will everybody please rise for the black salute I pledge allegiance to the black of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation indivisible liy and justice of regress in the event of an emergency all people may exit right or left from this room and proceed to an exit door all doors will open from the inside the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon in ordance with the provisions of this act the hailen board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published in the north Jersey record in the New Jersey record Herald News the board's official newspaper on January 10th 2024 notices of this meeting indicating date time and place were posted publicly on the door of the main entrance to the school and filed with the clerk in the municipality of haon roll call please Mr aasi here Mr K M C here Mr buman Mr Martinez here oh okay Mr moxo here Mr Ramadan here the web here and MRSA okay so the first order of business is we have some presentations and some honors to uh to give um we're going to start with two of our retirees this year um Mr W do you want to do H so we'll we'll start with our lovely vice principal uh who was here for quite a while and accomplished a whole lot of tremendous things um you know m barn hill is absolutely part of the fabric of the ha public school she was here then she went elsewhere and she saw that the grass was greener here and she knew to come back um and then this was her last year at HPS um and we we still talk about her all the time and think about her and you know she's still part of what we do um but we uh we wish her the best in retirement we'd like her to come up and then say a few words to she yes I should come to the microphone sure hi I'm Beth Barnhill thank you for having me this evening I really appreciate it and I'm going to address the rest of this to my friends in the audience because um you have really been my family for a long time um not once as Mr Waka said but twice I was very fortunate to be able to come back and resume the duties that I had for five years before I left and tried tried to fly on my own wings and I found out that without my family here it wasn't nearly as much fun so it's been a real honor for me to be here at the school and watch the growth not only of the students and the staff um but of the building and all of the good things that are are here that um are good because of the people that are in the building so thank you again for allowing me to be part of it for a long time and I know we're in great hands now miss Pano is she she's still sane I saw her earlier and she appears to be relatively sane so take good care of her she's going to take good care of you too so thank you again for allowing me to be here for a long time and I will come back to visit thank you can I get a picture picture oh picture oh sure thank you our next uh recipient amelo um Amel I don't believe he's here tonight or if he comes later then we'll we'll change course and and and officially honor him um he's a custodian that's been here for 15 years in fact when I first started working I had to pick something up at the Woodland Park School District I drove there and he was the custodian that let me in the front door and I said wait a second you're Hil custodian what what you doing here uh but he was just a really hardworking person he worked two different jobs two different districts uh to provide and you know just just a real good example of of of a really hardworking and good human being um so we we we thank him for all he's done to keep the school safe and orderly for for our kids and our staff and everyone that's come through our doors so we thank Amelia okay so next we have um our teacher of the year award and our educational professional of the Year award um and those are two really significant um recognitions because I believe that they are chosen by their peers right um so let's start with the Year this year it is uh Miss Mrs Jennifer Pano H back over here that's okay W said I only have 17 minutes I did not say good evening Mr W and the Board of Education I want to begin by thanking my fellow teachers who took the time to nominate you for this amazing honor this Z at HPS is second to n and I'm truly to be recognized among my peers next I would like to thank my family my Dad andom are here tonight they both have always instilled me to never stop working hard and fighting for the things that passionate about sorry I've been very emotional he walked in and I started crying I seen her um my husband Anthony he puts up with me do I really need to say anymore probably not Tammy girl you are my wild flower in a field full of R watching me become a part of HPS has married the two best parts of my life to succeed in education you need to think outside of the box I'm very aware that not all students learn the same they also need love and attention in very different ways connections and relationships have always been Paramount for me in my educational Journey if you can show a kid you care those kids will move mountains and we'll show you the best side of them my son was diagnosed with a rare genetic disease when he was two years old he is turning 10 years old tomorrow he has a complex medical and educational history this took me not only on a professional Journey but on a personal one he is my outs side of the Box kit and every day is my reminder to be the best educator that I can be thank you JP for being my biggest teacher and my inspiration this speech was very hard for me to write not because I didn't have enough to say but because I had too much to say there are so many Educators in this building retired or that have moved on that have helped to mold and shape me into who I am today I believe that teaching is one of the hardest job there is and the HPS is among the best when it comes to its step the teachers power professionals secretary custodians and administrators all work together we pick each other up we make the kids in this building feel loved important and valued this staff bans together through it all we share in the happiest of times and the saddest of times we celebrate love and life in a way that doesn't have happen anywhere I have pretty much spent over half of my life being an educator at Helen public school I started my career here as a 20-year-old kid who wasn't sure where her life was headed I thought I was going to become a social worker and pursue a master's degree in guidance but HBS had other plans for me I began an internship with the guidance department and I never left the connection for me was instant I've worn many hats over my years here and I've learned something valuable from each one I have had the honor of being mentored by some pretty outstanding people throughout my career I could go on for hours seriously hours talking about all the people that I work with and how they have impacted Me Through The Years thank you will never be enough to all of you one special person I would like to shout out is Cindy be she is now living her best retired life which has been well earned but she is terribly missed Cindy has always been my biggest Sher she has celebrated my accomplishments listened to me rant pushed me to always hold F in what I believe in and told it to me straight when I needed to hear it most every day I'm grateful that this community shares their children with me to allow me to spend time with the people in the world that are your everything makes me bring my everything to the table every day no matter what you trust me with the most valuable thing in your life and I will always do everything I can to make your child feel loved supported safe and cared about both inside and outside of the school building teaching is not only about core lessons and following curriculum it is about making full relationships and educating every child on every level this is part of our culture here and in my opinion is why HPS is the best place to work kids learn from your example I have teachers working with me currently parents I have taught and now their children who are currently at HBS the common theme for me is that I always want them to feel is important and heard school is a place where every child should feel like they can take on the world and that they belong as an Educators we need to embrace every child and help them Reach the top of their M I would like you all to remember we love your kids they are not just a job for us we take home with us the task of having them Excel both academically and socially after working hours we think about the funny things your kids did that day we also think about the not so great things that happened that day we want to see them Thrive and Excel as Educators we are in it all the time I have been lucky to be surrounded by people who have empowered me supported me and picked me up there's no place to keld in public school and the next time you have the opportunity please remind your child's teacher how amazing they are it has truly been my honor to be an educator here at HBS this year has been nothing short of a whirlwind for me from being a classroom teacher to a support teacher and now administrator nothing brings me more joy than continuing my career in this capacity thank you for your constant support the memories I have made here are endless and I look forward to continuing to add to my chapters in my book let's go wild cats think after we do the education servus professional we'll take a little break and you can take pictures and all of that thank you Miss um pandoo and now for the educational professional of the Year Miss Lauren good evening everyone I am truly grateful to be the recipient of this year's education service provider award it means a great deal to me to be acknowledged after a few years in the position of social emotional learning counselor many of you here tonight do not know much about why I started my career in education at Hen public school I'd like to share that story briefly with you since I was a little girl haen has been a special place for me my grandparents raised my mother here and lived in haen until I was a teenager the values that were instilled in me and the memories that I have with my family all of being inhaled in are nothing short of perfect and have made me who I am today my grandparents always taught me to have compassion for others and a strong work ethic so when it was time to begin my practicum with William Patterson the first and only placement I wanted to complete my experience was hailed in public school I was ecstatic when I got accepted and felt at home ever since as years pass I've grown fond of the hilen community and all my students their families and amazing friends I've made over the years I everyone has been a large part of my journey and My Success ISL counselor I cannot go without acknowledging the strong support I have from so many here at HPS working with counselors who know who I know are there for me if I need them is invaluable I can think of the many times I needed help to get something done there has always been someone to lend a hand if it wasn't for the amazing teamwork everyone puts forth I wouldn't be able to do the job I do I great appreciate the trust Mr waa and the other administrators have put in me supporting and encouraging me to implement my ideas for our school I am grateful for all the students who have taught me so much and are so gifted they motivate me to do my best not only for them but for myself the work I do on a daily basis has been able to provide me with the comfort and knowing I am not only making a positive impact in a town that has meant so much to me but is making my family proud as well as haen Police director my grandfather always wanted to do his best for the town he served and lived in I know he's looking down on me watching me and is proud my mother went to school here and at times she still thinks we are two separ abilities but even so the memor she has of her teachers are all positive I hope the students have the same memories of me as my mother does of her teachers I consider myself privileged to show my children Joey Billy and Anna who have been sitting over there so nicely that hard work pays off having passion for what you do makes you happy and how impactful a supportive family can be thank you Nick Mom and Dad thank you for acknowledging me with this honor tonight and allowing me to share with you what it means for me to come to work every morning a place that reminds me I wouldn't want to be a school counselor anywhere else um so before we break um you know for some pictures and I just I had written some you know comments to the um awardees in my report but I had the feeling that you're all going to be gone by then so I'm going to read them now so that you can um so I want first I want to sincerely thank Beth Barnhill for her service and dedication to HPS for the past 20 years as I noted when I when we first got word of her pending retirement Miss Barnhill has contributed greatly to the professional development of as well as the success of our students her close attention to curriculum development as well as state testing data has helped guide the administration and staff so that they can provide our students with the resources they need to succeed I'm quite sure I'm not aware of all the things that Miss Barnhill carried out on a daily basis but on behalf of the board I offer my appreciation for her contrib tions and wish her the very best in her retirement next I want to congratulate our teacher of the year Mrs Jennifer Pano and our Educational Services professional of the Year Miss Lauren cro on this deserved recognition as I mentioned recently Mrs pazan has been a dedicated teacher at HPS for many many years she has endeared herself to her colleagues the community including her students parents and families but most importantly her students many times I've seen students running up to Mrs mizo to give her a hug or wave a big hello to her when you consistently earn the trust of your students that says a lot about you as an educator and as a person congratulations Mrs frar Miss Cosgrove was teaching third grade at HPS when she sees the opportunity to take on a new role that of social emotional learning counselor and has embraced this position with great enthusiasm and professionalism under her guidance h PS has benefit benefited from many assemblies projects and initiatives that aim to give students confidence motivation self-respect aware of self and others and the tools and resources they need to deal with matters that can affect or hinder their social emotional learning or perspective Mrs Cosgrove strives to make a significant and positive impact on students well-being and this shows through all the activities all the activity taking place in her area congratulations Miss cro lastly I want to congratulate once again Mr emilano Emilio Toronto from our custo custodial staff on his retirement Mr Toronto has served our school dedication professional professionalism care and kindness for 15 years he has also done so with confidence professionalism and Hospitality welcoming visitors with a friendly smile and a helping hand that was certainly always my experience but congratulations to amilio and we hope that he re rejoices retirement to the fullest um so the rest of my speech is more boring and we'll break now for some photos but I want just want to congratulate again um everybody on who's received the award uh yes you like to thank them also as a grandparent a mother and a community involvement this beautiful ladies have respected me and welcomed me we have been here for three years Miss Beth thank you uh I just met you in the parking lot you gave me 10 minutes of your time to me is priceless the respect and the love that you have for this children and yes we are a family and I I only have been here a few years my grandkids so thank you so so much the best for you thank you and we just your name and your address for the oh okay okay it's okay okay thank you good job okay um yeah so let's take um let's take like a about 10 minute breaks with um so you guys can take photos and and then we'll reconvene so now let's get back to the agenda um can I see can I have motion to approve prior minutes so move okay moved by Mr MCO seconded by Mr Ramadan I'm sorry Mr Abasi roll please are all three sets one vote there's three sets of minutes they are there's three set how did I not see there's the minutes from the meeting there's what is the question I are we V on all three at once we could have V yes okay okay Mr yes M yes Mr Guzman yes Mr boxel yes Mr Ramadan yesb yes yes okay um can I have a motion to open the floor to Citizens on agenda items only I'll move second mov by Mr aasi seconded by Mr MCO Please Mr yes Mr yes Mr one what good oneor Mr Mo yes Ramadan yes Dr yes yes okay the floor is open to um just a couple questions it 9.2 I wasn't aware of all the contracts that we actually have um do we utilize all of them and um like was on on the list I wasn't aware if we use them for anything or we just have contacts have contacts um 16.7 I would like the board to reconsider the person they have chosen or the only bid that was entered into the lunch program um parents and children have voed their opinion planning aunds to change the uh lunch uh company so uh if we can change that and then again with 15.22 uh outside soccer club use of facility will there be a fee if so of the C also I want to point out the obvious which is chisora is an a here um just a couple of months ago Jora is on Bo EV from Manchester who is also who was also the kind to use the Manchester Feld so why would we approve it here anybody else anybody online doin anybody online no okay can I have a motion to close the floor second roll call please Mr aathi yes Mr D yes Mr Gan yes Mr moel yes saon yes yes yes so I did want to address the point about the long list of vendors because I actually made a note about that that that list is impressive and I know it comes up every year um but it just always strikes me how long that list is and to me it just drives home how much it takes to run a school district I believe that we use those vendors at some point is right um Miss Augustin uh you know otherwise they wouldn't be on the list yeah so we've been utili they've been utilized sometime through this year and they anticipated contracts not necessarily that we use them we go to our vendor list that we've used in the last any active vendors that we've used in the last few couple of years we print that list and we add those to the agenda um every year just so that the board knows these are the venders that we currently have use and we possibly can use the doesn't mean that we will so that we so that it's approved if we need to but we have in yes we have okay so I mean this always drives home to me the you know the the fact that it takes so much to manage district and and not the least of which is managing the expenses so I just want to thank uh Miss Augustine and her team for out staying on top of things um you know making sure that we're you know Crossing all our te's and dotting our eyes and keeping operations in order um because it's a big job it's a big job and that list just you know um emphasizes that um and then the maos if you would um Miss L if you would discuss that when we get to either during I don't know if you're going to discuss in your report but when we get to uh the finance I mean I don't think there's any options I have it in my okay good I mean I don't think there's any option nobody else you know the only ones that yeah so so um but yes um that's those are I think we have in the last meeting we approved the use of services with the fees Associated right for using the facilities I I don't know what meeting that was but we do that every year I know that yeah so there is a feed for them to use the facility we wish to charge okay um let's move on to adoption skiing uh adoptions oh and I have a motion to accept uh 7.1 so Mo second roll call please mros so I do have a good question on this one um it's tuition rates for 2425 the document mentions 2223 is the subject so have these rates changed or they have they been flat the last few years so the rate that we received as the attachment is from the state so the state ords um our tuition course versus um our operational course versus um their student enrollment so we're always technically a year behind but we use that to operate on Bo so they do order everything and you can see most of this on um the taxpayers guide for expenditures you'll see those same costs okay if you search that uh yes thank you um Mrs C yes Mr Guzman yes Mr moel yes Mr Ramadan yes Dr web yes Mr yes okay so we have some contracts here um um can I have a motion to move 9.1 through 9.8 move second moved by Miss Quad seconded by Mr MCO roll call please MTI I have a couple questions on this one too sir uh so 9.4 the Frontline education applicant tracking so that is that's a software program that's used to track it's two things so if we decide we're to post a job if someone leaves we create a new position or something like that we post it on front line front line is then going to advertise it in the way that they advertise it the spread the word uh but everyone that works at H Public School the first thing you do is you apply through front line leave have a record of when you applied it has all the appliation questions and your information um but if if you go to the bottom of our our web page where it says uh employment opportunities you click on that it's going to directly link you to the front line that we have have public and that's how you apply okay and then 98 the refu pick up the waste management what is that's just normal garbage is that all that is garbage and recycling yes so recycling that compan THS a b okay contract that's that is 22 grand for each year yeah yes really can we like have volunteer parents take a bucket of garbage if you think you can do it and hel doesn't have the truck to do it they have the they have to dumpster I've been fighting that for the last few years they don't have dump they don't have the dumpster pick up so that's why uh yes okay Mr gr yes Mr Guzman yes moel yes Mr Ramadan yes Dr R yes I did have one question about 9.5 Source SW Cooperative um I just wanted to know what that contract was I I don't remember that being on a previous um agenda so um sourcewell is a another Co-op that we can use to um do any type of um service contract or any type of um business with the list of vendors that they have gone out to B for on the behalf of C District so just like we have hun and we have um middlex co-ops this is another Co-op company that we are impoving to utilize their vendor L okay and it could be any vendor yes that's on their list already went out to B thank you okay I vote Yes okay see okay committee reports so let me okay so first I want to talk um a little bit about our board retreat which took place on June 3 um I want to thank everyone who attended um I thought think it was a really important activity it was a very productive day um and I also wanted it was our board members um our chief School administrator Mr Waka and our business administrator Miss auson um during the retreat we discussed how our board service can help move the district forward how it relates to our district strategic strategic plan and how this connects back to our board our board goals we discussed Hot Topics in education including the teacher shortage budget cuts across the state and how these things impact our school we covered communication and social media best practices and we reflected on the board goals we developed and approved last year which were increase commissioner attendance at board and committee meetings and increased professional development for the board as a unit um so after an in-depth discussion we agreed that it would be benef official to refine those two goals and then add a third so I'm going to read these goals they are proposed only at at the moment uh number one was the same increase commissioner attendance effort and committee meetings number two establish a policy on Virtual attendance of board meetings by Commissioners and the public addressing in particular executive sessions and number three prioritize this is one that we changed a little bit prioritize Dynamic and creative approaches to board professional development which will Foster teamwork and increase commiss Commissioners knowledge so um Kathleen hwa did a wonderful job of facilitating our Retreat once we have the summary report from Miss halwa and members have had a chance to review it we will add our new go to the next meeting agenda to be ped on assuming that the goals are approved I will be asking the policy committee to do some research some Lang around a new board policy regarding virtual attendance at meetings please note that we are not looking to eliminate virtual attendance as I believe this is a beneficial option we simply are looking to create some guidance around this practice that will benefit everyone secondly without stealing too much of Mr waka's Thunder I want to mention just a couple of exciting events that have taken place at HPS since our last meeting um the PTA Carnival was was great fun for all students um the PTA board and all the volunteers did a great job organizing the event and keep everything running smoothly uh thanks to to them as well as the staff and administration for all the support um I heard that the eighth grade dance was a spectacular night for the student to be graduates um and I saw some photos and everyone looked fabulous um and it's a wonderful way for students to culminate their years at HPS and though I wasn't in attendance at the annual HPS talent show I also heard that that was a real success with students showcasing all their many talents so kudos to the performers and the staff who made it possible um these celebratory events are important because they let students know that their hard work throughout the year is recognized and rewarded so thanks to everyone involved um and lastly I want to congratulate Board member Miss quadrado on her college graduation from Willam Patterson a few weeks ago it's hard to go to work go to school serve in a volunteer role and most importantly be a parent so congratulations on your accomplished wish and with that I will turn it over to uh Chief School administrator Mr W that is awesome congratulations um I really like that ceremony that we had the the retire the teacher of the year and every year the the speeches you get from teacher of the year candidates or Teacher of the Year winners U they're different uh and they're always good but I just really like the tone this year's Especial so thank you for them um this is the last board meeting before we end our school year for the kids and our graduation will be held on the 19th and we're looking forward to that event the eth graders uh have been busy their end of the year trip and their PPA put together a really lovely prom like you like you said it really was great and the kids looks great and they behaved extremely maturely and they had a lot of fun together um and we know that you know with our school this you know they're a group that stays together until eth grade and then a lot of them go their own their own ways so our eighth grade graduation is a little different than a lot of other places um for that reason so it's it's more special um so we thank the PTA for all the end of the year programs they put together but especially for our eighth graders and we thank them also for putting together such a great Carnival last week um and what we do is we don't use the traditional bring your child to workday we move ours to the carnival day so that you know the staff could bring their own kids to the this cool event and they you know we take this bre for a better time um I also want to thank um masio because uh they put together the barbecue that day for our staff and and our students and normally we we barbecue in the parking lot because of the construction but we just wouldn't want to lose even more parking on that day so we we thought the the barbecue for everybody is going to be canceled but they were able to grill off site and transfer the food to the big gym and it was such a good setup that we think maybe this is probably the way to go moving forward and speaking of mashos we had three vendors express interest in our food service contract but mashos was the only one they were the only vendor that submitted a bid um so because of that not surprisingly they won uh and they'll continue to be our food service vendor U and doesn't mean we have to them always but they're the only ones that bid so they're the only with to uh lastly I want to give some updates on the construction projects uh we're going to gain back access to all the rooms we lost by uh mid August so that's a really good news uh maybe even sooner and that's huge for us in terms of our Master scheduling I know that lots of teachers uh they've had to make tremendous adjustments throughout the year and all I could do is say that I'm extremely grateful for their professionalism they really are so good at this uh but getting these rooms back is going to be amazing we also expect that new rooms should be finished and move in aable uh by that first week of uh November right by election day which is actually a great time to transition into them so once we get closer to the Finish Line we we'll plan a ribbon cutting s ceremony and a dedication to this large project uh we we're working on our inclusive playground structure I I know after tonight we're going to look to reach out to the company um and and look to to begin the the scheduling of that but right now we have uh ear marked uh a two- we window in August where they're going to come in and if you've been to our playground you'll see that this Ms on its last leg like it's it's got to go once this school year ends uh we're going to put the new uh mat in and the uh a lot of cooperative and inclusive and sensory playground equipment all through not just one little sector but all throughout the park uh and and we think it's going to be a huge Boon to our school um and we're also uh we talked to our architect de car Rino today about our front door security projects uh L and I made a lot of Headway I'm at that today and I I believe that probably in one of the summertime board meetings I'll have much more detailed information but we think it's going to be probably a lot cheaper than than we thought I want to Echo your word board retreat was awesome it was like everybody came there and was focused on and we came to work that day right and uh the food was great too but everybody was was really focused I love that I want to thank commissioner Omar Abasi for coming to our talent show um he also wanted to come to our our chess club day but I I think I gave him the wrong time so that's me a coup and then tonight we have an ex session but they're going to talk about me so I don't get to be there so that's it no thank you Mr Question the the previous map in the playground how long has that been down I think we were a little I don't think we were very happy with the the quality of the the the the quality of the actual product I know that the same company that's work in in County and also where I'm the board member of Verona and we had the same experience where uh we were underwhelmed with it U and it just got to a point where you know we had to get there so just for for the new one is there like a I don't I'm trying to look through the contract now but is there like a guarantee of Integrity for a certain number of years anything like that we ask that quite a several times and um being the product is better and quality the material are better material so um nothing in is a guarantee but we did press company that we're not going to be for eventually providing with the qual project and I leor of um facilities to make sure that they're monitoring the process but the materials is different than what is already in there so that was the biggest conversation we have with this company during the process whichever we want it should last longer than what this the current last is there do they have can they point to like a couple other properties that have been put down the last three to five years go do a driveby see how it's hold that's a very good idea we want make sure we're when we Google the name I didn't see any like negative yel reviews come up um but I I think that's a valid thing and if we can get uh you know we'll ask the guy Mr Stewart who sells the thing if he can give us someone a local comp that he's put in I'd be happy to take a ride over after work one day pictur show so but so how long has we had this here on the top of my head I don't know if I can give you an accurate answer but I I've been here for seven or eight years and I think we're still on the same one that we had when I got here like I don't remember ever as a principal organizing a a project to to get that replaced and if I been year eight years it's at least that but I don't know how much earlier since I got there that the district did and since we've been talking about vendors you know it sounds like the vendor who put that one in has done some unsatisfactory jobs at other places is there some recourse like can I don't think he's in business I'm okay so there but just in general you know if there's a vendor even if they're approved if they haven't done quality work you know and more than one District can speak to that you know there should be some recourse we've had the same exact conversation same exact conversation it's it's it's more of a the districts that have complaints seem like they they deny deny deny that it becomes a lot of lead cost just to set this thing up um without the guarantee that you know it's going to be a win because they're going to say hey Theona in County they said know the the rain came down and it froze and the ice spread things out and there's a lot of y y y kind of things um and we just didn't think it was worth it fiscally to fight it because the wi was guaranteed um I'm not even talking about like trying to get you know money back I'm just talking about getting them off the list so that they don't do that to any other District you know they don't um yeah it's a good point um but I do want to I do want to follow that suggestion I I'll show I'll I'll find that for Mr Stewart tomorrow a local comp and I'll go and take pictures and you know we'll see if there's something that comes up that we don't like then we'll just right immediately say you know start again any other questions okay and then I'm going to turn it over to miss AIS for her report so Mr Walker talked about quite a few things we I was going to talk about in my um report but um just so the board members know you all receive the invitation to the graduation here and also graduation at Manchester you could just let us know if you're attending so that we can plan importantly um for your attendance at both um commencement um ceremonies um my plan was to just go through the financial um section of the agenda because there is a lot on here and I want to be able to answer the questions um and see whether you know you guys um need any additional information other than what's already um attached to the agenda so the first um item was the 16.1 which is the purchase of the S vehicle we've talked about this for a couple of months um that the district was in need of the purchas a new vehicle for our maintenance department the last vehicle that we had um we needed some repairs auto body repairs we submitted it to the insurance company and the um the the truck was um in Salvage ago so we could not get it insured anymore so we did sell it or gave it to a salvage company they gave us about $600 more that we had to go out and get a new truck we contacted the ESS County um Co-op and they provided the prices for us for the trucks and the itemized cost there is discounts included in it the um the base price was about 63 and then we had to $8,000 um snowfall that was added to it which you know the district is meeting and it is does have a extended capab so that was the difference in price and vehicles are just more expensive now to purchas is you know quite a few years ago any questions on that because I know there some people reached out to me it just just real quick then on the ploud to operate the cloud do you need like a certification or can anybody get behind do we have somebody that can operate the cloud we do have yeah we yeah we had an existing one on our um current um truck and I think we were discussing selling that one on G deals to see if we can get some additional funds on that we're going to look forward to doing that so that'll probably be on the next agenda that to dispose of and then we selling it on Dr deals to see what we get you know for some these cost um the next item we have our payment application for our addition this is payment application number six um for $35 we are well you know in our process of the construction things are moving along pretty well and Mr Walk gave us some M so some timelines so we're hoping that you know everything you know bearing any F or items everything you on schul um 16 um three is the certificate of implementation this is just a confirmation that we have to submit to the state showing that we implemented some of the corrective action plans that we approved in previous agenda regarding the water um on 16.4 we discuss no this is the Food Service program prices for the new school year our adult adult prices for breakfast is 250 and our de prices for lunch is is 375 the additional items we had next is 16.5 16.6 and 16.7 are our emergency reserves this we approve every year and the the resolution as it stated says says this is what we can potentially put into these reserves baring our um our audit at the end of the year so this is for the 20 we um 24 um going into next year and after we do our order and the udit are these are the amounts that we can potentially put into the agenda depending on the cplus that we have at end of the year so is there any questions on that then we have um 16.8 um the district applied for the emergent Capital grant that um the state had um put out a few months ago and there's an attachment showing that we are going to apply these grants towards our project to off setet on the post then we have our change orders which is 16.9 16.10 these are allowances that are already embedded to it in our existing contract that we went out to bid so this there's no change into the overall amount of the contract these are just items that are embedded into the contract in case there is some unforeseen items or any the allowances that we may need to use as of right now the district has primarily used allowance number one which is for uned items and there is a list of um things that we have um made decisions on moving forward with in order to continue with the project in a Time manner any questions on that 16.11 we have recycle items these are the CH Chromebooks from my understanding that these Chromebooks are stripped of usable parts that we can use and anything that is not usable we recycle them with the company that takes this um the shell of the Chromebooks and these are usually the ones that have ended their life cycle had ended at this time 16.12 we talked about the playground upgrades and 16.13 all the way to 16 um 16 are usual Finance reports that we um approved and agenda and we have 16.17 which is our mashio school service contract we discussed that with the superintendent report and um 16.8 is our community eligibility provision this has to do with food service um health and public school if we have a total applicants of 40% of more applications of free and reduced then the whole district is considered um C and every all students are um that was look for free Bunch but we do need parents to understand that they need to fill out the applications every year in order for us to keep this percentage the way it is so it's very important that parents comply every year when it comes to filling out the application because as long as we have this information we can continue with the CB program if the free and reduce rate is over um 40% qu okay and then we have um the renewal of the membership for the New Jersey school board this school jobs this is where we can also advertise um jobs that are available through um the school districts this is where a lot of people also go to look door employment so we are utilizing this media service also and the music program in the summer um program that's I don't know if there's any explanation needed but if so Mr can help us with that and then use of facilities we discuss and the rest of the items are um contracts through um for the child study team and we have one more change order on 16.2 if there's any other questions I just wanted to make sure because this was a big agenda and we had a lot of different items that I did receive emails from the board which we do on the every on every board meeting you guys are pretty good at getting these questions to me prior and explaining them but I just wanted to make sure we all were on the same page with understanding all these renewals and every June there will be a lot of rals and a lot of new contracts okay all right that's my report than any questions than so uh personnel and management Mr Gman uh yes good evening uh congratulations to our uh retirees uh thank them for uh their service to our school district um also want to congratulate our teacher and education of the year um and with that being said agenda items only okay curriculum and Technology Dr web hello uh agenda items only I'm happy to see that there is an lldd program being established I think it's so important for I believe there's four students there to be able to um serve in the other areas be able to have music and art and all those other subjects uh with their peers so agenda items only uh policy and public relations Mr Abasi um so just echoing what you said about the board retreat um we're expecting to have to establish policy on Virtual attendance especially as it relates to the executive sessions um and aside from that nothing to report okay security and safety Mr Goodman Mr Gman are you there uh yes ma'am um I also want to congratulate uh Dr web and also um um fellow board member quadrado for for graduating um and I believe we have one item listed on the agenda oh I'm sorry two no three thank you you um Community engagement Mr aasi um and again just echoing what actually both of you already said Mr WKA and Madam president so regarding the talent show um it was nice to see it was good to be attendance um it was actually it was a lot of fun and hopefully we can get more people there next next year uh I thought I had a lot of fun with that and open challenge to anybody that needs Mr and chess U let's see be a board member as well that's it otherwise not to report um and then finance and phal plan Mr uh we met we went over the bills over the agenda items that we have on other than that that's it okay um so I'll do I'll do my state report um during uh we go through these okay um so personnel and management Mr G U Mr Gman I like to move the items the Personnel so move second move by Mr Gman seconded by Mr MCO roll call please just one real quick question um 1114 what's mlr I just I'm not familiar with what mlr is 11 14 oh 14 11 it's Middle School Ela um I think multi-level resource perhaps I I don't I don't know the exact mlr stands for but I know he's going to be doing middle school middle school okay um yes Mr D yes Mr Guzman yes Mr Mar yes Mr Madan yes yes yes okay curriculum in technology web up your web are you there yeah I'm sorry I was muted I would like to move 12.1 through 12.4 second okay so moved by Dr web seconded by Mr MCO roll call please Mr Abasi yes Mr throttle yes mran yes Mr moel yes Mr Ramadan yes Dr yes and yes okay security and safety Mr Gman I'd like to move the items on the agenda under security and safety second moved by Mr Gman seconded by Mr Mato roll call please mras I just one quick question and then about two quick questions on 142 is this a renewal or is this or is this a new I know it's been on the we have to pay insurance for it so I think we have to show the board of fruits but to get so this particular person was car he's had he's carried the last two years here and then and then 143 this is a really long document is there like a summary that we can reference I'll be honest read it it way too long oh so basically it's that we're going to work together so say there was say I pushed the you know when I pushed the lockdown drill please come that come the police of school right um and when that happens they could use their cameras to access our cameras from their their police their headquarters or their vehicles um but it's basically saying we're going to work together City kind of defines what the roles are and this is the that is on every year and I think um it it basically stays the same yeah yeah it's basically the same uh yes Mr Mr Gman um just real quick uh if I may um under four under 14 um two um pretty much pursuant to state law um you're not authorized to carry a firearms on school property um unless you have permission of the board obviously there's there's exceptions such as being a law enforcement officer so with Mr Smith we have to renew him yearly to give him permission to carry firearm on duty uh while he's at the school um and that's also for insurance purposes as far as the uh the memorandum of agreement between education and law enforcement officials this is a standard agreement that was uh that was suggested by theor General's office years ago um for police departments and their school districts to consider uh and and we believe in it um we we don't change anything in it we we we adopt the model policy and we uh present every year and pretty much what this says is for example instead of the Helen police let's say they're going to come in with the with K9 dogs let's say uh to sniff uh for drugs in the school we can't we have signed in this agreement that we will only do that in consultation with the you know with the school district we're not just going to take it upon ourselves you know so this is all about working collaboratively such as let's say there's a bomb threat right um we we the police department has command however what this says is that you know we would we will be working in we will be working in conjunction with our with our school authorities School District Authorities on on you know on decision making you know and incident command and things like that so a lot of interesting things up here such as you know um uh plane plane close officers being in the school and how how a you know for example how a student is arrested you know in this in this unless there's an emergency it says that in this policy says that they would rather a student be if it should a student have to be arrested um and there's no imminent danger or imminent threat they would want that arrest to take place in the principal's office you know privately um and then take away the out in a um in unmar vehicle instead of a mar vehicle things like that thank you very much and my vote is yes thank George thanks George Mr Mo yes Mr Ramadan yes yes yes and I just got a a a direct message in the chat from Mr Martinez that he's on he's he's the one uh that's a Samsung oh so um if he could be I don't know if he's still there if he could be muted um I don't I don't see him now there was samung something oh there okay he's in the waiting room now let us know when he's on he's on okay all right Mr Martinez have you been there all along yeah I just locked off and put my face and my name on it because it it came under Samsung so that's why I was in voting uh okay let's uh let's move on um um I think it was no Finance yeah Finance Mr M 60 like move 16.1 1649 second mov by Mr MCO seconded by Mr Abasi roll call please Mr Abasi one quick question on the truck 161 uh that amount is that planned for in the budget that total amount for um is we pay we're using utilizing funds for this year in the 20224 budget it's for 2223 because we purchased it yes Miss c um I'm gonna St from purchase ORD from 1628 41364 and uh [Music] 4629 and also from change ERS I believe expedit um 71180 you said from the change order 16 I wrote it down I'm sorry from from the secretary report X good I chair 71180 so that's 16.15 and other than that yeah Mr bman yes Mr Martinez yes yes Mr moxo yes Mr Ramadan yes J web yes and Mr yes okay um I will give ni the state report um state county the last County SBA meeting um was took place on May 29th um it was a really nice event um the P County teacher of the year U Miss Amanda roach from the Clinton School District dist and the New Jersey superintendent of the Year Dr Nicholas Bernice from the Ringwood School District um gave very touching speeches and words of advice um other awards were given out as well um congratulations to our own carasco and George wisman for achieving certified board member and even though he's on the Essex County School Board congratulations to Mr waa for achieving new board members certification for his service on the bureau Board of Education um and that's that's really it um Mr Marino do you have anything to report no report tonight okay okay well see do we have any new or old business so just real quick I heard something I think it was a new report on the radio of a couple of school districts in New Jersey New York that have like these noise sensors now or something like that in the bathroom where they can if there's some something going on because you can't have cameras in the bathrooms it alerts them that maybe something's going on in there or and then there was something else about sensors for Vaping in the bathrooms um so I don't know if that's something that we might want to look at um for adoption here um in terms of Safety and Security but something to consider is something I heard I thought was heard that it sounds like a modern day version of like SM I never heard of the the noise thing is interesting um the F thing like it's not it's not a microphone that spies on people in the bathroom but there's a large there's a noise event it's like hey something's going on what's that I think there's a company called my like The Vape detector it it sounds like a like a modern day smoke detector right like when you know there would always be smoke detectors in the school bathrooms in case somebody was smoking cigarettes so this is kind of like a modern day do a lot of high schools have that I think it's less common an elementary school we're also school you know um but I don't think it's necessarily I know we didn't next it's not something that we should still research look into definitely wor being uh Advance all right then um can I have a motion to open the floor to uh the public so move second second um by Mr Abasi seconded by m was that Dr R was it Mr it was me martinz okay second to Mr Martinez roll call please Mr AI yes Mr BR yes Mr [Music] Guzman yes Mr Martinez yes Mo yes Mr ROV yes Dr web yes yes okay the floor is open anybody no nobody on here anybody online okay uh can I have a motion to clst the so move second mov by Mr Abasi seconded by Mr mosco roll call please Mr Abasi yes Mr yeah yes Mr Martinez yes Mr Moo yes Mr bad yes Dr web yes Mrs yes okay so we are now going to uh we have to make the motion to go into executive session um I am going to say that we'll take an hour um it's not gonna take two minutes I'm gonna say an hour though it may not take that long it may take a little longer depending on our discussion you know so uh you are ex I'll see you when I see you okay by and you're gonna go too the okay got it okay thank you public for coming um want to say no no action will be and no action will be taken okay can I have a motion to go into executive session second moved by Mr Mr mras moved and missar SED okay Ro Mr yes Mr yes mrman oh he's there Mr he's on he's on mute Mr Martinez he said yes yeah he said yes yes Mr Mo yes Mr Ramadan yes Dr web yes yes okay okay okay I think it's just us so can I have a motion to adjourn so second second okay moved by Mr Abasi seconded by Mr MCO all in favor yes hi okay thanks everyone good night