[Music] but I still can't get the microphone to work really no it keeps saying something about no link all right and we have mik thank you good yeah we're good sorry we just have no mic in the back but yeah you can go anyway [Music] yeah I'm ready whenever you are all right I'm ready okay everyone welcome to the February 15 2024 meeting the had plan board this meeting is being held in accordance with the sunshine laws of the state of New Jersey CH 145 by mayor and Council and the planning board for official notices notice of this meeting was posted on the board attendance can I have a roll call sure miss Bon Cory here Mr Madden here Mr dulus here chairman Hansen here mayor Hal here uh Council woman Heron here Mr famular here and Mr Schmidt here we to the flag the United States of America and to the rep for it stands Nation indivisible and justice for okay we got two administrative item before we get to our one case I would like to make an announcement before we get started this evening is that we here in one case tonight uh that'll be the 38th Avenue case uh Keith and Beth forers which is 1,9 Sycamore Street block 70 Lot 19 that's application 242 d1p that's being adjourned to our March meeting and also Uno LLC which is otherwise known as 414 White Horse Pike block 37 Lot 8 case number 24-2 d3p they're both going to be adjourned to a future meeting most likely Mar um no further notice is going to be uh required by the applicant so if you're here for those two either of those two cases they'll be adjourned to at least the March uh what is the next meeting March 21 either March 241st or future meeting and they will not be Ren noticing that's uh 10,000 or 1,9 sore Street and 414 White Horse P Bo LLC um moving on we have one matter of reorganization this evening um when we took our when we when the burough accepted rfps for the uh solicitor position for the board there was only one response be that as it is uh we can't we couldn't appoint a conflict solicitor because we only had one Law Firm apply uh Kelly our B clerk read advertised I believe rfps were du on what were they January 30th they were open they were uh sent along to our app subcommittee of the plan word myself Dean uh John and Michael and we nously uh thought that the The Proposal of poro kuchi all was the uh Mo most uh was the best fit for the burrow based on experience with this board on similar applications and other factors so uh someone make a motion we'd like to appoint them as conflict solicitor I move to appoint Peri as our conflict solicitor I'll second that uh any questions uh or discussion on the motion seeing none i w call vote please sure miss Bon Cory yes Mr Madden yes Mr dakus yes chairman Hansen yes mayor Hal yes Mr Schmidt yes and Mr famular yes passes uh next item on the agenda is the approval of the January 18 20 24 minutes uh everybody had a chance to the minutes any uh I know had one some comments John there were there were correction on the classes of the various members in last can we just verify the CL I saw that it said Zach was a class four when he should be a class one I don't know what the other Miss har should be class three okay we're good other than that believe so any other comments cors mayor H is a Class one one oh sorry K okay okay I got it that should okay I will move it with corrections second second this is done by a Voice vote all in favor say I any opposed motion passes and we'll open the meeting public comment for any uh items that may not be on tonight's published agenda if uh anybody would like to come forward and speak about anything that's not on our agenda this evening for we'll have our solicitor swear in to speak seeing no one we'll move on to new business uh we have one case this evening and that's case number 24-2 d2p that's George Maria Gara at 38th Avenue Block 428 you want to come forward we'll have a solicitor squar in you can tell us about your project good evening good evening my name Jen m here representing with G um Mr G is here with me whose wife is awesome here she does not notifi this evening um and they're engineer V mil um anyone who want to testify we can you in and we can include Steve St raise your right hand um do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to provide is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes yes and can you also um the engineer can you repeat your name uh Vincent perfect thank you okay um Mr Excuse me one second you want to have uh Mr M qualified as T I know you couple my Bo your qualifications I know it's not working just if you guys can just Pro your voice so the recording picks you up sorry for the techical uh yeah I'm a professional engineer in the area first licensed in 2015 uh appeared through in front of a numerous boards throughout here post projects like this grading plans plans more designs i' I've had the pleasure of working with Mr Mar some be very we he's accepted as an expert witness Please proce Mr how long have you live at 38 36 years and what do you hear requesting um approval the garage my backyard I have entrance rear Street rear entrance rear driveway and what does that driveway currently to to my yard is there any structure there now oh there's a shed sh and U are you looking to replace that shed yes and how large of a garage are you looking to build uh 26 by 26 and as far as height goes how high uh 29 and um why 20 ft High well I wanted to order with attic trusses they're called so you have storage on top and also was it was a suggestion of the Builder to raise it a little higher for the for the for the pitch also and regarding the the size of the garage itself the square footage um since it is a little larger larger than pered well I have two cars convertible be and then then the other space I accumulated a lot of stuff that I was in space maybe I'm open and retired a couple years and hope have somewhere to go and do my projects um as far as what your what what the garage itself going to look like what are your intentions pretty much something that matches the area I think we everybody should have sep I was to say does any board member have any questions yeah so what what what does it look like is it is it an A-frame is it a Dr yeah it's a it's an A-frame with attic Tres so pretty much to match the neighborhood I would do the same like a gr you know match the area no no window Dormers in the roof no no windows so you have you're G to have attic trusses yes which means you really have no storage capability on the second floor correct no the actually is build so there's a space in between the store Stu right so you'll have all right so there's a local Square in the middle of the tress in the middle yes and and and you'll be able to store so it's like five six feet wide or something Christmas decoration Christmas decorations like you're not got to put a desk and a chair up there and have a office not just have a lot of stuff lot of stuff no get well make sure that that those trusses are designed for that extra wig right sure oh yeah okay because they typically they're not yeah and yes and what about the exterior what is is it going to be siding is it going to be what is the what is the material of the roof is it going to be regular shingles yes shingles uh so I'm in between whether to go to a full bar company or have it built right so the I already looked at having it built would be like uh vinyl sh vinyl in with the with chingles the uh I believe the pole barn if I go that way is a metal on the sides and it would be like a a crash you know that that is that is like a standing not a standing seene but it's a a vertical seene yes vertical seene metal panel which am I on a barn it could be it could be it's yeah it's the price I'm worri about the price of foundation is there is there any consideration that make it more residential in character than than the B Barn possibly bring to siding you're vinyl siding metal siding whatever kind of Sting but a residential sighting versus the vertical standing we get from the full people yeah be it's 20 a peak yes do you know we ra it that's why you know how high this how high the sidewall is before you get to the pitch of the roof like how high is the side yeah n the inside will be 9t 9 ft so plus the so you're close to 12 probably like a 10 whatever that's a metal roof or as shingle roof shingle shingle shingle so Jason neighbor property 28 I guess it's they have a two carage that simar going to be more pitched I think he's 24 by 24 something like that so yeah I'm not sure what his pitch isimar um and if I may um so just want to go through our letter so uh We've issued our february8 2024 as indicated already there are variances required for the garage height 60 ft are required 20 foot um am I correct 20 foot is the height proposed and the garage size 450t is permitted by the ordinance and you're going to 676 s what is proposed also we have noted uh several existing non-conformities which should be reflected in the resolution uh just so the applicant is bested in those existing nonconformities and the resulting application would exist U creight one additional uh percentage or 1% of additional U maximum loot coverage um we have listed a few review comments on page 404 uh the only conditions here uh that I would like to go through with the applicant um is there any additional sidewalk or anything else being proposed from the garage to the main house will you no that I wouldn't be going there we have another driveway front the house perfect so that will not increase any additional Pur impious for building coverage in burrow for ordinance U so it's the one additional percentage Point uh going from 38 to 39% um Can the applic provide a confirmation that no sanitary sewer or water services will be extended to uh would the applicant agree that any down spouts be directed away from uh thejason properties and a question I would assume with the PCH and what you're building 2020 that you're have got you would agree that all your down spouts we directed away from your neighbors yes um and then because of our uh the proposed uh garage is 676 Square ft it's more than the 500 sare ft trigger for our grading ordinance that a condition of any approval that you will submit a grading plan in accordance with the bar's grading forance requirements yes Mr mil yeah we're in the process of preparing the plan making that um you will note uh a specific lack of any recommendations of any rain barrels or any other uh trading considerations again we're going from 38% to 39% it's really in an area of existing so I other than just directing the down spots away from the cas of properties I would not recommend any additional C Provisions as part of this application I I meant to ask though Steve which which way does the Ridge Run is it run in the long direction of your property or in the other direction sure when you're looking I'm in the driveway the bridge South so the would be screen street right a would Face Screen Street put down spouts Sor puts down spouts on the back side and on the front side yeah there could be well U just a box suggesting I aiming towards my Cor so right so and this plan but even if you picked up the down here and put put your all your order P into your yard and you can show that on the graving plan is the garage facing green or facing perfect was you're facing green okay because that's where the driveway comes in there okay up around the corner with that property I didn't I never knew that was part of your property that's the one all jump in the yard yeah IW up on okay 26 by 26 that's is that the foundation or yeah the whole will there be eaves that will extend out and how far would they extend yes when design the or or buil it would have like aot and that will not extend beyond your property the will be with he's going to be 5T either way rear for the side yeah 5 61 79 we just be you know get off the building and R uh Mr C did asked about um Plumbing being run out there will you be running electric out to that building maybe in the future um Pro I'm guessing probably in the future usually no concern about electric it's always about the plumbing in the water because that it turns into something different I ask then would be underground or the oh no have to be on ground my yard's 135t it's pretty far from the back of his house back put a pole out there midle be anything further St nothing thank you sir bring it back to the board do you have any images at all as to what this is going to look like yeah uh I thought I hand a minutess so you want me to you want me to come up and show you which one which one in this's two options I never knew that driveway existed and I go by there like almost every other day uh so in terms of shape but it would be size would be this one you want to Circle that I bring that up to the board is that the one you're talkinger Circle that or something like this okay do you want to Mark these exib as well yes which yeah which one do you want to be [Music] a separ another door another entr door yeah it has a side door they give you one side door and one window so the window people door man door SLE door oh it's a called single door I never knew a people door or a man door so so just so if you're thinking of just one large garage door to lift without electricity it's going to be heavy when you think you want a door opener so you need electricity just I have but it's not we're not prohibiting or we're not we're not just I'm gonna Mark A2 this one and I'll make Mark A3 as the other one I'm not sure Vino vino or uh conventional residential sighting is what I think we're looking towards so it could be Ving my experience with the pr manufacturer you can order uh you can order the materials you put V sighting right on top uh you they come sometimes with a lesser insulated metal panel it doesn't have the higher finish and you can put the aluminum the vinyl siding right on top of thank you so I know it's possible and I think what the board is looking for more residential s out overall I'm sure you concern that's we're looking neigh I believe you can do that with pre manufactured or bu it's just you just have to work with the manufacturer your intention is that you're going to put conventional presal yes yeah the from all the the brochure it all shows the vertic so you're not not that I don't like it it's comptible those are good those are good in rural environments those are they're agricultural type and Rural but this is kind of a community that's a little more not historically residential scale no I my my with the was a little cheaper that's why I looked at the I looked at both but that's why I was kind ofing towards the PO the PO bar you could probably work with that still be able to you know get the structure and the the substrate which the panel and then still be able to install the they did have options I'm looking at your you have a beautiful house it's just in terms of with what you've show doesn't necessarily comport with the the house in terms of the rural whole Barn type in it so it's kind of like just you know with the size that you're asking for as well I mean that's obviously why you're here is because you want to make it you know you need the variance with respect to the height and the and the size restrictions um you know we just don't want something so big and that looks out of place with respect to the rest of the neighborhood and you indicated and we put that as in the resolution that the color will be similar to your primary residence yeah and Y so uh we'll give this also we'll put it out there and I'll mark the and and these exhibits will get to the planning board secretary J make copy SC so we have for the record and then you get pck them back okay so either right the one you want that's about the sorry I got I gotta pay attention which one did have you spoken to your neighbors about this project yeah but you can just you could just I'll just do this I'm sorry I didn't hear you did you say your neighbor got what approv no my neighbor I was here with one of my neighbors that did get something it's already right next to M right Jos yeah Mike Mike's Gage is right next is right next to this because he's he comes off a grade too yeah so I'm yeah he's like the first house he's a guy that built a really big [Music] Gage Mike Mike still hasn't built his but he did get approval he was so close to the curve that he just wanted to move it back so his car correct so the neighbors also got approve with their garages like Varan neighbors behind oh look at this picture I have a bbody wants to iode my bike around around probably about 3,000 times or my M anything else you wanted to add thank you guys for considering everything I hope yeah we just wanted to go over kind of what we thinking with the grading plan uh you don't have to do that you don't have to do that this evening um because we don't plan to R I don't want to get into that uh but if there's nothing additional in terms of testimony then I'll go back to board for deliberation I mean I think kind cover everything I wanted to point out I would just say that there is a lot of tree cover around here so I mean going be even difficult to see the garage when you walk by but that I think cover I have a question for you so what so um in that residential Zone we allow 450 sare ft I believe so why could you build the garage that big 20 by 20 yeah it's like two just about the two cars and then like I I put inside also and this stuff you want to put in there this stuff pretty much stuff that's kind of outside right now youd like to put it inside and get it out of the view of the neighbor B maybe so you think the un this is a to the property maybe you [Laughter] know so it might not be hardship but it might be advancing we have criteria we have to go by so for her to write it up she has to have something excuse me a yeah did you say that a neighbor had put of a temporary fence in order to you put I I just I just threw something when he when Mike was looking at the house I didn't know Mike was going buy but my neighbor anything else from the board bring back to Lena for a potential motion so the applicant is requesting um variances for look like a really small um increase to lock coverage um this was an existing um noning condition the applicant is also requesting variance for the garage height of 20 feet or 16 um feet is permitted and then they're also requesting a variance for the max size of the garage for 76p when 450 is is permitted um the applicant has the burden of proving that um they can justify the requested variance they can either um demonstrate that they qualify for1 variant and that the applicant must demonstrated um but the strict application of the zoning regulation would create a hardship exceptional difficulties um that typically is when um their property may have an exceptional shape or topography conditions um and then the second type of C1 C variant is a C2 variance and in that um regard the applicant demonstrates that their um application would Advance the purposes of zoning um it sounds to me like um the applicant would be demonstrating a C2 variant because um existing right now property is quite a bit of outside and um sounds like he even put up a temporary fence in order to block the stuff in his yard from the view of the neighbors so really this um this would be an improvement um to the property it would Advance purposes of zoning in terms of uh the look of the property and also advances um the goods of the neighborhood and it sounds like his neighbors haven't had any objections so it would Advance um not only the of zoning but also would not have the bur's master plan or the zoning zoning orance so there's the legal criteria anybody want to make a motion I'll move to approve the application uh for a garage at 676 sare ft where 450 is allowed and a height of 20 ft with 16 is allowed um and 9% lot coverage and with condition that a grading plan is provided to to Dr to Mr Box Office um and that uh all other um uh setbacks whatever there are other things that are not correctly yeah the existing nonconform and then all other conditions that were stipulated were to this list for yes that were in your letter brought it brought up tonight especially the presidential sighting all presidential sighting and the right you got all that on the record right yeah thanks second it's was second can I make a quick um a question for clarity um so the board during hearing um recommended that one the um the A-frame top part of it would be designed for extra weight um it was also recommended that the applicant could work for the manufacturer but that they um request that it the bar be made a potential residential sighting and it should look residential non commercial um no vertical metal siding like a pole barn and that the color of the garage would be similar um to match the president and with those suggestions are the conditions of approval I just want to be clear so the applicants you know understand so that I can also drop a resolution or we going to leave it to to determine whether it's residential I would say condition of approval except for the weight of the Justice was but they they were they're stipulated yeah building go but big yeah yeah we're not going to worry about whether want for in shipl ver horizontal siding but I would use the word horizontal siding okay because that I think that makes the biggest there okay perfect thank you and those are all the other conditions that that we and then I need the letter which they agree to of course thank you thank you I appreciate that does the motion is pending and second it need to be amended to include that or are we good with are you good with how it was made by yeah I think that's fine that was just a question for clarity Motion in a second mam secretary call please miss bony yes Mr Madden yes Mr dulus yes chairman Hansen yes mayor H yes councilwoman Haron yes Mr famular yes and Mr Schmid yes okay project approved um next month we'll do a resolution to memorialize the decisions major this evening March 21st meeting after that uh by law we publish the decision in the newspaper and until seeing that there's nobody here to object this evening is very unlikely but somebody could appeal the decision with days of Publications decision if you want to get your construction permits and start on your project before the appeal period expires you would be proceeding under good Lu other business do we have any correspondents no I do not okay any other board issues matter we app Chris regarding sign hereare official notice we have anything anybody else want to discuss anything see Steve you don't for us right no the only thing I just want to mention that the one application of the bo which was St this evening it's my understanding from the design engineer that the application has submitted will most likely be significantly revised so we're expecting new plans uh to to come at a Prett much replace everything that they just submitted so just keep that in the back of your mind so which case was this this is the unav vot for the journey modification amended amended Free Living final site plan but uh so keep the information but don't worry worry too much about what it's in right now you're hold back thanks sir all right once we have anything further I'll take a motion to adjourn so moved all favor [Music] I oh for goodness sake it's like a it show this thing thank you like