[Music] seeting that it's uh 7:00 I'll open the meeting of the uh Hala planning board uh for uh June 20th 2024 uh meeting room in the meeting in the selectman's meeting room uh so everyone open meeting and announc the pling board is been recorded by area 58 can be viewed on uh YouTube um we uh the meeting is being held here at the uh meeting room the Halifax Town Hall 4499 P Street in Halifax at uh 700 p.m. uh I'll uh entertain a motion to uh accept the agenda as presented I'll make a motion to accept the agenda as written and the second second all those in favor please say I unanimous all right uh let's start off then with uh our first appointment which is a continued for uh application 24244 on WEA cite review application for three 399 395 pouth street map 73 lot a uh anybody here to speak to that okay what is uh what is the pleasure of the board any uh comments regarding the site plan review application Tom well it seems like Pat had a bunch of comments on the drainage and everything else so no so probably you guys want to share have right what say Rick what has to what was uh well if you read the comment from uh brand was uh [Applause] [Music] thank you yeah I'm Clark right what's that Clark right if you read the comments from Pat Brandon there's a bunch of there's a bunch of stuff that has to be addressed on it I don't think this is a Revis plan addressing all that and there's nobody here to talk about it so what do we do this is dated 215 so that's the original plan yeah yeah I submitted a letter to you on April 24 25th and haven't heard anything about it since well make a motion to re um give them time to come back imagine you yeah yeah there's no point taking here included that the DAT yeah what are the what the dates for constructive appr June 19 and that was a 45 day extension down there with the get thumb yeah so we have to deny it or they going to have to approve EXT another extension yeah do you want to this is there any communication from the applicant as far as not coming tonight I asked for all communication early today and I didn't receive any that said either way than so that's a request then it in the cour Before 40 ex mention but that was from um April 24th yeah this did do we have a copy that we signed I don't have um we must have signed one yeah I would imagine did he was he applying for when he came in that time or did you just come in just to see just for a little exploring the application on the May on um sorry March 20th 2024 he came in or file you sign this for yeah okay so maybe they just wait table until tomor I mean if nobody's heard from them and he was on the agenda which we are clearly maybe he's uh maybe he's late for some reason I don't know just want to just table it for now and carry on table it for least for tonight to to the last item tonight give a chance to get in here then we're going to have to deal with it or it's going to have to get an extension from us and we're not going to meet before then right so do you want to um I think we should do an extension and at least till our next meeting and then that way if he doesn't come we we'll have covered it you know what I'm saying my question is so can we give an extension below to request for an extension also is it rude to say I think so you've had 45 days we haven't heard before I was going to say is it also rude or being that guy to say there's a 45 day extension you were on our agenda you didn't show up so the consequences are we declined it we can but then that means for two years yeah I was going to say that makes it pretty tough of the applicant not that we need to wor about the applicant I don't saying I'm saying is it rude of me to say I don't care no no no it's not only because right if it was like Hey we're letting you know yesterday that you need to be here tomorrow that's us to let you know but it was March you have a project this is outdated nobody's heard from you you're here so we can have a judgment you didn't show up what happens if you don't show up to a court date and at least there were if there were items brought up that needed to be addressed you could understand okay give me a little bit more time oh for sure some kind of Correspondence but why why is it on us to provide an extension if that individual hasn't communicated with us but I don't want to be me you don't want to stick exactly yeah everything seemed I mean it just seems like minor stuff in here that's got to be taken care of nothing that can't be remedy right um what about the mixed use issue uh I don't know zation still zing in the historical too I think he had to address yes and on the application it doesn't say that he has to go to zoning FYI that's in your F this only comes up when pulling his permit you know what I mean just mentioning so want to make I'll make motion to extend meeting dated than July 11th so we'll just do to July 12th just to be safe I'm good with that and then we we just put them on notice if he doesn't show up we're going to deny it and yeah what more can you do Fair that's I mean that's that way at least it says listen if you don't show up you're kind of us no other choice right you know I'll make a motion to extend the site plan application from um or to July uh 12th 2024 the day after our next meeting um prop uh to address the issues that were brought up from yes for 24- s-244 continue continue to when is that the 11th you said yeah so I just the 12th yeah i' all right there's a motion on the floor on the second to allow an extension to the 12th to then be able to attend a July 11th hearing questions uh uh regarding the application uh I'll ask for brenon Bron Elliot yes Amy yes myself yes Tom yes and R yes you 5 do we have any extension form we have any black or we're continuing to the 12 right the extensions to the 12 continue to the so I'll just put an extension did you say you going to try to get a hold of joke not like yeah it isn't like him at all no not at all deal with Jo for 45 years extension July 12th I'm just going to send this around to Signature guys with the new extension data on it yeah okay he's going to have to commit sign sign applicant still has to sign we can agre with oh so to cover all of it if he doesn't agree to the extension should we say if he doesn't agree to the extension then the site plan is denied should we add that we can do that at the next meeting do that meeting just that oh no I think I you know maybe should go along maybe we should have Daniel send a letter off to him sure you know yeah just to make sure an opportunity say the project or sorry you know my car broke down [Applause] yeah just [Music] shut have to put this way have to put 16 24 in so you know our sign which is of 6 2024 yeah this that's what he sign right so so so we just here sign the last one what we need what just changed that well so I did that and then that and then we can just put on the date underneath it cuz we didn't have a blank does that make sense to you yeah cross it and if we have I was thinking add a date kind of like um underneath it kind of like 45 plus 22 and then that date and then we'll do another date for today here you know what I mean does that yeah just kind of like a cuz we didn't have a blank right okay and um on the Note just have Danielle notify any specific details like just that they'll be on the next agenda and we've extended it but they need to agree with too yeah the board voted to extend and an agreement letter from the applicant is required [Music] okay we can uh move on to uh next appointment which is uh continued for 2651 PA and 2661 would you like to do any specific order uh Mr chairman I'd like to do 266 first okay that is that fine with the board members sure 61 half a doz okay wait a minute which one's 266 which side of road we on on the West Side the one building one okay Peach that's the peach building yesterday we got a letter back from could you just us your name JD representing development um he had one more comment about the checklist being included with the construction phase plan here's the from what I sent up yesterday okay we'll enter that into the file then we'll look into this in a second are you going to address this tonight yeah there's a response letter in there right but are you going to address it in an explanation or just just a letter just a letter basically yesterday um Mr B sent over a letter um early morning uh skating that um one understand which is add the checklist into that stor water um that construction phase storm pollution protion plan um so I did that then emailed it back to him he actually responded saying that he had meant to change that comment and that he uh noted it was really addressed but I want ah had set that over anyway okay that was the last comment all right good evening my name is D of apartment of for development is John Griffin also from for and Driscoll from JD civil um so I thought I'd take a moment we haven't been in front of the board for a bit just to kind of T up and um give an overview as to where we are and permitting for um both projects for 266 and 265 so a couple things I'll say now kind of apply to both um both locations so this uh uh project is is a result of a town meeting vote creating the senior housing overlay District that applies to both 266 and 265 um on ponet in general allows for greater dimensional uh flexibility uh it's for seniors 55 and over um no school aged children are allowed to live uh within the homes and um at least one owner occupant has to be 55 or and over um both of these sites are also subject to the master development agreement so that's um a media document uh for the planning board uh the the kind of physical improvements that relate to that Master development agreement are the design and construction of pickle ball quartz uh installation of crosswalk making a sidewalk down to the Housing Authority development and then up to main intersection uh some plantings and then some other obligations for both town both the town and thorite type of spefic spefic future events like occupies and the like so on 266 this is the on the left side on the west side of the uh of M Street um so we'll get it here uh so this is our uh second meeting for planning board site plan approval we're in the process with the Conservation Commission on the storm water permit and we submitted this week to the Board of Health for our uh seate on 265 across the street um so this is our first hearing uh in front of the planning board for 265 we're in progress with the conservation notice of intent um we've submitted for the storm water permit for conservation and um Mr Brennan has completed his peer review for the Conservation Commission on the storm water so that is out there and I mention it because there's some overlap with what's under the purview of this board um and we're submitting to the Board of Health in the uh in the coming weeks so that's that's the stuff that kind of applies to both um both sites so for 266 at our first meeting uh with the board the main comment the main takeaway for us was that you wanted to see uh more about how this building related to the street um the renderings the AR architecture and the lake so this is 266 so we we prepared a series of uh 3D renderings um of the building so this is one of the the views if you will so this is a View kind of sitting on top of the pickle ball courts looking across mon ponit towards uh 266 mon ponit the building up here and uh that's the the existing Plaza kind of in the background so this is kind of a view just of the building itself so you'll see it's um kind of consistent with New England architecture it's got vertical horizontal clapboard it's got some Stone down here at the bottom marks um the uh the building itself is broken out into smaller components so it's got some you know articulation to the front it's got some twostory uh bay windows here uh the balconies um Etc so uh it helps to kind of break down that massing of the building into kind of um almost smaller digestible pieces that are uh again kind of help help reduce some of the scale um when it comes to the Landscaping so this is just another view of the northeast corner of the building again with the plaza in the background so this is a little bit more close-up view of kind of the relationship with the Street sidewalk this is kind of a lirer approach so it goes Street sidewalk uh grass strip something along the equivalent of foundation planting along the wall uh this wall ranges in height from about 2 ft on the North End to about 5T on the southern end um metal fence on top another layer of plantings kind of on the high side of that wall and then there's some patios and things like that that are screened by the um uh by the shrubs on the high side of the wall uh we have some flowering trees um along the streetcap these are slow growth trees uh given that you can see the power lines are located there so we didn't want something that was going to grow up you know rapidly and and conflict with the power lines so you know this isn't designed to make an opaque screen in front of the building uh that would be pretty much impossible it's designed to make something that's interesting so that people when they drive by they see something that is attractive rather than something that is hidden so that was our goal in uh in making this design and this plan uh ties out really precisely uh to the Landscaping plan that we've submitted so the plant species sizes Etc are what is rendered here so these are you know the the same caliper the same Galvin you know that that type of thing that you would see on the details of this Landscaping plan question I just had a question in terms of Maintenance I assume while you're still there and you're constructing it's obviously to the advantage of the developer to make sure that everything's maintained and still looks good and everything what happens afterwards so there's uh these are all for sale uh Condominiums so there's a Condominium Association that's created uh for each side of the street and then a Master Association that governs kind of the common elements for the boat so there will be uh during construction uh fory will act as the deant or the developer trustee and so we will be responsible as our you know our fiduciary responsibility as trustee to to main maintain the property um of note what we also trying to sell while we're doing that and and it's to our advantage to do that um also this uh Community is ultimately going to have 102 units um it's got enough critical mass and enough condo fees being contributed to have a robust Landscaping budget uh when we establish the budget and the fees that would be of the project uh we do so uh with an eye that it can be well maintained so after um about 75% of the homes are ConEd to unit owners uh control of the trust transfers to unit owner trustees so it'll be the residents um that who elect uh five trustees um uh to manage the property so they're responsible for managing the property they will hire a professional management company as well um and they'll do all the let's say groundwork of uh soliciting bids negotiating contracts that sort of thing and then the trustees will just sign off on so that's the ownership structure kind of short term and long term but but there is no mechanism inside they that says that they have to maintain um there is something in the conduct that um uh that we make o obligations of the trust so all the permits that we receive um will be listed in the condominium docs as um obligations of the trust and we also do list all the Landscaping requirements so it's not going to get as um you know it's going to have General terminology in terms of I'm not saying they're not going to do it but should they not want to maintain it for whatever reason disly or whatever there's really no mechanism to yeah require them to again it's in their own best interest you know they're at some point going to sell their homes and they want the community to look great and honestly if you look at any of the communities we built over the past few decades uh you will find they all look very very good so as long as they have the money they'll and that's the key that's where that's the fail point of all associations mhm um but again we set the condo fees at the beginning so it can be wly maintain so they're not surprised when we back away and they're in control that they're left with a uh insufficient budget so we try to set the stage for Success um what are you setting the condo fees up we don't know yet uh we haven't we we established the condominium uh about 4 weeks before the first occupancy is the timing of when that gets uh established and recorded so um that's that's when everything gets gets created so um we'll uh that's that's when you know the condominium becomes official uh when we start marketing we'll have to create our condominium fees um so that we can represent to the to the uh potential buyers so what is your average fee now on your um properties it's it's not um I can our our current projects do not match with this product type so it wouldn't be their tow houses and it's not not compatible the last one we did with this scale I guess sawers reach is probably the larger buildings in sawers reach in Plymouth the one behind Savers what's that the one behind Savers Walmart and oh that one yeah yeah so that's um I don't know off the top of my head to be honest with you but yeah I wouldn't want you to guess on that yeah I can find yeah I mean we'll um uh again they'll be they'll be published on our website when we go to market so there they're not something that that's H um so this is the Landscaping plan these are just a couple of uh other views so this is approaching from the north um looking at the kind of Northern Gable end of the of the building again the the ples in the foreground and this is a view of the uh the back of the building so really the the same architecture you know in the back as you will see in the front would be articulation the different gued the stone on the lower level uh this is the kind of back Green Space here that um we're going to cordon off a corner on the Northern end for the for the pups we do a lot of pets in our in our communities but this will keep them kind of in one area and uh make it easier to clean up in the like so the rest of the lawn is kind of open for you know common use in well do you keep the uh the dogs at a particular size or this this um this dog park is really just for this building so with only 30 units there uh it doesn't really warrant kind of breaking it up into a couple sizes so there'll be a I get to know your face um amongst the pets that are in the building and I'm just curious some some associations have restrictions on sizes of animals asow in oh I think when we let him finish his presentation and then open up questions from the board and then eventually opening up to the public so um uh well actually so in our first uh first meeting we did most of the technical presentation in terms of the hydrology and the utilities and things like that um I know uh P Ren is in attendance this evening so I don't know whether you're going to ask him to to speak on his comment letters or whether you'd like me to kind of go first and and talk about the proc process Greg has already kind of alluded to it so what's what's what is your pleasure yeah you better if you went first sure okay there's been about um I'd say three or four rounds of uh comments and responses to comments that have gone uh back and forth between ourselves our consultants and uh pep R your peer reviewer so um the uh end of that uh resulted in basically with Pat saying that we had satisfied um uh we provided satisfactory answers to his comments there were a couple things that still required uh subsequent action um so we have these plans so this is one of them where um there's a um a comment that was made that with our parking that is shown um a portion of the required parking for this building is shown across the street so that's allowed under the senior housing uh bylaw but it is required that uh this um property have an easement or fee simple rights in this in the land where the parking is and so uh we have proposed a condition that says prior to the issuance of any certificate of occupancy for 266 mononon Street the applicant will provide the building inspector with documentation demonstrating feast and bull or easement rights for parking on 265 mon pona Street property so this is in bold was uh Pat's comment that if the board is so inclined to approve the project you recommended inclusion of this uh condition and the the reason behind this is as we as I kind of alluded to the timing OFA in the conduit Association we kind of want that entity to exist cuz they they're the ones that will actually uh own this land and and uh receive those rights from the adjacent parcel Sor um so that was kind of the one uh let's say um comment and response that had a a tail on it if you will and required a uh um a condition in order to have a satisfactory response um but again I'll defer to to Mr Brenan uh in general all the other uh comments we had uh proper responses let me just uh ask you were the other responses to other questions uh to your satisfaction answered yes they I had submitted an initial letter they responded to that and I followed up with a second letter with most of those in the in the second round most of those the original comments have been addressed there was a few outstanding maybe five I think then they addressed those in the in the second round that they got back to me the third round I should say um and then that was as U Dave was saying the um that was the one comment that couldn't be addressed so just recommending that it' be a condition of approval if there's any questions from the board regarding this particular one Mr vill yeah in the past um we have required that those easements be in place prior to construction um and explain to me why if you in fact own the property you can't de it to the association with that caveat already in it uh I mean you can pass that easement along it's it's transferable what why why yeah it's um so the so right now the uh none of the condo associations exist it's true that we own uh both Parcels um it's just a little simpler honestly that um since the entity that will own this parcel will be like 266 condominium trust the entity that will own this will be 265 condominium trust 265 condominium trust will grant uh the rights to 266 condominium trust is kind of the structure so it's just a little simpler to have all those um entities in place and to tie it into the condominium docks um then to do it um but it's not that it can't be done I don't think it's impossible no um I I think it can be done if if you if the preference of the board is to put a contingency that we do it prior to the first building permit so we can't even get started before that exists we have to had a history requiring this and that's part of I'm sorry would suest honestly I would suggest that there is a sufficient leverage um in that we cannot receive any income whatsoever ever until it's in place so I I would hope that that would surise so that pocket will be on town property actually then uh no it's not um so this lot three yeah uh that thorn neck will right you just going to um sorry don't know how to undo that um think there's a little back button right there that's how to prevent it from happening future there we go oh so it's separate from the uh yeah so lot two here is the pickle ball lot and then this is the senior center line so we have this swath in between them and that's where the public parking will be located um is that parking that we're talking about currently supposed to be overflow for pickle ball courts and the 265 and possibly the senior center so it's uh um it can be used for any of those in terms of the mass so there are more than two spaces per unit in this area for 265 not counting any of this stuff right what about the senior center so the the senior center is not part of either of our proposals at at the moment how many parking spaces are in there off the top well that's just probably a rendering it's prob yeah I don't know if how many spaces are you talking about for 266 to be across the street 13 1 including a handicap yeah and in our experience so that we have more than let's say one space per bedroom on this side of the street so we would expect that to be uh more than adequate parking for the residents and this will probably um in practice be used as uh guest parking for visitors yes in terms of handicapped parking P do you address by 521 CMR do you look at that and one of my initial comments they had they for 266 they were uh three spaces were required they had two of them behind the building and one of them across the street and my recommendation because the only real handicapped access in the 266 is from the back was to put the third one behind the building which they did on this on the r okay so that is on the Rev plan that concerned me when I saw that first plan andap spot across the street yeah so make that add it okay I'm sorry I I missed it it's okay it's good to review it how many spots are on 266 side that great I mean I find it but I fig I might as well just ask right so so we have um 35 outdoor spaces 12 garage spaces on the 266 property so total three so 12 and how many again I'm tior 12 in the garages and 35 outoor so 30 uh 47 and then three of them are handc are the garages are a separate purchase or how do that work so there are uh yes we offer them to for sale but we make sure we sell them all so in in practice the way it works is we people's arms is that uh lower the price yeah it's probably a first come first serve thing too right like first people are like oh can I grab a garage and they're like yeah there's three open so yeah we we've um uh we've done this where we've so sold freestanding garages um with uh multi building so again at s's reach in Plymouth and so we got a pretty good idea of the appropriate ra I'm just getting if they're half of them un sold those parking spots kind of don't count that's all okay good point and they restricted just to the residents of 266 correct correct so technically there's 30 units 35 spots on this side three handicapped with 12 across the street on the agement or 13 across the street on the agement correct and 12 garage plus the 12 garages but the garages don't count as packing spots right yes they do they do what if somebody doesn't buy a garage and need just again we make sure that they're all sold yeah $1 Bob don't don't tell our future customers just to wait this is uh recorded on YouTube so just we'll be we'll be very impressed with the buyer back you be surprised welome the hell about we'll be impressed well I don't have any anything else you know for the uh actual presentation so open to continue with questions I I went through the plan of home and I have a pretty good size monitor but do you have a a shot of front of the building just the front of the building not in an angle shot not with me tonight no um we did we thought the five were kind of told told the story but um again on the um two dimensional site plans you know it has all the graving on makes it appear that it's the same elevation height as the plaza next door but I'm kind of getting a feeling that that parking is going to be up higher it's going to be exactly it's not going to look as flat as you're showing see how that looks like is about same elevation um and I think there's a little de the Grays are accurate that's that's all I can say both for the plaza and and for the building so this is what it will look like you know how you can tell you don't really have a good shot of the other side the garages would be pretty high the lot yeah so so there is uh those garages are talked back on the back side yeah so to to I can describe kind of what's what's occurring here so yes there is this ramps up um in the in the order of uh 5 6 ft or so kind of in this distance and so this is kind of a higher Plateau you know if you will um these are grades that are U around 77 you can actually read them off the plan it's easier so there in general grades are 77 here um along the street they range from 72 to 7 3 and2 74 74 is right there yeah so basically 72 to 74 so we we are in that you know uh 3 to 5 ft higher than the street in front there this the plaza though does ramp up a little bit too their parking L is probably a foot and a half to 2 ft above the to 76 so it's not I mean so it is we are probably 2 or 3 ft higher but it's you know again that's not something particularly substantial right I mean one of those the resident next door was making comments about the uh the height difference I don't know they're not here obviously but uh yeah I've met with way the garage is back up to so close to the lot away so they're um uh so yes that's the case and I actually met with them we had a discussion about literally where the garage was going to go um and whether it was going to go kind of here or here and in those discussions you know we kind of concluded together that it would be better to put the garage closer to their home because the sideline is such that when you're standing in their driveway looking at the ridge of that garage you're only going to see the very like roof line of the adjacent building so even though it's close and the finished floor of this is probably 5 ft above their garage so that the slab of this is above their their driveway um it's it's screening and it's smaller scale than the building itself so that was kind of the trade-off plus as part of the MDA sorry um say this one thing uh we're required to plant 16 Arbor iy kind of along that edge to soften it and when it comes time to cut trees I'll walk with the butter and just you know we can flag them together and see which one that makes sense that he wants to keep doesn't want to keep and that sort of thing so we'll again do the best that we can uh we're not going to move the garage or anything like that is there just going to be a slap off the back of the garage or is it going to be retaining walls or anything the the garage foundation itself will will um the retaining wall yeah um but we'll work with them too to see whether we want to bring the claer down a little bit more you know so you're seeing 3 ft of concrete instead of 5T of concrete those we'll put all those be a good consideration yeah yeah it takes takes the kind of curse off the concrete and the garage looks like it's pretty on top of the um property line correct like 7 and 1/2 ft uh so will the OB of ID that you're proposing be on your property or the they'll be on our property and maintained by us okay when did you have the conversation with the uh neighbor uh let's see I think I've had three conversations so the first one was in person quite some time ago um over 6 months I want to say and then the recent convers stations I don't know probably 3 and two months ago something like that Curiosity what is the construction material of the walls it's it I think I saw concrete and block is that what I saw I'm talking about the front raining wall uh modular block modulated block yeah yeah so it'll be the kind of um I call it the small block wall you know um the uh stuff that's usually 6 to 8 in high it's not going to be the kind of mold the dumpster blocks that are more like 3T by 2 feet um the ready rocks stuff so yeah versal lock is is kind of the typical brand that we um but we would you know we plan to choose that block that you see that color you know uh everything out of curiosity mostly what are we talking about the elevation elevation elevation of the ridge line as compared to where we're starting out say the average at the street I think what did we say we were average street from 74 to 70 uh 72 to 74 yeah yeah in uh in the streets so we're up uh you know pretty much at the uh allowable Building height of uh um just shy of 50 ft so 5077 137 would be the uh the rid line in practice 37 above the grade you're creating uh that would be the that would be the actual kind of elevation you know as compared with 77 or 72 or 77 it would be at under 40 is what you saying uh I heard you say 37 ft 130 130 it would be at elevation 13 I'm sorry I thought that right thought say 37 I think he was asking 127 sorry is it off of the elevation of the retaining wall so uh I'll I'll restate so the um Ridge would be uh about 54 ft above the road in front um in practice in your experience when you're on the street either driving or walking the only thing you're going to see is the gutter uh the edge of the gutter you're actually not going to see the roof so that's that's more than a 34 35t range in terms of the edge that you would actually see and experience from the road cuz I I I I was only curious cuz I was trying to read back through the notes from the attorney general uh in terms of height um if it was addressed typically we have a 40t height restriction yeah the senior housing overlay district is a 50 yeah we took care of that we didn't take care of that it was addressed in that particular and out extreme curiosity what are we talking talking about bringing in for amounts of material here I'm looking at thousands of yards of fill yeah that was actually a a comment and um we did an estimate about 15,000 15,000 I think that's where I read thing so there's a substantial amount of to and that's not going to affect any run off on street or we' got that covered so much stuff and handicap accessibility the only hand accessibility is going to be from the rear of the building obviously nobody's going up the stairs in the front um yeah that's where all the all the parking is is is the gradient such that somebody could wield themselves up that driveway oh up um up this or this yeah um well actually one of our uh latest uh revisions was in response to a meeting with the uh fire department and we've um we added a sidewalk um right along this Edge so I don't think it's shown these plant might be a hair a yeah so we actually added a sidewalk over here and since it connects to a spot that's 2T higher 2T higher here than there it's actually much gleer slope so it's only going up about 3 ft in you know uh over 100 so it's it's less than 3% yeah I just I just looking at it I was curious if anybody was going to be able to wheel themselves up there Y and what about the uh the entrance where you said you had a discussion with the uh fire chief regarding the uh yeah so he made he made uh two requests um on the side plan he wanted to add a um add a hydrant uh right here and he wanted this was shown at 16 ft uh of width and he wanted this to be 20 ft so that was where I was actually talking about the sidewalk that was here so as we're keeping the uh paved way at 16 ft and we're adding a curb that's only about you know like a Cap Cod burm only about a 3 4 in rise and then a sidewalk adjacent to that so from outside edge of sidewalk to edge of Paving is 20 ft and he was satisfied with that he didn't have a problem mounting you know a 3in high 12 in wide K Cod firm and he had his 16 ft anyway think they're Quant 14 it's actually 20 now is it yeah it used to be it used to be 16 with the Outriggers and and things like that but it's um I don't know the last 3 or 4 years it's been um increased to 20 so we only have 16 on the North side then that's the one was talking with the side walk from that's a NE I know for a fire truck though know that so there's another has the sidewalk next to that exit and it shows a full 20 yeah but that's not what's on those so I think that was a uh I'm not sure where those plans landed but uh they were these most Rec these are the uh February 16th on yeah I think I think they those ones were only I think those ones were only submitted this is this is 66 this is you mean the new ones we don't have them the on with the ones to address the fire department comments what's the date on that uh I think the 18th yeah of June yes so we haven't received them yet because that quick okay we get them before the next meeting we should just have these for now then because they don't have in writing yet is is that all right so that's a difference is there something else what other differences besides the fire um are from you know from these ones versus the ones from Yes uh June 18th uh the fire that we added and I think one note on the cover sheet plan oh the perimeter plan was updated to show because originally on the one of my comments one of the regulations is they have to show properties within 300 ft okay and they showed the properties but they didn't show anything on the properties and the regulation reads buildings uses driveways and all that type of thing so what they did is they added an aerial photo with the property lines overlaid on it so you can see everything so that's on the Jun that's on the Jun 18 any of theune 18 we don't have we're going to need yes we are going you good 266 uh hold on one second I'm going to ask Mr Brennan if uh you had any uh comments as as the uh engineer um no like I said they you know my first letter you know we had uh 25 comments and they've addressed them all since then so um you know and Dave had gone through a lot of the comments that you know they had address and how they address them um and and the the last remaining one was the condition for the for the easement for the parking on the across the street so I was it except for 24 the CPP references and attached construction phase that that was listed here is not addressed get addressed that's what they sub brought in yes okay brought over on Tuesday afternoon said from my office we were running over later in the afternoon May didn't make it into the box okay oh so it is it is building yeah okay can I ask one more question before we send it up to the I think we spoke briefly earlier about the crosswalk across the street uh I I I'm not not that I'm looking to impede traffic on 58 because that gets really crazy right there especially with the entrance to cumland and everything else over there but what do we how are we going to make that a safe Crossing cuz now we've got people parking across the street that are going to be walking across the street we've got the senior centers that's on the other side of the street we're going to have people going to the other side of the street uh my first inclination was that it should be a legitimate crosswalk with flashing I'm I'm I'm hesitant to say that because it's such a congested area to begin with what what can we do to make that obvious for people to slow down and or be careful well I as made mention before I think right where the construction uh offices of being cor up that's where the 25 mph speed limit starts from the to the intersection I know it's kind of hard to believe but TR it really is a every but I I agree with Tom that some kind of something like a a flashing light or uh some type of cross because that is a straightaway and you could see a flashing yellow kind of like post office something like that like the post office one exactly the one in front of a on the Indian Path one but maybe a little more stated because somebody who walks all the time it does usually take multiple cars for people to stop multiple the one at the Indian P yeah that's one it's like I could walk I can watch like 20 cars go by yeah so on this topic so I'm I'm certainly open to uh let's say um enhancing the crosswalk cuz right now a plant it's shown basically as typical you're striving in your 88 ramps um I would suggest that um we do signage so fix signage not flashing so that would include four four signs you know with crosswalk ahead um with the posts you know also also illuminated if you've seen those it has a kind of a reflective sign on the post itself and my my thinking behind that is having exper experience driving as most of us do um uh by through a number of these flasing crosswalks um there's two things that that happen um that I think are um not safe so one is the um uh the they flash for quite some time after someone has crossed so you start to become numb from the flashing because 80% of the time in my experience you come up to the crosswalk it's flashing and there's no one there so you you you kind of are still looking and then just you know you don't wait for the flashing to stop no one does I don't think you even have to um and then you then you proceed forward the other thing it does is it gives a false sense of security to those crossing the street they they press the button and they see the flashing and they step out without taking kind of the personal responsibility of looking both ways of of that common sense so again I'm I'm open for discussion on this but um I thought a lot about it as you as you might might tell and might see and I think about kind of traffic stuff although I'm not a traffic engineer but I think about it a lot um that's what that's what I would be comfortable doing and uh and recommend and be acceptable as a condition of our approval I'd be more worried that the flashing I like the flashing light idea but I'd be more worried that it would almost give The Pedestrian this false security that they have the right away and then it's they do they do want to crosswalk anyway but I mean like a right away in a 2 ton car going 30 if that's like the we'll write that on your we'll write that on the TB right you have the right of away in the same breath too you know my own experience I think the world areia and you know the flashing light you know it just what's of that at least it makes it people more aware and I I do think there is going to be traffic going back and forth and back and forth and especially if there's a senior center or whatnot I think there's going to be a lot of traffic and we we we want that crosswalk to be safe our future residents will be going back and forth across that crosswalk more than anybody else I like the you know we we want it to be safe but I you know I kind of expected this to come up as a as a matter of discussion and um so I'm willing to listen this is General a little bit of a general understanding too like in a lot of beach communities I've seen Beach communities where there's actually four lanes two going in each way and very very busy and once those lights go on and they see the people it's just you start getting tickets if you don't stop for them you know what I mean and it's just this understanding that when those things are flashing you just stop $ I'm not really sure what I'm looking for I just know that I want you're better off overdoing it I think than underdoing it and then it's like a boy they really should put that up it's like well we have a chance to do it so why don't we just do it from the beginning and we've had a tragedy in the past that I want to keep bringing that up it's important and and that's sort of made everybody sensitive to the idea of the crosswalks like I said it's a congested area so I'm taking that into consideration too but I think we need to come up with something that that that is reasonable they have to alert well some people paint like um you know like the rainbow down in pmet or like American flag whatever the heck you know maybe make it seen a little bit different than just a couple of lines um the lights what about um the um noise for blind people you know what I mean like cuz there we're talking over 55 we're talking Senior Center we're going to see people going back you know from the back probably going to where to get liquor and go out to eat and things like that it's also cross from the sidewalk on the other side too that's going to be the the point of crossing over to stay on a sidewalk so we've got you know we got a lot of things going on there let's get a cat walk a sky a sky brick or maybe even extending 25 M hour speeding it further so any you like down to like we I mean 25 25 an hour you know all Flor intersections of of 58 and 106 and you you never see 25 but it really is so I think we're looking for good cross okay and maybe I want to over no no no like I said it's it's a difficult area but at the same time we need to be cautious of what's going on there so we could probably ask the chief but maybe instead of printing these maybe um we he can update that as like something and then update it for the next one without having to print these again without that yeah already s something that's fine sorry but so as a as a path forward so we do have a traffic engineer that's involved uh with the project and um so we can uh consult in yeah we can consult with them you know I I think I hear you as as to what you're what you're looking for and uh and again we're we're open we want to make it safe um and uh you know even to a you know a lit you know uh articulated light crosswalk if that's what you call them um but um uh let's uh let me go talk to the traffic engineer cross is is it on the main interest or the exit only uh it's um it's right across here yeah so this plan shows the so this goes the the future entrance is you see the RightWay lines so it goes there so it goes right across be even though we're all in favor even sorry even though we're all in favor of all as many bells and whistles as we can get there is a neighbor right so if we do the that beeping or that noise one if I'm out if I live there and I'm out there and all of a sudden you I'm like Fu right so just I'd be curious to see how loud that Isle you know what though probably be a welcome chain point for your traffic engineer how tall can lights be you know like if they were on the sidewalk just as a thought like just just as a brainstorming idea how tall can those lights be that they can maybe overextend without impeding on highway traffic Heights is that what I'm trying to say but you know what I mean like just as a thought as opposed to just the sidewalk I think let me let me talk with the there are there are standard practices for these types of situations and we want we want to um you know use a standard practice for everyone's protection for the pedestrians for insurance purposes you know that sort of thing I mean they've had a project they've had a project in penth of all places like if there's a pedestrian Town closest to us it would be plth soal place though it's not no I just mean as far as what people do for projects like this for crosswalks I mean that's like the most pedestrian place part of it is the town has gone to Great Lengths over the last coup we is to improve our our crosswalks um so you know throwing it back I throwing it back at your traffic people see what we can come up with and that would be appreciated Mr Bron got anything else you want to all right I'll open it up to the uh to the public if you raise your hand and I'll call on you yes sir you will first yes my name is Tom Al what do you want me to get there I don't know that's up to that's pleasure of the board yeah all right so my question is about the rain water so my understanding is that there'll be uh some sort of a a leeching area along the the parking spot here for all the rain water to drain into uh where will the outflow pipe be if there is if that gets oversaturated where does that go one you want there go all right so the the main drainage system here is designed to hold and the entire um volume that's gener 100 years right so it's design okay so there's no there's no overflow pipe or anything like that it it that if it does if there ever was a situation where it got over full it would uh pop out from these cat basins here here and it would run out towards the street oh that would be so so n none of the water goes beyond the property lines well some of the water this is another design Point down here um this does have this does have some I think so so it goes down here but there's no water at all will come from this property onto this property well that property is higher so it's not that direction okay all the and the areas are being taken care of this I this system Overland flow from the grass area north of the site way gr 58 right okay it does it doesn't flow into uh this area here no this is 75 74 73 72 71 so this okay and this area here yeah um it seems to blow in this direction away from away from but I don't have gr for that but we don't know that over here so it could I know that this area right here this is the plaza 76 75 74 so there's a high point here where this okay and then eventually think great um for that design Point what's the pre and post cuz I think that would be helpful so for each corner of the site you kind of pick a points design and then you compare what it's like today with what it will be like after we're there and so we start to reduce it so even if there's some going there it should be last them going there well the reason for my question is is that we're currently working with uh uh the PCS on an easement for their projects okay and what they've done is they've had Engineers I had Engineers calculate the water from their projects and they've actually put together a really good solution for us and what I don't want to have happen is more water coming into that project that we're working on with the PCS that evenement so that overburdens uh all the work that they've done yeah um that was to the pre we have to do a pre development probably work the other Engineers um study of the site establish that as what comes off the site inting Edition and we designed to have that equal or less in the future the proposed condition so in all storms we're reducing the amount of peak outflow in the site yeah so you so if they're designing based on the conditions that are there today after we build it would be less flow off the re that's correct Mr the engineer yeah they actually in the existing condition for the 100-year storm which is 8.68 in of rainfall in 24 hours they calculated 2.58 cubic feet per second going in that direction and 24 almost a qu of an acre foot in the proposed conditions the um it goes down to 1.07 from the 2.58 and it goes down to 08 from the 0.25 so it's about 40% so yeah 40 actually 60% less so 40% thank you your name and address pleas I I feel I doubt you're about 50 years too young to feel like at any rate um I'm FR corg and I live on Rosewood Drive here in the town couple of things that I heard during our discussion the first thing I'm going to bring up is Mr Millis brought up the subject of in this project is there going to be any size discrepancy relative to dogs and you pointed out that no that people you know the dogs would be come friendly with one another face on face whatever well we hit this project at the Halifax mobile home states where I live and as owners of the mobile home States we tried to limit the size of dogs down to a reasonable you know maybe a lab or whatever and not get into some of these monstrous dogs the state stepped in and said we cannot do that there is a state law that says you cannot monitor the size of dogs coming into that now whether that applies to this project or not I would suggest you investigate that because it did happen at Halifax estat that's one thing secondly speed limit which was also brought up I've been dealing with this town for the last 18 months trying to get the 25 M and hour speed limits moved further away from the intersection of 106 and 58 where they are now and unfortunately we have a group of people heading up our community that don't know how to read the state law there is a state law out there and I didn't bring a copy of it there is a state law that you can drop from 35 to 25 without any state approval you just pick up the signs and you move and all that requires is the highway department going in there with their back ho pick up that sign and move it back down the street that's the first thing that can happen if you're going to drop it to 20 M hour you need to get State approval ahead of time but under this law but and I've discussed this with our selectman with our administrative assistant and nobody wants to move on this thing I'm thinking of running a back hole and maybe getting this job done but at any rate this is recorded on YouTube that's fine self that's fine I will down tomorrow at any this is there and we're just not taking advantage so it's not only just that area that's a disaster it's all the way down to the post office is a disaster I mean when you can see the the traffic light and here's the 25 mph speed limit and there the traffic and you can see it you know you're going to be stopped what is the reason for that that sign that 25 mph speed limit was put out in the 1950s when we had chicken yards on 106 let's get with the time drop that speed limit down to 25 through all of this town back it back in all four directions and if need be even put in some noise strips which can be added to the highway which don't get torn up when you when you plow in the winter time but people going over that noyer just like when you're driving on on an interstate if you get out of your lane too far to the right that noise strip is there and say oh wait a minute I got get back well you can do noise strips the other way across the road okay so there's a couple things that can be done relative to the speed the last item I'll hit on is the signs I've hit on these before Rockin has one of the best signs in the world over near their senior center it says slow down and flashes Senior Center 100 ft ahead okay okay let's copy that sign let's take care of the seniors that are going to that Senior Center because they're going to be turning most of them are coming from the intersection and taking a leftand turn to get into that Senior Center okay and just the reverse when the people in the condos are going up town they're coming out and they're going up town okay so there's a lot of turning going on in there and we need to have that speed limit down to 25 to begin with with no further discussion by anybody just get it done and the highway department can do it all they have to do is have the board of Select and say go do that okay but that's not point I was just going to ask that for the record right obviously it's been voiced and recorded and all that stuff it's just um I don't want to um give you false hope that we can do anything about that no you can't but it's been voiced it's been voiced and and it's there and the only thing we can do is from a recommendation from the planning board to say you know if this can be done why aren't we doing it okay right why can't that go out to the border of Select you know because that's a good question why haven't we done it in the last 18 months okay maybe because it's not only just that section of the of the road all of 106 is a disaster area and if the rest of this new construction keeps going in there it's going to get worse it's not going to get better and then the last thing was on that 106 is synchronizing these traffic lights so that if you make one you're going to make the second one you're going to make the third one period without a doubt so the lights they tell me they don't have to touch the lights they just got to touch the software where they are with that I haven't had an update on it but that's supposedly in the works okay okay the last thing is that's signed for the for the senior center and a number of the speed limit signs should be there's another one over in Pembrook where you come coming into Penbrook from 53 coming in that direction there's a gorgeous one there that's speedum is 25 you see this nice face up there all of a sudden the face gets ugly you're doing 30 slow down and it says that right on the sign okay okay what's the matter with that sign what's the matter with telling the people slow down you just put up just 25 this they won't give you a ticket if you're within 5 miles of the 25 so do it well then let's start stopping giving them the 20 the extra five let's start runting some tickets that's my comments all right anybody uh else any comments you want to move on to 266 well yeah I actually want to comment a little bit just two seconds it might be a really good idea to maybe make a recommendation at least to the selectman from us G see what I mean like due to all this I think that it cuz we're going to need comments from all of the boards right have we asked for comments from all the boards for this I think months ago months ago but with the updated plan and all of that that's true we need to you could ask what their opinion was on it but again I I do agree with Brendon in is it within the purview of the of of the plan I it's not as we know it's not but you've been you've made that comment all the way back to I think when I was first got on and it was more so about that you know the storage units and and all that well now the more we develop downtown the more this becomes an issue where it's like back then it was well it's not really going to be a thing that's everything's going to be fine it's it's although it was an issue it may not have been as much of an issue but the more developed it becomes more to the top specifically from from those yeah police chief if the more people that ask you can't ignore because of the situation going that's something the plan and he's even volunteered to do the work country back yeah if I see you downst with a hacksaw I'll tell you usually the traffic so backed up I can go that fast anyway usually 265 so regarding 266 I think uh we should ask for a continuance to the uh the next hearing and then wrap that up and then move on to the 265 cuz there separate hearings yeah is that so are you uh amenable to that that'll give us a chance to come up with specific recommendations for the cross crosswalk get real paper copies you know his plant in front of you ENT no 266 continue this we talk about crosss oh and then we're going to talk about 265 after that correct okay all right I thought you meant forget um I'll make a motion to continue 266 to the July 11 2024 meeting at 700 p.m. um also on note do we need an extension since it is till July 11th on the site plan and just in case we don't have not that we won't but just we keep track of the dates and so we should ask for an extension from you on that cuz it ends on July 11 not to say that we're going to need it but just to be sure that we like if for instance you guys couldn't make it on July 11th we would need an extension because it's only to that day so can we ask you for a 30-day extension so we we we kind of did that last time we gave an extra extension in case we needed another hearing where July we it's until July 11th yeah so so you have an extension to the next year all right so that night yeah you don't show up just well I was just meaning that it would just be more comfortable at least to have a little bit of time just in case there was a an issue just with anybody we'll address it at that at that time yeah I think it would be in the best interest though to like just extend it out a little bit just in case well we don't have anything here to sign either so get a little but they if they think they're going to be late they can send us a letter and weend at the next meeting the only thing I would ask uh do you think we should enumerate when you you said an extension oh excuse me to include the matters that we were discussed as far as public safety and whatnot at the at the today's meeting sending a letter out to or you mean no just when you just said an extension is it an extension to review the the for the whole thing we'll just leave it at that yeah we'll just leave it at that that leaves the door open and so so in I'll I'll repeat so um I move to continue the hearing for 266 mom H Street um 24 fpr 246 242 right sorry um extension I'm going to start again continue um 24242 266 Monon Street um spr JD civil to July 11 2024 7 p.m. do I have a second second I have a motion in a second all those in favor say I next well just as a note though July 11 that's the last date on that yeah they don't show we just say [Applause] are newer paper that were're also sent over for 260 no okay so these ones are [Music] the assistant Clerk [Music] [Music] and that's what I just gave ear oh yeah yeah I'll take care of thank yes sir all right good evening David Easter for development here to discuss site plan approval for 265 mon um so this is the first hearing from the plan board for 265 um so the um so this so we're talking talking about this side over here um this permit relates to what's shown as lot three here and lot two so lot three is the residential lot and lot two is the pickle ball lot so we are permitting the pickle ball lot um as part of this application once that is complete the pickle ball quarts and that land and will be conveyed to the town this application does not include the sales Center on lot one that needs to be part of a public procurement process so both for the design and construction of that so that is an ongoing process with the with the select board so just to get the delineation straight when we do our design when with our design for lot three and lot two we are doing it with an ie towards the senior center um this is we drew this plan so we are accommodating it in terms of locating our utility so it's easy to stub off of it designing our detention so that it can accommodate the impervious shown on this plan there will be a uh you know a um let's say reconciliation once the final plans for the senior center are done to coordinate you know with with what what we're showing on lot 3 now once those plans are finalized so just so everyone understands what's kind of in this application of what's not in this application um so this site also has a little bit of History um in that it was pered and developed and started to be developed back in 2014 2015 so on the site is some existing pavement here there's a existing foundation for a six unit building there's a number of utilities that are in some gradings been done the detention basins have been generally shaped up um some outlet outlet structures are installed so in general little to nothing of what's out there now will will remain so it'll be removed the allish remove removed from the site um the probably the major exception is uh two of the storm water basins this one down here and in particular this one up up here this one here is pretty well uh shaped up and established and finished this one down here was partially complete but we're going to be using portions of that and locating our detention in those same General locations um just on detention there's also a couple of kind of uh bio swes that serve the um uh pickle ball courts exclusively um but that's how what we're doing relates to kind of what was done uh in the past so um so this site is rised of uh two large buildings so these are 36 unit buildings um so they have six more units than the buildings that you saw across the street on 266 so there's basically two more units per floor um so the whole building gets one unit wider if that makes uh makes sense to so about um uh 36 38 ft longer or so same height yep same articulation um same materials everything else is identical except they get stretched so um so two 36 unit buildings we also have a uh pool house and Pool located there that's for the residents only we have some Victory Gardens located down here and there are four uh freestanding uh garage buildings uh that you can see kind of up on the pr here two three and four um that is really the summary of the uh uh of the structures um in terms of kind of how it's going to look we have a fairly large Central green the septic system will be underneath that so that will be generally an open uh grassy area um let's see we have over the two uh 2 to1 parking ratio as I mentioned previously not including the spaces that are sh there um we have submitted so this uh you haven't received yet but I wanted to show that we've kind of followed through on this we have a uh a Landscaping plan to the same level of detail uh that we showed you across the street for 266 so in general this has a series of Street trees kind of along the main spine Road um both on the pickle ball side and the senior center side um so those are Street trees those large shes all along uh the green as I mentioned is generally open and there's um rather dense uh detailed plantings uh along the foundations that include um a similar uh Rhythm that you saw for 266 with a grass strip shrubs no wall in this case uh a fence um and then planting on the other side and some uh smaller patios that uh are off being main living spaces for the for the homes um so we'll include this uh probably in the package that involves future response to comments in the like but I just wanted to show it since since it's been completed um and really that's all I'm going to say in terms of the overview for this site I'm going to turn it over to Greg and he's going to talk to you a little bit about the detail of the the storm War utilities um since um that you haven't heard it for this site as of yet sure to be clear so this one from May 13 2024 we're going to get an updated one if that been sent out as well or you're still updating it or so I would anticipate the way this process would go is that the tonight um you guys would probably wish to send this to peer review okay um as I mentioned before it's kind of gone to peer review in that there's peer review that's been done for this location for the Conservation Commission there's been no peer review done in term of in terms of zoning compliance for example so I would expect that to be the process that follows this evening and then uh we would incorporate these new plans any responses to comments in the in the next set all so there's no is the yeah this this is the first meeting I know we've it's a little confusing with two projects kind of you know brother and sister projects here but um we're just getting started on the on the 265 application right because we had it but we never talked about it okay okay so again civil you broke th development for 265 the street um so the site I'll just we know pretty much where it's located we talk about all those types of things um we have as far as the locus we have projects existing residences from North housing authorities to the South under plants to the East and to the west of this site we have the proposed that we just spoke about senior housing um Northwest is uh the 58 Plaza and Southeast I'm sorry Southwest is some s um site is accessed through this 24t wide uh full access driveway that come edes the site some parking here for across the street and then the driveway into the the development we are showing uh future connections to the senior center and this conceptual light of the senior center also shows another access out to Mont P Street um if they choose to develop that that man we expect that will happen um see is that kind of where the gate is now on the north side of that property a gate for the existing the existing gate is right here at at the existing pavement one you're speaking of no there's another one that's a little bit more North there's a there's another like the old driveway kind of came in right about here so maybe that's where it is I was wondering if that okay thank you right so you know it's two way circulation through here 2 24t wide Drive AES parking around the buildings um as we're point out the the garage structures along the perimeter as well uh so that's site access and circulation um parking is like I just said is around the perimeter uh we have what's the ra two to one it's over it's over two to one yeah more than two spaces per yeah per unit um so require 144 space plus 14 yeah when we're providing 158 spaces um and of those we have six assessible parking spaces um 116 outdoor spaces and 42 garage spaces are provided um and same um cabinets as you spoke across street those for sale [Music] first uh so uh gr drainage plan we are sewings there we so um starting in the front here we have uh bigball courts those are Crown to drain to either side with fire retention areas on each side those are designed so they hold and infiltrate the water off 25e storm then there a swell here uh for the h storm the a series Wetland which and dists to the Northerly w b Ser W um is's an existing five connecting through here this is how that was done um just to back up we're the company that worked on the development that was started and stopped we designed that project um and when we first started the um Stone water designed for this project we considered the existing condition before that work started not the condition of the site that's now so it takes into account um preexisting this was before I devel took place prior to 2014 so we're preparing you know app on those two analysis um then as D mentioned we are going to keep this um St water base designed for the previous project we're going to shape it up a little bit more over on that side add this for Bay that wasn't that was part of the original design but was being reincorporated in um and then this section of the project the central section will go to this subsurface chamber system similar to it was across the street but not as big this one also holds all the that come discharges into it there is an overflow that goes down here and around this Basin uh this section of the project these building this building and this parking lot goes to this basin 4-way infiltration and um Health control structure and similar to the other side of the street uh we have we are reducing the pre- to post uh development rates of runoff and volume so far utilities go with utility Point uh we're bring the water in the water line is already excuse me stubbed in for this previous project you Max maximum just utilities there you go and so we're going to grab that water M over here and put it through our new main driveway uh and lo end will be several fire hydrants here um fire chief mon this one moved um yeah when I met with the fire chief on on Tuesday he had a number of uh comments on really relocating hydrant so they were farther away from the building the logic being if you're going to f a fire you want a little space between you and the fire so um there are uh um two that we're going to uh relocate yeah this one goes here this one just scoots a little bit farther away and then we're going to um add one that's kind of dedicated for the senior center actually on uh on this corner here um on the left uh coming in so those were his comments he didn't have any uh concerns about circulation or access we got into a lot of detail on that early on in the process um the main result being we have kind of a um uh grass reinforced grass emergency access way behind that building which he requested so that's kind of a um kind of plastic cells that you fill them with gravel but you can you can see them in gr this the same thing with both buildings um no on the on the other building here yeah there's um there's parking on both sides all the way around yeah so it's not necessary but there's no there's no parking or assphalt otherwise behind that building so we wanted the the circulation pattern around that's what this Dash right here there detail and the plants showing the product for the reinforcement um and that's pretty much it for uh uili weating gas in um the state just decid have to let anybody expand gas um and then be under electric uh so it's all going to be electric right y were there any uh suggestions or anything comments that you were requested so I as David explained the Conservation Commission asked me to um Ral a storm water portion of it which I've done when I went through it I obviously looked at the zoning as I was going through it so I I'll get a letter if you guys want me to which I assume you will I'll get a letter to you to you guys about the zoning compliance next week um I was just waiting for official authorization to do that so but it's again I don't want to go through the comments right now because they will be addressed and they hav we we've received the comments we've scanned them but we haven't had uh time to kind of implement the modifications but there's no there's no even yellow flags in that it's it's easily addressable from our standpoint and I wouldn't expect them to address until they get anyway all right I'll ask for any other comments or questions from board members see the question I had you talking about the two buildings and uh they both drain on both sides down into the southern portion there the way down at the very bottom yes one building from one side should one what do you need the other two for if everything pretty much drains [Music] down so as they had mentioned so the the Basin up toward the top where he's pointing out that's actually size to take all run off from the senior center cross as well so that's expain that inting into this design the future senior the middle one left that that's a weapon that's just a weapon yeah so that's kind of existing and staying staying yellow is the 100 foot and the Pink's the 50 correct Y correct and the blues Blue's the W ones itself there was one kind of a let's say somewhat peculiar item regarding the wetlands where there was a a proposed um replication area um as part of the original permitting that was uh never constructed and it was um for because the construction of this Basin encroached cyly on the wetlands there was a requirement to replicate those Wetlands so we've Incorporated that into our plans um it's kind of a again a legacy item from way back in 2015 and again that has to be reviewed yeah we we met with the Conservation Commission and presented that to them so that's um uh again in progress any other question can you show me on this because I can't see unless I'm just distantly um handicapped where the where the crosswalk goes across please right here okay so it's sort of in line with the exit do you think that we're going to need a light there someday it wouldn't warrant a light you you would never I can even though I'm not a traffic engineer I can say definitively uh you wouldn't be allowed to put a light there cuz there's just not enough traffic beyond that I think it would create such a mess up the street wanted to touch on it because um and then can you show me where across the street exit is is it a little south of there um sorry entrance cuz I forgot it's one way right there okay and the stairs that are across on 266 am I saying the right number okay on to the peach farm so those stairs that go up are they sort of near where the crosswalk is one of them one of them is pretty close yeah so the crosswalk comes across here and then there a stair okay so it's just a little bit salt yeah it's just a slight jog I'm just curious how it lays out is there a way that you can show off how that like on some sort I know they two separate but they sort of the same how Lin up we got a screener back we have exhibit for like other boards that kind of show the um the whole pedestrian route so it's it takes it from the um uh this property down going across going up and that sort of thing so got include that in our package thank you and then the other thing is is I with like to piggy back on what Tom was saying about the straight on and also from the south and is it possible to get a rendering from what it looks like behind or is it um do you know what I'm saying like from I'm just putting it up there like more the better I I tried that exact thing but we don't have um uh we don't have kind of that adjacent house like rendered um that might be a heavy lift um but we can but we can show you we we can kind of communicate the uh sight angle and kind of how much of that building you would see above the garage so that's kind of you know what I alluded to earlier and then sort of show where the entrances and exits of each would go like from the street we we can show us we can show a straight on just in this like I was trying to figure out where everything is and it's not labeled out and I really just want to see how it's all going to yep y okay yeah that uh um in the other presentation that kind of first slide of the pickle ball court with a thing across the street that actually is probably one of the better uh views I would say it's a good view yeah so so that kind of that's one but yeah we can um now that we have that model built we can um we can kind of fly around and take other pictures it's like a 3D model you can rotate and show how far can you bring it down can you bring it down to where the sidewalks would be at the housing that that's already there the um you know the um the no so we have we basically have what we're proposing rendered and then we have uh we did the plaza uh next door yeah I just mean I'm not asking to see the other housing that's already built I'm just wondering how far south you can show us our cut off line is like here okay in terms of what we what we have in there so we can we can kind of stand here you know on the edge of what we've rendered and look that way if that's something you're interested in please okay yeah yeah we kind of have it you know going this way I think we got a good you know picture this way going that way so we can kind of do the same thing on the other direction my only next question would be you guys need additional time for everyone need on the uh July 11th meeting no just building the model pleasure of the have a peer revie and what do we need for that we need the a revolving account the account yeah and authorized I submitted a proposal for conservation so there's a revolving account with conservation which I know that's enough money to cover my review for both boards I don't know we should we separate yeah we should we should segment it so if you can if you could um split your proposal give the appropriate you know zoning review to the planning board we'll fund it via the planning board and then it'll be funed that way that's the appropriate segmentation all right then I'll set an entertain motion to establish the ging account revolving account for BR to do the peer review and and appoint or and authorize Mr um I make a motion to authorize um pgb to do the peer engineering for the planning board um and have th set up a revolving account forol 265 for 265 mon it will be based on his proposal I'll get i'll get an so we can we can handle that to that we can handle that Adra so yep so he'll send his proposal they can get email to me I'll fund the account and am run and estimates Y and then and then he can get moving okay well that will be that okay so we'll continue that all right and uh so how about a motion then to uh continue the I want to see that dates let's have a motion to yeah did yeah I did that we vot no we have a motion in a second second okay there's a motion in the second uh all those in favor of establishing the account I can continue please say I I I unanimous can I just circle back to one thing go ahead to cir go ahead on 266 watching we've been talking about uh Stone water management and and Conservation Commission where is 266 with conom have they approved the storm water management plan I I'll take that one on so um there was a bit of a policy change while we were in progress um it went from uh uh the commission prefers to upon receipt of an application and again I'm speaking just from the previous public hearing to send it out immediately for p review send it out to other boards for comment get those back and then declare the application complete uh and then advertise and then schedule a hearing so we were into conom for months on 266 with this application and kind of got caught in this Loop so we are following the um new policy um and uh we believe that at this point we can deem our application complete we're going to confirm it with the commission and then go through the advertising process the reason I'm getting at it is because if we were to go ahead and approve anything I would want to make it subject to the approval of the storm the yes yeah so my letter to you will not only it will also include all the comments that I conservation because you guys are concerned about the drainage as well so exactly um it's just yours will also include the zoning aspect of it but it it will include so while they're going through it you know when they correct it for conservation and you it'll all all come together okay so then my question would be do we continue this to the next meeting or until we we hear back from the meetings when do you want to come back yeah I'd like to come back but next year 11 I think there's given that that pth is into a peer review because of the Conservation Commission I don't think that that uh will be the the critical path time for you yeah for to address the other issues that have come to light to date is um you know a few days honestly conservations meeting on Tuesday for this and um right Y and um so they probably be ready we haven't put any comments into them but we don't really to it's really their perie I mean we overlap is what thing is here but we would want them to have concom approval also you know D would be part of that as well because they had to file soon so anything we would do I would suspect we want to include a caveat that everything would have to be approved subject subject to Y and then okay so the issuance of the C from the coniss no thank you myself the case of 266 stor there is no notice the 10 for 266 CU we know black so we continue 265 until July 11 right um I just want to make sure that we I'll on all our dates on this one do we have application for this side here how how we set time for 265 that's what I'm looking at oh in terms of time T yes sorry you don't know what to tell you 524 2024 so 524 45 days 737 + 11 we need an extension because we're 37 days in at the end of June add the 11 that puts us at 48 we need an extension can we have an extension for 30 yes yeah so we'll so now I can make um I have the blank form at this point so um I can I can send it in I'm going to make a motion to um continue 24 246 265 on poned Street jde civil with an extension on the site plan for 30 days which will put it at um sorry I didn't do that now you can just EX 30 days I know I know but I think you know me by now I put it into cell I don't [Music] knowth for works you can Che a 2024 is our first meeting in August um but the extension would be I have to figure it out just give me can you just make it to the July 25th meeting is July 8 so that would be 30 so August 7th August 7th so we're okay motion to continue 2446 to 65 W pons Street JD civil um with an extension of site plan to to August 7th 2024 but the continuation of our meeting will be for July 11th at 700 p.m. what she said second there's a motion in the to the 11 all in favor say I passes unanimous all right let's um move on to the uh meeting minutes of April 18th then approve I wouldn't say that any uh changes deletions acceptance I didn't find any errs [Music] okay okay motion to accept am minutes of uh April 18th 2024 as presented is a motion do I have a second second a motion and a second all those in favor of accepting the amend presented for minutes of April 18th 2024 please say I passes unanimous we're sing it around for signatures okay now where are any other new business next schedule meeting is July 11th can we make sure that we have all comments in from other the boards bya July 11th for 266 room concerts yeah but what are they going to review what have no not for 265 for 266 has just send out an email with June 18th updated plan for 266 so that we're prepared for the next meeting that would be a great my experience of over 28 years here because hardly anybody ever respond yeah but I'm I'm hoping we used to get a lot of responses over the last I'm Hing the police chief STS up here and kind of clear that just I want that in right yeah I really do would like to see that and the file what was that up we made other decisions to drive throughs and congestion and whatnot I think especially with elderly and whatnot I just feel more comfortable with it yeah yeah we could reach out to him for yeah you know what I mean just sent it out and then okay all right that's an administrative thing all right how about the uh motion and a second second all those in favor say I passes unanimously thank you very much [Music]