good okay the meeting to order rise for the flag salute IED pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice in the event of an emergency all people may exit right or left from this room and proceed to an exit door all doors will open from the inside New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the Helen board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published in the north Jersey Herald Record News haral the board's official newspaper on january4 notices of this meeting indicating date time and place rep publicly on the door of the main entrance to the school and filed with the clerk in the municip municipality of hailton Please Mr here Mr Keta here miss C Mr Gman Mr Martinez here Mr MOX here Mr Ramadan hereb here Mrs here okay um before I I asked for a motion to pass the correspondence I did have a question um so this is an a bilingual education waiver letter and you know I saw in there it gives the reasons why we get a waiver to not have but I was hoping maybe Mr WKA that you could elaborate a little bit it says um at this time due to age R age range grade span end or geographic location the district will not be required to implement a full-time bilingual Pro program for multilingual Learners so can can you just elaborate as to why we I guess we wouldn't have to but we we we have three um DL teachers um so like we we could kind of go above and beyond but it looks like our our scores were were high enough but I think it says here um please note that districts must submit arabor request annually when their number of MLS exceeds 20 in a single language so I guess there's certain languages we had where um I would imagine we we have some kids that their primary language Bal 20 or more of those kids so I would imagine that's exactly what this is for probably more than my first answer about like us not meeting the requirements um but you know Spanish is probably the by far the number one language we have then but there's probably not 20 either Arabic or or bangali or something like that okay so the requirement is actually if you have a certain amount of that's a certain amount of Ells uh then you have to have a VI it's to protect their it's to protect their their their confidentiality so like if we only had three kids that spoke a certain language and we were to to to report those scores then like you can kind of figure out how how those three kids must have been uh so they they they I think you have to have 20 in order to be a large enough sample size uh but you know Jeff is there anything I'm missing in that explanation no I think Chris I think that's exactly what it is we just don't have enough in that in that one sample size okay okay um so can I have a motion to pass correspondence so move second okay moved by Mr mosco seconded by Mr Martinez roll call Please Mr yes Mr K yes Mr Martinez yes Mr moel yes Mr Ramadan yes Mr web yes and Mr yes okay can I have a motion to pass prior minutes second moved by Mr Abasi seconded by Mr Moo roll call please Mr Abasi yes Mr OB and just to note if you do miss a meeting you don't have to obstain I mean if you if you prefer to you can but you don't have to we clarified that when we were at the uh Workshop in October yeah you just have to read and agree with the minutes right right like if you watch the video or if you read the minutes it's okay to to um you know vote but if you feel more comfortable uping that's perfectly fine as well okay Mr Martinez I was out but I read the minutes so yes Mr moel yes Mr Ramadan yes Mr web yes and Mr yes okay can I have a motion to open the floor to Citizens on agenda items only so second move move by Mr aasi seconded by Mr Martinez roll call please Mr aasi yes Mr Keta yes Mr Martinez yes Mr moel yes Mr Ramadan yes Mr web yes yes okay the floor is open to Citizens on agenda items only couple [Music] questions with the agenda 8.1 s coach who resigns their replacement 8.9 what is the purpose of the position since it does require since it doesn't require any type of skill and um essentially um Mr wer control so uh 9.2 the workshops are about Behavior emotional Road counseling are there any workshops for the teachers that are beneficial for the children as far as education gos um and then 10.1 was there a problem with the with what the children are which is a female and male to there can you repeat that last when I didn't get that oh oh 10.1 in Pete 3211 was there a problem like the scratch out is the his and her or something and then it says there so was there problem with okay all right okay let's get everybody's comments before we address um is there any anything else no okay can I have a motion to close the floor second uh can I say all paper yeah for this or should wased I'm sorry A Move by Mr MCO seconded by Mr Abasi say roll call or we can say all in favor okay um okay so I will address a couple of these so that let me go um yeah the longevity oh so and well I don't think that we can comment on uh Personnel but what was I didn't I the number yeah I got the number 81 but I think it was 8.8 um the softball coach was on was there repl was there a repl okay so I I don't I didn't see anything on this agenda about a replacement so we're um we're super excited for uh Miss kamacho she's welcoming the new child that's why she came coach and um what we did was you got explation on Friday and probably within an hour we put an ad out for all staff saying is anyone interested you have one week to email it's pep M secretary and then next Friday I'll look at all the people that applied we'll look to pick the best possible person great and we'll definitely have a sof this is for girls the girls team right so we have two s they split it so like we're we're no like okay so we'll definitely have a team okay good um as far as apparently aison um position goes this is a position that you know we all um well the Personnel committee met and discussed we're very excited about this position um it's going to be it's somebody who can help us bring together um you know parents and community members and um I think it's going to add a lot of value to to the school um on in a different way than a teacher would or somebody from the administration would um this is somebody who can you know relate perhaps relate better to the parents or on a different level I don't want to say better but on a different level um and you know we're excited about it and we're gonna we're g we're gonna move forward with it we have a description and um you know I think it's it's going to be a really good position and it's gonna we're going to do start it now we're starting it now and hopefully we'll be able to hire this person this school year and then we'll go from there right now it's a part-time position we'll see how it you know plays out and then we'll go we'll go from there um most July oh okay so then it'll be for next okay all right and is anybody else I don't know if anybody here is on the Personnel committee anybody else want to add anything um on that one though because I had a note here too get can someone send out a review of the tit one program yeah this is all about title one so title Title One something we're going to get our numbers probably like May or June or something like thater right around that area um this is something that the Personnel committee brought up and then think we spoke a bit briefly but not in depth Last by recollection um as far as professional development I mean there I I saw one on the agenda about um for the you know Behavior andal but teachers are doing professional development all year long and it has everything to do with education especially in their subject areas um like if they do math or if they're doing science there's there's a lot of you know professional development that's this you know I have to go the job fa State that's usually one of the better ones and then other one mine is out but like of the three we have on there the the key part is that two of them are virtual um and I I like virtual because then the staff member is still in school so if it happens that we're we're short that day or we need you know coverage here and there I can say all right you know I'm gonna pull you for 20 minutes we need you here we need you there um we're just not at a point where just stay fully staffed this hard enough um so like the idea sending people out of District like especially if it's a Monday or Friday that that's something that you know we really got to be careful with I want to make sure that we're fully staff even like today like we we had two subs cancel last night and two U teachers like you know they got sick L to happens right um so until we're getting past you know the shortage it's going to be more in-house professional development and I would love when we get back to the point where we could send people out it's just right now out when there's a national teacher crisis and it's a national sub crisis to the point where like I put another sub thing on the last board meeting and we the county superintendent meeting we were talking about like all these different subservices and it's it's a commodity that everyone's trying to grab so keeping people in houses is is what's covered right now for me and and the main takeaway is that they're getting a lot of professional development in terms of like subject areas and you know academics and and our kid test scores went up you know 7% um in 5% math so we're I'm I'm very proud of what we're doing P I think there's been other stuff throughout the year as well that was more focused specifically on education and person matter subject yeah this this specific particular agenda item doesn't have that but it doesn't mean those workshops hasn't have I think a lot of them we kind of set where the school year starts with the parent the new teacher Academy that we did this year things of that nature so but I'm all for whenever uh anyone on staff wants to do additional training for workshops with regards cation fortifying that um I I'm all for that and I would encourage it Mr for the teachers to do that um and then temp.1 we actually had a policy committee meeting and we're going to discuss that later on um so okay so um actually we already closed the floor right so let let's go to the committee reports first okay so um evening everyone thank you for joining us uh my report is going to be brief tonight because you know we were just here less than two weeks ago um first I want to thank everyone on the board for sending your availability for the board retreat um so you should have received an email from Lois that we've confirmed the date of Saturday June 1st as the board retreat um so you know I realize that some of you are tentative um but I'm hoping that you know everything works out all the stars align and we'll all be able to be there so um just you know keep it on your calendar um so Kathy halwa is going to be facilitating our Retreat again um she's very familiar with our district and our board and she always does a great job of engaging people of you know stimulating meaningful conversation encourage encouraging critical thinking and creative problem solving so you know I she'll do a great job again for us um and we're going to discuss our board goals that we established last year at The Retreat um do some self assessment and then discuss some new items in areas of of Interest so um Mr W and Kathy and I are going to be meeting in the near future to work on an agenda and we'll share information as we get closer um but I'm really looking forward to continuing the work that we started last year um and and that's it did you win the scavenger head or is that Mike won I think that was Mike um that was fun okay so that's it for me I'm going to pass it on to our school Chief School administrator Mr W all right I got a lot to say um thank you board President E so I want to begin my report by addressing an update uh that I had received uh about our assessment scores that a few board members had had been asking about at the last County Superintendent meeting this past Friday I learned that there over 70 districts in New Jersey that saw their status uh Dro below the 80% Mark due to the state's decision to factor in student attendance rates as being one six of the schools instructional score um that's a remarkably High number that means of all the schools that we're already below the 80% Mark and then now we're adding you know about 70 more so um they're now part of the the mark the group that's below that 80% Mark um and that's all happening in the state that we keep getting told constantly told has the best public education scores in the country so there there there's something doesn't sit right with me about this um a Grassroots group of superintendents from South Jersey and the Shore area that formed a group that's looking to Advocate to the state Poe that a change in the instructional scoring model on the you act created I've joined the group and um I'll be attending their next meeting so uh we're going to look to join that effort um I know that the majority of the pay County superintendents either expressed that they either are part of this group or they want to be part of it uh but they're they're all feeling the same thing we are feeling they just we just got the bad news is before everybody I think for whatever reason um so I'm pleased that this is picking up steam um I'll I'll keep the board of breast to the specific advocacy of this particular group but I feel expect at some point that you know I'll be crafting a letter to send to the state and I'll review the letter with the board and if board all agrees we'll ask e the send sign it as well uh because we' like to Advocate that attendance rat they're they're important but they shouldn't be factored into the students instructional scores they should be the part the governance or the operational parts of school review um and a great illustration of this point is that zero not even one of our preschoolers our kindergarteners our first graders or our second graders take the NJ SLS state test none of them take this test yet when they are absent it lowers the overall scores of all of our students in grade three to eight that took that test and again I don't think that makes a lot of sense um and that we had students say stay home when they're sick and we still saw our SA or Ela scores go up 7% math scores five go up 5% to me that shows our teachers are doing a heck of a job keeping things like Google Classroom up to date so that when a kid does miss a day he or she can keep Pace with the progress of his or her classmates um I could see that if our chronically absent student rates went up and our test scores plummeted down then I can say yeah that's a major red flag but that's not what happened here our scores went up a lot and our our overall structural quality score went down uh significantly because of you know the we the town where a lot of people said if my kid sick I just want to be careful and stay home so you know it I'm going to keep the board aware uh I think our advocacy is going to be keep the scoring for attendance rat but some other separate part of the qack don't attach it to the kids scores because that's not fair because of the reasons I L out can I ask a question yes sure are they saying that because maybe kids don't come to those tests on those days and maybe that's why they're I I don't know why I don't know why they changed the formula the the way they did but I know they're getting a lot of push back and I know that they're there's a a period of comment comment Windows going to open up or people can go in and tell here's exactly why what you're doing is not helpful to us and that's we're looking to capitalize but I wish I I knew exactly why that change is made but it was made so this's going to be a doozy but it's a good a good dooy uh our prek has continued to grow over the past seven years um I first got here we only had 45 total preschool seats um then a few years back we went from 45 seats to 60 and then this past October We Grew From 60 to where we're currently at with 75 seats that's good news uh it's a great thing in this budget tonight we're going to look to grow the program even more uh and add two more sections to bring us uh to a total of 105 preschool seats for next year so let me take a moment to review with you with the board about how we're going to do this right so we have currently have a total of 11 current three-year-old students that are you know have an IEP they're going to become naturally four years old next year so they got the first 11 spots we have that's 11 seats uh these students will automatically this gives us 11 spots filled two we have a total of 41 four-year-old general education students that registered on time the key word here is on time they registered within that monthl long registration period for the four year-old prek Lottery of those 41 students we will be able to take all 41 of those students so anyone that was four years old General Ed that wanted to be have preschool next year if you register during that monthong period you're in um where am I at so you're going to they're going to get a call within next week or two and mailing telling them the good news now we also need to take a total of five three-year-old general education students the three is kind of a young age for full day priest but we still need to take five and we had a total of 23 kids apply for these seats uh so on Friday we're going to take a a lottery we'll put the the names in that round thing we do I'll I'll the video tape it I'll put it on YouTube uh so everyone can see it and the first five threeyear olds that get the spot you know good for them they got the spot um and the rest are they're going to go on the three-year-old weight list um will they get off it probably not but let me let me explain why so now we have a total of 57 spots filled but we're not done yet we currently have nine three-year-olds uh that are going through the special education screening process where they're getting tested Ted to see if they have a learning disability these students have a right to preschool and if we can't provide it for them we would need to pay someone else to do it we also know that this number is only going to grow as we get closer to the start of the year so we're going to reserve we know that nine are being tested now they might not all qualify but we know there's going to be more coming in so we're going to reserve 15 more spots for that group so that's going to get us to a total of 72 of the 75 spots we currently have but are we done yet no and that's because there's more there's always more we know that more and more kids that are four years old will look to get on the wait list even if it didn't register on time that's just we we know that happens every year that's something that always happens always always always so as these kids enroll they'll be put on the four-year-old waiting list the four-year-old waiting list will get priority over the three-year-old waiting list no matter what time of the year the child signed up because we've already met our quota for three-year-old gen gen Leed students and because it's so much more vital that we offer this service to as many four year olds as we can over a three as we can over three year olds CL something goad so that's for General Ed yeah General four-year-old General EDS get priority over three-year-old General y absolutely special EDS gonna get in no matter what age you at they're they're automatically get question on that same situation was out of that Lottery that you're only picking up five to three year old do the rest of those three get automatically listed for the next year's four- year old so we it's going to be another it's going to be another weight list another time they have to apply again they have to just apply again or if board says listen I want to give them priority that's something we could explore as well uh but let me just tell you how we're currently looking to set this up um where was I at okay so here we go as we get from our current total of 7 72 students and the four-year-old grows and grows and grows which we know it will we will then start to look to hiring teachers to populate those remaining programs of students with that said the construction will very likely be over sometime in mid to late September that's the pace we're at we'll be able to use the rooms we lost beginning in July so the spacing is not nearly going to be the same conundrum as it is now but we won't get the new rooms to be available to be safe maybe around early October so the students that are somewhere between number 75 and 105 on the list they're definitely going to be offered preschool services but they may just need to wait till early October and since they didn't register on time then that's just going to have to be the reality of the situation nonetheless this board has taking the prek all the way from 45 kids and now we're going to be at 105 we'll be at by October next year and if we have to wait extra 30 days into September to to get to that number it's still a remark will accomplish that this board will to do this for the town now uh and I'll take questions on everything once once once I get through um I also want to address a robo email that parents will be receiving this evening um in the past we've been able to demonstrate our acknowledgement of students that are fasting during Ramadan by having parents sign them up to go to a designated spot that they could be so they can be removed from the lunchroom while they're fasting this was always done as a courtesy because we know that fast fting isn't always easy and that the aroma of food sometimes make that more difficult this year sadly we're not going to be able to offer that courtesy for no other reason that we have such a dir of space available due to our uh our construction project which cost us total of six classrooms we will of course look once again to continue this courtesy next year once the construction's over but the reality is that this particular year there there's sacrifices that are going to have to be made and and this is just one of them right um and the last thing I have is that we have a Tricky Tray coming up on the 20th and that's a lot of fun so I hope everyone watching and here is going to join us and that's my report does anyone have any questions is there is there any way over the summer that we can expedite the construction program I don't believe so I think what's going to happen by The Summertime by mid July correct me if I'm misinterpreting this they're going to have the bottom floor good so we could move back into the first floor it looks like sometime around mid September that's when all the stuff's going to be done on the second floor um you know we've we've asked to have them come in on Saturday sometimes and they have because the rains been kind of just killing us and there's certain things they can't do when it when it rains um but you know we can ask and and they're working as as quick as possible they actually are quite happy about still coming out time and being able to get that done and the way brain did um help them up a little bit but they're they're really working on schedule so right now it's still September for estimated yeah completion and they will know more in the summer once depending on the progress and everything goes We Touch back usually when the walls are up and inspections and stuff like that and the kids are out of the building they can do more so just it'll be better a better time frame when we get closer to the and all those tables all those attachments on 13.8 there's a couple spots where the teachers are still to be hired for the classrooms are we are we on schedu for that do you have any concern for spots so the the preschool spots are knock on wood so I went to William Patterson which is the best job fair I've ever been to because uh instead of it being like a thing where like people are just kind of come and going like their graduates that are or interested in held and had to sign up we had our own classroom and it was a half hour with each candidate so I had 14 candidates um all 14 were Elementary School teachers I didn't get any Middle School teachers at all uh which I kind of was not surprised about but I was surprised that we we were full the whole day with Elementary School teachers so that's a really good sign and the majority were had the preschool CT um so thinking that that's one of the that's two spots right now we're looking to hire there I think it's a good time the upstairs classrooms that won't be ready till September October to be classrooms so it's likely that we're going to have to make two Master schedules for the school next year one master schedule that will be until all the construction's done and then there another one where we might have to I don't like having the preschoolers the idea just going to the second floor physically how many classrooms are on the second floor I think it's like six or something like that six or seven but I I think we were trying to clarify whether they can go on the second floor because I think with the preschool Aid money I don't believe they can we could ask for a waiver but we probably would not ask for a waiver i' probably look to just you know ask your custodial stuff to come in on a Saturday help but if you I guess my question is if you have to hire the two additional teachers right for the for the additional capacity are they going to have a home the first month we probably have to start October 1st this board when you know a lot of the board members students yet either we did that this year so this board a lot of community members said hey we really want extra prek we extra prek this board decided to open a new prek section October 15th this year uh we put out the the the application we got a really good candidate it's doing real well we're happy with so I don't believe that's one area where I think the teacher shortage hasn't really hit like in that age level so I think we're kind of lucky that and then maybe something you can look into for the kids in Ramadan that because of the dir as you've said of space um is there possible to designate a couple of tables in the lunchroom that say Hey if you're fasting feel free to sit here like a food free table if some of them are tempted I don't let me consider something because right now we have in certain grades you know it's like you sit like the kids are so especially the little ones are so used to I sit on with with this teacher this teachers that there that might that and it's not like there's a lot of room the cafeteria either it's still like over a thousand kids meeting there each day I'm not going to say no but I can't promise that it's be yes you know I went through that as an elementary school school student and it was fine and you know we we sit FR people eating all the time I probably won't affect most of the kids but just something to to else thank you Mr W okay and now moving on to business administrator Miss Aus thank you so the first thing I want to remind everybody again about the disclosure forms if you haven't done so please the time is getting near I know there's a few people that are working on them and thank you but if not just reach out to us we'll be able to answer any questions and you know help you along with the um the next thing I wanted to mention is um we're going to talk about the plary budget tonight but looking forward to the next board meeting there is a little bit of a conflict on the statutory date that we need to submit um U adopt the full budget at that point um we cannot adopt the budget any earlier than April 24th and our board meeting is on April 23rd and I don't even like the April 24th date because we have to give the county enough time to return the budget back to us so we have to either consider moving the board meeting the following week or the deadline to have the um um submit um the adopt your budget is May 7th and I know we have a board meeting on May 6th but I'm a little concerned as making sure everyone make it and that we we're able to pass that budget so I would prefer if we can talk about having that um our next April meeting the week of April 29th um so that we can make sure that we um are in line with the statute and if we had it on the Monday the that gives us a little more Le than having it on the Wednesday yes does if there's an issue or conflict just let me know um not move forward with that t okay I have to check my schedule board but if I'm in another state I can call Perfect all right so let's talk about the preliminary budget in front of you you guys have a draft of what that looks like we have also had a res copy of the resolution that's on tonight agenda so first of all you look to the right of this um you can see what are State a numbers all look to the right of the okay look to the right where it says State a I just want everyone to note what we receive vers this year versus what we received um the previous year and the variance and differences and um in each category so on Equalization Aid there was only a 2% increase which is this is where the bulk of our funding has come from over the last six years where we did not have to raise taxes because of that we were very very fortunate as a district and I know we've been talking the past two budget years that one day this is going to happen and it did happen this year as far as um being almost flat in that area if you guys look at that so we we were very very fortunate the past few years with Equalization Aid and um this year we only received about a 2% increase which is um that's telling me that this um state is leveling things out right now and we thought that that might happen we thought we would have one more good year but this year was the year think we budget what the last few years been about we had about um .52 million difference it's been really lucra yeah so that's a to be looking at that that looks flaty differ because that's just really didn't even move the needle at all looks like they didn't even look at no exactly they SK the line it's been like a 10 to 15% increase the last few years yeah okay so another areas we did very well Transportation Aid um the special Aid special education Aid um obviously the that's designated just forol that's the last one actually so in other areas we did well so the overall amount was 1.1 but it didn't come from the bulk of what we rely on which is the equalization so with that being said when we looking at the budget overall we put a 2% increase tax levy in the budget because of that because we want to make sure that we're okay in the future and we need to start the trend now building up that because we don't want one year we will have to raise the taxes in double digits so we're incrementally raising taxes so that we can be prepared for the future by starting right now Future Okay so does anyone have any questions on that where where is where's the 2% increase if you look at oh that's the 2% if you look at the middle part where it has comparison yeah am I reading it wrong it says tax levy 0% increase well that was the typo but if you look at the percentage change it says 2% okay and if you look at the variance it says I was used to putting z% So Many Colors my eyes don't go to the gray section this is my worksheet so this is what equals to 13175 if we raise the taxes 2% okay okay so let's talk about primarily what the budget is if you look at the resolution we have we already discussed the um preschool salaries in here that is um one part of um the budget that we are looking to make sure that we cover we have um have a part of the capital project which is the addition that we're doing right now there's a difference of what we need to overflow in the next year to pay for which is 683 we're looking to do the playground upgrade which we talked about last year we were going to hold off to make sure the addition project is done before we tackle the playground we also um want looking to do phase two of the security project which is the doors and everything we started this year we're doing the second part of that about the front main entrance well we're getting to that that will be the next one that's a security vable the main entr we going to do that those are two different things what's the phase two which doors we're doing um scan Lots where we're making sure that the whole infrastructure is put together um and working and also with the new addition so all of that is going to tie in together on ph two well and as I you just discussed the main entrance we want to make sure that we discussed that in the past year to do um security um Festival there so that when visitors are coming they're stopped right there they're you know scanned and they're not let in until they're cleared right that's something I'm excited about I think we're GNA ask to car you know to throw some sketches up for us um but if we just simply put looked at to move back that second setor he walk in upstairs I want that second set doors you have enough spot the space up top where you first you you'll beet the security guard in between the two doors right and then when she SE that your ID is good then she'll let you into the actual building do we have a a security issue now where people are getting Theo it's it's gonna be a lot harder if we uh and I'd like to I don't like the idea that because we're our space is so limited there that you're inside the second you're inside the bank part of the building before we even scan your ID yeah um and if we could eliminate that I I think it' be a bit new normal to have and we are continuing our um classroom phone upgrades this is been we do this every year we just replace some of the um phones that we're doing it in stages so my work the government are getting rid of all phones and the US and everything is is now through Ms teams my office number is transitioning to Ms teams so there's no more phone that the reason I like the phone the teachers I I I want to keep it if the teacher looks out their window and sees something that's that's not right that someone you know doing something or a safety hazard yeah there's a code that the staff have access to where they can push it and directly start a lockdown shelter place and with our electronic doors now what's teacher a sees someone with a a gun out or even a straight dog that looks rabbit right she pushes that coat in now that triggers an automatic lock down and every door is closed now all the time so it kind of keeps us um I like the idea that we have the phone for that purpose and it's statutory we have to have a phone in every classroom we don't right now that's part of qack they want of their facility checklist that we have to have a pH in each classroom and and we have a um APC server room replacement it is ask Bill what's the APC server backup power all the servers perfect is about 12 13 14 I'm gonna jump ahead what are me boards so you know those Blackboard you ever see the your kid class where the teacher touches like the thing smart yeah it's a it's another name it's a competitor smart the yeah and this is for the new edition these are um parts to put in the classrooms and other areas in the budget we have furniture that we have to buy for the new edition we have other things that we are um looking to make sure that the Plass have so that's all part of this budget this year so those are the big items I feel like we all turned out pretty good and it was Blackboard of there's no going back there no going back argument okay um let me gu so I I know that the budget presentation the preliminary budget is is on the agenda but like these things we're seeing just now so are we voting on this tonight you're voting on a preliminary budget for me to submit it to the county okay and then our full budget presentation is at the next board meeting April 29th okay and that will be the full presentation so there's I mean I just in my job I I do stuff like this all time or something something I need to cut money from somewhere else so the the tax increas is 131 there's nowhere to trim that from somewhere else to prevent having to do the tax inre um we could um look into it but I don't think it's a good practice since the um tax the equalization Aid right now is looking towards being flat for us and I don't next year 4% think about it construction that we've been having going on get res it's probably it's less painful to do 2% than you know this year keep up with percent increase in inflation basically basically right and since we're not getting the eight that were getting before yeah get more sorry did you say the parent gonna help us try get more [Music] aead but I think you guys vote Yes to this I could be wrong but I think then that would be a tax increase so we wouldn't I don't think we'd be able to go back and say well we haven't had a tax increase in six years now let do 10% Like I think that would it would make it so that okay I'm done they won't feel the 2% versus the 10% silly question I know I'm the newest member on the board but just looking for the last year I sat here listened to how great the budget's been everybody's done great and we did all this hard work and all it is is a gift because the governor said hen gets this much and if the governor was a different person he could say helon doesn't get that anymore and we're talking about it now but it seems like what work was done to understand that eventually it was going to come to an end and you're gonna have to raise taxes it seems like now it's like oh it came to an end we should probably think about what to do but for the last six years what was done to prepare for the time it's great that we got all this money it's great that we didn't have to raise taxes but it seems a little bit irresponsible to say now we have to raise taxes because but we're let's add this other job let's spend a million dollars in smartboards approximately a million dollars just I'm just curious what was for board we were always gonna have I'm sorry that's I misr it we were always gonna have to raise taxes at some point it was always gonna you know and we knew that and I think our budget is still even if we don't even without the um extra money that we've gotten from from the governor we've had a healthy budget right I we've been in decent shape the budget is over 75% grant money in state a so that's not we have a reserve so the thing the thing is is that we're actually actually using the money that we did receive to build this other room versus taken loan at I'm happy we did that but the budget is still 75 plus percent but gift from the government right was was the it's accounted the most you can do is% I would say I would imagine that I got they raed it so Christie before Christie made the rule where it's 2% and then the reason was that was the idea was this should make all kinds of negotiation easy because if you're the employees can't really ask for more 2% if they know that the the towns payers only going to give % um and then we like Mike said you get a new governor and they decide hey we're I'm going to change and adjust the state aid formula uh people in towns like hden are were very happy with the way that was adjusted and other towns were very unhappy with it right um I think people in towns like H would argue like hey we were we were owed this because we were overpaid for decades um in other towns they would say that's that's not that they wouldn't see it that way isn't that the reason why we decided to do this construction project because this was a windfall Federal this was yeah right right right we still spend okay yeah but yes this is you're you're right Mr colet we are working towards getting back to being um fiscally responsible in case there is a situation where we need to make sure that we're we can sustain our budget ourselves but we were not fiscally irresponsible we could keep it at Zer we just W have extra all Hey listen my question is like so if mua raises the taxes every year the water company every year every year they put a two three% on it in order to have a cushion yeah and you're still gonna get it again this year listen men and men and women Li math doesn't so I mean the numbers you know they do add up okay and then you know we we just want to make sure that um we're on the path of just just stay so do we have any more questions on no well yes one just for so for argument sake if the government if the state of New Jersey said you're this aid number here Equalization Aid was Zero there would be $12 million budget right issu yes I don't think that that's articulated well to the people when we sit and brag that for six years we haven't had to raise tax it is a gift from the state that is what it is it's great I'm grateful I live in town I own my house very grateful for all the things that we have been able to do prior to my time that you guys did before I was here grateful that we were able to expand the school taking preschool from 40 something to over 100 is great but I just think it needs to be better articulated to what it actually is as it is a gift of other people's tax money that is coming to helden and that we are spect it's not and there's nothing that the board of education does to get more money it's what they decide by a formula there is no we worked really hard to get more money it is a Formula given at the state level that is what it actually is it's not how it's articulated to the people in well I'll say this though it's what we do with the money and I think we have done a lot you know okay it is gift you know but we've done done really well with that money we've done a lot with that money so I think we can you know got to sh we can say that we can say that with pride that we you know done well with the money that we with that gift but like but like anything next year we can get another 12 million and we don't even know it right but if we don't at least the 2% allows us to have some sort of cushion in case we don't and then let let's say we do get another 12 million next year then then next year's budget we can readjust it to maybe bring it down to 1% or even 0% depending on where we're at it just it's just I guess it's we still need 2% yeah you know next year 12 million we're still need 2% we need to be above 12 million in order to you know any other questions good question yes all right so let's to uh so then I guess let me guess should we wait until we get to that agenda item you vote or do you want to vote now no you we're waiting till we get okay okay uh personnel and management Mr Martinez um agenda items only on this one okay uh curriculum and Technology Mr web agenda items only okay policy and public relations Mr Martinez um we had a meeting uh today uh we went over a bunch of these policies and um Mr Abasi has some concerns but she will address with us do you want to do it now or do you want to do it when we it doesn't matter Mr R no he's ask question we can do it now and then when we get to the to the voting part first of all these are it's a first read right so we're not adopting any of these policies tonight all right is that correct Jeff that is correct this is a first read only this is your opportunity to to see them and then if you have any questions between now in the next meeting is when they're adopted officially so so a couple so I'm going to point specifically the policy 2260 I would in the which one the the equity in a in for school for class practice the not the regulation the actual policy um section six uh it suggests uh say it says ensuring the commission on toal plus education curriculum and it strikes out other acts of genocide I'd like to admit I'd like to make a motion to admit that strike out and leave that in um and then additionally on this one in section 2 a uh where it says it strikes out for male and female students um and replaces it based on gender identity um that's fine but with gender identity but I don't think we should be striking out male and female students I'd like to leave that in if possible those are my two my two things policy guys and then I think throughout where they strike off his her and he she I would I would prefer we keep that in extra language needs to be added alongside it let's add it but I don't want to lose the male female gender structure of the current policy guys so I have a comment to that one um you know not everybody identifies as he or she and it becomes cumbersome when you start adding you know why you know the all of these policies are um about equity educ in education right so if the policies are about Equity the language should reflect that and why can't um why can't it just be they I mean if we see his her and they it just seems much more efficient to just say they and that's all inclusive which is like the the nature of these policies you know we want to be inclusive of all of our students regardless of how they identify so I would I would I would want I would say that that's fine to leave it with that if everybody else votes to keep he she and they that's fine too but I mean I I don't think it's necessary but that's those are my the thing is that he she specifies to who there does specify to anyone there meaning he she and and any other gender identification there's it comes up throughout so there's certain instances like in I have a list in the in 2260 in the regulation it says um who believes that they have been harmed to me like that one's okay but in in the policy guides where it strikes out male and female students it says based on gender identity that's where I'd rather keep if you're talking generally about people say they them to me as a plural that's fine when you're specifying gender identity I would prefer male female and other and other can you tell me which one that one is so that that I'm specifically looking at section 2A of the policy guide 2260 the policy guide says something but the regulation guide says something it come up in other spots I'd have to go back through get a full comprehensive look I know Mike went through it fully um but there are certain spots where I would prefer that we keep the the gender specified so Mr Marino if we want to you know if we don't want to go with the recommendations of the um Strauss Esme H or if we want you know how how do we do that we have to make a resolution to not accept certain ones that we don't want to and then we vote on that yes next time at the next meeting so so at the next meeting when there's second reading if you're not in favor of it then we would vote um but in the meantime the policy committee can continue to work on it and see if there's if we can be inclusive and just re and just kind of word this so it's not confusing to the students or the families um but as you mentioned be as inclusive as we should be then that means that we wouldn't vote tonight on these just the first you're all you're doing tonight is you're just acknowledging that you receiv received the draft from stra testme that's all this is okay okay all right thank you the you guys want to give me like a prob I'm happy to if you guys all agree you know seems like everyone was in agreement of the genocide thing on 2260 is that something look like you want me to edit for the next time yeah so then it's it's it'll yeah if you guys are all cool with that then I'll make a 2260 and it's the genocide uh we're gonna un omit right yes and then I guess good for the board what what do you so personally I'm against the removal of any of the gender language it's in one two three four four five six seven different policies they removed the terms he and she and replace it with theirs um in many aspects it's not even proper English or Board of Education to reflect proper English um and that's just my personal opinion I'm going to vote no if it's change but again I'm only one vote and everybody's free to do as they I'd like to if we can say acknowledge first reading you know what whatever it is and we would like to propose some changes and you can take it into consideration we can address Mr but and then we vote you know yeah you know we can propose changes we can you know if you want to make take the take the role of kind of thing this is to be I'm happy to make the edit like this is the board's policy it's not mea's policy um I think that I think it seems like there's a high level consensus for the the one week the 20 to 60 now as far as how how the the board would like to word um you know what what's part of like the the gender pronouns on that part you have if if I don't know who's specifically the in charge of that committee is that you Omar are you like the head of that committee policy is R so either this is policy Ro the policy Ro if if you guys want to collectively submit something and then U from as if on behalf of the the policy committee here's what we recommend the verbiage of this is and then the board at the next meeting can say yes no or maybe or you can find some other way yeah I mean it sounds like Mr CL has already kind of collected those areas so if you guys like you know meet again and you put a list of the things yeah that you want to edit and then we can propose it the next one and vote okay and then last Mr M I don't know if you can provide any information on this in a couple of spots it removes legal guardian um is there the only is there reasoning for that like it's in the it's in 2260 where they strike out leg Guardians um it just says to give any student or the parent of a student the opportunity to appeal I I think somewhere else if there's a different policy where they Define parent to include legal Guardians as well so a parent is not necessarily biological parent or adoptive parent but it's also legal guardian so it's all inclusive so then a parent could be in that sense a parent could be like a grandparent who has custody or an aunt or an uncle correct cust correct so the oh so the government of New Jersey changed the definition of parent is that what we're saying seems um it's a little unclear because I mean people automatically think that a parent would be like a mother or a father you know I mean at least when you're reading something like a legal document then say guard you know as opposed to like a another like relative or adult who has gu foster parent is still a parent even though it's not biological that was right yeah so yeah so it's it's adoptive parent foster parent biological parent um legal guardian they just include it all I think those four as parent can you can you send us or can you send us the which policy or regulation or definition or statute whatever wherever that is just that we can look at it yes okay I would appreciate that any other okay so then uh well we'll come back we'll come back to vote okay um and and we're just just to clarify again we're just voting on the fact that we have received and that's all that's all that we're voting on okay so next is uh security and safety Mr FL nothing okay Community engagement Mr aasi um nothing okay finance and physical plant Mr MCO uh we met um went over the bills went over the budget as ba discussed U most of everything um just going to go with the rest of the agenda okay okay uh for state and County um just a few things so unfortunately the UN unsung heroes award presentation for high school students is tonight so that comps with our board meeting but you know we congratulate the Manchester students who were um receiving an award tonight as well as all of the other high school students who have received the Anan hero award um I mentioned this I've mentioned this the past few meetings the last pay County uh SBA meeting of the school year be Wednesday May 29th it's going to be a hybrid um and it's at the in person it's at the Black Bull Steakhouse in Riverdale and the topic it's it's just the celebrations of the county teacher of the year who is Amanda rhs from clipon um and then you know awards that board members get like certifications or anything like that I've got my invitation oh that's great so put on your calendar then tent um let's see part two okay so part two of there there's a new leadership series that's um being held it's three parts so part two is going to be uh this coming Saturday March 16th it's uh explore school finances and funding and I think there should still be time to um to register if anyone is interested in that one um the New Jersey School Board Association spring conference is taking place on Friday May 10th um and that is that's like uh it's like a prequel to the workshop um let me see featuring doesen training sessions covering topics impacting Boards of education so it's just kind of like it's like a little mini annual Workshop if anyone is interested in that and then there is um a webinar coming up on March 13 um this is a good one um the um Board of education's appraisal responsibility evaluating the C the school Chief School administrator which will be coming up soon that comes up every spring so um if the only unfortunately that one's during the day it's during the work day so that's not really a good time but if anyone can is able to make that one might be worth it so um that's it for state and County uh any questions on that okay um Mr Marino anything no report okay can we skip ahead to whatever Lian need need to leave I want to make sure vote on the oh on the budget okay let's do that real quick okay so um just go back to that next item okay so can I have a motion to uh pass the the preliminary budget second 11 move by Mr Keta seconded by Mr Martinez roll call please Mr Abasi yes Mr Keta yes Mr Martinez yes Mr Mo yes Mr Ramadan yes Mr web yes thank okay so uh let's go back now to uh personnel and management U Mr Martinez uh no no no we have to vot oh we're voting so I'm sorry uh so we're moving 81 through 8.12 second okay by Martinez seconded by Mr Abasi please mrass yes Mr K yes to everything except 8.9 no Mr Martinez yes Mr Moo yes Ramadan Mr Ramadan yes Mr web yes but I would also just like to say that I'm proud that the um helden public school has such a good relationship with William Patterson and their college student of um practicum experience so yes okay I have to vote yeah but I have a question actually I did have a question about the parent leas on job description there were this is probably for you Mr Merino there were a whole bunch of um legal references and I was just wondering what those meant like why why this this so the the Department of Education provides this because it's one funded so they provide a draft job description for this position it's an important position um but all those legal references that they put at the end to be honest with you we didn't touch it we just left those alone so this came right from the state and the Department of Education all the legal references any implicated statutes or um you know such as fingerprinting uh and and different requirements that job descriptions are required to have okay okay thank you okay yes okay so next is um curriculum and Technology Mr web I'd like to pass 9.1 through 9.5 so move frustrated moved by Mr web and that was Mr Ramadan who second oh Mr Mo um seconded by Mr Moz um Missi yes Mr Keta yes Mr Martinez yes Mr Moo yes Mr Ramadan yes Mr web yes I did have one question about 9.5 um so the fourth grade field trip so is that their grade level field trip that's where they wanted to go so usually the fourth grade traditionally the fourth grade trip has into the Liberty Science Center so and that's a really great trip um it's very educational and I'm just wondering you know Urban Air is not really particularly educational so why why the change this is you know this is what the fourth grade team asked me to do um you know I think it's the the trip is do we want to view it as a celebration of the year or do we want to view it as you know is something where there there's a strict TI Ed academic education I think you could argue that you know physical education is also something that really G kick out of it but when my son was in fourth grade like that was the place all the kids wanted to go um so that's why I I okay all right I'll vote Yes for for future um on these for field trips please fasten driver seat belt if it's plac something that it's been traditionally there can we make a note there so that we know I'll do my best to remember that um because I it's it's something where I have a feeling sometimes it might sneak through but um this was the example where the the team came me and said this is where the kids want to go this is where you know we think it' be fun so know I wasn't going to live to say that um okay so let's go down finance and physical plan okay so let me move to um policy oh oh okay so so policy um Mr Martinez um voting on receiving the first revisions of yes go ahead you can move it okay so let's move that 8.1 to 8.9 10.1 I'm sorry new and revised policies and regulations second a second okay so moved by Mr Martinez seconded by Mr letter roll call please Mr uh yes just acknowledging that this is a first read and we will likely submit and and you're someone in your committee get we actually have something already which is just more about cleaning it up we'll we'll revise and send forward very good Mr Keta yes Mr Martinez yes Mr Moo yesb yes yes okay um now let's go down to finance and phle plan Mr mosow are you there okay so um I'll ask Mr uh Ramadan Mr Ramadan yes uh can you the item the agenda item numbers okay no problem um we're at the motion to move 13 point one to 13.8 so second okay so moved by Mr Ramadan and then seconded by Mr Martinez uh roll call please just two really quick questions 135 this is a grant that's paying for the 20day program yes it's a that part of the presentation that was the last one okay and then 137 I don't know maybe I'm just old what's a gum drop case there a bunch of gum drop cases do you know what those are cover or something does do you know what a gum drop case is yeah they're for the pro books okay it's like a protective cover for all right yes I didn't know Mr yes Martinez yes Mr Mo yes yes you that question uh 13.8 um in the preim the pre budget um there was um an intros one of the on page six that said an intro summer program is that new that is bring it up that could it was on page six the the last attachment get back up 13 what 13.8 of the PK budget it's the it's the last attachment on it there are a whole bunch of attachments on for the budget narrative Amendment yeah so page six it it talks about um a an intro summer program and I was just wondering if that was there it might be like the the screening that we see next we we got a number one the last the what page page six other purchase Services Transportation name of line missan purchase Services it just mentions it it didn't really describe and I was just wondering if it was a new program it's I mean it sound to me an intro pre program sounds like a great idea let me email t right now just to make sure I get the right answer okay that's fine I mean I think it's a great idea um and if it's new I think that was a really good addition that's you know funding puts a good use because it's helpful for little kids to have you know uh an orientation before they start full-time school so I think that's a great idea and I vote Yes okay okay so now um do we have any um New or Old business I had two fast things okay um I missed the last two meetings um but I want to say thank you to the police department for getting that crossing guard were the street right over here I forget the name I right now but uh for everybody's asking for it and uh I know I ask a lot of tough like tough questions but I want to say thank you for I know this budget can't be easy to do so it's Wonder Point appreciate it anybody else any other new were old just want to opportunity to say happy Ramadan to all those in school and associated with the school that are nice uh the the lighting the Cresent lighting was really a nice event and you know it's it's nice um to have that you know we have our it's so nice to have all of these events we have our Christmas tree lighting we have um you know these different events and it's it's it's important to incl again going back to being inclusive you know it's a we have a lot of Muslim families in Helen and it's so important to celebrate everybody's um you know holidays and in you know be a part of it with them you know I I I love it it was a beautiful uh celebration y um okay so moving on um so let's can I have a motion to open the floor to Citizens on the operation of school so move move by Mr Martinez seconded by Mr aasi roll call please sorry all in favor okay all in favor yes I okay okay the floor is open uh if anyone would like to and I know you stated your name already but just for the record construction surpass this year and go on to the next school year I would suggest that we talk to you the business that's right down the block which is Mal and she seems to be very nice Gabby maybe the 40 spots that are currently taking up space uh for the parents on the street parking maybe they can be there and then they can walk over I just want to let everybody know as as far as the teachers go on April 1 um tickets will resume the street cleaning will resume every winter they P A Street uh a truck for street cleaning so it wasn't anything that was done it's always like that every winter um I agree with what you say when it comes to the Fiel trips because the third grade one that was today was um they were sleeping they were not engaging were something that they wanted to do uh and then um for the 11 people that have 11 children that have the I is that for the threey olds or is that for the foury olds um sorry and then um uh you have you said you had 41 applications and all 41 got in um how many other spots are available after the 41 and then um just to put this tax HPS may have uh not raised it in five years however we still have Manchester that has rais it every year to at 15% so although it comes across as HPS did not raise the taxes and the taxes have not gone up because of HS there is a tax increase every year the 2% from Manch so therefore there is an increase in schooling it doesn't say HPS Manchester does it's okay before I before anybody addresses let's see if there are any other comments and then we'll close the floor and then we can address if we if we wish to um anybody else Mr Miller okay can I have a motion motion by Mr CL second by Mr Martinez all in favor okay um I do just want to address the last um point that U Miss CNA made Manchester is a completely separate District that we we don't speak for Manchester and you know we when we say that helden public school hasn't raised taxes we're talking about our district you know that's completely separate from Manchester so even though that's a school in Halen they're they're separate so you know I just wanted to make that that clarification um okay and then it uh I don't know anybody else want is a very good suggestion yes so she uh I agree Les gabri is Will day is a very kind lady uh that's definitely something to you know strongly consider I like that idea then yeah if you're if you're third if you're three years old now and you're in our program um you're you're special ed or you're one of the five students that had the had last year um I I believe that's what it is but I I think I'm pretty sure that it's when we did the numbers today they counted those they were all special for your question your question it was your question no because you said 11 that are so they'll be four year olds next year yeah but they're three right now so they wouldn't be they're not in that same lottery so they're guaranteed guarante because they have an i that'll be guaranteed right yeah yeah I'm gonna record it if I I don't know how to do YouTube live but if you know how like I have no problems with live u i just record live YouTube do they do that yeah Facebook live and then the suggestion or the notification that tickets might start read issu parents par I talk srl I'm not saying information correct I just make sure I verify that because I I wasn't told that but s tells me that's true go is there accommodations we can make we're going to ask for them to be nice and extended that's then we're going to ask the board members to we asked the the mayor and the candidate Council to that'll be specific to one street right so it's not like there's a meeting not one street I think it's the surrounding streets the weeks before we we're before we got that and theate parking on Thursdays and Fridays was noticeably more cumbersome than than other things okay um so we do have an executive session tonight um um so we we I think it's it's going to be it won't just be 15 or 20 minutes I think it's going to be let's say between 20 and 30 minutes um it could be shorter but I just I hate to tell people you know it's going to be five minutes and then we're talking for like half an hour so I'd rather air on the side of um you know being conservative so let's say between 20 and 30 minutes um and then so um we need a motion to go in to ex can we do all in favor ex thank you m okay so moved by Mr aasi seconded by Mr Martin roll call please Mr aasi yes Mr yes Martinez yes Mr Mo yes Mr Ramadan yes yes yes okay so uh we will be we'll be back okay uh can I have a motion to adjourn so move move second third I Mr Mr V second by Mr Martinez all in favor I okay we are Jour everyone have a good night and we'll see you thank you stay safe everyone thanks good night