be order have flag salute flag uned States okay public content in the event of an emergency or people may exit right or left from this room and proceed to an exit door all doors will open from the inside not applicable for virtual remote meetings open public meeting announcement the New Jersey open public meeting law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend a meeting of bodies at which any business affecting their interests is discussed or acted upon in accord to the provision of this act the helden board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published in the north Jersey record Herald News the board official newspaper on January 10th 202 before notice of this meeting indicating date time and place posted publicly on the door of the main interest and file with the clerk in the municipal in the municipality of hel call please Mr aasi here Mr Keta presid Mr yeah Mr Mr Martinez Mr Mo here Mr radan here at this time we will approve four goals 2024 2025 second Mr yes Mr Keta yes M yes Mr Martinez yes Mr Mo yes Mr mad yes Dr West just one question did we discuss when we would have a meeting in regards to the uh number two we go to the virtual we talk about Madam president mentioned the last meeting is that after approval of the goals you probably call for the policy committee to establish a policy and then um committee meeting to over it thank you all right yes isman sorry what am I voting on you're voting on um the approval of the board yes all right now we go to approval for of Prior minutes from the regular meeting June 10th and the executive meeting June 10th 2024 second roll call please secondi yes Mr Kain Mr V yes Mr G yes Mr Martinez yes Mr moel yes yes yes okay um hearing of citizens on agenda items only move second move by Mr web and second Mr Ro call please Mr yes Mr yes yes car Mr Martinez yes Mr Mo yes mrad yes yes and Mr oh wow okay okay okay so uh would anybody here like to address the board on agenda items only for anybody online M please come to the front so you can be on the camera just have a question about the aid that we require a high school diploma why are we paying them all the same salary and how are you guys planning on obtaining your goals which are what was the last thing you just said your goals your board the board goals how are we going to achieve them yeah anybody else no okay motion to close second roll call please yeah Vice vers Mr yes Mr K yes Mr yes Mr Gman yes Mr Martinez yes Mr MOX yes Mr Ramadan yes Dr web yes and Mr s yes okay um so I would like to address the um the board goals we are going to discuss that uh in the meeting during the meeting um and we are also going to vote on our goals tonight you know as far as salary goes there's there's a guide and um there are steps and you know that's how all schools um operate um I don't know if Miss M Aus wants to add anything I think um the hiring of the AIDS are determined by the experience and I guess um we will determine that by the supervisor that yeah just we totally CED we were at a point uh a year and a half ago or something like that where I saw how hard it was to get um so I sit the floor at $21 an hour for hiring um because you get more McDonald's based on what we were paying before um so that's where I you know I pump every Aid up to that that floor um and that's where we're looking to hire people at now and our our retention rates improve so do that this is sorry this is for the instructional AIDS what we're talking about yeah difference between like a high grade and L essentially right from the hourly rates that are here in section I'm assuming the question was in regards to 9917 so like most most of the folks are 22 $22 talking about instructional AIDS so there there's a guide that I think was in an attachment um to the board agenda and basically you know we we we kept the on WE the guide we had before but we just extanded upon it um so instead of numerical U you know steps we athletic steps or maybe vice versa but U the $21 an hour is there's not L is that the 2163 something like that yeah okay um just trying to log into the meeting so I want to ask I want to request that we move approving the board after my report because I want to give um oh we already voted on them number three right okay all right well all righty then um so then let's go to um and we already did the minutes okay so then it's my report so first I just want to apologize for arriving late my train was Del late so I just you know as quickly as I um good evening everyone um thank you for joining us tonight I hope everyone Summers off to a good start uh so first off I want to congratulate our recent eighth grade graduates who are now HBS alumni uh we had a lovely graduation ceremony on June 19th in which we had the opportunity to celebrate our eighth graders and all of their accomplishments and wish them luck as we send them off to high school and new life outside of the walls of H Public School it was wonderful to see the graduates together as a class for the last time and here from our valedictorian and salutatorian while their teachers families and friends cheered them on shout out to vice principal David spaz 8th grade adviser Ryan Morgan and all the staff who help put this memorable evening together secondly I want to get back to our board retreat that took place on June 1st so I hope that our board members had chance to review the report from Miss Hela the summary report so we covered a lotet treat and I discussed that at our last board meeting but our next step um is to vote which you already did and I and it was approved yes yes great so um so then I'm not gonna you know I'm not going to read through them but I do wan to um I do W to mention a couple of recommendations that also arose from the retreat oh okay sure yeah I can read that so our proposed goals are increase commissioner attendance at board and committee meetings that was the same one we had last year uh this is the new one establish a policy on Virtual attendance of board meetings by Commissioners and the public addressing in particular executive session and then the third one we've revised um prioritize Dynamic and creative approaches to board professional development which will Foster teamwork and increase commissioners knowledge so in addition to those board goals that are now passed uh there were a couple of recommendations um one of them was assessing the board goals periodically throughout the year and then another one was um including occasional discussion during board meetings of you know critical educational topics from you know news articles or other credible sources in order to increase the knowledge and awareness of you know these important issues that could affect our or or do affect our district um so this is I mean this is the end of my report does anybody have any questions about the goals or the recommendations yes Mr Gman I just want to um say that U I'm very sorry I couldn't make it to as you're aware Madam president and most board members I couldn't make it to the board retreat because I was actually in Mexico um on vacation um but I want to say say that U I'm very proud of this board um and I want to commend you madam president because you have set out on an Endeavor to make us a certified board which is uh something that we have not seen so we have our full support that endeav and I thank all of you very much I the report from and we have word to do and I forward to being part ofk Mr President anyone else any questions or comments I have a comment I went through the summary and I just saw was um ask me she did a great job in that summary and I appreciate that the Articles were included and you know even the slides so yeah yeah it was very um it was a good you know uh summary andaction of sum it was very detailed yeah which was great for sure so that's helpful for for those who weren't able to make it um I did did want to mention a couple of things um so regarding the second um goal to establish a policy and virtual attendance so I'm going to talk when we get to the policy committee I'm going to talk about that um and as I mentioned last week I'm going to be asking the policy committee to to do some work on that but I'll I'll address that when we get to that part of the agenda um so regarding the um the recommendation of you know sharing articles occasion doesn't have to be every meeting you know but if you if you come across an article or some you know credible Source discussing an educational topic that you think is you know worthy of discussion at a board meeting share it send it to L to miss Augustin and Lois beforehand so that it can get on the agenda and then you know we can have a discussion about it I think that's a really good way to build this is gonna you know this relates to our third top our third goal of prioritizing and making professional development you know uh something that we strive for right and it's not just for the sake of having the certification or for saying you know for saying that we did this or that or checking off the box it's you know so that we really increase our knowledge and we know you know we're not Educators most of us here well Mr Dr Webb is but most of us are not Educators by profession um but you know we can still be informed about educational topics that'll only make us better board members members and help us to better serve our district and our students um so you know and regarding the checkpoints you know assessing the board goals I I think that if we did it twice a year that would be that would suffice like if we did a midpoint check maybe so we start these goals you know I mean really they're rolling but let's say you know if you wanted a firm date like to start in September and then we check like in you know December or January and then we check again before our next Retreat which is always been you know sometime in early June or maybe late May miday um but if anybody you know has other suggestions do it more often okay oh yes go ahead Mr Keta hi um let start off I say I I support the board goals and um I voted yes to the board goals I do have two questions one what was the total cost of that Retreat it was probably pretty inexpensive because we had it inhouse and uh we did a pot so but we did cater we did have some um I don't know if you guys can hear me but I'll get that information specifically on the contract you know custodian outside specifically for the door retreat but I believe custodian might have been outside construction that was one thing do yeah so it was the custodian was there for other reason I just want to make sure that wasn't M um can um perhaps our superintendent or office te can can you give some insight as to where other boards have have their conduct their boards like some examples of where they go or a lot of times I'll rent out like Hotel I sweep like a hotel conference hotel conference like poon overnight those overnight okay um we we kind of go yeah we stay in our little library and you know I I I personally prefer it that way I think it's this is our home base you know it's um you take a few hours out on a Sunday a Saturday morning and uh I I think it's really nice that way you know and it's cost effective you know um so um Mr P you said you had a second question yeah um I would I couldn't hear the answer so I apologize um it was like half muted half not muted um I appreciate that we take the effort to not waste even more money and run out a hotel room but I don't feel like a lot of these goals are very basic and common sense and everybody on this board is pretty professional and uh you know everybody has professional jobs I'm pretty sure that we could have done came up with the same goals without spending money to pay an outside consultant again I just don't want to see us put ourselves in a position where we're privilously wasting taxpayers money and this is the second one since I've been on the board I I don't think it's necessary going forward but that's just my own personal opinion but thank you I still like I said I couldn't hear the answer but I'll get it from minutes later thank you okay so um well miss auson is going to get us the cost of the retreat but you know we all uh uh there a lot of other boards have it out they have it overnight so it's pretty inexpensive and I I'm gonna I appreci you know all due respect I don't agree at all with I think Retreats are so valuable it's not just about coming up with goals it's about you know getting together um talking about how we can improve how we can move our district forward how we can work together you know all those it's not it not a training it was not a working session it was it's more of like a reflective um you know a reflective you know uh Gathering right a time when we spend together to really think about what our role is did you want to add something miss it was like team building you know like we came together as board we gave opinions and you know it brought us yeah absolutely and you know that that's a huge part of it you know besides reflecting on you know what we what we have done what we want to do what we need to do um yeah just just getting together you know is and and team building you know how we can um supp each other how we can support um Mr W and M Augustin um I think that's really valuable I think it's really important and if we can do it at you know uh relatively inexpensively I think that's you know so worthwhile uh the board goals are just really um something that comes out of the retreat you know it's not that we did the retreat in order to create board goals it was just uh you know a something that came away that we came up with you know as a result of the retreat so mid yes um well I appreciate Mr peta's comment as far as sa tax dollars and um I think this board has proven that we take that very very seriously right um and this is not a knock on any other board I mean every board they're elected for a reason if they choose to have their board retreat at a hotel or the Poconos or the Bahamas that's their prerogative this board has proven to be very very fiscally respons responsible and uh any organization any organization I can say this from firsthand experience running a police department team building those type of work those type of uh interactions are very very crucial because it's important that we work together and it's important that we have a facilitator right we have a facilitator uh that's not a member of this board someone that's that's uh an independent mind that's coming in facilitating our ideas um put it on paper put it all together organizing it uh it's very very important uh brings us closer together and in the interest of transparency we use cathine H right we feel comfortable with cathine I mean whoever doesn't feel comfortable with Kathleen is more than welcome to raise your hand say I don't feel comfortable with Kath we feel comfortable with Kathleen because she has been our representative I mean I'm the longest serving board member here I'm in my fourth term Kine has been with us for a very very long time so why would we do something different she I'll say it right on the record kathleena is no longer with New Jersey School Board Association it is what it is so yes we pay her a fee to come in and do this because we feel comfortable with her she does a phenomenal job and that's what this board TRS is whoever doesn't like it very simple hold us out okay we want Captain Mala to facilitate this now there's a board member that doesn't want cine that rather have school boards associate should come in to do it then by all means um you know bring bring that up bring it bring it bring it to the Forefront you know what I mean but to to just you know we have to be careful because a lot of times we're we're using our our platform here as board members to to like stand on a soap box and oh I'm I'm advocating for for for tax dollars advocating for tax dollars what are we talking about at the end of the day this board has proven that we take we take tax doll very seriously we're we're debt free we have a fully staffed school been raise taxes for five years straight and I and not to go on a tangent here but I have to make something very clear I was going to say this old business Madam president but if you indulge me this board do you think that this state funding just fall out the sky no no no that is this board fighting meeting with Benji wi meeting with Nelly po meeting with SH Su so on and so forth our state representatives and fighting for the full funding of our public school and they have delivered for us okay and you think that fight ends now it doesn't end now we're going to continue to fight we're going to continue I was proud to sponsor the first resolution of this board delivered in 2017 uh that was done in a symbolic measure uh that was sent to our Representatives urging them fighting that we need the state to step up and fully fund our schools like they have promise us to do like it's in the law for them to do and we're going to continue to do that and because of that state funding we were able to to keep taxes at 0% for five years in a row yeah this year oh it's at 2% now yeah it's at 2% now because we have to get ready for the future we're gonna have a new governor this is all transparent all in the open to the public we're going to have a new governor we don't know where the state's headed with the funding formula so we have to be careful we have to prepare for the future but if you think that we're just going to sit idle and allow them to just cut our budget and cut our state funding absolutely not I'll be the first one to March down a Tren okay and and continue to fight for the full funding of our schools because with the full funding of our schools we're able to do great things such as bringing in a school resource officer such as a certified Angels program such as other other other workshops and clubs for our children keeping our our our school fully fun fully staed staying debt free Keeping taxes stabilized that is what this board has done respons thank you Mr Gman and you know uh one of the big topics during our retreat was uh finances and school budgets and um I think it would you know and to Mr Gusman's point there are opportunities for board members to advocate for you know funding for districts and um you know we often will get um advisories from New Jersey Schoolboard Association letting us know if we should you know contact our um Congressman or contact our elected officials um so we should you know be vigilant of that and um I mean that's a topic that we you know we can discuss if there are any articles or um you know relevant issues you know that are happening the timely we can discuss that just just for general knowledge and and to to inform ourselves of what we can do as board members to increase our you know to keep our budget our our funding coming and to to make sure that you know to secure it um but yeah I I I mean we and we wouldn't you know we wouldn't spend money on um a facilitator or anything like that if we didn't have it we were able to cover it so and it was um you know it's it's a relatively it's not a big expense but in any case uh does anybody else have any questions or comments about recommendations the goals or anything like that you said for the second gr we're going to discuss yeah we're gonna discuss it just because it pertains to policy committee so I'll just wait until we get to that to discuss that one um see if I said okay well if there's nothing else I'm going to turn it over to um our school administrator Mr W yeah so to jump on to the point we just talked about um I I think one of my strengths is that I I can identify the value that people bring to an organization and how that's going to affect the operation and also benefit the kids um you know as a board member of Verona um you know when I first got on I thought there were some things in our board could do a lot better like support actually works a lot better so I do BR she bring up the healthy conversations that need to be have um so it was the kind of thing where you know to to service kids service and organization the same thing we did here I I did where where I um you know we my first point is at the end of another school year this year the theme of the year was construction um you know we got a whole lot of it paid off fortunately uh for the Esser so I got thank both John sah P um and L because it was wasn't just like a one time thing a long process and you can see the construction really is starting to take form it looks like a classro we did a tour a couple weeks ago and you can start to see like the skeleton at the second floor you know gaining getting traction um there's a lot of moving Parts this year um for a school that needed more room to lose seven different classrooms in October that was that was as tough as Co you know as far as Logistics um so I just got to thank you know all the professionals we have the you know retrofitting the library Mr Gavin moving out librarian enough to move out classes being comined uh Mr tro did probably the best job that he could have done as you know thinking outside the box creatively to make that happen um but the school you know the kids still learn they still had a positive experience and and now we're going to you know benefit real soon from from this addition um speaking of additions the playground uh purch order was sent um you know the I don't know if you were at the last board being George but the the inclusion part of the playground is really neat like you're going to see sensory boards all over what I like the most is the way that the the rides or the things that kids are going to do in the playground they're going to have to cooperate and communicate with each other in order to use the four person SE so in order to use this there's a lot of music and sound uh in touch so I think it's going to be a kind of thing where you're really going to like it when we when we do our ribbon cutting ceremony for that um I think George brought us up earlier but know I was really happy before I looked at our website and we're fully staffed um and because it's part my job to see what's going on E Square I'll often look at the other schools uh websites and look at the job opportunities which are legally required to website um and in a lot of schools 10 11 12 these are schools in our area you know position open and so I I just want to thank you know Danielle kusac she's our our teacher recruitment um you know she's a teacher but you also like go for small site do our teacher recruitment um but she also teaches teachers of Monclair so that really helps us get that that that first crap a lot of good staff members um so we wouldn't be able to do that without her so I want to give her a shout out for that uh on Monday our boss program is going to be here our esy is going to start again our summer school and our certified Angels they're all going to start Monday uh at speaking of the Angels I'm looking forward to going to the Gayla far night um uh I forget the name of the place it's that I'm looking forward to going to their fundraising tomorrow um and then I received uh my evaluation that this board created at the last uh executive session U not only I receive it I share sh it with L and I Shar it with all my VPS because I really think there has to be that top down communication where here's what my B my nine boss are looking to see so here's the why of any we have to make some changes here's the why right uh I thought that the evaluation was fair I respected it I appreciated the you know the kind words I I certainly appreciate it and I also appreciated the recommendations I thought every part of that was fair um and that's my report any questions Mr wer thank you Mr wer um business administrator Miss thank you I'm just gonna go through the agenda items of the finance team Finance for the agenda so we have our um nor and North Eastern payment application we will continue to see our construction applications um probably only monthly because most of contractors like to get it in for each uh board meeting um I did mention in the finance meeting a lot of The Upfront applications that we PID for are coming out of pess because we do have to spend down that money by September 30th so so far um a lot of the pay we do have to pay the payment up front and then the state will reimburse this back once I submit the application so this will be quite a um any questions on that the other item we have on here is our annual um Pest Control um at renewal this is part of our maintenance to the building this is will be service for twice a month and we will utilize this company for the rest of year real time is our student information um software we also house our um IEP um items there too so this we talked about in their Finance team this is the software that we use to all the student data the grading scheduling some of the announcements goes through the software so this is something that we do um to kind of circulate information throughout the district on data um 15.9 the leaway program is um this is new this is an activity that is related to I believe it's the this is we are um looking at activity to help the kids kind of cope with like te suicide and um other things that um as it with thebly so it's like a days worksh and there is a 10% discount in the charge 450 with the cost of the whole contract is and if we um this aligns with our s funds we will use it to to pay for this we have our annual um Le on that it's a three-day Workshop is that for you know how many folks that covers for the I do not is it is this a workshop for students or for teach assembly for students it's assembly okay all right good then don't so we have our annual L testing statement that we send to the county every year so this is a form that we have to um complete and send to the county we have three years um believe it's three years that we every three years we have to do actual full um water test which we will be doing I believe in September that's for the expiration date but every year we have to send it out to the county for um approval and our annual insurance which is 1542 this is our coverage our blinket coverage for everything Auto um our workers comp student um um Insurance all of the insurance coverage that the district needs this is us our insurance and it did go up this year in different categories but um for overall the pricing is Rel relative and so let's start going the uh personnel and management Mr Gman um I'm sorry I um person uh agenda items only but if I may I just want to say I have to go back to the fiscal responsibility sorry I have to because my wife last year I remember she she woke up at 4 in the morning to makeing padas you did a whole potluck he you gonna talk to us about physical responsibility give me a break you you have you have boards that are catering food from the high you know and we're over here folk um our Madam president is making prop yeaha our Chef is cooking on our own dime nobody pays us to do this you know talk to us about fiscal responsibility I'm sorry I can't I can't stay shut I have to say something as long as folks always want to talk about the negative I'm G to be the one that's going to bring up the positive for example we have a new addition on this school a new addition a new addition how much money came out of taxpayer funds I want know Mr Walker help me out M uh Madam Secretary help me out it's a low yeah we have millions that came through exactly we have used federal funds okay putting it away responsibly for years this is let me just take you all folks down the trip down memory link if I me memory link when I was board president years ago it's my first year on the board I convened an ad hoc committee to talk to to explore the expansion of the hen Public School Mr Walker do you remember that uh yes I AB yes we're downstairs in library we're downstairs in the library I have the mayor on that committee the the pre all stakeholders kado was on that committee how are we going to do this folks were very hesitant to go down that path because it was going to cost us enormous amount of money to get that project done we have to go for referendum we have to raise taxes so on and so forth this board delivered a whole expansion to a school without having to raise taxes talk to us about fiscal responsibility you got to come here say that that we're not doing this or we're not doing that how about all the positive things that we're doing as long as you're coming here talking about the negative I'm going to be the one if nobody else want to say something I'll do it I'm not gonna have anybody disrespect this boord and put us down like just like we're not doing our job like we don't care about our beloved children I'd like to respond when he's done with his Grand standing okay the only one that grand stands my man it's you you need to cut it out have you like you only have have you met with Bill Pas I have the Flor okay I have the floor okay wrap it up Mr Gman please because I don't want this to escalate hasn't met with Benji Wimberly hasn't met with Bill Paso hasn't met with our state senator has not has not done nothing does nothing but grand stand like come on they all get off get off please get off your stage and go do the people's work okay all right we're gonna I let me say this I this with the respect I got another he's a fellow officer okay I never disrespected any of you and you're attacking me constantly but you only choose to do it when I'm not I'm I'm not I'm not attacking we've had this we've we've had this discussion [Music] priv flooring up okay you know what I'm calling this both of you please okay I I I respect both as board members you both have a right to express your opinion but I don't want M president he's cutting me off I have the floor that's not fair I know when he when he speaks I don't say anything St okay wrap it up I'm gonna give Mr K minute and then I just want to say this I have the utmost respect for Mr Keta he is a brother officer improved he works very hard okay that's in terms of his job I have no problems the issue is is that's not about you Mike it's about anyone that comes here whether it's a board member or whether it's a member of the public that that tries to say that we're not doing the best we can do for our children and for our taxpayers I I just can't stay shut I'm G have to say something because it's not true now if you want to talk about the positive things and I'm wrapping up okay and and and and you want to bring things up that's fine but constantly the negative the negative the negative like come on we're we're doing positive things too that's all I'm saying that's all I'm saying of course we can do better now if you help us we will do better because we can use you my brother we can use other folks that come here and and talk about all the negatives that's all I'm saying we need to work together okay we can't sit up down the Soap Box we hop off the tax dollars trying to create an influence the public like we're not saving tax dollars and I'm supposed to sit here and say Shut I can't I'm sorry all the ethics called called A I'm not stay sh this it's not true all right all right Mr GL I'm going to give you a minute to reply and then we're going to move on okay so George got 12 minutes to talk about what he wanted I get a minute that's fine I didn't say anything disrespectful I didn't say anything rude I didn't even attack the board I specifically said I voted for the board goal I said that everyone on the board was a professional and I had respect for everyone on the board but anytime I'm not there you take any chance you get to attack me I didn't say any of that and we both know if if you pull the num the district that got money are districts in which the towns have Democratic mayor council and the towns whose money was cut were Republican lead towns and that's factual you can pull the numbers from the state report I didn't attack anyone all I'm saying that is of while however unlikely it is that New Jersey could have a governor of a different political affiliation that in the event that something like that would happen like it did under Chris Christie you would have have to worry about the facts of the funding being cut which is what happened when he did it in what appeared to be a retaliatory way against the Democratic run towns and I don't agree with that because it's the kids who suffer all I'm saying is that certain things I expressed my opinion after voting for what everyone wanted to say that I thought we don't need to do a board retreat I didn't attack anybody else I think it's a waste of money that's my opinion okay that's all all right all right moving on um okay um let's move on to curriculum and Technology okay uh okay so now policy and public relations uh I There's No Agenda items but I want to discuss this our second poll which is um to establish a policy on Virtual attendance of board meetings by Commissioners and the public addressing in particular executive session all right so now that this board this goal was approved um I'm going to ask the policy committee to do some research and draft some language around a new board policy regarding virtual attendance at meetings and in particular during executive session so see what other districts are doing um you know think about things like should there be a limit to how many consecutive meet virtual ual meetings board members can attend um should cameras be on should participating an executive session virtually be allowed and this is an important one um this is something that we discussed at The Retreat um you know and then and then regarding the public um should the should cameras be on when the public is somebody from the public is speaking should their cameras be on um should their names always be displayed on the screen so especially if they're speaking um so miss auson had shared some some information with me that I'm going to share with the policy committee but you know I I want the policy committee to do some research um and you know come up with a draft policy for us to and to share at the so we have a meeting in July so for the August 19th meeting I would like for the policy committee to share with the rest of the board um a draft policy um and I I please I don't I want to stress that I am not this this goal and me personally does not mean that we're trying to eliminate virtual attendance I think that virtual attendance is a benefit um and I would much rather have the board members be here virtually than not be here at all but I think we need some guidelines so that will you know kind of keep things in order and you know benefit everyone so you know that's where this is coming from um so Mr Martinez you are the chair for the policy committee so I'm going to ask you to take a lead yeah and um you know reach out if you have any questions or need some guidance um but you know I'll ask that the policy committee have um something for the board for the August 19th meeting and I will share the information that Miss augus shared with Madam pres is right just have a quick discussion on that yeah um as someone who's virtual a lot with with the newborn I I do feel that the executive part maybe shouldn't be allowed if not in the building um but other than that I feel like the virtual option that you stated is veryimportant great for people who were just not able to be in the Pres in the moment okay all right yeah I mean I I think we had at the board retreat the majority of the discussion was regarding executive session you don't know if somebody else is in the room with them it's supposed to be private you know they turn on the camera who else is there who else is watching who else is listening so really that's that's where this kind of from um so that's probably where the we'll look at other policies that other districts have buil something from there it's also clear it makes sense yeah I mean do do look to see what other districts are doing and um you know we don't have a policy right now that's the thing there is no policy so we need a policy um and you know it just so so draft something right and then after you do your research after you draft something and then you know we'll vote on it you know you'll make your case right and then we'll vote on it okay um yes I've seen some some other districts were like policies such as um no more than three virtual meetings in a row or something like that I don't know that's something you want to look at I mean unless it's an emergency again you know it has its place right wanted just to relay that to Mr Martinez I don't know yeah that's one of the things to consider you know it doesn't have to be three but that's one of the things to consider should there be a limit to how many uh meetings consecutive you know consecutive meetings that you can attend virtually um that's one of the things that you should you know should be looking at and also you know things like you know the camera being on and you know things like that any any other any other discussion or questions about about that no I'm just taking notes okay okay great Al righty so let's move on to security and safety Mr Goodman uh Community engagement Outreach Mr aasi uh nothing to report but I would just like to take one quick moment to Echo some of the um thoughts of the other board members with regard to the graduation congratulations to the graduates um the co valorian um in particular I thought speech you're right I I stand corrected I said St salutatorian but they were actually co- valedictorians righto okay uh and then finance and phisal parent Mr mon uh we met went over the bills right okay um for the state and County um so in relation to the board recommendation about increasing um you know our professional development um on key educational issues there is a podcast that's going to um air on um July 15th at 1:30 regarding artificial intelligence and whether we like it or not that is you know increasingly prevalent in our day-to-day lives as well as in you know of our students and and the school so it should be an interesting discussion if anyone is interested that's on July 15th at30 and um the information is on we got an email I think I'm not sure when when we got it but there's a phone number there and um and then they usually you know you can listen to those after you can't listen to it live you can listen to it afterwards I thought that was an interesting one and um there's also some opportunities to get your mandated trading done online if you need to get that done and that email was sent on June 24th so you can look if you're if you need to get any of those in um is I didn't see Mr is Mr Molino here okay all right so let's go back then okay so let's go back then and um start and vote for um M curriculum sorry personnel and management Mr Gman like one second okay moved by Mr Gman seconded by Mr mosco roll call please okay Mr yes Mr yes Mr yes Mr yes Mr Martinez yes Mr Max yes Mr Ramadan yes Dr mad I I would like to say something positive uh item 9.9 I'm like to give a shout out to six teachers on that agenda item will receive the uh stien for missing two or less uh personal six days I think that's really cool um it speaks a lot to the climate and culture to this building that teachers genuinely genuinely want to be here and I think that that's so crucial for our students to have uh continuity among our teachers so shout out to those six teachers that's pretty amazing yes and M yesul and Technology Dr 10.1 through 10.5 second by Mr W seconded by Mr MCO roll call please yes yes Mr yes Mr Gman yes Mr Martinez yes Mr maxel yes um Mr Ramadan yes Mr web yes Mr yes um security and safety Mr Gman like move one second okay moved by Mr Gman seconded by Mr Dr web roll call please Mr yes Mr Peta yes M yes Mr Gman yes Mr Martinez yes Mr moel yes Mr Ramadan yes Dr yes finical Mr like to move 15.1 through 15.12 Mr by m Please Mr yes Mr yes m c yes Mr griman yes Mr Martinez yes Mr Moo yes Ramadan yes web yes yes okay so um I don't see oh here we go okay you old business is actually kind of place there to before Finance but anyway let's do new and old business does anybody have any yes um I would like to call a security uh meeting uh very soon um I don't want don't want to on the it's regarding the sidewalk uh that I'm suggesting at a small parking lot on me and Henry sidewalk that would give the students in the school Community a safe Passage with a small parking lot there between the Avenue and blacktop so I want to discuss that and exploring committee to see if it's survival option there I'll have Lois said that suggested dates also um you know um completing a doctor degree as you all know is no easy fee so again congratulations Mr web and I personally feel that it's it would be appropriate if doctor is on his nature and in the interest of fiscal responsibility I would like to donate that myself okay mam secretary is that doable for [Applause] absolutely I do have one item so uh back in February Mr Rock and I met with the policy committee to discuss um delayed opening policy um you know we had some there were some concerns this winter um because of the start time and it was difficult for some parents to manage the delayed opening and getting to work so you know we met and we talked about a few different things and then we said that we would you know look to address this again for the new school year so I want to ask Mr W if he could you know look look into it and see if maybe we can adjust that time yeah so I I think that's fair um you know you provided me data which of the locals are doing um some are occurring 10:30 times some are a little bit earlier I I think you know I think 10 o'clock is something that I personally would be very comfortable with um this route 23 is really the Beast that we're we're most concerned with because you know the subs percentage of our staff live rely on that road um and when it gets icy up there in the winter time sometimes that could be a tough stretch up there when you get to West mil for past that a build probably knows that high than anybody um I I think going from 10:30 to 10 would be something that this that operates the building I I think it's fair and doable um if if it's something that the this board you know get you know a Str Pole or consensus that this something the board would like uh then know I put that together and put that in communication parents I mean we could discuss that right now I mean I personally I love the 10:30 opening but you know usually um on days like that I'm working from home so but I I totally get that it's tough for par that have to be somewhere so I mean I'm you know I'm definitely for you know making it earlier if we all agree now then we can just give uh Mr Waka our you know okay to go forward does anybody have a problem with moving it from 10:30 to 10: how many people have addressed concern with the 1030 times so it's a great question so before the construction you know we have to call more L opening more days off than we would have normally because the construction the parking and all the logistics of of that um you know maybe some par have liked I've never received a formal complaint about 10:30 and told you know we had to take more than we would normally take because of the construction um but to this EAS this point you know there the parent said have the ability to drop their kids off at 10:30 because their their employment or their lifestyle just you know makes that comfortable they're not really the ones that are most likely to to express that complaint because everything's you know either way it's fine with them for the most part uh but there are parents where you know they have to drop the child off and get to work and you know is that half an hour going to make a break someone maybe not but it's it's something where we still want to like I think we should at least be conscientious of of the people that you know where Child Care is is a more Paramount need so um that's my answer to your question why do we take a play out of Mr Walker's Playbook and do Sur so we could do that right um we're not in a rush but last time right now we're at a point where about 29% of our parents check the report cards um we're hoping that goes up with our yeah um we're also at a point where um you know even when we were doing the the principal search survey or what I got hired this the superintendent search survey we've only got maybe 40 people that that parents that that filled it out um so and summer times also a tough time to survey people because people are going all over the place I think it might be a better idea to consider making a change and then surveying afterward and saying what did you think of that change and then going back to the year or two from now if we we get push back but I don't think it's going to be a hot button issue either way to be honest how early does the building open for parents to drop kids off on a daylight a tradition a regular day or no delayed delayed day oh so delayed opening the kids are G 10:30 is when the doors open we don't have like a before Care Program um so 10:30 is the first open now there's there's time every single year like the first day of school is going to come next year um and there's going to be kids that are Dro off here as early as seven the morning um and you know what I'll do is I'll call the parents you know respectfully and say Hey listen like it's a it's a long time our door is open to 7:45 you know just kind of dangerous especially the little one and the parents have always been you know receptive to you know receiving that phone call for the most part um but on the delayed opening it's 10:30 on the bad weather days it's kind of crappy because they're waiting really hard but if we don't have the staff we can't bring kids in um are we too because I I did remember some parents were definitely upset with the the open time have we come to the point where this Bo should consider perhaps a Sion for some teachers to be ear so it's the creating a morning Care Program would be something that I would be comfortable doing if that was what we decided to do in our our board goals or our strategic planning goals that's going to be a mammoth or a big scale program to put together um and if it's something that this board would would say to be here's one of our our long-term goals but it's not going to be something I'd be able to put together quickly and plus I I I don't think that I think that's a separate issue from the delayed opening because you know it's delayed opening you might not get you even if you have teachers who are you know contracted to do an up and four Care Program like on a regular school day they might not you know be here on early for its late opening I mean so I think it's two two different issues I mean it's either the late opening at the time that we have the school was closed I mean if we went 10 I think could still operate I don't think that would really that half hour window would be very un likely to make a break either way um maybe extremely rare circumstances but um I think that if if this board says 10 o'clock something we're comfortable with and that's Bo I want to keep then that's I think what corre if I'm wrong I think you referring to a like just on the late opening days right not like not like for throughout the school year so there's teachers that do liveby something where so at the next board meeting it's it's like very likely we're gonna look to open this sidebar with the a that's something very very very low grade but still something we both kind of agree that we want to to put in writing um and you know I I speak weekly with the ha talk to them about that and get their response but I keep up words to their mouth but it's not impossible because that those rare circumstances I think we probably get enough people that would be willing to do it we set the structure kind of where we put the kids um but I don't think it's imp possible so is so can we formally kick this to finance and just make sure that you know we have the funds and we can do it and try to make this happen or you want to talk to let me first okay and do do we want to say 10 can we say can we say that we will move it to 10 well I think if what he was referring to we would keep it at 10:30 and half and then have so okay so we keep it at 103 but then have like a certain here for like a before if you want the board wants me to have that conversation I can't exactly how that conversation is g to go but I have a feeling it's it'll be healthy conversation um I just need that before probably August 15th have ision made about I'm going to put the Bings out to the parents and make the fa handbook the website here's what our start time is for regular our start time delay openings so do we do we need to make decision now no it could wait could wait till till the the July meeting we had to okay okay that's fine Mr W quick question is there anything the teacher is there anything in the teacher's contract about the uh the late opening times or any of that or is that not addressed in their contract great question there that's a great question there's nothing to to the best of my knowledge there's nothing in the contract about that um but it's the kind of thing where if if we opened up this diary uh position that would be something that we we' want to add into a sidebar uh and since we're very likely to open a sidebar anyway about a very different issue um it wouldn't be impossible if a agrees to to throw this in there with that and currently when we have one of these days what what's the turnout like normally for the teachers do we normally get with the 10 because it's a tough Balancing Act for between the parents and the teachers if you don't have the teachers and the staff you can't open anyway and you also can't inconvenience the parents beyond what you you know what I mean so do you get the staff mostly on these delayed opening days to not have an issue it's a great well Mike because what I found is that if if a teacher lives in a particular town and that town goes delayed opening or if that town does it delay off that teacher might have two or three kids at home in that town school system and it's those teachers I think have the the hardest Pathway to get to school because they have to worry about you know who's going to watch their own kids um so I I I found just anecdotally that those the teachers that have the toughest time getting on those particular days um the teachers that are local like one of one of the reasons I like hiring local is because they're local like they're right here the pathway to get here it's not as far um but it is it is a balancing act like you said okay so so then let's leave this for July we we'll you know pick it up again in July um okay all right thanks everyone uh let's see okay so I think we're we can um can I have a a motion to open the FL to Citizens so move second move by Mr Gman second by Mr MOS roll call please yes Mr yes M yes Mr yes Mr Martinez yes Mr Mo yes Mr yes Dr web yes M yes okay so the floor is open from another board member is zero right for an attack on another person I think it's ridiculous think it's bad you're supposed to be the one this war so I think that things need to be stop when someone wants to get on anybody else motion is Clos motion is close by Mr Martinez seconded by Mr M roll call please Mr ABI yes Mr Keta yes Mr yes Mr Gman Mr Martinez yes Mo yes Ramadan yes Dr web yes yes and let me just say for the record that nobody's attacking there was no attacking going on it's heated conversation and you know it gets to a point and then you cut it off but there there's no attacking going on yes um I've said this before and I'll say it again please don't confuse my passion for public service for an attack on okay and if anyone is on a soap box it's you she comes here she comes here only talks about the ne has nothing constructed has nothing constructive to say okay everything is negative and and I'm not just going to sit here and take it it's not going to happen all right this is not it's not an attack I am defending this board and as long as I sit here I'm GNA continue I'm gonna have this boards back I'm gonna have my superintendent back I'm gonna have our teachers back and most of all I'm gonna have our children back please do not conf that and if Mike was offended I apologize Mike um but that's that's not what we're here to do okay we're here and and this and I'm going to extend the aan here to missa to any anyone okay if you have if there's anything you want to bring to the table I have a phone you can call me you can call the chief School administrator you can call uh the board president any board member anything we can do um to to help our community that's what we're here to do you know and that's the bottom line yep that's it we are here to help we're here to oversee our the district to set policy for the district to help our students to help our Administration to help you know our community that's why we're all here you know we're we're volunteers we do it because we want to you know contribute and and make a difference so and I think we're all on the same uh page with that all of the bo MERS and you know and even you know our public too uh our public you know they come and they they participate mainly because they want to see things um improve they want to see you know they want to see how they want the best for our students and for our school I think that can all agree on that we all want that okay so uh we are going to go into executive session I would say uh no action will be taken quick question uh may may I Madame President may I respond to the public comments yes sure um again I don't take any of the stuff that's said on here personally um however uh in a rebuttal I do think that when the board takes the criticism so harshly and as Mr Guzman stated when his passion comes through and shows out I do think that it does serve as a detriment to people wanting to come forward and speak because a lot of people are not comfortable while me and you can have a heated discourse and then be friendly later I don't think that a lot of people can handle that and I do think that it's a detriment to when and I'm not saying it negatively or to disrespect you however I do think that it does you see we only have one person who's willing to come to the meetings regularly and we only have one person who's willing to speak out I I I would love to see more people rather than just one person and again it's not a personal attack it's just observation I definitely take what Mr F said I'm the Revis man especially move forward if I'm going to preach Unity I need to leave by example and I'm going to do that but it's kind of hard you know you know what I'm coming from M um but I would definitely take that under advisement I want our board to work together of this community and um I will definitely take that to consideration because that's the last thing I want to do is disuade anybody from coming here and seeing how they feel okay so I just want to make that very we encourage folks to come I I appreciate all the comments and you know going back to the virtual policy it's you know I think it's so good that we have a virtual policy because um you know otherwise a lot of the teachers wouldn't be able to participate um and you know we do have public some of the public that you know joins in virtually so you know we absolutely want to encourage people to come to the meetings and to and to you know to ask questions and to um speak up if they think you know something could be done better um and you know well we're gonna we're gonna take it in stride we're going to take it under advisement and you know that's why it's important for us to have a strong team for us to be you know um on the same page so that we can you know move our district forward that's that's the main goal um so okay so going back to Executive session um we are going to take I would say between half an hour and 45 minutes maybe a little bit less maybe a little bit more um no action will be taken so can I have um can I have a motion to go into a second session some move by Mr Martinez second by Mr Rosco roll call please Mr yes Mr K yes yes mrman yes Mr Martinez yes Mr Mo yes Ramadan yes okay um can I have a a motion to adjourn move second moved by Mr Mo exective Mr Martinez all in favor okay thank you everyone good night good night night uh