[Music] we open the Halifax Court of Health meeting for Wednesday May 1st at 6:32 p.m. um so moved all in favor please note that this uh meeting is being recorded um and can be viewed uh being record Ed by area 58 and can be viewed on YouTube just making sure we all have just that's what I was like distracted by that I was just going to peek yeah CU on the the agenda says April 17th on it it does but this does appear to be the right agenda yes okay all right so disposal Works permits atifi ratify agents approval so it looks like we have a few here uh 28 and 22 Redwood Drive and 24 and 26 Redwood Drive any issues there Bob no um all the Redwood drives and the Maplewood drives mhm are repairs of failures um in the Mobile Home Estates yeah and they're all required um because they're Title 5 inspected every year on per D so okay and then anything with the Hayward street Lots 1C and 1D those new new builds no uh revisions came in there fine and then so Elm Street ply Street and mon ponet we're waiting on revisions for those no um 2117 Elm Street the revision came in today okay and um it all matches so we can actually ratify that one okay but um 314 Plymouth Street and zerum on ponet Street we're going to hold off we're waiting for revisions definitely carry overs okay so we'll car absolutely they're pending much work all right can I get a motion to ratify the agents approval for disposal Works permits a b c d e f g as listed so moved all in favor I all right discussion items 119 Franklin Street requests for betterment loan uh we had had a um discussion on this and she has decided to go through with our approval of a betterment loan there are funds available through the town and the sou Town secures um funding through tax payments okay um so and this is one we had already talked about before yes it is okay cool so we don't need to vote on that or anything no we should uh just um you know or sign the better notice of betterment would be fine we had to wait for all the estimates to come in so the town knows what they can basically uh make our monthly payments I don't think I saw it I know I don't have it's not here yeah it says Board needs to sign notice of betterment I don't see it well then so there this is bills pend down and then this is more bills meeting minutes meeting minutes payroll payroll pay roll that another payroll yeah I don't see the betterment in here okay well let's um push it off till next meeting because well you can't or one of the members of the board could come in and just sign that uh we do approve it okay okay should we just to approve it and then I can stop by and sign it y that would be does that sound good okay can I get a motion to um approve the um feter loan for 119 Franklin Street so moved all in favor okay and I'll stop by to sign that um I can do it tomorrow if you want let me know I'll answer your text this time uh uh Halifax Market violation update paid in full yes they did pay uh the violation in full um they're pending a um their food inspection and um perhaps some other investigations however right now at least that that was paid okay c29 Li and Lane update I've I've been there several times spoken and and uh to dat we haven't had one payment yet so I figure I'll give her a final warning and tell her that um we'll move forward um however you know we might have to um he's still not home a collection of fines no he's not home but the conditions in the unit have not deteriorated the outside conditions are still fine so okay and then at least have not heard from a neighbor or the condo or anybody um so now it's just a matter of um how we uh process recovery of fines yep that will just sort of be next steps which is not the way we want to go but might have to go right okay all right and then uh 60 Maplewood Drive I saw an email about that yeah it was unfortunate um I got called over the other day at the request of uh police on fire and um the owner of the property had been removed for medical reasons and the house the yeah trailer extremely hard to navigate fortunately it wasn't garbage it's not like C 29 light Lane just stuff uh stuff and more paper than I've ever seen okay um so fortunately I to keep the First Responders safe keep her safe I said let's not inhabit it for now and I'll follow up she's she's in rehab okay so that's great the nephew reached out to me and said that he wants to do whatever he can to try to assist so fortunately I believe that he'll be working on the problem at least get the means of erress and the um and the way for the First Responders to safely get into the unit I mean but there's more mail than the post office jeez I mean it's unbelievable how much and you know that's uh and there were no smoke detectors and obviously there's only certain loads that a fire department can handle for a fire or a safe to handle and all that paper would go up like a and it's such a densely populated area too there you go side by side okay so but it doesn't smell it doesn't have garbage okay um so um I think deut awesome declutter it a little bit and yeah de it I think life is good rodents or anything she had plumbing and electricity and plumbing electricity hot water okay um just too much stuff yep it's one of those stuff ones okay all right um great following to be approved signed and or voted on can I get a motion to approve payroll for the week ending April 20th 2024 for Robert Valerie Margaret sther Patricia sand Brian clling Robert buer and Cindy Metro so moved all in favor can I get a motion to approve payroll for the week ending May 4th for Robert Valerie Margaret Selter Patricia sand Brian Clan Robert buer and Cindy Metro so all in favor can I get motion to approve meeting minutes from January 3rd 2024 and April 3rd 2024 so moved all in favor did we not signed that January 3rd minutes already that's weird I will reach I know they were in there though I signed May okay um can I get a motion to approve revolving account number 25513 fy-2 4-16 one Webby engineering 1 through 5 is listed two Spa engineering invoices one and two has listed and three uh John Delano invoice as listed so moved all in favor I can I get a motion to approve the public health excellent Grant account number 25- 516-544-2107 uh the following permits um to be approved under the condition that all required documents are submitted to the Board of Health office uh can I get a motion to approve permits 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 as listed still moved all in favor I I okay just looking I always forget to look and make sure none of those permits are can I get a motion to close the Halifax Board of Health meeting for Wednesday May 1st at 6:43 p.m. so all in favor bye [Music]