot of concrete on the lot um the um our our our plan to uh put the porches on will increase the uh coverage from uh uh by S some 300 Square ft uh however we're going to remove the concrete sidewalks on the side of the house and down the front walk to the street and replace them with perious papers that's correct that is correct that is correct yeah so we'll actually be reducing the uh imperious coverage uh my wife and I have lived here since 1975 we bought a house on 7th Avenue moved around the corner to 8th Avenue in 1988 and we planned AG in place here uh we are uh Haden Heights people uh the back porch is necessary because we have concrete steps leading up to the back door that are difficult for us to maneuver uh and get into the house with groc stre and stuff when we put on a new back porch uh we will step down Two Steps from the house to the porch and then on either side of the porch we'll be able to step down two more steps to into the driveway or uh uh going toward the side of the house uh this porch will also uh in addition to giving us better access to the house this porch will also provide us with some needed shade uh due to the loss of shade trees in uh the yards on 9th Avenue and some of the adjon properties on eth Avenue the back of our house heats up pretty seriously in the hot months of the summer we have to put a sock on the uh on the door handle to the uh storm door in order to not burn our hands on it so you know in addition we will uh be able to have some I hope Energy savings from heating that or from cooling that part of the house and so uh buying by also by uh putting a a what I'm going to call a real front porch on the house replacing the concrete thing with a little hip roof that extends half with a a full width porch that is going to be consistent with what the house originally had and consistent with the properties on the Block and so we hope that the the board will see the value in these proposed improvements uh not only to our lifestyle but to the Aesthetics of the neighborhood and uh approve this [Music] variance any rendering of the I have um yes I do I thought that you would have gotten these in your packet but perhaps not it might have been online have [Music] [Music] online big pieces of paper here I can I'm happy to hold that up if you want to point out some of the features do you want to pass it around or you want me to hold it up and he can point out some of the features receive ital yeah I'll hold it up you just to point out some of the Fe okay so uh this is uh the the existing front porch is only half this wide all right and it's got a hip through right here and then this is open uh we plan to have the porch run the entire width of the house similar to the we originally was and you know while I'm calling it a wooden porch it may end up with composite stuff on the floor and maybe even some low maintenance uh uh railings you know that uh with the look of real wood as they say uh and uh you know it this is more consistent with what the property used to look like and it's more consistent with you know what what the other houses on the Block have that haven't been frankensteined if you will is it is a wood frame TCH pardon it'll be a wood frame T yes it will be uh you know uh on uh uh pressure treated yeah spans and then you know either put uh you know depending on cost I'll either put tongue and groove trxs or tongue and Grove Pine or mahogany or something something you know depending on what it is but uh and then uh these uh uh great at the bottom you know the uh thank you lce and uh you know that that that's what we're proposing it'll have three columns the door is existing the window is existing and uh it will extend out uh 10 feet from the house and that's about it so the the the uh the new coverage of the newer front porch is about 150 square feet 10 by 15 I notice it's not going out any further than the existing porch no it's not going out any further than the existing porch it just gets wider by by 15 feet and the back porch of course is all new that is also going to be 10 by you know 10 feet out from the house by uh 15 ft wide so we're looking at 300 additional feet of square feet of uh of uh lot coverage but that will be offset by the uh sidewalks I noticed that the all the way the back of the house the garage is is all the way at the end of the property the previous owner had a a large motor home and he put in all this concrete so he built the garage and he he put this long concrete driveway so he could just back that motor home all the way up to the back of the lot and in the rear isable asake Park proper so have to have the driveway to back sort of speaks in favor justification right your size you're 50 by 100 where I believe it's 50 by 200 50 by 200 I I think it might but not nearly as much as all that concrete you know when I right right [Music] I'm try to get yes yes I believe that the uh the undersized lot contributes to the uhh with the long driveway contributes to the uh lot coverage of the concrete when I was uh uh I originally was was planning to take some of it out but then I realized that my children were getting to be of driving age and uh it was an asset then still might take some of it out to oh yeah no no no shuffling at all with cars I got a parking lot back there sure yeah um Robert Hunter tnm Associates professional engineer planner certified Minal engineer um I I think I've uh helped you out well I that actually application got uh postponed so but I've been in front of you on on the other side of the table um so uh Mr mcleer uh addressed quite quite a few of the comments through his testimony um we have um through review of the application we identified um a couple variances um the the impervious cover is is the main variance um and I believe what we have is a couple technical variances based on um the uh sidey setbacks corre correct and and and listen that's it's really a technical variance it's good to to address them during this hearing so there's no issues moving forward um the actual side yard um is 6.99 ft based on the on the um survey that was provided um the extension of the front porch um uh creates the the there's a a very minor uh variance encroachment into the side yard of about I don't know eight nine inches um so we just want to make sure we cover that but the main set setback variance there is 6.99 that is untouched 69 can we consider 69 he more than that no I would if if I would continue with a 6.99 and he's more than more than um good with his proposed uh construction um so that covers the the combined sidey yard and the side yard setback um front yard is not changing the correct and and that full width porch is more consistent with the neighborhood um so it supports the C2 variants um and then uh Mr mcleer has addressed the lot coverage uh we have a couple comments in our letter related to um the perious pavers um I can go through them very quickly I don't think they should be an issue um one and two were pretty much addressed through testimony um three was addressed through testimony already uh the zoning schedule I just recommend that we revise that um the architecture revise that when he resubmits for his construction permits um there is over 500 square footed disturbance so a grading plan will be required I think the architect can provide that um I don't know if the board has the ability to wave that if I'm sorry I don't understand that issue um if you disturb over 500 square foot uh on the lot you have to provide a grading plan just to ensure that any of the activities you're you're um doing on site as a part of this application aren't going to create any drainage issues to your neighbors I see um yeah and I don't suspect it's going to really change anything you say it's 500 if if we're increasing it by 500 if you're disturbing F oh if you're disturbing yes so the the the the substituting the concrete to the pervious papers and the addition of the square footage of the um porches they they kick you over it's close but they do kick you over 500 square feet um but it should not be a big effort um the only thing uh that I believe the board likes to see that the uh roof drains are directed away from any adjacent um sidey yard structures your neighbors so if you create any new roof drains that you don't direct that run off directly to a neighboring home right all right um and then when the applicant selects the material for the perious pavers that they submit um just a cut sheet of the product so that we can ensure it is a perious uh perious product um I believe that's that's it yes I don't have a problem with [Music] that proed okay I'll tell you whoever put that Concrete in really knew what they were do I don't get a puddle no I think I think porches I've got a ton of of concrete and I don't get a puddle I'm not even sure the requirement is against the porch if there's no Foundation um there shouldn't be an issue so I don't think there'll be an issue at all and we'll work with you if you have any questions um yeah the proposed porches are going to be on footings yep yeah sure question thank you my my spouse uh regrets not being able to be here for this she is up in New Hampshire helping out my daughter with a newborn baby so congratulations yeah thanks sixth grandchild first grandson [Music] support C varant iter has that contribute the for those variances specifically the fact that it has already onedot um there's already with um it appears that there has been a lot of concrete already for long driveway um that to the impervious one of the variances that the is requesting um a few of those variances are ex because the front por especially is being expanded even if it doesn't expand footprint make sure protected by appliation apparently I'm not popular here all right I I'll make a motion to approve the application uh with the with with the um everything that was discussed by the um engineer with the grading with the addition of the grading plan and the perious papers being the cut sheet on that is there any other any discussion or question com motion on um chairman Hansen yes Mr duus yes Miss Council woman har yes Mr famular yes Mr Schmidt yes and Mr shriber yes thank you I I I understand that uh it's going to take like some 45 days for final approval to do we'll do a [Music] resolution that [Music] decision paper5 neigh appeal your decision and that's 45 days from the publication in the carer corre after June [Music] 20p right thank you have pretty good relationship with my neighbors so yeah yeah I appreciate that uh have a good evening thank you thank [Music] you thank you thank you last evening we have 2452 and that's station LLC [Music] yes uh good evening uh Christopher burr from deluk Lewis and Burr here on behalf of station appls LLC and as Mr Hanson just mentioned uh here for completeness only um I have uh received uh Mr Box May 8th um review letter which I understand uh recommends um granting the submission waivers that are um required and de the application complete but um he may have some commentary to address those point perion absolutely and the chair's permission refer the board to our May 8 2024 review uh this is uh uh completeness review for preliminary and final major site plan review uh we listed on page one and two and uh the actual submission items uh we also besides our uh normal checklist items we also have a Redevelopment uh plan that also has certain items uh all the completeness items have been uh submitted with the except of the following four items with which we do recommend waiver fours but it's obviously uh the board's decision uh Lo uh and this is on the bottom of page three and four location of existing utilities uh structures within 200 feet of the boundaries uh of this track no objection uh to this waiver plans typical cross-sections construction details the vertical alignment of uh existing streets abing the tract again u based on the the application materials no objection to that waiver uh something that we probably should have removed from our checklist a scale model of the propos development but uh obviously we recommend a waiver on that yeah so well we'll get rid of that uh and then sketches and ples and photographs of other known similar developments um I they have submitted representative uh uh architecturals I don't believe we have to we can look at the information that is submitted for this site so I would also recommend uh and have no objection to a waiver granted for those items so those four items with that the board May uh uh deem the application complete and they're satisfied with our review as we have two roads we have Station Avenue and the White Horse Pike uh they're not uh changing the roadway alignment of station AV lawyers bike they do have uh sufficient information in my opinion uh of where they're uh going to be tying in their utilities uh all the way out to the curb lines I don't believe it's necessary for them to resurvey the White Horse bike station yes uh because they're not proposing to go out make any Cuts they're proposing to reutilize at least at this preliminary stage they thought to do uh s applications to the burrow and a water application in New Jersey American water but it's my understanding they're looking to utilize the existing connections uh either way do that make sense just they're putting in 12 units and what's there now didn't have that capacity they have to demonstrate that we don't have that information so we're not really doing water and Sil review as part of any land use application but um yeah TP typically the cross-sections come in when they're really going to be changing locations of driveways or change circulation they're re they're intending to reutilize the existing uh curb cuts that are there obviously it's so the wayer spike they're going to have to get permission from uh the do they an access permit or a letter of uh no interest for the do but I don't see these submission waivers at all being um U impactful to the review of the application no I actually completeness weally haven't had a situation like this before and I think that I can address [Music] completeness a couple actually resol agreed yeah I don't think one would be needed like she said yeah I think that could all be wrapped up into one resolution covering both hearings so it would be a vote on the completeness with the waivers that are uh included in our review neigh [Music] second mayor Hulk yes chairman Hansen yes Mr dulus yes councilwoman Haron yes Mr famular yes and Mr SMI yes Mr Shor yes I go down this way I gotta get you right you're good all right thank you thanks [Music] yes so but I'm trying to think how do we even you would have to move it to us so we have a there's a slight challenge that we have going on next that's okay it can be said it can be discussed the planning board meeting next month falls on had nights High School grad there's a there's at least several members here that would be um would miss the meeting because they would children I'm typically also I'm also typically invited to graduation which I have an alternate but that would be something we we wanted it I think there's at least three Jen right and Mike right so there's three members that it's [Music] Shan it is mayor he didn't tell you that he shorted yet she's yeah no Chris Phils you haven't seen Chris he just had a kid and today was trying from tonight the their anniversary their anniversary it's their first night out after having a kid so um so I just yeah my thought would be is do we let's just make sure we have a quarum if we don't if we're g to have any issues with quum or be on close to issues with qu I just because you're gonna have 501 503 the second this case I just the last thing I want to do is have to push this guy's case which has already been pushed one be P well no you can hear it's a simple majority this is not a use there's no use so as long as you have quarm 501 503 though would that be that's VAR in burrito there may there may be some bul variances under the final review but that just make sure just want to make sure what's our turn like our turnaround time to move the data you have two others which are oh they are those are used they're uh 1500 Kings highlight he hasn't turned those in yet I think there's two applications for the old Window Factory that are that are use that are use [Music] what's the deadline I just want to know that way we have it like it's five days five days in advance I would just ask if you if you do do a a special meeting please let me know well in advance that's what a lot of times some board hey we're gonna have a special meeting then don't let the engineer know and I already have three other meetings scheduled that thought we just be to just out of respect for the public and anybody that and the applicants themselves we just we don't decide that that night yeah have Suzanne just verify we've done this before ver just verify attendance and then and Mr Mar just no it's okay the only and Mr chairman the only thing I would add that if you do do that then the 501 503 would have to Reen notice because we made the announcement that so if you do move it to a special meeting they're going to have to Reen notice grou the announcement next no I that's why I made the point I'm saying because Mr deluka put it in the paper already so they already did the public notice that's why I I yeah but but I think I think the issue I think the issue would be more we said be useful right ISS you need you should have se you should have seven so they have a chance to get the super majority of five they're the only ones which like I said I know of only potential applicant that's coming in for 1500 King sideway for two one is that who's gonna use his space that and there's the dance well let's not talk about any use variances as part of this night let's just get in just I would say yeah put the email just try to get account of everybody because then our luck it'll we'll run into one of these cases where if we're close even on just the regular quum I would tell you 100% so that's my thought it's just let's just double check because you know that you're going to be we struggled to make Quorum when we were missing to all and now we definitively know we're going to be missing three three three of our board members and myself but I have so in depart got email Kelly probably a spam email I get more spam emails in Haden height Sparrow than any other I get council members that that message me all the time saying do you want to meet with me for something I'm like no I'm like D I was like this is you want me to buy you a gift Dave trash the best to date was Dave came in until Dave trash came until KY listen Zach's gonna do something special for the entire the entire base but he wants to keep it a secret and and Kell's like it's a spam email they well they they have my signature pretty good it says you know they use the best regards they yep so Elena do we have anything that we can do world record now to stop attorneys