>> Ryan Schoppy: so yeah. Mr. Becky Dr. Brown, Mr. Dress here, Mr. Essen Clark again, this Hollywood Mr. Knuckles. Yes, the sonic yeah vice president prison group. s I can do it public notice of this meeting pursuant to the open public meetings act has been given by the superintendent of schools and the following matter. On January 10th 2024 notice of this meeting was posted on the interior of the School administration offices 95 Grove Street, Haddonfield. Britain notice was submitted follow the Haddonfield Borough Clerk and notices for email to The Courier Post and the retrospect newspaper. We don't have any student commendations tonight, but you do have accommodations for the New Jersey educator of the Year recognition. Yeah, I I am so happy to be able to do this this evening. This this process is actually been become one the like my favorite parts of my job. Getting to recognize teachers and and support staff for the excellent work that they do is something we're really proud of and we're happy to be able to be here this evening to honor our outstanding Educators and their loved ones. So tell you a little bit about this. Let me tell you a little bit about this it would so this is part of the governor's educator of the Year award. the vast majority of school districts across the state of New Jersey participate in this and it's a process by which outstanding and exceptional educators are recognized. There's a set of Eligibility criteria that staff members are evaluated against but I'm going to tell you what this boils down to I was fortunate enough to have a lot of good mentors in my career and when I first started as an administrator one of my mentors instilled this value. he said the most important job you have as a principal or as a school administrative is hiring not good, but great educators. It's it will be the key to your success. So now nearly 25 years later if something that I really carry with me and the people that are in the room tonight to be honored our great Educators another part of my job that I enjoy is interviewing and hiring people. and we often get asked the question when we're interviewing folks, you know an aspiring teacher might ask. What are you looking for a teacher? And my answer is usually the same in a boils down to two things. three things someone who loves children Who's passionate about education? And is a lifelong learner. And I'm really happy that all of our award recipients tonight really do embody that so while there is the reward criteria, I think there's a higher level that these people is fire to and have reached and we're very lucky to have them. So a little bit about how this process works. So every year we solicit nominations. a teacher colleague students parents in the community. Anyone can nominate in educator and every year we average about $250 nominations. That's how many submissions we get. So it's a very vibrant process a highly competitive process and these are the individuals that wrote To The Top this year. When you win as the educator of the year in the district, you also then become eligible to apply for County teacher of the year. if you get kind of teacher of the year, you have the option to apply to be teacher of the year. now in a school district like how to feel we're very very fortunate in the recent past recent few years we've had the state Teacher of the Year Award winner, which is Kim dixstine Hughes from the high school and Ron Smith current environmental science teacher at the high schools the current Camden County teacher of the year. So you guys have a lot to live up to for some great people here and I really would look forward to one of these folks. we've only had about this program like five years. So in five years, we've got two County teachers in the State teachers. So he's alive who we have. So let me get into the announcement of the award winners, and I'm just going to read to you a brief excerpt of some of the nominations that were put out. So first, I'm going to ask Stacey Brown Diamond. Come on up. Very closely with Stacy in my role as director of special education you seem to place long enough they give you enough jobs you get to work with a lot of people. So unfortunately most of the people here tonight. I've had a direct working relationship. So we're very fortunate to have Stacy here. So here is what Stacy's nomination in part red. Stacey has worked with two of my children and has never missed a chance to reach out to me when needed she is. Not only concerned about my children's academic success, but their overall well-being. she shares ideas on how to help them become more confident more comfortable at school and to be their best selves Stacey. Thank you so very much and you're graduation. all the fol ks that Jenny Gregory can't be with us this evening. Jenny Gregory is a fourth grade teacher at Central Elementary. This is what the nomination said that nominees. The nominating individual said about Jenny. This is Gregory teaches life skills such as cooperation and communication in addition to thoroughly covering the course curriculum. She has a subtle Manner and sets the tone that provides a supportive and safe learning environment around the falls from this program. Already grissy. come on up Ori Congratulations. Put together through my time is principal to Tatum. So how long so lucky to have you this is what they said about Dory serves as a great reminder that innovation. Doesn't just have to mean high tech she uses a variety of tools and methods to help children achieve their personal best goals. She is well versed in the SEL component of the curriculum and it is able to tap into what kids need to succeed or congratulations. You're so happy. Thanks. Welcome to Kevin Kozak. It's been a long week for Kevin like Kevin is also serves on the interview principal committee. So this is our third evening out together. Okay? All right. So here's what here's what was as I see every day in my science class, Mr. Kozat is really great and ensuring that every student understands and is confident in whatever. We are studying. What I believe is more important and more effective inspiring students to learn is getting to know each student personally and understanding their situation and congratulations. Thank you. It's really incredible. I mean as you as you listen to these nominations, it's so much more than teaching and learning about math science and language arts. Really a thread in all of these is about Connections about making connections with students which is such an interval part of what we do as Educators. I like to welcome up by Katie McCann. Now Katie Knight have not worked directly together. But when I go over to having school Katie's classes is one of my most favorite to visit. It's always a very vibrant positive and engaging learning environment. So we're really lucky to have you Katie. All right. So here's what they said about you. I Katie is clearly a skill teacher who differentiates integrates technology and utilizes multiple modalities of instruction to reach all Learners. However, the best thing about Katie is that she makes a point to develop a relationship with your students families and maintain that maintains that relationship throughout the school year and Beyond. Okay. Congratulations. I like to welcome up a heavy rabbits. it also three for three Heather headers also part of the interview community. This is what was written about. You in part Heather has been a special education one-on-one for over 15 years. She works on making sure that our students are successful in all classrooms. She ensures that modifications and accommodations are being followed and that her students are included in every aspect of the day. And because I work very closely with Heather particularly in my role as director special education Heather is somebody that if you needed something done if you need a little something extra if you need it a class coverage or you just needed some extra help with the student Heather. you're always willing to do that and the Loyalty that you have shown in the district and level of commitment from the Committees that you work on to the input that you provide us. It's been invaluable and we're so lucky to have you. Thank you very The Shell Scott is also a winner. She's not able to be with us this evening, but I do want to read what was written about her. Miss Scott is very good. It's in. All right. This will be posted on the website Tomorrow Ms. Scott is very good at advocating for students. She communicates very well exactly what they need because she goes out of her way to really understand her students. This form of leadership is extremely helpful because she is always my number one supporter no matter what and that was really nice student. And our last recipient this evening is Crystal Wesley Krista colonel. I'm I recall when we came into your classroom to give the award your students look more excited than you did. I don't know. It's just a shock and all of everyone coming into your classroom. but when you think about it it really Is that you make one students and for them to celebrate in in your success just really shows the impact that you're making with them every day. So really appreciate it. Let me read what they said about Kristen. Miss Wesley is notable for making non math people. It's a students who love coming to her class every day. Many of the people in my class have always complained about learning that yet in her class not a single student expressed a true distaste for men projects such as the parabolas in real life as well as her guest speakers are just a few of the reasons people love learning with her. And again, that's from a student. I think that's one of the highest confidence you can see I'm graduations. We want to get on camera. You should be over here that way people at home can't say so all right. He And everyone for being here, I think it makes the night extra special. Thank you for allowing us to have your loved ones to help make more school to do. Yes. Thank you for all these support that you give them. It was played immediately. Thank you. thank you drill you that was really wonderful tribute, and I think you may have pointed out. If not, you know, there's nominations came from students parents and columns. It says a lot it's coming from all those different areas. That's really impactful. So, thank you very much. but congratulations. there's followers. We probably take a quick a quick moment to say it's smoothie night here at I feel great education big shout out to Ruby's movies, and Wonderful. Family, okay. So moving on to committee reports curriculum maybe anything. Yeah, I do. We met just yesterday. In fact had a really productive conversation. We talked about a couple of topics first was the smarts executive functioning pilot for grade five at Central. We were lucky having a simchas join us to talk a little bit about a need identified around executive functioning skills. that will really help to support our fifth graders and equip them for success as they transition into Middle School which those of us who have seen such transitions at home. No is a big difference to go from being a little Elementary School student to a big middle school students. So this includes things like time management organization planning prioritizing and self-regulation and there are essentially a pilot program will be initiating for fifth grade again to help with this transition process. The program is highly affordable Shannon. This is found a really phenomenal offering and there are various protocols in place around kind of measuring the success the you know effectiveness of this program with Korean survey tools and and there are letters for parents that explain the program and kind of what's in scope. So that parents can reinforce stuff at home which as parents. I think we can all agree is super helpful to help kids. Really. Kind of internalize these lessons and things we're learning. We talked about the updated job description for The Masks math specialist roles, and that was sort of a lead from the fact that they were typically called math interventionists and as Gino explained and Matt explained essentially the the role includes lots of other things Beyond purely intervention like teacher coaching professional development work and other supports of leadership roles. So essentially this the title reflects the role more effectively. We talked about the science audit proposal. Matt gave us a really great description. This is something we hit on in the last iteration too around the need to revisit the science Ed holistically for the throughout the district with initial focus at the high school level and then moving through middle school and Elementary School and really ensuring that the program kind end to end. You know fits together well, so to speak there are not new standards per se. This is just a more holistic view of the science curriculum. We then talked about a quick update on the summer programming and I think as folks are aware. good news that Gino's shared which is that we will be offering a summer enrichment program at no cost to families for potentially for the for the final year at no cost because we have we are able to Leverage The Esser funds which will which need to be spent before October. There are lots of interesting courses both intervention-based classes that are invite only with really small group interventions. And then there are things that are interest-based course for example Lego robotics. Taylor Swift which I am pretty excited about adventures in art creative writing screenwriting and Cinema studies are among the many offerings and that's all you know, all good exciting stuff that this district is offering again as supplemental for this for the school year both the fun stuff and the more intervention-based stuff. Um, they're all adding in supplemental courses in math and Ela and exploring the ability to do some social skills and executive functioning. classes So this is a lot and it was it was a great meeting. that is it any questions. anyone that I can address. Thank you. Finance Nothing weird meeting next week. Was there a policy meeting, you know? leave that this morning? at 8:30, so I haven't shared the minutes yet, you know and it may look like on the agenda. We do money thing. That was just morning that we just like dump it on, you know, so you'll see some next month and then even more we had a really really large agenda, but we also have to guess joining it. Yes. join us which took some time so we met with a couple of doctors from Temple who are interested in advertising a study on Social anxiety and what that looks like in its many forms and kids and so we were learning about what that study would entail and we will be voting on that the end of the month if we approved that they can we can email the Flyers essentially. It's not in interfering with school right? Nothing to do with the school day or School programming. It's right. So we met with them and and learned more about that. It is a 3.7 million dollar plan, which is government funded and so it's exciting, you know and big and so the hope is the result of that work. That'll be years long will influence treatment of kiddos, right? It would be completely optional and kids and families with get paid if you'll see more about that and and then the three policies that I think we have successfully discussed or policy 1 1 4 0 again, I'll get this to you. We had a big kind of policy update around educational activity and they're the state law has Actually has changed and so that means it's a ripple effect of having to update kind of the terminology and the phrases and those kinds of things to our policies. And so for policy one one four zero we talked about discussion discussion We talked about adding a definition of equity. And how we use the state definition of equity but how like should definitions be in our policy? How does that work? But then if you put a definition in the policy, that's dependent on the state in the state changes that definition then how are we going to keep track of our 400 plus policies? We have we have lots of policies. Yes, four thirty seven. I don't know. So instead what we decided is we have a phylum section. We actually voted recently and updating like our address. It's kind of like the basics of the board and one of them is kind of a dictionary of source the definition it's so we're gonna going to add Equity to that and make sure any of these terms around educational equity. That align with it this update from the state that we get that in that one document. We can keep that one updated much more easily and then the others and >> Ryan Schoppy: 1523 which is the comprehensive Equity plan. And again, these are all policies that we have already. These are just some revisions. We're making we just ask them clarifying questions that there was no big discussion around that it seems straight forward and the suggested edits that you know, we think we need to do and then we looked at policy and regulation 15:30. These are both mandated. So we'll vote on both the regulation and the policy regulation Remember how the district is going to implement the policy. Normally. one document. We can keep that one updated much more easily and then the others and added ones we do and so we had a discussion about what is included and protected categories. The State website has up to date language around all these so then If we link things in policies, we have to make sure the links actually work and don't go dead. So again similar to the discussion on definitions. We just buildings. but that if anyone in the public was interested, they could easily contact any of us and we can Google the state department the statute that's in the policy right and get them the link then or they can do that, too. And so we feel like it's accessible enough right that we don't need to go crazy trying to maintain our 437. And so we were really just talking about does the public understand this. What is the purpose of a policy? You know, I would kind of that arranging at having those kinds of discussions because of this. nitty group stuff and discuss that policies are really for the benefit of the district and school Personnel right that they know what to do and we're telling them your charge the best and we hope that the public or anyone who comes across their website and looks at it can make sense of it that they're readable, but that they're not they're not a primary audience or primary audience is school. And so we kind of just we're hacking that stuff out. So when you see the policies next month, right? first three so when you see those policies next month when you make sense of all those edits and if you have some of these wonderings we have discussed them, but we're obviously open to any other. thoughts And they're a big pile for next month. So Linda was even gas and I was like, come on back homework and we did. Yeah. I have a couple questions. Sure first the email regarding the study opportunity. Do we have a policy on point about so that I did we did look at that policy. Yes. That's all I figured we did forget to look today. Just that is policy 1950 95 50. Yeah, Okay. Showing around and you mentioned the very good reason why we wouldn't put hyperlinks directly in the policies and salaries, but for the Public's help, maybe we just put a link from at the policy level to the state doe website policy like somewhere on our website Landing very well, then they can look at the individual policies that at least they know like as I'm Googling. This is the state website the policies. Statute index. She is coming inside at Google. That's probably just coming from a place that knowing what it's like links and those that that those links can change and then that's dead links on your site. It is so surprised. How many deadlines I would not normally I would not be surprised. Fair Was it thank you. All right moving on to lrfp. We did meet we met with our text again. We went through blueprints school by school. The main focus right now is really to make sure that at every school that we have enough additional classrooms to handle this bringing the kindergarten in-house and to make sure that we are reaching our goals of having enough room for otpt and special education small group instruction. So go through one school at a time looking at them one more time. We are meeting two weeks from Tuesday of this past Monday to Tuesday the 25th 25th. we think that maybe we will be at a place to say this might be it as long as we are ready by the end of March then they feel like we'll be able to get things submitted and December reference so that's still up in the air and I'm committing to that but it's looking good. I will tell you that personally the thing that was so frustrating to me so we know that there will be additional students coming into the district. we can't get funding for students who are not yet in the district. So even though we know they're coming and we think that we're doing the right thing in planning for that. None of that will be functions to do what you do. So, we'll make the best decisions we can at that next meeting and then hopefully we will be able to place to bring that forward and say here. Um, maybe before, you know, I'm sorry any questions. that was a lot of Elementary but middle and high school are also incl Yeah. I will report for for Jamie for negotiations. We met this week as well. Things are moving along and we are hoping to be meeting again in the next couple weeks there. just 20th as well. Yep. 25th is the next meeting and negotiation and you remind me the timeline that we need to nail. You want to be you want to have it done by June 30th construction, but that's that's negotiation. We ended we settled for the contract expires the first hundred thirty some years. Yeah, so that's maybe Credit One of the superintendent. and normally good job. We go. Okay, PTA updates anyone. alrighty, assistant superintendent support Okay. superintendent so, um We're here today, March 14th, and I want to take a look at our current enrollment. I have handouts there. I gave the board handouts and then looking forward because enrollment right now is one issue but as you pointed out we have some concerned about future enrollment things. We have to really start. we were talking about this we start to start acting is what I guess what I'm going to say. So this is our projector. So this is The fourth column there is enrollment today three fourteen twenty four the next column is what we project for next year currently that's based on registration from this year. The Texas duties for this year now, there's numbers are there. Moving targets people as this and this is some known leads the district at all. and some of the registration you saw the registrations are complete. So we have people registered but having given us documentation yet. So we assume they're not just making it up. But until they're locked in we don't want to count them. But we're looking at where we are. There are things in there like the preschool that number plus really greatly so you can see We're going up a little bit, you know four five students, but the thing we're looking at is where those those students are. We're gonna notice we go through our secondary numbers are down. It's our elementary numbers that are are rising pretty rapidly. and the thing about when you build schedules and things in school, you can hide a lot more kids in high school. of courses and and scheduling then you can with Elementary right? Those numbers are pretty hard. 25 is our class size number boom. Boom. All those things happen High School. You should shift a section here you do that you can you can hide kids much better. So, you know, we don't have our second graders are going to different classes not going to try good there, Right? So here's the high school in the middle school next year. You see the middle schools got a large jump the high school is is coming down actually because they have a relatively large graduation class this year 226 under two fewer than than 200. But there are at least three or four tuition students and being interviewed right now for grade 9, so that'll probably go up. We also tend to get people coming in over the high school. hear Central Um and look at both this year and next year three of the five grades or six grades of central are at capacity. Karma and it should be noted that. They were over capacity right there are there are roughly and our elementary schools. We have roughly 15 students who are not in their current neighborhood schools. because of most many of them at this place some of them are by I didn't Tatum I moved to Central I want the kids stay tape because we have those we also have students were displaced. So there's a good number of students We have who are not currently in their actual neighborhood schools, And I did I think I said, you know the board today getting into background. It's I actually learn how to paint all all there's two or 14 first grade leader. I put a map beer like pay dollar homes. I won't show it here because you see where everyone lived but you notice these outliers where there's a person who Tatum who's all the way down almost had this section and Central and the person so you can see where these people are coming up being this place out. There are areas. Here's how many numbers And how he's got the most and the other thing to look at is in 24 25. I went back to Central I have 75 There are currently 77 kids. registered for first grade essential That's not including the one student who's already voluntarily moved the hat. So there would be 78 at Central School. I put who's gonna be there not the enrollment because they're gonna be be 75 kids or something. Here's Howden. For next year we can see they're also growing by some 20 some students, which is a big jump for Hadden. Kim first grade next year 64 and had 10 of those are coming from such. So that's a big number right? Not. It's it's seven from Tatum free from centerpiece, Missouri. um There's Tatum once again to 75 in first grade there represents seven six seven students who are going to take to add one has voluntarily go the other dresses called it, but that looks like we ask people to let us know by tomorrow if they're interested in volunteering. So my policy we have to volunteers we gave them to tomorrow. So we'll see if anyone else goes. And then this is the district wide enrollment in elementary. And you can see where that those numbers are jumping both in this year and in next year, so it goes up. You know 23 students District live Elementary School. currently This is next year's Rising first graders. Here's registered actually buy their homeschools. 77 is down for 56. It hadn't 81 to Tatum and hadn't fifty six includes two volunteers from one from Central multiplayer. So you see where where we're getting. challenges There's two policies that address this. The one is class size. Here's our class size limits 25. Okay, three twenty seven and four fifth and then 5120, which is just on students. So here's what we have to do this year. according to policy If this class is full we asked for volunteers. We don't get enough. We have a lottery of students who don't have priority at their homeschools. Priority of siblings priority is people who've already been in the school and priority is registration dates and stuff like that recorded policy. So We have we will be holding a lottery as to. Who's going to be this place from their school? We talk when we had this policies updated recently we talked about should we put distances in there? So we do this you do that and these kind of like how do you decide these things? And well, the one thing we all know is we're not going to be the arbitrators of hardship say who's who's reason is better than someone else's right because everyone's got hardship sometimes reasons. So this is the policy this virus. This has been in there for years. We stuck with that policy. Um, yes about the lottery. Do we let people know what what the lottery odds are is it's not gonna be one in seven. We will actually have those numbers down. We'll communicate out everyone like logically some people might want to choose for themselves versus so maybe yeah, we'll put that house with the girl next week and we'll say yeah if you think about it, and this is maybe you should have tried articulate like if you are a first grader in central or datum, you are maxed out fast size for most of your career in elementary if you had in your class of 21. And some people will prefer that difference right because it's not just gonna be next year. You're back down. It's going to be going through right? That's that's a big deal. So this is also in policy and I highlighted the red a message this really the Max and we do this unless the superintendent recommends adding additional sections. Right so I could say we're gonna add sections. sections. We're but there's she's more the way to put it. It's pretty complicated. So if we would add a section There's a couple things that really get impact. First of all is our schedule our schedules taking years. I think it's perfect. It's really good schedule right now. and it contains time for teachers have common planning time and grade level meetings, which is best practice. That way you can work with your colleagues to understand what's going on and across the district. which which helps the Fidelity of content, right? We're putting a new math program next year. we want our teachers go to work together. not just within their building but across the district to help each other out. It's it's good for teachers. for years teachers worked at isolation even though it's a very You know, it's a very, you know, collaborate collaborative thing, but people tend to someone this, isn't we we worked hard to get this in there because it's so important and maybe even more importantly, um The schedule meets all our contractual obligations for prep time lunch using those things if we're at a section, really no longer be able to meet the contractual ages and whatever require additional staff. And that's a big deal. on fiscally this is connected to that. We wouldn't just be adding a teacher in the classroom. Because you would have to get specials are are Music World Bank. We don't have any more space we'd have to hire three to four part-time teachers in addition to the full-time teacher plus materials and supplies. It's probably 150,000 hours to the low side would cost at section between several Fort fun challenges. Yeah, watch that little side, Who's going to come and be a part-time for his ed teacher a part-time art teacher a part-time music teacher a part-time librarian and a part-time World Bank research. Right, that's really hard you the odds was doing that would be slick. right, and then you're looking at you know just it's just not a good obviously not what I think it too You're coming earlier like that high school. It's easier part-time teacher High School. Means every day you have first period a special part-time teacher means and day five and three because you all have again what they're saying, you know anything like it's a wackadoodle part-time schedule. That's not good that makes it harder. I mean there's even things we can do at least I just need five reasons of three four. We may be able to squeeze another section or two out of World Language teacher or borrow from another place. librarians don't have to be certified diversity to be certified teachers, maybe so you can find so maybe if you find an art teacher who else will take vibrant we could do that type of stuff. Maybe you get lucky. Um, but still the likelihood of us putting it together and then space. Where and then even the bigger questions which school? We now have two schools are over to do this twice. We just went through $600,000 in budget cuts, and now we're going to put in. This fiscally it's not the responsible thing to do. and and then if we had a section this year and the numbers are high next year now we've set right exceptions last year. We were above in central. We did what we followed our policy the new lottery. So that's that's where we are with right now. And then there's this. This is our our map that. Shows us where we go to school. And there's a yell. I probably should have done a better job and by putting yellow dot if you look close as a yellow Dot. right below right right between central and yes, please. Yeah, that's that's the place. It hadn't feel which is a new development snowed that falls into the Tatum section next to the central section. If we think back to where our crowding is, it's those two schools. Which means if the place it had if you were over by Haddon? we wouldn't be as concerned with that because there's flexibility there's room and hadn't This falls and Tatum. right next to Central so if you try to keep your neighborhoods going like our goal is to keep our neighborhood schools going. That's really problematic. because the place it hadn't feel which is the name of the developed the calling it is 20 units and here's the makeup for one bedroom ten two bedroom six three bedroom. All right, next going to be completed probably by January or February of next year. So a year from now we could have 30 and if you see if you look at the bedrooms you say the two bedroom the three bedroom. That's and there's parents of a room and a child needs room. That's 12 and 10. That's 22 potential new students as early as 12 months from now. By 25 26 we have to be prepared for that. We're trying to prepare for it now, but that is something that really Is Harsh so I have here we've got to consider redefining our captioning zones. Catch me zones are weird areas. We have to consider looking at that now I share with with the board and model. I did a couple of different models. I share one that work and kind of didn't work and this and that. but we have to investigate this seriously and take a real hard. Look at what the solution is. What was the last time we did that? engage on that process Jack Jerry has been I'm in cr16 years. We never since like, you know, we update our curriculum. So yeah, but we do have to get we got to look at this. Don't work. We have to get some with you know Consulting because this is this this is one year. Stop shot. Right? Right. So we don't want to say this is what's going to be forever, right? Um, but Central's being crowded for a while. And we have that new to we can. relatively sure that We have to at least consider the plans right? I'm not sure. I don't want We're Not Gonna definitely deliver. It's happening. We have to consider what that looks like in that that's that's the point there. Um, on a different topic and questions about the those enrollment numbers. any consultant that we hire any sort of work we do there. We want to try and capture kids that we know already exists. sure like preschoolers try and see what those numbers are and they're intense. Obviously that's not going to be set in stone, but it would be helpful information and also a comparison that this was the last time We did a district thing. This is how many either additional units or bedrooms people are now in the town just that we have a general sense of what we're looking at. Well the reach out to who to find people who've done this before and other other school districts and upon people who was advice on it. Okay. I I sent you guys. I'm a trained English teacher and I'm trying to figure this out. There's not my there's not my world, but I know enough to know that we have to really thought I appreciate that this activity because Reach just also knows when Evesham redistrict. They didn't care where you were how old you were so. new new school for fifth grade wasn't the highlight of my elementary school. Yeah, so that's that's what we really like that you guys are thinking. Of proactive way. I mean in theory we could But that's traumatic for no reason. Yeah, we could fix this right now, right and just move stupid. We're not gonna do that because You're already in kindergarten in central you to stay in central school. We respect that the people want that medicine that's important. Never note as you came into it. You probably noticed our environments for the brighter and different right now, right? So the audience upgrades of the library. there's the small ones but this the library's gotten The kind of beat up the stale. It's a heavily used area. So we try to make the best of it. Um there there's fresh paint. They are having news the shelving missing that there's new shelving coming. It'll be lower shelving. So you see across the room and keep the open up there obviously new furniture some of the furniture flowing Parts 12 or 13 years old it gets you use differently in elementary Furniture because if you come in here, there's 150 kids here every time. Body, because yeah, right 50 credits every year we're looking at the materials what we have here, right? So we have like periodicals. like no one takes magazines out of the library. we're keeping newspapers because kids don't really lose papers, but they don't use the magazines and then there's gonna be some book reading you'll notice that there's fewer shelves. Um, and so based on the IAS Jazz I said, how do you decide what comes with what happens and she gave me this material more as less and this is a guy that leading library and Ali American Library Association. These are the things you look for. Inaccurally unreliable sources out of date are on these materials. We have books ahead and checked out in 25 years. We don't need to keep those around right we have books where they had. They're just 20 years old and they're about history or American politics and it's just like sense anymore. poor condition clauded on attractive and and what's he talked about is when you have these giant stacks of old books that are not in good shape. No spend time, you know interacting with them. So it hurts your circulation numbers. So in the opening up now and making are more. likely to be around for lack of a word and then inappropriate otherwise harmful to students. So we go with what materials are in there. Make sure they're thinking in our case engaging with and the biggest difference was about a quarter of the thought this roughly 20 25% was reference books. Um, you know, the clc's the old. Heavy green Behind book. We don't use those anymore. We are online databases that all kids have access to it. Here's a sample of five or six online databases the kids use, you know, when they when they're in English classes or AP research history classes. they don't send them to the core catalog which is you know, I can't remember. What's cold somewhere you go away. Yeah. It's important. I don't care about what it's called by everyone. always young we have my coffee shops there. Okay, but you should read book it find the date. Yeah you go. All these are high academic reading places. So the place of reliable sources. And so that's so we shifted away from that into there. That's that's why we're open space in here. And oh, I don't have them coming presentation. Yeah, but the board the budget of your next week next month, right? That's one of the ethics training next month. so that's right. any questions? Better already and fresher, we all yeah. We donated them. books yellow Library those types of things the last time we had a meeting, which was probably 2009. Some of the books will try to sell we'll get some valuable books like we had an old. Oxford English Dictionary print that is actually that the race print that you run to figure out so I think we sold that for me pretty good time money on that. So this big books in the back there that the art books the big print things they're valuable so we would see if I think they're gonna keep those but if you really know something that you would go and see what you can get you have now reminded me. I did have a PT yet PTA up. did A book and it was awesome. Each of the kids brought in however many books from their home libraries that they have decided no longer suit their home libraries got a ticket They spread them all out all over them all purpose room. I had hoped I was going to leave with fewer books and I entered with this I did not but my kids were super stoked and it was just a really love it. So well done. That's beautiful. My shelves do not thank you and my children do I was just going to come out on the library, too. I work at an undergrad institution, right? Those online that's what we use. That's what yes, are you? So I thank you for thinking about investment and college them kids. We're doing the right thing. Yeah. it is then Free to get access to those. no like the cost of Library memberships, you know to get those and the cost of the technology we give every basically we're shifting where we're yeah access to them at home, or do they have to be connected to the school? like so if they're logged in okay, thank you donation of stuff is anything that could be that maybe aren't valuable or anything like that? Is that something that any classes could use? Oh say, oh sure lodging or hop cycling and I I guess we probably not good at the elementary school that out there. Yeah. Yeah, but I do know like the American Heritage the books like a lot of a lot of history. Yeah. Like I they colored photographer ever and like the images that you can find in. There are the different quality then magazines. There's a lot of altered bookmaking. that's like a really big, you know thing, especially even with a lot of like SEL kind of stuff blackout poetry things like that. So I remember saying that if we're going to go lower in our materials like some of these things could be More repurposed for others. I'll bring it up to Justin time, right? Yes, okay moving on to the board president's report. It's never going to talk about District goals and progress and like give you my notes Here. but all of you, you know that I sent around we're trying to identify a date for the board retreat one of the things that we've talked about with Chuck is early because as they get started in the summer, there's a lot of workings done over the summer. All of it should be born out of what the district goals are in the world goals are and we really want to focus this word Retreat on those goals. So moving it back to June in the past We've done some other kinds of book reports and those types of things that I think that are the goal this year really is going to be connecting our mission statement to the district goals to the full goals to the superintendent goals and then ultimately to the Miracles and and stitching them all together so that they work in Tampa with each other. that will be our Focus for the retreat and I will be sending you materials so that we can all be prepared. I mean, that's everything that I just talked about. There's a lot there so to get it done in a few hours is it's not going to work unless we've you know had some substantial work done in advance. So I'm kind of working through that now we'll get more to you pretty soon. So just go back though to where we are right now and talking about our progress over the past year. So we talked about the district schools our belonging engagement school lunch. We know that those are the goals so chuck with and and talk to the heads of the, you know, all of our different areas and the reports that and there's a lot of good stuff here. So when it comes to belonging in central office, they've been doing consulting regarding incision and self-contained rooms. HMHS. Peer leader initiatives during lunch quizzes by Fall tournament continuation of the positive coaches Alliance focusing on freshman students quarterly freshman Community meetings to review upcoming events. You know, this is the first time that they're here. So here's the upcoming events and you're the expectations and answering any questions that go along with that. at the middle school assessing involvement in clubs and activities, especially those who were that seem that there's not that there's some disengagement there and how can they get more engagement? And then just ongoing social activities such as ice cream social star student week of respect. the elementary level responsive classroom classroom Charters buddy classes where there's a partner for each class at the school level school meetings positive messages in hallways. So all the things that the different areas are doing to address belonging. Engagement at central office they brought in Musical music therapy dog therapy and yoga yogurt. You don't know what yogurt would be good at the high school the teacher to teach her engagement so that they can share best practices with each other this year. The junior class. Just got back from a trip to Washington DC to visit the national museum of African American history and culture and teachers creating more engaged in engaging lessons based on build thinking classrooms. And this is led to more collaboration between students and active participation in class. at the middle school counselors are meeting with students on regular basis. Admin checks in with students that are needing some additional support and there's Lunch Bunch counseling to address the transition to Middle school and explore Stress and Anxiety as well as helping students connect with each other. at the elementary level of focusing on whole class engagement. There was actually PD that was done on engagement strategies to get the whole class engaged and focus on self-assessment for the students and students last LED conferences. And then with regard to school climate central office their Special Olympics and the New Jersey Bowling Club that we recently heard about at the high school Multicultural day, which just happened. They had a speaker on drug and alcohol safety during Wellness day speaker. They brought him speaker who struggled with anxiety and bullying as he was growing up and now he's like a world-class boxer. They have frequent student group meetings student athlete training on character and Leadership and then focused lessons on learning and bouncing back from mistakes constructive criticisms sportsmanship creating a climate of belonging and positive digital citizenship. And then with the Middle School check-ins with students who to assess their emotional well-being conflict res. social students to struggle with peer interactions and then the miscellaneous activities like Spirit Week fundraisers field trips Community meetings Wellness day, and then at the elementary school that you know, because they're the the smaller kids that that climate stuff is that the kind of stuff the school climate is just interwoven with all other stuff that they do. So lots and lots of stuff. done throughout to address what the the district goals are and those this year were the district and the board goals and I think that now next year will dive a little deeper and and really get those get get more clarification on the difference between District goals and board goals and they align with our mission statement. That that's awesome. Thank you for that. Great recap that. I'm sure took a lot of work with a lot of people to pull together all of that, but that's very helpful and really interesting to see the way at the building level and at the grade level. Our teams are leaders are you know administrators? Our teachers are finding ways to actually take those goals and kind of make them real in the classroom and and also interesting how much they need to vary by age level right? And That's I think really interesting. I like that. They're all interrelated when you were talking about school climate. I was thinking about how having a climate that is encouraging failure this came up at work. We were talking about SpaceX and if you want to build a rocket, you're probably going to have a lot of rockets blow up and not launched and to be comfortable with failure in order to grow that's part of climate. That's also engagement. You have to be Feel like you have belonged to engage you have all this stuff is all interrelated and I think It's it should impact student achievement. all right. So we will now move into public comment. We will begin open public comments session members of the community are invited to speak for up to three minutes if you'd like to make an additional comment must wait a person has had a chance to make your initial statement. all comments must be directed toward the board and not members of the public. This is an opportunity for the board to listen, but not debate issues or enter into a question and answer period Please be aware that not all issues brought before of the board will be resolved that evening. We ask you to identify Yourself by stating your name and the name of your street before making your comments of the board. Well public education can be an emotional issue. We strive to maintain a certain level of requirements public meetings or streamed. And available replay on YouTube and students often participate in the meetings as such citizens are expected to maintain a tone of courtesy and soil. of any public comments Okay. We will then move into review of the agenda. I'm always thankful when je is goes away for the that I just how come items for the Board of Education approval governance anything that anyone wants to go over for governance and the question so I like the head form. I know you talked with everything, but that's showing and the incidents. Of course, I don't know the right word since the last. Media, correct. They did the ones that were still hasn't taken actually. Yeah. Okay, and I was also wondering if We will get an update on data around any repeat offenders and repeat victims. We've talked about this a bit ago When we it's there was like a can't think of the biggest three court, you know they were talking about yeah. yes, but I'm Curious again, I don't want to know these kids or the numbers, you know, but just like do we have any we have early? Yeah that means and so I don't know research. We'll make sure okay. anything for curriculum and special education you guys ready to move on? Yeah. Under personal letter H and you just remind us. CSP meetings they happen in the summer. Can you just like I just feel like I don't understand like better but there's a timeline you have to meet so somebody gets a referral you okay that you look pretty good. There's that's true. Are those meetings? Clear or do some going to Summers literally when you're surely a statutory guidelines that dictate Windows meetings have to happen and it doesn't discriminate to the students already in the district or students living in them. Okay, the easy example to give is it's middle of July. You have a concern for your third grade student or you're your childhood lives in Haddonfield. that might go to some other school and you send us a notice and make a referral for a child. say to evaluation. We have 20 days to have that. So those are the most significant meetings that I 20 20. Yeah, and in the other one that comes out the most frequently our reevaluation meeting. So every three years whether that three years Falls in August, June July those meetings have to happen before the three year expiration date to develop. Customer plans to determine whether or not the child caught that remains. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I know it's legit. It's just like you need a refresher. Yeah, and then on top of the statutory meetings, we also get a lot of you know parent requests for meetings or tell us anything more 12 month employees. So we are there to be for a variety of reasons upcoming transition traumatic event that just I always joked around when I was director of special education. I said you can black out the windows and Chelsea team office and you would not know if it's September, September January or else. You know high volume all year. Is there a higher volume? So for people in the situation where their student might be entering the district, they're concerned of a CST evaluation. When's the best time for them to make that self referrals avoid? No, no, it's I mean you the only time where I can assure you trying to find an accountant in April 4 year. Annual review season, so that's March. Okay in June. So in those months Charles City team conducts somewhere like 500 meetings and that's full 90. That's the busiest time. that's the time I would. Maybe want to stay away from if if you do that. Thank you. Okay, and approval of business and finance recommendations. and approval of minutes if they find any Detective you but I just wondering if there's something we could. Okay. be doing so if December is like for the referendum, so is there should the board consider forming a temperate temporary like communication committee, or I'm thinking back to the Atlantic City conference and some different ones. I went to like so we can help with messaging we can help or what like, how can we share the load of that work maybe better than how it was being you know, like because it seemed like too much work for The color right? It's like is there a way that we can Help each other out. I think that's going to be September August September, right? I mean so so, um, you know, what one of the challenges we had in with the last go around was we had Kingsway. So we sort of talking about it, right too soon before the actual book. where you want to talk about two years. So there's there's a formula to it. and when we know when we get the stuff into the state, we know the opportunity for then you plan backward from there about these are all watching things. I mean that stuff that's the answer probably is September and I started doing that and then we'll start having meetings and coffees and stuff like that, you know, some of the things they learned and success they Want to be good we could rotate where our board meetings are during those months leading up so that we can have at 6:30. We'll be available to walk people through and then we'll meet in the head on library that day for me. you know that there's ways to encourage in public see the different things and whatever. I know that will take some organization. to be You want to be able to help? Yeah, so that's keep that in mind. Yeah, so a couple of things that we talked about. We just never got there right? Not the last one. So once everything is finalized. Then I think the next thing is I mean we need to present the plan. Yeah, we we all know Ryan's going to our architect. He will be coming to not only the meeting where we talk about the plans, but he said he'd be available to come to any meeting that we wanted to we absolutely talked about not only having you know coffees at different areas, but we did talk about doesn't necessarily need to be like we scheduled boa meeting. We can't have a quorum, but there can be represented right different locations. So I heard some like it's on the presentations like when we have our two hour delays. Is that a safe time to have people Visit the buildings. I know we don't want to bring strangers in Journey which kids are there, but like or what days are we off that maybe? Folks like this is the Department of the senior center and then get seniors in the area into our book or what. You know what I mean? Like there was someone with good ideas like that, but I know will take organizations. So I just wanted to put it out there like You're on Vegas. One of the thing for personnel was Personnel was very late today. There will be names added to hire next week. Okay, you guys are working hard. Yes, this one other and they're interviewing business teachers today. So we'll have Hi, I didn't.