OK, good evening. Good evening. Can. You all hear me? We're all here. Uh, OK one more time. Can you hear me? Um, is this working? Can? You guys hear me seems to be OK. Good evening. Um At this moment I'd like to call to order the meeting of the Hamilton Wham Regional School Committee on Thursday may 16th 2024 at 7:01 p.m.. I'd like to begin the meeting by inviting you to join us in the pledge allegiance. Like, the United States of America. Which is stand One nation. Under God. Invisible. Liberty and justice. Uh, as we get started. I'd like to remind everyone that this meeting is being recorded and live streamed on HWC, a And Um If it is, uh, I'm gonna look to the committee to see. Um, but it looks like we have a large number of citizens available here for citizens comment, And so I'm gonna ask the committee, um, whether everyone would be comfortable with moving our student representative report, um up so that, um She can get her report in. It's an opportunity for citizens to see the student report. And. It also allows, uh, Julia to get to her other commitments. Um ok, Julia. Okay, Um Thank you for having me Once it loads Okay. Um, so this is the last district update we're gonna do of the year. Um First up is the high school. All right. Um, so the first thing is saying goodbye to seniors. There's obviously a lot of senior activities happening. Um so we've got graduation and candlelight that's gonna be on June 1st and then may 30th There's a lot of senior events happening as well. So following the last day of class on May 15th. We've got to do a lot of things. We had a pancake breakfast this morning, which was delicious. And. I didn't know Mr Meagon could shove like that. Um, we've got senior seminars tomorrow. Um, we went to the Red Sox, which was really fun. Um and then scholarship night's gonna be on May 22nd And then we also recently had, um, our senior symposium, so seniors presented their research projects on May 13th. Topics included criminal justice, health, sports, education and a lot more. Um, and there was a lot of work that went into researching, organizing and creating, um these projects and they're findings and I think it really paid off. It was a big success. There is also a senior art show recently, which was organized by the visual arts department. Um, it showcased a lot of senior art talent. It's gonna be up through just tomorrow, actually, and then it'll come down. Um, but some highlighted artists were Eugene on Davis and jelly, Nichols, Una Churchill and a Bela Cono, Fritz. Solomon and Claire Payne. And then on that sa me night, there was a spring chorus and band concert. Um, And. This is a photo of Eugene on performing an original piece that was very impressive. And. Then. There were also three juniors recently recognized IN the 2024 letters about literature writing initiative. So, Andre, Creo, Isaac Jones and Kate. Cassidy, um, were recognized at that. And, then just some other happenings. Um, the sophomore, junior and senior student government elections for next year will be on May 20th and then spring sports are in full swing. So girls tennis, unsurprisingly, has been crushing it this season along with boys tennis, who are on a winning streak and girls lacrosse recently won their senior night game. As for the middle school. Obviously Not a lot. Um or not as much as the high school. Um, but the melody. Miles, Um HW photos putting that on, and that's gonna be on May 25th, and then students performed their one act play recently on May 4th. And for the elementary schools, just a couple of things. Um, Cutler, third graders are gonna be going to the one museum on May 20th and then the Becker Spring Carnival, which is always very popular will be on May 34 31st, So. Keep an eye out for that. And that's it. Thank you. Thank you. Um, So when I have questions for Julia All right, um Just wanna say thank you for that. And, Uh, we really appreciate it. Um, you a RE? Of course. Welcome to stay. It's a open meeting. But. We also understand you might have some other things to do this evening. Thank you. Thank you. Mm. Hi. Um It is always good to have the student representative here. Um and it's a real joy that they were that they report not just only on the high school, but that they do their work to look and see what's happening at the other schools in the district and get a student perspective. Um Next up. Um, we're gonna skip back up to citizens. Comments, Uh, Mr Tracy. Do. We have the zoom It look like we're having maybe a connectivity up and down, So. We'll. Yeah The Yeah, And and I understand the live stream is having a little difficulty. Um That being said, Um, we can begin with people in the room. Um so citizens comments? Um are an opportunity. Um, for you as citizens, um, to speak and for us as the committee to listen. Um If You'd like to offer citizens comments. I will ask you that when you do a approach the podium that you please give us your name and please spell your name so that we, um, get it correct in the minutes. Um I also ask you to, um, limit your comments to three minutes. Those of you who have, um, come before to the school committee know that we really, um we set a timer and we do let you know when those three minutes are up. Um And. Um, we will ask you to keep your comments for three minutes. Um And. I'm Gonna ask someone who's willing to be the timekeeper. On the committee. Yeah. Amy's gonna be our timekeeper. So she'll just give you a little heads up when you're about about 30 seconds left. Um OK and we Oh good, and it looks like our zoom comments are up as well. Um, I'm looking at the time. I think we'll go till about 730. Then. We'll have a check in and see where we are. Fair. Wait. Yeah, we need to have the zoom people. Muted. I think we're gonna start with the people in the room. So if you are in the room, and you'd like to offer a citizen's comment, Um please approach the podium. Good evening. My name is Jeff Austin 50 Sharon Road. You indulge me. I have two different statements one of my own and one from somebody who couldn't make air tonight, so I'll try to keep it for me. Can. I just ask you I. I just want to make sure people can hear you. I. I'm not sure if that mic is loud enough Hello. Can. You hear me? Yeah. That's good. Good. Go ahead, So. I have two different statements. So Bear with me, Uh, again. My name is Jeff Austin 50 Sharon Road, Um as I've expressed in previous meetings, I empathize that as a group you've diligently worked for this quite some time on this, and I can appreciate your frustration that many of us are now just coming forward to push back on the trajectory of this consolidation project. With that said. I again emphasize that although you met your obligation required notifications within the meeting agendas and a few small public outreaches opportunities Enough was not done for a project of this magnitude in size, cost and future educational accommodations for young Children that are entering the school system for the first time as a school board in school building committee, the primary and only concern is what is best for the Children and as soon as it may sound, not how to maximize financial savings instead of what's best for the Children, that's what you should be doing. And certainly not take any considerations to align efforts outside of the school to accommodate subsequent town or state zoning efforts. Lastly. I urge you to reconsider your recommendation to the state of any guidelines given To, the state that heavily influenced cost and, most importantly, any option that do not support our current neighborhood schools, even if they do not fall within the MS B a criteria for funding. We do not want to get to the spring of next year and have all your efforts failed. Now. If I could I like to read somebody else's statement real quick. This is from, uh Kevin Rich 19 Cunningham Drive in South Hamilton. As, a 50 year resident of Hamilton with Children and grandchildren, both past current beneficiaries of our fine schools and teachers. I offer the following perspective. While good facilities. I define good as welcoming, comfortable, orderly, functional to their design purpose, environmentally sound clean and well maintained, are important. The educational experience and results achieved are far far more dependent upon the teachers and staff. Study after study demonstrate that teachers matter most teachers are estimated to have 2 to 3 times the effect of any other school factor, including services, facilities and even leadership. I once again read that great teachers can teach in a tent. As a graduate of Beverly High School in 1963 100 year old facility. No, it was not a tent now repurposed for condos. Was equipped with a small gym, all athletic fields remote to the main campus in all of the challenging that befall that a century old building. None of these factors seem to matter because we were blessed with an incredibly committed and gifted faculty and staff. In. The sixties Beverly High school was a division one powerhouse and football, basketball cross country and track our classes of 400 C sent its graduates to Princeton Brown, Tufts, Amherst, UMAss, northeastern Boston College, Boston University, Colby and many of the fine schools. At our reunions over the past 60 years we continually reminisce about the teachers we had that made such positive impacts on the trajectories of our lives. Never have I heard any classmate bemoan any aspect of the place we learned or the lack of resources of any kind. OK To be honest, the cafeteria food food wasn't the best. Imagine what could be. We need to wrap it up. I had two statements. Can I, Just finish this. This one. So It was two different. Excuse me, I. I do understand. And if if That's fine. That's fine. That's absolutely fine. So hello, can you My name is Can you please state your name. Robin Reyes. Ok, great. Thank you. And, um I can read this very quickly within three minutes, and I know Kevin Rich so We'll start again as a 50 year resident of Hamilton with Children and grandchildren both passed and current beneficiaries of our fine schools and teachers. I offer the following perspective. Well. Good facilities high defined good as welcoming, comfortable, orderly functioning to their designed purpose. Environmentally sound clean and well maintained, are important. The educational experience and results achieved are far more dependent upon the teachers and staff. My own words, not the costs of the brick and mortar. Study after study demonstrate that the teachers matter most teachers are estimated to have two or three times the effect of any other school factory, including in any other school factor, including services, facilities and even leadership. I once read that great teachers can teach in a tent as a graduate of Beverly High school in 1963, a 100 year old facility. No. It was not a tent now repurpose for condos was equipped with a small gem. All athletic fields remote from the main campus. Of the challenges that befall a century old building. None of these factors seem to matter because we were blessed with an incredibly committed and gifted faculty and staff. In. The sixties Beverly High school was a division one powerhouse and football, basketball cross country and track our class of 400 senates graduates to Princeton Brown, Tufts, Amherst, UMAss, Northeastern Boston College, Boston University, Colby and many other fine schools at our reunions over the past 60 years we continually reminisce about the teachers we had that made such positive impacts on the trajectories of our lives. Never, have I heard any classmate bemoan any aspect of the We learned or the lack of resources of any kind. OK to be honest, the cafeteria meals weren't always the best. Imagine what could be accomplished by developing a plan that first focused on retention and hiring the best world class faculty, coupled with a comprehensive facilities, upgrade and a visionary, long term maintenance program to care for and update our buildings, living where we are fortunate to live, we need not look far to witness evidence of very old homes and properties lovingly and beautifully maintained for hundreds of years. The funds currently targeted for new Could be so much more effective in achieving desired academic excellence goals with the right focus, Let's attract and keep the top teachers and staff with top tier wages, benefits tools and updated facilities to fulfil our objectives. Kevin Rich. Thank you. Uh, if So, um HWI. I think that I I don't wanna speak for HW ca M. I think they're having some technical difficulties and, um I You know I don't know what to say. Um, I, I Some people are saying that the people who have joined us on Zoom are having some difficulties hearing and Um Dana. People who are on zoom won't be able to hear through zoom They need to log into HW ca M and listen through that. So I Thank you. I E. Excuse me. Oh, hold on. Those of you who have been to our meetings before? No. I'm going to give people the opportunity on zoom to speak. I'm going to do that. OK? Right? Is there anyone else in the room who would like to speak? Please approach the podium. Going on. Great. Good evening. My name is Ed McCarthy. They live on 60 Cunningham Drive. I'm in a butter to the Cutler school. And. First of all, I'll Start with a thank you for The work and the effort you do to educate our Children. No. My Kids attended college school and they received a wonderful wonderful education there from the staff. And on to the middle school and through the high school, So I. I know you all did have a part to play in that. So. Thank you. I am appreciative. And I'm asking you. To respect the will and the wishes of the community. Um We bring people to the board to represent us and to listen to our needs. I'm vehemently opposed to putting a mega school in my backyard. I'm really, really opposed to that I left Boston. And. My wife left Salem to come to a small town. A wonderful town. With with great schools. Great Fire Department Great police. And, we We truly want to keep this a small town if I wanted to live next to a mega school with hundreds and hundreds of kids and and then plunk in 750 units downtown, I can move back to Boston, but I chose to buy here to invest here to raise a family here. And. I am very opposed Every single person I have talked to neighbors, Friends community. Not one person, not one single person has said to me, you know, I think that new big school would be great over there. I think that would be the best option for the kids. Every single person is against it, I. I hope you need to hear this that I'm trying to say this in the most Polite and kind way, But this is really a bad idea. This is not for the good of the Children. This is a plan that is being rammed and pushed through. And. I just hope that you would all respect the will and the wishes of the community and again. Thank you for all you do for our Children? Thank you. Um Sure. Uh, Mr Tracy. It looks like you have one person on zoom that would like to speak. Is that correct? Eric, You're all set. Go ahead. Let's make sure we can hear him. Hi. Can. You hear me? Yeah. OK perfect. Thank you, Uh, good evening. Uh, my name is Eric Muster and I live on Naples Road in Hamilton. Um, as a parent with four young Children under the age of six, the possibility of consolidating our elementary schools will most certainly have a direct impact on my family. After reviewing internal E mails. School committee meeting minutes the MS B application and other relevant files over the last three years. It is clear that consolidation was always the preferred option by the district. Now. This surprised me as the thought of a large elementary school consisting of 740 students was not at all what we were looking forward to when we moved here. We wanted to experience the small neighborhood feel of a local elementary school. So. I decided to look into the academic research and white papers published on this topic. The academic research and studies have consistently found that students who attend small elementary schools outperform those in large schools on almost every academic measure. They feel safer. They come to school more frequently, and the report being more attached to their school. Small. Schools also help build strong communities, Parents and neighbors are more likely to be actively involved in school. And. The students benefit from community support and the school turned fosters connections among neighbors and encourages more participation. Now. When. I asked what studies and research were used to come to the decision to consolidate, the superintendent confirmed in writing that no time has been spent reading, academic studies or relying on research to make this decision. He replied. We are not yet there in the process. Ask you all now before it's too late. When will our Children's education factor into this decision. The first sentence of the Hamilton Wenham School Committee and superintendent protocols which you have signed and pledged to adhere to states in quotes. An elected members of the Hamilton Wenham Regional School Committee. We, including the superintendent. Accept the high honor and trust that has been placed in us to ensure that the students of the district receive the best education possible. Now, please do what is best for our Children's education, as you have promised by rejecting consolidating these tools. The Science is clear. Small schools are what is best for young students. Our young Children are counting on all of you to prioritize them and their education first. I hope you don't let them down. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Is there anyone else in the room who would like to speak if they if so, please approach the podium. Good evening. Thank you for all that you do. Can you move the mic. So. You can Yeah my name is Erica twi spelled TO RT OR. IC I and I live at 85, Woodland, Mead and Hamilton. Thank you for the opportunity to share my viewpoint from a mother's perspective regarding the option of school consolidation and the negative impact it would have on the Children and the district as a new mom. I feel that it is my duty to not only advocate for what's best for my child, but also what's best for the Children of this town. Critical decisions are being made by this committee that will impact the school experience of many Children in this district for generations to come. We cannot afford to make this Steak. We owe it to our Children to do what's best for them. We recently moved from Hamilton to Hamilton from Charlestown. The school system was at the top of our priority list from choosing a town that would suit our needs as well as our lifestyle. We saw an opportunity to send our daughter to one of the small, beautiful neighborhood elementary schools here in town, each of them with plenty of open green space for kids to enjoy. We were excited to think that our daughter would thrive in a cozy, intimate school where the teachers, staff and parents could know one another on a first name basis. The residents of this town whose Children have attended these small elementary schools have had nothing but incredible things to say about Winthrop, Bucher and Cutler. Even our superintendent, noted that the strength of our district was our small schools. The elementary principles in our district consistently state that the small size of our schools are what make them special. The anxiety I've experienced at the thought of sending my daughter to a high school size elementary school is incomprehensible. Research clearly points to the many benefits that small schools bring to our young Children. I can constantly find myself thinking of ways I can afford to send my daughter to a small private elementary school instead of this large consolidated school, and I'm, not alone as a district. We can't afford to keep losing enrollment to the private schools. Many of us were willing to pay the high tax rate expecting that In return, We would get a quality education in a pleasant learning experience at the Children currently enjoy I believe that everyone would be in agreement that the school renovations and our new schools are necessary. However. I think that the consolidation of three elementary schools would be a detriment not only to the school Children but to the town in general, if this project were to go forward, it opens the door to the fugitive development of Winthrop. I'm take Can. I take my husband's three minutes. Um, Winthrop school site that may contribute to the loss of the small town charm of Hamilton Wenham. We are in agreement that we don't This and we are willing to vote it down for the sake of our Children and their education. I've done some research to try to justify why the district might have decided to embark on this large consolidation idea, but honestly, everything I read or everything I learned by talking with teachers points to the advantage of smaller schools versus larger schools. Three minutes I grew up in Stoneham, Mass in a population of 23,000 people. They have three small elementary schools ranging from stopping for a second II. I I understand that people want more than three minutes. But when a room this size it is appropriate and it is our Always practice to give people three minutes. He can step up and that means some. You can go right ahead. She grew up in Stoneham with a population of 23,000 people. They have three small elementary schools ranging from 2251 to 324 Children each I then moved to Charlestown with 20,000 people, and they have overwhelming number of small schools ranging from 108 to 281. Why on earth Would a district with 12,000 people. Hamilton when I'm having elementary school larger than one of the elementary schools of the city of Rivire Revere's population is 58,000, and they have smaller school at 467 to 684 that I proposed 740 Consolidated Elementary Does anyone's eyes open up to that. When. They hear these staggering numbers? Our population is 1/4 of the size of revere. But our proposed elementary school is 100 students larger. It's a mind blowing to me, and it makes absolutely no sense. I'll. Leave this with you tonight, the first sentence of Hamilton Wham! School committee and superintendent protocols which you have signed and pledged to adhere as elected members of Hamilton Wham re regional school committee. We include the superintendent except the high honor and trust that has been placed in us to ensure that the students of the district receive the best education possible. Please Fulfill your oath Tonight. Our Children deserve it. Thank you. Is there Anyone else in the room Who'd like to offer a comment. Everybody online. It doesn't look like anyone online has their hand raised. Please. Good Evening. Good evening, Francesca Connors 343 Bay Road. First. Thank you for the time and efforts as a member of the school committee to all of you. As. You know I resigned from this committee last year because my ethics were being called into question. I understand now more than I did back then that a small number of aggressive agenda driven members of our community were behind those attacks. An agenda whose priority is not what's best for our Children. I felt it was my duty as a school committee member to be well informed on the MS B a process And. The specifics of past discussions on the topic. I asked questions that I think should have been asked and answered long before the P. The feasibility process even started. And because of this, I was silenced. Bullied. And accused of being of being a biased abutter. Even when none of my concerns were related to the specific location of the schools. I wanted to know. First Whether this committee Had ever reviewed any of the many peer reviewed studies on the educational safety and community benefits of small schools versus large elementary schools. Not high schools, elementary schools. A very appropriate topic to discuss and debate at the table You are sitting at I think Secondly, I wanted to know what financial models were created to show that over the long haul the money that will save Will outweigh the loss of our small neighborhood schools. Sadly. I still have not seen that kind of broader financial analysis. Third and, most importantly, I wanted to know whether anybody actually knew which options were preferred by most parents, teachers, citizens. Not just a few loud advocates. The. Success of this project is determined ultimately by the voters. Sadly. I still haven't seen any research showing that a large consolidated school 30 seconds for our Children. If Anything, the exact opposite is true. It is my understanding that no such research or studies have been reviewed by the school building committee. I humbly ask. When. Were you planning on factoring in what is best for our Children's education. We all know that our school buildings need attention. So. Let's be thoughtful about it and look at it in a 5 1020 year time frame as I know, some school committee have been suggesting for a long time. Francesca, can you Can you please wrap it up. Thank you I have a couple of more paragraphs here. Can. I just remind anyone who's taking over to please state their name and address Jesse Hurley 17 Patton Drive. Thank you, Sadly. Francesca still hasn't seen or any of us haven't seen any research showing that a large consolidated school is best for our Children. If Anything the exact opposite is true. We all know that our school buildings need attention, So. Let's be thoughtful about it and look at it over a 5 1020, year time time frame. I beg you to be mindful of the gravity of your decision by rubber stamping the SB C's decision to consolidate the decision was made by an unelected committee who's formation didn't follow the districts, local agreement nor the Ms B's Written policies, a committee that was made primarily of people with a background in construction. A, few local citizens and no current or future elementary school parents on it. A decision based on a questionable quote unquote educational plan, written in a short time. By one consultant. By rubber stamping this consolidation you are attaching your name to a decision that will forever change our community and not for the better. So before you make your final decision. I ask you. Do. You really understand the effect that consolidation will have in the long term. Do. You really understand how consolidation will affect our school rankings, property values and taxes. And. What kind of domino effect, it will trigger most importantly, Do. You understand the how consolidation will affect our community, Our teachers and our young Children. Please do. It is best for our Children's education, as you have promised to do when you signed the school committee and Superintendent protocol. Thank you. Thank you. So. At. This point. It's So it's 730. It. Looks like we have one person on Zoom, who would like to offer a comment. Um, and maybe more and more person in the room. Is that correct. So. I'm Gonna. I Want everyone to hear. Can You all hear me? I'm gonna take a comment on zoom for three minutes And then I'm Gonna take a comment in the room for three minutes and then we're gonna wrap up citizens comments. OK y'all can hear me. OK. OK, So, Mr Tracy. It sounds like you have someone on zoom. Kim Yar said Dun mute. Um My name is Kim Stink. I live on Boardman Lane and I'm, a member of the town's Environmental Impact committee. And. Um, I'm joining today just to Um Encourage the school committee to think about, Um, the environmental impacts of, um the new building. And. I know that That's something you're already doing, but Um, just wanna make sure that it's top of the list. Um, that we think about creating a sustainable building. Um, that's going to, um Uh, help our town reach our goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2040 Make sure that, um any renovation or any new building? Um, takes that into account and I also just wanted to say thank you, Um to Superintendent Tracy for sending out the message about, um, idling in the pickup line. Uh H. I appeared in your weekly update. It was our first brush with fame. Um and I'm grateful that you spread the message. Um, I would just encourage the school committee to think about. Um, whether we could Um, have a very simple fix with a few signs at each school, encouraging parents in the drop off and pick up lane, um, to turn their cars off to avoid, um You know needless pollution into the very air and that our kids are breathing as they wait to be, um, dropped off and picked up thanks very much. Thank you. Thank you. Good evening. I It's OK, Uh, Deb Safford, uh, 46 Maple Street. Um, I. Just I think that where we are in the committee is that there's a survey that's going to be going out. And, uh to, um, kind of address. What the select, uh, Building committee was doing so I just would encourage you, uh, to make sure that that survey has all the options on there, including Winthrop and the status quo. Um Because. You can see that there's a lot of people here and not everyone's talking. But everyone's here on a beautiful night because I think the majority here are concerned about changing the status quo, so please canvass everybody. Every resident who's going to be paying for this? It's really important that we don't just talk into an echo chamber. Um, so I hope that that'll be taken into account. Um The. Other thing is that, uh, there's a fundamental transformation. That's afoot If. This Consolidation happens, which is, um, really changing the entire dyn. I got the education system as well as the downtown and Winthrop basically has had a target on its back for years. I now understand. As. I started looking into this more recently when I realized that the uh, town meeting that this was afoot. Uh, I don't have kids in the school system and I don't make a habit of, um, checking the town site and I hate Facebook so like that's how people get information, So. It's really important that we contact people through mail or through some other form, so we get input from everybody. I think everyone should remember that. The reason why Winthrop was given up and, uh, a consolidation at Cutler is happening is because of the desire to develop Winthrop. Uh, there's M BT, a three a zoning, There's 40 B. There's a commercial stuff that the, uh, town leadership has been focused on, uh doing and it's a fundamental transformation of our town. And. I think the citizens should be involved in that and the meeting on March 18th where the select board was guided to the decision. Guided to the decision if you look at it, watch watch the dynamic of the conversation and the way it flows and the fundamental outcome of that meeting was that Winthrop got five years and Cutler got the 50 which ended up being in the next S BC meeting. Winthrop is off the list. Winthrop is off the list now, OK, but that was a guided decision by a few people. Four people voted for that. And that is a fundamental transformation of our talent, so I think people need to remember and realize that this is a huge decision. Huge and what are the motives and the objectives for doing it? Is it commercialization. Is it The kids education. Is it changing this town. Is it meeting some requirements from the state. That are illegal and gonna just change so many communities so please Make sure you survey everybody, Please. Everyone know who's listening? And who listens to this recording? It's all about three A and commercializing Winthrop, and that's not the right reason to change our schools for our kids. Thank you. Thank you. OK, so, uh No. No. I'm. No, I. Actually, I'll Be brief Ex. No. Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me. I If. You are out of order, sir. Performance, and I'd like to make a brief comment I. I was explicitly clear and checked with the room to confirm that everyone understood what was going Democracy. I Look to the committee in my comments as I did not know, but I need to speak. Recess. This is you are not Sir, Sir, you are out of order is disagreeable. This is that was inappropriate. I am a minute. Excuse me. I'm speaking one. Excuse Me. I Am Speaking to the gentleman in the back who is being inappropriate? OK? It is Excuse me, sir. Stop, yelling from your seat at this meeting. It is not appropriate. We are temporarily a recess. He's the kicker, but he did a commencement speech. Thank you. OK? And. We are back in session. And at this point, um, we are moving on on the agenda. Um and next up, we are gonna have, um let's see a review of the school committee protocols. I can't remember who he said was next. Thank you. As elected members of the Hamilton Wenham Regional School Committee. We, including the superintendent, except the high Honor and trust that has been placed in us to ensure that the students of the district receive the best education possible. To that end we hereby commit to the following in the conduct of our business number 13. The School Committee will demonstrate professional and collegial relationships relations with one another. To. This end members will work to maintain trust and mutual respect between and among each other, the superintendent and the administration by treating everyone with dignity and respect, even in time of disagreement, all voices and concerns of individual school committee members shall be given equal weight and significance. Thank you. Um, Next up. We have a portion of our mission statement. Is that you, Trent. Thank you. The Hamilton when I'm Regional School committee will lead and inspire a district that inspires all students to realize their fullest potential and feel a powerful sense of individual and collective belonging. Thank you. Um Next up. Uh, we already did the student representative report. Um and next up, we have the consent agenda. Um Before. We have that I do wanna just share with the people in the room. Um, now that we're all settled, um how important it is, um, to have these conversations in public and also to have them in a way that is respectful. I do appreciate that. We got to hear from you this evening. Thank you. Um, next up on the agenda is the consent agenda. Does. Anyone have any items they'd like to hold. I do. Uh, what would you like to hold? I would like to hold the mini grant. OK, and I actually would like to hold the minutes from May 2nd also Um, David. Do you have any. Do? You have a uh Oh, I'm Sorry. Does. Anyone else have anything to hold. David, Can. You offer us a motion. Um I moved to Hamilton and regional school committee, um, approved the consent agenda as written holding the miniature May 2nd and the Ed Fund, Midi Grant. Second by Julia Campbell. Um, all those in favour. That is unanimous and the motion passes. Um, Amy. What. Uh, you held the Mini grant? Uh, Um, I believe the amount has changed. Mr Tracy, Can you update us on that. Yeah. Thank you. The, um Original Mi grant that that is listed on here was 35 1527. Uh, when the teachers went to make the purchases with the the vendor, the prices had changed, and some things couldn't be purchased through that vendor, so they had to go to a different vendor and change out some of the items. Um, the Ed fund has agreed to the, uh changed price of $4962.25 for the same same program. Uh, some different pieces of furniture were purchased. Uh, just because of The availability and the ability to actually get them to us, so that's just wanted to be clear to everybody. I'm sorry. Can. You. Repeat the amount $4962.25. Thank you. Thank you and thank you to the Ed fund. That's great. Absolutely. Um I moved at the Hamilton, one of regional school district except the donation from the Ed Fund mini grant of therapeutic learning environment for 4900 and $62.25. Like Was a race second by Jen. Carr. Um is there any further discussion? It looks like we're ready to vote all those in favor. And that is unanimous and the motion passes. Um I held the minutes from May 2nd, Um, this is just, uh It's a minor thing. But I I thought I want the minutes to be a really accurate And if you go to scroll all the way down, that's a long meeting. If you go all the way down to the, um Bottom on page Um, the final page there. Um, that was a very long meeting, and they actually were no committee reports and no chairs, report And. I really think that should be Um, struck through so that it's clear that those things did not occur at that meeting. Um So. I don't know if you're if David, If, You're ready for a motion on that. Excuse me. I moved at the Hamilton Regional School district approved the miniature May 2nd, um, striking the committee reports and, uh, cherry reports. Second Julia Campbell. Is there any discussion or questions on that? Can I? Just! Ask a question. Do you wanna just because they were on the original agenda? Do? You wanna leave them on here and just put none. Um, I think it should just be a A? Typically. I think she usually does a strike, though? I Think, um so that you can see that it was originally on the agenda, But I. Just wanna make sure they didn't disappear yet? No, I fully agree. That's That's Actually. My goal is to make sure that it's really accurate and I think it's better to keep it there. So. That was it right? It was on the agenda, but it didn't occur OK? Um No. I can't remember. Did we vote. No, we didn't vote. All, right? Um, all those in favor. And that is unanimous and the motion passes. Okay? Um Next up. Um, is new business? Um So. Next is the 2024 2025 school meeting. Um, schedule. I, don't Oh, I don't know if you're gonna be able to see it up there, but you have it on your exhibit there, Um So This is a draft of a propose of the proposal. Does anyone, um I. Don't think we heard back from anyone with the head of an issue or a conflict? Um Basically. My hope is that Everyone's taking a look a T all these dates and tried to a jawline, your calendars and also any other holidays or any other things that, um and we're looking to have a vote on to set that. Well, you know, mine. What was that the only one I I will not be at is the ninth the first one. Alright. So you know you have a conflict. Yeah, Yeah, correct, OK. That is the work job? Yes. And, um And. Actually, David made me aware of that, and I actually did a little work with Eric to try to See if there was a way to adjust that, but unfortunately, his availability doesn't um, we have a window where, um, with when the leadership team meets and when our first meeting would be on the 15th that, um, doesn't really allow us to reconfigure And. I'm Sorry about that. Um, um just a point of clarification. We're holding the meeting on Thursday, February 27th instead of the 20th because of February vacation, Correct, Um and then I'm glad you brought that up because the meeting That. The February 13th meeting. Um, that is, we did something very similar. This year we had an if needed meeting. Uh, we would not anticipate actually meeting on the 13th, but that is the Um, final Vinnie correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's the final date we would need if we hadn't come to a budget. By that date. So. That would be, um, a a meeting that would hopefully not be needed, but would be extremely important if Needed. Um Right. Any other questions on this. Alright. Mr secretary. We'd be looking for a motion when you're ready. I moved the Hamilton, one of regional school district. Excuse Me approved the school year. 2425 School Committee meeting schedule as presented And tonight's agenda. Second Seconded by Amy Kerger. Um, is there any further discussion? No, right? All those in favour. And that is unanimous and the motion passes. OK, um So the next up, I you know, uh, this um is really it says superintendent composite evaluation discussion. Um, really? The. Only thing I was really looking for is here is we haven't actually made a decision about who's going to do the, um Composite who's going to do the compilation? Um and so that's um I certainly can review the dates and everything. We had an, um, an Maybe I should, um Just to review the dates we've already voted and agreed on the dates, which is that the due date for your, um independent evaluation is on. Uh, may 23rd Um And, then the idea would be to discuss and put it on an agenda on June 6th, um, which we might vote on June 6th. Um, if The committee's ready and if the committee is not ready, um if there are any revisions or discussion, then we would vote. We could vote on the 20th, but, um, but in order for you to turn your, um Evaluation and we have to know who you're tuning into. So who is willing to create the, um composite evaluation, So, I guess, um looking. I'm hoping that maybe Well. I don't know who's willing to do that, I guess, um I don't mind doing it again. I know I would do it, but I'm a away June, 1st and I. I am also willing to do it. Um, if you know, and I don't know if other people are It. Sounds like David is willing to do it. Um Yes. You have Yes? Um yeah, I don't mind doing it. OK? All, right? Um, it forces me to do OK. All right? I'm I'm not gonna arm wrestle you for it so Um all right, David you by? May 23rd. I do that. Yes and I do think we need a vote to determine that, so I don't know if someone is willing to make a motion. I move. We Appoint David Polito to compile the superintendents, Um, evaluation second. Seconded by Jen Carr. Is there any discussion? David. It Sounds like you would accept that OK all those in favor. Right, and that is unanimous. And the motion passes. Thank you very much David for being willing to do that, Um So Just as a logistics. Um, you will each one of us will submit via email Your independent evaluation to David. Um I guess by I don't know we make a time but on the 23rd. Yes. Um and then Um, we look forward to seeing what you create. All right, um Alright. Next up is the school building. Polling subcomittee update So. We met this last Wednesday and, um We're able to discuss with a one potential vendor. Um This is Signal pulling, uh which, um, I was able to find because they are ranked As the most accurate private polling firm in 2024 by ABC 538 Rankings. And, the pollster that we met with described their methodology. Uh and, uh, is actually from Massachusetts and worked for many years with Governor Baker. Uh and, uh, understands because of that, according to him, Um, a lot of the Politics around, Um, School committee and building projects. And so it was very comfortable with, uh, the information that we were that we were sharing. He described that he would be able to if approved, um, get a Um Cole built that would be Or or that would target a representative group. Of the population and be able to have results back to us. Within 72 hours. Um, the That was quoted Sent me An An updated quote just so that you will A RE aware. Um, I apologize. I didn't forward it to you, Um the the lower end is the same, Uh At $8900, and the upper end is, uh $11,600. So So between To 11,000 ish. Yeah. OK, um Art. So. Uh, thank you for that update. Does anyone have questions? Uh, I have a couple comments I. I actually found that Um, conversation. Really, really enlightening. Um You know, And, they said the the amount of work he's actually capable of doing. Um, is pretty incredible. I need to make it clear for everybody in the room that, um But because someone actually referred to it podium. I believe it was Mrs Tafford, but I'm Not sure, um, that this is not going to be a poll of the entire community. This is a poll. Based off of, um the representatives. Right? So just so So. He just chose it. He Trent told you how he chose the No. No, no. So they're asking how? Yeah so they actually have the entire demo demographic breakdown of Um, of our district of you know, Uh, Hamilton and one of them and You know, as he described it, and please correct me if I'm wrong, Um You know he's looking for about 300 participants. Um with these, you know, buckets that represent, um Different. Different demographics within The community, So, You know there'll be 27 people, you know, Per SE. I'm just throwing out random numbers of, um you know, mothers of Children in elementary schools. Um, you know, uh, you know, 10 in in and they're all based off of the demographic, the overall demographics of the town. You know 10 representatives that are, you know, uh, retired single income. Um Really? Yeah, so the the methodology that they described is they create a Profile of the town. In fact they already have it built, Um and, um, what they do is they seek to identify individuals that a REARE representative of the voting populace, um, because the the goal is to identify what is, um, likely to succeed or not succeed if it's put to a vote, and I think you you were saying that But what is the the vote that is required to pass? Past this, um for town meeting. It would need to be a two thirds vote of people at town meeting in each town at each town, each town and then we would have to go to the pole where we would need to win. Um, it's by a popular vote. So the we We discussed a little bit about the questions that would be asked, and their experts in putting this together, but we would be providing them information. Uh And so, uh, there's uh, a number of demographic questions that they ask to make sure that they've correctly identified the Um individuals characteristics as they represent the town. Uh and then we would be providing them information on the recommended, um, project from the school Building committee with a list of pros and cons so they would first be asked the question. Uh, would you support this, You know recommendation and then they'll be given pros and a list of pros and cons. Um, that would Be have to be decided upon for that project. They recommended like 4 to 5 bullet points for for each of those, and then ask the question again. And. Then they would also provide that opportunity for us to, um provide up to two or three additional options that the school building committee looked at to be able to to gauge what people's sentiments were for those, uh they also said that they're able to identify um, based upon some of the ways the questions are asked how passionate people are about particular options versus others, which gives us information on you know if If. You know you have 90% of people say they're highly passionate about something. Um and 1% say that they're moderately passionate about it versus the opposite that gives you more information about what's likely to happen, Um at poll Thank you and and again, these just to be clear. This is a professional polling. This is what they do. This is how they gather representative samples for various elections or other this is how it's done is that they create representative samples. Correct. This is this is what they did is how a poll works. OK? Thank you for your question? What are the mechanisms for this poll? Is it email phone? So. They, Um do what's called multi modal. So based upon the demographic profile, they identify. Um the mechanism and time that it's best to contact individuals for the example that they gave was, you know, sending a, um email to somebody who is, um, you know, A, um you know, very young person versus a very Old person, you're less likely to get a response. Um, based upon what they know about the The ways that they engage with, um With media, and so it's a mix of, um Text message phone calls. Emails. Um, to try to do this because we the the the best of all possible worlds, we would be able to ask everybody and get it. But in a period of time between now and June 6th when we have to make this decision, um This is the the we We did talk to one other vendor that said they would need seven weeks. I think, uh, to do a mail poll. Um But, um That, of course, would increase the the cost of the project if we were to do that, so A and the I think the the cost that was being quoted for that was more than double what we're talking about now. Can. I. Ask another question about, um Did. The. This estimate did that was there a guaranteed number of responses because my I know that one of the challenges in polling all all polling, not any polling. Um is the response rate. So did they offer you like a guaranteed number? I understand? They're gonna put out to a certain number of people. But. Did they offer you a guaranteed actual response. Right. So this was something that is kind of a cornerstone of their methodology Where. They, uh, know, based upon the voter rolls that they already have information for Hamilton, Wham! What the Population is that they're targeting and how many people they need to get a representative sample? Uh, and they continue to contact individuals until they fill every demographic bucket that is representative. So. They said. You know the chances that they're going to send out 300 get 300 responses that meet each of the requirements so they'll send it out to four or 56 700 until they're able to get that, Um Response filled Thank you that that's really for me. That was really important. Like I, I. It was really it was really, really interesting stuff and then the turnaround time in the report, they'll give us back I is is pretty remarkable. You know what you say? 72 hours and and it's a full Report breakdown that we could really analyze the data, you know really quite well, um You know and and the fluctuation in the price is really based on how much we have them in that the follow up like how many scenarios we decided to give them, uh for them to ask the lower end. Excuse me for would just be for the singular, you know, larger project and then you know, um, moving up as if we gave them like two or three other scenarios, so Uh yeah. Mhm so Believe that I. I don't know if we have the the precise number from them. This was the numbers that he was saying, and they were all round. So It. Yeah, it's both towns. Yeah. So So So. This is a really because we had such a rocky beginning to the meeting. I am very, very hesitant to allow people to just yell out during the meeting. I know that some other boards and committees in towns do this differently. We actually don't Really just go back and forth with members of the public. Let the Let's Excuse me. Excuse me. This is a This is a business meeting that takes place in public. You know what? You didn't let me finish what I was gonna say. Excuse me. Please Let me finish. I am running the meeting. Le. Let's Let. The Committee. Ask the questions as we do. To get clear on what the ad hoc committee has done. OK what I was saying. It is not normally our practice to allow people to yell out during the meeting because the meeting is between the people who are here at the table. It is a business meeting. I what I was going to say is let us ask all of our questions. I can see that this is a unique evening and that there are some people who have some questions. If, everything truly is not answered. We might take a couple of questions. That is not our typical practice. But. I'm not gonna be OK with people yelling out during the meeting. OK? No, I still have a couple of questions. I'm not sure whether other people on the board might have questions regarding about What we've heard. So Just to comment. I mean I was at the all those meetings and I was very impressed. The, uh, everything that Trent and do have Su is a fair summary of what went on in this firm is Very, very impressive. ININ the methodology and and they do they do to answer the question, actually, is they do wait? Waited by having these demographic buckets and making sure That every one of those buckets is actually filled before they stop, and they will go to the nth degree in order to do that. And? Yes. You're right. The normal normal. Outreach by phone. If. That was all they were doing. Is is like you get about a 1% return. It used to be 10%. So they're multimodal methodology seems to be old and and presumably a large team doing this to do it in that time. Is is a terrific force to bring to bear on giving the answer to the question. III I might recall is a little fuzzy in terms of the error error rate. They're talking about less than five plus or minus 5% kind of error. Yeah. They. They said that, um normal pole methodology which is, you know, mailing out and then waiting, Uh, because you never fill all the demographic buckets that you need. You end up relying heavily on population weights. Uh, so you know 1015 20% population weights because they continue to pull people until they fill all of their buckets. The numbers that he gave us were like 1 to 2% waiting. That happens, uh, to the results afterwards. So. It's much lower and that's one of the things that they attribute to being The. Uh, most accurate pulling, uh, over the past few years. Yeah. They got great. Alright, Jen. Did they give you any? A list of the demographics that they're going to consider? Um, they didn't what? They showed us was an example of what they've done. Um previously and they they shared that, um, with us, so I can definitely send it to you as an exhibit for a future meeting. Um, but the it's you know, age ranges and gender and lots of different, you know, um Demographics, but they essentially They said they already have. The. These data and the questions that they ask in the survey are to confirm that they've identified the right individual for the right bucket. Um, and so if you if they're targeting somebody that they think is, you know 50 Plus, uh, That identifies as a male and you respond. That. You're not that, um Then they Not include you in the results of the survey, and they move on to the next person. And so II, I think you said II. I think it makes sense to me. I. Think what you said at the beginning is that this polling company does a lot of polling in Massachusetts. I Think. You said they maybe did polling for the governor's race. Um, so it makes sense that they would already have demographic data for because they would have pulled Or potentially could have pulled Hamilton or Hamilton and went on for other Things is that Yeah, the the pollster that we spoke to specifically is like from the area. He had the Patriots stuff behind them, right, right. But In other words, if in other words if you were doing you, you might have pulled people from Hamilton or one of them on the governor's race. If you were polling for the governor's race, and you would have similar buckets of demographics that you would do in a similar kind of way. If you were pulling for that. That that that was my understanding. Yeah. Um, Julia. Did You have some questions. I just I. Wanna know? I know, because I know subcommittees sometimes disagree. But are all three of you in agreeance that this is the best option. Well. I can't speak for everyone. But. I can say I think so? And, then I'll defer to others. For their opinion. I was really impressed with OK, OK? Amy, Um, I just I Think I know the answer, but is the discrepancy in cost Just based on how long it takes them to fill the the demographic buckets. They actually said. It's based upon the number of questions we end up putting together Um and so for the Because we're trying to identify is the recommend recommended. You know, uh, consolidation, uh, going to pass that's like the major focus and then the secondary fo, uh, focus is what are the other options that a RE of interest to the community so that we can see that because we have to have we have to have enough information to make a decision on the sixth. So just having what doesn't work wouldn't be helpful. Um, And. So if we were to, uh, I think that there's there's a possibility that if we add, ask more questions to try More information from this then the price would go up. But. He was confident that, uh, based upon what we were discussing that this was the price range that we would fall into And I just have one more question. I'm Sorry and with the pollster a part of the part of the Package be for them to assist in writing the questions because that's a really tricky aspect of this. And. Um, I believe we were very clear that our goal is to Find out. What is the will of the community and that, um, you know, we have to be very concerted to make sure that the pros and cons list represent both sides of the argument in a very, um Transparent way. Um, And so that that is the the difficult work that would remain if this were to to be approved by this group. Um, I think that on the subcomittee we have the ability to do that. We've got a good deal of expertise. Um From David Polito's experience. Um And. Then. I think we've We've all heard some of the the arguments that you know, would sway people One way or another. Um, and so the the pieces of information that I think that we would need to collect are Something. That's more personal of, you know, how would this impact The average person's taxes, You know for each of these, um, because I think that that would be important. Um, And. So that's the the piece of information that I I don't know if we have at this point doesn't mean that the pollster ask. Asked Felt like would be needed, or that's just something that you that you feel like. I mean? I don't disagree. I. Just. I'm just in our discussions that was one of the pieces of information. No, no, I. I again I. Don't disagree. I was just wondering if that came from the pollster or if that just came from your discussions. You. You mentioned something before And. Then. I had a response to it. And. Then. I lost it because seven o'clock I'm Sorry, I think my My. My Initial question was about guaranteed. Number of responses, which I think it sounds like it'll come down. OK, Um all right, anybody else on the committee? Yeah? Julie? How can we? How? Are? They Gonna formulate questions when there are Some people that don't even know that this is happening in the community. And. Then. There are other people that are really invested and do have a lot of knowledge about it. So. I'm just concerned about how they're going to formulate the questions and the pros and cons for people that might have not not even be not even know that this is happening, I. I think that's why we have to have a you know, little briefing in in it that says, Like This is on the table. These are the Ways that, uh, these a RE the the You Know components of what This project looks like. These are the arguments that are, you know? Supporting it? These are the arguments that are not supporting it. Um, but I think you're entirely right like there's a large part of the community that probably is completely unaware, And this might come as a surprise, and I think that's the part of the community that we really want. They're their information, right? Um yeah, And so II. I think it's It's not gonna be perfect. But. It's really, I think the best option in the time frame that we have with the resource constraints, and I remembered the thing I was going to say, which is, um, their going to produce a report and a slide deck and they're willing to come and present it. Okay? Or via zoom, I. Imagine or well yeah, or regardless of just a slide deck, even if they didn't present it would be that But. Then you'd be relying on one of us to interpret that right? Yeah. That's great. Um ok, um all right, because as anyone else on the committee have anything so because I said that I wouldn't again I wanna be clear with the people that this is actually unusual If? Someone has a question specifically about Polling. I will take a question or two about polling. Methodologies or polling, so It seems like a lot of questions. Yes. The The questions. I. I don't have any reason why they shouldn't be made public. Well. It would definitely be made. Public because we would present it here. I mean and then I'm sorry. What was your first question. Lost and be available. Mm. C. On MS. Tomorrow. Um I. I don't know. Uh what we discussed at this point in time was the Proposal from the school Building Committee, and then I. Think 2 to 3. Other options. Um And. The discussion was really around which of the other options from the school building Committee, um, we would be putting in front of individuals because putting ones that Um A ARE, not Logistically feasible, given the process that they undertook, Um Seems like it would. It would not provide us the best information. Uh II. I think it would, it would be touched on only if if we were to give the options for, um project C 3.4, which is the largest school um C 3.1, which is the, uh, new construction of just, um You know Cutler and then the, uh, project of C 2.1. Which would be the, um, renovation. The Ad Renault of Cutler in its current spot. A part of that, I think would have to come up in the pros and cons of would be the fact that the You know you wouldn't be touching what Or um Or, um Buker overpopulation problems and that we'd be kicking the can of building those down the road or take on the co right. I think that would be part of that? Willing to say con conversation right it just because it didn't cost. I would You know, um so it will be touched on but it won't be Like dived into the point where Everyone's coming up with their own idea of what's what's the best II. I. Don't think that's the most efficient use of Of this poll in time, so and I, I don't wanna step on you. But I again. I understood when Trent presented it that the pollster Has actually done so some kind of similar Pulling in other communities regarding school building projects, correct. He. He said that he worked with Governor Baker for 10 years. So II. I guess All, I'm saying is that Well. It's a valid question, and I think it's an important question. I also think we shouldn't necessarily try to answer it right here with, uh, I think the pollster is likely to be able to Help us to guide the questions in a way that is allowing you to get statistically significant data, But. I do think it's important that the the room hears that we were asking questions like that for them right in that. You know, Um as he guided us to these pros and cons list. You know that that came from him and not us on how we should be going about this, and he did mention, you know, really, Just, um Trying to You'll give a, uh these feasible narratives as opposed to leaving it open. Uh more open-ended, I. Guess is the best way of of putting it right like this is going to be a gauge of what the community thinks of these particular projects. II, I. Guess if if we an individual did not Think that any of the projects were To their liking than they could indicate that would be an option to do by just saying none of them, right? Yeah, I'm sure that will happen. Ok. Um so I'm gonna take a couple of more questions? Um But again OK. Yes and I'm sorry with the black sweater. Yes. The Example. I Um Mountains. So that Um, alright, let's take a couple more questions. And then we really do need to move on. Yes, sir. Right there. 75 The the the way I have my notes written out for this conversation based off of how we had it would be giving the exact project details which You know correspond with, um, information that's already out there, which would give the costs of all all of the different projects. And. Um, you know, I think that's That is key, right? Because I, It's It's. It's key to these conversations. It's It's on What's coming up right? Not only the cost and how the cost, UM is affected by the possibility of you know the state the state funding reimbursement, right? So. So. This. Is it it all factors in OK, um, the woman in the Uh, orange sweatshirt. But Downside. Now. That Trying to do you wanna answer that? Sure we? We did talk to a um Another pollster. Uh, that Uh, their recommendation was to get the best answer. They would need 6 to 7 weeks to send out. Um, you know to everybody, uh, and the the S. So and Trent I. I just wanted to make sure I understood that, um So when you do a representative poll, as you've described it. Um One of the things that's different about that than Sending a mailing to everyone is that if you send a mailing to everyone Its self selected about who responds and we're not tapping into all the different demographics so that it might be highly likely that say a certain demographic might respond, and others might not. Whereas a representative sample like your saying they're gonna keep digging. What. Was that a multimodal, not just male, like other Well, I'm not I wasn't even talking about just male. I'm just talking about that. You know because response rates to both types of Bubbles are low, right? The Just wanted to make sure that that I I'm accurate about that. I don't want to misinform the people that just to to your question, specifically, um, last meeting, we were informed that if we we we've delayed sending the recommendation from this committee to MS B A, and when I start to get stuff wrong, Eric, please tell me, um But if we delay it past making a vote on June 6th, then the overall cost to Whatever project that we choose would go up by hundreds of thousands of dollars is that is that correct? I think it was $600,000. And I believe it was a unanimous vote on June that we all voted unanimously to vote on June 6th. Said. And Yeah II, I, You know in spirit. I agree with everything that you're saying, Um, where we have come up against the the time frame of if if we do make a recommendation, but it costs the town half a million dollars more than we've caused harm and So I. I think we're talked about all this at the last meeting? We talked about this a lot at our last meeting, and I think we need to I. I have one more question. And then I think we really I have other things on our agenda that we also need to do? Yes. Okay? OK? Thank you? Um All, Right? Is this a question, OK? The importance of Survey and Weight is gonna have No. People that are in this area that General election when we allow 300 Well. Election. Like all of you. Officials are Of course we would. Yeah. We have almost exactly how many people voted Penny. I got 500. Very inordinate number. Uh, it seems inappropriate. Are being, um Ignored for this target audience by Certainly so Was that we won't allow us in an election. So this is no but I just wanna III. I really do hear what you're saying. And. This is how election Polling. Works. Not election voting, right? So this What What trying to just described and this polling is how polling works. The what you're talking about in an actual election when people actually come and vote right is is different than that right? But. It's, but it's also still not everyone, in fact. In our most recent election. I think I only got 500 votes in the last election. Um so What Small Uh, no, but I'm genuinely. I'm genuinely trying to answer your question, because a small representative sample Is That's how pollsters do their work because they can't actually interview Everyone. Right. And, So. That's how polling works. If you, you, You get a representative sample if you just got 300 people, but they were all the same kind of people. It wouldn't work. You need to have a representative sample of people. That's how it works. OK I can see this isn't making it better. I'm getting more questions instead of less. So I think that Yeah. I think the important So. The. Important point is we We did vote on it unanimously as a committee all of us unanimously to do the survey and unanimously we voted that it would be done. By June, 6th. So. I just I mean? I just wanted to put that both out there that that happened at the last meeting. So now we're just deciding on protocol and how to do it. So make a comment. What. I can only make sure that it's I mean The. Important thing is that it's not making the decision. Yeah. It's not making the decision for you. You do you will ultimately make the decision at the town meetings? It's trying to be predictive of accurately predictive of what you are likely to vote as a group. So that we don't go down a path too far and then find out at the at the end that it wasn't approved. So th that's the Thank you, David. That was that was that was actually that was actually really, really helpful. And that really important right that it isn't. This is a a representative survey. The Ultimate decision is made to your point by the voters at town meeting and at the ballot box. This is we're not So Right. Thank you. Um, are these just comments? I know that people wanna make comments? Is it a question? Okay, go ahead. Record that shows it's Awesome. Yes, yes. Yes, it's an exhibit on the agenda from the last last meeting, the MSP the MS B A has, um You know we were in the MS B a pipeline and program and there are deadlines and due dates. And if you miss a deadline and due date, you get pushed back, and then it costs your mo more money. Um, we're gonna move on now. As a as the committee is willing. OK. So. What does the ad hoc committee need from us? I think we we need, um To know if the committee Approves US. Contracting with this company and then we also need to know if the committee approves the Sub-committee to work with the company to formulate the survey. OK. So you'd be looking for Two motions. One would be my guess since you got this cost estimate would be, uh, looking to contract for up to a certain amount of money Is that correct? Right. And then the second thing you might be looking for. I'm just I'm not putting words people can I'm, just clarifying would be perhaps the committee might authorize the ad hoc committee to work with the polling company to create the questions and create the Is that that sounds reasonable. I'm just is that what we're looking for, Um I. I don't I. It might make sense for us to be within. Uh, the I have a couple of questions. I have some I might be interested in asking of, um Vinny and Eric, but maybe we should be within a motion in order to do that. So if someone is willing to offer a motion to start I move that we authorize the ad hoc polling committee. Um, to spend. Money, Um, to create this poll with the signal polling company. I think you should have it like up to Well 1005 $100. Alright, Uh, do I have a second to that. 2nd 2nd by Jane Carr. Um, so just to restate the motion, it sound like the motion was to authorize the ad hoc committee to contract with the polling company, Um, for an amount not to exceed $12,500. Does that sound accurate. OK. Um and we got a second by Jen. Um Discussion questions. Um So I just have a couple questions. I. Guess. I want just input from Eric and Vinny, both about costs and about So procedurally what you're hearing here. Cost. I don't know if it goes over the Get three quotes. Or three quotes. OK. All, right? So, if the what would happen then, if this committee were able to get Contract for less than 10,000. They could just contract OK, and if not, we would have to put out um, just a request for quotes to two other companies. And, do we have to get to get one more back so two total. OK? Did you guys get a quote from that other company? We we We had a We interviewed A second vendor who quoted us I Think $17,000. The quote was W. I'm sorry. The quote was 17,000 OK? A RE you able to get one more? Quote comfortably. Well. It. Sounds like we've got two company but you do not have to receive one I. See. Ok. OK, so if so, that would be if you if I mean this con this Sounds like this polling company would be the lower bid anyway. Um of what we have. But if if you go in and the contract is over, then we would need to ensure that we've asked another polling company. Interesting. Um All right, um Do. You. See this vote, then Vinnie as problematic to being up to 12,500. No. We just need to be assured. And you could you would guide the ad hoc committee on about that. OK? Eric. Thoughts. No, I You and I have already talked about it. So we we were trying to figure out just to make sure that we had the the right process based on the state purchasing Rules. OK? Um any other questions or discussion on this? Is everyone clear on what the motion is. Yeah. OK, um, all those in favor. That is six. All those opposed. That is one and 6 to 1 and the motion passes. OK? Um Do. We have another motion on this. Hm? You want you wanted the second one to authorize them. Well. I'm Yeah. I'm asking if someone wants to try to craft that as a motion Um I move that we Authorize a committee to work with. The polling committee to create the poll and deploy the poll. To formulate the questions. That. That might be cable. It's, uh, it's it's mostly coming up a pro and pros and cons list of Of the projects that seems like what he's gonna be asking us. Feels really specific. Yeah, I wouldn't do that. But. I would just say work with the polling committee. Uh, to formulate I move that the ad hoc committee worked with the polling committee, the polling company to create The Content of the poll questions. Right? And deploy the pole. All. Right. Um, let me Oh, do we have a second? Second by David Frankel. All, Right, I'm Gonna try to restate it so that you can make sure that we got it. Um, I know it sounds like the motion is to authorize the ad hoc committee to work with the polling company to create the content of the poll and to deploy the poll. That sounded. Good. We are comfortable with that. Yes. All right? Is there a question? I have a question. Usually. I'm the one who answers this question. If we were to create a shared Google Doc. To try and come up with pros and cons list to then have a meeting and we whittle down the list. Would that be an open meeting law violation. Um yes, the three of you, Uh, I. Think. It would be. I Think, however, you could have a document Where Trent, You're the chair Correct? You could certainly have a document that lived with Trent and you two separately could send Information to trend Um Yeah, which is which makes more work more work for Trent. Every week. I keep voting myself to do have more weeks, So yeah. Again. This. I want to be clear so that people don't begin to believe that this is the way that our committee works because I know that some of the other town committees work this way, and it is not the way we work. OK, so OK? We voted on it. We voted on it for Respond. Yeah. I actually nominated David. I think it's important that somebody who's in those discussions and has the information be on the submit on the ad hoc committee so that they have the right information and to be clear. We have a subcomittee of three people. Um and so it's a subcomittee of three people as we always do, right it's worth at the will of the committee. So in other words, if the if they took a vote, there's three people there needs to be a majority. Um So Um You got to vote. Yeah. We need to vote. Anybody have any other discussion points? OK, um All right. Everyone's clear on the motion. Mhm. All those in favor. That is six in favor. Those opposed. I want to abstain, OK the, uh, no opposed any abstentions. One. So, Uh, the motion passes six in favor, zero opposed and one abstained. OK? Moving on, Um We are next on. Wanna be mindful of the time Here. We are on the MS B a grade configuration discussion. This is just a discussion. We're not taking a vote. We're just Understanding for future. Ooh. That's little. You'll have to look at it on your own exhibit because it's very little up there for some reason. So. This is another of the boxes that we need to check along the way And in talking to our MS B, a representative, Um if she and I were talking about if you know whatever direction we go in If you do, um Choose to Consolidate and they they just want to be able to document Um That. The School Committee voted to approve and authorize the proposed change to the grade configuration. So just as an example if you're looking at, um The Consolidation of 740 issues as an example or 645, either one of those you'd have to just say that it was authorized by the school committee, and then we'd go back to Any meetings where the project was discussed in both the school committee, the school Building Committee and according to my MS, B, a connection was to also add in the the, uh, any of the forms that we did as kind of OK. These are the the places where the project was discussed in in in public in public meetings they want they want to know how many public meetings the project was discussed. And So this is not anything we need to do anything with tonight. I wanted people to see it to say. If. There's a vote for a consolidated option. We have to complete this after that. Particular vote, So I'm just it's an if on the The What. They call the PSR submission. It's one of the 10 or 12 different forms of the state requires us to submit. On behalf of the committee. I just had a quick question on the signatures. There's a chief executive officer. Space. Who would that? Be me? And, the superintendent of school in a regional school district. The superintendent is also the chief executive officer. Thank you, It's a. It's A, one of the weird differences of regional school districts, versus um A City or a town or a city or a town. Thanks for answering my question. Um And just to be clear. This is because if an option is voted upon that has any kind of grade reconfiguration. So like any time, um, because I remember this conversation from a long time ago that any time an an MS B a project require like you're not any time you're not putting the exact same grade configuration and that you would do this, So in other words, even if you only moved say, because You build a, uh, you you renovated the college school and couldn't fit something if you were moving kids out or moving kids in because you just You still have to let them know that the committee voted to to do that. It was I mean he was OK with that So. It covers all all their options of movement like the Oh and I just went and a and a question I asked about this was this is This document does not require Hamilton when I'm in Perpetuity to keep the same grade configuration we could always In other words, you don't want to get into a situation where 15 years from now you wanted to move grades around. You weren't allowed to, but you are correct. It's just Yeah. It's in the initial stages of the what they call the feasibility study, which we're still in as you're going from feasibility into schematic design. They just want to be able to have those ducks in a row, so that's where that's where it comes from. So Are people have other questions. So. I would anticipate that we will put this document as an exhibit on our next meeting. Because. We're gonna potentially vote correct so we would put this on and if only it only may or may not be relevant, but if it's relevant, it would be there so you can expect to see the same document um, with filled in with the dates on it. OK? Um All right. Next up. We have, um, this is our committee. Um, assignments which we are meeting. Oh. There's something flying around really? Gross. I. Guess pterodactyl flies we have here. No. No. Um OK, So. Next up. We have, um, as you all Remember, we had a very long meeting before and we didn't get to the committee assignments. Um and so we need to do that. Um, I did get feedback from, um Two people three, including myself, Um, about preferences. Um, for the different committees. Um, but what I'd like to do just In terms of structuring. This is what we're looking at generally is to fill all three of our committees, negotiations policy and capital finance. Um And then to go through and do our liaisons. Um Typically, um Everyone. Typically, What we're looking for is for everyone to serve on a on one committee. We need two people to serve on two committees in order to fill them all up. Um So that be. That's that so I'm gonna just randomly start and just I'm gonna start with policy. Um And we can just I don't know if people have thoughts on how we want to do it, But. Um, we can either go around to each committee or I can go around to each person and you can tell me which one you would prefer to be on. You wanna do that? All, right. I heard a vote for that. All right, Amy. Why don't you start? What. Are you looking to? I've got a I've got scribble notes. We can just Toss your na mes IN and we'll see how things fall out. Don't be shy. It's OK to have more than one person wanting the same thing. We can figure it out. My. First preference is policy if all that submit before. OK. And. Would you be willing to if necessary, Serve on a second committee And, What. Would your preference be? Or or do you have none probably capital planning and finance, OK? David Polito. Are you willing to share your Uh, yeah. Negotiation. Thank you. Um OK, and are you willing or interested to serve on another one? OK? Yeah. That's a lot. OK Julia. Um Capital Finance is my first one on policy is my second Policy would be your second choice. Um OK? Right? Capital finance and negotiations. OK? In that order. Um, sure. OK, uh, David Frankel. Um, negotiations and secondarily couple of OK? And I. I was wondering why I had that written down. But you were one of the people that actually responded to me. So I do have and I have yours too, But. Go ahead. You go ahead and say it. Capital finance and policy. OK, um OK. Well. Um I love that we have. At least we didn't all pile up in one thing. At least we're all mixed. All of them have enough people. Um so, huh? Oh, I'm Sorry myself. Um I would like to be on negotiations. Um and my Reference would not to be to be on to, um, give a negotiations. Um, amount of work and Time time. Um But I would be if it were, you know, the There were no other option. Of course I would do it. Um, OK. So maybe I'll just read out what we have and see what we have, Um Looks like for negotiations. I've got the current team, which is David, David and myself are this is our number one choice, and Trent has Offered to be on there as his second choice. Um, policy. It looks like, uh, Amy and Jen have that as their first choice. I'm Sorry Finance is my first. I'm sorry. I actually, I have you down twice? Actually, I have, uh, only, uh, we've only got three people that are willing to do policy And. So. Um, we've got, uh Amy Jen and Julia Only. Amy chose that as her top choice. Um, capital Finance looks really popular. Um, I've got, um Jen, Julia and Trent have it as their number One Choice, Amy and David Frankel have it as their second choice. Um So I'm trying to see if it just if something if it just makes sense, I, I. Guess. My question is that would leave what I'm looking at? Who are the people that I'm looking at? Might need to do to there, Jen you're doing too right now, right? I said you and you're you're on too right now. And how? I mean How is that for the like, are both of you. Interested in stopping doing that because that's a lot. I'm a terrible secretary for all the committees, but I'll continue to do it. Um He still didn't get Is the same missing. What are you on right now You're on capital Finance, OK? Um Coming up. Um Mm. Are you looking at my scribbles and making sure? Yeah. Just make sure I don't wanna go, Jen, Julie. All, right you've got our secretary is going to have a thought. Go ahead. I have Amy, Julia and Jan in policy. Um, Julia Jen and Trent in Finance and David, David and Dana in negotiations. OK? Uh, is Everybody hear your name here where you are, was in negotiations that David also put his name in, um capital finance as well as uh, but this would put this would leave our same two people Jen and Julia doing two committees. I have no problem being on any of the committees, so just all right. Well. Yeah, I think that I think that if Julia and Jen are willing to continue on with two committees, which is a lot of work, and we don't, you know, um in and I'll I'll tell you the other thing is just keeping Committee the same. Yes, there's something to be said for that it Yes. It is it's um right in the middle of it. OK? So do you wanna read that one more time just so people can hear it. And, then maybe we can have if anyone has an a a concern or question we can do that, And, then we can make a motion. So read it one more time just for people to hear. Sure. So for policy. I have Amy, Julia and Jen. For negotiations. I have David, David and Dana and for capital finance. I have Julia Trent and Jen Right? Alright let's have in nine years is the fastest this has ever gone. I. Don't? I don't know. OK, Go ahead. Why don't I move! We are at the Hamilton I regional school district. Select the following members to the following Subcommittees policy would be Amy, Julia and Jen negotiations would be David David and Dana and Capital Finance would be Juliet Trent and Jen. 2nd 2nd by Jen Carr right any further discussion. All right? All those in favor. That is unanimous and the motion passes kick it off a couple of agendas and it's a five minute conversation. OK. Um, thank you all. And. Thank you in particular? I really? I really do wanna say thank you to Jen and and Julia for being willing to Stick with those two like Um That's a lot Um OK. Um So, Uh, I if you want to look, I don't know if you wanna pull the liaisons up on the It's on the front of the website. Um oh, yeah, I can on the like the school committee page. Thank you. Um, so I have a list of our current school committee liaisons. Um And I. Just Wanna make a quick adjustment or I'm Gonna Ask the committee about a quick adjustment. Um so if you see down near the bottom there, um there were three things the three bottom ones. And I. Eric and I discussed. I sort of wondered whether we needed those. I'll start with the bottom there when a master planning David do we need that still is that finished? It's mostly finished, so we we, they're they're ready to publish it and publicize it. You guys still meeting or no, I. Don't think we have another formal meeting. OK, so The, the There may be a follow on Kind of effort to actually execute the plan. OK, so as you I, I'm looking to you for your opinion on whether that's something that we still need to have as a liaison or not, for the time being, just, um As because I think the town's still trying to work out that it was just a question. Um I will go one up. I am the Hamilton master planning. We are finished with our, um, portion of the work that's moved on, Um, what we have actually closed. Um, our our work. Um and it's it's moved on, and it's now at the planning board, and it's out of. So, um So. I don't feel like we need that since that committee has been closed. We, don't I don't need to be a That liaison position anymore. Um, I did discuss with Eric, Um, about the athletic facilities Improvement building Committee. Um And. Our feeling was that even though things are moving in a different direction than it might be wise to continue to have that As You know, even if things are even though things are different now, it Um, but that was a question. Um, does anyone have any others of these that you feel like I? I didn't see anything else that I had questions about removing before we go through. OK, I didn't know if the wellness committee is meeting. I have not received any emails, Eric. I. I don't know what for the wellness Committee they have been here. OK, um, somehow got taken off an email this summer, so I'm happy to stay with Buker and wellness. OK. Well, I'm Gonna actually start with Trent because we need to get Trent into these and so, I I don't know what makes sense for you, Trent or what you're interested in, Um, a a liaison position. To, be honest doesn't typically entail very much unless they're sort of a question. It's someone for them to contact if you know someone From Bucher might wanna contact you if you had a question about you know if we Wanted to find out something about the we I select board. It's, You know that's who the liaison person is, Um But we also go to the friends of meetings and these, um around budget time and any other Big Questions and projects and talk to the representatives of the school about the Whatever questions they have but usually mostly around budget. Thank you. Yeah. Yep. So is there any that I don't not hate to put you on the spot, But, you know that you're interested in that you might be Um, we do. The ones that I would be interested. INARE Miles River. Um And then Hamilton Select board. OK? But I'm happy to be told. Well you need I mean you need to get in there. So, you know, like, um OK, um So You could split miles. Excuse We could split Miles River and the high school. That's a good point. That's a combined. It's a combined group. So the Friends group is the same is Yeah, but I mean if we have backup because I can't me not make all the friends meetings because of other conflicts, So OK. I mean two of us might not be bad idea. Um and I assume that middle the middle school is a good a good fit for you. Is that right? OK, um OK, uh, so maybe given that maybe we just work down top down. I don't know whether people are Like. I'm certainly willing to change things up if people want to. So, um Shall We just start a T, The top who Bucher is currently Julian. Does. Anyone wanna be you wanna stay stick with that? Does anyone have a Yes. You Wanna stick with it? Cutler is currently Amy. How. Do you feel about that? Oh you have Winthrop and Cutler? Yeah I would like to keep with theirs. Um, So is anybody chomping at the bit for Cutler? We don't have. I. Don't think we have anybody that's like a That colour right? Um, OK so I can keep Looks like you win. OK, Um it sounds like middle and high school. Uh, Trent and Jen. We're gonna split that to You know, middle and high, even though when it comes to the friends, that would be the same, but You know could be other things. Um Hamilton Select board. Um I might But, although I think Amy is awesome, Um, I might actually think, I. I might think that's not a bad place for try just like Relinquish. My. I just think it's a good you know, trying to kick you out. I don't know what other people think. Um OK, um Hamilton finance anybody particularly interested in that? OK. That's currently me so Um, when I'm select bored, I would be interested in that if If that didn't hoping he would take Finance Finance committee, But yeah, Whatever one you don't take I'll take the other one. OK So the two of you would like to split up that, um, thank you. All right, So. OK, All right, You've so Alright, um, I'm looking at David Franco First Select board. Polito for finance. Is that right? OK, uh, Julia's wellness and Your expressing that there hasn't been a lot of interactions, right? Um, all right, and then CPAC. I'm. I'm fine with that. Does. Anybody else have an interest INC PAC OK, I'm Just Gonna try to count up here. This is like Uh, let's see, we've got Two for Julia. For Amy, two for Trent. I know, I'll tell you I'm right now. I got one. Two for David Frankel. One for David Pluto. You know nobody. Nobody got? Nobody got three right two for well, I only got one. And David fled. Only got one. That's fine. Good. Oh and Jen. Maybe got three because you're still the athletic facilities, right? Yeah. Or maybe you still got two. Two. OK two. Good two. All, Right. Good. All, Right. Do you want me to read that? And? Then. You can say so moved OK? Alright. This is what I have Everyone listen and see if this sounds like what we just said. Bucher Elementary, Julia Campbell. Cutler Elementary, Amy Kerger Winthrop Elementary, Amy Coon Burger. Miles River Middle school. Trying. Honda. Uh Hamilton and regional high school jen car. Hamilton Select board Trent Honda. Hamilton. Finance Committee, Dana Ara. When. I'm Select for David Frankel. When I'm Finance Committee, David Polito. Wellness Committee, Julia Campbell. CPAC David Frankel Athletic Facilities Improvement Building Committee Jennifer Carr. Yeah. Second OK moved by Amy Coomber and seconded by David Polito. Um All right better myself. All those in favor. Oh. Is there any discussion? All those in favor. Unanimous thank you all for your patience on that. All right. OK, Vinny. Yeah. So tonight. I'm seeking your approval to hire Carina Warner as our assistant district treasurer. Uh, Karina has extensive experience with the Treasury functions of a municipality with her 23 years of experience. Uh, Karina has worked in the town of Ipswich's, uh, Treasury department since 2001 where she currently serves as the town's assistant treasurer and collector. The exact job. We're hiring her to do, uh, but ours is kind of part. Uh, the business office reviewed a total of five applicants and brought three in for interviews. We narrowed it down to two great candidates, uh, but ultimately chose Carina because of her vast experience in this direct role, uh, attached to the agenda tonight is her complete resume, and I can answer any questions you may have OK? How Angry. Is Ipswich going to be kind of sharing her, so they the two days a year we A Excellent. Um other questions. Um So. I move that we The Hamilton Regional School Committee vote to appoint the assistant treasurer as recommended by reading Leonie and presented in tonight's Agenda. Second by Jen Carr. Is there any other discussion? All right? All those in favor. Is unanimous and the motion passes. Thank you guys. Thank you very much for the work in in doing that, Um and I, I will say I know I said it at the last meeting. While it might only be two days a year. It is a really, really critical critical position to have and I'm feel a lot better to have that voted in. So thank you. Um Okay. Next up, Uh, capital Finance. We've been, uh, we haven't met, but we will set up a meeting time. Now that we have a full Senate Committee. Great. Now that you know who your committee is, which is at the next level committee. Julia. We need to vote on Um Rules right or In within your, But if the committee is not changed, Can, we just keep it or I. Just I didn't know the pro. I would say it's still wise to just have a vote at the first meeting that who's gonna be the chair and because you guys might change that on the agenda for the first After all you might wanna have a break from being so I was gonna say you sound like you're not loving the secretary role so bad at it. It's my fault. I get better that we're getting to that. Um, OK. Actually, I was looking at the list. You're doing pretty good I am doing I'm Got all of 2022. Yep. Down. I'm not sure what we can do about since none of us were actually on the committee. No, I. Think I, I think well, David will give an update on what I'm Backlog on and hopefully it's only a few. OK, um Right policy. No, we meet. Uh sa Me update. We'll have and OK All schedule a meeting and set up a policy though I will say, um, the three of you don't have a chair right now because you have a new configuration. Um so Just in terms of again Scheduling is something that it's totally OK for you guys to have a conversation about even though you don't have a chair you can still Communicate with each other about Getting a schedule and then you will need to vote for a chair so that you have that. Um So. Um, you you might need to just have a sort of somewhat of a generic first. Policy agenda meeting. Um Because you don't have a chair to really set the agenda. Um, for finance. I'll, Send it out to you guys. We'll just do a meet anywhere, Meet anywhere type pole thing. OK come up with a couple of days. Um, negotiations. Um, As. I said. We're really in the, um In the weeds with the teachers negotiations at the moment we met last week and we actually just met for a strategy session. Um, session the other day we have a meeting coming up. We'll discuss in our, um About later tonight. It. Excuse me about, uh, PC agreement, which is next Wednesday Gonna go into negotiations with for that, And then next Thursday, we have our next Uh, meeting with the teachers union. So Pretty busy. Yes. Very, Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. Go ahead, Eric be because Vinnie and I were were tasked with negotiating with a me We were finally able to get them to the table. Uh, after several months of trying to get them together, So. We've had our first meeting set ground rules, and, um, we've received their request for Uh, Changes increases and things like that to the contract. So we're we're we're sitting at that moment, and we'll meet again next week. Um, with our counters and and just we'll we'll keep you informed as we as we go along, so just just in the beginning stages of negotiations for both the Ask me groups Now, we we are creating a new contract for the cafeteria workers and then the custodians is is just, uh, a renegotiation of their usual term. Is that the separate negotiations OK? Yeah, we tr we We looked at combining the contracts, but the the jobs are so different that it just didn't make sense. It really got messy. So we've got, um some agreement on some of the bones of the contract for the cafeteria workers, which were actually taking some of the pieces of the the custodial contract that are are normal to a A contract like some of the management rights, preamble, things like that. So. Um, we we'll meet and just keep going back and forth with them to to nail that down, um, over Next, probably month or so. All right. Thank you. Um anybody else have questions or anything about negotiations? Okay? Uh, David back to you for Secretary report. Um actually, during this meeting, I just emailed all of you guys with a link to the outstanding meeting minutes. Excuse me just so you guys have access to them, Um Capital finance There is, um Seven outstanding. Minutes, however. Four of them are from 2017. So. Technically, you're off the hook on those. I'm gonna have to figure out how we're actually gonna How we go about, um Trying to track those 17. So, so Janelle Janelle gave me every everything that's that's like Um, I. Don't think there's anyone on the committee who was on the committee in 2017 were on the in 2019, either, anyway, OK, we'll find out. That's Why. So. Other than that, um Well. There's the four from 2017 1 from 2019. And, then, um one from 22 1 from 24. That's outstanding so but I gave you the list so you can know what's what's missing and then policy. Um they're appears to be about 10 again a lot. A. Couple of these are old Um 2019 also didn't vote. 20 Maybe. Like you have them where you put in an agenda that we didn't vote on. OK, thank No. I. Guess we have to. So Yeah. So there. There is a question here about, um two from 2023 that might have been approved at a previous meeting. Um, I just haven't done the groundwork to really just try and chase these down. Excuse me. Um and then you know, taking those outliers out. There's about five that are outstanding again. Everybody is connected to this list. So If, You're wondering what's missing. You can just Right in there and Figure it out. As you know, Excuse me as you do it. You can either change. Um, the dropped down to you know a waiting for approval. Um so that we know to take it off. And. This is everything over 30 days? What's that over 30 days? Yeah, OK. Alright. So. Thank you, Janelle because yeah, that's great. He did it all and I just made it look pretty That's wonderful Thank you very much for that. Um, And. Does. This mean negotiations is up to date. Yes, we're I think just barely. I have one that it's 30 exactly days, but I just did it. So are you gonna do it? OK, um I suspect. I have one that now is 30 days, but probably wasn't when Janelle did this like yesterday. OK, um Um Yeah superintendent's report. All right to you, Eric. Thank you very much. Um, what's going on? Tomorrow is actually the final day for our seniors and classes. Uh, they have their workshop. Uh, tomorrow and they will be done with their classes and academics. And the more they'll they'll have a little bit of a break for a few days and they'll jump into, um senior events leading up to graduation on June 1st so exciting time for them. Um, certainly. Look forward to to coming to these different events like candlelight and graduation and some of the senior, um, banquet. Um, awards that get handed out of front too. So I look forward to that part of the year, and it's also sad to see classes going because this is my This group is is my was my freshman class. My last year as as principal, So. It's A, It's a tight, tightly connected group, and I look forward to attending their graduation. Last week I went to senior symposium. Hope. I didn't take your steam there. Um, and it was a great opportunity to see final projects of of the kids, uh, who are graduating also, Um Kids that were on internships during fourth quarter did, uh, different projects and different, uh, presentations based on their experience. One of my favorites was one of our students was, um, she shadowed a P A and really got down and dirty like into the nitty gritty, Um, and she was very excited about that. So I think you know that's a A good opportunity for, uh, senior in high school to get a glimpse of what you know, being a P A might be and then, um, she's going to school for it. She wants to to continue on and and do the work. Which as many people may know is more than four years. I think it's seven years now. Minimum, um, plus a lot of other things along the way, So that was it was fun. It was a great great day to to visit with the kids and and get to hear some of their, um, projects and why they picked them and And how they'll they'll apply that to the future, Um, update on the field project. The. Uh, bids came in last week. Uh, letter went out yesterday to award the final bid to Argus. Um Uh, construction. They, uh, came in at 9.6 million. Which is, uh, far under, uh, expectations and, um we'll still have to do a couple of things before that, based on the conservation commission requirements, and the planning board requirements. Um One of those is happening tomorrow, which is, uh, test pits. We have to do seven test pits in the high school middle school back area. Um, those will be done tomorrow. And then we have, um we're still working on a contract with, uh, a testing company to do the water testing in various spots along the There's A stream on the, uh people are familiar unless left side of the the softball field and then the Miles River in the back. So those are requirements of the Conservation Commission and, uh, the planning board kind of Scored that for us, So, we We're getting all those done Those. We can't go any further with the project until those are done and and, um, taken care of, And then, um, we will meet with them the the company next week to lay down some ground rules and also, uh, get an idea when they will actually be able to kick off the project, you know, put a shovel in the ground and and get get moving. So tomorrow things at the the Middle School High school in the back will be shut down for a little while while they do those test pits, But, then we'll be back in action for another week or so. We we expect They'll be up and running right around June 1st, which is, uh, exciting as well. And then it's over a little over a year from there, depending on weather could be less. They they, you know, it's just you're We're gambling with November to February to to see where the project ends up And, then, um, next quick question. Um what? What? Did you know exactly what the the Water Commission are testing for. Yeah. There's A. There's actually a A list of of chemicals that are, uh, that were requested by the Conservation Commission and underscored by the planning board, so You get actually I think they're posted on the site if you if you live in, Yeah. And then the, uh Probably the most thing that we we all remember if we took part in it the DC trip in eighth grade. Uh, they're leaving next week, So that's an exciting time for eighth graders to to really kind of be out on their own and venture into the capital. And. I think that'll be exciting for Um, the middle school, too. It's always kind of the you know you, you get this whole group that leaves and goes off to DC and the rest of the kids kind of get to spread their wings out a little bit like OK. They're starting to move up. Uh, and move on so exciting things going on and and, uh, certainly between the next two weeks. If you get a chance to come to any of the senior events. Uh, please do candlelight is is, uh, you know, it's about an hour long ceremony, but I think it's important. Uh, it's an important community event. It's really It's kind of a kind of an easy going, uh, event where I guess in in some graduations, all those speeches that occurred during that event would occur during graduation. So. Uh, Graduation is indoor this year because we will not have access to the fields to to put up a tent. Uh, so the Uh, it will be indoors and, uh, sounds like they They've got a pretty good plan for how to lay everything out and get things set up. So looking forward to the next few weeks. Thank you questions for the superintendent? I. Just have a comment Um IN, all of your superintendent reports. It's very clear how important it is to you to celebrate the accomplishments of the students, and I think that that's really commendable because you don't have a lot of time to go to all these events, But, you make the time. Thank you. That's the fun in the game, right? Um Anybody else? Um, I. Just wanna say? I think that's really exciting that we're Put some shovels in the ground on the athletic project. Yeah that's really exciting. I I'm I'm excited. Oh, fantastic. Yeah. And a and a good bit number. OK, um Right. OK, Um, I don't really have a lot to say. I did go to the senior symposium as well, Um, highly recommend, I would recommend to go. You know next year if you have the opportunity, I will highlight a different um, what was different? I think this was new this year. At least it was new to me. It was the internships. Um, in the past is so I will just research projects. Um, this year they had both research projects and internships. I talked to a really enthusiastic young man who had gotten to do an electrician. Internship and he could not have been more enthusiastic about the work that he did, and he got a job. He's gonna graduate with a job from his internship and kids got jobs out of their intern was so thrilled to be able to talk to him. And that was, I felt like that. I just hit the jackpot. I got to hear that so anyway. Um And I think that's all I have. I probably have more, but I Um All, right? Do we have topics for future meetings. Oh, well, I do I should say I did I went through. I knew I had something else. I. I went through all the dates for your evaluations earlier in the meeting, I was gonna make sure that I said that, but Everybody's clear on what they're doing for the superintendent evaluation. Mailing it to David. On the 20 on or before the 23rd. Um, Um, yeah, uh, topics for future meetings. Um For the June 6th meeting. Did the committee want me to invite The Person conducting the poll. To present the results, Or would you just like the results? Um There's no guarantee that He'll be available, But. Yeah, I don't say that he'd be willing to, I guess. Well, I mean I will look to the whole committee. But I. I. Guess. It's to me. My question would be if the ad hoc committee feels like that's the best way to present the results. Then. I. Yeah, I think it would be helpful. 32 I It because I'm sure there will be exactly what I was thinking. There's no way that any of you could present it without someone getting angry, so angry having him there to ask questions right? And they could be. I mean. In other words, I'm a I've I've expressed. I'm, a big fan of the owl. You do like that They could be on the Yeah, I like the we can, if if they weren't able to come in person, they could be he. He's done it he is down in DC. So. Um, we try to keep Yeah, you can go with the eighth graders. Um, so what I would say, um to you is that I would anticipate having an agenda item that would say something like polling results or something like that. And that if you I assume it would go through the chair if you have And exhibit or You know whatever ahead of time, then just we'll get it on the agenda. I guess this would be an opportune time to tell you that June 6th is not an opportune time for me. I actually have a commitment at work. I'm not sure what time I'm gonna get here. You're gonna need to be here on Sunday as soon as I get more information on what time I'll be here. I'll let you guys know, but just so we can adjust that agenda accordingly. Will we be able to see these results. I don't wanna just see them a T the meeting for the first time, I. I believe that a few hours by by next mid next week. We should be able to get the pole constructed and then, he said. 72 hours after that would be his expectation. So my thats not next, not the coming Monday. But the Monday after that is when I would Anticipate we would be able to have the results. You were able to do that date counting in your mind. Yeah No I. I was needing to pull up my calendar like I'm going to wait, so I know it's a Saturday and then 2nd 30, OK? Um So and and the way to distribute that information would be through the superintendent. So. If, You get results. You can provide it to the superintendent. He can provide information. Thank you, Um That. People would not reply to all. Yeah, don't you guys, we We're really good. Nobody replies to all anymore. It's great. So Um, OK, so that'll definitely be an agenda item and we'll see what the exhibit looks like. As we get closer. Um anything else for topics for future meeting? So OK one thing we do want to add is, um we'll pro probably do it. Maybe on the last meeting is recognized the students who presented all year. Oh. Yeah, Definitely our student representatives. Does it make sense to do that. Well, you and I can talk about whether that'll be on this one or the next recognize the student might have to do to the beginning of the sixth. Yeah, it might be better on the six will be gone. Yeah, OK. She's a train, captain. Oh. OK, I'm gonna, um Are we ready because I'm gonna move into the executive session. All, right? Uh, I moved to adjourn into executive session for purpose. Number three to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining with the Pec agreement, where an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body and this chair, so declares and not to return to open session. 2nd 2nd by Amy Kerger and this is a roll call vote. Yes. Yes, yes. Then as he asked Jeff. Yes, and it's unanimous and we are adjourned into executive session.