[Music] we're going to call the bo the July 9th Conservation Commission meeting um this is an open meeting um this is going to be recorded by area 58 in you YouTube just a couple acknowledgement I want to thank PL who a former member that chose to and want to introduce the all set got some interest all maybe during in the future okay first over our business is 265 on P Street this is a continued D notice the tent here D number 171 578 [Music] [Music] good evening development um a few things to say hopefully parallel SE um so this is uh regarding the notice content for 265 on Pon Street uh so since our last um here we've responded to a number of comments so we have a uh we have responded got aning letter from Pat Bren um from pgb Engineers uh saying that all comments have been addressed so I'm not going to kind of discuss those one by one uh the commission also have a s sidewalk on uh on this past Fray so our project manager was there and uh took some notes as to the comments that he heard uh during that cycle um so if I could i' like to go through a few of those um just to see let you guys know we are listening to the address we going to bring that up stre probably want to start with the replication area sure yeah um again we an example that too um but there was a Commendation that other areas be considered for the weapons replication plan so we had originally located in an area that had been approved back in 2015 and uh so our um consultant from EOTech environmental engineer he went out there to survey the area around we a [Music] see light business okay so originally the Wetland reputation area was proposed in this area this are is heav wooded with some large mature trees also has some very graes so we had um uh the request of your consultant ecosystems we looked at a different location at the previous meeting we suggest that something around here our consultant identified this location right here Jon 38 uh the reason that he chose that location and the reason for this U mushroom shape was that this was an area where um uh very limited large legation would be disturbed in order to create this replicated wetlands and the reason why it's mushroom shaped apply narrow connection to the existing weapons is we're trying to kind of get it in between a couple of trees so literally there's going to be a tree kind of here and here and so we're going to make the connection in between them and then Bowl it out so that we have the same square footage as was on the original plan um so this is the uh the new proposed area it has the same kind of variety plantings as the uh as the previous uh replication all so reset a little bit so in terms of the questions that came up during the site uh there was a question regarding the runoff from the pickle ports and where it was headed so this um uh vegetated area this to a sale here that goes to here to we bay this one also goes in that same direction so there's not nothing directed towards the street or towards the uh above properties it all goes to the a series Wetlands which is where the run off from that area goes today um let's see uh there was some concern about some grading in this area between the pool and the garages that um it might direct water run up from the pavement towards the weapons uh there we didn't change anything here but we labed some more of the Contours so that it's clear that there's kind of a high point here and the sale that directs any water that falls in this area and towards the pavement away from there so there's a in other words there's a hump here that's higher that IDE the pavement around there so there's no wait for the water to get from the pavement towards the weapons uh there's also a concern about proximity um particularly from the garage corner towards the 50 ft so We Shrunk the overall width of the garage Bays to pull this thing about exactly like 7.4 ft farther in this direction which expands the distance between the corner of the garage and 50t uh area to about 3.4 ft um so we uh try to TW it so it's a c can build um also in terms of how this gets built of a wall and this building can be built either from let's say the high side in the Bas of the wall or from the inside in the Bas of the foundation and um the foundation for this garage actually it's a little technical but it forms a routine wall but the Canever for the footing is on the inside so even the footing is towards we uh there was a comment about uh the need to close out the old no in tent so this project has a no intent that was that issue back in 2014 2015 so at our first hearing we proposed issuing the certificate of compliance for the previous VES to ATT simultaneous with issuing a order of conditions for a new order of conditions for this proposal and we have uh submitted a um request for that compliance that specifies that the work um the work was started but not completed for the previous order um and that this uh the New Order of conditions would essentially replace the requirements within the old order of conditions so that has been submitted for yourie as well um talking about existing monitoring mode putting on plans so we've located it right here it's actually of the garage it was installed for previous development efforts it's not relevant uh for what we're doing and it would be removed as part of our propos Construction um so that's kind of the responses to the comments that we heard on the S sidewalk so I'll pause there and see if you guys have any questions uh when did we pass to the 50 touch Zone y you would not be stepping in that area while you're doing the project correct okay great yeah no well and you know this is not this is not this is not our first rad game so I understand how contractors work and um I'm completely amenable to let's say beefing up the notification uh in that corner of the world so it uh so instead of just putting up the soap vence which is a requirement for RO control and our work with the turtle permit um we would also put a construction fence you know in that area so the orange fencing so it's kind of just in more in your face um so uh you know we we we hire new contractors but you know it depends on the GU in the piece of equipment that day and so we'll do whatever we can to uh you know keep people L of they should be any other kind of questions or com my concern was going into 50 as long as you're not going into that at all even while working stay absolutely these these retain walls are modular block walls that you actually build from the back side you put the kind of geog tie bags in there everything kind of happens from that back side um okay okay well the other thing that was um uh that we submitted was a response to the original comments um from uh ecosystems and marget in the um in the audience tonight I'm going to hit on just a couple of things and then before you I did have one question on the replication area yes dep is there going to be some sort of fencing there is a tree coming around there but you've got structures to uh help the en instruction fairly close yeah is going be 6 to 7t deep so the um uh the excavation is going to be about uh 4 ft deep probably 4 to 5 at most so it's going from 71 to 67 um which gets us down around the elevation that wayon this is something that will be observed while we're doing it to make sure that we're hitting the right hydrid soils and the right elevation bua ground water in terms of this this bottom formation so it's it's all sloped at a 3 to1 slope so it's not kind of really a hazard for falling in if that's your concern we have added a note for perimeter erosion control um around it um but are you saying that you're interested in kind of a a barrier around it for safety no I just sh with the de okay and the proximity of that those other structures there is a tree line to prevent access but you got wheelchairs you just want to make sure new going to be yeah the other area is heavily treated so you really can't drive yeah I don't have an objection to kind of you know fencing around it it's going to look a little bit um let's say awkward you know just kind of tying the fencing into the trees and um I know fencing just put a few bushes yeah yeah Demar you know in way um so in terms of comments that we got from uh ecosystems I'm only going to let's say mention the ones that I think have any uh um let's say interest of the commission uh there was a comment regarding uh this pipe so this pipe is a continuation of the existing pipe that connects basically Wetland a out to the Basin and then through to Wetland B so the common was uh can we get the outlet of this pipe a little bit farther away from the 25 ft so it was located here we cut it back a little bit and kind of combined um it made a let's say a combination rip draft area that will collect uh let's say the discharge from uh all three of these Outlets so it's farther away from the weapons um and it kind of gets uh you know addresses those three pipes all in one area so we're able to move it probably 5 7 ft you know farther away and get it outside 25t um so I wanted to mention that we talked about the replication area uh there was a request U mentioned at the previous hearing about um certification of the veral pools so we are um agreeable to submit the application for certification of the vernal pools um in terms of uh uh and you know we would agree to do that prior our first building department we're not going to agree with the condition of having it approved at a certain times because we have no control over that process and sometimes it just take years so we'll agree you know submit the proper uh information which we really already have in hand uh to certify the pools um as a you know potential condition for this let's see question about inspection of the turtle exclusion barrier and kind of the relationship the commission to the turtle protection plan the overall um the outer perimeter of the turtle protection barrier is largely coincident with this perimeter Ro control for this plan so that it's basically at the limit of work both the turtle protection out of limit and the perimeter erion control so we would expect as a matter of course to do a pre construction s sidewalk um to view that before we view the installation of the C fence that's at the perimeter prior to commencement of work we we have to do it that way for perit anyways so I think it's it kind of takes care of itself in that matter um so those are the ones that I was going to touch on in terms of um uh the comments from uh ecosystem so you have any questions or comments on those question I don't know there's any questions from the audience this point are you going to address any of this um were you going to have someone else speak no no just me I was just uh if if if you wanted the consultant to speak uh probably time I mean where you've just recently made all these changes and I think we got some of this information Monday night around 5:00 um I would expect that ecosystems you got Eco somebody your ecosystems should review the new PL um where that too you know you got a new replication area uh you have new area that new area there um we haven't seen or I haven't seen any what the planning schedule is that should be reviewed by them um the change in the location that's very simple but I I think that should be reviewed some the bo difference um I think we're pretty much okay with all the changes you made especially after the S okay uh um so I would make let's say uh two requests if you will um so one um at the last hearing it was clear given the let's say the circumstances for black of an agent in the land that you were going to be perhaps looking towards your consultant uh for things such as drafting of the order of conditions so um I would uh make a request to the commission if you could uh release um ecosystems to commence drafting um and Order of conditions so that as they um so that we could brat with you know so that's something that could be reviewed at the next hearing um as part of some of these other let's say U minor changes that have come in at uh um you know yesterday essentially so I'd appreciate it if we could you know move that along I think it help progress and that way we can all look at the you know proposed conditions together the two things um the other thing was if uh would like to speak in terms of some of the more recent revisions I think some of them actually were done previously so um record yep uh Mar BAC I'm an engineer and professional weapon scientist with systems and uh yeah we were provided with the uh a copy of the plan from uh EOTech EOTech uh for this revised replication area and I was actually out there on the site last week and and took a look at it and uh I think it's a it's in a more suitable location than the other one was uh but with any kind of be replication areas you know it's really it comes down to very construction make sure the weapon scientist is out there would be the guy ring the exavator and sometimes these things get to need to be tweaked a little in the field to make it all work um but as far as the other revisions go they're pretty pretty minor but if you want us to take a one last look and then if you want us to draft up a recommended order of conditions for this project I do know in our uh list of comments um we did mention some things that you might want to put in special conditions I don't have a problem with that theer to the board I think I'm pretty comfortable with what they've done so far yeah I'm pretty good with it especially relocating it under a heot tech that recommended it we did follow that we did address the let me just check anybody comment anybody in the audience any comments I think I been look a motion to continue this to our July 28th meeting and to authorize the to allow them to prepare your conditions please just send it out early enough so that we can take okay so motion will be continue this continue this and then to allow ecosystems to draft the order of conditions [Music] [Music] chairman um I'd also like to request if uh 266 this discussion I be taken out of order it will be extremely brief I'll be extremely brief how is extremely brief just a couple minutes about 30 seconds thank you um just to update you we have U updated our plans submitted them to the commission they addressed the uh Highway superintendent comments regarding drainage at both entries and the fire department's concerns about the width of the driveway exiting the site and the separate matter related to um access ladder access to the buildings so he is uh there's an email that you guys have that he has been um been satisfied with those matters and also uh pgb uh engineering has also sent in a letter saying that all items has been uh addressed from a storm Walker standpoint so I'd like to you know again request that we that that application we need to complete so we can start the process for a strong water I I don't agree um we did I did get a chance to look at those revisions I don't believe the other board mov say that py had some issues with the the exit rent need to be 20 ft wide there was some questions on the ladder ability W up the street there some drainage issues with didn't want any water going on on street that information just commit that I have not seen P letter saying that what you submitted is okay so i' more than happy to continue to the next meeting but at this point I don't have any read comments from fire uh I don't have anything from P Brennan on the new modifications some sort of great system I guess um put the hump that was high high department prefence so yeah I'm going to suggest that we not compl so given that this is actually not heing and it's a discussion um is this something that can be approved outside the no not do mean that it's complete rather than any discussion I think that if we get all the comments back and we have to receive the five then we get you have just recently so you have an email from the fire chief say he's okay you have a letter from and you have so and your 30 seconds is up so what I'm going suggest is we'll put it on the agenda if we get all that information we'll determine that it's going to be complete and then we'll set up the public hearing for that wish thank you so 265 728 okay next item on the agenda is 105 Comm Ro DP number SE [Music] 171 that probably just you want me to get something else yeah please if you don't mind presentation the beginning is that the right one no I think that's Colin's engineer we can work up this one might had an issue that is that that's [Music] that's fine we'll get [Music] [Music] Joe engineering and with me is owski that corner and also Attorney John U couple of weeks ago we had f a notice of intent for 105 on the road which is on this map 7 and at that time we all discovered that timy had encroached in the into the 50t Zone he did not approach into any of the BBW zones so we went out there we located the uh the sced area and we come up with a restoration plan uh this on lot 7 this is approximately 3350 s ft in about six is about 12,000 ft most of the top soil are still on profit in that area so what Tim would like to do is he knows he has to restore it and so we' come up with a list of conservation mix that he could easily spread out there he has ownership of the house at 11 so he has access to water so he could he could water that have sprinkle systems and he can easily have that vegetated in a couple weeks other than the weeds that are growing up now going so that that covers the restoration portion you still looking for single family residents I'm assuming right in septic syst that's not on this plan so no no this is just the rest of yeah we you have already continued the right now we talking about the restoration of any questions this restoration plan has not been submitted to ecosystems for review the restoration plan itself no I I would suggest um did you want to just hand restoration portion now and get into the single family residence or how do you want to proceed well I think we were leaving that up the commission because the time two weeks ago you suggested that we enforcement order sof work so that's what he did if you like if you'd like us to go back to the yes I think board agrees that we will send the plan out to be reviewed relative to the uh restoration plan if you want to continue one single family residents we are going to continue it that we would probably continue that along with the restoration plan so we going to make presentation on that I don't know what's goinging there step aside for second um can you add name yes sir my name isney joh way from point in and to come and help them answer any questions that we may have um I think the only comment I'd like to add is if it's possible to work on the border conditions for the single P Investments at the same time that the plan is being reviewed um that might you know be beneficial foress I don't think the bo doesn't have a problem that we'll just continue on with the house process um obviously we're not going to make any decisions until we've got this portion but un once the board doesn't want it here which you're proposing for I'm assuming it's a single family residence gring septic yes okay that yeah just want correct we got some ideas if if you okay you feel outside yes sir um on the restoration plan we should do you and then we can do that the next and I think in this particular case where you know there's a strong amount of um whats that will disturb um I think anything that we do with this particular we should have a performance point we can discuss that some point Performance Point to make sure that that those areas that are replicated along with the notice of intent because I'm assuming some of house for the next 6 months um typically replications are um observed for 2-year period so you got that yeah I know there's a difference between a replication and a restoration we're just proposing to restore this we not proposing to make this anywhere else okay I'm okay so restoration but I think ecosystems can review that and they'll come up with some ideas as to how we make sure that that is replaced um or rep so you want to continue on the certainly the screen basically same okay can you show us let me I'll try did you submit that this I this is what I gave you but we did send it you stay with me you're going to have to use yours we can leave this one out okay uh so we just restation suggest yeah well go continue both uh when do you [Applause] this is this is the plan that we submitted with the notice of intent at that time Tim was uh proposing to to build a house here septic system and the driveway they're all outside of the 50 uh yes outside of the 50t no disturb Zone and you can see that this is 100 so basically what uh what what had happened is some of this in here got Disturbed and that's where with the basically the he kind of changed course can you just show us any activity between the 50 and the 100 yes yeah as far as notos any there's nothing between the 50 and 100 that's what I mean this this area right here I can't really see that yeah so you've got some work here yeah we got some grading back end of the house some more okay so you got the structure that's going to be between the 50 and 100 that's correct and just some gring just some grad septics up in this corner we have Town water available so we're going to tie to town water and there'll be some grading on the side any decks or anything the re the house any decks or anything coming off the back there a small deck right there so what's your worst case scenario how to approach between the 50 and 100 I know there between the 50 and 100 I don't have no no just what the distance now4 74 from the BBW 74 from the 50 T well that would be 24 24 question [Music] not proposing to do any work within the [Music] first water's coming in off the pal so that's all going to be within the 100 um I'm assuming maybe going expain between 50 and 100 to re of the house it's going to be a grass area grass to the of the house right in this area here yeah no other structures paos nothing is any members in the audience have any questions concerns council did you want to address anything with those here I don't think so for um well I think we have to these here um I don't see a real problem with house structure and the location of that which you guys do we should let them know now yeah before we come back enforcement so we don't think there any I'll check [Applause] you toist Solutions and uh I would recommend it does make sense to review both of these plans together and come up with you know one set of order conditions thinking along the same lines yes okay do you want us to W up an order conditions that will addressable yes yes I'll beine and and the board has indicated they don't have this we don't have any issues with the location of the structure the utilities it's going to be a grass area um so with that said I think I would be looking for a motion to continue this yeah get yeah what's your time frame our agenda for the 28th is than think the riew will be done by the time sure I would be looking for a motion to continue 105 pal Road DVP number s171 581 until 728 to review the of intent and the weap the weapons restoration report I put a motion that we continue 105 on the road has stated second okay all in favor two week so it's going to be the 23rd did I say I said 28 that's 23rd 23rd next item enforcement I'm not going to get to that yet we'll finish up with the audience and then um that'll be the discussion next item on the agenda it's the [Music] 23rd Mr Webby we have 361 in the street but I think we got a little mix up on numers some of the information come in at 395 my had a comment on that [Music] one that is that's going to be a continued hearing the EP final number SE 1710 583 the recollection is we had an issue with the line you just needed that line to be refreshed and I'll defer that to there's 361 p and 395 35 yes EOS soltions I was back out on the site uh last week to see if they did refresh the weapon plag uh he hasn't found there yet not I have not been notified okay um but I can go over on to this section of the site and it's really this Wetland is at the toe of the slow um and then there's some areas of historic fill that's been permitted years ago but the uh the W limits are right at the SL so it's pretty obvious where they are and you can see most of all this work for this project is most of it's outside the under office and then the only weapon that's on this lot is this we back here and those flags were were event Anders any questions we receiv received uh a response from uh the planning boards and yesterday I'd like to submit is it the GU this comments on the only thing is this is going to be strictly on the N okay so so we're going to have to do is once your no is approved file some uh application then obviously have do that right yeah we uh we have a uh meeting with uning board this Thursday at 7:00 so I'm hoping that this will take care of all invol anybody from the audience have any questions on 361 361 um I see I will be looking for motion to address wrong is okay I have 499 no that's okay 499 here um okay no where else just the weby can he can handle that I think M you had an issue too with the number at the hearing because they took the number the assess are going to sign it just make sure that we have the correct address for our next meeting to sign off on that so I would be looking for a motion to approve this noi with ecosystems will understand conditions Qui question on the motion can we just like the D number the address yeah let's do uh put motion for not of 10 St positions for T SE 17405 and 171 171 so we have a motion have a second V all in [Applause] favor oh I'm sorry did [Applause] I yes that was part of the part of the motion yes thank you Mr Ry Hood Street um are we ready to move forward on that onward M 1211b yes there's a question on that relative to the the 52g fund so I know we approved that but I don't we not inclined to sign off until we make sure that those funds have been submitted right I I guess we can ask moderator any fund made H I think just buil for that so I I'm not sure on the accting problem up can you just briefly explain know that we approved it you going to add a couple of items if you don't mind explaining to those at our last meeting uh it was suggest there were a couple suggestions made one of them is to make sure that we have a little uh little sale drainage area in this area by P Street and directly any of the run off from the driveway to go into that direction that was one suggestion the other one was to have a couple green Walls all to keep it uh keep some of the fill down the amount fill down submitted that to you and the other thing was requested that we put in about six uh post saying that this that's on the plan we [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is not the latest so we put a little sale in this area to surface water and we add he added six conservation post and coule sure my biggest concern was just to make sure that we don't get any water out of the H from m f so looking at this real quickly it looks like he got they have address just I'm just looking at the uh dway and just going to make sure that it's going to the S not the h we put that right in the order conditions specif any other questions from the board any any in the [Music] audience if not would be looking for a motion to uh no we we approved this um but I would be looking for motion to guess ratify that approvement uh with the fact that they going ecosystem is going to do another conditions we're not going to erise anything until we're sure that H thank you very much okay we're just going to ratify our approval the plan was amended and okay and we will not release we not going to sign off until 52g funds have been [Music] verified no okay all in favor [Music] yeah let wait's wait 347 Elm Street that's going to be D SC number 171 0582 [Music] all right you bet see that okay no the interactive if recollection is correct maret there review the flags you guys located the new post the new location of the flags and it appears that you're well out of the jurisdiction yeah um to summarize that for the record P Lance with call engine here tonight with John property owner yes as mentioned uh last time the commission agreed with the review engineer that the line was very conservative so we push that back um approximately 20 30 40 ft in some spots um Margaret consultant was there on site to do the delineation uh subsequently I located the and updated the plan so um nothing changed with the layout here just quickly we're proposing a 28x 28 detached garage we're about 90 ft it looks like from the revised Wetland line so it did push the line back quite substantially we're still proposing aosion control um at the existing tree line no proposed grading on this we show a dewatering pit um um although likely will not be needed pretty straightforward any questions or concerns from the commission can you just address another year out there is verified the lines bacon ecosystem solution and I was out there last week and I did uh hang a few Flags just on the property I didn't put any flags on the adjacent property and so as mentioned they look further back I did a lot of soil test kits you know to confirm that was actually up soil and so know I agree with the new line and R's plan [Music] and thank you okay order condition still you want us to be fair with this one yes let me just anybody any the audience any questions okay any questions from the board I motion approve just for standard or condition EOS system will bearing that motion that we 10 for 347 Street with the standard all in favor thank you thank you [Music] going to take coule discussion items out of we get the 110 Road [Music] ready just want to skip over what I'd like to do is U skip over to 340 340 BL Street um I mentioned to the board few weeks ago this is the the flooding problem this facility right here is done Dons um I did come up with a scope of work which how Department agreed and I just want to point out to the board what the problem is uh and this is what's creating the issues of this out this is it doesn't work on the screen it doesn't work on the screen this being Dunkin Donut facility um and correct me if I'm wrong Mrs Alis properties vacant land here property here this driveway and we witnessed this with Highway Department is sloped to this direction so slope to the to the east so you can see there's nothing in here there's no catch bit B catch Basin for this facility this section of road is here so what's happening is the water comes off of this driveway it heads in this direction pawns if it has a little Outlet up here only when it reaches about 6 in of cutting and then it has to find its way back to this Basin and that's happening on both sides of the road so um The Proposal is going to be to increase the height of plry on and in front of Mrs El's here I think there's a basin over here the basins are stable but the DAT around them is gone so what has happened is the water has to build up to get into the Bas so the contract was just awarded of this so Mr Haywood is going to be working with the asol company to get the proper elevations that will address 340 and 346 D dway okay I don't know three4 I don't know one from the other so this is this fix here should eliminate the flooding that's happening in front of both these Drive okay um this happens to be O'Reilly's so if you can see here this is a driveway and in this what they did is there is a catch Bas in here but this driveway will slope to this direction so again it doesn't affect you but you notice all the ponding and then there's a catch basing over here so what happens is this F1 comes here and sits it has to build up to get into this Bas so that's created the major flooding or the the Big Splash and then once the range stops it does find its way so both of those issues are going to be corrected right okay that's probably somewhere down here first is the bank this is the bank the bank has his two basins here and actually this this Aon remains on the property because drag goes up these being much higher rales and Dunkin Don much higher so that water is sheating right now now I looked at those basins about a month ago and they they're just attacked with okay they are in the process I been out there um dhb which is the engineering company is in the process inspecting all the bases okay good they have done 105 they've done something in front of golf course um I again wait to see so that is the point next item on the agenda well actually um so um back in January February during those meetings we talked about the um the drainage facilities for the bank being cleaned and we talk about letters yeah you put out some letters and I was wonder what's the status of that to my knowledge we've had no response other than Stop and Shop did not respond but Stop and Shop has a company that's inspecting all of their bases and they drink okay um I don't believe the bank was included in any meal I believe it was everything on the other side of the street I think there an indication that um the old D Donuts that drainage is on their own property going across the street where the restaurant is oh that might be tied into but the drainage facility piure of their their water it's in the back of their building so the bank so what we want to do is we want them to maintain that facility so it doesn't flood our property I know yeah I think Prov the Le set out but obviously we didn't hear anything the only letters that I'm seeing across the street um we in our discussions we and some of the other items we've got some other stuff that we're going to hopefully trying to get some Council involved and if we've got non-compliance issues then we'll draft letters and send them out to St that's kind of a point you know I know we didn't get in response from more or two else discussion to be taken lot 11 on the road I'm going to ask the board to ratify the enforcement r that was submitted that I had delivered to both Palmer Road agression based on the weapons um that they removed part of the um process is the enforcement others go out they've got certain ass commment plan which they did on one of them second but the Board needs to ratify that for that uh no no see you a lot of 11 [Music] [Music] this is the Cy of the shff Dro it off we just sign 11 this is going to be the enforcement order on number 105 because there's an issue with how the assesses number these and it's not the rec yet because of the I only signatures this would be blck 12 for okay next it on agenda is 265 on Street which we addressed we also address 266 mon Street the next item is going to be 285 Home Street this is the flooding down AR tracks we got a letter from Town Council or so ago regarding whether or not we wanted them to assist us and trying to solve the issue an and I reviewed the fly um it's my opinion the did not compli matur my question to the board is is that should we ask selectman for a special counsel for Astron our issues um we've got the SCH Street if they not responsive then we need to send our V this going to be more because the infrastructure is over um any changes for the these businesses have to come up with what we call best management practices and they're going to continue their own Drainage Systems so I was hoping is if we get seate Council and allow that um to assist those with the non-compliance issues and the best management practices 285 home share you've been in front of us once or twice before um Qui question on that is can you say supp for the property there wasn't any no about putting together when that obviously I've listened to some of the meeting tapes and I I we we went through the file pretty good and weed all points and points um fling is continuing so we need to get it addressed um you know the flooding is going to impact the basins and that area which I call the ms4 inial stand so we need to get it addressed so I'm looking to is some direction on approaching the SL and see if we can authorize counil special yeah obviously we want do something in like an orderly fashion address future so I think we definitely need to obviously run that by counil but have a game plan before that before some well the problem is some water is is new you it's a page document you know you got the town Municipal storm water that goes along with it so if some of these projects like this one here if you've got some of that drainage that's going into the Municipal starm Water it shouldn't be um over there um it's Prett extensive and these some of them work free correct but you still got to have best practices so even though the regulation started in 2018 they must continue or come up with a program and the time what we call BP best practices and and then we're going to need we're going to need some that a motion we'll send a letter to council for and put a motion letter be sent to council guys to 25 home street it's going to be all allet this is going to be one of the high priorities and then also we'll look at I think the bank has been pretty Cooperative in the past I know they clean the Basin up anything on P Street that's coming into the municipal stor that that and and that's this another issue but beyond that passle one that's really flooding off this is ERS property some of that act I think is pretty well known it's coming not only from P Street it's coming from other sources and it's only the other other side of we're not addressing that now in my opinion that's what's happening so we need to so we have a motion to H management best practices public education bring the's attention and there's a lot um I got an email from Channel 7 back in June we got a most brother sand mining someone had contacted theming that the for brother's project was training water I spent some time with the gentleman resarch um that in my opinion didn't and just reporting that so I think the two the two issues are totally separate sand Ring versus just so the board knows that during this whole period of time we were getting water from Brockton which changed the directional flow was coming off of 36 which is completely the opposite still happening I haven't heard any ground complaints and is back online I haven't heard any no I know wereing waterings we pay bills like to do is first fill is going to be for ecosystems the ecosystems perie for 3 347 O Street $1,375 next one 26 on Street begin ecosystems uh $1,375 Haywood Street ecosystems um $1,250 361 P Street um ecosystems 1250 illan roadway 1250 8 Hill lot 2T 1500 Lane Lot 4 1575 for next them is in [Music] stress okay the an renewal is $27 and then we have the must be the MC sett uh Association of conservation commissions we have $311 m i p um second second she's on the signature Authority year 2025 maybe you can we need to pick a vote on who signing something for the fiscal Authority lesson signature Authority fiscal year 2021 next item on the agenda is for the May 28th 2024 meeting minutes anybody get a chance toie them okay umotion motion approv minutes for May 28th 2024 off I I just want to comment too that I really want a minutes and I thought that py work did an excellent job of these got the narrative there's not a lot of stuff in there I think if you look at if you look at it they did a great job [Music] that's okay so let's um I I apologize for that um I'm going to have you dra your appr okay second i' been looking for a motion that we approve the May 28th 24 meeting so somebody want to second that I'll second fav and okay did anybody see in mail folder line item transfers from the water slotman what it looks like uh is they transferred from the health agent to account is that the finance committee transfer [Music] let's go back to the uh signature Authority something chair has Authority I think we V let's do this I think i' rather take a v sign it take so I for a motion to um approve the Sign Authority for 2025 is that a CLE couple ofad opening perits sh off on [Music] 3 back up [Music] we on the meeting minutes the vat should have been two 21 understand is there anything else to discuss we had some items that we kind of left on here you regard any changes in updates or anything you want to do with regulations but I don't think there any of those here great that anything else that the Board needs to discuss don't believe so then I will be looking for a motion toour at 816 put motion J for evening all in favor thank you very [Music]