##VIDEO ID:syYhTbzp1pQ## six voting members got the TV going we run we running Suzanne y okay welcome to the uh August 15 2024 meeting of the Haden Heights planning board this meeting is being held in accordance with the sunction laws of the state of New Jersey chapter 145 by mayor and councel on the planning board for official notices notice of this meeting was posted on the b b bulleon board and the bur's website for that purpose I have a roll call Suzanne Miss Bon Cory Mr Madden here Mr dulus here chairman Hansen here councilwoman Hern here Mr famular here Mr Schmidt here that's it anybody I think we got everybody we have a quorum will everybody rise and please salute the FL I to the flag United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all okay we have a couple items of administrative business to start this evening um first thing would be the approval of the the uh July 18 2024 planning board me meeting minutes um has everybody had a chance to review the minutes uh anybody like to make a motion to approve the minutes so moved second any questions or comments on the motion revisions seeing none roll call or uh this is a voice vote I'm sorry all in favor I any opposed no oppos Mike is abstains he wasn't here with Mike's the Mike's abstained Mike and Mike okay uh we have three resolutions this evening for the cases that we heard last month case number first one's case number 24-6 d1p John and Susan Frank uh 510 4th Avenue block 35 lot six it was uh some c c variance relief for an enclosed deck onto their single family dwelling um has everybody had a chance to review the resolution any question or any revisions comments seeing none entertain a motion to approve the resolution I moved to to approve roll call Suzanne sure miss bonana Cory Mr duus yes chairman Hansen yes councilwoman heren and Mr Schmidt yes okay next resolution is case number 247-12 West High Street block 77 Lot 4 that was uh more SE variances for addition to a single family dwelling has everybody had a chance to review the road resolution any any revisions or comments on the resolution seeing none entertain a motion to approve the resolution I move to approve the resolution second roll call Miss bonac Cory yes Mr duus yes chairman Hansen yes Mr Schmidt yes and councilwoman har motion passes case number 24-7 d2p Sarah zon that's 1547 Cedar Avenue lock 110 Lot 12 see variances with respect to a deck addition to a single family dwelling everybody had a chance to review the resolution any uh comments or revisions I seeing none entertain a motion to approve I move to approve the resolution I'll second call Suzanne Miss Bon Cory yes Mr dakus yes chairman h yes Council Wan her Mr Schmidt yes okay um right now we'll open the meeting up for public comment for anything that's not related to one of the specific cases that's on the agenda this evening anybody that would like to speak on something other than tonight's official business come forward and we'll entertain seeing none close that portion uh on a new business first case this evening is case number 24-7-365 2 3 10th Avenue block 45 Lot 23 with respect to an attached garage in a swimming pool on a single family home uh come forward we'll have uh anybody that's going to give testimony sworn in this evening um Marty's been before this board several times so I will have him uh trusted as an expert witness in professional planning and architecture right Marty is that it landscape landscape architecture I apologize have okay is anybody else going to speak besides you no okay and uh we'll have our board engineer and planner sworn in at the same time so can you all please raise your right handm this tesy about to give will be the truth the TRU nothing about the truth yes thank you okay uh four is yours Mr Irving have seat are here tonight seeking approval of an a garage and swimming inard project requires several variances a use variance for the attached garage U minimum side yard setback for the new garage aggregate side yard set back where the garage approaches at 6.5 ft from the existing deck at 9.5 ft is less than the minimum of 25 required uh maximum building coverage and swimming pool setbacks where 10 ft is required 5T to the concrete surround the attached garage obviously was a key issue tonight given it needing a use variant but the African is going to uh great pains with their with their architect who design that attached garage to have as small an impact as possible I refer you to the uh front elevation view that the architect prepared and we submitted as part of his plan set the garage itself sits back from the front face of the home you see here in this Photograph um approximately 25 ft you look at the existing front view of the home you can see the existing detach garage which will be demolished in four condition too small and has aestus shingles on it so the applic looking to remove that and replace it with this uh new attached garage uh the view from that street feel will not be changing significantly the way that the uh project has been design also the the garage itself will seres the foundation for the second floor bedroom Edition and uh and the attic which will be utilized closet fix storage um again mitigating the impact of the fact that it's an attached garage the architect has also uh historically tried to maintain the historic nature of of the home itself um it's a Dutch Colonial home built in 1906 and I think you you could tell that the uh the roof lines especially are are U carried through with a new addition gell root being carried through um to uh complement the existing home so uh as it relates to uh minimizing the impact of of that V visually it's complimentary to the to the principal building and it is uh subordinate and Visually compatible which are uh goals included in historic guidelin design criteria project is not actually in historic uh District however those guidelines were utilized during design of the itself so the addition also is a a second floor bedroom the denado moan family uh has three generations living in a home um Mr Mo can uh describe that a little bit further detail if you want to uh give your a presentation as to why you would like to have this sure attached yeah no thank you Marty thank you for the board for having us uh tonight Shaheen mojibian my wife Britney and I uh been in Heights for nine years um we uh live at 123 10th Avenue so right by the canid right right by the park there um we have three kids go to St Rose they play you know sports for hhya I volunteer coach um you know we love absolutely love pen Heights we've uh we've seen how it's grown how what you're doing in the downtown district and trying to bring in new businesses we're all for that we see how younger couples are coming in and families and they're taking some houses that need some TLC and are really improving them um but keeping historic nature so uh what we're looking for is additional living space um because our family has outgrown uh our current footprint kids are are growing I have an 81 year old father uh who needs care um so we need some additional space and um our proposal was for me was very important and we spent four months with an architect um because I wanted to keep the architectural design of the Dutch Colonial um that was very important to me um and so they did a great job in the design um so for us we we're hoping that you uh consider our proposal um because I I really want to um continue to raise my kids this town and not have to move out of town um you know we love it here and we're hoping that we can be here for for further Generations so so another exceptional reason for the the attached garage is so Mr Irving Sor interrupt you let's just name the exhibits before we go any further so the first page that we're on WE name that exhibit A1 and how would you describe that okay and this is exhibit A2 and how would you describe thisal model thank you okay so so another uh reason that the uh attached Gage is proposed because the rear yard of the home there's a t of tree that is 36 in in diameter um so practic practically speaking to detach the the garage or to put it in the rear where it would be even less visible and still be able to bridge to the second and third story second and half story um would would cause that tree to have to be cut down so the again the family has uh worked with arborists in the past when they when they got the deck built uh and and they've been maintaining that tree and you know are have been preserving that treat since they purchased the home um give you an idea there's a photograph of the rear of the home in the upper right hand corner of this A2 board and you can see how huge that tree is so it's important to the family to preserve that tree um for another special reason that's why the garage is attached yeah Marty if I can just interject if you don't mind um that was another very important part for us because we did have an arur come out they told us this about 250 year old tree beautiful tree massive tree um and you know our deck we had our deck designed around it um because we obviously wanted to to keep the the the history of the the property so just want to add that all right I think we've covered State for the record that given all of those factors the special reasons to preserve the tree um and and the design architecture to preserve the historic character of the building and mitigating fact that it's been set back um 25 ft behind the front side um for all those reasons we don't feel that there would be any any for the public good The Zone plan master plan moving on to the B variances uh as I mentioned we need the side yard on that garage the aggregate given the way duck de JS out uh and again for all the reasons we' previously mentioned the design and so forth um architectural compatibility we feel that those side set backs U would be no issue no ative impact again um the next part of the application is the swimming pool and as you can see it's situated into the rear of the yard um we are seeking variance to the edge of the concrete surround patio surround to 5 by five instead of the required 10 but as you can see uh 5 ft allows for ample Green Space it allows for uh grading of the pool ultimately when we get to the grading design if we're successful tonight and the property is surrounded by 6 foot tall fencing we'll have a new gate here with the uh required lock lates latches as required by codes for swimming pools um so we don't feel that there's any negative impact to any neighbor uh as a matter of fact this this is neighbor has a swimming pool that is uh built similarly um his patio comes right up to the property last variance required is U for the total lot coverage so 30% maximum is allowed proposing 40% um you know where an existing is 35% so we're we're increasing by by about 4.8% to be more sites and as you can see uh the majority obviously uh you know it's a very green backyard um this is a a multiplay area for for kids um and and the coverage itself uh there's plenty of Green Space um and we will be uh in accordance with Mr Box's recommendation providing a storm water management infiltration system to mitigate the increase in run off predominantly uh from the pool and and from the rear of the back half of the roof of the all right I think I've covered all variances there's any questions from the board be happy to um think it would be appropriate to do go through Steve's review letter before we uh open and if I can answer a few question come back for all questions after that as a few questions Mr Irving getv the front yard so the front yard in the uh um am I correct R2 zone is really is really a a uh matching up of existing properties on either side we sit further back we did the analysis uh and you're at 43.6 right so required would be 43 and we're actually at 4 six so we are exceeding neighbors are just a little closer correct and then also I just want to point out that the minimum required in this zone is 30 feet okay a minimum required so if all the houses all around us or all around the application was 30 feet this house would have been set up much closer to the road so I just want to point that out while we're looking at the analysis and while you're adjudicating the the matter uh the um number of cars in the garage one car or two car one car is two it's a wider garage but it's only but it's in part you know one car can pull in and then there's plenty of storage and it's a little deceiving in plan do four four feet or so is a carridor and steps leading up to that second in order to link up the spaces to connect to the new and two cars a two car garage is permitted in the zone but this is only a one car that's being proposed correct all right and um so I would refer the board to our review August 8 2024 as uh we just went through u in terms of the front yard uh that is uh compliant um as proposed and we can recognize U that is an existing nonconformity uh it is also noted that this lot is actually larger than permitted than required in the zone it's a 15,000 square fo lot 12,000 Square flight is required in the zone Mr Irving already put on the record the minimum lock coverage variance the sidey guard varant and the sidey guard aggregate uh side yard uh single due to the garage and the side yard aggregate really due to and it's really hard to see but it's in the area of that tree that area that Mr Irving is pointing to that's the existing um uh deck which is an attached part of the structure but that's what's causing that variance if that deck if it was just measured to the side of the house we probably wouldn't have that side aggregate variance and if I may you know when they built the deck they help minimum 10 on that side it's 9.9 from line understood I'm just just pointing out for the board um and then uh on the U uh we have variances for the sidey yard P pull sack pull setback and the rear yard pool setback correct um the edge of the water Mr Irving could you tell us what the edge of the water to the p is right so at our pinch points it's 9.3 and just air under 10 on the opp put there it's a little less 10 be something comprom get that right and that might be something that the applicant may want to consider to mitigate that variance because really it's the edge of there's a pulse around which our ordinance takes it to but they're very close to at least having the edge of water being in the compliance is that something that you might want to wish to amend yes to make sure on both sides thank you um and Mr Irving you have agreed to all the comments in our review letter including the stor water comments yes and the storm M comments is very specific is from 30% permitted to what they're proposing at 406 at 46.3 they will calculate and they will uh store the wood quality storm event which is a little less than the 2year storm and just as a a refresher is typically when the storm the water quality storm is the water quality storm because that is the uh storm that would typically infiltrate into the ground in the beginning of a a storm period U so they are going to maintain that infiltration that deficit that's going to be created over and above the wood quality storm the ground gets saturated and the water goes where it's going to go so uh not required under our our ordinance or the d uh best management practices that's not a major development but the applicant is proposing that as a mitigating Factor uh for uh the relief they're requesting for the uh maximum L coverage you have an issue with pool equipment location pool equipment um it'll be 10 by1 for sure or it'll be house in the garage well but 10 by 10 okay so the requirement is a 10t side or rear setb um so we have two options come over in this area 10t away from the side and it would obviously be very far from if if I may suggest this um uh pool equipment is tricky so uh best place for pool equipment is furthest away from everybody's bedroom windows um I would have uh appears that towards the rear of the yard probably would be the most likely location for the pool equipment in that back corner in either of those two back Corners however um I have no objection to that going as close as 5 feet from the property line provided and this is really for the applicants you still have the state standard for noise levels U new if it's a new pool new pump equipment usually complies with this it's 5 DB during the day which is slightly less than the the the my voice right now and then probably half my voice right now uh would be about 50 at least that's what it would feel like math doesn't work out but that's what it feels like um as long as you comply with the the the state standard noise levels which is not something that the burrow could wave and actually C the County Board of Health enforces then I would have no objection as as close to 5 feet along the rear because that is the furthest away from any of the Jason properties Bas in the aals Mr Irving is that correct is that furthest away from the Jason U Homes yeah to the rear side IDE yeah we got neighbor and Mr I'm gonna add so on the uh Eastern property the neighbor to the uh I'm sorry neighbor to the west their pool would almost be in the same location as the [Music] proposed and then to the rear of the property there's a pool uh right along the rear of the property that currently exists I can't speak to the where location of their their uh uh pool equipment is but I think the benefit of allowing it to go to as close as 5 ft as long as they meet the noise levels is is probably a benefit it looks like there's a pool in the yard right behind them two on the aerial so this probably be the most appropriate location for it in the rear it's close to the fences I I I I would think that would away from everybody and keeps keeps uh and probably is probably the best best location for the uh proposed though okay yeah gr PL that's included in our review so we'll have to provide the St calculations at the grading plan the Corr service so how does it how does the lock drain now uh it drain point is in this back corner drains in this dire that that whole area drains down to those houses are up above the street they drain down towards the canons I GRE up across like right up the street so I'm pretty familiar with it Mr iring most most likely can you point out the area that you believe is going to be the area where you're going to put the infiltration it's probably going to be right behind the tree in between the play area and the tree yeah it's I I would think we're going to be you know generally speaking in an area so the the the pool and the proposed uh uh drive and the proposed addition isn't draining towards any of the adjacent properties it's not definitely not going to go to the rear that's for sure it's definitely not going to go to the rear that's for sure not it goes pretty sharply downhill makes sense take this and that's probably the best place for it that's all I have there's any questions I I have a question about about parking on the driveway so if if there's a car in the garage can there be a car in the driveway to the West so that the car in the garage could get out well you get out I guess the reason I'm asking you have at least two cars you have three cars or two yes this is design one in get two here and then down the road you have right I think our chart say we par five it's 18t wide it looks like the driveway we a little wider than 18 ft the drive aisle here in back of the garage it looks like on the survey I guess point is parking space is 9 ft so the issue with the attached issue with the attached garage is um is the car is parking in front front of the house right so if you can if the cars can be parked behind the front face of right the front side of the house it's not as big as an issue so here here's our facade proed we can get two cars behind the faade sense when the then we're it next down there you're like 30 feet from the front of the house to where that attached garage is so they could snake around where that that neck's down and get around that car I'm sure looks apart N9 ft of parking spaces most places one of the pictures right is that driveway going to change at all where those two cars are ESS right so those two cars could theoretically still be where they are a little forward be forward by about well yeah because you got to bring that old garage forward newage it's not as bad as being the garage face being on the front of the house that's the first thing I thought is it you know it's not it's you know to preserve that tree it almost from the street will look like a detached garage because it's so far behind the we typically don't like those like you said but I I think in this case with it being 30 feet from the it is a good compromise cumstances and that's why I elicit that from Mr Irving is how far the house house is set back than what is absolutely minimum required uh and U as Mr Irving uh and I we just discussed two cars which really is what is required by our ordinates for residential two cars can fit behind the face of the home right now two families sometimes have three cars sometimes they have four cars and they use other parts of the driveway yes but generally you know generally homes have two cars so they can fit behind that front face which is one of the goals and objectives we always talk about with the uh uh garages towards the rear even if they have company or something four or five cars in that driveway they're they're not even going to be anywhere close to the sidewalk still at that point as far for setback as at home is and with a long driveway it all like like you saying it almost looks like a traditional Carriage House in the rear of the property from the street oh you guys are looking at that way I'm looking at it that's a lot of snow to shovel swag got Sons but if if you look at the existing survey it really is mimicking the existing driveway the way it is and uh I think Dean as your point would it be appropriate if they actually added a little bit to make sure they can get around the two cars I I rather you yeah I rather you consider adding a little bit of impervious for a better design just right now you're enjoying this driveway which you have a good amount of u you know why I was fighting coverage you're fighting you're fighting coverage but good design is good design and if you're mitigating the coverage with with storm water what you're saying is let's bring this guy out and and make that more comfortable make make it more comfortable and make the angle a little bit more sort of felt the same wayo I think the benefit of that improved sign and the benefit of having the uh ability not to double stack the Cs but comfortably get two guards side by side at all times would outweigh that detriment um still going to keep it s at a a number that we could put in the resolution still G to be yeah what we GNA do if we can just take a moment for that you're including the pool as the Peres as well right yes well that's another thing I've been for 20 years I I ier to what the D tells I know I finally we finally all the are finally figured out how to get to DP not to include decks with spacing with non it took how many years that took me about 20 years I that equation swimming pool itself surface area of the water is about 4% and the existing debt which says we can take out of it is about 4 half% so we're over by 10 and 82% is either water or not counted the thing so we're not really buing any issue with drainage itself but we we have to be consistent we have to be consistent with everyone so right now you're a 40 so what's that number saying gr total 15,000 live right so is that gonna is that gonna impact that P curb there's P there's a concrete P curb there extending that drive is that g to imp would that impact that to deal with that okay yeah obviously I don't know if that was proposed or exist Mar are you looking for 41 42 Marty Marty getting to no pressure I was told there would be no math it's the great mad Madden one that I'm looking for 42 to be safe yeah I have no objection to the board if we increase that to 42 they are going to match the uh storm calculation to go to that 42 to 30 for the water quality storm okay and I think it would be better I think it would be better design and afford if they're if they're approved this evening it would afford the better opportunity for the cars to really be beyond the front face of the structure thank you important to us and I think that's the where we're going that works better for us to be honest The Wider space uh we just were worried about the coverage so we appreciate that and it's probably more comfortable parking closer to yeah and and we like the same look we don't want the cars to be sticking out in front of the house um and very rarely do we have you know guests they staying overnight tell a lot of thought went into this say it again I can tell a lot of thought went into this the plan the quality of the plans that a lot of thought a lot of money we're trying to again the architectural design I wanted to look like it's been there since 1906 when the house was built yeah yeah yeah thank you yeah my son's very worried about where the basketball hoops of course Mr chairman I have nothing for anybody else have any questions for uh the applicant or any of the professionals U real quick um when you with this pool equipment you have to drain this stuff right the pool so where does that drainage go when when you do that you cannot in our town yes you cannot impact it and drain it onto ajacent properties in our town you have to take it out into a a technically you have to take it out to your own yard sometimes it goes to the street stre sometimes by accident happens run out to the street uh but we can't there's a rule there under a storm water permit we'll let that rule uh control where the afcan has to do is back watching draining and we don't have to we don't have to reflect it as part of our cations this even yeah it's more technical question of how you yeah DP has a a hard rule that no chlorinated water could touch a storm water inlet lot of rulan won't run off in the next rainstorm anyway we all know that so just that the applican would be guided by at least what the uh the roles are in the town but that's really I don't believe this word really as jurisdiction to supersede those rules right okay thank you anything else anyone uh will open the meeting to the public for a comment on this application at this point anybody in the public wants to come forward and speak as your chance seeing n we'll close public bring it back to the board for a potential vote outline the criteria C and D variant okay so I'll go quick run down of everything that we presented tonight on this application so the property is block 45 Lot 23 also know as 1 123 10th Avenue is located in the R2 residential district where attached garages are not permitted um applicant tonight proposes to make the following improvements um to demolish the existing detached garage to construct an attached garage a second story Edition and anround swimming pool in order to do this the applicant seeks the following relief first the D1 youth variance which is for the attached garage since attached garages are not permitted in the R2 Zone there are also five bulk variances lock coverage which we just discuss discussed is going to be up to 42% from the 40% side yard setback aggregate sidey setback sidey pool setback and vard pool setback and they're also some submission labers as well so first we'll talk about the D variance so for dun variance we have to establish the positive and negative Criterion so we probably are very familiar with that um the positive criteria we also talk about are special reasons so these generally refer to the purposes of learning um you heard a lot tonight from Mr Irving um about preservation of the tree um setting that garage back further in order to preserve the look and the historic nature the property and to better conform with the intent of the Zone um those are some things that go towards the positive criteria in regards to the negative criteria the applicant must established that the Vance can be granted without substantial detriment to the public good and is not substanti impair the intent and purpose of the Zone plan so we also heard some testimony tonight um regarding that set back further back um kind of tucking those cars in behind the face um and things of that nature and architecture too is important to consider to really keep the nature of the the historic nature of the property that's for the Deep one um for the bulk variances positive criteria is gener for the hardship variances is peculiar and exceptional practical difficulties or exceptional under hardship based on your sh shallow or shape of the property or the topographic conditions and for the wers it's whether little conclus will be unreasonable or a hardship so a lot of what was discussed tonight by Mr Irving and the applicant um a lot of the criteria is applicable to both sets of relief um any motion to that would be made to Grant the relief would also include the conditions of the stor water and grading plan do anything else Mr Rock the board may want to consider this C2 variants the negatives really that is what's driving the uh sidey yard setback and the coverage uh positive of the good design good design for the location dve good design for the driveway is really driving uh uh the the variance relief for the bul standards so and Mr Irving did put on the record uh the the the uh positive GR here is and he did testify that his pressure opinion there was no significant detriment to our Zone public good or the ordinance the only thing I would like to add is allowing um up to the 42% which reflect in the resolution please and then allowing the pool equipment to be within 5T of the rear yard and the uh adjacent portion of the sidey yard as long as they meet uh um statutory uh uh noise limitation and that gives them a lot of flexibility because otherwise the uh zoning if not in there the zoning officer will require the 10 to 10 okay go ahead I'm sorry um So based on Mr B what he mentioned um so the need including Mr Box comments right now um if the board's inclined to Grant and obviously the all the condition everything mentioned in the review letter is always a condition of approval as well anybody like to make a motion as Alexis and Steve laid out for approval or denial of the application I'll make motion to approve the application as Mr B laid out approve the P1 use variance because positive and negative as well Asing I believe want to second the motion I'll second any questions or comments on the motion I think it's a good plan I think they did the best they could to mitigate our concerns and I think good design like you said make make Drive wider just you know make sure that they can get both cars which is important to us so and and it's great to keep a tree like that old so ex so um we don't have many trees like that lost so many trees so it's wonderful but I'm trying to keep it I had I had a twin tree that I just lost last year of exactly that sized to and couldn't save it yeah I'm glad you're saving it yeah yeah so I think it's I think it's a I agree with the with the criteria but positive out weigh the C variant um so all good a roll call suan Mr yes Miss bonana Cory yes Mr dulus yes chairman Hansen yes Mr famular yes Mr Schmidt yes okay motion motion passes you have your approval so what'll happen is next month or next time we meet usually we meet every month but in the case that we don't next the next meeting we'll do a resolution that memorializes the decision that was made this evening and then the notice of that decision will be published in the newspaper and theoretically anybody from the time that notice is published in the newspaper there's a 45 day appeal period where somebody could could challenge the uh or appeal the ruling that was made here this evening seeing that nobody was out here objecting to it that's usually unlikely but we just say that you're proceed at your own risk until the appeal appeal period is passed provided the grading plan has been reviewed and approved by of course all the conditions still apply get a building without Rood thank you and Mr Irving will'll send you a draft resolution for your review okay thanks for coming in everybody thank you good luck appreciate thanks for looks like a beautiful project thank you come over when it's done you all right be so be careful what you wish for where's the Cigar Lounge uh Second and final case this evening is uh case number 24-8 d1p that's da and Daria vesy I hope I got the names right 26 liping cot Avenue that's block five lot five for a uh addition to a single family home uh you want to come forward we'll have the solic anybody that's going to give testimony we'll have the solicitor swe in and tell us about your project and I could be continue to be swor yes you continue to be sworn you only need to be sworn at once meeting Steve unless you'd want to raise your hand again um can you please both raise your right hand do you SAR for Miss test when you're about to give will be the chuth the whole chth nothing about the truth thank you you want to tell us about your project or do we want to have Steve walk through his letter maybe and that'll explain a lot of it or how do you want to proceeder going to our August 8 2024 review the applicant is proposing dish exting dwelling on the West L of living cot generally between Kings Highway and Station Avenue uh currently uh the property considered an existing twostory dwelling concrete driveway rear deck and Associated site improvements uh the um B Sanders are listed on page uh two of our review uh it is in the R1 zoning District um it is noted that there are several non-conformities for this lot the lot generally is under sized for The Zone required lot size is 15,000 square ft the existing lot is 8,313 square ft um minimum lot width is 75 existing lot is 51.53309 102 where 15 is required and we did do a special notation in our bulk standard and we broke it out in terms of what the aggregate U sidey yard distances would be for the addition versus the existing non-conformity we did that for the solicitor's benefit so we can recognize what's existing non-conforming as a a variance versus um a new variance for new variants what they're asking for the relief this evening is a side yard of 8.4 ft for the uh single sidey yard for the addition and 18.5 52 feet for the sidey yard aggregate for the addition 35 required for the Aggregate and 15 foot required for the U um single it is noted that their existing structure is less than those items but relief is required because it is u a new structure uh but generally I'm gonna ask a few questions right now the addition doesn't come out as far as the existing home on either side I see exactly what I was gonna ask some question so generally um here's your survey excuse the red lines for your proposed addition is going to be in the area where you already have your existing rear deck correct and you're really coming off both sides generally both sides well on the and I'm going to call this the southern side you're lining up the the new addition correct and then it's on the uh Northern side it's sat back in a couple feet yes right but you're not going to be expanding out beyond the two parallel building faces that currently exist that's correct yep um and then can you just tell us you also submitted architectural plans um and the architectural plans uh the materials and the style and uh uh the architectures generally going to be consistent with the existing home yeah exactly I would assume you would have wanted to make it look like it was it was meant to be there we want it to to look consistent yep uh I can report that this U uh property as currently configured and as proposed uh does not require a lock coverage uh uh variance uh so the only two relief that would be required for this proposal to go forward is to recognize the only new relief would be the sidey guard on the proposed Edition and the CER aggregate on the proposed addition uh but we would also probably it would be appropriate to not all the existing non-conformities uh just so they're vested in the future in case they have any other building permits they they looking to bring in a shed or something else like that having that as part of your resolution would would uh possibly prevent you from having appear back before the Lan um I did note that uh the pro proposed improvements will exceed 500 square F feet and then uh that's a requirement you have to do a gring uh review in accordance with uh the barough ordinances suzan can help you with that um but as they're not encroaching or sorry they're not exceeding the maximum loot coverage U no storm management is recommended we would just ask that they direct the down spouts to the interior of the yard oh that I'm sorry so have you received a copy of our review letter I don't believe so okay so let me just uh list out so I just went through all the existing non-conformities um I believe that I didn't see when I reviewed the site uh when they do the grading plan you'll find that but it doesn't have to be conditioner but we can add it that you would direct any new down spouts away from your neighboring properties and on to in essence the uh the the center of your property yeah and that any construction that you uh perform that you would uh have to install a silt fence whoever is doing your grading plan will'll tell you what a Sil fence is but that's that construction fabric fence that keeps all the mud and everything else from running in other people's yards around to the street absolutely okay Mr chairman that would be the only items that I would have okay um it's great reading no it's one that's because so if you look at his it says every night before I go to bed his see how they show the 5.02 for the house and the new addition is actually three feet in from that I have a I have a question so right right now you have a deck you're gonna build this addition You're Gonna Lose a deck we're losing the deck yeah you're losing a deck are you gonna put one back probably not really probably not no h we just we really want it for more size for our family really we just want to be able to go back the property is pretty large in general um and we want to look uniform with the current home the way it looks now and they do have approximately 7% of their s so if they wanted to put in a paper that's why we want all these variances reflected all the existing non points so they come in and they wanted to do a paper or something like that U and I I would suggest if you are even considering doing any pavers or any anything else put that as part of your gring plan now okay so you wouldn't have to do it again even if you don't build it but that way you would be vested with it the the rear distance is elevated so they they could directly do a raise deck right they could yeah so if you're thinking about it even if it's in the future thinking about and I I I agree with your point Dean if you're thinking about a deck or you're thinking about a patio or something else like that put it as part of your grining plan it looks like you have a good amount of square footage as long as you don't exceed the 30% that would not interfere with the uh if you're successful with the approval you're granted this evening it's crazy it's unders lot too you you don't want to because anything over 500 square feet you have to do a great gring plan hate to see you come back and have to do another gring sure I just make one comment I I noticed that uh it's a it's a pretty severely undersized lot for the zone and the lot width doesn't meet the the standard it's 51 where 75 is required so I guess that would speak to the fact that it I mean that's the reason that they're having trouble meeting the sidey guard setbacks it's a hard hardship we say it's a hardship that's a reason the reason that the the lot's not is the reason you can't meet the side yard would would you say that currently without the addition the home is a modest size and that's really why you need the additional living space yeah yeah for for not to need a variance it's a reasonably sied home and even it's still going to be a reasonably sized home so that's my opinion yep I feel the same way um you have anything further thanks steeve really I mean it's for a growing family right okay it's a we have the little guy hanging out in the back in the stroller that's the priority aesome um and congratulations make sure thank you thank you appreciate that and um yeah I mean we we want to make sure that we're doing things appropriately taking the neighbors into consideration um and we want to make it you know look the way that it we feel like it should so that it could fit our growing family potentially um um what about the exterior oh if if it needed to be fixed the exterior is that something like we to change that is that something that we would be what do you mean fixed like if we were to change if if the front because we're building out the back if the front where the sides needed to be fixed at all you mean like siding and like materials but not building faces or anything else like that I would ask you to deal with the construction apartment certain things are excluded those items are specifically excluded from this land use board that's right but also those certain items in terms of siding Roofing currently under the uniform construction code are even excluded from building permits uh you're deal with Suzanne she'll be able to guide you with all that but if you just want to reface or R roof or add shutters those type of things you could be got by Susan that would not they're not in the historic district right historic district okay yeah I mean that happened to me I mean it built this addition and then I end up having to reside the rest of the house I mean we just wanted we don't adjudicate those aren't those aren't things that we yeah you don't need our you don't need our blessing to do that this what he's trying to say you don't we're not the tast does anybody else have any questions or comments for the applicant or Steve seeing none we'll open a meeting to the public for uh questions or comments on this matter little guy doesn't want to have anything to say he doesn't have anything a voice trying for can't believe okay see and none we'll close public participation and uh bring it back can Alexis uh give us the criteria here yep so the property is block five uh block five lot 5 26 lot Avenue located in R1 um applicant seeks to construct a two-story Edition to the existing dwelling um the applicant seeks today a total of 10 variances seven which are non-conforming so all things that are there already three of which are new the three new variances are the side yard on each side and the sidey guard aggregate so with the bulks um in regards to the hardship we went through those on the last application so if the board were to Grant a hardship application uh hardship for the bulk variances the positive criteria have to do with um the particular of the lot um we heard testimony about how small the lot withth is which could be a contributing factor to the need for the Varian relief tonight um and the fact that the as Mr Bach mentioned and the applicant confirmed the house is not particularly large for the lot um so it's really no fault of applicant here and the applicant's also seeking some MERS and uh the criteria we also went over before the conditions of approval that Mr Bach mentioned would be the grening plan um also the any D spouts to would have to be towards the interior of the yard and from neers and any construction will have to have silt fencing so they would be the three conditions of approval and compliance with Mr Bo's review letter thank you anybody like to make a motion to approve or deny the application um than a motion to approve the application for side yard setback at 8.4 feet where 15 FTS required side yard aggregated 18.52% of the sil fence and theut silence and gutters correct anybody want a second that's all based on on the hardship of the property being UND uh we have motion a second any questions or comments on the motion see none we'll take a roll call Suzanne sure miss bonac Cory yes Mr Madden yes Mr duus yes chairman Hansen yes councilwoman heren Mr famular yes and Mr Schmidt yes motion passes you're approved here uh you heard the Gettysburg address I gave about the appeal period for the prior application that extends to your case as well so 45 days after the notice is put published in the paper okay thanks for coming in good luck with your family thank you [Music] guys have a good night all right um you have any other business or correspondence very important done it we've done it it's really it's really it's really easy takes 20 minutes or so yeah it's not bad okay same kind of cases we've had use all right um I I don't I don't know what's for next mon yet anything yeah I'm just trying to get through today I don't know why I even bother ask we um anybody have any anything else I just um I won't be here next month okay okay thanks for letting us um I guess CH is we're trying to hook up with Crystal about sign ordinance yeah he hasn't Morgan Heard can we pass a word along could somebody pass a word along to him that they were uh wondering I be included in that so I was provided as part of the engineering committee copy of the sign ordinance certain things I would like if we could simplify uh for your for uh how the lighting standards are versus you know there's some very Tactical items in there that are typically not in Municipal ordinances I think you can have the same intent but maybe make it a little bit uh more more engineer proof yes that the engineers know what we're talking about yeah but I would like to be included in any of those conversations try to get Chris to get us together again can uh somebody reach I can reach out to them too and just ask him where where that stands and to make sure he includes Mr Bach in the uh discussion do you have a word of that Chris has it if anybody can get a Word document then I could start the uh like markup Trail which might be easier and then we could circulate the word document around and do the markup with the tag track changes in anticipation of sitting down because it might it might go faster if we do that with a Word document just a thought yeah whatever anybody wants however however you guys want to handle it I think it might go quicker if we start circul I'm not about to start making a suggestions since I'm not involved I think I think Chris and Jennifer and I were trying to he was trying to get us together and he just we haven't been able to do it right yeah it's it may not be the latest because he was trying to fix it we never got the fixed I don't think we ever got the revised one that's the problem but if you get the revised one and yeah I'll see if I certain items that right that we could probably simplify and get the same results that's fine just thought anything else anyone nothing we'll entertain a motion to adjourn a second all in favor all right we're adjourned good work everybody nice nice job CH you a little slow I know sorry screwed around on that know what it was productive that wasn't like El I don't mind going a little longer if there's a good reason for it the architecturals were a little confusing when you looked at the street view of the house I had a couple friends that lived like three or four houses down from that growing up Schmid's lived there and there was a family of burgers that was like our age that I played sports with growing up asking the right question Oh my God said that about me I tell you that thank you Alexis great job thanks for coming to visit how's Alanta doing good no baby yet still a couple weeks