e e e right when you're ready my own account doesn't recognize me as Dave you still connected to the Rover I don't think so let me in hang on I'm going hit SCE or something screen mirring no no we were just using it we just literally just tested his computer um you're into Zoom you just can't get yeah zoom's on we're fine you can go and I'll just figure out I we were going back and forth so I don't believe that I am okay it would it would be showing up there if i' it didn't show up for you Eric or you just can't sign on to it won't let me into the rover go ahead all right well yeah we'll get we'll get started as long as you're on the zoom you're on zoom zoom's on all right all right good evening uh at this time I'd like to call to order the meeting of the Hamilton one home Regional school committee on Thursday May 2nd 202 4 at 7:03 p.m. and I will Begin by asking you uh or inviting you to join us in the Pledge of Allegiance flates it stands one nation God indivisible liy and justice for all okay uh just just as a reminder to everyone that um this evening the meeting is being uh recorded and live streamed on HW Cam and on YouTube and we're just working on a technical issue to make sure that we um have our Zoom link projected up onto the screen there okay um um all right so restart it's always the problem um all right so first up on our agenda we have an opportunity for Citizens comments um and Mr Tracy does it it doesn't look like we have anyone on Zoom so I'll address the people in the I'll address the people in the room um so um citizens comments um uh if you do wish to offer a comment I'm going to ask that you um step up to the podium and state your name and your address um and if you would um to spell your last spell your name so that we get it correct for the minutes I ask you to um keep your comments to three minutes um would Julia would you be willing to be our um timekeeper and Julia I just ask that you just um give a 30 seconds um heads up when they are um approaching that time moment um and then um just please do remember um that this is an opportunity for you to be heard um it is our opportunity to listen to what you have to say and you to be heard um it's not a back and forth or a dialogue um all right looks like we have our first uh citizen at the podium please start yes thank you my name is Rick Mitchell 36 hold I just want to make sure your microphone's on is this on I'm not sure that it is um the light is on I think it's on is it on okay all right Y no I think that's better yep yep go ahead can you hear me now yes okay uh my name is Rick Mitchell 36 Rock Maple lab Hamilton a 32 year resident of the town I'm here tonight because I watched last the last school committee session and I was concerned that because you saw and heard from a few dozen people that were opposed to the Cutler selection that suddenly you were calling into question the whole decision making process that's been going on for over five years and actually I thought you kind of threw the school building committee Under The Boss by questioning the Integrity of those people so on a you know on a personal note I I want to sympathize with the kind of opposition that you um put you in a hot seat tonight as a recently retired planning board member for 22 years I too many times faced a blistering public and private criticism and attacks over my position position on projects before the board so I sympathize greatly with the kind of position you're in and the kind of opposition you see um so I'm here tonight to say really take heart and remember the people you are hearing from represent only a very small minority of the 8300 um taxpaying citizens of Hamilton and winam um For Better or Worse the kind of opposition you've heard and will hear in increasing uh uh intensity goes with a territory um and uh I don't want you guys to back down or doubt your decision making or your judgment you have a process I think you ought to stick with it and and not be intimidated when you see uh a concerted effort by a small minority of people to oppose the process or the decisions that you make um first I want to say I wholeheartedly support the funding of a single school at Cutler as recommended by the building committee my wife and I do not have kids yet over the last 32 years we've consistently supported paying hundreds of thousands of dollars in property taxes 60 to 70% of which go to the school system and we do this because we believe in paying um paying it forward to the next generation and I also want to counter that argument oh this is going to ruin the town it's going to ruin the neighborhood 30 seconds sorry okay well I'm going to keep going for a bit more um second the economics of the building at one school at Cutler alone are compelling at 150 million versus 200 million for renovating the win of Cutler school at Cost today's cost if we stop now and fail to act we will forfeit $50 million or more delay will cost tens of millions of dollars in the future third uh and and this is a Hamilton resident speaking we are paying double for educating students because 70% of the land occupied by the regional school system are in Hamilton and we're uh T and they are tax exempt this on top of the taxes we pay to support the schools which really represents an unfair burden on the school on Hamilton taxpayers now I will be finished in a minute but I I think these are important for you guys to hear so and there's not a lot of people that are standing in line so freeing up the 14 acre town-owned land at winr will realize a substantial windfall from selling the land and future tax revenues once it's developed and these actually can help pay off the bond cost for new uh school at Cutler and Hamilton elected officials and Boards have taken a definitive stand on winth versus Cutler unanimously the select board in fincom and Hamilton have stated they want win website back to generate tax revenue that's why the Hamilton school board and the school committee I guess approved and signed a short-term contract for winthrip and a 50-year contract for Mr MCH I'm going to need that wrap it up for the three minutes okay so I'll I'll wrap this up um the survey that you voted to support well I understand why you're doing that because you don't think that you've heard enough from the public well typically in a survey you get a 2 to 3% response well 8,300 voters that means you're going to get 166 to 249 people and this subject is so complex educationally financially structurally architecturally that you can't do a survey and ask people to have a intelligent response to answer a very complex question so you're gonna get a two to three% response thank you Mr Mitchell and one more and so I I fear what you're going to get is you know the people that have already made a decision one way or the other you're not going to get the other 98% of the voters to um thank you so I just urge you to stay the course and support the building committee as it was voted thank thank you thank you uh Anna sik 227 Highland thank you so much for hearing my comment uh I would like to Echo what Mr Mitchell said I completely completely understand your position I think anyone who knows me knows that's true so I understand it's difficult to be uh in the face of public criticism I'd like to offer four comments uh after last week's meeting the first is sort of procedural um um and I would just like to note on the record because I don't think it's been publicly disclosed voluntarily that school committee M member Trent Honda lives on Woodland me and although he may not meet the legal definition of an abutter with 300 feet Woodland me has a private solitary driveway that AB buts the Cutler school and I think anyone looking at his situation would agree that he has the appearance of a conflict of interest which is what the ethical disclosures which is what the condition of of unbiased perspective itive requires so I hereby call on Mr Honda to further recuse himself from further conversation he's in abutter um in a more casual sense and he lives on Woodland Me and Everyone understands the proximity of Woodland me to the cutw site so I just want to note that for the record secondly I would call on any one of the school committee members who voted in the affirmative last week to pursue the survey to offer a motion to reconsider which is allowed under Robert's rules because I think you should reconsider I think the survey like Mr Mitchell said I agree will not provide you any new meaningful data I don't think you'll get a sample that reflects the actual will of the people I think you're going to hear from the supporters people like me and the people who are opposed the people you are already hearing from I think as a waste of our time and our energy and our money and I actually don't think it's going to help I also think it's going to potentially derail the process that has been started so I would call upon a member of the committee to be brave and offer a motion to reconsider what you can do under your process my third point is to support the superintendent the school building committee and the teachers and the town people who are on it I think to call into question that decision-making process and the way that was done specifically to call into question the um the objectivity and the demeanor and the diplomacy of the superintendent was truly unfair I have been on this committee and I know that Eric is doing a bang-up job and has consistently gotten excellent reviews and I think it was very unfair that his integrity was called into question by Mr Honda but I also think it was a bit unfair that no one stood up for him in that moment or the school building committee who have studied this project in great detail for more than a year 30 seconds very thank you reasonable decision I think it's time for you just take a step back from the public fire and think about who's on your building committee who those people are They're not wallf flowers Vinnie is not a Wallflower aliceon goodchild is a teacher not a walllow Wallflower and then you have people like John McGrath and and Tom Meyers and the town administrators these are not people that Eric is going to bll over I think you need to honor their process and their decisionmaking position and sell this project which is the best thing for the district and for the community if you're going to spend $100 million you might as well get a brand new state-of-the-art school for it thank you very much thank you good evening um Natalie hildr 121 Lyon Street in Hamilton OH this moves okay thank you for your time and your full-time work on behalf of the schools um I truly do appreciate it um I also ask that Mr Honda recuse himself from any votes going forward on a School site at Cutler of which he is a a butter on Woodland me I'd also like the board to reconsider the hard and time consuming work and final vote of the school building committee for this SBA opportunity Mr Honda's statement a bias and the implication of intimidation of the school building committee is not only inaccurate but an oversimplification and an insult to the members of our school Community the committee was made up of teachers principales various board members and residents from both towns watch any previous school committee meeting attended by teachers and the union teachers and principles have no problem telling you what they think including to the superintendent a new Consolidated School at the Cutler site for all first and fifth graders would cost an estimated 1.39 million renovating and adding a wing to Cutler benefiting only Cutler students would cost about a million it takes 5 to 10 years to go through the msba process and have a new school ready that's thousands of kids that would go through their Elementary years at buo and winthrip as they stand now makeshift classrooms on stages and hallways inadequate Heating and ventilation no Cooling and lackluster buildings that haven't been updated in 20 plus years not to mention a high school that will also need updating or replacing soon to see woefully outdated school buildings throughout the town is indicative of what the community prioritizes please reconsider the work that the school building committee has already done and make it your priority to educate the public about a consolidation polling voters now is like trying to sell a house without letting people see any pictures of it or have any meaningful details or specs on the property let's not waste time polling an uneducated public but rather educate them about the benefits data supports a Consolidated option because it is a fiscally wise long-term solution for both towns it would also improve our awful busing situation create cross student integration combine resources and collaboration for teachers increase after school opportunities think of what we could offer on Wednesdays to working parents seconds and allow for more preschool classrooms but most of all it will benefit all the elementary students and teachers of this District at once this is what's fair and Equitable to our kids teachers and administrators and it's what they deserve thank you good evening good evening Michelle Horan 141 School Street um thank you school committee for the work you are doing we really appreciate it um I'm here and support of the project consolidated school um and I feel I represent um the people that you're not hearing from that are in support I've been in town for 30 years my husband and I had four children have still have four children adults now and they were all raised in the district um when my oldest started winr school in 2001 it was a tired school when my youngest left the school in 2014 the only addition that was added were rain buckets when the rains came and we needed in the hallway many like me are still in town and believe that public education is the foundation of our society and we need to support a new school to support the next generation of children change is very difficult we all know that but it's needed to grow and I feel for those that are afraid of what might be happening but you can't stay still we need to change and you us school committee members need to know that the district has our children's benefit as a top priority and they are the professionals they know what's best and they should be listened to and not be second guest um lastly I want to commend um as I did in my email to everyone this week superintendent Tracy um he's been in the district since 2013 he shepherded four of my children through High School I worked with him on the school committee and having lived through 11 I'm sorry seven superintendents in 20 years superintendent Tracy is what we need to keep the ship in the right direction this District cannot afford to have um any other um I don't what I'm looking for but we need a steady ship at a steady hand at the helm and he's the person so please please what happened last week should not happen again thank you thank you uh I'm guessing there's no other public comment in the room is that correct um Mr Tracy do we have anyone who wants to offer a public comment on Zoom okay um at this time I'll clo go ahead and close the citizens comments and we'll close that Zoom link um and um thank you all to um as always it's um we're always appreciative of citizens who are willing to come out um and share publicly your views and it gives us an opportunity to listen so thank you um and now um next up I have an a review of a portion of our school committee protocols and again I I used to be really more on top of that um I can't read that and Julia like she wants that one thank you uh Amy would you read a portion that's on the second page sure as elected members of the Hamilton Wham Regional school committee we including the superintendent accept the high honor and trust that has been placed in us to ensure that the students of the district receive the best education possible to that end we hereby commit to the following in the conduct of our business number 12 the school committee recognizes the importance of working collaboratively with Town officials and actively seeking their support to improve the district thank you uh Julia would you read a portion of the um school committee mission statement pleas the Hamilton whenham Regional school committee will lead and inspire a district that supports and guides the superintendent to execute and achieve the approved 2023 2024 District goals thank you that was your opportunity to gesture to the goals thank you um next up is our consent agenda does anyone have any items on the consent agenda that they would like to hold I do uh Amy I'd like to hold the minutes from April 25th okay anything else uh all right David do you have a motion for us sure uh I move to the Hilton Regional School District accept the consent agenda minus the minutes 25th as written in um the committee agenda for tonight second second by Amy um all those in favor that is unanimous of the six members present and the motion passes um Amy you H the minutes from April 25th it's just clerical um the numbering is off and so point8 should be0 five and the rest and we also Jake Collins's last name in the description of the student representative report um okay I just want to make uh so Jake Collins's name is spelled incorrectly and the number the numbering you're talking about is out of order is that what you're saying yes okay um uh someone want to make a motion on that or I'm sorry is there anyone else that has anything else to add about that before we do that um do you want to make a motion sure uh I move that we approve the minutes from um April 25th with the correction outlined previously second second by Julia Campbell um is there a discussion um I have a question do you do you have the accurate spelling of Jake Collins's name it's in so the title um is correct and in the description oh in the in the body of the okay read right read it yeah no I well I was looking at it and I was like that's how I would spell that name so but I understand it's in the later on in the text okay um all right so so can you just share with where it is just so that our recording secretary can see just under student representative report eight should say five and the second instance of Collins should remove the should be corrected okay all right um we're ready to vote all those in favor and that is unanimous of uh the members present and the motion passes um and we'll get those edits done okay uh next up on the agenda we have the uh Nas uh report and I believe Mr managon is gonna is here speak with us good evening everyone uh thank you for having here tonight I just wanted to quickly present to you um the nas letter that was issued to us in mid April about about our continued accreditation uh the way this works is that uh we were uh renewed with our accreditation uh well over a year ago U as a result um of the desial visit that took place in Winter of uh 2022 um however you're expected to do a progress report after one year um of that initial accreditation reporting and really what they're looking for is to see if you have a school Improvement plan that's responsive to some of the recommendations uh that they made and have you made any progress um on the foundational elements and the found elements are part of the nas valuation structure that they expect all schools to meet in order to um continue their accreditation um so we're you know pleased to say again that uh we were um again rewarded with continued accreditation and really this um memo highlights um a few commendations that I just like to bring to everybody's attention uh first of all our Deca chapter which actually is the largest in the state um according participation um based on the percentage of the total student population um and the just the level of involvement that uh the students gets to experience as a result of being in the DECA program um the fact that they get to travel all over the place and they just return from California last night so there were some tired kids and tired teacher this morning as a result of that they had a great time in California it's a wonderful experience and it's we have over 250 of our students uh participating that programs over 50% um the other thing that Nas talked about was community building that's actually part of our school Improvement plan this year you know how can we Foster um continued relationships uh between student staff but also reaching out in the community as well um they cited our Student Government they're very active they meet every week um coming up with different activities and things for our kids to do to bring the school together um there are a number of community service Outreach efforts habit Humanity we partnered with them this year uh to work on property off of Highland Street uh HW gives back as our charitable giving arm um that's able to donate to various Charities around the community uh We've also made a point to start really displaying student work around the building uh we've taken advantage of the video displays uh that and we were able to fund those through the Ed fund uh grant that we got last year uh but we've also recently purchased and installed a number of display boards around the building and teachers have taken to signing up for time so that way they can display the work students have done in class because we believe that audience in actually enhances performance uh they're going to have a more Polished Work I think if they know others eyes are going to be on it as they move through the hallway those were the commendations uh the commission did note that five of the six foundational elements uh were met uh which is good we wanted to uh make sure we're up to date on those uh but they did note that there was one foundational element related to facilities um that continues to be rated by us is not met and specifically we're talking about the athletic facilities there uh that's because the project has not U started yet or gone to completion I would anticipate that we will look at that um particular foundational element differently once that project is progress and complete it uh hopefully um next spring or early fall our next step uh with neas after that in a couple of years we have to submit a three-year report of progress and planning in addition to giving them a an updated School Improvement plan every year um because they want to make sure that we are on target uh with their foundational elements uh they want an update where we are with respect to those um they also to here um are there any exemplary practices that we would like to share with other high schools in Massachusetts and New England as well so we'll be submitting that um in 2026 and then 2030 is the next collaborative conference which is really the Deep dive into what's going on in the school and that's kind of when the um accreditation cycle resets and begins again so although it seems like a ways off it actually creeps up on you pretty quickly um and I think that you know one of the major challenges for us being in an old building like that is maintaining facilities updating them providing the kids with the best possible learning spaces um you know within the confines of having a place that was built in 1962 because that's something that the commission is going to continue to take a very close look at as the community uh providing uh the kids with what they need to learn so that's my synopsis of the letter that we received in mid April about our updated accreditation I will take any questions if you have one thank you very much all right questions for Mr manod okay thank you I appreciate that it was thorough with no questions okay thank you very much can I absolutely I think I think it's important to note the level of work that goes into the accreditation process um not only only by by the you know administration every teacher in the building is involved in some way shape or form students are involved fact they're doing work right now um to really help us to realize the portrait of The Graduate um so every Wednesday teachers are working on finding ways to be able to highlight the portrait of the graduate in within um things that are happening within the school and classrooms and things like that so that they can make it come alive if you will as part of the accreditation process so you have something measurable like what does it mean to be a good communicator the high school staff is currently working through the process of one at a time of the um portrait to be able to say this is what it means to be a good communicator when you're at the high school or when you're in the school district I think that work is is uh connected all the way back to when I when I first got here I inherited the okay you're doing neas this year um and and I I think it's important to note that people within the the school district go out to other schools and spend four days straight and you work from 7 in the morning till 10: or 11 at night writing reports for other schools so nice thing is you get to see perspectives from other schools and other school districts bring them back to your own and then other schools do that for us as well through the accreditation process so it's a really unique process it's um it's a great way to be able to align some things to get some things done but also to I think bring uh some Unity across the the high school and and even into the middle school there's a lot of things that they share uh that to work on so I appreciate the work that Mr manoni has done taking that uh through the entire uh writing of the initial report meeting with the Committees getting everybody situated and now getting to the one-year um report is is a big deal so thank you Mr manoni and thank you to the high school staff and faculty and students who are also involved thank you okay all right um the next item of business is the a school building committee formation discussion and I would like to we have a motion to start that this discussion is that correct okay Amy is gonna offer a motion um I move that the Hamilton mham Regional school committee approves the school building committee as currently constituted second second by Julia Campbell um so um just make sure that I restate the motion and then I'm going to offer some um information um so the motion was to uh vote to approve the school building committee as currently constituted correct okay um okay so um if I may I'm going to offer a little bit of information um and I'm hoping that Mr Tracy will be willing to off information as well um Eric I'm gonna good if I start yeah absolutely okay so it's come to our attention that when we were forming the school building committee um as part of the msba process back in June of 2022 so nearly two years ago um it turn it's come to our attention that we were given some incorrect guidance um and um when uh Eric and I created the agenda um at that time uh we didn't realize we were specifically told you can see in the exhibit there that we that um the school committee didn't need to formally vote on the cons on the um composition of that um School building committee we've since come to our attention that um we really should have taken a vote um Mr Tracy at that meeting did present the um information to everyone um the list and he um and explained how was ined um again he and I um thought that we were doing the right thing and it was turns out that it was the responsibility of the school committee to take a vote um I have more information but um if anyone needs it but um this is the this taking this vote today would correct that um Eric do you have other things to add yeah I mean I just wanted to put it out there that the the original Committee of over 20 people was presented back in June uh 14th on 20 2022 meeting it was some discussion about um roles voting rights things like that um in fact I think M CAC suggested that several people who we had originally had said didn't have voting rights uh should have voting rights there was no descent so we moved forward and and gave them voting rights as members of that committee and several of them are still on the committee to this day um and I just I just think it's important to know that the emails that I sent to the school building committee to inquire about that came back as no there is no formal vote on the membership there's no formal vote for that so taking that advice and moving forward I I think I I believe I stated in that meeting that the school committee does not have to take a vote given given that information so in the in the uh information supplied tonight of the emails from uh between me and the school building committee and then the iteration of uh the committee over the years two years now it's been uh where people have dropped off some people have moved in depending on who's on uh for example fincom when when memberships change or uh chairs change we're changing people out um so I just I just wanted to be open and make sure that people understood where I got my information from to to bring to the committee and say hey this this is we don't need to vote on it I did talk to the MSB well email the MSB msba um and really it just gives us the the opportunity to to solidify um excuse me the people that are on the committee uh now and I and I I will say again the majority of them have served for the entire time that we initially constituted the committee so that hasn't been this huge change there's been a lot of drop off and that is normal having been through this process before some people will jump in and say I can do this but then all of a sudden you're meeting once or twice a month and like I can't do that I can't keep up with it so there there have been a number of drop offs and and and a number of changes in um somebody asked me a question last week about non- voting members there are two non-voting members they are both fincom members and that is because that's what their bylaws state in both communities fincom members cannot be voting members they can be sitting members but they can't they don't have any ability to vote so that's that just kind of explains where we are right now um so is there a discussion yeah I just want to say that it's really important I want to get on the record that um you know Mr Tracy and you know Dana were correct and you know we were following the guidelines as uh met all the requirements as the msba um required you know where we ended up dropping the ball as a um you know school committee is the fact that when we create as part of our bylaws when we create a um subcommittee that we actually want to put that to a vote um you know like I said that's usually something that I tend to throw out there because again I tend to he like to air on the side of caution in that you know let's let's vote on that even if we don't need to so it was really surprising when this came up um I do also want to note right now though that I think the way this sort of came about and was presented to um you know the district and the media as a whole um is a really dangerous precedent um I think that a question about process that ever came up that you know we should as you know elected officials who do elect our own governance board right with a chair um excuse me in a vice chair that we go up the chain of command and say Hey you know I think we Overlook something here um maybe we should look into um checking this out and asking legal counil if we did this correct right to supersede chain of command is in violation of our own protocols which you know I think I see the agenda coming up right and again it's a very dangerous precedent to set right um we don't want to make ourselves look bad we are here as a team we don't need to agree on everything but we do need to be cordial and actually respect the process so I just want to mention that because I was very very very surprised to actually get um you know an answer back from Council that did not go through theual channels I would never think to speak to anyone on behalf of the committee um without checking it with um Dana and Eric first um even if it's something as simple as you know giving Vinnie a call about something that he tells me I can call him about all the time I respect the process right when he takes time out of his day to speak to me that's time that's he's being taken away from you know doing the job that we have hired him to do to keep that in mind thank you there other discussion yeah I just to say I did call you can you speak into the mic please sorry I did call you before Consulting the lawyer and asked whether it was okay to go to the lawyer that I had a concern and you said I basically I trust you so I again I it's accurate it's accurate that David did call [Music] me I I I hesitant to characterize the conversation as me having a full understanding of what it was that you are going to be addressing um so yeah I'm GNA leave it at that the one other comment um when I don't he just joined the committee when when this was tabled originally and the way it was framed I'm sorry what was tabled the the composition of the I think presented you mean not table present and um the way it was presented was um that the basically that the MSB ah had defined exactly how this should be um was IC and that we had no vote so I kind of tuned it out at that point I said well I'm not going to have any vote then subsequently um Eric stated that um there would be an up and down vote then after you know some time after that he said that there wouldn't be that we wouldn't have a vote at all and then more recently he said that we had are you because the motion on the table is regarding the constitution of the school building committee are you talking about voting on the school building committee on yeah I'm on the composition of the school building committee yeah because I I don't think at least I don't feel I had any say in the composition so there was not a discussion about it it was it was a dictate so to be clear and I want to take responsibility I was the chair at that time Eric and I created that agenda um it was very clearly stated I have watched the six minutes of that meeting more times than I can count now um it is very clearly stated that um it was Eric believe and mine as um Eric I don't know if you can put that memo up but in the exhibit Eric has letters from the msba which actually say you do not need a vote that was how we went and checked out whether or not we needed a vote so um that was their their not necessar that correct I'm sorry um at that time that was the information that we had the msba which this is what they do right they gave us information they said look if you have local bylaws that tell you how to do this we do not have local bylaws and therefore we moved forward i' take David Poo's point that it you know oftentimes we take votes just to be certain and we did not in this case um I will say I feel really comfortable again having watched the six minutes over and over again I feel really comfortable that I gave ample time for members to speak members to ask questions members to offer descent and members to offer to say that they wanted to vote and they didn't in fact the only only substantive comment that it was made by one member that member suggested that they wanted to empower teachers and administrators to have voting um rights I guess and that was discussed and there were there was no descent um so I and I guess I want to make sure we remember that that the motion on the table is as recommended in the letter that we received that you requested the remedy is the motion that Amy just made that was what was recommended to be clear that was any one of the things that were there was several we might not be done yet yes I don't know what she's going to do next but I imagine we all read the same document yes yeah I also just want to point out in the um exhibit there's frequent times when the district um sends out a memo saying you know someone has left the committee the building committee somebody has joined so you know I would feel also if I were in charge of this project that all these check-ins with msba would give me confidence that we're continuing to do the right thing as far as the constitution of this group just sort of a note okay but but we didn't get a vote on the changes w we weren't voting on the committee though Point David we've had we've had I'm I'm gonna let some other people vote but to be clear we've established that we did not vote that is factual you don't need to continue to say the same one time but now we're talking about can I move the question as the Amendments took place I I move the question is that what you're supposed to say when you just want to get to the vote okay um yes you're testing my Robert's rules um all right um and then everybody spoken question do we need a second someone help no do we need a second to move the question move question yes okay um is there discussion on whether or not uh to vote ready to v no discussion go on so the question is to End discussion and vote all right so if you vote in the affirmative you would end discussion and vote all those in favor that is five in favor those opposed one opposed um so that's five to one and the motion passes and we're ready to vote now we're next we're voting on the main motion which is the motion that Amy made does anyone need me to repeat the motion okay everyone's clear right all those in favor that is five all those opposed one uh that is five to one and the motion passes thank you all um Amy did you have another motion I do um I just also want to say I believe in and I'm grateful for all the work that the school building committee has done on this project I know it's a lot and I don't want to take away from that work so this motion I move that the Hamilton wam Regional schol committee approves this um sorry that the Hamilton rham Regional school committee recommends the school building committee ratify all of their previous actions since the school building committee's Inception do I have a second second by David PLO so I'm going to try to restate uh the motion is to recommend that this body the school committee recomend friends to the school building committee that they ratify all previous um actions the right word actions yeah V votes votes and okay I think you said actions um uh since Inception yes y what does that mean exactly so all of the work that they've done up until this point um I believe that they should agree to ratify you know now now that they're like voted in body that they should ratify the work that they've done up until now does that mean put it in a public place does that mean I think it just means to um now that they're voted on body by us to just sort of restate the work that they've done up till now it sounds like I don't want to put words in your sounds it sounds like it's more of a housekeeping issue that because we take this initial vote what we're saying is we recommend to them that they go ahead oh that they have and the minutes all the just take a single vote saying everything that we've done we're ratifying since the beginning that like that was and again that was my interpretation of the legal yes sound I assume it was jul to answer question I um minutes I believe are already public right so I didn't know if there was extra work that they needed to do I think this is just a sort of formalize make it more official it is official only thing is you know moving forward um you know it's it tends to not you know we have our sub the the purpose of subcommittees to go up and do the the bulk of the work and not bringing back everything to um right to be clear though they're not actually a subcommittee they're not a subcommittee of the school committee I mean if you want to say that and I don't even know that we need a well this is I well no I mean but they're not I mean in other words they're made up of other groups we um other people um but I think Amy's motion really is a recommendation to them like we're making a recommendation right and I mean and I would just lack or better term argue that as you know the custodians of the project they actually are our subcommittee okay um could I just comment on that like I think that that is a a point that's not clear anywhere in public information what is a point that's not clear like the what the sub what the school building committee's relationship is and I know that's kind of what we're working on right now to this committee um and so I think that the the the clar like assuming that it's a subcommittee the subcommittee makes recommendations to this committee and then this committee sees them this is a different relationship so that that Clarity is just something that I haven't been able to to see for example in the school building Committee website we are not listed in the like Milestones to project completion which um I think is something that is is a easy fix to be able to do that but to be frank I still don't understand it um um Eric do you want to tackle that I think the the way the msba looks at it is that the school building committee once they're created they are the the approving Authority for the project for bills payments so every meeting they we get a bill from the architect or the OPM we have to review it approve it for payment goes to B then we we have to bring it back approve it for reimbursement through the state and then um you know any any of those processes along the way are all contained within the school building committee um what I've learned along the way here is different towns and different cities have you know the opportunity for school communes to weigh in or not depending on bylaws and other agreements which we don't as our own attorney said we are not very clear on but um whatever vote occurs so the school building committee has made a vote this committee may say we want to go with a different option if that happens that needs to go back to the school building committee to be voted to be submitted to the state so the state is always looking to the school building committee to for the for the actual votes and the and the uh interactions with the msba so then what is this committee's role we vote to approve we have final vote well we can't I mean first of I mean there's we have several rules one one we took the initial votes earlier much earlier on before this in order to move this process forward to enter into the process we voted to enter into the process we voted to bring forward to the towns um the warrant to get the money for the feasibility study um so we did that and we would need to vote in order to bring the warrants to the towns to present for the next step in other words we we that's on us not back me up no you're right you're correct it's a it's a kind of a tandem tier so the school committee is here the building committee's here and the building committee is working on with appropriated money so we already appropriated 1.25 million for the feasibility process we've said okay we have that and the school building committee now is managing that 1.25 because nothing's come back here for approval they've been approved we sign it off it goes to the state for approval for reimbursement through Vinnie and then we get reimbursed so we go through that process over and over the next stage if however we decide we're moving forward say we pick one option we go to the communities and say this is the option and it's $50 million the community says yes go that now goes to the school building to committee to manage so when we go into when we enter into this agreement to to work with the state we're basically saying this school building committee has the authority to manage the monies the school committee is required to um set the set really set the warrant article and believe it or not it comes straight from the msba like you go back to when the $1 million was voted in that is the article that came straight out of the msba you know just like it's like School building committee that the the template we're working is is what they've emailed me and said here's the template you're emailing so a lot of it is checking the boxes with the msba U but the msba is is looking towards the school building committe as the author to move with allocated funds the school building committee cannot go to to the community and say we need we need more money they'd have to come back here and and say that but so then that's the role is we appropriate funds for the school building committee right okay right excent yeah so they can't really move forward even even if they voted and and said yeah we're going to move forward and the state said move forward they still need a funding source so that would come back to here and say okay does the committee agree to go forward and ask for a warrant article covering X or or multiple warrant whatever it may be so yeah we had to do that last two years ago when we started this process with the feasibility with the feasibility yeah so each segment will bring a new opportunity to come back around so right and the school building committee is a mechanism that is a required mechanism that is required by the msba process um in fact you could see in that in all those memos that Eric showed us the previous you when we built the Middle School in town lists of the school building committee when that I mean in other words the process was was similar at least at that time David did you have something you look like you want to no I'm just sort of saying like this this's a little bit of of confusion here with why I am a little hesitant on the motion right just in sort of like blessing these prev the previous work by the school building building committee uh you know we could be setting a precedent that now everything moving forward needs our blessing so I'm just you know I think this is something that we should have discussed when we go back into the regional agreement is clearing up little little things I it's a topic for another discussion that is a topic for another discussion but so that that's my only concern right is I I just don't want to I want to make sure that we're moving forward like we're doing the right things and saying okay well we checked our box here um to properly authorize the committee as a district as our district school committee is set to run without sort of like interfering in the process of the school building so to to be clear I think that both things could occur in other words the the remedy recommended was that the school building committee take a vote just to ratify all previous um I don't think it said ratify but you said ratif um to um whatever R we'll use ratify all previous actions that doesn't mean that that has to come from us the school building committee could make that choice on their own is that sort of what you're saying that our which is funny because I'm sitting here trying to write my interpretation the lawyer letter is that now that the school building committee is legitimized then it's it's up to them to make to do what was recommended that that is what I was meaning so you know yeah I'll just say this was Council said I believe May the school building committee may choose to ratify all their previous votes so I mean your I don't your point is I mean in other words your your motion was to recommend to them that would be us making a recommendation and I'm hearing your concern is that maybe that we want to allow them Independence to is that correct uh yeah I mean I well I want them to just be able to operate the way yep you know I'm trying yep I hear you yeah and that wasn't my intent through the motion either I just was seeing it as the next step of this committee has now voted to approve that committee so should they go back and just sort of stamp on the work they've done so far but yeah I don't intend on wanting to vote on everything they're doing certainly not no certainly not um so I think I guess I want to hear David's voice in particular was because you are the representative to the school building committee um right so it's important to hear what you have to say about yeah I mean pretty straightforward process over there I I think you know we as a you know School committe tends to be the more complex animal great um yeah and and again it's really just the wording of the Motions that we not setting ourselves up to sort of say okay well everything that the school U school board School building committee does needs to be Ved for us so the the motion which means I just heard it wrong what I want clarify is to recommend to the school building committee to ratify their own their own previous actions their own right not for us to tell them what to do in in terms of what actions to take um and in fact it's a recommendation so if they chose not to do that that would be their choice we're not instructing them all right is there any other question any other discussion just one one second I just wanted to read the um and we could recommend this to any board we want Y no and in fact well and just recommend everyone ratify everything no but in fact we do and we have at time made recommendations written letters of what we'd like to do I mean that's exct correct it's not a mandate it's recommendation correct no that's actually an excellent point actually um okay I found it thank you okay do you have something oh I did have one other question sure um is there a policy around like I I look at this and say we we had a Miss um in our procedure uh is there a any policy that exists around engaging with because there's no there's no clear place where where one could find this information right it was all in in the mind of the general Council um is there is there any policy on projects that should be brought before General councel before they're submitted to State agencies or or something or is that a a area for process Improvement that we might consider building in um again I would that that is a would fall under the regional agreement um with you know um Capital project like under that Capital project language that we already know needs to go in and get fixed and is on the agenda um because you the process and the way it's written is is severely outdated and again I think that's sort of how we ended up here because and I think that's that's the place to do it does it make sense to be a house accepted for the policy to but I think you know when you're talking about like these larger projects that probably does fall more under the regalement yeah I I mean I think that sounds from my point of VI that sounds logical and since we're not into the regional agreement process yet it's hard to say how that will but it seems reasonable I mean a project like this is know complicated and we looked to the guidelines that we had which was to look to the state which seemed logical well so I mean we're here having this discussion not because of our internal right policy as a district Sor as school it's this you know requirement that we sort of missed in the language from the regional grp right and and and to be clear even that I mean you know that there was we were deep in the footnotes and the weeds of that and I and I again I you know I take some responsibility C I I it's it's you know I I did not know and I could not have known but I certainly have made public that I've read the regional agreement it's happening at an opportune time as you know we are about to you know go and look at a lot of this wording anyway so obviously okay hey just hopefully you know this is the first of you know a couple projects that be happening in the future how but to clarify have those steps clarified while we're already doing the work sure sorry the the uh Architects that were working with jcj has told me in other projects there's been like a regional agreement that's very specific like You' go in and say the school building uh school committee can appoint a school building committee and it should minimally include boom boom boom boom boom boom boom these different things which is if you read the law it's the same type of where they say here are some suggestions of people that should be on the committee which is where the template comes from from the state so it's it's we have the ability to do it yeah yeah and those I mean the regional agreement meetings are getting scheduled right now and also it's you know really possible that the rules around creating building committees were quite different 65 years ago when they wrote our regional agreement so can I say one thing I I don't think this was a Miss um I think that this body did absolutely everything that we could with the information that we were provided with and that we had so I would not characterize this as as a Miss at all just to be clear um all right it feels like we're getting close to being ready does anybody have anything they else they want to nope okay everybody clear on what we're voting on recommendation sure um I believe the motion is that school the school committee will recommend to the school building Comm that they ratify all previous actions since Inception okay everybody ready all right all those in favor and that is unanimous of the six members present and the motion passes um I actually have one more motion um I move that the Hamilton monam Regional school committee requires any future changes to the Constitution of the building committee to be voted for voted on for approval by this committee second by David PLO um okay so that would be all right so that um the motion is for all future changes to the membership of the school building committee would be brought to this committee to vote and approve on the membership is that correct then would that be membership and voting power I guess I would fall under discussion like when we first talked about the school building committee but it would just be on um you know that current formation changes so like all the are you you're all the M memos like when Eric is notifying the MDA so if someone leaves we have to vote in the next person that comes in yeah yes Y and and though that right now Eric I believe is a requirement that you're sending those memos when there's a change you have to send it to the MS within 20 days anyway we have to do it within 20 days of any change to the to the committee we the committee school I submit it so anytime there's a change I have that same form you've seen this I think four or five iterations here anytime it changes I have to send it to our msba contact she has to clear it through their legal department and then approves it so they ultimately approve the school building committee but as of right now there's no requirement that we vote on each member no it's just the motion and question we've already approved the current Constitution so right now the members that are there we voted that just a minute ago but there's no if Jen Cofield were to want to join the committee I'd have to bring that forward to the committee to approve or not okay and I think Dave brought up a good point including that included in that process is the Voting Rights this does this person have voting rights or not so I think as we go down this road we need more clarity on what that process looks like you know because you can't just bring anybody forward the state is very specific like they're looking for people with skills or people in specific positions so I think if we want to go down this road we just want to be very clear about what are the what are the kind of the the requirements of the individual who wants to be part of that committee and there are a lot of talented people in town so we we don't have a shortage of that it's just more of what do you want to uh have as kind of a minimum bar when you're bringing somebody when I'm bringing someone forward to the committee so I bring a person here here's Johnny Jones is here we want to add them to committee what happens then so I guess my impression would be that the the way it when I looked at the um the exhibits and I've seen those that the way it would be is that when you submit that change to the msba that would be the same document that we would get ahead of and you would just say you know this person departed and this is the new person this is the change you know just basically a red line and have us acknowledge and that change like you want Trant has something and I think David has something my my only concern with that is the 20-day notice is there going to be a feas is is it possible that we're going to end up in a situation where there's a change where we might have to have a meeting in July yes um and so because of that I might recommend an amendment to the motion that um the school building committee is one just because my notes maybe we can all wrap it up I just two things I want to say um and then um because my two thoughts are um one the way it's currently stated right um you know someone left the board for whatever reason they right under the way the motion was just um you know presented you know then it would sort of come to us now I again just the way it was sort of wed means that we'd have to approve that they're leaving you know so at that point like no you can't we can't force them to stay a viable option that this board could vote on um so just wanted to make that note and then the other thing um you know is is this idea again where now we might be to is that you know when we do hire a new you know head of operations here who has a very significant role um you know on that board obviously you know that whole hiring process would would be reported out here anyway and then you know what I'm thinking is because that's something that you know will be brought to the board at some point go right on that right so that's it's a very concrete example you know so are we saying okay well you so was coming in they're going to be the new you know head of facilities in maintenance or um you know they will be a voting member of you know I'm recommending that they be a voting member of the school building committee you know as recommended by the msba right do we do that before we then send up for the msba or do we do it after the msba has approved them that so and and I I'm not and I know that t got cut off so I do want no no but I wanted to include that because and I want and I want to jump in and add one more thing is that when I read the when I read the legal um I want opinion I wanted to make sure that I understood it so that I could run this meeting and one of the things I asked is actually that was do we need to have something that says going forward we're not going to have this happen again we need to take a vote to say going forward that we want you know to not have this happen again and the advice I was given was that that is fine to do but not necessary so I don't know if that helps or right at the time to be honest I was like seems like the more votes the better at this point well that's sort of why I mean the motion disagree I totally disagree so I'm just I'm putting out there I don't I I I I do want and I I really do feel bad I want to be voting on S to speak and then you can speak and then and then we might need to kind of come to some because we don't have all night so go ahead and I I was just going to recommend a Amendment to the motion that this school committee is informed When A Change Is Made uh at our next um mean publicly informed at a public meeting I'm sorry do you mean informed not on email but on public meeting oh I'm fine with email that's that's great yeah just informed your Amendment would be oh I didn't did I just want to clar I'm just clarifying we haven't even heard a second I just want to make sure I heard what you said that your Amendment would be to um in instead of it would be that instead of voting to approve we would be informed of any changes yes adjacent to that hold on we need to know whether or not there's a second well I'm that's up to that amendment I second that in light of what you just that recommendation was from our attorney okay so okay so there is a second so I heard a second okay so now came from it came from you friendly that's why I wanted to confirm that the information that you got was from our attorney correct that we don't have to vote on new members and members the advice they got was that there was no harm in voting going forward but that was also not required Okay so I just and then I'm gonna you're next I just want to make sure because right now we have uh the friendly Amendment okay so the so we have a friendly accepted Amendment and so the motion is that moving forward any changes to we the school committee would be informed of any changes to the composition of the school building committee yes your understanding is that correct is that okay um all right in in relation to that um when we originally didn't vote on creating the committee nevertheless there were two school committee members on the committee and I'm wondering why whether we can go back to that original intent um so I'm just yeah Jen was on it yeah J was listed as along with you on the school building committee yes you were yeah yeah orig two two committee members were assigned to the committee in case one of them couldn't be there so oh I see that's what J Jen and Dave were kind of paired up because if Dave couldn't be there then Jen could be there that's why there were two just so somebody from the committee could be there yeah so and I I'm just gonna say that like that's a valid question I'm glad you ask it um but it doesn't fit under this motion right it's tangential to the motion go ahead um all right is there anything else on this motion I I just want to apologize to B I know you want to apologize to Bev just to be clear that's who you're apologizing to she's out right what the what the minutes are gonna look like okay tell you somebody else whose brain is spinning right now but thank you um okay um all right so everybody's clear on what the motion is we all clear oh I have I'm sorry one more point of discussion no that's why that's the reason I asked so the current motion is um that uh moving forward the school committee will be informed of superintendent presumably but will be informed of any changes to the composition of the school building committee does this Committee in light of what we learned about about the relationship to the school building committee have standing to charge the school building committee or do we have to charge the superintendent or the representative I I oh I think we I well I guess I don't want to speak for the group my understanding was we would be charging the superintendent with providing us with that information but I don't know if other people have a different understanding of that that was my understanding where it looks like Eric you email uh the msba with a new formation you could just add us to the list that work as a method of informing the committee so do we just need to change School building Committee in the motion to superintendent I don't I I did not interpret the in the motion as meaning that we were tasking the school building committee with doing anything so but but no but I want to make sure that that we all a good understanding I mean my understanding was that what we're saying is that this the school committee will be informed of any changes in the composition of the school building committee but that doesn't task them with informing us because Eric is the person who's in contact with the msba already to inform them of that so does that make sense perfect um all right are we ready to vote okay um all those in favor all right and that is unanimous of the six members present and the motion passes um yeah and definitely good luck to Beth because I don't know that I have all that I just stopped trying okay get it um okay next we're gonna have a brief discussion about the district goals for 2024 2025 Eric thank you apologize it cannot get the Apple TV to work and it's not just here it seems our tech people are trying to get on their Apple TVs at home getting the same error messages oh I was going to say Can somebody else try not just us so going back and forth with our tech people right now um the district goals discussion Starts Now for next year because we we really set a good process in place last year where we kind of opened up discussion here with the committee we moved it forward to the leadership team to build the draft we brought that back to the committee for further discussion and then in our two summer meetings the leadership team Retreat and the school committee Retreat we honed down the actual goals that we voted on for this current school year so we want to do the same thing with that process this year um and what I'm asking committee members to do is start to think about some of the things that we can use as uh goals for next year for the next school year the the year itself not not Beyond we we have a couple already that carry over the mpss goal will carry over again uh for its I think it's fourth year now excuse me third year um so that that that will be one of our goals anyway we've kind of said that all along it'll be a multi-year goal but other things that you think we should be setting as the kind of big picture overarching goals so that we can uh have our principles connect their school Improvement plans to those bigger goals so kind of thinking big picture just like the goals we have we have now um you know they're right behind us long range planning and Communications PL just things that quote we needed um so I'm just asking the committee to start to think about that and email me individually kind of ideas so that I can take all those ideas and bring them to the leadership team um my first leadership team with this topic of discussion uh on it is next Tuesday and then two weeks from there is the next one so that we can continue to bring that information kind of back and forth between the leadership team and the school committee and hone in hopefully by the end of the school committee summer Retreat on August 9th August 9th uh to be able to to have a set of goals to vote for the beginning of the school year when when would you do you need ideas by to bring to leadership um if people know things now send them now if if you know in a week you think about it and I still have I still every two weeks I meet with the leadership team meeting so this is an ongoing discussion from now through the beginning of the next school year there um it's it's kind of always going to sit on our agenda as a discussion item so just things things to think about and and bigger like overarching stuff like the the curriculum work that we're doing with mtss has really driven us now to to working with math across across the district this year so there are some big kind of goals in place and that allows this principles in their building their um uh School I can't School uh Improvement plan the school Improvement plan thank you the school Improvement plan to be directly connected so that they can create their goals majority of their goals connect to us and then they'll have their own uh sub goals that that go along with it so it'll it'll uh be an opportunity for us to look towards next year and what we can complete thank you um yeah so get thinking and if anybody wants to have a discussion feel free we can call we can grab a cup of coffee whatever just kind of go through some of those bigger picture items and there are things like the Strategic plan we finished working on the you know the portrait of The Graduate those are those are all big picture items the communications plan so looking at really high level stuff that the rest of the district can connect to to drive our work into the future right thank you anybody have anything for Eric that okay um next up this is um unfortunately we can't throw it up there but I encourage you all to look at the on your agenda the um potential timeline for the superintendent this is hopefully pretty straightforward please look at your calendars but I'm this is me making a suggestion um and asking for feedback and if it if this seems like it makes sense we can vote on the timeline but basically um you received the summit of evidence from the superintendent a week ago so you've had that for a week week um I'm just looking at past you know in the past how long we've taken I will I plan on sending you tomorrow the information that you normally get every year which is the same information that you get but I know trench you haven't gotten the opportunity to see it before but it's basically you know the rubric and the form that you fill out for the superintendent and all of the guidelines on how to do the superintendent evaluation so you'll have that so you'll have everything that you need um my I'm just proposing on that timeline that we would I would and again this is a suggestion people can say that they don't like the timeline this was just me throwing something out there so the 23rd which is three weeks from now um I'm saying would hypothetically be a deadline to submit individual evaluations um then um one member needs to um uh create a composite combine them and create a composite document um we've typically done that in a couple of weeks um that would put us at the 6th June 6th um in the past we've often taken that vote on the same evening um that it's presented I'm proposing here that while that could possibly happen we do have a meeting after that so it would allow I think a little bit more of a flexible process that if someone felt like they wanted to make you know that the the group felt that they wanted to have changes or adjustments or edits that would allow that feedback to the compiler who could then make those revisions and then if needed and then we could vote on the 20th this is just a suggested timeline thoughts discussion so the composite would just be presented to committee members it's not like a public thing until the 20th until we vote on it no we would have a discussion on the six discussion on the six it would be we've done it in the past where the exhibit is um watermarked with a draft across it we would have a discussion but in the past we've been pushed right up against the end of the year and so I think there's felt pressure um to have a vote at that meeting so this would allow if needed if everyone loves the composite and it's perfect great we could vote you know but this is just a suggestion again um timeline questions I would entertain a motion on this if anyone has one um that um I moved at the Hamilton wiam Hamilton wiam Regional School uh committee I recommend that the iil Reg schol V to approve the superintendent evaluation timeline as presented okay second by Julia um is there any further discussion okay all those in favor and that is unanimous of the six members present and the motion passes thank you um and um just while I'm thinking of it I could I will be in touch with you Trent about having having being a new member and not done it before I'll be in touch to get you some more detailed information on how to actually do the evaluation um okay um all right next up um our next item is the msba timeline and public polling so uh I'm not sure exactly whether we want to go I think we need this is this agenda item really requires some information um both from the ad hoc committee that we created and also from Eric um so I don't know Eric looks like he's doing some tech support so maybe we'll start with the ad hoc committee which was uh David David and Trent do you guys have some information uh yeah we met on Wednesday and elected uh myself as chair um and I don't remember David as secretary okay um and uh our next meeting is scheduled for 400 p.m. um this coming Wednesday um where we were hoping to get information on the timeline okay I think we're going to to be able to inform the the discussion that's going to happen at that meeting okay and and the methodology can we ask questions yes we're just having he's just trying to get are you trying to you're trying to get something so we can put something on the screen is there like a polling company you guys are talking to what's going on with that so I identified one polling company that has said that they're willing to give a demo I know that David also has identified a contact that has experience in this area uh we just don't know the time frame parameters okay and so I think that will be the first piece of information that'll allow us to get a sense of um what time frame we'll be able to collect this information do we know a sense of cost yeah well I'm just asking questions y go ahead I think if we want to be transparent with the public we need to know as much as possible based on very limited information the Bull Pack was something in the order of 17 to 20 grand 177 to 20 grand that's a lot okay um I think one of those is David I think one of those is for Julia oh I'm sorry take one pass it down y we haven't signed anything though we're just look we're just looking at plac we're just investigating just investigating what's the process going to be to bring this to the committee because we have to allocate the funds I think that because this is a subcommittee formed by this committee we would just be bringing a recommendation to the full committee okay um Eric are you ready to talk about the timeline or do you are you hoping to put it up on the screen and it's not working but it's not going to so does all the members of the committee have this that he passed out I passed it out yep the uh this did not become an exhibit because I just got it this morning and kind of piece this together this afternoon um we met with the Architects we have requested a an extension on the deadline as you know today was the deadline to submit uh the PSR to the msba uh we've requested uh a delay until tomorrow morning until we knew exactly what was going to happen tonight so we just said the committee wants to review possibly poll deeper in the community we need more time we have to submit a letter to the state requesting time depending on what we decide tonight and um that has to be in tomorrow so I I can take care of that piece but this chart here the top boxes is the original timeline uh up through the the schematic process which is where we're doing feasibility which includes the schematic design process the the next one down where it says Revis PSR submitt we would have to be able to get our preferred option approved at the June 6th school committee meeting um so that we could get it to the msba the the date I thought it might be in July but then I realized early July is you know the 4th of July so the the date for msba submission would be the 27th of June um for review in um in August uh for for approval in August so June 27th we'd be invited to FS what they call Fas uh that would be up to them to decide I think it's I forget the dates was a calend there's a calendar that's posted there are two dates in July you get assigned to one of them and then uh the board approval would occur in August that gives the Architects six months instead of eight months to do the schematic design process to be able to hit the mark for ATM so this is outlining what it would take to hit the town meeting for August excuse me April 2025 if we go beyond the April 25 town meeting so say we they need an extra month or so to to do schematic design it could push to uh you know a month or two delay which we'd have to request a uh special town meeting these delays are listed on the bottom and I just used the two two U kind of that been talked about a lot C 3.1 two-month delay would be $332,500 approximately um and the 3.4 option would be two-month delay 475 655 and a 4mon delay 9513 $ those th that's if we had to go beyond the uh April 2025 ATM so I don't I don't want anybody to think like this is an automatic number we're going to eat right away this is just if we have to go beyond so we can't hit that Mark so if we if just for clarification I'm sorry but if we were to vote on June six and move this forward these project costs would not come into place correct unless we ran into an issue with schematic design I understand anything could happen that would that would not cause us to be behind right okay and this was I had a discussion with the Architects and uh OPM and back and forth with msba to try to figure out like what makes sense if we go beyond this timeline then these escalations will kick in if we don't submit and get approved uh for schematic design on the August I think it's August 28th date then you're going to go two more months because it's every two months it's it's it's that every two month cycle so then you're going to start adding to the overall cost in in um and these numbers will change along the way depending on how far out it goes okay um our next school committee meetings the 16 16 yeah yeah so I guess uh I have thoughts but who I think other people probably do too Julia you look like you look like you're having something no it's okay go go no go I just have concerns about the cost I think $20,000 is an insane amount to pay for a poll where we're going to maybe get 5% of the population to actually respond um I also am concerned about the project cost increases If We Hold this project off I mean that's not to say that we're necessarily going to vote it in but if we delay the vote I'm I'm just concerned about the the cost increase and I think we need to be incredibly transparent with the public who's telling us we're not transparent about the costs involved that's all I'll say for right now agre um I know that you waiting for more information from the polling company but did they give any sort of timeline schedule I let me I can clarify a little bit right so we had a meeting scheduled yesterday and obviously we made the agenda um so the three of us all reached out independently to try to find that I was not able to find any um but they they were both able to find someone um David had some good resources about um you know just sort of um this individual timeline that I'm sorry did not give us timeline gave us a a brief cost estimate and then did not give us gave David a you know cost estimate and was willing to speak to us and sort of about the process wanted to speak to us last night but since it wasn't on the agenda I said we should put it off right just to again um make sure we didn't have any sort of all out violations excuse me so that's we didn't sort of have them on to have more concrete evidence tonight right um you know so that being said you know we all working on the fact that like David had a conversation which again was what I was reaching out to try and do to you know a couple sources I had that again had known for this and you know I did not ask tread but I imagine the same sort of thing to get this sort of General um ballpark to even begin to have this discussion so that's that's kind of where we were last night we did a a decent job of mapping out sort of what we think um you know this poll would entail and what we're trying you know we felt we're trying to get out we were trying to get out of it um so that when we did sort of meet with whomever no matter what we can sort of be picking their brains and hitting this ground running as we're g to go um I think that summarizes kind of where we were last night if that helps at all and I I wouldn't judge what the validity potential validity of proposal this is a very one person I reach out to a professor of political science a profens and very mindful of statistic I I didn't question the validity I'm questioning the cost that's all well because the the public literally will question every dollar we spend as they do well going to spend what $140 million but we may get turned down at we do a good job that's I think that's as I understood the intent of doing it because you can get all the way down the line and then have a public vote and if the public vote says no way I'm concerned about the timeline also can it be instituted so that we get the results in time to vote June 6th do you think much more meaningful or two vendors next okay um because of open meeting it wasn't on the agenda right give us another me no I think I think we I think we got a clear picture of what occurred um and Julie is expressing no commit will be made without gra back to this committee anyhow so but we have one more meeting before June 6th right two oh we have two more meetings before we have the six no we have the 16th we have one meeting June 4th June 6th June 6th oh you have a meet you're saying no I'm she's asking what school committee meetings do we have before yeah I did notice that earlier today on our list of meetings it's June 6 which is correct and for whatever reason on the drop down menu where the oh no that would be a two that would be I was ask that's a Tuesday no it's June 6 um okay so the okay Amy did you have something um I just I second the concern about the timeline I feel like what we know about response rate for surveys in town um you know hiring company writing a survey approving the survey getting it out to the public getting responses in time to make a decision I just I don't I'm really concerned about the amount we have and I'm also concerned about if we don't meet this timeline what it means for the cost increase I'm wondering if there's either a fast way to do it with a company or a way to do it in house that feels um neutral not biased so I'm gonna take my turn to speak as a member and I have some really significant concerns um one is I I don't know I know we created the subcommittee but to be honest it feels uncomfortable to me that we're just having members of the subcommittee reach out to people that they might know I I'm not saying that like that feels uncomfortable I'm not I don't know what exactly what the process but I have real concerns about this timeline I I do not under any circumstances want these cost increases I'm not talking about the cost of the poll I'm talking about the cost of the project um that I'm again I'm only speaking as myself right now I am very concerned to me the work of this School building committee has been working for a very long time to bring forth this res recommendation and for us to delay this vote to the point where we incur extra costs these significant extra costs these I just that gives me a lot of pause I I don't I don't know which one of you said it one of you said I don't remember Julia or David but one of you said that ultimately we're going to bring this people and it could get voted down and that's certainly true that that could happen and like that's the ultimate poll right it's really difficult I don't know I I really am I'm very concerned about the ability of this ad hoc committee to produce something that really feels meaningful and useful in the timeline that we have I'm concerned I will okay oh yeah no no no no yeah no no no that was certainly not a comment that the that I don't think the three of you can do no certainly thank you one let me so one way around that is you know is to take the risk of running those two things in parallel you keep going on your schedule um on on this schedule and we get possible poll if that poll uh doesn't doesn't portend uh a serious opposition um we're fine if it does it may have an impact on how you approach the ongoing project I it's just supposed to be as I understand it indicative of where the community is and I don't think anybody really knows at this point Dana can I can I make a motion um uh yes always I just yes go ahead make a motion I feel confident um making this motion now with the information that I have but I move that we do not contract with the polling company that we strike the vote from last week and that we move forward with the time timeline as originally proposed that's my motion second okay I heard a motion and it was seconded I need some clarification so um is your motion to resend the vote from last time or are you making just a new I would rather make a new motion but I don't know okay um okay I would rather go with the original timeline as proposed although I know that tonight we were supposed to vote so we would it wouldn't be the original timeline as proposed okay so right the your original timeline would have us voting tonight tonight tonight right so it's not the original timeline but maybe an amendment to I I just I want to make a motion to continue the project as recommended by the or with the timeline not necessarily project with the timeline recommended by the msba as originally recommended does that make sense um yes I'm just trying to make sure I know what the motion to make sure the motion is very clear um I know and I should have talked to you about it beforehand I didn't have this information and I didn't know no this is um so I heard a motion to to uh help me out to to stay with original time the original time the mo us to Strike last week's right that's what I try to to reconsider to reconsider that's not what was stated right she the motion was to strike okay so I would say a motion to reconsider okay so I don't want to I don't want to strike would you like okay like so here's a possibility would you like to withdraw your motion yes okay all right help me write a better one she can do that yes so I can give you some information Robert's Rules information so emotion to we consider um actually needs to be needs to take place in the same meeting oh okay um and as stated by a member of the public it is accurate that you would need to be on the sort of Winning Side in order to which it was unanimous vote all of us were on the same side um but um but that would be within the same meeting a motion to resend um is something that takes place after the meeting has occurred um a motion to resend a vote would mean that your vote would be to just undo the vote to say undo the vote um that a motion to resend if it is publicly posted or announced ahead of time is just a regular motion and would be a 50 of you know majority if it is not publicly posted or ahead of time as in this case it would require a two-thirds majority of the members who are voting or the a major or a majority of the entire body which in our case is the same number which is four right because somebody checked my math on that but four out of six four is two3 and four is also the number that right yes one more all right a motion to amend is separate is a um a motion to amend would be to look at a previous vote and say I would like to amend that vote in some way it has the same voting rules that I just described and I'm not going to try to do again um so I'm sorry to keep putting you on the spot I don't know exactly what you want to do I move to resend the vote from last week and it can go which way it goes second okay so the motion is it was seconded by Amy kinberger the motion is to resend the vote on um creating the survey and Contracting with a pooling company the ad hoc committee to create a poll um is everyone just is everyone clear on what Julia's motion is I just want to make sure because I I I before we open I I want to make sure that everybody's clear what Julia's motion does y right so Julia's motion now takes away the adhel committee and puts us back on the original timeline at which point this tonight now would vote towards whether or not we approve the recommended I I think that that is I I think that that is accurate yeah I'm pretty sure yes right and I'm not gonna lie that makes me really uncomfortable same um not that I don't know what I believe in where but I feel that personally this is going to fall heavily on my shoulders right I just spent the past week getting extorted yeled at right and just every name in the book thrown at me right it just ended it has consumed my life for the past week and I've done everything in my power to try and be as open and honest in this process and hear all sides and show in good faith that I'm willing to do whatever the community and this community ask you to do for the benefit of this district and the kids in this District right and the cluster that this is sort of turning into is an embarassing and again I feel like it's really falling on my shoulders right because I'm telling you right now I'm the deciding vote right and again I know exactly where I'm coming from if I was to put that vote forward however everything that just ended for me right this week of hell I've just had I've reached out a few times in eight plus years on this board through covid I didn't get the vital spit my way that I did this past week right for volunteering to sit on multiple committees in this town to benefit the kids of this community right so now to actually have this here right really really really really upsets me right to it's not my intent at all to vote tonight I'm not saying it was anybody's intent right but I have I have to be honest and say that it just I am not happy about the way this has gone about I've been trying to you know do my duty and listen to everybody sort of opinion in town do my duty in reporting out all the information I have because I am privy to more information everybody as being the representative of this subcommittee right and having been doing this work for two years we spent a great deal of time yesterday just giving backstory of how we actually came right which is really important and if we were to go forward and in everybody agreed that if we're to go forward a full and complete understanding of our community is really what we're trying to get out of this poll right and and that's all that's why I agreed to it last week right and and and that's why I agree to join that subcommittee right and and why I've filled up by week take it away from my family everything that's been going on this week right which is a very very busy week at home and you know and and now here I am right having all of this like work done once again the work I've done for the past two years was called into question last week right now the we now the work I've done in the week since is now being called into question so you know I'm not really happy right now um well I want to say that if it means we have to vote tonight without Jen here then I'm not comfortable with that either so I would be willing to either amend or withdraw the motion as stated if it means we have to vote tonight I'm not comfortable with that either so okay so I I did I wanted to give everyone a chance before I spoke myself as a member um I was going to make the point that David made which is that do think that one of the concerns about recent there are I do have other concerns about just the and I actually believe that Julia does understand how big it is to resend to vote it's not something we do typically I really do believe that Julia understands that um but I do believe that resending the vote would put us back to voting this evening and I am expressing that I'm very concerned about that um and that that would be my number one concern about this is that I don't think that that would be appropriate um okay so yeah but I want I mean I don't you know I want go ahead if you have something to say that was not my intent and if that is the if that is what the most is going to result in then I will I will withdraw the motion okay are we able to amend the motion to include that we don't want to vote tonight we only want to vote on the poll that's why that's why I was trying to go through that because there are all these rules about resending or um so I I guess what I'm going to put forward is just my I don't know what the motion looks like but for me my concern is I would like to put to keep to the timeline that was I guess I'm not even to say the timeline I'm gonna say that I would like to be voting on June 6th because my understanding from the information that we got tonight is that if we're if we vote on June 6th we can still be in you know a timeline that puts us at April 2025 town meeting and that's what I would like to do I don't know what that motion looks like or if there is one or if anyone has any other motion do I need to withdraw my motion to resend the vote because I I thought that you did I did I well officially if because I I do not feel comfortable without the public being here um I made a comment earlier that was not meant to be rhetorical is it possible to have this sub commmittee that we put together design a survey bring it here for us to vote on and release that to the public ourselves to not incur this cost to help meet this timeline you're making an assumption about the methodology that's unwarranted get releasing it to the public is already runs a fou of any kind of sampling method that would make it representative of of the overall electorate so I wouldn't recommend that we' already had surve ad hoc surveys that have no sampling statistical significance of control if you want to actually be predictive of what the electrc is going to do you need to have it properly designed by somebody who actually knows what they're doing well I I recognize that I know I don't know what that will cost that that was a spit PO number with no serious data sure to do it we should be able to get next week something that would be meaningful and I I really suggest you proceed with all of this stuff is if the poll didn't happen until we actually have a meaningful proposal to make here I I recognize that and I respect the work behind it I'm just very very concerned about this timeline well then screw the timeline how we do I I I actually if I if I may I I what I'm hearing I'd like other people to make sure that what I'm hearing David suggest is that we pursue this June 6th date to take a vote here and if we have if the ad hoc committee has not we pursue the date whether or not the ad hoc committee has yet achieved the goal of a poll yeah and if that poll let's say comes in the middle of July for example that in that we would have moved forward with the vote however the vote goes already but that information in July is what I'm hearing you say would then inform how best to approach the public communicate make decisions about how we is that accurate is that what you're saying I don't know whether the rest of the ad hoc committee I think the public thinks something very different I think that they think that you guys are doing this poll and that it's going to influence our vote on June 6th and I just want to be very clear as to what we the purpose of the poll is for the committee and then also to tell the public public what the purpose is because that's how I that's what I was feeling the public thought the polls the purpose of the poll was can I respond to that yeah so the way that I see I'll just repeat some of what I said last week the way I see this whole process failing is if we take a project to the town and they turn it down that is sunk time it's sunk money and the there's a great example that just happened in January of that happening in whiter Tech 11 communities were asked to contribute 10 of them voted it down only one voted for it to go forward this is up on the NorthShore right the other example is in IP switch I I look at that as this project failing what I see as the goal for the project is for us to have a successful ideally appropriation of as much State funds as we possibly can but a successful renovation or build of the schools and my my fear from the what what I've seen in the public is that we're we're on a track that looks like Whittier Tech that is really not informed by a great deal of information and the whole purpose of the poll is to provide that information my fear with bringing it back to this committee and then saying we're going to design something and send it out is that there are well-known biases that you know show up in in surveys right I think that if we if we did not have a very strong sampling um methodology we would end up with people that were very much for and very much against and then we've just wasted money and we've wasted time and we still don't have good data so I the only way that I support this moving forward is if we're committing to a process that's going to give us data that's allowing us to potentially see are we on the path of being able to get a new school or are we on the path of not having the investment of time energy and taxpayer money pay off and so that's that's my overarching concern so if if we if we don't have the ability to collect good data that's going to inform the decisions that are made then I I would agree that it's probably not it's not worth collecting bad data so your goal was to have this data for the for a vote to inform our Vote or to help us help us inform that go I think that if the the the in the best of all possible worlds we would have this information and then you know some time with coffee to think about you know how how this how this information informs or doesn't inform our vote and I think that the most meaningful information is negative information if if there's a poll that comes back that says you know 90% of people are against something then we're in a position where that that either is going to inform the decision that we make or not um but I think that that that would be good information to have before we went down a path of telling msba this is what we were going to do because we've already appropriated and spent money and people's time and people's you know sweat and emotional you know and I'm not arguing whether or not the data is valid I'm literally just thinking about the timeline like do we want this before the vote or do we not care about it before the vote well I think that if if we had the information after the vote and it demonstrated that there wasn't public buyin into it then there there might still be action points they might be very different than if we got it before the vote okay and so I I I think that the the best time to get information would be of course before the vote is there meaning to knowing what the public temperature is for the project that's going to come before them in what a year two years I think that that would at least provide time for there to be an action from this group and that might be more of a public education campaign it it might be you know if if this group feels that the option that we're going to vote for is the one that's best for the schools then then I think that we are obligated to do our best to make sure that it's going to be supported by the voters or we've just taken money and there's no benefit right there's $1.25 million that could been spent on something else it's not I mean my point is just really when do we want this data that's really my point do we know when we want it or not I don't know okay so and my point is not is the data valid or not I think it is but I do I I this is an important conversation and but I also do want to move us towards action right right now the there's no motion on the table right now currently our ad hoc committee has been tasked with creating this poll I do not believe we gave you any kind of a deadline we asked you to come back I heard you saying the three of you I believe saying that you feel like you'll have better information next meeting because you're going to move unless we take any action this evening you guys are going to be today moving forward what I'm hearing in the rest of the committee is concerns about and tell me but is concerns about taking this vote whether it's that if we vot vote on June 6th are we somehow tying that to the polling to the polling information or not are we um I mean because we we we could have voted tonight honestly if it I thought that we were suspending the vote because we were going to get this information from the community that's what I thought okay I yes that's why I voted I think I think if we're all being honest that was D very much the nature of the conversation um I also think we have new information now this evening regarding the timeline um you know so people are s reevaluating what they so I'm not sure whether there's a motion that needs to be made or not I'm also not sure I could I could make a motion Dave poo is going to probably murder me I move that we've vote to approve the or to approve or not approve the preferred option on June 6th whether or not we have a poll can I make that whether or not we have the poll results can I make that motion just thinking about whatever no no no I'm just is there a second yeah second I was just making sure the wording was making sense um also so the motion would just be that that that would be ensuring that that was on the agenda for June 6 for a vote is that correct yes um and that would change nothing about what had been exactly wouldn't change T um we would hear next week or next meeting from the ad hoc committee would giving us like clear information about what you're expecting and how right yeah we at least be able to have more concrete and this motion would change nothing about the ad hoc committee except to let you know that that that we are going to put that on an agenda now puts a time stamp on what it now puts a time stamp on sort of what we can attempt to do so I guess that's what I was trying to clarify because I heard different points of view about that in the committee that it sounded like some people felt like if the polling data you know good quality polling data came in after the committee had already made some decisions that that polling data could be used in a number of ways I think Trent spoke to that that it could be used to inform next steps for the committee in terms of public education moving forward that kind of thing um I I think there's a good possibility that the question of cost and the question of time frame might be linked when we start getting down to nuts and bolts with potential vendors but of course we would be able to bring that information back to this committee and if it was you know obscene then we don't have have to vote to move forward with it if it's reasonable and what acceptable cost might be different if the time frame is before or after the vote given what people think about the value of information before or after the vote um I'm really so the motion I'm just gonna say the motion really doesn't speak to anything at all about the polling really no right the motion is really something um anybody else have anything to say I just just one more clarifying question right if we don't make this June 6th deadline that's when we start getting into having to worry about these costs on the bottom that's my understanding Eric does that seem right if we have to go to the yeah two months more then we start to get in trouble with costs the both The Architects and OPM felt like this revised PSR submitt we would be okay it shortens the schematic design time for the defit for the Architects but they're going to be pencils down until we do anything anyway so can I ask the ad hoc the committee the three of you um I mean I guess I just want to feel for like do you all feel like next week you're going or next meeting like do you all feel like next week next meeting you're going to have I know it's hard to predict the future but like that's your goal is to have somewh clearer information for us about timeline cost that I I think an approach to this that might make everybody more comfortable is if we were to put on the agenda that we could vote at our next meeting uh but we don't have to if we have compelling information just so that public is available is aware that to vote on the preferred option to vote on the preferred option I know that the time frame is making people concerned and I don't want there to be any like pressing against a a deadline well I I would ask Eric is there any difference from our timeline on the msba between voting on May 16th versus May June 6th voting for the preferred option correct no today's the deadline right so we missed the deadline if we don't vote tonight yeah so June 6 is our next deadline so I don't know that there's a benefit you do have the ability to put an put a meeting on June uh May 30th if you need another meeting specifically for that topic we can't meet on May 30th it's Candle Light what candle light can't how about no your point is we could have sorry I won't be here I'll be a cand you'll be a cand um yeah no um but no your point is valid that if we felt like but yeah but we have a meeting on the 16th I I just the committee has the ability to set another meeting doesn't necessarily have to be on Thursdays right I appreciate the right but but I guess just for clarification there's no once we don't vote tonight there's no difference from the point of view of the timeline for the msba between the 16th and the six right we're we're staring at the revised timeline I mean that's that's really where we're at now the top one was the original basically gone if we didn't have a preferred option today to submit to the state by midnight okay we're not going to so soer option schedule is where we're at if we push beyond that then we start getting into cost increment increment uh increases excuse me okay so it's 910 so I want to try oh my God it's 91 the motion on the table is to make sure that or to that this committee will vote on the preferred option on June 6 June which I think was already happening but um was it not well that hadn't been I mean in other words Eric and I agree the agenda okay two weeks you know we have so yes that would have been what we would have probably done but this is a this is this committee saying compelling us to do that like this is what we want on the agenda so is there any further discussion on that right all those in favor that is six in favor uh so and the motion passes of the six unanimously of the six members present um and I will without I will anticipate that on our next meeting on May 16th I will have an agenda we will have an agenda item as for a report from the ad hoc committee to update us onto where you are and give us some information and I heard from the committee they're interested in timeline and cost if you have any information on that before we move on from this agenda item yes can I just ask one question yeah yeah um and it's specifically to you Dana um just because I I want to make sure that something's on the record um when I first joined the committee you and I had a meeting and at that meeting I let you know where I live is that correct yes and uh after that did you investigate whether or not there was a conflict of interest yes and what was your finding sure yeah no I um I did um because I have some experience with this so I contacted the um masc regarding um where the new Committee Member lived and and they they were very very clear with me that um the definition of an AB butter is um quite specific and that Trent does not meet the definition of an butter thank you uh okay anybody else have any other questions okay um so next up we have um the policy subcommittee has requested um the next item on the agenda which is was brought forth by the policy subcommittee and it's an IQ policy discussion um does policy I'd like to start this off with a motion do you all have a motion I do um but I I don't necessarily want to proce oh I'm sorry yes do we want to do we want to take a quick recess and see if you have you have we're going to plug Vinnie Vinnie has the ability to plug in directly um okay so shall we take we can take a Qui you want to take a we're going to take a five minute um recess for a technical issue we will free e e e e e e e e e we're ready to reconvene all right all right and we are back in session and um yeah so if you could please start with a motion sure I'd like to propose this motion um I moved that the school committee tasks the policy subcommittee and the superintendent to draft a policy am can you hit me okay I I can hear you but it couldn't hurt to be a little bit louder okay okay I I know I don't think that's on particularly loud is there is there an adjustment to that um I move that the school committee tasks the policy subcommittee and the superintendent to draft a policy for monitoring and maintaining our school facilities for optimal healthy living and learning this would include IAQ water and surfaces and I'll elaborate on that further in the presentation I have a do I have a second second second second by Trent Honda can I make an amendment to the motion or FR um no so I hear as someone offering an amendment go ahead just that is not what we decided on in the subcommittee that's not what we wrote and what we voted to move to the committee so can you offer the amendment I'm offering the amendment okay it was simply does the full school committee wish to task no I'm moved that the school committee task the policy subcommittee with creation of an IQ policy just as simple as that that was so your Amendment what I understood as secretary so your amendment is to replace the text with um I move that the school committee tasked the policy subcommittee with creation of an IAQ policy yeah just full stop okay do I have a second to that Amendment second second by Amy to that Amendment so at this point we are just discussing the amendment Julia would you like to speak to that um I'm just concerned because we had a lot of dissension on the committee and in the subcommittee and what was decided when I was I rewatched that meeting several times and I was the secretary was simply that we are not recommending this but that we are asking the full school committee if there is an appetite to move forward with this that's that's what I understood and I know that this is the third time it's been brought to the full school committee so I think this language is it's a little bit leading like if you vote against it or if you have a question it means you you might not want optimal healthy living in learning and obviously we all want that but the motion as I understood it that the subcommittee voted on was simply whether or not the school committee would task us with creating some kind of policy like this that's what I understood okay and that's why I amended okay so or move to amend I've done a lot of motions tonight so I'm sorry does anybody have discussion on the amendment that is before us yeah I I would respectfully request that you wait until you see um Professor um the Harvard Professor for healthy buildings talk which I'm about to play we did didn't we in the subcomittee didn't but that doesn't have anything to do with the motion right her motion is her motion is an amendment yeah to to this so um so the the reason why I'd prefer not to to narrow the scope back to just IQ is healthy buildings are more than just IQ that's all um and and uh I think if you hear his talk it may sway you to broaden the definition I am concerned that this policy subcommittee has brought this or this subject has been brought to the school committee three times now and there has it has not been voted to move forward so I am concerned that this wording that if someone were to question it or vote against it then it would look like we do not want to main maintain our we're voting against maintaining our school facilities for optimal healthy living and learning but what we're voting on we have voted against that basically we're voting motion to actually fix it but and I'm also concerned that this is not what was agreed upon in the policy sub committee I'm gonna let someone else speak y David who's the uh chair of the policy the chair David well the reason I asked is my discussion was going to be since this is posted on our agenda and David is presenting that it doesn't necess necessitate that it is coming from the policy subcommittee as as a recommendation but since he's the chair it could look that way even though the discussion currently is it is that there is sort of dis um disagreement within the subcommittee so right now though all discussing is the amendment so right but I mean whether to change that to the to the amended motion that Julia made well I mean again if you you know give given this space on the agenda with a presentation like you know normally hearo the presentation and then make your you know we make our decision based on that so to be clear the policy subcommittee asked for this agenda item and I asked the chair of policy if they had any information and this is what was given as an exhibit just to be clear that's the opposite answer I wanted you to give me so to be to be clear that's what happened can you I I can say what I perceived happened I mean I I mean no I understand but I was trying to make this easy it's 9:30 no it's definitely not easy it's not easy so as a subcommittee we David presented this as the chair this is all obviously public y um presented this item as the chair Jen did not second it I seconded it because I the only reason I did I wanted to bring it to the full school committee to see if it's e even worth us having having nine and a half hours of discussion as a subcommittee okay that was my intent I cannot speak for Jen I cannot speak for David so right now um again we're just asking we had this motion it was seconded I have an amendment to that motion it was seconded we need to and one more clarifying question sure the amendment you just read was the amendment was the motion agreed upon and voted on by the subcommittee that's correct sorry okay that's correct sorry Is there further discussion on this okay so we're voting on the amendment which is to change the wording up there in its entirety to say I move that the school committee tasks the policy subcommittee with the creation of an IAQ policy okay got it all right so this is just on the amendment to the proposed motion all right all right all those in favor okay that is five six all right all right um so that is unanimous of the six members present and the motion passes um David would you like to speak to the motion sure um why do we need a healthy facilities learning policy uh or IQ let's narrow the language to to IQ because we don't have one is is the short answer the longer answer is that can be provided by Professor Joseph Allen far more eloquently than I can so it's quite an honor to be uh to be invited to uh hopefully set the stage for a rich conversation question and answer session on the topic of environmental resilience and specifically the role of building right as we think about outdoor air pollution of course the dirty secret of outdoor air pollution is it penetrates indoors and because we spend the vast majority of our life indoors even as that outdoor air pollution concentration is reduced as it comes inside the majority of your exposure to outdoor air pollution occurs that should that does surprise a lot of people to hear that majority of your exposure can occur indoors my goals for this session is to kind of set the stage for Rich discussion but also Place buildings at the center of a lot of these problems we're talking about those consume um 40% of global energy in some cities it's 70 or higher 70% of global energy they're at the center of our climate crisis uh we spend majority of our time indoors and we see an indoor uh how the indoor environment influences our health and as I hope to show at the center of the problems that means they're at the center of the solution Center they have to be as we think about longterm climate mitigation adaptation and also healthier indoor environments so I'd like to start my presentations with a little thought experiment asking people um what do you know about Healthy Living we you to ask the general audience what do you know about healthy living and also how do you know what constitutes a healthy lifestyle if you ask that question you're going to get good answers around things like this I know I should exercise every day that's good for my health I know I should eat healthy and we know what healthy foods are we know what unhealthy foods are we know that outdoor evolution is bad for us we know we shouldn't smoked cigarettes and so how do we know all of this I'd argue that we have much of the knowledge of what the public understands constitutes Healthy Living comes from these great human epidem cohort studies they follow tens of thousands of people for years decades and look at their lifestyle environmental factors genetic factors and and health outcomes and if you look at all these great studies though you see a glaring hole none of them talk about the role of the building and because we don't look at the building in these great big studies long-term cohort studies we have a knowledge Gap the public therefore has the knowledge Gap so in its place what we have is a relatively small field of indoor air quality scientists relatively under underfunded grossly underfunded compared to other aspects of of environmental health and public health yet it has an outsized impact on our health and we don't actually have to go much farther than look right at what happened with Co and why and why this was such a problem besides being novel to our immune systems we had a failure to recognize that the building plays a critical role in keeping us safe from this respiratory virus and others I've been writing about this from the beginning of the pandemic here's an article in the New York Times March 2020 placing buildings at the center of our response to the covid-19 crisis yet if you recall that time period much of the guidance and it still persists today was around transmission or shared services or droplet transmission and this idea that if you stay Just 2 m or six feet from somebody you're going to be okay and we were cleaning our deep cleaning buildings and people didn't want to handle the mail or or be careful with groceries we fundamentally missed that this virus is an Airborne virus nearly all spread happening indoors the all spread indoors nearly all so what does that mean well buildings had to be the centerpiece of our response and for much of the world missed this for a year or more so I don't want to dwell on Co but I want to talk about um four fundamental shifts that are coming out of CO as relates to our buildings the first is this as we are here uh not together but you're all in your room watching this wherever you are when you're with other people you're out at school the office grocery we are constantly emitting emitting respiratory aerosols these aerosols are all different sizes the majority if someone's infectious the majority of the virus travels in smaller aerosols that travel well beyond two two meters and this is a a work we did with the New York Times visualizing respiratory aerosols in a classroom same thing would hold in any office conference room bus airplane very quickly you see that the aerosols of every in are mixing and they're traveling Beyond this uh they fill up the room so we have all spread happening indoors we have aerosols that travel Beyond 2 met and a buildup of aerosols in underventilated or under filtered spaces the first key takeaway is that the scientific and medical literature is being Rewritten really Decades of of overfocused on droplet transmission these these large droplets that fall out of the air within 2 meters that's being Rewritten in the top Medical journ Journal medicine the L in Jam Global scientists agreeing on this and it's this principle that as you have an infectious person relatively quickly these aerosols travel very quickly Beyond 2 met or six feet fill up an entire room and the concentration of infectious particles or FAL particles in uh in the air is dependent upon size of the room number of people infected and ventilation filtration and relatively simple strategies increasing ventilation enhancing filtration you can decrease the concentration so that's number First Fundamental takeway is this Airborne transmission being recognized as the dominant mode of transmiss we should have gotten this right in year one took several years to get there second key takeaway that says the focus on buildings now is not going away we have a very Savvy public now everyone is in is very knowledgeable on infectious disease infectious disease transmission I always say my neighbor Now talks to me about filtration and ventilation here's something I pulled um from the a website called glass door which is where people talk about their jobs usually they talk about salary and culture and what job title they have what the work is like well they're also talking about their building in my book I talk about as your employees are interviewing your building so I pulled one that I thought was really quite interesting this company now has this statement links to their company forever where someone says how is being in this office any different than being on a virus infected cruise ship for eight hours a day five days a week so employees are recognizing that the building is playing a role in their health you now have a widespread awareness of this you have an entire media and social media ecosystem focused on that's going soon and in fact you have people now monitoring indoor air quality and Reporting on it I showed this on CNN this monitor I have several monitors behind me right now they're relatively low cost and people are sharing this the same device now that used to be available only to scientists people can go in and they measure in the school the classroom in a coffee shop and they report on this in social media so hyperware public that is now the tools to measure and verify in okay third it has finally been recognize that buildings are Central to this fight I'm I'm proud to have been advisor of the White House for the past year in the in the US as of February 20120 President Biden elevated buildings this clean a and buildings challenge elevated it on par with vaccines Therapeutics testing in the pandemic response that is aor and it will lead to a continued longterm um Shi and here's the what's coming next the problem has been that you have buildings built designed for low ventilation rates this is a figure showing a 100e history of ventilation rates not going to go through all the detail but I want to point this out the dotted red line is the level at which we knew 100 years ago was sufficient or helpful in reducing or infectious disease transmission indoors in the past 100 years globally we have decreased the ventilation rate so is it any surprise we have a novel virus that's spread through the air nearly entirely indoors meets a building stock that is underventilated we've choked up the Air Supply in our buildings these respiratory air cells build up and if you look at every single super spreader event you'll find that same thing time IND under filter this is by Design we designed our buildings incorrectly for the past really for the the past 40 years in particular we've decreased our ventilation rate what to do about this want to highlight a report from the Lan covid-19 commission I share the Lan's task force on safe work safe School safe travel we put out a report just a couple weeks ago trying to simplify this the first four strategies every building should pursue one give your building a tunea just like you do for your car we do this every year for our car buildings similarly start to perform worse over time we need to give them a tune up to bring them back to where they should be performing maximize ventilation rates upgrade your filtration deploy portable air cleaners where necessary that's the third big change coming fourth is this this issue of Co and ventilation air quality has now opening much more broad conversation about all the factors in the indoor environment that influence Health here's a report my Harvard team put out the nine foundations of the healthy building talking about Water Quality Lighting biopic design influence of dust and mold and acoustical quality and thermal condition and what I've seen is that the entry point to be thinking differently about our buildings was Co ventilation air quality and now major multinational organizations companies White House in the US are rethinking our entire strategy around buildings and how we can improve the condition for everybody indoors with a wider lens on what constitutes healing so I I hope that was a sort of good Prem for um what what um the issues are associated with indor air quality I I repeated this particular graph um what's interesting about is the up until very recently the building stand was in the NBA build stand 62 weild not just others in the state are wor 1905 turns out that last year pass 241 which this AIS here Pere per person in the up Bas infection the other thing about what he was talking about measuring CO2 is not just a matter of a measure of ventilation and by the way the report on Cutler uh had that the Architects had said that they felt there was a need for CO2 controlled ventilation that design is the question is how much ventilation and that's dependent on the context is are we in the middle of a pandemic need a lot more vation early in Spring Maybe not maybe something that's got variable capacity but the other other thing that Joseph has an enous on cogn enous test I'll let you think you've got print outs of this so that's very significant another significant finding that's just just been published that I find fascinating is that the CO2 level elevated CO2 levels actually makes uh the covid virus more infectious in its own right so not only is elevated CO2 IND indicative of of um of poor ventilation and a and a marker that you can you can track and decide do I want to go into this room because the CO2 level so high clear the ventilation is poor and I'm exposing myself to whatever the aroles are in the school one example of which by the way was I went to the the to the high school for the vote um and and arrived just they were gabbling it together went in with my2 mon it was 2300 already 2300 versus Bon public school starts all of their their defensive activities of opening Windows turning on filter box at 1,000 so 2300 and there was potentially two hours of meeting I walked out of the meeting because short of decided to stay for all that time mased the that that room going to get up to probably 4,000 before the end of that me so you're exposing yourself to whoever is in that room and their whatever issues but this I think is extremely interesting you know since we're institution that's that's trying to produce better Scholastic results we stick kids for mcast for three hours in a room at a time before hours actually recently um in badly ventilated rooms and so we're handicapping them by not having good ventilation and and for that matter measuring what the ventilation is one one really good point that Jen who's not here made at that meeting was there's not enough measurement you know and and um to that end Boston Public Schools made a really significant investment in putting uh sensors in every single classroom and Reporting them out um in a in a public dashboard that you can drill down to the individual classroom so you know exactly where all of these parameters are carbon dioxide carb so some of the things that policy the policy um the IQ policy could could incorporate are all of these kinds of of parameters some of this goes beyond indoor air quality clearly water um but but uh most of them are fall into the category of indoor air quality um his final um uh schematic at the end that showed all of the all of the points of the dial of the different factors that go into a healthy building is what I was really trying to amend the original intent of IQ to broaden to to all of the health factors that go into into our buildings are affected by the nature of our buildings which is a little bit broader indoor air quality would be a great start so what are the benefits of having a healthy learning policy uh which is what I is about develop a healthy a health focused culture in our schools building awareness of of of what we've leared from particularly from this last pandemic put in place a supportive organization structure and metrics to enable management of the health and Learning Factors right now we don't measure and therefore we can't manage so um I think that's fundamental in all engineering and science what you can't measure you can't manage so um so we should decide what do we want to measure and why and what could we do with the measurements once we once we've made them and and of course what's improving the students teachers and staff's health and reducing the absenteeism caused by by not managing the these uh parameters and improved learning as measured in test scores I think that's what we're all hear about EPA makes free very interesting mobile app that that link will take you to that that is a facilitator of the complete inventory across your school you know they have a whole program to encourage schools to actually get a handle on this and then to manage it and you know it's a it's definitely a continuous Improvement kind of thing it's not an absolute you've got to be here tomorrow but if you don't measure you don't know where you are so you you you have no ability to to really move the ball forward all the time and make make good decisions financially um as to which improvements are going to produce what kind of meaningful result there's there's very different kinds of of um Investments that can be made some of it very modest and some of it can be quite expensive but but measurement is a great starting point so that's really all I have to say thank you um uh so we're goingon to have discussion you're I guess you could stay there or you can sit down whichever sure yeah I'm happy to um to vacate okay so I'm going to start with um questions clarifying questions um does anyone have anything clarifying question regarding the motion what's being asked for or any sort of unclarity about that and then we'll move on to discussion yeah I guess the first the first thing is so the motion is asking um is it asking for the school committee as a whole to be pursuing I think the the motion which was stated in the affirmative so that motions that's to make them easier was to um task for have this committee the school committee task policy with the creation of an indoor air policy indoor I think to be clear it wasn't it wasn't asking to task us we weren't recommending it it was seeing if I I understand that that's why I was saying it was made in the affirmative that it sounds to me like the the request from policy was does the school committee want us to pursue this or not um but generally motions are made in the affirmative um is that your question David um looks like we're ready to move on to discussion we are we moved on to discussion or yep oh okay y please um so I I we just spent you know the last two hours talking about the new building projects that we're talking about um and we're talking about significant Investments and you know I'm on the capital uh finance subcommittee and we recently had a discussion around what capital projects would we recommend to this committee and um there there's not really guidance from this committee as to how to make those decisions so um you know the the decisions that we made were first how are we going to make this decision and we decided that the safety of anything that had to do with safety was was priority right um and so I look at the potential introduction of a policy around um I guess healthy environments as something that is pretty consistent with the investment that we're making in our infrastructure through all of these building projects that we're proposing uh but also something that could just be as simple as guidance of you know when when a capital project is being decided and there's more than one option the the healthy option or the the option that is is considering these you know healthy components um is is the the guidance that the the committee would offer so I I think that you know if if we didn't have the msba project on the table right now this would look like a large Capital project but um it it could just be the right time to provide guidance on how to make decisions while in Investments already being made um I'll give time to others other discussion um I'm gonna jump into the question um David or anyone are you can you tell me what I what other um School District IQ policies you've reviewed and what others you have found in our area um actually had chat GDP Drew up it so I I'm going to just be real honest with you is that I did a search and I can't find any I'm just trying to think um there was there was at least one I think I shared it with Eric months ago probably over a year ago a school district yeah so because I I just did I just want to point out that the Boston public schools which you highlighted do not have an indoor air quality policy what they have is an initiative that they used covid Esser funds to fund an initiative and they did do those things that you said but they do not have a policy the no they went a different route what they did is I'm just making that because what you're asking for is a policy so I'm asking you about yeah let me finish I think they have a deao policy because when when a they measure and when they do there's a handbook B for every teacher as to what they do as a result of that it's quite comprehensive um so that I think goes a Step Beyond policy it actually um shaped how they how they operate and uh I'd be perfectly happy if we had that in Lee of a policy actually but but we have neither we have no measurement we have no procedures we you know uh and they they did and they they um and I would point out the the their um schools there's have been comparative studies done that the that District had onethird of the infection rates during Co that that we and a lot of our peer schools had no I think there's there were multiple variables involved in achieving that outcome so I my point was really around policy though that they did not create an indoor air quality policy um I on the on the I mean in on the masc I searched masc I searched other I did some other research and I didn't find one that there is one from Westboro and it is so generic as to be something like we'll do the best to have healthy schools or something I mean it's very generic um and then has you know some information about construction like it um no I do recall one that was very specific okay well but you don't know where it was from I I don't recall because it was quite a long time ago maybe that was that's sort of my question is this motion feels very vague and um it's one of those things right where we're like of course we all want great indoor air quality we want to reduce illness and for our students and staff um I just I think we've had this conversation before I don't know that that body is the right body to make those decisions like they we have people in place and guidelines in place that we've been working with so far I you know I'm looking at some of the things you're bringing to us are we talking about the potential of like putting monitors in every classroom deciding what a teacher does if a monitor reaches a certain level like it just feels very the weeds and broader than the policy committee subcommittee and this committee I guess I just have I we do get in the Weeds on child restraints I mean it's not like policy doesn't touch the Practical day-to-day of running the school we don't really I mean we I don't think we did the child child restraints because it was determined that it wasn't so I think for me I have the same concerns as Amy and also I'm going to have zero friends on this committee after this um because I feel like I've just probably going to have offended everyone in this room at this point but I really don't think this and I've told you I do not think that this policy is the purview of the policy subcommittee I don't think I think we've voted on it as a whole school committee several times I think it is a very deserved passion project you are passionate about it it you are interested in it and it is something that you would love to see in the schools and I'm all for that like I have a lot of passion projects and things I want to see in the schools but I don't think the policy subcommittee is the right place for it and I that is why I wanted but I don't think that you would listen to the policy subcommittee if it was just the two of us so that is why I wanted to bring it to the full body to decide and of course I will be I'm a good team member I will do what the body decides that's that was my thinking um in seconding the motion to bring it to this full body if that makes sense that's all that's all I wanted to say thank you if you if you don't feel it's appropriate for the subcommittee where would where would I think it's for Eric and it's for the it's for the facilities people I mean I think that um um when we make the hiring and firing decisions when we make the capital allocations when we are upgrading the schools I mean I think that's where it lives you know I that just that's me I mean I'm I've had I feel like I've argued with everyone in my entire life today but I'm just can talk about like how I am feeling and my position and my viewpoint but I think um I'm not and that's the thing that I think gets lost in this is people think oh I'm I don't think that we should have healthy you know I can just see what's going to be on Facebook Julia doesn't think we should have healthy air schools she wants to suffocate our children and you know what fine like obviously I don't think that but I think it gets skewed that way and that's what I'm concerned about but really it is I think it's important but I also am looking at precedent for other schools that have it and I'm also looking at all of the different projects we have in front of us and I'm just considering all the different Vari variables but for me as a SubCom subcommittee member and I like am not being able to talk because it's so late it is late um but I that is where I stand on this and I leave it up to everyone else thank you other comments we do need a motion because it's 10 o'clock we have a motion no we need a motion at 10 o' hi all right um so I move to extend the meeting by 10 minutes second okay all those in favor how fast talk oh no I mean you want we can make another motion all those in favor okay uh motion passes and we're extended by 10 minutes doesn't mean somebody can't make a motion later on great um so um the current motion on the table is a motion that the school committee tasks the policy committee with the creation of an IAQ policy um I have one more comment does anyone else have a comment that they' like to make um I I just will say I was listening to the discussion and I agree with Julia that was the motion that came out of the committee that that is the current motion on the table yes um okay so I'm going to take my turn as a member I'm going to just say that um this this body this school committee has taken two votes on indoor air quality um the same similar um we took those two votes in January 2023 um and both votes were no um one of them was to direct policy to study and indoor air quality um another one was about an indoor air quality bill so was related but not the same um my concern is that I think we as a school district are required to follow the rules and regulations set by um the state um and I think those are really important I have said and I've said it to David in person when it comes to the new building I am going to really want to be assured that that new building is going to have topnotch air quality um that being said I think us trying trying to create an indoor air quality policy which does not appear to me to exist in any other local schools seems um a path on which we are likely to create something that will hamstring us and cause us the potential to have an extraordinary amount of money or just complications I I really would prefer to leave this as an operational issue that our uh district is required to meet the guidelines and laws of the state I don't feel that we need a policy I also am really glad that you brought it to the committee because I think it's important to have our members heard and have the committee get to take a vote um does anyone else have discussion the one David the one last thing I I could just sort of think of is excuse me if you were to put something like this in place right um I would think that the thought process there even if you didn't make the policy so stringent that we automatically sort of um make all of our current 70y old buildings you know uninhabitable um by our own policy I I think it it it just from the conversation we've had tonight alone it would sort of hamstring us only in the fact that at some point you'd have to start working to maximize the effectiveness as the policy right so at that point if we're trying to build a new school building then you'd have to build the bigger School building because then you wouldn't be actually adhering to the PO you'd only be adhering to this policy at the new higher standards with a you know with the smaller building so at that point well then get into Equity issues and are we actually not you know meeting our own policy I I while I see the intent I see far more ways that we can end up tripping ourselves over you know trying to take these these positive steps you know and that's sort of of of my fear and bringing it you know bringing it to you know a districtwide policy and at the same time you can use it to you know push an agenda too um okay uh one more Jen so at the last finance committee we discussed Pro policy oh finance committee sorry I thought you were talk about Finance Finance I promise Julia we discussed projects that we needed to do at the schools they included things like fixing windows that were falling out of buildings and you know reeing windows and there were several others that were like literally serious dangers like a kid could get hit by a window falling out of a building uh and we weren't a we're not able to pay for all of those projects I think this would trying to update the ventilation systems that the three existing schools would not be cheap I don't think it's a good fisal decision particularly with a new school coming down the road and I don't think it's a decision that the community will support because it seems like we' been throwing money at a problem that is not as large as some of the ones we're already dealing with okay is there any further discussion um I just want to say that I I very much agree with what you just said um and I think that um the idea of of elucidating a prescriptive policy is probably beyond the expertise of of this room um definitely I I do think that um there there is room for guiding principles in how we undertake managing our our our um buildings and I do think that you know there's evidence that that impacts Health um and impacts learning and you know I I shared I think probably while you were on the ride over here that we made the decision based upon safety at that meeting right and so I think that that was a guiding principle that we we decided upon and so um I think that you know the the nine pillars of of a healthy building that were up there are probably all things that we could agree that we would want our kids to have and so I I think that while while um focusing on one environmental you know exposure um and being very prescriptive about it is potentially problematic um providing guidance to the superintendent uh and Facilities around you know the the the priorities that this group sees I think is is important because I I do I do I understand like the state laws and whatnot laws are not always the they're not always at the the head of science so for example you know it was like last month that the EPA banned asbest it was literally last month how many years have we been paying for you you think I'm joking look it up yeah asbest and there's still a type that's that's permitted uh I'm actually going to interrupt you only because we are there we I I apologize because it's no no no because it's 1010 and we didn't have a we only had a motion for 10 minutes and so unless I hear another motion we're going to be adjourned don't we have to extend just that that's what I'm asking for is if you want to have a motion to extend meeting I move that we extend our meeting to vote on this proposal poliy motion second okay I've said the word motion all right uh all those in favor okay that is unanimous and the motion passes um are we ready to vote okay the motion on the table is um to it's in the affirmative to approve uh to task the policy subcommittee with the creation of an indoor air quality policy I think it was to task the subcommittee together with the superintendent it was literally um the question is does the full School Comm wish to task the policies I just tried to write down this the transcript um and then it was and Jen said I moved at the school committee tasked the policy subcommittee with creation of an IQ policy and and we amended and that's what I have written down so so we didn't include the superintendent a yes vote means yes you would like to task policy with creation of an IQ policy no vote means you do not everyone clear all those in favor no all right those opposed that is one two three four uh those abstain three extensions okay so uh zero in favor four opposed and three exstension correct all right the motion fails at this point um we still have not heard our um fy2 24 Q3 Financial forecast if we wanted to hear that we need to have a motion I can be like three minutes okay what and my recommendation is please make the motion for more minutes than we need so that we don't have to keep doing this that we extend the meeting to 10:30 the hard cut off at 10:30 mid- sentence we're out of here second second those in favor that is five in favor those opposed abstentions all right well I got five in favor and the rest you didn't vote okay and the motion passes okay go huh well just I skipped it because yeah yeah yeah like wake upake up no that's fine that's fine it's on my way I can gonna try to do this as quick as I can uh so tonight I'm here to present the FY 24 uh year and forecast as of as of quarter three ending March 31st 2024 and then we are going to vote on two budget transfer requests included in your exhibit there are um included in the agenda there are three exhibits one's the presentation one's the detailed account listing and one's a summary I'm not going to go through the full presentation because it's pretty late if you have any questions on the summary please let me know a lot hasn't changed since our last forecast I'm just gra uh ultimately I am projecting that we are going to end the year with about $1.5 million left um overall that is only 3.6% uh total remaining at the end of the year if you think about that in a different way we were 96.4% accurate um this is the DAC if you look at the Desi category I am only projecting one Desi category to end the year in a deficit it is our instructional materials and equipment and second we are right on par with our um operations and maintenance ending at about 72,000 just to take the three highs and lows our biggest uh thing affecting us just like it is every year is our vacancies uh totaling 56,000 we have received an additional 250,000 in circuit breaker I am projecting about 152,000 in transportation left over our ESP contract has cost us an uh for actuals this year about 136,000 over we are experiencing High increases in our custodial maintenance and supplies and for our utilities projections as everyone seen with their household bills our our utilities have gone up drastically I'm not going to go through every single slide as I said I'm literally going to jump to the uh budget transfer request which I did all this would take me about 30 minutes so sorry this is the summary that's also uh in the exhibit that I mentioned uh so tonight as I mentioned we are only asking for two trans transfers it's $76,000 to bail out the current deficit in our instructional materials and Equipment line the majority of this came from additional student and staff devices that Allan had to purchase about two months ago and last is approximately or exactly $100,000 uh to fund the operations and maintenance account like I said before I'm estimating that we end with about $700 this gives us the ability to adapt for uh to adapt to anything that might happen between now and the end of the school year I know I didn't give you much detail but if you have any questions can certainly answer them questions and you did you did give us a lot of detail in the ex in yeah yeah I did break out everything even and it's like a $6 item when somebody did an extra 15 minutes work one day so that's even included but I'm not I'm not GNA go through it um all right I know that was very quick I was trying trying to thank you Mr secretary do you have a motion sure uh the hamiltonm regional school committee oops sorry I moved at the Hamilton wiam Regional school committee approve the FY 24 operating expense budget transfers as recommended here herein by the assistant superintendent of Finance Administration and as presented on the previous slide entitled transfers requested quarter three second second by Jen Carr um vny can you put the previous slide up just so that we have it yep so we know what we're voting on anybody have any questions all right any discussion all right all those in favor that is unanimous of the seven members present and the motion passes thank you guys thank you four and a half minutes set again aren't there two motions uh there was just one one motion just for the transfer that's it okay there were two transfers two transfers within one motion y yep thank you it's getting cold I would like I will we did not do subcommittees please send me your preferences and don't you know just send them to me and so that we'll have somewhere it hopefully we can do it super quick next time if you send your preferences I don't even know what I just said to you do you have anything that you have to one quick one yep tomorrow's lunch hero day next week's teacher appreciation week Wednesday is Nurse Appreciation Week this past Monday was principal's appreciation day so there's a lot happening for appreciation around this around the schools um so sends out some thank yous and I know our staff's working hard and really appreciates it getting a little note here and there so I want to thank all of our teacher staff principes everybody for the work that they've done this year it's been a you know really good high quality year so thank you thank you um if anybody has any topics for future meetings send them to me in an email and um I will take a motion I move to adjourn we have a second second second by Julie Campbell all those in favor uh 1020 oh at 10:20 yes