black I pledge allegiance to the with liberty and justice exit right or left from this and proceed to an exit door all doors will open from inside the New Jersey open public meeting La is enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provision visions of this act the Helen board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published in the north Jersey record Herald News nor Jersey Record News har the board's official newspaper on January 10th 2024 notices of this meeting indicating date time and place were posted publicly on the door of the main entrance to the school and filed with the cour in the municipality of H roll call please Mr aasi here Mr col Miss C here Mr Guzman Mr Martinez here Mr Mo here Mr Ramadan here Mr web here and Mrs ISO here okay um I see we have a presentation and we've got a full house here so I'm going to turn it over to Mrs asro H everybody I'm Miss [Music] cro here and I'm gonna focus on all the kids because I know they always do well with adults but uh thank you for welcoming us tonight um and I'm excited to share some of the so far the here yes so first I wanted to show you a little bit about what it's like when hippie or therapy doll comes to HPS um as you kids are always smiling um there some quot posted up there how the kids feel when they get to see hi um middle schoolers as well as so H once mon she visits for about an hour each visit to kids about dog um she really just boost the morale in the school climate the next area that I wanted to talk to you a little bit about was the family second grade family reading projects that we've been doing um in preparation for our artists and residents we sent home social emotional awareness stories that uh students may experience in real life uh read it with their families the fam sent in pictures we were able to make really great movie uh clip to send out to families that was super fun um and they were able to strengthen their conflict resolution skills self-awareness social awareness skills um the next slide focuses on mum which is ancl online curriculum that we purchased um for teachers in 3 to five every teacher uses it at their own um but as you can see we had over 1600 emotional PS as of January 1 bunch of different activities um and then specifically I've been working with fourth grade on rewarding them on the work that they're doing at home and then giving them uh prizes that enhance their Welling so whether it's journals motivational posters that's been really that's our Mentor that we have we have a graders that come into uh various classrooms during uh non-instructional periods and they help out in in a number of different ways so they'll help build executive functioning skills whatever the teacher needs student needs um maybe just book shopping in a classroom Library uh whatever that may be we're looking to expand that as well area of focus has been the tier one programs that we've been able to put in place so the uh some of the student assemblies we've done was anti Bing assembly where uh the local reporter had published a on it uh social emotional learning author and a cyber buling specialist things that still work uh beginning February 1st uh the l department Anda coach created and we're working with the ja basball team to help promote um perseverance self manag skills amongst all the the students and any student who meets their reading H gets free tickets to the uh the attend that is not only focused on perfect attendance but also attendance uh specifically looking at class firms and then improved attendance as well and then the the groups and this this one example of thetion that we're working with we're creating a vision board just for more uh positive thinking mindset set goals uh for uh their next steps in their in their that was all that I wanted to say um so without further Ado the real stars of the show would be uh the readers in Mrs Sanchez's third grade class along with uh Mrs car and Miss Matos second graders um and they are all going to be reading a piece out of their published books that they created for Red Ribbon we so um if Mrs S has students come up everyone can come up all at once we're gonna get Miss Sanchez parents you get the best CA which way the kids face here one by one good evening everyone I'm Mr Sanchez third grade teacher hello here at HPS um my first reader is Isabella Saia um so our book was on respect and what we did is instead of having the same topic we broke it apart where it says what respect is what are ways to show respect how can we get respect and earn respect and the dos and don'ts for respect so they're each going to read different part for each topic yes read the question I'll be here what does the word respect mean to you the word respect means to show you care and be kind respect can also mean to be considerate of others feelings by Isabella right now you can go then okay our next reader gabella batelli oh by the way there's pictures I'll just show so for each writting also create a picture you want to hold on to your book yeah okay and this is is's picture as she's reading how do you show respect to others you can show respect to others by being nice to them and showing kindness you can respect them and help people like friends clean up and help people cross the street another example would be helping people grab something if they can't reach and don't talk back to adults and don't be rude excellent good job say your name by your name by all right our next reader Alandra wera can I show your picture yeah this is her picture get close the mic you can show Respect by being kind and helpful and asking for permission and listening to others people helping people with reading and with mou also being kindness great saying you did it is a great job and you and you are amazing those words are helpful kindful and amazing greated and clever people can be your friend when you respect them it feels good and amazing when you respect people by alra our next reader Chelsea you can show your picture and then read close say here nice and you can show respect to others by showing respect to others and teachers and saying nice things helping others and being kind by Chelsea our next reader Maximus cordona show your picture now get closer to mic read the question how how can you respect from others you can respect from others by showing them respect ways to show respect is helping others in asking are you okay so that's respect that you should show to people and other things that are Liv Bye by Maximus doc and our last reader Landon Smith so you can s them you got the do and don't so show your picture show okay get closer to the mic and you can tell them the dos and don'ts do so Lon has the do and don'ts of respect so the does dues follow directions quickly the first time two keep hands and feet to yourself three make smart choices four be respectful and kind don't one don't say mean things two don't fool around three no running four no hitting oh do you want to read it that's fine just finished he has two pages okay do you want to read it or no the dees D keep hands and feet to yourself U be kind to everyone make good and smart choices every day and everywhere use your manners respect everyone and everything don't no running don't say mean things to people no hitting people and don't disrespect people by Landon Smith thank you everyone and now we save these and we share it for like next year's students so now they have books to go back to and look at what our friends wrote thank you so I just want to say thank you to Mrs cosbro Mrs Sant want tell everyone your name or do you want me to want me to tell everyone your name or do you want me you want me to you want tell everybody your name my name is Noah what grade are you in second grade okay yeah I am kind to my sister because I help her so milkshakes I am kind to myself rainning to stay healthy show picture Okay Mason so our second grade class had a choice to write about kindness or respect so we let them choose so some will be about kindness some will be about respect and some will be about both want to tell them who you are a Mason car donut kindness is important it is important to respect yourself I am kind to others by helping and sharing I respect myself by relaxing resting and relaxing awes your pictures be [Music] good good good are you excited yeah I you want to tell them who you are um Louis kindness and respect are important I give compliments to everyone when someone is alone I can play with them I am kind to my mom dad and my teacher I can how my neighbors grow their vegetables kindness and respect are the best did a great job ready a do you want me to tell them your name or would you like to say yeah tell them who you are ashz okay this is ashas harness is important I am kind to others by playing soccer with them I am kind to myself by taking care of my body show them the picture you thank you so much thank you thank you thank you to our fames and Andes and thank you to the awesome second and third it's really hard to um get up and talk in front of people you guys did a great job and you have a great sense of what kindness is and what respect is so we are all so proud of you and I know your families are so proud of you great job guys thank you Mr is going to give his report so you might want to stick around and just hear some the upcoming things while I got you here I want to what a good opportunity for me to be able to talk to you guys so I'm G to take advantage of it so thank you for president Isa for for letting me have this um you have Miss krove um you have Miss N Miss Sanchez miss carabana all amazing veteran teachers um and and you got great kids and that's why great things happen it's really fun for us to see that uh my report tonight I want to begin with some very very very good news um Governor Murphy has announced that in his upcoming budget he will show significant increases in state aid to schools that's a big deal um that can only be viewed is good news HBS has benefited greatly due to the change in funding formula a few years back and we have to acknowledge all the people both locally and and across the state that helped fix the system that we felt was unfair and now that you know we're we're finally benefiting from it so by the end of February we should have a a more detailed estimate regarding how much of an increase we should get from the state um but I did want to share this piece of good news um because this initiative because this piece of news means that it's very likely or much much much more likely that all the great things that we've created since Co started um we're we're very likely to be able to keep for at least next year which a good and hopefully years beyond that but um that helps us big time now I also want to give an update on the construction of am gerain and myself met with the architect firm the Carino and the builders from Northeastern construction on Monday to get an update thus far things are going according to plan uh we're losing a tad bit of progress because of the weather we know that the the concrete needs the Earth to be a little bit dry um and so we we've had a couple days delay on that but with that said we we're still looking to have the lower floor completely finished and ready for moving by mid August so that means you know we started the year we were able to use that wing it looks it's it's very likely that by this time this year starts next year that preschool Wing is going to be operable again that's big news um that will put us back to having a full School structure just like we did before construction right now it's looking like we'll be able to cut the ribbon on the new Wing sometime between September 15th and September 30th um the local inspector that the borrow uses Mr Jimmy boo he's been a great help to us with all his inspections um however the elevator will need a specialist from the Department of educa or the from the state to come in and inspect that um we're going to ask the inspector to say Hey listen we know that the the the elevator now might not be ready for inspection yet but all the classrooms look good can we populate the classrooms and they may say yes but they may say no one can move into any of those classrooms until the elevator is expected and if that's the case then that's the case um usually around May or so that's when we begin to make the master schedule for next year and by may we should have a much more accurate date as to when the construction is going to be be complete uh but all things considered this is a big project and it's moving along at a good pace and when everything said and done it's going to be a great boom to our school um we've already opened this year in October one additional pre section which help people in town uh we've already been approved to offer another preschool section so we know we're getting extra rooms at least in October and you know by the end of this month when we see where the weight list projections are for the preschool um if it looks like if if the weight list is over 15 we're going to put in an application to have another preschool so our goal is to to make the the preschool waiting list a thing of the past um and if it takes us uh the construction Ends by the middle of of September member we have to wait till maybe end of September or the beginning of October to have all these new preschools in then then so be it but it looks like it's we're we're we could see the finish line of making this prechool Lottery something we don't have anymore and that's a good thing my next point we have our final Parent Academy program coming up on a February 8th uh the last one was on the night that um the weather was really bad and we ended up doing it early with Missle the following morning um so I wasn't terribly surprised when I heard about the parent turnout uh but on the eth uh I I think we can reason expect a better parent turnout and now that we know that the state aid projections are are very likely to be in our favor um we're we're going to transition the topic away from what what program should we prioritize and more have a conversation about here's how we make our our school budget here's some of the things that we were're really excited about but then transition it over and have a facilitator Miss Hela talked to parents about hey what things do HPS parents want to see what services what programs what activities what what new things might we be able to do with with with funding that we get so that's something that it's on February 8th um if you email me directly I'll be happy to send you an RSVP and I hope you'd be able to come um but I I know there's some things that are really good ideas that we can't do but a lot of times we we can do things right and and um I've been pretty good at being able to to to start and initiate new programs that help kids so uh I I expect that there there'll be one or two ideas that come out of there that we can do and that we all want to do and hopefully we can make that happen um speaking of parents the PTA will host their annual Tricky Tray on March 20th at The Brownstone uh this has always been a great event and I'm hopeful that as many parents and people here will be able to come as possible I know Miss fantino and the rest of the PTA parents they go above and beyond and this is their big this is their big fundraiser all the field trips and all the other things we were able able to offer the kids towards the end of the year a lot of that's happens because of the money generated at the uh at the uh the tricky trade uh the theme this year is going to be around the world so if you're thinking of dressing up the world's a big place so there's a lot of different ways you can go with that um if you would like to get tickets you can contact Miss Bole locally or just email me and I'll connect to you with Miss Bole or any of our other seller um another piece of good news is that we're applying for the state's high impact tutoring program um and I have a good feeling that we're going to be able to get it uh this should make it even more likely that the positive programs like such as the the boss summer program or the extended day program it looks like we're going to be able to once again have those without having to worry too much about the budget because I think we're going get some funding from that uh this coming Saturday morning we start our adult English as a second language class um it's a kind of thing where we encourage as many people in the community that want to learn this skill as possible again if you email me I'll connect you to miss Le or any other adult ESL um the people that run that program but that's going to come this sun this Saturday morning at 9: and it'll last for I guess the next eight or nine or 10 Saturday mornings um I know last year we had people come to our board meeting and they said every grade gets a field trip except the sixth grade um and that was I thought that was a valid thing to to bring up to the board uh so this board was approved the idea of having a sixth grade advisor and I'm happy to announce that uh the sixth grades going to have their field trip to Mid Medieval Times coming up this May or June U so of that's an an example of you know people from the community speaking to us and US listening and and doing something we think is going to be positive um I also want to let the board know that on the that on the 28th the bo our next meeting 28 the certified angels are going to be running their showcase until about 6:30 so if any of the board members wants to come a little bit early and see some of the cool stuff that's going on in the certified Angels program that's going to be a nice thing and we we appreciate the Angels working with us we can both use this environment um to get what we need to get done I have two more announcements and we'll let you go um one of our district goals was to beat bully staff and when I looked at the county of all the the District of County we're still one of the few districts that was able to report that we're fully staffed that's a big deal um but in order to keep that I'll just let you know what I'll be doing tomorrow night I'll be going to a job fair that they claim has 500 graduating teaching candidates at so I'm hopeful to meet as many as I can and uh myself and Miss cusac who our teacher recruitment specialist uh be going to William Patterson Monclair State PA University in cane uh within the next few weeks to make sure we keep getting as many great teachers as we've been able to get and finally I do have some great news that made me happy today we had a visit from uh Dr Ferrera who's a local dentist and he came to talk to our young kids our younger students about the importance of dental of what here's what happens when you go to a dentist or here's why Dental hygiene is important here's why you shouldn't be scared of the dentist and uh Dr fera came to us afterwards and said we had the best and most attentive group of young students he's ever presented to so I was very happy to hear that that's my report for today and now we'll let go do you want to take a group picture with those kids have them all together with Mr wa and K can we get a picture you guys is that cool you guys yeah yeah I [Music] baby let's thank you guys I made it for my kids like two days ago myom very okay so I'm gonna bring everybody's attention one of our PTA board members is here she's going to talk to the board very about uh one second just want to invite everyone to our trly trade and like said around the world the on March 20th um that's basically it yes it's our biggest event so really appreciate if everyone to come out and support us another event that I do have this Friday I wanted to mention is our father daughter dance um it is for prth grade only the girls and their dads or any you know Uncle any friend that they might anybody 18 and above and a sibling it could be also H as included um pre of fifth grade and then the next one will be our and mother dance that is for February 23rd to be to the weather um and that again that's and then our yane game that's our another fundraiser that we have that is on May 18th at 7 uh are 55 um and yeah it's something come out and support us and have fun you know as aun that's thank you thank you we appreciate the PTA um PTA and heart and we appreciate all that you do um um for students for teachers with school if for our community thanks so much for coming out to talk to us thank you okay so we're going to continue with our meeting um folks if you want to into the hallway are you welcome to stay okay so moving on to our [Music] agenda all right can I have a motion so oh actually you know what before before we do that um before we start the meeting I do want to just take a moment to acknowledge the passing of s h Richard brudnick um Z bernick was a regular presence here in Halden he um was at law enforcement events he was at hailen days he was at 911 ceremonies and a lot of other Gatherings here in town um deepest condolences to his family and his friends and Coles oh I just wanted to say that so let's let's move on to the meeting um okay so can I have a motion to uh pass to to approve the board member committees okay so moved by Mr MCO seconded by Mr Martinez roll call please mras yes Mr yes Mr Martinez yes Mr moxo yes Mr R yes Mr web yes and Mrs yes okay um I have a motion to accept correspondence moved by Mr Martinez seconded by Mr MCO roll call please Mr Abasi yes yes Miss Miss cados yes Mr Martinez yes Mr Moo yes Mr Ramadan yes web yes and MRSA yes okay can I have a motion to accept prior minutes sir sir move by Mr Martinez second Mr Abasi roll call please Mr Abasi yes Mr yes Mr Martinez yes Mr moel yes Mr Romo yes Mr web yes and MRSA uh yeah I just had one one thing I wanted to bring up for the reort portion it said uh it had me as abstaining for the president vote and I actually didn't I mean I made a joke about voting for myself but I actually did vote for myself so it did sound like you obain I remember because I was like have to this oh yeah no no no I voted yes so can can that be reflect that okay so then uh yes okay um so can I have a motion to open the floor to Citizens on agenda items only some second okay move by Mr Martinez seconded by Mr Moo roll call please M aasi yes Miss Cado yes Mr Martinez yes Mr maxel yes Mr Ramadan yes Mr web yes and M yes okay the floor is open if anybody would like to address the board on agenda items only I to know safet data system in violence substance weapons and hi then it says confirm which is s then when it com down screening progam it has a number 151 and8 I'd like to know what the difference is I also want like to know if there were any weapons brought into this scho I also have a question on 13.11 to 133 replacing the Chrome books are we replacing the ones that are broken for outd I am unclear as to why we need to spend over when I just anybody else on agenda items only anybody online Mr Miller okay can I have a motion to close the floor second move by Mr Martinez second by Mr MCO roll call please Mr Abasi yes Miss C yes Mr Martinez yes Mr moxo yes Mr radon yes Mr web yes yes so I just want to address Miss cern's uh comments about the report I think that we can discuss what the report what the parameters of the report are but I I am sure that we can't discuss any details about those reports so um you know I guess if if U Mr wants to know more or any any member of the public would want to know more about that report Mr W who should she reach out to email me I any question okay so if you email Mr w can you know answer your questions or explain what the parameters of the report but you know we can't discuss any details uh about that and regarding the Chromebooks um that question actually came up in our committee meeting those are um well I'll let I'll let um miss a answer the question okay so the district does order the placees order every year for obsolete um Chromebooks that are expiring we only have a fiveyear cycle on them in addition to any broken items or any items that are um out of use so we do have we we also do get eate money for them so we are getting a reimbursement for these items so and the eth graders do take those items when there's released so we're replacing obsolete broken or you know items that need to be replenished P right so and the eighth graders get to keep their books right when you pay 200 per a Chromebook it's going to last five years that's the that's the warranty that's the service agreement right um but you know the kids can bring them with them to where their next step is their educational career and they can get some use out of them then good for them um but it's the kind of thing that gonna be their has no value US so something that we'll do every five years anyway now there's like a new batch that that their shelf life is over new ones and we got to know our who's our coper they their Elementary and Middle School age kids who drop things like I I you like they drop things right so we we we we're never going to say to a kid oh you broke your Chromebook by accident you're not going to be able to get a replacement you we're going to make sure they get one so um you know fortunately we'll be able to use a lot of the exra money at State a to make sure that everyone gets all right so a question on that too so for 11 and 12 the of of what 1311 and 1312 is there a reason they're split or was it just two different folks came in and Bill could you answer bill bill was no more than I he can answer that but one point there's one there's one um what do you want one unit we had we were able to get 260 of that then we had to order another set because that's what those are the product that was available from the company so we so we need we needed 385 new to replace obsolete so every year it's between 350 and 400 that would purchase you want to elaborate bit last years if they last years and anyone are salable keep on back match up roughly with the attendance of kindergarten third and sixth grade the number the number of Chromebooks we order annually should match up both somewh with the attendance of kindergarten third six okay do the kindergart and the lower get on or the there's you want explain that bill student second grade then in third grade they one little guys and third and up get regular because during Co we found that the little kids you know you might be home during F would put might not really know how to help you get on to the the lesson so the touch screens like the put their ID card or whatever that card was called um we found that was helpful the older kids they kind of know you already but yeah are there any um for students who like destroy the equipment were there any fees or fines for families so it's a kind of thing where it's a case by case if a student deliberate deliberately takes a piece of equipment smashes it um you know we we have the option discipline we would we would handle that as a disciplinary matter um but I I still going to provide a kid education and if if if the teacher telling me that their lesson is dependent on using this Chromebook as a tool to access information um just like if if a kid lost Tech back when we were kids right you have the back tech book that you need watch your backpack coule times still has to make sure that you have what you need to succeed um we we haven't really seen it is like we've seen kids get frustrated and and maybe be a little too rough but we we haven't seen it happen more than once with with any particular kid very often unless they might have some kind of Behavioral you know disorder um but it's a problem that we haven't fixed but we haven't really it hasn't really been a problem here in that particular that particular concern thank you yeah just a comment I don't think I've ever lost my backpack you lost you never lost textbook as kid textbook not a whole backpack maybe I um second since we brought since you brought up 11.1 I would asked about it later do we have that's the the the summary of the HIV stuff yeah do we have the other data like to track it quarter to quarter yeah we level are we going down are we I want to put this at as careful as I can I think that we have a really good Middle School assistant principal now that's keeping very accurate data okay and I I think that the data we have now and going forward is going to be as accurate as as as possible that's what that's fair M you did you have question oh okay all right we're good okay all right so let's move on to committee reports um I will start with mine and mine is a little long tonight so just bear with me please um first off I want to thank every everyone for joining us um I want to ask the board members to please take a look at the 2024 uh board committees if you haven't already um there are a few changes but for the most part they've remained the same because I want everyone to have a chance to continue to focus on the same areas however please keep in mind that board members have a say in any board business regardless of what committee you're on M um secondly since we're at the beginning of the year um I think it's a good time to look at the board pools that we had established during our board retreat in June um and the corresponding action plans uh that we approved at our August uh meeting so I want to stress that the board goals are not meant to be punitive in any way um they're just meant to help us become a more cohesive group and uh so that you know we can better lead and serve our our district and oversee our so to recap um our board goals and action plans for 2023 for the 2023 2024 school year are the following to increase commissioner attendance at board and committee meetings and to increase professional development for the board as a unit so breaking down goal number one our action plan was twofold um in a given school year there are approximately 18 to 20 board meetings so every member every board member will attend at least 80% of all the board meetings so that's you know 14 to 16 out of 18 to 20 meetings that was the goal that we set for ourselves um for committee meetings uh those are much less frequent and really I think the only one that meets regularly is the finance and physical plant um so therefore in a given school year um every board member will attend at least 90% of all committee meetings meaning missing only like one or two committee meetings um so you know for a midyear check um I think we're doing we're doing okay in the way of you know board meeting and committee meeting attendance I do think we can do better um you know we all work we have families things come up unexpectedly and you know we or family members may become ill especially in the winter um and that's all you know perfectly understandable but it's really important to show up for meetings you know physically and mentally in order to best serve our students stud and our district um the board and the districts need all board members input and don't forget that you know if you have a conflict um you know for work or extenda circumstances you can always attend virtually you know attending in person is ideal but if you need to you can attend virtually that's one of the advantages of having our our board meetings um you know broadcast virtually um so okay and then regarding the committee meetings we can be flexible in terms of when those meetings take place they don't have to be the same meeting same evening of the board meeting it can be like a different you know a different evening or you know the Committees can work that out um and I just want to ask the committee chairs in particular to please make sure that you're at all of your committee meetings so that you can um you know contribute to the discussion and report back to the board so the second goal is to increase professional development for the board as a unit so the action plan is to um increase professional development for the board as a unit um oh to increase the professional development a majority of board members will attend either the New Jersey school board association annual Workshop or choose another professional development training or opportunity to attend together so and please note that this is completely uh aside from any mandated training that we have to do this is you know in addition to that so you know One op option is to attend County meetings County meetings are almost always local they're usually they're pretty short they're like you know an hour and a half to two hours um and they do qualify because they you know they always have some kind of like learning or uh presentation component so and we do get credits I believe we get credits for almost any um County meeting that we attend so um you know that's an option you know and there's two left in the school year um there's one coming up on February 1st that's going to be a virtual one and the topic is advocacy and special education and then there the the last one of the school year is in May May 29th and that's a hybrid so that in the inperson um portion will be at the Black Bull Steakhouse in Riverdale and the topic is well that's like more of a celebratory one but the county teacher of the year will be in attendance and that person is Amanda rhods from the uh clipton School District District um but there are a lot of other New Jersey School Board Association trainings throughout the spring and the whole year so um I usually list them in the state or County report you know maybe we can hone in on one or two um trainings or meetings of interest that we'd all like to go to and and just you know just do it just sign up for it and we all go and then we all get credit as a unit for that in addition to our individual um credit so you know in addition to this I reached out again to the NJ our new rep hel hel Mitchell for an update on our status as far as like a you know board certification um so this even though this isn't specifically one of the board goals that we have it definitely contributes to you know our professional development so if we're interested in in pursuing this um you know we we do have some credits banked right now we do have some things um under our belt right now uh so as a recap the the board certification recognizes the full board's commitment training and effective governance in areas such as group process decision making planning effective meetings and focus on student achievement so the requirements are um 16 credits of Group Training uh within a within a four-year period so that's like what I was talking about like trainings we go to where the county meetings um participate in at least one full day Retreat or an equivalent of board workshops uh complete an and jsba policy wellness check to ensure that the board's policy manual is current uh complete an analysis of the district's negotiated teachers contract and I did ask Kelly she said we could use the the contract that we just approved in in August we could use that one um demonstrate commitment to continuous Improvement through completion of the annual board self evaluation comply with current mandatory training requirements for each board member and and um Kelly said that up to as of now we're all up to date on our current trainings or our mandated trainings so that's good and then satisfy the governance portion of the New Jersey Department of Education monitoring process so I believe this is the qap um and we got we got a satisfactory rating in governance um so that one yeah so that one we covered so just a couple of caveats if the credits are not earned within four years those from the first year will be dropped and credits from year five will be added um and then to earn credits attendance that training must include seven members of a nine member board um and then the superintendent must also participate um credits will be maintained as long as the composition of the board Remains the Same or if the board experien is less than onethird um turnover in membership so Kelly sent me our board uh transcript of credits and currently have five group credits um for our most re recent strategic plan process and then our Bo board go setting so she also noted that um yeah as of now all of our board members were up to date on their training um okay so you know as I said if if we're committed to doing this um I think that we should you know try to focus on attending the trainings um you know get a couple that we could attend together and then I think we should just kind of tackle these one at a time because it's a lot you know it takes a while all these like self-evaluations and these other things so um you know we can discuss it more at another meeting or later on in the new and old business but um well before I go on does anybody have any questions or any comments or any thoughts about any of that um so it's the four years so where are we at so what she sent me was really old like as far as group credits uh yes the most recent was 2018 so then I told her that you know we we did a board retreat we did this and that and so she we have now three credits for the Strategic plan process that we did and we got two credits for our board goal setting um process so we have five right now out of 16 so I mean we could you know that's like a third of the way or you know there so we could we could do it if we if want to and if we set our mind so we can do it you give the report uh per individual member or just as a group as a group I mean I don't know if if I would be privy to individual board members credits um but you can always check your own credits if you log in and you you can get your transcript it'll say it right there I just got my certificate you did certified Bo all right congratulations so then you'll probably recognized at that may meeting yeah that's wonderful congratulations we're trying to do it's GNA be a twoy year we know year you know J to get there but we're doing the 7 second yeah I mean I think it's it's it's worthwhile to do it Manchester ni and and aside from just having like being able to say this credential you know it's it's it's all of the work that goes into it and it you know it just goes towards kind of helping our goal of helping us become like a more cohesive board and and you know grow professionally so I think it's worth help um okay so here um oh and then the last thing is the board retreat so um I think it would make sense um to have our board retreat in like May or June and this year to reflect on all the work that we've done over the years since our last one took place it was June 3r of 202 3 um just to you know assess our goals see how we're doing um so I I would really like to schedule this early um so that we everybody has it on their calendars and you know you can save that date we can get a date that works for everybody or as many board members as possible and and we'll you know keep that date so I'm going to send some dates to Lois and just like a whole bunch of dates like um I think this we also want to do the Saturday morning was really nice because it you know it's not when you're coming home tired from work and you know I mean I likeed the Saturday morning and if if if everybody's in agreement we could you know carve out time on a Saturday to do that um I'll send her a bunch of dates and then just look out through that email and just you know get back to her as soon as you can with your availability so that we can um you know narrow down a date um okay and then lastly I'd like to thank Mr D philippus and miss samor from our teaching staff for their service and dedication to HPS and its students I also want to congratulate Mr amilio Toronto from our custodial staff who's retiring at the end of the month um Mr Toronto has served our school district dedication professionalism and kindness for 15 years you know and any time I was ever at the school in the evening for the PTA or for Schoolboard stuff and I needed help with anything he was always happy to assist and he did it you know with a smile on his face and he was gracious and kind and I really appreciated that so you know we wish them all the best in their future endeavors uh so that is it for me um so Mr Walker you already gave your uh presentation so I'm going to turn it over to business administrator Miss o thank you madam president so I just have a few things to mention um until the next um the due date is T about the disclosures for board members I'll keep reminding everyone to do their disclosure so that that we can get that done and approved because it is a few steps you have to do you have to fill in information it has to be downloaded uploaded submitted reviewed pick back to the county and then they review it and approve it and if it's not it can you know could be rejected you have to revisit it again so it does take a little time to go through the whole process so if everyone can continue to work on that um on the timely maner that would be great um the new board members you have 30 days to do it uh you have to make sure that I'll check your your chat so I'm assuming the end of this month needs to be done so if you have any questions uh the other thing we talked about in the finance um committee was the fact that the district has come to this um end of the cycle of the Food Service program and we have no choice but to go out for RFP so during this RFP process I've been taking some of the um doing some of the webinars with the state to um upload the RP um application on file and one of the suggestions was to get feedback from the district from um parents teachers students to see what the district um is looking for in a new Food Service Company now all food service companies that are registered with the state can apply we do have a heavier weight loss F when it comes to that but the district has at least 50% to um decide on what is important into them in their food service program so we'll be talking more about that putting a small committee together looking at some of the selection process of what we can choose and pick to um make sure it's in line with what our district goal is for our service we talked about a little bit more in depth in finance committee but if anyone has any questions or want to be part of that process it would be um welcome so that we can make sure we're all on the same page it any questions on that we've already talked about the clook um guess the bidding bidding world is going to start right um for for food right so I have up until April 15 to submit the application to the state and the state has a list of vendors that could um been on um our um this the service the contract with us are weing change the vendor we have now we may have no choice but to change because we have to go through the process they could be the same vendor that fits all the criterias the biggest part is um the costs that's the biggest weight but we do have a good selection of items where we can say this is this held in community let's put more emphasis on this you know so we're going to kind of figure that out through this whole process before we submit the final application to the state okay thank okay uh the other part I think we mentioned about the um Mr Walker mentioned about the construction um we do have two applications that are on the agenda to be approved and I think that was 13.4 I just want to explain during this whole construction process the v um the contractor's invoice is going to be called applications it'll be application one and and so forth and that will be drawn down from the big contract amount that we had if you also notice that there is a change order that's on the agenda and I just wanted to explain that is within the amount of the contract um amount that we awarded overall it's not on top of the um the maximum amount of all right we talked about the P books and I think that was oh true we have another item on the agenda which I spoke about before the true view of 13.6 is the um residency investigation company that we're hiring to partner with us to help us with the um in you know to inquire and investigate residency concerns that we have within the district it takes our staff and our um out of the the picture of trying to determine who may be considered our student or not this is very helpful especially when it comes to um looking into like address changes or if a kid might have still moved out but didn't let us know so there going to do a initial search and then we're going to get a list and we're going to look at that list in detail and decide if we want to take it a step further this instead ofy they do have that service if you um that we can upgrade to later once we look into it but it starts off by just looking at data that they have you know this company has some intelligent software to review just Qui with regards to 134 1315 the two action the two invoices against the the expanded project yes um in the next board meeting can you just remind us what the overall budget is and how much has been invoiced to date the balances okay just so that we track make sure we're financially on progress okay sure the applications on here does have that information but I can ver it show it shows the balance of yes and the application that are attached one of the first the contract sum is the budget the original contract sum is the budall budget yes it's then it tells you what we pay today what's completed and the retainage it doesn't have the change orders on here that will be a separate item but I can keep this perfect okay that's my report okay to personnel and management so Mr Martinez uh culum and Technology Mr web agend items only policy and public relations Mr Martinez agenda item security and Mr Ramadan agenda items only Community engagement and Outreach Mr Abasi um nothing to report and um as I now a chairperson for this uh congats curriculum congrats I might I might want to touch Spas with you the com weeks of what kinde of engagements in activities we have successful we want let's just let's sit down and have a discussion about it I'm done and finance and physical plant Mr Moo uh we met to discuss the billing PA spoke about the Chromebooks and the construction and other than that agenda items but the rest it away um and then state county and then we'll go back up through um so I you know I mentioned the upcoming um County meeting on February 1st um there's plenty of time still to register if you want to go to that and that one is virtual um there's also um a mandated Training Day on Saturday February 3rd for governance one two and four so um and those training I think the first one is going to be in person in Trenton and then the other two are going to be virtual uh so if you're missing two or four um you know depending on what year you're in um ATT that um February 15th there's a webinar five things all districts must do must be doing to prevent a Cyber attack that's at one o'clock that's a a webinar um and then the new board member orientation weekend I don't know if anybody any I think the new board members have taken their training already but that's February 23rd through the 25th that's like an all weekend thing um so that's it um Mr Marina do you have anything okay so let's go back then uh personnel and management uh Mr Martinez 8.1 through 8 13 please move second so moved by Mr Martinez SED by Mr MCO call please Mr so just real quick question on 8 five with the resignation of Mr philippus there a replacement for that position we posted yeah okay and then 811 what's what's PBIS uh oh it's supposed to be pbsis you're both right it used to be initially it was pbsis now it's they Chang it it's PBIS uh positive behaviors intervention and support I believe that's what it is it's a system where we when we notice kids doing good things we give them the wild cat rewards it also teaches little kids you know buing mechanisms it's kind of age specific um but it's it's to promote POS behaviors can you repeat that again it's age specific it's schwi POS posi behavioral intervention and support I believe I'm I'm okay that's accurate if not any teachers want to come in and correct me dur public comment please um you know all the kids coming home with the Wildcat cards that's all part of PB is you're right swag similar to that get to go video games and all that stuff I vote Yes M yes Mr moxo yes Mr Ramadan yes Mr web yes Mr yes okay curriculum and Technology Mr we maximum 9.1 through 9.5 second okay moved by Mr Webb seconded by Mr musco roll call please Mr Abasi yes Mr yes and just from you from from Mr Martinez yes Mr marel yes Mr Ramadan yes Mr web yes sir abstained from 9.1 and yes on all the resty okay um security 111 second by Mr Ramadan by Mr Mo roll call please Mr Abasi yes m c yes Mr Martinez yes Mr moel yes Mr rad yes Mr web yes and Mr yes Finance Mr Mo like to move 13.1 through 13.17 second sorry I didn't hear the seconds Mr web is that Mr web okay so move on Mr Moos second to web please mras yes m c yes Mr Martinez yes Mr Maro yes Mr Ramadan yes Mr web yes Mr I did have a question about 137 I was just curious who the Morgan Family is the the sources of strength is doing a fundraiser for um proceeds to be donated to the 911 foundation in memory of the Morgan Family is that somebody like from our community or does anybody know know that let me give you the exact answer to make sure um good um yes I vote Yes okay any new or old business yeah just in regards to the uh building Pro process the you mentioned earlier that the prek um will definitely be filled with those uh rooms is that correct or no the the rooms that are once we get eight new rooms right then I move a first grade there or a second grade there right so I I ideally I want to keep the first grade I want to prevent the second P I want to prevent the preschoolers from having to go upstairs right um the rooms that we're building are going to have bathrooms so they'll be that part would be good but it's more likely I might move first graders or second graders into there and then populate the vacant rooms with additional prek so the the the whole plan is to no longer have a waiting l I that I I think that would be great to yeah that's what that that would be a priority that I would definitely look to ready for you keep that'll be here in the blink of an eye okay um any any other business okay so can I have a motion to open the floor to Citizens on operation of uh School second by Mr Martine seconded by Mr aasi roll call please yes Miss CAD yes Mr Martinez yes Mr Moo yes Mr Ramadan yes Mr WB yes Mr yes okay the floor is open if anybody would like to address the board yeah just when we had a global pmic we said 6 feet apart hand sanitizer mask now the now the trending topic is mental health so now we are going to pull all our efforts into this's this year alone my daughter has been sick continuously since Halloween came home with P ey Co and the flu it might be ask me why are the teachers in the school allowing the kids to stay in school as they are sick when we are clearly spreading this sickness to everyone else so not only are the kids sick we are we are the parents that have to take off at work care for our kids they are once again missing out on education and the rest of the family is also getting sick how are we ever going to recover the education lost during pandemic if we are continuously taking out our children from school how many viruses do we need to have in order for the school to wake up and do what it's supposed to and since a board M told me that I only come up with Podium to complain and have no Solutions I'll do your job for you I have provided 20 bottles of hand sanitizer to both of my kids classes I have also requested my to separate my children in them in both I also think that we need air cleaners system in every class I think that need teachers need to send children or sick to the nurse's office and parents pick them up accordingly if the nurse um everyone must work together and this is not a one person blame thing this is why I feel that this is what I feel that would help keep our kids in school get an education at the same time uh once again I am bringing up this is before uh with other SCS report I'm bringing up uh the amount of people who do not reside in hel but still are allow to um has there been any movement or finding out if everyone that comes to H actually lives in hin finding out this information with would benefit our taxpayers let's try to put that in most especially since the so lastly I'd like to say I am super of my kids that readed today speaking is not easy for anyone it takes an immense amount of Courage so to kids Max and Isabella good job someone on raising their hand go ahead Miss cartin hi everybody can you hear me yeah uh first of all just from a personal note I cannot wait I am almost ready to come back to Board of Ed meetings in person so can't wait to see you all again and um other than that uh good evening I speak tonight on behalf of the Grateful members of the helden Education Association every school year brings its own unique challenges and this year our community deals with construction of course this is a necessary evil we all agree that the extra classrooms will be put to good use losing 30 parking spots however created a problem which brings me back to why we're so thankful the haa leadership sought Parking Solutions and have been so pleased by the response the decision to temporarily suspend street cleaning on roads near the school has been very helpful we thank everyone who had a role in this decision I'd like to specifically point out Mr Waka chief of police Danielle Mayor Johnson deputy chief Guzman and members of the Barrow Council we all are very appreciative that this challenge was addressed collaboratively among so many local agencies so thank you all very much and please I will send this over but I would like to make sure that my um remarks are heard by Miss Mayor Johnson and everyone else so thank you very much everyone thank you Diane and of all people on that list I did the least I I know that I I know know the mayor's office Mayor Johnson and uh you know George work to help out with that and I know the ha un man to work really hard for that and you know whoever else in the burough that I don't know about that helped make that happen any it went from like we couldn't park there all of a sudden it went away like like that so I don't know who I also have to thank but you guys did a great job thank you second Martinez second by Mr MCO roll call please Mr aasi yes Miss C yes oh good okay Mr Martinez yes Mr moel yes Mr Ramadan yes Mr web yes and Mr yes um before we adjourn I I do want to address a couple of the things that Miss CNA brought up um so you know there's always going to be sickness in a large building a large organization at work we we so many people were including myself around the holidays I think HPS does a great job of keeping the facility clean providing masks providing hand sanitizers um you know we do our best there's there's always going to be there always there going to be things going around especially in the you know as the weather gets colder this does bring up though um it it it made me think about the issue with the qack with the you know it seems to be out of think like the um the way they were grading the attendance um and you know we we can't send parents's parents mix messages like your kids have to come to school but then we tell them you know if they're sick they have to stay home so I'm I was just wondering if you had heard anything back about know a couple other districts in the county the same thing as us and it's I expressed that concern to our County Superintendent um and she means well but she's she's not going to be someone that's going to really push the dial either way on that um you know my my wife works in a public school and and she has Co right now my my son goes to a public school and and he had it a week ago um it's just you know this is what happens so in terms of the qac I guess we're just gonna to be not to interrup right the qack we lost we asked our parents we said to our parents if your kids not feeling good stay home and the data showed that our parents listen to us um I think this we're not one or two points away from that 80% Mark that's going to get us over that line of demarcation we were close our scores were going to put us over and then they made this new formula and that brought us down our attendance would have to go quite drastically to to get back over that so I I think that it's going to be like a five year project to try and get there and talk about you know what Ty of bonuses an achievement award things like that we're not going to fix this in a year and to be fair like if I had to pick one side of the fence to be on I like being on the team that says hey parents your kids are sick stay home and and we'll just deal with it next um and so we're we're not going to make any drastic decisions right do we have hand sanitizing we class yeah and is there a policy in place in school that says the kid is coughing teacher sends them to the there's certain things that are black and white in that like if if you go to their s and your temperature is above I believe it's 99 point something or 100 point something then no matter how much Mom likes it or doesn't like it we have to send you home you know there so there's certain things with black and white if you puke if you have light in your hair there's certain things that are automatic missiles um but you know someone's medical status part of that's also going to be a decision between the child the mom and and the the nurse who's trained to evaluate them right um and and little kids you know they know sometimes they eat it or they they bite their nail it's just how little kids are we've all lot of us are parents so um I I think we're doing as well or as not well as every other Public School in the area to be honest thank you everyone for coming tonight um and uh be well until we see you again um can I have a motion to adjourn second by Mr Martina second Mo by Mr Moo all in favor adjourned