##VIDEO ID:_iIiAtihm9I## >> HSD Broadcast: for future use Project will be complete. Excellent job. Great glad to be part of the team. It's a good. thanks for staying on top of it and coming in and updating us any questions. Yeah, thank you. okay, Santa facilities like Catalano into fern. for future use project that we complete. Great. Excellent job. Glad to be part of the team. That is a good one. Thanks. We appreciate you staying on top of it and coming in and updating on us. Any questions? No. Thank you. Okay. State of facilities. Um, my cataly It burn. right All right, so I want to think everyone knows why I'm I'm on the business from this Trader debit card facilities director for him. So we're here just Right. All right. So, hi everyone. I think everyone knows who I am. I'm Michael K. I'm the business administrator, facilities director. on the state of our buildings are facilities. So you're everyone on the board knows. This is our mission statement. without a safe nurturing environments hard to accomplish our our mission, right? So safety is going to be you a key theme you hear from me tonight. The flow of what we're going to cover is, you know, I'll talk about where we've been our history where we're currently at things we have in place And also what we we have coming up so So, we're here just to uh give you a update on the state of our of our buildings, our facilities. So, here everyone on the board knows what this is as our mission statement. Without a safe, nurturing environment, it's hard to accomplish our our mission, right? So, um safety is going to be a key theme you uh you hear from me tonight. so when I started it had a field that a yellow legal bad in my office I had all the buildings listed with here the dates they were belt and the Vintage of some of the key editions. they had so just a point a couple hours coming up 100 years when the high school in a couple years. admin building or one like you have Um the flow of what we're going to cover is, you know, I'll talk about where we've been, our history, where we're currently at, things we have in place, and also what we we have coming up. So, when I started at Hatenfield, found a yellow legal pad in my office that had all the buildings listed with the the the dates they were built and the vintage of some of the key additions they had. So, just to point a Chuck you know, and Gino's office in my office used to be. that's our oldest building 1890 has been to do that building our own school building Elizabeth. Hadn't built 1913. And I try to fieldhouse listed here when we owned it, you know, obviously Fieldhouse bill there's a couple missing. Circa 2002 there was Major addition on to the Central Middle School and um admin building our one Lincoln AB where Chuck Gino Ben Gino's office and my office used to be that's our oldest building 1890 the vintage of that building our oldest school building Elizabeth had was built 1913 um and then private fieldhouse is listed here when we owned it you know obviously was on the list here but uh 1966 that was when the fieldhouse was built there's a couple missing um circa 2002 uh also want to Tatum editions onto those locations. so you can see nice little One Stop Shop of the Vintage of all of our all our buildings. So now over the last eight years, I'll talk about a couple specific projects. we've accomplished. Are starting with the referendum? 2016 35 million dollars at work mostly urgents slash emerging building safety. Need I think a tagline might. school and also on to Tatum additions onto those locations. So you can see nice little one-stop shop of the vintage of all of our all of our buildings. So uh now over the last eight years, I'll talk about a couple specific projects we've accomplished. Uh starting with the referendum uh passed in 2016, $35 million work, mostly urgent slashemergent building safety needs. been hey, our buildings are falling down. So those were those are the type of improvements covered in the 35 million dollars. Scope. um, they just to highlight a couple more. these projects range from two hundred thousand dollars to one point two million dollars one point two million dollar project was the addition to the seedling here at this in this wing of the high school went to million dollars. Another thing. I want to point out the funding source isn't always just us. our I think a tagline might have been, hey, our buildings are falling down. So, those were those are the type of improvements covered in the $35 million scope. Um, and just to highlight a couple more, uh, you know, the these projects range from $200,000 to $1.2 million. The $1.2 million project was the addition to the SE uh sewing here at this in this wing of the high school, $1.2 million. Um, another thing I want to point that hadn't feel educational trust. We really appreciate their support. They've had their fingerprints on the Tatum playground in placement Artscape improvements by the stadium to see wayne Courtyard and improvements. They've helped us a lot funding over the years. So we appreciate that a lot and then also our friends the federal government they fund the last couple here all the bathroom Renovations Those are all fun to buy as for funds or ARP fonts. So just wanted to highlight. Um, our friends at the Hadenfield Educational Trust, uh, we really appreciate their support. They've they've had their fingerprints on the Tatum playground replacement, hardscape improvements behind the stadium, the Sewing Courtyard improvements. They've they've helped us a lot funding uh, over the years. So, we appreciate that a lot. Um, and then also our friends, the We've done over the last couple years and Tim's going to get into our our on the Tatum playground in placement Artscape improvements by the stadium to see wayne Courtyard and improvements. They've helped us a lot funding over the years. So we appreciate that a lot and then also our friends the federal government they fund the last couple here all the bathroom Renovations. Those are all fun to buy as for funds or ARP fonts. So just wanted to highlight the All right, so a general building improvements and preventative maintenance are the core of what our facilities team takes care of for the district. We have quite a few staff members that are licensed certified in their trade. So it allows us to be able to take care of a lot of needs without going an Outsourcing project. So, just wanted to highlight the substantial projects we've done over the last couple years. And Tim's going to get into our our everyday improvements to our building. All right. So, um general building improvements and preventative maintenance are the core of what our facility team takes care of for the district. Um we have uh quite a few staff members that are uh licensed um certified in their installing our bottle filling stations the humidification for classrooms. That's above the ceiling that goes on scene. We take care of a lot of issues like that in-house one of our more recent Endeavors is our summer paint group. We are in our third year. It's been a very successful program in our first year. We did a lot of large space pain areas such as our hallways. So, it allows us to be able to take care of a lot of uh needs without going and outsourcing projects such as installing our bottle filling stations. Um dehumidification for classrooms that's above the ceiling that goes unseen. We take care of a lot of issues like that in house. Um one of our more recent uh endeavors is our summer paint group. Uh we are in our third year. Um it's been a very successful program. cafeteries and such. in the past the year the next year our second year we Were able to paint over 20 classrooms in our Elizabeth Hadden Elementary School and in Tatum Elementary school and then a couple other ancillary areas in the buildings and then this year with the help of five five more students and our painter cat. In our first year, we uh did a lot of large space painting areas such as our hallways, kitchens, uh cafeterias and such. Um then the past uh the year, the next year, our second year, we were able to paint over 20 classrooms in our Elizabeth Hen Elementary School and in Tatum Elementary School and then a couple other ancillary areas in the buildings. Catherine Donahue we were able to paint over 30 classrooms this summer most of which were in the central school. We have neglected Central School for a few years because of the summer school programs that were going on in there. so they were able to get over 30 classrooms painted in there and then over in a high school We took care of a couple classrooms and some offices. So the painting project process has been a great. And then this year uh with the help of five five more students and our painter C uh Katherryn Donahghue, we were able to paint over 30 classrooms this summer, most of which were in the central school. We had neglected central school for a few years because of the uh summer school programs that were going on in there. So they were able to get over 30 classrooms painted in I hope everybody enjoys the classrooms and and what they're seeing. And then move on to our irrigation systems. We put that in there because that's another thing that helps us beautify. Our schools make them look good. We do all the work in-house. We have a very talented team. that's taking care of a couple of schools and we're doing small sections here and there we did. we're working on Chestnut. So, the painting project uh uh process has been a great help. Um I hope uh everybody enjoys the classrooms and and and what they're seeing. Um and then uh move on to our irrigation systems. Um we put that in there because that's another thing that helps us uh beautify our schools, make them look good. Um we do all the work inhouse. Um we have a very talented team that's taking care of a couple of schools and we're of the Middle School this year and we did a little bit more at the high school and some more at that Tatum Elementary School. the core of our maintenance team and Facilities as our preventative maintenance every year. and throughout the year. We were constantly doing preventative. it. So special enormous summertime. Summertime is when we really get into taking care of a lot of the work where we tear down all the equipment make sure it's running in at its most optimal. We did uh we're working on Chestnut Street side of the middle school this year and we did a little bit more at the high school and some more at the Tatum Elementary School. Um the core of our uh maintenance team and facilities is our preventative maintenance. Um every year u and throughout the year we we we're constantly doing preventative maintenance, but especially during the summertime. the life safety, which is all unexpecting all of our fire systems our fire alarms our sprinkler systems and all of our safety systems and then just general think Building Maintenance taken care of the doors the windows and things of that nature to keep the building operating properly. What we? Summertime is when we really get into taking care of uh a lot of the work where we tear down all the equipment, make sure it's running in at the at its most optimal um ability. Um taking care of the HBAC, the life safety, which is all inspecting all of our fire systems, our fire alarms, our um sprinkler systems, and all of our safety systems. And then just general building maintenance, taking care of um the doors, the it's not a before and after but what it is is we have the Chestnut Street side, which are stamp is currently working on. For the irrigation, but the right is Tatum. Elementary School, which is what we took care of a few years back. The beautification of the school is one thing but there's also safety that goes along with it when you have an environment like this you you're not tracking as much dirt into the schools and and making slip out of the Um what we have here is a picture of it's not a before and after but what it is is we have the Chestnut Street side which our staff is currently working on um for the irrigation but the right is Tatum Elementary School which is what we took care of a few years back. Um the beautifification of the school is one thing but there's also safety that goes along with it. nature. So just remembering that up and then what we have here is just an example of what our preventative maintenance is. This is one of our staff members taking apart. Are you an event? These are the HVAC units that are in the classroom? We take them apart. We we clean all the coils as you can see. We we have an iPad there. We check the operation of the unit on site. when you have an environment like this, you you you're not tracking as much dirt into the schools and and making slip pads and things of that nature. So, we just want to bring that up. And then what we have here is just an example of what our preventative maintenance is. This is one of our staff members um taking apart our unit vents. These are the uh the HVAC units that are in the classroom. We take them piece of equipment in the entire District every summer. That's the core what we take care of that process. So so I pulled about safety earlier. That's that's the number one. Hey and Tim didn't explain you know you know we do care about what the buildings look like. There was a saying I had when I played ball all time ago. You look good. You feel good. Feel good your play good play. good you win ball games. We check the operation of the unit on site and we take care of every single piece of equipment in the entire district every summer. That's the core of what we take care of in that process. So, so I talked about safety earlier. That's that's the number one. Hey, and Tim Tim explained, you know, um you know, we do care about what the buildings look like. There was a saying I had when I when I played ball a long time ago. You I also said that just to justify new uniforms every year, but but again, that's that's truly secondary to see safety of everyone that comes through our building students staff visitors safety is the utmost importance. These other five bullet points here. This is New Jersey Department of Education. definition of capital median Capital Improvements. I do want to point out one that we are having a hard time. play good, you win ball games. Now, I also said that just to justify new uniforms every year playing baseball. But but but again, that's that's truly secondary to safety. Safety of everyone that comes through our building, students, staff, visitors, safety is the utmost importance. These are the five bullet points here. This is New Jersey Department of Education definition of capital Point number three meeting educational adequate staff adequacy standards in other words Those are good tight. So, you know, that's something we do Obviously I showed you the Vintage of all there's additions, you know, some people had some of the challenges that we had years and years ago while we're coming up on channels like that that will require an investment like that in additionally like that. So that's that's a whole what I want to Um I do want to point out one that we are having a hard time meeting is one point number three meeting educational adequac adequacy standards in other words those are getting tight so you know that's something we do obviously I showed you the vintage of all those additions you know some people had some of the challenges that we had years and years ago while we're coming up on challenges like that that um, and then we'll talk about some of the systems that we have in place. so our it's it's a required. by the state that all schools have what they call cmms, which is a computerized maintenance work order system. We use the system now called operation hero. We used to use one called school do but operation here. It was a new and improved program that we're using now and what this does is it gives us the ability to track every single that we do with every piece of equipment. have here. Um, and then Tim will talk about some of the systems that we have in place. So, our our it's it's required um by the state that all schools have what they call CMMS, which is a computerized maintenance work order system. Um, we use a system now called Operation Hero. Uh, we used to use one called School Duke, but Operation Hero is a is a new and of QR codes and and more modern technology. It helps my staff. see the work history. that's been done to a piece of equipment. so that they know what has been done and what needs to be done with it. It also produces a preventative maintenance program. So that program is what we base our filter changes and things of that nature. And what this does is it gives us the ability to track everything that we do with every piece of equipment with the use of QR codes and and with more modern technology. It helps my staff um see the work history that's been done to a piece of equipment so that they know what has been done and what needs to be done with it. Um it also pro uh produces a preventative maintenance program. school year because our preventative maintenance isn't just a summer project that happens all year long. So the work order system helps us with that and it helps us communicate with the teachers from their needs in the classroom. so that we can officially and quickly. take care of these problems. And the second part is our Capital forecasting tools. that is still with the company School Boot and this this pool has been So that program is what we um base our um filter changes and things of that nature throughout the course of the school year because our preventative maintenance isn't just a summer project. It happens all year long. Um so the work order system helps us with that and it helps us communicate with the teachers for their needs um in the classroom so that we can efficiently and quickly take care of these a great asset for the district in identifying the age of equipment the necessity for equipment to be replaced at a timely fashion and it allows us to see that that broad history of what we're doing. So the two the two programs work together well to Aid Us in keeping documentation that we need. Helping us provide a good environment. so after mention Um, and this this tool has been uh a great asset for the district in identifying um the age of equipment, the necessity for equipment to be replaced in a timely fashion, and it allows us to see that that broad history of what we're doing. So, the two the two programs work together well to to aid us in in keeping that documentation that we need and and helping us provide a good environment. No one here invented the names of anything School dude or operations You know, those are just the names and their products that we use. So looking ahead. These are these are lists of some of the things that we have upcoming as far as major improvements next month. You're going to be you should have a resolution to award the contract for renovations for the elevator at this much, but keep mine. I have to mention no one here invented the names of anything school dude or operations. Those are just the names and they're the products that we use. Um so looking ahead these are uh these are list of some of the things that uh we have upcoming as far as major improvements. Next month you're going to be you you should have uh an a resolution to award the contract for renovations for the But keep mine the long lead time lists of some of the things that we have upcoming as far as major improvements. Next month you're going to be you should have a resolution to award the contract for renovations for the started until The end of this upcoming school year June of 2025 and then a couple other projects the turf field insulation on Hopkins that we budgeted for this year. That's happening soon potential referendum. Oh Chuck is Fault about potential scope for that Ro. Replacements. I have sorry. Yeah the high school here and at Tatum But keep in mind, um, it's a long lead time type of project that works have to be started until the end of this upcoming school year, June of 2025. And then a couple other projects, the turf field insulation on Hopkins that we budgeted for this year. Hopefully that's happening soon. Potential referendum, um, Chuck has talked about potential scope for that. left here. Once the those roots are done here. We will probably according to life expectancy won't let the replace a roof in this building until the 2000 40s. um, and then a Tatum, there's a couple of Ransom levels that I didn't replace also and then energy um roof replacements at HA at sorry at the high school here and at Tatum. Um the there's only a few roofs left here. Um once the those roofs are done here, I we won't probably according to life expense, you won't have to replace a roof in this building until the 2040s, I think. Um and then at Tatum, there's a couple other ancillary roofs that need to be replaced also. approvement program. That's our piece of project which I am not going to talk about at all it was a presentation following this from Caroline Jackson cell, you know how to ask questions about that yet all your questions, but that's what's up coming. All right, so That's what we have and if there are another questions. I have a question, which I had asked before but now it's probably a better time to ask it now. We know the air conditioning in areas of the high school isn't working, right now. How does that fit into? And then energy savings improvement program. That's our ESA project which I am not going to talk about at all. There's a presentation following this from Caroline Jackson. So you're not allowed to ask questions about that yet. Pull your questions. But that's what's upcoming. All right. So, uh, that's what we have. And if there are any questions, we're more than happy to. I have a question which I had asked before, but now's We'll talk about that when Caroline talks. Yeah. If that's okay. Yeah, no. that's fine. And then I can always be still questions. But I think kind of sim. Ilar you all like your programs and management software, you know, that that we knew that was coming. It's not like you're like, Oh gosh, there's no I mean it was there was this kind of traffic, failure of a unit but like we knew the unit was on its way out, right? How does that fit into this program? We'll talk about that when Caroline talks. Yeah, if that's okay. Yeah. No, that's fine. And then I can always if you still have questions, I ask you a question. Certainly. Absolutely. Well, I think kind of similarly though, you all like your programs and management softwares. You knew that that for sure. We knew that was coming. Okay. We're planning. We do it. again, right? About what's on our radar, but What we're doing is working, is what I'm trying to say, you know? like that. we know these things are coming but we all have owned things that we've been we internally at work. Very long time. Over here. And It's not like we were like, "Oh gosh, there's no I mean it was there was this catastrophic failure of a unit, but like we knew the unit was on its way out, right? Is how we were planning we knew it was coming all was on our radar, but so what we're doing is working is what I'm trying to say." Yeah. I think what thank you guys for this intend. you. Especially, you know, we teach us walking, Professor pay classroom. miserable and she's a small thing, but it does matter and you walk by Tatum With. you know, like that we know these things are coming, but we all um have owned talk about the we we've been we internally have worked on for a very long time, over a year, and the chiller has always. Yes. I I want to thank you guys for this and Tim, you especially. Um you know, teachers walk into a freshly painted classroom, it means the world and it seems a small thing, but it does matter. It's a beautiful school. now and always been beautiful. good matter. Um, and all the stuff you do on a and the other thing too. I if you've heard me say this like Tim and his team the same thing with our Tech Team like they are service oriented. It to a fall like if you need something if you're only going to do something you say I need help they stop and help even they probably shouldn't because of important but they've always stop and And you walk by Tatum with a with a lawn. It's a beautiful school now. Always been beautiful. Really really doesn't matter. Um and all the stuff you do on the team. And the other thing too I I if you you've heard me say this like Tim Tim and his team and same thing with our tech team like they are serviceoriented to a fault. Like if you need something they're on their way to do something you say I need great with the staff. They're great with the kids. It's all because it tends leadership because that's how we that's who we hires. That's what he values and it's just wonderful job by your email always. It's a pleasure working on. I thank you all for the support. I mean, especially the things like the painting project and stuff like that without the support to do with it wouldn't happen. The results are hyp even they probably shouldn't because they probably are on the way to do something important, but they always stop and help. Um they're great with the staff, they're great with the kids and it's all because of Tim's leadership. Uh because that's how he that's who he hires. That's what he values and it's just a wonderful job by your team and all this stuff. Pleasure. It's and it's a pleasure working and I thank you all for the support. I mean, And I yeah, I also want to say too. good. Thank you for your leadership of your team because a lot of that comes to Pride of their work and you can see that they're proud of the work because it's done well and And with Fidelity and so and a lot of that comes with a sense of leadership and pride in in your own really these decisions and that can Empower people to do. That is great. I thank you for that. So, I appreciate it as well. Yeah. And I also want to say too, um, you know, thank you for your leadership of your team because a lot of that comes to pride of their work and you can see that they're proud of their work because it's done well and um, and with fidelity and so and a lot of that comes with a sense of ownership and pride in and in in your own ability to make these decisions and that you empower people to do that is great. That's right. Okay. Caroline Jackson. You've kind of been hinted at but now's your big moment. It's a program which is Energy savings. Improvement I was at the committee meeting earlier this week. It was at the committee meeting just like kind of now. Okay, so you all heard this before. So I took it I kind of divided in half and a So, I thank you for that. Appreciate it. Okay. Um, Caroline Jackson, you've kind of been hinted at, but now's your big moment for our ESET program, which is energy savings improvement plan. Yes. And um, I was at the committee meeting earlier this week. Who was at the committee meeting? Just so I can kind of Okay, so you all heard this before. So, I took it I kind of divided in half. More but it really has been a pleasure of working with we've had and Mike and Tim and I go to schools all over New Jersey and it really is a treat to see preventative me into action. like you do have a little equipment and there's some things you won't be able to you know, just maintain you have to eventually replace like the problems that you're having in high school right now, but We just go to districts where there's nothing being done like you open units and it's so dusty and dirty and everything here. I made it kind of a little shorter and more succinct, but um it really has been a pleasure working with um with Hadenfield and Mike and Tim and I go to schools all over New Jersey and it really is a treat to see preventative maintenance in action. Like you do have older equipment and there's some things you won't be able to, you know, just maintain. You have to eventually replace like some of the problems that you're having within the high school right maintained. I mean our first meeting basically Tim could predict what was on our list, right it really but we do have to do what we do our dinner due diligence and move. Forward with all the looked at everything for you. So I'll just start while you're So esap is a program Energy savings Improvement program that New Jersey has specific legislation. like you open units and it's so dusty and dirty and everything here was very well maintained. I mean our first meeting basically Tim could predict what was on our list, right? It really but we do have to do we do our did our due diligence and move forward with all the you looked at everything for you pretty much. So I'll just start while you're pulling that up. school districts to get their complementing or preferendum or if there can't get a referendum past They will utilize East there's lots of acronym so I always kind of Over my acronyms so that anything I say like call me if I don't say it. I try not to use them. but use it as an energy Savings Program and Esco is Energy Service Company honeywell's in escrow. So, ESP is a program, energy savings improvement program that um New Jersey has specific legislation for to help school districts to if they're complimenting a referendum or if they're can't get a referendum passed, they will utilize ESEP. There's lots of acronyms, so I always kind of go over my acronyms so that anything I say like call me if I don't say it. I try not to use them, but ESIP is an energy savings program and ESCO is an I'm sure you know what that is but Energy savings plan is in, New Jersey terminal. That's one of the things that we provide it to you. They're pretty engineer and the Board of Public Utilities, which is another. HVAC is mostly what we work on and look at sometimes there's some different unique things we do in these programs, but you know, I think the things here are pretty mostly within the HVAC world and Lighting. Honeywells and ESCO um investment grade audit. I'm sure you know what that is, but energy savings plan is New Jersey term for that and that's one of the things that um we provide it to you that has been reviewed by a third party engineer and then they'll go to the board of public utilities which is another view. Um HBAC is mostly what we work on and look at. verification. So this project is people the savings over time and my speaking of I'm sorry just a little bit. Sorry. the people behind you might so while you're speaking us just speak a little now. I appreciate it as the wind is open and I think people behind you might not be able to hear as well. so problems. Sometimes there are some different unique things we do in these programs but um you know I think the things here are pretty mostly within the HBC world and lighting um and measurement verification. So this project is the savings over time. Do you mind speaking of I'm sorry just a little bit the windows are open here and the people behind you might so while you're speaking to us just speak a because there is a guarantee and we will provide services to measure and verify the savings as we move forward and go to the guarantee period so again, this is just my side that's about the legislation. It's a BPU program. It's that better my dream better. on the BPU program No problem. No problem. So we don't have an air conditioning right now. And so M and is a measurement verification because there is a guarantee and we will um provide services to measure and verify the savings um as we move forward and go to the guarantee period. So again this is just my slide that's about the um the legislation. It's a BPU program. It's um is that better? Am I doing better? Okay. It's through the New Jersey clean energy, and it's very prescribed. So they've set a process. financing basically a financing mechanism. Finance for five years when you follow this prescribed program the legislation allows you to finance take those savings and invest some for 15 to 20 years. It follows the process from the Board of Public Utilities which involves a third party review of our Energy savings plan, which is um on the BPU program, it's through the New Jersey clean energy and um it's very prescribed. So they they have set a process and it's basically a financing mechanism. Typically, you can only finance for 5 years. When you follow this prescribed program, the legislation allows you to finance for take those savings and invest them for 15 to 20 years. savings plan, which is checking the making sure you have eyes on it that are separate from us just right. This is what the DQ couldn't place to make sure the schools are protected and then they look at the final savings plan and check. so that's just like a little bit of the overview the Crux of the program are the most important part to understand is you have a certain energy balance. It follows the process from the board of public utilities which involves a third party review of our energy savings plan which is checking the calculations, checking the efficiencies of equipment, making sure you have eyes on it that are separate from us just telling you right this is what the BPU put in place to make sure the schools are protected and then they look at the final energy savings plan and and check it. So um that's just like You have a certain maintenance budget or Bill. You know, we just picked a number here to 200,000 and after all the energy savings improvements are done. You'll save about 200,000 then that money will go to repair your loan. Right a little maintenance reduction, too. So that's I go through the measures I can explain a little bit the maintenance that we might help save Tim and his team but The crux of the program or the most important part to understand is you have a certain energy bill. It's about 715,000. Um you have a certain maintenance budget or bill. You know, we just picked a number here of 200,000. And after all the energy savings improvements are done, you'll save about 200,000. Then that money will go to repay your loan, right? A little maintenance reduction, too. So, um as I go over the measures, I analysis. I was here. Here We presented the last September and I just looked at my old presentation. budget like 2.8 to 3.5 now we have the Actual scenarios and we're looking at 3.2 million to 4.8. I'm going to go over with those those solutions could be we're still this is an update. We're still working on some things getting back some information, but we wanted to let you know and get your input, you know as we go forward. But um so based on this analysis, I was here I don't know who was here. I think we presented like last September and I just looked at my old presentation. I budgeted like 2.8 to 3.5. Now we have the actual scenarios and we're looking at 3.2 million to 4.8. I'm going to go over what those those um solutions could be. We're still this is an update. Okay. So we have a team that's been out here working again. our development team. We have Engineers have been coming through auditing all the equipment providing, you know feedback. We have Paul and EMily Jim Sherman controls. it installation team. Why is your project manager? He's been out. We're still working on some things, getting back some information, but we wanted to let you know and get your input, you know, as we as we go forward. Jump in. Oh, sure. Okay. So, we have a team that's been out here working. Again, um our development team, we have engineers that have been coming through auditing all the equipment, providing um you know, feedback. We have Paul and Emily. Jim Sherman for controls. Specialists throughout the district We've done for surveys and then as you move forward integrate with mentoring verification personnel as well as support Personnel for safety if there's financing support needed and contract So what we've done so far we found completed a lighting survey. So you've done a little bit of LED lighting in some of the buildings, but we've been brewing we did identify. There's still more opportunity for savings and upgrades. We did build the envelope survey. He's been out coordinating um different specialists throughout the district. We've done different surveys and then as you move forward, you integrate with measure and verification personnel as well as support personnel for safety um if there's financing support needed and um contract management. Um so what we've done so far, we've um completed a lighting survey. So you've done a little bit of that's around windows and doors keeping as much of the unconditioned air out. So reduces your cost to condition heat or cool dehumidifier air looking at all the mechanical systems your ages and conditions complete utility analysis and how you're purchasing utility and controls assessment. So this is kind of like to give you kind of the next steps. We're looking at selecting the measures based on what the savings is and how the last parts of our Um, we did a building envelope survey. That's around windows and doors. Keeping as much of the unconditioned air out, so it reduces your cost to condition, heat or cool, dehumidify your air, looking at all the mechanical systems, your ages and conditions, complete utility analysis and how you're purchasing utility and um controls assessment. So um this is kind of like to give you kind into place. submit our Energy savings plan. that was submitted this week. So all the calculations are being checked for all the measures whether you select them or not and sometimes later you go forward and select something or add something as something changes and So we're looking at doing a utility credit RP which you voted on last month and that is something new in New Jersey. There's a new net metering law. We're um looking at selecting the measures based on what the savings is and how the last parts of our plan go into place. Um submit our energy savings plan that was submitted this week. So all the calculations are being checked for all the measures whether you select them or not. And sometimes later you go forward and select something or add something if something changes. And um so we're looking So we're looking to see solar does not feel like a good option right now to have a deal either your roots have shading there's trees. There's um, you know, maybe the rooster in the middle of their warranty and you know, you have to have a 15 to 20 year warranties. So we're on the roofs. It's really no ground. So we're looking at option where you get a utility credit through PSE&G to your solar's built done somewhere else, so, there's a new net metering law. So, we're looking to see solar does not feel like a good option right now at Hadenfield. Either your roofs have shading, there's trees, um there's um you know, maybe the roofs are in the middle of the warranty and you and you know, you have to have a 15 to 20 year warranty to use solar on the roofs. There's really no ground. So, we're looking at an option where um you get a utility So it's new, but we're gonna put on our piece see what we get and our options reflect whether we get that or not based on the budget. so And then we'll determine the financing mechanism. Most of these projects have been going with your funding Bond right now, but we are expecting some more positive things with grapes next month. We'll look at both in your financial advisor will be advising. on that so for the financing, so this is really little and I'm sorry you never really quite tell but so the different meas. So, it's new, but we're going to put on an RP, see what we get, and our options reflect whether we get that or not, you know, based on the budgets. So, um, and then we'll determine the financing mechanism. Most of these projects have been going with your funding bond right now, but we are expecting some more positive things with rates next month. We'll look at both and for, you know to implement in the school. These are some of them are options some of these are definite. LED lighting interior nxterior where you don't have LEDs already and I'm so great Savings of energy. Usually you're saving like 60 to 70 percent. It's also great maintenance savings because the lamps have like a 10 year warranty now pictures five year. So for the financing, so this is really little and I'm sorry you can never really quite tell, but so the different measures that we're looking for, you know, to implement in the school, these are some of them are options, some of these are definitior and exterior where you don't have LEDs already. And um this is a great savings of energy. Usually you're saving like 60 to 70%. you know, that's all done after hours around the students and the activities. and that's a big savings and that's the big part of the savings project You do have old pneumatics, although they're very well maintained getting those to DVC with you one of our alternates, you know as we pieces together, that's one where we can kind of Um, it's also a great maintenance savings because the lamps have like a 10-year warranty. Now, fixtures fiveyear and um, you know, that's all done after hours around the students and the activities. Um, pneumatic and that's a big savings. That's a that's the big part of the savings of this project. You do have old pneumatics, although they're very well maintained. Getting those to DDC would be one of our alternates. having electronic controls that we're not based on air compressor. who get rid of the air compressor save more energy. That's one of the options to look at building management systems. You have a system you are turning things on and off, but they're some additional programs we could possibly do some upgrades to software again. Those are kind of our side projects projects not crops of the mechanical systems. on you know, as we pieces together, that's one where we can kind of um if we can help Tim out by having electronic controls that were not based on air compressors, maybe get rid of the air compressor, save more energy. That's one of the options we looked at. Building management systems, you have a system, you are turning things on and off, but there um some additional programs we could possibly do, some upgrades to software. Again, those are kind commissioning with District wide that's where you're fine tuning every unit. You know, you're doing a maintenance but making sure it's calibrated making sure it's it's working and again looking at these Advanced control Technologies to just up their savings or more. the chiller so this is why this type of program like for big galleries like that like that's an expensive item and book that is one of the items on our list that we've been looking at. um retrocommissioning controls retrocommissioning with the districtwide. That's where you're fine-tuning every unit. You know, you're doing the maintenance, but making sure it's calibrated, making sure it's it's working, and again, looking at these advanced control technologies to just up their savings a little bit more, the chiller. We just got back to final information. what's needed to replace that and so that's an option and we have options that include that in the program. We also look to cool things you may be and the middle school. I think Jim be in high school was where adding Cooling and kind of fits with the chiller place and So this is why this type of program like for big galleries like that like that's an expensive item and but that is one of the items on our list that we've been looking at. We just got back the final information of what's needed to replace that and um so that's an option and we have options that include that in the program. sort of what came to the top of the list in terms of that. There's an opportunity. to upgrade the unit ventilators the seaweing here. I don't think that's gonna make the list right now, but I think it's good to keep looking at what could come and what's an opportunity building envelope. Again. That's a no-brainer. that some basically I talked about firming up and and tightening up your doors windows and the Um, we also looked at cooling. It was gym A, B, and the middle school. I think gym B in the high school was where adding cooling and kind of fits with the shoulder replacement. That's sort of what came to the top of the list in terms of that. There's an opportunity to upgrade the unit ventilators and the C-wing here. I don't think that's going to make the list right now, but I think it's good to keep looking and the group we always kind of go in there with insulation. then we have some energy sourcing and looking at this Energy credits with the remote solar and when I go to the options You'll see again. I put this in because this kind of shows all the measures touch all the building. right? We will obviously you have a big need like the like a That's um basically I talked about firming up and and tightening up your doors, windows, and the area between the wall and the roof. We always kind of go in there with insulation, keep the unconditioned air out so it's more efficient. And then we have some energy sourcing and this energy credits with the remote solar. And um when when I go to the options, you'll see again I put this in because this kind of school. that might be the focus and but every school will see upgrades and updates. I don't think I need to go through again. See measures just assignments. This again was about the energy sourcing and You should think I did. So here's the options that we narrowed it down to we've gone through college and different options. three or four months but so the goal of visa and that's why I had my We we will obviously if you have a big need like the like a cooling in the high school that might be the focus but every school will see upgrades and updates. I don't think I need to go through them again. It's the same measures just assigned to buildings. This again was about the energy sourcing and what that's about which I think I did. So here's the options that we narrowed it down to. side 3.2 to 4.8 million is to have a Cashflow neutral program, but it was important to show that we can get more done with some Capital because the children place so we had scenario one was cash flow neutral and then Mike said Tim Chiller we need to put that back on. You know that. We've gone through probably 10 different options over the last three or four months. But um so the goal of ESP and that's why I had my first slide 3.2 to 4.8 million is to have a a cash flow neutral program. But it was important to show that we can get more done with some capital because the chiller came into place. What will we need to get all that we talked about and get that and get the children. So that's a project. that's 4.8 million with this scenario. It would be Capital contribution of 1.5 and that net cash flow. That's like our that's this is all budget right now, but it's very close, but that's just has to be positive so over the 20 years of project. So we had scenario one was cash flow neutral and then Mike said and Tim the chiller we need to put that back on, you know, that has to be on the list. What would we need to get all that we talked about and get the and get the chiller in. So that's a project that's um 4.8 million. With this scenario, it would be a capital contribution of 1.5 and that net cash flow that's like our that's this is all budgets right now, pay for itself. itself. You can Infuse Capital. We're bidding everything. or going to a co-op as you would for New Jersey Law the next scenario on this scenario, which does not include the remote solder, right? that is going out. We have to see what that result is and how that will help your project, but the next two scenarios. um one shows a neutral cash flow where no Capital needed if we're successful and get the rate back that we're thinking we'll get to that group of solar and then So over the 20 years, the project has to pay for itself. You can infuse capital. We're bidding everything or going to a co-op as you would for New Jersey law. The next scenario, oh, in this scenario, it does not include the remote solar, right? That bids going out. We have to see what that result is and how that will um help your project. was like doing all those building management things that we want to rid of the pneumatics getting some Standalone equipment. Shear system and you know, just it was like all our wish list before the children came. So and that was adding 6.7 million dollar 81.7 million. But the next two scenarios um one shows a neutral cash flow where no capital will be needed if we're successful and get the rate back that we're thinking we'll get for that remote solar. And then the final um scenario was like doing all those building management things that we wanted getting rid of the pneumatics adding some um standalone equipment to your system and um you know just it was like all our wish list So is there anything you'd like to ask when you said that? you can see the remote net metering aspect is a big bit as far as scope is that's something we're going to know in the next month. whether it does turn out favorable for us. We could probably have a whole presentation overhead meter. So, and that was adding $6.7 million adding 1.7 million. So, um is there anything you'd like to add to what you said that you can see the remote net metering aspect has a has a big uh influence on what we can fit as far as scope is. Um that's something we're going to know in the next month whether it it it does turn out favorable for us. don't think you guys let's get the results and we'll talk about it. We'll talk too much. So we have that. So I'm so we're not picking anything until we get information back on that. Yeah, you don't we just wanted to let and So forward so so this is what the cash flow that the board will utilities publishes that we use again. You don't have to see all this you just have to know that the energy savings will offset the cost. So when We could probably have a whole presentation on remote uh remote metering, but I don't think you guys Let's get the result then we'll talk about it. I don't want to talk too much till we have that. So um so we're not picking anything until we get information back on that. Yeah, you don't have to pick. We just wanted to let you know and and and go forward. So So this is what the cash flow that the fun it'll be structured that you're paying back as you see there is operational savings, and there's also rebates we have about 300. 66,000 those fluctuate based on how much of the energy management building management commissioning will fit in the project. But you know those we're looking at all the programs we can for you to help fund this and again we did a rate of four percent some of these So when you do the lease purchase or bond, it'll be structured that you're paying back as you save. There is operational savings and there's also rebates. We have about 300 um 66,000. Those fluctuate based on how much of the energy management, building management, retrocommissioning will fit in the project. But um you know those we're looking at all the programs we can for you to help are variables that will be figured out the next month or so. So it's an all-inclusive project. I know you have, you know, great here to do a great job. But when you have a project like this, it's nice to know that we're gonna meet you at we're gonna meet your vendors of building. We're gonna take them through we're gonna run the bids. We're gonna contract you turn the Honeywell to to say is it's done is it's not done. What's the contingency? It's something And again, we have we um we did a rate of 4%. Some of these are variables that will be figured out in the next month or so. So, it's an all-inclusive project. I know you have, you know, great staff here. They're doing a great job, but when you have a project like this, it's nice to know that we're going to meet you at we're going to meet your vendors at the building. We're going to take them through. So it takes all these different components and makes it you know, so you know, the engineering is in there and we work very closely and share record that you're with right now. So, you know the applications that do we the Amendments you're longer really plant. It's a turnkey project. This is basically the process you're in the development. We're through the solutions development and we're getting it all reviewed. And then once you decide and pick your project will move into the if something changes, right? So, it takes all these different components and makes it, you know, self, you know, the engineering is in there and we work very closely with the engineer record that you're with right now. So, um, you know, the applications of the DOE, the amendments to your long range facility plan. It's a turnkey project. This is basically the process. You're in the design procurement construction the designs like 60% on 70% done, but we'll get the final design on what mechanical systems are selected. Again The Next Step. what's happening right now, so third party engineer view where they verify everything. I think I kind of said what that was, but they'll make suggestions. We'll make changes there has to be Um, we're we're through the solutions development and we're getting it all reviewed and then once you decide and pick your project, we'll move into the design, procurement, construction. And the design's like 60% done, 70% done, but we'll get the final design on what mechanical systems are selected. Again, the next step, what's happening right now is a third party engineer review back and forth the BQ review all that and then the BPU will then verify yourself. by following the processing the bpus approval allows you to take that 15 to 20 year loan. again, if you select the guarantee, which I feel like that you will be a veteran verification at the end. And again, this is kind of a scheduled. This is sort of what I keep. I put off and talk about and we'll update. there has to be back and forth. as we go right this kind of. The BPU will review all that and then the BPU will then verify you follow the process. By following the process and the BPU's approval allows you to take that 15 to 20 year loan and again if you select a guarantee which I I feel like that you will um there'll be a bedroom verification at the end and um again this is um kind of the schedule. This is sort of what I keep I put up and talk about and that we finalize the sex over November and then we can move into our design. We're great position for bidding and getting summer projects done or you know, we do everything after hours as well. We can also the chillers. I know it's such a big thing get that order as soon as possible the most move that up. There's different ways we can manage that contractually ahead of your financing. Room again, this is about. refunding This kind of shows that um if we finalize this October, November and then we can move into our design and we're in a great position for um bidding and getting summer projects done or you know we do everything afterwards as well. We can also if the chillers which I know is such a big thing get that ordered as soon as possible like almost move that up. There's different ways we can manage that um contractually ahead of your finance meeting board resolutions. that will come up again. This kind of goes through steps again, but The utility credit RP it's gonna be released you go to that last last month. It's from determine the best financing path if you select your funding by the application to local client Board, and they'll need a resolution for that and then resolution you should not Again, this is about refunding bond and um there'll be some board resolutions that will come up. Again, this kind of goes through the steps again, but um the um utility credit RP is going to be released. You vote on that last last month. Um determine the best financing path. If you select a funding B, there'll be an application to the local finance board and um they'll need a resolution for that. ESV and our resolution to do manage your longitude. so we plan things like that. And that's it. any questions like I'm gonna ask the same question that I asked earlier. I know it was mentioned, but it was mentioned quickly. This is the thing. that's really important to me. So conceptually we're going to spend the money or these things that we need and the the money that was and then um resolution to adopt the energy savings plan ESP and um resolution to do an endless long range facility plan, things like that. And that's it. Any questions? Mike, I'm going to ask the same question that I asked earlier. Um I know it was mentioned, but it was mentioned quickly. This is the thing that's really important to me. So, conceptually, we're going to spend the money for these things is going to be offset by our savings and we don't want to just hope that that's going to happen. So can you talk a little bit more about the kind of so? All these improvements are going to save us money on our utility bills. that savings is what I'm going through and then instead of paying PSE&G. I'm gonna be paying a bank because they're Finance. That's how it Finance. um and the the money that was spent is going to be offset by our savings and we don't want to just hope that that's going to happen. So, can you talk a little bit more about So, but kind of so all these improvements are going to save us money on our utility bills. That savings is what I'm going to in then instead of paying PSE and G, I'm going to be paying a bank because they're they're finance. protect us there's protection is most here. One is we go through a third party review from from another engineering company that reviews all work that they've done today and says, okay. let's make sense. Then we have she mentioned a guarantee the guarantee is super important because wow. What would keep me up at night is? All right. We did all these things. now. What if I get my first PSE&G bill and all those savings? That's how it finances work. Um, there's a couple things that protect us because protection is what's important here. One is we'll be going through a third party review uh from from another engineering company that reviews all the work that they've done to date and says, "Okay, this makes sense." Then we have she mentioned a guarantee. The guarantee is super important Oh my goodness. Now what happens? Well, that's really guarantees there for to help protect us from that. worst case there. And we've been very good, you know 99% We're very careful. You know, we're good company. We're not going anywhere and it's very important that we okay. It's a first party guarantee. So here Honeywell some of our competition. will use like Now, what if I get my first PSE and G bill and all those savings aren't happening? Oh my goodness, then what happens? Well, that's what the guarantees therefore to help protect us from that worst case scenario. Thank you. And um we have a very good, you know, 99% we're very careful. You know, we're a big company. We're not going anywhere. And it's very important that we um it's a first party guarantee. So, it's insurance company everything like you're coming right to us. And so we will look at everything you have a base here already established We have to take the consideration with other factors. things like that. There's all programs to do that and it back. So in words across that is a cost sign. it's not paid for with the project and as we move forward we'll provide that to my guide to go to a separate Department once I just don't have it you're some of our competition will use um like a insurance company and then it's you and the insurance company are they like you're coming right to us and so we will like look at everything you have a base year that we've already established we have to take into consideration weather factors things like that but there's all programs to do that and and bring it back so and there is a cost that is a cost now ask that. Thank you. Any other questions? Thank you. So nice to meet you all making the opportunity video. Thank you. Very heavy facilities like for you guys. You're welcome. months presentation now we've got Gino with our climate survey You're definitely going to Thank you. You're welcome. Any other questions? Thank you. So nice to meet you all. Thank you for the opportunity. Thank you. Thank you for coming in. Very heavy facilities night for you guys. You're welcome. We've got a whole month's worth of meetings packed or presentations packed in. results Good evening, everyone. So what I'm about to share with you are the survey results that were administered to students and Grace three through 12. faculty and staff and all District parents what we do it. I think in early early June. now what I the slides I'm going to show are going to tell a little bit of Now we've got Gina with our climate survey. All right, results. Good evening everyone. So what I'm about to share with you are the survey results that were administered to students in grades 3 through 12, faculty and staff and all district parents. Uh we do it I think in early uh early June. in the story is going to tell you that the climate in our district by multiple measures is strong. Can it be better? Absolutely. We're going to identify some areas that that we're really proud of and some areas. We think we can use some improvement that will work on collaboratively with our community with our teachers union. and and with our staff and What I the slides I'm going to show are are going to tell a little bit of a story and the story is going to tell you that the climate in our district by multiple measures is strong. Uh can it be better? Absolutely. so, And as I get into it, Of critical importance to note. That? why we do this is to improve student achievement. Everything that is focused on a positive climate is done to. and we're going to identify some areas that uh that we're really proud of and some areas we think we can use some improvement that we'll work on collaboratively with our community, with our teachers union, uh and and with our staff and students. So, and as I get into it, it's of critical importance to note that why we do this is to improve student achievement. and enhance student achieve. When you look at why you do a climate survey, Research shows the importance of a positive school climate on the following obviously academic achievement. Physical. psychological, emotional well-being, students and staff. And at the end of it, it's school climates in the session essential in building a sustaining safer. more engaging, and inclusive learning, Everything that is focused on a positive climate is done to improve and enhance student achievement. Um when you look at why you do a climate survey, research shows the importance of a positive school climate on the following. Obviously academic achievement, physical, psychological, emotional well-being of students and staff. environments, People don't learn when they feel good. People don't learn whether they're not in a positive environment similar to what Mike's talking about about the the actual facilities. So I can't hammer home that message enough that this is about Student. achievement. I want to talk about our 24 response rates fairly similar to past. Um, and at the end of it, it's school climates and essential essential in building and sustaining safer, more engaging and inclusive learning environments. People don't learn where they don't feel good. People don't learn where they're not in a positive environment. Similar to what Mike's talking about about the the actual facilities. So, I I can't hammer home that message enough that administrations. We saw did see a dip in the amount of parents that completed overall about 18% of our parents. which amounted to 16,629 individuals responded. So you generally to have some valid results. You look anywhere between 12 and 15% were above that threshold. So we think the data is Fairly reliable. and again you're talking about When we talk about our 24 response rates, fairly similar to past administrations, um we saw did see a dip in the amount of parents that completed overall about 18% of our parents which amounted to 16 six9 individuals responded. So you generally to have a some valid results you look anywhere between 12 and 15%. We're above that threshold. perception data. These are all based on how people are feeling at the time that they completely Let me start with the student data we talk about a sense of belonging. Oh, let me back up one more thing This is the fifth year that we've done consistent. climate surveys in District for our staff and for students in grades three through 12 second year we've done a parent component to it. So, we think the data is fairly reliable. And again, you're talking about perception data. These are all based on how people were feeling at the time that they completed the survey. So, I'm going to start with the uh student data. Uh we talked about a sense of belonging. Oh, let me back up one more thing. Um this is the fifth year that we've done uh consistent climate surveys in the district for our However, we cannot compare one the one this year's last year's results to the previous years because we did change the format of the survey. We customize some of our questions and the downside is once you customize some of the answer choices and how we present questions. You can't really make a one-to-one comparison. So for students sense of belonging overall when second year we've done a parent component to it. However, we cannot compare one to one this year's last year's results to the previous years because we did change the format uh of the survey. We customize some of our questions and the downside is once you customize some of the uh answer choices and how we present questions, you can't really make a onetoone comparison. the district average for all five of our schools 82% of students had favorable responses to a question and the question simply was overall how much do you feel like you belong at your school? So that's an example of one of the changes that we made we want to make the survey more straightforward and easily understood by students. They used to be four or five other questions in this component. Uh so for students sense of uh belonging overall when you look uh you look at the district average for all five of our schools 82% of students had favorable responses to a question and the question simply was overall how much do you feel like you belong at your school? So that's an example of one of the changes that we made. We want to make the survey more straightforward and easily understood by students. And now we just pulled it down to this one. And as you can see here. Not why fluctuations through the schools? what we're trying to Target when we think of what can we do a bit of a better job at this 18% of students, right here that we're talking about that identified as belonging only a little bit or not belonging at all and I think There used to be four or five other questions in this component, but now we just boiled it down to this one. And as you can see here, um uh uh not wide fluctuations through the schools. of this data in a little bit of context. So recently the National Association of Secondary School principles completed a survey on student belonging generally between 40 56% of um what we're trying to target when we think of what can we do a bit of a better job at this 18% of students right here that we're talking about that identified as belonging only a little bit or not belonging at all and I think it's important to put some of this data in a little bit of context so uh recently the national association of secondary school principles completed a survey on student high school students and 4967. Say they feel like the belong in schools So our numbers are actually above that. So I think that's a positive Testament to the work that we're doing. And then this is something that can be cared can be compared directly because this question was exactly the same as far as measuring students that said they do not belong at all. So students that said they don't belong at all and the five-year average around 2% of students at the % of high school students um and 49 to67 say they feel like they belong in school. So our numbers are are actually above that. Uh so I think that's a positive testament to the work that we're doing. And then this is something that can be care can be compared directly because this question was exactly the same as far as measuring students that said they do not belong at all. elementary three at the middle and percent at the high school, obviously. those are low percentages. We want to see them down. I mean we shoot for zero we want a whole lot of our students to belong and we're gonna work to continue to achieve to achieve that but overall we're doing very well with that. So students that said they don't belong at all in a five-year average around 2% of students at the elementary, three at the middle, and 5% at the high school. Obviously, uh those are low percentages, but we want to see them down. I mean, we shoot for zero. We want all of our students to belong, and we're going to uh work to continue to achieve uh to achieve that. student engagements student engagement is another tough one because There is not a generally agreed definition of what student engagement is. For example, there was recently a national poll. that was done by Gallup that that ask questions about student engagement. there were different than the questions that we But overall, we're doing very well with that. Student engagement. Student engagement is another tough one because there is not a generally agreed definition of what student engagement is. Um, and we're going to ask student engagement questions on our survey next year. We are using a new survey instrument next year. So I'm going to talk about that in a moment. Those questions are a little bit different. the questions we selected this year, that made up these student engagement numbers. were two questions. How excited are you about going to school? Um, for example, there was recently a national poll that was done by Gallup uh that uh that uh asked questions about student engagement that were different than the questions that we asked. Um, and we're going to ask student engagement questions on our survey next year. And we are using a new survey instrument next year. So, I'm going to talk about that in a How excited are you? two participate? and similar to data that we've had in the past, we see higher levels of engagement at the elementary level goes down in middle school. It goes down further in high school which is consistent with national Data Wars. also something that plays into this at the elementary level generally students are working with one or two teachers generally. one teacher, unless you're in a departmental how excited are you about going to school? And two, in this class, how excited are you to participate? And similar to data that we've had in the past, we see higher levels of engagement uh at the elementary level, goes down in middle school, and goes down further uh in high school, which is consistent with national data norms. Um also something that plays into this at the elementary level, grade. Then as you get into middle school, and high school, you're working with more people. Right. It's certainly is a limitation of the survey because some of the Qualitative feedback that we received from students. it's like, well, I would answer it this way. if I was talking about this teacher, but I would answer differently. I was talking about another teacher. but the district average is at a 62% generally one teacher uh unless you're in a departmentalized which doesn't begin until fifth grade. Then as you get into middle school and high school, uh you're you're working with more people, right? Um it it certainly is a limitation of the survey because uh some of the um qualitative feedback that we received from students, it's like, well, I would answer it this way if I was talking about this teacher, favorable responses. Teacher student relationships talks about how strong students perceive the social connection is between teachers and students within and beyond the school classroom district average is at 75%. Favorability think that speaks a lot to what the work that our teachers. Uh but the district average is at a 62% uh favorable uh responses. Teacher student relationships. This talks about how strong students perceive the social connection is between teachers and students within and beyond the school classroom. District average is at 75% favorability. students. Another number. I want to point out these two questions over here. one question was how excited would you be to have your teacher again? And forces 70% of students that they would they would either be excited or extremely excited to have their teacher again. send that attend students walking in our hallways. I mean that's positive again. I would like to see that 10 out. I think that speaks a lot to uh the what the work that our teachers do with our students. Uh another number I want to point out these two questions over here. One question was how excited would you be to have your teacher again? Uh and uh for 70% of students they would they would either be excited or extremely excited to have their teacher. Seven out of 10 students walking in our hallways. I mean that students, but seven out of 10 is is a good number and how respectful is your teacher towards you and we're over 90% there. It talks about the value of how our teachers interact with our students and then our students recognize that these are students reporting this information. Overall student School. climate Again, I would like to see that 10 out of 10 students. Uh, but seven out of 10 is is is a good number. Uh, and how respectful is your teacher toward you? Um, and we're we're over 90% there. It talks about the value of how our teachers interact with our students and that our students recognize that these are students reporting this information. Two questions went into this right one is how positive or negative is it is the energy of the school and how often do your teachers seem excited to be teaching so overall 82% favorability rating. this dip here at the middle school is something we have to look further into we can't discount the fact that there's been a lot of leadership transition at the middle school over the overall student school climate. Um, two questions went into this, right? One is how positive or negative is the is the energy of the school and how often do your teachers seem excited uh to be teaching? So, overall 82% favorability rating. Uh, this dip here at the middle school is something we have to look further into. Uh, we can't discount the fact that there's been a lot of leadership transition at the middle school. We're really excited about the 10 year. Mike and kale taking over. We're already have some exciting things. planned in in talking about Improvement of the climate. So that's an area. We're certainly going to be continued with focus on. So the open-ended analysis so all students were provided with the question, please share anything you would like to about these questions or your school. So what we did we uh o over the past couple of years. We're really excited about uh the tenure of Mike McCale taking over. We already have some exciting things uh uh planned in in in talking about improvement of the climate. So, that's an area we're certainly going to be continuing to focus on. So, the open-ended analysis. So, all students were provided with the question, please share anything you would like to about uh these summarize that information. So at the elementary school some of the positive things that we saw consistently helpfulness of teachers middle school relations with teachers. Isil dedicated teachers you see the theme there and again Testament to to our teachers and Adrian. Thank you for the work that you do and all the hea members. when we talk about areas that we want to learn more about student work. So what we did we used AI to then summarize that uh information. and stress came up in both the middle school and the high school again These are students telling us. So at the elementary school some of the positive things that we saw consistently helpfulness of teachers middle school relations with teachers high school dedicated teachers you see the theme there and again testament to uh to our teachers uh and Adrian thank you for the work that you do uh and all the HA members when we talk about areas that we want to learn more about student workload and stress came and how can we better support them? So some of the takeaways this summarizes some of the things I just said so I won't go over that again. how might we respond to the data, right? We always look at data in the sense that data is voice. So we try to ask ourselves. What is the data telling us and what might the data be asking us to do? So when we say how might you respond continue to foster a positive School, climate for students. So again, these are students telling us this, right? Um and and how can we better support them? So some of the takeaways, this summarizes some of the things I just said, so I won't go over that again. How might we respond to the data? Right? We always look at data in the sense that data is voice. So we try to ask ourselves, what is the data telling us and what might the data be asking us to do? So when we say how might we I miss Mikhail the high school started a very systematically doing student exit interviews our ruler lessons responsive classroom to help address feelings of exclusion. We have developed a sustainability plan for responsive classroom. So responsive classroom is the the when the climate mechanisms that we use in the Mountain Elementary School most people are most familiar with the concept of the morning meeting and the theory Uh uh Miss McCuel at the high school started uh uh very systematically doing student exit interviews, our ruler lessons, responsive classroom uh to help address feelings of exclusion. We have developed a sustainability plan for responsive classroom. So responsive classroom is um uh the the the uh uh one of the climate mechanisms that we use in the me elementary school. responsive classroom that if you know your classmate well, you know his or her likes dislikes interest Hobbies you must much less likely to engage in hostile bullying kind of behavior with them, but we never really had a clear sustainability plan. one to ensure that all of our new teachers at the elementary level are trained. But never we never. Most people are most familiar with the concept of the morning meeting and the theory based in responsive classroom that uh if you know your classmate well, you know his or her likes, dislikes, uh interest, hobbies, you're much much less likely to engage in hostile bullying kind of behavior uh with them. But we never really had a clear sustainability plan. Uh one to ensure that all of our new special Area Teachers and we never really had a clear sustainability plan to make sure that we can do this year and year out. It's one of the biggest Inhibitors to that is cost responsive classroom is expensive. The training is expensive. So we've already contracted with them this year for two full days of professional development. one with all of our new elementary teachers, and we're including some of our teacher leaders at the elementary level. uh never we've never fully included our special area teachers and we never really had a clear sustainability plan to make sure that we can do this year in and year out. So, one of the biggest inhibitors to that is cost. Responsive classroom is expensive. The training is expensive. So, we've already contracted with them this year for two full days of professional development. then do turkey training and sub. years to maintain that program and two we're doing a training just for our special Area Teachers a full day training in February. and then three this is this is Pretty new this is really only come up in the past week. We're considering a universal Behavior screener to identify. uh one with all of our new elementary teachers and we're including some of our teacher leaders at the elementary level who will then do turnkey training in subsequent years to maintain that program. And two, we're doing a uh a training just for our special area teachers, a full day training uh in February. Uh and then uh three, this is this is pretty new. This has really only come up in the strengths and difficulties. at the middle school level using an evidence-based measure. It's called the strength and difficulties questionnaire, and we're currently in a discussion phases with that. That would be something that would be done internally. It'd be part of our multi-tiered system of support framework that we use a proactively identify students that require extra help or support whether it be in the area of behavior. Uh we're considering a universal behavior screener to identify students strengths and difficulties uh at the middle school level using an evidence-based measure. It's called the strength and difficulties questionnaire and we're currently in the discussion phases with that. That would be something that would be done uh internally. Ela science social studies writing whatever it may be So those those are some of the takeaways from the data that the student data is telling us so before I go into the faculty data talk about student data talked about the change in the survey format. It would be part of our our multi-tered system of support framework that we use to proactively identify students that require extra help or support whether it be in the area of behavior, math, ELA, science, social studies, writing, whatever it may be. Um, so those those are some of the takeaways from the data that the student uh data is telling us. Any questions about the student stuff I'm before I move on to the the faculty data. I have one wondering that's okay and For the seven out of 10 are excited at the same teacher. Yep. Are super excited. I forget to worry like the adjective. but I love that. You like the extra Super Duper excited. Is it possible? I'm guessing not. So before I go into the faculty data, talked about the student data, uh talked about the change in the survey format, any questions about the student software. Before I move on to the faculty data, I have one wondering if that's okay. Um for the seven out of 10 are excited to have the same teacher. Yep. Or super excited. I forget the word like the adjective, but I love it. You like extra super duper interesting to know. if the three out of 10 Next year. move into the seven out of the time, Like if it's the same three out of 10, I'm happy. I'm happy. I'm happy. That is a concern but Sometimes I get along with people sometimes they don't. I mean we have personalities, so your comment of 10 out of 10. I'm not sure is actually possible because humans are humans. But like you know, like as long as someone isn't having multip I'm guessing not, but it would be interesting to know if the three out of 10 next year move into the seven out of the ten. Like if it's the same three out of 10, unhappy, unhappy, unhappy. That is a concern. But sometimes I get along with people. Sometimes I don't. I mean, we have personality. So I your comment of 10 out of 10 I'm not sure is actually possible because humans are humans. of this like that's what I think we would be most worried about. Like I think seven out of 10 is probably what you'd expect because personalities clash. I mean that's just that we wouldn't be able to get that information through the survey because it's anonymized data. We don't have to and that's done by design. Yeah. And he was over using a new platform next year. It will be the same, the same thing. So some of the efforts, But like I, you know, like as long as someone isn't having multiple years of just like that's what I think we would be most worried about. Like I think seven out of 10 is probably what you'd expect because personalities clash. I mean that's just how the we wouldn't be able to get that information through the survey data because it's anonymized data. We we don't tie it back to an individual student and that's trying to make you might see this inters first throughout. this isn't a bridge version. full version will be up on the website. tomorrow, if not by Monday. um ideas. How do we unpack some of this rule right. So we talk about survey data being voice It's a starting point. You know, you can't look at this kind of stuff and say oh, okay. conclusively know that. Um, so some of the efforts that we're trying to make, you might see this interspersed uh throughout. This is an a bridge version. The full version will be uh up on the website uh tomorrow if not by Monday. Um includes ideas to how do we unpack some of this a little further, right? So when we talk about survey data being voiced, um it's a starting point. 100% want the teacher they currently had the teacher they had last year next year. They're being said We have to unpack that a little bit more if you try to understand, what did you mean by that and not you as in an individual? Who did it? Perhaps in the vein of a focus. Yes. You know, you you can't look at this kind of stuff and say, uh, okay, I conclusively know that 70% or 100% want the teacher they currently had, the teacher they had last year, next year, they would be excited about it. We have to unpack that a little bit more. We have to try to understand what did you mean by that and not you as in an individual who who did it, right? Perhaps in the vein of a focus group, something along Faculty as the same kind of questions since of belonging how much the Faculty does that feel like they are valued members of the school Community overall 85% of our faculty that completed the survey responded favorably to that question. You did have a bit of an anomaly it had in school and when you talk about what do you do with this David because Yes. Uh faculty uh asked the same kind of question. Sense of uh belonging. How much the faculty staff feel like they are uh valued members uh of the school community? Uh overall 85% of our faculty that completed the survey responded favorably uh to that question. We did have a bit of an anomaly at school. enough to collect data you have to do something with right. So principle principal visitor solve these initial results before school it out and you know special faculty, really the same with this faculty and ask the questions. to help better understand how he can be a more responsive leader to understand what the issues are. so he can then address them. Um and when you talk about well what do you do with this data because you know it's not good enough to collect data you have to do something with it right uh so principal principal Bisser uh saw these initial results before school let out uh and he held a special faculty meeting at the end of the school year to sit with his faculty and ask the questions um to help better understand how he can be a more responsive leader to understand continue and be ongoing and be fruitful. So again, I think it demonstrates the importance we put into this information and we don't just collect it and pop it on the shelves. Faculty School. climate perceptions of the overall social learning. climbing of the school overall 84% again unsurprisingly. We see a little bit of dip at Haddon. address them and those conversations need to to continue and be ongoing and and be fruitful. So again, I think it demonstrates uh the importance we put into this information and we don't just collect it and and pop it on the shelf somewhere. which again is seeing teachers completing this survey and at the middle school you can speculate why we think that again I do think that the leadership. changes over the past couple years have contributed to that and I know principal McHale is working dilig. Faculty school climate perceptions of the overall social learning uh climate of the school overall 84% again unsurprisingly we see saw a little bit of a dip at Haden uh which again this seeing teachers completing this survey uh and at at the middle school we can speculate why we think that again I do think that the leadership uh uh uh changes over the past couple years have understand. the kind of support he can provide for us faculties that to improve the climate District between and for the School in particular. faculty leadership relations overall 79% favorability rating from the district responses. And we also gave the faculty an open-ended analysis. There are question was a little bit different. Their question was if you can change. working diligently uh to better understand uh the kind of support he can provide uh for his faculty and staff to improve the crime in the district and and for the middle school in particular. Faculty leadership uh relations uh overall 79% favorability rating uh from the district responses and we also gave the faculty an open-ended analysis. Their question was a little bit different. anything about working at your school. What specific changes would you make there? were three themes that came out of that qualitative data. improve collaboration between teachers administrators offer training and support to help teachers manage difficult situations and Foster a more positive and collaborative School Culture by addressing negativity among colleagues. interesting we talk about the takeaways again This side kind of summarizes things. I already spoke to how might. Uh their question was if you can change anything about working at your school, what specific changes would you make? Uh there were three themes that came out of that qualitative data. Improve collaboration between teachers and administrators. Offer training and support to help teachers manage difficult situations and foster a more positive and collaborative school culture by addressing negativity among respond. So we have a monthly hea liaison meeting, right? We had a meeting just last week and so now we're more more pointedly engaging the hea leadership and how can we work together from both of our sides? It's not just an administrative having peace where you know, it's on sure shoulders. It's not all of the problems. But how can we work collaboratively with the ehea to help some of those negative perceptions that teachers have about how might we respond? Um, so we have a monthly HA liaison meeting, right? We had a meeting just last week and so now we're more uh more pointedly engaging the HA leadership and how can we work together from both of our sides. Out some of your colleagues may feel. and secondly, all of our building principles will be reviewing this data in depth and facilitating conversations. I think that by the by their It's not just an administrative heavy piece where, you know, it's on our should shoulders to solve all of the problems, but how can we work collaboratively with the HA to help some of those negative perceptions uh that teachers have about how some of their colleagues may feel. Uh and secondly, all of our building principles will be reviewing this data in depth and facilitating conversations. of October. I think we gave them to make sure that some of them are already doing that. This, in their opening faculty meeting. And as I pointed it out, Principal Bissinger already did started this work back in June, Parent data. only this was probably the shortest of the survey families perceptions of how well a school matches. their child's developmental needs. Overall 85%. favorability rating, again, uh I think that that by the uh by their by the end of October I think we gave them to make sure that that's done many of them are already doing that this in their opening faculty meeting and as I pointed out principal Bissinger already did started this work uh back in June parent data uh only this was probably the shortest of the surveys families perceptions of how well a school matches their child's developmental needs uh we like to see it higher and we, we need to dig in a little more to learn some of the nuances of this. But 85% is a favorable favorable rate. School climate. This was parents' perception of the school. climate, basically, involved, four questions to. What extent do you think your child enjoys going to school? How fair unfair is a school system of evaluation Overall? How much Again, those are really good numbers. Uh we'd like to see it higher. Uh and we we need to dig in a little more to learn some of the nuances of this. Uh but 85% is a favorable uh favorable rate. School climate. This was parents perception of the school climate. Basically uh involved four questions. To what extent do you think your child enjoys going to school? How fair or unfair is a school system of children? the teachers at your school have to your children and overall how much respect do you think the teachers at your school? your child's school have for the sound like a good place. expect you think the teachers have for the children. Okay. so overall in 81% favorability rating on this and I want to point out these two pieces of this is redundant. I Overall, how much respect do you think the children uh the teachers at your school have for your children? And overall, how much respect do you think the teachers at your school uh your child's school have for uh the children? That sound like I wrote that twice, didn't it? How much respect do you think the teachers have for the children? Okay. So, um overall, an 81% favorability rating on this. I'm just noticing now. the state question, but in 92% favorability rating we would talk about parents perception of how much respect the staff and the teachers get their get their students again speaks to the quality of our teachers and when you talk about this one over here, which had the lowest feverability rating 71% We have to dig into that mortgage. I'm not quite sure how And I want to point out these uh two pieces of of this is this is redundant. I apologize. I'm just noticing that it's the same question. Um but a 92% favorability rating when we talk about parents perception of how much respect uh the staff and the teachers get their give their students. I think again speaks speaks to the quality of our teachers. And when you talk about this one over here which had the lowest favorability interpreted that question. I don't think it was a great question. But the question is how fair un fairs little system of evaluating children And we've done a child safety thing evaluations. Are we talking about standardized tests? Are we talking about quizzes? we talking about? classroom tests, so that's something we need to dig into learn a little more about And parent open-ended analysis. We have to dig into that more because I'm not quite sure how parents interpreted that question. I don't think it was a great question, but the question was how fair or unfair is a school system of evaluating children? We're talking about child study team evaluations. Are we talking about standardized tests? Are we talking about quizzes? Are we talking about classroom tests? Here was the question here. what one of two steps could your school take to improve the school social? climate for students? And what are your final ideas about how to improve the school district we heard themes about diversity inclusion central theme is to continue fostering a more inclusive environment that celebrates differences. communication about bullying Challen So, that's something we need to dig in to learn a little more about and parent open-ended analysis. Here was the question here. What one or two steps could your school take to improve the school social climate for students? And what are your final ideas about how to improve the school district? Uh, we heard themes about diversity inclusion. particularly the challenge of the transition from grade five to six and student Stress and Anxiety. So, what are those takeaways again? I spoke of a bit to that. We're currently reviewing our current transition support from five to six and eight to nine for specific areas of improvement. Central theme is to continue fostering a more inclusive environment that celebrates differences, communication about bullying, challenges during transitions, particularly the challenge of the transition from grade five to six, and student stress and anxiety. So, what are those takeaways? Again, I spoke a bit to that. Um, we're currently reviewing our current transition supports from 5 to 6 and 8 to 9 for specific areas of We need to learn more from parents and from students about what specifically we can be doing. What is it something we're not doing Well. Is this something that we need to do more of so that's something we need to learn more about we are already. We already coordinated or in the process of coordinating Karen information session about harassing intimidation and bullying to better understand. the ins and outs of the very complicated law. Uh we need to learn more from parents and from students about what specifically we could be doing. Um what what is it something we're not doing well? Is this something that we need to be doing more of? Uh so that's something we need to learn more about. And we're also this one's already finalized. We're hosting a parent information on the topic of student Stress and Anxiety. in collaboration with temple universities Child and Adolescent anxiety Clinic. Uh we are already we've already coordinated or in the process of coordinating a parent information session about uh harassment, intimidation, and bullying to better understand the ins and outs of the very complicated law and policy. And we're also, this one's already finalized, we're hosting a parent information night on the topic of student stress and anxiety uh in collaboration with Temple University's child and So summary of next steps. We're going to implement district from building base action plans to continue to improve the overall. climate for students have parents and this spring. we're implementing a new serving instrument. We in Partnership the New Jersey Department of Education and Rutgers University. We think this is a bus survey Survey System and was mainly done for cost savings. so our contract with pan So, a summary of next steps. We're going to uh implement district and building based action plan to continue to improve the overall climate for student, staff, and parents. And uh this spring, we're implementing a new survey instrument in partnership with the New Jersey Department of Education and Ruckers University. Um we think this is a robust survey survey system and was mainly done for a cost is our third party. survey provider, which we've been using for the past five years when we started the contract with them. It was $5,000 a year this year the upper prices to $10,000 a year. So we began exploring alternatives. This is an evidence-based survey instrument. There are over a hundred School districts in the state of New Jersey currently using it and it comes with again. no cost. So, our contract with Panorama, which is our thirdparty uh um survey provider, which we've been using for the past five years, uh when we started the contract with them, it was $5,000 a year. This year, they up their prices to $10,000 a year. So, we began exploring alternatives. Um this is an evidence-based survey instrument. Uh there are over a 100 school districts in the state of New Jersey currently using it. and these are the different domains that folks can look at that will be included in the survey and when this link goes live they can actually view the questions that will be asked again. We'll administer that again in in the spring. Thank you. Thanks everyone. That was terrific, you know, very thoughtful and I Um and it comes with again no cost to the school district. Uh and these are the different domains that folks can look at that will be included in the survey. Uh and when this link goes live they can actually view the questions that will be asked again. We'll administer that again in uh in the spring. Thank you. Thanks everyone. That that was terrific, Gino. talking about like Gathering the data. Is that one right? You want to talk to all these different groups, but the fact that there will be just kind of action planning that comes from this is terrific and nice for all of the folks involved in providing feedback with such a response rate to know that their opinions and their ideas, you know. that's great. Thank you. Okay curriculum committee. very thoughtful and I love the way you're talking about like gathering the data is step one, right? You want to talk to all these different groups, but the fact that there will be this really robust um kind of action planning that comes from this is terrific and nice for all of the folks involved in providing feedback with such a response rate um to know that their opinions and their ideas, you know, matter. That's great. Yes, I will be super brief here. We had a really great productive meeting just yesterday morning. and our primary focus was really a discussion on the super extensive work. that's been led by Katie matron who I see here in the audience and a ton of very engaged teachers to review and revise modify where appropriate um curriculum committee me. Yes, I will be super brief here. really standardizing the process we have a whole lot more rigor than Uh we had a really great productive meeting just yesterday morning and our primary focus was really uh a discussion on the super extensive work that's been led by Katie Matt and Rob who I see here in the audience uh and a ton of very engaged teachers to review and revise modify where appropriate um curriculum maps and really standardizing the process. them. we have had historically which is phenomenal lots of different parties involved in terms of review most of the work really around sort of invalidating and incorporating State Standards making sure we're adherent in terms of how we devise these Curriculum maps and it sounds as though really there's been a lot of enthusiasm lots of support from our teachers and We have a whole lot more rigor than uh than um we have had historically which is phenomenal. Lots of different parties involved in terms of review. Most of the work really around um sort of in validating and incorporating uh state standards, making sure we're adherent in terms of how we um devise these curriculum maps. exciting to see what kind of enhance Learning opportunities will come to life for our students and I would just say again how much the curriculum committee and all the folks who have gotten who've had the pleasure of hearing about the this extensive work? We really appreciate the leadership from this team. And it sounds as though really there's been a lot of enthusiasm, lots of support from our um teachers. And so it's really exciting to see what kind of um enhanced learning opportunities uh will come to life for our students. And I would just say again how much the curriculum committee and all the folks who have gotten uh who've had the pleasure of hearing about the this extensive work. to bring those to life for our kids. Maybe you might pick up please. Do I love my notes on the printer? So that was my office those pretty good. Very good. some some thoughts on the maps. one the vast majority of the maps. We're done to ensure we're incorporating. Um, we really appreciate the the leadership from this team. Uh, and we're excited to um to bring those to life for our kids. Maybe you mind if I jump in for Please do. I left my notes on the printer, so that was my off the cuff. That was pretty good. That was very good. All right. Uh, some some uh some thoughts uh on the maps. Jersey student learning standards about six months after our last Cusack review two and a half years ago a lot of the state standards for updated. So we had to ensure that those are now reflected in all of our Maps. the second major thing. that was accomplished with these revisions. We're eliminating things that were not reflective of what's actually happening. Uh, one, the vast majority of the maps uh, were done to ensure we're incorporating all the latest New Jersey student learning standards. About six months after our last CUAC review two and a half years ago, a lot of the state standards uh, were updated. So, we had to ensure that those are now reflected in all of our maps. We've talked a lot about that over the past year that that was a key goal of ours and those maps that were only updated for standards and removal of items. We'll be complet. Be revised according to our audit cycle. Our audit cycle is for example. Um, the second major thing that was accomplished with these revisions were eliminating things that were not reflective of what's actually happening in our classrooms. We've talked a lot about that uh over the past year. That that was a a key goal of ours. Um, and those maps that were only updated for standards and removal of items uh will be completely revised according to our audit cycle. four to five years. We do a deep dive into a particular content area. And that's where a lot of recommendations come out for new programs new strategies new assessments. And that's where a complete rewriting goes along with it. But then the other thing that's very excited about this work. We do have three completely new maps and those are the sixth seventh and Our audit cycle is for example every four to five years we do a deep dive into a particular content area. Um and that's where a lot of recommendations come out for new programs, new strategies, new assessments and that's where a complete rewriting goes along with it. But then the other thing that's very exciting about this work uh we do have three completely new maps. eighth grade middle school stem Max and The work that was done here. I would hold against any stem program middle school or high school in the state of New Jersey. It's truly exceptional and forward-thinking work that that Matt and our new higher and I can't remember his name because I know he did a and Uh, and those are the sixth, seventh, and eighth grade middle school STEM maps. And the work that was done here, I would hold against any STEM program, middle school or high school in the state of New Jersey. Mr. Feet Yeah, so when you look at those. the stem apps are totally brand new revamped and everything else below that. It's it's truly um exceptional and forwardinking work uh that that Matt uh and our new hire and I can't remember his name because I know he did and at the uh at the middle school Mr. Yeah. the latest standards and taking out of material that That is not reflected. What was happening in the classroom? S. Yeah. Okay. Um so so when you look at those uh the STEM maps are are totally brand new revamped and everything else below that are primarily incorporation of the latest standards and taking out of material that um that is not reflective of what was happening in classrooms. Thank you Greg Bance. Who's doing it? Most of my updates were taken by the Energy savings presentation the construction update the bank corrupt, which we got in the state of a couple small things that were mentioned we're going to raise the meal prices ten cents which are going to vote on tonight. the Middle School and High School breakfast Elementary lunch. We'll go up 10 cents and the middle of high school lunch will be unchanged and in the recommendation for the tuition rates to Yep. We met Tuesday and most of my updates were taken by the energy savings presentation, the construction update, the paid crew update which we got the state of facilities. Um couple small things that weren't mentioned. We're going to raise the meal prices 10 cents which we're going to vote on tonight. Um for middle school and high school breakfast, elementary lunch will go up 10 cents and the middle think about three percent, which is what we have standardly done in the the past. like mentioned the elevator bid and then We spoke I think it was last month about the crosswalk Construction in front of the high school. We were told that that will be complete by the beginning of school. So hopefully we'll see that but that's in the process. And then the recommendation for the tuition uh rates to went up at our I think about 3% which is what we have standardly done in the past. Uh Mike mentioned the elevator bid and then we spoke I think it was last month about the crosswalk construction in front of the high school. We were told that that will be complete by the beginning of school. So hopefully we'll see that but that's in the process. hopefully it's done for safety reasons that by the beginning of school soon after. Now hopefully before because we have so much construction going on around town. I think that if we had construction going on in front of the high school when high school starts We'd have. It might have mean rally. I don't know. but what's hardiness where people lose it. and how Uh hopefully it's done for safety reasons if not by the beginning of school but soon after. Hopefully before because we have so much construction going on around town. I think that if we had construction going on in front of the high school when high school starts, right? We'd have it might have me rallying. I don't know. Right. Can we put a call in just two count? Oh, it's the county so our call County Road. splitsburg shot but hopefully So that's yes. All right. Oh. We have any tardiness where people lose it. So what's today's date and what's the date of beginning of school and how much time is in between there? Can we put a call in just to It's the county. Oh, it's the county. Our call county broadcast. But hopefully Okay, we can back. Yeah. All right. What is it going to look like when we start school? So the the expectation is we will not ever conditioner, but we're still working there. There is a contractor coming along. I should not sorry. nothing old guy the repair to you. Hopefully get it functional. Until we can till we do the full replacement for the research about we're Um I'll take the oh uh the so the air conditioning what is it going to look like when we start school? replacement that we're talking about and we'll still have air income some of the common areas right like So the the expectation is we will not have air conditioning but we're still working there there is a contractor coming out on Monday that should be coming out and take a look at it not sorry not take a look at it the the the repair to it to hopefully get it functional until we can until we do the full replacement through the east. So, did not that I Auditorium, in the main office. they they were technology system downstairs. They have air conditioning, I'm aware there are classrooms, and All those races at least. And so is it building? That Monday is two day project to replace the piece that malfunction. We don't want to guarantee. it's gonna work. that we're hoping Monday for the the replacement that we're talking about and we'll still have air in common some of the common areas right like oh they're not this room's not the auditorium the main office uh they the where technology sits downstairs they have air conditioning behind I'm aware two classrooms that have indiv the piece that that malfunction um we don't want to guarantee replace peace and sometimes Wanted to know trouble. You find the equipment too, right? It was hard to find that. Yeah. and we had this company had it, we had to jump on and get it because if someone else bought it, You have to have it built. It's not just sitting around. It's not like because it's old, they're coming up. So yeah and did we had Taylor election ponies out? When, when they had the cash, I failure. His team. is going to work because we replace a piece and sometimes we had trouble finding the equipment too, right? It was hard to find. Yeah. And we had this company had it and we had to jump on it and get it because if someone bought it, you have to have it built. It's not just sitting around. It's not like uh because it's old and they're probably not still making stuff. Yeah. piece and they looked for them. It's not that accountable face and brain flying. and you look, they looked and they found the piece that the component that went bad. They ordered it on here bad. oh Amazon? And they put it and they were hoping they could fix it for like five hundred dollars. You just didn't work. So I like it to win. My grandfather. should change the twos and TV, And and we had Tam Ro point this out when when they had the catastrophic failure. His team took it apart piece by piece and like looked for the thing that it's the it's not the mechanical thing. It's the brain fart and he looked they looked and they found the piece that the component that went bad. They ordered it on like eBay Amazon and they put it and they were hoping they could fix it for like $500. It just didn't If they actually gotten took disassembled this day, family component that now function and try to provide together was just engaged, you know. it's the kind of stuff I wish to we still here. so he's still here. He back in the room, so, Camouflage. He's like, you can't. We have to fix this. We just can't. we have to do everything we can and they did everything. I like it to when my grandfather used to change the tubes in the TV that they actually got and took disassembled this thing, found a component that that malfunctioned and tried to put it back together, which is impressive. It's been days doing, you know, it's it's the kind of stuff I wish Tim was still here. Oh, he's still here in the back of the room. As soon So thank you. Another curious, attendance jobs. Another thing to, I was. Talking about. As he have not having a single system. That's a high school. It's something that is going into the educational planning. Oh yeah. Is that? There be a two killers every single children. So then if one is down we could make sure we can accommodate any physical needs or right there. This is more complicated than just like my kids. You Great. and they they did everything. So, thank you. Another kudos for doing this job. Well, another thing too that the planning committee was talking about is the idea of not having a single system for high school is something that is going into the educational planning. Oh, yeah. Is that there be a two chiller system? Single chiller system. Like there are people who There are there equipment in humans literally need Right. You know quality? Yeah. So I mean I would say we were talking to did it. There are kids who are probably still in college or graduate school who went to school here? Did not have air conditioning. that's why my air conditioning for five years. So then if one is down, we could make sure we can accommodate any physical needs or right like there this is more complicated than just like my kids used air conditioning, right? Like there are people who there are there equipment and humans who literally need the you know quality H. So um I mean I would say like we were talking the day like there are kids who are probably still in college or graduate school who went to But the replaced, the one you with two units gives us redundancy when we need, is what something happens. We're not losing a building, we're losing a section of a building and you can now comedy movies. Thank you. Thank you for working on that. Thursday the need All right Rachel policy. I will. actually just do it because my kid about our tonsils. Oh, yeah good. So, we'll air condition the A-wing for five years. Um, but the the replace the one unit with two units gives us redundancy when we need it. So, if something happens, we're not losing a building. We're losing a section of a building that you can now accommodate more easily. Yeah. Thank you. And thank you for working on that, understanding the need. All right, Rachel. Policy. I will. So yeah. All right. I will just briefly go over a couple things. I think I feel like we might talk about this last time but just we were able to change the language to say that the not just the board president, but board president or vice president serve on all the Committees. and one of the big things that we talked about were the updates to the student handbooks and I will say I'm actually having Jess do it because my kiddons sound. Good, good, good. So, yeah. All right. I will just briefly go over a couple things. I think I feel like we might have talked about this last time, but just we were able to change the language to say that the um not just the board president, but by board president or vice president serve on all the committees. We've talked about before that all of on the updates came from the student focus groups. and so going into okay. So, how are the some of the things that the changes they want to make so also looking at the not just how things are happening, But what are the unique needs of each building? So for instance? Um, and one of the big things that we talked about were the updates to the student handbooks. And I will say, um, going back on things that we've talked about before that all of these ideas on the updates came from the student focus groups. And so going into, okay, so how are the some of the things that the changes they want to make? Um, so uh, and also looking at the not just how things are happening, but what are the school using more administrative detentions and then whereas at the high school using more morning detentions as certain like things for different procedures and things like that and talked about just adding some language. It's kind of come up with the times on having email me an okay way to from a parent sign a student right rather than it be like. yeah greater. So for instance, one was at the middle school using more administrative detentions and then whereas at the high school using more morning detentions as certain like things for different um procedures and things like that and talked about just adding some language uh to kind of come up with the times on uh having email be an okay way to uh from a parent sign a student out, right? The policies that have learned a letter. Yes. I think that is notarized. Yeah. okay, and then one of the other big things that really does seem like a huge undertaking are these updated job descriptions? and so looking at really what are you know? the difference between like not just rather than it being formal like the policy said a letter kind of things. Exactly. Exactly. Um Okay. And then uh one of the other big things which really does seem like a huge undertaking are these updated job descriptions. teacher? Is it elementary teacher and you know working on cutting down some of the redundancy among the descriptions, but also being more descriptive and writing job descriptions as new people are being hired. so that the job descriptions are more accurately matching the role that the employee is performing. And so looking at really what are you know um the difference between like not just teacher but is it a high school teacher is it an elementary teacher and you know working on cutting down some of the redundancy among descriptions but also being more descriptive and writing job descriptions as new people are being hired so that the job descriptions are more accurately matching the role that the employee is was to be done. Maybe mid-year. Yes pretty big. We're doing three chunks. Yes. The first chunk was Charles the and central office administration and next to the business And I think instructional staff we have JavaScript if you had to use a Dictaphone. um, maybe you have the geograph that you class. to be in charge of Um and I think the hope was to be done maybe mid year. Yes, we're pretty big on we're doing three chunks. Yes. So the first chunk was child uh uh child study and central office administration. Then next would be business and I think instructional staff. Um we have we have job description how you had to be able to use a dictaphone. the ring sale and the magazine sales I've been here since 1994 we have had magazine sale since 1994 and that's still part of JavaScript. So a lot of these things are just they were made a while ago and never really looked at again. So we're updating and we're using School NJ school boards. They have samples taking their and the other thing that happens is their job description. They Um, we had we had the the junior class the junior class advisor had to be in charge of the the ring sale and the magazine sales. I've been here since 1994. We haven't had a magazine sale since 1994 and that's still part of JavaScript. So, a lot of these things are just they were made a while ago but never really looked at again. So, we're updating them and we're using school NJ school boards. They have samples. We're taking happen. So if you look at the job, she's like the principles they'll talk about all the policies of principles you're aware of can do job. what that has that standardization. and then return of policies that at I think there was something we discussed too about the electronic communication and understanding that. And the other thing that happens is their job descriptions they tie policy into why this has to happen. So if you look at the job they'll say the principles they'll talk about all the policies and principles you're aware of to do your job well what that's great and that so it has that standardization. like when we do have electronic communication why you might only hear back from one person is that we can't have a quorum on an electronic communication and explaining that and then just you know going over. Um, and then really there wasn't a ton of policies that we discussed, but just looking at um, I think there was something we discussed too about the electronic communication and understanding that like when we do have electronic communication, why you might only hear back from one person is that um, we can't have a quorum on electronic communication and explaining that. So, you know, just making sure that the policies about conduct at board meetings were what we're doing and That we're following that. And I do remember, I think there was you know, did you say there was an update like that you did clarify something on the suicide prevention. always online. about the language. We updated like right after that I mean yes, like the day ever, the next, I mean, it was like, right? It was the Um and then just you know going over um you know just making sure that the policies about conduct at board meetings were what we're doing and um that we're following that and I do remember I think there was Gina did you say there was an update like that you did clarify something on the suicide prevention postage there something about the language being changed we updated it like right after the July meeting but it was like the day of or the you interlude like self harming and suicidal ideation for versus just just this was just self destruction, That was like, very, I'm we just don't check to make sure that wasn't the language and statute which it Yes. we were free to change it. Yeah. Yes. So I think was there anything else that I missed? Yeah. Thank you. Linda Lrfp. We Have our p. Yeah, it was it was the next thing self-damage or self inter like selfharming and suicidal ideiation versus just because it was just self-destruction self-destruction that was the word that was very we just had to double check to make sure that wasn't the language in statute which it wasn't. Yes. And we were afraid to change. Yeah. Yes. So I think was there anything else that I missed? I don't think so. Thank you. Uh so, Any news on? Demolition. Of our favorite building. I am. so, disheartened as we sit here at the end of August, because we truly believed that we would be starting the installation of the new field. clearly going to we have been Um we have LRFP meeting uh early next week. So we will be digging into that. Any news on demolition of our favorite building? Um I am so disheartened as we sit here at the end of August because we truly believed that we would be starting the installation of the the new field. Um clearly we're not going to. contact with the borough. from my understanding on their the upcoming Monday night meeting they will approve to Go back out to bid. They had did that came in the reason that they didn't accept them is because they were too different where they came back. which I wasn't sure of because yes, they were different but they're hoping that it comes back lower so I don't show him why. Um, we have been in contact with the burrow from my understanding on their the upcoming Monday night meeting. They will approve to go back out to bid. They had bids that came in um the reason that they didn't accept them is because they were too different um than where they they came back. Um which I wasn't sure of because yes, they were different, but they're hoping that that it comes back lower. what why would you why would they be different and you don't accept them And then now you're hoping that they are different and you're going to accept them like I'm not sure do you understand like I don't know if that you know, okay, but but I don't I mean if you're hoping they're coming back different. Than why would you not accept them? Because they were too different in one was love. Yeah that object. what the logic is that's what I don't understand. So I don't know why the lower one lower from the lower would why would you it why would they be different and you don't accept them and then now you're hoping that they are different and you're going to accept them like I'm not sure. Do you understand? Like I I know you can't. Okay. But but I don't I mean hoping they're coming back then why would you not accept them because they were just want to clarify. the history of the property because it wasn't given to us. It was in a land swap. We swapped Radner field. for the Hopkins parcel that I have an email from you Chuck on April 24th to 2022. I can't remember the exact date went through but I have an email that we have Hopkins which we thought that was going to be like oh, but so That's what I don't understand. And I just want to clarify um the history of the property because um it wasn't given to us. It was in a land swap. We swapped Radner Field for um the Hopkins parcel that um I have an email from you, Chuck, on April 24th, 2022. I can't remember the exact day it went through, but I have an email that we have Hopkins, which we we thought that was going to be like we're good. made that switch back in April 24th and 2022. Um, and we exchanged for That, as a way to Show that we're doing a full-on swap of two round equality pieces of properties. And the idea was that The burrow is eligible for green Acres funding. And so, I don't know what. But um so we made that switch back in April 24th of 2022. Um and we exchanged checks for that um as as a way to um show that we're doing a fullon swap of two round equivalent pieces of properties. Um and the idea was that um the burrow is eligible for green acres funding. came of that, but they were the idea was they would get three acres democratically haul. then they would democratically haul. So I'm not sure, I'm curious and looking into that of what But that was historically. that's that's really real. This came about and it really started when I came on the board which was 2018 is when we first Started. And that was old news when I came one was already old. And so I don't know what um what ever came of that, but they were the the idea was they would get three acres funding and then they would um demo hall. So I'm not sure. I'm curious in looking into that of what um but that was historically that's that's really where all this came about and it really started when I came on the board which was 2018 is when we first started and that was old news when I came on. clarity too. That agreement says that they will demolish. this isn't like Jesus. Hope they're going to That's partly was the agreement. To initial like that was why it was free and we agreed upon when on when we had to resign in 20, I think in 2020 is when the new commissioners came on 2021. and I took over as president. and one said, 2021, and we resign, was already old. For clarity, too, that agreement says that they will demolish this. This isn't like, geez, we hope they're going to. And then there was, it was finally formalized in 2022. And then just to finalize the execution. That's part of that was the agreement of what was agreed to initially like like that was why it was agreed to and and reagreed upon when um when we had to resign in 20 I think in 2020 is when the new commissioners came on 2021 um and I took over as president in what was said 2021 and we resigned and then it was it was finally um formalized in 2022 um contract, they need to demo, please call. So, We are you know, we are. We are trying and we have had conversations. and you know, it's the kids that they ever I don't worry about that. Yeah, so, you know if we had that field then and Chuck has said this many times. We it's not only just the high school kids. So the high school kids get done earlier the school district kids get done early. execution of that contract they need to demo the call. So we are you know we are um we are trying and we have had conversations um and you know it's the kids that that I worry about that. Yeah. So you know if we had that feel then and Chuck has said this many times we it's not only just the high school kids. earlier. We currently have kids my kids. We're praying playing soccer when they were young at nine. o'clock at night, and we could do better for our kids. well and even be able to I can't tell you the amount of games. I will say as for the town soccer program that had to be canceled because they were you know supposed to be crows woods and this and that and then to have then there's only one team So the high school kids get done earlier. The school district kids get done earlier. Town programs can can practice earlier. We currently have kids. My kids were were playing playing soccer when they were young at 9:00 at night. And and we could do better for our kids. Well, and even be able to I can't tell you the amount of games I will say as for the town soccer program that had to be anniversary field. So it's fantastic that we're able to use that but the danger of when you have and then you have people coming in from other towns and communities all over the state. and it's the fences and every like the things are falling on people's cars and people it's just it's not safe and we have to pay for that. Yeah, so that monthly we're paying so it's taxpayers are packing. And then to have then there's only one team that can play at a time on anniversary field. And so it's fantastic that we're able to use that. But the danger of when you have and then you have people coming in from other towns and communities all over the state and it's the fences and like the things are falling on people's cars and people it's just it's and we have to pay for that. So that we're paying. Yeah four offense to to secure property that we would like shut down. The estimate is with with lights so referendra with lights. a new field would give the barrel use Force 27 and a half more hours a week of Field Time see so right now without lights you put it in there right now. It'd probably be 17 whatever would be two hours a night? So the taxpayers are tax for a fence to to secure a property that we would like down. The estimate is with with lights. So if the referend go through with lights, a new field would give the burrow youth sports 27 and a half more hours a week of field time. Jeez. That's 17 hours more because our home. You know and yeah, so it's a big difference. Will go on that they will vote on on Monday and if all goes So right now without lights, if we put it in there right now, it'd probably be 17 whatever it would be two hours a night. That's 17 hours more because our kids would be done at home, you know, and then Yeah. So I mean it's a big it's a big difference. Yeah. And if all goes to plan that that it will be ready to be demolished by the end of December. That's you know, your environmental requiremental by them. Then it was a really danger for environmentals and once the environmental move. So to answer your initial question, um what what we've been told is that it will go on that they will vote on on Monday and if all goes to plan that that it will be ready to be demolished by the end of December. That's if no the environmental environmental by then these days are for environmentals. demolition. So there's two more steps, right? So this is going into 2025 from the original April 22. We got many PTA updates, right? All right, Dr. Priolo anything else a conditional? Klaus got a few things. um on August 6th. I got to go up to T. Then once the environmental removed, then they go up for demolation. So there's two more steps. You're right. Sorry. So this is going into 2025 from the original April 22 agreement. Uh we don't have any PTA updates, right? All right. Um Dr. Pello, anything else? Nothing additional. Claus, I have a few things. Brown down and who's I've came in County teacher of the year. so so we started the governor's teacher of the year educator of the year. We really started like in 1718. We're not doing a lot before that. In 1819, we had the county and state teacher of the year. Um, on August 6th, uh, I got to go up to TCJ with Stacy Brown down, who's our Camden County teacher of the year. So, so we started in the governor's teacher of the year, educator of the year. We really started like in 1718. We We're not doing it a lot before that. 22 23 we had the county teacher here in 2324 the county teacher so we've only been involved a program like six years and three of those years because of the county teacher the States engineer. says a lot about the dedication of our staff and the quality of our staff. So thank you Steph. station to come obviously celebrate our as In 18/19 we had the county and state teacher of the year. 2223 we had the county teacher of the year and 2324 the county teacher of the year. So we've only been involved in the program like six years and three of those years we've done the county teacher of the year and a state teacher of the year. Wow. Says a lot about the dedication of our staff and the quality of our staff. Um so thank you staff and special have come obviously to celebrate her My next is we are going to go on to bring another we're gonna go on the road. Is it as a board, so we'll probably so we're gonna go September 12th board meetings would be Central Middle School got the plan. I know that Can't. We're gonna go to tables, Apr? I'm thinking we might Stacy. Since she's a tale of teacher have her be there. And we're gonna also look at hand root celebrate. having us. We'll do those things. So, we're gonna be going as part of referendum. So people see Some. Uh and as as my next thing is we are going to go on we're going to go we're going to go on the road as a as a board. Um so we'll probably so we're going to go um September 12th board meeting is going to be at Central Middle School. I forgot the plan. I know the plan. 10th we're going to go Tat's APR. I think we might invite Stacy since she's a Tatum teacher. Have her be there and we're going to also look at Hadbury and celebrate Had. So about, I give the example the time, unless you. I've been integer this senior library which is a hallway through the middle of it. It's hard to understand. Um, I'm actually nervous. I mean, we've seen my head those in the seasons had library. if we get a big crowd out, That's not a place that could fit a lot of people. Um, so but we're gonna go on the Not like hope you'll never. So, we're going to be going as part of a referendum so people can see some of the things we're talking about. I give the example all the time. Unless you have been in Tatative and seeing our library, which is a hallway through the middle of it, it's hard to understand. Um, I'm actually nervous. I mean, we've seen those seen had library. If we get a big crowd out, that's not a place that can fit a lot I am going to recommend it. We can probably put this into play. In September doing an IHOP committee. to look at our sending zones, we have to do that. You have the numbers. We, you know, the number of people that That I and Gino. And, and Shannon and Danette have met with the parents. The uh not like hope and whomever. Um I am going to recommend and we can probably put this into play uh in September doing an ad hoc committee to look at our sending zones. We have to do that. Um you have the numbers. 14 First graders who have been displaced. That's not accounting. The second graders in the third grade that they're all over there. We have to either. look at that because I think very met possibly say I'm not changing. but we need to look at and we are going to pull in policy 9140 which is Citizens virus. We committee and we're actually ask. Um, we, you know, the number of people that that I and Gino and and Shannon and Danetta have met with the parents, the the 14 first graders who have been displaced, that's not accounting the second graders and the president, third graders, they they're all over there. We have to either look at that. We could I think very possibly say we're not changing, but we need to look at it. families to help us out. The example was getting for knocking any kids here. Um, not that any future students. and we're also part of the United. We also need to with powers and committee. look at 5120 which is assignment students, which I think is probably And that we are going to pull in policy 9140 which is citizens advisory committee and we're going to actually ask families to help us out. The example was given before knocking on doors and saying any kids here um not any future students and and we'll also part of the kids. It's not solving. Um addressing some issues. I gave the example before that our Lottery system is easy because it's a lottery no one has to make a decision, but it's I used to work Howard. It's just kind of the wrong word. It feels that way. I'm talking to parents explaining to them, but I know you live across the street. But there was a lottery and you lost. We also we also need to with policy committee look at 5120 which is assignment of students which I think is probably real key to solving this. It's not solving this um addressing some issues. I I gave the example before like our lottery system is easy because it's a lottery. No one has to make a decision. But it's I use the word cowardice which is probably the wrong word. It makes it fair. But is it making that really good and I have ideas of how we could do what we have a window of time where if you're registered by this date you're in this school up until the next day which might be 60 days later. No one gets assigned and then at that time we looked approximity like I'm thinking if we could look at something those things and that may not make It feels that way when I'm talking to parents and explaining to them like I know you live across the street but there was a lottery and you lost. Um it makes it fair but is it make is that the way we do it? And I have ideas of how we do it. Walking my dog. Last night. It made sense. I also think we should talk about. September 4th or fifth having an additional board. have a window of time where if you register by this date you're in this school up until the next date which might be 60 days later no one gets assigned and then at that time we look at proximity like I'm thinking if we can look at some of those things that may not make sense walking my dog last night it made sense um so I we want to look at that in policy um I also think we should one specific agenda. item. Our pecs will come in, so we can now decide on the scope of a referendum, which will probably do Monday. And the PCs are the numbers. The numbers shows how much they get. So we'll be able to tell. So now we know our state will be able to give tax impact based on that number. We can eliminate projects or whatever. we're going to do. I know the next. Next thing is a 12th and the fourth of may not sound like a big deal. But if we can meet on Thursday, meeting put in with one specific agenda item. Our PEC's will come in so we can now decide on a scope of a referendum which we'll probably do Monday. Um and the PCs are the numbers. They're the numbers shows how much state aid we get. Correct. So we'll be able to tell. So now we know our state aid. We'll be able to give tax impact based on that number. We can eliminate projects or whatever we're going to do. 5th and vote on the bond question, the referendum question. We can then be back to school. Nice to talk about what that's going to look like if we wait until the end of September. We can't all fairness, you know? We want community to know this as soon as we possibly can, we decision? So I'm gonna recommended we can talk about they later on that. we do meet other than the fourth or the And I know that our next our next meeting is the 12th and the fourth or fifth may not sound like a big deal, but if we can meet on Thursday the 5th and vote on the bond question, the referendum question, we can then be at back to school nights to talk about what that's going to look like. If we wait until the end of September, we can't in all fairness, you know, we we want the community to know this go. Because once we have scope the question will take two days to write. so if we meet on Monday and go it's on a scope by Wednesday we can have it then we have Memorial Day and you can come right back and do it. I've already checked. There are no school activities either those nights. So will be a time a chance for us to get it out. probably shouldn't decide. Now now so we can get. So I'm going to recommend and we can talk about the date later on that we do meet on the 4th or the 5th to to go because once we have scope the question will take two days to write. So if we meet on Monday we go it's on a scope by Wednesday we can have it then we have Memorial Day you can come right back and do it. I've already checked there are no school activities either of those nights. So it will be a time a chance for us to get it and get a publicized and have everyone know who has interest to come and see I would imagine people to show them for that and get that in play. Health do you want to start with the Fence Thursday we tend to do Thursdays. I just kind of my routine and also I mean it being like only the second day of like it like by that be the third day of school. It's just those first few days are kind of We probably should decide now now so we can get get it out and get it publicized and have everyone know everyone who has interest to come and see. I would imagine people will show up for that. Um and get that in play. Sense straw poll. Um how do you want to start with the fifth Thursday? It's a Thursday. We tend to do Thursdays like kind of my routine. around And maybe the fifth. One major hand if you can come on the bed. sorry, so one two, three four, so there's at least five of us you can't come. you guys Good. and we have So yeah, but really have a form. And also, I mean, it being like only the second day of school, like it like by that be the third day of school. It's just those first few days are kind of really hectic all around, but maybe the fifth would be better. Raise your hand if you can come on the fifth. Sorry. So, one, two, three, four. So, there's at least five of us. You can't come. You guys can. Good. sure at least. Yeah. and then in the, lastly, I much less at all. school open soon. Oh, ER, orientation is is not really hired teachers. so let me teach you for a while. if Monday Tuesday, Wednesday. all teachers are in on Thursday, Um, Have we? Yeah, there's other I'm sure at least a couple because we have quite a few people. You'll have you'll probably so you'll be able um and then and then lastly much less off school opens soon. So, um it's hard to believe new teach new teacher orientation is is not new newly hired teachers because some of them teaching for a while. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. All teachers are in on Thursday. and that Tuesday we come back on our be here. And that's always better. because these buildings were made to house. 800 kids not the house. Penn State numbers. So it's always a great day when they come back. the ringing. The Bell sermon has been all the elementary schools which is fun and we're looking forward to it. Yeah. yeah. Me too. I just, I don't really have anything. I know we had a busy meeting so I just wanted to say happy school year to everyone. See you. Um and then we have that 4 day weekend and then that Tuesday we come back and our students will be here and that's always better because um these buildings were made to house 800 kids not to house Penn staff members. Um so it's always a great day when they come back. The ringing of the bell ceremonies meet all the elementary schools which is fun and we're we're looking forward to it. Yeah. Yeah. Me too. I everyone. a good year and thank you to everyone who put in so much hard work. Over the summer. We really didn't have any time off this summer but it was a good opportunity while a lot of new things weren't coming up that we were really tackling things that we had wanted to get done and it's exciting that we actually will have the referendum numbers for September which is I know we had a busy meeting. So, um I just wanted to say happy school year to everyone because I won't see you until you begin back. But, um good luck. Wishing everyone a good year and thank you to everyone who put in so much hard work over the summer. We really didn't have any time off this summer. But it was a good opportunity while a lot of new things weren't coming up that we were really tackling things that we had wanted to get done. Really what we've been we're hoping for so good things, but things are Okay. um, well now have public in public comment members of the community are invited to speak up to three minutes at this time. All comments must be directed to the board. not members of the public. This is an opportunity for the board to listen, but not to big issues or at our question and answer period Please be aware. not all issues brought up before board meeting will be resolved that evening. And it's exciting that we actually will have the referendum numbers for September, which is really what we've been we're hoping for. So, good things good things ahead. Okay. Um, we'll now have public comment. Members of the community are invited to speak up to three minutes at this time. All comments must be directed to the board, not members of the public. This is an opportunity for the board to We ask you identify your name by City identify Yourself by stating your name and the name of your street while public education could be an emotional issue. We strive to maintain a certain level of decorum at the meeting public meetings are streams and about both replay on YouTube and students often participate in the meetings as such citizens are expected to maintain a term courtesy and civility. And I like to make a comment. Please be aware not all issues brought up before a board meeting will be resolved that evening. We ask you identify your name by stating identify yourself by stating your name and the name of your street. While public education could be an emotional issue, we strive to maintain a certain level of decorum at the meeting. Public meetings are streamed and available for replay on YouTube and students often participate in the meetings. As such, Well, Carol stutter have Abigail Avenue. Um, just a couple things I wanted to know can the school district pay for the demolition. Of Cooley hall and then just put in a Grassfield. Um, I was there another thing two kids one was 500,000 millions and million. Some people have suggested we just get together. So but I'm just wondering I don't know if your hands are tied with that. You can't use Hello, Carol Steriel Avenue. Um, just a couple of things. I wanted to know, can the school district pay for the demolition um of Kie Hall and then just put in a grass field. Um, I was there. I know that they have two bids, one was 500,000. Million was a million. Um, some people have suggested we just get together and knock down ourselves. use part of the money? And maybe hold off from the turf field. We just put in a Grassfield because you can actually use the Grassfield so don't know the answer to that. Um, the high school air has been down since the beginning of July is my understanding and I've heard that it is in the mid 80s and sweltering upstairs by staff. who said they are essentially doing heated limits. How do you expect kids to learn in that environment? I know you said that that's the way it used to be. But if I'm just wondering I I don't know if your hands are tied with that you can't use that money or could you use part of the money and maybe hold off from the turf field but just put in a grass field because you could actually use a grass field. So don't know the answer to that. Um the high school air has been down since the beginning of July is my understanding and I've heard that it is in the mid 80s and it is now. Um, and I want to encourage you not to wait for whatever that questionable energy program. is that she just talked about here in order to get air conditioning in here for these kids it is I remember our kids can help from Elizabeth hadn't ruin the third floor. It was unbearable on our kids that a deal with that all the time. It's unsafe. I mean for your staff to say it's unsafe. That's what I heard. it's unsafe. So I'm not sure exactly when you think it's gonna be I know you said that that's the way it used to be, but that's not the way it is now. Um, and I want to encourage you not to wait for whatever that questionable energy program is that she just talked about here in order to get air conditioning in here for these kids. It is I remember our kids coming home from Elizabeth Haden. We're on the third floor. It was unbearable and our kids had to deal with that all the you said the parts of it are going to be working, but I'm not 100% sure so I'm just trying to say take it out of this whole energy thing that they're talking about. and please just get the air from education for the kids because I just think that's gonna be difficult. And the last thing I wanted to say is I wanted to read up a thing from Gino's. climate survey. I'm not sure if he focused on it, but I wanted to see it because you know, I'm very much about academics. It says they're mixed opinions about So, I'm not sure exactly when you think it's going to be fixed. You said parts of it are going to be working, but I'm not 100% sure. So, I'm just trying to say take it out of this whole energy thing that they're talking about and please just get the air communication for the kids because I just think that's going to be difficult. Um, and the last thing I wanted to say is I wanted to read a efforts to Foster more inclusive environments that celebrate differences while some appreciate the focus other fields of distracts from academics. I'm not sure if you mentioned that you know what you did put it on. Like I just think that we the biggest thing that I feel is we just need to get back to academics. Sometimes it gets muddied and there's so many differences opinion. But if we can just focus on academics I just think that's the reason my parents are telling you that and the survey that's his survey from parents, but It says, "There are mixed opinions about efforts to foster more inclusive environments that celebrate differences. While some appreciate the focus, other feels it detracts from academics." I'm not sure if you mentioned that, do you know, but you did put it up on your slide. Um, I just think that we the biggest thing that I feel is we just need to get back to academics. to focus on academics. So and we can get up with a split showers. Thank you. Okay items for Board of Ed approval acceptance of the month. Sometimes it gets muddied and there's so many differences of opinion. But if we can just focus on academics, I just think that's the reason my parents are telling you that and the survey that was his survey from parents, but we just really need to focus on academics. So, and we can get out of the slammers. I know. Thank you. Okay. vandalism violence report. policy approval first reading through bylaws. policy approval a group of policies there for second reading Approval to abolishly abolish a policy. A bylaw sorry approval of the revised 24 25 academic calendars for the middle and high school. resolution to approve the 24-25 student Um items for board of approval, acceptance of the monthly HIV vandalism violence report. Um policy approval first reading for bylaws. Uh policy approval a group of policies therefore second reading approval to abolish the abolish um a policy a bylaw. Sorry. Approval of the revised 2425 academic calendars for the middle and high school. job descriptions and appointment of the educational stability liaison. and motion Jess and May and questions discussion I have a couple of questions and I'm sorry because you guys may be talked about this but for a policy 2200 it it has been stricken that the Resolution to approve the 2425 student handbooks, approval of the new job descriptions and appointment of the educational stability liaison. Um motion Jess and May and questions discussion. curriculum will be approved annually by the board right? I'm sure there's a reason that that was take it out, but I was just curious as to why. I'm not looking at I shouldn't be that shouldn't. What? I have a couple of questions and and I'm sorry because you guys maybe talked about this. Um, but for policy 2200, it it has been uh stricken that it the curriculum will be approved annually by the board. And I'm I'm sure there's a reason that that that was taken out, but I was just curious as to why. Look into that. That should not be. That shouldn't be. Yeah. I I read over it that they just this must be somewhere else. It's part of it is part of the reward me. though. We do it. So if you guys could just take okay. Yeah, so should we not go on that one tonight? Just reading. Is it no no. second reason and I apologize. And then I wonder if it says it's somewhere else. I I read over it that they this this must be somewhere else. It's part of it's part of the uh reorg meeting. I was just like reorg. So if you guys could just take Okay. Yeah. Yeah. So should we not vote on that one tonight? What reading is it? 22. No second reading. Second reading. Yeah, let's pull that and we'll look at it. So that should we prove it part of it year. Yeah. Yeah, I know. So I said yeah it says up here the board shall annually approve a list of programs and courses that comprise the district's curriculum until approved subsequent changes to curriculum and policy adoption. So I think it just says it up in the top. Yeah, I think and it's Rewritten. Option of courses and that's why it's taken out of here because it was redundant. Okay it already. And I apologize because I wasn't here last meeting. Yeah, let's pull that and we'll look at it. Okay. We we we prove it part of it every year. Yeah, I know. So, I was like, yeah, it says up here, the board shall annually approve a list of programs and courses that comprise a district's curriculum and shall approve subsequent changes to curriculum for policy adoption courses. So, I think it just says it up in the top. Yeah, I All right, I will accept that. Okay. All right. Good. Thank you. And then you feel fine or if you look like. Yeah, yeah broken screen behind me. That's great. Okay. Did you have any questions I did sorry. for physical examination. it's Yeah. Okay. It already says it. All right. I will accept that. Okay. All right. Good. Thank you. And then like a mosquito flying around. You look like Well, you have broken screen behind me though. That was great. Okay. Um Oh, did you have any questions? Yeah, I did. Sorry. Don't require. I'm sorry. Able to follow it seems like this is testicular word. somewhere. It says in here in the board will follow. I'm sorry. Okay, we added the board will follow. Um so for physical examination um it it's saying that the board shall shall acquire I'm sorry I see if the board will follow. It seems like this is testing for the board where somewhere it says in here the board will follow. I'm sorry. the current New Jersey Department of Health guidance for TV. in New Jersey schools That's done there. so that we we don't want to specify what that is. So we don't really don't have to reapprove the policy. Just because New Jersey changed how Tuberculus? Okay, so it's just we're, we're being more general so that things can take me to change. That is good. because it Can. Okay, we added the board will follow the current New Jersey Department of Health guidance for TV um in New Jersey schools. That's done there so that we we don't want to specify what that is. So we don't have to re we don't have to reapprove the policy just because New Jersey changed how to regulate. Okay. So it's just we're we're we're being more general so that things continue to change. Got it. Got it. Got it. Okay. And then our policy stores that makes perfect sense. I really just one of the the opportunities I have some questions. I put in a couple. I saw you. check some because it can change with the pol like it can change and then our policy still is in compliance. That makes perfect sense. I I really I just um wanted the opportunity to anything else. I had some questions. I put in a couple. I think it's a great effort. I don't want anyone to go on the weeds. I think, when these get looked at because that sounds like that will become a procedure like a certain number of years. so that we don't have a like you use a laptop those things are from 24, whatever you know like whatever. And I know you said you're using New Jersey School board. So it's like not like Oh, I saw you. I made like little tiny checks on the job descriptions. I think it's a great effort. I don't want anyone to go in the weeds. I think when these get looked at because that sounds like that will become a procedure like a certain number of years so that we don't have a like you use a laptop those things are from 20 whatever you know like whatever the newest. says what degree. Not everyone. You know what? I mean? Like, the clothes it didn't feel consistent across. it felt consistent by type. but inconsistent across so for example it says for assistant principal you have to have a master's but for like principal or superintendent didn't talk about a college degree talked about a surf. I know that. Um, and I know you said you're using New Jersey School Board, so it's like not like our crafted, but not everyone says what degree you need. Not everyone, you know what I mean? Like the club, it didn't feel consistent across. It felt consistent by type, but inconsistent across. So, for example, um, it says for assistant principal, you have to have a master's, but for like principal or superintendent But do you know what I mean? Like the right? I don't stand these are important I Think we should approve these I don't think they're causing a problem. But I think the next I would think New Jersey school boards would have put some work. consistency within actually just be careful with some things because For some jobs you need your master's degree to obtain your certification, but there are also alternate routes through New Jersey Excel program. Where I know that is implied, but do you know what I mean? Like they're right. I don't think these are important. I think we should approve these. I don't think they're causing a problem, but I think the next I would think New Jersey school boards would have put some more consistency within. You have to be there. You have to be careful with some things because for some jobs you need your master's get that certification. You don't need a master's degree. so that That I'm speculating. I think it's probably yeah, that might be a lot is a big a lot of there's a big copy and paste exercise, right? as much as anything else. Well, I'll take a look at yeah, it's It's yeah to me. So when? Uh but there are also alternate routes through uh New Jersey Excel program where it's a accreditation program to get that certification. You don't need a master's degree. So that that I'm speculating. I think that's probably a lot of big a lot of this is a big copy and paste exercise. Right. Right. As much as anything else. Well, I'll take a look at it. Yeah. And it's not it's Yeah. I'm looking but you know like it's not a common occurrence. and so like it was like oh you need a high school degree to work for whoever but like oh wait you just need to search or you need five years of teaching experience to be an assistant principal, but no it doesn't say to do experience for full-time principle like you just felt a little bit, you know what I mean? Like because I saw the list even with the news Okay, they're not. To me it was like when I so when I'm looking at it when will I ever look at a list like well in a couple months when you go to the next list but you know like it's not a common occurrence and so like it was like oh you need a high school degree to work for whoever but like oh wait you just need a cert or you need five years of teaching experience to be an assistant principal but no it doesn't say teaching experience They're recommend. They're not. manually requirements. Right? Right. We have a high school principal who's never a question teacher right? She's a school psychologist and it drives like right and so like I don't know how make but I feel like like the next round of reviews and like four years for you five years like it could be like standardized but the standardization of language like, how are we gonna let me talk about a sir or when we talk about what you know, like I don't know what it is. But so here's the thing. I think that's very good. We've that they're not ne they're recommend they're not mandated requirements. Right. Right. We have a high school principal who's never a classroom teacher. Right. She was a school psychologist and child. Right. Right. And so like I don't know how but I it feels like like the next round of reviews in like four years or five years like it could be like standardiz the standardization of language like company, and I think that Right now it says qualifications. I think that you could get around all of this is if these are desired qualifications recommended qualifications recommended qualifications. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe that's really good at that word. And because then I think we approve if we approve a job post or something. Yeah, like we we disapprove these descriptions. So the qualification was that we want to We've struggled with this in my own company and I think that right now it says qualifications. I think that you could get around all of this is if these are desired qualifications, recommended qualifications or qualifications. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe that's really worth and because then I think we approve if we approve a job post or something. Yeah. I don't know. You know, I feel like I think that one qualifier could change that if that is your practice if you're saying that right there's a variability. Yeah. So think about. yeah. Yeah. Definitely covered. Vice President Hooker. Yes. Dr. Brown yeah. Just dress. Yes. Mr. Esplert. Yes Miss Hollywood. Yes. like wait we just approved these descriptions that said the qualification was but we want to take a candidate I don't know you know like I feel like I think that might one qualifier could change that if in fact that is your practice if you're saying that this right there's some variability yeah okay so think about yeah it's a good point anything else vice president Hooker yes Dr. Brown Yes. Brown Yeah. Just dress. Yes. Curriculum. and Special ed Approval Field. Trip. trips, travel. Resources Involving Students to an Internship between the Board of ED and Rarity Valley Community College Resolution between the Board of Edniel School for now, the district Placement Resolution between the Board of Ed and Yale School for another. at a district placement Resolution to approve overnight. athletic trips for Pastor Blair, yes. Miss Hollingworth, yes. President Crookie, yes. Curriculum and special ed, approval of field trips, conferences, overnight field trips, travel resolution of partnership involving institute internship between the board of ed and raren valley community college. Resolution between the board of ed and yell school for an out of district placement. Resolution between the board of ed and yell school for um resolation between the Board of ED and Overbrook School with blind resolution between the Board of ED and Gloucester County Special Services, School District Resolution between the Board of ED or several cluster County Special Services. You keep going. Um, I had to go board of at resolution between Haddonfield board of Ed and Yale School for another out of this replacement. Resolution to approve overnight athletic trips for 2425 school year. Resolution between the board of ed and Overbrook school for blind. Resolution between the board of ed and Glouester County uh special services school district. Resolution between um the board of ed for several cluster county special services. Keep going. the board of Ed. and Burleson counts, their services student school district for extended school year student. resolution between the Board of Ed and Gloucester County Special Services for another extended school year student resolution to approve the newly revised Curriculum maps. motion make motion motion and Linda Um, Hadenfield Board of Ed resolution between Hadenfield Board of Ed and Yale School for another out of district placement. Resolution for the Board of Ed and Burlington County um services student school district for extended school year student. Resolution between the board of ed and Foster County Special Services for another extended school year student. Resolution to approve Great job on these Maps. you know they yeah, but They're listening later. and nice job. I was curious why the athletic overnight trips a separate from the field trip list and that it just struck me because the format was different what I like was clicking in. I'm like, oh this is what I thought it was. He looks like which is not no. I just go like It's called about to just checked on that we motion and Linda questions. Great job on these maps. Um I know they probably but they're listening later. Nice job. I was curious why the athletic overnight trips are separate from the field trip list. And that it just struck me because the format was different. So when I like was clicking in I'm like oh this is what I thought it was going to look like. Which is I don't know. Yeah, I think that you just put that in every year. okay. Can you call? Vice president hooker. Yes. Dr. Brown, yeah This dress. just Direction player. Yeah, Miss Hollywood. Yes president crooked. Yes. Personnel approval new Personnel transfer seller upgrades mentoring extracurricular I was just and I looked I was looking at today and I was like, "Oh, I just called Bethy and just checked on that we had them on there." Yeah, I think Beth just puts that in every year as a statement. Okay. Okay. Got it. Hey Mike, can you call roll? Vice President Cole? Yes. Dr. Brown? Yes. Mr. D? Yes. Mr. Asen? Yes. Miss Hollyworth? Yes. President Cookie? Yes. sleeps of absence and resignation resolution to approve the increase of hours. For the Schneider for three days to three and a half three hours, two three and a half hours per day resolution to prove the compensation. for arango for to move rooms resolution to approved capacity to complete summer curriculum work. Personnel approval of new personnel, transfer, stellar upgrades, mentoring, extracurricular, coaching, appointments, weeks of absences, and resignation. Resolution to approve the increase of hours um for Miss Schneider for um 3 days to three and a half three hours to three and a half hours per day. Resolution to approve the compensation for um Orango for to move rooms. resolution to approve bcbas for the 24 extended school Year resolution to approve the office educational Systems to be compensated on working. resolution to approve the following employees to be available summer enrichment programs. resolution to approve staff for five hours of student planning resolution to approve misfied Resolution to approve Capesi to complete summer curriculum work. Resolution to approve BCBAS for the 24 extended school year. Resolution to approve the office educational assistance to be compensated um working. Resolution to approve the following employees to be available summer enrichment program. Resolution to approve staff for five hours of student planning. the AP economics professional development program resolution to approve Miss mcgalley. Holly to be paid for attending building thinking classrooms Workshop resolution to prove teachers to be paid three and a half hours each for training teachers during the new teacher orientation. in resolution to approve teachers to receive six period compensation Resolution to approve Miss Fight Freeman to attend the AP Economics Professional Development Program. Resolution to approve Miss McAlli Collie um to be paid for attending building thinking classrooms workshop. Resolution to approve teachers to be paid three and a half hours each for training teachers during new new or teacher orientation. And resolution to approve teachers to receive six period motion. Just, and Greg. Comments Question. I was wondering what C means. We're paying a teacher to move a move room. Yeah. you get compensated because you have to come in over the summer and move the room. So a lot of schools don't do it, Okay yeah. And you have to comments are contract, you okay? So now, I know because I didn't. motion. Jess and Greg comments, questions. I was wondering what fee means. We're paying a teacher to move a room. Move rooms. Yeah, you get compensated because you have to come in over the summer and move the room. So, a lot of schools don't do it with the construction. Yeah, you have to come in. It's in our contract. Yeah. Because you have to do it. right. Yeah, that's one L. We have a chemistry teacher out from maternity leave. I have to shout out to many Gene. Mike and Kyle. you could not find a substitute chemistry teachers for three months is near impossible, fine. It's from I know cuz I didn't get Yeah, I mean because you have to do it. Yeah. Right. Um you got that's one uh L we have a a chemistry teacher out um and I have to shout out to to Vinnie, Jean, Mike, and Kyle. We could not find a substitute. And we brings from everything. They is our teacher said, we'll pick it up, we'll split it up. We'll do this. And the thing that makes us different than just an extra six classes. With our science class, some of some classes. meet seven periods a week. Some of these teachers may not teaching 34 peers a week. Which is something that we simply never done and they're like we'll do it because we need to do it and that's that's it's a heavy lift for them and I really chemistry teachers for three months is nearly impossible to find and we brainstormed everything and they our teacher said we'll pick it up we'll split it up we'll do this and the thing that makes us different than just an extra six classes with our science class some of some class seven periods a week some of these teachers may now teach you 34 periods a week which is something that we simply have never done and And I really appreciate their willing to do it there. They actually this is this is their solution but any of the important to tell me like we can solve this if you guys look at that so great great It's president hooker. Yes. Dr. Brown, yeah yes. Yes. Mistressler. Yes MS. Hollywood. Yes, president Griffin. Yes. Approval of this is in finance recommendations. And I really appreciate their their willingness to do it there. They were actually this is this is their solution by the way. They knew the importance of telling like we can solve this if you let us look at that. So great great work by those guys. Mike, can you call? Vice President Hooker. Yes. Dr. Brown. Yes. Yes. M. Yes. Mr. Denclair. Yes. Miss Hollandorth. Yes. President Croo. Yes. with jsb entertainment and red carpet productions for the DJ Services. approval for the standard operating procedure and internal controls for the 2425 school year approved with the purchasing manual for 24 25 school year approval of the district safety plan. approval the following tuition rates for the school year 2520 Should that be 24 20? Oh it is for about 20. Approval of business and finance recommendations. Uh approval of a contract for JSB Entertainment and Red Parkway Productions for DJ Services. Approval for the standard operating procedure and internal controls for the 2425 school year. Approval of the purchasing manual for the 2425 school year. Approval of the district safety plan. Approval of the following tuition rates for the school year. 2520. Should that be 24? approval of for inspirit Health network to provide drug screening services approval of Katie National for security for event Security Services resolution to approve the Board of Ed to continue Co-op pricing. of with ESC of Morris County approval of school meal rates for 24 25 payment of bills budget transfers board secretaries report and cash summ Oh, it is. Okay. Approval of um for Inspir Health Network to provide drug screening services. Approval of KD National Force Security for event security services. Resolution to approve the board of ed to continue co-op pricing with um ESC of Morris County. Approval of school meal rates for 2425. Payment of bills. Budget transfers. motion motion Linda, right Comments questions. Just a quick explanation Katie National for security. our events. We used to pay high school police officers to come. Very expensive. This is a private company. It does school security. nice chunk of money by moving away from board secretaries report and cash report motion Linda Greg comments questions just a quick explanation KD national for security our events um we we used to pay Hadenfield police officers to come very expensive this is a private company that does school security saving a nice chunk of money by moving away from uh company. I thought the chief Cutler about it before and he said I don't blame, you know, because he saw the prices and a football game was Several hundred dollars. it's under that many thousand per hour was that for several hundred hours hour. For this is a this is a night savings. And one of the benefits I've benefited this is There's day before our minimum. so even within the four hour minimum, it's cheaper. field police to his company. I I talked to Chief Cutler about it beforehand. He said he said I don't blame him because he's he saw the prices and a football game was several hundred thousand hours per hour. Wow. Um so this is a this is a nice savings. Um and one of the benefits of benefits is there's they have a 4-hour minimum. who two hours. So now we have more we all free and post games stuff like that. I still want to use the howdyfield police for things. I graduation better as Community events, but for the police officers who come stand in football game just for crap control. This is also savings Right. Thank you Mike. Can you call Dr? Brown yes, distress. Yes, Mr. Essen Blair, yeah. So even within the four- hour minimum, it's cheaper than the police officer for two hours. So now we have more we pre and postgame stuff like that. I still want to use the Hattyfield police for things like graduation that are community events, but for the for police officers who could come stand a football game just for crowd patrol. This is cost savings. Great. Thank you. Mike, can you call Dr. Brown? Yes. M Blair. Miss Hollywood. Yes. Vice President Hooker. Yes. President Crooked yes. Approval of the minutes for July 25th notion. Yes. Right. Comments. Hey Mike, Dr. Brook. Yes. This dress, yes. Ms. Rosenberg. Yes. Ms Hollingworth. I'll extend. I was Yes. Miss Hollworth. Yes. Vice President Hoker. Yes. President Crookie. Yes. Approval of the minutes for uh July 25th motion. Jess comics. Hey Mike. Dr. Brent. Yes. Miss Dress. Yes. Miss Resclair. Yes. Miss Hollingworth. I was absent. Vice President Hooker Abstain. President Book, yes. Okay. Items for teacher consideration. Something I was just wondering quickly. I know. It's fun. Sorry. Um, I think all the effort. That you all are putting into regular to the curriculum mask. and getting a job. It has anything thinking about I'll abstain. I was absent. Vice President Hooker abstain. President Hooker. Yes. Okay. Items for future consideration. One thing I was just wondering quickly. I know it's long. Sorry for all the long days. Um I think all the effort that you all are putting into regulating the curriculum maps and getting the job. Thinking about four things, wondering, if we want to always, have digital minute document that other for committee meetings that then if you're not on that committee you could look at we do it's in that we have a committee folder. They're not always. populated. I always put my committee. so we should be doing so I guess and everyone should be putting their minutes in the committee meeting folder in the It has me thinking about board things and I'm wondering if we want to always have a digital minute document that other for committee meetings that then if you're not on that committee you could look at we do it's in we have a committee folder they're not always populated I always put my committees so we should be doing that we should there is a process and everyone should be putting their minutes in the committee meeting folder in Yeah, so you should yeah. Yeah, I mean you can send an email but you should do it in that drive just actually but as long as you posted into that drive, okay. and I'll if I find it because it's so hard to find anything. I'll I'll send you know, I've been putting the policy ones in there because I you know mention I don't know like screen share if we're just be in Google in your Google Drive. Do that. Yeah. So, you should send an email. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you can send an email, but you should do it in that drive just because usually people send out an email, too. But as long as you post it into that drive. Okay. Okay. And I'll if I find it because it's so hard to find anything, I'll I'll send I hate No, I've been putting the policy ones in there email that I Because that's right. Okay. So I know it's there. Okay, and I didn't work curriculum, but I'm not chairing a committee, right now and I couldn't do it for negotiations because yeah, right. Yeah it was. all right motion to turn. Okay, South Africa. like screen share email that I can find and send if you want to distribute that talks about it to everyone. Yeah, I I think I you and I started the process. So I know it's there. Okay. Um and I did it for curriculum but I'm not chairing a committee right now and I couldn't do it for negotiations because Right. It was all right. Uh motion to adjurnn.