oh sorry I know but I can't stand her all right I know I know I know you know what she was you know what sometimes sometimes you have to run again we want to get a picture now okay let's do it okay perfect thank you good that is not Mr Mr gie is going to be very upset that he much better looking Mr gie Mr GL is probably stressed out why he can't get on this I'm about to text him he may yeah he will probably think I'm surprised I hope he's enjoying himself rather than he said he mention he might try to just watch the last time I was here was guess he just wants to make sure I also think I figured out why because John so so I think that my email get on was it up couldn't figure it out and we're like everything like all everything was enabled for me so like I don't know if that's what it was it needs to be a direct like yeah like it has I don't know maybe the security feature but the only thing we could figure out supposed to make life easier I have like you have the updated resolution the one that we just yeah you fck it in your pH normally do a formal report this meeting is called pursuant to the provisions of the open public meetings law this meeting of March 12th 2024 with instructions for internet access was included in a meeting notice sent to the Bren County Times And The Courier Post on January 4th 2024 and advertised in said newspapers on January 7th 2024 and January 11th 2024 respectively posted on the website and the bulletin board in the municipal building on January 4th 2024 and has remained continuously posted as required under the statute in addition a copy of this notice is and has been available to the public and is on file in the office of the municipal clerk would you all please rise for the flag salute i al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all can we have a roll call please mayor Gore here Mr Montgomery here Mrs Evans here okay Mr clous yes here Mrs Tori here minutes I need a motion and a second for the approval of the regular committee minutes of feary 1th and the executive session minutes that motion for both I'll second both Mr clouse yes Mr Montgomery yes Mrs Evans yes Mrs Tori yes mayor Gilmore yes reports we have report reps from the tax collector the code enforcement the Fire official constructions emergency service report and I think we have in person we'll have the state police could I get a motion to uh accept the reports that are in print please so moved second Mr clouse yes Mrs Tori yes Mrs Evans yes Mr yes mayor Gilmore yes Sergeant anucci uh hi everyone I have nothing to report uh just an update we had a meeting on the 29th about 100th anniversary and we're working okay thank you happyn thank you um we have a couple of um discussions presentations right now and then um we'll have some comments for the public with regards to agenda items only after that we're going to take a break for a little bit of refreshments and celebration so this is the sinking seat can I turn that around and talk sure or should I talk from here you can do from that forgive me but ladies and gentlemen I stand before you today with great pride and gratitude as we come together to celebrate an individual who has dedicated an incredible 50 years of their life serving our community as an EMT volunteer it is with with immense honor that we recognize the one and only Don plat Don has been the heartbeat of the Emergency Medical Services for five decades tirelessly responding to calls providing comfort in moments of Crisis and making a lasting impact on countless lives M included his commit to the well-being of our community has been unwavering and his legacy as an EMT volunteer is truly remarkable as we reflect on Don's Journey let us not only acknowledge the countless hours he he spent on the front lines during the emergencies but also his compassions his skill and dedication he brought to each situation Don's selfless service has been a Beacon of Hope for those in need and his presence will be surely missed in the field retirement marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another while we bid farewell to Don's active service we eagerly anticipate the adventures that await him in his new life phase Don your dedication resilience and kindness have left an indelible mark on our community and for that we are truly grateful on behalf of the community of Hanes for I extend our heartfelt congratulations on reaching This Magnificent Milestone may your well-deserved retirement be filled with joy relaxation and the knowledge that you have made a lasting impact on the lives of many congratulations Don and thank you for 50 years of selfless service as an EMT volunteer may your retirement be as extraordinary as the Legacy you leave behind [Applause] AB just wanted to say thank you for the township committee this is unexpected pleasure it's been a long time and I wish I could continue to do it forever but my body my mind and my wife says it's time slow down and take it easy uh over the years I think they said I've answered like 8,500 calls in the 50 years maybe a little bit more maybe a little bit less uh I met a lot of caring loving people that love the job as far as EMTs and firefighters which I do both and uh we we had some hard times we had a lot of good times we always got together and talked things out if something was bad sometimes we just go out and get a cup of coffee and talk things out and the one person that I deserve as more recognition and when I give her her that's my wife for 45 years without here her I don't know if I could have made it 45 years she's my rock she might not think so but she is my rock and uh it's it just doesn't take a toll on an EMT or firefighter it takes a toll on a whole family you know been many times getting ready to sit down for dinner beeper goes off she says you gone I said you know I'm gone she says why don't you let somebody else no no I just go but when I come back there's dinner sitting there waiting for me she's been on my rock every time I come back from a call we talk about it and then I walk in after a bad call I'm not talking about it she pulls me aside we're talking many times I cried on her shoulder many many times and I can't say enough enough about my wonderful wife thank you very [Applause] much tonight we also have another uh presentation to make today marks a significant milestone in hanworth history as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of our beloved Township on March 12th 1924 hesport officially became Incorporated and through this momentous year we are excited to host various events for everyone to enjoy and to participate in tonight we come together to recognize and express our deepest appreciation to exceptional students have played a vital role in our centennial celebration the hesport school and harbor Baptist Academy and others have actively participated in commemorating the special occasion from daily historical Snippets to the beautiful artw artwork displayed will be it's a displayed right now here and will be at the street Community Center for all to enjoy their contributions have truly enriched our community Spirit we thank you to these talented students for making our 100th anniversary memorable and vibrant as I call your name would you please come up and get your certificate of appreciation so I have have Shawn denight from Harbor Baptist Academy seventh grade shorter e8th grade Harbor Baptist Naomi Lucas 8th Grade haror B Deana shorter 11th [Applause] grade Haley shorter 10th grade and kin Gardner main sports School all had an opportunity to see their um pictures that were done and represent various um locations here in hesport and I hope you're all able to come to the uh Street Community Center to continue to see them on display and to have your friends and family come and look as well I need a little photo up for the thank you very [Applause] much so now we will open it up for comments from the public on agenda items only comments are limited to five minutes do we have anyone that whiches to make a comment at this time not seeing any in the room none online well that makes it nice and easy we get to eat cake okay I now like to make motion to take a break to eat cake so moved all in favor all in favor I I okay let he take yep that us you doing the CT no uh I was here [Music] earlier [Music] I have a white one too you guys eat really and they're nice yeah we eat really poorly yeah yeah yeah we don't have to doing [Music] now my wife's actually his name such an interesting hobby how much are we selling 50% AIG I I can enough room your oh polyester it says polyester where your thumb is yeah yeah it's 5050 that's what I thought Ultra English is right there K guess that really ad so what's he doing so there's doing what's he what's he trying to Dole really no um actually a year this a a [Music] hoodie a shirt they all hey we're talking good stuff yeah I like I Curr live apply to him under his name sounds like IDE a grant it's a grant it's notal yes so they have their [Music] [Music] St and then I I cannot do certain point it's kind like you do everything do like little things now that oh absolutely anytime I told someone I did something like oh do you think about doing this I'm like no say hi to I just brought for her today she might buyer time so he wants to table it thank [Music] you that's what I really well I borrowed J from here at work for all table numbers yeah I get it like you have a lot yeah you have a lot people with a lot of opinions that to all about you the whole thing it's easy to forget though because table he doesn't like $2500 to an engineer to see if we can get money I'm the I'm the oldest of everyone I don't know anything about it I don't know how are you oh my god small world hi you guys know um so her grandom is my friend yeah like family friend yeah that's so cool we all connected we're all connected brington County are good haven't seen you in a while yeah I hear that hopefully that's not a [Music] bad I know it was her Co Hobby and now she's like really serious about she's gotten pretty good I'm the anytime I need Furniture before buying it I'm like mom do you think you could make this but she has she's made some really cool stuff is she made some really cool stuff but good just working yeah getting ready to get married yeah married yeah I just telling Paul it's a a year this this week that I've been engaged so it's scary how fast that time's gone and then I have much less time until I get married so scary go especially when you have summer in between summer always goes too fast what are you guys doing here just for the come to your meeting oh okay you miss really [Music] nice that's cake while you're here got a huge C so I work with John John's in Florida this month so I'm here repl John's so why I'm here in his place yeah work but I can't same same old with you [Music] guys oh my goodness remember my grandmother telling my grandmother's birthday yesterday we're over there on we're over there on Sunday good seeing you yeah at least for your trouble are coming out on this [Music] beauti you have Bailey Cyrus cream with I don't like I'm have if I'm going to have alcohol in the morning it's un Avil I'll [Music] do for drinks yeah like yes the sh yeah somewhere between what we never got our computer up though she got a d I don't understand what problem this it's kind of been doing this while and I just been hoping that it will work normally I will get in here andle with during the day it like time yeah but then sometimes it's fine already reached the clock and turned it upe good did it was on by any chance and then you like turned it off and dating maybe no it'll happen sometime I don't think so we have a pretty good firewall pretty oh really try [Music] [Music] don't have any real little kids so I should be okay should be okay right I have been to I went to like a conference or class May was a carpet yeah better give it back it's my favorite I know where he live get money you know the code right they're gone [Music] now and then we might not get it yeah my grandmother she's the only one left oh I'm sure I'm sure all be out there sure they will be yeah I've heard it but [Music] pictur okay well they move around H do they yeah just like that one I was in was [Music] sinking oh really so [Music] cool yeah look really ctive about 13,000 wow that's a [Music] l already you already that much you've already done that much in three months about 11 she say that's what she saying 11 a lot of money I know but then when you look at it no but still but still I used to run a senior center so I have a lot of like so all our people are going to leave before our meeting oh yeah all right let's see if he gets it we're doing a lot of that was gonna say by by June you're GNA be you don't have a up to go yes could you get me a water bottle please can I get you a bottle of water darling is it warm thank [Music] you empty one that or a cup of coffee though you like some trash see I knew she'd ask for can't live with us and you can't live without live you [Music] let's get out of [Music] here probably May can't you like there's nobody here so let's finish up huh yeah let's go well I have to have a public hearing and final [Applause] adoption you know my R is yeah we know SE it so we have abused you but we love you [Music] about it to he did he said today I know where's e we're ready let's [Music] go on the resolution but the point is I don't like the [Music] last miss my hus what difference is it going to make if you do it this month or next month be is the whole thing about what he did too much of an I'm not yeah you don't worry about it uhoh ready well we want to have a party later let help are we all [Music] ready got to put it on Mr mover the moving man go don't think we don't sing okay we're up to ordinances ordinance 202 24-3 providing for and determining the rate of compensation of officials and employees of the township of hesport this is the public hearing and final adoption do we have any comments from the audience any comments from anyone online there is no one online just so you know that we don't have that running okay not working they seem to have left the children so I'll close public comments do I have a motion in a second so moved second Mrs Tori yes Mr clous yes Mrs Evans yes Mr Montgomery yes mayor Gilmore yes ordinance [Music] 2024-25 Mrs Evans yes Mr klouse yes mayor Gilmore yes ordinance 2024-25 the code of Township of Hainesport entitled Board of recreation Commissioners and replacing the same with a recreation Advisory Board this is the first reading and introduction the public hearing and final adoption will be April 9th 2024 do I have a motion in a second so moved second Mr klouse yes Mrs Tori yes Mrs Evans here Mr Montgomery yes mayor Gilmore yes consent agenda resolutions 202 24- 53-3 through 2024 57-37 moved second Mr klouse yes Mr Montgomery yes Mrs Evans yes Mrs Tori yes mayor Gilmore yes resolution 202 24- 58-3 authorizing for mayor to execute a statement of consent for hesport family apartments towa application as required by njde so moved second Mr clouse yes Mrs Tori yes Mrs Evans yes Mr Montgomery yes mayor Gilmore yes resolution 2024 59-3 awarding a contract for Laurel Ridge Road and palaski Avenue Road resurfacing projects Motion in a second please so moved second Mrs Tori yes mayor Gilmore yes Mrs Evans yes Mr Montgomery yes Mr clous yes resolution 2024 60-3 awarding a contract for fenmore Road resurfacing project so moved I have a comment just that every just to make a comment that when we reviewed all the streets in the town um every street was reviewed and every street will be resurfaced so this is just a process that we're going through so I'll second thank you Mr clouse yes Mr Montgomery yes Mrs Evans yes Mrs Tori yes mayor Gilmore yes resolution CL yes Mrs Tori yes mayor Gilmore yes resolution 2024 62-3 authorizing the execution of a contract with the Brownfield Environmental Solutions Inc vs for preparations of a Brownfield Development Area application I need a motion and a second pleas so moved second Mr Montgomery yes Mrs Tori yes Mrs Evans Mr klous yes mayor Gilmore yes resolution 2024 63-3 authorizing a contract with vnr Engineers for writing and submitting a community Project funding cpf or earmark requests to District 3 Congressman Andy Kim for Creek turn Park project I make that do I have a second second can I have a comment yes yes um I have a problem with this for one first of all to aork with a congressman which is more equates to Pork a federal Congressman we should be getting this money from our local uh uh Commissioners which were our freeholders which we always got this money from before I kind of think the way this is written is no more than a political ad for the congressman trying to take advantage of us and I don't like the fact that was put on the table last minute without us properly to review this I really don't like uh last month we had something put on last minute that I didn't properly review and I have some concerns about that so for two reasons I'm concerned that it was put on the table last minute without proper review and it's a congressional which is our Congress should be dealing with Federal projects like roads Bridges anything not our local community that's what we need to have our state and County governments take care of and they stopped doing it since they've changed the commissioner so that's my view thank you you're welcome how is it taking advant of us we're getting money or potentially getting money I don't understand that my thought just because we're getting money doesn't make it right being taken advantage of if peoplei the rest of the federal government's been taken care the rest of the federal people in the United States are being taken advantage of well no I mean this this is available Nationwide this community Project funding is not just in New Jersey okay are we we through I'm through I made my point of view I figured her point of view would be had Mrs Evans yes Mrs Gilmore yes Mr Montgomery yes Mrs Tori I don't like the fact that it is coming from the federal government but I also know that we don't get anything from our commissioners and we need the money for this park so I'm going to have to say yes Mr clous um we don't need to get money from the federal government we can get it from the old way which we used to do so I will say no okay thank you okay businesses approval of business licenses and I see there are quite a few I have a motion in a second I just wanted to make a comment real quick that they're over a 100 business license here that we're approving which is just great hesport is pro business we love business it's great for our residents especially the wonderful businesses that we have in hesport so I with that I'd like to make a motion to approve do I have a second second Mr Montgomery yes Mrs Tori yes Mrs Evans yes Mr clouse yes mayor Gilmore yes okay we are now open for comments from the public comments are limited to five minutes anyone have any comments you got it this is on anything come forward Bruce lenson to Fox Court um I just want to make an announcement that the HRC is co-hosting with mobile one KRA MGA with the Sensei instructor and owner Mr Dennis Watson a self-defense course he's one of our local businesses and he owns mobile one KV MAV the class will take place at on at and on Friday on April 12 at 7:30 and the class will be held at the Kenneth Street Community Center and all you have to do is show up thank you very much thank you okay anyone else comments from the administrator I have a few um I am happy to announce that um we received a $63,000 um award for the firefighter grant that you all approved um application to I believe that was sorry it was a couple months ago uh but it is for PPE as well as uh replacing an oxygen fill tank over at the firehouse so again that's $63,000 um we did commit a $10,000 match um but we do provide them with uh Capital funding on top of their regular allocation so that that can be um used for their match so I'm pleased to announce that um I did have a very productive meeting this morning with uh the hesport fire company president uh Mike hulahan as well as the assistant fire chief Chris lipincott um to talk about the losap program uh which was authorized by the the voters um in November and uh supported greatly by all of you um so we are going to be requesting an amendment to the ordinance um to make to add the fire police to that as well as uh correct my error in um the point allocation I accidentally flipped the fire services and the Emergency Services Point allocation so there's a couple changes so I'll be presenting that to you all uh next month and we also talked about the actual Logistics of the program and developing um the program itself second I wanted to let you or third we wanted wanted to let you know that we will be introducing the budget um so the finance Liaisons will be reaching out to you shortly um when the CFO is ready to have that um initial meeting um once she compiles everything together but the plan is to introduce in April and adopt in May great thank you and finally um we did submit the uh Green Acres Grant application um would like to thank uh Michelle Taylor for helping us get that together that was um the we were requesting the maximum amount of $700,000 um that does come with a match uh 200 50,000 you all already earmarked last year um sorry no pun intended um in the capital budget um and we will be making a request for additional money in this year's capital budget to go towards the Greek turn Park um that was all just for phase one um so the expected cost for phase one is 1.2 to 1.4 million so if we do get the nod for this Federal funding that will help support either the phase two or if we don't get the nod from the state for the Green Acres par Park and we do from the feds we can utilize that money for the phase one so we've got a couple eggs and some basket so hopefully um it'll help us get that project going um great and finished and I think that is it um in terms of uh the last minute for that resolution I do take um I just wanted to to touch on that the timeline to submit these earmark requests is very very short short it's about a month um I could have waited until April um however we have spent funds on the writing of the greenacre the greenacre's Grant application was over 250 pages long that is going to cost us a lot of money for that that writing of that Grant I figured it would be great to capture that work that's already been completed and that we've paid for and utilize that information for the the earmark money so it's very seamless the cost to write that is what you actually approved um it is for $2,500 for our engineer to write that request um for that earmark money so we're kind of knocking out two things with one and being very efficient with the use of the tax dollars but it is a very short period of time usually one month and we can't move forward without your sanctioning of that so I do apologize that it was last minute I probably could have waited until April's meeting um but they could turn around and say well we're done we're not taking any more applications we're only going to open this up for two weeks so we just needed to be um as ready as possible so that is all on me that's it well thank you very much comments from the solicitor um only comment that I have is John sends his best from Florida I bet he does yeah said comments comments from the committee Karen okay so happy anniversary happy birthday hayport um so nice to have seen so many come out earlier wish they could have stayed but we would extend a warm welcome to everyone who was able to come tonight so our 100th anniversary year-long celebration is off to a wonderful start on February 16th we kicked off the year with the senior citizen Winter Dance the food was delicious the music was great and we even had games and prizes a special thank you to Leela Donna Casey Charles Casey who never gets recognized and is always there and Liz benedetto for creating this special night for us but I would also like to recognize one of Hayne Sport's many unsung heroes Not only was she there helping to decorate the night before arrived early to help set up the event helped to serve the food and stayed to the very end cleaning up but was also devoting many hours to the fashion show I would like to recognize Sue derekson Sue please stand up and be [Applause] recognized as you could see she was also here serving the Cake She's always there for us thank you Sue and speaking of the tea and fashion show it was also was a huge success it was the second major event in our year-long celebration and it truly was a lovely afternoon enjoyed by all we were overwhelmed by the generous support of our residents and businesses we were able to have 77 prize baskets with a total of over 100 prizes given away as well as raising money for our June 1st celebration thank you so very much to all of you we could can never begin to express our appreciation to all of you but I'd like to say a special thank you to our event sponsors who helped us host the event to Bradford estate for Kelly's candies at aiza's Family Restaurant for the lovely and delicious chocolate favors BCIT for making the program the browse around shop for their contributions J sweets for being our hair and beauty sponsor and to the Ladies Auxiliary for being there we couldn't have done without you thank you and a special thank you and recognition to the fashion show committee for making this all happen for us Leela Donna Paula Jen Liz Chris Barbara Sue Chris Lorraine lri Elise Diana and Nancy and a thank you to Joe for his many many donations and as usual his full support for whatever I get him into he was heard saying that he had women coming in and out of our house morning noon and night but he never complained thank you Joe so thank you to all of you okay so at this point I was asked to present to you our t-shirts so another fundraiser that we will be having are selling anniversary t-shirts so we are going to have multicolors different sizes so we all hope that you'll take one wear at the day of the event or buy one on the day of the event and show our support for our town almost still going on another note I would like to congratulate our hesport school on a wonderful talent show last Friday evening that Leela and I were fortunate to attend we really enjoyed the show and hats off to the very talented students and to their teachers and parents on a very successful show on a personal note I have completed two classes one on Municipal training and another on budgeting to make sure I am able to provide you with the best service possible so finally looking ahead remember we have story time for the little ones this Friday at 10:00 at the Kenneth Street Station and the children's Easter egg event on Saturday March 23rd with that I wish everyone celebrating Ramadan a very blessed Ramadan and to everyone a very happy and blessed Easter season may God bless you and continue to bless hesport and have happy anniversary hesport thank you thank you um Anna is still on the line Anna did you have any comments oh yes thank you um I'll keep it brief because I am in England and it's 11:30 p.m. uh firstly I'd just like to correct culi on one thing she persists in referring to the din the senior citizens dinant it was actually advertised as the adult dinant not the senior citizens din oh excuse me people who attended it were not in senior citizens so we do try to be inclusive in hyport um I for one I'm very grateful to see all of the grants going in get us money for our Creek turn Park and I'm very excited that we will be able to continue to develop that this year um I'm so exceedingly grateful that I I'm still uh representing the community during this very exciting 100th anniversary celebration I'm looking forward to the rest of the event thank you and good night from radi old England thank you Anna good night thank you Anna Mr CL oh um first of all I want to say I'm very proud to been in tsport for just over 50 years so I was at the 50th Anniversary the 75th and I'll be here for the h 100th God willing and um I was talking to some of my friends I grew up with earlier and it brought me great pleasure to reminisce about the past and you know thing times when hesport on the Route 38 wasn't divided and all the good times and you know you all know who I'm talking about right I it brought me great joy so um with that I just want to reiterate um on the grant um just because money's free it doesn't make it right and that's why we have a deficit that's out of control in our federal government and because money keeps getting earmarked which is becomes pork along the way our federal government and we should take care of our local with the local people we represent so I hope the park gets fully funded with the governments that are that would be benefited by the local funding so uh with that I want to say happy anniversary and uh I guess that's it enjoy your evening thank you Mr mck I'm up happy anniversary hesport my wife and I moved here TW almost 28 years ago we reared our four children here it is their Hometown and my wife and my adopted Hometown for sure um not that I'm dismissing my real hometown of Willingboro but um we we love hesport and um you know very happy to be a part of this and being part of the committee uh Who's involved in this um the te and fashion show I attended uh Joe was there there were a handful of other men that were there um it was it was wonderful ful and um thank you