>> HSD Broadcast's Presentation: you >> Albert Pineiro: We thank you. instructions Yes, he's going to stay in Washington doesn't want to say okay. How are you? How are you guys? You take notes in the nerves that. yes every um, let's call the meeting to order. Mike could you please call roll. Just put lucky. Dr. Brown, yeah Mistress. Yeah, Mr. Sessler. Yes this Hollywood. Mr. Knuckles Miss Sonic. Yeah vice president. Hopewell. president Let's take my nerves. Yes. All right. Um, let's call the meeting to order. Mike, could you please call roll? Miss Bachi. Dr. Brown, yes. Miss Dress, here. Mr. Essen, yes. Miss Hollyworth. Mr. Knuckles. Miss Sodic, here. Vice President Hoker, pledge. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and Jew Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all. Mike can you please read the statement concerning open public meetings? public notice of this meeting pursuant to the open public meetings act has been by the superintendent of schools. in the following man President here. Please stand for the pledge. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Mike, can you please read the statement concerning open public meetings? Public notice of this meeting pursuant to the open public meetings act has been given by the superintendent of 10th 2024 notice of this meeting was posted on the interior of the school administration offices 95 grocery Hadfield written notice was submitted or follow the heading for Barrel Clerk and noses for email to the Courier Post in the retrospective. Okay, we're going to jump ahead a little bit to presentations And we are going to start with number three. our toilet room Renovations update. On January 10th, 2024, notice of this meeting was posted on the interior of the school administration offices, 95 Grocery, Hadenfield. Written notice was submitted and filed with the Hadfield Barrel Clerk and notices were emailed to the Courier Post in the Retrospect newspaper. Okay, we're going to jump ahead a little bit to um presentations and we are going to start with number three um our toilet room renovations And thank you for being here today. of course good evening. Ladies and gentlemen the board. Thank you for having me. My name is Max Ritner work with Collier's engineering and design and we're doing the construction management for the bathroom Innovations. I'd say to elementary school. I just wanted to give you a brief update on the project status and let Head over the next couple weeks so far. We have completed the demolition of the existing. and thank you for being here today. Of course. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen of the board. Thank you for having me. My name is Max Rittner, work with Collier's Engineering and Design, and we're doing the construction management for the bathroom renovations at Satum Elementary School. I just wanted to give you a brief update on the project status and let you know where we're looking ahead over accessories and ceiling in the boys and girls bathroom and Tatum and we have also completed roughen of the Mechanical plumbing and electrical systems. And about 95% installation of the ceramic tile in both bathrooms. Looking ahead to next week. We're looking to begin the above ceiling mechanical electrical and plumbing work finish the ceramic tile work install seeing tile grid and Lighting. and as ing tile, uh, fixtures, accessories, and ceiling in the boys and girls bathroom at Tatum. And we have also completed roughening of the mechanical, plumbing, and electrical systems and about 95% installation of the ceramic tile in both bathrooms. Uh, looking ahead to next week, we're looking to uh begin the above ceiling, mechanical, electrical, and plumbing work, finish the ceramic tile work, install ceiling, tile, grid, and schedule and tracking to be completed by the end of August. Any any issues with routine materials, that's been the layer of the past is the supplies. Are we good with everything we need we're not being delayed for doors or partitions or anything. Yes. So no delays and materials all the materials that we need are on site or nearby in the warehouse for the contractor. how about measurements and one As of today, we are remaining on schedule and tracking to be completed by the end of August. Any any issues with receiving materials? That's been a delay in the past is the supplies. Are we are we good with everything we need? We're not being delayed for doors or partitions or anything. Yes, sir. No, no delays in materials. Um all the materials that we need are on site or nearby um in the last year was the seats for the high school not being alive for the or the toilets for the high school not being alive for the height of toilet of high school students. Versus the younger kids are we keeping an eye on that to make sure everything's kind of at the right height for the h target age. Absolutely. Yes. We are. That was something that was brought up earlier in the project the design same line Architects and has been addressed. It's great. Thank you. So a little bit easier the toilet pictures if they're not. And one of the issues we had last year was the seats for the high school not being aligned for the or the toilets for the high school not being aligned for the height of toilet of high school students versus the younger kids. Are we keeping an eye on that to make sure everything's kind of at the right height or the age target age? Absolutely. Yes, we are. Um that was something that was brought up earlier in the ones here are formatting will be they come dietician. Okay. Right and they surprises in the demo anything cool that potato wall. That's really. yeah. Okay, super noteworthier exciting a lot of material. Oh, yeah. like the ones here they'll be they come the height. Okay. Okay. Any surprises in the demo? Anything cool at Tatum wall? Is there a time capsule? They put like a lot of times broken Is that where the time capsule is? Putting a time capsule is they put the coffee cup, right? the walls. The contractors will put a coffee cup in there. Yeah. Nothing super noteworthy or exciting. A lot of material. Yeah. Too bad. Hey, well, thank you very much. for coming out. Okay next we'll go to number one Mr. Fox is going to be recording on the biannual hid report. It's good. There we go. All right. Well, thank you very much for coming out. Okay. Um, next we'll go to number one. Mr. Fox is going to be reporting on the bianual HIV report. Good. All right. There we go. Awesome. Good evening to the board. My name is Rob Fox. I'm here in the head and the anti going coordinator capacity today. This here's the mission statement for Haddonfield School District. I was already rest. I can read again a lot of these slides and just kind of gonna graze over there a lot of the same slides we've had in the past. So I'm gonna go in detail up anything stands out to you one more in depth on, you know, just stop me an answer. So oh by the ants at morning glow, right? So we have to do two reportings. We're doing recording period two, right now. Awesome. Well, good evening to the board. My name is Rob Fox. I'm here in the Had in the anti-bullying coordinator uh capacity today. Just here's the mission statement for Hadenfield School District that was already read. I'm not going to read again. A lot of these slides I'm just kind of going to graze over. Um they're a lot of the same slides we've had in the past. So, not going to go in through June 30th. Here's our anti-boying Specialists These are the ones that last year. I'm happy to say to my knowledge. They're all coming back this year. So we'll be here too with it. This is the board policy center around harassment intimidation going and you know what things were looking for is comes from anti going to go so here's the data so for reporting Period 2 from January 1st. right now, which is January 1st through June 30th. Uh here's our anti-bullying specialists. Uh these are the ones we have from last year. I'm happy to say to my knowledge, uh they're all coming back this year. So we'll be in year two with everyone, which is awesome. Uh this is the board policy center around harassment, intimidation, and bullying. And you know what things we're looking for is comes from the 30th. I'll focus on the bottom numbers we had total of 29 reported incidents all those 297 principal pulmonary information would use so they were not they did not move to investigation. By were confirmed and then 17 were none confirmed the scene non-hip so five werehavens 17 were not hit. All right. There we go. Here's the breakdown of the categories. So nine or forty. to June 30th. I'll focus on the bottom numbers. We had a total of 29 reported incidents. Of those 29, seven principal preliminary determination was used. So they were not they did not move to investigation. Five were uh confirmed and then 17 were non confirmed as being non-hip. So five were hip and 17 were non-hib. All right, where we going? There we go. Uh here's the breakdown of the categories. So nine None around color. one or five percent around religion zero around ancestry zero around Origins. You're around gender. sexual orientation nine percent two of them gender identity. None disability three, which is 14% And then other or none with seven or 31% which gave us a total of 22 that works. Um, so here's the district side by comparison. or 41% centered around race, none around color, uh one or 5% around religion, zero around ancestry, zero around origin, zero around gender. Uh sexual orientation 9% two of them. Gender identity, none, disability, three, which was 14% and then other or none was seven or 31% which gave us a total of 22 that were investigated. Um so here's a district sideby-side comparison. so 22 23 school year we had a total of 41 reported incidences all those 41 24 were investigated 17 were not for the 2324 school year. We had 40 reported incidences of those 40 30. We're investigated and 10 were not so I think it is also important to note and I think it was earlier as an earlier board meeting We did kind of adjust how we documented things this year. So that total for So 22 23 school year we had a total of 41 reported incidences. Of those 41 24 were investigated, 17 were not. Uh for the 232 24 school year we had 40 total reported incidences. Of those 40 uh 30 were investigated and 10 were not. So I think it is also important to note and I think it was mentioned earlier uh at an earlier board meeting we did kind of adjust how we documented things this year. So that we were doing it how we did in the past would be a little bit lower, right? It probably be like in the 36. I don't know exactly that believe in rookie right around 36 37. Um, we did switch so that if one student, you know in the past way we would do if there was one victim and two aggressors that would all be wanting the one for reporting purposes and just to if it does something happen to get appealed. So a lot easier for everybody if it's like one the one so you don't. have this like spider web of trying to >> Robert Fox's Presentation: you >> Albert Pineiro: figure out you know, who is what actually portraying what's rule for us would probably if we were doing it how we did in the past would be a little bit lower, right? It probably be like in the 36. I don't know exactly but I believe it would be right around 36 37. Um we did switch so that if one student, you know, in the past way we would do if there was one victim and two aggressors that would all be lumped into one for for reporting purposes and just to if it does happen to get Yeah. So um, so yes, that's why we've switched that so that is that Just a little comparison. It's very hard to get data points for HIV. There's a lot of it's a lot of gray area. Right? It's not so black and white, but I was able to pull off the NJ school report cards some data just to share with you guys. Um, so for having field give or take about every 400 students three students. There are about three HIV incidences, which is about point seven six percent. happening. Yeah. So, um, so yes, that's why we've switched that. So, that is that. Um, just a little comparison. It's very hard to get data points for HIV. There's a lot of it's a lot of gray area, right? It's not so black and white. Um, but I was able to pull off an NJ school report card some data just to share with you guys. Um, so for Hadenfield, give or take about every 400 students, uh, three districts in Camden County for every about Corner students about eight corner students and Jay districts. it's the same thing about me. I say there's a lot of Greater in this because some policies may allow for personal appointment termination Some may not some districts may have different thresholds something that we may hear. consider to move forward to investigation other districts may not right. So like there's just so much gray in this, you know when I talk to other aunt that point coordinator so like 6% of K through2 school districts in Camden County for every about 400 students there's about eight HIV incidences and for every 400 students in J districts it's the same thing about eight I say there's a lot of grayer in this because some policies may allow for prim principal preliminary determination some may not some districts may have different thresholds something that we may I don't know if that would go to investigation here. I'm like, well it does here because we want to make sure that we're addressing you know, so so yeah, there's a lot of area in that so but that is that's the data that I could, you know come up with that I think was with sound. Um second thing that we're gonna talk about here is antibou a right self-assessment. Now this has nothing to do with incidences and all that's a nice Sabbath Chef act in January when I did it. There's a timeline for that the principles and Boeing Specialists. They completed their self-assessment in June summer. ah that I don't know if that would go to investigation here. I'm like, well, it does here because we want to make sure that we're addressing it, you know. So, um so yeah, there's a lot of gray area in that. So, but that is that's the data that I could, you know, come up with that I think was was sound. Um, second thing that we're going to talk about here is anti-bullying right self assessment. Now, this has It was reviewed and it will be tonight. and then I will certify whatever 31st the data and then we wait to get the state commissioner all certify it. We got the grades back which I believe it. So this year was like mid April this one they were really sauce and then within 10 days so in the self-assessment is broken down into core element categories. So here's the eight categories here a lot of it. just centers around making sure that we're following. summer. It was reviewed and it will be presented to the board tonight and then I will certify it by October 31st the data and then we wait to get the the state commissioner I'll certify it. We got the grades back last year I believe it was or this year was like midappril is when they were released to us and then within 10 days I post them on the school website. So in the self anti-point build right making sure that we're communicating to our community. You know what that is. what that looks like procedures policies those type of things. And then under each category. There's different indicators some at three four five. the schools for themselves on a scale zero to three zero meaning they do not need to requirements one they partially need it to their meeting requirements. through either exceeding requirements maximum score you can get is 78 following the anti-bullying bill of rights, making sure that we're communicating to our community, you know, what that is, what that looks like, procedures, policies, those type of things. And then under each uh category, there's different indicators. Some have three, four, five. Um the schools score themselves on a scale of 0 to three. Zero meaning they do not meet the requirements. Uh one, they partially meet it. Two, they're meeting the Having to say our district pretty much. We have all twos and threes throughout which is great Central Elizabeth had an HMS for themselves a 74s. HMHS scored a 78 and Tatum Ford a 76 So here's our district response. Just some key takeaways. We're going to continue to work or we're going to work with school administration and ptas to develop information sessions. That was the one area when we're looking at the self assessments Maybe we go up to improve upon we did do with the County prosecutor earlier this year the whole Happy to say our district pretty much we have all twos and threes throughout which is great. Central Elizabeth Had and HMS scored themselves a 74s. HMHS scored a 78 and Tatum scored a 76. So here's our district response. Just some key takeaways. Uh we're going to continue to work or we're going to work with school administration and PTAs to develop information sessions. That was the one area when we bullying thing, but we're hoping to do something like that. I've actually been talked to Strauss as me. who is who does all our work policies with Phil from there and we're hopefully that he's either gonna do a video or maybe do some sort of virtual presentation. So we're going back with on that the second thing we're going to do is improve our stop it which is our Anonymous reporting and we're working with Karen Vanette the high school and her digital media class, and we're going to take a whole like upstander approach and kind of revant that so you know, uh, cyber bullying, uh, thing, but we're hoping to do something like that. I've actually been in talks with Strauss Esme, who is who does all our board policies with Phil, uh, from there, and we're hopefully that he's either going to do a video or maybe do some sort of virtual presentation. So, we're going back and forth on that. Uh, the second thing we're going to want to do is improve our stop it, that's when we're gonna do continue to work with Administration and Jack address being making a teachable moments and then the third thing is that creative Q on HIV and the process and this is kind of everything I kind of heard. here put it together and then when I send out the letters they'll get this FAQ. So I'll help the parents. hopefully to better understand the process. Second thing is is our violence and manism report. So this is a report also has to reported twice a year to see That's something we're going to do. Uh continue to work with administration and Jack address acts of HIV uh making it teachable moments. And then the third thing is I created an FAQ uh on HIV and the process. And this is just kind of everything I kind of heard throughout the year, put it together, and then when I send out the letter, they'll get this FAQ. So that'll help the parents hopefully to better understand uh the board. There are seven categories for this report HIV violence manualism threat theft substance offenses and other instance. We didn't removal and this is specifically just in school suspensions and Outsource. So Elementary School, we don't have a time, which is great. So you can kind of see the breakdown here in school suspensions. We had one half day. We had one three one days two two days three three days and then one 11 day. You can kind of see what they report. There are seven categories for this report. HIV, violence, vandalism, threat, theft, substance offenses, and other incidents made in removal. And this is specifically just in school suspensions and out of school suspensions. So, elementary school, we don't have a ton, which is great. So, you can kind of see the breakdown here. Uh, in school suspensions, we had one half day. Uh, we had for there. Middle School, we had one in school suspension or two one day in school suspensions to two days in one today out of school suspension and then a one three day out of school suspension and those out of school suspensions in the pie chart. You can see with other incident leading to remove. For the high school very well numbers as well one day in school suspension two days. We had four total. were for there. Middle school uh we had one in school suspension or two one day in school suspensions, two two days in uh one two-day out of school suspension and then a uh one three-day out of school suspension and those out of school suspensions in the pie chart you can see was other incident leading to uh removal for the high school. Uh very low numbers as well. One day in school suspension uh two days we school suspensions. We had two two days and then out of school suspensions for three days. We had a total of six 75% of the out-of-school suspensions were centered around HIV 25% were sent around other. And then just here's the district breakdown or the entire district and other incidents is about 24% threat was 17% for out of school suspensions HIV 20% violence 37 points nine percent. and for total of them out of school suspensions we had two two days and then out of school suspensions for 3 days we had a total of six uh 75% of the out of school suspensions were centered around HIV 25% were centered around other incidents and then just here's the district breakdown for the entire district and other incidents was about 24% threat was 17% uh for out of school suspensions HIV 20% violence 379% comparison last year to this year if you look in on the left hand side the ones in red in school suspensions. We had a total of 26 days for the district and 22 23 out of school. We had third in school for 24. We had 13.5 and then for out of school in 22 23 and 160 and then sizable drop off this year to 63 days for out of school suspensions. I will say I know Mr. Klaus here and you know, Mr. And then here's our district comparison. Last year to this year, if you look in on the left hand side, the ones in red, in school suspensions, we had a total of 26 days for the district. In 2223, out of school, we had third uh in school for 20 32 24 we had 13.5. And then for out of school in 2223, we had 160 and then a sizable uh drop off this year to 63 days for out of school a little bit more about quota conduct, but I will say the one thing that we really leaned in I know specifically the Middle School this year and at the high school was using Saturday detentions a lot more they felt like They Carried a lot more weight students don't want to come in on Saturday. Right? And it's also beneficial because they're not missing instructional. In school, we're out of school. So that was something that we I know they leaned into a lot this year Which yeah, I think you can see in the numbers. So that's it. I had one question which tell me. Mr. Class, maybe we'll talk a little more about code of conduct, but I will say the one thing that we really leaned in, I know specifically at the middle school this year and at the high school was using Saturday detentions a lot more. They felt like they carried a lot more weight. Students don't want to come in on a Saturday, right? And it's also beneficial because they're not missing instructional time in school or might be you too. And I know we talked a little bit about it and committee. but because we're leaning more into the in school suspension and loss of loss of open campus if you're for disciplinary interactions, are we is there things that need to be changed in the student handbook to make sure students are aware of that more. so I know that there's discretion, but I don't know if it spells it out my hand. letter Tammy, that might be you, too. And I know we talked a little bit about it in committee, but because we're leaning more into the inschool suspension and loss of um loss of open campus if you're for for disciplinary infractions. Are we is there things that need to be changed in the student handbook to make sure students are aware of that more? So, I know that there's discretion, but I don't know if it spells it out in the with literally reports to make sure that he doesn't following some of the guidelines that have always been in place in the handbook. But but more like maybe now it will be change and then the updates in the handbook will go out and into As well the other changes it Tammy's made in the handbook the age with me being and substance abuse. in the handbook nail is We talked a little bit how open canvas will be used um with quarterly reports to make sure that um you know they're following some of the guidelines that have always been in place in the handbook but but more as like maybe and now it will be uh changed and then the updates in the handbook will go out into the August newsletter as well. The other changes that that Tommy's made in the handbook is with vaping meeting with the shack for educational purposes. So that was something we did. But now we're documented. This is part of what we do now, so it's really getting much more line with trying to establish those things. One of the things too. I'm thinking of as we were talking about and thank you for this by the way. No problem. Always great. It's great to see everything laid out. I love that. we're being creative with what really is a punishment. Often isn't he can't come to school. I there. We'll be meeting with the sack for educational purposes. So, that was something we did, but now we're documenting. This is part of what we do now. So, it's it's really getting much more in line with trying to establish those things. Um, one of the things too I'm thinking of as we were talking about, and thank you for this by the way. No problem. Always great. It's great to see everything laid out. I love that we're being creative with what anything to do with with this, but it just keeping in mind that as especially when we get into the middle schoolers and high schoolers and thinking about what we talk about bullying prevention thinking about including those kids who might not be included. to begin with like that whole reaching out. I thought of it when he said upstander and in the same way that kid like male Mentor school girl was talking about the Buddy bench and how do we remind middle schoolers in high schoolers that the kid? I as you know and this isn't anything to do with with this but just keeping in mind that as especially when we get into middle schoolers and high schoolers and thinking about um when we talk about bullying prevention thinking about including those kids who might not be included to begin with like that whole reaching out I thought of it when you said upstander and in the same way that kid like the elementary might just not have some of the talk to and maybe you could be extra friendly and that idea like social capital of inviting other people. to friendships. Yeah. No that I think that's something you know, I know there was a big push this year to really address the climate culture of the middle school, You know that started with me see and Mr. Terron and Mr. Ruben continue with Mr. Ruben and I miss schultes and out, you know, Mr. McHale's there. So I know that Mr. Room they're really excited some of the things that started the way which I think you saw on the result here the foundation kid who's quiet might just not have someone to talk to and maybe you could be extra friendly and that idea of like social capital of of inviting other people to to friendships. Yeah. No, definitely. I think that's something you know I know there there's a big push this year to really address the climate and culture at the middle school. You know that started with me and or Mr. Trant and Mr. Rubin. It's continue with Mr. Rubin and so, you know, we're hopeful that'll continue in those things like you just said, you know those people coming together and supporting one another and reaching out those things. Yes. Of high school is one of the peer goals now. like to Be more common of students. who might not be sitting with others and they try to include them and having activities doing like intramurals during lunch. So there are kind of problems and something that's not as obvious. that they've started the way. Um so, you know, we're hopeful that'll continue and those things like you just said, you know, those people coming together and supporting one another and reaching out, those type of things. Yeah. The high school is one of the peer leaders goals now like to be more cognizant of students um who might not be sitting with others and I try to include them in having sitting alone. So it's going to be one of their focus points as well. Okay. Yeah, I think that's great because I just think like a lot of this stuff gets prevented by just the friendships that yeah. climate and culture. Yeah. I tried this year proactive. a freshman community and we talked about the spring and you know and Athletics and competitiveness and this is typically that's how you always do seem to increase in hips and like the next day. I have three gifts. I'm constantly revisiting my messages. Yeah. sitting alone. So, it's gonna be one of their focus points as well. Yeah, I think that's great because I just think like a lot of this stuff gets prevented by just the friendships that climate and culture. Yeah. We tried this year to be proactive. So, we had a freshman community meeting and we talked about the spring and how, you know, and athletics and competitiveness and this is typically the time of year when we do see an A little bit better. So it doesn't happen overnight it. Yeah. before that awareness part of that they may be reported. They may not have been reported. Yeah, I've had mentioned to come out So yeah, that's like when when Rob Now by sex those multiple aggressors one victim the numbers don't look as good as they would look if we were doing it That's that's what we want. And so we have to do. that's good. You awareness makes the report happen to stop at Apple. on how to like do that a little bit better. So, we'll see. And it doesn't happen overnight. Yeah. Yeah. So, but part of that's awareness part of that they may report. They may not have been reported that message come out. So, that's like when when when Rob now dissects those multiple aggressors and one victim. It's the numbers don't look as good as they would look if we were doing it poorly. But that's important. Yeah, that's okay. So my question no worries my question is about compliance with like the Saturday suspensions. we? our kids complying with Saturday suspension and showing up for it and what happens if they're assigned to suspension on Saturday, and they don't so my understanding I mean, you yeah that they don't they get to and typically, you know generate more reports. Yeah, that's okay. My question, no worries. My question was about compliance with like the Saturday suspensions. Are we are kids complying with the Saturday suspension and showing up for it? And what happens if they're assigned a suspension on Saturday and they don't? So, my understanding, I mean, they show up most if they don't, they get two. Um, and then if they don't do that, it goes to like an call it. Okay, that's good. I think middle school. So remember talking to someone else who's in a different district and I said, you know here pushing for Saturday suspensions and the response was just that work in your District because our kids just wouldn't show up. So I think that's a good. indicator that this is actually working. Yeah. Yeah. Is when I taught it all. They'll email or call their homework. Okay. No, it's good. And I think middle school I remember talking to someone else who was in a different district and I said, you know, we pushing for Saturday suspensions and the response was, "And does that work in your district because our kids just wouldn't show up." So, I think that's a good indicator that this is actually working. Yeah. Yeah. I used when I taught it online Saturday intention chaperone. That's not all right. It wasn't that exciting just Thank you. Rob. No problem. Thank you very much guys. And are you going to do that, please? Okay, Katy. Thank you. So we're gonna have the NJ GPA presentation. Yeah, I'm not you know, that's on the agenda. Katy Roussos supervisor this this Saturday intention chaperone. Where was your breakfast now? Yeah, it was all it wasn't that exciting. Trust me. Thank you, Rob. No problem. Thank you very much, guys. Thanks. Um, are you going to do the NJPA? Oh, okay. Katie, thank you. Thank you. So, we're gonna have the NJ GPA presentation. Yes, I am not. Gina, as it says on the agenda, um, Katie Russo studies and I am here to present the New Jersey graduation proficiency assessment. results. The Department of Education requires that we report the results to the Board of Education. We've been 60 days of receiving those scores and just make sure that can everyone hear I don't know if you can hear because the windows behind me. So if you just speak a little bit louder Just because I feel like the windows drowning out. Yeah. so these report these results are required to be reported to the supervisor of language arts and social studies and I am here to present the uh New Jersey graduation proficiency assessment uh results. Um the department of education requires that we report the results to the board of education within 60 days of receiving those scores. I just make sure that can everyone hear I don't know if you can hear because the board within 60 days of receiving them and your next board meeting them and your next board meeting would be beyond that time. So we wanted to make sure to report those today. that can everyone hear I don't know if you can hear because the windows behind me. So if you just speak a little bit So that's why I'm here to do that. So these this assessment was administered this year all New Jersey public school students in grade 11 are required to take the New Jersey graduation proficiency assessment. It's a part of the State's graduation requirements which were established in 2021. It is a computer-based assessment and to the board within 60 days of receiving them and your next board meeting would be beyond that time. So, we wanted to make sure to report those today. So, that's why I'm here to do that. Um, so these this assessment was administered this year. Uh, all New Jersey public school students in grade 11 are required to take the New Jersey Graduation Proficiency Assessment. It's a part of the state's graduation requirements sections for ELA and math and the questions are based on end of year 10th grade, New Jersey student learning standards. Most students are required to demonstrate proficiency on assessment or the alternate Pathways in order to graduate the following year. So some of those alternate Pathways include retaking the njgpa if they don't pass or meeting cut scores in other standardized assessments like the PSAT the SAT. and it consists of sections for ELA and math and the questions are based on endofear 10th grade New Jersey student learning standards. Um, most students are required to demonstrate proficiency on this assessment or via alternate pathways in order to graduate the following year. So, some of those alternate pathways include retaking the NJGPA if they don't pass or meeting cut scores in accuplates are and very rare instances students can submit a portfolio appeal. So these are our results. For ELA and math and you can see here that this is a comparison of Haddonfield and the state of New Jersey and as far as the language arts section of the assessment 99.1 the ACT or the ACUPPLACER and in very rare instances um students can submit a portfolio appeal. So these are our results um for ELA and math and you can see here that this is a comparison of Henfield and the state of New Jersey and as far as the language arts section of the assessment 99.1 of our 11th graders Network, of our 11th graders Network exceeded the cut score in language arts. and 87.9% in math demonstrated graduation readiness I'm going to come back to this data in a moment. I want to show up the three year as well. So the njgpa the Inception of this assessment was in 2021, so there are % of our 11th graders met or exceeded the cut score in language arts. Um, and 87.9% in math demonstrated graduation readiness. I'm going to come back to this data in a moment. I want to show uh the three-year trends as well. So, the NJGPA the inception of this assessment um was in 2021. So, um data here and as you can see the math scores have remained. fairly consistent the language arts scores did improve over the last three years. so to kind of dissect this information a >> Katy Roussos's Presentation: you >> Albert Pineiro: little bit more you can see here that in language arts. We had two students who did not meet. the expectations on the mjgpa. However, are only three years worth of uh data here. And as you can see, the um math scores have remained fairly consistent. The language arts scores did improve over the last three years. So to kind of dissect this information a little bit more, um you can see here that in language arts, we had two students who did not meet um the expectations on the NJGPA. However, met the requirements through one of those alternate Pathways in terms of the math the students who did not meet the requirements in math that was 26 students all but one of those students has met the requirements the alternate Pathways or was example Meeting those requirements that student already has come back to retake the mjgpa in math and we're waiting those results and we'll make sure that student is supported in To kind of dissect this information a little bit more you can see here that in language arts. We had two students who did not meet the expectations on the mjgpa. meeting the requirements. they either were exempt or met the requirements uh through one of those alternate pathways. In terms of the math uh the students who did not meet the requirements in math, that was 26 students. All but one of those students has met the data might inform curricular and instructional decisions and the future how Broken down is the data. particularly of taking for the math because you know 20 was it 28 students? that's in or twenty six twenty six. Yeah. Um, we will be working and I've talked with Matt Donado quite a bit about this and you know we're going to be working to analyze the results to determine how the data might inform curricular and instructional decisions in the future. How um how broken down is the data particularly I'm thinking for the math because you know 20 was it 28 students that didn't or 26 26. Yeah. Does it does it tell us in what? Discipline of math it does break it down by by the standard. he any and maybe you didn't look at that yet. I'm sure. Yes. So any trans like is it geometry is So Matt did identify three particular areas within the assessment that he wants to look more deeply into so he was able to see sort of War those Trends were where were we Um does it does it tell us in what um discipline of math? It does break it down by by the standards. Do you see any and maybe you didn't look at that yet? I'm just curious if you saw any trends like is it geometry? Is it Matt did identify three particular areas within the assessment that he wants to look more deeply into. Um so he was able to see sort of where those trends were, where were we behind and as compared to the state and as compared to other standards? And in terms of ela, obviously we scored very well we scored far about the state and every single standard for ELA. So so there was not a particular area. part of the test One other question. I'm just what are classified. s to All in This or if someone has an IEP that might exempt them from this so they still have they have to take falling behind um and as compared to the state and as compared to other standards um in in terms of ELA uh obviously we scored very well we scored far above the state in every single standard uh for ELA so so there was not a particular area in that part of the test um one other question I'm just what um are classified students all in this or if someone has an IEP that might exempt them from this so they still they have to take the Um, but they can it can be in their to be exempt from having to have students who have to take it but It doesn't but they don't have it They still say this was still going to be. But there's no there's no there's no space. But so so when you're looking but informs it doesn't work. and I was I must admit extremely pleased being here is the language arts super. the assessment. Um, but they can it can be in their IEP to be exempt from having to pass. You have students who who have to take it, but it doesn't but they don't have to pass. They still take it. So, it's still going to be not not meeting, but there's no there's no there's no stage to but so so when you're looking but informs us. It does inform us and and I was I must admit extremely pleased being here as the to see that this this rate includes our students with IEPs. I saw students on that list who I work with this intervention students in elementary school who received perfect scores on this assessment. So it was a very very proud moment for me. It was very happy to see those scores to see that our students with IEPs outperform to stay as well in many areas. Yeah, the one thing I'm learning and in this role over time and not visor um to see that this this rate includes our students with IEPs. I saw students on that list who I worked with as intervention students in elementary school who received perfect scores on this assessment. So, it was a very very proud moment for me. I was very happy to see those scores um to see that our students with IEPs outperformed the state as well in many areas. Yeah. The you don't. not think you wouldn't guess but you're always guessing. Oh, well intervention would obviously work we start to see right. I mean we've seen a lot of Trends to the point where we've now put in your in place for even Jenna's students because intervention is so powerful. It's interesting to see because it takes a little while for it to show up in the data. you know, it's interesting to see it start to really influence students at all levels. and that is also a project that Matt and I are working on and Not that you don't not that you wouldn't guess, but you're always guessing, oh well, intervention would obviously work. We start to see, right? I mean, we've seen a lot of trends to the point where we've now put interventions in place for even gened students because intervention is so powerful. It's interesting to see because it takes a little while for it to show up in the data, you know, and it's interesting to establish some intervention for the secondary level because as of right now intervention is for special education students. I'm not for general education students in the secondary level so that is something that we're working towards that could also Help with these areas. And I just wanted to clarify when you said everyone but one has met through the path by you mean their PSAT essay, like some other standardized test made it so that they and that is to establish some intervention for the secondary level because as of right now the intervention is for special education students um not for general education students uh in the secondary level. So that is something that we're working toward that could also um help with these areas. Yeah. And I just wanted to clarify when you said um everyone but one has met through they were exactly Current. Yes. Of make sure yes. Oh, yeah. That's right. Thank you. really great information. Thank you. much. Do you know when that's interact you said he wanted a deep dive on those three things. Do you have a sense for his timeline on when she we should expect to hear either in curriculum or something else about what he may have found I think it will be helpful once we get the score the Correct. Or they were exact the other items. Got it. Correct. Yes. Trying to make sure I understand. Yes. Yeah. That's great. Thank you. Really great information. Thank you so much. Do you know when Matt's um in ter you said he wanted to deep dive on those three things. Do you have a sense for his timeline on when she we should expect to hear either in curriculum or something else about what he may have found? I think it will be Data from the njsla to be able to look at that data and comparison to see how students did on the ninth grade and jsla and the different math assessment. Clearly. The math is an issue Statewide. It's just really surprising to me. both the Statewide numbers and even our numbers. Yes. We're looking at that many students that are You know taking a little bit more time to meet those versus the language arts numbers that um data from the NJSLA to be able to look at that data in comparison to see how students did on the ninth grade NJSLA and the different um math assessments. Like clearly the math is an issue statewide. It's just really surprising to me both the statewide numbers and even our numbers that we're looking at that many students that are, you know, taking a little bit more time to meet mentioned were very impressive and and it might be that some of those skills fall at lower grade levels and are you so so I think when he analyzes the njsla along with this and he can look at those areas and see where do they start those score start to be? climb so that we know where to intervene or change or address the curriculum when the challenges of Madness there's aspects of math that there nowhere else, but in math so but that you mentioned were very impressive and and it might be that some of those skills fall at lower grade levels and are just they need a refresher. So so I think when he analyzes the NJSLA along with this and he can look at those areas and see where do they those scores start to decline so that um we know where to intervene or ch or address the curriculum. One of the challenges with math is there's accuplator which is which we hear all this test is probably said, that's the easiest one. Anyways, that's the hardest one because Helen occupation works is you start taking a test and it's cut you off like okay you guys stop there when fractions the second or third thing. Kids can't do fractions. You're stopped there and practice is a killer. I would imagine that's going back to say one of the areas attractions because It really it's humbly block for a people my you use. Language arts everybody. the ACUPPLACER which is which when you hear all those tests probably say that's the easiest one. In many ways that's the hardest one because how an ACUPPLACER works is you start taking a test and it's cut you off like okay then you got to stop there. Well when fractions is the second or third thing kids can't do fractions you stop there and fractions is a killer. I would imagine Matt's going to come back and say one necessarily do that for math. So it's and it said we have a new map program coming in elementary school We have the data there. So we have very skilled people now and very Focus looks only so it's very just The other thing I would wrinkle I would add is you have to put a lot writing it an assessment that actually measures what you intended to measure in math. anyway, because that's my background right? really really hard. And so I always have the caveat of like every day and you don't necessarily do that for math. So, but it's and it'll said we have a new math program coming in elementary school. We're going to have the data there. So, um we have very skilled people now taking very focused looks on these. So, it's just the other thing I would wrinkle I would add is you have to put a lot writing an assessment that actually measures what you These questions for crafty and our kids did okay even in that I you know, it isn't that it's just really that hard especially multiple choice Like there's always a good I die, but I had to score and add those numbers very quickly. stressful. So let's watch stressful than I anticipated to be like, okay six and time So sometimes we a question is intended to measure a standard but actually I bet some of these questions were crappy and our kids did okay even in that center. You know what I mean? Like it isn't that it's just really that hard, especially multiple choice. Like there's always a good I had championships this morning and I had to score and add those numbers very quickly. Stressful much more stressful than I anticipated to have to be like, It is measuring something different. It's a I don't know. I always put a little tab yet and I think of standardized tests. It's they sound great, but they're really actually possible to create I think. Yeah, thank you. Okay, we go on to board member committee reports. Do we have are you doing did someone reporting on curriculum? I'm having a summer project. how kiddos interpret it is measuring something different. And so I don't know, I always put a little caveat when I think of standardized tests because they sound great, but they're really actually impossible to create, I think. So, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. Um, we go on to board member um committee reports. Do we have are you doing is someone reporting on curriculum? I'm having a summer tasked. I just went to reporting them during this I just yeah, we you want to get out because it just dawned on me. I thought maybe maybe the biggest part was adopting the AP economics textbook. So Rob one of the detail about how to focus selected. How was recommended? which who's apparently everywhere so that that was on there. The next was time. You talked a lot about the hamble and not tasked with reporting. I just I just put off the agenda. I can probably touch base on Yeah. Well, you want to do that because it just dawned on me. I thought maybe maybe we stopped it because I don't think anybody asked me. So, the biggest part was um adopting the the AP economics um textbook. So, Rob went into detail about how the book was selected, how it was recommended, which is apparently from everywhere. Um why these changes were happening so a lot of issue that we're looking campus and she tied it into a lot of the to the changing open campus housing communicated then we also talked about. This one the high school had guessed some data on what type of this one was happening to what extent one over that and that kind of tied back into the handbook and the changes in the open campus. So that all came to one big things was like here's a change. might make here's gonna make it. Here's the impact we why some of these changes were happening. So, a lot of this is about the open campus and she tied it into a lot of the um the change in open campus and how that's going to be communicated. Then we also talked about um discipline at the high school how get some data on what type of discipline was happening to what extent um went over that and that kind of tied back into the handbook and the changes in the open campus. and then we sat down and talk the kids the kids go. Well. Yes suspenders, but please don't take you. but keeping in mind that open campus is only Juniors and seniors. So your freshman sophomore you don't have that same. here you um, and then we talked about some crisis data just about a number of incidents in Holly pannet. Who's our Student Assistance coordinator. She's just wonderful. She put together a lot of good data information for us. because we did this and then we sat down and talked to kids and the kids go, "Well, yeah, suspend us, but please don't take your open campus." Uh, but keeping in mind that open campus is only juniors and seniors. So, you're freshman and sophomore, you don't have that same Yeah, car stick depending on um and then we talked about some crisis data um just about a number of of Tommy went over that with this quickly and then we talked a little bit about carousels, which is our our saw or more handoff soft handoff for for people. who are looking for assistance in mental health issues. I didn't realize we still were doing Carousel. I feel like it was more prominent and messaging as a parent during pandemic. if I have been somebody connecting with the tip, I wonder if you know anything like if the stop it and that, you know like just remind everybody. First uh Tommy went over that with us quickly and then we talked a little bit about care souls which is our um our our warm handoff soft handoff for for people who are looking for assistance in mental health issues. I didn't realize we still were doing carousel. I feel like it was more prominent in messaging as a parent during pandemic time. So maybe kind of connecting with the hip. I wonder if do you know what I our email thinking nothing you projected as much as we did. It's a more bottle. Yeah, right. but it's something like that. not All the time yet. I was already it is over there but letters feel like show One browser and still even Hunger Games. Yeah, that's Once we could always let me. It's invaluable thing. We're investing in it. So it's always good to promote. remind everybody that it's sort of our email thing, but I don't think we project it as much as we did. Bottom line, but it's be like a little It's sometimes in there, but not all the time. Yeah. I don't know. I think it is always there, but for some of our newsletters, you have to click the like show in browser and scroll down. It's true. We can always I mean, if it's a valuable thing, um we're right and I don't think to ask. Me. Yeah and That was we're looking at is how much it's used because it's a it's something we pay for right and we what we need to do with everyone's great funded and why granted funded it's not and we really need. To decide if it's duplicating services that are available in other areas and or because many healthcare companies have service and while it's great that we provide it when grant money isn't paying for it. Is it something Right. And I don't think it has to be every but you know like just every few. Yeah. And that was one of the things we're looking at is how much it's used because it's a it's something we pay for, right? And we what we need to do is start grant funded. It's not and we really need to decide is if it's duplicating services that are available in other areas. Um and or because many healthcare companies have continue to take out of our punch it to support it and that's really what we were looking for but They did. Yeah. Over them so but again we are. almost not We have those two or look at they kind of do the same thing as like one. You know, we keep care Souls over the other ones. Okay, the other advantage of care Souls is it's not just everyone. where we can take continue to take out of our budget to support it and that's really what we were looking for. What's that? They us and and it's it's used at so but again more than our uh employee assistance program which is almost not used. So we have those two are looking at they kind of do the same thing. It's like one you know we would keep Care Souls over the other ones. So the other advantage of Care Souls is It's all families of everybody and We can see it's not necessarily using for students. It's used for families. Upstairs work. So but we are making a very conscious effort over this next year before we get to the budget next year to think about. Where can we save knowing that there were a lot of districts that were hit with a loss of funding last year. We right we, you know grate. It's all families of everyone and and we can see it's not necessarily used for students. It's used for families within our district. So, uh but we are making a very conscious effort over this next year before we get to the budget next year to think about where can we save knowing that there were a lot of districts that were hit with a loss of funding last year. Um we right we you know rightfully greatly got our fair fair this year for the first time. However, there's no guarantee. that's gonna happen next year and we need to prepare ourselves now so that when next year's budget comes out, it'd be great. if you're presently surprise, but we need to start trimming and especially some of those things that we we added at covid because of the grant funding we need to go back and look at those and see what is what was an investment that we should continue and what we need to start feeling that well, I think it would be good to see that just and gratefully got our fair share this year for the first time. However, there's no guarantee that's going to happen next year and we need to prepare ourselves now so that when next year's budget comes out, it'd be great if we're presently surprised, but we need to start trimming and especially some of those things that we we added at COVID because of the grant funding, we need to go back and look at those and see what is like, okay, so when people reach out to content that service did they actually get something good in return? versus being able to go through their health care provide like their insurance company or on Google like you know, are they really like and are they getting through waiting lists everything that I like to adjustments that it had the option and they showed the utilization breakdown of here people. You have the option to tell them like help me schedule an appointment like I'm over. ation, but like okay, so when people reach out to contact that service, did they actually get something good in return versus being able to go through their healthcare provide like their insurance company or on Google like you know what I mean? Are they really like and are they getting through waiting lists? The thing that I liked about it just was that it had the option and they showed the utilization breakdown of here are people you the provider like make that transition. Or it could be. hey here providers in your area. You don't want me to make that call through your gonna do it. I thought that first piece is really helpful for families. That might be really well and in a crisis and feel comfortable and say yes, please. help connect me and there were I think it was maybe a third versus two thirds a third opted for the like guide me through it way through. Yeah, but don't hold me to that well, and that's I really overwhelmed. Connect me to the provider. Like, make that transition. Or it could be, hey, here are providers in your area. You don't want me to make that call through, you're going to do it. I I thought that first piece is really helpful for families that might be really overwhelmed and in a crisis and feel comfortable and say, "Yes, please help connect me." And there were I think it was maybe a third versus twothirds. A third opted for the like, "Guide people might be reaching out. But are they truly providing a service now that you can't get outside of that like, you know, yeah. you more time and they're waiting lists and everything. Yeah, they were just like you're two places that I've openings. We're calling one right now. I will hand you off. It was made it seems yes. So it was really like your insurance is gonna like we've done all the homework for you and it just was like that somebody's Right. Like that's great that maybe people might be reaching out, but are they truly providing a service now that you can't get outside of that like you know way we used more pandemic time when there were weight lists and everything. They were just like here are two places that have openings. We're calling one right now. I will hand you off. It was made it seem so it was know, because that's often weird things all Is those friction points? So the fact that they're able to remove them? I think right. But I hear you on the finances. Yeah, that's is there a way to partner with like a neighboring District like or do you know what I mean or with the court community We're going to start exploring. yes, shared service agreements things like that. Yeah. somebody's here to help me here. Because that's often where things fall off is those friction points. So, the fact that they're able to remove them, I think, is really good. But I hear you on the finances. Yeah, that's Is there a way to um partner with like a neighboring district like or do you know what I mean? Or um with the community we're going to start exploring. Yeah. Shared service agreements, things like You do anything else? Okay, right finance and Facilities. Yeah real quick. We did construction update that was at our gender. That was good news a small project. Being managed. well at the stage, so better results in the past the paint crew update. We have four painters as of today. They did have done nine classroom tests that we could have go. Tim was very pleased with the pro. out. Did you have anything else for that was it? Okay. Right. Finance and facilities. Yep. Uh, real quick, we had the construction update that was in our agenda. So, that was good news. Small project but being managed well at this stage. So, better results than the past. The paint crew update. We have four painters as of today. They did have done nine classroom test a week and a half ago. Tim They're probably ahead of goal of what they want to get painted this year. based on the crew getting just A lot more work than than this weather too. electric bus updates were looking at Grants. We're trying to get the whole cost Is it worth getting electric bus with everything you have to put in first buying another, you know, the answer diesel bus. progress that they're going to probably be ahead of goal what they want to get painted this year based on the the crew getting just a lot more work done than they and they're getting it done in this weather too electric bus updates we're we're looking at grants we're trying to get the whole cost is it worth getting the electric bus with everything you have to put in of course buying another that. Say more to follow in the cell tower update to put cell towers on school property. Whether it's Scout or behind High speed or we're looking and see what if there's a revenue opportunity there obviously safeties that concern also, but yeah and a need because some of the school doesn't have some of us that very or but as you said being cognizant that they're far enough away. So, more to follow on that. Same more to follow on the cell tower update to put cell towers on school property whether it's scout or behind high school. We're looking and see what if there's a revenue opportunity there. Obviously, safety's a concern also. But yeah, and a need because some of the school doesn't have service which um but as you had said being cognizant that they're far It's not prominent locations, but yet I do think it is. Sometimes there's a need. I mean we actually switched to providers because the kids couldn't get cell service in school and it really became a problem. So when we're losing that Tower, yeah the water towers being decommissioned. So I mean, I do think that that's it's just being cognizant of where and we have enough spread out land where if we could put it on purpury It might be helpful. Next month, we will have a ticket reporting in the state. coming out to her. It's not in prominent locations, but yet I do think it is some sometimes there's a need. I mean, we actually switched providers because the kids couldn't get self- service in the school and it really became a problem. So, well, and we're losing that tower. The water tower is being decommissioned. So, it's so I mean, I do think that that's it's just being cognizant of where and we have enough spread update which money's coming from that and then we did a preliminary look at the financials of last year It looks like our good shape. so we're happy about that and then we talked about the board goals, Recruitment and approved tonight. Hopefully we're Budget is considered in everything, right? He was going forward just to be physical resp. a facilities update which will include the EIP money's coming from that and then uh we took a preliminary look at the financials of last year. It looks like we're in good shape. So, we're happy about that. And then uh we talked about the board goals which we're going to approve tonight. Hopefully, we're budget is considered and everything we're going to do going forward. Just be f question Rachel did you policy? Yeah, we met on the 18th as you can see we were busy and many of those policies are mandatory policies. So that means there was a change of the state level the laws and so then kind of picture or policies aligned with it. And so they weren't major changes. They're a minor changes. if that makes and responsible questions. Rachel, do you have policy? Yeah, we met on the 18th. As you can see, we were busy. Um, but many of those policies are mandatory policies. So, that means there was a change at the state level with laws. And so then we have to kind of make sure our policies align with it. Um, so they weren't uh major changes, they were minor changes, if that makes sense. Um, We discussed a few minor questions about them things. Like how does the district provide training that are? detailed in these policies but For the most part they were fairly straightforward the policy we chatted about the moon. One thing we talked about is our emergency in crisis situations policy. We had a brief discuss. We discussed a few minor questions about them. Things like how does the district provide training that are detailed in these policies. Um but for the most part they were fairly straightforward. The policy we chatted about the most. Um one thing we talked about is our emergency and crisis situations policy. We had a brief evacuation should be for this building and how to keep all of humans in the building safe. and the situation like that because there are very obvious locations that could house the number of people we need without people running through town which would be safe either and so it now our new evacuation Spot this building is Methodist Church. So you have 850 students walk down things highway to the church. discussion of where evacuation should be for this building and how to keep all of the humans in this building safe in a situation like that because there aren't very obvious locations that could house the number of people we need without people running through town which wouldn't be safe either. And so right right now our new evacuation spot for this building is Methodist Church. So I have gave it all over students or do exactly as good to do all the time, but 850 deep here 850 aren't getting a mission. or with Starbucks again. Yeah. they've got to get there which to the church. Um I faith that all of our students are do exactly what they're supposed to do all the time, but 850 leave here 850 aren't getting that mission or with Starbucks. But besides besides them leaving, right, they've got to get across. I don't know a cross. you know it the challenge it used to half of them used to be next door in the Christian Science. Yes. fortnightly. That's not a good answer because Something's Happened Here that place is not safer. Right? So what you do there, so they're looking for every solution that the challenge you have is that there's no large place. You can't use other schools. so you can't Um, so right now right now we have that. We're gonna work with that. We're gonna work ways of all. which means you got to walk 900 kids across had not even been across and so you know it the challenge is it used to half of them used to be next door in the Christian science they ask for nightly that's not a good answer because if something's happening here that place is not much safer right so what do you do there so they're looking for every solution that the challenge you have is that there's no large We just talked about working and solving those challenges as part of this. We also talked a little bit about the following volunteer policy and just made sure it was clear that everybody's a mandatory reporter and talked about what it means to be a code curricular activity. Volunteer that's right new language. I did confirm every every volunteer everyone on their own board has to sign off on those policies acknowledging their responsibilities as a reporter and all. all those challenges we just talked about, we're working at solving those challenges as part of this, right? Um, we also talked a little bit about the volunteer policy. Um, and just made sure it was clear that everybody's a mandatory reporter and talked about what it means to be a co-curricular activity volunteer because that's kind of new language. And I did confirm that every every volunteer, everyone on their own board has So there were things like that like small questions that overall they're pretty straightforward. but unhappy We also reviewed. we always have a section of policies review review. We're working our way through the 100s and our plan is to add on our agenda next month and update about our board committee makeup is right now. it says Jamie's on every committee and really we're thinking it's president. So there were things like that like small questions but overall they're pretty straightforward but I'm happy to answer any. We also reviewed um we always have a section of policies we review. We're working our way through the 100s and our plan is to add um on our agenda next month an update about our board committee makeup because right now it says Jamie's on every committee and really we're thinking it's president or vice president should be then more of us get to To pay them here. what's happening? So we're just a little cleanup things. the future. the questions for Rachel Oh, thanks for all of the hard work policy committee. It was actually efficient music library here. are all. Good. It's a lot of homework before and if you don't do our homework before. president or vice president should be on every committee and then more of us get to participate and hear what's happening and so we're just little clean up things you'll see in the future questions to Rachel thanks for all of the hard work policy committee it was actually a efficient meeting it's good there's a lot of homework before and if we don't do our homework before our comments, it is a little more. Yeah. so Linda is it's not here. I will give a little bit of an update for her. So a lot of it was in Mr. Klaus' board update in terms of some events that were thinking about and changing the location of our public meeting. so that we can bring people into these areas which will be doing renovations like the libraries and things like that at the different schools. and or in our comments it moves a little more smoothly. Yeah. Um so Linda is um is not here. I will uh give a little bit of an update for her. So a lot of it was in um Mr. Klaus's board update in terms of um some events that we're thinking about and changing the location of our public meetings so that we can bring people into these areas which will be doing renovations like the libraries and and things like that at the on the website and I've been you know, we've we've accessed to the copy. I think she'll be sharing that soon. giving a little bit of an idea before we get. it really hit the ground running in September, but yeah, it's been moving along and we talked about the different events as as you guys had brought off before having some a public town hall Linda also is working diligently on the website and I've been, you know, we've we have access to the copy. I think she'll be sharing that soon. Um giving a little bit of an idea before we get um get really hit the ground running in September. But um yeah, it's been moving along and we talked about um the different events as as you guys had brought off before um having some um a public town hall probably September and then also anybody who would like to host in the community a a coffee to learn more about it that you know, we would make ourselves available for that. One of the thing I and I email everyone potential Committee of the whole non-action meeting early in early August. So I was hoping to get a day out. I still have information. I need to fight we had it next week We sit and talk about not read nothing to discuss. So we're reading the borough. style meeting in in probably September. And then also anybody who would like to host in the community a a coffee to learn more about it that you know we would make ourselves available for that. One other thing I and I emailed everybody potential committee at the whole non-action meeting early in early August. I was hoping to get a date out. I still have information I need. So if I we about some things on Monday. That'll give us some more information which then once we have that information we can look at the scope of work and say here are some of the challenges you see here's what's happening. That start talking about what we may want to keep what we may not want to keep have that have that as an open where all mine is gonna sit down 10 of us. Who's down talk about it right now? It's the committee you somebody this way. We thought it'd be very valuable to come one night or a few weeks of August once we have a little bit more information say here's where we're about doing. let's talk about some things on Monday that'll give us some more information which then we can once we have that information we can look at the scope of work and say here are some of the challenges we see here's what's happening let's start talking about what we may want to keep what we may not want to keep have that have that as an open all nine of us can sit down 10 of us can sit down and talk about it because right now this When she's come back and mid August. We can get the scope decided to quickly which are numbers which are numbers PCS. Our number State numbers 8 8 numbers that'll tell us all the tax impact and then get the question written and then by the time we get the September back to school back to school most we can really inform the public about what our plans that's that's where we Yeah on our hope is this was part of obviously say in our one of our reports. I've changed one of us. We're going to say talk about it now. Um and and that way when the PEC's come back in mid August, we can get the scope decided quickly, which are our numbers, which are numbers. PCs are number, state numbers, state aid numbers. That'll tell us all the tax impact and then get the question written and then by the time we get to September, we're back to school and back to school nights, we can really inform the public about what our saying about we were going to have that meeting which we put off with we don't have information. We really need to work on the MOs for the field users. Yes. There's a big of the field that the thorough owns that we've always used and we really need to make sure that we come up with a an agreement that the district is on. is amendable to as well, and so we just don't have as as as Chuck was saying about um we were going to have that meeting which we put off because we don't have information. We really need to work on the MOAs for the field usage of the fields that the burrow owns that we've always used and um we really need to make sure that we come up with a um an agreement that that the that the that the district is um is amendable to as well. And so we just don't have Enough information to even have that meeting that we are meeting on Monday. Regardless. we'll have something I think in early August unless things are solved unless there's a resolution. Okay, probably the second we can always buy even at that just resolution and probably and say Here's why we here's why the committee thought we went this way because once we got this information to the barrel, we felt we had to do this and so that way everyone understands as we get the scope which you understand the history behind the decision. Yeah. enough information to even have that meeting though we are meeting on Monday regardless we'll have something I think in early August unless things are solved unless there's a resolution um I think probably the second week in August probably even at that just discuss that resolution and probably and then say here's why we here's why the committee thought we went this way because once we got this information barrel we felt we had to do this because of that gray area of like you want to inform and yet if you if you're informing that you don't know if no anything to hold a big meeting and be like well, we don't know, you know, like another kind of where we were like, alright, so what are we you know, we're gonna have we're gonna have one and then we're like well now we really don't like what are we gonna be? Nothing? Really? Yeah. So so we are hoping to bring. some affirmations so that we as a committee of the whole can can figure out what's It's difficult for us because of that gray area of like you want to inform and yet if you if you're informing that you don't know know anything to hold a big meeting and be like well we don't know you know like that was kind of where we're like all right so what are we yeah we were going to have we were going to have one and then we're like well now we really don't like what are we going to we have together as a blank yeah we're like okay so um so we are hoping to bring a committee of a whole can can figure we have those not the numbers for the reference, that would be great. Okay, so we don't have any PTA updates, right? All right, Dr. Krill is not here Mr. Klaus. You have anything oh a couple of first? I I get receding Title One funding for the first time several years. I talked about a little bit. like complete the grant today, which was the deadline. what's um what going forward and if we have those the numbers for the bond referendum that would be great um okay so we don't have any PTA updates right all right Dr. is not here Mr. Claus do you have anything um a couple quick things first um I I uh we have we are get receiving title one funding for the first time in several years I talked about a little bit uh Mike completed the grant today So we're in for that and it ties into interventions in the middle of high school. so the way it taught a one works is your your pre-reduce eligible students. It's more 2% of your population you see one funny. We're 2.01. Is that one? Let's talk about us. So we're very close what point but So how you decide who gets that money is each building has. the deadline. So, we're in for that. And it ties into um interventions in the middle of high school. So, the way title one works is your your free reduced uh eligible students. It's more than 2% of your population, you you get receive title one money. We're 2.01. Is that what it is, Mike? No, less. Less be less. Definitely less. We're very close. And so, how you decide who gets that money is each the high school middle schools were above the whatever our dishwashers that's where the money goes. That's why it goes that way. Um and what Tammy and Mike did a great job getting together and figuring out how to spend this money. Well, so during school hours, which is more effective because people show up we're gonna have intervention tutoring in math. Ela and executive infantry skills. so we are going to find students who have challenging executive executive functioning skills. I'm going to say probably has a percentage and the high school and middle school are above the the whatever our district is. That's where the money goes. That's why it goes that way. Um and what Tammy and and Mike did a great job getting together and figuring out how to spend this money. Well, so during school hours, which is more effective because people show up. Um we're going to have uh intervention tutoring in math uh ELA and sixth grade and do tutorial times and like that. we're gonna work on those skills because that's what that could be a big game changer for a child that age So that's how we're spending the money working on those Focus areas of intervention. And as we go through and progress giving up. I'm going to share so all the board has your attendance sheets. I'm gonna post something out and I need something. I don't want you just because I thought you made the really good point that you didn't included here. I don't think the idea of the title one finding we get. heavy in sixth grade um and doing tutorial times and like that we're going to work on those skills because that's that could be a big game changer for a child that age. So that's how we're spending the money working on those focused areas of intervention. Um and as we go through and progress we'll give you more updates for um I'm going to share so the board has their attendance sheets. I'm going to point something out and students on creating reduced lunch that might be considered at rest, but that money also can be used with other students. Well and part of that is inclusivity, right because you're not you're not isolating those students who might be considered at rest, and it's a shared benefit for other students who might be in need. And so that's really the approach that we're taking that that's so the thing is it has to change your plan has to I don't you can't we can't take something more to deal with we get for free and re of students on free and reduced lunch that might be considered at risk. But that money also can be be used with other students um as well. And part of that is inclusivity, right? Because you're not you're not isolating those students who might be considered at risk. And um it's a shared benefit for other students who might be in need. And so that's really the approach that we're taking. absolutely different which is this intervention piece and it needs to impact those students who identified as free reviews eligible, but if six kids having the same challenge with Because you're not you're not Three of them don't meet that that's fine. As long as it's opportunities for those other families as well. So that's how it works. That's that's the big advantage. it's one we had it in Central School a while ago. It's easier in elementary schools together because you can send one person to all the classes. This is a more. they'll get to add something different which is this intervention piece and it it needs to impact those students who are identified as free eligible but if six kids are having the same challenge with executive functioning and three of them don't meet that that's fine as long as it's opportunities for those other families as well. So that's how it works. That's that's the big advantage. It's it's when we had So timing like the most job of figure out what this model look like. I'm gonna I so I gave the Ford has their version of the enrollment data and I'm gonna share my screen here to show I made one for the public as as well. um, I want to go over this quickly because this is something I know interested in. So here's our enrollment data. And this is our Elementary grades. So you can see here we are. challging. So Tammy and Mike did a nice job of figuring out what this model would look like. U I'm going to I so I gave the board has their version of the of the um enrollment data and I'm going to share my screen here to show I made one for the public as well. Um I want to go over this quickly because this is something I know we're all interested in. Um so here's our enrollment data. Uh and this is our elementary grades. Um so you We are the Asterix and first and fifth indicate, there are students who are not counted here, but they are in pre-registration. So we have students who are registered. They close on their houses and made August or mid September, so they're here. They're just not having the risk because they're not in our system yet as the students. we have two for I'm sorry to to it first grade and one in fifth grade, so Our first grade numbers are 75 75 and 71. That's Um the asterisks in first and fifth indicate there are students who are not counted here but they are in pre-registration. So we have students who are registered and they close on our houses in May to August or midepptember. So they're here. They're just not having the risk because they're not in our system yet as students. So we have two in kind two in fir I'm sorry two two in first grade and one in fifth grade. So our first grade 225 is our Max. and we're gonna be 221 there we can talk about first grade of locker room with shuffling students. Second grade snug up on us a little bit because there's more kids a second grade right now than a first grade. Um, there's 222 total of that way, too. across the district. So three way so we are three or four students away from those two grade levels from going to 26 kids in a class. I will second now we always say 226 or another section. It's 26 kids in a class. until we get to 225 is our max and we're going to be at 221 there. We've been talking about first grade a lot because we've been shuffling students. Second grade snuck up on us a little bit because there's more kids in second grade right now than first grade. Um there's 222 total 222 across the district or three away. So we are three or four students away from those two grade levels from going to 26 kids in a class. I will say it now. We always say 22 26 or 237 or to we get to the way the 27 kids, but we have nine sections of spread out. We just don't have the space or the fiscal. It's too much. It's a one of the first food would be the first new section would be. a hundred and forty two hundred fifty thousand dollars plus space and then having the first second grade now you got to do it twice. Wouldn't be as much for the second one because the Specialties ain't working in them, but I want to show that number look at Central School. Um get to 237 till we get to to to the 27 kids. We got nine sections to spread out. We just don't have the space or the fiscal. It's it's too much. It's one the first student would be um the first new section would be 140 $250,000 plus space. And that happened to first and second grade. Now you got to do it twice. Wouldn't be as much for the second one because of specialties. Any we're not going Um max dad at first maxed out a second max out of third two spots left in fourth and host left non-spot. that's in fifth. Presented 81 section though. Oh, yeah, the twenty eight seven So we're happy there. Um. Middle School We're over 200 seconds. I think the first time we've been over 200 and every class in design that I can remember it may have happened here and there but we're there. Um, maxed out at first, maxed out at second, maxed out at third, two spots left in fourth, and uh, eight spots left or nine spots left in fifth because they can go to 81 in the section though, right? Because there's 70 there 27 kids in the section. So, we're we're heavy there. Um, middle school, we're over 200 a section. I think the first time we've been over 200 in every class in I that I can remember. little lighter this year. We still have the sophomore classes 229 plus an asterisk. which means we have a student who got we got this registering today. not in the system yet. So there we have some big numbers here. So I wanted to share that. that's important information. And that's something that we've been talking about and that's gonna lead to my next topic which is I'm gonna in August by the time you come to our next board. And the high school is actually a little lighter this year. Um but you still have look at the sophomore classes 229 plus an asterk which means we have a student who got we found is registering today not in the system yet. Um so so they're they're we have some big numbers here. Um so I wanted to share that because that's important information. Um and that's something that uh we've been I'm gonna work to have some type of an non-hack committee with with citizens. We have went over that policy we get citizen committees together to look at realignment of neighborhood schools. And you know, I talk to you that a couple weeks ago about the challenges of it that it's not just changing a line right because now you have to shift two lines and then Patton Avenue is a bear right because that's a dangerous Street to cross and that's a really board meeting. I'm going to work have some type of an hack committee with with citizens. We have we went over that policy. We get kicked citizen committees together to look at realignment of the neighborhood schools. Um and you know I I talked to the a couple weeks a couple months ago about the challenges of it that it's not just changing a line, right? Because now you have to it's a sensible dividing line. It makes sense. We wouldn't want to move that but with the place I had I feel like I place I had I feel like I walk by today and it's No, that's your end. Okay students aren't already Crossing having that. There are students that are crossing had an app to go to friends to go to Christ the King so but they're choosing to do that, correctly. There is a difference and that one so makes that choice that they take that on this is us saying, you know you have um, It's a sensible dividing line. It makes sense we wouldn't want to move that. But with the place of Hadenfield, I walked by today and it's built like the windows are in. Our students aren't already crossing Haden. There are students that are crossing Haden to go to friends to go to Christ. Correct. So, but they're choosing to do that. Correct. Right. There is a difference in that when someone makes that choice that they they take that Right. Well, we have to talk we have to talk to each other. Such skills for him. Yes. Well, I told the chief Cutler about me before crossing guards and those type of things. But let's face it. I mean a lot of those younger kids aren't going to be walking across. It's just gonna be more driving but the Snowden Falls in let's go to the place I had for falls into Tatum and pull those comes back up and then Um, so we get some safety information, right? Well, we have to talk. We need to talk to Chief Cutler. Now, the middle school kids are the only ones that do it now. Do it now. Yes. Talk to Chief Cutler about maybe crossing guards and those type of things. Um, but let's face it, I mean, a lot of those younger kids aren't going to be walking across. It's just going to be more more grabby. But the Snowden falls in the place of Hadford falls into Tatum and you Whatever's gonna be happening next door. so we have to we have these have a plan of what we're going to do and a plan. Maybe we're not moving you down to the well, you think these Vines make sense. we're sticking to them. But here's how here's what happens. we go over so everyone understands when your number 20 number 76. This is exactly what we do because right now it's kind of that you kind of We have a lot of it. Which makes sense because no one gets some yelled at. and whatever's going to be happening next door. Um, so we we have to we have to at least have a plan of what we're going to do and and the plan may be we're not moving these bound. We think these lines make sense. We're sticking to them. But here's how here's what happens. We go over so everyone understands when you're number 20 number 76. This is exactly what we do because right now it's kind of vague. We kind of we have a lottery which decision, but that's cowardly let's come over. the plan says hey, I understand. this that you are two blocks away from the school the other part you've got cross each other going to schools. Maybe we can say we are gonna put a proximately maybe that's a terrible idea. I don't know but these have those conversations. Yeah, I think having it Committee in the community right? there. We had. yes who came to not going doors? Let's not hire them up demographer. Let's go knock one doors and say how many kids But as no one made a decision, but that's cowardice. Let's come up with a plan says hey I understand this that you are two blocks away from the school and the other person you got to cross each other going to schools maybe we can say we are going to put a proximity maybe that's a terrible idea I don't know but we at least have to have those conversations. Yeah and I think having a committee in the community they're the move those people then make help make this is it before so that's that's the that's all I have done those fun Yeah, I don't really have much either because I wanted to talk about the Moa for field usage and we're still discussing the pilot and it possible pilot and help with impact the schools and the community members and just keeping that at the Forefront of our convers. kids do you have and and find out if we move those people and then make help make the decision for us. So that's that's that's the that's all I have those those fun things. Yeah, I don't really have much either because I wanted to talk about the MOA for field usage and um we're still um discussing the pilot and it the possible pilot and how it would impact the schools and um the community members and um just keeping that at the making sure that that doesn't fall off the radar or and that we're included in those discussions. So that's that's something um, that's really going to be oppressing over next few weeks. Or months I should say. Okay, open public comments will now begin open public comment members of the community are invited to speak for no more than three minutes about agenda items at this time. Non-agenda comments will be taken at the end of the meeting. conversations with the burrow and making sure that that doesn't fall off the radar or um and that we're included in those discussions. So, that's that's something um that's really going to be uh the pressing over these next few weeks or months, I should say. Okay. Um open public comments. We'll now begin open public comment. Members of the community are invited to speak for no more than three minutes It's weird. It's from March 24. Let's take I mean May 24. I haven't all these trouble with might with my Google account. So, okay, so we're gonna have open public comments and any thing you want to talk about you got three minutes if you'd like to have a second, please wait for everyone to finish and then you may come up and have your second. Comments and again, not a debate might not get an answer tonight. That's that's is the last one in the past there. It's weird. It's from March 24th. Let's I mean May 24th must I've been having all these trouble with my with my Google account. So, okay. So, we're going to have open public comment session and um anything you want to talk about? You got three minutes. If you'd like to have a second, please wait for everyone to finish and then you may come up and have your second we look forward to your comments Anyone like to make a comments? really simple Carol Center Avondale Avenue getting write anything down, but I think everybody knows but maybe for the found there is a lawsuit apparently against the commissioners. We are now in the third item that. And um we look forward to your comments. Anyone like to make a comment? This is just a really sample comment, but Carol Stone or Aenddale Avenue. Um I didn't write anything down, but I think everybody knows, but maybe for the people who are listening, um there is a lawsuit currently um against the commissioners. Um we are now on the third item of that We're putting up what the last thing was that the it was an advertised properly. So I just want everybody listening to know and more on your side the school district. I'm obviously you're always so yeah. but I just My Facebook, it's all over. You know, we're trying to I rent past that they're actually signing people petitions as of driving here. So we are trying to look out. we're putting up what the last thing was that the um it wasn't advertised properly. So, I just want everybody listening to know I'm more on your side, the school district um obviously, but I just want to make that public because not everybody's on Facebook. It's all over my Facebook. It's all over, you know, we're trying to I went past that. They were actually signing people petitions as I school district. We don't think 120 Minutes is a good idea. There are people fighting for the schools to not have to carry that burden. So I just want to know that he's a lawsuit probably already know that um, but we are fighting for not to have that birdhouse. Not yeah. Thank you. the whole crowd right you have like regulars here. So it's not like I I look out for the school district. We don't think 120 units is a good idea. Um there are people fighting for the schools to not have to carry that burden. So I just want everybody to know there is a lawsuit. Probably already all know that. Um but we are fighting for not to have that burden on the school district. Thank you. Thank you. Make that the whole crowd right. Yeah. We have like regulars here. So it's prepared. Well, I'm not a regular anymore. Oh sure. They start out 49 Grove Street. So tonight you've skirted around a couple issues that you're talking about a memorandum the Moa on field usage talk about questions about a pilot doesn't sound like you have any information let alone answers you've talked about what students would be coming out of the place? That hadn't? You've also talked. staff is quite prepared. Well, I'm not a regular anymore. Um, separate your name. Yep. Sure. Dayside, 49 Grove Street. Um, so tonight you've skirted around a couple issues that you're talking about. Uh, memorandum, the MOA on field usage. You're talking about questions about a pilot. Doesn't sound like you have any information, let alone answers. You've talked about uh what students would be coming out of service agreements that you didn't even have prepared enough to hold a meeting topic about tonight. So this isn't much of a court. This is more of a question and I'd like you to ponder. Are you happy with your relationship with the permission are you happy with the flow of information between the two largest taxable bodies in this town? You think you have a good relationship at the leadership level? at the department and District level and at the financial We've also talked about shared service agreements that you didn't even have prepared enough to hold a meeting topic about tonight. So, this isn't much of a qu this is more of a question that I'd like you to ponder. Uh, are you happy with your relationship with the burough commission? Uh, are you happy with the flow of information between the two largest taxable bodies in this town? Um, do you think you have level. if you I think there's room for improvement and I'm running for a commissioner. Thank you. you. Okay, um. Which it goes out any what else? Alright? um, I don't for approval governance acceptance of the monthly. management level. If you um don't think that, I think there's room for improvement and I'm running for commissioner. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. Um close out anyone else? All right. Um items for approval, governance, acceptance of the monthly HIV vandalism violence report approval of Prior and security drill report approval of our board goals board goal one facilitate meaningful participation and effective oversight and subcommittees board goal two oversee the creation of a standardized methodology to ensure budgetary expenditures are aligned with the district's mission statement. board goal three in short Poe policies are updated on a timely basis and then approval of the 24-25 district. goals HIV vandalism violence report. Approval of fire and security drill report. Approval of our board goals. Board goal one, facilitate meaningful participation and effective oversight and subcommittees. Board goal two, oversee the creation of a standardized methodology to ensure budgetary expenditures are aligned with the district's mission statement. Board goal three, ensure BOE policies are updated on a timely basis. And then Um hsd will demonstrate growth and academic Excellence by setting High expectations for the njfla assessment increasing participation in AP and njcil of by literacy Tech and improving results. Hsd will Foster life long learning critical thinking skills and growth mindset by promoting curiosity providing students diverse learning opportunities beyond the classroom to develop their skills interests and passion and employing engaging Um HSD will demonstrate growth in academic excellence by setting high expectations for the NJSLA assessment increasing participation in AP and NJ seal of biiteracy test and improving results. HSD will foster lifelong learning critical thinking skills and growth mindset by promoting curiosity providing students diverse learning opportunities beyond the classroom to develop their instructional practices hsd will and power students to become contributing members of the global Community by acquiring knowledge skills and perspectives needed to become an Engaged citizens in a changing world through fostering Intercultural understanding and critical thinking about global challenges. And then we have the policies for approval. How's the approval second reading? approval to abolish the following Bible and approval engaging instructional practices. HSP will empower our students to become contributing members of the global community by acquiring knowledge, skills, and perspectives needed to become engaged citizens in a changing world through fostering intercultural understanding and critical thinking about global challenges. Um then we have the policies for approval. Policy approval second reading approval the 2425 revised academic calendar for the middle school and high school. motion staff machine discussion questions comments policy 5350 student suicide prevention. This is something that is very near and dear to my heart. I had questions or issues somewhat with some of the wording in it to recognizes that depression and self-destruction. an approval of the 2425 revised academic calendar for the middle school and high school. Motion staff nine discussion, questions, comments. Uh policy 5350, student suicide prevention. This is something that is very uh near and dear to my heart. I had questions or issues somewhat with some of the wording in it. Recognizes that depression and self-destruction Query if self-harm would be better instead of self-destruction. It just really felt. Reading the policy it felt. Yeah, I feel like we've mentioned that Jim it's not here. Yeah, maybe we'll make discussion where like we talked about including self harm. Okay. I'm not suicidal self-injury, correct policy. And actually that was and I feel like you could under a literal definition of Destruction that that uh query if self harm would be better instead of self-destruction. Um it just really felt reading the policy it felt yeah I feel like we we mentioned that J is not here discussion where like we talked about including self harm and non-suicidal self injury correct in the policy and actually that was and I feel like you could under a literal definition of destruction that naturally. associate the same way. so and actually I wanted to just add to that in our discussion in the community. It was something that we have brought up and that Gino did confirm with us that the training that our staff gets is not just in suicide prevention, but is in also in recognizing science and symptoms of non suicidal self injury. So that's something that we did talk about but that would come into play but it just doesn't naturally associate the same way. So and actually I wanted to just add too that in our discussion in the committee it was something that we had brought up and that Gino did confirm with us that the training that our staff gets is not just in suicide prevention but is in also in recognizing signs and symptoms of non-suicidal self-injury. So Yeah, and it might be that I have a policy language because let me know Maybe that's what we'll hear about it again. Like this is just first read and then the other you know that I would make about that same policy. is that it looks pretty robust in terms of referring to school counselor student assistant coordinator, but the one thing that I didn't see that I have seen in other trainings is a QPR sort of protocol, which is six. I know that you're Yeah. And it might be the policy language that again like this is just right. And then the other note that I would make about that same policy is that it looks pretty robust in terms of immediately contacting parents referring to school counselor student assistant coordinator. But the one thing that I didn't see that I have seen in other trainings is a QPR sort of protocol which is a six section. I've written a couple for the bar in which I frequently refer to it because it is really great. Anyone can administer it don't need special training. It's six questions and it indicates this is a person who needs treatment but is stable enough versus this is a person that you should not leave alone that they need. It needs to be a warm handoff to the parent or guardian or some other so I would just sex question. I've written a couple articles for the bar in which I frequently refer to it because it is really great. Um, anyone can administer it. You don't need special training. It's six questions and it indicates this is a person who needs treatment but is stable enough versus this is a person that you should not leave alone that they need it needs to be a warm handoff to the parent or guardian or some don't put those things in the power. Yeah. Has been told that thing that like yeah that day specific like brand. Oh assessment training and so that was actually the whole discussion that we had which as long as we are doing it, but thank you That was the I was like it's letter, you know, I don't think it's better and it's just Yeah, but we don't put specific CRS. It's a We have assessment tools and I'm sure but we don't put those tools in the policy that assessment tool that's a like yeah that's a specific like brand of assessment training and so that was actually the whole discussion that we had which is as long as we are but thank you that was the I was like it's letters I was like it's letters and it's just one that we use the Columbia suicide yes so but I just make sure that like we had a tree either and actually every every Employee. It's a share folder part of the cloud everyone you get to any time and I highly encourage anyone who's member of the public and is listening and has not heard of this before. Give it a Google it is very very helpful. Ask those questions and you might be able to help out someone. that is dear to you. just There are similar ones. I just wanted to make sure that like we had a a triage scale that's being used and actually every every um employee it's a shared folder on the file that everyone can get to at any time. And I highly encourage anyone who's a member of the public and is listening and has not heard of this before, give it a Google. It is very very helpful. Ask those questions and you might be able to help out someone that is dear That's a changing Market periods. That's why that's why it's being reapproved. And the reason is because in the high school now with the njpg to take and the AP testing and the ngafa, they're so heavy to test that they need to they wanted to move that day because you the fourth quarters lose so many days want to balance more equally. I'm with exams so that when they find it shifted a little bit. Just a clarification, the calendar that's a changing market period dates. Okay, that's why that's why it's being reapproved. Um, and the reason is because in the high school now with the NJ PJ that new NJ test and the AP testing and the NJF, they're so heavy the testing they need to they wanted to move that date because you you fourth quarter was losing so many days wanted equity to instructions on that. So, When I was looking at that it said something that if no snow days or anything is used that then was it the Tuesday for Tuesday after Memorial Day would be so I guess I'm just curious as to the thought process behind that versus like end of the year or something like that and graduation is challenging Beyond, Okay. so keep it. Okay. Thank you. This is the first year we had that and we had a snow day. a little bit then they try to equity so the instructional days are more balanced. I had a question on that. So when I was looking at that it said something that if no snow days or anything is used that then was it theuesday Tuesday after Memorial Day would be so I guess I'm just curious as to the thought process behind that versus like end of the year or something like that even graduation is challenging So now I'm probably the old we're probably the only ones you really knew that this was like we could possibly hold you. figuratively know. Yeah, okay. If because we have 181 schedule school days without Okay. Thank you. Well good. Why? why are we getting rid of the remote meeting? Yeah. I was so mad. I'm probably the only we're probably the only ones who really knew that this was like we could possibly Miss Finger knew I was so mad. So it's like an extra day if because we have 181 scheduled school days. Okay. All right. Thank you. Well, why why are we getting rid of the remote meeting that was enacted during co and so Like this was the executive orders, right from the governor that allowed those types of meetings to happen expired. So that's why at least is what happened was explained to us, right? Yeah. so we had to take it off our books because it were required to meet in person. Yeah. We do have a policy that It was some sort of emergency. Yes. We have a procedure of what we would do to remotely proven specific. how that is not legal. Like it's not match with the like it's because the executive orders right from the governor that allowed those types of meetings to happen expired. So that's why at least is what how was explained to us, right? So we had to take it off our books because we're required to meet in person. I gota Okay. We do have a policy that if there was some sort of emergency, we have a procedure Okay. it helps. I was prepared for it to be completely miserable in here tonight. to move it and then you have to publicize it and all that. It's not that I don't know. okay, um questions left on that Mike king covo Mr. Knuckles. Yes, Masada. Masada. Yes. It's been living. Yes, Dr. Brown. specific. Okay. I think it helps. I was prepared for it to be completely miserable in here tonight. So, that's what you were saying. Do you try to move it and then you have to publicize it and all, but it's not that hot. It's manageable. And I'll talk fast. That's kind of a good time. Okay. Um, questions left on that. Can you call? Mr. Knuckles. Yes. Miss Sod, yes. Miss Bengi, yes. Dr. Brown, Yeah distress. Yes, Mr. Astifler. Yes president crooked. Yes. curriculum special ed approval field trips conferences traveled overnight field trips resolution to approve the contract between the handbook Board event and the higher ed student assistant Authority. resolution between the Board of Ed and wash Legacy resolution between the Board of Ed and Cooper Learning Center for reading Services resolution between the Board of Ed and Heflin educational cons. Yes, Mr. TR. Yes, Mr. Esener. Yes, President Brookie. Yes. Curriculum special ed approval of field trips, conferences, travel, overnight field trips. Resolution to approve the contract between the Hville board of ed and the higher ed student assistant authority. Resolution between the board of ed and Walsh Legacy. Resolution between the board of ed and Cooper Learning Center for Reading Services. Resolution Services resolution to approve teachers for the extended school your homebound instruction. resolution for the Board of Ed and the New Jersey commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired for services for students. resolution to improve virtual and remote instruction plan for the 2425 school year Can I have a motion? staff and guests Questions or comments? just on consultants for reading services. Resolution to approve uh teachers for the extended school year homebound instruction. Resolution for the board of ed and the New Jersey commission for the blind and visually impaired for services for students. Resolution to approve virtual and remote instruction plan for the 2425 school year. Um can I have a motion? Steph and Jess questions or comments? Just on the Does anyone know what did? Because I know there were quite a few people that were not happy about that. You can do a waiver to lock down, but you have to know if there was anything from the status about whether or not here to stay because you think it's here today. I mean and given health was this year. but Theory should be serious. It was a transition you the FAFSA requirement. Does anyone know what the um because I know there were quite a few people that were not happy about that. You can do a waiver to opt out, but you have to know if there was any status in Trenton about whether or not that's here to stay or I think it's here to stay. I think it's here to stay. I mean, and and given how difficult the FASA was this year right, but transition and mandatory and there is a waiver the idea. I mean the rationale that we're about the practice is able to guess and bonding. It does know this. yeah, why is it there was two there was just interesting wording in that document of like what they're doing with your data. Like I don't know it just like I admire the make education more affordable and accessible. It's great. But like right transition and mandatory so and there is a waiver the idea I mean the rale behind it is able to get funding but it does not it does well I guess there was two there was just interesting wording in that document of like what they're doing with your data like I don't know it just was like I I admire the make education more affordable and accessible it's great but like your parents don't pay taxes that should reflect on you as a student and you know like I mean I just find not that I don't think I don't think it should impact the student a child. waiting for final words the way of going out for the high school. So that will come out the same time We have it's just at the military, right? the waiver sign out not the American information of the same type of thing. Okay. So perform I think what we're hoping we can do is just to do It's Yeah. And I think to me it feels like what if your parents don't pay taxes? That shouldn't reflect on when you as a student and you know like I mean I just find not that I'm condoning that. But I don't think I I don't think it should impact a student. We're waiting for the final wording for the waiver that'll be going out through through the high school. So that will come out at the same time we have it's just like the form and I think maybe more formalized graduation requirement is not just yeah, right. I do have to say I agree with you that I visited a lot of college. I was surprised by how many Will give you like bonus money for filling out the FAFSA like everyone wants this data. Well, you know how to support students and to try to recruit more students and I think everyone's feeling it and so that's not making it better but just a Google form and then but I think it's going to be more formal because graduation requirement is not just right like I do have to say I agree with you and that it's invasive but I've visited a lot of college campuses in the last six months and I was surprised by how many will give you like bonus money for filling out the FAFSA like everyone wants this data to know how to support students and to try to recruit But to me, it's just like an interesting wrinkle. Do you know, right? Yeah, I wasn't gonna be more of a this is a graduation requirement. It's very hard. It will give you 500 bucks. Think this is weird. Do you know all New Jersey students are gonna have Up any other questions. Yeah. couldn't could you just give To me, it just is like an interesting wrinkle. Do you know what I mean? I like it. It's going to be more of a carrot versus stick of like this is a graduation requirement for college. It is, right? We'll give you 500 bucks off or a,000 bucks off if you do the test. I was like, really? Like, this is weird. Do you know all New Jersey students are going to have it? Yeah. Yeah. Um, any other questions? Yeah. Um, E, could you could you just what that is. Just reading service worker. Yeah, like what is that? It's it was just extending School areas. Is for Best Buy students in the summer, so they don't have to be learning loss. Yeah, and this is a reading specialist to come in and support those students. it is is forgive the sort of It was a lot per hour. is that it was $120,000 hours that standard. Yes. Okay, so that's that's their certific. give a little more information on what that is just because it's a reading service for extended like what is that it was extended school year is um is for specified students in the summer so that they don't have any any learning loss. Yeah. And this is a reading specialist to come in and support those students. Okay. And is is forgive the sort of it was a lot per hour is that it was $120 an There's certain programs that have certain certifications or sometimes two years to your program Wilson certified essay. so once you have that Wilson certification, it's a very resonated program that cannot be interested by anyone out there certification. Okay, and I think we have Not meant or District. We maybe have four Wilson certified maybe five muscle certified. So it costs. Let's go you seem like that's typical. Yeah. All right good for Whatever that is. ifications that that go into that that there's certain programs you have to have certain certifications or sometimes two years two-year program to be Wilson certified let's say so once you have that Wilson certification it's a very regimented program that cannot be administered by anyone without that certification okay and I think we have not our district we maybe have four Wilson certified maybe five Okay any other? Okay, Mike. Can you call? Mr. Douglas, yes, Miss Sonic. Yes, Mr. Becky. Yes, Dr. Brown. Yes distressed. Yes, Mr. Eisenberg. Yes. President crooked. Yes. And Personnel approval of new Personnel transfer salary upgrades mentoring extra curricular coaching appointments leaves the baptism, of recognitions resolution to approve Holly pennant to assist with District reunification. Okay. Any other comments? Okay. Mike, can you call? Mr. Knuckles. Yes. Miss S? Yes. Miss PKI? Yes. Dr. Brown? Yes. M. Dress? Yes. Mr. Espler? Yes. President Crookie? Yes. And personnel approval of new personnel transfer, salary upgrades, mentoring, extracurricular coaching, appointments, leaves of absences, and recommendations. Resolution to approve Holly Penna to assist with district resolution to prove Rachel plinn to work with the student over the summer resolution to approve Vanessa gospel as some teacher for the extended school Year resolution to approve Michelle Barringer to work additional five hours to screen newly classified students resolution to approve Patricia paying for extended school year hours. resolution to prove Sarah spinner for EA for extended school Year resolution for ation development plan. Resolution to approve Rachel Flynn to work with a student over the summer. Resolution to approve um Vanessa Godfeld as subteer for the extended school year. Resolution to approve Michelle Beinger to work additional five hours to screen newly classified students. Resolution to approve um Patricia Patty for extended school year hours. Resolution to approve Sarah Spinner for EA for extended school year for one-on-one support resolution to approve Britney Macos to work for an additional five days for transition work resolution to prove Jennifer complete summer personal project. resolution to compensate teachers for teaching us six period class resolution to approve Brianna, Devlin for in-person training resolution for real. Nova student to Shadow school psychologist Alice Lee Davenport extended school year for one-on-one support. Resolution to approve Britney Matos to work for an additional 5 days for transition work. Resolution to approve Gna Ferguson to complete summer curriculum project. Resolution to compensate teachers um for teaching a sixth period class. Resolution to approve Briana Delin uh for inerson training. Resolution for V Nova student to approve teachers for three hours of training. Resolution to approve. HMHS summer college essay course run by cren Welsh resolution to approve teachers for attending the FBA NJ PSA. create Arts integration conference. Resolutions who approve? HMHS facilitators for summer curriculum work resolution Resolution to approve teachers for three hours of training. Resolution to approve um HMHS summer college essay course run by um Kin Welsh. Resolution to approve teachers for um attending the um FBA NJPSA 3-day arts integration conference. Resolution to approve HMHS facilitators for summer curriculum work. Res. for to complete additional teachers to complete summer for Kayla more. I'm getting emotion. Correct. and Jeff questions comments question on o And Essay course 12 students per session class of $200 per student to be paid at curriculum rate. Is that student tuition coming into the school district? Wonderful, and thank you to miss Welsh for her service there. Resolution to approve teachers for to complete additional teachers to complete summer curriculum work. Um get a motion. Greg and Jeff questions comments. Question on O. Um essay course 12 students per session cost of $200 per student to be paid at curriculum rate. Is that student tuition coming into the school district and the teacher is then? Wonderful. And thank you to Miss Walsh for her service there. We have a retirement Barbershop. It's all that so Barbara so want to see during 1995 in the a in kindergarten. the central school and just a lovely kind person and Occupation okay for 29 years. and it's not 99, but I I imagine just probably 35 year olds walking around Haddonfield like a nice story about time. She is a nice Barbados. Um if you were Um we have a retirement Barbara Shaughnessy saw that. So Barb Barber Shaughnessy um started here in 1995 in EA in kindergarten um in Central School and just a lovely kind person and obviously patient EA for 29 years. Um and I it's not I I imagine there's probably 35 year olds walking around Hadenfield. I could tell you a nice story about how kind she is and nice Barbos. Um she worked with She was great. I know that the sellback was the teacher now is going to miss her deal that got along great and before that Ms. Chism and every kindergarten YouTube work with so, she's gonna be hard to replace. But I know she's planned to spend more time with her husband and you some traveling. So she just looking forward to that. comments All right, this Sonic. Yes. both my kids. She was great. I know that um Miss Selbach, who's the teacher now, is going to miss her dearly. They got along great. And before that, Miss Chisum and every kindergarten she worked with. So, um she's going to be hard to replace, but I I know she plans to spend more time with her husband and doing some traveling. So, she's looking forward to that. Any last comments comments there? Um All right. Mike, can you miss? Yes. Mr. Becky, yeah Dr. Brown, yes his dress. Yes, Mr. Rosenberg Mr. Knuckles. Yes, president Berkeley. Okay, business and finance recommendations resolution to approve the municipal. alliance with the thorough of Haddonfield for the 24th 25 school year. approval of to offer voluntary short-term disability benefits to Board of Ed employees through Colonial Life Mr. Becky, yes. Dr. Brown, yes. Mr. D, yes. Mr. Essen, yes. Mr. Knuckles, yes. President, yes. Okay. Business and finance recommendations. Resolution to approve the municipal alliance with the um burrow of Hadenfield for the 24 25 school year. Um approval um to offer voluntary short-term disability benefits to board of ed employees through Colonial Life. approval for Unum group to provide long-term disability to hadn't field admin and supervised. Association resolution between the Board of Ed and educational Travel Tours for its senior class trip. approval of the tuition reimbursement to be paid out of the budget. approval of the submission of the idea Grant application approval for alternate toilet room fac Approval for Unum Group to provide long-term disability to Hadenfield admin and supervised association. Resolution between the board of ed and educational travel tours for senior class trip. Approval of the uh tuition reimbursement to be paid out of the budget. Approval of the submission of the ID grant application. Approval for alternate toilet room fac. prepaid in central approval of the wording of the RFP for the 2406 instructional and related Services Psychiatric Services for the 25 24 25 School Year resolution of the board of Ed of thorough of Haddonfield in the county of pandemic as read all that authorizing energy spent electronic procurements to engage in electronic utility credit agreement utilizing competitive Contracting. payment facilities for early intervention and preK in central. Approval of the wording of the RFP for the 2406 instructional and related services psychiatric services for the 25 2425 school year. Resolution of the board of ed of Burrow of Hadenfield in the county of I read all that. Um authorizing energy spent and electronic procurements to engage in electronic utility credit agreement utilizing board secretaries report in cash summary report That I have emotion Mike and Scott. coming can someone just tell me what a I've read a couple times. I don't it's very legally like what what is that? What is it? What? yes, you just was yeah. You face life is for teachers this Alliance is a Payment of bills, budget transfers, board secretaries report and cash summary report. Can I have a motion? Mike and Scott comments. Can someone just tell me what a I' I've read I've read it a couple times, but I don't it's very legally like what what is that? What is it? What is municipal alliance? Yeah. Uh well, it's you pay stipens for teachers. Municipal Alliance is is it's a state funded program that would be but the Pharaoh and the school district work together. Yeah, no programs to support students and making better decisions about drawing alcoholism. so money from this Reliance will go to something like that social opinion to school. So on Friday night. So rather than go out to the woods and drink kids are coming to the school playing bands, right? We do a lot of Awareness stuff. Yeah. No, I was I was a representative. I don't know if they're not actually. that nothing that nothing's aren't I happening. a group that it's a it's a state funded program that go the bureau and the school district work together yeah to develop programs to support students in making better decisions about drug alcohol and those sort of things so money from this alliance will go to something like social event after school so on a Friday night so rather than go out to the woods and drink kids are coming to the school playing basketball right we do a lot of That that's not my question. It's just the I don't understand the payment for it. We we competency. Assignments. Yeah, the borough compensates us for half of what we pay in this in those days. So we pay for the teachers who are part of that. pay them whatever got it. Okay, must have I understand. Okay. Thank you that. Sorry to be confusing there. I mean I'm looking at that I did read that three or four times. That that's not my question. It's just the I don't understand the payment for it. We we compensate the there's four stipen assignments. Yeah. The bureau compensates us for half of what we pay in those in those statements. So we pay for the teachers who are part of that. We pay them whatever the state are. Got it. They give us half offset. I understand. Okay. Thank you. That sorry to be confusing there. Okay. I mean doesn't understand that. Yeah, the wording of it is. And I'm the representative of that so. it's really didn't make a lot of sense. Okay. Thanks. Probably our solicitors looked at this. Yeah. hopefully any other comments Like could you cover? Yeah. About the brown. Yeah. still the wording of that because then yeah the wording of it is yeah and I'm the representative to that so it really didn't make a lot of sense. Okay. Thank you. Presumably our solicitors looked at this. That's all agreement. Not my problem. All right. Cool. Thank you. Any other um comments? Mike, could you call roll? Miss Beni? Yes. Dr. Brown? Yes. Yes, Mr. Escort. Yes, Mr. Knuckles. Yeah, Miss Sonic. Yes president crooked. Yes. And approval of minutes from the board retreat on the kitchen set the executive session from June 5th, and the regular meeting from June 20th. motion Mike and Jeff Questions are anyone catch anything on there? That wasn't right? Al Miss Dress. Yes. Mr. Esclair. Yes. Mr. Knuckles. Yeah. Miss Sully. Yes. President Ber. Yes. And approval of minutes from the board retreat on the June 5th, the executive session from June 5th, and the regular meeting from June 20th. Motion. Mike and Jess. Um questions or anyone catch anything on there that wasn't right? Can you call? This bad idea. Yep, Dr. Brown. bit of San Francisco. this dress Yes, but instead from B. Do you say B? Yes. distressler Yes, but abstained from sea. Mr. Knox abstain a abstained b yes C because All right. Mike, Miss Pi, yep. Dr. Brown, yes, but abstain from C. Mr. D. Yes, but obain from B. B, you said B. Yes, Mr. Cler. Yes, but abstain from C. Mr. Knuckles. Uh, abstain A. Abstain B. Yes, C. Sorry. Yeah, I believe halfway through there. It's Masonic. yes to all. Well done. Right Any items for future consideration? I'm excited to see the board of gold Gosh. Yeah. very exciting. And I'll be coming out calendar and play with some of the dates, but I'm not. guys making USA. Yeah, I had to leave halfway through there. This mic. Yes to all. Well done. Yes to all. All right. Any items for future consideration? I'm excited to see the board uh goals done. It's very exciting. And I'll be sending out calendar in advance with some of the dates. it's going I do that not to know if you're having or not just to get it on your calendar. Yeah, I I ride on your calendar. That's a good morning. All right. thank you all for coming. It wasn't as hot as as we imagined It would be motion to adjourn. Mike and yeah that are not board meetings but other events like back to school. I do that not to know if you're coming or not but just to get it on your calendar letting us free ride on your calendar. All right. Um thank you all for coming. It wasn't as hot as as we imagined it would be. Motion to Mike and Jeff meeting.