housing obligation the rules were invalidated so we had that theyve they call into into next year 2025 so that's it's a quite a long period from 1999 to 2025 where hayport is satisfying what is uh been determined work here was to come up with a plan to meet those numbers to to show that we could satisfy this affordable housing requirement the first table I wanted to draw your attention to is the prior Round Table we're um proposing to meet the the prior round obligation you could see that we have um Davenport Village which is 56 existing rental complex in in Mason's Creek comp uh development which it it ENC it there's a total of 39 affordable homes there 35 are being credited towards the prior round we also have a total of have developed two existing Market to affordable homes these are homes that were existing and received a financial contribution to make them affordable to a low and moderate income buyer that's the prior round totals up to 146 with the allowable bonus credits which is actually for short of the 150 we're going to make that up with what's in the next table which is um on page 35 table 25 the compliance mechanisms for the third round obligation going to meet the obligation here is through a um 72 unit new construction 100% affordable project on Creek Road developed by the Walters Group we're also proposing or planning for a 55 plus um senior project called R um that project is a 70 unit project we're we're not going to CL claim all the credits excuse me okay Rand R was 22 right no I thought Randol is 660 60 all right well we'll make that correction there there'll be Surplus credits for the future rounds he but at 2025 is coming up hesport will have a new number so we're already looking ahead to see what can we kind of put in the bank to apply for that next round um we also have completed uh for sale home at 20 2312 Walnut from Glenn at Mason's Creek I mentioned before we are claiming 35 for the prior round four for this this Gap plus perspective need there's also Supportive Housing at Legacy five bedrooms that will go towards this this round um in addition we've extended the controls on affordable homes at Glenn at M Creek to get another credit we're proposing another uh special need Supportive Housing group home three bedrooms Davenport is going to be uh is looking to done excuse me it's already done it's already done already done um 16 more units we're also going to develop um nine accessory Apartments accessory identify market rate housing and restricted as lower moderate income with a subsidy to make it affordable to a buyer can you tell me what the r and the s in the yes um thank you of the the what's in the plan um and I mentioned when I started off about what happens next we are looking to adopt the housing element and fair share plan and then have a John glp the attorney and for councel the is actually right we're asking you to approve this uh the township committee will then consider it on January 30th they'll adopt a resolution as well if you refer to them with your approval or some other number will fill in the correct number at the top of page 37 when Megan was talking about the nine units on uh page 35 in the chart for accessory apartment program the other uh and it is the ordinance that will allow what Megan just described as the accessory Apartments so um you'll be at the next thing you'll do after you make a motion on this hopefully favorably uh will be to consider that ordinance bunch of questions all right if we can start on page 35 um Walters SLC Creek Road is that has that been identified previously I think two years ago this board reviewed that and recommended it back favorably as consistent with the master plan so it has been Zone to accommodate that uh the township committee uh has subsidized that project um so becomes a grant right now it's secured by a loan uh and then the committee has also committed to additional funding for six of the units because the funding mechanism that the state allows for 66 the governing body is subsidizing six at 100 money in the affordable housing trust fund the governing body on January 30th will also be considering a spending plan that spending spending plan identifies the sources of the revenues where the money is coming from uh the great bulk of that has come from aoup cple the warehouse to pay these these obligations okay um on that same line Walters Creek Road what are the 50 bonus unit what is that what did I miss 70 72 units but we can get 50 extra credits per the route per per the rules which is a good thing because we it's it's basically a numbers game but where we have that uh um bonus credits so like if we were just to right off the bat subtract 50 from that it's 147 units instead thank you next what what are where is Randolph senior Estates that's the project Faith Assembly was it another name before it Christian Faith Assembly oh it's that church over they building okay I know behind the church yep okay well does everybody on the board know what we're talking about here cuz I know some of you weren't um I'll shut up for a while if anybody else has any other questions how does low to modate low um so the the generally the rules are and there's some you know changes but generally what it is is every project has 50% of the units can be moderate income and and 37 level that's 133% need to be very low is 30 can make up to 34,000 a lowincome family of four can make up to 57,000 and a moderate income family of four can make up to thank you can we go back to chart 35 table 25 I'm sorry the walers creek I recall there was going to be 72 units there yes sir and 10 of them are going to be for family can I assume the rest 62 or yeah that it's yeah it's a it's a tough table number of very low income units so that table is identifying that there's going to be 10 family very low income units okay thank you and Megan just going back to when you were talking about the inar that these individuals are Income qualified and they do have to be gainfully employed correct they have employ proof of employment to show that that is their and they're qualified each year where you can't make more than that there's also if for let's say the The Glenn at Mason's Creek um there's a you need to be able to buy a home you need to be able to qualify for a mortgage have a down payment you have good credit so there is no so it's not like a you need to have a certain job but but you need to be able to qualify for a mortgage with the rental um projects the low-income housing tax credit projects the creek the Creek Road they will again have a hard going to look to make sure they have tenants who um you know are good tenants and will will pay the rent and then there is an annual certification for the those rentals but also follow your point um it is a very all these things so Megan's group will be charged with that responsibility I think so uh cgp will handle the currently handles the 39 units at the Glenn uh but the Walters Group and Randolph iate that these Inc would go with May consum price index or something to some inflationary table yeah yes the uh income limits go up every year and they're based on the regional median income so household income is what raises yep and our region is just you know our region is Burlington C and gler counties what's the rent you know the rent yeah I have some I do have some sample rents um uh I'll give you some two bedroom numbers um right now so if I get a big very low income single and I get a big ra um I up paying a little more rent or do I get throw your rent would increase um there's some room there in I I believe I'm I'm personally not an expert with the tax credit regulations though as Paula mentioned that Walter's group will be handling that R the rent will go up yes rent will go up yeah so would it be so I qualified at very low uh 24,000 my tax return comes in at 40 I what about homeowners like can neglect bason Creek thank you um with home ownership your income can increase and you do not get in you're in and then when you sell it's sold to the the maximum resale price is is capped there's a small percentage allowed each year for the amount of time you own it and then when you sell it it's sold to another low and moderate income person you're question now with the with the very low income and the low income will there be any government programs to assist those individuals that qualify for those those properties f um as far as I know there's no additional subsidy on top of the rents that I just quoted you and I would without seeing the exact do uh put in additional subsidies I'm just not aware of any that exists the town does have an affordability assistance program as part of this housing plan that we're putting together which will pay for first month's rent for anyone moving paid through the affordable Housing Trust Fund pays the equivalent of one month rent to help even a moderate income person come up with all those expenses in one one lum sum so that is a new program that's pretty similar to the first time home buyers program that the county that's a completely separate and often times we kind of have to navigate that narrative and that rhor this is not Section 8 this is affordable housing people lower it it doesn't change based on the applicant that walks through the door it it's lower than Market but the rent is the rent if the person can afford it they can rent it yeah is right yeah yeah this is the most recent one so the purpose tonight is to if you've gone through the master plan and you want to talk about consistency with the master plan but in your in your last master plan reexamination report you had a number of references to third round affordable housing um the last report dat your goal goals objectives overarching goals of the community number two meeting the housing needs of a wide range of income and age levels with particular attention paid to accommodating the Township's low and moderate income housing obligation through the provision of various types of housing of the master plan reexamination report uh you have a whole section again on housing plan um talking about uh at that time as the current housing plan was prepared it became apparent that hesport can accommodate 240 units which includes the Gap discussions with Fair share uh we came up with 197 and plus the the four that Megan referenced we thought the 150 were achieved from the FR round we only learned in the course of all this four were short that's why one of this chart shows 20 is familiar with it you you you you did adopt it some time ago and so we would ask that the board find that indeed this uh housing element fair share plan is consistent with the master plan that you adopted as part of your overall plan about the success Department program that's next discussion the next you also have to open this up to the public before you vote uh well let me I just want to I have some other questions and I want to introduce and refer to you that would be the next uh item for you to discuss after you close the public hearing and vote on the housing element parir a plan okay that's so just I want to know when to bring it because I have a couple of okay and that's 20 well eventually yeah I do want you to vot 2404 correct confus um that's later on right there's a resolution that Bob prepared which is05 or somebody prepared that's the one that'll be the firste what behind oh it's this one okay anybody on the board have any questions of uh Mrs York relative there's five five individuals on line if anybody has a comment on the housing element and fair share plan can can you step forward to and Mr Kingsbury will swear you wi state your name and oh she doesn't have to all right sorry Cindy tavina 105 Mason Woods Lane um so big units going up there um safety concerns and traffic concerns and all that that is what I want you guys to all think about before you say yes to this master plan we had come and we actually came to the board pleas for that if you all know Creek Road you know under the bridge that's where they're going to go it's a lot of units it's like two three story buildings it's huge we don't have the police we don't have I thought you were talking about the one out on I appreciate your comment but that's not really part part of what we're talking that's what I'm I didn't know if it was right that's okay well you can we have public comment later on you can talk about anything right now we're looking at uh this specific action we we're for the May how can you put this you know this big unit back there and then they went and got a new master plan saying oh we're going to put this big unit back there so you know I guess that's all I'm saying okay okay well thank you yep um any questions or what's your pleasure on the first part of this subject tonight which is the review the amendment of the portion element and are there any contingencies associated with that this is you have the one at the top says resolution approve resolution 20 24-1 as written well not to leave things hanging wait a minute I need a second on the motion are are we sure it's 20 24-1 yeah that's I'm having trouble finding it that's Mr Bradley has made a motion to approve that and we need a second I'll okay any questions on the motion hearing none have a roll call please yes Mr Murphy yes Miss Costco yes and Mr cifer yes okay so the next portion of this the okay that's part of uh the township ordinance 241 right yeah yes 24 24-1 okay um does anybody have any questions on that it's a tyo in the third line it says chapter 430 entitled zoning it should be chapter 104 entitled land use the very top just below the title yeah should be what it should be chapter 104 entitled land that that was my mistake so that'll be corrected before the township yes yes sir takes final action well then as long as we're on that let me get into mine if we could turn that has actually been removed from the ordinance and that was accidentally put in there is that the fauler ACT language John ordinance oh okay because the one I'm looking at doesn't have that right that's right oh so section seven is out so this ordinance shall be presented to the mayor for his approval and signature which approval shall be granted or denied within 10 days of 10 days after it has been presented to him then this ordinance shall be deemed approved that's out that's out that whole thing's out that's out it was a mistake that's for fauler that's for well I wanted to my correction was going to be then we're going to take no action and if I may um so what you see in front of you is Section 8 is actually now section seven and after uh one adoption it says approval number two is removed so three publication in accordance with the laws of the state of New Jersey actually now becomes two filing of the final form of adopted ordinance by the clerk with a the burlingon County planning board that actually now becomes you you said all of section two is out um so Section 8 Below section 7 that we just removed right section 8 now becomes section s okay this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon one adoption then two approval by the mayor pursuant to that is removed oh I got you and six you have the word if I believe that's of [Music] of second line is also that same problem do the township transport well we know it's heis report and under Section six the second line has that same thing right being consist incist okay regardless of pip I don't I don't mean to be picky but I don't like approving something that's not correct you talking about the ordinance or the resolution the ordinance the township governing B's ordinance oh so they got the they got the the reversion be prior to our corrections I just didn't want to make more copies and burn a tree down so my apologies you can can deter and this resolution yeah okay that's all I want to do another reason why we should go and and Mrs Costco you you know which has what has to be correct yeah we had already actually caught those okay from the when we the governing body introduced all right okay so this does not have to go to public comment not requ public all right um are there any other questions by anybody on the board Mr chairman I just want to point out something to the to the to the planning board joint Landers board uh you'll notice on the second page of the order number 17 in parenthesis talks about no more than nine affordable accessory apartments are committed within paint for right and that is consistent with the housing element and fair share plan that you just approved uh if you recall table 25 on page 35 had apartment program nine nine yes okay see I had it underlined over here too okay um so board we need to take action I need a motion in a second to how did you word it Mr kingset theist so would be the ordinance as amended and a second I'll make a motion okay exactly what he said all right do we have a second I'll second that okay any questions on the motion if not Mrs bgio yes Miss Costco yes and Mr CER yes now there was a third was there a third portion the the agenda says next is minutes but we don't have minutes no we don't have anything I just so we're moving into resolutions 20124 D4 which four and we don't need any well we just did so yes correct we're not doing correspondence correct don't have any press professional comments yet any more professional no you change specifically pertaining to this master plan Amendment do we have any comments from the public online or ma'am did you have anything no we're good unmuting themselves so I'm going assume they don't have a comment all right well we're at that point for adjournment motion then we adjourn yeah we have a second second we're adjourned thank you behal of the committee two of whom are sitting here we thank you very much appreciate it thank you good good presentation folks