##VIDEO ID:4VmMFXIFbO8## >> HSD Broadcast: just, Dr. Brown here. this dress here, Mr. Essence work here. Miss Hollenworth here. Mr. Knuckles, Error Masada. Yeah. Vice President Hooker here President Crooked. Yeah. Please stand for the pledge. Allegiance to fly of the United States of America. and to the Republic for, which is one nation under God indivisible with Liberty and Justice Hall. Mike said You please read the statement concerning open, public meeting public notice of this meeting pursuing to the Open Public Meetings. Act has been by the superintendent of schools in the following matter. On August 28th. 2024 notice of this meeting was posted on the interior of the school administration offices, 95, Grove Street, Haddonfield written notice was submitted and followed the Haddonfield Borough clerk and noticed were emailed to the Courier Post newspaper. Okay, thank you. so much. Now, for everyone. We have a very straightforward agenda. Today, we're going to be talking about presenting the referendum proposal, which will be Mr. Klaus, and then, we'll be vowed. Well, we will allow public comments and then we'll be voting on whether, or whether or not to submit the question. So Mr. Klaus, would you like to get a Thank you. very much everyone for coming. Um, I, I am officially presenting, but I'm gonna have some some assistance. we have with us today. Ron Swanky and Jeff Court Potter from Land Associates. Tony Salami. Who's our Bomb Council? and we rely on Mike from the financial stuff. I'm gonna take you through our vision of what we want to do and give as much information as I can here. This is bit of this has been a long broken up for the future. Well, back into pass to get there. We've been over almost two years on this. this um and it's changed a lot. and we've been taking feedback, we've adjusted And so we've gone along the way out of the way come back. I think a very good path. These are. Our priorities. Even though we've been a long time, had a long conversations and made some changes, these haven't changed In the beginning, we identified. what we thought were our priorities and we stuck with these accessibility additional classroom space auditories, athletics, building maintenance safety. Early childhood education and specialized learning intermediate. Alphabetical says there. These are the areas we focused on from beginning. These are still the areas that we believe are important. We need to be First one accessibility. This is critical mission. All of our students and staff. and families needed access to our buildings. and our opportunities. I would find anyone who pardon the that. Um, some examples. we're gonna do all of our playgrounds are elementary schools. We'll be poured in place. They'll be accessible. We'll have better. solid, musai walks all our parking through. the accessible. This have had, we're gonna have an elevator install currently the main office and an art room. We're not accessible there. They will be Um, the high school stadium will have Share a little stalls and stadium area will be accessible as well. All this will come with a companion city or auditorium about how to listen. you right? Sorry about that. Our auditoriums don't have places for wheelchair access right now. They will have that as part of our remodel with companion seating. and as I said earlier, for a main office and and had the main office and the artwork, we're gonna be relocated Central School 1890 Billboard office. will become part of Central School. That is currently not successful. That will be accessible through this and most people cafeteria, the serving line is not acceptable. It's very narrow so that we correctly too. So witnesses finished. We'll have all that one, instructional space in the building. That would be all our souls that we will be accessible. is not will be current Lizzy had an art room, which is successful. from outside path, but that will become a flex space that will be available later on. So we are going to go for full accessibility which is a great thing for all of our students and families. and staff. Additional Classroom Space. Um, this is really. I think we all know. what I'm going to say next because it's been spoken out a lot. Or enrollment is going up. Currently. We have 15 students or 16 students. in from Haddon and from Central. And Tatum who are attending. Had because we all have that former classrooms. Central School. Grades one, two, three are capacity and sending kids another school grade four has three spots grade five has six thoughts, so you have 10 spots left to Central school for past. Um, we need more room. In addition, as I'm sure we're all aware, there are some Development going on in town. All the place at. Snowing, the place of Haddonfield will be finished six to eight months. that's 20 units. Ellis will shortly follow. After that. That's another 19 units. And then, the Bancroft Field. on the 120 units. coming. We're taking the students. That's what we do. They're coming. we're taking and we'll do well. education. Well, that's who we are. That's what we do. But in order to do is best for the best of our capabilities. We really need to have the ability. We need the space to do that. and that's one of our key pieces here. We have to have the space when this done, if successful. All three elementary schools will have at least 23 instructional spaces classrooms. that's 19. Classrooms that gives you enough for full day kindergarten in each building, three classrooms, each of the five grades and then a pre-count They'll have a dedicated art room. A dedicated music room and two flex spaces. from two extra rooms, it can be used for real language. Science gets in town. it or if need be in additional instructional classroom to go to four sections. So that's 23. Our goal table have 25. And that's important part, because as you know where the developments are going up. that's the Tatum area. So they'll have more rooms there. um, also be working on doing things with. Small group of structure that specialize areas. So if you've been our elementary schools, I think most you probably have you'll notice there. The hallways are alignment, desks Teachers are working students. In the hallway. Because we don't have space for it. We'll have small group of structures but that could be aware that, that one-on-one reading or those things can be done in privacy, rather in public area, our area for specials Music are are often marginalized Here's a picture of this is fun. Tatums. UM, Media Center where music lesson So in their library, there's music lessons going on, it's just not appropriate. So we're looking for ways to make sure that all of our areas are margins. Are specials have not been warned Like and these are things we value our music. These are important things, and we want to make sure they have the appropriate. facilities to perform and and reach their their goals as well. Also under your space, could be converted for more modern use two examples of that are here in high school. Right. below us. But there's a room called C8. It's a large lecture hall. It's tiered stairs. It's probably got 79 levels here. holds about 80 kids and what would be like how Excel electrical almost never used. Used for study halls and special meetings, faculty meetings. That room would be repurposed to become a new business center by leveling out the floor. Having to partially here we have an interior classroom C3 in a high school which is basically an unused. Password, you should be computer room. Now, since idle motion of that, we would convert that with C6 and make a new computer center. and manufacturer, and a manufacturer. So we take these under your spaces make them useful, put them in, put them into play to help. educate our students. Auditoriums. Or auditoriums are antiquated. And in this repair, They need all new sound lights, seating. The number of seats. we have broken in or auditoriums is significant. We have no No room for wheelchairs, you know, and the auditorium. So they are in desperate need to prepare in addition. Middle School. Auditorium. Underneath the auditorium are music practices for kids. Take individual music lessons. Know each back down there. No, circular air circulation that has to be upgraded. The the high school. Um the old girls locker room not from back in the day. Now serves as a dressing room is storage room for the drama club. It is. And terrible s***. That's all gonna be completely redone. So the whole program here is to have these two significant spaces brought up. the speed other issue is are Middle School. Auditorium can see, maybe 300 or 600 kids in the building. So you cannot have a full building assembly. You can only bring one class at a time down In essence, the CD will be in justice of the entire school can fit. So all these days I make them more purposeful and useful areas. and the part here to the plaster walls, the walls are older and contained contain asbestos um, that remedied through a bond referendum. it's helpful because the estate aid on that. also they did in the future. What we don't want to have happen is how to prepare that ourselves an emergency because then there's no state aid for it. And we want to make sure we're ahead of that planning for that. Something to that effect, where if we had a replace plaster walls in one of our audience would testing each other down the building because it's a type of remediation. we have to, we couldn't have people in the building, which would be really problematic that happened in those school here. We're hoping to get ahead of this. get this done. so that finance for risk and the risk of court closing. the schools for temporarily is out of play. But okay. Athletic complex. It helps me forest only think of more of a global view. of this piece. as you own probably now, or may now The. section of all secret Bancroft, where Cooley Hall is and carous out the three historic buildings. not low with all. the one in school now, from copies of um, we have a vision here, making this into a useful athletic complex, when we did our visioning sessions a couple years ago What the overwhelming message to be got from? The community was they wanted this area to be not just for the schools, but for the community that it can be used by everyone had built, not just a schools. that's what we try to make happen. so, Where Cooley Hall is once that comes down. the board is already allocated money to put in a multitask. a multi-sport turf field. that's already in play. That's not part of referendum. That's something we already do it. This referendum would like that field of a parking around. It meaning can be used. More often. as a matter of fact, if we can practice two teams on our two different turf fields, we're estimated in the fall. You get about 27 hours more time for youth sports on the fields. We have right now, that's not including Saturdays. That's a big that's a significant number and it's not just the hours. Our kids are out too late, right? Our kids are out. if you have children, young children playing sports, they're starting practices seven or seven. thirty not finishing practice. 777 relationship. This being able to have our high school teams practice side by side will mean the youth sports gets there earlier, means their home earlier. they're in bed and we're appropriate time, even a high school teams are Passing too late. because with the backup, you got enough fuel for everyone to practice. So the goal here with this field and with this, Jim we're proposing is the get kids. Practicing after school and then being able to go home. Sprint. We have a cross now. We have the track and the cross, we're playing together. the cross cannot start. practicing. We're playing a game until after track is finished. because you can't have them going on. Track has to be at the school because middle school track. has same property time. If we have another turf field here, which we'll have related the cross guitar practicing. right? The school playing games before clock kids room earlier. We're appropriate time, you can get on sooner. All those all those dominoes fall in a very favorable way. The other off the other aspect of this is for putting a proposal for a new component competition size gym with an auxiliary wrestling room. Same thing that we would able to have boys and girls. basketball practice the same time. They get home. Decent time. You come in, this is this enables all of our students have a better experience with that the wrestling room. Also, in addition, our current wrestling below it right down over there. First floor is 2500 square feet. That's two giant classes. It's unused space. Most of the time if we move wrestling to an auxiliary gym that space can become useful for school for future instructional purposes. It's not part of this referendum. Because we don't need that right now, but we want to have that be able to happen in the future. If we don't have this happen, that wrestling room space will be what it is. So we're looking ways. it makes look at the future and make sure we're resting those needs as our elementary kids come up through the, through the racks. The other part of that's going to be happening over there. All the three historic buildings. the carriage house. the Maggie house, and the shed will be restored. Some of them removed. And this is not part of the referendum. But this is a side note to what we're doing. We've had. So we have had a couple people in town, reach out about developing vocal in partnership with school. So, we're meeting with people and talking about that. Our idea. Is if we can work with someone to secure that property and make it useful to the school, we'll have parking little control. what happens there? so there's not something. Bigger than we want. And we may have the future use for the programs right now. We don't know programmatically would do with it, but having that there, controlled that can be crucial and invaluable. So we are working with people and discussions with them about. Hey, if we can make a little work, maybe we can make that a partnership And we can take that into what we're gonna do a position for the future. So if we take that giant, parcel, Hopkins of Hopkins, Land, and you put in the additional lit field with all the parking another competitive size gym, and maybe little with haul. We now have secure that area adjacent to the high school, which would be a great thing for our student for our families and students. So that's part of the vision of all of us. Building Maintenance Repair. Our last referendum. Was all about there. one of the things you should notice about this one is a lot of it's not repair but a lot of this is repair. so we will be going through replace all the windows in this building Replacing the Coppola Roofing by the time we're done with this. Order rules will be good until the 2040s. So, we're looking at next 20 years without having to replace another word for not serious damage, done to it. We're also by the way, roofing. we're using rod grants and for ageback systems, we're using esip to make sure that's million dollars. pulled out of the referendum. and found Twitter alternate sources of fun for making efforts to make sure that all of this money doesn't fall in the referendum. We're finding fun. other ways to make this happen. On American containing. floors. All the buildings will be removed. We have to run our air systems in those rooms 24 hours. a day off. Keep that it goes rooms. there flowing through America, those those Aprs. and the agent here. we'll upgrade select areas of Carter parking stairwells. We're getting nine million dollars in state. That's nine million dollars. If we get these repairs right out of our budget We get no shady. So these repairs are happening and we're getting reimbursed almost 20% of the entire project and it's nine ticket. Safety improvements. All of our schools. Need new fire alarm systems. Our systems are antiquated, they're out of date. Finding parks to repair them is becoming near the impossible. So, we have to make sure they're all up this up this enough because that's very important. I want to know. They are currently working the buildings are safe But we want to make sure we're ready for the future. The high school. Is the only building that has not had a new vestibule, put in for safety. That will be part of this. With a transaction window. I want to point this out. That will not look different. investor. best of Yule would be put inside the ability. We are not changing the front of the school. I might put the picture, then I was wearing people and say that, but we don't do is we don't put in pictures of our security for people having public. So that's just a picture of the frontal but the high school which is the only one that is secure. vessel right now will have Early shot. education. um, this would be the academically talked about, Accessibility early childhood education. Academic standards have increased. Um, the need for our youngest learners to have more time in school more time and programs that can benefit them is crucial. There are 600 school districts plus in New Jersey. Roughly five, don't have full day kindergarten and we're one. This is way past on. And it's something we would do immediately. if we had the space to do it with those addition to the station, talking about earlier are necessary, we simply do not have space for another from the classroom. What would that? What would that look like? How? why is that such a big deal? Here's a minute. We would receive over 5,000 more minutes of math instruction for our five Perkins five year. we receive two thousand dollar, 2,000 minutes of specials. We have no signs of social studies programs. Right now, we received 5,000 minutes more than that, we received 3,600 structure play structure, play curiosity, you're so critical for children. that age. We don't have time for we run in. We unpack, we do a reading lesson. we do a math lesson, we have a snack. we pack up and we go. Right. That's not kindergarten. That's rushing through things on this free time of joy and learning. All told Literacy 65 and 6,300 more minutes. and 1895 Foundations of Reading Program, 135 more hours, a crucial instruction for our littlest learners. It's invaluable. it's adding weeks to school year and is crucial. and it's one of our biggest missions. and that's one of the things that grow up this a lot of the surround, if you remember a year ago, we were talking about pre-k2 We love it. Universal pre-K. We cannot have that. We don't have the space for right now. We do have inclusive pre-K but Universal's not something can look at out right now. So just looking for they kindergarten Building renovations. Now we're talking next three slots. Just talk about three different elementary schools. And what we're doing there. So, the 1890s building on board office is gonna come part of Central Central School. Um, it'll be additional classrooms small group instructions. we will have dedicated guidance offices. we're going to read the ground floor has a small room They can find those to make the more functional classrooms. That's part of our classroom. Adding, Um, we're gonna enlarge expand. the nurses office. So that right now the middle school and the Central School. Share Nurses Office. And we're going to split that the two nurses office. And here's one of the reasons why Elizabeth Hadden has four or two students. One nurse the nurses up. Has two beds is roughly, 600 square feet. Um, such a middle has 11 other Two nurses, two beds. and their nurses office is also 600 square feet. Um, so that's really important. We're able to separate those out and make that proper functional place for our nurses to work. And then once again, the poor to place surfaces for all of our Elizabeth hadden. There's a rendering of what those have Elizabeth had is going to get Intane. will be getting additions. This is a rendering, the Elizabeth height. Addition with this comes an elevator, On the top floor, right here. I'll try to get both of them. Is in the top floor will be a media center. The office will be moved down below the Media Center. so I'll be the office. the new office for the meetings in on top. To the right that the Media Center. there's windows here. in the second coordination. There are four classrooms going in there. That thing just out piece of Chuck's out is a stairwell for emergency evacuation. So by putting this on, we would be able to put in an elevator. Make. all those had accessible, get them to the 23 classroom. We want to have make a functional accessible main office with a new media center. If you've been to this media center, it is time. Matter. If I grabbing a board meeting there a couple weeks, I would invite you all to come. Because I would say right now, I don't fit y'all in here. That's the people standing out the hallway. Looking at me. I'm so our goal is to get this building up toward we can meet capacity for our students and improve things like the media Center. small group of structure area. all those needs. you identifier limited, Tatum Elementary JF Tatum also, an addition on top of the current main office, we go up an addition on there. That would contain a media center. and two new classrooms. if you've been in Tatums Media Center, There's a hallway that goes through it. So in the middle of it was at one point, was the end of the building. they put an additional building and they just put doers. so you can walk through the day. So in classes are going to Media Center. You guys are living walk through the classroom as it's happening. Where the media center are both had. and a tatum will be converted into other classroom. errors. Art rooms music room first up effects. We'll have a property. Size kitchen. I'm The Kitchen that Serves 400 students at Tatum. Is smaller than I would say every kitchen that we have in our homes. it's 10 by 12, Maybe it is incredibly small. You've got people working there, trying to start 400 kids lunch. It's just not satisfied. Just doesn't work out. there so we're gonna have that improved. I had in classrooms once again, small group of structure, space. Get those. Those private things where you're working, one along, how to read out a for concentration for products. Specialized learning spaces, we call thought of this before. On small group. instruction. I have plenty of spaces for all these and each of the buildings. Using a world language often that class environment. Make sure they have that places for steam engine. That's also done almost in closet Sometimes we have people working in what we're converted storage room. So as you see the book room, we took the shelves out, we put a couple destiny that's now RG here. This won't be that way. We'll have to sticks that they're actually proper learning requirements. Media centers. There's a picture of the tatum meaning. So I just talk about before that's from one door to the other door. the media center. that'll be upgraded central. Middle library. We'll have a dividing my right now. just kind of flows into one. They'll have the divider. so you can have central sliding mill side. The circulation desk is 25% of square footage of the central minute That's when you reduce dramatically take that space away from the adults who work there. give the kids they can take a learning space. where they improve it there. This library will get some smaller upgrades. Elizabeth had to take them. I said we have The new libraries installed in there in their buildings. This is what most of you are probably here. This is the cost, 60 46.7 million in total improvements. nine million dollars a state. Um, you can see it's got 20%, got 20% off. um, UM, tax impact on the assessed house, Average Success House of 530 Out 530,000 hours of 369 a year. So basically a dollar net but the average discussed out not market value assessed House. it's going to be roughly. an hour. That's what this is going to. That's what this is going to be bringing us. Um, just to show assess versus market value. So one on Zillow There's four houses on the left. they're currently on zillow marks for sale. That number on the left is what Zillow has them guessing? What they're going to sell for. The column with the right shows your assessed value. So here we see a house, it's assessed for five. that's zillow, has for 550, the market, the assessed value is 297. and what we're going to ask people to do is when they look at, this, they just try inside. If I'm voting for this or against I want to know what my assess value is not my market. because the assessed value is where we get That's what that's what the impact is. It has a 5:30 on this test value. all four of these houses or the three to four houses are below the average assessed value, that all four of them are well above it in. Price. Not as important message trying to get through like that. If you're looking for your assessed value, if you go to, you know, had to go. Oh, is that one there? and take part of you? Is all that. We'll have the information on the website which get up to but you want to talk about the debt running off. it's helping us a little bit here. Yes. So from this fiscal year into next fiscal year, we'll have a drop off. Yeah. So drop off into that means we have a significant decrease in debt payments. We will have over 800,000 less to pay in debt, less year, which means there is a Tax free impact on. What? what the proposal is. So that's that's the difference of this year. And next year, as far as our current debt Well, how bonds work for examples? Um, just to make sure people understand too. I know, because there's a lot of a lot of talk about other going for another bond referendum. And if you'll notice all schools, do that, periodically? it's about three to five years cycles. The reason that that happens is really the funding system of New Jersey. So our schools every year, you know, we get our normal tax increase that we can do our the most that we can increase with the exception. if they let us go up. another half percentage or something due to it Due to, you know, um, it's two percent so that two percent that goes up every year is still less than inflation less than cost of living races for the faculty. and staff. It's only gonna help us operationally, right? So that to we're our job is to manage our budget operationally within that framework. that 2 And we keep that in mind every year. New Jersey's plan. So that community can can have say in large expenses in districts is that if you want to do big improvements on your, in your district, you have to go out and ask the community and you're going to have a vote. Um, that's why we went back to the table a few times to revise this vote. We really want to reflect what it is the community. most needs. And that's the purpose of having a bond referendum is that we can't just say Oh, we're going to just raise your taxes and we're going to do that. It's not. It's really a matter of us going to you and saying like like what you need, and then we come up with a plan. But even more than that, it gives us an opportunity. We submit this to to the New Jersey Department of Education where they review it. They look at our needs and the and, and grant money that they're, they're offering. and that's why we get state aid. So if they see, we are, we do have an influx of students. and we do have Unhealth students. they're going to give us additional money towards these improvements, that we want to do. If we try to do it, not that we have the money, but if we try to do it without doing the bond preparendom that state is not available. and so, while it seems like we do these periodically, that is the way the system is designed. So that you are your community continue to grow to meet the demands of your changing changing district. and Does that mean I does? that make sense to you guys? Right here. Just questions, let me know, feel free to email me later. Thanks for is 2% of the tax lady, not percent attacks. It's what we whatever we our tax study this year. Next year is that 11 plus 2%, Regardless of what happens around everyone's house improves. and the total sets value of the community. rises. Granted, what you did significantly last year. So total size, value community went about 20, 20 over 20 million dollars or between may not, that doesn't that doesn't matter to us. it's the two percent. What we letting this year, it's added on which I'm not gonna talk about programs right now, but that's one of the things that gets involved with that whole discussion. So the number two percent About 40 million dollars about 800,000. So, that's where we are with our year to year increases. Um, here's our presented timeline, Tuesday, December 10th. We're gonna have a vote, um, if successful We'll go out for bids and in spring of 25, summer 25, again construction And then three to five years complete construction based on a lot of factors. putting addition, the second floor edition on a building when your children in there, nine months. A year, 10 months a year, is not an easy thing to do. It has to be planned. very well. So, last time we had a referendum 2016, it all happened wants. this will not happen, once this will be staged in based on how much the school district can handle. What the distress of a construction project. And so that's that's what that would figure out. Down the road. if successful. here's, Where you can follow us, figure it all out. We have three board. meetings coming up. We'll be going at different schools so people can go be their ahead of time. so people can see what's going on. So at the time to 12 will be at Central middle for a board meeting that have had on the 26 and October 10th will be a Tatum and September 30th here. We're out of Town Hall, which will be more of a question and answer. not more meeting. I'll have a quick preview of review of this without me time when we have a question and answer engaging back and forth with the community more so than just a presentation of what those And we're discussion. Work. and trying figure to meet the needs While meeting the Financial needs of the community, without going talk, while that numbers. I think are pretty good. Number, considering what we're getting for it. Nice. feet. Oh yeah. I'm sorry. That's Any other in one of any questions I know we've been a few examples but yeah. I would just say also, what a exciting thing to be at a point as you say after a very long time of deliberation, lots of experts and the fact more importantly that we are listening to our community. We are asking teachers what they need to be able to teach better. We are asking students and families and the community. how in already pretty fabulous district can be even better and how our schools, how our buildings are facilities. can really enhance and just continue to support our kids and families. So it's really exciting to see the work. If I can say one thing. So I think for for some of us, this has been a very long road and we've seen, you know, every step along the way for some people, this is the first that you're seeing. This is a lot to take in all at once. Chuck. The one thing that I do want to say there's all of this stuff that we're talking about and you also mentioned well worth and I just want to be really clear that is that's not at all. That's right. Because that, you know, we've been planning this for. I can't. Yes. So Lord Hall. We decide we want to try to purchase that now for a dollar and then we have through borrower, it's too late for that. This this these plans were submitted to the state in May they have to go through the state and come back with quotes and probably estimated cost. that's part of the referendum process. We couldn't. We can know, we cannot now add anything to that. So the idea of adding a lower hole in there, just is not possible at this time, Lord Hall is not part of this nor is the multicore field. They are outside of it. Although they are part of Your hole is not part of vision yet, baby. The field is part of the Currently of having that athletic complex. And again, we did that because we worked at the state aid for it, correct? So to pull it out, made a lot of sense. That's really impressive that almost 20% number of state. Yeah, it is. And we did want to maximize that obviously but Because we have such an influx of our student population. that that actually benefited us because it's really the state saying, yes, you What else? Students? I, I have to go back and look for anybody. and it went off from the first submission we didn't to last September to this past. minute. So I have to go back. Yeah. we should look that up. So in the next I mean because they do tell us how many on how students on house on how students there's a state, the formula state use the formula of your and then based on that, they give you a number of students that are called on a house students. beyond your capacity. And all three elementary schools on middle school. We are beyond capacity for educational. Purposes. It's the tune of several hundred correctly so we'll figure that output our experience but we are We are. Enrollment is a challenge. well, and to that point and I was something that we've, you know, been talking about. But I, it makes me happy to see that within this plan while we can't accommodate everything right now. The idea that these flex spaces are built in and that these things that okay, you know, and especially all of the new developments the new enrollment aren't gonna hit right away. And so why do we want to go and build this one? We're just gonna be outgrowing it, you know, by the time it's built. but having these flex faces in, and to see them be. So, clearly part of the plan is helpful because it's like, we're not just trying to put a Band-Aid on, right now. it's like, Okay, here's this. And now how can we grow this into something that we're gonna need in the future? Because we can't exactly estimate what we might need. That's why Tatum, which is where the classrooms, you know, two or 23. That's why. if we move the wrestling room out that's too potentially, as you can tell here right now you can based from storage. we can save tens of thousands of dollars a year for buy all of our Our exclusive ones. So that's not, that's not fancy or but it's practical. and we didn't want to invest in building those two classrooms until we needed them. to have had a program for. so we're trying to be responsible. not just building things for just to build them to have a little vision for it. yeah, this Is so much time, and all that, once we also wanted to write size the referendum by building out additional classroom space and flex space. But all. So recognizing that we don't know what the future holds. So identifying space, that could then at a later date. be available for additional can't just pop a lean too much. Yeah. And that becomes a challenge of a school district. Because we, we respond to the community. As it comes. So we don't really. There's it's just you find out something's happening and we don't have the ability to just say like Hey let's build this. Let's add more classrooms. If you can't possibly That. So, this is our mechanism for responding to this growth. Well, another thing to add to that too. is I also really loved how you pointed out that some of these different facilities aren't just for the school district that it really is for the community. Yeah, you know, I'm all about that, but it's but they think that is what makes this community. So, you is that there is that sense of, okay, we have these spaces and how can we, as a community utilize them together? And I think by just putting that thought, and even just articulating that, I think it's really important. And appreciate it. One other thing I just reiterate is the very data driven approach that this team is using, right? We're not saying hey, we sure have a lot of kids 99% capacity. we're sitting in the hallway for certain classes, Chuck. and the team are looking at data. You're over year, They're saying How many kids do we have? Who we need to serve and we want to serve and how much space do we have? And we're projecting. using all types of different data sources. And we know that that demand will continue. This is a very sought after community and people are here many. I am here for our schools and I think that's probably true for many of the people in this room. So we also have a mentioned. the auditoriums that, as you were speaking. I was reminded of the middle school, auditorium and sitting in there for elementary and an orchestra concert and The performance is wonderful. I think more than half of the seats were broken. Versus those that were functional. not to mentioned with area. I'm not it was not an ideal. Far from ideal situation. There's a lot of high schools probably worship. just the metals coming off. here. I was gonna say the two things I'm most excited about the planetariums because our teachers and students put on amazing performances and really crappy spaces and I cannot wait. to see what it's gonna try. you. Super Excit. ed, I'm also super Excited. even though my youngest is in fourth grade that will have full day kindergarten. I mean, that's an educator that it's just super important. Never mind with the rest of the state is doing. We just know that is. what is good for all kids and so sure those are might have those things. Yeah, yeah. a district that has such a phenomenal reputation. Well earned I should say reputation for our academics, for our athletics for the community, we have to be lagging in in that important area is, is interesting. You know, if and when for the kindergarten is implemented, Do we have a plan for like funding it? Long term? Yes. That's a really good question because being in this buildings that that are already functioning the cost is much is is correct is much more in line when we look to go to another building, or if you're look if you sit around the building, you put a whole new administrative team in there. That's very expensive. So we have a plan for the future of staffing. we have and we actually have years. So it even if we're successful, well, kindergarten will be, will not be 25 You're always 26 27. Probably the earliest but we will. we will have a plan in place. We'll be able to support that and fun. in one of the note with the full day kindergarten that when you pointed it out with those hours and minutes like okay, I think it was amazing to see that but what makes me most excited is to see the time for then structured play, you know, because I will say, not only as a teacher myself but also as a, therapist that this notion for other social, emotional learning and for teamwork. And so many things in the future of having a place where they can just have space to build the curiosity and have this structured play to figure things out that actually research has shown. That that actually sets them up for better outcomes in the future. And so it's just so Key for that balance between the academics. but also that social aspect. Okay. The research also suggests or shows Full day kindergarten gives more opportunity for teachers to identify learning stabilities, which it then means earlier treatment, which then needs of course, greater better outcomes for the students. Um, and if you're looking at a purely fiscal responsibility, it's becomes much cheaper over time because your special education costs go down. is much As we are, you know, it's much better to to diagnose a disability early and get the services. the student needs. And you can understand you're there for two and a half hours, if a student has a disability, that's not Very obvious. It's going to be much easier to identify that when you have full day and your downtime, you have structure to play when a lot of those disabilities start to show themselves a little more. you're just listening to this, conversation, then you think of something. So my daughter is in fifth grade now And I speaking to one of our former teachers today, she said, you know, this was the class that went. when we went to covet, they were in kindergarten and I'm just thinking as I'm listening to this, conversation, How many of her peers had to get more? intervention than what parents expected? and I think that that was so impacted. So I think we can definitely bring those like absolutely. Yeah. And we did find that when we went now. Now it's been a few few years now my but I increase learning time even though it was the one zoom the extra what 15 minutes of reading instructions, almost four hours a day kindergarten. Yeah, we gave that extra time because it was on zoom and we felt bad that they're not in person. So they have more little more than usual and their scores went up here. That was actually a good scores that year because we went from two hours and 30 minutes before you see a difference. just imagine the combination. Being able. Right. Yeah. and so now, it's a matter of deciding if, if this is if this is at, as we want to move forward, we the question here. What's up? We're gonna do public comment, I wasn't going to read this yet, but do we? I just wanted to see if anyone had any questions or concerns about it, or if we were ready to vote after pop up, On any. We're okay. All right. We will now begin the open. public comment session. I'm glad we have some some newbies here. I have a little little speech that I read beforehand will remind you if you if you didn't catch all Um we'll now begin open public comments session members of the community or are invited to speak for up to three minutes at this time. If you'd like to make an additional comment, you must wait until each person has had a chance to make their initial statement. All comments must be directed toward the board. not members of the public according to our bylaws comment section can last no longer than one hour. This is an opportunity for the board to listen. but not to be issues or enter a question and answer period, Please be aware that not before a board meeting will be resolved that evening. We ask you to identify your yourself by stating your name and the name of your street before making your comments. While public education can be an emotional issue, we strive to maintain a certain level of decorum at the meeting public meetings. are streamed and available for replay on YouTube and students often participate in the meetings as such citizens are expected to maintain a tone of courtesy and civility. So um, you can come up one at a time to make your comment as you come up. Know that, when if you ask a question, we're not going to answer it. But we're noting it. And we are going to assemble some frequently asked questions. We are going to have the town Hall question and answer period as well. So there will be time but we just didn't want you to visit our regular routines. we don't answer questions and we're keeping this as a formal 14. So, you can come up. Hi. Um, I'm Steph on Impeller Street First, high, and thank you for all of your hard work. The improvements, across all of this. holes and some fantastic. So the parent and the teacher I'm excited. And for my children's education, I spoke both in May of 23 and January 24th. I said I've been 11 year old who has just started the middle school. Some second day of sixth grade today and she had a wonderful education, even during Covid and she was, she's sixth grade now. So, she was in first grade or covid Know about how hard that is. But we also have an almost and three old. So he's going to be the head and field high school class of 2040. I know he will have a great education here, but for all the reasons that you stayed in this calls and that all of you were just going back and forth about the importance of food. kindergarten. I'm having that is so important and if possible by 202728, that would be great. But thank you so much for making that a priority. There are so many students that that will. benefit and thank you. I forgot to specify we do, do I know I said in my comments that we have a three men limit. so what we really use it. So if you start going over, three minutes and I start to lightly dabble it means pick up your pace a little bit and then you can come back at the end but just in case in all of that I said, I don't want anyone taking it personal because I do feel Financial. Question. One relates. Yeah. David Cornbrew and 311 Lincoln You want a bangra for a 467 but it says the final eligible. Course. Our 265 explained, That's a 20 million dollar difference. I would like to know the difference one that final eligible cost is versus what you want to fund. and the second question is, with, when you want to add on to know two school buildings, have you checked to see that the roots can take the load? Yeah, just saying that we did work with Architect. S. So I know it's gonna answer, I'm not gonna answer. I'm just so we did have everything. cleared with the architects. just right? I think other people might ask the question. That's a 20 million dollar difference. Between the two. that's the big number. I know it's that and it's like, literally feels. They wouldn't have been eligible. Like they're so, yeah. Yeah, you know eligible versus analogable class. It's not just being a frustrating purposes. I do not have it. I like building the cost. Sorry, we don't normally respond to coming with that. dentist. You We have Tony here. Do we want to just that's not a right number? Yeah, yeah. Like I don't know. They're all this our first time. Yeah. We just want to do is make sure answers. are. Sorry. So yeah. so basically what happens is, once the projects are identified your architects submits project applications to the state of New Jersey and they review those projects for eligibility. Not all projects are eligible for eight. So for any of your renovation projects, like your roofs, your windows. all that stuff, that's a hundred percent elegant for other projects like yeah, Athletics for example, that some of that stuff is not eligible for. So that makes up the difference between the total project calls and what projects are eligible to receiving. So when the superintendent went through the analysis and showed you that you're getting about 9 million dollars, based on that was just 20% of the total project or whatever that calculation was is eligible for aid. So the total cost of all the project is 46 million. Yeah tomorrow 46 million. >> HSD Broadcast: Have to keep that way. And while there's discussions between, Borough and board of Ed. We have to keep moving. Forward. and the things that I hear, you know, as we kind of Get conflicted within town. They hurt me to a point of You gotta sometimes step up and say something. I think my point is the things that you guys are trying to do or the things that we Need. They're not just the things we want. They're the things that we need. and there's got me a happy medium medium between the burrow. And the board of Ed. To make sure we're doing all the things that we both need and want. I'm not sure where that all lies, but we've had opportunities before, and I understand Analysis. speak to everyone present, break the rules. I see a lot of young faces in here and We might think that a vote for More money. More money. take your taxes up. Everything's going to take your taxes. up. It's gonna happen. One way or another. But the difference is, you can take your taxes up. And have control over what? you're doing. I spearheaded. A team. January 18th, 2013. and try to get a referendum passed for the board of Ed to take Bancroft. And we lost. by very slight margin and my point to the rest of the community was Okay. The the town is spoken. And then, sure enough. I mean, I'm sorry. That's okay. Give me my 30 seconds but the time My only morning was, you don't know what's going to come next. and then, this has come next now for 11 years, And if we have a chance to do something, that's right. I'm just saying we put people in these positions. And nice. All right, my up against. But wasn't going to speak the my question now. I know the numbers Carol Stoner on Avondale Avenue, um, I'm just a little bit concerned with the numbers. came in about the school. District debt ceiling. plus the addition of this blonde bottom. So we currently, oh, I think our debt ceiling is a hundred million dollars, but I'm not sure about that. Maybe that's something that you could get back. Um, and with the addition of this bond, I'm not sure how much money that leaves actually, but probably not a whole lot. I think it's around 20 million dollars. to review. My concern is what happens if we need to add another school because of the amount of unknown students that may come here because of the proposed. 120 bankrupt rental units and people moving in here selling their homes. People older people. so their homes, A lot of kids, I have five brought a lot of kids, so I just wanted to know if you thought about that. if you've given yourself enough wiggle room in order to add another school, if you need to. and is there a possibility to raise your debt ceiling? should you have made for another school? So it's just that was my question. I am sorry and I live on Walnut Street. I just had a quick question because I'm not Is there a possibility for some of these projects to get approved? and others? not in case budget goes over and who decides? which projects get cut and which say Because they're all very important. So I was I'm just concerned that like maybe some would get overlooked That's my question. This is more than yes. I know. I think we actually I think we kind of should. Yeah. this is law. So yeah, yeah. So this week. Yes. they will all get done. So, the way we're it's there will be one single question to vote for the bond. Or again, it had been years worth of really planning the budget. So it's and there's, there's money built into the buffer just in case. So it will likely it will fall. Yeah. architects are here. Who helped. So, you want to talk to this? but by law we will ever think it's done. Great. Question, go through the roof. Come from the fortunately. it's settled quite a bit and the escalation is improving. but by law, there's certain things we have to account for one is while we Prepare, our financials conservatively. We also have to provide the necessary competencies which we carry in these buttons. We also have to be a blank contingency room for Mr. Get on a by law. on the total project cost for other unforeseen conditions could arise. because we are renovating historic sharpness. and many of these instances. And there are going to be so between conservative budgeting it, contingencies and our estimates. And then they continue, which is also included Richmond Catalano will carry during the award of a contract. So we have money for undressing conditions. We feel very comfortable with the financial S, thank you. that answer your question. Yeah. thank you. Can I have one more thing and I hope to speak but I just want to know this And it's it's in responsibility. Okay? When we do the district for the moment projects, we reach out the Department of Education and they provide us with what they call the co-works enrollment projection numbers that says it shows the population of your students over the past five and it shows the The next five. When we receive that information this year, we worked with Mr. Capital on office, Klaus and Susan Cutter at the Department of Education because the Lawrence facility coming up these And we actually impacted your enrollment projections to account for the plan developments, which are on paper forthcoming. So we were able to account for some of that future. population based on planned in developments that are happening in. so, there's some accounting for the currently don't existed that's for a snowden. Ellis but not for bankrupt. Correct. Answer the 100 so that it projecting the state gave us is for place. It Haddonfield Snowden Avenue and Ella Street. 120 years of bankrupt are not part of our projected enrollment at this point in time. based on statements. Okay. Rather speak after you. I might want to come up a second time. Well. Well, I find my little speech. I want to appreciate what. I'm getting a feedback or something. I love the audio here, so congratulations, Board of Education. You've got all over the commissioners on this, where's the camera? Okay. so I appreciate it. Listening to Taco Melly, and four generation of Bulldogs. I represent a half a generation of dogs here. so but I'm I'm this as much in Aficion. of hand field as anybody can be. So, that's my trailer. Hello. Speaking, I wrote this down so I wouldn't go over time. Speaking for myself as a voter. But also I believe for all tight-fisted and prudent voters. I'm looking forward to seeing the details. The itemized dollar details in the boards. upcoming referendum request. My details by details. I mean the whole kitten caboodle of every expenditure planned or hoped for detailed as nearly as possible knowing that plans are necessarily based on projections In addition. I'm asking the board to make available to the public. the district's entire past years, expenditure general, ledger in spreadsheet or in spreadsheet compatible format. Posted publicly on your website. Not your Google Docs stock server. In, which would include the standard four digit detail. column also known as the account code. or the account number, And is commonly used to categorize transactions into organize accounts. If this is asking too much. I believe we are all very open to hearing your explanations as to why and I ask in the name of transparency to please explain in detail so that we can all understand your rationale for making this information. Available to us. As far as I've been able to check, I believe there are no legal encumbrances. This will be of immense, help for voters, deciding how to vote on the referendum. So, thank you. Hello. Dave site out 49 Grove Street. First question, it's mostly question exactly. wrong the record and I'll pull it back around. The first question is multi-part reference. so we have 26 million, eligible projects. 46 Total was there. any thought in dividing that into a multipart referendum instead of going and all in you know not for you to answer tonight. Just something I think should be addressed. the decision and rationale behind a single referendum instead of a multi-part And then I'm running for commissioner. Not a surprise, one of the big reasons is I've seen good working relationships between Navarro and the Board of Education in my 10 years in your seat. it doesn't exist right now and we're all suffering it. So, the first question I have is how is the tear down of Cooley Hall being coordinated because that's a structure. that's bigger than two of your elementary schools. that needs to disappear before. you're realization of an athletic complex on op. It's parcel could happen. So I'm curious to know how that's being coordinated. Is the answer and then hopefully. well is a better answer than that. The other one is does that complex now make us a destination for community athletic events in all seasons. Have two different things. It's properties that are well maintained and property values structured supported by the school district. and equate downtown, and a great downtown is supported by by people. People being brought into this community is not just closing down Kings Highway. it's supporting athletic events in our capacity. so hopefully that need of the community. It will be addressed by this complex because it will drive downtown traffic. So I ask the question is, how do you think that will support that? I think that's a softball that I can talk to you. And then the last question is I think it needs to be published is What's our current bond rating? So, on the street, What's the bond market? Look like what's our bond rating look like? And how will that impact the sale of box that we sold? And the last time we did a Bond referendum? we actually sold it for five years less. and then a better term than we predicted. So we took five years right off the top. Of. And then to echocal service question, What does our bond capacity? Look our borrowing capacity. look like after the 2016 project this project, but with all the stuff rolling off. So just like a regular kind of the would be great. We're just my questions. Thank you. Good evening. My name is Tim Fitzpatrick. I live on East Park Drive. I have two children in the school system. I have a middle schooler in high schooler and I'm here to lobby on behalf of our performing arts students. I know there are some comments early on the auditoriums and in the presentation I didn't see dollar amounts allocated for any of those categories. So I don't know if they're set yet, but performing arts keeps lifelong skills. and our central to a good education. Students, learn confidence. they learn presentation and public speaking skills. They learn collaboration. and teamwork. They learn the value and rewards of preparation and rehearsal work. and they learn to take creative risks. Performing Arts. teach students valuable things about themselves. They've learned to explore their own identities. Our student performance here in Haddonfield, working incredibly hard, My older daughter is in Madrigal. She's in choir. She's in drama club. Students spend 20 10 to 20 hours a week for her saying performing arts or every bit as rigorous and rewarding as any athletic, endeavor particularly here in Haddonfield. The Districts Performing Arts programs have been recognized for excellence and our high school and middle school. facilities, sell our students short. are all school board. Meetings should take place in the auditorium from now on. so we can fully share the flamer and aroma that comes with that auditorium. We should really be embarrassed by the state of facilities. My oldest daughter was in Chicago, this past spring, I had to move from one seat because the armrest was broken the seat. I moved to I got tripped on the rest of the performance. It's pretty distracting. I'll say my brother-in-law's at school. Administrative in Delaware he came to see his niece in Chicago and walked into the auditorium. He said My God. What's that smell? I mean, it's just, it's really embarrassing. We moved here four years ago from Alaska with our two children. We could have moved anywhere in the country but we've had in the field in large part because the quality the school system Please invest in our performing arts facilities to bring them up to the overall, high standard, the school district. And thank you for providing the opportunity for public input this evening. and for investing in our school facilities, All right. Hello board. I'm Samantha Bermudez. I live on Sylvan Lake Avenue. Right. in Russell Street there. So I, you know, I watch a high school. I watch every, um, I've watched Bangkok. I worked at bankrupt. I go through the woods every day I hear all these talks about open space new schools. And I wanted to advocate before I left here that it seems to me really logical with the acquisition of money. So the acquisition of new classrooms with the interest in open space Environmental sustainability if you didn't know, Bancroft had a wonderful. Horticulture department a wonderful greenhouse. I'm sure it's about to be torn down but it seems to me the bridge a lot of me. It's both academically and within the open. hopefully, open area based part of it being open. So I would want. And I'm hoping humans, the audience right to put a science like a robust science department with a strong horticultural area with a greenhouse with a green space designated students to support their. It's no really. can invest in Our open lands and the forest, which is horrendous actually. like, there's all this like three going down, like as much as we take care of our own land. We don't take care of our parks like our ugly spaces. like we need to have a better bridge towards our homes. our schools, and our right next to our neighbor. the parks, which nobody ever really speaks about. I feel like and I could be wrong. I think it's management Camden County Parks. But it needs a lot more care. And if we took a little kind of Intermediate extent there for those sorts of science programs. I think that would be absolutely wonderful and I'd love to see us in a direction. Well, that's important. Rich karma. Longwood Drive. 31 year, resident. Of the many questions that I have a limited to just Six. I would think. first, how many maintenance people aids teachers and ministers and others. will be required. For these allocations. Also. which has the largest, which two of the identified areas of need Which two have the largest allocations of money? Also. There is mention in this printout. it reads. Instead, the district intensive Score Partnerships with private child care. providers to create pre-K programs for head and fjord Who are these? providers? And why can't this be done? by parents, who are interested in having pre-K. To me, this. Seems. In a school district that has a 600 and there's a 29,000. For home medium price. you would seem to be affordable. Also. If Cooley Hall sits on property that the school district has acquired, How is it that the boroughs responsibility? to the borough's responsibility to demolish it? Also. How soon before the referendum will the tax day in public? Be notified. And will it be the these? figures be available at the Town Hall? I'd like to know. Could you just clarify will be notified of what? Exactly. just curious of what you, okay? Oh, this was a addressing a statement here. That says the site does not yet specify any potential household, tax impact. So, it's not that I'm addressing. What are you? What are you? Oh, this is from a printout here, Update Haddonfield schools board. referendum. But four days kindergarten high school. This was in the monthly article that was the NJ Pen article. This was a statement about the Haddonfield schools. of boundary and probably was the NJ panels. that we didn't have any. I was just a. so the numbers are available now. that's what we presented today. But when that was pretty but this is the first unveiling of the numbers. Yeah. And so it wasn't available whenever that was printed but after today the numbers that we presented here will be will be everywhere. Okay. In writing in right? Yes. Anyway, that's some of the questions. I think my time is up. Can you be done? you. Hi. My name is Dawn Schite. I'm at 538 in Albert's Avenue and for the past eight years, I've been working as a stipend position with the drama department as the hair makeup designer for the ball plays and musicals. My spot where I work is down in the old locker room. that's full of costumes. Also referred to as the costume room. So, I had to carve out a niche for myself and my crew, I live down there. for weeks at a time before each show, I have asthma. It's not really healthy. To be down there. Um it's not just the air quality, it's the fact that we have only one working sink and to working we have three stalls or four stalls for bathrooms. but only to work. This thing that does work was horrendously during covid. because to wash your hands with that sink, there aren't on off faucets. You have to hold the button down in order to get water. so you can only wash one handed at a time which They're are broken blocks glass blocks and window. Their arm have been open. outlets polls and walls. There are just so many things that I have concerns with. in the meantime, before we get to the point if the referendum is passed. things, that should be addressed almost as an emergency basis. It's It's becoming a health hazard. There's A broken railing in the staircase that we're using to go up and down. From the back of the stage. There is. plaster all over the walls. It's been crumbling in the areas where we do quick changes. It's not just the aesthetic of the property itself and the auditorium seats, and the comfort level of the audience. it's the functionality of the space that we're in and even having to climb the stairs in the back to go in with large pieces equipment. Building supplies sets, things like that. It's just um it's not a safe environment for anyone to be in long term. So I'm hoping that some of these things can at least be addressed. Before the four or five years down the road, if the referendum goes through, Thank you. Hi Crystal. Aska, he's Park Avenue, just to piggyback on what Don had just said. I also want to Kind of bring this very important point up at the middle school auditorium. we run. They had Builty Arts Center very often. we're renting the facilities but the middle school in high school when we bring in our professional teams our lighting designer sound designers, very often, they walk in, and they say this place is A five. Um, we get very nervous. We get very emotional about it. Our young act, so that very often feel like, the sports is what celebrated these are very Passionate children. Um, who put in a lot of time that patient. It's how they identify themselves through the arts. So I am thrilled to see that. This is being spoken about and that this year, I would love to see like what the plan actually is for the spaces. Um, you know, we have this beautiful picture of what this new Athletic building a facility will be and how we're just. it is, I would just love to see in the next meeting, Maybe here's the vision for what these auditoriums will look like. they're gathering spaces and our families come and That's it. Contrast Anyone else like to make a first comment? All right, we can go inside. not getting an extra 30 seconds. this time. So First. and foremost, I want to thank all of you people for the time you give our community. It's not a. Paid job. where you're getting all kinds of? Freebies. Maybe a couple beers at Kangaroo you, okay. I'm just Wow. But I really want to thank you guys because I know that you guys are doing this from the bottom of your heart. And I also want to. I'm not address the audience. I know I probably come off as the big dumb jock, but One of my children. I had daughter to play three sports. I had a son that went through the school system. With autism. This community. And welcomed him. and took care of my youngest son. Play. multiple sports. but also was I dare to brag but the lead in the three spring musicals from the sophomore, junior senior year. So Need for what? We're that's it. Well, now you I'm sorry, but I also endorse The support for the arts. Again, I just I come off as a big dumb job, but there's a there's a There's a heart in here, too. So thank you. To follow that. I'm Nancy. Benson Kirkley. And a little bit 289, Roads Avenue. and so, for the last 20 years, I've been a mom and I always have told my children that I want them to be safe first and happy second, It safely is the first thing. Happy is the second Thing. And then they got older in the line started to gray and safety and happy seeing. and intermingle little too close. so when no was freshman and he was going to play baseball, I would pick him up at the high school and I was drive him out to the baseball field. Now, I don't know if you've gone from the high school to the baseball field but there's a lot of traffic And there are all these high school boards, riding their bikes, on Grove Street when the backpack in the front and big baseball bag in the back and they would drive on the side. of their arms are wiggle. And I'm saying, Oh, please do that one. They'll be terrible. That would not be safe. And when we got to the, to the field, I realized that all these boys would take off their clothes and changing into their uniforms because there was literally no place for them to do that. and I, looked at no and I said No, what are they doing? What boys happening. So, what? Are we gonna do? I thought, Oh my gosh. So not only are they not being safe on the road? They're not being safe. once they get there and then Couple years later, I have a daughter. who's in all the high school plays, she spends hours there. Same kind of thing. I drop her off. She walks up the fire escape. And I say, Oh no, please don't let that virus. Get follow up. but building today. And then I see you're inside. and I say, Oh no, I hope that balcony doesn't Fall. Oh no. I hope that curtain doesn't fall. I hope the person next to me doesn't fall down on the floor because there's see this road again. I hope she's not breathing in the plaster. That's falling down on top of us as we speak. So, what you're doing? I really applaud and it's not being fancy. it's just being safe, but you're just asking to have a safer community for the children and the feelings who live here. And I would invite anyone who doesn't think is fond, is a good idea Chuck for it over. Take them to the high school. And, and I think a lot of older citizens, see our building as it was 50 or 100 years ago. And it's no longer. Hi. I'm Julie Nettleton 17, Mountwell Ave I have a son incorporated, central. and a daughter in the middle school. The people, the humans running our schools, our second to none. I love them. They've gotten us through some tough times. Amazing people and the spaces Or not. The one thing I just wanted to say is the whole time I was driving here and just sitting here listening anyone who thinks that this tax increase, Is what's going to break our banks at home. Clearly hasn't been supplementing. All of the things we have to supplement because of where we fall short with our buildings and our spaces and our our capacity. So, you know, having to send two kids to private, prepay and half day kindergarten. and full day. Kindergarten way out ways the amount of money that we would be paying for increased taxes to vote. Yes. On this, the amount of money we spend to send our kids to play soccer in other towns in this town. because our fields are just always wet. And we can never play our games is way more money than to see the cost. So I just wouldn't invite everybody to think about the long road that I'm not naive to think that this amount of money is in a lot. It's a lot of money and depending on where you live and how much your house is, it goes up from there. I get it. And the truth is, we're all paying a lot of money. To supplement where our spaces and our capacity falls short and it's something we're thinking about that. A lot of people are paying a lot of money to make up in ways that is disenfranchising them as a family differently. Then then, if we were to do this and actually have, will they get her in? and have spaces that are reliable and consistent. and safe. Also a theater family. You know, I had to sit three seats away from my mother-in-law during a show. this summer and because the seats were broken and, you know, it's those things that matter and I love the idea that all of you seem to have touched everything with this plan, which is really great and it encourage you to keep doing that. Because our town is very, it's not just a sports town. It's also a theater town. It's also a math town. It's also like we have kids good at everything here and they deserve spaces to encourage their individuality and their growth and people are making those spaces happen. anyway and it costs money. So I just wanted to put it out there that yes, this is money out of all of our pockets. But we're all, we all the holes in our pockets, for the money. We're spending to make up for these things. Anyway, thank you. Captain George a more lame? First of all, thank you so much. Everything is board members. and thankless job and everything is scrutinized. is scrutinized. I did want to I think about when we design these buildings that we designing for the future, the future of education and be at the forefront of education. We are a reputable school. people come here for that but try to be one step ahead as far as construction that we're looking at Academies and Pennsylvania. Episcopal Academy, what they did with their athletic center. So just making sure we've been smart, You know what is technology and innovation and AI look like and how are you supplementing it as instead of fearful using that as a tool for And then I do a really appreciate the arts and athletics, both being a priority because you know, my daughters are participating in the arts and everything. they said about the auditoriums or you know terrible. So I'm really grateful that one wasn't compromised the other because it's all about belonging and feeling a sense community and identity through those out of the classroom participation as well as the fantastic teachers administrators. we have sex Good evening. My name is Tina. Pidgeon. I'm on East Park Avenue. and I'm actually double dipping a little bit because I share two kids with a gentleman that I And what I wanted to share with you is appreciation for your work and how you've looked at this comprehensively I we have daughters who happen to be. huge. participants in the arts. And I think how we treat the arts as a reflection of our values? Pick as a community. And currently the facilities, don't really reflect our values. But I think along with that, we did come from another school district. where literally, every year the budget was laid out and said, Hey what do you guys? What do you value? And they would propose cats and pit programs against each other and it wasn't a productive. conversation at all. We were fighting for the gifted and talented against you know whether it was arts or whether sports and everyone was against each other. So I really appreciate your approach here to look at it. comprehensively and I firmly believe that transparency in terms of the details, and how you communicate with the community will be the key to success of this bond referendum which I fully support. Thank you. Just to quickly clarify. about the question you had asked where the source of that information is from this is from this week's hadn't feel today, published or August 30th, and I had tried to go to the QR code, but you have to pay in order to access the article. Anyway, I use the other source and That's where I got this. article from and I got it today. So it's I presume he was fairly recent information. We went. Yeah, we withheld the cost because we wanted, we had that on the PowerPoint, but we didn't want that in the paper. We wanted it to be. We would, we would do this presentation and I'm sure the press is here tonight. So it'll be in the paper. Two tomorrow, as well as PowerPoint, Point, right? We'll have the PowerPoint has sit on the right. Thank you very much. PowerPoint Beyond Our Special. Ized bond referendum. Let's have all our blueprints Jason also be in about, but the referendum website is still going to be a couple days. Yeah, that's not gonna be tomorrow. Yeah, fine. tune, yes. Any other comments before we close open, public comment. All right. thank you so much for your. put your comments, we did take notes. and please we do and care with you to come to the town Hall. One September 30th, September 30th question, and it's going to be an auditory That's okay. Okay, so long for your chair. just Okay. and then I'll get one minute. Okay, so we're gonna go on to the approval for business And finance, recommendation. To be held. 2024. Here I will. Oh, that's very nice. Thank you. so, can I have a motion? Sure staff. and machine and then I'll give everyone a minute to really go through more thoroughly and and ask any questions. and just to my questions, we did not come up with this language. Oh no. You know so this was verified by Tony. Yeah. So it is what is going to be on the whole like wellness. What's in this box here? Yes, just, okay. Unboxing which was written by Bond like it is A mouthful. and definitely a lot of legal very legal charge ever happened. Oh, so it's I'm just ask the question. Is it confusing? Is that it says to accommodate the construction of General Museum? Curve field in parking lot? Does it seem like the turtle field is part of Yeah. Yeah. A part of what it seems like, you see that. it seems like kind of because it's it's saying it was accommodate the construction. So the cost is moving and you're moving into accommodating. it works. And but the construction maybe if I building lighting there and running what we need to, but it just well I don't know where there's construction of the turf field by adding the gymnasium. The park housing. Yeah. Yeah. But the way it's worded here it sounds like it's all together in one thing. because. Yeah, I think that's why I think I understand it. but I understand what you're saying. Yeah, I'm just looking at if it's going out to the public, want to be clear. I I would hope we might need to make sure that people can see us and be like, Hey, this is what it's gonna look like. I don't want anyone thinking that we're being sneaky, it's just a little. It is confusing. I mean, it does write that it's zero dollars for that, right? Tony. You would so, that was Something. that's getting clarify, that better. We're happy to you know you're not something we don't really take much poetic licensing writing these questions. Otherwise, and we don't have to go back to the state. if we make minor. Oh, Boss. of martyrs that we watch that, right? So professional artist. So if there's something you want to clarify or tweak in that language, there is a date by which this needs to be submitted and before we can we get to the vote. What does that date? 16 days before the vote date of decent temperatures October? Oh, that's just but actually. So what this is talking about is the moving the relocation restoration of those houses? Too, right. Yeah. Well and restoration at the carriage house. The moving of the Maggie house in order to accommodate those other things. Right. I don't I think that that's I think it's saying what we wanted to say. It's just saying it in. Yeah. not the most streamlined that's something we could like supplement with like during the like the FAQs or something like that. Yeah maybe we can help people that way because that and their board resolution to. it does say read substantially as follows, right? Not exactly as possible. So if we add a clarifying sentence, or clarifying, parents and concern just crossing off her field because that's the only thing that is. yeah, that's that's good. We just cross all turf. Yes. Yeah. That doesn't really knows. knows how to do that. That's what and the construction of the church field will have already happened by the time. might not have but it doesn't. Like, not you an emotion to remove While moving all move to remove turf field from the Bond proposal question. you'd probably should. Okay. So I moved all in favor. favor, I Opposed. Okay, those of us are probably I go. oh wait. Yeah. I don't. Yeah is there a D? Hey, would be to see. I fixed that before. It's printed out. Are you doing? I'm actually. Okay, you got it right fixed on the electronics again, Okay, these before And more issue was discovered. Yeah, it's correct on. What will be? So it's just goes deep. It's all good. Feel some equipment. So I don't need to read all of this. Yes, I do. No, he's Basically. I'll go over three minutes. Questions. or concerns? Are we comfortable with the scope of the projects? The final outcome. I know there's been so much the other thing too is I know watching it. it seems like, oh, everybody's good but we have gone back and forth for years now. So, A lot of our are concerns. We've, we've already betted and addressed and went back and a lot of concerns. the community feel like, and I do think that our architects can attest to the fact that what we ended up with is half of what we started with, right? Yes. And I think it's, you know, it's it's over here. All right. So Mike, do you want to call roll? Mr. Knuckles. Yes. Minnesota. Yes. Vice President Hooker. Yes. Mr. Becky yes. Dr. Brown yes. Ms Dress. Yes, Mr. Ashley putter. Yes. Miss Hollenworth. What? President Crook? Yes. All right. Any items for future consideration? The board. all? got. Thank you for those who signed up for attending events, please. If you haven't signed up for that, make sure that you sign up for an event that you can come particularly those. Where you have a connection with that building. So if your kids went to Tatum and you, like, if you could sign up to do the table PTA, that would be helpful because you'll live the school better than those of us who did. Um, so please keep that in mind. and I'll be looking out for for the rest of the sign up. And then we'll do a schedule because a lot of us signed up for a lot. We are thinking and tell me your thoughts. We should have at least two, maybe three of us at each of the events. particularly people on the lrft community. In case there's a question that someone who's not on the committee might not be aware of the background, thank you. So that's important, but not About that one, right? Or maybe of those? Yeah, on the lrsp. Making sure at least one. Yeah. two. Yeah. need any help? I miss the sign up form. So look for it and with when like we go on the road, should we be making signs or like presentation? You know, the building. So like if someone goes over to Lizzy, if they wander around for the first, But, it looks like the 30 minutes before the meeting starts and then attend the meeting will be like, a little signs up like, Yeah. Well, an elevator would be here. You will have a chance to have people to be able to go to. We don't want to have two hour tours, right now. That's what I mean. Like self-directed like Or maybe. yeah, we are thinking of having individual issues for that building, so that I just and the same thing at the town hall to be similar to this but we'll answer questions. Yes. I definitely. Yeah. I don't know if you guys can do it but to do a schematic with the Auditorium. and that, I mean, I think that Ron, you can talk that your channel like the A lot of those details does, that's an indeed details that aren't done until after the bond is approved. right? We'll get into that. that much. I think the outside renderings are just I don't know exception. So there's a balance there. Absolutely Jeff. And I were just having a private caucus on this time. One of the jobs be some of that designs yet. Equipments on the paper, right? We can dive into a detailed scope of work for what we know will be included in that. renovation of those. Auditoriums, that would be, that's already on paper. on the rendering though, rendering is a morphing of a process. And that process if we advance in too soon. May not be dealing what you want to showcase or what we feel about product. And that would be sitting down with people who use those spaces and say right. Functionally. How does this work for you? Boom. Boom. which is a little more challenging. Just here's an outside building, right? Oh sorry. But how how realistic is that schematic? at the gym? Pretty response. Yeah. So like I'm sorry, but being on the all are feet. those renderings took months of discussion. we discussed those things, we changed things, we they went back to the drawing board that wasn't just like an idea. They came up with that. Those things went through the approval, Process. And they we have costs that are associated with them. And that's the big part of it. I mean, truthfully we have the interiors right? Right. No magnets difference of like it is exterior cost for and into the cost. We what? we thought it was worth it to absorb the cost of the exterior, not it? Yes. Another districts. Do keeping costs in mind, maybe they're one of the largest in the state. They've done tons of auditorium. They could probably do pictures Of other rendering. So thank you. But we actually talked about that. And here's the concern and this is why I think we can't promise something that we can't deliver the concern is because you guys have done that. You're like, here's what we've done in other places and then it's like well, look at how fancy that is. We don't what? That's not what we're going to do. And and it is a double-edged sword. So, um, it is worrisome to say this is what has been done in other schools and have people say that that I'm not doing. I wonder would we be able to like how we're talking about like you know, a sheet for each school? specifically for the auditoriums not just give like a punch list, but to also just explicitly state that what the process will be is to go in and like it will be a holder work with, you know, and meet with the people that utilize this space because I think spelling that out for the community to say, okay, it's not just gonna be like we can't the reason why we can't actually say exactly. what's going to happen because you, yeah, because we actually are going to plan this with the people that actually use it. correct. Right. Unfortunately, we had some of that end usually input and the previous discussions, right? And the presentations. We've done. So we receive some of that but certainly not all. Yeah, right. And I absolutely agree with you, it's over at all is Your auditoriums are extremely unique and specific to have built on and solution. Is just not fully vetted yet. It's going to be an iterative process. That's Going to be quite debated. I'm sure before we don't go file design. And we've we've and but I mean we have the that we have I mean the costs really come from. We know we need new seats. We need to. We have to represent our usual. Yeah. Effect. You can have an outline of a theater chair that suggests sort of the volume of what's being done without the particulars. If you look at the high school authority, it's a hundred year old building. It says, Historic building. It's gonna look like it's gonna look like, we're not gonna. we're gonna drop in modern stuff here. Well, it's gonna be brought back to its state. Um I don't know another way of saying it. The middle school or tour, the biggest difference, we're gonna put in two or more seats. we can we can show up the seat. look like, but but this, You know, if we try to come up the rendering of bringing that's that back is going to be That's, that's good. to felt like the community felt like we were over emphasizing athletics, because we showed it. Yeah, we didn't show it to you like that felt like the message I was here. So again, I don't understand that. I know that I understand. I mean we could take a picture of the outside of both buildings right now. That's what I mean. He's here. It sounds like it's not okay. Until this is helpful too. And that is I mean the thing is it's not like it was Hey we're going to fix the auditorium and they're like, Okay. here's how much it is that number comes from all the things that kind of stated lighting and everything. Yeah. The yeah. I mean, like the detail. Well, that's what I was with someone was asking about like, what? that causes like. Oh my God, it's like trim and and like what I think we might have taken it out the ceilings, meaning the ceilings wasn't that, that was something we went back and we were like 40 minutes talking about doing entryway feelings. We don't like good now. We know that, right? There's things like that. We know that it's more fun. the old-fashioned sound like we've been up in a balcony. that's gonna be down on the ground. We know those things. but I think this is the inside of that room, is gonna look like it looks right now, but without pay extra phone, right? Seats in our world, right? But the guts in the that's gonna be with the differences. when you have modern, Soundboards, with modern lighting and better sound. and new curtains. And that actually aren't falling on it. aren't very duct taped up right now. Those days even the doors. the doors are falling off or you cannot secure the doors. The new doors are Significant amount of money. You've looked into it. So I mean, we can, we can put down a description of it, but I think to have land Take a picture of our auditorium and Through Photoshop. That's wrong word run. Jeffrey laughing. Make the walls look better. It may not be, it might be better off to have more of a narrative before having there. then a rendition. So yeah we'll have a lot of time to discuss this over the course of parallel discussion will be the nurses office in Central Middle. Ronnie. Jeff could say this was a we're going to stay with the nurses and say what do you guys need functionality? So and that's and they won't get into that. type of drawing until after we know that that's gonna happen, right? December 10th is several. Leverage is done with the nurses. If we're lucky. Yeah. Um, but that's, that's part of the piece that happens. area. We could. we can we can tell the story of what's gonna happen. maybe without running. we had to submit the Extra endurance. the state as well right now? the reason why we did the external renderings for Hadn't contagious. All feedback. we have. If you're gonna put addition that building and I can't see what that may look like. I'm not voting for right because what secret, what are you putting, across street in my house when you cut an addition on, what are you gonna do that? So that's something that affects everyone, that walks by far is right, use the space. What happened? What? looks inside could change between a hundred times. the renders exchange so yeah. all the feedback you know change within reason, all the feedback we have is we need to see what the builders gonna look like. If you're gonna put addition. Yeah. Okay. That makes it all right. Jeff. I was just going to do understand their position that possible downplay of what we're doing in the auditorium. Maybe would be helpful to share some of those costs. There's a significant amount of money that we're putting into our floor. I know. I think dollars. I think, I think on the third time, right? So maybe there's, it's not just apples. are, you know, there's a little bit of comparison. Maybe we can show and I think, maybe, because I've been in the 30 to Town Hall. It's about what that tell the story. Yeah. and the impact and how much and the investment in it. I think by doing that in the auditorium where people it's like to even say, okay this is gonna be moved in here. This is going to be modernized with you know things I think that will really tell the great I think getting some kind of visual and just help. Yes. there. whether they're saying that auditorium and they get like pictures of like random things or something. I'm asking that. that's true 30 through. I didn't realize I had an option Alright. right, motion to turn. Okay.