and then also go to okay you didn't see it at the bottom thank okay I tried good how are you sir behaving yourself behaving you so uh down to the right oh yeah remember him all of a sudden they just move Bruce you're over doing good she's been a battle we Ian I went today to another Che you have to sh don't know I know don't I did what's oh you're you're welcome hi to how are you want me to pick that up for you no I can get it you got it we need okay where do you want it just in the middle closer to H [Music] I did you fall you know I'm not being C but see this is what I was talking about you're looking at 2023 being treated so that's why it's I don't know glad you show me put it in my so who do I have who do I have to say who do I have to say that sounds like my son coming down between you but that's we have aior you you let me know well we don't have Mr kry we don't have El I miss that one's not coming so the CH and fashion the first thing really we got we got that might be got over the getp by a truck State Park yeah expecting a long meeting yeah is your mic on you do grab grab was give you got to give it a minute you got to give it a minute but it was really something like it was if you talk okay see I had funeral that was the spare one tell you happening yeah that's number one I put a new battery in it and then beautiful day man beautiful week every day testing testing testing testing testing that that's dog C anding and all that stuff don't remember that it got well because we didn't have it it was on the agenda here was postponed to but I don't so how's the mayor doing the red light how are you okay you fine I I went for an EMG today sh nerve problems that's not what's an EMG needles they check the electric of your nerves it's very painful old quite a while ago go I like it yeah well I'm ready go ahead and online ready yeah okay I'm not I got to get up call to order please will everyone rise for the flag salute flag of the United States of America the stands one nation God indivisible withy andice may have a reading of the Sunshine Law please notice of this meeting was published in according with the open public meetings on okay in an announcement we will have no new business after 10:30 may have a roll call please Mrs Tori here Mr McKay here Mrs Kelly here mayor Gilmore here Mr toochi here Mrs bajio here Mr Murphy here miss Costco here Mr Bradley here Mr noita here uh Mr mclin Mr Holden absent and Mr C Fifer here we have a quorum yes sir okay next items for new business we have a request for one-ear extension of the time resolution 22-3 regarding uh BTC third hesport urban renewal um need a motion in a second on that that motion well we have a representative here oh we do okay Mr chairman I'm Clint Allen from Archer grer I'm sorry counselor go ahead I'm Clen Allen from Archer and grinder on behalf of the applicant in support of the request I'm here to answer any questions display information that the board may have in support of our request for the one-year extension board have any questions professionals I mean just maybe just a a statement as to why the request extension is requested that's a great question sir and the answer is we are still in the midst of going through the land swap for lack of a better description or land exchange with njdot to create the new drug handles contemplate as part of the site plan approval that that was granted by this board uh we're asking for just a one-year extension to get the approval that continued shelf life until January 5th 2025 uh that will help Shore up our portfolio of approvals uh we'll keep financing lenders Council happy uh but we are in the midst of uh really we're deep into that dot land exchange where Agreements are starting to be exchanged with the Attorney General's office for DOT and all the alike that we've been trying to get through for some time so we just need that one more year extension just so we can get hopefully to the Finish Line with do and then perfect our plan so PR so presently you expect to be able to get everything necessary from do that's that right now we're on the that seems to be on the horizon with about a year from now uh but we're truly optimistic just because of recent developments with do where now attorney general uh Deputy Attorney General David Kaylor is now sending over agreements uh right and now that's kind of a big deal if you worked with do before and I got a feeling you have when you start to get to those developer agreements and those purchase sale agreements in the light that's when you know you're really getting closer to the finish line Thank you thank you um I I have a question not only for you but for Mrs um tyer if I'm not saying we're not going to Grant this request but if we Grant it and let's say it's September and you're all clear with everything can they get back on the uh uh in the queue earlier or do we have to wait till January 2025 me there they've already received their approvals they're just they're trying to get all through the compliance okay so it's not it has nothing to do I just want to make sure it wasn't something that has to come back to us okay thank you any other questions okay we have a motion in a second a motion we Grant the approval second exension second okay extension right cor any questions on the motion hearing none roll call please Mrs bgio yes Mrs Kelly yes Mrs Tori yes Mr McKay yes mayor Gilmore yes Mr trochi yes Mr Murphy yes Miss Costco yes and Mr CER yes Mr chairman members of the board professionals thank you very much for granting our request okay thank you counselor thank you have a nice evening next is um case b is carvalo carpentry 2611 Mar Highway uh coun Mr CER yeah uh that case will not be heard this evening they did not give for notice so they're going to have to read advertise and all that and they'll be back for uh the March meeting so we don't have to do anything on that matter we don't have to do anything okay makes that easy um next is C case 23- 11a 735 North Clinton um counselor mcandrew please it's all yours good evening I'm Pat mcandrew I'm R the applicant Pat if I can Mr chairman I don't know if folks who are here understood what just happened or if they're here for carvalo we are are neighbors so that all happened kind of fast so maybe we should uh that's me I'm going quick okay Mrs tyer could you repeat what you said with regards to carala uh the applicant is required to notify everybody within 200 ft of the uh property and doing that they made an error so they cannot be heard this evening they will have to read advertise and re notice to everyone within the 200 fee and put it in the paper again so they cannot be heard this evening okay it be heard next month yes as long as they do the advertisement correctly yes and what's the date of that uh I think it's March 7 you're going to get Reen noticed in the mail because they have to redo everyone okay okay right thank you very much for your time it's first Wednesday thank you Mr Taylor okay counselor okay um in order to uh recap a little bit let me go over some of the history of the case uh we were here in May last year board granted a use variant to allow uh basically internet dealerships for cars operate out of this site um we had certain limits in that resolution in terms of the number of dealers um the person living in the house would be connected to the business things like that and I think the idea was it was a very low intensity use because it was going to be internet base and cars would be delivered to a person's house not the site if we would have cars on site there'll always be two per dealer and basically to meet New Jersey requirement uh historically old requirement that you could hang your license in an office you'd have at least two deal two cars on site for that dealer so we'd have 15 dealers in inventory but people would not be there every day c not be coming and going like a traditional car dealership we were here for site plan approval which was condition of the use variants in December and I think the board wanted to see uh more detail in general uh picture of the house painted what that would look like what the sign would look like and also what the lifts would look like we are stacking cars in certain parts of the premises too high so we did those things we submitted revised plan tww high tww high yes not not t High yeah yeah okay I only have one was not so funny jokes no I I like it I I thought it good um I only have one witness o Mr Nicholson to basic what I like to do is recap the changes in the plan and should B Be reor sir do you affirm that the testimony you give tonight will be the truth nothing the truth I do you're [Music] still counselor has pretti fine been here enough time excuse me theion amount to number one we' moving about a 4ot strip of assle across the front of the site moving the parking back away from room 38 so the landcaping is increased in the area in front of the building and we' had Foundation plans in front of the building and we still have seven spaces facing aboutt further back this land speak y yep and then we also moved the four spaces that were the west of the building they used to have two spack and two unstacked spaces there we made them all unstacked spaces move them further back as well as we moved all stack spaces behind the building further away from the building a little bit and the residential spaces that are next to the site we've added a couple additional building mounted lights to enhance the lighting on the site and we've uh added some additional Landscaping we agreed to fly with Mr Taylor letter about the additional Landscaping he would like to see we can agree to do that take care his satisfaction when you submitted supplemental plans after the last meeting you also submitted a rendering of what the house would look like yes and you submitted another what the sign like panels for this yes and then some question about what did the lifts look like for the vehicles that would be stacked one over the other and you spit that as well yes I did okay and when you went over um Mr T Taylor's letter so was a request for I think additional shrub planning and also additional tree planning work out some of the Landscaping details that's agreable to is there any other issues that we need to discuss resolve that are open or aare of a good thing okay um Mr mcandrew are you going to address the tailor the recent tailor letter February 2nd [Music] 2024 in the letter there calling out on variances and uh different dimensional both most of those are result of existing buildings structures they're all result of that I guess U there's no new construction in terms of adding on to a building or making the building bigger in any way that's correct so everything we're doing with existing except we are removing the back porch on the house correct okay and then where are the cars stack over the they located on the site they're all located behind the house fur yes's letter noted there's no loading space and how do we operate without a loading stre so P what what number are you is it me it's tell to knock it off somebody's trying to adjust it to knock it off I to KN it off um Pat we were on B2 right you're basically saying a through b are the existing conditions correct it sounded like you were saying that you didn't need any other Varian but I think we have a few in there fgh racking I and I just want the board to be clear there are V new variances that are required they're not all I didn't understand why the vertical storage needed separation ised U but you did call that out so we would need that order so our Orin has a provision that accessory structures have to be at least 10 Kathy from the from a principal structure so a trash enclosure a parking garage a parking lift or any other similar structure has to have a 10 foot separation from a principal building okay then each lot cover cage we're actually decreasing lock coverage by over a percent by removing some of the paving correct okay and then the vegetated area we're increasing from 20.5% 21.7 so those non-conforming situations are getting improved at least um and then G is the side yard setb back for those same structures I think we skip that okay you're treating the lifts again as a structure access um again that's just to facilitate storage uh it's not a structure like a house or a shed or anything um bill can you go over the parking on the next page and explaining how we're parking yep try so there are seven spaces in the front of the site basically 38 bill when you when you go through this and I'm sorry to interrupt in the beginning but our ordinance doesn't talk about vehicle inventory storage you can store as few or as many vehicles on your site as you choose for inventory this 10415 talks about vehicle parking spaces customers and employees only so of the seven spaces along the front only two of those are parking spaces correct correct so five of those are where you're storing your stuff that's correct so I think for the purposes of the variant the the 30 you can talk about where they are but they don't they don't count toward the parking our parking requirement says you know 10 spaces plus one per EMP employee so that doesn't count those those vehicle spaces so I think we need to you can show for reference what the testimony needs to be because I think you only have five parking spaces on site so that needs to be the Rel that's correct right so I think we need to identify those five spaces and the relief be based on those five those five spaces are located two of them are on the front facing close to driveway the two residential spaces to the east of the building and they one accessible space the east of the rear building all the rest of spaces are so inventory yes right so that's a total parking requirement on of 27 spaces yeah Mr Nicholson what was your last comment I didn't I didn't hear what you said about the all the rest of the spaces are the inventory the deal inventory spaces okay why the five parking spaces we're talking about how do they how can they work with this dealership site well two them are allocated to the residents as required by the residential sit is blue standard right so there's two for the residents and there's three for the uh for the dealership portion of the site which is the two out front which is one customer one employee and then the one accessible space okay I think was a condition of that only one dealer could be on site at a given time I understand correct yes so that that's one reason why par works you only have one deal and then the customers were supposedly going to be doing this on the internet and then the delivery would be to their house we didn't need a lot of customer spaces that's correct okay and when you add that up the house complies with rsis and then the other parking works because one of the employees lives on site in the house and the dealers only come one at a time correct the next question was about circulation and also loading you talk about that well the fire officials is okay at the site as far as he's concerned so I think circulation from a fire standpoint is covered um as far as circulation loading I don't think there's any loading necessary they drive drive the cars on the site as is they don't unload them from a truck was approval that driven on site they're all driven on site um there's discussion about further testing if necessary to follow up on the phase one that that's agreeable to theant yes and what was the results of the phase one phase one phase one it address the uh septic system longterm storage of hazardous sub substances and petroleum products from the previous uses and the uh and the existing hydraulic lift in the service station so those three things were um noted in the uh in the phase one and we agree with that is there a problem we don't know wasn't whether there's a problem or not was not they just identified it so to them to show us that it has no problem so they're just three potential sources of a problem yes bill number five deals with the driveway can you discuss that sure well is that let's go back to can we go back to the testing sure um planner says in his report paragraph 4 C4 testimony should be provided regarding the results of the phase one environmental site assessment I would say that what Marty just read is partial report on results it doesn't really go to the ultimate issue of is there a problem there well I think the my recollection of page one is it does with three areas of concern and there had to be some follow-up work done which would be the phase two part right and we're agreeable to that make sure it's clean you're gradable to the phase two are there any um are there any uh time frames proposed Marty for that generally recommended to get phase two accomplished uh there is as far as I know there there is no time and it's up to the applicant to address the uh the issues and uh they will find out from getting into it how long it's going to take I I have no idea right but Bob let me just talk about you know they've got to do a phase what we're calling the phase two evaluation but I would think the town would want that done pretty quickly so that that if there is a problem then it could be addressed I would I would assume that they have to uh they won't get permission to start working on on the site until they address all of those issues so the time frame is up to that yeah I I assume the C would have issue the work like a completion see until that was done test I don't know about that well it's the question I guess is it's two parts one the testing and getting the results and part two remediation if needed and when that gets done and how does all of that play into the issuance or non-issuance of the CEO so I I think that that the remediation itself can easily be tied to the co we don't want people inside the building until we know it's cleaned up as much as it needs to be inside the property actually yeah not just the buildings um in terms of when the phase two that sets forth what needs to be done normally we would see things like that tied to either resolution compliance in the signing of the plans or the latest would be prior to the issuance of a zoning permit or building per that way before they start construction we have a sense of what has to happen on the site so those deadlines should I would think be incorporated into the resolution I think just so everybody has a clear understanding right so we don't have to go back to this this transcript to to understand that we have it right in the resolution and and I think also we we Mr Taylor's letter and paragraph C number four where you said that uh soil and groundwater testing and sampling may be required it is required okay and and what Mr McKay is saying that you can't proceed and start to occupy the pr premises until it's resolved so that would be a condition of approval right yes that's instead of that all that study and Reporting do you want to do that as part of resolution compliance or do it prior to build a permit isn't that the same thing pretty much pretty much I think it's the same thing so then the condition is the phase two will be submitted as part of resolution compliance and then any necessary remediation or clean up will be completed prior to the issuance of the co or TCO is applicable that makes it clear everybody your bill number five was the driveway and also number six was curbing you discussed both issues yes the U driveway issue is on the west side of the site there's a gravel driveway the property we originally show all this area to be removed realiz the driveway service I think maybe through here so now continu on our sary at all okay the driveway we're talking about stay in place where it is for the and part reming connection our s w be D So to avoid any potential for somebody wanting to sort of sneak through that drive that's been used historically can we put Ballard or bumper blocks or curbing or something in there is how many access points off the gravel drive onto the site are there just one two I mean potential access points for a trespasser we just talk only one just one yeah I think they have fencing in the rear on that leftest side on the the location in the rear that would be an opportunity and they have that fenced yeah as long long as that I'm not sure that fence the plans don't really show whether or not that fence is what but I think we can do do bers or what if you did a u short sections one one or two whatever it takes of U you know a split rail fence or something like that I mean it's not it's not to get people out just right just a visible barrier right and so a truck doing a delivery is sort of incentivized it's only 10 of grass right we can make that a u shap drive right so does that work Mr McAndrews if we split rail fence yeah yeah split rail fence sounds a cedar or whatever wood that just will fade and blend in for durability I would actually we've done some very low guide rails that are actually split rail f they rot after 10 years and they break doing a 4x4 post with a pressure treated rail that's about 2 feet high will last 40 years and it's the same okay so we'll say a guide rail Ballard or something similar sure in number seven the vertical racking system we did did excuse me did we express six with the carbing you're asking for waiver there right yeah Bill described that it was not needed it was only in a few areas we talking about you weren high volume areas okay sure these are called deer best of my knowled only two of these state of New Jersey one is owned by the P Senate President SW down V area the ones in C called the dealer form where bunch of dealers come in and the towns um I don't not many towns that I know of allow and zoned them okay um the pictures look nice and everything but I have a problem with the first problem is see the off Street loading I don't know of a car dealer that doesn't buy from auctions or or dealers dealers or not and the way you get cars shipped from auctions is generally a tractor trailer that would show up so I don't think we really address three as far as off Street loading I Envision a tractor trailer sitting on 38 and unloading uh cars okay so I think there needs to be some testimony that uh that's not going to happen and um what teeth the municipality has in preventing that and the other thing is you know we cramming 15 guy dealers in here they're going to be cars all over the place I mean this just I just don't buy a lot of the testimony and that's just a comment so but I would like to you know I ask at the plan Bo at least address number three and some of this parking how um how 15 people only one's going to show up at a time I don't see it work I don't see how it's going to work I'm not saying not going to work but how you going to enforce that one you know in addition to that three how one deal is going to be there at a time I mean who is there is there somebody that you know he asked permission well can I come to work you know I mean well I think we went through this a lot with uh first I think this the use variance Hearing in May and also we did go through it again I think in December but basically it's all internet bait so the dealers are not sitting in their in their little cubicles they just need a Township to Zone a desk and basically we're done so our clerk signs off on their de on their license because it's zoned as a as a as as a used C dealer so you're right they just need some clerk somewhere to sign off that this has been zoned as a car dealer but saying there's still cars you know yeah I mean what you're saying is going to happen guess it's kind of okay and I guess maybe these dealer forms are starting to proliferate you know many municipalities but again I don't see the unloading um I see a lot more cars um well the the the testimony during the the use part the variance was basically that we would not first we have one dealer on site at a time by appointment only well well first they don't really number one they don't really need to be on site because they're doing the sales on the internet and the deliveries are being made from the auction or another place to the house we went I think um so who's going to clean the C where do they get where do they get tra so they go get a car out Au and they bring it where's it go and is that up to each individual dealer where he gets them the prep work going to be done here no the prep work is not going to be done here and customers are not going to come here we I think we discussed this U no I was here for the whole thing but I didn't want to hear again so you just need the municipality to Zone it a used car lot so you can give these 15 guys a desk and our sign off that this is a used car that's what basically you yeah we need a place to have two cars stored and a place to hang or license basically but the delivery will be offsite and the sales will be internet based tractor trailer there unload and stuff on 38 ever correct that was I think that was a condition of approval it could certainly be a condition of site plan approval and the next question is what what what legal precedent does the municipality um fall under the grant 15 20 30 10 dealers what what do we you know where's where where the municipality obligated in so far as how many I mean would it be prudent for the municipality to say well we'll give it we'll give it 10 and then see how it goes you know go to 15 five or um what do we well the the use Vari the use variance was conditioned on 16 and we we modified that because the site plan yielded less so we reduced it to that right they Pro the Vari 15 16 already that's not correct the use variance was use Vari did not set a number said that that determination would be made at site plan okay yeah the plan that we showed for the use variance showed 16 and as we evolved the plan and came back for site plan it's now 15 was there any state law that affected that number no heard some testimon that there was rest no yeah I think it was left what would work on the site what would my suggestion is start smaller and see how it goes andc can always come back more I just think 10B you know what in a 5B bag that's my com so so so we have a clear record then just to recap what was just what you guys just discussed um there you have 15 dealers on site and there'll never be more correct in theory there's 15 licenses 15 on site okay there should never be more than one physically on site there will only be the 15 licenses on site but only one dealer are at a time physically on site working correct correct and then the cars that are spotted per the state law that you've given us you have to have two vehicles per license so 2 * 15 yeah there 30 some inventory spes right so there'll never be more uh well there could be less there'll never be more than vehicles for sale on site yes correct okay and there'll never be just raises another there'll never be any car trailers either the big ones or the small ones parked on Route 38 unloading cars to be put on the on this lot correct the the testimony was the deliveries here would be driven by a driver driving the car right so the the 30 cars that we just talked about they're going to get there and leave by being driven by somebody corre as opposed to being trucked inre am I correct right just trying to summarize all the facts so so we know what they are and trade inss are not brought to this site either correct they're taken directly I mean maybe I'm missing there there's five for parking generally and then there's 30 inventory and some of the inventory are stacked to high okay so you have you have a yes and there's no no elevators you on on the of the high that's the right there there's no second on the highway correct more in front of the house very ambitious very all right just one sort of uh related question are the the 30 cars that I'll call inventory on the site they're for sale assume correct could be theoretically they could be sold not going to sit there forever so what happens when one of those is sold is the customer come and pick it up is it it out could be deliver it to house so it's they're delivered okay and then Along Comes a replacement car to fill the spot correct okay 15 you truth truth truth you identify yourself and what is your connection to this applicant uh this I am I am the okay so your half of can you spell your last name sure R zebra T So if I could concern there's going to be very little activity on the property itself in fact most of the dealers aren't even going to want to go because most of most of the activity is done online this business is extremely active so most of the activity is not going to be on site the whole point of this is to fix up the property make it very clean and it's really not going to disrupt the community on a day-to-day basis if I all make go to live there he's going to maintain it a couple you know a couple of appointments to move some cars but it should really not be an effect on the community whatsoever help me as a naive car buyer then if I want to buy a car from one of your 15 guys sure how do I go about doing that so it's it's a very it's a very relationship it's a very relationship type of job where you get in with different types of friend groups and different you know different friend groups get into one another so they you know they kind of um it's kind of word of mouth but there are also websites you you could go on websites and you could you could find these cars online give us a call and it's a very um it's very white service so you can send recommendations we'll come on site I'll come with the car I'll pick up the car and the effect on the property is none at all okay so I quote you up and I say I want a 2020 Mustang red convertible give you specs and you say okay let me see if I can find it and and you go find it sure yeah so either auctions um you know there's dealer uh communities um I will come to the I I will pick up the car I will meet the customer at his wherever he chooses at work or um his house um do the exchange bring all the prop pap proper paperwork and the the the site has nothing to do with you know the the site is the site will will not be effective and just a follow up on that what if I'm driving down Route 38 and I see the sign and I say to myself oh a car dealer let me pull in what greets that potential customer sure who pulls in off the highway yeah so it is a free country uh they people are welcome to come in but the but the inventory will be extremely uh will be ex there's only 29 30 yeah 30 cars total so um it's not going to be he's not going to have um The Pick of the litter as they say We'll recommend to go onto one of our websites or we can have one of our dealerships one of our dealerships call them um to you know follow up accordingly and plan so we will essentially ask them to leave and go on a computer and check it out then we can meet them at their at their house okay last question yeah um the drive by car traditional car dealers use car or new car and you sometimes see strings of balloons you see all kinds of banners you see Flags you know sale today or super sale or whatever um I'm I'm assuming and I want you to confirm this that none of that will go on on this site sure yes it will not go on that is that is confirmed that that that is not our marketing strategy our marketing strategy is much more into digital marketing online marketing in fact it's much more um it's called optimization right so you know targeted ads um it will be an extremely tame site in fact most people will not be there they do not want to be there because that's not where the business is and there's a huge online business um so that's our target audience um just to fix up the property create 15 jobs for 15 individuals to create uh business and then we have a business plan behind it so year one expectations year year two expectations so on and so forth and um this is an our first um this is in our first uh Rodeo um we we're experiencing this we treat our properties well and um okay and you have another another business that operates like this oh where Del or what's the we do you have the website for that 2860 Ro 2860 Road you're going to have to help me with that one Old Lantern Old Lantern Road o o g e town yeah hold on okay you have and you have multiple dealers doing an internet is there a website for them yes do you know the [Music] website yes I have a question something you just answered Mr McKay's question sure you use the word we what is the ownership 735 North Clinton Avenue Inc is the applicant correct correct okay now you work for that company correct I'm the I'm the president of it yes I'm yeah I'm I'm and and how are you related to the gentleman you're asking questions of behind Mr Nichols this my father okay that didn't come out in the beginning that's why I just want to clarify um and the in answer to Mr Taylor's question the other facility that you have is another Corporation in Delaware right correct but I'm not sure but I thought there was some testimony that there was another facility that you have in New Jersey up towards Trenton or something yeah and and okay then what's the name of that entity it's 745 northon Avenue the same as this one yeah yes it's Corporation it's Corporation comparation two properties you in aor I mean Chairman's asking what is the name of that what is the name of the dealership in train dealersh says3 right so that's the name of the corporation I think the chairman was saying what's what's the name of the dealership a minut I right has a call you know my only point right now just Mr mcdang so you know where I'm coming from now I'm not trying to make things hard but Mr Taylor asked a specific question got an answer now we're getting two more answers it's like how well I think we're also talking about two different things Clinton Avenue I think is a more traditional car dealership the question was do we have another internet based dealership and we do but it's in Delaware Delaware so the traton one is a regular dealership you could drive by pull in yeah with the usual the usual F okay but you're going to use another one in 474 Clinton just regular dealer where is that located Trent in Trenton also yes that's the address in Trent I assume H it's the it's it's the location in Trenton yes this Clinton this Clinton Avenue address is where the the traditional dealership is in Trenton right one two location in Trenton and one location in F yes and the two locations in Trenton are traditional car dealers yeah traditional yes traditional okay as opposed to internet yes okay so Pat didn't answer my question you know you know each other whole time what obligation the municipality undering your view to Grant a 15 dealer form on that location I mean you and they seem like nice folks and you know I've been met here five times I want to my resume but every application we ever did we brought in here we fix up the property and this looks like an effort to fix the property up really does that's what that's where you know I was personally at but we don't know people and they seem like nice try to what obligation are we under to give them 15 can we can we maybe do a five dealer form to see how it goes and then them come back to the municipality for you know to take them time get is that something that you might want thec might be you know able to consider or the board to see kind of going to be I'm just going to say one more thing and I'm a traditionalist I was brought in here by good people that ran this town well and we always wanted Car Sales down that end of town highend high volume Car Sales um that was a that was a mancher for you know our town that we wanted them down there near Nissan but again personally I think it's it's a decent trade off if Bob gets cleaned up and we have somebody in there that's good but just a question I'm allow to ask question I don't think I V it would it matter to the applic if the board that these folks started out a little smaller so we could see and and make some you know condition of approval for our zoning official to take a look at it how things are going and then Grant um you know gr the full 15 is that as a phasing what do you think about that board think about that yeah I I think when we left it a little bit open-ended on the use variants it was to make sure the site worked not that we would have like a test case for the next year or two um you know we're going to have limits first I think have look at the site there prior use variant is there and the site has been used for auto repair lot shop for many years and what we have here is a very low intensity use which is going to be limited by conditions one dealer per time says you f says well yeah but you have good enforcement people you do Kathy's the best really I'm not I'm not I'm not kiding around I go to many towns and Kathy's one of the best zoning officers in South Jersey as far as I know s if I could tack on to that the the intention is that the the dealers are not going to want to go to the site that's that's not where that's not how they make money so you run a desk get your $600,000 a desk and these guys you know go to the auction and you know I get it I mean I was Abus dealer myself how it works said I think you're the you'd be the third one in the state not mistake I don't know what goes on in every town but they're frowned upon by they were going to be done away with but SW he has one himself he's the past State Senate President he owns and operates one and you know he had a little cloud in the state just a little so and then there's one in cinon georgeen own was you know very big he's got 40 guys down there 40 dealers and there's cars all over there's cars everywhere so they bring cars in there's no way to police it and it's it's a I'm just I'm just going to say these are nice folks ni plan I'm going to stand where I'm at I don't have a say but I certainly am going to make a comment on phas would be really prudent for the municipality well I think Bruce I think it's hard to phase it as a through of a test case and also fix the site up at the same time because we're we're premising this um part of it is it's low intensity the other part is we're going to fix the site up that needs fixing and it it has to be economic it's a big investment on on on our front oh I get it and once you're there you know and again a lot of these people a lot of important people up here but it beat to me as a board member and a young freshman committee man use car sales were down that high intensity use car I don't know what criteria we have now to to enforce that on your on your lot but again if you're going to clean it up you know we'll take what we you know take what we can get but I'm not so sure we're getting what's proposed and I don't see how you're going to police everything you're saying you're going to do I just don't see well I think the the conditions in the resolution should address a lot of it like the one dealer at a time by appointment U we're going through where we're going to park the two double stack cars that was an issue with the board Landscaping was an issue they believe it vot the other thing I think we can put in the resolution and Mr McKay was touching on it you know no like banana signs no flags all those things I believe yeah I mean I believe that for but I just don't see I can said if the board believes it let believe I don't see how you're going to police 15 guys not showing up and people not coming you know I hear to Bruce's question how do we Poli that so one of the things is is that in 22 years that I've been here one of the things that I rely on an enforcement and is to make sure that the resolutions are clearly defined with what the board projects that they want and would approve as well as the client and the their professionals agreeing to them you car before the horse and the reason is is that that's the point of our procedures here is that this is all about law and and dealing with it those resolutions and minutes that we have have supported my cases in court more than you can imagine the fact is is that you have both sides that are agreeing upon something written in a resolution by an attorney who then the enforcement agent being his zoning official has the right to take to court and that's where things are held up if it gets to that point right the point of it is is that any zoning officer should be doing his or her job in going through the town making sure that things are up the par I feel that this town has been fairly well protected by enforcement end whether it's code enforcement construction anything else you don't see really much businesses here that have been approved by this board with conditions and requirements totally off the charts if any of you can name them I I I would be glad to go out but if you go up and down our Corridor on a Mor Highway as well as other things many of these businesses have been cited and you folks have been the ones that have to deal with them when I put them in violation and they either have to come back to you for compliance redoing site plan many of the ones that we've had lately are because of violations so the fact is is that if the board approves a certain amount then it's that's what a zoning officer is paid to do is enforce the rules that these people have put in and what the T and the applicant has agreed to so in essence we pull in and there's three dealers because I know salesman if they get a sale they don't care about the law so they're going to be on that lot and they approach that lot and you happen to see that what would be the next step is my question a nice phone call or not KN on the door or a violation okay and one of the things is that this town has been gracious enough to allow us an enforcement to do is to work with applicants we are not the typical town that if we see a violation notice you're going to court and you're getting it's a matter of working with things and you get a whole lot more when you work with these people than when you go after them in a negative way and in all the years that we've been doing this is that that seems to have really been proactive we we have our hands full believe me I have several right now the issue is is that you have to be fair the applicant has to be fair to us as well as these folks have to be fair to the applicant at the end of the day as I've always said for all these years is that you folks all and you know make rules and regulations and you put them in there but it comes to my office of what who has to enforce it but at the end of the day the plan decision and our plan of decision to buy into the plan and kath's right we've been very successful over the yearsing that for the most part work I mean people grow their businesses and it becomes a problem and she's had to deal with it year in and year out business is a little too good you know this PL in my opinion is starting out very energetic from the GetGo but again that's my comment if the board bu buys into it but what have we done for many years that businesses that have been blessed enough to be able to grow from what you originally have appren for how many times have I send them back to the board for expansions or for changes of site plan so it's not uncommon that we go through this exercise and we improve it the best that we all can but life changes every day things go A and that's the part of enforcement is it's our job to make sure that what you folks have dealt with is that what we're enforcing microage people correct but step one for the board really is we defer that number from the use variance they're asking for 15 they're asking for two different setback variances and they're asking for a very significant parking variance so the board has to feel comfortable number one with granting a parking variance for the business where 25 spaces are required for the business and they're providing three yeah but thebe it's me but the 25 spaces is based on a traditional business where you're going to have a lot of customers coming and going that doesn't seem to be the model for this right it may not be and their numbers May it may be appropriate for them to have one employee space and one visitor space it may very well be appropriate none of us have a crystal ball no and that's why you all have to vote based on the best information hey I have a question you're talking about one employee space but you're saying that somebody is going to live in that house the person that lives in that house are they connected with the business yes that was a requirement of the use variance and that'll carry forward okay so is there the the one additional parking spot is that for say two employees or is that just a spot for that person living there there's two because of RS associated with the house okay one hand are the other okay and the theory is that the one C The One customer one employee is the one the one dealer that would be on site at that point along with the customer that they made an appointment with is that the thinking is it too far I'm just try understand again yeah if that does happen again the point is that the the business model is not that people are here that's that's not where where the money is at um that's not how this this business has traditionally worked um the money is elsewhere so that's that's how we see it is the money elsewhere you know isn't isn't carvana who the biggest company that does this is financially going out of business well everyone has a different business model everyone has a different business yeah everyone has a different business model and I I think they they are they are Monopoly um I think they take out a lot a specific kind of like X Factor working through relationship again I'm sure I I could talk your I don't want to get off again I could again if if we are willing to play B and we are willing to work with the board however they feel comfortable they want my phone number you can have it personally if you want if you want our employee who lives who lives in the building his personal contact information to make the board feel comfortable we we're happy with that as well so this is a relationship driven business we understand that well we're not trying to make anyone upset it's going to be again it's going to be and we just the only thing we want to do is is fix up the building and uh put some put some put some businesses into what what job does the employee who lives in the building perform he's uh he would be a he would be a c dealer so he would be he would be a c dealer would you be moving cars around oh oh inside the building well no on the property resaler the fellow the person yeah you'd really just be basically just taking care of the property taking a meetings if needed once in a while he will have to move move some cars really cleaning it um just just just general housekeep um again you will live in the building so you know we'll get mail there or you know maybe put up like a Christmas tree or something inside you know security yeah yeah General Security it's always great to have someone out yeah just just a caretaker I mean I will be in contact with them um best I can I'm always avable um is he to be one of the 15 dealers um I do not no no so we can we can describe him in the resolution if necessary as the the property caretaker yeah or manager yeah again and he'll be sleeping there and living there yeah okay yeah and he won't have any people over for the yeah I mean you know again maybe on Christmas noow can we add no parties Allowed no no holiday parties only five guests are allowed at one time I'm just joking okay yeah I'm messing with you uh yeah but again he's generally going to be he's he's he's going to be to himself um y i just remind you that we do an annual business LIC as well as the Fire official does his inspections all those numbers are required in our office and enforcement to have contacts and in this case obviously the caretaker as well as the business owner so that's covered for any here that we have those contacts on different levels can I just uh put a foot note on all this discussion Mr mcandrew you commented on something I said that you're agreeable to a note in or a statement in the resolution that and I'm not sure how to characterize it but balloons Flags Etc strictly prohibited correct How would we describe that in a couple of words so that we know what we're talking about the only signage requested and considered by the board is refacing of the existing freestanding sign along Route 38 and no other temporary sales facade or other signs are requested or permitted by this sord yeah i' included like the banana sign flag things like that I wouldn't mention them because if we leave one of those out general sales promotion materials sales promotion materials kind of covers the work they did discuss that last time signage right I think that's a good thing to note that sometimes we have to be General so that everything is covered obviously a Miss ner with that um just to kind of how many parking spaces are are you proposing again in the front that's going to visible total is it yes that will that people will see seven okay I just for the board's sake want to point out that I pulled up a Google map I have a luxury as the person sitting behind the screen here uh from October 2015 there's actually 19 cars that I can visibly see at Bob's Collision when it operated as well as the red white and blue flags that are being prohibited and there are four or five vehicles in that municipally owned driveway to the east of the site I'm sorry to the west of the site as well as a trailer well no doubt it was a mess for many years yeah I mean I I counted 19 cars I bought a car there and again four in the municipal roadway to the right and flags yes Bob and I no landscaping or anything on the front on 30 along 38 yes one other question in this picture obviously the existing concrete it doesn't look as nice as that is are you do you plan on doing anything with that Concrete in there that is corre so that that was part of I think we talked about that well it wasn't listed okay I'm glad you brought that up Mr chochi because it wasn't in the front resurface we are uh resurfacing it yes okay we are res shrubs and the shrubs of all those shrubs cuz I will say it looks a lot better in here then it does count ex yeah it's it's quite bumpy right now my car tires do not appreciate right right or your if there's lifts anywhere on not not great yeah it'll be a lot of work but I think uh I think it'll be worth in Mr Nicholson's response letter I didn't see anything about resurfacing the front and that was one of my concerns cuz I brought that up at the last meeting right that the patchwork Concrete in the front remaining that way would not benefit the Improvement hopes here from you guys so I believe the last time you guys did agree to doing that but it's not in Mr Nicholson's letter yeah bill you have a couple things in your key there is that a Mill and overlay or yes right but that's not the same you have like two or three different hatch patterns in your front par and your Mill and overlay is just the or is that just your existing concrete underneath I guess is your testimony that you're going to do a complete Mill and overlay of the concrete and drive so you're going to the concrete and well um are you reconstructing the concrete then no just top of asphalt over these ex or I know I'm saying where the concrete slabs are yes in front right so you're going to do a 2 inch of concrete no but I'm saying where it's where it's concrete you have areas of parking that's concrete correct in front of the building yes how is that to be resurfaced of asphalt as directly over okay so it's going to be black right so no so no Milling for that you're just going to do in you're going to pave asphalt over the existing con yes that'll be better black assle my car parking mandrew I think you were down were down through uh I guess we're down to six right now talking about Paving that's C6 yeah before we go on with that I have to get something off my chest okay I'm not comfortable with the answer to my question about the name of the entities and Mr Rosen Rosen tall is it pronounced right what is your first name just for the record Solomon what is it Solomon Solomon okay um when I asked you about you know who you work for you said you work for the 1725 North Clinton Avenue Corporation I asked you what your position was and you had to turn back to your father and I'm President right but 17 uh 735 North Clinton Avenue Inc was not Incorporated for the purpose of this facility on Route 38 it's for Trenton Loc location [Music] right so who are the officers up there in Trent for this Corporation the same entity that we're dealing with on your application understood I'm not entirely sure um I'm not you know I'm I'm as involved as I can be this is a project that I am I taking up does does Mr roseno your father know the answer to my question he does yes okay yeah it's uh two property for this Corporation for 725 North Clinton Avenue two property he own this gentleman Salomon Ros he owns both of them yes yes he both he own both I'm hung up then on I'm going to use a tough word credibility because if you want both of these entities and you're an the president of this entity I don't understand what the reluctances or the inability to answer the questions I'm talking about maybe it's maybe it's my fault because my background was in equipment leasing and financing and one of the things we always do dove into big time was the principles of a corporation and when the initials were used I wanted to know what the initials stood for and so forth and so on but I I hope I'm not being overly picky but I don't feel comfortable with the answer I'm getting on this one thing there's a couple of other issues too that we're still going to talk about but I'm hung up on this one right now so you somebody up there at the podium has to help me get over this hurdle I'm not accusing you of anything I'm not saying that you're not credible I just can't get an answer to my question what what question he's owner this company you know it's a but but in the prior visits that you had here Mr Rosen to what is your first name Alexander okay you came in and testified I thought you were the owner you were the no he's owner doing everything no and now I'm doing everything but he's owner of this company you okay I'll just leave it there you know where I'm coming from yeah it's just a family business where the dad does a lot of the work and Solomon is getting involved more in the business different kind of business as I get older yeah as I get older then as I've got older I've taking on more responsibility and I started to modernize it so I'm not a I'm I'm I'm not an attorney um and that is a fault but that that is something that I'm I'm starting to to take more on and challenge you know take on that responsibility my my what I bring to the business is a modernization of it okay so I'm learning as much as I can from my father and it is a family business and I'm I'm starting to modernize it that's why he has this older uh physical um physical car dealerships and I'm starting to modernize it so those are my strengths old generation traditional car sales andom younger the thinking internet Car Sales that's why heed more hands on with this St is that fair to say yes okay and I think and Solon maybe this a question for you isn't it are a majority of the cars sold retail here or are more cars wholesal wholesal yeah uh it's a it's it's really combination so it's really specific to the to the dealer and kind of where his kind of leashes in the market sometimes it is overseas um sometimes um you know these like Toyota these like you know Toyota trucks last a really long time you know a couple hundred thousand miles um that that might not be that palatable for for the car market here over she's it's a huge Market um but a majority of the cars here are wholesaled correct a majority of the well again it really depend overseas uh not majority I would say it really depends it really depends on the specific the car dealer I would say it's it's roughly split okay but pretty close to half and a half yeah okay so again I'm C's 200 Cars I logistically you guys are buying a car at an auction where does the car go are they bringing it to their house yes go somewhere you keep you know unregistered cars properties they go somewhere and in this dealer form and s's dealer form the cars come to the lot okay and not I'm not disputing your claim that the customers are not going to are going to come to your lot to view the car but where logistically does the car go after bought a wholesale auction you know it's got to go somewhere um again some repairs uh sites and but they have to show up on your lot I mean you know especially if they're being delivered by the auction to your and and as you know maybe ask you this where where do you where you and your dealers your your dealers that are going in this Farm where are they where they getting their cars from how do they get their cars where they buy them from so a lot of these dealers get get their cars from auctions the ones that are wholesaling them overseas they take them directly from the auction right to the ports um so there they they never touch they never touch our site here um furthermore if they do have to pick up a car they will drive them directly to to the owner's house um or drive them themselves yes I'm going to call Evangeline Autos tomorrow morning tell I want a 66 they find why did I bring it to you and not deliver it to me because you're going to deliver it to me anyhow so they do deliver whatever inter they do they do they take it to you they take it to you they have drivers you you hire drivers to pick these vehicles up from the auction sites correct and they drive them directly to the buyer not me so much but it would be like the dealer so basically like basically he's basically starting his own company right which creates which which creates jobs and it's it's it's quite effective and I've seen people raise entire families off of it and it's it's it's it's very nice to see so they hire people and they will send them across so as a consumer of this type of transaction myself I went through this a few years ago I am Cur it was brought directly to my house it was purchased from an auction it came from Arkansas directly to my house they dropped it off via the trailer that they transported and they took my car as a tradein but I am curious where did my car go it went back to that same the same location as the [Music] new okay so it's probably already been the transaction for my car has probably already happened or it could be overseas yeah okay I get it I know it's all yeah it's all electronic and if I could add when I was when when I first got my driver's license I was a driver so I remember when I first got my driver's license I would take I would go to the auction I would take one of these cars I would go with him I would take one of these cars and I drive him right into in these big containers and that was that was when I was you know when I first got my license and now I'm 31 and i' I've been able to um so the big guys have right in the car has probably 3000 cars aut lenders has a there's a recondition it just doesn't go from the auction right to right to a consumer I mean you I don't know where you bought your car but it might have been prepped before you got it from wherever you bought it from but it has to get fixed somewhere you know and I mean I have friends in the pain that fix hundreds of cars we you know they all get they all get gone over they're not they don't come retail ready I bought thousands of cars from what is nade nade is a place where um you take a car uh I can take it they can take it and it really serves the New York Market the New York guys come down and buy them because their price kind of high and they buy they buy cars at auction they come off lease and Ford you know has a a thousand cars to leas every car when you ride up 206 that's going into n's uh uh uh semi reconditioning area so they can attest to the condition of the car CU certain certain uh assertions are made at the auction and the auction has liability they can't they can't sell you a car that the transmission doesn't work so they get a they get a quick going over but the cars come out it they still have to be gone over and made retail R but the auction has liability you know when the auction up you know if he knows it's got a bad tra he can't make an assertion right that it's got you know they got to kind of know what they're getting so it goes there and then it goes to the dealer then it goes to the place where it's being sold deer buys guys might buy it you so it's going through that process at a location other than where it's being sold maybe I mean maybe his guy but I've never seen it and you know and everybody you know we had a guy right here in town sold 17,000 cars out of that corner lot on highway road they all need something you never get a car so they have to go and he may take them to his um reconditioning Center just he might you know but they just have to go somewhere well one of the things that your questioning raises is and we should ask the applicant is there any going to be any reconditioning repair or inspections of uh cars at at this site answer is no okay I mean we're talking about no reconditioning we're talking about no everyday deliveries or taking off reg customers talk about none of that about cars that's iton building that's your offices that's where you're going to have the desk for the 15 dealers yes that's just going to be office and I would think the res well it's not entirely office there are five cars stacked inside there are display cars inside the inside build inside the back building so it's mostly office and no place to wash the cars there I think the question was servicing the cars serving that building well I would think again this the resolution could specify that no onsite repairs conditioning or or things of that nature I mean that could be addressed in the in the resolution and the conditions from the use application that I I think the notes are now shown on the plan but they should probably be carried through uh to site plan the house will be occupied by an employee or caretaker at the property trading Vehicles will not be brought to the site will be taken directly to an off-site auction facility aside from on-site inventory cars purchased by customers will be delivered directly from the auction to the customers only one dealer will be permitted at on site at a time due to lack of parking and onsite inventory V will be driven to the site and will not be delivered by trucks uh not more than 16 dealers May operate which has not been revised down to 15 um and only one dealer employee to occupy the site I mean I would say if the issue of where they go from the auction do they go directly to the house or to some other place to get refurbished at uh condition the as long as they don't come back to this site you know they may not go directly from the auction to the buyer's house but they're not going to come to this site that's correct there there's no reason for them and I think there was some some testimony about detailing or minor repairs would happen off site but whatever that is right goes from the auction bear directly to the customer and never never do because the change you bought from the auction house 53 years ago um it was you bought it as is now you have to it's certified in some way I don't yes yeah well auctions we buy car only for green light right green light that's right to get the green light they got to know what to do the auction has aary duty to know that the train is not blown it aen you have to make certain represent so they're saying that at the auction that's not that doesn't mean it's clean okay but that doesn't mean it's ready for retail but that's not our concern call try to point out buy aicle online by phone I call you up and I say I want Toyota you you're going to go buy it it's no guarantee looking for a used car obviously or I'm looking for a new car you would get it some other way I don't maybe you don't sell new cars uh that's that's not our tget Target audio right you're buying used so I'm buying some fancy used car you say you got one at the auction blah blah blah bring it to me if I don't like it not a deal or I buy it no matter what yeah it's it's it's really up to the it's up to the it's up to the consumer you know consum if I deler yeah I bring it you don't like it we take it away we we can return it back to the auction we can send it overseas it just it's really just a big Network that gives us lots of of flexibility and buying power power which really resides I thought all sales at auctions were final you're saying you could return it to the auction put it through return it meaning you know you you then put you then put it into auction for re okay send it just just send it back there yeah it's a it's a pretty much a volume game okay just one question okay well we want to move on to uh Mr Taylor's letter C7 I think Mr Mur I I just want to go see the problem is you're a young guy God bless you a lot of us are using used to the oldfashioned dealerships you pull up and some guy comes out goes you're the guy looks like this is not this at all my son would get this in a minute and he works for the Mazda Corporation and he do lots of sales but the whole concept of this is these are kind of for a lack of a better word dummy cars every dealer in the state of New Jersey to sell cars has to have a home this is going to be their home they have to have two cars in the lot per dealer so whether it's 10 cars or 30 cars these cars are going to sit there they to stay there I want you to correct me if I say anything wrong these cars are going to be there you're not buying the public in general is not buying and selling cars on this lot these cars could be there and sit there for a year or longer the cars that are being bought and sold are going from auction houses to directly to consumers or on a ship out over to China wherever they go I think a lot of us have forgotten because it's been almost a year since the use variants these could could be inflatable cars they could be built out of Styrofoam the state says you have to have two car fine doesn't say they have to have an engine in them whatever they're going to be there the sales are taking place on these computers and a lot of us I think are are missing that whole concept but I do remember what you guys at the beginning the sales are happening here there's not going to be five people every day going to this facility and buying and selling cars with got cars coming down off the lift and out in the road or trucks pulling up unloading 30 cars that might happen once 30 cars a lot so I just want to make sure that's my understanding I think a lot of us up here have forgotten what you told us in the beginning these are Phantom cars they're not being bought and sold that's right you got to look at the model the case came up I know yelling it's a dealer form that's the word there's 200 cars there okay same premise okay and I get it this is a method to use the um used car laws that we're going to do the minimum you have a desk you got to have a phone a landline you have to have you can't have a cell phone and the clerk municipal clerk has to sign off that that spot's Z to use car so you're right this is the bare minimum to usur the so to speak law of Ed car dealers okay and but had there's 200 Cars sitting there right Pacers used to be on so the cars have a way of showing up okay and that's the only thing that I'm saying and I'm not dingham but how's he going to control 15 dealers what they're doing you know how's he going to control that I mean I don't see especially one and the other one I forget where down in down there it's been about 10 years cars all over the place in this again this is you're saying dealer Farm in a very kind of like in a well well who who named them understand but that's really just a name but that's one way to observe it the other way is that this is this is a business this is 15 people getting an opportunity to start a business where they can't these 15 people generate a lot of money for for the state there's there's lots of there's lots of yes clerks have to sign off on it but there's a lot of Revenue that goes into into the state for that that's that's extremely positive right well sure but that has nothing to do with HP what what you're asking for is the board you know you a site plan for something I'm going to stand firm that I don't think you can control um you're saying you got one gu one dealer at a time how you going to control that then you say then every every dealer form I'm going to keep blowing that out there I've been has couple hundred cars on it but our zoning officer is going to magically uh you know handle this whole thing and I I I personally don't want to put her in that position or whoever it is I mean if you have a way to control it I don't know why the other guys don't you know what I mean I don't know why the other if you were telling me you were coming here with a shop right I will go to a shop right and see how a shop right operates and say oh okay you bringing a shop right to here this is how shop right is why is your shop right going to be different than any other you know not only the other shop right so I'm just throwing it out there I think you're nice folks I think you should start out little small I get the revenue these desks go for about 800 to a grand a month these desks and that's what they sell for so um I don't know he's going to charge I I have the right to ask but it's a significant amount of Revenue that this applic is going to get from these desks and and it all sounds great and you know you want to F the I just think that we we should make sure me ask you a question since I'm going to be the enforcement agent here so I understand that we're talking about 15 desks 15 computers as we know the world today most people don't want to get out of their basement that work on computers all day they don't even want to see the rest of the world sure so do these 15 so-called salespeople they can work from their home they can work from their car they can work from Wawa parking lot on their computer on their website that they have sure and sell a car that is correct yeah so why would most people today who Amazon can't even get to come back to work in the offices or any other major corporations why would Joe Schmo who is the salesman if he has the opportunity to sit all day in his shorts drinking his coffee in his basement and selling 10 cars and making $50,000 every three months why would he come here would that be statement that would thatly to the modern day we are all over here okay that's a given speak is that we are used to traditional things sure but as we see the world change change and obviously that the world has become so computerized and that again many of us have bought cars online had them delivered to our houses the whole nine yards I find it hard to believe that I have 15 people who are going to be rushing to this site to sit in a room where they have the same exact availability to sell a car from their basement in their shorts while they're drinking coffee on a cold winter that exactly 100% um again there's all right I just want to put my opinion on the yeah yeah um everyone has a different everyone has a different business model everyone has a different bus model but I think I think the site also Li limits I mean I know it's nice to okay cinnamon C has 200 Cars well this site won't hold 200 Cars so I think realistically you know we could go from 15 to 10 what's that going to do we move half dozen cars we're not talking huge numbers the same volume yeah you know in my in my the business model that and I'm not speaking for but when you buy from carvana or you buy from you know some these internet guys that car came from a facility it was parked at a facility you know a Rec a Recon you know order lenders have it I mean I have I just talked to them today about coming to get a car M they're going to come and they're going to take it to their facility for Recon these come and they come on a truck so a truck shows up the G which I I agree maybe they're not going to show up at your but they're usually delivered by a truck we've all seen the Caron a truck you know going they show pulls up in front of your house and dumps the car but these are major retailers these aren't um I don't know I want to put any monitor on what these guys are they're primarily wholesalers a lot of these guys I get it but um it's a different business model what we're talking here the traditional you know and it's you're right it's online and it's it's becoming a way to but again who's going to control what happens here um and if Kathy wants to take it on and she sounds like she does like taking it on for 22 years what the hell sound sound like you're pushing for the project and I don't know how you know why that's happening but I think the planning board they if they want to I'd say try five but again I'm let let me ask a question of Mr rosenal President of this Corporation um but before you answer my question I want I have a follow-up part of it okay the question is to pacify some of the questions that have been going around here for a while how long do do you think a specific vehicle is going to be on that location don't answer it for okay because you can't it's not in business yet yes so I'm going to ask you as president of the same Corporation with a facility in Trenton how long are the cars on the lot up there it's not that's a traditional that's a traditional site that's a traditional used car dealership up in Trenton the one that's comparable to what oh the Del would be the Delaware and you're not an officer there uh I'm not an officer okay then could Mr rosenal senior ask my answer my question how long are the vehicles in Delaware on property by six months six months yeah six maybe more all right now see now I'm really getting confused because it's my understanding from everything that's been going on here just tonight yes just tonight that somebody contacts one of these dealers on your property okay to get a vehicle they find it at auction they buy it they bring it over to you people they drop it off two days later the customer comes to get the veh what am I missing it goes straight to the customer goes right to the customer right to the customer okay then why do you need any parking space oh because is two two cars per state yeah okay that's it Mr that we need the minimum to qualify place to hang youring got it okay so it's essentially sounds like it's essentially a less expensive you want to call it that way for somebody who wants to be a use car dealership but can't have a traditional use card dealership because they just don't have the money to have that kind of inventory so they they they get the license it's much more affordable you know the threshold is much lower and then they get to start business so it's a barrier it reduces the barrier to entry to that type of business all right an opportunity a follow up on my question who puts up the cash for the 30 vehicles that going to sit on this parking lot who owns them I mean I think the the cash for the properties would no not the property the vehicle for for the vehicle it would go on us it would go on on on on the property itself it it would be on us who owns the cars who owns the sample cars that sit on the property to satisfy the state minimum 15 each each owns each dealer yeah own car so it's part of his capital investment yes okay and they can borrow that money from you you guys can do that whatever if you need for us you know we have credit from the auction 5 million they can buy car from auction one day so they could buy the cars in the auction be there too from our name you know $5 million okay or they can finance that through you that's part of your yes yes okay I have one question how do how often do those cars move like the 30 that you have on the property do you do you find that they sell the dealers sell them easily do they normally sit there you have any idea how long they'll be there they move roughly about every six months so that's only they'll be moving cars in and out on occasion on occasion it's very um yeah yeah sometimes they they do sell you know cars you know if someone wants it and the cars are uh reputable like they will be checked out like when they come from the auction do they go somewhere well they will will obviously have to be driven there of course we try to buy cars that that don't need the green light green light cars exactly so they kind of coming and going and they'll they'll be moved up again based on our on our previous experience in Delaware it's around every six months so the object is to have cars those 30 cars that look good as opposed to being wrecks sitting on your property that is that is not the uh that is that would not be good advertising that that is not what that is not expected Behavior okay how many dealers are in nework Delware yeah newk 30 dealers it is Newark right Delaware yes um so 30 dealers do they also have the same requirement where there's two cars per no it's we don't have space uh we don't have we don't have uh two cars only one car for each okay so you have one car for every one yeah your only LIC you don't need to have anything you can just get a wholesale only and that's limid list cars you can sell because I know if you don't have a li cars a year in New Jersey stay okay they'll come start come there's a maximum that you can sell as a million no as a as a a normal civilian you can only you can't sell 100 cars no there's a maximum right like I sold three cars whatever that is I don't I don't know what the number is okay so you have to have a dealer Li to sell 100 cars hypothetically it becomes more or less of a sales tax issue than anything because they the state wants to get their sales I don't know I don't know the answer to that if like a guy like me you too many cars what's going to happen to us yeah it doesn't come into play Delware you don't even need Des or a phone you just be well you need a phone I'm sorry you know a landline but it can be in your basement I have a friend I know but again okay it's a lot different are are we at a point now where we can move on to the rest of Mr Taylor's I'm on the last page page two of two item seven under C Charlie oh yes thanks page four of four sorry we have some pictures and diagrams of the racking system in these color photes yes yeah I think we submitted that and basically it's a piece of equipment hydraulic lifting that can raise a car and then you can park the car on if I this picture that we have here of the front location that we were talking about before the different colors and that blue car in the front all the way in the back right in that garage that looks like that's the car on the first level the racing system will be behind uh right there is that correct the racking will be behind that red car no that that that car is in the racking system on the so the red car they have they have two cars stacked front and back that are inory I know there stack not anymore only behind the house now so in that lawn area that's to the west of the house right they have two cars like this and another two cars directly behind it oh and then behind that is actually a row of eight double stacked 16 cars stack to high okay so they'll be blocked by this structure in the front then yeah well no so above that red car on the right hand side of that rendering directly behind that you will see a second row of cars up above their roofs okay that's what I was okay that's what I was getting at thank you okay let's go to seven and explain that detail should be provided it is I think we did submit the detail the racking system picture of it um there's not much to it basally just metal structure that lifts the car are they bolted down are they bolted down yes do these require building permits for this yes okay I'm I'm looking at pictures that's marked Auto stack yeah this is what we're talking about right yes not so they don't have to be anchored you're not you know but they you're going to Anchor them in Asphalt so one of the things that you have to remember is that anytime whether inside or outside any form of lifts racking system or anything else you need to have a construction permit and the reason being is that this specific make let's say Auto stacker they're going to have requirements of I knew you knew the answer Kathy what's that I knew you knew the answer I I know it well because I have one right now inside a building that has an issue so what happens is each manufacturer specs has certain requirements how they are into the grade of the ground outside in this case or inside a building what happens is is normally an engineer has to give us a letter stating that Auto sackers for example requires 3/4 in lag bolts into a 4 in concrete true if that's the case what happens is is that when they decide if this were to go through and they decide to put these in they will come to us for a building permit we also have to look at the clearances that manifacturer specs because they override us as well is that they will get a per permit to show how they are putting these into the ground they are very similar to an interior racking system which by code has to have a permit so when they put these in they'll be coming to me and to our construction official they'll be giving us what is required it's not a difficult task by any means is because pretty much 90% of the information is in this manufacturer specs right I was getting I wanted to ask them they also require electrical permits because these are going to be right you're going to do the hand crank with the pump or you going to do the electrical I don't think it's pump it's pump it's not electrical it's pump so which one of these on here is so it's a hand pump you're not going to use the electrical I don't think so you know we're not I I tell you one yeah yeah this is why we're asking for what what are you actually doing and is the operation are you going to use the locking mechanism yes so where will the locking mechanism go and are any of these battery operated instead of a direct it's not battery you know it's it's on pump all the day you know it's pumping all the day which one of those shows the pump or how that's operated if it's a h if it's a hydraulic pump doesn't it still doesn't it still need electricity yeah to run it's a battery power so you know you need wiring to go with it so you need wiring or you need a place to put the batteries and there's also a St that has control I'm just trying to make sure that the right stuff is on the plans that it actually fits and and it all makes sense so when we do go to get permits it it isn't it doesn't turn into a cluster right if this was anything else if this was a shed we would ask for the detail to be on the plan they still have to go to construction for zoning but to have those questions answered of how are we getting electric out to them or are we doing batteries at each one are those batteries protected are the systems locked because we don't want a kid being able to get out there and operate these days night so those were the questions I was trying the answers I was trying to get from the app you thing too is um with the asphalt you talked about in the front you two is the asphalt going to go to the back because I I'm almost sure that they have to be anchored into concrete not asphalt I'm I'm this I work at warehouse my whole life you can't anchor in the asphal as you can check on that I'm just giving you a heads up okay we check yeah whatever we need to do we do it yes yeah yeah it's marginal tools are already there the TOs already there I thought that your testimony was that you were only making the improvements to the front what is visible to the public the front the driveway and the front pavement I thought that was your testimony if it's I mean that that is I think point is though is that if it's if we have to put a small slab to Anchor these in then okay you're going to have to put in whatever is needed to be the manic yeah so what am I being asked to approve tonight so are the details I think the rack system is basically covered by needs a building per we have to comply with the Mana building they're they're not going to get a building permit or electrical permit for us even though obviously you guys have jurisdiction as to what the size that you're looking for whatever they're going to have to adhere to our IBC requirements and our electrical code standards we've not let things out of of our office just for the heck of it we have to then make sure that they meet all the requirements and if not then at the end of the day they have to have as builts they have to have Engineers letters they have to have everything else in order to meet the requirements but they're not getting a certific of approval on these and that's dictated by the state of New Jersey not by a Township so that's that's another requirement a condition of would be a condition of approval there are oversights through all these years that you folks have approved that have come to my office for permits from Electrical Plumbing fire whatever the case may be and we have always enforced that because we have to enforce the state's rules the building exterior what what changes or upgrades we well we didn't so are the details going to be shown on the plans and do are you guys going to specify the color col are you using the yellow ones are you going to use G I understand what's in the photographs but Auto stacker also makes yellow versions of this I'm trying to find out so when this gets built the board doesn't say all those Stacks are bright yellow that's not what we envision so I'm just trying to get clear on the record what what you are putting are they going to be black or galvanized are these going to they're not going to be like pink are they they're going to be either stainless or we need to know the color so when we drive by it we see what we see even if you drive will be in build right they'll beon be we still just have to identify for color we're just going to put down n isur that's a good one neutral neutral a neutral so we'll say black or galvanized it'll be one of those moving along from number seven the building remember what it looked like before [Music] foret wait a minute wait excuse me wait this is the picture we're talking about yes and in response to Mr question this is what the front of the building is going to look like yes which is the one with this blue car in the front that I referenced before okay thank you all right I have a question on the lights both buildings will be fully painted yes he what are you doing with [Applause] lights Tish they're adding a couple lights they are full cut off lights they're non- glare they're 3,000 de Kelvin and they're only a couple foot candles to a half a foot candle it's not like we have 20 30 40 the way you see with dealerships it's basically like retail parking lighting okay thank you are they going to be up front in the back they're all one on the building uh actually one on the side of the building one on the front of the building and they're facing down they are downward full cut off lights okay thank you it was a question number nine about limiting deliveries in TR the in the evening agreable yes we put that the contract then the TR recycl we don't have a designated area for but what kind of recycl expers would you get from the house going to be one gu going to be what you're saying I think is that Li house the whole cons yes but any municip any commercial garbage that's generated no I didn't finish my question okay um any commercial garbage that's generated will be picked up by a private Carter or that will just be put in the in the household can what's your plan for that it should be extremely limited um because there's to be no refurbishing of any sort it should be extremely limited is there preference that you want you want it kind of picked up privately or taken out if it's commercial picked up privately if there's an office if your s's generating in the we're not expecting any commercial trash so it should really just bill you the next series of questions have to do with fencing and Landscaping could you go through that a little bit well yes supposed to remove fences that are running along side of the house the taking down not placing them keeping the perimeter fencing as it is and the Landscaping we propos additional Landscaping up on Route 38 as I said before and some Foundation planks in front of the door you're going to provide for some Street trees uh increase the intensity of the buffering shrubs in the front yes and then there was question loc and then what you're going to provide what you on the S Li build there on that yes working out the Landscaping add well that would be on 15 right yes but with regards to 13 paragraphs 13 and 14 14 there's no no trees to be provided on the pro proposed yeah we agree to provided I think we would need was it two trees so we agreed to that yes we also agreed additional buffering number 15 okay anything else okay all right uh any other questions from the board professionals yes sir no public any public comments on this application and do we have anybody online uh we do have one person online does that person have a question they're not unmuting so I'm going to say no okay I'm hearing no public comment then we'll turn this back to the board we need to take some action and I I usually don't do u a summary but I'd like to do just a short summary I think what controls this rising out of the use varant Mr J went over there were a number of conditions carry forward like one dealer on site at a time by appointment only certain number of cars certain number of deers and and now so that the person living in the house would be connected to the business As a caretaker all that carries forward and I think those conditions plus the plan help put controls on this small difficult site uh what I see for the town on this application is actually a terrific opportunity because what you need for this site I think is something that's low intensity you don't need an auto body shop or or great local car dealer or great repair shop you need something that's low intensity and this internet based business is very low intensity with very few people on site very little activity so I think that's positive the other positive is you know we worked with the board throughout December out tonight to address Landscaping lighting colors of the building things like that and this gives everyone an opportunity to fix this site up and I think the business is small enough to have low intensity but big enough to fix the site up and make it look a lot better than it does I think the conditions the plan will help control it so hope you find your way to approve it thank you um in answer to um Mr McLaughlin's question about reducing it to five no it's not dealers and 10 cars is there a reason a limiting on that besides money and profits and things like that but does the state regulate that at all I don't think if the state regulates it that I'm aware of but you know we want to fix the site up and the site does accommodate a certain number of cars and vehicles and I think if the dealers were on site it would be different but since the really offsite and what I remember from the first hearing was actually Paul's example where she bought a car on the internet and then it was delivered to her house from Arkansas so that's kind of our business model those that's how we're going to operate so to me it's the perfect use for this site okay thank you what action does the board wish to take these have to overcome this is right off the internet and this is this isation that the agency said hundreds of to operate St correct there's 11 more locations New Jersey including they of system such as nonay of taxes by dealers at the location consumer fra suspicious Financial transactions on the domestic International scale most of the report focused on the activities at one mdl this one I brought up in 124 dealers at that location that de was this particular deal sh that found for of consumer Bank taes un illegal activity and my whole thing with this is how are these folks going to control what the 15 dealers do on that on that location I just there right off the internet see what what goes on so' be the 12 de what are we to do with that information par me what what are we to do with that information that you just gave us I mean what what relevance does it what relevance does it have the application okay well ask me a question I'm to give you an answer and you you the way you want we're voting on something that he has no control I hear this is supposed to one guy you believe it then you know so what I hear you what I hear is a basic your basic objection then if I understand correctly is to the whole internet dealership of business and it shouldn't matter to you whether it's five or 15 because the whole concept is suspect because of the fear of illegal activity no no well just Pro is that what you just said the article proves out my concern it's just an article um um don't know it's check or not came what the board's being vote on and on on a non-typical application where a typical owner comes in here stands here and says that this is going to happen that's going to happen he's going to have 15 tenants in here that yeah I'm not convinced he's going to be able to control we still don't even know who owns it I mean I don't know [Music] what let me your question the state has allow these am I correct is if the state is allowing this then at some point the state which is the hardest to get to do anything is that they've approved 11 of these much like anything moving forward in our Advanced world is that at one time U eats didn't exist Amazon didn't exist all these things that are modern today that many of us agree or disagree with somewhere along the line how to go through the State University to get approval so Hey listen so at this point is that we're not the first ones to have this through the state again I'm not saying good or bad on either one of these as as a zoning official I have to be objective no matter what I can't take sides and that's what I'm doing here is the fact is that the state of New Jersey already approved 11 of them we're not the first one so yes everything is suspect Child Care is suspect everything that we do today is suspect because of the world that we live in I don't necessarily think is that we can always be so negative in the world because the fact is that everything is anymore everything we do is online so we have to be suspect you know like suspect of everything that we do in this world today from literally using our phones right here looking on things who's not watching us on this phone I can answer your question also about what do we do with this information and the answer is nothing because the witness is not here the witness is not sworn in and the witness is not under oath where they have to be cross-examined or can be cross-examined this doesn't come close to satisfying the mytical land use law we were here we were sworn in we were cross-examined we were asked various questions we met the land use law reading something off the internet whether it's Taylor Swift in the Super Bowl or this report is not evidence and it's not something important consider I can summarize what you're going to be voting okay please do um please a lot of these conditions will be more elaborate when I do the resolution so I'm just summarizing uh use variance granted the board reserved the right to determine the number of dealers they were allow they're requesting 15 with 30 cars they have a number of bulk variances that are involved most of them are existing conditions the major one being the number of parking spaces as enumer enumerated in the tailor design report so you would be voting on preliminary and final site plan approval with the bulk variances and the more significant conditions I'll put all all of them in but the significant ones are they have to resolve any issues that come up in the phase one or phase two report and do a clean up if required uh the driveway uh will have either fencing or ballering ballering to stop s through traffic the uh vehicles to be uh parked at the site will be driven to the site not dropped off in trailers uh there will be no banners flags advertising other than the sign that they have requested the resident of the dwelling will be a caretaker not a dealer you w count as one of the dealers uh there will be no car prep or rehab reconditioning done at the site um there will be an overlay the stock cars the structur which we're supporting those stack cars will have to meet code requirements as far as construction and electrical permits that they are required the stocked car structures will be either block or galvanized rocks both buildings will be painted the lighting plan is acceptable to the planner uh it is down downward full cut offs uh there is limited commercial trash and the Landscaping will be subject the final Landscaping plan will be subject to the planner think covers most of it there's anything else that get put fencing should we should we address fencing in in this sorry fencing around the property or certain areas he did say existing perimeter fenes to remain and and that one access andess from the driveway has to be followed okay all right and the final condition would be that any conditions that were enumerated in the original us resolution continue to apply unless they've been wavered this okay so somebody want to make that motion I'll motion to approve that I'll I'll what you said yes I definitely I'll second that yes I think that it's good if you guys are okay with Scott's okay if all these things are in the resolution I think that's great Kathy feels that she can U monitor this afterwards as far as the zoning is concerned if she's comfortable with that after having gone through a very tough election recently one of the main things that that came up to me constantly was Route 38 and why can't we bring in any new businesses why can't we clean up anything this is important to our residents so I think it's good that try to come in can we make sure it says a maximum of 15 dealers let's Max it yeah I think it's good I mean the verbage obviously we trust you guys yes you'll see it before Shar it's not weord AG right and obviously C this is a this is going to be I think a little bit of pressure on you to listen you've done your job forever not that it's this is what happens I just comment from zoning as I look at this I have to get the applicant this place up if any of you had been out there over the past probably 15 plus years I bought a car there so you're well aware of that it was not a great condition it was way back in the 80s long before you know when I was still like a teenager and then um after seeing that after Bob had sold his place to the RO of THS and the amount of cleanup that was done on this job that I definitely would have to give some kudos to the applic and that was even before at the point of knowing whether he was going to be approved or not whether or not at this point again if any of you have history on this property you're going to see a major difference of what it was today that's important okay so we have a motion from Mr trosi and I seconded it there any questions on the Motions may I have a roll call please Mr trochi yes Mr ciper no Mrs uh Tori yes Mr uh McKay yes Mrs Kelly yes mayor Gilmore yes Mrs bgio yes Mr Murphy yes Miss Costco yes and Mr oh I already said Mr CW sorry okay so the motion carries yes and good luck with it thank you all right next we have U the minutes we have we have we have the minutes from the November what oh wait I'm sorry uh discussion and review of hesport Township ordinance amending chapter 44 of the code and we have a copy of resolution 24-2 okay if I may chair I can review this yes all right so this is a consistency review um as a requirement for our uh third round compliance um I'm I'm also take a step backward happy to report that uh we received final judgment yesterday from Judge covert for our round three affordable housing um obligation we do have a couple conditions which we will be meeting and then readdressing with the judge in May but we're pretty much at the finish line and uh this is one of of the many compliance mechanisms things that we had to um take care of per our negotiations with um fair share housing and as approved by judge covert uh but this amends chapter 44 affordable housing adding section 35 to that ordinance uh which basically um requires the municipality through any future rezonings or variances or any existing multifamily or single family attached developments as defined as approvable generally that really affects our R1 r1a and R2 um at a gross density of six units to the acre or more or permits an increase in the already permitted density of a multif family or single family attached zone or development resulting in five or more new net dwelling units on the property so that if I'm not mistaken um maybe Scott you can clarify that for me that would only affect our R3 Zone which is apartments and Tow houses so this would affect um attached or any others that were granted by use variant well this is this is moving forward nothing behind us correct or like I said in the beginning any through any kind of variances or redevelopments agreements um so this would require the town to um have a mandatory set aside um of either 15% if those are rentables or 20% if they are for sale so that would be like the 39 units at the Glenn at Mason's Creek those are four sale units um whereas uh that would be for 20% mandatory set aside so if there were 100 market rate houses the township would be required to set aside 20 of them for low to moderate income residents and then for the rent um the mandatory set aside will be 15% so there's no usurping that there's no in lie of this is a mandatory requirement and this is as negotiated and agreed upon with fair share and approved by the courts and this will be on for public hearing at the township committee's meeting next week and is that for any projects that come in the future not anything that's under way now correct correct what it will be for anything in the future future okay do you do you you know if if requirements like this similar to this are uh also being adopted by neighboring towns absolutely okay so hesport is not alone in this no and unfortunately we're one of the last to finally have a judgment on this matter since our third round ends in 2025 and on the percentages that we have the 15% for the round 20% for the other are those percentages uh typical yes thank you so again this is um for master plan consistency for your review and uh comments so that we can move this forward to the governing body next week that not that how does that affect the affordable housing Fund in terms of does that I mean like for sometimes we assess a for some you know something that's not going to be housing like a construction commercial only a contribution to the affordable housing fund does that go away no that this is a completely separate matter so generally this would affect you know a developer market rate developer would come in and be required like our Ryan Holmes or Horton Dior Horton or um any of the other developers and it's general practice that the municipality would not not support a developer's obligation to build those houses they are making enough money that they can fund the affordable housing obligation as part of their development approvals generally that that that trust fund is used for for 100% or per our agreement um some of our compliance mechanisms are Market to Affordable um so we would assist five five persons who are qualifying as low and moderate income to be able to purchase a market rate home and we would make that affordable but those would be deed restricted there are deed restriction requirements um there are no rehab units as was done in round two um generally that's kind of on the Wayside but this is to help fund um 100% projects um there I'm sorry I take it back there is some rehab for some of the existing 39 units um those have been targeted those are over 20 years old some of those um residents those homeowners you know they would receive assistance to make General upkeeps HVAC there's certain specific things that that money can be used for um but we do have an administrative agent that helps us put all of those put our approvals in place in action so kind of these approvals what we we went through yesterday is the easy part now the hard part is actually imple implementing the plan and spending that money let me can I have a question to Bob um if passed if this ordinance is passed um what's your view on whether it would apply to existing approvals in thinking of the condo project off of hesport M La Road it's condo project I ask is it retroactive or not well it's a condo project where the it's it's received final site plan approval my recollection case although it hasn't been built yet um one would think if would not be retroactive to that application but I I would think it would not be retroactive but I'm I'm just I'm raising the issue I don't think so 100 do we have an area have we is there any guidance from the from the judge it is not retroactive it is it is absolutely not retroactive it's it's moving forward okay it's only new construction correct so any existing approvals will not be affected by this good just to clarify that yeah is there an area where we would be building specific area or is is are all these building or you at one time it was 20% of a new of a new build area that that's not really part of this process nothing there are nothing has been identified through this Pro particular process it's just basically policy and stating anything moving forward and presented to the board or to of the committee must have a set aside of that that fall into these categories specifically delineated in this ordinance but it doesn't identify locations or areas okay does the 20% still have a bearing or not yes the 20% is for for sale units okay for units that are are available to low and moderate incomes that are sale for sale units like the 39 units at the Glenn at Mason's Creek would that's a good example and that would be 20% set aside okay but they were already built I'm just using that as an example if there was like another Glenn at Mason's Creek proposed somewhere but those 309 units are all affordable housing so it would be correct if someone comes along wants to build a 100 market rate properties on the this town's probably not big enough for that 50 market rate of those 5050 50 20 if they're if they're for sale 20% of them would be uh so I don't know my math 10 10 of them that right 10 of them would be set aside for affordable housing the other 40 could correct go market rate exactly so we have to take action on this by the form of a a motion in a second that it's in compliance with the master plan cor that's okay that's right okay that's what we need a motion on folks some move second okay a motion and a second or any questions on the motion roll call please Mr McKay yes Mrs bgio yes Mrs Tori yes Mrs Kelly yes mayor gilm yes Mr draoi yes Mr Murphy yes Miss Costco yes yes Mr CI yes now we're at minutes I I got a thing with this I always keep jumping to minutes missing something um okay I make a motion that we approve and file the minutes of from November 1st 2023 I'll second any questions on the motion hearing none roll call please uh Mrs Kelly yes uh Miss Costco yes Mr McKay is this the Mee which what is the date of this meeting you November first you were I was here okay yes uh mayor Gilmore Mr Choi yes Mrs bgio yes Mr Murphy yes and Mr cifer yes um next is resolution yes 24-6 jdeb Mar Highway also known as the is it pronounced bless you is it pronounced R yes WL R Incorporated property Oil Company um need a motion in a second on that resolution I'll make that motion you cannot I can't nope you can't okay I'll I'll I'll make the motion I thought just to accept the resolution and then Mr toochi Mrs Kelly Mr Murphy and Mr ciper I'll second it any questions on the motion hearing none roll call please Mr McKay yes Mr cifer yes Mr uh TR Troi yes Mrs Kelly yes and Mr Murphy yes next is resolution 24-7 Woods Machinery formerly known as Bobcat need a motion and a second on that I make a motion that we accept resolution 2024 d07 a second any questions on the motion hearing none roll call please Mrs Kelly yes Mrs Tori yes yes Mr McKay yes mayor Gilmore yes Mr trochi yes Mrs bgio yes Mr Murphy yes Miss Costco yes and Mr cro yes resolution 24-8 CVS Pharmacy this was the one regarding putting air condition air conditioning in on their facility right and we need a motion and a second on that I'll make a motion I'll second that okay motion a second any questions on the motion hearing none roll call please Mrs Tori yes Mr toochi yes Mr McKay yes Mrs Kelly yes mayor Gilmore yes Mr Bradley yes Mr Murphy yes Miss Costco yes and Mr ciper yes last resolution 24-9 which is the request for the one-year extension on the BTC the third hansport LC which was discussed here at the beginning of the meeting need a motion in a second move second any questions on the motion hearing none roll call please Mr McKay yes Mrs bgio yes Mrs Tori yes Mrs Kelly yes mic Gilmore yes mrri toochi yes Mr Murphy yes Miss Costco yes and Mr CER yes um correspondence is next we don't have any uh professional comments nothing more nothing more Mrs nuke I'll just say no say no okay all right professional comments uh board comments we have any board comments I do um um I want to thank every one of you for signing the card that I'm assuming Mrs tyer sent around for the uh death of our grandson I greatly appreciate it and so does my wife and our daughter who still hav a problem even talking to us right now and I I also received one from the township committee did Mrs Costco did that I'll thank you for it but you can let them know thank you okay sure um public comments no public comments okay well let's you have anybody on Pardon anybody online they didn't unmute so I'm going to assume they have no no has no public comments what their name they didn't wake up before so I didn't give him a chance this time okay we're at adjournment need a motion all in favor opposed so ordered oh boy