[Applause] this is the planner coming tonight you know is the planner coming tonight no no wow only because the changes from last night [Music] [Music] it's fine I'll um I'll de with the camera right with the room right you found the other one okay [Music] [Applause] okay not St how are you goodness everybody all right all right you good okay we're live yes good all right uh I'm Tom Mckay the vice chair of the hesport joint land use board I'm subbing today for Harold cifer who is the chair who's unable to be here uh we'll have a call to order uh it is 634 p.m. and following that we'll do a flag salute the United States of America to the stands Nation God individual Li and justice for all all right um we comply with the Sunshine Law may I have a reading of the Sunshine Law for this meeting notice that this meeting was published in accordance with the open public meetings act all right there will be no new business after 10:30 p.m. that is no new business will start after 10:30 p.m this is a standing order that we follow at every meeting uh Paula uh would you make an announcement with regard to the June and July meetings which are not being held on the typical first Wednesday of every month uh the June meeting will be held Thursday which is June 6th at 6:30 p.m. the July meeting will be held the second week in July on a Thursday which is J July 11th at 6:30 p.m. please take note all right everyone should take note of those different dates for the uh the meetings um can I have a roll call please Mrs Tori here Mrs Kelly here mayor Gilmore here Mr trochi here Mrs bgio Mr Murphy here miss Costco here Mr Bradley here Mr no verita here uh Mr Holden here Mr C Fifer absent and Mr McKay here all right we have one item uh of new business to do tonight uh aside from resolutions that we will hold it and correspondents that we will hold at the end so this should be a relatively brief meeting because our agenda is limited uh the first matter uh that I'll ask um Council to um instruct us on is uh the consistency review of ordinance 20248 which is an ordinance to repeal and replace uh certain hesport um ordinances regarding affordable housing this is the affordable housing ordinance where uh has been I believe adopted on first reading by the township governing body and the task of the Landy board is to confirm that it complies with the or it's consistent with the plan law and whether you have any suggestions for changes or additions right um before I take a vote um does any uh member of the board board wish to address the new ordinance we're not passing it we're simply uh commenting that it uh that it that it is consistent with uh our uh development objectives might I ask if this has been reviewed by the township committee prior to us looking at it I think the clerk can can sure so absolutely it's um already um been through first reading of the governing body and um myself our solicitor our um affordable housing planner and fair share housing as part of our compliance and our settlement agreement went through many iterations of this chapter 44 it is a very long document but the housing element and fair share plan is pretty much you know you guys have already reviewed that the governing body has already passed it and this isn't element of our requirements for our compliance um you know there are some changes to it uh but the governing body has review it up okay thank you Paul I have a question um the municipal housing liaison is that Paula that is me okay and then who is the administrative assistant is the administrative agent is that an agent okay agent that is uh cgpn who is also our affordable housing planner okay so the yeah the administr or the um affordable housing agent um is who ensures um I say compliance but the 39 units the sale units they're the ones who um ensure that people are Income qualified they they ensure that the deed restriction that's placed on those homes is followed when they're they're they're sold they manage the actual affordable housing sale units that we have in the community okay thank you MH other questions all right because this is a little unique I'm going to uh Advance the agenda and just open this to public comment and there's only two people that I see in the audience I'm going to open it to public comment this public comment is limited only to this particular uh ordinance that that we have before us so uh are from either of the two people any public comment uh seeing both of them shake their head indicating no um I'm I'm accepting that there is no public comment from The Limited yes oh do we I'm sorry I forgot we have one member of the public online all right that would that member just unmute if they want to speak and if not we'll understand that they don't have a comment nothing all right they haven't unmuted so we accept that they don't have a comment for that reason uh so um can I have a motion uh to um uh to adopt uh this ordinance uh of this proposed ordinance you're adopting the resolution supporting the ordinance right okay uh we have a resolution and I can read it to you iang not the whole thing but I we have a resolution which will be 2416 approving administrative Amendment and I you want uh 2418 2418 uh it's a resolution adopting findings and recommendations to the hesport township committee following review of ordinance 24 202 24-8 entitled affordable housing so that's the resolution um can I have someone uh offer that resolution for approval so appr second okay I have a a motion and a second can we have a roll call Paul Mr Bradley yes Mrs Tori yes Mrs Kelly yes mayor Gilmore yes Mr trochi yes Mr Murphy Mrs Costco yes Mr no verita yes and Mr McKay yes okay uh the next order of business on our agenda will be the minutes of the January 17 2024 meeting I make a motion that we accepted file minutes of the January 17th meeting uh Mrs Kelly you were not here at that meeting okay I'll make that motion I'll second okay mrsy yes Miss Costco yes mayor Gilmore yes Mr trochi yes Mr Bradley yes and Mr nov verita yes all right um minutes are adopted we have resolutions we have three resolutions on the agenda 20246 17 and 18 and we we've already done 20248 we've already done 20248 yes so 16 will be the next one this is a a resolution approving administrative Amendment to the subdivision plan of um hesport urban renewal for a fence installation um block 42 Lot 1 comma [Applause] 05 I'll make that motion thank you do we have a second roll call Miss Costco yes Mr novita Mrs Tori yes Mrs Kelly yes Mr Bradley yes Mr Hing yes and Mr McKay yes now the next resolution resolution and the last for today is resolution 20247 it's a resolution memorializing uh a decision on uing auto recycling LLC which I believe is the dealership on Route 38 as we will recall uh actually it's on hesport Mount Laurel Road is that hesport Mount Laurel Road yes the okay that's the old cross Auto okay getting my names mixed up so this is the appeal of a zoning officer's decision on continuation of non-conforming use permitting Auto Sales and um uh the board uh allowed uh the auto sales to continue on the non-conforming use as I recall so can I have a motion to adopt resolution 20247 so moved second I apologize uh the ones you can vote on that is Mrs Tori Miss Costco Mr noita and Mr Holden second I first so moved we have we have a motion and a sec and a second now so roll call please Mrs Tori yes M Costco yes Mr Nita and Mr Holden uh now we have correspondence unless there is some particular correspondence that the board wishes to discuss and we're happy to do so but if not then could we have a motion to receive and file the correspondence a through K I make a motion that we receive and file the correspondence a through K I have a second on that second roll call Mrs Kelly yes mayor Gilmore yes Mrs TTY yes Mr trochi yes Mr Murphy yes Miss Costco yes Mr Bradley yes Mr noita Mr MC yes next on our agenda is time for any professional comments uh having only our solicitor here we have any comments from I have no comments uh now we have uh item 11 for board comments are there any board comments that the board would like to raise at this time hearing I if I could just make a note uh with regards to correspondence G it does say um in the title proposed Warehouse I just wanted for the record um for the board and public to know that this is as indicated for performance bond release which can't be done until the project is complete deemed complete by our professionals that is a completed Warehouse that's not a proposed Warehouse yeah Blue Water uh is um and again be corrected but that's more in Highway correct and I must say that that is one very nicely designed and landscaped structure from my point of view I know there were some residents that were concerned about the size of that and where it is um and they may still hold those opinions I don't know but as one U member and citizen I just think that that job was really nicely developed and it's actually a a nice addition to that corner which is you know busy corner is that where House have a tenant no not yet neither do the two on route in Lumberton actually the three in Lumberton the two on 38 and the one on the bypass there seems to be a great appetite for warehouses though so I would think that it would all right uh we now have uh public comment uh item 12 are there any public comments yes ma'am please come up and give us your name and uh where you live in town and um uh good evening Deborah paa 50 bankr Lane all right what would you like to address to us tonight in public comment I'm here on item J correspondence that was received I don't I have an objection I don't know whether or not you want to hear me this evening um because I know that the uh r&m will at some point be seeking a hearing on their easement request so I don't know if you want to hear my objection tonight given the fact that it's not represented well it's not that we don't want to hear your objection but I'm not sure that your objection will do any good in this body I think and I'll ask our solicitor to to confirm this I think this matter is in litigation this I consider this to be a Township matter the township attorney is not here to respond and I don't think it's appropriate for the board to consider any comments about a matter that's in litigation when the attorney handling that litigation is not here yeah I think it should be discussed yeah what I can tell you um is that I I'm not sure what litigation you're talking about but I do know of my own knowledge that Creek View Homeowners Association had filed suit against r&m but that lawsuit resolved in April of 2022 and there's a settlement agreement that was filed back in two years ago now all right so I don't know whether or not there's any new litigation yours I may I may have Miss I may have Miss spoken but yeah we we can't we've U the matter has moved from this board and um while you know we're we could hear your comments tonight it just won't serve any purpose okay well um I'm not gonna I'm not going to waste your time then but I will just let you know I did submit a a packet a letter with exhibits and gave everybody hard copies so you can take a look at it your leis and we appreciate that and um you know I trust you you sent it to Township committee because that's where it ought to be uh uh well you know it's it's interesting I I did go in front of them and they said that it would be more appropriate in front of the land use board so so that's why I'm here tonight so um our our Council suggests otherwise yeah so well in any event it's you know whether it both both uh the committee and you guys um are aware of my objection so and uh and if there's ever a hearing by r&m I'll I'll make my objection at that point we are and and you know what I'll do I'll I'll ask our Township Clerk to mark your submission to us as um a new item L under correspondence for this evening and will'll receive it and file it along with the other correspondents I appreciate that thank you okay thank you have a good night um Paula can you did that take care of that thank you is there any other public comment yes please come forward give us your name and where you live that's item what good evening Deborah Harris 7 Elenor drive so I rise tonight and go on the record and make a record in support of what is now apparently exhibit l yes exhibit L is um the letter from debah Debra Pia dated April 28 2024 so for the record I am also an attorney my specialty is Criminal corporate law insert your laugh here um so I do support um this objection and I'd like to enter for the record my own objection to an easement for this particular development and as well any type of procedural vots that would move this forward um obviously you haven't had a chance to read Miss pla's letter so I won't duplicate um what she said but as an attorney I would support fully her legal arguments um in her statement about the shark case law that is relevant case law and it should be noted by this Committee in terms terms of its seriousness for ramifications Financial ramifications for the Township in the form of litigation which the cost of litigation cannot be contracted away other potential obligations for maintenance potentially of a pipe if that was to move forward so she presents a lot of excellent arguments and as a resident I'd like to again make my on the record support for her letter and her statements and my objection for this easement overall thank you you're you're here speaking on your own behalf I am on my own behalf I am a resident but I happen to also be an attorney right I just wanted to clarify that you're not here also on behalf of any client I do not represent any clients that have any interest in this matter I Rise solely on my own objection as a resident thank you thank you thank you uh uh are there any other people in attendance that wish to make a public comment anyone on the uh the line um who's watching on the computer wish to make any public comment if no one unmutes we will assume you have no comment to make no no one has unmuted and no one from the audience has raised their hand uh so at this point um I'll ask for a motion to adjourn I'll make that motion second second all in favor I any opposed meeting is adjourned thank you all