>> Chris Heintz: let's just say I'm gonna be a little bit either because now but we celebrating his fifth birthday again. Yes. Disconnected Dr. Brown here. It's dress. Yeah, Mr. Exceller here this hollingworth here Mr. Knuckles here, Mississauga here. Vice president hooker. Yeah president crooked. Yeah. Can you please stand for the pledge? Thank you. Hi. Could you please read the statement concerning open public meetings public notice of this meeting for sure to the Oakland Public meetings act has been by the superintendent of schools in the following matter. Well, January 10th 2024 notice of this meeting was posted on the interior of the School administration offices 95 Grove Street Haddonfield written notice was submitted and follow the heintzilla borough Clerk and not Or email to The Courier Post and the retrospect newspaper. Okay. Thank you all for coming. We have Emily picking us off today with her student representative report welcome. This is your first time right and welcome. So to start off. I want to talk about our new cell phone collection policy. Um, so we discussed this policy that we implemented this month most students say that they're unbothered about phone collection and originally we were worried about students complaining however, most students feel that they're more on tasks during the past period And are accomplishing more. And students feel confident knowing that they can present or answer questions without anyone's videotaping them and they're still opportunities for you them to use phones for instructional reasons. We also talked about Multicultural day, which we held on Tuesday for the first time to celebrate world heritage in our community and students traveled around the school visiting different stations to talk about different cultures, and I would like to take a moment to thank all of the student leaders who worked really hard to put this together. We also have NJ GPA testing for juniors in March the week of the 11th. Um, peel leaders are creating a thrift store next week for old Haddonfield gear and they're also starting an app interviews for new applicants and we have 90 new applicants, which is a lot for athletics. Both our men's and women's swim teams one state championships and our women's track team for the indoor state relay champions. And then we also have our Equity Summit on March 22nd. We have a guest speaker named cam awesome who is formerly known as Leroy Thompson who is a champion boxer and he provides captivating presentations and activities designed to nurture gratitude and reshaped perspectives for students. Well sounds great a lot of things, right? Yeah. Every organization should do it the proceeds. I think it goes to the peer leader fund great. That's really great. Yeah. A lot of kids that move on go to the college stuff. We're in their HMHS gear and I'm building up. Emily reached the beginning of your statement we discussed the cell phone. Call like when you discuss it with the Board of Ed reps us three and Any other questions? Thank you. Thanks. Okay. Well now start with Mr. Nutley for our toilet room renovations Um just want to report that the let's hear a month ago. the 15 toilets that were that needed to be replaced with breakfast at toilets. That work has been done by the contractor. We also investigated the triple bull sinks that were. Falling away from the wall. We had the contractor remove the sinks so that we could see how they were attached. They had not used proper Anchorage on on three of the sinks. Those things were subsequently repaired using the appropriate togglehold anchors that were needed. We also have them remove double bull sinks through building three different locations so that we could spot check those and make sure that they were mounted properly those who are actually mounted properly. Today I came to our attention that there were there's a leak in the boys' toilet room boys gang toilet room at Elizabeth Hadden Elementary School that deficiency has been brought to the attention of the contractor and they will address that. um and about the only remaining punch item that we had is a one of the toilet room dividers first floor women's room right here in the high school has a large scuff on it from when the permanent sink was installed and the contractor has that partition on order and we'll replace it when they when I get that material from the supplier. Thank you. two questions. So the the leak and the divider. Do we have a The divider has been on order for 30 days already. The supplier has not given the contractor a delivery time for that. like many things both pandemic It's difficult in anybody down to an actual date. Um the repairs at Elizabeth Hadden, I would expect are going to be done if tomorrow then our own next week. So Mike, can I ask you to put those two things on the list of stuff for our next financing just to make sure that we check back in and thank you. Thank you any other questions? Thank you. Thanks for coming. Let us know. Okay, Mr. Licata you're up with PSAT and sat. Thank you. Thanks. It's going to join the meeting so I can display the presentation here. So bear with me a moment, please. Chris awesome. All right. Hey folks. Thanks for having me this evening. I appreciate it very much. Do I need to stay in a certain spot here a little bit teacher to me. So thanks for having me this evening. Thanks for letting you do first you special school Community. I know speak on behalf of High School administration. I'm sure my other colleagues and Ministries as well as staff. It's a pleasure to work these young people every day. So So as I go through this this presentation on PSATs and SATs. those are two standardized measures that are going to look at tonight. Obviously, there are many. We're going as Emily mentioned. We are going to administer the NJ GPA. that's an njdoe required assessment that all students to take graduation. We'll take that March 11th, 12 13 to 14. That's one standardized assessment that we take we also yours but as it says here in the acknowledgments for number one, this is really just a sliver of one metric for Student Success. I would never say that a student who scores. Doesn't score. You know, what they want on a test isn't doing their best, or maybe that just isn't their best measure for assessment. So this is just a component and okay. The other thing too is, you know, we when you look at this, we really want to consider. How are we doing year to year? That's a tough thing to do. That second acknowledgment there the current sat Suite Benchmark. This is a quote from college board. Sat Suite Benchmark outcomes should not be compared against results from old satyr. PSAT. nmsqt has a score scale and Benchmark definitions have changed so there could be a year where 1450 or a 750 in a particular subject area. I mean means two wrong and none of your We just don't have that. So I would caution us on what first of all the data that we're going to look at. I think. reflects very favorably on our students so not I'm not prepping you for anything. I don't feel great about. But I don't think we could say that a 741 year is the 740 the next seven for the next so just just a little background on the assessment itself. So one of the things that I wanted to look at for the percentage percent of students meeting both. Thanks Morris The Benchmark on Sat see the SAT blog on the top right corner. Benchmark means college readiness as defined by the college board and that'll change a little bit when we talk about the PSAT. So this is college readiness as the the fine body college board. So the percentage of test takers meeting both benchmarks both in evidence-based reading and writing as well as math. You can see that yellow line along the top represents having Memorial High School over the last five years and this is those are graduating classes by the way on the bus class 2023 class 20 class switch 20 20 19 So if you take a look at us, that's a pretty straight line going from an 82% firms data back. I'm representing here to a 1% and you can see where the US is the blue line at the bottom and the same, New Jersey in the middle. I do not have access to other J school districts. just just for your knowledge. That's not something that's publicly available. And anything that we did collect. I can't guarantee is is presented. I just don't have access to their College Board reports. All of this data that's represented in the presentation of showing you comes from the total group. Sat Suite of Assessments annual reports every single year the College Board shows us all all test paper. All graduates is really what it is ditto. They produce a report from New Jersey. This is all public and then I have our high school. Data represented as well. I have huge data charts at the end of the structification. So if you want to look at other metrics that aren't displayed in certainly do that. So I think this is a really great number. I mean soon four out of five students who tests here are meeting both benchmarks, which I think is really impressive. You can see where the state or the United States shows as well. When we look at subject areas scores you can cut this 150 different ways. We can look at you know, how many what percent are students are scoring over ourselves or 600 500 400 you can do all that all that data is going to be accessible to you in this presentation. But for the purposes of this metric here. This is the percentage of our test papers that are scoring above 1200 And the reason I chose that for this is that's roughly in the top 25% of the country. You can see that the United States the number of test takers that score over 1200 combined is about 25 percent see that blue line at the bottom. 26 26 28 26 24 and you can see we're having to field is 64 54 61 to 60. Said scoring about 60% of our students score in the top 25% if you rent them against the country. So just a metric show and again a pretty consistent number another factor to have definitely want folks to consider. That every percentage point is about 1.8 or 1.9 students. So Point down is one or two students didn't make that Mark. Fire report Delaware we have about 200 test acres in a graduating class, roughly some less similar. Using that same number, you know we use that 1200 number that then cuts out to about 600 each way. For the SAT when it comes to evidence-based reading and writing. Can see where we are compared to the country. It's a state. This is a percentage of our testers who are scoring over 600 on the evidence-based reading online. So that's there again pretty straight line. And when it comes to SAT Math looking at the same. Metric here again over 600 you could certainly look at this over five hundred over 400. I think that would actually mean larger. We look at it over 500 but be consistent with that 1200 number that was used earlier. You can see that again about 60% of our students every year or scoring over 600 on that one. That's it there the PSAT the PSAT we give every October. We have a modified school schedule that day. We now give it to students in grades nine 10 and 11. We just started I think three years ago giving it students a great nine. Today we're going to look at students in grades 11 and grade 10. These are the percentage of test takers meeting The Benchmark. This is a grade level Benchmark that set forth by the college board. So it's not the same college readiness indicator that they give this one is about grade level benchmarks. So 11th grade students over the last three years. You can see those who met both benchmarks. I would also say this year 2023 is the first time it was mandatory. that was digital for everybody. So I'm curious to see you know, what the College Board presents next year when it comes to scores with it being the second year giving digitally. So that's our 11th grade students. And these are 10 great students. Same thing PSAT taking in school all students here at film Memorial High School. almost she's not this baby, but it's almost so 63% 65 and 62 when it comes to meeting the grade level Benchmark except for the PSAT college board. So those are those are the meat and potato slides. when it comes to all of the data one be transparent and show you everything that I have access to the following slideshow all the data that was used to create these. If I flash these up here, I think initially we would be squinting and and there's just so much on here. So just again safe transparency. This gives you the mean score of the Benchmark score for the nation, New Jersey and HMHS. Of them all the way through. And then I also want to include that's the SAT. These are total scores. Those are the percentage of our students, New Jersey students. And the nation who score in this score range. And are these for this year? It's actually for the last spot. Oh, okay. Yeah, that's not clearly this way in. any sense, but I just want to share this you could you know, those earlier slides. I showed the 1200 in above just like a short showing a thousand or 800. It just the market. So those are sat data total scores. Evidence-based writing and reading again same thing up and down. As well as math. And then I have the PSAT data in here. So this will be made I'm sure we put this on the website on high school website for yeah, we um, what we post all of our presentations on Earth with the next days, right? So certainly a lot to take in there's you get pour over this. I'm sure for three hours or five minutes as we did here this evening, but you know, we're really proud of our students are performing they work exceptionally hard, you know, I can peek out into the whole way any point during the school day and kids are not about rooms. They are in their classrooms working their tails off with their staff members and we're really proud of that and our teachers for all the hard work that goes into This result obviously our students are more than just sat score or SAT score. We really value the hard work that they put in a success that they achieve. That is a presentation after answer any questions or comments. I may not have the answer this evening, but I was my bestie for you. Making that comes to mind. the only thing that I saw that I was remotely curious about because it was such a comprehensive presentation was just your thoughts on I think it was the 11th grade. Where there was that pretty substantial dip in 2023, which were here that it held nationally as well. Just and you would I think it kind of covered that and noting that it was. The first year that it was required to be digital. So yeah, so I'm not quite sure. I don't know if I can make even a decent. Has this why that is until I see maybe two years in a row out then like to see how those students who performed here how that correlates how they performed on an SAT potentially, but given that it seems kids like This consistent. Yeah, I didn't think it was anything to worry about either. But yeah, I would love to see another year. Why there? Jump in 2021 high school state the country is a little bit more flat, but I'm curious and it's just my best. Yes. Oh God. We have a gas that was it stood out to me too, right? Okay. I think it is possibly that there were fewer testing centers that were open and there were fewer seats and the competition for those maybe higher so folks really really want to get there. That's awesome. I didn't have to take it. right and so you're only taking it if you're probably going for more now. And this marker, you know has changed a great deal, you know in terms of What colleges what emphasis colleges are putting on this? It's moving more. Sometimes. it's mandatory. Sometimes it's optional. Sometimes it swims back. Sometimes it goes away. So it's really, you know. It's pretty jumpy. I think when you're she's and whether or not you test, so yeah, that's just brought something up for me. Do any of our students choose to take the ACT and no it's less common on the East Coast, but absolutely they do. Yeah. Would you have some I would say significantly less, but it's not something that I personally thank you. Appreciate it. Thank you. Okay. Mr. Catalano, it's your your night. I'm gonna start the show. Okay all your presents. Happy to talk about the districts of Christ topic. And just like Mr. Licata. I have a Pacer to here. I've never been a teacher. I just worked with Chuck so All right, so here to present our preliminary budget tentative budget for the 2425 school year. So this is what we're going to go over tonight. I do want to set the tone early on This is by form in the most difficult budget I've ever had to work on. We I said what it is with the rule of course sleeves over here. This is the first time I've had this bowl reductions. I'll talk about that in detail. later, but there's things in our accomplishing. There's things we're adding but we had to make some more calls. so again, I just want to set that tone that this isn't hey, we're sitting we've got our two percent tax tax. Levy increase. We got our seating increase and we're putting our feet large acid. that we have to do some work this year. So yeah, I'll talk about that in depth later. But all this is what we're gonna cover. So first is our timeline where we're back in. October what of Education approve the budget calendar now the administrators they get a much more detailed version of the calendar you see here and they've been working on they work from the budgets from that time 30 December. They meet with Chuck Gino and I in January and then we talk about. okay. What are you guys budgeting? What are you looking to add? And also where can we find some solutions made for the cost savings or reallocation or resources? There's those are that's what happens in big conversations we have with the administrators. on and for me what we typically do we freeze the current year Budget on February 1st, that helps me get a better outlook on where we're gonna financially end the end of the current fiscal year. We it's been February 1st as well as I've been here. So sometimes accumulator if we're having a good year. Sometimes we're very bad year could be earlier but February 1st is where it's been. As you can see February 29th today is a very important day. So today at 11 o'clock. We found out our state emails. Happy to report Haddonfield gets an additional 356,000 in addition to what we got in state election day. Yeah, not every District's made out as well. But luckily we are cheating seeing on increase. That's an 11% increase. stating from the current year and also on presenting you you're going to vote on the tentative but budget tonight. That's that obnoxiously long resolution on on the agenda TV judgmentation. Then I'll I'll do my job tomorrow submit to the county and then in April the county will get back to us. Hey your budgets approved. We'll have our our public budget hearing in April. We will adopt the budget and and then the the statutory deadlines May 15th, and then we implement the budget. July 1st Okay. So we're obviously in the middle of this. Some key points here. So things we have to this is what we call this what we're trying to accomplish, right? budget is an expression of our needs priorities and Mission. the funding for the 2700 students of this school district has to achieve that goal an emphasis that Chuck and I decided to do for this year when we have additions that administrators want to bring to us, Okay you What what goal was that meeting they have to tell us what? All right, is this a social remote social goal. Is this a cultural responsibly skull is this a 21st learning or teaching after the answers now, of course we listen to to all initiatives that may not fall into the weather's goals. We'll just dismiss them. But but are we have to try and fit them in their goals the goals that that you set Um, the second bullet point is a very strong stick. budget maintains all existing academic co-curricular and extracurricular programs and school sponsored Athletics 10:59 this morning. I could not have that that bullet point in this presentation. But 11 o'clock when we got our state a numbers. I was happy to put this back in again trying to relay all the work. We had to do all how tough this was but that's good, right you get the keep everything that we have as far as programmatic. these go we're reading our contractual obligations and the capital Improvement that we are budging. We are budgeting the addition of a new turf field over here or happens partial. You'll see the price that we're budging 2.9 Million Dollar that's being funded from capital reserve though. That's it's not your operating money in tax levy that's that's money. We have in our Reserve. That's that's what's funding. So that's additional turf field. what happens it doesn't come out of this budget. No being, you know, it'll be it'll be in the budget store effective July 1st. The budget that you guys will be voting on and adopting leader in April that happens partial field. That's we are playing this. that's that's where we all is currently so that means if the as long as the building is demolished, which we're hoping it will be Soon there will be scheduled and soon July 1st is when we will have access to those funds and we could if there was no if the the plot was leveled we start working. July version contracts on July or July board meeting to start that market. Yeah and just to clarify that money is it cannot be used in the operating budget. So in areas that we fall right be technical. The use of capital reserve money is in our operating budget, but it's not it's funded from The Reserve not tax levy or city. So that's money from previous years budgets that money we spent that we that we built up and saved in a reserve capital reserve in this sense that we then appropriate to use in next fiscal year. I think were you asking questions, but it's for Capital. Yeah through that I I can't just Infuse our budget within another two million, you know. Yeah, so I just wanted to make sure yeah, that's true that has to be something to be used to improve our facilities. I can't do that use that to fun salaries or contacts and I just want to make sure All right, good slice. Because what's coming new or changing? what was current and we're adding to next year. So first two slides are are new teaching positions. We're in need of a new preschool slash ITT teacher the School level and we need a new Elementary special ed teacher. And then another thing we're adding some more cyber safety training maybe most of you in your in your work lives. cyber security cyber safety is a huge thing in my world on the insurance world is a very big aspect of what we talk about all the time. I think every other day or week you hear about something that happens a job. No more always send out emails about schools that things and things happen I Worry every day. So that's that's a driver and why we want to add cyber safety training in our budget also. Okay from the cable. But that will be new in our budget next year and a couple other bottom points here. We're revamping the business course at the high school and we have the Positive Behavior Support Program at the most. Things we're continuing to do. They're at the house. continuing to keep that in our budget and also the Chromebook initiative Race 3 through 12. We are continuing that in our budget. Okay quicker, right? We always have Chris most of the curriculum right have happens in the summertime. still budgeting. definition Of less people points something we wanted to good things to point out other accomplishments were doing the activity fees Student Activity fees and their Chromebook fees the Chromebook fees. started about five four five years ago. It's been fifty dollars to a per student. And that hasn't been raised since we started it. Yeah activity fees have not been race as long as I've been here. I don't know why the last time they were made but in order to meet budget needs we don't need to raise oceans. Um, and these last two bullet points of what we're continuing to support and continue to implementation of New Jersey tiered systems of supports and the summer and Rich enrichment program that we've been on the last couple Summers that it's also free to families. This upcoming summer. to note though Mike you and I know the funds for the summer program so program that is after funded. are funded but I'll tell you what. I've got to get my head to adopted real because it spending Azure funds has been a problem Statewide and we've done a pretty good job. Doing what we wrote and planned on doing. it's worked out well from from a financial standpoint as well as a I'm sure the programmatic and educational output that has come out of useless ones. So it's worked out pretty well the those funds I was actually going to say this later. There's funds the last of it was the American Rescue plant. Ones we have to spend those by September 30th 2024. So those funds go away. There's no more using a spontaneous or something. But yes the last of the use those ones. Is that the All right. I told you this the first time I have it with. This is tough. I do want to point out. A key word here is paused. There's some things that in working with Chuck and the administrators. We're not exactly cutting this for things forever. Not as long as we're here. But we can we can take a pause on some things. I'll give you an example the elementary level. There are classroom library allocations that we've had and have had as long as I've been here. We're taking a positives. They're they're healthy. The principles are comfortable saying hey, we can take a year off from funding at the level. We have been for those classroom libraries. So we're taking a pause members. So that's why we say pause. Not necessarily a cup. It's cut this year. Yes. But we're part we're pausing it. We're not gonna we're not going to put that as a lion in our budget. Staff the hardest thing here now. I will say. More is March. There's four more months between the start of the fiscal year that we're talking about. We're going to vote on this month in enabled. There are things can happen that will make our lives easier when it comes to staff reductions. Okay, and what I mean by that is maybe there's a retirement that we're not going to film and that will make like easier for us. These are tough decisions, but This is why we work. We we have to allocate our resources that fit our needs. I can go back three slides and talk about this is the expression of our needs. This is what we have to do in order to meet our goals meet our mission and meet our needs for the students. So this is what we have to do. Um truck, is there anything you want to know just and you look at those areas. they're very general areas, but we did try to make sure we didn't just take from one spot, right? There was a time when we would just hit facilities. just grab everything from facilities and then table falls down. Um, so we're very cognizant not to do that pausing things and Mike gave a good example like technology getting server rack. We would like to try to get that next year, but it's good. We have a two year warranty on it. We just push that down a little bit. So a lot of those things will will some many of these things are being pushed down and I also to give credit to my leadership team because we sat down and we said here's our number. This is huge and it's bad. It's really bad. We had to add two new teachers making even more difficult. um and using that happens, everyone has come very selfish and try to protect their little Python that didn't happen. Um, it was a really good collaborative practice or exercise and everyone kind of dug deep into looked at what they could would do. had a list of I express you got today. probably had a hundred things in a list of God. and then when we got the state aid we had probably I decided on 65 of them. They're gonna go with whatever's gonna be we got the state aid number we got to put a lot of stuff back in. Um, and so that was a really positive thing a lot of stuff like five things back in. Okay, they were big number of things. Um, but it so so, you know, just you have to emphasize the work that might in the leadership team. These cuts are not a small number and when we got together, we were talking seven figures. You figure you can't do it with paper. You can't do it by doing this but we chipped away at it. the principles of Mike and John Miller and Tim and chipped away at it very thoughtfully about taking stuff from here and there we got that number down to where state aid and some other stuff help us get there. um, yeah, that's that's the battle Alright, so the numbers. So 50 54.8 million dollars. That's that's everything everything. That's all of our governmental funds together. So 110. / 12 is our operating budget. Okay. that is is salaries textbooks instructional supplies. That's that but also includes that 2.9 Million Dollars. That's the budget for new terminal happens. That's in the operating budget. fun 20 is Grants. please take grants with kind of the grand assault because it the budget guidelines say hey budget 85% of your of your prior year or chasing this year allocations. so idea if you don't know is that special education grants, we usually offset out of this replacement costs with idea raise title, too. That's for Teacher development. So professional development cost heaters. Now they're happy for you or something. I'm happy to tell you that could be okay. We might be eligible for Title One funds next year. We haven't been eligible for three years. So there's two things that there's two parameters. excuse me that you have to meet in order to be eligible If I don't want funds you have to add at least 10 students low income we have it. You also have to have 2% of your towns. Not the school district the towns. School age population has to be higher than 2% we are. We are. Just over two percent point of some 2.07 just over it. Actually. I actually finally got an answer from the state yesterday because we want to plan you have to use those function the the allocations don't come out until the I want to plan if we think we're going to get funds. I want to work on that now because I couldn't help us with some of the things that reduced but but I I did get a semi-clear answer from the state. Yes, and it shows you could be eligible, but there are some adjustments in working with the US Department of Education. but when we get closer to that time, we'll let you know so we could be eligible for so funny. A Student Activity funds that's really just the activity of Athletics middle school high school elementary activities. That's the total activity between the fund. 140 is dead service. That's us paying off our debt approved. voter approved referendum Issued debt, that's that's what we owe this year. Okay. That's fun. Like if we get title one will that then influence like right kids were playing with little one you put additional stuff. so it would be you would use that for supplemental programs. You could use that to put something back in is taking yeah. Okay, we look away to probably. Some salt back in maybe differently. it would be a little creative with it. but it can't quite say okay. We can't use that for classroom libraries because you're just not something you cancer plans, right, so don't treat exactly so but he could do it for things like the last time we had it we used it. mostly for interventions correctly, Correct? Yes, right. There are ways to use it. very powerful. Yeah, and the other aspect of it is depending on Where it comes? You can use it for single school or District wide and not we'll get the bad information once we get the information back that isn't until end of the right. Yeah. Thanks. I interrupted your flower. So good. No, so, all right. Let me go back real quick operating fun. So the 49 million dollars. Actually, I think the back so yeah 46 million dollars then my next slide is is that doesn't include the capital outlay the 2.9 Million dollars so our operating budget. This is the pizza. All right. This is what looks like. What are we spending our money on just the visual? Okay. Here you go. There's your benefits. Here's your showers. So 75% is personnel. And this does really not change from year year. This is almost identical question. And then there's other cat. I broke out Billings and grounds Professional Services supplies. that makes up the remaining roughly 25% Um to cap this all off there's overarching factors just to point out from a global view of external factors internal factors statutory factors payroll benefits Increased last year together combined. for six percent Okay, just give me a sec. Remember that. 2% tax let me 2% tax on the honor on our the tax living this year two percent dollar amount is $797,000 as two percent now we are going to use column here. There's tax. Levy rules. so last year, we we banked a health care adjustment, which was Okay. we're we are proposing to use that bank app that we generated last year. All right, so that's an extra that translates to 0.65% We also generated more in a healthcare adjustment this year for the budget of that. I'm putting together right now. Well this last year enrollment adjustment or Healthcare. Well, we up it that the healthcare adjustment was the bank cap. We use the enrollment adjustment. Okay. Thank you. Yeah, wait years tax on the increase was 2.3% That was late. So I got the 2.65% right now. We're using an additional point two three percent to get to 2.88% That's a tax number I have for you. So we're proposing a 2.88% tax levy increase. So roughly that's 1.1 million dollars, okay. but again two point eight percent six percent see where I'm getting there is there's a signs of a fiscal place so short this is this is a size of a fiscal cliff. our expenses are going up higher. Than you were allowed to raise a budget now in addition to that tax. levy we got the additional 300 356 million. Oh, yeah. in addition. We're not doing what we get 100 million dollars. Here we are 356,000. That's that's what we were raising our Budget so you come to about 1.5 million dollars. That's the dollar increase in the budget this year compared to what workers. Okay. A couple of things. I I put it on earlier are are covid funds. That's your funds. They're going away. September is the last time that we can spend that money. Professional Services one last thing I have to point out. There is a specific. Service that I I said this last year It's going up at an exponential rate that that cost is going up by six figures Behavioral Services and and field isn't on a island with this type of thing. This is something that I talked to other colleagues from other districts. This is a service that a lot of people are seeing grow and an exponential rate higher than and that becomes real challenge against signs of a fiscal done. So before I open up for questions, I do want to thank Chuck Gino the rest of the administration because we met a lot more than we usually do and also the finance committee we met at least one more time additional. So what I normally need to go over with the finance committee, so there was a lot of people there's a lot of of fingerprints on this budget and I don't want to I cannot take all the credit Chuck. You know, I I was if I know fingerprints, I would love slightly. Yeah, that's something it's not. So again, thank you to all administration of finance committee. This was this was this was a tough one this year, but we do have a balanced budget. That's what we're obviously proposing to you any questions. I have what might be any or one. wife why can't we use the 2.9 Million dollars for staff? We're not allowed statutory. We're not allowed to I have to use it on Capital has to be for capital projects. Okay, I mean part of the reason is that's not going. You can't use it and expand your staff and right you're not getting it again. It's a one-time deal. Um, so but I mean statutory you can but part of the reason is because of that you can't hire people because you have a link to million and that's So Mike we made it through by the skin of our teeth the balanced budget. Yes. There are some Cuts but there's also some some nice additions. I mean those business courses it's a big deal. So we're doing what's right for the district. but you made it through my skin of our teeth what happens next year? Well, I I mean we're in the same boat next year. I mean, I don't put a price tag on people but as I mentioned earlier that second bullet point programs and people were talking about there were there was I mean quite frankly a teacher that's teaching with between Sellers and That's that's the most impactful cut you can make and that's the toughest one. We could make a luck but that those were the first things back in. The only go back. Not all yes, but people were the first things we looked at to put back in. This your short your short answers. We're in the same. We're in the same boat next year and unless we have a nicer increase in state aid, but we can't we can't Bank on that the governor just said he fully funded schools. well some schools lost money though. Why because they're over time right million dollars responsible. Yeah. I'm funded I mean because if so, there are other adjustments we can take there's no inflation adjustment Our inflation adjustment is budget cuts. That's our inflation adjustment. The other things we're hoping is that it not at that top bullet there, but the payroll benefits you the benefits increase was significant much larger Mission a long time. We're hoping that's a one year blend. Is that that number? That number is huge. that's over. That's overably Now understand so like a million obviously obviously benefits gets diluted when I put it together with salaries, but that's that increase these that's the biggest dollar increase we had on in one bill. So Behavioral Services last year. we're hoping that does happening and the other thing is a behavioral services. It's going up. Mike says six seven probably seven figures at six. if we Would if we can get that better? work with that more more efficiently and and Dr. Blair's trying to do that try to really look at how we do these how we approach these things. There's an area of get some some money back right one of the things we were very cognizant of is that those numbers are professional service. This is just not we just want to say it's not just by what 40% increase your professional professional service. That was like, oh man, I gave it to the finest committee while ago that's not just that I that's a lot of things. That's everyone we pass that the legal fees legal fees. Yeah and all kinds of stuff. You know, we've got to be We're hoping that that gets real little bit. So it's what we didn't want to do is say oh, yeah, we just won't use many we just won't buy it for that and then not have right so so and and the challenge is a lot of those things you we're giving good estimates not just taking stabs in the dark, but until you know any reviews happen and this happens and those are we don't have exact hard dollars, but we have to assume. Index right and by the way, pretty good. Assuming acts pretty close every year we do but we were very cognized not to say. Oh, yeah, we can be really clever. Just make this work. Otherwise, these would be really short presentation. But and and that that was just a lot of pacing to that. So we're hoping those type of things we can get better at. You real a little bit and that that Bub doesn't hit again with benefits and by the benefits is not just help benefits. There's all kinds of stuff to go into that. Yeah, it's all it's so our contribution to the the not teachers pension system, but the everyone else isn't that's all so much workers Compass the Jeff. hit me with a nice 15% budget advice yesterday. Luckily. There are Financial. There's Financial moves I can do with Surplus within the Jeff to offset that increase but I had already budged me that huge increase anyway, but smaller than they just gave me yesterday. Um, and also other other payments like search or the more share of Social Security. just goes up every year. one thing we need to do differently in the future too is we got the news 11 clock today? Yeah, and then we had to put something together by seven o'clock tonight. It's not due until March 20th. So next year we were going to plan on on an action meeting in March to get us more time. Because if the not the number wasn't 300,000 more. I wasn't coming tonight. You would have had we would have had a call special meeting we a little bit more cognitive that we have neighbors Who are smaller than we are because 800,000 they couldn't possibly be ready tonight. They had to have their meetings tonight. They couldn't possibly do it. Um, you know some numbers if you have seen the papers Cherry Hill lost seven million dollars on town to policy under thousand. So so people like that school districts like that. They were fortunate we have must be but plan we have the vote tonight. We got lucky points it out like we've been underfunded for so many years. Yeah. I'm not talking about the finale. Working and not a voting. We can make it out with the problem We could that's what the problems we have calls. We have to change that to an action meeting or put in a special budget meeting. Yeah, which would which is not a big deal. No, right except as I was sweating today trying to figure out that's that's that's another that makes sense for a process. right anywhere questions for me. Thank you everybody. Okay moving on to committee reports mag. Did you do curriculum last week last time? Um, no, we just met. last week on the 21st. We had a really good productive conversation that Gino led us through. I'll just hit a couple of quick highlights first and foremost. We have a a new updated curriculum site that has a lot of great information available in terms of Curriculum maps all the documentation which includes things around inclusive curriculum legislative mandates Elementary lessons assessment plans and slide shows from slide shows on different topics that are relevant as well as items that they will be looking to approve we talked a lot about curriculum map revisions. There's a huge work effort underway Now to create a new and improved. curriculum mappings spreadsheet View by with tabs by content areas, so it's really easy to navigate. the teachers have been super receptive and supportive of the process very interested in participating which is fantastic. So that's really great progress in terms of timelines. The objective is that by August the old Maps will have been updated with the new standards and ready for court approval. Like talked also about science audit planning. There's a big holistic science audit that will begin this summer for K-12 The initial Focus will be at the high school level then paid the eight. This is the first science audit since 2008. So we are everyone is excited about that timeline for is November for grade 9 through 12 and by February of next year for K3, which would mean we can implement. based on auto recommendations during the 2025 school year. We talked about the pilot instructional Support Program, which is pretty exciting stuff. Gino relayed some really exciting developments. There's been a ton of progress made over the last couple of weeks. In preparing to launch a pilot exercise. There has been a ton of parent engagement and parents have been I think you said you know that more than 90% of parents who are invited to attend. the session to learn more about the pilot accepted which is terrific communication is going to be a really crucial. important feature of this in terms of how we engage and the pilot I guess. Has just pissed off started this week. Okay, right. Let's try to figure out what I when I wrote this and so we are really it's pretty exciting stuff. It's gonna be it's gonna involve and you know, are you going to go deep on this in your update? Because I will okay. I'm gonna let Gino's all the stuff but it's really exciting stuff really small small group sizes and really some interesting content being provided to kids in that forum and then on the topic of Summer programming just reiterating that there are interesting intervention-based and interest-based offerings as Mike noted funded through Esser funds that will need to be spent by October and Once that's gone. We will have to figure that out for subsequent years, but really exciting that so many people so many kids in our community get to tap into this really exciting array of programming both kind of more academic and more. interest fun stuff This is a good discussion. Thank you. any questions Oh great. Do you have anything to add for finance facilities? That wasn't mentioned in what not to cut you sure. Administration for doing great job getting the budget done today time crunch and a lot of work with we appreciate that Lefty presented in our last meeting which was on the 20th a there was a volleyball girls volleyball program and Survey that went out to find the interest in volleyball. And they wanted us to consider adding volleyball and her fall sport like we've had in the past with crew we decided to you know, listen and see if we could participate we have a bunch of questions to go back obviously with the budget presentation. You just heard we didn't sign off on it for that or or crew, but we will consider it. We went back with a couple of questions which were waiting here on. Another item that came up was across walk on King's Highway in silvang here. the borrow came to us and wanted to split the cost. It's a 5,000 cost. We're going to put contribute 2500 to get it fixed in a lot safer. I think the borrower should have picked it all up if that's just my opinion, but we're gonna pay the 2500. That's great news. Yeah, thank you. That's the counties picking up town at five too. total 10,000 counties five because it's County Road Burrows to 2500. Over marketing when they get rid of public. Okay, I came up to July 4th committee came to us and they were looking to do the fireworks and use a portion of the high school. We're just trying to figure out the best location piece was on the turf field and the track, but we're concerned about some of the things that they want to put on the tracks. We're worried about the Addition of it and make sure it doesn't damage anything. So we're waiting to hear back from the Fourth of July committee. We'll get some more on that the Radner field maintenance. as we know that field is caused some trouble because it was a clayfield field that was put in it needs more. maintenance We're going to split the season opening maintenance with the burrow and our cost shares 5900 is it? After that half of 5,900 so about $3,000 to get the field playable for the baseball season, and then we're going to work on a agreement on who's responsibility is to take care of the field on a go forward basis. Donations from the ptas we discussed the shade structure Lizzy Hadden. We were okay with the placement of it. I think that's going to go forward. We had a couple more questions about the most Mosaic and Tatum about the weight of the wall where they wanted to put it so I think we went back and waiting on some answers piece of questions there. and won't mention anything about the budget because I think Mike did that right? Any questions I did for the fireworks. Marshall away from back and forth very much. Yeah, they're gonna be same place each side of my shoes. Oh, okay. for people watch people watch and food trucks and bouncies and fans of that so more. But making sure that it doesn't result in a wild maintenance increase. Yeah. Yeah. All right. you Questions. Oh, you don't have policy, right? Okay. So yeah. All right Linda for our state. Yeah. Um, we met with the architect and we did get our state aid numbers back from the old submissions that we're not using anymore, but they they actually were helpful because now we have numbers on what the do we would have funded based on what those projects were. So it will help us as we're looking at the revised plans to say. Okay. Well since they were going to fund this we can assume that this will be funded this way and it will help us to really narrow in on what will the tax impact. so the arctics going back he was gonna meet with you guys. I don't know if you did that yet or or you have that coming. So yeah, he's he's gonna meet with Chuck and Mike just to go over because these were older plans and it was let's make sure that everything that we're thinking is is accurate in these plans. So they're gonna spend that time and then what we're hoping is that by the end of March we can finalize the plans. basically, you know, the things that we were talking about it during the committee of all the architect said if we can submit finalized Plans by the end of March, then we could go for a December referendum if we don't get it in by the end of March and we had said before this is not about that. We have to get it in. We're gonna make sure that it's right. So it looks like we might be able to get it in by the end of March. We're gonna make sure it's right. We're gonna make sure that we're comfortable if that's the case. It'll be a December referendum if not not, and you see more Said the end of March. Yeah, I think that he and end of March so that it'll be like April 1st. it was yeah. End of marches that's what yeah. Um, so wait to hear back just as they they work through their wise plans, things going in a good direction. any questions the state aid percentages. Is that what we were so like I feel like we've heard new build as a certain percentage. Like is it consistent with those kinds of things? We've been hearing or where they're surprises. you know that again like because I don't really understand right I hear you, but I like don't you have access actually Um, probably what we expected to a certain degree, but he's very I get it's you I used it better after I saw the PCS come back. We saw broken down and but you know the key so new construction the key is. 34% for renovation that's pretty straightforward as much as educational space. Okay Lucas destruction. It's nothing unless you have on a house students and on how students is by school building. It's not District wise. So if we have too many students one place, we can't use this square footage somewhere else. So the two places we're looking to putting addition tool which addition is new. There aren't how students. now the difference is even a house students. It's not 34% It's 34% of 143 Square dollars per square foot. It's not very close to that and new instructions about 650 dollars a square foot. So it's a small portion of small portion, but it's better than mine. Yeah. interplay with unhouse students if we were to redistrict based on you know, where we're thinking faculty issues. What was already it's wouldn't we couldn't redraw our lines and we can later. Yeah, but once again, I wouldn't make it better, but it would. Yeah, but in a sense it's going to benefit everyone right because then when you registered the question we asked if we go to full day kindergarten. Program difference that would increase our population. Can we use a program change and we're waiting to hear back. Oh, yeah, so we would have to do. a major Amendment with the state Lawrence facilities plan. with those new enrollment protectors because we don't have those kids here right now. So that would should. Increase our unhow students right if we're projecting a programmatic change like that, and that would that should yield more eligible square footage if we expand so could we do that soon so that those numbers are accounted for what we just admit it we do that. No you do that when you hear everything else packaged you so that's what we we just did that we are we got a major Amendment. At the same major Amendment approve at the same time got these beats. Court, but they didn't include the PCS didn't include well they kindergartner. No. No just for we have heard we have more so that's the original scope one the scope that we submitted didn't have automatic changer. overall and because it Rachel's same deal. I mean guys it is incredibly confusing but was it like 20 or 4.66? It was 24 like 20.6% of the overall College. Okay, if you look at just the school for the possible ability to take copies parcel offers almost 28. Oh, yeah, because Hopkins Marshall that was that's 10 million dollars totally an hour. So that that throws the percentage waiting and the only thing not eligible is possible partial explains. Everything else you put in was eligible. Thank you. Thank you. Negotiations We are continuing keeping on keeping on. so yeah, so we I think we have a meeting two weeks. npda updates. I wanted to give a shout out to newsheen and was it K? that was your co-chair in the tayden PTA. They did a book fair and a a multicultural lay on. Tuesday or Monday Monday and it was fantastic. It was really well attended. It was really nicely done really great about so good working. Yeah. We didn't run the book fair portion. We did just and the book fair team did their good job, too. It's a nice flow back. Okay regulations for a Board review regulation 22:10, which is curriculum development again, that's just for our information. nothing regarding on it's after preload. You have anything to report couple brief announcements. We are just closing our gifted and talented nominations for eligibility for the 24-25 school year we We received 215 nominations, which is about on par with what we receive. Every year so that testing will begin next week. continue over the course of two and a half to three weeks and then parents will be notified of score results. No later than early June it takes a lot of time to do this as one person that does it all those assessments have to be hand-scored that to be entered into a database. It's it's a laborious process, but because of the nature of this standardized test that we give which is called the sages. It's not electronical base paper and pencil. It's done in a booklet. not a Scantron so until the test developers improve the efficiency of that it's going to take a while to turn around time and again, It's not for eligibility until the until September of the next school year so still well out of the curve there. We close the posting for the HMS principal search. for new principal public in July 1st, We had 32 applicants, which is a pretty robust showing. Mr. Klaus and I interviewed 10 viable candidates that we determined from the resume screening and we're now in the process of making recommendations of which of those 10 candidates will move on to a first round panel interview. So to just give you a quick overview of the steps involved in the process Chuck and I do the resume screening We do a first round interview with the candidates then they move on to a first round panel interview that panel is comprised of teachers support staff members parents and administrators. Then from there there's a second round panel interview that they go through then after the second round panel interview. Some folks move on to a student interview. So we'll assemble a panel of Middle school students to conduct an interview. And then finally they have to come see Chuck and I again or final interview which is a pretty much a standard interview with an also involves some presentation that they have to put together. So it's a lot of steps. We might be surprised to know that we anticipate having a recommendation at the March Action meeting. So a lot of stuff to remove very efficiently through the process. So that is our goal and stay tuned for additional news on that. Yeah, all those steps the last person standing, right? thorough but efficient in our process make did a great job talking about the instructional support program that kicked off this week. Really happy at this time that we're serving 81 students in a variety of different areas Ela and math fine motor executive functioning and electric skills. It's really exciting. This is the first time we have ever provided Services outside of ela and math to general education students and we were really looking to focus on and underserved population of students and it's those students. Sometimes are refer to the middle of the road students for lack of a better phrase when you think about the kind of services. We generally provided the school district. We have special programs and services for a gifted Learners. We have a wonderful special education and Intervention Program that provides support for more struggling learners, but with finite resources, sometimes those students from the middle who aren't perhaps reaching their potential but or by no means struggling to the extent that they're failing in school. It's tough to provide specialized services for them. So we've been very creative with our federal Essure funding and that's what's funding this program. And as make pointed hours are affirmative response rate has been 90% which is which is really fantastic. And I think if you look at this from a business model, we're providing a product that people want so we really happy any questions about any of those items. I'm just really interested to see the results of this pilot program because as we talk about doing more with less for the budget. yeah, if this is successful and I hope that it will be it can be a really powerful. Absolutely. Thank you Tom Chuck. I'm not good like one thing even if even even as a wrestler. I was very impressed with our seventh grade student who made ESPN which I promise that that was wonderful we have a yes, that's it for me today. Yeah. talked about the budget. Yeah, I just had a couple things Terry are mksda rap is gonna come in April to do an Ethics training on us. We've already read the documents. experiments and then so he's coming in April to do that. And it's it's a little more expensive than what we've all gone through and our regulator training independently expect an email for a setting the date for our Retreat which will be in the summer and Chuck has started his self evaluation and we'll be getting that in a couple months. It takes a long time. so I will stay tuned. Right. Well now we're going to pop a comment. members of the community are invited to speak for up to three minutes at this time if you'd like to make additional comments, please wait until each person is had a chance to make their initial statement or comments must be directed to the board not members of the public according to our bylaws comment session can last no longer than an hour. This is an opportunity for the board to listen, but not to be issues or enter a question and answer period Please be aware that not only issues brought up before the board meeting will be resolved that evening. We ask you to identify Yourself by sitting your name and your street before making your comment or public education can be an emotional issue strive to maintain certain level of decorum public meetings are strange and available for replay on YouTube and students often participate in meetings. as such citizens are expected to maintain a tone the proceed We're going to make a comment. Hello Stoner, happydale Avenue. um, I just wanted to see our SAT scores compared to other j-district schools. How does haddonfields SAT and PSAT compared to them since we're gay district school. It's really important information. That was not shared tonight. So maybe we can find a way to do that. Also, I think a baseline of 600 out of a possible 800 is not an academic Baseline that shows academic Excellence, especially the greatest School. And I also think that 11th grade pscts are concerning. with regards to community input so where exactly does community fit into the flow chart of communication now that the community has been deleted off of the Board of Education flowchart. In 2018 Community was at the top of the flow chart and Board of Education was underneath that but in December 2023 Community has now been waiting off the chart no longer exists. So this board has decided to take it off of the chart the flow chart. How then does the community fit into this board of education in general. How do we have a voice you need our opinion with the bond referendum because we're the ones that get to build on it. You don't have a choice, where do we get to say something like the conversation of cell phones? I promise you that the end game of the confiscation of cell phones is that they're I think they want to take them away the entire day and perhaps at every social too. I personally not okay with this another students are not either. So just so you're aware. There are students who left school before the cultural day because they are not okay with their confiscation with their cell phones. So let me get this straight this board of education now goes directly to our students since when has that been done and why is that? Okay? this board of education talks directly with the Board of Education students along with the representatives along with Tammy McHale and decides that the cell phone confiscation including at a social event. This past week was which I feel completely uncalled for and then says it was well received that's not listening to all that's only listening to a few where exactly is a community in any of this. Where are the parents in this anymore. Where and how do we get heard there used to be dialogue? They used to be responses Chuck used to respond people you used to respond. I've been here a long time. But even at a Board of Education meeting there was dialogue to the residents, but no more his community is not and the other statements Okay. Well now pop close public meeting. I will stay in my communication to Carol since. public comments what I say public Schools. Oh, I would have mature. in my my response to Carol through email, which I just want to make sure everyone understands that the reason that we took The doctor musalin was here, and he wanted to communication at the top because Community because the community votes on the board of education. However on the organizational chart what that would mean is if you're looking at it, it really isn't transparent because Through the communication chart you would need to then go through the before going to a teacher. And that's not at all the case as everyone knows you need to you want to go to the person most directly handling your issue. And so we remove that was it last year we discussed this in policy. It puts us in alignment with most other districts and it also increases transparency that so parents understand and community members understand. You should go to really who is most able to help in your situation and then you move up the chart as your if you're a situation is not resolved. Then you want to move up to the next level the principle or And so on. I just want to make sure that everyone that's understands that that is why we need to. Community to reflect the chain of command super not to reflect it is more than organizational chart. Yes. we're voted we're voted on by the community but it's an organizational chart. So the community really would have belong there or else they'd have to go through Us in order to get to the people. They really want to talk to. unless they actually talk to us in which case of course they can. Okay, so there's whatever clarification too Mr. Locata absolutely stated that he did not have access to j-district numbers. this he doesn't have access to it. So right the day if the camera data isn't available. It's not available. Yeah each school, I guess gets their own Equity reports, but they are not available for everyone else. We don't have access to them which is different from when we report in jsla scores because we were able to get Jade District information because we're all use a third the same third party vendor, which is linked it, which is the only way that access to that and we always are transparently and that is public. that's cool. this one of the things Chuck and forgive me because this was a while ago when we were getting the data from the college. Is that the college clearing house or whatever that Clearing House very, that's correct. So they have access to that if we purchase their like expanded reports or now, that's not anything they collected. okay, let's go into governance acceptance of monthly HIV vandalism violence report approval of the fire security drill report policy approvals for first reading. 8507 and 85.08 policy approval per second reading and adoption 1642 and 0110. motion motion make and and like Mike if that's okay discussion. his name okay my city Coral Dr. Brown. Yes distress. Yes, Mr. Sinclair. Yes, this Hollywood. Yes, Mr. Knuckles. Yes, Miss Sonic. Yes vice president hooker. It's Beneke. Yes president crooked. Yeah. curriculum special education approval field trips conferences travel and overnight field tricks textbook approval for the psychology and Hattiesburg approval for five new High School courses of business courses resolution between the Board of Ed and Paul CNA therapy camp and resolution between how to support event and Orchard Friends School for an attitude placement mission. option Linda and Greg questions just want to say who does for the business editions to the curriculum, and that's great. Okay, Mike. Can you call distress? Yes, Mr. Ashley Clark. Yes, Miss Hollywood. Yes, Mr. Douglas. Yes, this song Yes president hooker. Yes, Ms. Beneke. Yeah, Dr. Brad. Yeah president crooked. Yes. Okay personal approval of personnel transfer salary upgr circular coaching appointments leaves of absences and resignations resolution to approved Jefferson University student to work with SLP resolution to approve of Rowan University student to complete their clinical experience resolution for Lindsey weira to provide support for student. resolution for Sofia Serrano to provide support for student both of those and for yoga and resolution for Patricia Patty to provide support for student for course. and then emotion Maggie and Greg discussion I have to be a free retire eat on here. So I think we've talked about three individuals who unfortunately won't be with us next year. So the first is in that sense recovery or 24 years. middle school English teacher extraordinary really outstanding teacher involved professionally takes you know committees and does all that great work. I will tell you I remember when I was high school. But I mean when you saw students it came through a next class they could write the issues are really brilliant right in teacher, which is hard Craft. Um, most English teachers are literature people who teach people how to write a neck does both very very well, but it's really excels in that and then once a year you go buy our classroom. She works at that on something you room full of kittens. And what's your classroom but a bunch of kids playing with kittens. She's made a huge impact on my middle school and she's gonna be suing this so we wish her well, Next Klaus Henkel. um, he's going with a 17 years class is very interesting characters, and these are amazing Skies. He's a highly trained pastry chef by trade like you actually was a pastry chef. He's from Germany. Just a wonderful human being it. Ideally in a school everyone's a teacher. Um, and that doesn't happen all the time Klaus was that he stopped. He talked the kids he worked with teachers. He almost fall if you do whatever you asked him to do. So if he's going to where he go somewhere get something done and you say ask me how this he would stop doing what he's got to do and do it. Um and just such such kindness and Friends, he would be great and that's I know that he's enjoyed by everyone the building staff students are like, okay, that's a pretty big deal. You look at those guys. I'm educator. That's wonderful. Find Bob Bickel Middle School PE 27 years here. One of the first people I met when I came over here, but here's father about 27 years teaching went here. So 40 years since September it was September the first time like 40 years or so had for school district to go to school, which is it which is a you know, that's a crazy thing crazy. Anyway, Bob's great guy funny. very witty good foods that teacher he coached football for a long time long time hanging baseball coach very accomplished. Um, well, you know one wonderful guy, so he's Possibly sorting this so um, we're losing three good people there, but I think they're all gonna be happy in retirement and talking to them. I think they're all very close. my commute Mr. Action part yes this Hollywood. Yes, Mr. Knuckles. Yes this side of The vice president Hoover. Yes. Beneke yeah, Dr. Brown. Yeah this dress. Yes president crooked. Yes. I've seen on C. Okay approval of the following business and finance recommendations recommending the adoption of the 24-25 tentative budget as we all had a chance to read and I will not. approve the implementation of procedures listed for regarding for people costs and resolution not to participate in the special education meditate Initiative Program. acceptance of a donation from the HMHS booster club for Coach to coach comms approval of tuition reimbursements approval to participate in sustained sustainable Jersey for school certification program approved separation agreement with an employee approve of a cost share with the Bureau of Haddonfield for the installment of the safety primage at the crossbow acceptance of the donation of the patinkil PTA for the shade structure payment of bills budget transfers board secretary's report and cash summary report mission. Stuff Plus questions comments anyone like another preview of the budget remember very welcome. Okay, Mike. Can you call? How do you sorry the sustainability we talked about it last time. Are we by this boat? Accepting the statement. Are we making that stage? So we have to try the resolution in to become part of so, we're here that kind of like standard resolution. Correct? You're giving us permission to join. Thanks. Okay. Miss Hollywood. Yes, Mr. Douglas. Yes this song. Yes, vice president hooker this bedoking. Yeah, Dr. Brown. Yes distress. Yeah. This restaurant, okay. that's not very simple Okay approval of the minutes from oh, sorry. Oh, yeah the minutes for those sessions January 4th of January 18th and both January 25th a lot of executive sessions so far. emotions sure Staff and machine Um questions or anyone find any typos and I might land sorry not that I might have spotted one and the regular meeting for January 18th instead of public member hopes to find a solution for expending the earlier Early Childhood Program. I think he I don't know expanded what he Okay. Mr. Knuckles, yes decided. Yes vice president Hopewell. Disconnected. Yes, Dr. Brown. Yeah distressed. Yeah, Mr. Estimator. Yeah, this Hollywood. Yeah president crooked. Yeah. okay items for future consideration for the board. what talks about moving the budget around so that they're not filling themselves don't know. All right. motion to adjourned sure. Okay tonight. I was no serious before like you are feeling like that. They telling Dad. Oh. Thank you. Forgot.