>> HSD Broadcast's Presentation: you >> Chris Heintz: I don't we speak to Patient. Yeah, but I don't think it I don't it is. Yeah. Yeah. or Miss Quite often say about this. here I'd like to call the meeting to order. Mike. Would you please call roll? It's been up. Dr. Brown Mr. Chris, yeah, Mr. Essen player. hollingworth but alright, that was stylish Mr. Knuckles. here. This song. yeah vice president hooker. ier yeah president crookus here Please stand for the pledge. of the United States of America and then one nation under God. like to give these reading the three of the statement concerning open public meetings. public notice of this meeting pursuant to the Oakland Public meetings act has been given by the superintendent of schools in the following manner on January 10th 2024 notice of this meeting was posted on the interior of the school administration offices 95 Grove Street, Haddonfield. written notice with civilian followed the Haddonfield Borough Clerk and notices were emailed to the carrier Post in the retrospect newspaper. Okay, we have a packed house tonight. Thank you all for coming. We'll get started right away with our student commendations. I thank you to all who are here because I know it's summer vacation and you were so kind to come here to get your accommodations after school has ended. Thank you. Love you. who's saying? Mike drops presently? Okay, we have no we have all kinds of music. folks you get all come up there. always. One. Oh, yeah. Oh, all right. So I'll start off I'm gonna talk about the high school HMA desk our first recipient is Claudia Fitzgerald. Is she. right, Claudia made all South Jersey Orchestra as well as all South Jersey went Ensemble. Also. Jersey is an ensemble where they prepare. peace, they learn scales and then they audition and it's best kids out of South Jersey go audition and then the Educators pick the top players. They perform I believe that again. Thanks for high school. Yeah round. with all the top musicians. In South Jersey. So according toccaro You'll see that and as well as Mary now, so Mary is here. There's a lot of disappearances over here. Oh, yeah. All right. So now I'm gonna do the Middle school. I have Landing King. not a Max Cape right ay, all right so max landed and Jake were a part of all South Jersey Junior High Orchestra on same thing scales audition Piece top kids out of South Jersey made in the Middle school and they accomplished it and when there were just Jersey but we also have Olympic conference and which is very similar to all South Jersey Melinda conference. They prepare scales and they also do site reading as well. So Rachel Tomkins Rachel. oh, yeah, so we're gonna move on to the Elementary grades now. So we're gonna start with Central School. The process is pretty similar rather than auditions. We the teachers we submit a handful name the students that are making acceptable progress on their instrument or their voice to participate in a similar Ensemble where bunch of kids all across out here. if you get to play a lot of great music together welcome together in one day, which is a lot of work and the direct to do a great job. So certainly Central School. Yes, and then do bro. Um, thank you. Um, also this is again Central Elementary Emerson Andrew Lunas from that Emerson was selected for elementary, Honors course Sophia for honors Orchestra. We have MMD Michelle for a band m chorus. Tatum Egbert for chorus Something here. Evelyn Haggart for orchestra Great Hyman for course Brenna came for van Lucas Maslow for band and forth Andrew Phelps for orchestra John Simone for orchestra and finally from Central School we have Riley Kong for orchestra. moving on to Elizabeth Elementary we have no legler for band. Gus Kuser for band and chorus eliquate for orchestra ml Lane for van Happy Litman Them are usage aside for band and chorus. and gifts for course and Orchestra. Defend me so. finally fighting Chandler for them real Flannery Orchestra Audrey Garrett for Ben drones for course Amelia Larson performance These kids are just I mean, where's the power going? There's not enough Ellie Murphy for Sorry Blair potato chorus. Alison Pierce for orchestra Sophia Bublé who believes me for orchestra? in Riley for band and Olivia sanatelos for van Okay. now we're gonna do the picture. he just going to say that way a little bit. So you guys down here. A lot of cameras. just All right. That was great. Everybody. Give us your biggest. Nice job. It's wonderful. camera Okay, well. I serve everyone. Okay. So what I want to point out that I probably so these people didn't be stem cells and this is an important part of who we are and it's Rob Fox is a supervisor for our finals my Hecker High School Middle School teacher like Meyer central school and then probably however for directly we give this we name these honors this year this meeting every year. And we're about 50 percent more involved this year than we were last year, which is a great thing and I think you know that we've been to a large Longhorn look at our final our performing arts program over the last year and it's changed a lot. It's changed a lot because these people energized it creatively thought about problem solving. How do you get more kids involved? What can we do work on changing schedules? really start to build a passion and and it shows that I thank all our students have been a great job right? Thank you guys personally, really? keep on moving along as We work better. We really appreciate. Them. Thank you. Happy summer. stranded value they just That's okay. you want me to mention that say? Okay, we're gonna next do our commendations for recognizing the staff earning Advanced degrees presented by Mr. Klaus. Klaus. Okay. Let's put this up and do one part now and the rest is September because it is summer. So we have six teachers this last year. who earned Advanced degrees. Um, and five more years. I want to honor them and come back but they just now. He when we've hire teachers we love for people would be lifelong Learners who value education they see themselves. They their role models for our students and that they continue to grow and learn and Dr. Brown. who's out here tonight said, what are we doing for these people, right? So honored like this is a great thing. So we're gonna talk Dr. Blair. Um this year she finished her all the great she got her her George's office. a car so once you welcome, Dan, We'll take him out of here. It's a wonderful thing. I really is what we believe is. Important all time so obviously, okay. That was nice glamorous. he this is not this is not all the cops. Well oiled machine. Um, we do not have a student Representatives reports that will go right into presentations. We've got a busy schedule today. So yeah we can do um, but we can go here right. Well, hi. How are you? All right. Thank you for allowing me to present today and today I'm going to present on the department of social education a snapshot of the year. I'll highlights of the Year. continue focus and I'm very excited to be here. So our agenda today is going to do a little bit of an introduction and I do not like to start anything without giving some gratitude to all the people that have helped support our kiddos this year. I'm gonna share some Department data with you. So highlights of the year and the department of social education and then any concerns and continued Focus. So that you've kind of see a whole of What's the special education? So first thing first, I know that you know me, but hopefully people at home I can introduce myself to so I am Dana Blair. I'm the director of special education. I also oversee 504s and home instruction. I like to call myself a servant leader. I'm here to help students and staff and I'm a collaborator and inclusive Advocate. And as Mr. Carl said I like long Learners, so that's me and anybody watching at home. I always say I would open door policy and open email policy. So, please feel free to contact me. I don't like to start this presentation without thinking everyone so I get to stand up here and share the incredible things that we've done this year and I get to share all of the highlights that we've done this year. But really I couldn't have done it without my incredible team. So I'd like to thank the obvious of the board of education for your approvals your understanding your collaboration. I'd like to think all the administrators from you know, Mr. Klaus to Dr. Priolo to my to our supervisors our principals all the way down to Tech who helped me practice this presentation transportation. everyone really our cafeteria people who helped our kiddos, you know, big and learn how to do all of the incredible work it really takes a village to help our kids and how you feel. I couldn't do it. Everybody here our child study team members. So, you know oftentimes we talk about the child study team, but we don't get to really see the child CD team Our psychologists are learning disabilities Consultants are ot's our pts. Our assistive technology are are secretaries. I'd like to give a shout out to my secretary Karen who has been incredible answering parent phone calls for preschool and putting the numbers together and really being on the front lines our teachers our teachers. Absolutely incredible this year. welcoming me and you know, just understanding flexibility and change our assistance and our contractors are amazing contractors from bread to Nobby to amazing transformations to NBN really being there with our kids in times of Crisis and like I said our transportation our bus seats and last but not least our parents and not with really parents and They have been just so. welcoming. So I really appreciate it. So before I kind of start I really wanted to take a moment of gratitude. It's been an incredible year. with everyone so to start when I started this year the first thing that I did was I sent out a survey to the entire community. And I said what is working in Haddonfield in terms of special education on what do you think our areas have Improvement? and the good news was that there were really prevalent themes that came through in terms of areas of improvement. so the biggest areas of improvement that were noted in the surveys were communication and collaboration. parents teachers CST really wanted improved communication and collaboration case management so an understanding of how to make case management a little bit more Equitable understanding what case management was and how to contact the CSC. Behavior Services was really a big area that a lot of parents felt needed Improvement and teachers needed Improvement wanting consistency wanting to understand who their behavioral service advocate. was just the whole component of Behavior Services was really really big when I first started and then lastly programs so specifically parents noted preschool and ITT are self-contained classrooms and the area of inclusion. So my presentation actually really gonna Focus around these areas of improvement and how our department focused on these areas of what we did to improve them. so the first would be communication The first thing I did when I came was. Okay. how can I proof communication between myself and the department of special education and parents? So the first thing I did when I came here was I didn't meet and greet I did donuts with the director and that was almost all stakeholders. So, um I met with parents and with all of our contractors and all of our child City team members and all of our teachers and I really just wanted to hear from them and when I sent out my survey as well, I put a little note on there. That's if you'd like me to contact you, please let me know and anyone that said that they wanted me to contact them. I set up individual meetings and it was really incredible to just have that. piece of Base communication with people and understand who you are. who your children were. and that I was here anytime. So throughout the year, I did various parent checklists. which again was really incredible. I did observations of students and observations with parents. I got to know the community and build and what was important field specifically I love doing observations. So I observed every single teacher in special education. I observed every single special education student, which was really amazing answer everyone to one every behavioral staff member which again was really incredible and I just had an amazing time getting to learn everything. I do think it was really important though to build those connections to understand our concerns in the world of special education, and I think it built a really nice Rapport on how to improve things in the moment. So for example when I went to go do an observation and I could see that a student was getting a little antsy and the teacher was like, I really think we need some flexible seating as they look at that right away, but I wouldn't have known that right if I didn't go and kind of see. it one of the most incredible things that I was able to kind of do this year was build a really great working relationship with cpag. So CPAC is our special education parent. advisory group. I got to meet at first of Nancy and Eugene and learn about sea pad we've had incredible year we see back and actually see pack has really rebranded themselves. They have their own email now with their own flyer that we've been able to distribute for every single student that gets classified. So a new student comes in and we're able to say here's your new parent advisory group. Here's who you can go to to connect We've had lovely meetings from connecting them with presentations and presenters different doctors different Community parent. advisory groups coffee meetups chats, and also we had a really great which I'll talk about later. disability awareness month, but CPAC has been a really great advocacy group to help parents, but also help me navigate the world of special education for having field. So often times I think parents feel that they need a group to connect with and the back group is able to connect with me and tell me the common problems that we need to fix and I've been very lucky and for them. He's management and data. So we'll get a little bit into the data. I do want to say that the data that I share with you tonight is a snapshot So special education is always going to be changing. So tomorrow the numbers could change, um, depending on kids that are continuously classified or D classified. So I just took a snapshot of where we at this moment. so right now our student enrollment from Glenn, I took the snapshot was 2,773. in general our special education population is 441 classified kids so students that are receiving services and then 20 of those students in addition are in process. Which means that they're in the process of either getting classified or not being eligible. So that's about 16.62 percent that is above the seat. rate. average so we are above so what we're seeing right now is that a trend going upwards and students that we are finding. eligible and special education so more students are being referred and more students are being classified. and we are seeing kind of that upward trend. The good note. is that 89% of our students? are in general education for 80% or more of the school day. So even though we are classifying more students. Those students are continuously being put in inclusion classes or in having access to the general education curriculum. So as we're seeing this and in speaking with my case managers and my CST, they are seeing this kind of upward trend of students that are being classified and students being referred. So just the kind of break it down a little bit. You can kind of see the population by school. So in central our population of students that are classified are. 440. So 42. That's a population had Central Excuse me, and then students with IEPs are 46 and 11 11 have speech only. and Elizabeth Hadden 393 55 students with IEPs seven speech only and then at Tatum 434 students with idps some of these two 19 speech bowling. So not too big of a discrepancy. and then at the middle school high school and out of District. So HMS We have 90 students and five of them are specially at each 116 And then add a District 20. So in terms of out of districts. we have a potential of two additional students one returning that we are bringing back into districts and in our 18 to 22, we have four exiting but some addition so a total of seven for next year. I can kind of break that down a little more. So our 2324 breakdown for postgraduate is we have 10 postgraduate this year one at TCNJ. One of Anchorage who was not accepted GSP. We have five gst's Garden State pathway, and I was a lot of acronyms. and currency pathway. We had five to start the year one left halfway through the year for a different program. one will not return next year and one will finish but we are exploring and we had three APL and as we kind of spoke about our DSP program, this is an area that you'll see later that I really want to focus on because our 18 to 22 will start to grow next year. It's not so big but it will start to grow and the majority of our students are not. right fit for GST. So we really want to start to explore what that 18 to 22 program might look like whether that's an in District program whether that's a different program that we are exploring, but we want to make sure that we find the right fit for students. And our 2425 breakdown next year. We will have seven postgraduates so four of students from this year are ending. we're adding one. Um, and so it'll be an interesting to kind of see where we end up. In terms of 504s. This is also an area that I had noted that I would like to explore a little bit more. You can see that our 504 count is 224 which is quite high. So it is something to kind of look at and explore in terms of our 504s and our accommodations of one of the great things that I know that Dr. Priolo. And I are kind of exploring or in general is you know the mtss. or multi-tier levels of supports and like that could start to help with our both our referrals and some of those 504s because it targets tier one interventions which might allow us to Target students before they need those accommodations as I noted about a referral data, so we are seeing increasing amount of referrals. so you can see here at this snapshot. We had 33 new referrals this year at Central. 23 new referrals that had in 33 is Tatum. five new referrals at HMS and seven referrals at HMHS, which is really great that at that middle and the high school. We're seeing way less referrals. That's how it should be right because We are should be targeting kids with disabilities earlier than later. So this is actually a pretty good Trend toward the middle school and the high school and we want to start to look at our elementary school and Trends in those referrals. I did start to look at the trends and we're seeing a lot more of our students being diagnosed with learning disabilities our students diagnosed with Maybe HD so we want to start to kind of look at the trends in those referrals and how we can best address their needs both in general education having special education, but it's something to look out further. so looking at this and kind of how our numbers are growing it definitely has impacted our case management. so one of the things that I've been working with case managers on is their case management is starting to grow so a case manager will have let's say 30 or 40 or 50 kids on their case load that they are in charge of but as we referral they're starting to come in their case management is starting to grow quite a bit and then you start to lose that interaction with kids. so one of the things that I was able to do this year we will be doing again. Next year is some case management redistribution so that we make it a little bit more Equitable. so that case managers can have that one-on-one time. With their families. So for example if Tatum has 90 kids on the case load but Central has 20, that's gonna be very difficult. So what was been great, is that my child City team is really come together and been able to distribute evenly to kind of what I call cover and move and help each other out. we have also redistributed some of our evaluation assistance as well getting some contractors to help with some of the influx of evaluations and reviewing our process and procedures to review consistency. But this is something that you will start to see if we continue to grow we might need some more assistance in this area. so that we can still ensure that we're always in compliance and most important. are that our case managers are with the kids and what the teachers? Any questions on case management or data? You can wait till the end too. I just didn't know if you I had a question. just do we know what the What the the trend? I know you spoke to it for a little bit and you might not know this. I'm just curious. Um What is the cause of the trend for an increase in referrals? is it? more like is it more attention more? Like is it do you think it had it's post-covid related or is this more just more education and people are recognizing a needs more. I just yeah, I think that could be it. think obviously, you know covid definitely I think inflamed a lot of kids that might have been on kind of the cost but as we're starting to now get more into it one of the things that I have spoken with these images about that seems to be super prevalent is we're doing an incredible job assessing our students with all this with amazing curriculum informal assessments formal assessments, but that's also catching kids right so kiddos that might have been able to what I call competency or fall under the radar. We're now catching because of all of the incredible assessment data that we're able to do and not all of these kids that will be referred will be classified. You know, some kids won't meet El Ability and then we'll be able to kind of say here are some of the tiered interventions that we can do, but I definitely want to start to look at the trends in general education and work with our supervisors. It's something that the supervisors and I've been talking about over the summer. Okay. What are some ways that we can increase some of our tiered interventions? so that maybe it wouldn't be to referral. Yeah. That's another question. I had and a lot of this is just because some of this is newer their new thing. that you've implemented. So I'm curious. Um, do we have something in place to track the effectiveness of our tier one interventions? for future? I know we probably can't now right but but for future is there are we are we is that on our radar? Yeah, I I can speak to so the initiative that we started last year in implementing, New Jersey to your system of support. achieves that so we went from essentially a decentralized system where all of the data that we're Gathering under tier one tier 2 and tier three interventions was being done in Google Docs in isolated by building now, we have a centralized Clearinghouse. that is web-based that tracks all that information. So we're we're in a much better position to I guess evaluate the effectiveness of our tier one. to enter three interventions District wide systemically with the same process and procedures. So we just finished year one of that initiative. Most of that was focused at the K to five level next year. We're looking to expand that integrate six seven and eight and then look how best to filter that into the high school because how intervention and tracking data like that looks at the secondary level is very different how we do it in our elementary. At our elementary population. and what's really incredible I think about Morgan. I think we'll start to see the effects after you know, two year two and three is it really gives us so much shout out from the child study team so that by the time they get to the child study team the child study things like, oh wow, like I can really see all of these here interventions that you did try and that maybe either didn't work or ones that did work and we need to implement. Further so I do think we'll start to see the effects as it continues along, but we are really seeing students that just need that the need the special education services in looking at the trendy increased. That is a nationwide Trend. Yeah at the latest data from Department of Education indicates a 3% increase in classification rates compared to pre-covid. so we are seeing that across the country. Yeah, I am when that in fact, so thank you because I think tracking the tier one. I'm thinking then you can replicate the things that are more effective versus the other so you have faster from around and then my other question to piggyback on that which is kind of probably answers it already but we have a much smaller number in the Middle School in high school. Do you think a lot of that is from students being Declassified as they get older but also there I mean we might have an increase due to the percentage increase overall, but are we seeing a trend of students being Declassified? Yes, and I actually probably should have provided with that. I can come back, but I was really proud. of the child study team in the high School this year who see classified, or rightfully like everybody was on board Declassified so many of our high school students to transition them to college right some of those students transitioning to a 504 understandably in because College doesn't have IEPs. College of course so really declassifying students and what I loved about it was student being a part of the declassification process. I got to witness so many IEP meetings where students were excited. Okay, I really did need this help Here's the progress that I made. I don't feel like I need this help anymore. Here's my plan now for when I go to college and I think again that is where the where what we should be doing. And I think we're doing it in such a positive manner and I know that the teachers are involved. The principal has been quite involved. And so I think it's great that we see those numbers start to Define. I'm really proud of that and that's exactly where my question was too with regard to declassification because conceptually what we've talked about is that, you know early intervention is is so much better because you can catch them earlier. It's easier to then put those interventions in place and then get the the kids to a place where they no longer meet those supports and earlier. So I mean going off to college, that's great because that's that's what we want for our students. We want them to go out. We want them to fly. We want them to feel confident but how many I'd love to see the data at some point or do we have declassification only when we get to grade 12 and going off to college how much of it is happening earlier? What data will we have? Maybe it's not now because we're just starting this but as we go along are we going to see the classification earlier on because we have classification earlier on so all those kinds of things that we can write that data. That's something really important to track. Absolutely. Yeah. That's a really good point. I would say I've been starting to see Trends around that 10th grade as Start to see and what I've also been seeing too. So one of the things that I implemented this year, which I it's one of those things for you you you're happy and then kick yourself at the same time that you do, but I actually before any IEP became finalized. I reviewed every single IEP because I want to get into the students and I want to get to know our IEPs so every single IEP I've been able to take a look at before it becomes finalized and what I start to see in the trends as well. Is that slow progression of Independence, so I start to see, you know from 8 to 9th grade. We're holding tight because people are nervous about the transition, but then that nine to 10th grade we're kids are like flying or starting to see them either classified or all right. We're we're lessening the modifications. Okay. We're gonna try a couple classes with the consultative model. The consultative model has been incredible for our high school students because I think it's given them both Independence and conf. Like I I have a teacher if I need or him, but I can try this on my own. So that's really incredible. But I definitely think I should get that job at you and I'd love to see thanks. um, so Behavior Services this has been a really big pet project of mine because I know that Behavior Services was was really important to parents because typically our students who receive Behavior Services so our bcas, um, or are one-to-ones or two ones our three to ones our assistance. They're typically kids that really not only need the support but oftentimes lack communication So parents feel that. their realm of communication is through these kind of para professional supports. So I really wanted to take a deep dive. what's been great, is that as soon as I started and I got to meet with our two in-house bcbas we decided to go full what I call company consistency. So one of the things that we were able to do is we looked at different programs and different schools and try to have one to two companies in those schools and ensure that there was one person so that's a parent new. Okay. This is the person that I'm going to if I have a question and this is the company that my child is with and this is the schedule that they have and one of the great things that we did is that we um developed a one system of communication so every single power or that we call them BSA. Is that a one-to-one or two to one or three to one at least in the elementary school to Middle High School depended had one communication. so every parent knew every day I was going to get this communication log that said this is what my child did this is how their day was and this is what needed to be improved and then here's the point of contact. So it was awesome because parents knew that was coming home or sometimes it was a Google doc for her specific parents, and I think that was a really big hit a lot of parents that they really appreciated that we also are BTS and myself before they the any of the company started we met the These and all of the bses we did very specific training on what was expected. We ensured that we paired the right staff at the right student. We introduced the student. to the parent professional or BSA along with the parents that they knew like I said, we did a communication log and then we had consistent contact. so the bcba would meet with the parent at least monthly to go over. What was going on with their with their child and with their students? we also did monthly newsletters for our staff. So one of the things that our bcba's were really really passionate about was yes, I'm here for students with special needs, but I'm also here for all the teachers. so they did monthly newsletters on various tips that um were that could be used for students various tips, that could be used for teachers and teachers who to go to when we made everything data driven, So one of the biggest things as we want we want our kids to be independent. And it's really great that our students have have bsas and have educational assistance. But what are we doing to increase that Independence? So we created fade plans for every single student. so that we were creating that Independence and that data-driven approach to pair students and one of the things again that I'm really excited about it's for esy and for next year. We have already begun pairing both our staff for esy, that will be starting and for next year. so that by the time parents start stable know who their assistant is and have already communicated with them so that they can start the year like not worried about who's gonna be. What's he is surprised. Oh I sent it school year. Any questions about behaviors? Programs. Um, okay, one of the greatest things that I got to do was really look at our programs, but the biggest area I think that parents that they want to focus on was our ITT and preschool that early intervention making sure that we're targeting our students with special needs an early level. So we really loved the program. I'm continued to kind of what I call Beef It Up. we ensured that there were specific programming criteria and goals and we incorporated other things than just, you know, our typical education. We did yoga. We did reading to the therapy dogs we did music therapy. We've done social skills, and we really Incorporated the kind of whole approach to our preschool ITT because we want our kids to not just be appropriate academically, but also socially and emotionally and that's your ITT will move back to the afternoon. So when speaking with parents and speaking with teachers, it was moved to the morning this year and they felt that by the time kiddos got to the afternoon. It was like encroaching on nap time and they were so tired and not able to finish the rest of the day. So we've been able to kind of switch the schedule around so that kids are able to be with their generalized peers. I'm not false. We're gonna have one teacher teaching ITT and eclc which I'm very excited about for next year. So that that one teacher will kind of be able to see both the preschool and the ecl see and see the growth we will also have one case manager for all preschool, and I'm very excited about that because that one case manager for all of preschool will really be able to keep it consistent meet with all of the teachers for all of the preschools. Look at all the preschool idps work with all of the BCAAs and really just be that one point person for the preschool, and I'm really looking forward to that. I know that every year preschool does a kind of orientation and this year I'd really like to be a part of it as overseeing the preschool and do kind of a contact guy. What I found is that parents are often confused. So I go to the principal do I go to you? And so I'd like to do kind of days specific orientation for the preschool and ITT and then we got chosen my like first day here. Do you know sent me an email like we've been chosen for our preschool outcomes by the state and I was like, okay great. Um, so we were chosen basically to be monitored by the seat for our preschool outcomes. which means any student that was classified when they came in as a preschooler we had to note for the seat and then their outcomes for the seat to see their growth and then they'll let us know when looking at the tracking. It's an incredible incredible growth for our preschoolers. So I'm really excited to share that I our self-contained programs so our self-contained programs just so you up guys kind of understand what the self-contained programs mean. So we have our you know generalized two teacher classroom, but then there are some students that need a very specialized curriculum and what we call ourself a team programs. So we have our elementary PLC and our high school CBI, which are considered our self-conteen programs and we focus on more functional base living and functional based skills as well as academics. I really wanted to focus on our self-contine program because it's starting to grow. so this year what we were able to do is we were able to curriculum math and articulate between ourselves contained programs. So what we want our students to learn what do we need to focus on for students that might not be going to college. That might meet we might have to over 20 till we're 21. And we I instituted one case manager throughout the whole kind of self-contained program World, which really helps and we incorporated more social skills and functional based living. So we have music in art therapy again reading to the therapy dogs. We did cooking classes we did assistive technology integration. So like how to use computers how to use technology We did a completely sensory informed classroom. where the related service providers wouldn't just pull out but they would push in and work on sensory based skills. And then one of the things that I'm most proud of is including the, New Jersey Coalition of inclusive education. So I um partnered with the, New Jersey Coalition of inclusive education and Miss Miller who kind of oversaw some of the self-continue programs and we created an inclusion plan at Tatum for every single child. that was in the PLC program. They got an individualized inclusion plan on how to increase inclusive opportunities, and we met with all of the Tate of teachers on what we call Micro and macro planning how we could involve students in the self-contained program in the larger population of the school whether that was through their programming whether that was through their celebrations and it proves to be not just incredible for the students in the self-containe program, but for the students of Tate on as well, so was really really proud of that. And next year we will kind of continue that process as well and our high school CBI program. It was a full community-based instruction and functional life skills. They created and ran a hot chocolate business, which was amazing. They'd love to do a pop-up at some point. Maybe out of work meeting. We did a ton of community-based strips to the post office. for example board approved, which I really appreciated last minute on our Eagles tour. they got Go to the eagle CDM where there are. workers they are with disabilities and they got to partner with them and learn what they do, which was amazing. Thank you to Colleen Carol and actually Mike who helped really helped us out with our Special Olympics bowling which is really incredible and one of the things I'm looking forward to the most next year is super special socks. We have a student at the high school who created a business called super special socks where she helps students with special needs high Dive socks and resell them as their own business. So next year. She will be partnering with us to create super special socks for our Special Olympics Bowling Club, so that they have software when they're bowling. So I'm really really excited about that and you can see some of the pictures so just so you can you know, so you can see our reading to the dogs the Eagles. um this is the Environmental trip that they went to this is a cooking. so they go down to the cafeteria and learn all about the cooking. Yeah, the Eagles that they went to so the music therapy. It's been really incredible year for our kids. It's all contained environment. and inclusion so I think inclusion is one of the Biggest areas that I wanted to focus on and I think even through the survey that culture and climate survey that we've given inclusion continues to be an area to be looked up. And to start off I always like to say that I'm gonna talk about inclusion about inclusion is on a place. It's a mindset. It's a sense of belonging but here are some things that we were able to do to increase that mindset and that sense of belonging. so we included New Jersey Coalition of inclusive education. We had inclusion week which was really incredible where we did different activities throughout the school and each school did the same activities to connect together. Our disabilities awareness month was incredible. We had various weekly activities from our you know had day to our inclusion night and I will say CPAC and Tatum did an incredible job at our inclusion Expo. So we're inclusion Expo was featured teachers students and parents talking about different disabilities. So everybody can understand what that meant and it went really well. We have peer buddies where different buddies kind of team up for those inclusion opportunities and one of the things that I love to do this year was I met with the PTA and I was able to talk about when they do their PTA events. I gave them an inclusion checklist of things to consider when they're doing their PTA events. They don't have to do it, but just something to So if you're doing something really loud you might want to give headphones or have a quiet space one of the things I suggested was previewing allowing parents to preview the event before it happened to see that we appropriate for their child and PTs have been really lovely about it. hamisi at the now high school did the star games which was a event in Cherry Hill. That was an inclusive game night or game day. It was really really incredible and then next year. We're working on Unified sports today. So we're excited about that. And just some other highlights that I wanted to kind of touch on one of the things I did this year with Mike actually was to completely do a deep dive on a deep-dive analysis of our budget and where are their areas in our budget that we need to increase and where are their areas that we can decrease and I was really able to allocate needs both programming and staff and safe significant costs in our Behavior Services. So because we are actually fostering more Independence in our Behavior Services we were able to decrease a lot of the allocation in that area. There's also been a significant reduction and assistive technology and ideological services and the reason for that is that our slps and our child study team have been doing a lot of professional development in that area and able to do some of those aspects instead of Contracting out. And I say that we saved a lot of money in our budget, but that's all while meeting needs. So I just want to be really clear we are not sacrificing any student needs or compl. Iance litigation so when I came in there were some areas of litigation. I was able to do a deep dive of our previous litigation assess the themes and address them proactively with the team on how we could proactively mitigate and I will say in a positive manner that I that we've been able to reduce a lot of the due process litigation through a lot of collaborative efforts and I think part of that has been with our community collaboration and with parent Outreach and then long-term planning together with the principles. I was able to do a digital Squad projection. sheet for continued numbers and referrals that will allow for compliance. So what I found was that each school was doing kind of a production sheet and said, we just centralized it so that we can make it easier to understand what programs are starting to cap and where we can start to move other programs with space. And the last but not least one of the things that I've been very excited about is I know that we've been creating a new kind of bowl and mission statement. And so just like we do with the budget. I've been always trying to focus on every single thing that we do, how are we fostering academic Excellence lifelong learning and then contributing members of global Society, so I feel like next year as we go into that. Those are going to kind of be my points for professional development. For our services and for our program. S and then just lastly some continued Focus. So my continued Focus will definitely be on those tier one interventions and looking at 504s and understanding the data of our referrals our programming understanding you know, where we're going with our 18 to 21 program continuing to look at our special education curriculum that we're working on this summer pretty deeply with the supervisors and then in general our professional development. So, how can we continue to work on the inclusive mindset one of the things that we're starting our parent academies where our staff is going to give some parent training to parents? that need additional help or just in general want some of that extra information and then always looking at our consistency with schools and programs and classroom. So that's a wrap for me in our kind of whole special education in a year up next we start July 1 we start our extended school year so for students that, you know continue to meet that year-round kind of education and I really look forward to just continue to increase our productivity and special education taking care of our kids. Thank you. Because I just want to add two things. I want to put a number in context with Dr. Blair put up there that 89% of our students with special needs are participating in general education for 80% or more of the day. That number in the state of New Jersey. The average is 45% New Jersey actually is 49th at 50th for their rates of inclusion. so it's a low number but when you look at the Nationwide Trends 60 the number 67 percent, so we are certainly an outlier in the city of New Jersey in a very positive way. We are also well above the national average and I think that just continues to demonstrate the district's commitment. to students with special needs and inclusive programming, which is I know very important to all of us. Thank you. and I wanted to report to clarification one of the things that was up there regarding it out of District placement. You saw the College of New Jersey? No, we're not paying for students to go to a four-year-old. College. It's 21. Yeah, Beyond degree program. Yeah for students with disabilities. That's an approved placement in state of New Jersey. Yeah. Thank you. so hard to educ. children with IEPs up to a certain federal act that federal law. Correct. So some of the and this is one of the things I'd like to explore for our 1821 program in general is there are colleges that Have within the college that I take kids to 21, but not all of them meet our students need so we've kind of have to look. Yes, we are not paying for the the College of New Jersey of four year college. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, really interesting and exciting you and your team have accomplished a lot. stuff with our with our students and families. Thank you. Okay, next we're going to move on to. Ron schwanke and land and Mr. Klaus. ' so, um We're going to look at now. I have some lamb man Architects are our latest architect. We have two people Ron Swanky and Jeff Potter who are here to answer questions. I give a bunch of Stuff and impression. I'm not going to answer. It's like what can people couldn't Say I don't know. Um, we're gonna look at is our submitted referendum scope. So we submitted referendum scope for an upcoming but vote in December. I'm last month. the lrp report then to pointed out kind of the high picture These are what we did and we promise you this month before went away for summer rise. We're going with summer. We give more details for people with no what's happening because we come back in September. We're gonna be ready to go. We want to be able to a chance to get it out there before without just dropping on people. Okay, so we want to say hey, I like this idea. I don't like that idea. Well not um, the mission statements and connect it back to this like I do last week with last month our numbers. We're gonna do friend me. Yes, we have to make some changes do do some things. She's gonna discussion until that next steps. So first thing we need to know is this is an overview of the hot the fire these we have to find identify our needs and saying how we plan on medium. I don't have any numbers. I don't have a dollar figures because we're waiting for the preliminary estimated cost PCS to state will give us those once we have those we will then be able to share the numbers but right now, I have no numbers. Here's an update on the progress. So May 7th man submitted the work of the DOA. the ELO will Give a general overview of signature over the boat being a general overview of this mission on the 23rd. We're discussing it tonight. We're hoping to get our Limited estimated cost made August at that point in time. And this is the case. This is old and blue. We'll go to our bomb Council who will help us write the question for questions. That tells us what we're voting for. what's going into the referendum so until those questions are develop everything can be fluid, but right now You submit as much as you can and pull stuff out because if you don't submit it, you can't get approved. So what so that's why we do with this place. So there's things in here. We spend a whole bunch of stuff. We'd love to see all this happen. We think this is all really good stuff. But when the numbers come back we have to get some responsible if we need to say, hey, look at this look at that that day in August when they go to bond Council they write the question. That's one of you that's when you decide we go right now we still have some some little room. August hopefully, if not, September we presenting the final scope. We'll be back to school nights. We'll be having a talk sessions Town sessions meeting with people discussing why we're doing this what we believe in needs to be done. And then December 10th will be the vote. Chuck who is the bomb Council? I mean it says that illegal also that is in charge of the issuing that side of business so they helped us out when we refunded our debt back in 2001. Yeah, they're the attorneys that help us through that process as well as any issuing of new. There is an example entire or is it like a government? You know, we are. Okay. Well, that's Coleman and It's good. So is our is our goal. Thank you. These are the six areas we identify accessibility additional classroom space Athletics Auditorium Building Maintenance and safety early childhood education specialized learning spaces. median centers as alphabetic is not prioritized of one more important than the other. So this is the alphabetic listing of what we did. So accessibility this probably I will prioritize this, you know, it's first by alphabet is also I think I'm most important that right now we have large parts of our instructional areas that are not accessible to students and staff. They need it and you think with accessibility is important too. I think we think accessibility we think of wheelchairs and like kids on crutches and backpacks Having to go up and down stairs is a challenge too. and accessibility benefits that situation as well. So there's a lot of stuff like that that it's not just oh how many time you have a kid to wheelchair I don't know, but I know we have a lot of kids on crutches with backpacks every 40 pounds over downstairs. Look at putting an elevator. It hadn't right now a whole section of hadn't 30% of had is not accessible roughly. Um relocate the main office it had which is important even with the elevator and make the building entirely accessible. If you want anything in office. You'd have to go to the other end of this building and work your way through I wouldn't be able to go get right the main Ultra right away. the art room. It had will be the only extra special space in the district when this is done if it's successful it is not accessible from the interior. Right now to get access to the art room had you got to go outside and come back in we're gonna make that a different type of room it wouldn't be full-time instruction that way. it can be floated if we need to make a specialized space so that way we'll put the art room in where that's accessible completely accessible all of our playgrounds will have poor to play service all the stadium out back will be made accessible. Um parking lot and move with high school accessible Middle School cafeteria serving line one of the things that server is a pillar, right in the middle of it and I have trouble getting around so certainly people crutches and can't get around us. We're gonna do that. and then the old Ford building the 1890 building we're gonna make that accessible so One reason we wanted to move out that building for our administrator for our leadership teams. We're working in a nonaccessible which is which is not Um additional classroom space. So here's what we did. We set a goal. worked with with Ron and Jeff principles and we said how many classrooms we need around Mentor schools. Came with 23. And where that comes from is 19 generally classroom. So if we go full day kindergarten through fifth grade three sections, that's 18. That's and then a Pre-K is 19. So we would have 19 functional classrooms. so that way Go for like anyone we need an art room. We had a new music room and then we're looking at two flex room. There's Flex rooms could be used for Science World Language self-contained gifted and talented have a lot of have a lot of flexibility to do things to put programs in place, but also, can be used in the future if our population grows which we believe is going to can become classrooms So that way we don't want to do all this work and then two years and saying. Oh, no, we still we can't fit again. So we have plans to use these as World Language rooms as science rooms, but they may become functioning classrooms in the future if our populations grow, so that was important because we had that flexibility to grow. This chart shows us. Where we are, so on the far left that gold is written that this is a 23 rooms. They're the three schools. There's our current fashion situation. The red are are to fit our vision. So right now in Central School we have 18 classrooms having a 17 classrooms. and 18 in Tatum Game has 22 total 2020. So that's where we are. The green under proposed is if what Ron and Jeff. give me because the package together. That's where we are. So you see we hit like that Target at Central and Hayden and today we actually exceeded. right, you have to make 25 classroom potato, which is a crowd of school with we know. believe more people coming so that's why we have that design in there. I would do this. Central School, we have the old 89 billing over office. We're gonna blow holes in the wall and move in right we can put two classrooms a faculty lounge or stuff like that in there, plenty of space at home conversion of the media center in the classrooms. and then they're gonna put an additional on and I classrooms here. So they'll be multiple places we have classrooms in the same thing You take them with an addition and the conversion of me Center to make those classrooms right now. Tatum and had media centers are small and Antiquated and don't really serve a strong purpose. Tatum's actually is a whole way through the middle of it. It actually is it wasn't the end of a building when they put the addition on they just say, hey retail a whole way through the middle of the media center. So that needs to be fixed. There's also another benefit is right now and music classes are in the APR on the stage relaxing have actually music school plays music classroom, so that way that can solve that problem as well. um, we're also going to do this is that this is not a classroom Central Middle nurses office. So Central Middle School has one nurses office and it's kind of small smaller than haddens and I think smaller than definitely small in the high schools and maybe smaller. I mean that same size here. They serve 1,100 kids. It's the largest. bill. It's the largest building in our and A smallest nurse's office. So what we're going to do you also have a nurse office in serving kindergartners next eighth graders. so what we're going to do is we're gonna take a classroom there. It's right next to the nurse's office. that has no windows. It's not really great classroom. We're going to expand and make it Central and have a middle school nurses office and a central school nurse's office. That way they have enough room, right now. There's two beds and in their nurses office in Central Middle for 1100 years. Um, this will make this more adequate space wise and also you better situation with the population kindergarten just eighth graders with very different challenges great needs versus Um, you're the high school C8. is that your lecture lab downstairs. that's gonna be converted into a new classroom for our new business program. um C6, which is a large faster downstairs are gonna be made for a computer science lab. business that's currently a business is that's gonna go across the hall This is the computer science lab not open the math classrooms because right now the computer science lab is taking math b**** that it's that and then see three which is right next to C6 is gonna be a robotics fabrication lab will be connecting room. so you can be working with the computer lab one period and go over and actually then put applications in next year. So it makes for a nice program for that our Pure science program is growing every day, and we can't fit in where it is. So this will be a nice nice solution for that as well. Athletics and auditoriums. So right now we have on the Hopkins parcel. Um, as we said once Cooley Hall comes down. we are going to use Capital funding to build a turf field. We chose that project and we've discussed this before. A turf fields I could get any state funding any state a so rather than fix roofs or whatever with with our Capital money, which will get state aid with referendum. We were putting the field there which we need. Um, the referendum will put a parking lot and lighting and seeding for that field. We also have a plan for full size competitive gym new wrestling room attached that will open up more space. The restroom is the size of three classrooms downstairs. That's a potential the future to do that. This was a balance we talked about Right now we don't need that we have other we have other we have each storage. We have other things but in the future that will benefit that will be able to be converted if we need to in the future. it would have been how much roughly the convert that was not money expensive. So we're saving that there's also a historic buildings there the Carriage House the Maggie house. I have to restored we have to look at that and do those things. Um, and then all of our buildings you'll see this a couple of times. Aprs and the Aging have mercury containing floors. that we keep They're safe right now because we run our HVAC Systems 24 hours a day in there at full full blown that keeps air circulating. So we want to remove those just to be save money on the HVAC plus hit them out. just Right thing to do. um oratoriums high school and the middle school if you've been there auditoriums they are. beautiful where beautiful at one time you want to make a beautiful again I mean, they're Majestic the Middle high schools has Majestic, but but worn down. Um, so we're looking at complete Sound and Lighting converting old locker room the back into a proper dressing room and seating. Um right now it's a shame if you really as well tragically the curtains on the massage are falling down during the matinee lights comes in. It really does make it bad effect. The sound is not great. So looking at doing that and also renovate the Middle School auditorium same thing. what sound curtains and see. Oh the plan that that Ron and Jeff came up with is to fit right now There are 600 plus kids in the School. It holds 300 kids so you can't even get two classes in there. So they're looking at seating pattern should be a most of the kids in there. not all the kids in there. So that way you have a full School. sandwich. You cannot do now you have to break up in three assemblies. This is a big deal. This is something that we haven't talked about. We just assumed that people would just fit assumption. We're gonna do this building maintenance and safety. We're putting a lot of time and effort into making sure our buildings are safe and they're maintained. so we don't have a situation where in the future pushing off and neglecting causes significant Damage, it causes an emergency Bond referendum that Keeps a building standing and from back four or five years. I think we all know kind of idea. we're talking about we don't want to see that again. So A large part is referendum will be addressing the maintenance ability and safety. in this building in high school all new windows and ancuing we joke about it all the time and they are guilties and we have books and things that all the boat because they're not old. the a wang has a couple little topic that has to be replaced the Mercury contained floor that you spoke about. the transfer switcher installation and I'm going to let your Ron or Jeff talk about that because I thought of a giant light switch to turn all the Lights On at once. That's not what it is. It is essentially it is right. Yes. in the last referendum we try to accomplish. ately automatically transfers waited because the device which transfer power from urgency generator just like systems currently based on need in the district. You have Legacy systems emergency lighting and learning as well as it equipment all on the same transfers, which is not a coded line. Situations we want to correct that. and that's basically the justific we're gonna add a second transfer Stitch. We're going to pull the non-life safety system software. separate the Two Fields. Thank you very much Central Middle. I put those two together. We're gonna replace two roofs on on Central School. roof ladders there for safety the Mercury retaining floor. They talked about if you've ever been inside and you looked up that main stairwell in middle school. There's some wood Holby in place. So I'm gonna fix that they completely Do a facade restoration of that stairwell. parcel quarter upgrades and new fire alarm systems address, see that our fire alarm systems are antiquated. Um, we can't get replacement parts anymore, and they are on a very short string. So we need to replace we're gonna have to replace anyway, so that's something we're working here too. where we're getting our our state a reducing that costs. Um, Manhattan new roof roof ladders or contained floor. They're getting electric serves upgrade had to take we're gonna get additions put on so we need to have better electric service to it. Um, this will not affect the fact in the Haddon area. the power seems to go out randomly from time to time. That's not our issue. That's the the polls issue. That won't help that but this is what something will need for the up for the addition parking repairs and upgrades the corridors and firelong systems and Tatum floors elective service upgrade. partial of corridors now looks like 4K is like in a few years ago. A lot of these things are already done it data. So that's why Tatum sees me getting less of these type of these upgrades and maintenance pieces because Katie got a lot of that and in the future in the past, he was also getting a new bathroom a couple new bathroom the summer and see some more things about Tatum coming up. Early Childhood Center, I lose this before. This is the same information. That's life. We had the classrooms we can now afford they kindergarten. specialized learning Pages specialized learning spaces are we were our goal to set this basis for East Building free Elementary School. I mean the center APR speech otbt and then I have seven is actually not sorry. and five small group of structure small group instructions is where teachers can work one-on-one or one or one on two or three with students in quiet places right now. It's done the hallways because there's no way to do it you can be walking down the hallway if you've ever visited Elementary School you've walked in the hallway You see the teacher a child sitting out Doing reading working on math, whatever. it is kind of stuff should be done a hallway, right? So we want to make sure we have places where that can be done properly. The kids can focus. They've got some privacy all those things are really important. Um, this is our current the same type of chart. There's our goal. to have those numbers. Right now we actually need all these exceptically shy on one SGI, but we're going to go see this because But this case in the hallway stuff is not a great deal. We want to make sure that that's in place. um centers this room will be renovated. Not a lot. I mean, you know lots of things a lot of gonna be shelving and those type of things working on the rooms in the back there. Make sure they comes quite study spaces which now we don't have much in the high school Central Middle. renovate that too as well kind of separate two sides of the building of the library. I mean you have eighth graders in kindergarteners and Library together some type of a divider. that's going to make sure you know, which part is Central which far as middle. The other big factor there is that circulation desk takes up about a quarter of the space in that room. They're gonna reduce that significantly, so it's much smaller. So that's a lot more space for the library. I always done here a few years ago or the circulation test here. This is not Library door all the way down to the other one to come out close to where there's pillars were got rid of all that like that's like gives a lot more space in here. hadn't been addition with a new media Center Entertainment edition of the media center. So they'll have brand new media center. suppose. The old anticipated ones. they have now, Um, this is another thing too of the finals that piece is we put in for Rod grants and esip, which is energy saving improvements. These are things we're doing for improvements outside of the referendum where we're getting Aid to help pay for these and esips actually one of being costly night cost. negative because 0 right cost neutral so With a rod ranch. we're doing roofs at high school the high school and Tatum and he said we're getting LED lighting. It came in high school ventilator systems in the seaweing district-wide conversion to for each vac systems and there's even more of these in July which we've been more information. So this is a lot of work being done. That's not going to be part of the referendum that lines up with all those other things. we're going to do but I just want to point this is something we've been doing here to save money as well. go through this. and now it's time for any questions and discussions you have. and if you have anything technical you guys came out tonight, so we come after the question for I just one one thing that I want to talk about because with the athletic. they upgrades to the Athletics. Conceptually it is. even though we have a field and and we have you know, we have places for our students to have sports. Going on after school when there are multiples they can do these simultaneously. Get done earlier, right? So there yeah, so there's there's a 90% of our kids are involve Mathis and isil, which is a freakish number. So you're talking about you know, 800 720 kids doing something. So we're crowded. so we need space but the other Advantage too, which also benefits Community greatly is we have one gym one full size. gym. so when we have basketball practice the boys or the girls are from three to five thirty than 5:30 to 738 then you can come in and use it now think about the same time Youth Sports begins. So practice at 5:30. not at seven o'clock, right? So they're going to bed. It's more appropriate time the same thing with the fields. Um, especially the turf fields, you know, we we can now have lacrosse and football and soccer practicing at the same time. you know right now because track has to have the track any any field score the cross or whatever can't start practicing until traffic is done Sometimes track meets go six o'clock. They can't sell cracking those six slot. Now. You have a cross practice while track is going on. So we're getting kicked back out earlier rather than coming back at night and then we can get used for CR. so it benefits us because we get our kids home. At a reasonable time, but it benefits community. You know, you know you soccer now, Can you run those fields? Morning tonight and and not and get their get their games in and all those pieces hypa benefits from this so really does help the whole community's hope not just us. Yeah, and I want to add to that. We're in a situation right now. where our facilities dictate our programming. So where there's a there's an interest in growing things. They can't and and not just school programming but Community programming. Yeah, right, but we're limited because of space. So if we are able to increase facilities then programming Pro is as interesting. It's right which is which is something that it's kind of an invisible problem because we don't really see it, but you hear a lot of people who would like to especially the community programs and the younger children. whereas there's just not space for all the program that we're there's interest and this will hopefully help not just our school programming but our community programs. you know being able to have a professional basketball games in the second game while other things happening. There's a lot of advantages as far as our kids In fact you have if you haven't had kids know you got a lot of homework. Right, and it's and it and so getting it home earlier. Is it benefit too right? So anytime you can cut that that time they're here and getting them home would have more time to maybe get maybe maybe get to bed before midnight, right? isn't benefit that that's really powerful. So I think that's you know, It's really worthwhile. I think the same holds true for the theater as well. I've heard from different programs that maybe we're interested in renting the theater Community groups, but not having an attached dressing room was an issue for them. I think that helps not just our own programs that also potentially gets community groups more space and some Revenue to coming in from those groups. It's not fun, but it's there. I have walked through some of these faces that I have. never seen before so I had never been in the dressing it. It is astounding not so much of dressing room. That's actually actually the old girls locker room. that when We had the budget cuts in 2009. We had a losing for phys ed teacher that was for this Tuesday. Just District why so then there's times we have one teacher on duty. have something in a dressing in a different building and then the teacher not be there. So you always have to visit teachers on duty a male and female and the female teacher would be up with the female locker room. And that was so now they had we had now we have them both males of females are underneath Jim in the dressing rooms. So that sat naked for two years until the drama club took it over. And now every prop they've ever done use is shoved in there and it's just it's the lockers are still there. So there's no space was having the storage. And the rest of it's just a locker room has been updated in decades it really because It's a shame. It's not right. Yes. I want to thank you. I think you did a great job presenting it. So yeah. Thank you. exciting Okay, we'll move on to the committee reports. Maggie we have We did. I'm pulling up my notes Here we met last Wednesday. and we had a pretty briefing again, June 16th. So the primary focus was Rob Fox gave a really robust. Awesome update about health and PE And it was it was impressive. He has really robust plans that he's working on with all of all of the teams. you know who are supporting that and so I just started this so it worked they're gonna focus on curriculum alignment evaluating equipment looking at participation. sort of data-driven approach to see how also getting Community engagement and feedback They're evaluating the health Ed State recommendations. and there will be representation with one PE teacher from each grade level involved. And he's already seeing interest. So that's great. The committee is forming now. This will run throughout the next school year and conclude in June of next year. budget impacts will be in February and we can anticipate board members a presentation and community in March. and they're getting started right now actually. the other thing Rob mentioned is that he is looking at Middle School phys Ed in particular and seeing opportunities for you know growth in terms of programming and professional developments support. and then our November PD week focusing in this area, which will be for K to Five Focus is actually going to be open to the Camden County community. So people have been excited and receptive to that. And then the other thing we talked about was around Curriculum maps that we will be approving this evening and that has been a vast amount of work by our awesome. Who have spent the last year really doing very rigorous review of Curriculum maps we've heard about this in Prior board meetings and essentially ensuring we have kind of more cohesive programming from K-12. And then the last thing Gino you spoke about the summer curriculum. Work plan and that there has been a lot of work by our curriculum supervisors again to ensure that correct that comprehensive approach that there's kind of a Common Thread from K to 12. Pretty short and speaking Yeah. Um, do we have anything for finance from this morning? Yes. Yes. Craig was at the finance committee. this morning, but he's not here, but I'm gonna give the report so we talked about a few things this morning first. We continue the conversation the whole group had from the board retreat about board goals when connection to the budget, so we talked a little further on how we can track certain categories of funds and how they're tied into the board goals where we left with that was we're gonna we're gonna figure out how to do that this year and then come back to the group. come back to the group and say hey, this is proposed of you and tracking budgetary expenditures to make sure we're getting our district. I said, yeah, I think it's the this is what's possible and then we of what's possible. It makes some choices. So that was we wanted to be attainable. Yeah, and of course, I appreciate the groups concerned making sure it's not too much of an administrative burden, but I told the group this morning Don't worry about that. We'll do it. So that was the first thing we talked about then we talked about. the custodial management. Service contract. We're coming up on the fifth year of that contract 2024 2025 with the fifth year. We will have to go out to RFP for year one. following year 25 26 so educate there are there are managers. They owe oversee the management company and monitor them they do cleaning inspections. We have common goals meetings. We follow up we have summer cleaning with them. as part of services they offer They're actually going to help us out. They did this for us four years ago as well. help us with the procurement process for the custodial management contract. That's actually an agendaum on here. So they're gonna come do that. just to give you a timeline on that. We'll probably solicit some fall Probably come to the board with a recommendation for custodial Management Services in either December or January Pritchard Industries is our the outsourced custodial Services. There are current custodial management company. That's the timeline for dealing with now, so we're coming up in the fifth year and we'll get through that the next few months. Next thing that I brought to the committee, so a little less than a year ago. the the state passed. statute to expand the allowable use for illness Days by by adding more definition to what What employees can? The reasons employees can use illnesses. So for more reasons, so I came to the committee with some data just to show them what the effect of that law change because now I have a Year's worth of data. surprisingly. I'm surprised that really didn't change much than last year, which I think is a great thing, but I would have also seen it if if the the usage of illness days were that much more significant are are substitute teaching bills probably would have been even way more through the roof than they already are, but we didn't see that. so that's good. um, the next thing we talked about was Elizabeth Hadden Elementary school. that's currently a polar location for certain side of town. Twice a year, they're typically there is there's a elections that are held and take place in that building in November. We're not here during that week that the joins the general election. So yeah kids aren't there kids on there? Um in June during the primaries kids are there after this last primary election? billing principle along with Rob Fox. We had a couple concerns that we wanted to bring to we actually started with the Barrow and they connected us with the two administrative representatives from both parties from the County Board of Elections. We're going to meet with them next week next Wednesday. Just talk about some of our concerns. We're also meeting with the clerk herself and then also lieutenant Holloway. they're gonna join us too just to talk about some of our concerns. There's things we have to consider coming up there are going to be other elections that will happen over the next year. of their the junk and the general natural kids aren't in the building, But if we go out for referendum that is that is a December election. what to think about that? Um, also there's also this next year is a commissioner election year so that that's typically may I think that's a May election. Yes. Chuck did mention that when a wing places aren't schools. That is actually one of the Exceptions to or whatever it is to allow our kids to go virtual. So we talked about that and then again, we're going to meet next week. I'll probably come to the finance committee in the following month with any solutions or anything that comes out of. That let me just when I didn't know so we're also not looking. To such a burden and we want to get of it because we this is a service that will give to the community. So weighing the Safety of our kids, but what's all about security? It's all about Securities, right? I certainly would not Recommended virtual day if I mess that thought so we couldn't do something strategically. It's not the pleasure to make it work right because picking up one virtual day in the middle of the year. It's not gonna be effective. Right? So we'll work with with the election came to election board and Barrel. We'll make sure that it's safe and it's fine move on and that the goal is to make sure you can do it that way. Next thing we talked about. in the construction world the renovations to bathrooms at Tatum. They the contractor mobilizes on Monday with the plans substantial completion of August 31st. So it's exciting that begins on Monday. And then we also talked about the bid for ceiling elevator improvements. That's that's a bit that we're going to go out this summer and water contract for this summer expectation, though is the elevator construction the lead time on elevator equipment material. supplies. We anticipate very long lead times. So we don't anticipate starting that job actually starting until summer of 25, but we're going out to be now in anticipation of those moments. And then the last item we talked about was RFP for psychiatric evaluation services. So back in the spring. I solicited requests for proposals for eight different instructional related services otpt Behavioral Services and psychiatrics evaluation Services was also one of we didn't get any proposals back for psychiatrics services. So we're going out again and we're making sure that those who using the past get them are going to answer our solicitation. I plan on having a contract awarded on the July 25th meeting first services. That was it. Thank you questions for Mike. Alright, um, just you're gonna do policy today. Yes, so our policy meeting was on Thursday June 6th. and I will say while we have a number of policies for review. There's actually not too much to report. one thing that really going back to a lot of looking at what words mean and how we can make sure that we're staying consistent among all of our policies. So for instance we're looking at making sure like what how are we defining? marriage and if it's consistent across all policies and I think that's something that we're going to just continue to look at as our new policies coming up. let's see a lot of the policies that we discussed and went over where a lot of mandated policies so really we talked about how you know, what does mandated policies mean and how do we Implement them? And we want to again going back to making sure that the language is consistent and so for example that when we say Department it means the New Jersey Department of Ed like it doesn't mean you know, they hadn't feel Department of Education and other one of the other things that we did discuss was the policy and Gino gave us a great. discussion of the procedure around multi-language Learners and how to how do we survey that and how do we understand? You know where that is? And then what services we have to have in place for that. So again a lot of these are mandated. policies And I think that's pretty much everything. Thank you. any questions or just All right. I'm lrfp Linda. Do you have anything but I guess yeah. negotiations. We've helped the officially ratified the country. Yes, the Mohan signed and so now I guess just Go through the paperwork and look at me. That's the language. Yeah, I want to thank the hea or being such a pleasure to work with I think we we really we really kind of hammered it out and it was great. I you know, it really wasn't as my first time going through negotiations on this end. So it was good. I thought it was great and and you know that the fact that we come to an agreement before the end of this next contract is it's best for all of us. That was great. Thank you. little better exactly especially Shawn. Okay any PTA updates? I have Middle School. Okay. so the middle school meeting was on. June 5th and just a couple of updates on so the teacher Lounge is officially fully completed for the Middle school. And that seems teachers are really happy with that. The recess equipment has been completely replenished as well. And so they're going to be assessing needs for fall. We talked before about the locker room project. So the cleanout is complete and next step is they're going out for quotes for paint in the Bulldog mural. um, and then there are some other just potential improvements that they're still working on getting information on of replacing the lighted sign the gym sound system maybe adding a Memorial Garden. or or a bulldog Legacy gift. I think I don't know if any of those were decided as of yet then just to kind of highlight some of the really great things that the PTA helped with at the end of the year. So there was the eighth grade dance the 8th grade yearbook event the 8th grade swim party. I was love seeing around the eighth grade long signs that were around they had a teacher appreciation year and luncheon and they also sponsored the sixth grade JCC trip. So at the last day of school, that was the half day sixth graders went and spent the whole rest they had pizza for them at the school and spent the rest of the day at the in Medford and from what I heard it was a very good trip. So the next meeting will be in October and that there's still a couple of word positions that are vacant, but that they're always looking for volunteers and really wanted to just kind of stress especially parents in fifth and sixth grade that you know to reach out to anyone that you know of incoming students into the middle school invited to participate Okay. Thank you. Okay, um regulations for Board review the vandalism regulation 7610 assistant superintendent report Dr. Priolo do anything so some some announcements. We just learned this morning that the district we received a grant from the Annenberg Institute of Brown University. for free professional development to the district on top of the building and sustaining high impact tutoring. So that's kind of like our ISP instructional Support Program. Which has been going extremely. well, we're always looking for ways to get better supervisor. Matt dpinato wrote to Grant. So we're going to be participating in those sessions over the summer. No cost to the district are enrichment and intervention programs begin on July 8th. I said in the past we're servicing over 300 students in both programs at no cost. To parents and no cost to our general operating budget. We have allocated some remaining Sr funds for that. We had our first round of math professional development for our new elementary math program. So you're not just again it speaks to the quality and commitment of our teachers on the day after school ended we had over 35 teachers participate in today's professional development and we were able to it was a full day professional development and we were able to structure in a way that would provided three different sessions for teachers. so they could choose which work best for them whether you know, yes some teachers who after the last day of school. They need a little bit of time so, right after school, it doesn't work for them, but we had 35 teachers sign up for today. We do another one Midsummer where we have I don't know I think 10 or 11 teachers. I chose that one. So all the same PD and then third the date for school starts or one of our PD days which you know some teachers don't like PD right before school starts, but they have the option to choose So before the start of the school year 100% of our teachers at the elementary level will be trained at have completed the initial training and that was at no additional cost we were able to negotiate that into our contract. That was very good news. another mathematics PD that we're very excited about it's called building thinking classrooms. So where the majority of our PD is going to focus on K to five with the new math implementation. We're also providing PD for our grade 6 through 12 Math teachers on this approach called building thinking classrooms. It's not a program specific professional development, but it's about how to engage students in mathematics through inquiry-based teaching and learning. And what's also very unique and exciting about it over half the cost is being subsidized by outside districts. where we invited. teachers from school districts throughout South Jersey at the cost of about 900 dollars a ticket. We had something like 16 teachers. outside districts, so we're really excited about that because we knew was a very expensive International Development and collaborative opportunity too. Yeah. Yeah and being able to offset costs and generate some Revenue to help offset our causes I think because thinking of course yes creative really. Well, we had a really robust hiring season so far. we're welcoming at this time 11 new teachers and to have that done at the same time State Testing is going on same time. You're closing out of school. Are in getting ready to open in the fall and all that. Thanks goes forward building principles and keep in mind that every certified teacher that we hire goes through at least three rounds of interviews. Every person is vetted by a panel that includes teachers. administrators and parents many times students at the middle and secondary level so special. Thanks to our administrative team for their commitment and organization. There's nothing more important we do than hiring in my opinion hiring great teachers. And we are very well into the planning for professional development for next year. We were able to secure a keynote speaker for November on artificial intelligence and its impact on public education we established a collaborative relationship with an organization of New York called AI for education and they're coming in providing a keynote in three breakout sessions in North London. That's great. Okay. Thank you. so if you Have anything oh just a couple quick. So Tuesday was graduation is very nice. You didn't get terrorists. It was a bonus. and I was a very nice ceremony. I always always excited to be part of that. My interest team will be working on a district gold. We dropped them out on the fifth. We'll have those ready for approval on the 25th. And then we'll be have our measurables by the end of August. That's about it on that. I also want to say Thank you. Sean. Sean is stepping down from HCA present co-president after nine years six years. It's pleasure working showing. we are will surely miss you. I would have a personal. Thank you for all your effort there for sure. Thank you. Okay, so for me. um, I just I wanted to make one quick note. I know it's been a long meeting, but I feel like the one of the themes I'm seeing throughout the whole meeting. Is this idea of it taking a village and everyone cooperating and collaborating the community the administrators the teachers the all staff what made me think of it to start was when the music program came in and how much it grew and I remember some people had comments in the community of how it numbers were decreasing and we looked at that and we heard people and we were like and the teachers responded the administrators responded. And yeah without all of that and so many people caring I think things go unnoticed and I thought that that was really great example of that also moving the ITT program to the afternoon based on the chief their parents concerns. Um, yeah, and then they just when you were talking about the PTA and all the things they've done so and I know all of our pgas do that, so I just I just want to shout out to us. go ahead and feel like we did a really you you know, it's great. It's happy. so we have our election coming up our the we are in the general election, but petitions are due in the end of July that July we have we usually njsba has petitions on their website and we also usually posted on ours I'll link on the board website we have staff. It's Steph Meg and Rachel are running Rachel's not here today. But are you guys played every run and submitted petition it is available also on the Camden County Clerk. This website. Okay. That's right. I am as well. All right, so great. I don't think gradually. No, I don't. Yeah, no one speak for anybody. Yeah. Yeah, like first week. I'm not sure. um All right. Well the comments. um, well now begin open public comments session members of the community are invited for for office three minutes at this time if you'd like to make an additional comment, you must wait until each person has had a chance to make their initial statement. All comments must be directed toward the board not members of the public according to our bylaws comment session can last no longer than one hour. This is an opportunity for the board to listen, but not to be issues or enter a question and answer periods, Please be aware that not all issues brought up with the board meeting will be resolved that evening we ask you to identify Yourself by In your name in the name of your street before making your comment. while public education can mean emotional issue we strive to maintain a certain level to Quorum public meetings are streamed and available to replay on YouTube and students often participate in meetings at such citizens are expected to maintain atonement courtesy and civility. So I'd like to make up comments. Sorry about that. so fast. On my three thoughts. so I might run out of time and I went to come back. I'm gonna be here to visit. I'll just talk really fast. Um, you may want to hold off on a bond referring them until after the 120 units on Bancroft Plus or figured out. Because you're gonna run out of money with a hundred million dollar cap. Also don't understand the super gym proposed on the Bancroft flat here when classrooms are needed. I'm just concerned about money because you need money for new school. You're gonna run on money. So I'm wondering if you should just wait until we figure out this whole thing across thing. I'm just afraid we're gonna hit the capital right now. at now. We're probably 30 million dollars that we have left on the bond. I think um, but that was one thing. I'm going to ask again for the board of education for the reinstatement of the class valedictorian and Sally tutorium that you have taken away for the last two years. We are j-district school, which is supposed to mean academic excellence. But yet you refuse to acknowledge the top of the academic excellence in both the middle and high school all students cannot be lumped into the same exact level. What would happen to Bob Drew Audrey deriveau if her time was not her exact time, and she was just lumped in with all the other swimmers about the same as her. She would not have made it to Olympic trials, but her specific time actually matters and specific GPA actually matters gpas would determines your class Frank whether or not you missed the cut in the cumada system this year, but there was still two top gpas that typically stand out more than the rest but academic Excellence acknowledgment doesn't matter here anymore this year one of your board members child was number one in their graduating class here at HMHS. They did not get the acknowledgment for Honor speaking at their graduation class but deserve to do so, they're standout students. Let's acknowledge them for being so just like we acknowledge Audrey Audrey Dario for being announc. Lastly that's how quickly I'm asking for the elimination of policy five currently in the news. It's everywhere from the cast review the most comprehensive summary to date 214 studies 21 guidelines the largest review on transgender youth medicine finds insufficient evidence to demonstrate the long-term benefits of medicalizing children who want to identify as a different gender, but this school district has passed policy five seven five six, that is not a required one that both hides this information and lies to parents if a child wants to be a different gender when they walk into this school. Policy 5756 is what is allowing males to use a girl's bathrooms and had to district and some are actually doing so please protect our youth please protect our girls and please join at least 25 other school districts that have reversed policy five seven five six and please starting honest with parents. Thank you. I think Oh Greg said you were like you're here right here. it's like having I I Everyone Tom Hein. I live on Hawthorne Avenue. First like to thank the great ceremony on Tuesday and no it's not easy putting that graduation together. High School does tremendous job or does tremendous job? We've had the pleasure of setting five of our children all five of our children to the Hadfield School District. Comprisingly about 20 years worth of school. We've experienced an incredible academic and athletic achievements some of the athletic achievements. I'll be shocked if they get done in the next 20 years. All five of our kids are off to four year colleges two of which are in grad school one's headed to med school. So we're really happy where we are. We also had the pleasure of raising five teenagers at one time. And I have ended. may or may not have ended with a few of haddonfields finest on our front doorsteps. With that said my wife could not be here tonight. But we both wanted to publicly and personally. thank Chuck, you know, we've known for probably close to 20 years and Tammy who's not here. We want to thank them personally they have been a tremendous asset to our five children as they went through the system. And again, we've experienced this highs and lows things that probably most parents go through but those three have really stood out we wanted to publicly. thank you for that. Um, we're done we're done. We're fine. That being said I have five dollar tuitions. but I wanted to make sure that you keep your foot on the gas about what the doctor presented today. Your 504 program's not where it needs to be. It's just not. Get better. Do better hold teachers accountable. The other thing is is do not stop. lobbying are elected officials for better HIV loss. They're not where they need to be. Everyone knows it. elected officials dodge it Kids are you know, it's it's not where it needs to be. So please, you know, continue that work continue it for the kids and again probably thanking Gino Chuck and I was telling us here. So, thank you. the other comments okay, we will close public session and or comment and we're going to items for Board of Education approval. governance acceptance of monthly HIV vandalism violence reports approval of the board goals approval of policies for first reading and bilingual education and regulation policy approvals for second reading and adoption. kind of a notion Staff and may for shaking her head figure. the session questions comments Thank you. Okay, very well actually, and I'm so mad at myself. I thought that I captured the policy number here if this is just a grammatical thing, so I'll just share with you guys there is there are two paragraphs. Um, I'll share with you know, I think that they're okay. There's one that was probably supposed to be crossed out. There's a new one being at it. So I'll just showed you. Okay, Mike. Nicole. Miss Hollywood. Yes, Mr. Knuckles. Yes, Miss Sonic. Yes, vice president. Oh girl. Yes, Ms. Paneki. Yes. Yes president crooked. Yes curriculum special education approval field trips conferences traveling overnight field trips approval of the Haddonfield accommodations and assessments curriculum map addendum resolution to approve the social studies Curriculum maps. resolution to approve updated science Curriculum maps resolution to approve already classroom math resolution to approve the Haddonfield School District's language instruction educational program approval to adopt and class early literacy screening system. approval to utilize IXL snapshot. dla assessment approval to adopt bookworms CLA curriculum approval to adopt morphine Magic approval to adopt updated units of study in Reading. approval to adopt patterns of Power approval for the development of an accelerated English 9 English 12 course approval of students in grades 11 to enroll in the AP English Literature and composition a privilege to replace the semester course techniques and writing with writing Essentials resolutions between the Board of Ed and Walsh Legacy for homebound instructions. resolution for the with the Board of Ed with yellow school for out of different placement another out of this. Oh, sorry the board of ed and the Gloucester County Special Services School District resolution between the Hannibal Board of Ed and Princeton Child Development Institute for now. That's a strict placement resolution between the board of edit Orchard friends for now District placement resolution between the Board of Ed and a new Grange school for out at District placement resolution between the Board of Ed and new brain school another out of District placement Board of Ed and the Jewish Family and Children's Service to provide job coaching who they spend school year resolution between the Board of Ed and out of sight teaching to provide teachers blind for students. resolution between the Board of Ed and Lark school for out of District placement for two students resolution between the Board of Ed and Yale School for two students out of District placement. motion motion Splenda and staff Comments questions. I just wanted to point out how much good stuff is in this section. I know in curriculum when we reviewed the accommodations and assessments curriculum map. That was a lot of effort. I think it's gonna be really helpful for teachers and special for parents to see as the general tag about the Bible fours. like what accommodation or possible and to help people? Make ends teachers' names those choices. It was a lot of work. Yeah, and it's not right. if finding little tiny little line to approve it. Yeah, there's and it was huge. Yeah, and that's just one of many that I feel like I could say that about so Mike can you cover? Miss Hollywood. Yes, Mr. Knuckles. Yes. I thought yes always president hooker. Yes this connected. Yeah. this dress. Yes president crooked. Yes. Personnel approval of new Personnel transfer salary upgrades mentorary extracurricular coaching appointments leaves of absences in resignation approval the superintendent to award employment contracts for open positions during the 24 the 24-25 school year over the summer. resolution for the student to receive homebound instruction resolutions for this Barringer to process those School sports physicals resolution to approve Ms. Reagan on it to process. HMHS Forge physicals resolution to approve Emily Emily Kramer Cramer for two hours of training one specific student needs resolution. for compensatory Educational Services a resolution to approve the following teachers for i-Ready math training. resolutions to approve District math Specialists to support teachers at training sessions resolution to approve. Thank you for participate in summer workshop for building thinking classrooms resolution for teachers to work with the preschool. BCBS hours resolution to approve Alexa. he on for evaluations and meetings during the 24 summer approval the 24 25 contract for Michael Catalano. resolution for Rowan student to be placed in field experience resolution for teachers to attend one hour meeting during the summer resolution to approve the following teachers to serve for 24-25 science audit committee. resolution to approve teachers to serve in the 2425 Health curriculum on committee. and resolution for students who receive confound instruction resolution for the to a man in 24 days. wife hours for Ms. Brown down and Miss Miller resolution to approve. extended school hours for Miss for a while. ski anyway resolution for to improvements coming to support staff for the 24th summer internship program resolution to approve executive County Superintendent for completion of superintendent America homes. um motion Yeah and machine questions or comments. Okay, Mike. Just yes to all except no to m. Understanding. Yes all I know which letter have don't put that I was a joke. I check to make sure. vice president Yeah. Mistress. Yes, Ms. Hollywood. Yes, president crook. Yes recuse on end. Okay, beautiful business and finance recommendations approval authorized superintendent and school business administrator to pay the bills. authorized the administrator close petty cash approve a homie Financial Group approved educational data services to making like anything approval tuition reimbursements approval of more tuition reimbursements approval more tuition reimbursements approval to accept the proposal from Advocate approve the school business operations Professionals for payroll processing approved standard service contract for RFP Solutions approved for the contracts for the 2425 school year with Frontline. approved executive and execution and delivery of the SDA broad Grant delegation of authority to school business administrator for supervision of group replacements authorizing exact execution and delivery of the SDA Rod grants for Replacements at the high school. delegation of the authority of the business. administrator for supervision of group products at the high school. report of awarded contracts. um just transfer of current year anticipated Surplus reserves approve the submission of the 2425 as esea Grant application acceptance of the nations from the Elizabethtown PTA for BrainPOP. resolution to approve the sidebar agreement with the Board of Ed and the hea for employee tuition students Gap payment of bills budget transfer board secretary's report and past summer report. motion machine And questions or comments. I want to thank the PT Elizabeth mpta for the donation for BrainPOP. Okay, Mike. Miss Sonic. Yes. Vice president hooker. Yes, Mr. Beneke. Yes. Mrs. Yes, Ms. Holland worth yes, Mr. Knuckles. Yes president crooked. Yes approval of the minutes from May 9th and May 23rd, but the executive and regular sessions motion. just Linda questions comments right if I miss one of the meetings and I love to if you watched it. I always if I watched it then I I will I improve them but is that what's up to you? It's really up to you. But yeah. he president The Nike yes this dress. Miss Hollywood. Yes, Mr. Knuckles. Yes the Sonic. yes, but that's Dean oh Okay. Yes, um, I didn't receive future consideration. Of okay, um motion teacher. stuff. Thanks. he week, yeah.